6300 Bulldozer: Features
6300 Bulldozer: Features
6300 Bulldozer: Features
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Inside-mounted with one-lever hydraulic
Walk-through compartment.
Excellent visibility.
Choice of gO-inch or 72-inch blade.
3-piece, reversible, replaceable cutting edge.
High, fast-acting lift.
Positive down pressure.
Float position.
Right and left manual angling.
Right and left manual tilt.
Load-shaped blade provides maximum roil-
ing action.
Available in combination with Rotoboom,
winch, log arch,
(Specifications and design are subject to change
without notice. Wherever applicable, specifica-
tions are in accordance with fEMC and SAE
Horsepower* (at 2,500 engine rpm): Gasoline Diesel Track shoes (types and sizes)... Grouser, 12- or 14-inch. Open-
Grossengineflywheel.......................... 46 46 center grouser, 12- or 14-in. Triple semi-grouser, open-center,
Net engine flywheel. Engine equipped with fan, 12-in. Snow shoes, 12- or 14-in. Rubber, 10-in.
air cleaner, water pump, lubricating oil pump, Trackpindiameter 1-3/16in.
fuel pump, and alternator 42 42 Track-pin bushing diameter .1-3/4 in.
Drawbar 30 30 Number of tracks shoes, each side .36
Travel Speeds and Drawbar Pull* (with adequate weight anrl Total ground contact area (sq. in.):
traction) 10-in. shoes .1,350
Travel Speed Drawbar lb. Drawbar lb. 12-in. shoes ,... .1,628
Shift Lever at 2,500 Pull at 2,500 Pull at 14-in. shoes .1,904
Position engine rpm engine rpm maximum torque Ground pressure, 12-in. shoes (lb. per sq. in.) ... . .5.6
1st 1.4 7,500 9,000 Length of track on ground ...69-1/4 in.
2nd 1.9 6,000 7,200 Trackgauge 48in.
3rd 3.3 3,500 4,200 Adjustment . . . . Hydraulic
4th 6.5 1,500 1,800
Rev. 1.9
*Maximum under SAE standard conditions of 500 ft. altitude and Dimensions
85 F. temperature. Heighttotopofhood 52in.
Direction Reverser. . . . Provides each speed listed above in for- Over-allheightwithexhauststack 76in.
ward or reverse travel without shifting transmission gears. Hy- Over-all width (with 72-in. blade) 72 in.
draulically controlled. Oil clutches. Replaces engine clutch. Over-all length . . . .. .132in.
Engine: John Deere, variable speed, 3-cylinder, valve-in-head,
Clearance at rear crossbar 13-1/4in.
4-stroke cycle.
Gasoline Diesel
Bore and stroke 3-7/8 x 3-7/8 in. 3-7/8 x 4-5/16 in. Capacities (U.S. Measure):
Piston displacement 135cu. in. 152 cu. in. Cooling system .. .. ..... ... .. .. .3-114
Compression ratio.. . .. 7.5 to 1 16.3 to 1 Fuel tank, gasoline and Diesel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 gal.
Operating speed range. 1,500-2,500 rpm 1,500-2,500 rpm Crankcase, including filter 9 qt.
Maximum torque 110 lb. ft. 110 lb. ft. Transmission 2-1/4 gal.
Rpm at maximum torque 1300 1300 Final-drive
cases(each) ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 3 qt.
N.A.C.C. or A.M.A. Direction reverser case 3 gal.
horsepower rated for
tax purpose. . . . . . .. 17.88 17.88
Lubrication... (Gas and Diesel engines) Pressure system with Base Equipment:
full-flow filter. Clutch-brake steering system. Alternator-charge gauge.
Crankshaft. .. (Gas and Diesel engines) Induction-hardened, Front bottom guard. Water-temperature gauge.
counterbalanced, statically and dynamically balanced. Heavy-duty track-roller guards. Electric hour meter.
Main and connecting 12-volt starter and electrical Antifreeze.
rod bearings. . . . . . .. Steel-backed, aluminum-lined, removable. system. Deluxe posture seat with arm-
Main bearings: Alternator. rests. .
Number 3 4 Key ignition switch with safety Tool tray.
Diameter 3-1/8 in. 3-1/8 in. start. Transistorized voltage regula-
Length(total) 3.560in. 4.715 in. Suction fan. tor.
Cooling (gas and Diesel engines) Pressurized; with water 90 amp. dry-charge battery. Hydraulictrack-tension adjuster.
pump, thermostat, and fixed bypass. Suction or blower fan. Air cleaner (dry-type). Outer sprocket shields.
Governor Enclosed flyweight Flyweight integral Slip-fit exhaust stack. Lights: front, rear, and panel.
type with injection pump. Front hitch. Engine side shields.
Carburetor Conventional Fuel filters. Rear bottom guard.
updraft. . ................... Oil-pressure gauge. Air cleaner restriction indicator.
Fuel injection pump. ... ..................... Opposed plunger,
inlet metering, sin-
gle cylinder, distrib- Special Equipment:
utor type. Direction reverser. Sprocket shields (inner).
Air cleaner............. Drytype. Dry type. Auxiliary remote hydraulic sys- Spark arrester muffler.
Electrical system... . . . . 12-volt with 12-volt with
tem and breakaway couplings. Power steering.
alternator. alternator. Remote hydraulic cylinder. Tachometer.
Starting................. 12-volt electric 12-volt electric
3-point hitch (Category 2). Winch drive.
starter. starter.
Power takeoff assembly and Cigarette lighter.
tachometer. Pre-cleaner.
Transmission... Selective sliding gear, 4 forward speeds and
Belt pulley.
1 reverse. Swinging drawbar.
Calks for triple semi-grouser Ether starting aid (Diesel).
Engine Clutch... Foot operated. 11-inch single disk. (Replaced shoes. Blower fan.
by oil clutches when direction reverser is installed.) 180 amp. hr. battery installation Grille screen.
-two 90 amp. batteries Radiator sand screen for blower
Steering Clutch-brake system. (Diesel). fan.
Clutches Multiple disk. 16 friction surfaces perclutch. Notched snow sprockets. Long muffler stack extension.
Brakes .. ...." Contracting band. Bonded lining. High-altitude gasoline engine. Canopy and seat belt.
Track shoe types and sizes as Instrument panel cover.
Over-All Gear Reduction Ratio: listed above.
In first gear 112t01 Engine coolant heater
In high gear .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .24 to 1
~. Hydraulic System... Double with choice of crankshaft-driven
pump-15 gpm or 23 gpm.
Power Takeoff . Transmission driven, rear, 540 rpm.
(Special equipment.)
Track and Track Frame:
Track rollers, each side .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .5
Track carrier roller, each side 1