Design and Analysis of Direct Power and Flux Control of Dual Stator Induction Generator Integrated in Wind Conversion System Connected To The Grid

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Design and Analysis of Direct Power and Flux Control of Dual

Stator Induction Generator Integrated in Wind Conversion System

connected to the Grid
(Full text in English)


Laboratoire des Semiconducteurs et Matériaux Fonctionnels, Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat, Algeria;
Centre de Development des Energies Renouvelables, Bouzaréah, Alger, Algeria

This paper discusses a direct Power and flux control (DPC) strategy based on a PI regulator for Dual Stator Induction Generator
(DSIG) system applied in wind power generation. The suggested control algorithm aims to extract a maximum of power under
fluctuating wind speed. The control algorithm employs PI controller to effectively do this target. The control system has two
controllers for generator side and grid side converters. The main function of the generator side controller is to track the
maximum power through controlling the rotational speed of the wind turbine using PI controller. In the grid side converter,
active and reactive stator power control has been achieved by controlling q-axis and d-axis current components, respectively.
Simulation results show that the wind turbine can operate at its optimum power point for a wide range of wind speed and
power quality can be greatly improved.
Keywords: dual stator induction generator, variable speed wind turbine, direct power and flux control, AC/DC/AC PWM
converter, maximum power point tracking, PI controller

Received: March, 30, 2016

One of the most classical methods for DSIG control is

1. Introduction vector control in which the current of the machine are
The wind energy is now recognized as the most reliable decomposed into stator current (torque and flux), and
of the renewable energy and knows a large development these two currents are controlled in the reference frame
in the world, despite a cost of comes back higher than that fixed to stator flux (or voltage). In this method, accurate
of traditional sources of energy. Currently, several value of generator parameters such as resistances and
solutions are possible in order to reduce this cost, as the inductances are required and nonlinear operation of
use of advanced control laws, which can significantly converter for tuning current controllers is not considered.
improve the performance of a wind turbine has variable So, characteristic of vector control method is affected by
speed. implants control algorithms aim to optimize the changing machine parameters and operation condition.
conversion energetics of the system, and reduce the The direct torque control (DTC) is one of the actively
mechanical loads experienced by the mechanical researched control scheme which is based on the
structure of the wind turbine in order to lengthen the uncoupled control of flux and torque providing a very
service life of the system [1]–[4]. quick and robust response with a simple control
In order to improve the dynamic performance of construction in ac drives[7],[8]. Direct torque control
induction generator. It is often necessary to segment the (DTC) of induction machine drives was developed in the
power. For this, we can act at the converter through mid-1980s. Based on the theory of the direct torque
multilevel techniques or parallel connection of several control, direct power control is actually direct power and
converters. Another solution is to apply the segmentation flux control, with two parameters involved in the control
at the converter assembly machine using the multiphase strategy. The effectiveness of the technique and the
machine (machines whose number of phases is greater improvement of the whole system performance are
than three), due to their advantages in the power of proved by simulation software.
segmentation, reducing the amplitude and increasing the This paper is constructed as follows: in Section II, the
frequency of torque pulsations, reduce harmonic currents modelling of the wind generator and the MPPT are
rotor, which reduces the current per phase, without presented. Section III deals with the Direct Power control
increasing the voltage for each phase, lowering the dc-link (DPC) of a DSIG. In Section IV, the performances of the
current harmonics, high reliability. By increasing the proposed control are illustrated by some simulation
number of phases, can also be increase the power / torque results. Finally, some concluding remarks are given in
per rms ampere for the same volume machine [5][6]. One Section V.
of the most common examples of multiphase machines
2. Modelling of the wind generator
are the machines Asynchronous Double Stator (DSIM),
which have been known since the late 1920 under the 2.1. Modelling of the Wind Turbine and Gearbox
name “hexaphasées” machines. In general, in a wind
The aerodynamic power appears at the rotor of the
power system variable speed below rated wind speed, the
turbine can be written as: [9] and [10]:
electric torque is controlled to drive the system at
optimum speed for maximum energy conversion [2].
Pt = C p ( λ ) ρ SV

where Cp the power coefficient of the turbine, ρ is the air machine consists of three identical windings. Their axes
density, R is the blade length and Vis the wind velocity. are mutually shifted by an electric angle equal to 2π / 3
The torque of turbine is the ratio of the out power to in space.Under the assumptions of magnetic circuits
the shaft speed Ωt, given by [11]: linearity, and assuming sinusoidal distributed air-gap flux
density, the equivalent two-phase model of dual stator
Pt induction machine, represented in asynchronous frame
Tt = (2)
Ωt (d,q) and expressed in state-space form, is a fourth-order
model [8]:
The turbine is normally coupled to the generator shaft
through a gearbox whose gear ratio G is selected in order MN = OM + PQ (6)
to adjust the shaft speed of the generator, in a desired with:
speed range. Neglecting transmission losses, the shaft
speed and torque of the wind turbine, referred to the side M = RST SU ST SU STV SUV WX ;
of the gearbox generator, as follows is obtained:
Q = RYT YU YT YU 0 0WX ;
Tt Ωr (3)
Tg = , Ωt = The system matrices are given by:
G G ]^ − ] ]^ ]^
\ L 0 0 c
where the Tg driving is torque of the generator and Ωr is [ K ] K ] K ]V b
[ −L ]^ − ] ]^ ]^ b
the generator shaft speed. The captured wind power is not 0 0
K ] K ] K ]V b
converted completely by the wind turbine. Cp(λ) Give us [ ]^ ]^ − ] ]^ b
the percentage converted which is function of the wind [ 0 L 0 b
K ] K ] K ]V
O = [   b
speed, the turbine speed and the pith angle of specific [ 0 ]^ ]^ − ] ]^ b
−L 0
wind turbine blades [10-12]. [ K ] K ] K ]V b
Though this equation seems simple, Cp is dependent [ ]^ ]^ ]^ − ]V b
[ 0 0 L_` b
[ KV ] KV ] KV ]V
on The speed ratio λ is defined as the ratio between the b
linear speed of the Ωt turbine and the wind speed V, its [ ]^ ]^ ]^ − ]V b
0 0 −L_`
expression is given as follows: Z KV ] KV ] KV ]V a
1 0 0 0
Ωt R \0 1 0 0c
λ= (4) [ b
0 0 1 0b
V and, P = [
[0 0 0 1b
The aerodynamic torque (wind) is determined with the [0 0 0 0b
following equation [13]: Z0 0 0 0a
Pt where
Tt = = C p ( λ ) S ρ V 3 / 2Ω t (5)
Ωt Lf Li(, )
Tf = ,T =
R f i(, ) Ri(, )
From the above equations, a model block diagram of
the turbine is established (see Figure 1). The mechanical modelling part of the system is given
by [15][16]:
d Ωr (7)
J = Tr − Tem − J Ω r

K, = jklT mT + lU mU + lT mU + lU mU n (8)

2.3. Grid side power control

Figure 1. The control of turbine In control mode connected to the grid, all available
power that can be extracted from the wind generator is
It shows that the rotational speed of the turbine is transferred to the grid. Standard PI controllers are used to
controlled by controlling the electromagnetic torque of regulate the DC link and inverter output currents in the
the generator. The wind speed is considered a disruptive (abc) synchronous frame. For the current grid vector in
entry system. phase with the grid voltage vector, the reactive power Q
The wind speed varies with time, and ensure reference should be zero. The dc link voltage control is
maximum capture the incident wind, the speed of the acting to supply the reference active power. The output
wind turbine must be adjusted continuously with the wind of the current controllers sets the voltage reference for an
[14]. average conversion control method that controls the
switches of the grid inverter [11], [17].
2.2. Dual star induction generator model The DC link voltage is given by [11]:
The Dual stator induction generator, is a machine
dudc 1
which comprises two fixed stators phase with each other = (idc − iond ) (9)
an angle α = 30 ° and a movable rotor. Each stator of the dt Cdc

where Or:ppppp r . K
∆o u  (17)

ic* = idc − iond (10) The expression of the power is given by the following
equation [19]:
The reference active power injected to the electric
supply network is given by: xy0 = ΩV v{ o oV sin(6) (18)

Pg* = udc idc − udc ic* where, 6 is the angle between the stator and rotor flux
linkage, kc is constant depending on the parameters of the
r r
The reference voltages are expressed by [9] machine, andψ s ,ψ r are the stator and rotor flux space
vd* _ ond = vdg
+ vdg − ωs Lt iqg A two conventional voltage inverter can reach levels
(12) seven different positions in the phase corresponding to the
vq* _ ond = vqg
+ vqg + ωs Lt idg
eight sequences of the voltage inverter, where:
To maintain constant voltage dc link, we resort to use I(D)F: Increase (Decrease) of Flux amplitude.
a proportional integral corrector. It is set according to the I(D)T: Increase (Decrease) of Torque.
value of the capacitor and the dynamics of the control Besides, the switching table is depicted in Table 1 and
loop. grid reference currents expressed in the frame d–q Figure 2.
frame, are given by [10],[17]: Table 1. Vectors voltage localization

Pg* vdg + Qg* vqg ∆|s ∆P S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
idg = 2 2 0 1 110 010 011 001 001 100
vdg + vqg
(13) 0 000 000 000 000 000 000
* * -1 101 100 110 010 010 001
Pg vqg − Qg vdg
iqg = 1 1 010 011 001 101 100 110
vdg + vqg
2 0 000 000 000 000 000 000
-1 001 101 100 110 010 011

3. DPC of dual stator induction generator

Based on the theory of the direct torque control, the
goal of every direct control strategy is to minimize the
errors between reference and actual values in each
sampling step, based on the power and flux errors using
hysteresis controllers. This is done by selecting the
appropriate converter output voltage vector to push the
state of the system towards the reference values[18][19].
ppp ppppp
o = o
> + q> ( −
r )st
 * (14) Figure. 2. Different vectors of stator voltages provided by a two
levels inverter
o u ppppp
o> +
q> r st (15)
4. Simulation results and discussion
During one period of sampling Te, vector tension
applied to the machine remains constant, and thus one In order to examine the performance and accuracy of
can write [20]: the proposed method control, simulation tests were
ppp ppp (v) +  performed for a 1.5 MW DSIG using a PI controller.
o (v + 1) u o r . K (16)

Figure 3. The Direct Power of DSIG


The parameters of the DSIG used in the simulation are In Figure 4, the DSIG speed follow properly it optimal
given in Appendix. reference and has the same waveform as applied wind
The results of simulations are obtained for reactive profile (see Figure 5).
power Q= 0 and DC link voltage Udc = 1130 V.

145 6.3
The speed of DSIG (rad/s)

Wind speed (m/s)

140 6.2


125 Ω
r 5.8
120 5.7
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (s) Time(s)

Figure 4. The speed of DSIG Figure 5. The wind profil

The electromagnetic torque converges quickly to its follows correctly to its reference and its estimate are
reference are shown in Figure 6, and the active power shown in Figure 7.
0 x 10
Actual Torque
0 Actual Power
-500 Reference Torque
Estimated Power

-0.5 Reference Power



-2500 -2.5

-3000 -3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 6. The torque of DSIG Figure 7. The power of DSIG

The coefficient power and the tip specific take power ) all the time of wind profile are shown in Figures 8
constant level (9 for tip speed and 5.2 for coefficient and 9.
0.528 9.01

Power coefficient

Tip speed

0.525 9.002

0.524 9

0.521 8.992

0.52 8.99
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time(s) Time(s)

Figure 8. The power coefficient Figure 9. The tip speed

We can see the flux and its evolution in Figures 10 and 11.



Stator flux (wb)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (s)

Figure 10. The stator flux Figure 11. The Evolution of the stator flux

The stator currents and voltages waveforms of the

DSIG are shown, in Figure 12.

generator’s parameters, and good dynamic and static

performances. The validity of the proposed method is
confirmed through the simulation results. It testifies
that the use of DTC control is not only robust, but also
allow to the wind turbine to operate at its optimum
power point for a wide range of wind speed and the
power quality can be greatly improved.

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[19] A.H.Niasar ,H.R.Khoei “Sensorless Direct Power Control Of Engineering in 1998 and 2002, respectively. She
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[20] D . Ziane, A.Azib ,N. Taib, and F. Rekioua, “Study and Design of Her research interests are focused on
the direct torque control of Double star induction motor in J. Advanced Control of ac Drives, including Vector, Sensorless,
Electric Systems (JES) 9-1 (2013),pp 114. Intelligent Artificial Control, and Renewable Energy Systems
Control and Managements. She is a researcher in Semi Conductors
Appendix and Functional Materials Laboratory, as well as a full doctor at the
Electrical Engineering Institute at the Laghouat University, Algeria,
Parameters and she is currently working toward the professor degree.
Turbine: Correspondence address: Laboratoire des Semi conducteurs et
Diameter = 60 m, Matériaux Fonctionnels. Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat.
Number of blades = 3, Algérie.BP 37G Laghouat 03000, Algeria.e-mail:
Hub height =85 m, G [email protected].
earbox = 90 Nachida KASBADJI MERZOUK graduated from
DSIG: 1.5 MW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2 pole pairs, the University of Science and Technology Houari
Rs1=Rs2=0.008 X, Boumediene, a PhD holder in State Energy
L1=L2=0.134 mH, Physics and Materials, is Director of Research and
Lm= 0.0045 H, Director of the Development Unit solar
Rr = 0.007 X, equipment Bou Smail.
Lr = 0.067 mH, She is an expert in the areas of wind energy "Resources and
J = 104 kg m2 (turbine + DSIG), application systems, Thermal buildings, solar systems low
ƒr= 2.5 N m s/rd: (turbine + DSIG). temperatures, water treatment. Actively participates in many
national and international research projects related to renewable
Biography energy. It is also the author of several scientific publications and
Fatima AMEUR was born in Algeria in 1988. Correspondience address: Centre de Development des Renewables
Received Master's degree in Electrical Energies, Bouzaréah, Alger, e-mail: [email protected].
Engineering in 2012 from Amar Telidji Laghoua,
She is currently a PhD student at the same
University. Her research interests are focused on
Advanced Control of ac Drives, including
Vector, Intelligent Artificial Control, and Renewable Energy

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