Lec 19 Colpitts Osc 08

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ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Colpitts Oscillator
Basic positive feedback oscillator
The Colpitts LC Oscillator circuit
Open-loop analysis
Closed-loop analysis
Root locus
Stability limit
Colpitts design

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 1

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Basic Positive Feedback Oscillator

closed-loop oscillator open-loop: determine loop-gain
Vi = 0
+ A(s) Vo Vi + Vo
Vf + A s Vf
G s=
pos. fdbk 1 A s

V o= A sV i V f = As0V o V f Vo K N s
= = A s=
Vi Vi Ds
V o 1 As=0
Since: V o 0 1A s=0 As=1 D sK N s=0

Condition for oscillation at s = j0: As=1 e j 2k Barkhausen criterion

for k = 0, 1, 2 ..

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 2

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Colpitts Oscillator Basic Schematic

1. r large (compared to 1/C2).
2. C negligible (compared to C1, C2)
3. C part of C2 (in closed loop)
4. R represents total resistance
Emphasizing feedback
in collector circuit, i.e. Rr o R

V r C ro

Emphasizing loop gain F As E E

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 3

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Loop-Gain Analysis

loop-gain: A s=

Node equation at vcg:

C C 1 Note that
V cg V cg V f
g ms C V sC 1C V cg =0 Vf = Vf (s)
R sL
Vcg = Vcg(s)
V f V cg V = V(s)
at vf: sC 2 V f =0

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 4

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Open Loop Analysis - cont.

from previous slide
Rearranging the two equations:

1 1
sL R

sC 1 V cg V f =s C g m V

V cg sC 2
V f =0
Further rearrangement:

s 2 LC 1 1 1

V cg V f =s C g m V
R sL

V cg
s 2 L C 2 1
sL V f =0
2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 5
ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Open Loop Analysis - cont.

from previous slide

s LC 1 1 1 1
V cg V f = sC g m V (1)
sL R sL

Prepare to add the two equations:

1 s LC 21
V cg V f =0 (2)
sL sL

2 2
1 s L C 11 1 1 s C g m
V cg V f= V
sL sL R sL sL Eq 1

1 s L C 1 1 1 s 2 L C 11 1 s 2 L C 2 1
V cg V f =0
sL sL R sL R sL

s L C 1 1 1
Eq 2
Adding (Vcg terms cancel): sL R

1 s L C 11 1 s2 L C 2 1 s C g m
V f= V
sL sL R sL sL

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 6

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Open Loop Analysis cont.

From previous slide

1 s2 L C 11 1 s2 L C 2 1 C g m
V f= V
sL sL R sL sL

Multiply by (sL)2:

1 s LC 1 1
sL 2

s LC 2 1 V f = s C g m sL V

Expand and collect terms according to sn:

L C2 L
1s C 1 C 2 L s LC 1 LC 2 s
4 2 2 3
s 1 V f = s C g m sLV

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 7

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Open Loop Analysis - cont.

From previous slide

3 2
s L C2 s L
1s C 1 C 2 L s LC 1 LC 2
4 2 2
1 V f =s C g m sLV

Canceling (-1 by 1) and dividing by sL:

s L C2 1
s C 1 C 2 Ls C 1C 2
V f =s C g m V

Multiply by R:

s 3
R C 1 C 2 Ls R C 1 C 2 s LC 21 V f = s C g m R V

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 8

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Open Loop Analysis - cont.

From previous slide
s3 R C 1 C 2 Ls R C 1C 2 s 2 LC 21 V f = s C g m R V
Normalize (divide by RC1C2L) and factor out C:
s R C

s s
1 2 2 1
C1C 2 L
R C1 R C1C 2 L
The loop-gain transfer function:
V f=
R C1C 2 L V

RC gm
Vf R C1C 2 L C K N s
= As= =
V 3 2 1 C 1C 2 1 D s
s s s
RC1 C1 C 2 L R C1C 2 L

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 9

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Closed Loop Analysis - cont.

The closed loop equation (note the positive feedback):
As K N s
T s= =
1 As DsK N s

where: K N s RC gm gm
As= K= N s=s
Ds R C1C 2 L C C

3 C 1 C 2
2 1
D s=s s s
RC1 C1 C2 L R C1 C2 L
g m R 3 2 1 C 1C 2 1g m R
D sK N s=D s =s s s
RC1 C2 L R C1 C1C 2 L R C1 C2 L

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 10

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Closed Loop Analysis - cont.

We know that the open loop system A(s) is stable. It has poles
in the left-half s-plane, since it is a passive RLC circuit. We
also know that it has 3 stable poles. One is negative-real, the
other 2 can be negative-real or LHP complex conjugates.

1 3 C 1C 2
2 1
D s=s s s
R C1 C1C2 L RC1C 2 L

So, let's do a rough sketch of the root locus for a feedback system
with a 3 stable pole A(s).

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 11

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Root Locus Characteristic

Open loop
poles somewhere j The loop will become
in here K=K
unstable for any value
X j x of K K 0 .
Closed loop Rather than sketch the
pole locus
root locus in more exacting
detail it has served its
X j x purpose by verifying that
K=K0 oscillation is possible.
Let's solve for the required
K0 .

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 12

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Stability Limit Calculation

If the closed-loop system is at the stability limit point:
D s=sas 2 2x to oscillate
Multiplying terms: =0 =0
D s=s 3a s2 2x sa 2x D j =a 2x a 2 = j x 3
Match term by term with: a
x 2
a x
1 C 1C 2 1g m R
3 2
D s K N s=s s s
RC1 C1C 2 L R C1 C2 L
1 2 1 1 g m R
a= = a =

RC1 C1 C2 x
R C1 C 2 L
C 1 C 2

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 13

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Stability Limit
1 1 C 1C 2 1 g m R
a= =
= 2
a =

R C1 x
C1C2 C1C 2 L x
R C1 C 2 L
C 1 C 2

To find the gain requirement for oscillation, equate:

1 C 1C 2 C 1C 2 1 g m R C 1 C 2
= = 1 g m R=
R C1 C1C2 L R C1 C2 L RC1C 2 L
a 2 a 2x

C 1C 2 C 1 C 2
g m R= =
C1 C1

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 14

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Oscillator Design Summary

The oscillation frequency:

C 1 C 2
C1 C2 L

The required feedback gain C2/C1: g m R=

To insure the start-up of oscillation: g m R
1. Unfortunately we don't control R.
2. We can fix gm and adjust C2/C1 and adjust L to keep x constant.
2.We can adjust gm through the bias current IC and set C2 and C1
at convenient values, say C2 = C1 = C. We can know choose L.

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 15

ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics

Practical Colpitts Oscillator Circuit

large reactance at 0
RFC = RF choke ->
low resistance at dc

C1 C2

RE large

2008 Kenneth R. Laker (based on P. V. Lopresti 2006) updated 03Nov08 KRL 16

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