Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor With Leading Reactive Power Injection
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor With Leading Reactive Power Injection
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor With Leading Reactive Power Injection
1. Introduction
Induction motors are by far the most used electro-mechanical device in industry today.
Induction motors hold many advantages over other types of motors. They are cheap,
rugged, easily maintainable and can be used in hazardous locations. Despite its advantages
it has one major disadvantage. It draws reactive power from the source to be able to operate
and therefore the power factor of the motor is inherently poor especially under starting
conditions and under light load (Jimoh and Nicolae, 2007). Poor power factor adversely
affects the economics of distribution and transmission systems and therefore may lead to
higher electricity charges (Muljadi et al., 1989). At starting, power drawn by the motor is
mainly reactive and it can draw up to 8 times its rated current at a power factor of about 0.2
until it reaches rated speed after which the power factor will increase to more than 0.6 if the
motor is properly loaded and depending on the size of the motor.
To improve the power factor, reactive power compensation is needed where reactive power
is injected. Several techniques have been suggested including synchronous compensation
which is complex and expensive. Switched capacitor banks which requires expensive
switchgear and may cause voltage regeneration, over voltage and high inrush currents (El-
Sharkawi et al., 1985).
In this chapter another approach for power factor correction is explored where the stator of
an induction motor has two sets of three phase windings which is electrically isolated but
magnetically coupled. The main winding is connected to the three phase supply and the
auxiliary winding connected to fixed capacitors for reactive power injection.
The first part of this chapter focuses on the development of a mathematical model for a
normal three phase induction motor, the second part of the chapter focuses on the
2012 Jimoh et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the
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unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
100 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
development of the mathematical model for a dual winding three phase induction motor
with reactive power injection, where the derived mathematical model is simulated using
Matlab/Simulink environment and the third part of the chapter focuses on the performance
analysis of both theoretical and experimental results.
Arbitrary reference frame theory was discovered by Blondel, Dreyfus, Doherty and Nickle
as mentioned in the classical paper (Park, 1929). This newly found theory was generalised
by Park on synchronous machines and this method was later extended by Stanley to the
application of dynamic analysis of induction machines (Stanley, 1938).
This transformation eliminates mutual magnetic coupling between the phases and therefore
makes the magnetic flux linkage of one winding independent of the current of another
The transformation is done by applying a transformation matrix, Equation (1) while the
inverse transformation matrix, Equation (2) will transform back to the natural reference
frame. Equations (1)&(2) applies to a three phase system but can be modified to
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 101
accommodate a system with any number of phases which might be useful in the case of the
machine having an auxiliary winding as proposed in this work.
= (1)
= 1 (2)
In developing the equations which describe the behaviour of the induction machine the
following assumptions are made:
Stator Windings:
= + (3)
= + (4)
= + (5)
Rotor Windings:
= + (6)
= + (7)
= + (8)
With subscript a,b,c referring to the phases, subscript s referring to stator variables,
subscript r referring to rotor variables, v referring to instantaneous voltage, i referring to
instantaneous current and referring to flux linkage.
After obtaining the voltage equations in the natural reference frame, the transformation to
the arbitrary reference frame can be done. It is very convenient to first refer all rotor
variables to the stator by applying the appropriate turns ratio. Equations (9)-(11) represents
all rotor variables and is expressed in a simplified way including the variables of all the
rotor phases in one equation.
= (9)
= (10)
= (11)
The transformation of the voltage equations to the arbitrary reference frame are dealt with
in Section 3.3. It is important to determine the different inductances which will influence the
flux linkage in Equations (3)-(8) and also transform it to the arbitrary reference frame.
3.2. Inductances
The flux linkages as seen in the voltage equations are functions of inductance and therefore
the inductances within the motor must be determined.
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 103
The inductances within the motor consist of self inductance, leakage inductance,
magnetizing inductance and mutual inductance. The flux linkage equation is shown in
Equation (12) and contains the inductance matrix [L].
= (12)
Where the inductance is defined by the subscript, for example Lasas refers to the inductance
between winding as and winding as, meaning that this is self inductance in winding as; and
Lasbr refers to the inductance between winding as and winding br, meaning that this is a
mutual inductance.
= = = + (13)
The magnetizing inductance (Lms) can be expressed as in Equation (14) (Lipo and Novotny,
= (14)
The self inductance in the rotor windings is similar to that of the stator windings.
= = = + (15)
= (16)
Where Ns and Nr is the effective number of turns of the stator and rotor windings, r is the
radius of the motor cross-section, is the length of the motor and g is the airgap radial length.
Stator-stator mutual inductance can be expressed as Equation (17) (Lipo and Novotny,
= (17)
Where Lxsys is the inductance between any stator winding x and any other stator winding
y and is the angle between stator winding x and y.
= (18)
When considering the winding distribution in Figure 2, it can be seen that the only possible
displacement between two stator windings are 120 and 240 in both directions. This implies
that in Equation (18) can be evaluated as follows:
From Equations (18)&(19) the expression describing the mutual inductance between any
two stator windings can be simplified to Equation (20).
= = = = = = (20)
The rotor-rotor mutual inductances are similar to that of the stator-stator mutual
inductances and can be expressed as:
= = = = = = (21)
The stator-rotor mutual inductances depend on the position of the rotor according to the
following relationship.
= (22)
Where is the mutual inductance between any stator winding x and any rotor winding
y; and is the angle between them.
Now, using Equation (22) and Figure 2, the expressions for the stator-rotor mutual
inductances can be deduced.
= = = (24)
= = = + (25)
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 105
= = = (26)
= = = cos ( ) (27)
= = = (28)
= = = (29)
All inductances have now been quantified. The complete inductance matrix can now be
constructed but to simplify the work the inductance matrix in Equation (12) is first divided
into sub-matrices. The inductance matrix as in Equation (12) is repeated as Equation (30).
= (30)
= (31)
Where is the inductance within the stator windings, is the inductances within the rotor
windings, is the inductances between stator and rotor windings and is the
inductances between the rotor and stator windings.
Using Equation (30) and dividing according to Equation (31) and substituting inductances
yield the following:
= + (32)
= + (33)
cos ( + ) cos ( )
= cos ( ) cos ( + ) (34)
cos ( + ) cos ( )
106 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
cos ( ) cos ( + )
( ) = cos ( + ) cos ( ) (35)
cos ( ) cos ( + )
= (36)
= ( ) (37)
And therefore
= (38)
The mutual inductance matrix referred to the stator can now be expressed as:
cos ( + ) cos ( )
= cos ( ) cos ( + ) (39)
cos ( + ) cos ( )
Using the same approach the inductances within the rotor windings can also be simplified as:
= + (40)
= (41)
( )
Equation (41) can be transformed to the arbitrary reference frame as indicated in Equation
(42) (Krause, 1986).
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 107
= (42)
( )
= (43)
= 1 (44)
= (45)
= 1 (46)
= (47)
is the transformation matrix and the inverse transformation matrix for the stator
parameters, is the transformation matrix and the inverse transformation matrix for
the rotor parameters.
Evaluating Equation (42) with Equations (43)-(46) yield the flux linkage in the arbitrary
reference frame as shown in Equation (48).
Comparing Equation (48) with Equations (32)-(35), it is clear that has been eliminated
from the flux linkage equations by using the arbitrary reference frame transformation. It
means that the flux linkage is no longer a function of rotor position.
+ 0 0 0 0
0 + 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
= (48)
0 0 + 0 0
0 0 0 + 0
0 0 0 0 0
108 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
= (49)
= + (50)
= + (51)
Taking only the stator voltage equations as in Equation (50) and only considering the
resistive part, it can be transformed to the arbitrary reference frame as follows:
= (52)
0 0
= 0 0 (53)
0 0
= (54)
0 0
= 0 0 (55)
0 0
The superscript res refers to the resistive part of the voltage equation.
Now considering only the inductive part of the of the voltage equation as in Equation (50)
which can be transformed to the arbitrary reference frame as follows:
= (56)
= + (57)
Knowing that;
= ( ) + (0) (58)
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 109
= 0 (59)
+ + 0
0 0
= 0 0 (60)
0 0 0
1 0 0
= 0 1 0 (61)
0 0 1
Using Equations (58)-(61) to evaluate Equation (57) yields;
= + (62)
The superscript ind refers to the inductive part of the voltage equation.
Now adding the voltage equations for the resistive and inductive parts gives the full stator
voltage equations in the arbitrary reference frame.
0 0
= 0 0 + + (63)
0 0 0
Using the same method the rotor voltage equation can be determined.
0 0
= 0 0 +( ) + (64)
0 0 0
Where is the rotational speed of the reference frame and is the rotational speed of the
The model developed up to now is a general model in the arbitrary reference frame which
means that this model can take the form of any reference frame depending the value
substituted for , therefore called arbitrary.
Different reference frames are obtained by substituting the appropriate value of the
reference frame speed into . Three different reference frames are commonly used, the
stationary reference frame where = 0, the synchronous reference frame where is set to
the angular velocity of the supply voltage ( = ) and the rotor reference frame where is
set to the angular velocity of the rotor ( = ). The use of reference frames depends on the
nature of the problem to be solved.
110 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
= (65)
An electric motor is an electro-mechanical device and needs an equation that couples the
electrical and mechanical systems.
= + (66)
Where P is number of poles, J is moment of inertia, TL is torque connected to the shaft and
is the angular rotational speed of the rotor.
winding is labelled with the subscript abc. The remaining winding is treated as the
auxiliary winding. The auxiliary winding is connected to static capacitors for reactive power
injection. The injection of reactive power will improve the power factor of the machine. The
auxiliary winding is labelled with the subscript xyz. The winding arrangement is as shown
in Figure 4.
The assumptions in developing the equations which describe the behaviour of this machine
are the same as the assumptions mentioned in Section 3 with one addition. It is assumed
that the main and auxiliary winding is identical. It has the same conductor cross section and
the same number of turns.
= + (67)
= + (68)
Rotor Windings:
= + (69)
4.2. Inductances
Because of the addition of the auxiliary winding the dimensions of the inductance matrix
will increase. The dimension of the inductance matrix is equal to the number of windings, in
112 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
this case a [9 x 9] matrix. The inductance matrix can again be divided into smaller more
manageable sub-matrices as in Equation (70).
_ = (70)
where Labcs, Lxyzs, Labcr are the inductances within the different three phase sets of windings.
The other sub-matrices refer to mutual inductances between different sets of windings. This
includes stator and rotor windings, for example Labcsxyzs refer to the mutual inductance
between the main winding and the auxiliary winding on the stator. Many of the inductances
in this structure are very similar to that of the conventional three phase machine. Therefore,
many of the developed inductances in Section 3 can be used.
= = + (71)
= + (72)
cos ( + ) cos ( )
= = cos ( ) cos ( + ) (73)
cos ( + ) cos ( )
= = (74)
All of the above was taken from Section 3 because of similar relationships between the
windings. The only sub-matrices remaining are the two describing the inductances between
the main and auxiliary windings on the stator. For determining the expressions of all the
elements of the sub-matrices, equation (18) is used.
= (75)
= = = cos 0 = (76)
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 113
= (78)
= (79)
Mutual leakage inductance exists between the main and auxiliary windings because they are
sharing the same stator slots. This mutual leakage inductance should be reflected in
Equation (78) but are neglected for the purpose of this study.
Transforming the inductance matrix in the natural reference frame to the arbitrary reference
frame as explained in Section 3.2 yields the following inductance matrix in the arbitrary
reference frame.
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
= 0 0 0 0 0 0 (80)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
= + (81)
= + (82)
Where the subscripts 1 refers to the main stator winding, 2 refers to the auxiliary stator
winding and r refers to the rotor winding.
Because flux linkage appears in the voltage equations it is very convenient to represent flux
linkage instead of inductance.
= (83)
Where Equation (83) is in matrix format and refers to any flux linkage in the system.
0 0
= 0 0 + + (84)
0 0 0
0 0
= 0 0 +( ) + (85)
0 0 0
The voltage equations of the auxiliary winding are different from the main winding because
no voltage is applied directly to the winding. Capacitors are rather connected to the
auxiliary winding as in Figure 4. It is therefore important to develop the voltage equation
for a capacitor in the arbitrary reference frame. This is given in Equation (86).
= + (86)
Now, the voltage equation for the auxiliary winding becomes;
0 0
=0= 0 0 + + + (87)
0 0 0 0
= ( ) ( ) +( ) + ( ) ( ) (88)
Where I is the identity matrix. The machine is assumed to be magnetically linear and
therefore, the field energy is equal to the co-energy .
= (89)
Where Tem is electromagnetic torque and is the actual angular displacement of the rotor.
The flux linkages, currents, and are all expressed as a function of the electrical
angular displacement .
= (90)
= (91)
, = (92)
Substituting Equation (88) into Equation (92) gives the electromagnetic torque of the stator side as
= (94)
= (95)
=( ) (96)
Substituting Equation (95) into Equation (93) gives the torque for each of the stator currents.
= ( )
+( ) + +
+ (97)
Applying the transformation from abc to dq0 yields the torque equation:
= + (98)
5. Simulation results
The derived mathematical models implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment can be
used to generate steady-state and dynamic simulation results. The machine without
compensation is used as reference. Capacitance is added to the auxiliary winding and
compared with the behaviour of the reference machine. This will show the effect of the
capacitors connected to the auxiliary winding on the performance of the modified machine.
The dynamic model can be used for steady state analysis by taking readings after the
Figure 6 shows that the injection of reactive power in the auxiliary winding improves the
power factor of the motor. The bigger the size of the capacitor, the more reactive power is
injected and hence the better the power factor. For this specific machine, capacitors of 30F
connected per phase as in Figure 4 leads to a power factor very close to unity.
Power Factor
0.2 Uncompensated
10 microF
0.1 20 microF
30 microF
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Load Torque (pu)
10 microF
1.2 20 microF
30 microF
Reactive P ower D rawn (pu)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Load Torque (pu)
With the increase in power factor as seen in Figure 6 it is expected that less reactive power
will be drawn from the source with the addition of capacitors to the auxiliary winding.
Figure 7 supports this expectation. In Figure 7 the reactive power drawn from the source
reduces with increasing capacitor size.
Because the reactive component of the supply current decreases with the reactive power
injection, the magnitude of the supply current therefore decreases. This is shown in Figure 8.
C urrent (pu)
0.2 10 microF
20 microF
30 microF
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Load Torque (pu)
E fficiency
0.2 Uncompensated
10 microF
0.1 20 microF
30 microF
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Load Torque (pu)
The active power drawn from the source consists of different components of which one is
copper losses (I2R losses). With the decrease of current shown in Figure 8, it is logical that
the copper losses of the main stator winding will also decrease. This will lead to a decrease
in active power drawn from the source without a change in output power and hence the
improvement in the efficiency of the motor as seen in Figure 9.
Power Factor
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Capacitance (micro F)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Capacitance (micro F)
The effect that the change of capacitance has on the performance of the machine is studied in
Figures 10 and 11. Figure 10 shows that as the capacitance increase the power factor also
increases. It also shows that it is possible to over-compensate the machine which will lead to a
decreasing power factor. With the current machine at the current load it can be seen that the
optimum value for the capacitor is slightly less than 35F and will lead to a power factor close
to unity. Figure 11 shows the improvement in efficiency as capacitance increases. The
efficiency of this machine at current load can be improved with about 0.07 as seen in Figure 11.
Power Factor
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (seconds)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (seconds)
The earlier statement that the improvement in power factor will improve the efficiency is
supported in Figure 13.
The inrush current of the machine is shown in Figure 14. This machine has a transient state
when starting where the current can reach eight times rated current.
0 0.5 1 1.5
Current (pu)
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (Seconds)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Current (pu)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (seconds)
6. Experimental validation
In order to validate the theoretical model with the practical model, three capacitor values of
10, 20 and 30F are used for the three phase auxiliary winding.
The stator current of the motor is observed for both uncompensated and compensated
windings. It is seen that the starting current for the uncompensated winding is high as
compared to the compensated. The current at steady state also identifies the stator current
for the uncompensated to be lower as compared to the compensated. These results are
shown in figures 17 and 18.
Other experimental results such as the active power versus the capacitance and power factor
versus capacitance are shown in figure 19. These results conform to the theoretical
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 123
Capacitance (Micro F)
* * * *
0.9 *
Power factor
0 9 18 27 36 45
Capacitance (Micro F)
Figure 19. Experimental results of active power and power factor versus capacitance values
Power factor
* * *
* *
0 36 72 108
0 144 180
Firing angle ( )
Active power (pu)
* *
* *
36 7 10 ( ) 0 144 18
0 Firing angle
Figure 20. Experimental results of power factor and active power versus firing angle
124 Induction Motors Modelling and Control
pu torque
= 72
= 144
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
pu loading
Figure 21. A p.u plot of torque versus p.u. loading for various angles
Since the effective capacitance varies with load when there is an application with varying
load, the machine might not always operate at optimum power factor. A possible solution to
this is to implement a thyristor controlled static switch or a PWM controller between the
capacitors and the auxiliary winding; this will make the capacitance and therefore power
factor controllable. Finally, further experiment is carried out on the active power per phase,
the power factor versus firing angle and the per unit torque versus per unit loading where
the switched series capacitor is connected to the auxiliary winding. The static switching is
such that only the required level of reactive compensation is allowed. Figures 20 and 21 are
the experimental results obtained based on this analysis.
7. Conclusion
A study has been conducted on a 0.75 KW machine with 380V, 50Hz supply for an effective
power factor correction. This has been achieved by connecting the main winding to the three
phase supply and the auxiliary winding to the fixed capacitors for reactive power injection.
The modified machine with reactive power injection has potential compared to the
conventional three-phase machines. It is seen from the waveform analysis that the machine
has capability of reducing the starting current. Simulation results have shown a good
improvement on both power factor and efficiency when introducing the reactive power
injection with increase of capacitor value. Both steady-state and dynamic analysis together
Modelling and Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with Leading Reactive Power Injection 125
with experimental set up has shown a great improvement compared to the uncompensated
machine. Another very important improvement is the supply current decreasing with
increasing capacitance. This is not the case with conventional power factor correction
techniques because the reactive power needed is still drawn through the only stator winding
set. This advantage of the modified machine may potentially reduce installation costs as
smaller supply cables can be used.
Despite its good performance it has certain drawbacks. The machine would be bigger in
structure than a conventional machine. More copper is needed for the additional
winding and more insulating material is needed. This would make the machine much
more expensive than the conventional three phase machine. Another drawback of this
concept is that the capacitors have to be sized for a specific load. When there is an
application with varying load, the machine might not always operate at optimum power
factor. A possible solution to this is to implement a PWM controller between the
capacitors and the auxiliary winding; this will make the capacitance and therefore power
factor controllable.
This modified induction machine has a research potential with the recent focus on energy
efficiency. Further research needs to be carried out on the performance behaviour of this
Author details
Adisa A. Jimoh, Pierre-Jac Venter and Edward K. Appiah
Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
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126 Induction Motors Modelling and Control