Ian 124-11 PDF
Ian 124-11 PDF
Ian 124-11 PDF
This Interim Advice Note provides guidance on
the requirements for the implementation of
Eurocodes for the design of highway
IAN 124/11
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All works where tenders are invited following the withdrawal of conflicting UK
National Standards;
Existing contracts where following the withdrawal of conflicting UK National
Standards any form of instruction or permission is given by HA to proceed with
works involving either:
If application of the above implementation rules in existing contracts may lead to abortive
costs or programme delays specific to a project then the HA Project Sponsor and TAA must
be informed.
Designers applying Eurocodes to any form of structural design must consider the guidance
and satisfy the requirements given in this document until further notice.
In addition, if required by the TAA the design may be subject to a level of check higher than
that required in BD2 Technical Approval of Highway Structures (DMRB 1.1.1).
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4. Specification
Designs to Eurocodes must be constructed in accordance with the referenced execution
standards which give specification requirements for the materials concerned.
The Specification for Highway Works (MCHW Volume 1) and the associated Notes for
Guidance (MCHW Volume 2) are being reviewed and will be revised as necessary to align
with the requirements given in the Execution Standards.
Pending the publication of revised sections incorporating the requirements of the execution
standards, departures from standards must be sought for the use of project specific
specifications incorporating these standards.
5. Interim requirements for the use of Eurocodes
The interim requirements for the use of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures are
included in Annex A of this Interim Advice Note.
6. Further Information
If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact:
Email: Standards_Feedback&[email protected]
Queries regarding the application of this document with respect to individual structures
should, in the first instance, be raised with local NetServ Structures Advisors.
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Appendix 1
When used on the M25 DBFO Project this standard is to be amended as follows:
Para No.
3. Implementation
Heading and
The heading and paragraphs are to be retained, and not deleted as required in the
Agreements principles of interpretation.
1st paragraph
Sub-paragraph b
Last paragraph
Delete paragraph
Annex A
The amendments to Annex A required for its use on the M25 DBFO Project are
included in Annex A at its Annex E.
When used on the other DBFO Schemes this standard is to be amended as follows:
Para No.
3. Implementation
1st paragraph
Delete otherwise agreed with HA Project Sponsors/Project Managers and the Technical
Approval Authority (TAA) and insert an Alternative Proposal has been Received or
Received with comments by the Departments Nominee
Sub-paragraph b
Delete departures from standards must be sought and insert an Alternative Proposal
must have been Received or Received with comments by the Departments
Annex A
The amendments to Annex A required for its use on other DBFO Schemes are included
in Annex A at its Annex E.
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Annex A
Interim requirements for the use of Eurocodes for the design of
highway structures
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Annex A:
Annex B:
Annex C:
Status of the DMRB documents and guidance or requirements for use with
Annex D:
Annex E:
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Eurocodes are the suite of European Standards covering structural design of civil engineering
works, including highways structures. Eurocodes are the published and maintained structural design
standards in the UK and UK National Standards that are in conflict with Eurocodes have been
This Standard gives guidance, advice and the requirements of the Overseeing Organisation on
the use of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures (including geotechnical works) and aspects
of execution relevant to the design.
Eurocodes must be used for the design of new highway structures (including geotechnical
works) unless agreed otherwise with the Technical Approval Authority (TAA).
Eurocodes must not be used for the structural assessment of existing highway structures unless
agreed with the TAA.
Eurocodes must be used as the basis for the design of modification works as follows unless
otherwise agreed with the TAA:
1.5.1 Where strengthening or modification of the existing structure involves deriving the resistance,
serviceability performance or durability of a section that comprises both new and existing materials
acting together, the Designer must make a statement in the AIP to justify the use of Eurocodes in this
situation, taking into account the properties of the existing materials and workmanship compared to
those required by the relevant EuroNorms upon which the relevant Eurocodes depend.
1.5.2 Where modification works fall outside the scope of the relevant Eurocodes, the Designer must
make a statement in the AIP to justify the use of Eurocodes.
1.5.3 Where it is not possible to demonstrate the adequacy of a structural element using Eurocodes,
assessment standards may be used to re-examine particular elements/load effects for which failure is
determined. See also Clause 1.9.
Eurocodes must be used in conjunction with any relevant European Standards for the design
of proprietary structures, temporary structures and temporary works unless otherwise agreed with the
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The Application Rules given in the Eurocodes may not fully cover the design of special types
of structures such as moveable bridges or bridges carrying both road and rail/light rail traffic. For such
structures additional design rules including values of partial factors, combination factors and values
and configurations of actions must be determined for the individual project, in accordance with the
relevant Principles given in BS EN 1990.
Eurocodes may be applied to the design of structures where materials used and / or the actions
applied are outside the scope of Eurocodes subject to agreement with the TAA. See also Clause 2.1.
Eurocodes must not be used in combination with UK National Standards (Non-Eurocodes)
unless otherwise agreed with the TAA.
This Standard must be used forthwith on all projects where Eurocodes are used.
Mandatory Sections
1.11. Sections of this Standard containing mandatory requirements are identified by being contained
in boxes. These requirements must be complied with or a prior agreement to a Departure from
Standard must be obtained from the Overseeing Organisation. The text outside boxes contains advice
and explanation, which is commended to users for consideration.
As defined in BS EN 1990.
As defined in BS EN 1990.
As defined in BS EN 1990.
As defined in BS EN 1990.
Nationally Determined
Parameter (NDP)
As defined in BS EN 1990.
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As defined in BS EN 1990
Third Party
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The Designer must ensure that the design is compliant with the Principles and Application
Rules of Eurocodes, which have precedence over Design Manual for Road and Bridges (DMRB)
documents and other supplementary guidance.
For the design of highway structures in materials other than concrete, steel and composite
concrete and steel, such as masonry, timber and aluminium, no specific guidance is given in this
2.2.1 The Designer must propose a list of non-contradictory complementary information (NCCI),
including relevant BSI Published Documents to be used where appropriate for the individual project
for agreement with the TAA.
The relevant Eurocodes for the design of highway structures are listed in 3.3.
Specific requirements of the Overseeing Organisation for aspects not covered in Eurocodes
and/or to set a NDP that differs from the recommendation in the UK National annex are given in
Annex A.
The UK National annex may contain references to BSI Published Documents (listed in 3.5)
which should be used where available unless stated otherwise in this Standard.
2.5.1 For the purpose of this Standard, the clause numbers of BSI Published Documents listed in
Annex B for aspects not covered by and/or outside the scope of Eurocodes must be considered as the
default means of compliance with Eurocode clauses for the design of highway structures.
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Departure from Eurocodes (BS EN) and UK National annexes (UKNA) are not permitted
except as follows:
2.10. In cases where Clauses 1.7, 1.8 and / or 2.9 apply, approval for Departures must be obtained
from the TAA.
2.11. Use of the clauses in the Published Documents listed in clause 3.5 may be deemed to
constitute compliance with the Eurocode principles and application rules and will not require a
Departure from Standard to be submitted. For exceptions see clauses 2.13 and 2.15.
2.12. The PD clauses listed in Annex B address situations which the Eurocode provisions are not
considered to fully cover. Alternative methods in compliance with the Eurocode clauses may be
permitted subject to the agreement of the TAA.
2.12.1 If agreed, this information must be recorded on the AIP for Categories 2 and 3 structures.
2.12.2 For PD clauses not listed in Annex B; if the Designer adopts, subject to the agreement of the
TAA, a design that is contrary to the recommendation given in the PD clauses, this information must
be recorded in the AIP for Categories 2 and 3 structures.
2.13. PD 6687-1:2010: Background paper to the UK National annex to BS EN 1992-1 clause 2.5.
Types of reinforcement other than those covered in BS EN 1992-1-1 must only be used with approval
from the TAA.
2.14. For Categories 2 and 3 structures, the use of PD 6687-1:2010: Background paper to the UK
National annex to BS EN 1992-1 clause 2.22, PD 6687-2:2008 Recommendations for the design of
structures to BS EN 1992-2:2005 clauses 7.6.3 (limiting stress ranges in Tables 2A and 2B), 8.2.2,
8.2.3 (use of guidance provided in CIRIA Report C660), 9.1 and 10.1 must be recorded on the design
and check certificates.
2.15. PD 6688-1-7:2009 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-7 clause
2.5.2 for lightweight road structures, the restraint on the deck of a foot/cycle track bridge is required to
be designed to the action of the vehicle collision forces locally but need not be designed globally.
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2.16. Annex D of BS EN 15050:2007, which relates to bridge deck continuity at supports for decks
constructed using precast concrete elements, offers a simplified approach to dealing with redistribution
effects due to creep and shrinkage at the connection. The guidance given within Annex D of BS EN
15050:2007 may be used without obtaining approval for a Departure from Standard.
2.17. Where Eurocodes are used, information listed in Annex D relating to the individual project,
options and choice of method adopted must be recorded for Categories 2 and 3 structures.
2.18. Where Eurocodes are used for the design of highway structures, their execution must be in
accordance with the relevant execution standards listed in 3.4 and relevant parts of the Specification
for Highway Works (SHW). Pending the publication of revised sections of the SHW (Manual of
Contract documents for Highway Works Volume 1) incorporating the requirements of the execution
standards referred to above, departures from standards must be sought for the use of project specific
specifications incorporating these standards.
2.19. For concrete and steelwork the Execution Class should be in accordance with BS EN
13670:2009 and PD 6705-2:2010 respectively. For steelwork the quantified service category should
be in accordance with PD 6705-2:2010.
2.20. The Consequence Classes given in Table A.2 must be used unless otherwise agreed with the
2.21. Where structural elements are designated a higher or lower consequence class than for the
whole structure, this information must be recorded in an AIP.
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The following documents are referred to in the text of this Standard including the Annexes
It is anticipated that further guidance will be provided in a separate Interim Advice Note to be issued
in 2010.
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(The listed documents were current at the time of preparation of this standard; it is the Designers
responsibility to ensure that the documents used are the most recent revision and to use the relevant
published amendments and corrigenda.)
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BS EN 1998-1:2005 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake
resistance Part 1 General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
NA to BS EN 1998-1:2005 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
Part 1 General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
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3.3.10. i)
BS EN 1337
Structural bearings
BS 8006-1
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Other Publications
The following documents are referred to in the text of this Standard including the Annexes
Interim Advice Note 85/07 Design Of Passively Safe Portal Signal Gantries
Interim Advice Note 86/07 Amendments To Design Requirements For Portal And
Cantilever Sign/Signal Gantries
Interim Advice Note 95/07 Revised guidance regarding the use of BS8500(2006) for
the design and construction of structures using concrete
Interim Advice Note 104/07 The Anchorage of Reinforcement & Fixings in Hardened
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Any reference in this specification to a British Standard, or to a British Standard which is
an adopted European Standard, is to be taken to include reference also to the following standards:
(a) a standard or code of practice of a national standards body or equivalent body of any EEA
(b) any international standard recognised for use as a standard or code of practice by any EEA
(c) a technical specification recognised for use as a standard by a public authority of any EEA
state; and
(d) a European Technical Approval (ETA) issued in accordance with the procedure set out in
directive 89/106/EEC.
Where there is a requirement in this specification for compliance with any part of a British
Standard or a British Standard which is an adopted European Standard, that requirement may be met
by compliance with any of the standards given above, provided that the relevant standard imposes an
equivalent level of performance and safety provided for by a British Standard or a British Standard
which is an adopted European Standard.
EEA State means a state which is a contracting party to the EEA Agreement.
EEA Agreement means the agreement on a European Economic Area signed at Oporto on
the 2nd of May 1992 as adjusted or amended.
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This document was notified in draft to the European Commission in accordance with
Directive 98/34/EC, as amended by Directive 98/48/EC.
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BA 36/90
BA 42/96
BA 57/01
BA 59/94
BA 84/02
BD 20/92
Bridge Bearings
BD 41/97
Reinforced clay brickwork retaining walls of pocket type and grouted cavity
type construction use of BS5628:Part 2:1995
BD 57/01
BD 91/04
British Standards
BS 5400
BS 5628
Other Publications
Interim Advice Note 05/96 BD 24/92 The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and
Structures. Use of BS 5400: Part 4:1990
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Unless specified in other Standards of the DMRB or project specific requirements, the design
working life of a highway structure should be determined with due consideration given for, amongst
other things, functional requirement, safety, consequence, traffic disruption, durability, sustainability,
financial and practical feasibility if it were to be replaced in the future.
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1 and 2
project specific
project specific
project specific
RC1Note A1
RC3 Note A1
project specific
project specific
project specific
Note A1: KFl must be taken as 1,0 and not modified as stated in B3.3 Table B3 of BS EN 1990:2002.
Note A2: Third party inspection: Inspection performed by an organisation different from that which
has executed the works. (Note: Differs from Third Party as defined in 1.12).
Higher or lower classes and/or levels than those given in Table A.2 may be considered subject
to agreement with the TAA.
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SV models
SV80, SV 100, SV 196
SV80, SV100
SV 80
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Figure A.1. New Figure NA.9 Reduction factor, , to allow for the unsynchronized combination
of pedestrian actions within groups and crowds
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A.11 Where the provision of a structure is the subject of an agreement with a Third Party, then the
Third Party must be notified by the Overseeing Organisation of the traffic loading the structure will be
able to carry. This must be done before any agreement is concluded between the Overseeing
Organisation and the Third Party. As the Third Party will often not be familiar with highway design
loading models, the loading must be translated into any agreement in terms of actual vehicles
represented by the design loading.
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Table A.5. New Table 1 Equivalent static design forces due to vehicular impact on members
supporting foot and cycle track bridges over or adjacent to roads
Force Fdx
in the direction of
normal travel
Force Fdy
perpendicular to the
direction of normal travel
Main and
As road bridge, depending on road class below bridge (see Table NA.1 of NA to BS EN 1991-1Residual load 7:2006)
applied to
Residual load 165
At the most severe point between 1m and
3m above carriageway level
Footbridges: minimum forces for robustness
Main load
At the most severe point between 0,75 m
and 1,5 m above carriageway level
Residual load 85
At the most severe point between 1 m and
3 m above carriageway level
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0 and 1
Consequence Class
EN1990 Table B1
Importance Class
EN1998-2 clause 2.1(4)P
III as
agreed by
Page A24
CC is assumed to correspond
to Structure Categories as
For a whole structure
Seismic design need not be
considered for IC I and II
July 2011
Annex A excluding clauses
A.1.5.2 and A.1.5.3.
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 Annex E
cl. 2.1
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 3.1 (2) Note 1
cl. 2.3
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 3.2 (1) Note 3
cl. 2.4
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 3.4 (2) Note
cl. 2.5
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 4.1 (1) Note 1
cl. 2.6
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 4.1 (1) Note 3
cl. 2.7
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 4.3.1 (1) Note 1
cl. 2.8
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 4.3.2
cl. 2.9
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 cl. 4.3.2 (1) Note 3
PD has been published.
Clauses will be specified in a later amendment.
cl. 3.2
cl. 4.3 (first paragraph)
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Published Document
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Published Document
cl. 4.2
cl. 4.3
cl. 4.4
cl. 4.5
cl. 5.1
cl. 5.2
cl. 5.3
cl. 6.2
cl. 6.3.1
cl. 6.3.2
cl. 7.2
cl. 7.3
cl. 8.2
cl. 8.3
cl. 8.4
cl. 8.5.1
(Note B4)
(Note B4)
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Published Document
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Published Document
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 cl. 3
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 cl. 4
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 cl. 4
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 cl. 4
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl. 9
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl. 9
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 cl. 9
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cls. 6.2.7 & 6.2.8
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cl. 5.2
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 cls. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7, 8, 9, 10 & Annex C (Note B8)
BS EN 1993-2:2006 cl. 5.2
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 cls. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7, 8, 9, 10 & Annex C (Note B8)
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Published Document
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Published Document
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Published Document
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Published Document
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Published Document
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Published Document
Note B1. Either the Safe life method (cl. 5.2) or Damage tolerant method (cl. 5.3) must be used.
Note B2. The gross geometrical stress concentrating effects listed are not exhaustive and Designers should consider other cases as appropriate.
Note B3. The expressions for non dimensional slenderness as given in clauses 6.2, 7.2 and 8.2 should only apply to uniform I, channel, angle or T sections. They should not be used for
rectangular or trapezoidal box sections or solid rectangular sections.
Note B4. The clauses are not covered by Eurocodes.
Note B5. Requirement if second order analysis is not undertaken.
Note B6. If computer analysis is used Designers must take these stresses into account.
Note B7. Other load effects including but not limited to differential settlement, soil pressures and wind may need to be considered.
Note B8. The specific requirements for the design of plated diaphragms, cross frames, the design for torsion and distortion, are not given in Eurocodes. However the reference clauses should
provide the necessary guidance.
Note B9. Requirement if hand method of calculation is used.
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ANNEX C1: DMRB standards that may be used with Eurocodes and DMRB
standards where substitute guidance and/or requirements must be used with
Eurocodes for the design of highway structures
DMRB Standard
Status of DMRB
Additional guidance and/or requirements to be applied for design
Standard for use with
in conjunction with Eurocodes (see clause 2.1)
Approval Procedures (DMRB 1.1)
BD 2 Technical Approval of
BD2 to be fully applied. Schedule of design documents makes reference to standards that
Highway Structures (DMRB 1.1.1) The additional guidance conflict with Eurocodes. Prior to the publication of a revised version
and/or requirements in
of BD2 the schedule should be amended to include documents relevant
this annex must also be
to design using Eurocodes.
Other Procedural Documents (DMRB 1.2)
BD 36 Evaluation of maintenance
BD36 to be fully
costs in comparing alternative
designs for highway structures
(DMRB 1.2.1)
BA 28 Evaluation of maintenance
BA28 to be fully
costs in comparing alternative
designs for highway structures
(DMRB 1.2.2)
General Design (DMRB 1.3)
BA 59 Design of highway bridges
Existing Advice Note
Bridges crossing rivers, estuaries and flood plains may be vulnerable
for hydraulic actions. (DMRB
must not be used.
to damage or loss due to hydraulic action, and to scour in particular.
However, substitute
Designers must consider protection or otherwise minimise these risks
guidance and/or
by taking account of the effects the bridge and approaches have on
requirements given in
the existing hydraulic regime and the various forms of hydraulic
this annex must be
action including but not confined to: foundation failure due to scour
and bank erosion, hydraulic forces on piers and bridge decks, the
effects of debris, ice forces and ship collision.
At the concept stage the relevant river and navigation authorities
must be consulted to agree the criteria for flow capacity and
navigation requirements. The design must take into account effects
both upstream and downstream of the structure and future likely
changes to the river regime and navigation requirements.
Additional guidance is given in HD 45 Road drainage and water
environment (DMRB 11.3.10).
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BD 10 Design of highway
structures in areas of mining
subsidence (DMRB 1.3.14)
BA41 to be fully
Existing Advice Note
must not be used.
However, substitute
guidance and/or
requirements given in
this annex must be
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BA 67 Enclosure of bridges
(DMRB 2.2.8)
substitute guidance
and/or requirements
given in this annex must
be used.
BD94 to be fully
BD51 to be fully applied
except Chapters 3 and 4.
The additional guidance
and/or requirements in
this annex must also be
BD65 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD12 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD67 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BA67 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD 29 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
Gantries should be designed to withstand static, dynamic,
environmental and impact loading; safe for use by maintenance
personnel; easily replaceable and may be constructed from materials
other than conventional steel and concrete e.g. fibre reinforced plastic.
Appropriate risk assessment should be undertaken for protection
against vehicle impact. Passive safety consideration should be
addressed. Mechanical and electrical engineers should be consulted
with regard to electrical safety on impact.
Chapters 3 and 4 of BD51 on loadings for and design of portal and
cantilever sign/signal gantries respectively contain design rules based
on standards such as BS5400 that conflict with Eurocodes. Prior to the
publication of a revised version of BD51, guidance should be sought
from the TAA on a project specific basis on whether Eurocodes should
be used for the design of portal and cantilever sign/signal gantries.
BD65 makes references to a number of standards that are in conflict
with Eurocodes. Prior to the publication of a revised version of BD65,
the relevant Eurocodes should be used in lieu of the referenced
Annex A will be amended in due course, so that the vertical sag
requirement will be the same as that given in TD27 Cross-sections
and headrooms (DMRB 6.1.2).
BD12 makes references to a number of standards that are in conflict
with Eurocodes. Prior to the publication of a revised version of BD12,
the relevant Eurocodes should be used in lieu of the referenced
BD67 makes references to a number of standards that are in conflict
with Eurocodes. Prior to the publication of a revised version of BD67,
the relevant Eurocodes should be used in lieu of the referenced
See guidance and/or requirements for BD 67 Enclosure of bridges
(DMRB 2.2.7).
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TD19 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD78 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD 47 Waterproofing and
surfacing of concrete bridge decks
(DMRB 2.3.4)
BA 47 Waterproofing and
surfacing of concrete bridge decks
(DMRB 2.3.5)
BD47 to be fully
To be confirmed
BA47 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
BD33 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
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BA 82 Formation of continuity
joints in bridge decks (DMRB
BD 7 Weathering steel for
highway structures (DMRB 2.3.8)
BA26 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
Existing Advice Note
must not be used.
However, substitute
guidance and/or
requirements given in
this annex must be
BA82 to be fully
BD7 to be fully applied.
The additional guidance
and/or requirements in
this annex must also be
Permanent formwork must be safe for use and capable of resisting all
load effects arising during construction, operation or maintenance,
without detrimental deflection or risk of uncontrolled displacement.
Where provided, temporary seals must be suitable for the proposed
The adequacy of proposals for permanent formwork should be
demonstrated through the use of certified manufacturers data or
though site testing.
To be confirmed
The requirements of BD7 are to be adopted for the design of
weathering steel structures, subject to the following amendments.
In BD7, where reference is made to BS EN 10155, this standard has
been superseded by BS EN 10025-5, which should be adopted.
In BD7 Clause 4.2, delete , in accordance with clause 7.2 of BS
5400: Part 3,
BA92 to be fully
Page A41
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
July 2011
BD62 to be fully
applied. The additional
guidance and/or
requirements in this
annex must also be
Where appropriate see also standards for inspection and records for
road tunnels and inspection of highway structures.
TD27 to be fully
High Load Routes: Particular routes are nominated as High Load
applied. The additional
Routes by the Overseeing Organisation. If the structures are
guidance and/or
identified to be along these routes, headroom must be provided as
requirements in this
required for the route.
annex must also be
Environmental Barriers (DMRB 10.5)
HA 66 environmental barriers
HA66 to be fully applied Environmental barriers, providing visual screening and noise
(DMRB 10.5.2)
except Chapters 6 and 7
reduction, should be designed to resist all load effects arising during
and Appendices A, B
operation, or maintenance, without rupture or instability, detrimental
and C. The additional
deflection or vibration. Consideration should be given to the
guidance and/or
environmental impact of the barrier itself.
requirements in this
annex must also be
Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendices A, B and C of HA 66 contain design
rules based on standards such as BS5400 that conflict with Eurocodes.
Prior to the publication of a revised version of HA66, the relevant
Eurocodes should be used for the design of environmental barriers.
Page A42
July 2011
ANNEX C2: Use of Interim Advice Notes with Eurocodes for the design of
highway structures
Interim Advice Notes may contain requirements that are in conflict with the Principles and
Application Rules for Eurocodes. In such cases the conflicting requirements must not be used. See
clause 2.1.
Following the implementation of Eurocodes, the use of Interim Advice Notes for the design of
highway structures is set out below:
Interim Advice Note
Additional guidance and/or requirements to be applied
Not to be used with Eurocodes
Interim Advice Note 05/96
May be used with Eurocodes provided the additional guidance and/or requirements are applied
Interim Advice Note 70/06
Amendment to BS 5400-4 as given in IAN 70/06 is not applicable to
Eurocode design, as BS 5400-4 will be withdrawn. However, the use
Implementation Of New Reinforcement Standards
of BS 4449, BS 4482, BS 4483 and BS 8666 are unaffected.
(BS 4449:2005, BS 4482:2005, BS 4483:2005 and
BS 8666:2005)
Interim Advice Note 85/07
Loadings, Dynamic Analysis, Design and Foundation criteria for
passively safe portal signal gantries given in Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 11
Design Of Passively Safe Portal Signal Gantries
respectively must not be used. Designers must use Eurocodes when
undertaking structural design of such gantries and any part of them.
Interim Advice Note 86/07
Loadings and Design criteria of portal and cantilever sign/signal
gantries given in Chapters 3 and 4 respectively of BD 51/98 must not
Amendments To Design Requirements For Portal
be used. See BD 51/98 in Annex C1.
And Cantilever Sign/Signal Gantries
Interim Advice Note 95/07
The section Interaction with BS5400 must not be used when
designing to Eurocodes, as BS 5400 will be withdrawn.
Revised guidance regarding the use of
BS8500(2006) for the design and construction of
structures using concrete
Interim Advice Note 104/07
Page A43
July 2011
Define the requirements for snow loads and wind actions to be taken into
account simultaneously with other construction loads (e.g. actions due to heavy
equipment or cranes) during some transient design situations.
Specify limits on total settlement and differential settlement.
Define variable actions to be taken into account for settlements.
Define the combination rules for special vehicles with normal traffic and other
variable actions.
Page A44
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 5.1 or 4.7
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
AIP 4.1.8
AIP 6.3
Designer record
AIP 4.1.2 or 4.6
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.7 or 4.7
Designer record
For specific design situations (e.g. calculation of bridge camber for aesthetics
and drainage consideration, calculation of clearance, etc.) define the
requirements for the combinations of actions to be used.
Where actions due to water are not covered by EN 1997 (e.g. flowing water),
define the combinations of actions to be used.
Specify particular seismic design situations.
Designer record
Designer record
AIP 4.1.3
AIP 4.1.2
Page A45
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 3.1
July 2011
Determine the combination of snow loads and group loads gr1a and gr1b.
AIP 4.1.2
For footbridges on which pedestrian and cycle traffic is fully protected from all
types of bad weather, determine combinations of actions.
Determine representative values of water actions Fwa.
Record general and local scour depths if assessed.
Define requirements for taking account of forces due to ice pressure on bridge
piers, etc.
In the case where P values for prestressing actions are not provided in the
relevant design Eurocodes, these values should be determined for the
individual project.
Prestressing P as defined in the relevant design Eurocode or for the individual
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.2
NOTE 4 For all other actions, not covered in NOTES 1 to 3, the partial factors
should be determined for the individual project.
Designer record
Designer record
Page A46
Designer record
AIP 4.1.9 or 4.7
Designer record
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.9 or 4.7
Designer record
NOTE 4 For all other actions, not covered in NOTES 1 to 3, the partial factors
should be determined for the individual project.
Designer record
Designer record
NOTE 9 For particular verifications, the values of G and Q may be subdivided into g and q and the model uncertainty factor Sd. A value of Sd =
1,15 can be used except where otherwise determined for the individual project.
Prestressing P as defined in the relevant design Eurocode or for the individual
Designer record
Designer record
NOTE 4 For all other actions, not covered in NOTES 1 to 3, the partial factors
should be determined for the individual project.
Designer record
Page A47
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Designer record
AIP 4.1.2
When there are unusual local conditions that need to be taken into account in
AIP 4.1.2
the characteristic value of snow load on the ground (see NA to BS EN 1991-13 clause NA.2.8).
NA to BS EN 1991-1-5:2003 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General Actions. Thermal actions
NA.2.2.1 General (2nd paragraph)
The uniform temperature component and temperature difference component
AIP 4.1.2 or 4.7
for other types of bridges not covered in BS EN 1991-1-5.
NA.2.3 Consideration of thermal
[BS EN 1991-1-5:2003, 6.1.2(2)]
Use of Approach 1.
AIP 4.1.2
Page A48
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Define the dynamic response design criteria and procedures for wind actions
for the execution stages.
Define the maximum wind speed for lifting and moving operations or other
construction phases that are of short duration.
Define the classification of actions caused by water as permanent or variable.
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
4.11.1 General
(1) NOTE 2
Designer record
Page A49
AIP 3.1
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Information to be recorded only if
recommended values or methods are
not used.
Information to be recorded only if
recommended values or methods are
not used.
Information to be recorded only if
recommended values or methods are
not used.
July 2011
Designer record
Define the return periods for the determination of the characteristic values of
variable actions during execution.
Designer record
Designer record
Define rules for combination of snow loads and wind actions with construction
Designer record
Designer record
Define the criteria associated with serviceability limit states during execution.
Designer record
Designer record
Define the loads and water levels associated with actions due to ice, including
floating ice.
Define the representative values of the actions due to atmospheric icing.
Designer record
NA.2.12 Recommended
characteristic values of construction
load Qcb
Only record if the recommended minimum values Qca and Qcb are not to be
Designer record
Only record if the recommended minimum values Qca and Qcc are not to be
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Page A50
Designer record
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Designer record
Define the design values of vertical deflections for the incremental launching
of bridges
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
NA.3.1 Actions on structures during If Annex B is to be used for highway or railway structures.
alteration, reconstruction or
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General Actions. Accidental actions
Define risk acceptance levels
B.5 Risk acceptance and mitigating
measures (4) 2nd paragraph
NA to BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-7 : Accidental actions
NA.2.1 Classification of accidental
Define accidental actions which are not free actions.
actions [BS EN 1991-1-7:2006, 2
NA.2.8 Design approaches [BS EN
For the design of structures for higher and lower consequence classes define
1991-1-7:2006, 3.4 (2) Note]
the requirements.
AIP 4.1.8
AIP 4.1.7
Designer record
AIP 4.1.7
NA.2.33 Classification system for
ships on sea waterways [BS EN
1991-1-7:2006, 4.6.1 (3) Note 1]
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.7
Define the values of frontal and lateral dynamic forces due to impact from
river and canal traffic.
AIP 4.1.7
Page A51
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.7
Designer record
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.7
Designer record
Designer record
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 4.1.9
Page A52
AIP 4.1.9
July 2011
For some intermediate members where damage to one of which would not
cause collapse (e.g. hangers or stays), define smaller forces.
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 3.7
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 4.1.9 or 4.7
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.9
If qrk is to be neglected.
AIP 4.1.9
AIP 4.1.7
Define the rules for bridges intended for both road and rail traffic.
AIP 4.7
For road bridges where effective means are provided to strictly limit the weight
of any vehicle, define specific load models.
AIP 4.1.3
Define complementary load models for special vehicles and rules for their
Define the conditions of application for two vehicles in the same lane.
Page A53
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
AIP 4.1.9
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 3.7
AIP 4.1.7
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 4.1.5
AIP 4.1.5
NA.2.44.6 Recommended
serviceability limits for use in
design (1)
AIP 5.1
NA.2.44.6 Recommended
serviceability limits for use in
design (2)
AIP 5.1
NA.2.44.6 Recommended
serviceability limits for use in
design (3)
AIP 5.1
AIP 5.1
Page A54
July 2011
Use of 5.10.6
Time dependent losses
Use of Annex D
Rules in Annex LL
Page A55
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
July 2011
The following additional rules are recommended for the design of structures
with external prestressing. The need for their application should be determined
on a project-specific basis.
BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-1 General rules and rules for buildings
a) both totally by global analysis
Treatment of second order effects
b) partially by global analysis and partially through individual stability
and imperfections
checks of members according to 6.3
c) for basic cases by individual stability checks of equivalent members
according to 6.3 using appropriate buckling lengths according to the global
buckling mode of the structure.
5.3.2(3) combination of local bow and global sway imperfections
Imperfections for analysis
5.3.2(11) unique imperfection from shape of critical buckling mode
7.1 (3) Serviceability limit states,
Any serviceability limit state and the associated loading and analysis model
should be specified for a project.
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-5: Plated structural elements
2.3 or 2.4
Use effective width models (2.3)
Stress calculation
Use reduced stress method (2.4)
a) elastic calculation
Calculation of shear lag effective
c) elastic-plastic calculation
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Torsional buckling of stiffeners
Designer record
Reduction factor
Buckling coefficient k,p
Use of FE analysis
Designer record
Page A56
Designer record
July 2011
Non-linear analysis of plates to
EC3-1-5 Annex C stress-strain
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Information to be recorded only if
recommended values or methods are
not used.
Designer record
Criteria given in C.8(1)
Designer record
Limit state criteria
Other criteria: e.g. attainment of the yielding criterion
Method in 4.4(2) and 4.4(4)
Designer record
Effective areas for the ultimate limit Method in E.1
NA to BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-5 Plated structural elements
NA.2.11 - BS EN 1993-1-5:2006,
Conditions for the use of FEM analysis in design should be specified for the
Designer record
particular project.
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-8: Design of joints
Designer record
Method 1
Calculation of prying forces
Method 2
BS EN 1993-1-9:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-9: Fatigue
Determine according to equation (6.3)
Designer record
Design value of modified nominal
More accurate calculation
stress range
Rainflow method
Designer record
Cycle counting: Stress histories
Reservoir method
Stress ranges & number of cycles
Mean stresses
NA to BS EN 1993-1-9:2005 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-9 Fatigue
NA.2.10 Fatigue strength categories
Fatigue strength categories for details not covered by BS EN 1993-1-9 should
Designer record
not covered by Tables 8.1 to 8.10 or
be given for individual projects.
Annex B BS EN 1993-1-9:2005,
Clause 7.1 (5)
PD6695-1-9:2008 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1993-1-9
Any other agreed alternative methods should be specified for the individual
Designer record
4.2 Test specimens Determining
fatigue strengths from tests BS EN
1993-1-9:2005, 2(4)2)
Page A57
July 2011
Replacement procedure
NA to BS EN 1993-1-11:2006 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-11 Design of structures with tension components
NA.2.1 (1) NOTE Replacement and
If restrictions to traffic and other imposed loads are considered, the restrictions Record restriction measures
loss of tension components BS EN
measures should be detailed in the Project Specification.
in the AIP 3.8.2 if restriction
1993-1-11:2006, 2.3.6
to traffic and other imposed
loads are considered.
Page A58
July 2011
At present there is no limit to the maximum value for fu. However the current
ongoing research might find that extra high strength wire is more susceptible to
premature failure. Wires of tensile strengths greater than the recommended
maximum value should be agreed and specified in the Project Specification.
The corrosion resistance class for the stainless steel should be specified for the
individual projects.
Page A59
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Give details in AIP 3.8.1 if
structure is not designed to
accommodate the loss of any
one hanger, stay without any
restrictions to traffic or other
imposed loads.
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Specify the required
monitoring regime and its
duration for tension
components in the Project
Specification and in the AIP
Details of maintenance procedures should be provided which should include at Specify the replacement
procedure for a tension
Procedures for minor and major maintenance operations expected
component in the design
during the design lifetime of the tension components;
assumptions in the Project
The replacement procedure for a tension component in accordance with the
Specification and in the AIP
design assumptions made in the Project Specification.
NA to BS EN 1993-1-12:2007 UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-12 Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700
NA.2.2.1 BS EN 1993-1-12:2007,
The required strength class of electrodes should be specified for the individual
Record the required strength
2.8 (4.2 (2) NOTE)
class of electrodes in the
Project Specification
BS EN 1993-2:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 2: Steel bridges
Project Specification to specify components which need to be designed for
AIP 4.1.7
Information to be recorded if special
Components which need to be
accidental design situations
components have been identified.
designed for accidental design
Project Specification to specify the types of cable which are deemed to satisfy
AIP 3.9
Types of cable which are deemed to
the requirements for durability
satisfy the requirements for
First order theory
Designer record
Second order theory
Global analysis
(crit 10)
Plastic global analysis
Designer record
Non-linear analysis of plates to
BS EN 1993-1-5 clause C.6(2) curve a)
EC3-1-5 Annex C stress-strain
BS EN 1993-1-5 clause C.6(2) curve b)
BS EN 1993-1-5 clause C.6(2) curve c)
BS EN 1993-1-5 clause C.6(2) curve d)
Interaction methods (6.2.8 to 6.2.10)
Designer record
Bending, axial load, shear and
Interaction of stresses (6.2.1)
transverse loads
Use class 4 sec. prop.
Designer record
Use of class 3 sect. prop. With stress Use class 3 sec. prop. with stress limit.
Page A60
July 2011
Design of joint details if access is
not provided
Use method of EN 1993-2/9
Fatigue stress range
Use stress histories
BS EN 1993-5:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 5 Piling
2.3 (2) Serviceability limit state
Values for the limits given in (1), in relation to the combination of actions to
be taken into account according to EN 1990, should be defined for each
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
Designer record
Designer record
Page A61
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Designer record
NA to BS EN 1998-2:2005 National Annex to Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance Part 2 Bridges
Table NA.1
Reference return period TNCR of seismic action for the no-collapse requirement Record in the AIP 4.1.9
may be specified for an individual project. See also 8.2 of PD 6698:2009.
reference return period
Ref. 2.1(3)P of BS EN 1998-2
determined from the siteDesign seismic action
specific hazard analysis.
Table NA.1
The importance classes should be established for an individual project. For
Record in the AIP 4.1.9 the
class 3 structures, the need for the design to consider earthquake resistance
consequence class and the
Ref. 2.1(4)P of BS EN 1998-2
may be specified for an individual project.
importance class of the
Design seismic action
structure. For bridges in
consequence class 3, record
whether earthquake
resistance will be considered
in the design.
Table NA.1
Where TNCR has been assessed
Record in the AIP 4.1.9 the
on a project-specific basis, I should also be chosen
value of I used.
Ref. 2.1(6) of BS EN 1998-2
on a project-specific basis.
Design seismic action
Page A62
July 2011
Where recorded if
applicable to the project
Record in AIP 4.1.9 values
of 2,1 used.
Value of control period TD for the design spectrum of bridges with seismic
isolation may be specified for an individual project, if a site-specific hazard
analysis is carried out. See 8.10 of PD 6698:2009.
Value of annual probability used in the calculation of Tmin and Tmax may be
specified for an individual project. See 8.13 of PD 6698:2009.
Page A63
July 2011
Annex A
Annex C
Second sentence
Row 3 and 4 of
Annex D
All occurrences
Unless directed otherwise delete "Overseeing Organisation" and insert "Department"
Approval from/Agreement with the Technical Approval Authority (TAA) and similar terms shall
be interpreted as the proposal has been received with no objections under the Review Procedure.
Delete UK National Standards (Non-Eurocodes) and insert British Standards that, prior to being
replaced by UK National Standards (Eurocodes), are used for the design of highway structures,
such as BS5400.
Delete title and definition of Departure.
At Category delete BD2 (DMRB 1.1.1) and insert Paragraph 2 of Section A of Part 3 of
Schedule 4 of the DBFO Contract
At Technical Approval Authority (TAA) delete As defined in BD2 (DMRB 1.1.1) and insert
The Departments Nominee
Delete TAA and insert Department
Delete except as follows and insert except as follows, in which case an Alternative Proposal
shall be submitted
Delete the requirements for the technical approval of highway structures and insert the
Delete "by the Overseeing Organisation" and insert "by the Departments Nominee"
Delete "between the Overseeing Organisation and the Third Party" and insert with the Third
After the second sentence add The amendments to Standards in Part 3 of Schedule 8 of the DBFO
Contract shall apply
Delete row beginning Approval Procedure and row beginning BD2 Technical Approval and
insert The DBFO Contract Review Procedure shall apply.
Delete Project Specification and insert project specification
Delete "Design Certificate", "Certificate" and "certificate" and insert "Design Data"
Page A64
July 2011
When used on the other DBFO Schemes this standard is to be amended as follows:
Para No.
All occurrences
All occurrences
Unless directed otherwise delete "Overseeing Organisation" and insert "Department"
Approval from/Agreement with the Technical Approval Authority (TAA) and similar terms shall
be interpreted as the proposal has been received with no objections under the Review Procedure.
Delete UK National Standards (Non-Eurocodes) and insert British Standards that, prior to being
replaced by UK National Standards (Eurocodes), are used for the design of highway structures,
such as BS5400.
At Approval in Principle (AIP) delete As defined in BD2 (DMRB 1.1.1) and insert Technical
Appraisal Form (TAF)"
At Category delete BD2 (DMRB 1.1.1) and insert Paragraph 2 of Section A of Part 3 of
Schedule 4 of the DBFO Contract
At Departure delete Criterion, which .. specific requirements. and insert An Alternative
Proposal returned endorsed "received" or "received with comments" by the Departments
At Technical Approval Authority (TAA) delete As defined in BD2 (DMRB 1.1.1) and insert
The Departments Nominee
Delete TAA and insert Department
Delete except as follows and insert except as follows, in which case an Alternative Proposal
shall be submitted
1.12 Definitions
Annex A
Annex C
Second sentence
Row 3 and 4 of
Annex D
All occurrences
Delete the requirements for the technical approval of highway structures and insert the
Delete "by the Overseeing Organisation" and insert "by the Departments Nominee"
Delete "between the Overseeing Organisation and the Third Party" and insert with the Third
After the second sentence add The amendments to Standards in Part 2 of Schedule 4 of the DBFO
Contract shall apply
Delete row beginning Approval Procedure and row beginning BD2 Technical Approval and
insert The DBFO Contract Review Procedure shall apply.
Delete Project Specification and insert project specification
Delete "Design Certificate", "Certificate" and "certificate" and insert "Design Data"
Page A65
July 2011