Narrative Writing Module

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1.0 Introduction 2

2.0 General Guidelines 3

3.0 Analysis of Past Year Questions 4-5

4.0 Marking Scheme 67


Practice 1 - Organisation & Development of Ideas 8 12

Incident: Showing off and A bad accident
Answer Key

Practice 2 - Describing an unforgettable Experience 13 29

Incident: Attack by Bees
Answer Key
*** For Weak Students

Practice 3 - Write a story beginning with It was a beautiful 30 47

Incident: Helping a road accident victim
Answer Key

Practice 4 - The Greatest Gift

Incident: Giving up a treasured gift for moms life 48 61
Answer Key

Practice 5 - Describing an unforgettable incident that you 62 74

have experienced.
Incident: Sad - A Bad Flood
Answer Key

Practice 6 - Write a story with the ending What a day it 75 89

had been for him / her
Incident: Snatch Theft
Answer Key



8.0 Language Review Notes 120 138


The activities designed in this module aim at helping students develop writing skills and
better prepare them for the English SPM continuous writing. They are developmental in
nature and cover the three stages of writing as depicted in the tree map below. Depending
on how fast your students learn, you can extend your activities to help them develop Show,
not Tell skills. Teachers can use any of the practices (1 6) in whatever order they feel is
appropriate with their students. Practice 2 is specially designed for weaker students.

The module also contains a section on Language Review Notes in which the teachers can
use to provide input, feedback or as a form of reference.



A. Development & Composing A. Basic

Organisation of ideas

Brainstorming SSVEEE table Tenses

Wh-questions Subject-Verb-Information Action Verbs
Rearranging events Adjectives
Story Map & Flow Map Adverbs
Punctuating Dialogues
Vary Sentence Structures
B. Vocabulary Adding transitional phrases

B. Show, not Tell

Adjective Active Beginning
Adverb Meaningful Ending
Sensory Details
C. Others

Note: It is encouraged that teachers train students to use the dictionary and thesaurus in any writing activities.
If there is uncertainty in terms of meanings or word / phrase usage, do post your queries on


1. Read all the 2. Choose a 3. Plan your

questions carefully. topic you are essay.
familiar with, Use the first 10
within your scope 15 minutes to do
of experience and so.
linguistic ability.

*** No time for Techniques:

experimentation - Outlining
during the exam - Brainstorming
- Wh-questions
- Story Map
- Flow Map

4. Write in 5 . Edit, revise and proofread

paragraphs of not to ensure there is no grammar errors.
less than 350

- Spelling Tenses Structures Precise

- Punctuation Simple Past Simple Vocabulary
- Linkers (narrative) Compound - Strong action
Get Topic Simple Present Complex verbs
right should be (Factual & Sentence starters - Adjectives
into consistent, dialogue) Vary the - Adverbs
action! relevant, lengths - Show, not Tell
original and


1. Do not use repetitive words, phrases or structures.

e.g. It was a very nice place. He was a very nice person.
In my opinion, I think
2. Do not use contractions e.g. dont, Ill, wont, werent unless if it is a dialogue.
3. Do not use abbreviation. e.g etc or et cetera
4. Do not use colloquial or slang expressions unless you are quoting e.g. guy / gal, kid, wanna, gotcha,
whatsup, gonna, wannabe
5. Do not use dialogues throughout your essay. Use it sparingly and effectively.
6. Avoid using informal language or spoken language.
7. Avoid lengthy introduction.
8. Do not use Malay words.
9. Avoid grammar errors. Avoid starting sentences with and or but.
10. Do not leave your sentences hanging. Every English sentence must have a subject and a verb.


Write a story about being alone.
Truly Malaysians. Describe what
Write a story that ends with:
2013 this means to you. Is tuition necessary? Discuss. Reality shows
and so I became a better
2012 Describe an outing with your Write a story beginning with: Should parents give children Saving money for the Cleanliness
friends. The teacher walked into the more freedom? Discuss future.
classroom. It was the first
2011 A famous person you admire. Write a story ending with They Should school students have The best things in life Peace
looked at each other and smiled part time jobs? Discuss. are free.
2010 Describe the most popular student Write a story beginning with: The internet is mostly a good What can we do support Home
in your school It had been raining all thing. Do you agree? Support the environment?
day. your opinion.
2009 Describe an unforgettable incident Write a story ending with : School children should not My favourite day of the Beauty
that you saw on your way home We said our goodbyes and have long holidays. Do you week
from school went our separate ways. agree?
2008 Write about a person who has Write a story ending with Examinations good or bad? My perfect future Stars
worked hard to succeed in life Now I realize the value of husband or wife
a true friend.
2007 Describe an embarrassing Write a story beginning with Teenagers today are only My early years Tomorrow
experience in your life Kim was nervous when the interested in entertainment.
door opened Do you agree? Support your
2006 Describe an enjoyable weekend you Write a story ending with: If How can television help What changes would Food
have experienced only I had been more careful, students in their studies you like to see in your
that wouldnt have happened life in the next ten years?
2005 Describe the biggest challenge in Write a story with the title: An How to keep oneself healthy If you were given a Music
your life unexpected visitor chance to be anybody,
who would you want to
be and why?
2004 Describe a festival celebrated in Write a story ending with: We How can we promote tourism My ideal school Clothes
your area had never laughed so much in in Malaysia
our lives

2003 A day you wished had never Write a story that ends with: If You have been given a chance An invention that you Friends
happened only I had listened to his/her to visit a country of your cannot live without
advice choice. Which country would
you choose and why?
2002 Describe a favourite teacher who Write a story beginning with: Good results in school do not How I can help to make Colours
had a great influence on you Is it really you? Where have guarantee success in the future. the world a better place
you been all these years? What is your opinion? to live in
2001 Describe how you spent a free day Write a story of an old man Some people think that the *How do you
when the weather was very bad returning to the home he left legal age for driving should be think the media
many years ago increased from 17 ot 19. What has influenced
is your opinion? you and your
*Large families
make happy
2000 * My Hero My Hero More land should be used for *Life in Malaysia in the
agriculture than for industry. new millennium -
*If you were able to choose a time Do you agree or disagree?
in history that you can visit, which Give reasons to support your *Things that I
time would it be opinion. like about my life
and why?
1999 My dream car. The day I lost my temper The computer is it really an Education what it Memories
advantage? means to me.
1998 Describe a day at school when you Write a story beginning: Parents do not spend enough Being young. -
were very unhappy. I could tell by his face that he time with their children
was angry nowadays. What is your
Write a letter to a penfriend opinion?
describing some interesting places
in your village, town or home state.

1997 Imagine you are moving to a new Write a story with the following Do you think games are an Water
house. Describe the last day in title: A Narrow Escape. important part of school life.
your old home.
Describe the scene at a crowded
bus or railway station.



To test candidates ability to:
produce a piece of continuous prose in accurate Standard English
respond relevantly and creatively to a task chosen from a number of alternatives.

Particular emphasis is placed upon the candidates ability to:

write sentences of various lengths and types, using a variety of sentence structures as an aid to
use a wide range of vocabulary with precision.
punctuate accurately and effectively.
write in paragraphs which are appropriate linked and show cohesion.
spell accurately over the full range of vocabulary.
respond with relevance and precision to the chosen topic.
engage and sustain the interest of the reader.


Mark Description of criteria
A The language is entirely accurate apart from very occasional first drafts slips
44 - 50 Sentence structure is varied and sophisticated shows the candidate is able to use various types
of sentences to achieve a particular effect.
Vocabulary is wide and used with precision.
Punctuation is accurate and helpful to the reader.
Spelling is accurate across the full range of vocabulary used.
Paragraphs are well-planned, have unity and are linked.
The topic is addressed with consistent relevance.
The interest of the reader is aroused and sustained throughout the writing.
B The language is accurate; occasional errors are either minor or first draft slips.
38 - 43 Sentences show some variation of length and type, including some complex sentences.
Vocabulary is wide enough to convey intended shades of meaning with some precision
Punctuation is almost always accurate and generally helpful
Spelling is nearly always accurate
Paragraphs show some evidence of planning, have unity and are usually appropriately linked.
The piece of writing is relevant to the topic and the interest of the reader is aroused and
sustained through most of the composition.
C The language is largely accurate
32 - 37 Simple structures are used without error; errors may occur when more sophisticated structures
are attempted
Sentences may show some variety of structure and length but there is a tendency to use one
type structure, giving it a monotonous effect
Vocabulary is wide enough to convey intended meaning but may lack precision
Punctuation of simple structures is accurate on the whole but errors may occur in more
complex uses.
Simple words will be spelt correctly but errors occur when more sophisticated words are used.
The composition is written in paragraphs which may show some unity, although links may be

absent or inappropriate.
The writing is relevant but may lack originality and planning. Some interest is aroused but not
D The language is sufficiently accurate to communicate meaning clearly to the reader.
26 - 31 There will be patches of clear, accurate language, particularly when simple vocabulary and
structures are used.
There is some variety of sentence type and length but the purpose is not clearly seen.
Punctuation is generally correct but does not clarify meaning.
Vocabulary is usually adequate to show intended meaning but this is not developed to show
Simple words will be spelt correctly but more spelling errors will occur.
Paragraphs are used but show lack of planning or unity.
The topic is addressed with some relevance but the reader may find composition at this level
lacking in liveliness and interest value.
E Meaning is never in doubt, but errors are sufficiently frequent and serious to hamper
20 - 25 reading.
Some simple structures may be accurate, but a script at this level is unlikely to sustain accuracy
for long.
Vocabulary is limited - either too simple to convey precise meaning or more ambitious but
imperfectly understood.
Simple words may be spelt correctly but frequent errors in spelling and punctuation make
reading the script difficult.
Paragraphs lack unity or are haphazardly arranged.

The subject matter will show some relevance to the topic but only a partial treatment is given.
The high incidence of linguistic errors is likely to distract the reader from any merits of content
the composition may have.
U (i) Meaning is fairly clear but the high incidence of errors throughout the writing will
14 - 19 definitely impede the reading.
There will be many serious errors of various kinds throughout the script, but they are mainly of
the single word type, i.e. they could be corrected without rewriting the whole sentence.
A script at this level will have very few accurate sentences.

Although communication is established, the frequent errors may cause blurring

Sentences will be simple and very often repetitive.
Punctuation will sometimes be used correctly but sentence separation errors may occur.
Paragraphs lack unity or there may not be any paragraphs at all.

U (ii) The reader is able to get some sense out of the script but errors are multiple in nature,
8 - 13 requiring the reader to read and re-read before being able to understand.
At this level, there may be only a few accurate but simple sentences.
The content may be comprehensible, but the incidence of linguistic error is so high as to make
meaning blur.
This type of script may also be far short of the required number of words.
U (iii) Scripts in this category are almost entirely impossible to read.
0-7 Whole sections may make little or no sense at all
Where occasional patches of clarity occur, marks should be awarded.
The mark 0 should only be given if script makes no sense at all, from the beginning to end.



To train students to organize their ideas questioning technique and story map.
To help students to be aware of the classification of words, specifically the different parts of speech so that
they can write grammatically correct sentences.

Pre-writing Activity:
1.1 Task 1: Study the pictures below.

1.2 Task 2: Think of words you can use to tell your story. Write them down in the table below.
(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns: size, colour, verbs: time, place,
sounds, physical looks, manner, frequency,
behaviour, feelings degree, etc.)

1.3 Task 3: Read the story below. Identify the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Add them into
the table in Task2.
** Aim: To help students understand what nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are.

What a beautiful day! I exclaimed aloud to the world as I opened my still sleepy eyes on the scene outside my
bedroom window. I jumped up and quickly threw on my clothes. I had an idea. Rushing past mum in the
hallway, almost knocking her down, I blurted out a quick Im sorry. She stared at me with her narrow piercing
eyes and shook her head in disgust.

I grabbed the phone and rang up my closest friend, Jim.

Jimbo, my old mate, why dont we go for a ride on our push bikes to Gorge lake and do a spot of swimming.
Its a glorious day to be in the water and resting under one of the lakes old teak trees.

He agreed with no hesitation and we planned to meet at the end of my street in 30 minutes. I told mum what
we planned to do. As usual she was concerned and warned me not to act silly and to come home well before
dinner. I nodded, pretending to listen. So, with a quick peck on her cheek, I grabbed my swimmers, a flask of
water and a few biscuits, placing the items into my old grey backpack.

Jimbo was late as usual, but as soon as we saw each other we broke out in the biggest smiles you could imagine.
Riding as fast as we could, we headed towards the Gorge lake road. The air fluttered through our hair as we
raced along. Just before the steep decline into the lake, Jimbo caught my eye by taking his hands off the bike.

Look at me! Im flying like a bird

Look at me, I shouted as I attempted to stand on my seat.

We both burst out laughing, laughing so much we did not notice the bend in the road before it was too late.

Ahhh! I screamed as I left the road and headed for the jungle. At this stage I lost sight of Jimbo as he darted
off to the right, trying desperately to avoid hitting a large tree.

A rock, the size of a football, brought my ride to an abrupt end. I hit the centre of it and was catapulted over
the handbars, summersaulted 360 degrees and ended on my back in a dense rattan patch. The pain was
excruciating. I thought I had broken every bone in my body.

A few minutes past and I tried to find out how much damage was done. To my surprise, I could stand and
walk. I was bleeding all over from small cuts and had numerous bruises. I was alive!

From the right of me, I could hear someone groaning. I parted the overhanging branches and saw Jimbo
prostrate on the ground. He was in far worst shape than me. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible.
His leg was broken and he was complaining of pain in his chest. I scampered back on the road and flagged
down a passing car.

A week later, I was visiting Jimbo in the hospital. We did not say a lot to each other, but both of us were
thinking of the same thing. Sometimes our parents really do know best!

1.4 Task 4: Read the story in Task 3 and complete the story map below.



Event 1:

Event 2:


Setting: Lesson Learnt / decision /
a. Time memory / hope:

b. Place

Main Characters:

Compare your storyline with the storyline you have just produced based on your reading.

1.5 Quick Activity to further help students understand the 4 different parts of speech.
Group Work: Complete the table below.
No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Activity
2 Arrangement
3 Beautiful
4 Bravery
5 Care
6 Collection
7 Colour

Pair work: Complete the table below.

No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Comfort
2 Confusion
3 Creation
4 Development
5 Diligence
6 Generosity
7 Goodness

Individual work. Complete the table below.

No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Peace
2 Persuasion
3 Protection
4 Respect
5 Success
6 Sympathy
7 Width

day exclaimed beautiful qloud
world opened sleepy quickly
eyes jumped up bedroom almost
window threw quick disgustingly
bedroom rushing narrow
clothes knocking piercing
idea blurted disgusted / disgusting
mum stared closest
hallway shook old
eyes disgusted glorious
head grabbed
disgust rang
phone ride
friend / mate swimming
ride resting
push bikes / bicycle
teak trees
swimming (as activity)

Group Work: Complete the table below.
No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Activity activate active actively
2 Arrangement arrange arranged -
3 Beauty ceautify beautiful beautifully
4 Bravery brave brave bravely
5 Care care careful carefully
6 Collection collect collective collectively
7 Colour colour colourful colourfully

Pair work: Complete the table below.

No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
2 Confusion confuse confused -
3 Creation create creative creatively
4 Development develop developed -
5 Diligence - diligent diligently
6 Generosity - generous generously
7 Goodness - good well

Individual work. Complete the table below.

No Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 Peace - peaceful peacefully
2 Persuasion persuade persuasive persuasively
3 Protection protect protective protectively
4 Respect respect respected respectfully
5 Success succeed successful successfully
6 Sympathy sympathise sympathetic symphathetically
7 Width widen wide widely
Source: Smart Module 1 SPM 1119; page 101

Write a story ending with As you can see, this was a memorable experience that I shared with my
Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

1. What tense do you use when writing about an experience or a story?

Simple present tense Simple past tense

2. When you put in dialogues, what tense should you use?

Simple present tense Simple past tense


If you are asked to write about a memorable or an unforgettable experience, what can you write? Brainstorm
with your friends on as many ideas as possible about a memorable experience and write them down in the
circle map below. Some examples are given to help you.

Attacked by dogs

Attacked by bees

Helping an accident
Bicycle Accident


Note: Go through the answers with your teacher. Remember you can make those experiences happy
or sad depending on your ending.

1.2 Lets brainstorm some ideas on a wedding you have attended. Read and understand the flow
map below.

1. Received a phone 2. Attended a rehearsal, 3. Tried on the wedding

call to be the best man learnt how to march costume
/ bridesmaid for a down the isle

4. Attended dinner 5. Attended the 6. Took pictures with the

before the wedding day wedding ceremony bride and groom

7. Met friends 8. Glad to be a part of 9. As you can see, this was a

the event memorable experience which
I shared with my friends.
Is it a happy or sad occasion?


How do you brainstorm for ideas? By ASKING QUESTIONS. Can you write the wh-question into
the circle map?

Where did the story take place?


1.4 Lets take a look at another memorable / unforgettable experience Attacked by bees
Task 1: Brainstorm for ideas by answering the wh-questions below.

a. Where did you go last school holidays / last weekend / last weekday? > SETTINGS

b. Who were with you? >CHARACTERS

c. What did you do? >EVENT

d. What did you see?

e. What happened to you and your friend? >CLIMAX

f. What did you hear?

g. How did you feel?

h. What did you do? >RESOLUTION

i. What happened to you at the end?

j. What have you learnt from the experience? >ENDING

Task 2: DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS: Complete the story map below. Using the wh-questions
technique, brainstorm on ideas for your plot.


2. THE BUILD- 4.
Event 1:

Event 2:


Setting: Lesson Learnt /
decision / memory /

Main Characters:

Task 3: Rearrange the sentences /ideas below by numbering them in sequence
They took us to the hospital ( )
The bees decided to leave us alone. ( )
We poked our heads out of the water. ( )
A swarm of bees attacked us. ( )
We heard a buzzing sound. ( )
We were walking along the track. ( )
We walked back to the rangers headquarters. ( )
We ran as fast as we could. ( )
I was jungle trekking with a friend. ( )
The bees stung me. ( )
We soon saw a lake and jumped in. ( )
Our faces and arms were swollen. ( )
It became louder and louder. ( )
We held our breath in the water. ( )
We came out of the water. ( )

Now compare your answer in Task 2 with the ideas in Task 3.

Task 4: Rewrite the ideas / sentences in order by completing the flow map below.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

Count the number of words. How many words does this essay have?

Task 5: Brainstorm on vocabulary needed for a story about being attacked by bees and complete the
table below.

Go through the answers with your teacher.

Learn how to write simple sentences from the ideas and words you have brainstormed in the earlier
Task 1: Make simple sentences by writing words or phrases as given in the wh-question.

Example: Where did you go last school holidays?

+ +
(who / what) (where) (when)

I went to National Park last school holidays.

1. What did you do?

________________ _____went______ _______________

(who) (what activity)

2. What did you see?

________________ _____saw______ _______________

(who) (what plants)

3. What happened to you and your friend?

________________ _____attacked______ _______________

(what insects) (who)

4. What did you hear?

________________ _____heard_________ _______________

(what) (what sound does the insect make?)

5. How did you feel?

________________ _____felt___________ _______________

(who) (what feeling)

6. What did you do?

________________ ___________________ _______________
(who) (what action) (how fast)

Learn how to add more information to your story.
Task 2: Study the table below. Add further information to the basic sentences / ideas by answering
the wh-questions.

Para- Simple sentences Questions to help you add more

graph information to the story
1 I went jungle trekking with a friend. 1. When did you go jungle trekking?
2. What is the name of your friend?
3. Where did you go?
4. Where is the place?
5. Why did you choose the place?
2 We were walking along the track. 1. What did you see along the track?
2. What did you hear?
3. How did you feel?
3 1. Can you add a word or phrase to
We heard a buzzing sound. show sudden change of sound?
2. Did you wonder about the sound at
It became louder and louder. first?
3. How did you feel when the sound
became louder?
1. When did you realise that it was a
A swarm of bees attacked us. swarm of bees?

4 1. How did you run?

We ran as fast as we could. 2. Was it easy to run in the jungle?
3. Did you hit the branches?
4. Did you fall down?
1. Did the bees catch up with you?
The bees stung me. 2. Where did they sting you?
3. What did you do when they sting
5 1. How did you avoid the bees?
We saw a lake and we jumped in. 2. What did you do next?
3. How long did you hide from the
The bees left us. 4. What did you do after that?
5. What did you see?
6 1. What did you do after the bees were
We came out of the water. gone?
2. How did you feel? Why?
7 1. How did you get help?
We walked back to the rangers headquarters. 2. How long did it take to walk back?
3. What did you say to the rangers?
1. What did the doctor give you?
They took us to the hospital. 2. How did you feel about the outing?

Task 3: Rewrite your story using the story template given below.

Last school holidays in June, ______(who), went ___________________________ (what activity)

with _______________ (who) at _____________________________________________________(where).
We chose this place because it has __________________________________________________(what). We
also wanted to __________________________________________________________________________.

We walked _________________________ (where). We saw ________________________(what).

We heard ________________________________________(what sound). We also heard ____________
_______________ (what sound). We felt ____________________________ (what other jungle sound)

All of a sudden, we heard a ___________________________ (what sound do bees make?). At

first, we wondered about it. It became louder and louder. When we turned our heads, we saw
_______________ (what) _____________________ (where). The bees attacked us.

Immediately, we _________________ (what action) fast as we could. It was not easy to run in
the jungle. There were many trees and bushes. I hit ______________ (what). I fell down many times.
The bees stung me. They stung____________________________(where). I _________________________
_______________________________________________________________________(what did you do?).

We saw a __________________ (what) and we jumped in. We put our heads under
____________________ (where). We held our breath for as long as we could. We poked our heads
out of the water. The bees left us.

We came out of the fresh water. We were drenched and cold. We were sore. Our bodies and
faces were swollen.

We walked back to the ___________________________________________ (where). It took us

about 30 minutes to walk back. We told the rangers about the attack of the bees. They took us to the
____________________. The doctor gave both of us an injection each. We felt traumatised.

Read the text below. It contains errors which are indicated for you. Write down the correct
answers above the underlined words.

Last holidays, we goes to the Poring Hot Springs in Ranau, Sabah. We was so happy and enjoy
ourself. Some activities we do were swimming, sightseeing and jungle trekking. Our friend, Emily likes to
sing. So, she entertain us by sing a song entitled Listen by Beyonce. Then we sing together while clap and
dance joyfully. This is a sweet memory with our friends that we will never forgotten.
Suddenly, we hear someone yell for help. We rush to the pool. A boy is drown. We do not know how
to swim.

Help! Help! we shout at the top of our lungs.

Luckily, there is a man near the pool. He jump into the water and save the boy. We are so relieved.
The boy is sent to the hospital immediately.
In the end, Emily suggest to us to learn to swim. We agree. We decide to attending a swimming
class every week.
From the experience, we learns that we should be careful wherever we go. It is also better for us to
learn some useful skills because we never know when we may need to use it in the future.

Now your turn. Review your story and make sure there are no errors in tenses.


Punctuate the dialogues correctly.

1. such fresh air i exclaimed

2. bees run for your life i screamed at the top of my lungs

3. boy you look terrible joe laughed at my puffy face

4. ouch it hurts I moaned

5. thank god we re alive joe said to me reassuringly

Now your turn. Review your story. Did you put in any dialogues or thoughts? Add some in to make
your story interesting.

Task 1: Fill in the blanks with strong action verbs. Use the thesaurus and dictionary to help you.

In the forest, we ______________ (walk relaxingly) along the narrow track. We ________________ (saw)
many rare tropical rainforest trees. We noticed all sorts of exotic jungle sounds the birds chirping and
cicadas squealing. What a beautiful morning! I __________________ (say) to Raman. We both felt
extremely happy and relaxed.
All of a sudden, a loud buzzing sound surprised us. At first, we wondered about what it was. When we
turned our heads, we ___________________ (see) swarms of bees everywhere. Without warning, the
aggressive bees swarmed us.
Immediately, we ________________ (run) as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in the damp green
jungle. There were many large trees and spindly bushes. I hit the thick branches. I ___________________
(fall) over many times. The agitated bees stung me. They stung my puny body and my red face. I screamed
out painfully. At that very moment, I thought I would die.
Almost instantaneously, we _________________ (see) a deep lake and straightaway, we
_________________ (jump)in. Placing our heads under the cool water, we held our breath for as long as we
could. After what seemed like eternity, we raised our heads out of the water, gasping for air. The crazy bees
_______________ (leave) us. We __________________(come out quickly) out of the fresh water.
Drenched and cold, our bodies and faces were sore and swollen.
We ________________ (walk very slowly) back to the park rangers headquarters. It took us about 30
minutes to get back. We ________________ (tell) the rangers about the attack of the bees. They
________________ (send) us to the local hospital.

Now your turn. Review your essay and replace vague verbs with strong action verbs. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Strong Action Verbs


Task 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives to make your writing interesting. Use the thesaurus
and dictionary to help you.
Note: It is encouraged that the teacher gives some input on adjectives using the Language Review Notes in the
module before getting students to do this task.

Last school holidays in June, I went jungle trekking with my (1)______________ friend, Raman, at the
Rainforest Discovery Centre. We chose this (2)_________________ place because it has an abundance of
(3)_________________ flora and fauna species. We wanted to finish our (4)________________ Science

We walked along the (5)________________ track. We saw many big (6)_______________trees. We heard
all sorts of (7)_________________jungle sounds. We heard (8) _________________ birds chirping. We
heard (9)__________________ cicadas squealing. We felt content and relaxed.

All of a sudden, we heard a buzzing sound. At first, we wondered about it. It became louder and louder.
When we turned our heads, we saw swarms of bees everywhere. The (10) ___________________bees

attacked us.

Immediately, we ran as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in the (11) __________________ jungle.
There were many (12) ___________________ trees and (13) ____________________ bushes. I hit the (14)
__________________ branches. I fell down many times. The (15) __________________bees stung me.
They stung my (16) ___________________ body and my (17) ___________________ face. I screamed and I

We saw a (18) ____________________ lake and we jumped in. We put our heads under the (19)
__________________ water. We held our breath for as long as we could. We poked our heads out of the
water. The (20) __________________ bees left us.

We came out of the (21) ___________________ water. We were drenched and cold. We were sore. Our
bodies and faces were swollen.

We walked back to the (22) __________________ rangers headquarters. It took us about 30 minutes to walk
back. We told the rangers about the attack of the bees. They took us to the local hospital. The doctor gave
both of us an injection each. We felt traumatised. It was the most unforgettable experience we ever had in
our life.
Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your adjectives. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Adjectives and Adverbs


Task 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. The words in brackets are given as clues. Use the
thesaurus and dictionary to help you.

In the forest, we walked along the narrow track. We saw many rainforest trees. We heard all sorts of jungle
sounds. We heard birds chirping and cicadas squealing. We felt _______________________(very) happy and

_________________(Quick), we ran as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in the jungle. There were
many trees and bushes. I hit the branches. I fell down many times. The bees stung me. They stung my body
and my face. I screamed out _______________(painful) and I cried _______________(loud). At that very
moment, I thought I would die.

Now your turn. Review your essay. Can you add some adverbs to make your story interesting?

Task 1: Join the sentences together with the words given in brackets.
1. We chose the Rainforest Discovery Centre. It has various flora and fauna species and we wanted to finish
our Science project. (because)

2. We walked along the narrow track. We saw many massive rainforest trees and heard all sorts of jungle
sounds. (as)

3. We turned our heads. We noticed swarms of bees everywhere. (When)

4. The bees stung my friend. He did not cry. (Although)

5. We avoided the bees. We quickly jumped into a nearby lake. (To)

6. We were scared. We tried to hide from the bees. (-ing present participle)

Now your turn. Review your story. Can you join some of the sentences to make your story more interesting?
Can you start your sentences differently?

Note: Teacher may use the Language Review Notes: VARY YOUR SENTENCE STRUCTURES to guide
the students.


Below are some transitional phrases that you can use in your story to make it more coherent. Add the
appropriate ones into your story.
In the forest All of a sudden Just then Not far away
At the beach Abruptly Before I knew it At that point
A moment later At once Without warning Eventually
Later that day / evening Almost instantaneously Without hesitation Subsequently
Shortly after, Instantly Filled with alarm Gradually
Soon after To my surprise Filled with joy Never again will I

Check your answer with your teacher.


Lets study the examples of a possible beginning and ending for the story we have been editing.

I woke up with a start. Cold sweat

ran down my forehead as I tried to
work out where I was. Yes! Its The next thing I remember was being
my bedroom, my good old in hospital with an angelic nurse
magnificent bedroom! wiping my brow. I am glad I am
still alive and kicking!

Study the Language Review Notes on Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings.

Task 1: Write different ways in which you can begin your story.
Introduction Make your introduction captivating.
Last holidays, I went jungle Action
trekking with my friend.
Dialogue and Feeling

Sensory Details


Can you think of other interesting way to begin your story? Revise the beginning of your essay.

Task 2: Write one sentence for each of these four types of endings (memory, feeling, hope or wish,
and decision. Your sentence can be part of the ending of any story you wish. Refer to the examples
Meaningful Ending: Memory:

I felt a little sad because in the end, we were not able to complete our
Science project.


Lesson learnt

REMINDER: Make sure your beginning, plot and ending are well-linked and make sense.


1.4 Rearrange the sentences / ideas by numbering them in sequence

They took us to the hospital (15)
The bees decided to leave us alone. (11)
We poked our heads out of the water. (10)
A swarm of bees attacked us. (5)
We heard a buzzing sound. (3)
We were walking along the track. (2)
We walked back to the rangers headquarters. (14)
We ran as fast as we could. (6)
I was jungle trekking with a friend. (1)
The bees stung me. (7)
We soon saw a lake and jumped in. (8)
Our faces and arms were swollen. (13)
It became louder and louder. (4)
We held our breath in the water. (9)
We came out of the water . (12)

I went jungle trekking with a friend. We were walking along the track. We heard a buzzing sound. It became
louder and louder. A swarm of bees attacked us. We ran as fast as we could. The bees stung me. We soon
saw a lake and jumped in. We held our breath in the water. We poked our heads out of the water. The bees
decided to leave us alone. We came out of the water. Our faces and arms were swollen. We walked back to
the rangers headquarters. They took us to the hospital.
(98 words)

Task 1
1. What did you do?
____I____________ _____went______ ____jungle trekking.
(who) (what activity)
2. What did you see?
________I________ _____saw______ ____many trees.____
(who) (what plants)
3. What happened to you and your friend?

________Bees_____ _____attacked______ _______us.________

(what insects) (who)
4. What did you hear?
________I________ _____heard_________ ___buzzing sound.__
(what) (what sound does the insect make?)
5. How did you feel?
______I__________ _____felt___________ scared / frightened / fearful.
(who) (what feeling)
6. What did you do?
_______I_________ ______ran away_______ ___quickly._______
(who) (what action) (how fast)

Task 2
Para- Simple sentences Questions to help you add more
graph information to the story
1 Last school holiday in June, I went jungle trekking with 1. When did you go jungle trekking ?
a friend, Raman, at the Rainforest Discovery Centre. 2.What is the name of your friend?
We chose this place because it has many flora and 3.Where did you go?
fauna species. We wanted to finish our Science 4. Where is the place?
project. 5. Why did you choose the place?
2 We were walking along the track. We saw many big 1.What did you see along the track?
trees. We heard all sorts of jungle sounds. We heard 2.What did you hear?
birds chirping. We heard cicadas squealing. We felt 6. How did you feel?
happy and relaxed.
3 1. Can you add a word or phrase to
Suddenly / All of a sudden, we heard a buzzing sound. show sudden change of sound?
At first, we wondered about the sound. 2. Did you wonder about the sound at
It became louder and louder. first?
I felt worried. 3. How did you feel when the sound
became louder?
When we turned our heads, we saw bees everywhere. 1. When did you realize that it was a
A swarm of bees attacked us. swarm of bees?
4 1. How did you run?
Immediately, we ran as fast as we could. 2. Was it easy to run in the jungle?
It was not easy to run in the jungle. There were many 3. Did you hit the branches?
trees and bushes. I hit the branches. I fell down 4. Did you fall down?
many times.

1. Did the bees catch up with you?

The bees stung me. They stung my body and my face. I 2. Where did they sting you?
screamed and I cried. 3. What did you do when they sting
5 1. How did you avoid the bees?
We saw a lake and we jumped in. 2. What did you do next?
We put our heads under the water. We held our 3. How long did you hide from the
breath for as long as we could. We poked our heads bees?
out of the water. We gasped for air. 4. What did you do after that?
The bees left us. 5. What did you see?
6 7. What did you do after the bees were
We came out of the water. gone?
We were drenched and cold. We were sore. Our 8. How did you feel? Why?
bodies and faces were swollen.

7 We walked back to the rangers headquarters. It took us 1. How did you get help?
about 30 minutes to walk back. We told the rangers 2. How long did it take to walk back?
about the attack of the bees. 3. What did you say to the rangers?

They took us to the hospital. The doctor gave both of

us an injection each. We felt traumatised. 1. At the hospital, what did the doctor
give you?
2. How did you feel about the outing?

Last school holidays in June, I went jungle trekking with a friend, Raman, at the Rainforest Discovery
Centre. We chose this special place because it has flora and fauna species / many plant species. We
wanted to finish our important Science project.

We walked along the track. We saw many big trees. We heard all sorts of sounds. We heard birds
chirping. We heard cicadas squealing. We felt happy and relaxed.

All of a sudden, we heard a buzzing sound. At first, we wondered about it. It became louder and louder.
When we turned our heads, we saw swarms of bees everywhere. The bees attacked us.

Immediately, we ran as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in the jungle. There were many trees and
bushes. I hit the branches. I fell down many times. The bees stung me. They stung my body and my face.
I screamed and I cried.

We saw a lake and we jumped in. We put our heads under the water. We held our breath for as long as
we could. We poked our heads out of the water. The bees left us.

We came out of the water. We were drenched and cold. We were sore. Our bodies and faces were

We walked back to the park rangers headquarters. It took us about 30 minutes to walk back. We told the
rangers about the attack of the bees. They took us to the local hospital. The doctor gave both of us an
injection each. We felt traumatised.

(240 words)



Last holidays, we went to the Poring Hot Springs in Ranau, Sabah. We were so happy and enjoyed
ourselves. Some activities we did were swimming, sightseeing and jungle trekking. Our friend, Emily likes to
sing. So, she entertained us by singing a song entitled Listen by Beyonce. Then we sang together while
clapping and dancing joyfully. This is a sweet memory with our friends that we will never forget.
Suddenly, we heard someone yell for help. We rushed to the pool. A boy was drowning. We did not
know how to swim.

Help! Help! we shouted at the top of our lungs.

Luckily, there was a man near the pool. He jumped into the water and saved the boy. We were so
relieved. The boy was sent to the hospital immediately.
In the end, Emily suggested to us to learn to swim. We agreed. We decided to attend a swimming
class every week.
From the experience, we learned that we should be careful wherever we go. It is also better for us to
learn some useful skills because we never know when we may need to use it in the future.

1. such fresh air I exclaimed
Such fresh air! I exclaimed.
2. bees run for your life i screamed at the top of my lungs
Bees! Run for your life, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

3. boy you look terrible joe laughed at my puffy face

Boy, you look terrible! Joe laughed at my puffy face.

9. ouch it hurts I moaned

Ouch! It hurts, I moaned

10. thank god we re alive joe said to me reassuringly

Thank God! Were alive, Joe said to me reassuringly.


In the forest, we sauntered / strolled (walk relaxingly) along the narrow track. We observed / spotted (saw)
many rare tropical rainforest trees. We noticed all sorts of exotic jungle sounds the birds chirping and
cicadas squealing. What a beautiful morning! I exclaimed (say) to Raman. We both felt extremely happy
and relaxed.

All of a sudden, a loud buzzing sound surprised us. At first, we wondered about what it was. When we turned
our heads, we spotted (see) swarms of bees everywhere. Without warning, the aggressive bees swarmed us.

Immediately, we scampered / sprinted / bolted / dashed (run) as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in
the damp green jungle. There were many large trees and spindly bushes. I hit the thick branches. I stumbled
/ tripped (fall) over many times. The agitated bees stung me. They stung my puny body and my red face. I
screamed out painfully. At that very moment, I thought I would die.

Almost instantaneously, we spotted / noticed / caught glimpse of (see) a deep lake and straightaway, we
leaped (jump) in. Placing our heads under the cool water, we held our breath for as long as we could. After
what seemed like eternity, we raised our heads out of the water, gasping for air. The crazy bees deserted /
abandoned (leave) us. We dashed out of the fresh water. Drenched and cold, our bodies and faces were sore
and swollen.

We dawdled / ambled (walk very slowly) back to the park rangers headquarters. It took us about 30 minutes
to get back. We informed / notified (tell) the rangers about the attack of the bees. They escorted /took
(send) us to the local hospital.


These are just some possible adjectives that can be used.
Last school holiday in June, I went jungle trekking with my best friend, Raman, at the Rainforest Discovery
Centre. We chose this special place because it has an abundance of rare flora and fauna species. We
wanted to finish our important Science project.

We walked along the wide/ undulating track. We saw many big tropical rainforest trees. We heard all
sorts of exotic jungle sounds. We heard multi-coloured birds chirping. We heard plain / transparent-
winged cicadas squealing. We felt content and relaxed.

All of a sudden, we heard a buzzing sound. At first, we wondered about it. It became louder and louder.
When we turned our heads, we saw swarms of bees everywhere. The aggressive wild Borneo honey bees
attacked us.

Immediately, we ran as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in the damp green jungle. There were
many large trees and spindly / thorny bushes. I hit the thick branches. I fell down many times. The

agitated bees stung me. They stung my puny body and my red face. I screamed and I cried.

We saw a deep lake and we jumped in. We put our heads under the cool water. We held our breath for as
long as we could. We poked our heads out of the water. The crazy bees left us.

We came out of the fresh water. We were drenched and cold. We were sore. Our bodies and faces were

We walked back to the park rangers headquarters. It took us about 30 minutes to walk back. We told the
rangers about the attack of the bees. They took us to the local hospital.


In the forest, we walked along the narrow track. We saw many rainforest trees. We heard all sorts of jungle
sounds. We heard birds chirping and cicadas squealing. We felt extremely / tremendously happy and

Immediately / Instantaneously /Instantly / Quickly, we ran as fast as we could. It was not easy to run in
the jungle. There were many trees and bushes. I hit the branches. I fell down many times. The bees stung
me. They stung my body and my face mercilessly. I screamed out painfully and I cried loudly. At that very
moment, I thought I would die.


1. We chose the Rainforest Discovery Centre. It has various flora and fauna species and we wanted to finish
our Science project. (because)
We chose the Rainforest Discovery Centre because it has various flora and fauna species and we
wanted to complete our Science project.

2. We walked along the narrow track. We saw many massive rainforest trees and heard all sorts of jungle
sounds. (as)
As we walked along the narrow track, we saw many massive rainforest trees and heard all sorts of
jungle sounds.

3. We turned our heads. We noticed swarms of bees everywhere. (When)

When we turned our heads, we noticed swarms of bees everywhere.

4. The bees stung my friend. He did not cry. (Although)

Although the bees stung my friend, he did not cry.

5. We avoided the bees. We quickly jumped into a nearby lake. (To)

To avoid the bees, we quickly jumped into a nearby lake.

6. We were feeling scared. We tried to hide from the bees. (-ing present participle)
Feeling scared, we tried to hide from the bees.

Write a story begins with It was a beautiful morning

Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

1. What tense do you use when writing about an experience or a story?

Simple present tense Simple past tense

2. When you put in dialogues, what tense should you use?

Simple present tense Simple past tense


Task 1: Complete the story map below. Using the wh-questions given, brainstorm on ideas for your



Event 1:

Event 2:


Settings: Lesson Learnt /
a. Time: decision / memory /
b. Place:

Main Characters:


Write a story begins with It was a beautiful morning

1. The Beginning 2. The Build-Up

1. Where were you? Event 1 Event 2 Event 3

2. What time of a day was 1. What did you do 1. What did you do 1. What did you see on
it? next? next? your way?
3. How was the weather? 2. Where did you 2. What did you bring? 2. How did you feel?
4. What could you see? go next? 3. Where were you 3. What did you do
5. What could you hear? 3. Why? going? next?
6. What could you smell? 4. With whom? 4. What did you see?
7. How did you feel? 5. How did they feel? 5. What was the
8. Why did you feel that Why? condition of the
way? 6. How did you go victim?
there? 6. Which body part
was bleeding?

3. The Climax 4. Resolution 5. The Ending

1. What did you do next? 1. What happened next? 1. Where were you?
2. How did you help? 2. What did they do? 2. Reflection about the incident?
3. What did the 3. How did they carry the 3. Lesson learnt, hope or
eyewitnesses do? victim? decision?
4. What did you do next? 4. Where did they bring the
victim to?
5. Where did the
policemen do?
6. What did you do next?


Task 1:
The setting of the essay is It was a beautiful morning.
Study the picture carefully and think of words related to the setting.

Exposition Expansion of ideas Sample sentences

What did you see? Birds, the sun I saw birds flying in the sky. OR
I saw birds perching on the tree. The sun
was shining brightly.
What did you hear? Birds chirping happily The birds were chirping happily.

What did you smell? Moms cooking I smelt mothers cooking.

Thoughts? Reminding me of the graduation I remember that today was my graduation

day day.

How did you feel? Happy, nervous, graduation day I felt happy and nervous it was the day I had
Why? been waiting for my graduation day.

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table
below. Some words are given to you.



(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the nouns: (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) size, colour, sounds, physical verbs: time, place, manner,
looks, behavior, feelings etc.) frequency, degree, etc.)
People Size

Birds chirping Colour harmoniously

Trees Physical looks

The sun shining
Moms cooking nervous

Graduation day

Note: Get student to give specific names of the nouns birds, trees and moms cooking.
E.g. birds - sunbirds, flowerpeckers, magpie robin

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.

Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion

(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)
It was a beautiful
were chirping

(who/what) (how?)

and (who / what) was shining

felt happy and nervous
(who / what)
as was the day I had been my graduation day.
(who / what) waiting for -
Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.



Event 1: Getting ready and going out with my parents
Task 1
**Teacher goes through the questions verbally with the students and brainstorm words / ideas with
them. Teacher gets students to change the verb into the simple past tense.
Column A Column B Column C
Body Expansion of ideas Make at least one sentence for each
of the ideas in column B.
What did you do next? Take a shower

What did you do next? Wear my purple baju kurung

Where did you go next? Kitchen, eat breakfast

What type of breakfast?
What did you do next? Get ready

What did you bring? Mortar hat, graduation

robe/gown/dress (or academic
Where were you going? What To the graduation hall, UMS
was the name of the place?
With whom? My parents

How did they feel? Why? Happy, the first one to graduate

How did you go there? By car, driven by my dad

Note: Students might give responses that have nothing to do with preparation for graduation day.

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table


(Names people, places, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.

Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion

(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)


(who / what)

(who / what)

(who / what)

Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.



Event 2: Traffic jam and finding out what had happened

Task 1
**Teacher goes through the questions verbally with the students and brainstorm words / ideas with
Teacher gets students to change the verb into the simple past tense.

Column A Column B Column C

Body Expansion of ideas Make at least one sentence for

each of the ideas in Column B
What did you see on your way? Cars stopping by the roadside

How did you feel? Why? Curious

Why did you feel that way? I want to know what is happening
What did you do next? Go out from the car and run to the
What did you see? - Old Proton and a motorcycle
- Motorist lying at the roadside
What was the condition of the - Lying
victim? - In pain
- bleeding
Which body part was bleeding? his head and right arm
How did the accident happen? - Riding without a license
- turning to a junction without
noticing the oncoming car/
without giving signal
- did not obey the traffic light
Note: Students might give responses that have nothing to do with an accident.

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.

Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion

(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)


(who / what)

(who / what)

(who / what)

Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.


2.5 PARAGRAPH 4: CLIMAX Saving a life or miss a very important function?

Task 1:
**Teacher goes through the questions verbally with the students and brainstorm words / ideas with
them. Teacher gets students to change the verb into the simple past tense.

Climax Expansion of ideas Examples

What did you do next? Help the victim

How did you help? Stop the bleeding

What did you do next? Wait for the paramedic

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.

Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion

(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)


(who / what)

(who / what)

(who / what)

Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.


2.6 PARAGRAPH 5: RESOLUTION Paramedic and policemen arrived

Task 1:
**Teacher goes through the questions verbally with the students and brainstorm words / ideas with
them. Teacher gets students to change the verb into the simple past tense.

Falling action Expansion of ideas Examples

What happened next? Paramedics arrive
What did they do? Take over and assist the injured
How did they carry the victim? Stretcher from the ambulance

Where did they bring the victim Nearby hospital

What did the policemen do? - Getting information from the
- manage the traffic flow
What did you do next? - Rush back to our car and drive

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table
(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.

Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion

(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)


(who / what)

(who / what)

(who / what)

Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.


2.7 PARAGRAPH 6: ENDING Reflection about the incident
Task 1:
**Teacher goes through the questions verbally with the students and brainstorm words / ideas with
Teacher gets students to change the verb into the simple past tense.
RESOLUTION Expansion of ideas Examples
Where did you go next? To the graduation hall

What did you do next? Put on my academic

dress/graduation gown and mortar
What did you do next? Meet my friend

What happened next? Procession start

Reflection about the accident? Being a doctor is a calling.


What is more important, helping a

person in need or my own
Hope? To be a better doctor and save
many lives.


Great sense of satisfaction for

helping out somebody in their
hour of need.
*Note to teacher: The story could have a different ending. For example, the character misses his
graduation day for helping out in the accident. Teacher should encourage students to think of various
possible endings and insert positive values in the story.

Task 2: Brainstorm for more words with the use of the questions in Task 1 and write them in the table


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)

Task 3: Using the questions in Task 1 and answers given by the students, make simple sentences with the help
of the SSVEE table below.
Setting/ Subject Verb Expansion Expansion
(S) (S) (V) (E) (E)


(who / what)

(who / what)

(who / what)

Rewrite the sentences above in the following blanks.



Task 1: Underline the verbs in the following passage and list down in the table given. The first one is
done for you.

It was a beautiful morning with sound of birds chirping. When I looked outside, I could see the sun
shining brightly. I could smell mothers cooking from the kitchen. I felt happy and nervous because today was my
graduation day.
Then, I went out from my room and went to the bathroom to take my shower. The water was very cold
and I was freezing. After shower, I wore my purple baju kurung and paced to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.
After I ate the sandwiches prepared by my mother, I got ready. I took my mortar hat and my academic dress and
went out from the house. My father was waiting in the car. Then, my parents and I drove to the graduation hall.


Is Was


Task 1: Read the text below. It contains errors which are indicated for you. Write down the correct
answers above the underlined words.

When we reach Jalan Puteri, there are cars stopping by the roadside. My parents are talk about

what could have happen. I am feel curious. I quickly put down my brown handbag and go out from the car

and run out to the scene.

When I reach the scene, I can see an old Proton and a motorcycle. The motorist is at the

roadside. The motorist is lying and he is bleeding on his head and his right arms. According to one of the

eye-witness, the boy is at fault for riding without a license. He is turn at a junction without noticing the

oncoming car. I walk towards the victim and see that he is in pain.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you use the correct tense. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Grammar.


Task 1: Replace the vague verbs with strong action verbs.

When we reached Jalan Puteri, there was a traffic jam. We wondered what could have happened. I was feeling
curious. I quickly put down my brown handbag, got out of the car and walked to the scene. Upon reaching
the scene, I could see an old Proton and a motorcycle. The motorist was lying at the roadside. He was
bleeding on
his head and his right arm. According to one of the eye-witnesses, the boy was at fault for riding without a
He was turning and speeding at a junction without seeing the oncoming car. I walked towards the victim and
that he was in pain.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you strong action verbs. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Strong Action Verbs.


Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below:

1. are you okay dear my mom asked
i m fine mom i reassured her

2. someone please called the paramedic and policemen i shouted

3. why are you late i am so worried she blurted as soon as she saw me

4. there was an accident when I was on my way here luckily the boy did not sustain any major injury i
assured her

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you punctuate the dialogues correctly. Use the ideas given
in the Language Review Notes: Punctuating Dialogues.


Task 1: Read the passage. Identify the nouns using a highlighter. Describe the nouns with the
appropriate adjectives. Add in adverbs too wherever appropriate. Use a blue ink pen with adjectives
and a red ink pen with adverb.

When we reached Jalan Puteri, there was a jam. We wondered what could have happened. I was feeling
curious. I quickly put down my handbag and jumped out of the car and dashed to the scene. To my horror, I
could see a Proton and a motorcycle. The motorist was lying at the roadside. He was bleeding on his head and
his right arm. According to one of the eye-witnesses, the boy was at fault for riding without a license. He was
turning and speeding at a junction without noticing the car. I walked towards the victim and saw that he was in
Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you use appropriate adjectives and adverbs. Use the ideas
given in the Language Review Notes: Adjectives and Adverbs


Task 1: Join the sentences with the words given in the brackets.
e.g. She was annoyed. She gathered her things and left the room.
1. It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping melodiously. (with)

2. I looked outside the window. I could see the sun shining brightly. (when)

3. I made a dash to the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower. (for)

4. I felt a sense of relief as the paramedic arrived. I immediately informed them of the circumstances. (present
participle ing)

5. I arrived at the main hall late. I was still in time for the procession to receive my degree. (Although)

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your sentence structures. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Vary your sentence structures.

3.7 LANGUAGE REVIEW 5: Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings

Task 1: Study the Language Review Notes on Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings. Write
different ways of you can begin and end your story.
Introduction Make your introduction captivating.
It was a beautiful morning, Action
sound of birds chirping and _________________ out of my bed and drawing the curtain open, I could
dogs barking in the distance. hear the melodious chirping of the birds and some dogs barking in the
_________________________________________________ I thought
to myself.
Sensory Details
Sight: The sky was full of cotton-wool clouds. The glorious morning air
filled my lungs.
Thoughts and feelings: Thinking of my graduation day, I felt excited but
____________ at the same time.

Meaningful Ending: Feelings:

Hope or Wishes:


Now your turn. Review your essay. Rewrite the introduction and ending using the techniques given.
Check your answers with your teacher.


Task 1.1 Story Map

1. The Beginning
Settings: In the Morning
Place: At home, On the road, At the university

Main Characters: Myself, my parents (father and mother)

2. The Build-Up
Event 1: Got up, got ready and went to UMS with parents.

Event 2: Traffic jam and finding out what had happened

3. Climax: Saving a life or miss a very important function

4. Resolution: Paramedic and policemen arrived. The victim was taken to hospital.

5. The Ending: Reflection about the incident


It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping happily. When I looked outside, I could see the
sun shining brightly. I could smell mothers toasted sandwich from the kitchen. I felt happy and
nervous as I would be attending my graduation day that day.


It was a beautiful morning with sound of birds chirping. When I looked outside, I could see the sun
shining brightly. I could smell mothers cooking from the kitchen. I felt happy and nervous because today was my
graduation day.
Then, I went out from my room and went to the bathroom to take my shower. The water was very cold
and I was freezing. After taking shower, I wore my purple baju kurung and paced to the kitchen to eat my
breakfast. After I ate the sandwiches prepared by my mother, I got ready. I took my mortar hat and my academic
dress and went out from the house. My father was waiting in the car. Then, my parents and I drove to the
graduation hall.


is was
look looked
can could
feel felt
go went
wear wore
pace paced
eat ate
prepare prepared
get got
take took
drive drove


When we reached Jalan Puteri, there were cars stopping by the roadside. My parents were talking
to themselves about what could have happened. I was feeling curious. I quickly put down my brown
handbag and went out from the car and ran out to the scene.
When I reached the scene, I could see an old Proton and a motorcycle. The motorist was at the
roadside. The motorist was lying and he was bleeding on his head and his right arm. According to one of
the eye-witnesses, the boy was at fault for riding without a license. He was turning to a junction without
noticing the oncoming car. I walked towards the victim and saw that he was in pain.


When we reached Jalan Puteri, there was a traffic jam. We wondered what could have happened. I was feeling
jumped dashed arriving at
curious. I quickly put down my brown handbag, got out of the car and walked to the scene. Upon reaching
the scene, I could see an old Proton and a motorcycle. The motorist was lying at the roadside. He was

bleeding on his head and his right arm. According to one of the eye-witnesses, the boy was at fault for riding
noticing rushed
without a license. He was turning and speeding at a junction without seeing the oncoming car. I walked
towards the victim and saw that he was in pain.


1. Are you fine, dear?
Im fine, mom,
2. Someone please call the paramedics and policemen,
3. Why are you late? I am so worried, she blurted as soon as she saw me.
4. There was an accident when I was on my way here. Luckily, the boy did not sustain any major
injury, I assured her.


When we reached Jalan Puteri, there was a massive traffic jam. We wondered what could possibly have
happened. I was feeling curious. I quickly put down my brown leather handbag and jumped out of the car and
dashed to the accident scene. To my horror, I could see an old white Proton and a Honda motorcycle. The
motorist was lying at the roadside. He was bleeding profusely on his head and his right arm. According to one
of the interested eye-witnesses, the teenage boy was at fault for riding without a drivers license. He was
turning and speeding at a junction without noticing the oncoming car. I walked towards the unfortunate /
unlucky victim and saw that he was in immense / extreme / tremendous / excruciating pain.

1. It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping melodiously. (with)
It was a beautiful morning with the birds chirping melodiously.

2. I looked outside the window. I could see the sun shining brightly. (when)
When I looked outside the window, I could see the sun shining brightly.
3. I made a dash to the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower. (for)
I made a dash to the bathroom for a shower.

4. I felt a sense of relief as the paramedic arrived. I immediately informed them of the circumstances. (present
participle ing)
Feeling a sense of relief as the paramedic arrived, I immediately informed them of the circumstances.

5. I arrived at the main hall late. I was still in time for the procession to receive my degree. (Although)
Although I arrived at the main hall late, I was still in time for the procession to receive my degree.


It was a beautiful morning with sound of birds chirping and dogs barking in the distance. When I
looked outside, I could see the sun shining brightly and smell mothers toasted sandwiches from the kitchen.
Feeling happy and nervous, today was my graduation day.
I made a dash to the bathroom for my shower. The water was very cold and I was freezing. After that,
I put on my purple baju kurung and headed to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. The sandwiches prepared by
my mother were scrumptious.
Grabbing my mortar hat and academic dress, I rushed from the house, for my father was waiting in
the car to drive me to the graduation hall.
Are you alright, dear? mother asked when she saw my worried look in the rear view mirror.
Im fine, mom, I reassured her even though I felt nervous.
When we reached Jalan Puteri, cars were banked up along the roadside. My parents and I wondered
what could possibly have happened to cause such a massive traffic jam. Being inquisitive, I quickly jumped out
from the car and darted to the scene.
There I could see an old Proton and a Honda motorcycle with an unfortunate motorist lying injured
on the roadside. He was bleeding profusely from his head and right arm, obviously in pain. According to one
of the curious eyewitnesses, the teenage boy was at fault for riding dangerously and without a drivers license.
He had turned at the junction, not noticing the oncoming car. No one was helping, just looking. I had to do
something quickly.
Someone please call the paramedics and policemen, I shouted while trying to stop the bleeding.
Ten minutes later, the ambulance and police arrived at the same time. The paramedics took over
placing the victim on a stretcher and then charged on to the nearby hospital. The policemen asked all
eyewitnesses for a statement so I had to stay until that was finished.
Just as I arrived, the undergraduates were waiting for the procession to start outside the main hall. I
quickly put on my academic gown and my mortar hat
Amy! Here! I turned my head to the voice of my friend, Aisyah who was waving at me.
Why are you late? I am so worried, I could sense her concern.
There was an accident on my way here. Luckily the victim, a boy did not sustain any major injury.
The procession started, we rushed off to get in the queue, two long lines, to enter the hall. As I
marched / strode down the stairs, I saw my parents faces. Mother was wiping her teary eyes with father
holding her shoulder, waving to me. I smiled and nodded.
Being a doctor is indeed my calling, I thought to myself and smiled confidently as I moved forward
to receive my scroll proudly.


It was a beautiful morning with sound of birds chirping and dogs barking in the distance. Jumping
out of my mahagony bed and drawing the curtain open, I was greeted by the golden glow spreading across the
sky. The aroma of mothers toasted sandwiches from the kitchen permeated the air. Aaahhh, today is the
day. My graduation, I exclaimed, feeling happy and nervous at the same time.
I made a dash to the bathroom for my shower. The water was icy cold and I was freezing. Swiftly, I
put on my purple baju kurung and headed to the kitchen to savour my breakfast. The sandwiches prepared by
my mother were scrumptious.
Grabbing my mortar hat and academic dress, I rushed from the house, for my father was waiting in
his posh BMW to drive me to the graduation hall.
Are you alright, dear? mother asked when she detected my worried look in the rear view mirror.
Im fine, mom, I reassured her even though I felt nervous.
When we reached Jalan Puteri, cars were banked up along the roadside. My parents and I wondered
what could possibly have happened to cause such a massive traffic jam. Being inquisitive, I instantly jumped
out from the car and darted to the scene.
There I could see an old black Proton and a Honda motorcycle with an unfortunate motorist lying
injured on the roadside. Bleeding profusely from his head and right arm, he was obviously in pain. According
to one of the curious eyewitnesses, the teenage boy was at fault for riding dangerously and without a drivers
license. He had turned at the junction, not noticing the oncoming car. No one was helping, just looking. I had
to do something quickly.
Someone please call the paramedics and policemen, I shouted while trying to stop the bleeding.
Ten minutes later, the ambulance and police arrived at the same time. The paramedics took over
placing the victim on a stretcher and then charged on to the nearby hospital. The policemen asked all
eyewitnesses for a statement so I had to stay until that was finished.
Just as I arrived, the undergraduates were waiting in a line for the procession to start outside the main
hall. I briefly put on my academic gown and my mortar hat
Amy! Here! I turned my head to the voice of my friend, Aisyah who was waving at me.
Why are you late? I am so worried, I could sense her concern.
There was an accident on my way here. Luckily the victim, a boy did not sustain any major injury.
The procession started, we rushed off to get in the queue, two long lines, to enter the hall. As I
marched / strode down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of my parents faces. Mother was wiping her teary eyes
with father holding her shoulder, waving to me. I smiled and nodded.
Being a doctor is indeed my calling, I thought to myself and smiled confidently as I moved forward
to receive my scroll with a sense of pride.


TOPIC: Write a composition entitled the Greatest Gift.

Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes below.

1. What tense do you use when writing about an experience or a story?

Simple present tense Simple past tense

2. When you put in dialogues, what tense should you use?

Simple present tense Simple past tense


Task 1: Study the story elements and examples given in column A and complete column B with the
correct answer.

Column A Column B.
Now you try! Change any of the
following: setting, the characters, point
of view, climax, resolution and ending.
Setting (Time) Sunday evening Saturday __________

Setting (Place) a. In the shopping mall. ____________ (

b. At home. restaurant/cinema/shopping mall)

Main Characters 1. Amira, a 15-year-old teenager
2. Julie, Amiras friend, from a rich
3. Amiras mother; widow, uneducated
and worked only as a janitor in a
shopping mall.

The Build-Up
Event 1: a. Peer pressure: Amira did not own a
smartphone and wanted to have one
because Julie made fun of her outdated
mobile phone.
Event 2 b. Amira forced her mother to get her a
new smart phone although she knew her
mother could not afford it.
Event 3 c. Amira's mother worked all day long to
earn extra money to buy a new mobile
phone for Amira.
Climax - Amiras mother was hit by a car and
had to undergo a major operation

Resolution a. Amira asked for Julies help to lend

(must be logical) her some money for her mothers cost of

operation. Unfortunately, Julie did not
want to help out.
b. Amira sold her new smartphone to
help pay for her mothers cost of
*** Remember selling her new
smartphone is not enough to pay for the
hospital cost.
The Ending
Lesson learnt?
Hope / Wish?

Task 2: Using the storyline that you have come up with in Task 1, complete the story map below.
There might be more than 2 events. Add in the events.

1.2 VOCABULARY: Brainstorm for words related to the story map you have produced and complete
the table below.
The Greatest Gift


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns: size, colour, verbs: time, place,
sounds, physical looks, manner, frequency,
behavior, feelings etc.) degree, etc.)

Note: Get student to give specific names of the nouns people (janitor, shoppers, etc.); mobile phones
Nokia; etc.

Task 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.


house walked angry angrily
mother took strange slowly
kitchen felt

1. My life is miserable! shouted Amira _____________ to her mother.

2. Mother and Amira had a discussion in the ____________.
3. She arrived at her shabby ______________ with frustration.
4. Amira ___________ to the bathroom and ______________ her shower.
5. Amira _____________ annoyed with her mother for not being understanding towards her needs.
6. Amira is _____________ with her mother.
7. She lives with her _____________ in a shabby house.
8. Amira was ____________ with Julie for make fun of her.
9. Amiras _______behaviour made her mother curious.
10. Feeling ashamed of her shabby house, she opened the door _______________________.

Task 2: Use strong action verb to replace the overused verb below.
Overused verb: said
INSTEAD YOU CAN USE: whispered, mumbled, uttered, exclaimed
What about when you say something in angry manner? Write down the words in the boxes provided.


Using the format below, insert the setting of time and place.

Setting: Time Setting: place Main character Action

+ + +

That late told her mother

evening, in the kitchen Amira that she wanted
+ + + a smartphone,
just like Julies.

+ + + +

2.1 Using the framework and the wh-questions provided, write your own story.
Format of an Open Composition

Title of composition Greatest Gift

The Beginning Saturday evening, Amira and Julie were hanging out in the
shopping mall. Amira took her phone out to check for missed
calls and messages. a. What did Julie say
_________________________________________________ to her when she saw
_________________________________________________ the phone?
_________________________________________________ b. How did Amira
_________________________________________________ feel about the
_________________________________________________ remark?
Amira lives in a ____________________________________ c. How would you
_________________________________________________ describe Amiras
_________________________________________________ poor background?
_________________________________________________ House? Parents?
The Build-Up Once she reached home, Amira lashed out at her mother d. What did she say
Event because of her anger over her telephone. to her mother to
_________________________________________________ demand for a phone?
_________________________________________________ e. Why was she
_________________________________________________ desperate for a
_________________________________________________ phone?
_________________________________________________ f. How did her
_________________________________________________ mother react to her
_________________________________________________ request?
Event Amiras mother worked all day long to get her a new g. What other odd
phone as a gift. Besides cleaning the toilets, she also jobs did her mother
_________________________________________________ do?
Event One morning, as Amira was walking with Julie in the mall,
she saw an old lady rummaging through a litterbin. It was her h. How did Amira
mother! _________________________________________ react when she saw
_________________________________________________ her mother?
_________________________________________________ Feelings? Actions?
_________________________________________________ Why?
Event When Amira arrived home that night, she did not see her
mother. However, she found a box with her name on it.
Excitedly, she opened it and ___________________________ i. What was inside
_________________________________________________ the box?
She was overjoyed. She wanted to thank her mother. Then,
there was a knock at the door.

Climax j. What happened?

Resolution How was the issue


The Ending What moral lesson

can you learn from

Some useful expressions for your essay.

lashed out angrily at her mother blood boiled like a kettle on the stove.
She ran to her room and slammed the door. put on her gloomiest, glummest face
flushed red as she huffed and puffed in anger verbally struck out in anger
Anger clouded her and she smashed the phone could not stomach the guilt any
thunderously on the table further.
smiling so widely that she showed off her row Her flushed cheeks were obvious as she
of pearly white teeth. huffed and puffed in anger
tears cascaded down her cheek bones
Exhilarated by the present, she pranced around the
room like a little girl with a lollipop. Like a startled deer, she zoomed
Like a bullet train, she zoomed to her mother who
A pool of bright emerald red blood
was lying weakly.
chocked with tears she struggled to take
Goosebumps broke out all over her body and she a breath..
shivered uncontrollably as she absorbed the terrible
She prayed fervently

Idiom Simile
1. Move with the times to move with the times is to As proud as a peacock - arrogant
keep up with the latest changes in fashion or
2. Turn over a new leaf changing for the better
3. Half a loaf is better than no bread be grateful for
what you get rather than complaining for what you
dont have
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed - A friend who
helps when on is in trouble is a real friend.
5. Blood is thicker than water family relationship is
stronger than others.
6. Born with a silver spoon in ones mouth to be
born in a very rich family

Task 1: Read the story below and edit the tenses with the correct form of verbs.

Amira takes her phone out from her pocket to checked if there was any messages or missed calls. Seeing her
phone, Julie hollers, Go and buy a smartphone. You were so outdated! Embarrassed, Amira quickly puts
her phone back inside her pocket and come up with an excuse to leave. As soon as she reaches home, she
demands a new phone from her mother. Her mother is shocked by her overreaction. She tries to make
Amira understand that they cannot afford to having a smartphone. The next day, when Julie and Amira was
shopping at the mall, they notice an old woman picking rubbish. As soon as the old woman turns around,
Amira feels disgusted. She is extremely embarrassed. She immediately runs home. Upon arrival, she is
surprised to see a red box with her name on it on the kitchen table. Without thinking, she opens it. To her
surprise, it is a smartphone. She is overjoyed. She was waited for her mother to come home. There is no
sign of her mom. Instead, two police officers arrive at her door.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you use the correct tense. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Grammar.


Task 1: Replace the underlined verbs below with strong action verbs.

Grabbing her phone out of her pocket, Amira checked for any missed messages or phone calls. Appalled, Julie
said, Go get yourself a smartphone. Why are you using that ancient thing? Feeling embarrassed, Amira
quickly put it back into her pocket. She made an excuse and quickly left. Upon arriving home, she asked for
a new phone from her mother. Shocked by her overreaction, she told her she could not afford it. The next
day, when Julie and Amira were shopping at the mall, they saw an old woman picking through the rubbish
bin. As soon as the old woman turned around, Amira felt disgusted. She was extremely embarrassed. She
immediately ran home. Upon arrival, a red box with her name on it caught her attention. Without thinking,
she opened it. To her surprise, it was a smartphone. She was overjoyed. She waited for her mother to come
home. There was no sign of her mom. Instead, two police officers arrived at her door.
Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.
1. get a smartphone you re so old fashion she hollered

2. my life is miserable and it is all because of you I shrieked in anger

3. do you have any problem aminah my mother asked gently

4. yes i do have problems a lot of problems you re driving me up the wall i lashed out

5. i m sorry to inform you that your mother had met with an accident in the shopping mall she had fallen of
the escalator the officers in blue uniform informed me

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you punctuate the dialogues correctly. Use the ideas given
in the Language Review Notes: Punctuating Dialogues

Task 1: Read the passage. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives. Replace the underlined word
with a suitable adverb. Add in adverbs too wherever appropriate. Use a blue ink pen with adjectives
and a red ink pen with adverb.

Taking her _________________ phone out of her old _______________ pocket, Amira checked for any
missed messages or phone calls. Appalled, Julie called out, Go get yourself a smartphone. Why are you using
that ancient thing? Feeling embarrassed, Amira quickly put it back into her pocket. She made an excuse and
quickly left. Upon arriving home, she insisted on a __________________ phone from her mother. Shocked
by her overreaction, she explained to her she could not afford it. The next day, when Julie and Amira were
shopping at the _________________ mall, they observed / noticed / spotted an old untidy woman
rummaging through the _______________rubbish bin. As soon as the _________________ woman turned
around, Amira felt disgusted. She was extremely humiliated. She immediately bolted home. Upon arrival, a
___________________ box with her name on it caught her attention. Without thinking, she opened it. To
her surprise, it was a _________________ smartphone. She was overjoyed. She waited for her mother to
come home. There was no sign of her mom. Instead, two __________________ police officers arrived at her
front door.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your adjectives and adverbs. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Adjectives and Adverbs


Task 1: Join the sentences with the words given in the brackets.
1. She was embarrassed. She swiftly put her phone back into her pocket. (Adjective)

2. She was feeling frustrated. She demanded a smartphone from her mother. (present participle)

3. Her mother was only a janitor. She worked hard to get her daughter a smartphone. (Although)

4. She was shocked by her daughters overreaction. She explained to her that they could not afford a
smartphone. (Adjective)

5. Julie and Amira went shopping. They spotted an old woman rummaging through the rubbish bin. (When)

6. The disheveled old woman turned around. Amira felt disgusted and humiliated. (As soon as)

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your sentence structures. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Vary your sentence structures.


All of a sudden / Suddenly Within seconds / minutes, Filled with joy / apprehension /
Abruptly Not long after, alarm,
Before I knew it Shortly after, When all was said and done,
Just then Soon after, When I realized what had
Almost instantaneously At that very moment, actually happened
Slowly / Gradually At the same time, To my surprise,
Eventually Simultaneously, What surprised / saddened /
Without warning By then, angered / irritated me was
To my surprise Some distance away I wonder
A moment later In the meantime I remember
Later that day / evening / night, Sooner or later What if
The following day / Monday / Subsequently In reality,
night, Eventually As a result / Consequently
Months passed, Gradually
From then on

Review your essay and add in transitional phrases to make your story more coherent.


Task 1: Study the Language Review Notes on Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings. Write
different ways of you can begin and end your story.
Introduction Make your introduction captivating.
Amira took her phone out to Action
check if there were any messages Amiras hand shot into her denim jeans pocket and pulled out her mobile.
or missed calls. She felt ashamed Scanning the old scratched screen, she noticed there were no messages or
when Julie made fun of her old miscalls.
phone. Dialogue and Feeling
She was startled when Julie screeched out, Go get yourself a real phone.
Thats so yesterday.
How could she say such a thing, she is supposed to be my friend.
Sensory Details
Sight: A feeling of shame descended over her flushed face. Disgusted,
she stood up abruptly and scurried off.

Dialogue / Thought
Ill show you one day, Ill show you, she muttered to herself.
Can you think of other interesting way to begin your story? Revise the beginning of your essay.

Write one sentence for each of these four types of endings (memory, feeling, hope or wish, and
decision. Your sentence can be part of the ending of any story you wish. An example is provided for
each type.
Meaningful Ending: Memory:
I will never forget the day I almost lost my mother.

I can still feel the chill when I recall the memory of the accident.

As the old adage goes, A friend in need is a friend indeed. Julie never
helped me in my hour of need. So, she proved to be not a true friend. I
decided from that day on, to be appreciative and grateful for the people
around me, especially my mother. She is my true friend the greatest gift.

Lesson learnt
The greatest gift is the gift of wisdom. I learnt to realise what was
important in my life and what was not.



Grabbing her phone out of her pocket, Amira checked for any missed messages or phone calls. Appalled, Julie
hollered / called out / shrieked, Go get yourself a smartphone. Why are you using that ancient thing?
Feeling embarrassed, Amira quickly placed/ threw / jammed it back into her pocket. She created an excuse
and quickly left. Upon arriving home, she demanded /insisted on a new phone from her mother. Shocked
by her overreaction, she explained to her she could not afford it. The next day, when Julie and Amira were
shopping at the mall, they observed / noticed / spotted an old woman rummaging / sifting / sorting
through the rubbish bin. As soon as the old woman turned around, Amira felt disgusted. She was extremely
ashamed / mortified / humiliated. She immediately dashed / bolted / sprinted home. Upon arrival, a
red box with her name on it caught her attention. Without thinking, she opened it. To her surprise, it was a
smartphone. She was overjoyed. She waited for her mother to come home. There was no sign of her mom.
Instead, two police officers arrived at her door.


Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.

1. get a smartphone you re so old fashion she hollered
Get a smartphone! Youre so old fashion, she hollered.
2. my life is miserable and it is all because of you I shrieked in anger
My life is miserable and it is all because of you, I shrieked in anger.
3. do you have any problem aminah my mother asked gently
Do you have any problem, Aminah? my mother asked gently.
4. yes i do have problems a lot of problems you re driving me up the wall i lashed out
Yes, I do have problems. A lot of problems. Youre driving me up the wall! I lashed out.
5. i m sorry to inform you that your mother had met with an accident in the shopping mall she had fallen of
the escalator the officers in blue uniform informed me
Im sorry to inform you that your mother had met with an accident in the shopping mall. She
had fallen of the escalator, the officers in blue uniform informed me.


Taking her dumb / feature phone out of her old jeans pocket, Amira checked for any missed messages or
phone calls. Appalled, Julie called out, Go get yourself a smartphone. Why are you using that ancient thing?
Feeling embarrassed, Amira quickly put it back into her pocket. She made an excuse and swiftly / briskly /
expeditiously / instantenously / abruptly /promptly left. Upon arriving home, she insisted on a new
phone from her mother. Shocked by her overreaction, she explained to her she could not afford it. The next
day, when Julie and Amira were shopping at the city mall, they observed / noticed / spotted an old untidy
woman rummaging through the metal rubbish bin. As soon as the disheveled woman turned around, Amira
felt disgusted. She was extremely humiliated. She immediately bolted home. Upon arrival, a red cardboard
box with her name on it caught her attention. Without thinking, she opened it. To her surprise, it was a brand
new smartphone. She was overjoyed. She waited for her mother to come home. There was no sign of her
mom. Instead, two burly police officers arrived at her front door.


1. She was embarrassed. She swiftly put her phone back into her pocket. (Adjective)
Embarrassed, she swiftly put her phone back into her pocket.
2. She was feeling frustrated. She demanded a smartphone from her mother. (present participle)
Feeling frustrated, she demanded a smartphone from her mother.
3. Her mother was only a janitor. She worked hard to get her daughter a smartphone. (Although)
Although her mother was only a janitor, she worked hard to get her daughter a smartphone.
4. She was shocked by her daughters overreaction. She explained to her that they could not afford a
smartphone. (Adjective)
Shocked by her daughters overreaction, she explained to her that they could not afford a smartphone.
5. Julie and Amira went shopping. They spotted an old woman rummaging through the rubbish bin. (When)
When Julie and Amira went shopping, they spotted an old woman rummaging through the rubbish
6. The disheveled old woman turned around. Amira felt disgusted and humiliated. (As soon as)
As soon as the disheveled old woman turned around, Amira felt disgusted and humiliated.

Sample Answer 1
Amira took her phone out from her pocket to check if there were any messages or missed calls. Out of
the blue, Julie hollered, "Go and buy a smartphone. That mobile phone is so yesterday. You should move with
the times. Annoyed and ashamed, she quickly put her phone back inside her pocket and started to come up
with excuses. "I have to make a move; I have a lot of things to do. Hurriedly, she said her goodbye to Julie
and left the mall. Shopping became one of Amira's interests since Julie became her best friend. However,
unlike Amira, Julie was the one who spent a lot of money while shopping as she was born with a silver spoon
in her mouth.
She reached a shabby house and sighed as her house is not as big as Julies. She has been living in that house
with her mother for the past 15 years. Her father had passed away when she was only 13. Feeling ashamed,
she put on her glummest face and walked slowly towards her home. Mother was in the kitchen. Amira went to
the kitchen and lashed out angrily at her mother, "My life is miserable and it is all because of you! Then, she
ran to her room and slammed the door.
During dinner, Amira sat in front of her mother without saying a single word. Amira's mother felt strange
about her silence. Her mother started to feel worried and asked her a few questions. "Do you have any
problem, Amira? her mother murmured gently. "Usually, youll talk about almost everything but today there is
not a single word from you."
Amira turned red as soon as her mother opened her mouth. "Yes, I do have problems. A lot of
problems! You're driving me up the wall," she fumed furiously. Anger clouded her and she smashed the
phone thunderously on the table.
Amira's mother felt shocked over her action. "Why the long face? Why did you throw that phone? Don't
you know it is from your dad?"
Amira replied, "Yes, I know it! But I need a smartphone. I want exactly the same one like Julie. She
insulted me for owning this old mobile phone!
She dashed for her room immediately without thinking of her mothers feeling. Her mother stepped into
her room and spoke in a lifeless voice, promising her that she would try her very best to buy her a new mobile
phone. Amira could see that tears flowing down both her mothers cheeks like raging rivers.
Since that day, Amira hardly saw her mother at home. Her mother was working hard to earn enough
money to buy her a smartphone. She worked every single day and night. In the wee hours of the morning, she
would sell 'kuih-muih' and came back home late evening as the sun slowly lost its radiance. Every dusky night,
she continued to sew "baju kurung".
Amira did not notice anything because she was busy hanging around with her best friend. One day, while
she was with Julie at shopping mall she noticed someone familiar nearby. She saw an old lady collecting bottle,
aluminum tin and plastic from the garbage bin. Suddenly, the old lady turned and looked at her, smiling. She
called for Amira but she refused to answer her. She repeatedly called Amiras name but Amira sprinted as fast
as her legs could carry her. She did not want Julie to know that the old lady was her mother. With

disappointment, the old lady headed home. She wanted to be home before her daughter. She wanted to give
her a surprise.
Amira was surprised when she arrived home. She saw a box of present in front of the door. Without
taking off her shoes, she reached the present while smiling so widely that she showed off her row of pearly
white teeth. Exhilarated / Overjoyed by the present, she pranced around the room like a little girl with a
lollipop. Finally, a smarphone for her, I-phone 5. She was on cloud nine. She wondered how her mother got
the money. She searched for her mother high and low but she could not find her. She wanted to thank her
mother for buying her a smartphone. As she peeped out of the window, she noticed an old lady across the road
not far from her house. She called for her. Suddenly, Amira heard a sound of screeching tyres resounded in
the air and the next thing she saw was her mother lying on the road. Like a bullet train, she zoomed to her
mother who was lying weakly.
A pool of bright crimson blood formed below her mother. She screamed in agony at the sight of her
lifeless body of her mother. A few passers-by helped and called the ambulance for her. Amira followed her
mother to the hospital and was told by the doctor that her mother had to undergo a major operation to
restructure her fractured bones. She gazed blankly at the doctor as her mind ran wildly thinking about the
situation of her mother now. Goosebumps broke out all over her body and she shivered uncontrollably as she
absorbed the terrible news. She was so chocked with tears that she had to swallow a few times before she
managed to ask the doctor to give her some time to get the money. Amira had to pay RM5000.00 for her
mothers operation. Amira asked from her best friend, Julie to lend her some money but she refused. No one
wanted to help her. She prayed fervently so that help was on the way.
Finally, she tried to sell her smartphone and got the money. She was lucky because her mother was safe
from the car crash and she was thankful to her mother. Without her, she will be no one. Amira could not
stomach the guilt any further. She vowed to appreciate her mother and love her dearly. She knows that her
mother has sacrificed a lot for her. She then realises that although the smartphone is a gift from mother to her,
it is nothing compared to the greatest gift of all from God to her her mothers life! After that incident, she
decided to turn over a new leaf and become a better daughter to her mother. She no longer befriends Julie. At
the end of the day, blood is thicker than water.


Amira took her phone out from her pocket to check if there were any messages or missed calls. Looking at her
phone, Julie hollered "Go and buy a smartphone. That mobile phone is so yesterday. You should move with
the times.
Amira was not very pleased. Julie was meant to be her friend. So, why should she be giving her a hard time
about the appearance of her phone? She did not show her annoyance, but quickly shoved her phone back
inside her pocket and started to come up with an excuse to leave.
"I have a lot of things to do, so Id better keep moving, she then said her goodbye to Julie and left the mall.
Shopping became one of Amiras main interests since Julie became her best friend, but unlike Julies over
indulgence, she spent very little.
She reached a small shabby rundown house and sighed as her house is not as big and well maintained as Julies.
She has been living in that house with her mother for the past 15 years. Her father had passed away when she
was only 13. The thought of comparing her friends house and hers made her feel ashamed. She put on her
best glum face and walked slowly inside and headed straight to her room.
Mother was already in the kitchen when Amira entered.
"My life is miserable and it is all because of you! she shrieked in tears.
Her mother looked back at her with sad but understanding eyes.
During the family dinner, Amira sat in front of her mother without saying a single word. Amira's mother
sensed there was something wrong
"Do you have any problem, Amira? her mother whispered gently. "Usually, youll talk to me about almost
anything but today there is not a single word from you.
"Yes, I do have problems. A lot of problems! You're driving me up the wall, she retorted. Anger consumed
her completely and she threw her phone onto the table smashing it into a hundred pieces.

Amiras mother was shocked by her overreaction. Why did you do that? Don't you know it was your
"Yes, I know it! But I need a new smartphone. I want exactly the same one as Julies. She insulted me for
owning this old mobile phone! she blurted out with no thought for her mothers feelings.
Her mother in a futile attempt to placate her daughter, promised she would try her very best to buy her a new
mobile phone. Amiras tears rolled off her spoilt face like morning dew from leaf.
Since that day, Amira hardly saw her mother at home. Her mother was working hard every single day and well
into the night to earn enough money to buy her a smartphone. In the wee hours of the morning, she would
sell 'kuih-muih' and came back home late evening after the sun had long set, then continue to sew "baju
Conceited, Amira did not notice anything because she was busy hanging around with her best friend.
One day, with Julie at shopping mall she noticed someone very familiar nearby. She saw an old lady collecting
bottles, aluminum tin and plastic from the garbage bin. Suddenly, the old lady turned around, their eyes met
and Amira saw it was her mother. Disgusted, she bolted out of the store before her friend could see that her
mother had become a bag lady.
Upon arrival at home, Amira was surprised to see a box with her name on it on the kitchen table. Without
thinking she ripped the cover and opened it. To her total surprise, it was a smartphone. She was on cloud
Oh, her mother had come good. She was now so happy to be able to show off her phone to Julie.
She waited patiently for her mother to return. However, she did not.
That night, two police officers arrived at her door instead.
Opening the front door gingerly, she stared at the two tall men without uttering a word.
Is this where Amira James lives?
Yes thats me.
Im sorry to inform you that your mother had met with an accident in the shopping Mall. She had fallen off
the escalator. It appears she was in a distressed state at the time. Do you have any idea why?
Amira James life had just come crashing down. She knew why, yes indeed. By being totally self-centred, she
had only thought about her own selfish needs and not cared about her mother. She looked at the phone in the
palm of her hand and burst out crying. The greatest gift was not the phone but to have the life of her mother



Describe an unforgettable incident that you had experienced.

Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

1. What tense do you use when writing about an experience or a story?

Simple present tense Simple past tense

2. When you put in dialogues, what tense should you use?

Simple present tense Simple past tense


Task 1 : Group Work: Rearrange the jumbled up sentences below by numbering the boxes to describe
how you and your family were affected by flood.

We soon found safety on a higher ground which was not affected by the flood.
All of a sudden, the water from the river overflowed, flooding the roads.
The water rose rapidly. We salvaged our belongings, moving them to the attic.
In that late afternoon, the water subsided.
The villagers returned to their houses. Rebuilding and cleaning work was done.
It had been pouring throughout the night. Flashes of lightning and the rolling thunder kept me
awake. Everyone stayed indoors.
Without warning, my mother accidentally stepped into a drain and disappeared under water. Within
seconds, the strong current dragged me away from my family. I thought I was going to die.
As soon as water seeped under the front door, we hastily waded out of the house for fear of our
Even though our property was damaged, we felt glad that everyone was safe.
Seeing the raging waters, I held my fathers hand so tight the blood stopped flowing.
Thank goodness! Daddy saved us.

Rewrite the sentences in order in the space provided below.

Task 2: Using the storyline that you have come up with in Task 1, complete the story map below.
There might be more than 2 events. Add in the numbers.

a. Read the jumbled up sentences and identify the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Use the
dictionary to help you.
b. Look up the thesaurus for synonyms for the words given below. Add other words that you can
think of that is related to a bad flood.

An Unforgettable Incident I have Experienced (A bad Flood)


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns: size, colour, verbs: time, place,
sounds, physical manner, frequency,
looks, behavior, degree, etc.)
feelings etc.)
walked worried quickly

Note: Get student to give specific names of the nouns people (victims, rescue team, relief centre); things
(property, belongings, possessions) etc.


2.1 TASK 1: Individual Work : Guided Writing

Based on the activities done in pre-writing, write a story using the following phrases below and the
words in the vocabulary activity to describe an incident related to a bad flood that you have
A Sad Incident I Had Experienced
The Beginning Phrases
Setting, Place & Characters
1. Where were you? Who were with you? raining heavily - throughout the night
2. How was the weather on that night? in the morning cold and windy still raining
3. Was there any change of weather the next
4. What did you hear, see and feel? *an idiom to be used : raining cats and dogs

The Build-Up Phrases

Event 1 the water from the river overflowed

1. What had happened to the water level of village flooded
the river? water rose
2. What happened to the village?
saved belongings
3. Did the water level decrease?
4. What did the people do? moved possessions to the attic
-family members
Event 2 Phrases

1. Describe what had happened next? Water seeped under the front door.
2. What did you all do to save yourselves? water waist deep
3. -feelings? waded out of the house
4. -how did your family comfort you?
father held my hands
he reassured we were safe
those comforting words from my father
erased my worries
Climax Phrases

1. What happened next? lost grip from my mothers hand panicked

2. Describe a drowning person. What did you and cried out help
do when you were drowning? mother stepped into a hole and disappeared
3. How did you feel? under water.
4. What was your thought? Strong current of water swept me away

Resolution Phrases

1.What did your father do to save you? father managed to grab my shoulders
2.How did you feel after that? saw mothers face.
felt relieved
1. Where did you go for shelter? stayed in a primary school on a higher ground
2. Were basic needs provided? food and drinks were supplied
3. Who had offered help? many people lent their hands
4. Feelings?
ensuring our safety
crowded school hall

water subsided late afternoon

1. When did the water subside? villagers went back
2. What did the people do? cleaned their muddy house
-your family property damaged
-the villagers
villagers stayed indoors
3. Any damage to property? Examples?

The Ending Lesson learnt?

Hope / Wish?

2.1 SHOW, NOT TELL (optional)

In writing, it is good to describe by showing certain actions or feelings. In this story about a bad flood, you can
describe the experience of drowning. Below is a circle map of useful expressions of a person who is drowning.
Can you write a few sentences to show the actions and add them in your writing?

You may refer to the Language Review Notes on Show, Not Tell to learn about other examples of
this technique.



Task 1: Read the story below and edit the tenses with the correct form of verbs.
Rewrite the whole description.

It ^ been raining throughout the night. It is cold and most of the residents of the village stay indoors. Although

it is morning, no one goes to work or school because it is simply impossible to get out of the village.

All of a sudden, the water from the river overflows and within a short while the whole village ^ flood. The

water rises rapidly. Everyone ^ trying hard to save his or her belongings. My father and my brothers move as

much possessions as they can to the attic. My mother and I help them along.

As soon as the water is waist deep, we decide to wade out of the house for fear of our safety. My father hold

my hands as we wade across the sea of water around us. He keep reassuring me that everything ^ going to be

all right and there ^ nothing to be fearful of. His words are very comforting and somehow manage to erase my


We stay at the primary school which was not affected by the flood. Food and drinks ^ supply to us by the

rescue team via helicopter. I feel grateful that in trying times like this we are not leave alone as many people ^

lending their hands in ensuring our safety and comfort in that crowded school hall.

The water begin to subside in the late afternoon. The villagers go back to their houses and start cleaning.

Some of our property ^ damaged by the flood but we were glad that all of us were safe.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you use the correct tense. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Grammar.
Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.
1. hurry up pick up anything of value take it upstairs he demanded

2. are we just going to stay here while the water is seeping under our front door my brother asked desperately

3. pick your little sister up and carry her out we are leaving now mother instructed me

4. be quiet sit still don t move don t go anywhere until we re ready to leave the house my older brother barked

5. thank god we re safe i exclaimed

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you punctuate the dialogues correctly. Use the ideas given
in the Language Review Notes: Punctuating Dialogues

Task 1: Replace the underlined verbs below with strong action verbs.

It rained incessantly throughout the night. The wind and lightning gave us a sleepless night. The next
morning, it was still raining. Most of the residents of the village were indoors. It was simply impossible to get
out of the village.
The level of water went up. The roads turned into streams. Water went up the river bank. Some
bridges went down under water. My father asked us to get ready for the evacuation. With the help of my
brothers, we moved as much of our possessions as possible into the attic. Within seconds, water started
coming in under the front door. We quickly walked in the water. While walking in the flood waters, my
mother walked into a hole and disappeared under water. The current of water pushed me away too. Luckily,
my father saved us. We then walked up a slope to a higher ground nearby. When I turned around, I saw that
the whole village was under water.

Now your turn. Review your essay. Use the ideas given in the Language Review Notes: Strong Action Verbs.


Task 1: Read the passage. Fill in the blanks with adjectives. Add in adverbs too wherever
appropriate. Use a blue ink pen with adjectives and a red ink pen with adverb.

The ____________ cloud threatened us with a downpour. The ____________ wind, ___________
thunder and ___________ lightning kept us awake the whole night. Feeling scared, I pulled up the
____________ blanket and covered my head. The next morning, it was still pelting down. Most of the older
residents of the village stayed indoors. It was simply impossible to go out.
I saw _____________ trees on the roads. The level of _______________ water at the nearby river
rose quickly. The village roads turned into _______________ streams. Water flowed over the ___________
riverbank. Some ____________ bridges submerged under water. My father directed us to get ready for the
evacuation. With the help of my __________ brothers, we salvaged as much of our possessions as possible by
putting them into the attic. Within seconds, water started seeping in under the _____________ front door.
We left and waded through the ______________ water. While braving the __________ flood waters, my
mother stepped into a hole and disappeared under _______________ water. The current of
______________ water swept me away too. Luckily, my ______________ father saved us. We then climbed
a ________________ slope to higher ground. When I turned around, I saw that the whole of my
_____________ village was under water.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your adjectives and adverbs. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Adjectives and Adverbs

Task 1: Join the sentences with the words given in the brackets.

1. Black clouds blanketed the dark sky. It threatened a heavy downpour. (- ing present

2. The water level rose rapidly. Everyone seemed to be just waiting and watching. (although)

3. We tried to salvage as much of our possessions as possible. We carried what we could

into the attic. (by)

4. Water started seeping under the front door. We prepared to leave. (as)

5. The front door opened. A rush of water cascaded over our boots and ankles. (with)

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your sentence structures. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Vary your sentence structures.


Task 1: Study the Language Review Notes on Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings. Write
different ways of you can begin and end your story. Use the notes and examples given in Language
Review Notes: Active Beginnings and Meaningful Endings

Introduction Make your introduction captivating.


It was raining all night. / It Action

has been raining all day.
_________________________________________________ I thought
to myself.

Sensory Details
Lightning flashed across the sky.
Coconut trees
Sound of light shower: Rain pattered against the window. / Rain pitter-
pattered on the roof / windows.
Sound of heavy rain: Rain pelted
Sound of the wind: The howling wind rushed across the

Meaningful Ending: Feelings:

Hope or Wishes:


Review your essay. Rewrite the introduction and ending using the techniques given. Check your answer with
your teacher.

Task 1: Rearrange sentences.
(8) We soon found safety on a higher ground which was not affected by the flood.
(2) The next morning, it was still pouring. The water from the river overflowed, flooding the roads.
(3) The water rose rapidly. We salvaged our belongings, moving them to the attic.
(9) In that late afternoon, the water subsided.
( 10 ) The villagers returned to their houses. Rebuilding and cleaning work was done.
(1) It had been pouring throughout the night. Flashes of lightning and the rolling thunder kept me
awake. Everyone stayed indoors.
(6) Without warning, my mother accidentally stepped into a drain and disappeared under water. Within
seconds, the strong current dragged me away from my family. I thought I was going to die.
(4) As soon as water seeped under the front door, we hastily waded out of the house for fear of our
( 11 ) Even though our property was damaged, we felt glad that everyone was safe.
(5) Seeing the raging waters, I held my fathers hand so tight the blood stopped flowing.
(7) Thank goodness! Daddy saved me. I was worried about mom but I saw her face behind dad.

Rewrite the sentences.

It had been pouring throughout the night. Flashes of lightning and the rolling thunder kept me
awake. Everyone stayed indoors.

The next morning, it was still pouring. The water from the river overflowed, flooding the roads. The water
rose rapidly. We salvaged our belongings, moving them to the attic.

As soon as water seeped under the front door, we hastily waded out of the house for fear of our safety. Seeing
the raging waters, I held my fathers hand so tight the blood stopped flowing.

Without warning, my mother accidentally stepped into a drain and disappeared under water. Within seconds,
the strong current dragged me away from my family. I thought I was going to die.

Thank goodness! Daddy saved me. I was worried about mom but I saw her face behind dad. We found safety
on a higher ground which was not affected by the flood.

In that late afternoon, the water subsided. The villagers returned to their houses. Rebuilding and cleaning
work was done.

Even though our property was damaged, we felt glad that everyone was safe.

5.1 Task 2: Story Map

1. The Beginning
Settings: a. At night; b. In the morning (the next day); c. Late afternoon
Place: In the village

Main Characters: My parents and I

2. The Build-Up
Event 1: The heavy rain, lightning and thunder kept me awake the whole night
Event 2: The water was rising.
Event 3: We saved our belongings, moving them to the attic.
Event 4: We left the house and waded through the water.

3. Climax: I fell and disappeared under water.

4. Resolution: Daddy saved us. We went to higher ground to a relief centre. Rescue team supplied food and
drinks to us. Everyone returned home after the water subsided.

5. The Ending: Thankful and glad that everyone was safe.


It had been raining throughout the night. It was cold and most of the residents of the village stayed indoors.
Although it was morning, no one went to work or school because it was simply impossible to get out of the

All of a sudden, the water from the river overflowed and within a short while the whole village was flooded.
The water rose very quickly. Everyone was trying hard to save his or her belongings. My father and my
brothers moved as much possessions as they could to the attic. My mother and I helped them along.

As soon as the water was waist deep, we decided to wade out of the house for fear of our safety. My father
held my hands as we waded across the sea of water around us. He kept reassuring me that everything was
going to be all right and there was nothing to be fearful of. His words were very comforting and somehow
managed to erase my worries.
We stayed at the primary school which was not affected by the flood. Food and drinks were supplied to us
by the rescue team via helicopter. I felt grateful that in trying times like this, we were not left alone as many
people were lending their hands in ensuring our safety and comfort in that crowded school hall.

The water began to subside in the late afternoon. The villagers went back to their houses and started cleaning.
Some of our property was damaged by the flood but we were glad that all of us were safe.


Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.

1. hurry up pick up anything of value take it upstairs he demanded

Hurry up! Pick up anything of value and take it upstairs, he demanded.
2. are we just going to stay here while the water is seeping under our front door my brother asked desperately.
Are we just going to stay here while the water is seeping under our front door? my brother asked
6. pick your little sister up and carry her out we are leaving now mother instructed me
Pick your little sister up and carry her out. We are leaving now, mother instructed me.
7. be quiet sit still and don t move don t go anywhere until we re ready to leave the house my older brother
barked out
Be quiet! Sit still and dont move. Dont go anywhere until were ready to leave the house, my
older brother barked out.
8. thank god we re safe i exclaimed
Thank God! Were safe, I exclaimed.


It rained incessantly throughout the night. The wind and lightning gave us a sleepless night. The next morning,
it was still (pouring / pelting down /belting down). Most of the residents of the village (stayed) indoors.
It was simply impossible to get out of the village. The level of water (rose). The roads turned into streams.
Water (overflowed / flowed over ) the river bank. Some bridges (disappeared) under water. My father
(instructed / directed) us to get ready for evacuation. With the help of my brothers, we (salvaged / saved)
as much of our possessions as possible into the attic. Within seconds, water started (seeping) in under the
front door. We quickly left the house and (waded in / waded through) the water. While (braving) the
flood, my mother (stepped ) into a hole and disappeared under water. The current of water (swept) me away
too. Luckily, my father was quick. He saved us. We then (climbed) a slope to a higher ground nearby.
When I turned around, I saw that the whole village was under water.


The dark evil-looking / ominous cloud threatened us with a downpour. The screeching / howling wind,
crashing / rolling thunder and forked lightning kept us awake the whole night. Feeling extremely
/exceedingly scared, I pulled up the woolen / cotton blanket and covered my head. The next morning, it
was still pelting down. Most of the older residents of the village stayed indoors. It was simply impossible to
go out.
I saw massive ancient fallen / uprooted trees on the roads. The level of debris-strewn water at the nearby
river rose quickly / rapidly. The village roads turned into dirt-filled streams. Water flowed over the old
riverbank. Some old wooden bridges submerged under water. My father immediately directed us to get
ready for the evacuation. With the help of my older brothers, we salvaged as much of our possessions as
possible by putting them into the attic. Within seconds, water started seeping in under the re-enforced front
door. We left and waded through the turbulent water. While braving the raging flood waters, my mother
stepped into a hole and disappeared under murky water. The current of fast-flowing water swept me away
too. Luckily, my heroic father saved us. We then climbed a nearby steep slope to higher ground. When I
turned around, I saw that the whole of my family / home village was under water.


1. Black clouds blanketed the dark sky. It threatened a heavy downpour. (- ing present participle)
Threatening a heavy downpour, black clouds blanketed the dark sky. /
Black clouds blanketed the dark sky, threatening a heavy downpour.
2. The water level rose rapidly. Everyone seemed to be just waiting and watching. (although)
Although the water rose rapidly, everyone seemed to be just waiting and watching.
3. We tried to salvage as much of our possessions as possible. We carried what we could into the attic. (by)
We tried to salvage as much of our possessions as possible by carrying what we could into
the attic.
4. Water started seeping under the front door. We prepared to leave. (as)
As we prepared to leave, water started seeping under the front door. /
Water started seeping under the front door as we prepared to leave.
5. The front door opened. A rush of water cascaded over our boots and ankles. (with)
The front door opened with a rush of water cascaded over our boots and ankles.


It had been raining throughout the night. It was cold and most of the residents of the village stayed indoors.
Although it was morning, no one went to work or school because it was simply impossible to get out of the
All of a sudden, the water from the river overflowed and within a short while the whole village was flooded.
The water rose very quickly. Everyone tried hard to save his or her belongings. My father and my brothers
moved as much possessions as they could to the attic. My mother and I helped along.
As soon as the water was waist deep, we decided to wade out of the house for fear of our safety. My father held
my hands as we waded across the sea of water around us.
Not to worry. Everything will be all right. Nothing to fear of, he reassured me. His words were very
comforting and somehow managed to erase my worries.
While braving the flood, my father slipped as he accidentally stepped into a hole and I lost my grip from my
fathers hand. I was swept away by the strong current of water. Overwhelmed with panic, I cried for help. For
a split second, I thought that was the end of my life. Suddenly I could feel the strong hands of my father
grabbing my shoulders. Relief replaced panic.

We stayed at the primary school which was not affected by the flood. Food and drinks were supplied to us by
rescue team via the helicopter.
The water began to subside in the late afternoon. The villagers went back to their houses and started cleaning.
Some of our things were damaged by the flood but we were glad that all of us were safe.
I felt grateful that in trying times like that we were not left alone as many people were lending hands in
ensuring our safety and comfort in that crowded school hall.

Black ominous clouds blanketed the dark grey sky, threatening a heavy downpour. Lightning flashed, splitting
the sky in two followed by a clap of rolling thunder. The deluge started, pelting heavy droplets onto the roof
the whole night like the beating of calypso steel drums. The howling wind whipped through the roof rafters
giving us a sleepless night.
Unlike most storms that petered out after a few hours, this one persisted with fury, with no intention of letting
up. Water was rising. The roads and streets were turning into small swollen streams, snaking their way
through the village. The main waterway was threatening to break its bank. Some bridges were broken. It was
simply impossible to get out of the village. Everyone stayed indoor. No point in attempting to go to work or
What are we going to do? Are we going to just sit and watch? I broke the silence.
My father quickly summed up the situation and deemed we were now in trouble. Hastily, we made plans to
evacuate. With the help of my brothers, we attempted to salvage as much of our possessions as possible by
carrying what we could into the attic.
All of a sudden, the water from the river overflowed and within a short while the whole village was flooded.
The water rose very quickly. Everyone tried hard to save his or her belongings. My father and my brothers
moved as much of our possessions as possible into the attic. My mother and I helped them along.
Water started seeping under the front door as we prepared to leave. I shook with fear and looked into
mothers eyes for reassurance. She looked back with a peaceful sweet smile and said, All will be well.
The front door opened with a rush of dammed up water, cascading over our boots and ankles as we waded
through it. Our house was on a small hill. It was not until we made way onto the road did the water engulf our
waists. I held my mothers hand so tight the blood stopped flowing. I could see my white knuckles protrude
like the skeleton in the museum. She, in turn, held my fathers hand and he, my brothers. We kept close,
braving the strong current of water.
Without warning, the reassuring hand that held me slid off my arm. Mother had inadvertently stepped into a
drain. She fell back, loosing and disappeared under the raging water.
Within seconds, I floated away from my family, in the grip of the turbulent unforgiving deluge, bobbing up and
down out of control. Overwhelmed with panic, I tried to cry for help but swallowed yellow water instead. For
a moment, everything slowed down like it does in those sad movies about someone dying too young. When
ones life seems to be coming to an end, memories of all the things that had mattered the happy and sad
times, flashed before the eyes. I decided to accept my fate.
Then, just as quickly as the fall, a large looming arm swooped down over my shoulder and grabbed my collar.
With one single upward movement, I was thrust upon a small raised embankment. It was dear daddy who
plucked me from the raging waters. I cried with relief until the thought of mother entered my mind. Was she
dead? I frantically looked around and with a rush of excitement, I saw her face behind my brothers. She too
was saved from drowning by my father. Our hero, we all thought.
Slowly, we made our way to higher ground to the old primary school which was not affected by the flood.
There we received food and drinks. We talked about how lucky we had been to survive. Some others in the
village had not been that fortunate.
The water began to subside in the late afternoon. The villagers went back to their houses, started cleaning and
rebuilding. We had all been taught a valuable lesson. You can replace material things, but you cannot replace
the people that matter to you.

An Eventful Day
Write a story with the ending What a day it had been for him / her.
Incident: Snatch Theft
Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

1. What tense do you use when writing about an experience or a story?

Simple present tense Simple past tense

2. When you put in dialogues, what tense should you use?

Simple present tense Simple past tense


In writing a story with a snatch theft incident, you might need to think about the place setting.
Task 1: Study the two pictures below and brainstorm on the similarities and differences by answering
the wh-questions given.
1. What incident do both the pictures show?

2. Who are the victims?

3. What are being stolen?

4. Where does the incident happen?

5. Can you describe the two types of snatch theft?

Task 2: Complete the double bubble map below to show similarities and differences.

Task 3: Study the story elements and examples given in column A and complete column B with the
correct answer.

Column A Column B.
Now you try! Change any of the
following: setting, the characters, point
of view, climax, resolution and ending.
Setting (Time) Sunday morning

Setting (Place) a. In the shopping mall.

Main Characters 1. Miss Aliza, a shopaholic

2. Zaki, the snatch theft
3. A young man
4 Two policemen
The Build-Up a. Miss Aliza went shopping. She was
Event 1: seen hopping from one shop to another,
buying jewellery and shoes.

b. Zaki, the snatch theft observed her.

Event 2
c. She thought that somone was
Event 3 admiring her looks.
Climax Her handbag was snatched.

Resolution a. A young man helped her pin down

(must be logical) the snatch theft.
b. Two police officers took the thief to
the police station.
3. She gave the young lad a handsome
reward for helping her.
The Ending
Lesson learnt?

Hope / Wish?

Task 4: Using the storyline that you have come up with in Task 1, complete the story map below.
There might be more than 2 events. Add in the events.

1.2 VOCABULARY: Brainstorm for words related to the story map you have produced and complete
the table below.

An Eventful Day: Snatch Theft Incident


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns: size, colour, verbs: time, place,
sounds, physical looks, manner, frequency,
behavior, feelings etc.) degree, etc.)

Note: Get student to give specific names of the nouns people (policemen / officers in blue uniform,
shoppers, victims, thief, etc.); things handbag / sling bag; etc.

2.1 Using the framework and the wh-questions provided, write your own story.
Format of an Open Composition

Title of composition An Eventful Day

The Beginning a. What day was it?
b. Where was the
main character?
c. What was she
doing there?

The Build-Up
Event d. Who was
watching her?
e. What did she
think he was doing?
f. What did she do?

Event g. What was she

browsing on?
h. What was she
thinking of buying?
i. Did she try
Event J. Did she buy


i. What happened to
the main character?
Feelings? Actions?

i. What was inside

the box?

What happened?

Resolution How was the issue


The Ending What moral lesson

can you learn from
What a day it had been for him or her.

2.2 Task 2: SHOW, NOT TELL (Optional)
Study the circle map below on show, not tell expressions that can be used in your story. Can you
think of other interesting expressions?

Write a short paragraph on what the snatch theft victim experienced using show, not tell technique at
the time he or she was robbed.

Task 1: Read the story below and edit the tenses with the correct form of verbs. Rewrite the whole

An old woman shrieks out loud. Her piercing cry catches my attention. Turning around, I seeing a man
running towards me at breakneck speed, with a handbag in his hands. Calmly, I place my foot out when he
whizzes past me. Thud! He fall flat on the ground, loses grip of the handbag and it flies next to my feet. He
got up. I thought he would flee the scene. Instead, he brandishes a knife at me. I freeze on the spot and
break out into cold sweat. My heart was thumped furiously. The police arriving just in time and the snatch
thief takes off.
Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you use the correct tense. Use the ideas given in the
Language Review Notes: Grammar.


Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.

1. she squirmed and yelled angrily my bag my bag

2. help me a guy snatched my handbag shrieked an old lady who is in her sixties

3. Hand it over to me young boy the snatch thief snarled and was inching towards me.

4. freeze stop what you are doing a voice boomed behind me

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you punctuate the dialogues correctly. Use the ideas given
in the Language Review Notes: Punctuating Dialogues


Task 1: Replace the underlined verbs below with strong action verbs. You are encouraged to use the
thesaurus and dictionary to help you.

She walked in and out of the departmental stalls, looking for branded goods. He was standing at the corner
looking at her. She thought he was admiring her. He was, in actual fact, looking at her as his next victim.
Just as she walked off, he ran towards her and grabbed her expensive handbag. She was confused for a
moment until she realized what had actually happened. She shouted for help. She kept pointing her fingers
to show the direction the snatch thief had taken off. Two security guards walking past found out about the
incident. They gave chase as she felt powerless. After about half an hour, the guards came back and told her
that the thief had run away without trace.
Now your turn. Review your essay. Use the ideas given in the Language Review Notes: Strong Action Verbs.

Task 1: Read the passage. Fill in the blanks with adjectives.

She walked in and out of the _________________ stalls, window-shopping for branded luxury goods. He was
standing at the corner watching her. She thought he was admiring her. He was, in actual fact, eyeing her as his
next ___________________ victim. Just as she walked off, he ran towards her and grabbed her
_________________ handbag. She was confused for a moment until she realized what had actually happened.
She shouted for help. She kept pointing her __________________ fingers to show the direction the
_________________ snatch thief had taken off. Two __________________ security guards walking past
found out about the ____________________ incident. They gave chase, as she felt powerless. After about
half an hour, the __________________ guards came back and told her that the ________________ thief had
run away without trace.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your adjectives and adverbs. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Adjectives


Task 1: Read the passage and fill in the blanks with adverbs.

She walked __________________ in and out of the stalls, window-shopping for branded luxury goods. He
was standing _________________ at the corner watching her. She thought _______________ he was
admiring her. He was, in actual fact, eyeing her as his next victim. Just as she walked off, he ran
__________________ towards her and grabbed her handbag. She was confused for a moment until she
________________ realized what had actually happened. My handbag! Stop! Thief! a shrill scream
reverberated throughout the shopping mall. She shouted __________________ for help. The commotion
caused a hushed silence amongst the crowd. She kept pointing her fingers to show the direction the snatch
thief had taken off. A number in the crowd informed two security guards walking past about the incident.
They gave chase with haste, as she sat down feeling powerless. After about half an hour, the guards walked
back _______________ and told her that the thief had run away without trace. Meanwhile, the thief was
hiding in a back alley, sifting through the handbag. Pocketing the cash and valuables, he chucked the handbag
into a dustbin and meandered _________________ down the street.

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your adjectives and adverbs. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Adverbs


Check the Language Review Notes on Transitional Phrases and try to add appropriate ones to your essay.
Check your answer with your teacher.

Task 1: Join the sentences with the words given in the brackets.

1. I turned around. I saw a stunningly huge, burly man running towards me at breakneck speed, with a red
leather handbag in his hands. (-ing present participle)

2. She was overwhelmed with joy. She thanked the policemen profusely. (adjective)

3. She heaved a heavenly sigh of relief . Her prized possession was quickly returned to her. (-ing present

4. I was scared stiff. I was determined not to show it and clung on tightly to the handbag, which I had picked
up from the floor. (Although)

5. The old lady ran swiftly after the thief. She continued to scream forcefully for help. (as)

6. The thief brandished a knife. He hollered at the petrified woman. (-ing present participle)

7. The old woman was screaming hysterically. She was pointing to a man who was fleeing the scene. (while)

Now your turn. Review your essay and make sure you vary your sentence structures. Use the ideas given in
the Language Review Notes: Vary your sentence structures.


Heres a possible beginning and ending for incident on snatch theft.

The sunrays filtered through the curtains and At last, she received her new bag from
danced on the wall opposite the bed. Miss the robber, but alas the feeling of relief
Aliza, who was lying in bed, should have felt soon turned to despair when she looked
excited with the prospect of such a beautiful inside and discovered her purse with all
day, but she was not. For some reasons, she her credit cards and money were
had a knot in her stomach that was telling missing.
her this was not going to be a good day
at all.

Task 1: Write different ways in which you can begin your story.
Introduction Make your introduction captivating.
She was busy shopping. Action
Engrossed in the jewellery, I did not notice the mall started to throng with
shoppers in colourful attire.

Dialogue and Feeling

Sensory Details

Dialogue / Thought

Can you think of other interesting way to begin your story? Revise the beginning of your essay.

Task 2: Write one sentence for each of these four types of endings (memory, feeling, hope or wish,
and decision. Your sentence can be part of the ending of any story you wish. Refer to the examples
Study the info graphic below. Can you use any of the information for your ending?

If you choose the setting of being mugged on the road, go to this website to read about some of the
experiences and tips to prevent snatch theft in the future:
Meaningful Ending: Memory:


Since then, she decided to ditch the idea of carrying fancy handbags and
jewellery at crowded places.

Lesson learnt

REMINDER: Make sure your beginning, plot and ending are well-linked and make sense.

1.2 Task 1
1. What incident do both the pictures show?
Snatch theft.
2. Who are the victims?
3. What are being stolen?
4. Where does the incident happen?
Picture 1: Busy mall / supermarket.
Picture 2: quiet road / quiet street.
5. Can you describe the two types of snatch theft?
Picture 1: Snatch theft on foot, done alone / solo.
Picture 2: Snatch theft on bike, done with a partner / accomplice.

Task 2


An old woman shrieked out loud. Her piercing cry caught my attention. Turning around, I saw a man
running towards me at breakneck speed, with a handbag in his hands. Calmly, I placed my foot out when he
whizzed past me. Thud! He fell flat on the ground, lost grip of the handbag and it flies next to my feet. He
got up. I thought he would flee the scene. Instead, he brandished a knife at me. I froze on the spot and
broke out into cold sweat. My heart was thumping furiously. The police arrived just in time and the snatch
thief took off.


1. she squirmed and yelled angrily my bag my bag
She squirmed and yelled at the top of her lungs, My bag! My bag!

2. help me a guy snatched my handbag shrieked an old lady who is in her sixties
Help me, a guy snatched my handbag shrieked an old lady who is in her sixties.

3. Hand it over to me young boy the snatch thief snarled and was inching towards me.

Hand it over to me, young boy! the snatch thief snarled and was inching towards me.

4. freeze stop what you are doing a voice boomed behind me

Freeze! Stop what you are doing! a voice boomed behind me.


She darted in and out of the departmental stalls, seeking/browsing branded goods. He was lurking /
loitering at the corner staring at/ observing her. She thought he was admiring her. He was, in actual fact,
sizing her up as his next victim. Just as she sauntered / ambled off, he dashed / sprinted / bolted
towards her and seized / snatched her expensive handbag. She was stunned /dazed for a moment until she
realized what had actually happened. She screamed /shrieked for help. She kept pointing her fingers to
indicate the direction the snatch thief had taken off. Two security guards patrolling / ambled past found
out about the incident. They gave chase as she felt powerless. After about half an hour, the guards returned
and informed / notified her that the thief had escaped / fled without trace.


She walked in and out of the rectangular departmental stalls, window-shopping for branded luxury goods.
He was standing at the corner watching her. She thought he was admiring her. He was, in actual fact, eyeing
her as his next unfortunate / potential / possible victim. Just as she walked off, he ran towards her and
grabbed her expensive gold / pricey leather / overpriced designer handbag. She was confused for a
moment until she realized what had actually happened. She shouted for help. She kept pointing her long
boney / long slender fingers to show the direction the miserable snatch thief had taken off. Two
uniformed security guards walking past found out about the unsavory / distasteful / undesirable
/unpleasant /unfortunate / nasty incident. They gave chase, as she felt powerless/helpless. After about
half an hour, the tired / exhausted guards came back and told her that the young mischievous thief had run
away without trace.


She walked expectantly / excitedly / eagerly in and out of the stalls, window-shopping for branded luxury
goods. He was standing menacingly / silently at the corner watching her. She suddenly /mistakenly
thought he was admiring her. He was, in actual fact, eyeing her as his next victim. Just as she walked off, he
ran swiftly towards her and grabbed her handbag. She was confused for a moment until she quickly /
suddenly / finally realized what had actually happened. My handbag! Stop! Thief! a shrill scream
reverberated throughout the shopping mall. She shouted abruptly / hysterically for help. She kept pointing
her fingers to show the direction the snatch thief had taken off. The gathered crowd informed two security
guards walking past about the incident. They gave chase with haste, as she sat down feeling powerless. After
about half an hour, the guards walked back slowly and told her that the thief had run away without trace.
Meanwhile, the thief was hiding in a back alley, sifting through the handbag. Pocketing the cash and valuables,
he chucked the handbag into a dustbin and meandered nonchalantly down the street.


1. I turned around. I saw a huge, burly man running towards me at breakneck speed, with a red leather
handbag in his hands. (ing present participle)
Turning around, I saw a huge, burly man running towards me at breakneck speed, with a red leather
handbag in his hands.

2. She was overwhelmed with joy. She thanked the policemen profusely. (adjective)
Overwhelmed with joy, she thanked the policemen profusely.

3. She heaved a sigh of relief. Her prized possession was returned to her. (ing present participle)
Heaving a sigh of relief, her prized possession was returned to her.

4. I was scared. I was determined not to show it and clung on tightly to the handbag, which I had picked up
from the floor. (Although)

Although I was scared, I was determined not to show it and clung on tightly to the handbag, which I
had picked up from the floor.

5. The old lady ran after the thief. She continued to scream for help. (as)
As the old lady ran after the thief, she continued to scream for help.

6. The thief brandished a knife. He hollered at the petrified woman. (ing present participle)
Brandishing a knife, the thief hollered at the petrified woman.

7. The old woman was screaming hysterically. She was pointing to a man who was fleeing the scene. (while)
The old woman was screaming hysterically while pointing to a man who was fleeing the scene.

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining brightly. In the city of Shah Alam, people were bustling going about
their business. So was Miss Aliza. She was a happy self-confessed shopaholic who was enjoying herself
browsing through the items at Masalam Plaza.
Unbeknown to her (little did she know) in the mall lurked Zaki, an ex-executive of a small local company,
who was looking for his next victim from one of the many unassuming shoppers. Ever since he lost his big
paying job last year, he had turned into a snatch thief. No job and no money, were the factors that had turned
him into a criminal. He has been robbing from innocent victims for almost six months now, convincing
himself that stealing was a much easier way to make money. (The thief can be a scruffy-looking, unshaven with
a thick black moustache)
After eating some noodles at the stall, he loitered in front of a pharmacy in Masalam Plaza, looking for a
suitable victim. Then, he saw her. He set his eyes on Miss Aliza. She was busy trying on a pair of new shoes at
the Prada outlet. Zaki smiled.
That woman looks like an easy victim. She looks rich too. If I succeed, Im going to have nasi briyani at the Mamak corner
tonight, he thought to himself as he followed / tailed her.
After buying a pair of shoes, Miss Aliza walked out feeling satisfied with her new purchase. She noticed
Zaki staring at her.
Ah.. maybe he likes my new dress. Hee hee, she smiled vainly and tossed her hair back.
At that moment, Zaki ran towards Miss Aliza and grabbed forcefully her expensive Louis Vuitton
handbag. She felt the tug and held on tightly to it. Ripping it off fiercely, darted away as fast as his feet could
carry him.
Miss Aliza was momentarily stunned, but then began screaming at the top of her voice.
Help! Someone stop him!
Upon hearing the screams / the commotion, a crowd gathered around Miss Aliza to see what all the fuss was
Unbeknown to them, a thin handsome boy who saw what happened, took off after Zaki, followed him out

of the building to the bus stop.

Without thinking / In that split second, the boy took off his right shoe, aimed it straight at Zakis head, and
then threw it as hard as he could. It hit Zaki with a loud smack and he crumpled to the floor instantly. The boy
rushed over and pinned the snatch thief down.
Right then, Miss Aliza and two police officers (blue-uniformed men) arrived at the scene. Zaki kicked
violently trying to break free as he was dragged up onto his feet, handcuffed, and taken to the police station.
On recovering her branded handbag / prized possession, Miss Aliza was jubilant and thanked this unlikely hero
while the officers praised him for being a good citizen.
What is your name? asked one of the officers.
Im Muiz, sir, the boy replied, grinned and then added, I didnt do anything great today, actually. That man had
borrowed RM100 from me last month and then disappeared without a trace. When I saw him today and what he was doing, I
gave chase without thinking. I just wanted my money back and to help this poor woman.
Everyone laughed, including Muiz. Miss Aliza who picked up her new handbag, found her purse and gave
the young lad a handsome reward for his efforts. At the same time, she also promised herself that she will be
more careful in the future. / she learnt that she needed to stay vigilant at all times. As for the thief, he had
learnt a lesson and that crime does not pay.


It was a blisteringly hot afternoon it was quite unbearable. I was cycling home from school on a quiet road.
Stomach gurgling and growling, I was looking forward to reaching home and having my late lunch.

Out of the blue, a motorcyclist roared past me, almost knocking me down. I screeched to a halt on my bike,
rather taken aback by the incident.

Goodness! Do they know how to ride? I muttered under my breath.

Some distant away in front of me, a lady was walking on the pavement at the side of the road. With force, the
motorcyclist pillion passenger attempted to grab the lady's handbag but she resisted and tried to hold onto it.
In an instance she was flung forward onto the road surface and dragged along some distance until the pillion
passenger cut her loose. I quickly sprinted up to her to discover, apart from scratches on her arms and legs and
being shaken by the experience, she was unharmed. The thieves sped off into the distance.

I was in shock myself. The robbery happened so fast, the whole incident was over before I knew it. I then
realized to my horror she was pregnant. I assisted her to get out of the ditch and tried to comfort her when a
car stopped beside us and a man emerged from it. Upon seeing the condition of the lady, he asked me what
had transpired. I related the whole incident to him. The benevolent man then offered to take the lady to
hospital. As I was an eyewitness to the crime, he requested me to come along in order to help lodge a police

The doctor who examined her said that apart from some superficial scratches and minor bruises on her limbs,
she was doing fine. Fortunately the baby was unharmed as well. I was glad to hear that. A few days later, she
came to my house to thank me personally for lending her a helping hand. However, the snatch thieves were
never apprehended. I would never forget this incident or the snatch thieves' faces as long as I live.

Adapted from:


Dark rain clouds were gathering in the sky. I was cycling as fast as I could to get home before the downpour.
When I felt a few big drops on my head, I decided to head for a bus stop, about a hundred meters away. As I
was nearing the bus stop, I saw a lady rushing towards it from the opposite direction, tugging a little boy
behind her. The little boy was finding it hard to keep up with her, so, finally, she just picked him up and carried

Suddenly, a motorcycle roared past me, almost knocking me down. "Hey! Are you mad!" I shouted at the
motorcyclist. He turned to look at me, and for a split second, I saw his face - cruel, glaring eyes and menacing
expression. However, he just sped on. Then, I realized that he was heading right for the woman and little boy!

"Watch out! Watch out!" I shouted. I saw the lady turn to look at the motorcyclist, dismay etched on her face.

In an instant, the motorcyclist had reached the lady. He stretched out an arm and grabbed hold of her handbag,
hitting her on the back at the same time. The impact sent the lady hurtling forward. The mother and child fell
on the road, landing right in the path of a van.

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed at the van driver, waving my arms wildly in the air. Thankfully, the driver had seen
what was happening. With a squeal of brakes, the van stopped a few meters from the spot where the mother
and child lay sprawled on the road.

I saw the lady crawling on the road towards the wailing child. There was blood all over them. Tossing my
bicycle to the side of the road, I ran to help them. By the time I got there, the van driver had reached them. He
was cradling the child and examining his limbs.

"I think your little boy is all right. Nothing is broken," he said. "How about you? Do you feel pain anywhere?"

"Please help me. I am pregnant," the lady replied, weeping.

"Don't panic. You'll be all right. I'll take you and your son to hospital," said the man.

The lady could not walk, so the man assisted her to his car. As I was an eyewitness to the crime, he requested
me to come along in order to help lodge a police report.

The doctor who examined her said that apart from some superficial scratches and minor bruises on her limbs,
she was doing fine. Fortunately the baby was unharmed as well. I was glad to hear that. A few days later, she
came to my house to thank me personally for lending her a helping hand. However, the snatch thieves were
never apprehended. I would never forget this incident or the snatch thieves' faces as long as I live.

Adapted from:


In a descriptive essay, you need to:

1. give a detailed and vivid description of a person, place, object, event, experience or memory.

2. describe what is seen, heard, smelled, touched, tasted or felt to make your description vivid and come

3. describe effectively so that your reader can visualise or see it with their eyes the image that you would
like them see.

4. use a variety of adjectives, adverbs and phrases that appeal to the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste,
touch and feelings.

5. move your reader through space and time chronologically. For instance, you might want to describe
the whole journey.

6. note anything specific that stands out. Say what you were feeling at that time.

7. use a then-and-now approach to show decay, change, or improvement. E.g. The small town where
you grew up might now be a bustling city.

8. use specific nouns

9. use concrete action verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

e.g. Abstract: It was a nice day. (X)
Concrete: It was a beautiful day.

Descriptive Writing

Describe an Event Describe a Place Describe a Person

* Give a little background * Give a little background / * Give a little background
information / introduction about introduction about the place information / introduction
the special occasion / event you * Give a physical description about the person.
are describing. of the place * Describe his / her
* Activities should be arranged * Describe what you see and physical appearance
in order. hear * Describe his / her
* Describe the activities what * Describe the activities and character traits and the
people are doing. attractions. struggles or problems
* Capture the mood of the scene * Include personal feelings he/she went through
(noise, lights and colours) about the place. * Describe how he/she
* Use sensory details. * Use sensory details overcome the obstacles
and how he / she
motivated himself /
* Mention his / her
contribution &
* Use present tense if the
person is still alive.
* Use sensory details

Topic: Write a description of the scene at a bus station.

Aim: To construct wh-questions that are needed to write a description of the scene at a bus station.
Task 1: Study the mind map and fill in the empty bubbles with appropriate wh-questions to describe
the scene at a bus station.

Describe the Scene at a Bus Station

Aim: To help students to brainstorm for ideas and vocabulary.

Task 2: Compare the wh-questions that you have formulated in Task 1 to the questions in the list
below. Answer the wh-questions in the column provided.

INTRODUCTION What time did you arrive at the bus

Setting station?
Where is the bus station?
Why were you at the bus station?
Where were you going?

BODY What sort of people did you see?

Description of the What activities did you see? / What
people and activities were they doing?
What did you smell? Food / Fumes /
Who were the passengers?
What were they carrying?
Where were they going?
What were the passengers doing to
avoid the fumes?
How did the passengers behave when
they boarded the bus? Did they line
up? Adults? Children?

Description of the What building did you see? What was

building the state of the building and
surroundings? Walls? Seating? Stalls?
Where did people sit in the building?

Description of the What type of buses?

buses How was the condition of the buses?
How was the quality of air at the bus
How was the atmosphere inside the

CONCLUSION Was the bus on time?

Was it late/early?
What time did you leave the bus
How did you feel? Why?

Task 1: Brainstorm and write down all the words related to the scene at a bus station. Remember to
use specific / precise words.


(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing (Words describing
places, animals, the nouns) the verbs)
People Sound:

Movement of the bus

Bus Sight:


bus station



Suggestion: Teacher can get students to understand how to use the words in a sentence by asking them to
study the sentences below.


He looked out over the crowd in the market place.
He hated shopping when there was a crowd.

The passengers waited for the bus to arrive.
He was a passenger on the plane leaving at 2.30 pm.

The vendor stood in front of his shop waiting for his first customer.
The shop vendor always closes his shop for lunch.

The family sat on the wooden bench overlooking the beach and watched the children play football.
No one sat on the old rusty bench in the park.

Fumes belched out of the old bus as it sped down the road.
The factory fire caused deadly fumes to fill the air.


board / embarked
He boarded / embarked the plane to go to KL to visit his brother.
As soon as the bus arrived he boarded / embarked and sat down near a window.

The bus pulled into the station and he disembarked to meet his family.
After a pleasant six weeks on the cruise ship the family disembarked to go home.

The driver of the car honked his horn in frustration at the slow car in front.
I will give you a honk when I arrive.

He sat in the park observing the gardener cutting the grass.
She needs to observe the science experiment closely to see if the result is correct.

The small child hides in his bedroom to avoid his angry mother.
He drives slowly through the intersection to avoid other cars.

push and shove / jostle

The bus passengers pushed and shoved / jostled each other as they scrambled for a seat.
The shop store opens the door while the customers pushed and shoved / jostled to get to the sale stalls.

The car was seen tearing across the intersection at high speed.
Tearing around the building he collided with his teacher coming the other way.


The old car rattled along the bumpy road.
The shopping trolley rattled over the uneven floor of the supermarket.

The screeching truck came to a stop when the traffic lights went red.
Screeching tyres were heard as the car sped off into the distance.

There was a tearing sound when he sat down in his brand new jeans.

A bolt of lightening lit up the sky followed with the rumbling of thunder soon after.
The rumbling truck drove slowly on the bumpy road.

The rickety old man stumbles down the street with his walking stick.
The rickety chair is about to collapse under the weight of the fat man.

The luxurious car picks up the bride to take her to her wedding.
He wants his family to stop at a luxurious hotel to relax.

The black fumes made me nauseous.
The smell of diesel was nauseous.

The bus station was chockablock full of people.

2.1 Task 1: Using the questions and answers in Task 1, make simple sentences with the help of the
SSVEE table below.
** Teacher shows students how to make sentences using the table below.

Sentence no 1:
a. When were you at the bus station?
b. Why were you at the bus station? At the crack of dawn on Monday morning,
c. What bus were you waiting for? I waited for bus no 18 to go to school.
d. Where were you going to?

Sentence no 2:
a. What is the name of the bus station? The Sandakan bus station is
b. What type of bus station is it? an open-aired terminal.
Is it an open aired terminal ?
Is it on the ground floor of an enclosed building?
c. Where is the bus station? It is situated in the town centre
along the coastal road across the
bustling Gentingmas Mall.

At the crack of dawn waited for to
on last Monday
morning, (who) (what?) (what purpose?)
The Sandakan is an
bus station
(what) (what type)

It is situated in

(where) (where)

Note: Teacher can get students to look at the verbs used. Simple past tense is used to describe a visit to the
bus station whereas the simple present is used to describe facts about the bus station.

Rewrite your paragraph here.

Now your turn! Using the word list you have produced Task 2 & 3, make sentences to describe the
scene at the bus station.
At the crack of dawn I waited For no 18 bus to go to school.
on last Monday
The bus station is an open-aired with seat platforms
It is situated in the centre of along the coastal road
town across the Gentingmas

Task 1: Read the text below. It contains errors which are indicated for you. Write down the correct
answers above the underlined words.

It is two oclock in the scorching hot afternoon. I was head towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs Wongs extra
class. The sun is beat mercilessly on my back and I could feeling my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wish
that my mother would allows me to rides a motorcycle to school. You are not ready, Raj was her usual response
every time I asked for permission to used Dads bike. We both knew that she was terrified of me get knocked down by
a car.

Now your turn. Go through your essay and check for language errors. You may refer to Language
Review Notes: Tenses


Task 1: Punctuate the dialogues below.

1. oh no the bus is late again i muttered beneath my breath

2. where is the bus I sighed to myself

3. beluran beluran shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving

4. if only i had my own car i would not have to be waiting here she thought to herself

5. how am i going to explain to my form teacher i have been late to school for the last two weeks will she
accept my reason for being late again she thought quietly to herself

Now your turn. Go through your essay and check the punctuation of your dialogues.


Task 3: Read the passage. Identify the nouns using a highlighter. Describe the nouns with the
appropriate adjectives.

It was the peak hours. The rush had begun. While waiting for bus no 18, I observed the students, office
workers and housewives around me. A woman in her late twenties looked very impatient, fiddling with her
watch every other second. Perhaps she was late for an appointment. A group of teenage girls were giggling
and chatting as if they had all the time in the world. Two men smoked and read the newspaper while sitting on
the bench, indifferent to their surroundings. At the far end, a mother carried a baby trying to calm it. As soon
as the bus arrived, everyone pushed and jostled each other to embark. Most of the time, it was difficult for the
passengers in the bus to disembark. I noticed several characters looming in the corners and a sign Beware of
Pick Pockets reminded me to be cautious and alert. I clutched my shopping bag to my chest and jumped onto
the bus.
Now your turn. Go through your essay and add in adjectives to make your writing interesting. Refer to
STRONG ADJECTIVES. Use a thesaurus and dictionary to help you.


Change the following words into adverbs. Then complete the sentences using the adverbs formed.
e.g patient patiently
1 slow 6 neat
2 steady 7 quick
3 hurry 8 anxious
4 loud 9 noisy
5 diligent 10 impatient

1) The hawkers arranged their food .. at their stalls.

2) The pupils ran . towards the bus station.
3) Mothers and children were .. boarding the bus.
4) The conductors shouted . to invite more people to board their buses.
5) The senior citizens seem to be able to walk . to the bus terminal.
6) I waited for my bus to go to school.
7) The bus was driven ... and parked at the terminal according to their route.
8) The cars around the bus station honked .
9) The bus drivers .. cleaned the seats before inviting passengers to board their
10) A few workers were searching for their bus .. as they were late for work.

Now your turn. Revise your essay and add in at least three adverbs where appropriate.


Join the sentences with the words given in the brackets.
e.g. She was annoyed. She gathered her things and left the room.
1. A cacophony of noises greeted us. We approached the bus station. (As)

2. A gush of cold air struck us. We stepped into the air-conditioned bus. (as soon as)

3. A continuous din was created by the waiting passengers. The loud music blared from the speakers of
roadside stalls. (while)

4. I felt a sense of relief as I left the stifling heat outside. I immediately grabbed the front seat. (-ing present

5. He was grasping his cup. The old beggar pleaded for spare change from passers-by. (-ing present participle)

1.1 Task 2
INTRODUCTION What time did you arrive at the bus crack of dawn
SETTING station? Sandakan town
Where is the bus station? Waiting for a bus as my fathers car broke
Why were you at the bus station? down; I see/ observe/ I notice that
to school for extra class
Where were you going?
BODY What sort of people did you see? Sellers, vendors, shopkeepers ; cleaners;
security guards/ police; workers
What activities did you see? / What buses coming and going; passengers
were they doing? embarking and disembarking; passengers
waiting for a bus or buying tickets;
checking on the timetable; setting up
stalls, selling, cooking food
What did they sell? banana fritters, ice-cream, junk food etc.
What did you smell? Frying banana, popcorn / corn on the
cob, coffee, steamed maize, burgers,
keropok lekor etc
What was the state of the building? old/ dirty/ paint is peeling off/faded
Where did people sit? graffiti
What type of buses? old, broken chipped wooden benches
normal/open-air buses/coaches/air-
How was the condition of the buses? conditioned/local route,/out of town
How was the quality of air at the bus buses
station? rickety/luxurious/old/new
Who were the passengers? unhealthy air - fumes from buses filled
the air
What were they carrying? students, workers, housewives, elderly,
Where were they going? children
What were the passengers doing to bags/ baskets, briefcases, files, handbags
avoid the fumes?
How did the passengers behave? Did schools/ markets/ office/ work place
they line up? Adults? Children? covering their face
How was the atmosphere inside the do not want to/refuse to queue up
rush/get on the bus/ board the bus,
push and shove
children screaming, shouting, crowded,
stuffy, noisy

CONCLUSION Was the bus on time? 30 minutes late, behind schedule

Why was the bus late? broke down midway, traffic-jam due
accident occurred between two lorries
When did you leave the bus station? after 7.00 a.m., a quarter past seven
How did feel? Why? - nervous and apprehensive, anxious,
trouble-hearted because Im worried that
Ill be punished for being late.
sense of relief to leave behind the
chaotic/miserable situation of the bus
What did you hope for? teacher will be understanding, forgiving,
will accept my reason/explanation

ACTION VERBS Why are you at the bus station? I take/ wait for bus to school.

What do you do? I see/observe
What are the vendors doing? selling banana fitters
Can you smell anything? Acrid, rancid smell of oil filled the air.
What is peeling off the wall? Old paint is peeling off.
Does the paint look new? The paint is faded.
How are the benches? They are broken and chipped.
What can you smell? I smell fumes from the buses.
What are the people doing about the They are covering their faces.
smell? They refuse to queue up.
How do the passengers behave when
they board the bus? They are carrying baskets/school bags .
What do the passengers carrying? They are going to the market/ school/
Where are they going? offices/work place
When the sun rises, the crowd increases.
When is the time people start
coming? The station becomes stuffy.
How is the condition of the bus
I arrived at school late at _______ a.m..
The bus broke down.
When did you arrive at school?
Nervous/worried/anxious.I hope that
What happened to your bus?
my teacher will understand
How do you feel?
ADJECTIVES How is the condition at the bus crowded, stuffy, noisy
station? busy
How is everyone doing? crispy, tasty, delicious
How do the banana fitters taste? old, tired, paint faded& peeling off
How is the condition of the bus rickety, luxury
station? unhealthy
How is the condition of the buses?
What is the effect on health by the rushing to board buses
fumes from the buses?
What are the passengers doing?

Task 1: Rewrite your paragraph here.
(Possible answer)
At the crack of dawn I waited for bus no 18 to go to school.
on last Monday
morning, (who) (what?) (what purpose?)
The Sandakan is an open-aired with platforms.
bus station terminal
(what type)

It is situated in the centre of along the coastal road

town across the Gentingmas
(where) (where)

At the crack of dawn on last Monday morning, I waited for bus no 18 to go to school. The Sandakan
bus station is an open-aired terminal with platforms. It is situated in the centre of town along the
coastal road across the Gentingmas Mall.

(Names people, (Actions done) (Words describing the (Words describing the
places, animals, etc.) nouns) verbs)
People observed/noticed Sound: honking; last Monday
Crowd, passengers, waited, screeching (tyres), noisy morning
vendors, hawkers, drive Movement of the bus - crack of dawn
sellers, drivers, students, belched (smoke / diesel) rattling; screeching; always
workers, housewives, boarded / embarked tearing; rumbling every day
children, teacher disembarked many
jostled Sight: chockablock, never
shoved and pushed crammed, crowded, finally
took busy, congested,
peeling off (old paint) chaotic,
faded (graffiti) peeling, cracked
broken and chipped (concrete wall); dirty,
(benches) grubby, filthy, rickety,
Vehicle smelt (gases, fumes) luxurious, old
Bus, coach rises (sun)
Exhaust fumes selling Smell: nauseous, foul,
carrying diesel, oily, buttery
increased Feeling: favourite, late,
became unhealthy, stuffy
queued up Taste: crispy, delicious,
was rushing tasty
Building board (bus)
bus station, platform heard
ground floor enclosed was screaming
building, ticket counter, arrived
benches, seats, stalls broke down(bus)
stench / smell hoped

was heading
It is two oclock in the scorching hot afternoon. I was head towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs
was beating feel
Wongs extra class. The sun is beat mercilessly on my back and I could feeling my sweat trickling down my
wished allow ride
spine. I have often wish that my mother would allows me to rides a motorcycle to school. You are not
ready, Raj was her usual response every time I asked for permission to used Dads bike. We both knew that
she was terrified of me get knocked down by a car.


1. oh no the bus is late again i muttered beneath my breath

Oh no! The bus is late again, I muttered beneath my breath.

2. where is the bus I sighed to myself

Where is the bus? I sighed to myself.

3. beluran beluran shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving

Beluran! Beluran! shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving.

4. if only I had my own car i would not have to be waiting here she thought to herself
If only I had my own car, I would not have to be waiting here, she thought to herself.

5. how am i going to explain to my form teacher i have been late to school for the last two weeks will she
accept my reason for being late again she thought quietly to herself
How am I going to explain to my form teacher? I have been late to school for the last two weeks.
Will she accept my reason for being late again? she thought quietly to herself.


Possible answers
It was the peak hours. The mad rush had begun. While waiting for red bus no 18, I observed the young
students, older office workers and active housewives around me. A stylish / fashionable / sophisticated
woman in her late twenties looked very impatient, fiddling with her gold watch every other second. Perhaps
she was late for an important / urgent appointment. A group of untidy / rowdy/ loud /animated /
boisterous teenage girls were giggling and chatting as if they had all the time in the world. Two elderly/ gray-
haired men smoked and read the local newspaper while sitting on the wooden/ metal bench, indifferent to
their surroundings. At the far end, a frantic /distraught/ distressed mother carried a squealing/ screaming
baby trying to calm it. As soon as a red bus arrived, everyone pushed and jostled each other to embark. Most
of the time, it was difficult for the arriving passengers in the bus to disembark. I noticed several suspicious/
dubious characters looming in the corners and a big/ large/ huge sign Beware of Pick Pockets reminded
me to be cautious and alert. I clutched my blue shopping bag to my chest and jumped onto the
overcrowded/ congested bus.

1 slow slowly 6 neat neatly
2 steady steadily 7 quick quickly
3 hurry hurriedly 8 anxious anxiously
4 loud loudly 9 noisy noisily
5 diligent diligently 10 impatient impatiently

1) The hawkers arranged their food neatly at their stalls.

2) The pupils ran quickly towards the bus station.
3) Mothers and children were hurriedly boarding the bus.
4) The conductors shouted loudly to invite more people to board their buses.
5) The senior citizens seem to be able to walk steadily to the bus terminal.
6) I waited impatiently for my bus to go to school.
7) The bus was driven slowly and parked at the terminal according to their route.
8) The cars around the bus station honked noisily.
9) The bus drivers diligently cleaned the seats before inviting passengers to board their buses.
10) A few workers were searching for their bus anxiously as they were late for work.


1. A cacophony of noises greeted us. We approached the bus station. (As)
A cacophony of noises greeted us as we approached the bus station. / As we approached the bus
station, a cacophony of noises greeted us.
2. A gush of cold air struck us. We stepped into the air-conditioned bus. (as soon as)
A gush of cold air struck us as soon as we stepped into the air-conditioned bus.
3. A continuous din was created by the waiting passengers. The loud music blared from the speakers of
roadside stalls. (while)
A continuous din was created by the waiting passengers while the loud music blared from the
speakers of the roadside stalls.
4. I felt a sense of relief as I left the stifling heat outside. I immediately grabbed the front seat. (ing present
Feeling a sense of relief as I left the stifling heat outside, I immediately grabbed the front seat.
5. He was grasping his cup. The old beggar pleaded for spare change from passers-by. (ing present participle)
Grasping his cup, the old beggar pleaded for spare change from passers-by.

Describe an afternoon at the bus station (SPM 97)

It was two oclock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs Wongs extra
class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel my sweat trickling down my spine. I have
often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but
we both know that she is terrified that a car would knock me down.
When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan and I strode to a
bench near the stationmasters office. I could feel the tension on my shoulders as the straps of my school bag
ate into my shoulder. Where is the bus? I sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I
was going. She started a conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers.
Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for the chance to
escape from the woman. . It was Mohans bus. The group of boys were jostling each other to get into the bus.
Masuk! Masuk! shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes made me
nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the
passengers were packed like sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers
behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out of the
station again. It left another trail of black smoke.
I decided to go to Panjangs ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat as I sipped slowly, all
the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks. See
you tomorrow, I waved to Panjang.
Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was being shoved around
by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus.
I hurled my bag through the window and he caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started
moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle
(415 words)
(SPM Essential English, Pearson by Jenny Tan)


It was the end of the year. It was that time of the year when almost every supermarket in town was
having a sale an end of the year sale, a back to school sale and festival sales. The school holidays
coincided with three major festivals Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali, and Christmas. As Deepavali was just two
weeks away, Mama took us on a shopping spree. A poster war seemed to be going on. Colourful posters
advertising an array of products were stuck on walls of buildings, tress and fences. Even vehicles like buses,
vans and taxis were not spared.

We got down at the bus stop and walked to the supermarket, which was just a stones throw away.
From the street where I was, I could see the colourful window displays beautifully adorned dummies clad in
kebayas, baju kurung, saris and Punjabi costumes.

A cacophony of noises greeted us as we approached the supermarket the continuous din created by
the excited shoppers and the loud music that blared from the hi-fi sets of roadside vendors. A gush of cold air
greeted us as soon as we stepped into the supermarket. What a pleasant feeling it was to let the cold air caress
your skin. In contrast, the heat outside was stifling. Now and then, announcements could be heard over the PA

We walked past the cosmetics counter. Salesgirls were trying to entice customers by letting them try
some of the products. The smell of cologne wafted in the air. Some interested customers were seeking product
information. The salesgirls readily obliged.

The jostling crowds did not seem to mind the noise or the shoving. Ladies clutched their handbags as
they tried to make their way to the counter with their purchases. Exasperated mothers were trying not to lose
sight of their children. The only people who appeared not to have a care in the world were the teenagers who
strolled from one department to the other.

Mama had a perpetual frown on her face. She was not used to such crowds. She checked her shopping
list to see if she had got all that she wanted. Then, pushing her trolley laden with her purchases, she made a

beeline for the counter. Of course, there was a long queue. When she had paid for the things, we were ready to
go home.

Clutching our shopping bags, we stepped out of the supermarket. It was already dark. We had not
noticed the time passing. We quickly made our way to the bus stop and boarded the first bus that came along.
As the bus inched its way through the heavy traffic, we could see the neon lights myriads of colours flashing all
over the town. It was a kaleidoscope of colours, one that reminded us that Deepavali, the festival of lights, was
close at hand.




1. Read and understand the question.
2. Highlight keywords in the given question.
3. Scribble your ideas / points on rough papers.
4. Number the ideas / points according to their importance.
5. Write your answer in paragraphs.
6. Do not forget to use linkers to show the flow of your essay
a. (Firstly, next, besides, on top of that.).
7. Try to add in facts/figures/names/related idioms.
8. Conclude your essay by summarizing what you have discussed in the earlier paragraphs.

***Bear in mind that normally we use Present Tense to write factual essay.


Paragraph 1: Introduction (The general idea of topic given + thesis statement)

Paragraph 2: Point 1 + elaboration /examples

Paragraph 3: Point 2 + elaboration /examples

Paragraph 4: Point 3 + elaboration /examples

Paragraph 5: Point 4 + elaboration / examples

Paragraph 6: Conclusion (summarize the whole things discussed in earlier paragraphs or repeat point1, point2,
point3, point4 and/or give your own opinion on the topic discussed.)

Notes for teachers:

1. Always encourage students to surf the Internet and print out materials related to topic
discussed prior to the teaching and learning session.



-In other words -So -Then -First, firstly, first -too -nevertheless
-For example -Therefore -Next of all, first and -In addition -despite this
-In fact -Consequently -Afterwards foremost, -Apart from -Besides
-That is -As a result -Before that -To start with, to that -Yet
-Due to -After that begin with -Also -On the other
-Later -Second -Furthermore hand
-meanwhile -Third -moreover -However
-Then - besides -On the contrary
-Finally, Last but -similarly -instead
not least,
-To conclude
-To summarize

Topic: Advantages of social networking.

Task 1: Answer the questions below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.
Simple present tense Simple past tense Simple Future


Task 1: Brainstorm with your friends on what you understand by Social Networking. Complete the
circle map below by writing examples of social network sites.

A social website or application to enable people of similar

interests to connect and interact.


Task 2: In groups, brainstorm ideas on advantages of social networking. Use the wh-questions to
help you. After that, complete the tree map below on the next page.

1. Who are we connecting with?
2. How frequent is contact made?
3. Is there a cost of maintaining contact?
4. What effect does more contact have on making
5. What can we learn from maintain contact with others?
5. What sort of social information can be found on social networking? Give
6. How kinds of information can students and teachers share on social

6. 8. What kinds


7. What sorts of entertainment AND SERVICES
outlets are available on 8. Do social network sites
social network? advertise and how do they
do it?


1. Connecting people 2. Getting Access to 3. Enjoying online 4. Promoting products

Social Information entertainment and services

make friends
learn about other
peoples culture,

Further Reading:

2.1 Write an essay on The Advantages of Social Networking. You may use the points given below
and illustrate them by giving your own examples.
becoming popular around the globe - commonly used Facebook,

Twitter, Pinterest, Whatsapp PARAGRAPH 1

-Give the general idea or

definition of topic given.

-Thesis statement (There are

some advantages of social

Connect people
share common interest cost free / compare to other ways of PARAGRAPH 2
communication - socialize all over the globe find old /long lost
friends and renew friendship make new friends keep in touch with Point 1(Connect people) +
family and friends live far away elaboration /examples

Get access to social information read thoughts and feelings local

and international events and news via Twitter, Facebook PARAGRAPH 3

students get materials - do homework, folios from closed sites Point 2(Search for
controlled (moderated) by teachers form online group discussion / information) + elaboration
lecture post questions, notes and links to useful websites effective /examples
vehicles for self-paced learning

teachers share with other teachers exchange ideas - improve
techniques of teaching

- incorporate an instant messaging feature - exchange information in

real-time via a chat

Enjoy online entertainment play games with friends local and PARAGRAPH 4
oversea - relieve stress
listen to songs watch videos upload pictures Point 3(Enjoy entertainment)
+ elaboration /examples

Promote their products, services or ideas target information you PARAGRAPH 4

put cater advertisements to that information
Point 4(Promote products
Widen business contact allows users request introductions to and services) + elaboration
business people who are known to their contacts. increase income - /examples
save time convenient for mothers working from home - save cost
hassle free

Social networking - many advantages - fully utilize the technology use PARAGRAPH 6

wisely and responsibly -Summarize the key points

without repeating
- ask a question for the reader
to think about
-propose a course of action or
solution to an issue or an

2.1 Write an essay on The Advantages of Social Networking using the outline given.


-Give the general idea or

definition of topic given.

-Thesis statement

Connect people

Point 1(connect people) +

elaboration /examples

Get access to social information


Point 2(Get access to social

information) + elaboration

Enjoy online entertainment PARAGRAPH 4

Point 3(enjoy online

entertainment) + elaboration

Promote their products, services or ideas PARAGRAPH 4

Point 4(promote products,

services or ideas) +
elaboration /examples


-Summarize the key points

without repeating
- ask a question for the reader
to think about
-propose a course of action,
solution to an issue or an

A. Read the text below and correct the errors indicated.
^ Twenty-first century is the world of ^ internet. Social networking help us to connect to people. Through
social networking sites, users can created profiles, adds interests, photographs and friends. Hence, we learnt
about the people, their interests, work and views.

B. Correct the errors indicated in the sentences below.

One of the main advantage of examinations is that they are an easy tool to regularly assess a students
capability. Exams helped a lot to bring an improvement in the individuals knowledge because they provide
regular feedback to the students. Another advantage is that exams promotes competition among students.
They work harder to improved their knowledge and skills. In this way, they learns more.
Also, exams is excellent tools to determine the efficacy of teaching methods as teachers gets an opportunity to
monitors and evaluating their teaching strategies according to their students progress.


Make simple sentences using the verbs given.
Social networking sites provide an avenue to connect people.
1. help


2. enable

3. ensure

4. allow

5. facilitate

6. aid

7. augment

8. foster



Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.

1. As children grow older, having good skills in managing social media will be __________________
(increasing) important.

2. When deployed in an appropriate manner, social networking sites can increase the childrens self-esteem and
confidence _________________ (tremendous).

3. Social networking is one of the inventions brought by the Internet which ______________ (evident) invade
the life of most people.

4. A national survey carried out by the Ministry of Health _________________ (extensive) showed that
around 20% of children are facing psychological problems and bullying is one of the causes.

5. Social networking allows us to be connected _________________ (digital) to people around the world in
the comfort of our own home.

Now your turn. Review your essay and add in adverbs where appropriate.


Read and study how transitions are used in the text below.

To begin with, mobile phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and friends. A
student can call home and ask a family member to come pick them up if they are sick or bring them lunch
money. Also, mobile phones allow parents to keep track of their childrens whereabouts before, during and
after school. Of course, there is always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of an
emergency. Thus, having a mobile phone is like having a guardian angel.

Apart from that, mobile phones especially smart phones are a fabulous learning tool and resource.
Students can have instant internet access and use various apps such as the calculator, the map finder, the
calendar, dictionary and thesaurus. They can look up information quickly in the classroom without having to
go to a library. If they have a cognitive dispute, they can rectify almost spontaneously. Classwork can be
recorded using the phones camera or audio features instead of having to copy down notes and schedule from
the board. With the calendar, they can put in important events which helps them to be more organized. Plus
there are lots of great learning websites including essay-writing websites which students can use to supplement
the learning in class.

Now read the text below and underline the appropriate transitions in the brackets.

Parents can protect children from too much television violence. 1(First and foremost, However) they should
monitor the programs their children are watching. 2(For example, On the other hand) they can watch some
of the programs with them. 3(Yet, Secondly) they can set limits on the amount of time their children spend in
front of the television. 4(Although, Therefore) sometimes characters in movies get hurt or killed, parents
should point out that this does not always reflect reality. 5(In contrast, Apart from that) they can change the
channel or turn off the television set when something unpleasant comes on. 6(Finally, To begin with) it is
better to explain what is wrong and what is right about the programs the children watch.

Now your turn! Revise your essay using appropriate connectors.

Study the diagram below and read the sample introductory paragraph.
An effective introduction Topic: TEENAGE
should have the following:- RESPONSIBILITY ON THE ROAD
Introductory Paragraph
A. Attention Grabber
- rhetorical question If I had my time over again, I would
- fact / statistics choose not to ride my cousins
- anecdote motorcycle. When I was about seven
- quotation years old, I asked Chip if I could ride
his new motorcycle. My hand revving
the throttle, I took off, slid on to the
pavement, becoming trapped under my
B. Filler aunts car. Just as I should have
thought first about riding my cousins
motorcycle, so should underage
teenagers think of the consequences of
riding without a license. Some
Thesis Statement teenagers are short-sighted and make
poor decisions, that may have legal
ramifications for themselves and their

Study the different techniques in writing attention grabber.

Techniques Examples
Questions Have you ever wondered how you would survive if you found yourself alone in the wilderness?
Would you know how to create your own shelter? Find edible food or clean drinking water?
Would you know how to track where you are going and where you have been?
Statistics A recent survey on teenagers revealed that 70 per cent of them smoked, 40 per cent watched
pornographic videos and 14 per cent took drugs. Several factors have been identified as
contributing to these problems.
Anecdote Jus and his friends are always late for school. They loiter at the childrens playground either to
while their time away or to take a puff on a cigarette before going to school. Jus and his
friends are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tardy teenagers.
Quotation It is better to be safe than to be sorry. That is the message of the environmentalists to those
who take water for granted, for one day, we may be faced with the situation whereby there is
not enough water for everyone. Thus, we should take steps to save water.


Task 1: Choose any of the techniques above and revise your introduction.

Introductory paragraph with
Thesis Statement is a direct statement that explains the TOPIC of your thesis.
essay, what you BELIEVE about that topic and WHY you believe it.
Body paragraph 1: High school
Topic Claim / Opinion Direction 3 reasons you sports teach social skills
What you believe believe your claim is true
Sports offered in They have a - teach social skills. Body Paragraph 2: High school
high school. positive influence. - teach time-management. sports teach time-management
- provide exercise and
teach benefits of hard work. Body paragraph 3: High school
Thesis Statement sports provide exercise and
High school sports unquestionably have a positive influence on high school teach benefits of hard work
students because they teach social skills, reinforce time-management skills,
provide exercise and show the benefits of hard work. Conclusion paragraph and
Source: restate claim ppt

Task 2: Write a thesis statement for each of the topic below.

1a. Topic: Mountain climbing
b. Claim / Opinion: Mountain climbing is an exciting activity.
c. Reasons: (1)It gives me an opportunity to meet others.
(2) It helps me to relax.
(3) It improves my fitness.

Thesis Statement:

2a. Topic: School uniforms

b. Claim / Opinion: They should become a policy in public schools
c. Reasons: (1) They are less costly to families.
(2) They promote conformity among students.
(3) They create an egalitarian environment for learning

Thesis Statement:

3a. Topic: High school

b. Claim: It is more difficult than middle school.
c. Reasons: (1) the level of knowledge and skills
(2) physiological changes
(3) psychological reasons
Thesis Statement:

4a. Topic: Watching television

b. Claim / Opinion: It is not a waste of time.
c. Reasons: (1) It is a valuable educational tool.
(2) It entertains and helps to relax.
(3) It is an activity the family can do together.

Thesis Statement:

5a. Topic: Social networking sites
b. Claim / Opinion: Social networking sites can cause problems to young users.
c. Reasons: (1) Young users risk exposure to unethical behaviours.
(2) Young users become addicted and distracted easily.
(3) Young users suffer from health problems.

Thesis Statement:

Now your turn. Revise your thesis statement.

Irresponsible teenagers have to deal with repercussions from the law, their Sentence starters for
families and their own consciences since they acted rashly. Similarly, I conclusions
suffered a hospital stay, six months on crutches, and my cousins
disappointment when I crashed his new motorcycle. As you can see
It is clear that
Without a doubt
Most would agree that

A. Read the text below and correct the errors indicated.
The twenty-first century is the world of the Internet. Social networking helps us to connect to people.
Through social networking sites, users can create profiles, adds interests, photographs and friends. Hence, we
learn about the people, their interests, work and views.

B. Correct the errors indicated in the sentences below.

One of the main advantages of examinations is that they are an easy tool to regularly assess a students
capability. Exams help a lot to bring an improvement in the individuals knowledge because they provide
regular feedback to the students. Another advantage is that exams promote competition among students.
They work harder to improve their knowledge and skills. In this way, they learn more.
Also, exams are excellent tools to determine the efficacy of teaching methods as teachers get an opportunity to
monitor and evaluate their teaching strategies according to their students progress.


Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.

1. As children grow older, having good skills in managing social media will be increasingly (increasing)

2. When deployed in an appropriate manner, social networking sites can increase the childrens self-esteem and
confidence tremendously (tremendous).

3. Social networking is one of the inventions brought by the Internet which evidently (evident) invade the life
of most people.

4. A national survey carried out by the Ministry of Health extensively (extensive) showed that around 20% of
children are facing psychological problems and bullying is one of the causes.

5. Social networking allows us to be connected digitally (digital) to people around the world in the comfort of
our own home.


Parents can protect children from too much television violence. 1(First and foremost, However) they should
monitor the programs their children are watching. 2(For example, On the other hand) they can watch some
of the programs with them. 3(Yet, Secondly) they can set limits on the amount of time their children spend in
front of the television. 4(Although, Therefore) sometimes characters in movies get hurt or killed, parents
should point out that this does not always reflect reality. 5(In contrast, Apart from that) they can change the
channel or turn off the television set when something unpleasant comes on. 6(Finally, To begin with) it is
better to explain what is wrong and what is right about the programs the children watch.

Task 2: Write a thesis statement for each of the topic below.
1a. Topic: Mountain climbing
b. Claim / Opinion: Mount climbing is an exciting activity.
c. Reasons: (1)It gives me an opportunity to meet others.
(2) It helps me to relax.
(3) It improves my fitness.
Thesis Statement:
Mountain climbing is an exciting activity for it gives me the opportunity to meet others, helps me to
relax and improves my fitness.

2a. Topic: School uniforms

b. Claim / Opinion: They should become a policy in public schools
c. Reasons: (1) They are less costly to families.
(2) They promote conformity among students.
(3) They create an egalitarian environment for learning
Thesis Statement:
School uniforms should become a policy in public schools as they are less costly to families, they
promote conformity among students and create an egalitarian environment for learning.

3a. Topic: High school

b. Claim: It is more difficult than middle school.
c. Reasons: (1) the level of knowledge and skills
(2) physiological changes
(3) psychological reasons
Thesis Statement:
High school is more difficult than middle school in terms of the level of knowledge and skills,
physiological changes and psychological reasons.

4a. Topic: Watching television

b. Claim / Opinion: It is not a waste of time.
c. Reasons: (1) It is a valuable educational tool.
(2) It entertains and helps to relax.
(3) It is an activity the family can do together.
Thesis Statement:
Watching television is not a waste of time as it can be a valuable educational tool, it entertains, helps
us relax and is an activity the family can do together.

5a. Topic: Social networking sites

b. Claim / Opinion: Social networking sites can cause problems to young users.
c. Reasons: (1) Young users risk exposure to unethical behaviours.
(2) Young users become addicted and distracted easily.
(3) Young users suffer from health problems.
Thesis Statement:
Social networking sites can cause problems to young users as they risk exposure to unethical
behaviours, become addicted, are distracted easily and suffer from health problems.


These are notes for teachers to use with the students to explain some critical language points. Teachers may
ask students to draw diagrams or tables on important grammar points after the language review activity to
further reinforce their understanding of some grammar rules. Students should further add in other words that
they found problematic to help them be more aware of what language errors comprise.

Some important grammar points to remember.
Preposition Verb + ing Modal Root Verb (only) To Root Verb (only)

(No s, ed, ing) (No s, ed, ing)

after checking can / could plan to miss
before will / would walk
upon shall / should see
of may / might forget
in read
besides *Use simple past modals for narrative Exception:
essay I look forward to seeing you.

Simple Present Simple Past

Subject-Verb Agreement Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject Verb When to use? Subject Verb When to use?
He is Truth / Fact He was Completed past
She sings Routine / Habit She sang actions
It Other hints It Other hints
Ali Every day; Every week; Ali Yesterday
We are Every month / Monthly; We were Last week
They sing Every year /Annually; They sang Last Monday
Ali and Anna Always; usually; frequently; Ali and Anna Just now
I am; sing often; sometimes; hardly; I was; sang A moment ago
You are; sing never You were; sang

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Subject Verb When to use? Subject Verb When to use?

has / past had past

have participle participle
He participated Past action He Two past
She has attended happened at an She participated actions, one
It taken unspecified time It had attended before the
We forgotten and continue to We taken other
They have eaten the present. They forgotten Other hints
I Other hints I eaten already; ever;
You already; ever; You never; for;
never; for; since; since; before;
once; many yet, just,
times; several
times; before; so
far; yet, still

Passive Form
** Use past participle in Passive Form
When you want to emphasize the OBJECT in a sentence, use the passive form.
e.g. Peter ate the apple. >>> The apple was eaten by Peter.

Active Incorrect Passive

She takes the book. The book is took
The children ate the sandwiches The sandwiches were eat
The student did the report. The report was do

The verbs happened, died, occurred, arrived, lived, stayed cannot be used in the passive.
e.g. The accident was happened last night. (X)
The accident happened last night (/)

My grandmother was died in her sleep last night. (X)

My grandmother died in her sleep last night. (/)

Do not use about with the words discuss, consider, describe, study and explain.
e.g. We will consider about your application tomorrow. (X)
We will consider your application tomorrow. (?)

Common singular / plural noun errors Common spelling errors

Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct
a students explaination
many teacher coperation
two school disatisfy
a lot of dissapprove
homeworks dissappointment
many works enviroment
a children goverment

Common connector errors:

Although he is wealthy but he is not arrogant (X) >>>Although. but. (Although he is rich, he is not
Eventhough he is wealthy but he is not arrogant (X) >>> Even though but
Beside that (X)>>> Besides that,
Further more (X) >>> Furthermore,

Common noun errors:

I and my friends went to school last Saturday.(X) >>> My friends and I went to school last Saturday. (/)
He and me went to school yesterday (X) >>> He and I went to school yesterday. (/)
My teacher gave the test paper to my friends and me. (/)
My friends and I (used as a subject) vs my friends and me (used as an object)

Common Pronoun errors: ourself (X) >>> ourselves (/); themself (X) >>> themselves (/);

Pronoun errors: My mother went to the market yesterday. He bought some vegetables and fish. (X)
My mother went to the market yesterday. She bought some vegetables and fish.

Noun errors: One of the girl (X) >>> One of the girls (/)
its = it is
its = belonging too
Other errors:
Now a days (X) >>> Nowadays (/)

Verbs energize. An action verb generates more drama and emotion than a noun, adjective or adverb of similar
roared emphatised questioned exclaimed hinted
fumed sympathized enquired raved implied
snapped consoled queried gushed insinuated
barked comforted interrogated chirped intimated
exploded reassured enthused suggested
bellowed squealed (with delight) indicated
growled SOFT ANSWER shrieked (with proposed
snarled murmured responded laughter) recommended
hollered muttered replied jabbered advised
shrieked (abuse) mumbled acknowledged babbled encouraged
chided whispered urged
snorted ASKED
lashed out stuttered begged ordered warned
raged stammered beseeched instructed cautioned
retorted gasped (in horror) implored dictated notified
stormed pleaded pleaded insisted alerted
muttered whispered appealed demanded
(in annoyance) whimpered


stormed tiptoed ambled staggered (of a marched
stalked sneaked strolled drunk person) strode
paced up and trod sauntered wobbled strutted
down (in prowled wandered teetered (after him power walked (for fitness)
exasperation) (in search of a rambled (around in her high-heeled DELICATE, QUICK,
stomped off (to prey) the village) sandals) SHORT STEPS
the room) roamed tottered minced
flounced out SLOW & TIRED drifted along doddered (of
(in a fury) plodded (up the meandered around someone aid) PROUD, CONFIDENT,
stamped off hill / staircase dawdled (idly) toddled (of a young EXAGGERATED
strode wearily) perambulate (walk child learning to MANNER
(furiously) trudged through & around walk)
SLOW & lumbered a place for waddled(of paraded
WITH A trailed(behind, inspection or someone clumsy) swaggered (swing on the
SCRAPING whimpering) leisure shoulders)
NOISE tramped (miles WALKED IN WITH strutted
shuffled over mountains, PUBLIC FOR DIFFICULTY sashayed (of models doing
scuffed pleasure) PLEASURE catwalk at fashion show)
promenaded limped
hobbled (around on


Inserting dialogues in narrative is a good technique to show your characters emotions, mood and actions.
Dialogues help create atmosphere of joy, sadness, excitement, despair and tension. Dialogues are also
effective in showing what people are like harsh or gentle; serious or comical; clever or stupid.
However, you must make sure the dialogues serve those purposes and are punctuated correctly.

Teaching points: Speech Mark Sandwich

Inverted comma The 2 pieces of bread are the speech marks /
inverted commas, the filling (tuna, cheese, lettuce,
tomato, etc) is the speech (sentence / question), and
the sauce is the punctuation.

If we do not put BOTH pieces of bread around the

Filling refers to the filling, then it is not a complete sandwich. The sauce
sentence/question. has to be in the sandwich. You dont put the sauce
outside, do you?
Sauce refers to
,.? This clears up many misconceptions and mistakes about
where the punctuation being put after the last speech
mark, and to always remember to include both speech
marks like you would a sandwich.

Inverted comma By: Kelly Ryan


. Full stop , comma ? Question mark Apostrophe ! Exclamation mark

: colon ; semi-colon Ellipsis - dash inverted commas

Reminder: Do not use too much dialogue or conversation. Remember you are asked to write a narrative, not
a dialogue or conversation.


few What colour tiny
The size huge
How many average

something Tel us about a
behave noun
kind soft
fearful How something
something feels
How sounds
noun looks

An adjective describes how something is. Two ways adjectives are used:-

1. Adjectives can be used before a noun. They are placed before the noun.
Adjective + noun
e.g. marvelous time
spectacular view
picturesque beach
glorious sunset
captivating sight

2. Subject + Be verb + Adjective

I am dissatisfied. (I am a dissatisfied customer.)
She is intelligent. (She is an intelligent girl.)
My mother is hardworking. (My mother is a hardworking person.)
Tom is shy. (Tom is a shy teenager.)
The food is delicious. (She cooks delicious food.)
The room is crammed. (We have crammed classrooms.)

You can use more than one adjective to describe a noun. However, you need to know the correct order of
adjectives. Below is a table to help you learn about the word order. The abbreviation that you should
remember is OSASCOMP

Determiner Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose Noun
a /an/the handsome young Malaysian man
One / huge round metal bowls
two/ three
This / that smart little girl
My / your old red sleeping bag
/ his
wonderful new restaurant
spectacular ancient Medieval castle
*** Avoid using all of them because this will make your description sound unnatural


ADJECTIVES (**Always refer to the thesaurus and dictionary to help you use the words correctly)
Good / Nice Time: Enjoyable; pleasant; satisfying; delightful; marvelous; fabulous; terrific;
/great /fun entertaining
Person: pleasant; personable; congenial; amiable; friendly; charming; compassionate;
sympathetic; amusing
Manners: polite; courteous; refined; polished; elegant
Day: pleasant; sunny; warm, mild
Bad Terrible; horrible; horrifying; horrific; horrendous; dreadful; shocking; appalling;
Poor (quality) Inferior; imperfect; substandard; below par; deficient; defective; imperfect
Well Fine; healthy; robust; strong; vigorous; satisfactory;
Big Large; huge; massive; colossal; enormous; gigantic; substantial; tremendous
Small Tiny, teeny; petite; minute; miniature; diminutive
Happy Joyful; delighted; glad; cheerful; blissful; elated; jovial; jolly;
Sad / unhappy Dejected; depressed; disheartened; forlorn; gloomy; glum; joyless
Easy / simple Uncomplicated; effortless; manageable;
Beautiful Scenery / view: magnificent; stunning; superb; breathtaking; splendid; spectacular;
impressive; striking; glorious; majestic; awe-inspiring; impressive; sumptuous
Person: attractive; bewitching; charming; gorgeous; ravishing; alluring; elegant; graceful;
handsome; good-looking
funny Amusing; comical; entertaining; hilarious; humorous; whimsical; witty

Red Blue Yellow White Black purple Gray Brown Green
brick-red sapphire gold snowy tar violet ashen amber emerald
maroon sky blue custard enamel midnight indigo dull tan olive
reddish azure banana ivory pitch bruise slate beige jade
rose cobalt lemon chalky metal mahogany pea green
scarlet navy primrose silver hazel lime
crimson aquamarine chocolate sea green
ruby royal chestnut apple
cranberry teal blue fawn

Reminder: Always use a dictionary and thesaurus to make sure you use precise vocabulary in context to your

Learn to use adverbs besides adjectives. Study the mind map of adverbs below and learn the different types of

What are adverbs? Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. It describes the action. Adverbs can
describe or modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
Modify verbs Modify Adjectives Modify Adverbs
Verb + Adverb Adverb + Adjective Adverb + Adverb
drives carefully Extremely poor Rather slowly
play roughly Immaculately clean Very quickly
walked slowly Terribly sad quite cleverly (done)

How do we use adverbs in a sentence? Adverbs can be positioned at the beginning, middle or end of a

Adverb at the beginning of a sentence Immediately, Ali dashed out of the door.
Adverb in the middle of a sentence Ali dashed immediately out of the door.
Adverb at the end of a sentence Ali dashed out of the door immediately.

1. In English we NEVER put an adverb between the verb and the object.
e.g. We often play football (/) We play often football. (X)

2. If there are more adverbs at the end of a sentence, the word order is normally:
Manner - Place Time
e.g. John greeted me cheerfully in school yesterday morning.

Below is a list of adverbs that you can use to vary your vocabulary.
Absolutely clearly Largely Perfectly Dreadfully Intensely Unusually Furiously
Almost curiously Mainly Utterly Hugely Rather Unexpectedly Infuriatingly
Completely Entirely Nearly Virtually Immensely Slightly Wisely Exuberantly
Casually Exclusively Seriously Hysterically Grimly Rapidly Thoughtfully Jubilantly
cautiously irritably meekly questioningly teasingly dejectedly mirthlessly ecstatically

It is better to use a strong verb than an adverb to strengthen a weak verb. Verbs are stronger than adverbs.
e.g. She strolled into the room. vs She walked casually into the room
She bolted from the chair. She stood quickly out of the chair.


A. How do we vary our sentence structures? Learn various types of sentence structures and transitional
phrases to make your writing interesting.
Study each of the examples in the mind map below.


Compare them with your sentences. Can you join some of the sentences / ideas in your essay and form one

Below are some examples how two sentences can be combined to form a complex structure without using a
connector. Notice how the pronoun in one of the sentences is omitted.
Present He was fighting for his life. He tried to swim to the shore.
-ing Fighting for his life, he tried to swim to the shore.
He turned on the light. He saw someone in the room.

Turning on the light, he saw someone in the room.

Past participle She was filled with sadness. She left the jetty.

Filled with sadness, she left the jetty.

He finished his homework. He played a rough game of football.

Finished with his homework, he played a rough game of football.

He was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He pleaded innocence with his mother.

Caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he pleaded innocence with his mother.
Adjective He was exhausted by the struggle to stay afloat. He finally made it to the shore.

Exhausted by the struggle to stay afloat, he finally made it to the shore.

She was relieved. She left the police station.

Relieved, she left the police station.

Source: www.;

B. Some connectors that you can use to form compound and complex sentences.

Compound Sentences Complex Sentences

Do you have compound and complex sentences in your essay?

C. Transitional Phrases as sentence starters for Narrative

All of a sudden / Suddenly / It took a month but In a state of joy / alarm /
out of the blue Within fifteen minutes, apprehension,
Abruptly Within seconds, Filled with joy / apprehension /
At once Not long after, alarm,
Before I knew it Shortly after, Never again will I
Just then Soon after, When all was said and done,
Just as the teacher was about to At that unfortunate moment, When I realized what had
leave, my mobile phone rang At that very moment, actually happened
In a flash / In a nick of time At the same time, To my consternation,
Almost instantaneously Simultaneously, To my surprise,
Instantly After what seemed like an What surprised / saddened /
Little by little eternity, angered / irritated me was
Out of the blue By then, I wonder
Shockingly Not far away I remember
Slowly / Gradually Some distance away What if
Eventually In the meantime This reminds me of
Without warning Sooner or later In reality,
Without hesitation Upon seeing /waiting As a result / Consequently
To my surprise Secretly, I As time passed,
In the blink of an eye Subsequently
A moment later Eventually
Later that day / evening / night, Gradually
The following day / Monday / From then on
night, At that point
Months passed,

I felt a presence nearby and my imagination ran The paramedic tried to revive her but to no avail.
When I finally stopped and looked around, my The paramedic tried to revive her but their efforts
friends were nowhere in sight. were futile.

Review your essay. Do you use a variety of sentence structures and sentence starters? Rewrite your sentences
by combining them wherever suitable.


The story should begin as close to the main event as possible. If the main event in a story takes place on a
beach, do not begin the story at home waking up. Begin your story at the beach. It is not necessary to have
your main characters get dressed, plan their day at the beginning of the story. We can assume they are awake,
dressed, and fed unless it is important to the storys main event.

In order to capture your readers attention, the beginning of your story must be interesting and lively enough to
make your reader want to keep reading. You can begin with an action, dialogues, characters thoughts and
sensory details.
Boring Beginnings (Tell) ACTIVE BEGINNINGS (Show, not Tell)
One rainy day, I went to the ACTION
mall. I splashed across the parking lot, yanked open the tall glass door and
dripping wet, stepped into the mall.
She promised herself that she DIALOGUE AND THOUGHTS
would not allow him to treat Im not going to allow him to treat me like a slave, she muttered
her like a slave. adamantly under her breath.
Maria, wait, he cried out.
She was angry. She drove away. SENSORY DETAILS
Shaking like a leaf, her whole body quivered with an uncontrollable rage.
Salty warm tears streamed down her pale soft cheeks only stopping when
they reached her swollen dry lips. She stormed out of the house and leapt
into her Proton. Her foot stomped onto the small accelerator, tyres
squealing as she sped away leaving an odour of burnt rubber lingering in the
I am extremely nervous. SOUND EFFECT
Hiss. I shuddered at the strange noise coming from the room of the
abandoned house. My hands trembled as I turned the knob of the creaky
old door. I hope this place isnt haunted or infested with snakes I
thought nervously as I peered inside.

Meaningful Endings:
Writers use the ending of a story to show how the main character has grown or changed in some way as a
result of his or her experiences. To do this, writers use a combination of techniques that include describing the
main characters memories, decisions, actions, feelings, hopes or wishes as a result of the events in the story.


It was all a dream. / Memory: Ill never forget the time I explored the old cave.
Suddenly I woke up and Feelings:
realized that no such thing had * I can still feel the chill tingling down my spine when I remember getting
happened as I had been lost in the cave.
dreaming. * As I remembered , I felt a sense of fear.
They lived happily ever after. * Whenever I thought of ., I would always shudder with fear.
Hope or wish:
* I hope that the next time I am out exploring, I do not find myself in a
* I certainly hope I would be more carefulin the future.
* I certainly hope that had learnt his / her lesson and would not
ever again.
* I fervently hoped that nothing of such sort would happen to me ever
* I hope that I would never encounter such a terrifying incident ever again
in the future.
* I hoped that I would not be caught in such a tricky / perilous /

dangerous situation every again.
* I hoped that such an episode would not occur ever again
* I hoped that I would not have to go through such a nerve-wrecking
episode again.
From that day on, I decided I would never go exploring alone.



Telling Showing
I am not a morning Ring. The alarm went off. It was only 5 a.m. Monday morning. Its still
person. early, I mumbled to myself. Suddenly, my mom knocked on my door
and called out, Time to get up, Joe! I sighed, pulled the covers over my
head and squirmed. Minutes later, my ad came in and ripped the covers
off me. Get up and get ready for school! I groaned and lumbered out of
bed to get breakfast.

Learn some useful expressions to show feelings.
Happy He grinned from ear to ear.
His heart leapt with joy.
He jumped up and down with joy. / He screamed with joy.
Hands clapped, eyes wide opened
Overwhelmed with joy, his eyes lit up. / His eyes lit with joy.
His eyes twinkled with happiness.
Tears of joy welled up his eyes.
Delight was written on his face.
His mouth curled into a pleasant smile.
Heart was thumping wildly / His heart swelled with happiness
Floating on air
Sad He felt wretched with grief.
His eyes welled up. / Tears formed in his eyes. / Tears trickled down his face
His lips quivered / trembled.
His heart dropped beat.
He wrung his hands.
Head hanging low / Head hung low, he dragged his feet.
Filled with misery
It was heart-rending to see him
My heart shattered when / My heart sank when
Overcome / Overwhelmed by melancholy / grief
With a tinge of sadness
Her eyes were puffy with a trace of wetness around the lids
She buried her face in her hands and sobbed quietly
Sitting there in mute misery, his face was in his hands
Angry His eyebrows furrowed together
His forehead creased. / An angry frown creased his forehead.
Fists clenched, / Fists clenched open and shut
Cracking his knuckles
Gritted his teeth and clenched his fist/ He muttered through gritted teeth
He slammed his fist on the table
He stormed off towards the door / exit/ Stamping his feet in anger, he
His heart pounded
Overwhelmed with rage / His mind was engulfed by rage
Veins popping out on the forehead
Boiling with rage / Rage flamed his face, flaring wide his nostrils
He looked daggers at her
He saw red
He hit the roof
His face contorted with rage and fury
Rolling up sleeves of shirt with jerky movements,
Face turned red/ Mad as a hornet / He was like a bull in a china shop
The man bellowed with rage and stared at me in a threatening manner.
Voice became louder / He raised his voice / he scolded me in a thunderous voice
Loud sighs, he drew in his breath with a long hiss
Soon, all that suppressed, belated anger began to erupt
He started calling me names and hurled curses at me
Bored He was lulled off to sleep as the teacher droned on rocks and minerals
Drool was dripping out his mouth.
Tired Slump against the wall, he shut his eyes
Yawning, his eyes drooped / his eyelids began to feel heavy
Gray circles under the eyes
Legs felt heavy, he moved slower than usual
He flopped down into the chair

A slow, dull ache gnawed on the muscles of my lower back.
My entire body begged for the soft comfort of my bed
Droopy red eyes, he could not help yawning
Rubbing his eyes, he was worn out with fatigue
He could not muster up a single ounce of energy any more
His limbs felt as if they were chained to iron shackles

Embarrassed She went as red as a beetroot / crimson red / flushed bright pink / glowed red / turned
Was blushing from head to toe
Cheeks burning with heat, he did not know where to conceal himself
Tingled with embarrassment,
Relief She took a deep breath of fresh air and felt her heart rising like a kite that some child had
just released to the heavens.
He felt a great load lifted off her chest
Amused He burst out laughing
He had everyone in stitches.
He became hysterical
Shocked Jaw dropped open, eyes opened wide, heart pounded
He jumped back / He nearly jumped out of his skin
He stood dumbfounded
She gave a startled exclamation
She raised her eyebrows and stared open-mouthed.
He stood transfixed,
Flabbergasted / Aghast / Astounded, he
Hot Sweat beads on the forehead
Face turned red like a cooked lobster
Wiped his brown / Moved slowly/ Fanning himself
Feeling hot and bothered , / Hot and clammy,
Cold shivered
Teeth chattered
rubbed hands together
Courage / He plucked up his courage
Bravery Feeling indomitable, fearless and unflinching
He had nerves of steel
He was undeterred

Frightened Terror gripped his whole being and perspiration started dripping from his forehead
Heart pounded wildly, eyes wide opened
Heavy, fast breathing
Hands shaking
Knees felt weak / Knees like rubber
Paralysed with fear, he was speechless
Face went as white as a sheet / Her face turned ashen white
Overwhelmed / Trembled / Overcome with fear, / Frozen with terror
Tears of horror streamed her face
Frozen to the spot / Stood rooted to the ground
A shiver ran down her spine
His skin felt cold and clammy.
Frightened thoughts raced through his mind.
He shivered and closed his eyes despairingly as the cold blade of knife touched him
The distressed girl was gesticulating wildly towards the beach. Someone was drowning!

Hungry Stomach gurgling and growling

Mouth watered at the smell of my favourite
Digging into a plate of calamari rings / curry / .

Face Shape Square, oval, round, triangular, heart-shaped
Skin/Face/Complexion Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots
Rosy: pink-cheeked; fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink
(Complexion is the Ruddy: skin that has a healthy reddish tint; may have the appearance of sunburn
natural appearance and Tanned: skin with a healthy golden-brown tint
color of the skin, Wrinkled: full of or covered with lines or loose folds of skin; often associated
especially of the face; e.g. with age
Mary has a soft, creamy Other skin-related adjectives: pale, spotless, silky, smooth, creamy, baby-soft,
complexion. glowing, paper-thin or translucent (as with a very old person); rough, callused, dry
Fair complexion; Flawless complexion

Eyes General: Brown-eyed mother, bright-eyed sister, wide-eyed child

Eye expressions : Adj. eyes: piercing, mesmerizing, sad, sorrowful, tear-filled,
gentle, sympathetic, warm, compassionate, expressive, twinkling, lively, dancing,
Eye Shape and Size: Large, small, almond-shaped, round, slanted, squinty,
Mouth/Lips: Thin lips, full lips, pouting lips, pursed lips (puckered up, like
when someone is concentrating); Laugh, smile, beam, grin, frown, grimace, scowl

Hair Texture/Appearance: wavy, curly, straight, spiky, stiff, buzzed, shaved,

parted, neatly-combed, tamed, long, short, cropped
Hair Styles: braids, ponytail, pigtails, bun, twist, bob, ringlets, flip,
bangs, buzz layered, feathered, chopped,
gelled, spiked, slicked down
Lots of hair: thick, full, lustrous, bushy, coarse, wiry (stiff)
Little hair: thin, scraggly, fine, baby-fine, wispy, limp, flat,
balding, bald, bald spot, receding hairline (gradual loss
of hair at the front of the head)
Treated hair: permed, dyed, bleached, highlighted, weaved
Hair color: black, brunette, brown, chestnut-brown, honey-
blond, blond, golden-blond, ash-blond, auburn, red,
strawberry-blond, gray, silver, white, salt-and-pepper

Facial Hair * Beard, goatee, mustache, sideburns

* Five oclock shadow: new beard growth, shadowy in appearance, that can be
seen late in the day on the jaw, chin, or cheek area (also known as stubble)
* Adjectives: bearded, unshaven, clean-shaven, trimmed, neatly-trimmed
Clothing Fabric: denim, twill, wool, cotton, tweed, polyester, corduroy, fleece, spandex,
Bottoms: jeans, cargo pants, flat-front pants, pleated pants, slacks, trousers,
overalls, sweatpants, crop pants, capris, skirt, culottes, shorts, board shorts
Tops: sport shirt, dress shirt, polo shirt, button-down shirt, tank top, blouse,
long-sleeve, short-sleeve, sleeveless, collared, T-shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, pullover,
sweater, cardigan
Other clothing: dress, uniform, costume, pajamas, bathrobe, robe, vest, jacket,
blazer, coat, socks, stockings, gloves, hat, cap, shoes, boots, slippers, sandals, flip-
flops, heels, pumps
Sentence Starters * Smartly dressed in (name of garment), she...
Describing Clothes * Casually attired in (name of garment), Jolene
* Simply clad in (name of garment), Mark...
* Dennis sports a (name of garment)

Source: Kim Kautzer and Debbie Oldar (



Morning In the early morning, Bright morning
Early morning, 1. As the sun peeped out from behind the horizon,...
On a sunny day, 2. As the skies slowly brightened,
At dawn, 3. As the sun beamed magnificently,
As the sun slowly rose, 4. As the sun slowly showered the skies in a warm glow,
In the wee hours of the 5. As the sun popped its head out from between the clouds,
morning, 6. The golden glow appeared on the horizon, spilling light all
over the land and the white clouds.
7. The sky was full of cotton-wool clouds. The glorious morning
air filled my lungs.
Wet / Overcast morning
1. The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the
rain across the land.

Afternoon In the afternoon, 1. On a swelteringly hot afternoon, ...

At midday, 2. On a blisteringly hot Monday afternoon,
It was a blistering hot 3. As the scorching sun beat down mercilessly
afternoon. 4. As the sun hung high,...
On a warm Monday 5. As the sun glared down,...
afternoon, 6. As the sun cast its yellowing rays of sunlight across the skies,...
On a scorching hot 7. As the blazing sun shone fiercely,
afternoon, 8. It was a scorching day. I could feel the sun burning the top of
On a fiery hot my head
afternoon, 9. The afternoon sun was glaring. The sky was clear, revealing a
wide vast of pale blue.
Wet / Overcast afternoon
1. It was a grey afternoon with a dull sky threatening rain.
2. A cloud, ominous and black, drifted over the mountain and
released a sudden shower.

Evening In the evening,... 1. As the sun slowly disappeared from the horizon,... / As the
At dusk, sun sunk below the horizon,...
As the sun slowly set,... 2. As the sun slowly dimmed in the horizon,...
As the skies slowly 3. As the sun slowly lost its radiance,...
darkened,... 4. As the evening spread across the sky,...
As the sun's glow 5. As the diminishing rays of the sun announced the end of the
slowly faded,... day,...
6. As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon
turned shimmering gold.
7. The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink.
8. It was a lovely walk, with the sun setting behind the mountain
in a sea of liquid gold.

Night At nightfall,... 1. On a dusky night,... / On a dusky damp night,...

Late at night,... 2. On a soundless surreal night,...
In the still of the 3. As the moon gave an eerie glow,...
night,... 4. As darkness descended,...
In the middle of the 5. As the moon peeked out from behind the clouds,...
night,... 6. As the moon hung high on a cloudless night,
On a chilly night,... 7. Cloaked in darkness,
8. As night fell, the clock struck eight

***It was a full moon 9. Night fell. The setting sun cast an orange glow over the
It was pitch dark evening sky
10. The moon was abnormally large and it bathed the earth with
its luminous glow.
11. It was chilly night. The moon had appeared out of the
horizon and the skies were filled with stars.


Below are some useful expressions to describe the weather. You can pick any one of the expressions and
combine it with the above statements to show the weather during different time of the day.
Bad Weather It was cloudy. (a) Clouds
1. The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky.
2. The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark, ragged
3. Ominous black clouds covered the sky and released a
sudden shower.
4. The dark clouds grew ominous.
5. A sky of mackerel clouds, crimson and amber-tinted,
6. The sun disappeared from the heavy clouds.
6. Masses of heavy black clouds opened their gates and
drenched us with a wall of rain
7. The gloomy sky was shrouded with dark and heavy

There was lightning and (b) Lightning and thunder:

thunder. 1. Thunder came marching from afar away with
increasing tread.
2. Lightning and thunder raged with fury.
3. A flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder
came close upon each other.
4. Thunder roared and lightning flashed across the sky.
5. A bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of
thunder followed.
6. Thunder rolled in from the west and rain began to fall.
7. A loud peal of thunder woke him up from his restless

The wind was strong. (c) Wind and rain:

The rain was heavy. The wind was sighing and thrashing in the treetops and
the boughs moaned.
The howling of the wind frightened us all.
A curtain of rain beat down from the heavens.
The rain-pattered on the roof.
Rain pelted down from the sky.
A curtain of rain beat down from the heavens.
The howling and the roaring of the wind frightened us
Good Weather It was a bright and sunny 1. The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond
day. glittered invitingly.
2. The sun filtered through the clouds, signalling the end
of the rain.
3.A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased
the dark clouds away.
4.The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of
the rising sun.
5.Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze in the warm
tropical sunshine.
6.Fresh air filled my lungs and I felt refreshed and

7.The breath-taking scenery captivated everyone.
8.The pond was bathed in a golden hue by the gentle
sunlight and the water was as clear as crystal.
9.The sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky.
10.The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling
light all over the land and the white clouds.

Adapted from:
Thinking Writers Handbook: Writing Tips, Tricks and Skills Primary 3 6

List of Sensory phrases

cold 1. The chilly night air sent shivers down my spine.
2. The frigid night air chilled me to the bone as I walked home from tuition class.
3. A gust of cold wind howled as Mimi trudged home.
4. She was struck by the strong bitterly cold wind as she tramped home.
5. The biting wind whipped my face and made me shiver.
6. As he walked home in the heavy rain, he was freezing and his teeth were chattering.
7. After sipping an icy cold glass of orange juice, a chill ran down my spine and
goosebumps appeared on my forearms.
cool I enjoyed the gentle morning breeze, which wafted through the streets.
A pleasant breeze could be felt as I walked to school.
A soothing breeze blew as I jogged in the park.
A warm breeze floated into the room.
The coolness of the air conditioner could be felt.
warm 1. It was a balmy and pleasant morning which I enjoyed as I walked to school.
2. I basked in the radiant warmth of the sun as I strolled in the park.
3. It was a stifling hot Monday as we hurried to school.
4. On a warm and humid day, I soaked in perspiration as I rushed to school.
quiet 1. The house was eerily silent when the burglar sneaked in.
2. The neighbourhood was a picture of tranquillity.
3. The neighbourhood was mostly deserted and the corridors were empty.
4. The night was almost soundless and the streets were empty.
5. The neighbourhood was deserted.
6. The corridors were lonely.
noisy 1. The school canteen was filed with the noisy chattering of pupils who were having their
2. The shopping centre was a hive of activity on a Saturday evening.
3. The hawker centre was a flurry of activity on a busy Saturday morning.
4. After the bell rang, the whole school was filled with the hustle and bustle of pupils
rushing home.
5. The students chattered loudly as they waited for the school bus.
6. We were met with a cacophony of animal sounds as we trudged along the forest trail.
delicious 1. Toms mouth watered at the delicious smell, wafting form the kitchen as his mother
prepared dinner.
2. The aroma of Mothers cooking made my stomach growl.
3. The fragrant smells of the piping-hot dishes made Jane drool.

(b) Sunrise and sunset:

The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds.
From freezing night, it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed towards its zenith.
As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned shimmering gold.

Stormy Weather. (47 words)

Black ominous clouds blanketed the dark grey sky, threatening everyone with a heavy downpour. A fork of
sparkling bright lightning flashed, causing a crack to form in the sky. A great clap of thunder then came close
upon each other and soon, a sudden shower was released.

Strong Wind (49 words)

The wind was thrashing against the trees, causing the branches to whip and sway about in the storm. Countless
of leaves were shed and came twirling and swirling in mid-air. Trees were bent double and one of them had its
roots uprooted. It came crashing down onto the road.

Fear / Shock on what you have seen

Sample 1: I shrieked in fear and shoved my fist into my mouth. I froze, mouth trout-like, agape in
anticipation and heart racing. I could feel my stomach knot up and hair standing on its end. The sight of
seeing a ***** sent shudders down my spine. Then (describe what you did next)

Sample 2: When I saw ***** (state what you saw), I flinched. I stood rooted to the ground and the sight had
robbed me of my speech. Cupping my hands over my agape mouth, I tried to scream but nothing came out. It
took me what seemed like ages to recover from my stupor. Then (describe what you did next)

Sample 3: My eyes gleamed wide with horror, mouth agape. Cupping my hands over my mouth, I tried to
suppress the fear rising within me. I was powerless and frantic with horror. It took me a while to regain my
composure and (describe what you did next)

Sample 4: I cringed at the sight of ***** (state what you saw). I was paralysed with fear and stood petrified
with fear. Regaining my composure, (describe what you did next)

Sadness / Shock on what you have heard.

Sample 1: When I heard the news, all I could do was to cup my pair of hands over my agape mouth and
gleamed wide at her. I just could not believe what I had heard. I was speechless and fringed. It took me a
while to regain composure and (describe what you did next)

Sample 2: My eyes were glued to her and then looked away. Gritting my teeth and creasing my eyebrows into
a row, I tried to suppress the emotion and the tears rising within me. Soon, the dam of ears within me
exploded and it flushed down my pair of red and puffy eyes.

Sample 3: When I heard the piece of unwelcoming news, I was stunned and speechless. I searched hard for
words to say but utter not a word except for sobs.

Source: Copyright Stepping Stones Study Centre (Prepared by Mr Wong)

Upper Primary Comprehension & Writing (Powerful Phrases)
Sample 1: When I heard the news, I punched the air in delight and shouted aloud Hurray! I just could not
believe I was that lucky

Sample 2: I was over the moon the moment I heard that ***** (state what you have heard). I ran up to him
and wrapped my arms around his waist. Tears of joy and happiness gushed down from my pair of eyes.

Sample 3: My eyes glittered with tears of joys. I was quivering with excitement and a wide grin beamed across
my face. In fact, the grin was so wide that I could almost eat a banana sideways!

Sample 4: We laughed till our sides hurt. In fact, we were bending double to release the roar of laughter
exploding inside us!

Sample 5: I was saturated with happiness. The happiness within me could not be described. A smile of
relief beamed on my face. Closing my eyes and with a smile of gratitude, I clasped my hands in prayer. Thank
you, God, thank you so much for ***** (state what you are thankful for). Thank you and I remaining loving
you forever.
Source: Copyright Stepping Stones Study Centre (Prepared by Mr Wong)
Upper Primary Comprehension & Writing (Powerful Phrases)
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