A Study of The Influence of Temperature On Bleaching Process of The De-Inked Waste Paper Pulp Using Hydrogen Peroxide
A Study of The Influence of Temperature On Bleaching Process of The De-Inked Waste Paper Pulp Using Hydrogen Peroxide
A Study of The Influence of Temperature On Bleaching Process of The De-Inked Waste Paper Pulp Using Hydrogen Peroxide
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
This research aims to study temperature influence on the bleaching process of the de-inked waste paper pulp
using hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent, and that will be through evaluating how pulp brightness changes
within a range of studied temperatures. This research also studies the kinetics of the bleaching reaction at each
studied temperature.The experiments were conducted using a laboratory pulper designed to simulate the
industrial pulpers, but also modified to meet goals and conditions of the research.The results show that
brightness increases as temperature increases, and an optimum temperature for bleaching process at research
conditions was determined. The results also show that lower temperatures of the studied range result in relatively
low brightness levels, while higher temperatures increase thermal decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, what
effects negatively on bleaching process efficiency.
Keywords: Bleaching, Temperature, Brightness, Hydrogen peroxide
I- Introduction
As attention toward recycled fibers has recently increased for ecological and economical reasons, it was
necessary to find new ways to improve recycled pulp properties to make them meet the high requirements in
paper market. In spite of the application of several processes to remove contaminants from waste paper,
producing high quality products required additional process to achieve high optical properties of paper. This
process is bleaching (Bajpai, 2014) (Renders, 1995).
Bleaching can be performed in one point or more along the process line of waste paper, but due to the
reduction in brightness caused by alkaline conditions in the pulper, hydrogen peroxide is usually added to it to
compensate this reduction (Bajpai, 2014). Stabilizing agents, like sodium silicate, are also added to stabilize
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
hydrogen peroxide. Those agents remove metallic ions that reduce hydrogen peroxide stability and catalyze its
decomposition (Borchardt, 1995).
In alkaline conditions, bleaching process using hydrogen peroxide is activated by producing
perhydroxyl anion HO2-, as shown in the following equation (Bajpai, 2012):
H2O2 + OH- H2O + HO2-
Many variables effect bleaching process. In this research we have investigated the influence of the temperature
upon this process.
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
Figure 3: Sampling and Drain openings Figure 4: Interior baffles and temp. sensor tube
- External vessel made of iron and surrounds the internal one forming a heating jacket, which used to heat
the internal vessel to the required temperature by means of hot water. Hot water enters the jacket through an
upper opening coming from water heating basin and goes out through a lower opening on the opposite side (hot
water inlet and outlet are shown in figure 1). The External vessel is covered with insulator to minimize thermal
- Convex base made of iron – chrome alloy, with three legs made of Iron equipped with rubber endings to
reduce vibration.
2- Mixing system:
This system (Figure 5)consists of the following parts:
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
- Electrical motor:
For mixing and pulping purposes, the device is equipped with 24 V - DC motor with gearbox, capable of
providing the required power for research processes, with rotation speed of 5 turn/sec, figure 6.
- Rotation axis and rotor:
These two parts are also made of iron – chrome alloy, the axis can be adjusted up and down to maintain a proper
height (figure 5), and it is connected with a conical rotor that is designed according to the industrial one, figure 7.
V- Experiments methodology:
Five experiments were conducted at different temperatures as shown in the following table:
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
elevated temperatures, but on the other hand, the higher consumption of peroxide does not always mean that it is
consumed in bleaching, just like the case above 60oC.
VIII- Conclusions:
1- The brightness of de-inked waste paper pulp increases with bleaching process temperature, and it was
shown that 60oC is the optimum bleaching temperature as per to research conditions.
2- Low bleaching temperatures may lead to low levels of brightness and decrease process efficiency.
3- Attention should be paid when applying high bleaching temperature, as thermal decomposition of H2O2
becomes faster.
A further study of extended temperature range may give us a better look of how pulp brightness changes above
the studied range of this research.
IX- References:
Bajpai, P. (2012). Environmentally Benign Approaches For Pulp Bleaching. Patiala, India: Elsevier.
Bajpai, P. (2014). Recycling and Deinking of Recovered Paper. Patiala, India: Elsevier.
Borchardt, J. (1995). Chemistry of Unit Operations in Paper Deinking Mills. In C. P. Rader, S. D. Baldwin, D. D.
Cornell, G. D. Sadler, & R. F. Stockel, Plastics, Rubber, and Paper Recycling (p. 323). Washington DC:
American Chemical Society.
Renders, A. (1995). Recycled fibre bleaching. In R. McKinney, Technology of Paper Recycling (p. 157).
Glaskow, UK: Blackie Academic and Professional.
Roberts, J. C. (1996). The Chemistry Of Paper. Manchester: The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Sixta, H. (2006a). Pulp Bleaching. In H. Sixta, Handbook of Pulp (Vol. 1, p. 609). Weinheim: WILEY-VCH
Sixta, H., Potthast, A., & Krotschek, A. W. (2006b). Chemical Pulping Processes. In H. Sixta, Handbook of Pulp
(p. 109). Weinheim, Germany: WILEY-VCH Verlag.
Stenesh, J. (1989). Dictionary of BioChemistry and Molecular Biology (2nd ed.). Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
Süss, H. U. (2010). Pulp Bleaching Today. Berlin: DE GRUYTER.
Werner, A. J. (2006). Chemical Additives. In H. Holik, Handbook of Paper and Board (p. 62). Weinheim:
Chemical and Process Engineering Research www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-7467 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0913 (Online)
Vol.40, 2016
X- Appendix 1: Work system (laboratory pulper and accessories) from two perspectives: