The document contains monthly return data for the S&P 500 index, Reynolds stock, Hasbro stock, and two hypothetical portfolios consisting of 99% investment in the S&P 500 and 1% investment in either Reynolds or Hasbro stock. Based on the average returns and standard deviations, Reynolds appears less risky than Hasbro despite having a higher average return. When calculating portfolio statistics assuming a 1% allocation to each stock, the portfolio with Reynolds has a lower risk and higher return. Beta and covariance calculations also indicate Reynolds is less impacted by market movements, making it the less risky and better investment choice for Alex Sharpe compared to Hasbro.
The document contains monthly return data for the S&P 500 index, Reynolds stock, Hasbro stock, and two hypothetical portfolios consisting of 99% investment in the S&P 500 and 1% investment in either Reynolds or Hasbro stock. Based on the average returns and standard deviations, Reynolds appears less risky than Hasbro despite having a higher average return. When calculating portfolio statistics assuming a 1% allocation to each stock, the portfolio with Reynolds has a lower risk and higher return. Beta and covariance calculations also indicate Reynolds is less impacted by market movements, making it the less risky and better investment choice for Alex Sharpe compared to Hasbro.
The document contains monthly return data for the S&P 500 index, Reynolds stock, Hasbro stock, and two hypothetical portfolios consisting of 99% investment in the S&P 500 and 1% investment in either Reynolds or Hasbro stock. Based on the average returns and standard deviations, Reynolds appears less risky than Hasbro despite having a higher average return. When calculating portfolio statistics assuming a 1% allocation to each stock, the portfolio with Reynolds has a lower risk and higher return. Beta and covariance calculations also indicate Reynolds is less impacted by market movements, making it the less risky and better investment choice for Alex Sharpe compared to Hasbro.
The document contains monthly return data for the S&P 500 index, Reynolds stock, Hasbro stock, and two hypothetical portfolios consisting of 99% investment in the S&P 500 and 1% investment in either Reynolds or Hasbro stock. Based on the average returns and standard deviations, Reynolds appears less risky than Hasbro despite having a higher average return. When calculating portfolio statistics assuming a 1% allocation to each stock, the portfolio with Reynolds has a lower risk and higher return. Beta and covariance calculations also indicate Reynolds is less impacted by market movements, making it the less risky and better investment choice for Alex Sharpe compared to Hasbro.
From only the R_avg and stdev it seem R_Avg 6.89% 22.50% 14.21% riskier with higher stdev but has highe Stdev 12.48% 32.45% 28.11% return. However, assuming that 1% is invested R_PORTFOLIO_AVG 7.05% 6.97% them, the portfolio risk is lower in case Reynolds as compared to Hasbro and t R_PORTFOLIO_STDEV 12.51% 12.60% return is higher with Reynolds in portfo Assuming 99% investment in S&P and 1% investment in Reynolds or Hasbro
Beta with Reynolds is lower than 1 me
S&P 500, REYNOLDS S&P 500, HASBRO greatly affected by market change. Has COVARIANCE 0.0009385487 0.0018111143 as its beta is greater than 1 which mea market rises it will rise rapidly but conv BETA 0.7235003192 1.396136128 market drops it will drop rapidly too.
Assume market risk premium 6.00% Risk free rate 0.89% Again shows Hasbro is riskier and henc S&P 500, REYNOLDS 5.23% rate of return is higher S&P 500, HASBRO 9.27%
R_avg and stdev it seems Reynolds is gher stdev but has higher rate of
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tfolio risk is lower in case with ompared to Hasbro and the rate of er with Reynolds in portfolio
nolds is lower than 1 meaning its not
ed by market change. Hasbro is riskier reater than 1 which means that when will rise rapidly but conversly as it will drop rapidly too.