Getting Started With Magic A Tutorial
Getting Started With Magic A Tutorial
Getting Started With Magic A Tutorial
Reza Nekovei
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Startup commands
File_name is a new file to be created or your previously saved layout file, the file type
(.mag) should not be included.
Tech_file_name is the name of your technology file, for example SCNA.80 for 1.5
Micron technology with lambda scale set to 0.8 Micron. You need to give full path to the
file without its type (.tech27) i.e. /usr1/tutorials/1.5u-AMI/SCNA.80
Following figure shows typical layers used in a CMOS process, each layer can be added
or removed from the selected areas using the Paint and Erase commands:
:paint layer_name
:erase layer_name
:paint poly Draw the poly to create and connect transistors gates
Which is: