Simplest Working Example LaTeX Document-1
Simplest Working Example LaTeX Document-1
Simplest Working Example LaTeX Document-1
In the last class we were talking about wideband frequency modulation.We saw that spectral
analysis of the wide-band FM wave is
= Re[s̃(t)ej2πfc t ]
where ∞
X (−1)l (β/2)k+2l
Jk (β) =
l!(k + l)!
Some properties of bessel function:
1) It is an odd function in k. i.e
2) The power contained within all sideband of F.M signal is fixed. i.e
|jk (β)|2 = 1
3) For small values of β, J0 (β) = 1 and Jk (β) is generally zero for β<k .J0 (β) is the
componenet corresponding to k = 0 and It is called carrier component.
In general,J0 (β) reperesent strength of kth sideband and Jk2 (β) represent the power con-
tained within the sideband.
4) Jk (β) has peaks around β ≈ k+1
We have analyzed F.M signal.Now the question is how to generate and demodualte a F.M
signal.We can generate F.M signal in two ways.
Incase of F.M the frequency fi of the output is function of voltage of message signal.hence
we need an oscillator whose frequency of oscillation can be applied via an external applied
voltage.This type of setup is called Voltage controlled oscillator.
let’s first discuss about basic LC oscillator.It is an inductor connected in parallel with a capaci-
tor.The resonant frequency of the output for the LC oscillator is
f0 = √ (6)
2π LC
Next is Varactor Diode.Consider an pn junction in reverse bias.As the reverse bias voltage is
increased, current flowing through the diode is increased.As a result the width of the depletion
layer increases.We can consider it as a capacitor.And the capacitance is
C= (7)
where w is the width of the depletion region.
Since capacitance is dependent on length, and here we are able to change this length(length
of the depletion region increases with increasing current) by varying the current, thus what we
have is a variable capacitor in the diode ,or Varactor Diode.
But after a certain reverse bias voltage capacitance of the diode becomes almost linear .Now
if we add the varactor diode in parallel with the lc oscillator in reverse bias,the capacitance
cnet = c0 + kVin (8)
where Vin is the input voltage and k is the sensitivity factor.this capacitance is called parasitic
1 km(t) −1
= √ (1 + )2
2π LC0 C0
1 km(t) km(t)
= √ (1 − ) = fc (1 − )
2π LC0 2C0 2c0
This is approximately a VCO which generates F.M waves with negative slope.
We will discuss mainly two ways to demodulate FM signal.One way is to convert FM signal
to AM signal using a low pass filter to reduce the signal to its low pass form and then use
This means that a LCR circuit can be used to produce the response that is required.It can be
shown that FM signal can be converted into a AM signal by the LCR lowpass filter circuit. This
AM signal can now be passed through an envelope detector to recover the message signal.
The second and main way to demodulate FM signal is using Phase locked loop(PLL). We will
discuss about it in next class.