MBFI Risk Management
MBFI Risk Management
MBFI Risk Management
Liquidity Risk
Withdraw able on demand
Core portion & volatile portion
FDs - Pre-Mature withdrawal
Loans inflow only on maturity
Cash Credit inflow unpredictable
Liquidity risk inherent
on a commercialbanks balance sheet
Treasury Bills
through RBI
at a discount to face-value and redeemed at F V
for 91, 182 days and 364 days
by auction
Government Debt
RBI Reverse Repo sells GOI bonds from own holding and buys back
Borrows from the market
Sucks up liquidity
Influences interest rate s- floor
RBI Repo
Buys GOI bonds into own holding and sells them back
Lends to banks / PDs
Injects liquidity
Influences interest rates ceiling
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