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Slewing Gears
ZOLLERN Slewing Unit

outlet by flange I

oil by flange II

reaction torque arm

oil outlet
flange I flange II reaction torque arm flange III flange I flange II keyway DIN 6885

electric motor input

For dimensions
please refer to your
ZOLLERN representative

Output flange mountings output drive hydraulic motor input electric motor input
torque1 2-stage 3-stage 4-stage 2-stage 3-stage 4-stage
speed flange I flange II reaction torque arm
strenght rating

strenght rating
Tdyn. Tmax. Mmax. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 num- B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 num- C1 C2 C3 C4 K Lmin. Lmax. Mmin. M1 M2 M3 N Fmin. D1 min. D2 min. e1 e2 F1 F22) F1 F22) F1 F22) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7
(mN) (mN) (rpm.) h7 0,2 ber h7 0,2 ber h7 h7 h7 h7 ca. ca. ca. k6 h7 0,2 k6 h7 0,2 k6 h7 0,2

3.13 1870 2800 3000 180 210 240 20 15 11 12 8.8 50 140 400 125 155 51 45 60 80 1,2 127 251 243 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 3.13
3.15 3900 5850 3000 210 240 270 20 15 14 24 8.8 178 200 220 74 15 11 18 10.9 55 170 800 150 180 55 55 85 100 1,5 1,5 149 297 291 343 284 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 335 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 3.15
3.19 6600 9900 3000 250 290 320 25 15 14 24 8.8 210 235 260 85 18 14 24 10.9 240 75 30 35 70 190 800 180 210 240 62 62 110 115 2,5 1,5 179 347 257 397 314 38 42 50 250 280 8 M 12 373 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 8 M 12 3.19
3.20 10400 15600 3000 285 325 355 25 20 14 24 10.9 230 258 282 87 24 14 24 10.9 270 74 35 40 75 230 1300 210 240 270 78 78 115 135 2,5 1,5 187 355 278 426 348 472 322 38 42 50 250 280 8 M 12 413 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 464 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 3.20
3.22 16600 24900 3000 320 365 395 30 20 18 24 10.9 265 296 326 112 20 18 24 10.9 320 94 40 50 90 250 1300 240 270 300 85 85 135 160 2,5 1,5 222 425 333 481 403 533 377 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 468 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 519 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 3.22
3.24 22000 33000 2800 355 400 430 30 20 18 24 10.9 295 330 368 111 20 22 24 8.8 350 93 45 55 100 300 1300 270 300 330 360 108 100 150 180 2,5 1,5 222 425 333 490 403 557 377 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 468 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 519 38 28 30 200 228 8 M 12 3.24
3.25 30000 45000 2800 390 440 475 35 20 22 24 8.8 325 362 400 121 20 22 24 10.9 380 101 50 60 100 330 1300 270 300 330 360 116 100 160 190 2,5 1,5 229 422 349 517 441 589 384 40 55 65 300 340 8 M 16 484 38 42 50 250 280 8 M 12 576 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 3.25
3.26 40000 60000 2800 430 475 515 40 20 22 24 10.9 365 400 437 136 20 22 24 10.9 420 113 55 65 100 340 1300 270 300 330 360 125 110 170 205 2,5 1,5 283 497 418 621 529 677 465 40 60 75 360 415 8 M 20 573 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 664 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 3.26
3.27 52000 78000 2800 465 525 575 45 20 26 24 8.8 395 435 480 151 20 26 24 10.9 450 126 60 75 110 350 1700 340 390 440 131 115 180 225 2,5 1,5 295 530 431 634 541 689 477 40 360 415 8 M 20 586 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 676 38 38 45 250 280 8 M 12 3.27
3.29 85000 127500 2300 550 600 660 50 30 26 24 10.9 460 510 565 170 20 33 24 8.8 530 142 75 80 140 420 1700 380 430 480 172 145 220 240 2,5 1,5 453 656 573 721 608 40 55 65 300 340 8 M 16 708 38 42 50 250 280 8 M 12 3.29
3.31 120000 180000 2300 630 680 740 50 30 26 24 10.9 530 580 635 204 30 33 24 10.9 610 174 85 90 160 450 1700 420 480 520 155 165 240 280 2,5 1,5 572 786 707 910 754 40 60 75 360 415 8 M 20 862 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 3.31
3.32 180000 270000 2300 680 750 820 55 30 33 24 8.8 580 635 685 235 30 33 24 10.9 170 480 1800 450 500 170 2,5 1,5 583 797 718 921 765 40 60 75 360 415 8 M 20 873 40 48 56 300 340 8 M 16 3.32
3.33 225000 337500 1900 please refer to your ZOLLERN representative 3.33
3.34 300000 450000 1900 please refer to your ZOLLERN representative 3.34
3.36 please refer to your ZOLLERN representative 3.36
3.38 please refer to your ZOLLERN representative 3.38
1) 2)
According to FEM section I, 3rd edition, drive unit class M5, loading conditions L2, running time classification T5 (n = 15 rpm., P [kW] = const.) change possible depending on motor size ZOLLERN have a policy of continuous product improvement, and detail may be changed without notice.
According to DIN calculation principles on lifting gears operating hour classification T5, standard condition S1.
4 5
Permitted output torques depending on size and ratio of units

Nominal ZHP 3.13 3.15 3.19 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.29 3.31 3.32

output torque 1870 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000
Tdyn. [Nm]

2 stages

16,3 1870 3900 6600 9000 14600 14600 30000 40000 52000

19,3 1870 3900 6600 10400 16600 17600 30000 40000 52000

25,0 1870 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000

30,0 1870 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000

34,1 1870 3900 6100 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000

36,0 1600 3250 5400 8500 14100 17900 24800 33000 44700

40,9 1600 3250 5400 8500 14100 17900 24800 33000 44700

3 stages

53,0 9000 14600 14600 30000 40000 47500

62,8 10400 16600 17600 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

74,4 3900 6600 10400 16600 17600 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

81,4 10400 16600 19200 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

96,4 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

115,7 3900 6100 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000
gear unit ratios

125,0 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

131,5 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

150,0 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

170,5 3900 6600 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

204,5 3900 6100 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

245,5 3250 5400 8500 14100 17900 24800 33000 44700 70000 100000

278,9 3250 5400 8500 14100 17900 24800 33000 44700 70000 100000

4 stages

372 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

482 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

625 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

750 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

900 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

1080 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

1250 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

1585 10400 16600 22000 30000 40000 52000 85000 120000 180000

1902 8500 14000 17900 24800 33000 44700 70000 100000

Installation instruction:
For efficient operation of the ponding flange surface be altered inadmissibly Admissible production tole-
slewing gear it is neccessary, is square with the center line. through the operation, rances for the assembly
that the centering bores of the The position of the centering through environmental structure and max. admissible
assembly structure are bores and the flange surface influences and through deformations for the slewing
concentric and the corres- of the slewing gear mus not external forces, gear are given in the table.

surface free from

oil and grease

Max. admissible deformations due Concentric bores in the assembly, The pinion shaft of the slewing gear must
to external forces Admissible manufacturing tolerance. not be deformed inadmissibly by external forces
Nomi- and manufacturing tolerances. Max. admissi-
ble tolerances from the centre axis.
nal nal
Length of output shaft L Length of output shaft L
size A1 A2
A6 B6
B1 B2 M
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000

3.13 0,09 0,2 0,3 0,05 11 15 0,09 0,05 0,05 0,20 0,20 3.13
3.15 0,10 0,2 0,3 0,05 14 11 15 0,10 0,05 0,05 0,20 0,20 3.15
3.19 0,12 0,2 0,3 0,05 14 14 15 0,12 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,30 3.19
3.20 0,14 0,2 0,3 0,05 14 14 15 0,14 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,25 0,30 0,30 3.20
3.22 0,16 0,2 0,3 0,07 18 18 15 0,16 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,50 3.22
3.24 0,18 0,3 0,5 0,07 18 22 10 0,18 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,35 0,35 0,50 3.24
3.25 0,20 0,3 0,5 0,07 18 22 10 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,35 0,35 0,50 3.25
3.26 0,20 0,3 0,5 0,10 22 22 10 0,20 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,40 0,40 0,60 0,60 3.26
3.27 0,23 0,3 0,5 0,10 22 26 10 0,23 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,80 3.27
3.29 0,25 0,3 0,5 0,10 26 33 10 0,25 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,50 0,60 0,80 3.29
3.31 0,25 0,3 0,5 0,10 26 33 10 0,25 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,50 0,60 0,80 3.31
3.32 0,25 0,3 0,5 0,10 26 33 10 0,25 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,50 0,60 0,80 3.32
0,2 Form- and situation tolerances acc. to DIN 7184 0,2
The center line of the toleranced part must be within a cy- The tolerance of the plane surface must not
linder at a diameter of t = 0,2, which center line coincides exceed the tolerance of t = 0,2 during
with the center line of the reference plane. one revolution of the workpiece.


ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG

Steel Profiles Steel Profiles
P.O. Box 12 20 P.O. Box 240359
D-72481 Sigmaringen D-68173 Mannheim
Phone +49 75 71 70-0 Phone +49 621 8459-0
Telefax +49 75 71 70-2 50 Telefax +49 621 8459-263
eMail: [email protected] eMail: [email protected]


ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG

ZOLLERN BHW GleitlagerGmbH & Co.
Gears and Winches
Bearing Technology
Manipulating Techniques
P.O. Box 3213
Bearing Technology
D-38022 Braunschweig
Heustrae 1 D-88518 Herbertingen
Phone +49 531 2605-201
Phone +49 75 86 9 59-0
Telefax +49 531 2605-337
Telefax +49 75 86 9 59-5 75
eMail: [email protected]
eMail: [email protected]


ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG

Engineering Components
P.O. Box 12 65
D-88322 Aulendorf
Phone +49 75 25 9 48-0
Telefax +49 75 25 9 48-100
eMail: [email protected]


ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG ZOLLERN & Comandita

Casting Technology Foundry Technology
P.O. Box 12 20 Apartado 1027
D-72481 Sigmaringen P-4471.909 Maia
Phone +49 75 71 70-0 Portugal
Telefax +49 75 71 7 06 01 Phone 22 941 4681
eMail: [email protected] Telefax 22 941 4695

Your contact Address for

ZOLLERN Power Transmissions:

ZOLLERN Vertriebs-GmbH + Co. KG

Herbertingen Plant

Gears and Winches

Heustrae 1
D-88518 Herbertingen
Phone +49 75 86 9 59-0
Z 274 6.98

Telefax +49 75 86 9 59-5 75

Internet: www.zollern.de

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