Star Wars - D20 Adventure - The Nebula Assassin (lvl10) PDF
Star Wars - D20 Adventure - The Nebula Assassin (lvl10) PDF
Star Wars - D20 Adventure - The Nebula Assassin (lvl10) PDF
The Nebula Assassin
A Tempest Feud Web Enhancement
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Based on the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, and JD Wiker, utilizing mechanics developed for
the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Made in the U.S.A.
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Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
The Nebula Assassin is a mini-adventure for the which you may read aloud or paraphrase when appropriate.
Star Wars Roleplaying Game suitable for use during any Unshaded boxes contain important information for you,
era of play. The scenario, which is designed for four 10th- including special instructions. GM character statistics are
level heroes, takes place on the Lost Lady, an old space provided with each encounter in abbreviated form, though,
barge that makes trips between the Hutt world of Nal Hutta where appropriate, the text might just point you to the
and its satellite Nar Shadda (also known as the Smugglers proper section of the core rulebook instead.
Moon). You may want to draw a few simple maps of the inside
Although designed for use with the Hutt homeworld, of the Lost Lady before running The Nebula Assassin. The
The Nebula Assassin can be inserted in any fairly wild ship has a fairly small passenger area and can be mapped
system with a decent amount of starship traffic. It provides with little effort.
a good side trek to get groups out of their own ships and
more involved in underworld figures. It could be used as a
stand-alone encounter or as part of a larger adventure
Getting the Heroes Involved
The characters can be aboard the Lost Lady for any number
centered around the Hutts.
of reasons, but one of the following character hooks might
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comlink, medpac, vibro-ax.
13 are on the port side of the corridor, and the other
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +4, Computer Use +6, Forgery
rooms and airlock are on the starboard side). Each 4-by-
+4, Hide +4, Intimidate +7, Gather Information +4, Listen
6-meter room has comfortable, if ragged, seating for
+4, Move Silently +2, Pilot +12, Speak (Basic) [Keerag only],
four passengers. Aft of the cabins is a turbolift leading to
Speak (Dosh), Speak (Huttese) [Currsk only], Spot +7.
the cargo areas, and aft of that is a small engineering
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Starship
Operation (starfighters, transports), Point Blank Shot, Precise
Nurb introduces the heroes to the other passengers and
Shot, Quickdraw, Skill Emphasis (Spot), Weapon Group
allows them to pick their cabin. He then proceeds to the
Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Group Proficiency
cockpit, and the Lost Lady takes off.
(blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster rifles),
Cabins 1 through 4, toward the fore of the ship, are
Weapon Group Proficiency (heavy weapons), Weapon Group
empty. Cabin 5 contains Skerrick Das, a Corellian pirate on
Proficiency (vibro weapons).
his way to rejoin his ship on Nar Shadda (for statistics, use
the generic 12th-level Outlaw from Chapter 14 of the Star
Deggar Feps
Wars Roleplaying Game core rulebook). Cabin 6 is empty.
Cabin 7 has Deggar Feps (whose stats appear below). Cabin
8 contains four Rodian commonersAald, Gredori, Keesi,
Deggar Feps is a weasel, but hes a fairly smart weasel. It
doesnt really matter what hes done to anger the Hutt from
whom hes fleeing. If your campaign doesnt lend itself to
and Vossowho deal in weapons; each has a case of blaster
anything in particular, assume that he stole a record of
pistols and collapsible blaster rifles. Cabins 9 and 10 are
bribes paid by Sonnos the Hutt, a mid-level crimelord. With
this information, Feps would be able to blackmail officials
Cabin 11 has a protocol droid who claims to be R-DPO, a
whove been paid off by the Hutt, or bribe them himself to
protocol and diplomatic negotiation droid on his way to a
look the other way while he commits his own crimes.
meeting of rare-creature exporters on Nar Shadda. In fact,
Unfortunately, Feps was seen sneaking out of Sonnos
the droid was R-DPO once, but hes since been repro-
headquarters, and hes been a wanted man ever since.
grammed and is properly designated as NEK-072 (see his
If the heroes are on board to meet with Feps, he
stats, below). NEK-072 is here to ensure that Feps, anything
demands that they promise to protect him before hell tell
he has with him, and anyone he meets with while on board
them anything else. If questioned about who might want
the Lost Lady is destroyed.
him dead, he mentions just the one Hutt crime familyand
Cabin 12 is taken up by Currsk and Keerag, two
the weird nebula droids. If asked what he means by that,
Trandoshan bounty hunters (whose stats appear below).
Feps explains that several times over the past few days,
Theyre also on board to kill Feps and whatever conspirators
when someone greeted him by name, a nearby droid said
he meets with, but they dont know anything about NEK-
nebula and started shooting at him. None have injured
him so far, but they do have him spooked.
Finally, cabin 13, situated directly across from the
airlock, is empty.
Deggar Feps: Human scout 5; Init: -1 (-1 Dex); Def 14 (-1
Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 26/10: Atk +1 melee (1d6-2, baton)
Currsk and Keerag
or +2 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ trailblazing, skill
Currsk and Keerag are brothers, almost identical in appear-
mastery (Computer Use, Hide, Spot), uncanny dodge; SV
ance (Spot check at DC25 to tell them apart), though only
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6; SZ M; FP 1; Rep 1; Str 6, Dex 8,
Keerag speaks basic. They work as enforcers, bounty
Con 10, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 8.
hunters, and assassins for a number of crimelords. The
Equipment: Blaster pistol, baton, comlink.
Trandoshan killers are not generally subtle. Their preferred
Skills: Climb +5, Computer Use +11, Diplomacy +5, Hide
method is extremely straightforwardfind the targets in a
+7, Gather Information +8, Knowledge (Nar Shaddar) +11,
lawless area, move in close, quickdraw their carbines, and
Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Listen +11, Move Silently +7,
begin shooting. Currsk has a slight preference for fighting
Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Huttese, Read/Write Rodese,
with his vibro-ax and will switch to it if given the opportu-
Search +11, Speak Basic, Speak Calamari, Speak Huttese,
nity to engage in melee.
Speak Rodese, Spot +11, Survival +6.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Skill Emphasis (Gather One hour into the trip, NEK-072 turns on its built-in
Information), Skill Emphasis (Survival), Trustworthy, Weapon homing beacon, identifying the Lost Lady as a ship with a
Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Group destroy-on-sight bounty. This draws the attention of the
Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency Dorsal Killer, a bounty hunter ship. The Dorsal Killer
(blaster rifles). immediately approaches the Lost Lady and, without warn-
ing, opens fire.
NEK-072 and the Nebula Droids If, for some reason, the heroes are in the cockpit, they
NEK-072 is a modified and reprogrammed protocol droid see the Dorsal Killer approach to short range before the
with a built-in homing beacon. It was programmed with the attack. Otherwise, they wont have any warning before the
personality of NEK-01, a cold and calculating spy droid that first shot, in which case you should read the text below.
operates throughout the galaxy. However, NEK-072 has one
important difference in its programmingits suicidally The hum of the ship is louder than on most starships, and
dedicated to completing its mission to ensure that Feps and an occasional thump suggests that a pump somewhere
the Lost Lady are destroyed. NEK-072 hopes that its isnt working properly. Suddenly, the ship shudders and
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beacon, which will broadcast a destroy-on-sight bounty for heaves, throwing loose objects against the bulkheads. An
the Lost Lady, is enough to get some bounty hunter to take explosion can be heard against the ships exterior, and the
out the ship. Once that occurs, NEK-01 will collect the Lost Lady heaves again. The voice of Nurb comes over
bounty placed on Feps. the ships comm, sounding panicked.
For several days, NEK-01 has been keeping track of Feps Were under fire! Theyre crazy! Somebody get to the
by means of numerous other reprogrammed NEK droids. But turbolasers!
due to a fault in NEK-01s programming, whenever it hears
the name of its current target (in this case, Feps), the droid At about this time, the Trandoshan bounty hunters
automatically says nebula. Since NEK-072 and all other decide to make their move on Feps and try to blow the door
NEK droids have a version of NEK-01s personality, they also off his cabin. If the heroes are rushing out to see whats
suffer this quirk. going on, the Trandoshans might wait until the corridor is
If NEK-072 becomes convinced that the Lost Lady isnt clear, but they wont wait long. The scouts cabin door has
going to be destroyed by bounty hunter ships, it breaks into a Hardness of 10 and 150 wound points, so it takes Currsk
the engine room, hoping to overload the engines. This sets and Keerag quite a bit of time to get throughand they
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The Lost Lady is a battered old space barge thats fallen on
knowledge of Feps, the scout is extremely thankful (assum-
bad times. Far too ragged for even the poorest Hutt to use as
ing he survives the troubled voyage) and becomes a good
a personal transport, the Lost Lady has fallen into the hands
underworld contact for them later in life. Similarly, Nurb
of Vir Nurb, an old scavenger and con man who came to Nar
promises anyone who helped save his ship free passage
Shadda decades ago. He uses it as a shuttle between Nar
between the Hutt world and the Smugglers Moon whenever
Shadda and Nal Hutta. He also uses it to smuggle goods and
they want.
people right under the noses of the Hutts, beating them at
Of course, NEK-01 eventually learns who stopped his
their own game. Hutts are great smugglers and crimelords,
plan to destroy Feps and may target the heroes for further
but theyre not so good at patrolling their own borders.
investigation. As long as it can send reprogrammed droids
in its place, NEK-01 is a very dangerous opponent, as it
Craft: Lost Lady (Heavily modified Ubrikkian Dartiss-5
never exposes itself to direct harm. If NEK-01 reports the
Caravel); Class: Space transport; Cost: Not available for
heroes interference to the Hutt who put the bounty on
sale (likely valued at 1,255,000 credits); Size: Small (50 m
Feps head in the first place, the characters soon may find
long); Initiative: (+1 size, +2 crew); Crew: 5 (Highly
Skilled +6); Passengers: 65; Cargo Capacity: 150 metric
tons; Consumables: 1 week; Hyperdrive: None;
Maximum Speed: Ramming; Maneuvers: +7* (+1 size,
themselves the targets of some very dedicated hunters . . .