Delta Wing
Delta Wing
Delta Wing
Print ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 1, Number 3; October, 2014 pp. 47-52
Krishi Sanskriti Publications
Abstract: Experimental and computational studies have been Streakline pattern over the surface reveals the local flow over
made on compound delta wing at angles of attack in the range of the wing surface. Important flow features like separation,
0 to 15 degrees in the pitch plane. The flow field of compound attachment line can also be observed using wing surface
delta wing is dominated by leading edge vortices. Characteristics streakline pattern. Therefore, a lot of work has been done to
of leading edge vortices vary with increasing angle of attack, at
understand the flow-field over delta wings using surface flow
high angles they undergo breakdown or bursting .
Experiments consisted of Surface Oil flow visualization over a visualization techniques. [1] Studied effect of angle of attack
Sharp Edged 47-69 compound delta wing at free stream and Reynolds number on vertical flow behavior on 76-40
Reynolds Number of 3.5105 based on root chord length of the double-delta wing. [2] Carried out oil flow visualization and
wing model. Oil flow visualization reveals the Streakline pattern stero particle image velocimetry (SPIV) technique to
and this pattern have been used to infer the flow field over the understand the effect of leading edge radius on Aerodynamics
surface of the wing. Subsequently computations were made using of 50 sweep delta wing. [2] Reported the enlargement and
commercially available software ANSYS FLUENT. spanwise outward movement of primary vortex due to vortex
Computational domain was meshed by 3 dimensional structured breakdown at 10 angle of attack and upstream movement of
grid and Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) based steady
vortex breakdown point with increasing angle of attack.[3]
state computations were carried out. The results from present
study indicate that the wing surface vortices dilate with increase
in angle of attack and burst at high angle of attack. Moreover,
the results could provide valuable inputs for vortex bursting
control and design of wing structure.
Compound delta wing configuration is adopted in many
modern high speed fighter aircrafts like HAL Tejas (Light
Combat Aircraft). Compounded delta wing configuration
possibly provides better stability and maneuverability, which
is essential for fighter aircrafts. Moreover, delta wing
configuration also gives low supersonic drag and to further
improves this thin or sharp leading edges are adopted. Due to
pressure difference across the wing, flow over the lower
surface moves in span-wise direction towards the upper
surface and flow separates along the leading edge. This causes
generation of two counter rotating leading edge vortices
(LEV) over the surface of wing moving towards downstream
as shown in figure 1. Vortices dominated flow-field causes
aerodynamic characteristics of the wing to become highly
non-linear. Moreover, with increasing angle of attack the
characteristics of LEV vary and undergo breakdown or
bursting. This phenomenon causes highly unsteady Figure 1. Schematic of flow field over delta wing [11].
aerodynamic loads on the wing might lead to buffeting.
Consequently, precise information about vortex breakdown is Performed numerical and experimental study on 65 sweep
important for designers. delta wing at different angles of attack and sideslip angles. [3]
48 M. Naimuddin, G. Chopra, G. Sharma
Reported asymmetric behavior of vortex breakdown. Flow All the experiments have been made using the low Subsonic
over single beveled 76- 40 double delta wing was Wind Tunnel at Aeronautical Engineering department of
investigated by [4]. Detailed study on vortical flow structure is Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad. The test
reported by [5-7]. Various vortices control techniques are section has dimensions of 300mm 300 mm 1200mm and is
reported by [8-10]. provided with transparent windows on top and sides walls.
Present study is focused on experimentally investigating Experiments were carried out at free-stream velocity of 31 m/s
surface flow over a sharp edged 47-69 compound delta at Reynolds Number of 3.5105 based on root chord of wing
wing. Experiments were carried out at 0, 5, 10 and 15 model. The studies have been made at angle of attack in the
angles of attack and Reynolds Number of 3.5105 based on range of 0 to 15.
root chord length of the wing model. Surface flow pattern is
obtained by oil flow visualization technique. The experimental The wing model is a wooden flat plate 47-69 compound
methodology and results are discussed in following sections. double delta wing having sharp leading edges. The leading
edge is single beveled with 14 bevel angle. The trailing edge
2. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY of the wing has a plane blunt edge. The root chord of the wing
model is 191 mm and the wing span is 206 mm. The wing
thickness is 10 mm. The schematic drawing of the double
delta wing is shown in figure 3.
3D model is developed to study the flow over a compound
Figure 2. Schematic of Low subsonic wind tunnel setup. delta wing. One half of the model is constructed for the
purpose of computation as the whole object is symmetrical.
Computational domain is shown in figure 4.
Conservation of Energy
D V2 T T T ( up ) ( vp ) ( wp )
e + = q + k + k + k
Dt 2 x x y y z z x y z
( u xx ) ( u yx ) ( u zx ) ( v xy ) ( v yy ) ( v zy )
+ + + + + +
x y z x y z
( ( w)xz ) ( ( w) yz ) ( ( w) zz )
+ + + + f V Eqn. 4.
x y z
+ M
V '
+ + + h
' ' '
The conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy
are solved for obtaining solution over the double delta wing.
is modelled as:
Conservation of Mass
+ ( v ) = 0
+ Q
h h h
Conservation of Momentum
Qh = 1
1 + Q
The destruction term:
= z Qz
1 + zj
Qz =
+ zj
= + zh
h h
used to compute r.
= 0.1355, h = 0.622, = , = 7.1, z
Moreover, as the angle of attack is increased to 5 the flow
1 + h
field changes significantly, as shown in figure 8. The point of
= h + , zh = 0.3, zj = 2,
emergence of vortex has moved up from the kink to the apex.
The vortex appears to enlarge as it moves downstream. The
= 0.4187
attachment line moves inboard, this may be due to vortex
is set to zero.
Modified turbulent kinematic viscosity
The meshing of the model has been done using GAMBIT
software. As the structure of the wing is symmetrical so half
of the body is used in the domain to save computation time. A
stationary no slip boundary condition is imposed on the walls
of the wing. Schematic of the discretized domain is shown in
figure 5. Grid independence tests have been performed on the
model. A total of 612400 cells have been used in the model.
Figure 6 shows the meshed geometry along with whole
domain of the flow. Coupled scheme has been used for the
solution purpose. Y+ and other Turbulence parameters have
been maintained for all the computations at different angle of
Figure 10. Computational and Experimental surface flow pattern Figure 12. Computational and Experimental surface flow pattern
at 5 angle of attack. at 15 angle of attack.