APC of RC Building by Non-Linear Static Analysis
APC of RC Building by Non-Linear Static Analysis
APC of RC Building by Non-Linear Static Analysis
Design mistake
Faulty construction
Abnormal load events
Reduction of potential for progressive collapse in new and renovated
Federal buildings
Potential of progressive collapse is assed using Non linear static analysis
method since it gives economical design
Mojtaba Hosseini, Nader Fanaie and Amir Mohammad Yousefi
Steel 10 storey building, 5x5 panels each 5x5m
Analysis Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Removal Corner columns from 1st storey, 5th storey, 8th storey and 9th storey
S/W Open Sees program
Results After the removal of corner column A1
compressive axial forces of adjoining column and in other columns
CASE I increased 8.8 times the primary forces and 5.21 times.
CASE II increased 8.6 times the primary forces and 5.16 times
CASE III increased 8.67 times the primary forces and 5.19 times
CASE IV increased 8.66 times the primary forces and 5.23 times
Conclusion The axial force values of adjoining columns are 30% and 40% greater than
their ultimate strengths
Safety is achieved by increasing column dimensions or using new materials
and methods.
Shefna L Sunamy, Binu P, Dr. Girija K
Analysis Nonlinear static analysis for progressive collapse under seismic loading
method 3-D and 2-D models of SMRF were considered for push over analysis (ETABS)
Lateral Triangular load pattern
Loading Uniform load pattern
pattern Capacity curve for both the pattern in determined
Column Critical column is made to lose 40%, 70% and 100% of effective area.
Removal Capacity curve for each cases are determined and compared.
To Robustness indicator
Determine Ductility ratio
Plastic hinge rotation
Conclusion Number of stories and bays are Increased capacity of the structure to resist
progressive collapse under lateral loading also increased.
Increasing the number of bays and stories, induces a higher level of robustness
3-D Nonlinear Static Progressive Collapse Analysis of Multi-story Steel Braced Buildings
H.R. Tavakoli, A. Rashidi Alashti & G.R. Abdollahzadeh
Structural 3-story and 6-story SMRF designed for medium level and very
model high level seismic zones
Analysis -Linear static analysis & Non Linear static analysis carried out
as per 1. GSA 2003, 2. UFC 2009
- Push down curves are determined
Conclusions - potential of progressive collapse decreases with increasing the height of
the structures
- In short steel structures steel structures designed for higher seismicity,
there is less possibility of occurrence of progressive collapse.
- In LSA, the resisting-capacity of progressive collapse of UFC 2009 is less
than the GSA 2003. And for NLSA it is vice versa
- For mitigating progressive collapse, the gravity loads should not have
one-way patterns, so that gravity loads will not be concentrated in some
elements and the potential of progressive collapse can be decreased in the
Progressive Collapse Analysis of an RC Building with Exterior Non-Structural Walls
Modeling in ETABS
Based on this the alternate path for the load flow can
be figured out
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case1 (for load combination based on IS 875 part 5)
Bending Moment acting on Bending Moment ratio
(Intact to collapsed frame)
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case1 (for load combination based on GSA guidelines)
Bending Moment acting on Bending Moment ratio
(Intact to collapsed frame)
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case2 (for load combination based on IS 875 part 5)
Bending Moment ratio
Bending Moment acting on frame
(Intact to collapsed frame)
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case2 (for load combination based on GSA guidelines)
Bending Moment ratio
Bending Moment acting on frame
(Intact to collapsed frame)
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case3 (for load combination based on IS 875 part 5)
Bending Moment acting on Bending Moment ratio
frame (Intact to collapsed frame)
Bending Moment Behavior of structural elements in
Case3 (for load combination based on GSA guidelines)
Bending Moment acting on Bending Moment ratio
frame (Intact to collapsed frame)
In the case1 the bending moment of the columns in the storeys
above the location of removed column remains unchanged,
where as the bending moment of the columns in the storey
adjacent to either side of the removed column as been increased.
And the bending moments of adjoining beams were also
In the case2 also the bending moment of the columns in the
storeys above the location of removed column remains
unchanged and the bending moment of columns in the storey
adjacent to either side of the removed column as been increased.
And the bending moments of adjoining beams were also
In the case 3 the bending moment of the columns in the storeys
above the location of the removed column has been reduced and
the bending moments has been increased for the remaining
columns in the ground storey. And the bending moments of
adjoining beams were also increased.
Demand Capacity ratio
Demand Capacity Ratio (DCR) is the ratio of Member force to the
Member strength.
DCR is calculated for the each elements in the frame which consists of
removed column
DCR values for case 1
(for gravity loads) (for gravity loads and lateral
DCR values for case 2
(for gravity loads and lateral
(for gravity loads) loads)
DCR values for case 3
(for gravity loads) (for gravity loads and lateral
According to the GSA guideline atypical frame building having DCR values
greater than 1.5 indicate that the portion is severely damaged and have
more damage potential.
It can be seen that in the third case that the demand to capacity
ratio (DCR) values exceeds the acceptance criteria in the first and second
storey beam. But in other spans damage could not propagate.
(for gravity loads) (for gravity loads and lateral
The maximum DCR The maximum DCR
value experienced by the value experienced by the
frame is 1.7. So in the third frame is 1.71. So in the third
case there is possibility for case there is possibility for
the spread of collapse. the spread of collapse.
Robustness Indicator
Cases Removed V damaged Robustness
column indicator
Case1 Middle 6837KN 0.99
Case2 Inner 6837KN 0.99
Case3 Corner 6836KN 0.94