BK Report and Project
BK Report and Project
BK Report and Project
I would like to declare that I have successfully completed a four-month internship program at MOHA soft
drinks industry at Hawassa millennium plant. I have stayed from late November 2016 to February 2017 in
this internship program. It is obvious that Debre Tabor University Faculty of technology, Department of
electrical and computer engineering is established sustainable network with private and public sectors to
create better linkage between industrial Companies. During this internship time, I have improved my
theoretical and practical skills.
Here by I state that this final internship report and project has been submitted to Debre Tabor Faculty of
technology, Department of electrical and computer engineering. This paper includes all requirements of
an internship program. And also the signatures signed below declare this report is original and not copied
from any source.
Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my advisor Mr. Tibebu whose
help, suggestions and encouragement helped me to coordinate and conduct this internship project and
report. Secondly my thanks go to my brotherly supervisor Furi Lemesa programmer of the company,
whose best advice and follow up helped me a lot. And also, I would like to say thanks to Debre Tabor
University and specially Department of Electrical and computer engineering for giving me the
opportunity to build up myself in industrial internship program and to have practical knowledge. My last
thanks goes to the MOHA soft drinks factory Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant whose cooperation
and guidance was great.
Executive summary
Obviously, Internship program is necessarily important for students with their respective departments the
joined. And it gives the trainee student a great opportunity to have some experiences and to correlate the
theoretical knowledge with the practical world. Thanks to Debre Tabor University I got the chance to
have this experience both theoretically and practically. Finally, it gives the chance for the students to
develop their communicating skill and work ethics.
Hawassa millennium Pepsi cola plant is one of the sister companies of MOHA soft drink companies and
produces different items of soft drinks including Pepsi, Mirinda apple, Mirinda orange, Mirinda tonic,
Mirinda pineapple and 7-up. As the company gives the chance for the students to have some practical
knowledge, its great chance for me to experience it and I have gained knowledge, identified a problem,
suggested solution for the problem and some recommendations given to the company are briefly
As I have assigned to this company named MOHA soft drink factory Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola
plant branch according to Debre Tabor University curriculums, I have engaged to stay in the company for
four months starting from late November to end of February. Over these months, I have tried to correlate
my classroom study to the actual world, I have adapted a lot on social interaction with all co-workers of
the company, I have participated in maintenance of the machine and I have identified problem and
discussed on the solutions by using PLC (programmed logic controller) software which is called Simatic
step-7 software and as expected I have achieved what should be achieved from the solution. Oven
temperature controller with cooling fun has been controlled auto-manually.
Table of Contents
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ ii
Executive summary ...................................................................................................................................... iii
List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... vii
List of acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Company............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Brief History of Pepsi cola ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Brief history of Hawassa millennium Pepsi Cola plant................................................................. 2
1.1.3 Main Products of the company .................................................................................................... 2
1.1.4 Main Customers of the company ................................................................................................. 3
1.1.5 Overall organization of Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant .................................................... 3
1.1.6 Overall organization and work flow of the company .................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 5
OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE........................................................................................................... 5
2.1 How I get into the company? .............................................................................................................. 5
2.2. The section of the company I have been working in ......................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Power Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Control system ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.3. The work flow of technical and production section ........................................................................ 10
2.4 Description of the plant .................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Description of the machine listed above .......................................................................................... 12
2.5.1. Case(Crate) Washer Machine ................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2. Packer and un-packer machines ............................................................................................... 12
2.5.3 Bottle washer machine .............................................................................................................. 14
2.5.4 EBI (Empty bottle inspection) .................................................................................................... 16
2.5.4 Mixer machine ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.5.6 Filler Machine............................................................................................................................. 20
2.5.7 Data Coding Machines ............................................................................................................... 22
2.5.8 Case Conveyor and Container Conveyor ................................................................................... 22
2.6 Carbon Dioxide Plant ........................................................................................................................ 23
List of figures
Figure 1: Overall organization of the company ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2: Power distribution of the company................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3: Wiring diagram of VFD ................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4: Variable frequency drive system ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Work flow of the section ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: Crate washer machine.................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: Un-packer machine...................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Packer machine............................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9: Bottle washer machine ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 10: Water flow of bottle washer ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: EBI machine and its components .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 12: Fallen-over container detection ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 13: Detection of broken, fallen over, over filled, and under filled .................................................. 18
Figure 14: Filler and its components.............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 15: Case conveyor and container ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 16: Block diagram of the project ..................................................................................................... 34
Figure 17: Flowchart of the project............................................................................................................. 35
Figure 18: Manually starting method .......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 19: Timer based starting method ..................................................................................................... 37
Figure 20: Temperature sensor based starting method ............................................................................... 38
Figure 21: The cooling fun ......................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 22: Simulation of the overall auto-manually starting method ......................................................... 40
Figure 23: Simulation of manual starting method....................................................................................... 41
Figure 24: Simulation of timer based starting method ................................................................................ 41
Figure 25: Simulation of temperature sensor based method ....................................................................... 42
Figure 26: Simulation of the cooling fun .................................................................................................... 43
List of acronyms
AC....Alternate current
DC.Direct current
LV...Low voltage
MEA...Mono-ethanol amine
PE...Photo electric
PH.power of hydrogen
Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant is found in the southern region of Ethiopia (SNNPR) and southern
edge of Hawassa city. It is licensed under MOHA soft drinks industry as 7th plant of its sister companies.
In 1999, the foundation of the plant was laid and completed the whole building as well as more advanced
technology machinery erection done and in august 2007, it started production. The plant was inaugurated
on September 03/2007 and started production of its licensed products for its costumers officially. It is
applying very sophisticated machinery and advanced technology. It is producing 36000 bottles per hour
of 300ml soft drinks like Pepsi, Mirinda orange, Mirinda apple, Mirinda tonic, Mirinda pineapple and 7-
up are produced by the plant. Hawassa Pepsi cola has been distributing the products for local costumers
mainly southern part of Ethiopia and some parts of Oromia region.
During the course of production of such products, a series of processes carried out from start to the end
when a product is finally dispatched for consumption. These processes are carried out a series of machine
and there is also utility lines help to prepare an ingredient or product to be consumed in the course of
production of product.
The power distribution of the plant is from its main supply, EEPCo. and its controlling system is also
mainly PLC control system. Finally, the speed of AC motor generally depends on the frequency of the
supply voltage.
In 1931, Charles G. Guth of the Loft Company, New York City, purchased Pepsi cola the holding
company. Guth had difficulty getting the business going again, but his increased sales by selling larger
bottles at unchanged price. In 1933, Pepsi cola was sold by 313 franchised US. Dealers bottled in the
United States, Cuba and England and sold in 83 countries.
MOHA (Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoidi) soft drinks industry S.C was established on May 15th, 1993
and represented under commercial code of Ethiopia on the 15th of May 1996 acquiring Nifas Silk plant,
Tekle Haimanot plant, Gondar plant and Dessie plant from the Ethiopia privatization agency. The
Company currently has seven operating units, and the recently inaugurated Hawassa plant in SNNPR is
one them and was formed after the acquisition of four Pepsi cola plants located at Addis Ababa (Nifas
Silk and Tekle Haimanot), Gondar and Dessie which were purchased by Sheik Mohammed Hussien Al-
Amoudi on the 18th of January 1996, through BID which was tendered by Ethiopian privatization agency.
The handover of the factories was finalized on the 4th of April 1996. The major products of MOHA soft
drinks industry S.C are: Pepsi cola, Mirinda Orange, 7-up, Mirinda Tonic, Mirinda pineapple and Mirinda
1. Pepsi
2. Mirinda Orange
3. Mirinda Apple
4. Mirinda Tonic
5. Seven-up (7-up)
6. Mirinda pineapple
These all products are 300ml (0.3L) and machine fills 36,000 bottles per hour. In addition to these, the
plant also produces carbon dioxide gas for the beverage purpose.
According to the efficiency of producing carbon dioxide, the plant could sell it for home consumption and
supply for consumers who need it for food preservation purpose.
To produce the above-mentioned products, MOHA Soft Drinks Industry S.C got a franchised license
from international Pepsi Cola Company. This company controls the quality and safety of the products in
the market.
All the achievements of the company have been made possible by dedicated efforts of executive and
qualified personnel. The organization of Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant works for a long time in a
day. That is from Monday to Sunday in a week (7-days) and Wednesday is maintenance and sanitation
day. In a day, its work time is 24 hours and sometimes 18 hours. Therefore, the workers have over time
Employers at Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant are working towards continuing success with the
help of committed leadership and highly motivated work-force by enduring close relationship with clients
+and alliance partners. The company is highly increasing its man power in all level of responsibility and
professional practice pertaining to production work. This has created a relaxed and easy handling of
number of maintenance problems at a time.
Executive Vehicle
Secretary Maintenance
General Electrical
Service maintenances Up-country
supervisor supervisors dept
sales manager
Account dept
RP &territory
2.1 How I get into the company?
Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor Faculty of Technology has made a good searching for place which
I allowed joining the hosting company by communicating with the plant technical manager before getting
in to the company. This means the co-working of Debre Tabor Faculty of technology, Department of
electrical and computer engineering, and industry linkage supervisor made me get into the company. The
agreement of the hosting company with Debre Tabor University made me to take a letter from the
Department. After this, I gave this letter to the company administration office. Next, the company
administration gave the orientation about the company and told the students the starting day of internship
practice program by shift. So, I have started my practice according to the orientation that they have given.
power distribution
Control system
Also from the several sections of the company, I have been working particularly in:
To protect the generator, switch ON/OFF manually. Then the voltage described above go to LV (Low
Voltage) room which is sophisticated and it distributed to all machines. The power (voltage) and current
is in phase in any power system; but here, the current lag the voltage because of inductive load. So, it
needs compensation, that means the current and voltage are become in phase by a capacitor using a power
factor corrector. The power factor is 0.97.
In LV room, there are capacitor banks. The uses of these capacitor banks are:
Here also, main breaker that controls the whole machines in the company. Besides of this, there are also
sub-breakers used to control each machine. For instance, if one wants to control the power in CO 2 plant
room, it is possible to use one sub-breaker. Frequency converter is also found in the LV room to control
the speed of different motors.
The overall power distribution of Hawassa millennium Pepsi cola plant is as shown in the figure 2 below:
2 Step-down
Main breaker
LV Room
Different sub-breakers
Electrical actuator
Pneumatic actuator
Hydraulic actuator
A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment. The
plant has different types of photo electric (PE) cells that are used to detect the presence of bottles and to
control the speed of the conveyor belt. There are also different types of proximity and temperature sensors
that installed to perform their purpose. These are:
Resistance thermometry
Temperature sensors
Mercury thermometer
Level sensor
Weight detector
Flow sensor
Since the company control system mostly used PLC and VFD, we will try to discuss them as follows: -
The needs for speed and torque control are usually failed obvious. Modern electrical VFDs can be used to
accurately maintain the speed of driven machine to within 0.1%, independent of load, compared to speed
regulation possible with a conventional fixed speed induction motor, where the speed can vary by as
much as 3% from no-load to full-load.
The benefits of energy savings are not always fully appreciated by many users. These savings are
practically apparent with pumps and funs, where load torque increases as the square of the speed and
power consumption as the cube of the speed substantial cost savings can be achieved in some
applications. The general wiring diagram of a load with variable frequency drive (VFD) includes the
power supply, protection devices, and the frequency drives it-self, the motor and the load.
In actual diagram, the variable frequency drives includes particularly the following modules:
The speed of AC induction motor can be controlled by adjusting the frequency and magnitude of the
stator voltage. Motor speed is proportional to frequency, but the voltage must be simultaneously adjusted
to avoid over-fluxing the motor.
They are:
therefore, it takes a series of processes carried out from the beginning to the end. These processes are
carried out by machine with the following capabilities:
It is a machine which is used to separate bottles from crates by lifting the bottles up and then puts them on
the bottles table (conveyer). This machine lifts 96 bottles once by holding unit called grippers. It can lifts
full bottles (96) or less than 96 bottles from four crates. One crate holds 24 bottles and 4 crates hold 96
bottles. There are sensors that detect (sense) whether four crates came or not. If crates which came from
the outside of the machine are not of four, machine wait the rest crates till the crates became of four.
Packer machine
It is a machine that is used to put final products (filled bottles) in the crates washed. This machine is
almost the same as un-packer machine. The only difference is that this machine is not lifts less than 96
bottles to put in to four crates. There are a sensor which tells whether 96 bottles are came or not. If 96
bottles came to the machine, machine lifts up these bottles up and put into the four crates. If not, it waits
the bottles until to be 96.
Conductivity sensor
PH meter
Solenoid valves
Limit switches
Altera-sonic transmitters and receivers
Force transducer
Level sensor
Pump motors and induction motors
High-pressure pre-jetting
Pre- jetting
Caustic 1
Caustic 2
Post caustic
Warm caustic 1
Warm caustic 2
Cold water
Fresh water
The fresh water flows like a cascade through the machine in the direction opposite that of bottle
conveyance. By doing so the content of the tanks are continually rejuvenated. The alkalinity is continually
reduced, and the temperature of re-cooling sections is automatically and optimally graduated.
A pressure reducer a head of fresh water valves optimizes water consumption by ensuring that the fresh
water pressure is maintained constant. The fresh water feed is shunt off if the machine is stopped. This
prevents unnecessary consumption of fresh water. The last warm water used for intermediate or caustic
free-jetting flows in to the pre-heating section. This results in a heat recovery and at the same time a
gently pre-warming of bottles. The waste water generated during operation of the machine is led in to the
waste water tank via the over-flow of the pre-jetting with the waste water; the high-pressure pre-jetting
for pre-cleaning of the bottle is operated. The waste water overflowing from the waste water tank is led to
in to the drain channel.
Synchronous drive
The synchronous drives rotate in synchronization to the rotating field in the stator because of their design.
The rotating field is specified by a frequency convertor from a speed of zero- to- maximum. It is highly
probable that there is a mechanical overload if the drive fails to start up despite repeated attempts. For
instance, chain, mal-adjustment or blockage of the bottle cell carrier. The gear boxes are protected against
overloading. It should the synchronous position of a drive became miss-adjust all drives are equipped
with an absolute phase angle sensor.
In the left side of the EBI machine, the fallen-over container is not detected the container enters the
In the right side of the EBI machine, the fallen-over container is detected-the container is rejected
and/or the machine is stopped.
Figure 13: Detection of broken, fallen over, over filled, and under filled
If container is detected as being over-height, under-height, having fallen-over, or being broken, it will be
Mixing ratio of syrup to water: Pepsi cola, 7up, Mirinda tonic, Mirinda pineapple and Mirinda orange are
1:5 but Mirinda apple is 1:4. Amount of CO2 by the volume: Pepsi is 3.5, 7up is 3.7, Mirinda orange is
2.1, Mirinda apple is 3.0 and Mirinda tonic is 4.0
Filler machine is a machine which is filled with the products. It fills the products into the bottle which are
washed well. This machine fills the product using the following six steps:
Sniffing of CO2
If low strength bottle comes to the filler machine, it will be broken because of this filler machine gives the
high pressure to the bottle before it is filled by the product. This machine fills maximum of 36000 bottles
per hour.
Container in-feed
Container stops
In-feed worn
In-feed start wheel
Carrousel with filling units
Discharge start wheel
Container discharge
When the container stop is released the containers are conveyed to the in-feed worn by the
container in-feed worn by the container in-feed.
The in-feed worn increases the spacing between the containers until it correspondence to the pitch
of the in-feed star wheel and the spacing between the filling units.
The container filling units are installed on the carrousel.
During operation, the carrousel rotates together with the filling units. The carrousel
accommodates one empty container from the in-feed star-wheel per filing unit and transfers it to
the discharge star-wheel or discharge conveyer, once it has been filled.
The container will be fed via a star wheel, worn to the closer and be closed.
Afterward, the containers are transferred to the container discharge.
The containers are filled in several steps the so-called filling phases.
The type and duration of the filling phases are made to satisfy the respective requirements.
The filling phases are time control on machines with pneumatic filling valves.
Limit switches
Chain conveyor: the closed-loop principle makes use of a drive sprocket and end-turning sprockets.
Belt Conveyor: the belt conveyor is driven by a drive shaft. The drive is protected by guards. Besides to
the above machines utility lines help prepare an ingredient or a product to be consumed in the course of
production of a product these include:
It is the coordinated involvement of each machine or plant that finally produces the required product. All
the main machines and plants are inter-locked that a fault in one place brings the whole automation to
The MEA which absorbed CO2 is pumped from the bottom of the absorber through the lye cooler or
MEA MEA section where it is pre-heated. This continuous to the stripper, where the CO2 is boiled out
the MEA. The stripper is connected with the boiler and from here the MEA which is now without CO2 is
pumped through the lye-cooler (MEAs water section) where its cooled down pumped back to the
absorber. The CO2 together with some steam leaves the top of stripper and goes to cooler where the steam
is condensed and CO2. The purpose of producing CO2in the company is to preserve for a long time
without expired and to sell it for home consumption and supplied for the customers.
2.7.2 Compressor
Compressor are a single storage, oil injected screw compressor driven by an electronic motor. It is a
machine which is used to produce a pure air to distribute different section. There are two air compressors
in the room which work independently. This mean when one compressor works, the other does not works.
Atmospheric air which comes from the outside contains dust, moisture and other gases.
Compressor filter and dried the dust, moisture and the other gases and the pure air stored in pure air
storage tank. This pure air distributed/passed to different machines through different lines. Compressor is
air cooled. The compressor is controlled by Atlascopic Electonickon II regulator. The electronic control
module is fitted to the door on the right side. An electronic cabinet compressing the motor starter is
located behind the panel.
Air compressor is used to collect the atmospheric air by using electrical motors. These motors collect the
air through air sucking valves. Since the collected air is mixture of water, dust particles and other
molecules, it should be filtered to get pure air.
The mixture is separated by fluid oil or light oil after fluid separate the mixture the air moved to the dryer.
In the dryer, if there is mixture in the air, it is moved by air filter. Then it finally stored to pure air storage
tanks and then it distributed to where it needed.
In addition to the above listed I also have been working in the bottling line of the industry. Bottling line
comprises the production line from the inlet of empty bottle up to the output. Within this range there are a
lot of production machineries that has to be controlled by PLC system for safe operation of the line.
2.10 The Procedure I Have Been Using While Performing my Work Tasks
The procedures that lead me to perform my work tasks are the following:
Reading manuals about the machine that are failed and collecting data from it
Asking the operators and observing when they perform everything around them
I collect all ambiguities and question when the supervisor is over loaded
Then I raised those ambiguities and question at the time he is free.
Taking leisure while I depressed
By making observation repeatedly I minimize the error
Understanding the professional ethics of the work
I have used do it now, and do it right to overcome these challenges
I ask questions by identifying who is concerned for that working areas
Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as potentially responsible
workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participating in production control as well as
maintenance in industrial company. And such trends helped me to have valuable work experience.
Internship programs are also potentially valuable to the company. In this internship, I have observed what
the outside industrial world look like more than I know when I was at the school.
When I was at school, I learned or took many theoretically lessen even difficult to understand
theoretically. So, in this internship, I have got good opportunity to solve these difficulties. Because those
things which are theoretically difficult to understand are not hard to understand when I learn practically.
The overall benefits of internship are not limited to the practical skill only. I would like to group the
overall benefits that I have been gained in terms of different categories. Such as:
Improving practical skill
Upgrading theoretical knowledge
Improving inter-personal communication skill
Improving leadership skill
Understanding about work ethics related issue
Entrepreneurship skill
Replacing electrical protective devices when they failed, for instance, circuit breaker, lamps etc.
Making simple installation like electrical light installation
Seeing how to read tag number from electrical material and relate it with the wiring diagram
Identifying causes of motor failure and Troubleshooting and maintenance
Electronics/electrical, control/automation system and Variable frequency drives (VFDs)
Office disciplines
Avoiding potential or apparent conflicts of interest
4.1 Introduction
this application 5v DC power supply is needed for all electronics involved in the project. So the AC
source, i.e. the source from the power line, has to change to have to a DC source. This requires step down
transformer, rectifier, voltage regulator, and filter circuit for generation of 5v DC power. The Block
diagram of the power supply is shown below:
Otherwise, if the signal state at the specified <address> is "0", the contact is open. When the contact is
open, power does not flow across the contact and the result of logic operation (RLO) = "0".
When used in series, is linked to the RLO bit by AND logic. When used in parallel, it is linked to the
RLO by OR logic
Otherwise, if the signal state at the specified <address> is "1", the contact is opened. When the contact is
opened, power does not flow across the contact and the result of logic operation (RLO) = "0". Timer
interval specified at input TV even if the signal state at the S input changes to "0" before the time interval
has elapsed. The signal state at output Q is "1" as long as the timer is running. The timer will be restarted
("re-triggered") with the preset time value if the signal state at input S changes from "0" to "1" while the
timer is running.
The timer is reset if the reset (R) input changes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running. The current
time and the time base are set to zero.
The current time value can be scanned at the outputs BI and BCD. The time value at BI is binary coded, is
BCD coded. The current time value is the initial TV value minus the time elapsed since the timer was
the programmable logic controller as inputs. And the auto-manual controlling is proceeding by the
programmable logic controller. Finally, there is coil which is also directly connected with programmable
logic controller.
cannot work or function. When the controller is operating with timer the rest manual and sensor
operational principle cannot function and the same for the operation of sensor.
The solid line shows when the controller is operating whether manually, timer based or temperature
sensor based and the dotted line shows that the line is not active and does not operate or working. As
stated earlier the controller operates in three different methods. When it operates manually its lines be
solid and controls and operates manually and the lines of timer and manual will be deactivated, when it
operates with timer based its lines will be active and the rest are not active and when it operates with
temperature sensor its lines be active and the rest will be dotted line or not active. So, I can control the
system with the three methods as its needed. And when if the maximum temperature attained then
automatically it stops the heating process and the fun will be immediately active and starts its cooling
process because it may lead to damage in machineries and other failure in different ways. The overall
circuit of all the starting methods (manual, timer and sensor) in one as figure below shows:
5.1 Conclusion
From four months (one semester) in internship program, I have concluded that it gives real practical skills
and make students being familiar to the outside industries world. Truly, it prepared me to pay special
attention in all practical activities that will be carried out in the company. Because, of little error or
mistake can leads to large failure in the production process if it is not carried in the correct procedure.
Also, this program allows me to make and develop professional contacts for my future time and it helps
me to know maintenance terms and working standards. And regarding the project it is designed simulated
with different types of starting methods. The proposed solution for the problem of the factory can be used
as a problem solver. Finally, the benefits I offered from the program are: work ethics and team playing
skills, upgrading control and power concepts that I have been seen in the class.
5.2 Recommendation
Most of the time, when the machine fails to work there is no maintenance for that machine; but it is
replaced by other machine. This leads to wastage of money or extravagancy. So, I recommend the
company to maintain its failed machine by qualified maintainer. The third one is, the company engineer
must train on each machine, especially on hardware control system and PLC in order to maintain the
machine as soon as it has a failure. In addition to this, the CO2 plant must produce in its maximum
capacity to satisfy the necessity of CO2 gas to the company and its customers by maintaining its failed
parts. The motor winder waste a lot of time and labor forces when the motor is rewind, since no winding
machine is in electrical workshop. And finally, The Company has to keep and strengthen the current
positive circumstance.
And also, the university has to take the responsibility of placing the students with appropriate companies
because it is difficult for the students to communicate with the hosting companies. Also, the university
should arrange some practical visit in some courses before and after the internship program. Because it
helps the student understands what they are learnt in laboratory and lecture classes easily and Debre
Tabor University should have a closed coordination with the hosting companies to work together. Finally,
the budget allocation for this internship program is not enough for the students to in this program.
[1]. Frank D. Petruzella, programmable logic controller, 4th edition, New York, 2011.
[2]. SIEMENS, getting started with Simatic step-7 software (part of documentation package with order
number, 6ES7810-4CA08-8BW0), 3rd edition, 2006.
[4]. A. K. SAWHNEY, A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentations, 4th
edition, 1985.