AKD Details Study

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Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012) xxx, xxxxxx

King Saud University

Arabian Journal of Chemistry



Separation and analysis techniques for bound and

unbound alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) in paper: A review
Sunil Kumar *, Vipul S. Chauhan, Swapan K. Chakrabarti

Thapar Centre for Industrial Research & Development, Paper Mill Campus, Yamuna Nagar 135 001, Haryana, India

Received 8 November 2011; accepted 23 April 2012

KEYWORDS Abstract Alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) is the reactive synthetic sizing agent that is used in alkaline or
Alkyl ketene dimer; neutral papermaking conditions to provide certain level of hydrophobicity to the paper and board.
Bound; The sizing mechanism of AKD involves its reaction with the hydroxyl groups on cellulose. How-
Unbound; ever, all of AKD does not chemically react with bers; some of it may undergo hydrolysis in water
Separation; to form unstable b-keto acids, which decarboxylate to the corresponding ketone. This portion of
Analysis AKD remains non-reacted (unbound) and adsorbs onto bers. The sizing effect depends mainly
on the quantity of chemically reacted (bound) AKD in paper, while the role of unbound forms, that
is ketone and oligomer, is still not clear. Both bound and unbound portions of AKD have their own
effect on paper. It is important to know the proportion of bound and unbound form of AKD in
paper. The different techniques have been adopted for the separation and analysis of bound and
unbound AKD present in paper. The aim of this paper is to review and summarize the various tech-
niques provided by the researchers to separate the different forms of AKD and highlight the most
important aspects for their separation.
2012 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
2. Chemistry of AKD and sizing mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +911732 292720.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kumar).

1878-5352 2012 King Saud University. Production and hosting by

Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


Production and hosting by Elsevier

Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
2 S. Kumar et al.

3. Separation and analysis of bound and unbound AKD from paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

1. Introduction tester (HST) data, which was later on conrmed by studies of

Zimmerman et al. (1995); (Lee and Luner 2005); Zeno et al.
Paper is composed of cellulosic bers and highly water-absor- (2005), Zhang et al. (2007).
bent. However, writing & printing grades of paper or packag- It is important to determine the proportion of the AKD re-
ing grades of paperboards need to be resistant to some degree tained in the paper, and existence in various forms, in order to
on wetting with polar liquids such as water, aqueous solutions properly understand the sizing process, and to make the pro-
and suspensions. Therefore, papermaking components, such as cess cost effective. The aim of this review is to investigate the
bers are rendered partially hydrophobic by introducing chem- published literature on the separation and analysis of bound/
ical additives in the pulp stock; this phenomenon is known as unbound and oligomeric form of AKD in paper for the benet
internal sizing of paper. The main internal sizing chemicals of the papermakers and researchers.
currently in use around the world are based on emulsions of
rosin, alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) and alkenyl succinic anhy- 2. Chemistry of AKD and sizing mechanism
dride (ASA). In all three cases the aim is to retain hydrophobic
molecules in the sheet of the paper. Internal sizing aims at AKD is a waxy material, insoluble in water with a melting
establishing a hindrance toward penetration and spreading of point around 50 C depending on the chain length and struc-
the liquids through the porous structure of paper. In addition ture of the fatty acids used in its preparation. Commercial
to improving the edge penetration properties of liquid packag- AKD used in different pulp and paper industries is prepared
ing, sizing also improves paper printability by controlling ink from natural fatty acid containing 1420 carbon. Due to
absorption and spreading, and reducing the effect of aqueous change in different side chain originated from its source, indus-
fountain solution on loss of paper strength (Evans, 1989; trial AKD might have a variety of chain lengths (Roberts 1996;
Neimo, 1999; Sharma et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2012). Karademir 2002; Shen et al. 2002).
The paper industry has moved from rosin to ASA or AKD Being waxy in nature AKD needs an elevated temperature
sizing i.e. from acid to neutral or alkaline. The new neutral and to get molten and emulsied. It is dispersed in high-pressure
alkaline sizing techniques have been found to be more efcient homogenizer in the presence of some stabilizers viz., cationic
owing to their better hydrophobicity and lesser size reversion starch as a protective colloid in conjunction with lignosulfo-
i.e. higher durability of paper as compared to conventional ro- nates/naphthalene sulfonic acids. Waxy maize starch with no
sin sizing. AKD is widely used since its inception in late 1950s. propensity to retrogradation is generally preferred (Isogai
It is a reactive size as it forms covalent bonds with cellulose at 1997). It is important to avoid surface active substances in
neutral or alkaline pH during the papermaking system (Lee the dispersion formulation, because they may interfere with
and Luner, 2005; Song et al., 2012). sizing. The dispersion is usually made slightly cationic in order
Sizing efciency through AKD depends on several factors to provide it more susceptibility to negatively charged bers,
including retention, particle distribution on the ber surfaces however anionic dispersions are also available commercially.
and the extent of chemical reaction of the size (Mourao et In order to reduce the hydrolysis of the AKD, the pH of the
al., 2011). Different forms of AKD in paper affect the hydro- dispersion is kept below 4. The stability of the AKD emulsion
phobicity of paper (Girardi 1989; Lindstrom and Soderberg, increases with increasing the presence of AKD oligomers
1986a; Voutilainen 1996). Bottorff (1994) and later on Hardell (Asakura et al., 2006). The particle size range of AKD emul-
and Woodbury (2002) conrmed the existence of both forms of sion is typically 0.22 lm. These dispersions are added to the
AKD along with oligomeric form. Hardell and Woodbury aqueous ber suspension. The mechanism of AKD sizing with
(2002) also separated and quantied the oligomeric form in paper has been the focus of intensive research for a number of
commercially available AKD waxes and reported that oligo- years. It is generally accepted that AKD sizing can be divided
meric form was present up to 10% by weight. into the following steps (Lindstrom and Soderberg, 1986a;
Many papers have been published on the mechanism of siz- Champ and Ettl, 2004; Ravnjak et al., 2007; Seppanen et al.,
ing development and role of papermaking variables including 2000; Shen et al., 2001):
retention and drying on AKD sizing (Lindstrom and Soder-
berg, 1986a; Roberts and Garner, 1985; Shen et al., 2003; Tan-  Retention of AKD particles in the paper web;
iguchi et al., 1993; Yu and Garnier, 1997,2002). Many  Spreading of the AKD wax over the ber surface during
researchers investigated the sizing mechanism of AKD and drying of the web; and
studied the role of bound and unbound AKD on sizing devel-  Reaction of the AKD molecules with the cellulosic mole-
opment. Lindstrom and Soderberg (1986a) carried out studies cules in the paper.
on different pulps with AKD and found that bound AKD en-
hanced hydrophobicity to paper many folds as compared to The retention mechanism is, in theory, heterocoagulation,
unbound AKD. On the other hand, Marton (1990) reported where cationic particles are attached to the negatively charged
that after chloroform extraction of the AKD sized paper that bers, however, an effective retention aid chemical program is
removed more than 50% of the retained AKD material from essential for the purpose. Heterocoagulation, can not be used
the paper did not show marked difference in the Hercules size to retain the particles of AKD under high berber shear

Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) in paper: A review 3

conditions. A high single pass retention of AKD is important The required amount of AKD for sizing of a given pulp de-
as the amount of AKD drained through the forming wire of pends on a number of factors and is linked with the papermak-
the paper machine gets hydrolyzed with time in the presence ing parameters and conditions. It is important to retain the
of water and higher pH (neutral or alkaline) (Lindstrom and AKD as high as possible in the paper matrix, as the recirculat-
Soderberg, 1986b; Champ and Ettl, 2004). ed AKD can easily be hydrolyzed. The extent of reaction de-
In general it is believed that AKD reacts with cellulose ber pends on the drying conditions together with the presence of
and forms a beta-keto ester bond, hence makes paper hydro- size accelerators. The extent of reaction of AKD with cellulose
phobic (referred as bound/reacted) (Eklund and Linstrom, lies in the range between 15 to 40%.
1991; Roberts, 1996; Seppanen and Tiberg, 1999; Seppanen
and Zhmud, 2003) (Fig. 1). AKD also reacts with water mol- 3. Separation and analysis of bound and unbound AKD from
ecules producing an unstable b-keto acid which spontaneously paper
decarboxylates forming the corresponding ketone (referred as
unbound/non-reacted/not-retained with paper) while AKD The high dosage of AKD with papermaking suspension can
molecule may react together to form oligomer (Bottorff and interact negatively with the paper and may harm the paper ma-
Sullivan, 1993; Lindstrom and Soderberg, 1986b) (Figs. 2 chine runnability. It can lead to the formation of stickies which
and 3). The reaction rate between AKD and water is reported is formed from the hydrolyzed AKD. The dosage of AKD is
to be faster than that with cellulose ber (Roberts and Garner, also linked with the cost of sizing. In order to reduce the dos-
1985; Seo and Cho, 2005). There have been different explana- age of AKD in paper, it is important to rst know the amount
tions for the sizing effects of these two reaction products. Some of AKD retained in paper.
researchers claim that the reaction between AKD and cellulose Lindstrom and OBrian (1986), Lindstrom and Soderberg
is essential for paper water repellency (Odberg et al., 1987; Ekl- (1986a,b), and Nahm (1986) reported the evidence of different
und and Linstrom, 1991; Roberts, 1996), whereas others be- forms of AKD in a sized paper. They also reported that hydro-
lieve that such a reaction does not take place at all and is phobicity in paper depends mainly upon the bound AKD
not necessary for sizing (Rohringer et al., 1985). while the role of unbound AKD could not be understood. Od-
berg et al. (1987) reported the separation of unbound AKD in
paper with chloroform and estimated its amount through Gas
H chromatography (GC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
R1 CH C C R2
HO Cellulose respectively.
O C O Dart and McCalley (1990) developed the capillary GC pro-
cedure for the analysis of the bound and unbound AKD in the
(AKD) paper prepared in laboratory. The method was based on the
hydrolytic extraction and quantication of long-chain ketones,
the identities of which were conrmed by combined gas chro-
matography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). The procedure holds
R2 O good precision and acceptable recoveries of AKD products
from both surface and internally sized papers. The technique
R1 CH2 C CH C O Cellulose can also be used to determine the fate of AKD in continuously
operated papermaking machine.
O Girardi (1989) determined the amount of both forms of
AKD through radioactive tracer studies with 14C nuclear mag-
(-keto ester bound form) netic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) while 13C solid state
NMR studies were used to quantify the same by Bottorff
Figure 1 Reaction of AKD with cellulose.
and Sullivan (1993), and Bottorff (1994).

R2 O
R1 CH C C R2

(AKD) (-ketoacid unstable form)

R2 O

R1 CH2


(-ketoacid unstable form) (ketoneunbound form)


Figure 2 Hydrolytic decomposition of AKD; (i) hydrolysis, (ii) decarboxylation.

Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
4 S. Kumar et al.

R1 CH C C R2 R1 CH C C R2



R2 R2 O



Figure 3 Formation of AKD oligomer.

As reported earlier, in a paper sample both forms of AKD ble to extract the oligomeric form from the paper. They
may be present and affect the sizing efciency. Bottorff separated the oligomeric form of the AKD from wax itself
(1994) used the solvent extraction technique to separate the and quantied with the size exclusion chromatography
two forms of AKD by tetrahydrofuran (THF). Extraction (SEC). Paper sample was treated with acetone for 2 h at 70
of AKD sized papers with THF resulted in removal of the C to extract the bound AKD. The unbound AKD was also
ketone group while the b-keto ester group was found present extracted from backwater with DCM to balance the total
in paper as evident from NMR. The study revealed that un- AKD. Pyrolysis GCMS was used to estimate the bound and
bound AKD can be extracted with THF but the simple unbound AKD in paper and backwater while size exclusion
extraction was not good enough to extract the bound AKD technique was used to quantify the oligomeric AKD in AKD
in paper. The bound AKD was extracted with 50% diox- wax. The results showed that only 10% of AKD remained
ane-water mixture for 8 h at 80 C which indicated that the bound with cellulose.
severe conditions are required to separate the bound form Odermatt et al. (2003) also carried out the separation and
of AKD from paper. The results provided good precision identication of AKD with pyrolysis GCMS using ame ioni-
and reproducibility but could not correlate the different zation detector (FID). Py-GC/FID proved a good technique
forms of AKD on the basis of total AKD added to paper for the determination of AKD containing different alkyl
during papermaking. groups.
Nyarku and Sithole (1994) determined the unbound form Zule and Dolenc (2003) also used GC to separate the two
of AKD in paper through potentiometric titrations. The un- different forms of AKD in paper. The unbound AKD in paper
bound AKD was extracted with chloroform and its content was extracted with hexane as solvent. For the determination of
was estimated by titration, and results were compared with bound AKD, the hexane extracted paper was dried and used
analysis of same extract with capillary GC reported by Odberg for further extraction. The acidied sample was reuxed with
et al. (1987). The study also emphasized on the stability of iso-octane for 2 h. After ltrations the remaining bers were
AKD emulsion. AKD was converted into its ketone form be- washed with hexane and the organic phase was used to deter-
fore analysis with GC. Bound AKD in paper samples was sep- mine the bound AKD with GC. The parameter set for GC was
arated by digestion of the paper with either hydrochloric acid found different for different researchers. Zule and Dolenc
or sodium carbonate. A separation scheme based on solid- (2005) further reconrmed the existence of two forms after
phase extraction was also developed for the determination of acidic hydrolysis. They also suggested that ester form can only
unbound AKD. The Soxtec extraction (rather than Soxhlet be determined after hydrolyzing the AKD. Bound and un-
extraction) was also employed for the determination of AKD bound AKD in samples were determined.
followed by quantication through GC. Laitinen (2007) during his doctoral study separated the un-
Karademir (2002) separated the unbound AKD with bound AKD using isooctane as a solvent. The bound AKD in
dichloromethane (DCM) and the same sample was used to ex- pilot papers was extracted using THF followed by liquid chro-
tract the bound AKD. Alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution matography (LC) MS.
was used to extract the bound AKD. The paper sample was Martorana et al. (2009) used a different technique, near
kept in solvent at 4050 C for 3 h followed by acidication infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to quantify the bound AKD in
with hydrochloric acid. Toluene was used as a solvent to ex- paper sample. This technique was less robust as compared with
tract the bound AKD from this mixture. Both extractions were other but required a new instrument for their estimation. But
evaporated and mixed with internal standard, and their the mechanism and interaction of AKD can be studied more
amounts were determined with GC. The proportion of bound easily and faster with this technique.
AKD in paper was comparatively lower as compared to the The different techniques used for separation and quantica-
unbound one in paper. tion of bound and unbound form of AKD in paper as reviewed
Hardell and Woodbury (2002) separated the bound and un- in this paper have been compiled and tabulated for better
bound AKD in paper and also proposed that it was not feasi- understanding (Table 1) (Downey, 1949; Isogai, 1999; Jaycock

Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) in paper: A review 5

Table 1 Separation and analysis techniques for the determination of different forms of AKD in paper.

Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
6 S. Kumar et al.

and Roberts, 1994; Mattson et al., 2003; Mattsson, 2002; Pyda Isogai, A., 1997. J. Pulp. Pap. Sci. 23 (6), 276.
et al., 1993; Ravnjak et al., 2006; Roberts and Zhou, 1996; Seo Isogai, A., 1999. J. Pulp. Pap. Sci. 25 (7), 251.
et al., 2008; Seppanen, 2007; Seppanen, 2009; Sithole et al., Jaycock, M.J., Roberts, J.C., 1994. Paper Techn., 38.
1995; Vrbanac and Dixon, 1997; Vrbanac et al., 1999; Yano Karademir, A., 2002. Turk J. Agric. For. 26, 253.
Laitinen, R. 2007. Doctoral Thesis, Lappeenranta University of
et al., 1992).
Technology, Finland.
Lee, H.L., Luner, P., 2005. Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 20 (2), 227.
4. Conclusions Lindstrom, T., OBrian, H., 1986. Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 1 (1), 34.
Lindstrom, T., Soderberg, G., 1986a. Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 1 (1), 26.
The retention of AKD in paper is crucial to enhance its ef- Lindstrom, T., Soderberg, G., 1986b. Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 1 (2), 31.
cacy toward increasing hydrophobicity in paper. Through het- Marton, J., 1990. Tappi J. 73 (11), 139.
eroocculation cationic size particles are attached to the Martorana, E., Fischer, S., Kleemann, S., 2009. Nord. Pulp Pap. Res.
negatively charged bers; retention of AKD in paper can be in- J. 24 (3), 335.
creased with the selection of an effective retention aid chemical Mattsson, R., Lindstrom, D., Sterte, J., Odberg, L., 2003. J. Pulp Pap.
Sci. 29 (8), 281.
program. High single pass retention of AKD is important as
Mattsson, R. 2002. Licentiate thesis, Lulea University of Technology,
the amount of AKD drained through the forming wire of Sweden.
the paper machine gets hydrolyzed with time in the presence Mourao, J.D.S., Zeno, E., Mauret, E., 2011. J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 25
of water and at higher pH. (67), 743.
AKD reacts with cellulose and present in three forms viz., Nahm, S., 1986. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 6 (1), 89.
bound, unbound and oligomer. Bound AKD attribute sizing Neimo, L. 1999. In: Neimo, L. (Ed.), Papermaking Chemistry, Fapet
to paper and is accepted whereas the role of unbound AKD Oy, pp. 150.
is of mixed nature. The role of oligomer is not yet clear. Sev- Nyarku, S., Sithole, B.B., 1994. Can. J. Chem. 72, 274.
eral techniques have been used in literature to separate the un- Odberg, L., Lindstrom, T., Liedberg, B., Gustavsson, J., 1987. Tappi J.
bound and bound forms of AKD from paper. The unbound 70 (4), 135.
Odermatt, J., Meyer, R., Meier, D., Ettl, R., 2003. J. Pulp Pap. Sci. 29
AKD can be separated through extraction with different sol-
(1), 1.
vents viz., tetrahydrofuran, hexane, isooctane, methyl t-butyl Pyda, M., Sidqi, M., Keller, D.S., Luner, P., 1993. Tappi J. 76 (4), 79.
ether, dichloromethane etc. The analysis of unbound AKD in- Ravnjak, D., Moze, A., Plazl, I., 2006. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Quart. 20
volves the instrumental techniques viz., Gas chromatography (4), 463.
(GC), Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC- Ravnjak, D., Plazl, I., Moze, A., 2007. Colloid Polym. Sci. 285, 907.
MS), Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), Fou- Roberts, J.C., 1996. Neural and alkaline sizing. In: Roberts, J.C. (Ed.),
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potentiometric titration technique. The method to separate Roberts, J.C., Garner, D.N., 1985. Tappi J. 68 (4), 118.
the bound form of AKD involves the extraction through dif- Roberts, J.C., Zhou, Ya.J., 1996. US Patent 5 538 899.
ferent solvents. Its analysis is also reported through above Rohringer, P., Bernheim, M., Werthemann, D.P., 1985. Tappi J. 68
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mentioned instrumental techniques along with few more tech-
Seo, W.S., Cho, N.S., 2005. Appita J. 58 (2), 122.
niques viz., UVvis spectrophotometer, Near-infrared spec- Seo, W.S., Cho, N.S., Ohga, S., 2008. J. Fac. Agr. 53 (2), 405.
troscopy etc. The most commonly used separation and Seppanen, R. 2007. Ph.D. thesis. YKI, Institute for Surface Chemistry,
analytical technique in both the cases was GC which gives Stockholm, Sweden.
comparatively higher repeatability and reproducibility while Seppanen, R., 2009. J. Disp. Sci. Tech. 30, 937.
other techniques could not provide so profound results. Seppanen, R., Tiberg, F. 1999. In: Proc. Scientic &Technical
Though AKD is being used as a commercial sizing agent Advances in the Internal & Surface Sizing of Paper & Board,
for more than six decades, studies on separation, extraction Florence, Italy, Pira International, Surrey, UK.
and determination of different forms of AKD present in the Seppanen, R., Zhmud, B. 2003. in: Proc. Scientic & Technical
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Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019
Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) in paper: A review 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Kumar, S. et al., Separation and analysis techniques for bound and unbound alkyl ketene dimer
(AKD) in paper: A review. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2012.04.019

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