Solved Problems: Problem (7.1)

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Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories


Problem (7.1):
Compute the total active pressure per meter length of a retaining wall 10m high retaining
sand having 37 and 2250 kg/m3 up to its top. The backfill has a horizontal top with a
uniform surcharge of 0.1 kg/cm2 and the water table is located 4m below it.

0.1 kg/cm2

4m 2m
4500 kg/m2 W.T.
7m C D E
13500 2500 kg/m2
R.W. 6m
5625 18000 kg/m2



1 1
37 ; N tan 2 (45 ) 4 ; K a
2 N 4

2250 1000 / m3 ; surcharge = 0.1 kg/cm2

Consider 1 m of the retaining wall,

Lateral Point of Resultant

Area Applicable
Computation thrust application thrust
diagram unit weight
(kg) below top (kg)
2 2250 4 2 41 4500 2.66
CFGD 4 2250 41 6 13500 7.0
DGH ' 1
2 1250 6 2 41 5625 8.0 44125
DHJ w 1
2 1000 6 2 18000 8.0
ABEKJD 1000 41 10 2500 5.0

Point of application of resultant thrust below top of the wall:

( 4500)( 2.66) (13500)( 7) (5625)(8) (1800)(8) ( 2500)(5)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.2):
A retaining wall has a vertical back and is 8m high. The soil is sandy loam of 1760 kg/m 3
unit weight, and angle of internal friction is 20o. If water table builds up behind the wall to a
level (3m above the bottom of the wall), calculate the magnitude of the resultant thrust on wall
per linear meter. Neglect effect of wall friction and assume top of fill to be horizontal. What is
the maximum likely depth of tension cracks that may develop?

1708 kg/m2


8m 3.02m 3922 kg/m2 W.T.

R.W. 2604
3.0m 7812 kg/m2
1695 4500 kg/m2

PA = 17.92 ton/m run of wall at point of application 1.88 m above base.

Problem (7.3):
A retaining wall 5m high, has a smooth vertical back, the backfill has a horizontal surface
in level with the top of the wall. There is a uniformly distributed surcharge load of 3.6 ton/m 2.
The density of the backfill is 1.8 ton/m3, its angle of shear resistance is 30o and cohesion is
zero. Water table is located at mid height of the wall; calculate the magnitude and the point of
application of active thrust per meter length of wall.

3.6 ton/m2


1875 ton/m2 W.T.

5m B C J
PA 3746 ton/m2
R.W. 832 3125 ton/m2


PA = 15.57 ton/m length of the wall at point of application 1.87 m above base.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.4):
Determine the lateral earth pressure at rest per unit length of the wall shown in Fig.(a).
Then, determine the location of the resultant earth pressure. Take Ko 1 sin .


Ko 1 sin 1 sin 30 0.50

At point B, s 2 1.70 3.4 t / m2
po K o s 0.5 3.4 1.7 t / m2

At point C, s 2 1.70 (1.9 1.0) 2 5.2 t / m2

po 0.5 5.2 2.6 t / m2
u 2 1 2.0 t / m2

= 30o
= 1.7 ton/m3
W.T. (1)

= 30o
R.W. 2m
sat. = 1.9 ton/m3 (2)
(3) (4)
1.7m 0.9m 2.0m

Fig.(b) shows the pressure distribution diagram. The diagram has been divided into four
parts. Let P1 , P2 , P3 ,and P4 be the total pressure due to these parts. Thus
P1 21 1.70 2 1.7 t
P2 2 1.70 3.4 t
P3 21 0.9 2 0.9 t
P4 21 2.0 2 2.0 t
Total P=8.0 t

The line of action of P is determined by taking moments about C,

P Z 1.7 2.667 3.4 1.0 0.9 0.667 2 0.667
4.53 3.4 0.6 1.33
Z 1.23 m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.5):
Determine the active pressure on the retaining wall shown in Fig.(a).

1 sin
From the equation: Ka
1 sin
1 sin 35
For the upper layer, Ka 0.271
1 sin 35
1 sin 38
For the bottom later, Ka 0.238
1 sin 38

At point B, s 2.5 1.7 4.25 t / m2

pa 0.271 4.25 1.15 t / m2
Below the interface, pa is given by
pa 0.238 4.25 1.01 t / m2

At point C, s 2.5 1.70 2.5 0.80 6.25 t / m2

u 2.5 1 2.5 t / m2
pa 0.238 6.25 1.49 t / m2
Fig.(b) shows the pressure distribution.

= 35o
2.5m 1.15 ton/m2
= 1.7 ton/m3 W.T.
= 38o
R.W. sat. = 1.8 ton/m3 2.5m (2)
C (3) (4)

1.01 0.48 2.5

The forces P1 , P2 , P3 ,and P4 are determined from the pressure distribution diagram.
P1 21 2.5 1.15 1.44 t
P2 2.5 1.01 2.53 t
P3 21 2.5 0.48 0.60 t
P4 21 2.5 2.5 3.13 t
Total P=7.70 t
Taking moment about C:

1.44 3.33 2.53 1.25 0.60 0.833 3.13 0.833

Z 1.44 m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.6):
Determine the active pressure on the wall shown in figure using Rankin's theory.


= 30o
= 19 kN/m3

R.W. 4/3m


From the equation:

cos i cos 2 i cos 2
K a cos i
cos i cos 2 i cos 2
cos 15 cos 2 15 cos 2 30
cos 15 0.373
cos 15 cos 2 15 cos 2 30
From the equation:

Pa 21 K a H 2 21 0.373 19.0 (4)2 56.7 kN

The pressure acts at a height of 4/3 m inclined at 15o to normal.

Problem (7.7):
Determine the stresses at the top and bottom of the cut shown in the figure below. Also
determine the maximum depth of potential crack and the maximum depth of unsupported


From the equation:

Pa K a ..Z 2c K a

1 sin12
where, Ka 0.656
1 sin12
Thus, Pa (0.656)(1.80Z) (2)(2) 0.656 1.18Z 3.24

At top Z = 0 : Pa 3.24.t / m 2

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

At bottom Z = 4: Pa 1.48.t / m 2
From the equation of crack depth:

2c 2 2.0
Zc 2.745 m
Ka 1.8 0.656

From the equation of maximum depth of unsupported excavation:

Hc 5.490 m

= 12o
C = 2 ton/m2
4m = 1.8 ton/m3


Problem (7.8):
A 5m high retaining wall is shown in the figure below. Determine the Rankin's active
pressure on the wall.
a. Before the formation of the crack.
b. After the formation of the crack.

1 sin 1 sin 30
Ka Ka 0.333
1 sin 1 sin 30

From the equation:

pa K a Z 2c K a
0.333 17.5Z 2 5 0.333
5.83Z 5.77

A 5.77
B = 20 o b
C = 5 kN/m2
5m = 17.5 kN/m
R.W. +
C c d

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

At top, Z0
pa 5.77 kN / m2

At point B, pa 0
5.83Z 5.77 0
Z 0.99 m

At bottom, Z 5m
pa 5.83 5 5.77 23.38 kN / m2

Before the formation of the crack:

Negative pressure, P1 21 0.99 5.77 2.86 kN

Positive pressure, P2 21 4.01 23.38 46.88 kN
Net, Pa 46.88 2.86 44.02 kN

Line of action of Pa is determined as under:

46.88 2.86 (4.01 0.33)
Z 3 1.14 m

After the formation of the crack:

After the formation of the crack, the negative pressure is eliminated. The pressure
distribution is given by the area abc

Pa 21 23.38 4.01 46.88 kN act at a height of 4.01/3 m above base.

Alternatively, directly from the equation:

2 c

Pa H K a 2c H K a
1 2

21 17.5 (5)2 0.333 2 5 5 0.333 46.85 kN

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.9):
Determine the Rankin passive force per unit length of the wall shown in the figure below.

1 sin
1 sin
For top layer I,
1 sin 30

1 sin 30
For bottom layer II,
1 sin 24

1 sin 24
From the equation:
Pp K p . .Z 2c K p

At point A, Z = 0, = 0
At point B, Z = 2m, = 2 x 1.6 = 3.2 t /m2
Top layer, pp 3 3.2 9.6 t /m2
Bottom layer, pp 3.2 2.37 2 1.0 2.37 10.66 t / m2
At point C, s 2 1.6 2 (1.9 1.0) 5.0 t / m2
pp 5 2.37 2 1.0 2.37 14.93 t / m2
u 2 1.0 2 t / m2

I: = 30
C =0 2m 9.6 ton/m2
B = 1.6 ton/m3 (1)

II: = 24
R.W. C = 1 ton/m2 2m (2)
= 1.9 ton/m3 (3) (4)
10.66 2.0
(a) 4.27

Fig. (b) shows the pressure distribution,

Total pressure P P1 P2 P3 P4
21 2 9.60 10.66 2 21 4.27 2 21 2 2
37.19 t

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

Problem (7.10):
Determine the Coulomb active force on the retaining wall shown in the figure below.

sin 2
Ka 2
sin sin i
sin sin 1

sin sin i
sin 2 75 30
2 0.548
sin 30 20 sin 30 15
sin 2 75 sin 75 20 1
sin 75 20 sin 75 15
From the equation:
Pa 21 K a H 2
21 0.548 1.75 52 11.99 t

i= 15o

Pa i = 15o
= 30o
5m = 20o
= 1.75 t/m3
= 75o

This will act at a height of 5/3 m, inclined at 20o to normal, in the direction shown in the
figure. The reader should note that the direction of Pa is equal and opposite to that on the

Problem (7.11):
Check the stability of the gravity retaining wall shown in the figure below, if the allowable
soil pressure equal to 60 t/m2.


= 1.9 t/m3
= 36o
= 24o
(2) (3) 24o 5.7m
0.4m 0.4m
= 70o 1.2m
1.71m 0.7m
0.19m (4)


Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories


From the equation: Pa 21 K a H 2

sin 2
where, K a 2
sin sin i
sin sin 1

sin sin i
sin 2 70 36
2 0.417
sin 36 24 sin 36 0
sin 2 70 sin 70 24 1
sin 70 24 sin 70 0

Therefore, Pa 21 0.417 1.9 5.7 2 12.87 t

The total pressure acts inclined at 24o to the normal.
Horizontal component, Ph Pa cos 20 24 9.26 t
Vertical component, Pv Pa sin(20 24) 8.94 t
Calculations are shown in the table below. The moments are taken about toe. The
clockwise moments are taken as positive.

Forces (t) Lever Moments about toe

No. Description arm Counter
Vertical Horizontal Clockwise
(m) Clockwise
1 W1 21 5 0.19 2.40 1.14 0.53 0.6
2 W2 5 0.5 2.40 6.0 0.84 5.04
3 W3 21 5 1.71 2.40 10.26 1.66 17.03
4 W4 3.2 0.7 2.40 5.38 1.60 8.61
5 Pv 8.94 2.39 21.37
6 Ph 9.26 1.90 17.59
52.64 17.59
31.71 9.26
35.05 t-m

Neglecting passive resistance, the factor of safety against shear is given by the equation:

Rv tan 24 31.72
Fs 1.53 (safe)
RH 9.26

The factor of safety against overturning is obtained from equation:

M R 52.64
Fo 2.99
Mo 17.59
From the equation:
M 35.05
x 1.10
V 31.72

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

From the equation:

e b /2 x 1.60 1.10 0.50 m
As e b /6, there is no tension.

The pressure at the base are determined from equation:

V 6 e 31.72 6 0.5
pmax 1 1 19.2 t / m

b b 3.20 3.2
V 6 e 31.72 6 0.5
pmin 1 1 0.62 t / m

b b 3.20 3.2

The factor of safety against bearing capacity failure is given by the equation:

qna 60
Fb 3.1 (safe)
pmax 19.20

Problem (7.12):
Check the stability of the cantilever retaining wall shown in the figure below. The allowable
soil pressure is 50 t/m2.

=15o (5)

= 1.8 t/m3
= 34o
= 25o

5m Pv Pa 6.22m
(1) (4) 15o
(2) Ph

0.6m 2.3m
0.2m (3)

3.5m 6.22

Let us first ascertain whether Rankins theory is applicable to the cantilever retaining wall.
From the equation:
sin i
45 i /2 sin 1
2 sin
sin 15
45 7.5 17 sin 1 7.9
sin 34
The shear does not intersect the stem. Therefore, Rankins theory can be applied.
From the equation: Pa 21 K a H 2

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories

From the equation:

cos i cos 2 i cos 2
K a cos i
cos i cos 2 i cos 2
cos 15 cos 2 15 cos 2 34
cos 15 0.311
cos 15 cos 2 15 cos 2 34

Therefore, Pa 21 0.311 1.80 (6.22)2 10.83 t

Pv Pa sin 15 2.80 t
Ph Pa sin 15 10.46 t

Forces (t) Lever Moments about toe

No. Description arm Counter
Vertical Horizontal Clockwise
(m) Clockwise
1 W1 0.4 5.0 2.4 4.80 1.00 4.80
2 2 = (0.2)(5)(2.4)/2 1.20 0.73 0.88
3 W3 0.6 3.50 2.40 5.04 1.75 8.82
4 W4 2.3 5.0 1.80 20.70 2.35 48.65
5 5 = 0.62)(2.3)(1.8)/2 1.28 2.73 3.50
6 Pv 2.80 3.50 9.80
7 Ph - 10.46 2.07 - 21.65
35.82 10.46 76.45 21.65

From the equation below, the factor of safety against sliding:

Rv tan 25 35.82
Fs 1.60 (safe)
RH 10.64

From the equation, the factor of safety against overturning:

M R 76.45
Fo 3.53 (safe)
M o 21.65
M 76.45 21.65
From the equation: x 1.53 m
V 35.12
From the equation: e b /2 x 1.75 1.53 0.22 m b /6

35.82 6 0.22
pmax 1 14.12 t / m

3.50 3.50
35.82 6 0.22
pmin 1 6.34 t / m

3.50 3.50
From equation of the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure:
q 50
Fb na 3.54 (safe)
pmax 14.12

Foundation Engineering Chapter 7: Earth Pressure Theories


P7.1 Determine the passive pressure per unit run for a retaining wall 4m height; with
i 15, 30, and 1.90 t / m3 as shown in Fig.(7.18) below. The back face of the
wall is smooth and vertical.
(Answer: 38.05 t)

P7.2 For the retaining wall in problem (P7.1), determine the active pressure per unit run.
(Answer: 5.73t)

P7.3 Determine the active pressure and passive pressure, using Coulumbs theory, on the
wall shown in Fig.(7.18) below.
(Answer: 7.30 t, 141.30 t)

P7.4 A retaining wall has a vertical back and is 8m high. The back face of the wall is smooth
and the upper surface of the fill is horizontal. Determine the thrust on the wall per unit
length. Take c 1.0 t / m2 , 1.8 t / m3 and 20 . Neglect tension.
(Answer: 18.13 t)

P7.5 A retaining wall with a vertical smooth back face is 8m high. It supports a cohesionless
soil ( 1.90 t / m3 , 30) . The surface of the soil is horizontal. Determine the thrust
on the wall.
(Answer: 20.27 t/m)

P7.6 Check the overall stability of the cantilever retaining wall shown in Fig.(7.19) below.

Surcharge 50 kN/m2
i= 15

= 1.9 t/m3 = 18 kN/m3

= 30o = 40o
= 20o = 25o
4m 4m

= 80o 0.45m
0.45m (3) 0.45m



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