Bs 7533 1 2001pdf PDF
Bs 7533 1 2001pdf PDF
Bs 7533 1 2001pdf PDF
| BS 7533-1:2001
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Pavements constructed |
with clay, natural stone |
or concrete pavers |
Part 1: Guide for the structural design of |
heavy duty pavements constructed of |
clay pavers or precast concrete paving |
blocks |
ICS 93.080.20 |
BS 7533-1:2001
B/507, Paving units and kerbs, upon which the following bodies were represented:
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
subcommittees and panels:
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 02-2001 i
BS 7533-1:2001
This part of BS 7533 has been prepared by Technical Committee B/507. It supersedes
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to
15 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was
last issued.
1) In preparation.
ii BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1 Scope
This British Standard provides guidance on the design of flexible pavements surfaced with clay or concrete
block pavers manufactured in accordance with BS 6677-1 and BS 6717-1 respectively and laid in accordance
with BS 7533-3. It applies to all pavements subjected to the usual road spectrum of axle loads up to 18 000 kg
and trafficked by between 0.5 million standard axles (msa) and 12 msa, including both highway pavements
and industrial pavements where the traffic is similar in character to highway vehicles. It specifically excludes
heavy duty pavements with traffic exceeding 12 msa and other applications such as aircraft pavements and
those in ports and specialized industrial areas.
NOTE 1 For design guidance for traffic levels of up to 0.5 msa, reference should be made to BS 7533-2.
NOTE 2 This design method can also be used for pavements constructed with stone blocks having the dimensions, tolerances and
characteristics consistent with the relevant requirements for clay and/or concrete pavers.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this part of this British Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions
of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication
referred to applies.
BS 594-1, Hot rolled asphalt for roads and other paved areas Part 1: Specification for constituent
materials and asphalt mixtures.
BS 594-2, Hot rolled asphalt for roads and other paved areas Part 2: Specification for the transport,
laying and compaction of rolled asphalt.
BS 1377-4:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Part 4: Compaction-related tests.
BS 4987-1, Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas Part 1: Specification for constituent
materials and for mixtures.
BS 4987-2, Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas Part 2: Specification for transport, laying
and compaction.
BS 6677-1, Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible pavements Part 1: Specification for pavers.
BS 6717-1, Precast concrete paving blocks Part 1: Specification for paving blocks.
BS 7533-2, Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers Part 2: Guide for structural
design of lightly trafficked pavements constructed with clay or concrete block pavers.
BS 7533-3, Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers Code of practice for laying
precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements.
Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works, 1986 edition. Department of the Environment,
Transport, and the Regions, London: The Stationery Office.
BSI 02-2001 1
BS 7533-1:2001
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
one or more layers of material placed immediately above the subgrade
one or more layers of material placed above the sub-base that constitute the main structural elements of a
NOTE The roadbase can be a bituminous material and/or cement bound material.
channelized traffic
traffic where the vehicle track width and the traffic lane width are virtually the same
NOTE Normal lane widths in a highway do not constitute channelized traffic.
dynamic loading
spectrum of loads normally occurring on highway pavements at vehicle speeds exceeding 30 mile/h (50 km/h)
standard axle
axle carrying a load of 8 200 kg
cumulative traffic
number of standard axles a pavement is designed to carry, measured in million standard axles (msa)
commercial vehicle
vehicle having an unladen weight exceeding 1.5 t
flexible pavement
pavement, constructed with pavers jointed with sand laid on a laying course, which is assumed to behave in
a flexible manner
2 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
e) Materials whose successful performance is dependent upon compaction being undertaken at critical
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
moisture contents should only be used when engineering supervision can ensure that a stable construction
can be achieved.
NOTE Some materials given in clause 804 of the Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works, 1986 edition,
(see annex A) may fall into this category.
BSI 02-2001 3
BS 7533-1:2001
Care should be exercised in the interpretation of site investigation data as the strength of soils is a function
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
of their moisture content, the in-service strength may be much lower in soils than the recorded values in the
site investigation. Care should also be exercised in using CBR values measured in summer as artificially high
figures may be obtained due to the dryness of the soil.
Particular care should be exercised with soils having CBRs of 3 % or less. It should be recognized that
BS 1377-9 requires that CBRs are quoted to the nearest whole figure, so that for very low CBRs the recorded
value will be an approximation.
The surface of the subgrade material should be prepared according to clause 616 of the Department of
Transport Specification for Highway Works, 1986 edition. In the case of silty clays, as the use of a vibrating
roller may fluidize the material rather than compact it, a deadweight roller should be used.
Detailed preparation of the subgrade should be in accordance with the recommendations in BS 7533-3.
5.2 Design life
Design should take into account the cumulative amount of traffic which the pavement has to carry,
measured either in terms of the number of commercial vehicles per day (cv/d), or the number of standard
axles. Table 2 shows the relationship between commercial vehicles per day and million standard axles (msa)
for design lives of 20 years and 40 years, in each case with zero growth and 2 % growth in traffic per annum.
A 20 year design life should generally be applicable unless access for possible maintenance of the roadbase is
likely to be difficult or expensive. Where the pavement serves a finite area, zero growth in traffic is likely to
be applicable, otherwise 2 % growth is recommended. If calculated growth figures are available these should
be used to ascertain the number of standard axles. For special cases, reference should be made to 4.2.
It may be necessary to reset the pavers during the life of a pavement if the rut depth exceeds 10 mm. This
may be a result of displacement of the laying course sand and is not necessarily an indication of pavement
failure. An inspection of the bound roadbase should be carried out prior to the relaying of pavers to ensure
that no structural deterioration has occurred.
Displacement of laying course materials can occur in pavements for a variety of reasons. For example,
pavements subjected to channelized trafficking, or particularly severe localized breaking or turning
movements, may require resetting of the surfacing materials from time to time. Furthermore, areas where
sustained heavy rainfall is common may develop surface undulations due to laying course sand movement
well before the end of the pavement's structural design life. Laying course sand thickness should therefore
not deviate from the values given in 5.3.6.
Table 2 Relationship between commercial vehicles per day and the number of standard axles
for design lives of 20 years and 40 years at growth rates of 0 % and 2 % per annum
Volume of traffic Cumulative traffic
20 years' design life 40 years' design life
Zero growth 2 % growth Zero growth 2 % growth
cv/d msa msa msa msa
30 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6
120 0.8 1 2 3
250 2 3 6 9
500 6 8 15a 22a
1 000 16a 22a a a
NOTE This table is based upon the normal spectrum of light to heavy commercial vehicles on a typical UK highway. Where the
designer believes there is a greater proportion of light commercial vehicles than normal, these will be less damaging, hence more can
be permitted. Conversely if a higher proportion are rear engined buses or heavy commercial vehicles fewer may be permitted and
calculations based on axle damage factors are recommended, as described in TRRL Report LR 1132 [1].
a Volumes of traffic which exceed the scope of this British Standard.
4 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
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BSI 02-2001 5
BS 7533-1:2001
In the case of sites which cannot be categorized in one of these three ways it should be assumed that the
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
road will serve a large development trafficked by 5 000 standard axles. Engineering judgement should be
used in assessing the amount of construction traffic to which the sub-base will be subjected.
The detailed preparation of the sub-base should be in accordance with the recommendations in BS 7533-3.
When rainfall is expected, it is expedient to cover the sub-base as quickly as possible to prevent saturation
and also to protect the underlying materials. Remedial work may be required to the surface of a sub-base
which has been used as a construction access road.
In circumstances when excessive trafficking of the sub-base causes rutting of the subgrade or contamination
of the sub-base by subgrade material, the sub-base should be removed and remedial works to the subgrade
should be conducted.
5.3.4 Preparation of roadbase and laying course
The roadbase and laying course should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations in BS 7533-3.
5.3.5 Roadbase
Figure 3 shows roadbase thickness for cement bound material (CBM) and dense bitumen macadam
(DBM) 100 pen roadbases as defined in clauses 1 038 and 908 of the Department of Transport Specification
for Highway Works, 1986 edition. Where a DBM 50 pen is available, in accordance with clause 929 of the
Specification for Highway Works, 1986 edition, the thickness for DBM roadbase may be reduced by 15 %.
DBM incorporating 200 pen binder should not be used as it is susceptible to deformation, but where
unavoidable DBM thickness should be increased by 30 %. Engineering judgement should be used in the use
of higher strength CBM3 in areas subject to differential movements.
In the case where there are fewer than 0.5 msa and the pavement does not fall into one of the special
categories given in 4.2, the pavement should be designed in accordance with BS 7533-2.
NOTE A minimum nominal roadbase thickness of 130 mm has been included in Figure 2 for practical construction reasons. Alternative
roadbase thickness are given in Figure 2 for the relevant paver thickness.
6 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
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BS 7533-1:2001
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8 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
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BSI 02-2001 9
BS 7533-1:2001
10 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
Table 4 Material conversion factors (MCFs) for evaluating highway pavement materials
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 02-2001 11
BS 7533-1:2001
In order to account for any degradation which may have taken place in each course of the pavement since it
was first constructed, the equivalent thickness of each course should be multiplied by two condition factors
(CF1 and CF2) which account for the less than perfect condition of the material in the pavement. CF1 should
be applied to take account of cracking and spalling of the pavement materials and CF2 should be applied to
account for rutting and settlement.
NOTE If the deterioration of the surface or roadbase is a result of failure in the sub-base, the subgrade improvement layer or the
subgrade, it may not be possible to overlay the existing pavement.
CF1 and CF2 should be determined for each course in the existing pavement according to the condition of
the material as shown in Tables 6 and 7.
For consistent results these factors should be applied by engineers with a working knowledge of a
recognized pavement assessment system.
If the rut depth is greater than 20 mm, the condition of the road foundation should be investigated to
determine whether subsurface drainage has been damaged. Determination of feasibility of overlaying directly
Once the existing pavement has been transformed into an equivalent thickness of DBM, a pavement should
be designed in accordance with the method described in clause 5 and that theoretical pavement should be
transformed into an equivalent thickness of DBM using the material conversion factors given in Table 4. By
comparing the equivalent thickness of DBM in the existing pavement with the equivalent thickness of DBM
required for the new pavement, a determination can be made as to whether the provision of a clay or
concrete block paver overlay will provide a satisfactory engineering solution. It may be that an additional
course of material should be provided beneath the clay or concrete block pavers in order to bring the
overlain pavement to a satisfactory structural condition.
NOTE 1 Although some of the materials in Table 4 are not currently generally used or specified, it is possible that they will be
encountered in an existing pavement.
In the case of condition factor CF1, a degree of judgement is required in establishing the condition of the
material, especially for those courses beneath the surface. If there is no alternative evidence it can be
assumed that the materials beneath the surface are in a similar condition to those at the surface.
NOTE 2 It should be noted that a full investigation of the original pavement can often lead to greater structural adequacy being
assumed for the pavement to be overlain. Often this can make the difference between the possibility of directly overlaying with clay or
concrete block pavers and not being able to use this procedure.
If the levels or required falls for the finished surface after paving are different from those of the existing
surface, planing out or regulation with appropriate bituminous material will be required. The effect of such
removal or addition should be taken into account during the evaluation for overlaying. It is important that
the surface on which laying course material is laid should be such as to ensure a uniform thickness of laying
course material everywhere.
A worked example showing how the component overlay design method can be used is given in annex C.
0 to 10 1.0
11 to 20 0.9
21 to 40 0.6
41 and above 0.3
12 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
Licensed Copy: Jacek Adrjan, Bechtel ltd., Mon Jun 25 10:28:08 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Annex A (informative)
Specification for Highway Works clauses
The following clauses from the Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works, 1986 edition, are
referred to in this British Standard:
Annex B (informative)
Example of the use of the design method for a new pavement
A new shopping development of 4 500 m2 will be served by an access road, which will be trafficked by the
typical UK traffic mix with an initial 250 commercial vehicles per day after opening. Traffic growth is estimated
at 2 % over the 20 year design life of the pavement. The speed limit on the new road will be 40 mile/h (65 km/h).
During construction the road sub-base will be used for site access. The CBR of the subgrade is 4 %.
Design of the pavement in pavers proceeds as follows:
Step 1. Using Figure 2a) and the subgrade CBR of 4 %, as the sub-base is to be used for site access for a
commercial development of 4 500 m2, a subgrade improvement layer of 220 mm and a granular sub-base layer
of 100 mm thick is needed.
Step 2. Table 2 indicates that a traffic volume of 250 commercial vehicles per day with a 2 % growth rate will
result in cumulative traffic of 3 msa using the road over a 20 year design life. This assumes that the normal UK
traffic mix uses the access road.
Step 3. 4.2 states that where speeds in excess of 30 mile/h (50 km/h) are anticipated [this road will have
a 40 mile/h (65 km/h) speed limit] the cumulative traffic using pavement should be multiplied by two, i.e.
the 3 msa in step 3 will become 6 msa.
Step 4. 6 msa falls into the 4 msa to 8 msa bracket of Figure 3. This gives two alternatives, depending on the
thickness of paver selected.
The alternative pavement construction solutions are as follows:
Using Figure 2b): a granular sub-base layer alone of 230 mm is needed. It is decided to proceed on this site with
the option of using a subgrade improvement layer.
BSI 02-2001 13
BS 7533-1:2001 Annex C
Annex C (informative)
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14 BSI 02-2001
BS 7533-1:2001
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Standards publications
BS 1377-9:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Part 9: In-situ tests.
Other documents
[1] TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (TRL). The structural design of bituminous roads. Crowthorne,
Berkshire: 1984 TRRL Report LR 11322).
[2] TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (TRL). Prediction of pavement performance and the design of
overlays. Crowthorne, Berkshire: 1978 TRRL Report LR 8332).
[3] TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (TRL). Pavement deflection: equipment for measurement in the
United Kingdom. Crowthorne, Berkshire: 1978 TRRL Report LR 8342).
[4] TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (TRL). Pavement deflection: operating procedures for use in the
United Kingdom. Crowthorne, Berkshire: 1978 TRRL Report LR 8352).
BSI 02-2001 15
BS 7533-1:2001 |
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