Topic 14 Papermaking Pressing Text

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The paper web formed on the wire part or the forming section passes onto
the press section. Pressing of the web on the paper machine follows
entering of wet web through the nip of two rolls running under pressure.
Under the effect of pressure between the two rolls further water removal of
paper is obtained and its compactness and strength is increased. The
pressing operation is important for the capacity and economy of a paper
machine and has great influence on paper quality. It determines the
dryness of the sheet entering the dryer section. It has a major impact on
the structure and runnability of the paper and thus the operating efficiency
of the machine (Wahlstrom, 1969). The dewatering capacity of a press
section and the properties of paper depend on the design and the number
of nips. The risk of web breaks is determined by the general design of
press section and the arrangement of open draws if any. A modern press
section should fulfill the following requirements:

- The highest possible dryness to be obtained with least number of

- Pressing must not impair paper quality.
- The press section should be a compact, simple and rigid structure.
- Quick felt, fabric and roll changes must be possible.

High dryness after the press is required to reduce steam consumption.

Removal of water in the dryer section through evaporation is 7-10 times
costlier than on presses and 60-70 times costlier than the wire part, though
this depends to a great deal on power and steam costs and the efficiency
of heat utilization. Dryness of web in the press part varies generally in the
range of 15-21% to 35-55% depending on the grade being manufactured
and the efficiency of the wet end operation. By using a high pressure and
longer nip time it is theoretically possible to get a dryness of web up to
65%. This is the limit of dryness on the presses because 35% water is
necessary for wetting of fibres. It is not possible to remove this water by
pressing without damaging the structure of the fibres. Practical limit of
dryness on the press section is 35-55% for different papers (Kocurek,

Pressing has two major objectives. The first is to remove water from the
web, up to a consistency of 40-45%. The second is to consolidate the web,
to bring fibres into close contact for bonding.

A simple single press nip is shown schematically in below. The web is

squeezed between a solid roll and a felt supported by a perforated roll. The
water is expelled into the felt and then into the holes of the perforated roll.
The latter may be a suction roll. Suction is applied over the pressing zone,
and when the roll rotates past this suction zone, the water is released to fly
out into trays. Grooved or blind-drilled rolls may also fill this same purpose,
as shown below.

Figure 1

Figure: Scale drawing of the press nip.

Figure: Felt and the roll surfaces.

2. Theory

Figure: Nip phases of wet pressing (Pandey, 1983).

The above represents the transversal flow press-nip defined by two solid
rolls with paper and felt passing the nip. Both contain sufficient amount of
water to reach saturation before the mid-nip. The geometric configuration,

pressure distribution curves, water transfer mechanism and thickness
curves for paper and felt are shown for the nip. The nip has been divided
into four phases,

Phase-1. starts at the entrance of the nip where the pressure curve begins
and lasts until the paper has become saturated. The felt is shown
unsaturated in phase 1.
Phase-2. extends from the point of saturation to the mid-nip or more
accurately to the maximum point of the total nip pressure curve. In this
phase felt also reaches saturation.
Phase-3. extends from the maximum point of the nip curve to the point of
maximum paper dryness. This point corresponds to the maximum of the
paper structure, pressure curve and zero hydraulic pressure in the paper.
In this expanding part of the nip the felt passes zero hydraulic pressure and
becomes unsaturated.
Phase-4 covers the point where the paper starts to expand and becomes
unsaturated. The felt is unsaturated through this whole phase and expands
continuously. The total nip pressure curve is divided into a fluid pressure
component and a fibre structure pressure component. The sum of these
two components is equal to the total pressure. As the felt has much lower
flow resistance than paper the fluid component is much lower in the felt
than in paper. The fluid pressure component in the felt is dependant on
incoming felt moisture and the amount of water being transferred from the
paper to the felt.

The proportion of the hydraulic pressure and the pressure in the structure
will vary along the nip and through the thickness of the felt and the paper.
Hydraulic pressure in the area of paper facing the felt is almost identical to
the total hydraulic pressure in the felt. Hydraulic pressure will then grow
with the distance from the felt surface and be the highest at the roll. This
means that the forces compressing the fibre structure will be largest close
to the felt. Pressure gradients therefore, exist both in machine as well as
perpendicular direction to the sheet and felt.

In addition to the pressure curve, area is indicated in the figure above to

show the type of mechanism acting in different parts of the nip. This
includes the flow of water through compression, two phase flow through
capillary forces and the two phase flow through compression and
expansion .

Phase-1. The total pressure of the sheet increases through compression. In
this phase air is expelled out of both paper and felt and there is no
hydraulic pressure at this point. Felt and paper are both unsaturated and
transfer of water can only occur through capillary forces or two phase flow.
Very little change in the dryness of the paper in this phase and all the
forces are taken by the compression of fibre structure.
Phase-2. Hydraulic pressure increases squeezing water from paper to felt.
In this phase paper and felt are saturated. Hydraulic pressure is generated
resulting in the flow of water from the felt into the receptacles under the felt.
Compression force acting on the fibre and the felt structure increases
through the whole of phase 2. Fluid pressure in the felt and paper reaches
maximum ahead of mid-nip. In phase 2 water is flowing out of the system
through compression. Before the felt is saturated, there are capillary forces
promoting water transfer from paper to felt.
Phase-3. The total pressure curve decreases. The fibre structure pressure
increases to a maximum point which is also the point of maximum paper
dryness, corresponding to the point where fluid pressure in the paper is
zero. This means that paper is getting dryer after the mid-nip as long as
there is a hydraulic pressure gradient between the paper and felt. As the
phase 3 is expanding portion of the nip and paper in this phase gets still
further compressed, the felt must take up all compression. Owing to some
lateral flow of water through the nip the felt is saturated through a small part
of phase 3 corresponding approximately to the felt forcing air and water to
enter from underneath through the fabric or grooves.
Phase-4 Both paper and felt are exposed in this phase and the paper
becomes unsaturated. A negative pressure is created in both the
structures. Compressive forces on the fibre structure and felt are larger
than total pressure. In this phase it must be assumed that air will enter for
the same reason as air would enter the felt in phase 3. However, the
vacuum due to the expansion will be larger in the paper than in the felt
creating a two phase of air and water into the felt and from felt to paper. In
addition capillary forces will act within and between paper and the felt into
this phase system. When paper and felt are separated at the end of phase
4 water existing at the interface between them will be divided due to
splitting. Paper absorbs water from felt. The transfer mechanism is due to
the pressure difference between air and water due to expansion.

Press Impulse

The problem of pressing is essentially one of squeezing water from a

compressible permeable medium. The drainage rate is governed by the
pressure driving force divided by flow resistance. The amount of drainage
is governed by the drainage rate multiplied by time.

The product of pressure multiplied by time is a useful parameter to describe

the combined effect of these two factors. This product is called press
impulse. The press impulse can be determined from the quotient of two
readily known variables in pressing, the line loading (N/m) divided by speed


As the nip expands after its mid-point, the pressure on the web diminishes,
perhaps even giving slight suction. At the end of the nip, there is a film
splitting, with some water staying with the paper web and some with the
felt. Thus, the water content leaving the press nip probably greater than
greater than that within the nip. The higher moisture exiting the nip has
been called rewet.

We can estimate the amount of rewet by conducting a mass balance:

Mid nip


( M w=
)2 M R + ( M w )1

Divide by mass of fibres (W=Basis weight, A = Area)

( M w )2
M R ( M w )1
= +

Of we can say that

k2= k1 +

Were K 1 and K 2 are the moisture ratios of (grams of water / grams of

fibres) at points 1 and 2 respectively.

Note that the moisture is related to consistency by

k= 1

Thus if we know the consistency of the paper leaving the press and the
basis weight of the paper we can calculate the rewet, R. In practice you
could do this by plotting k 2 versus 1/W and find the slope at high
consistency which is R.

This is called a Sweet plot as shown above from webs of differing basis
weights pressed under the same condition. The resultant moisture ratio is
plotted against the inverse of basis weight. The straight line portion of the

curve is extrapolated to zero. The intercept reflects the condition of zero


The basic concepts of pressing first formulated in the late fifties by

Wahlstrom and a great many others. Pressing is basically a flow
phenomena controlled by flow of water between fibres and from the fibre
wall. The structural resistance from the fibres themselves is normally a
minor portion at today's dryness levels of between 30% and 50%. The
distinction between pressure controlled and flow controlled pressing is very
important in understanding pressing (Wahlstrom, 1976). In pressure
controlled pressing the resistance to flow between fibres is insignificant.
The dryness is then basically determined by the resistance to flow out of
the fibre wall. The driving force is the press impulse with an independent
positive contribution by the specific pressure. Hydraulic pressure for low
basis weight sheets the hydraulic pressure at the solid interface is only a
small part of the total pressure. By increasing the basis weight we reach
flow controlled conditions. At these conditions, further increasing the
basis weight does not increase the water removed, which stays constant
for a given set of press conditions. Under these conditions, the hydraulic
pressure at the impermeable surface is equal to the total pressure.

The minimum time concept is even more important. The minimum time
defines a minimum nip width characteristic for a given press operation. As
the time available for compression is equal to the nip width through
machine speed, minimum time becomes critical at higher speeds. Pressure
and time data for different kinds of papers will be of extreme importance for
optimizing press performance especially for flow controlled pressing at high
speeds. It's difficult to maintain pressing time at higher speeds, hence the
need for larger rolls, wider nips and more compressible felts are the latest
trends in pressing (Wheeler, 1991).

Nip width has been shown to be an important factor in pressing for two
reasons. At a given pressure nip width determines the average specific
pressure and to a degree the pressure distribution curve. Nip width is
therefore an important factor in defining the driving force in a specific nip.
The nip width is defined by the total compression of the felt, paper and
rubber in the nip and the size of the rolls, disregarding the flow of rubber in
the nip.

The variables affecting water removal at the presses are as follows:-
(a) Nip pressure: Water removal increases exponentially with increased nip
pressure. Increasing nip pressure is one of the most common and best
methods of increasing water removal. Pressure on the presses is
applied in ascending order and then only it is possible to give high
pressure on the last press without crushing the sheet. Number of
presses depends on the degree of refining of stock, machine speed and
amount of water removal (Pandey, 1983).
(b) Speed: With the rise of machine speed drainage time is reduced which
reduces drainage. Pressing time is inversely proportional to the machine
speed. It is necessary to increasing the pressing time for high speed
machines and also for papers with higher basis weight made from highly
beaten stock. As speed is increased higher nip loading will be required
to maintain same moisture removal or for the same nip loading water
removal from the sheet will decrease with increased speed. With the
increase of speed press performance will be less tolerant to dirty and
filled felts. At higher speed it will be necessary to change the angle of
the felt leaving the nip to avoid rewetting (Clark, 1996).
(c) Roll parameter: Open area, type of perforations, roll diameter, rubber
hardness and thickness are variables which are normally fixed by the
grades of paper made, the speed and the loading of the press. Water
removal increases with smaller rolls and harder covers but the practical
limitations of roll design and paper quality often limit the degree of
improvement. Rubber hardness and diameter of rolls have got much
influence on the drainage of water in the press.

(d) Off couch moisture: The dryness of the sheet leaving the press is
dependent on the sheet dryness entering the press section. For
economic benefits dryness at couch should be raised .

(e) Felts: The felt is not only the most important variable but a variable over
which some control can be exercised. This is dealt in detail in a separate

(f) Sheet porosity: Sheet characteristics influence drainage. The porosity of

Paper web is very important for drainage on the press. Less porous the
sheet more is the tendency of crushing. Kraft pulps are very porous and
elastic and then comes sulphite pulps. mechanical pulps have less
porous structure. Freeness of stock can appreciably change the

drainage property of the press. A press will remove more water from a
free sheet than from a wet sheet at the same loading.

(g) Temperature: Increasing of pressing temperature increases drainage

rate on the press. Rise in the temperature of the stock by 90 C increases
the dryness of the paper from 2% to 3%. Affect of temperature on
drainage rate during pressing is attributed to the change in viscosity of
water with temperature (Lush 1997).


Several general type of wet presses are used on paper machines. Press
arrangements are combination of various types. All have the primary
function of water removal and secondary functions such as transfer of the
web from one felt to another, smoothing the web surface or otherwise
affecting paper properties.

Plain Press : It's a simple and the oldest of the presses available. The
fabric and the sheet pass through the nip between the two solid press rolls.
Water squeezed out at the nip flows backward, opposite to the sheet travel
and the rotation of the rolls, down the surface of the bottom press roll and
off into the saveall pan. The wrap of the sheet and the fabric on the top roll
helps force out any air between the sheet and the fabric, preventing
blowing and press wrinkles.
Double felted press: Double felting a nip allows water removal in both
directions and can greatly increase the capacity. The greatest advantage is
for heavier weight sheets and higher nip pressures. For lower basis weights
and lower freeness furnishes, double felting the first nip can give some
improvement in press performance and provide a more forgiving nip. They
are mostly used at first presses where the greatest quantity of water is
being handled and where the greatest tendency for crushing exists. These
presses causes less sheet two-sidedness (Fekete, 1998).

Suction press: The suction press roll is composed of a bronze stainless

steel shell usually covered with either rubber or a synthetic material such
as polyurethane. Both the shell and cover have approximately 3.2mm
diameter holes drilled on about 8mm centers over the entire roll surface. A
non-rotating suction box fitted to the inside surface of the shell extends

across the face. Air or spring loaded seals are positioned between the
inside shell surface and the box. Liquid ring type vacuum pumps or
centrifugal exhausters, located in the machine room basement or outside
provide the vacuum. Figure 4 shows a suction press.

Hot press roll : The hot press roll was designed to increase sheet
temperatures directly in the press nip, thus decreasing the viscosity of the
water and enhancing removal. A large diameter roll is internally heated with
steam or hot water or hot oil. The sheet contacts this roll directly, there by
being heated at the same time that it is placed under pressure. Excellent
heat transfer is achieved resulting in excellent water flow and drainage
through the porous structure of the sheet and felt. This improvement
provide options for increasing productivity and reducing operating costs.
The principal limitation of this press type is effectiveness of the release
coating of the roll. At higher roll temperatures there is increased tendency
for fibres or stickies to pick or stick to the hot surface (Clark, 1997).

Extended Nip Presses

To reduce the energy costs involved in drying section of paper machine it

was required that the sheet leaving the press section should have a higher
dryness. Long nip presses was the answer to achieve higher dryness.

These presses consist of a press roll opposed by a stationary loaded shoe.
The press is usually double felted with one felt against the top roll and the
other passing through the nip surrounding the shoe and its supporting
beam. With the increased dwell time (see below) of these presses a
dryness of around 55% can be reached. Combination of shoe presses with
other presses or using two shoe presses is becoming a common trend
(Breiten, 1998). These presses are used for heavier basis weight grades.


Pressing on a paper machine typically takes place in three or sometimes

four press nips. The wet web is transferred to the press form the forming
section by a suction pick up at the couch roll. In this typical three-nip
press, the first nip is made up of a suction roll and granite roll with the
second nip being another suction roll on the same granite roll. This is
followed by a free draw, followed by a third press made up of a granite roll
and suction roll.

A four-nip press is shown below. This gives both sides of the paper equal
exposure to a smooth granite roll. This configuration also has a transfer roll
to eliminate the free draw after the second press, thereby increasing the
runnability of the paper machine.

Additional nips give diminishing returns in water removal:


The wet press section not only helps in water removal but also determines
some of the physical properties of paper like caliper, density, strength and
surface properties (Reese, 1999). The effect of press loading on paper
properties was investigated by Ivan et al using a pilot paper machine. It
was found that changes in press nip loads have a small effect on the sheet
bulk. Sheet bulk was increased by unloading the first press than by
unloading the fourth press. Higher press nip loads increased internal bond
strength but had only a small effect on tensile, burst and tear strength. The
print quality was enhanced more by increasing the load of the first press
than that of the last press. The paper side exposed to the press felt in the
last-press nip tended to be rougher, and the roughness increased with nip
load. Print quality was improved on the paper side that contacted the felt in
the first-press nip. No significant movement of filler in the sheet thickness is
observed even under extreme pressing conditions.

Bonding between fibres begins at approximately 22% solids and increases

with increasing solids content (Reese, 1999). Therefore tensile, burst and
stretch increases with increasing solids content. Wet pressing directly
affects paper density and reduces caliper. Apparent density is the single
most important factor in determining the physical properties of a paper
grade produced.

Ivan et al (1998) also studied the effect of pressing on newsprint using the
same pilot paper machine having four nips. Increasing the loading of either
the first or fourth press to a critical value increases the strength of
newsprint. Strength will decrease if the loading is increased beyond the
critical value. The print density index of the sheet is directly related to the
consolidation of the sheet in the press section and the calender.

Pressing also causes two-sidedness when one side of the paper is in
contact with a felt and the other is not. The difference in surface roughness
between two sides of paper is illustrated in Figure 20. Fourth presses are
often installed to eliminate this.


The primary function of press fabric is to provide resilient, permeable

support for the sheet in the nip to maximize water removal. The press fabric
transfers mechanical pressure from the rolls to the sheet to drive water
removal and void volume to receive water expressed from the sheet. The
fabric also conveys the wet web through the press section and provides
transmission to turn rolls in the fabric run (Reese, 1999).

The primary materials used in the manufacture of press fabrics are

polyamides. Polyamide fibers and yarns are purchased in various sizes and
with different specifications for properties such as tensile and degree of
pre-shrinkage. The specifications chosen depend on end use. Polyamide
fiber is durable, strong and resistant to wear, hence it has rapidly replaced
wool in most press fabric applications. The important properties of press
fabrics to be considered are stiffness, void volume, compressibility,
hardness, permeability, caliper and basis weight (gsm), tensile and
elongation, surface uniformity and abrasion.

The efficiency of a press section depends on the press fabric. As the fabric
takes water from the paper nip it has to be dewatered before presenting
itself again to the nip (Robert, 1996). Due to high speeds of machines
vacuum boxes are used to dewater the fabrics. It is necessary to keep the

felts clean and prevent it from filling as the felt picks stickies, fillers and
fibres as it comes in contact with the paper (Summer, 1998). This is
accomplished now a days by continuous online cleaning of felts. Monitoring
the permeability of felt on line helps in overcoming many sheet properties.
Now a days all the press fabrics on high speed machines have the cleaning
system. Otherwise previously it needed a shut down to clean the felts
(Antos, 1998).


Antos, Dave, "Quality Improvement and Predictive Maintenance

Through Press Section Monitoring", Paper Age, 27-28, January 1998.

Breiten, J., "ENP Pressing for the year 2000 and Beyond The Post Tri-
Nip Era", Paper Age, 37-38, June 1998.

Clark, J. T., "New Press Section Rebuild Efforts Focus on Quality,

Productivity Gains", Pulp and Paper, 103-108, October 1996.

Fekete, E.," A Major Opportunity in Pressing", Paper Age, 20-21,

January 1998.

Kocurek, M. J., Pulp and Paper Manufacture, vol.6, Stock Preparation,

published by The Joint Text Book Committee of the Paper Industry ,
Tappi, CPPA;1992.

Lush, A., " Press design and Operation", Paper Technology, 65-72,
October 1997.

Pikulik, Ivan I. ,David McDonald, Mentele, C. J., Lange, D. V., " The
effect of Refining, Forming, and Pressing on Fine Paper Quality", TAPPI
Journal, vol 81 (6), 122-130, June 1998.

Pikulik, Ivan I. ,David McDonald, Mentele, C. J., Lange, D. V., " a Pilot
Paper Machine Evaluation Of the Effects Of Pressing On Newsprint
Quality", TAPPI Journal, vol 81 (6), 122-130, June 1998.

Pandey, R. S. D., "Theory and Design of Paper Machines", Vol. 1, Tara

Book Agency, Varnasi, India 1983.

Reese, R. A., "Paper machine Wet Press Manual", 4th Edition ,TAPPI
Press 1999.

Smook, G. A., Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists, 2nd

edition, Vancouver; 1992.

Summer, B., "Design Considerations for the Press Section OF Modern

High-Speed machines", Paper Age, 15-16, June 1998.


Wahlstrom, B., "The Fundamentals Of pressing-Theoretical Aspects Of
Water Removal In A Transversal Flow Press Nip", Nordiskefelt
Aktiebolaget, Halmstad, Sweden 1969.

Wheeler, R., "Should You Rebuild Your Press Section", PIMA magazine,
36-37, November 1991.

Yeager, R., "On The Run Press Fabric Analysis Helps Fine-Tune
Machine Operation", Pulp and Paper, 75-81, December 1996.


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