Position Paper On Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) PDF
Position Paper On Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) PDF
Position Paper On Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) PDF
Knowledge grows
Our Position On
Introduction and investments in this area. benefits when it comes to, for instance,
However, farmers growing GMO water efficiency and nitrogen efficiency.
background information crops are among our customers. In However, we believe that genetic
addition, we sometimes cooperate modification of crops is a scientific tool
A Genetically Modified Organism with companies that produce GM that may prove to be useful in solving
(GMO) is an organism that has been seeds. This cooperation is not about future challenges if applied correctly.
altered through genetic engineering GMOs, but about contributing to
techniques. Typical genetically solving the broader challenge of global GMO and food security
modified crops are soybean, corn and food security and climate change.
cotton. The first food products made According to the Food and Agriculture
from GMOs entered the market in the
mid-1990s and have mostly been used Yara International’s Organization (FAO) of the United
Nations (UN) global food production
in western countries like the USA, position will have to be increased by 60
but since 2010 also increasingly in percent by 2050 due to a growing
developing countries such as Brazil. Global food security is a major population, diet changes and increased
challenge, and Yara believes there urbanization. With limited new arable
Pro-GMO companies argue that is huge potential to increase food land available the most significant part
this technology will improve food production through existing methods, of this growth in food production will
security and contribute to healthier such as the use of best farming have to come as a result of increased
crops, whereas critics contend that practices in the developing parts of the yield and crop intensity on existing
GMOs have a negative effect on the world. By best practice we mean, for land.
ecosystem, that there are serious example, precision farming, balanced
health related concerns, and that the fertilization and optimal use of There are still large regions in the
technology is driven by corporations nutrients. world with so-called subsistence
hunting for profits rather than a desire farming, i.e. where the farmers produce
to solve the food crisis. Yara firmly believes that sustainability for their families only. With the use
has to be the guiding principle for of modern best farming practice there
Yara is a world leader within all agricultural activity, and that is a huge potential for increased food
sustainable agriculture and agricultural R&D should be targeted production in these areas. Mineral
environmental solutions and is to improve resource and nutrient fertilizer has the ability to increase
dedicated, through its mineral efficiency as well as to improve crop yields and replenish the soil as the
fertilizer production, agronomic tools the environmental performance of nutrients follow the harvested crop.
and knowledge, to work for increased agriculture. The use of modern farming techniques
food security. We view the issue of will contribute to higher yields and
GMOs in this context. So far GMO has played an lower environmental impact.
insignificant part of the food security
Yara is not involved in R&D projects issue in the developing world. It still
related to GMOs and has no direct has to be proven whether GMOs have
Our Position On - GMO
GMO foods have, for the most part, The argument against yield increase
focused on crops such as corn and has also been made. A 1999 study About Yara
soybeans in the developed part of the by Charles Benbrook of the Organic
world, although increased GMO use Center showed that GMO round-up Yara’s knowledge, products and
has been seen in emerging countries ready soybeans did not show increased solutions grow farmers and
such as Brazil in recent years. This yields. industrial customers’ businesses
has so far played no role in the food There is also widespread concern profitably and responsibly,
security issue. Research still has to about so-called superweeds as a result while nurturing and protecting
demonstrate how GMOs can be of GMOs. This is weed resistance to the earth’s resources, food and
utilized for improved water- and glyphospate. environment.
nutrient efficiency.
Our fertilizers, crop nutrition
programs and technologies
Further arguments increase yields, improve produce
quality, and reduce environmental
Pro impact from agricultural practices.
According to the FAO, the main Our industrial and environmental
arguments being used by pro-GMO solutions reduce emissions and
players include: improve air quality from industry
and transportation, and serve as
• Better resistance to stress key ingredients in the production
• More nutritious staple food of a wide range of goods.
• More productive farm animals
• More food from less land Founded in 1905 to solve
• Longer shelf lives emerging famine in Europe, Yara
today has a global presence with
Another argument is that GMO more than 12,000 employees and
farmers can use less agro-chemicals. sales to more than 150 countries.
A 2010 study from the US National www.yara.com
Academy of Science concluded that
GMO crops have resulted both in less
agro-chemical application and reduced
soil erosion from tilling.
Some of the arguments listed by the
FAO against GMOs are: