Bharati Axa

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A Study on Customers Role in Service Delivery

Process with Special Reference to Bharati Axa

Insurance Company, Chennai

Dear respondent,

I am Shyam Sundar.P, doing MBA in Mepco Schlenk Engineering

College, Sivakasi. I am collecting data for my summer project,
regarding a Study on Customers Role in Service Delivery
Process with Special Reference to Bharati Axa Insurance
Company, Chennai. Kindly extend your support by answering the
following questions.

Name :
Age :
Qualification :
Designation :
Annual income :

1) Are you aware of various kinds of Insurance Companies?

a. Yes
b. No

2) Do you have Insurance Policies?

a. Yes
b. No

If yes to the above question rank it, otherwise skip question 3.

3) Number of policies you have is

4) What kind of Policies you have?

a. Health Insurance
b. Motor Insurance
c. Life Insurance
d. Marine Insurance
e. Any other Policy
5) How will you know about Bharati Axa insurance policy?

a. Television advertisements
b. Magazines and journals
c. Internet
d. Hoarding

6) How long you have been taking policy in Bharati Axa?

a. Less than 1 year

b. 2-3 years
c. 4-5 years
d. More than 5 years

7) What policy do you have in Bharathi Axa?

a. Health Insurance
b. Motor Insurance
c. Life Insurance
d. Marine Insurance
e. Any other Policy

8) How long is your policy period?

a. Less than 1 year

b. 2-3 years
c. 4-5 years
d. Above 5 years

9) Are you active participant in the company?

a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never

10) Is that the company sales person frequently gets in touch

regarding policies?

a. Yes
b. No
11) What productive role are you playing in the company?

a. Reduce the uncertainty between the company and

b. Make your own transactions
c. Act as a boss
d. Access at anytime

12) Quality of customer inputs:

Always Sometime Never
a. I clearly explained what I wanted s
employees to do
b. I gave employees proper
c. I tried to cooperate with the
d. I understand the procedures
with this service
e. I was friendly to the employees
f. I have good relationship with the
g. I was courteous to them
h. Receiving this service was pleasant experience

13) Is that company specified your job clearly?

a. Yes
b. No

If yes to the above question proceed, otherwise skip question 14.

14) What roles or jobs are they specified?

a. Payment terms
b. Information regarding new policies
c. Any other
15) Given below are some of the customer service delivery roles.
You are required to scale these statements

Very high-5 High-4 Moderate-3 Low-2 Poor-1

Products are standardized

Services is provided regardless of any individual purchase

Payment may be only required customer input

Provision of service required customer purchase

Service cannot be created apart from the customer

purchase and active participation

16) Have you discussed your products or company with any others

a. Yes
b. No

If yes to the above question proceed, otherwise skip question 17.

17) What kind of discussion have you made?

a. Providing any service related information

b. Engaging in enjoyable conversation than make new
purchase more enjoyable
c. Servicing as someone to complaint when mishaps and
service failure occurred

18) Do you think you are a customer who contributes to

quality or satisfaction?

a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely

19) Do you think you sometimes become a competitive threat to the


a. Yes
b. No
20) Does your prospective company truly viewed you as a partial

a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely

21) Any other suggestions to improve your roles in service


Thanks a lot for valuable information.



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