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Food Inc.

As portrayed in
Food Inc., chemi-
cals are a big part
of the food indus-

I n todays world, the focus of food is

convenience, efficiency, and cost. Large
corporations control most the worlds
food production and modern advances in
science and technology have allowed for
large-scale production. On the surface, the
purpose of these scientific advancements
are to allow for more food to be produced
in order to satisfy the growing demand
negative effects
on the environment, the
for cheap and quick groceries. Consumers
animals and crops, and the
are often unaware of what exactly it goes
people that consume them.
into producing what they eat. Unethical
treatment of animals is so often found in
slaughterhouses and factories through Moving away
abuse and hormone injections. Farmers from these chemicals and
who grow crops are often required to use focusing on a more organic,
potentially dangerous chemicals on their natural diet will improve
fields to meet corporation standards. These
methods may be more efficient on paper, consumer health
but food has become less organic and more as well as the health of the
artificial as the years go on. The depen- planet.
dence on chemicals and hormones has
altered todays foodscape and has caused
1. Slaughterhouses and what they do
Lessons from Food Inc.
These injections cause a
chicken to reach the peak
of its meat growth at only
49 days, as opposed to the
three months that it used to

The injections cause The dependence

the bird to grow so on artificial growth
unnaturally large that causes the chickens to
its legs cannot sup- no longer be seen as
port its own weight. living creatures but
Many chickens can no purely as products
longer walk or move to be created in a Resources
past a certain point in factory Antibiotics are included in chicken feed which
their short lives. They passes through the bird itself. This buildup of
are simply produce. bacteria causes chicken farmers to grow intolerant
to antibiotics and they can no longer take them.
Antibiotics are included in crops as well. Food Inc.
shows that over 90% of the USs soybeans are genet-
1. Slaughterhouses and what they do ically modified with a patented gene from one com-

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