Package Ineq': R Topics Documented
Package Ineq': R Topics Documented
Package Ineq': R Topics Documented
R topics documented:
conc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ilocos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ineq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Lasym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Lc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Lc.mehran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
plot.Lc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
plot.theorLc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
pov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
theorLc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Index 17
2 conc
computes the concentration within a vector according to the specified concentration measure
conc(x, parameter = NULL, type = c("Herfindahl", "Rosenbluth"), na.rm = TRUE)
x a vector containing non-negative elements
parameter parameter of the concentration measure (if set to NULL the default parameter of
the respective measure is used)
type character string giving the measure used to compute concentration. must be one
of the strings in the default argument (the first character is sufficient). defaults
to "Herfindahl".
na.rm logical. Should missing values (NAs) be removed prior to computations? If set
to FALSE the computations yield NA.
conc is just a wrapper for the concentration measures of Herfindahl and Rosenbluth (Hall /
Tiedemann / Rosenbluth). If parameter is set to NULL the default from the respective function is
the value of the concentration measure
F A Cowell: Measurement of Inequality, 2000, in A B Atkinson / F Bourguignon (Eds): Handbook
of Income Distribution, Amsterdam,
F A Cowell: Measuring Inequality, 1995 Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatshef,
M Hall / N Tidemann: Measures of Concentration, 1967, JASA 62, 162-168.
See Also
ineq, pov
Ilocos 3
# generate vector (of sales)
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
# compute Herfindahl coefficient with parameter 1
# compute coefficient of Hall/Tiedemann/Rosenbluth
conc(x, type="Rosenbluth")
Income metadata from surveys conducted by the Philippines’ National Statistics Office.
A data frame with 632 observations of 8 variables.
income total income of household,
sex sex of household head ("male" or "female"),
family.size family size (sometimes averaged over two semesters),
urbanity factor with levels "rural" and "urban",
province factor indicating the particular province,
AP.income total household income during the APIS, family size during APIS,
AP.weight APIS survey weight for each household.
The data contains household income and metadata in one of the sixteen regions of the Philippines
called Ilocos. The data comes from two of the NSO’s surveys: the 1997 Family and Income and
Expenditure Survey and the 1998 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS).
Since the APIS only has a six month reference period, the original data were rescaled using an
adjustment factor from the quarterly GDP figures that can be obtained from the major sectors.
National Statistics Office, Philippines:, where also the whole data
set may be obtained.
4 ineq
computes the inequality within a vector according to the specified inequality measure
ineq(x, parameter = NULL, type = c("Gini", "RS", "Atkinson", "Theil", "Kolm", "var",
"square.var", "entropy"), na.rm = TRUE)
x a vector containing at least non-negative elements
parameter parameter of the inequality measure (if set to NULL the default parameter of the
respective measure is used)
type character string giving the measure used to compute inequality. must be one of
the strings in the default argument (the first character is sufficient). defaults to
corr logical. Argument of the function Gini specifying whether or not a finite sample
correction should be applied.
square logical. Argument of the function var.coeff, for details see below.
na.rm logical. Should missing values (NAs) be removed prior to computations? If set
to FALSE the computations yield NA.
ineq is just a wrapper for the inequality measures Gini, RS, Atkinson, Theil, Kolm,var.coeff,
entropy. If parameter is set to NULL the default from the respective function is used.
Gini is the Gini coefficient, RS is the the Ricci-Schutz coefficient (also called Pietra’s measure),
Atkinson gives Atkinson’s measure and Kolm computes Kolm’s measure.
If the parameter in Theil is 0 Theil’s entropy measure is computed, for every other value Theil’s
second measure is computed.
ineq(x, type="var") and var.coeff(x) respectively compute the coefficient of variation, while
ineq(x,type="square.var") and var.coeff(x, square=TRUE) compute the squared coefficient
of variation.
Lasym 5
entropy computes the generalized entropy, which is for parameter 1 equal to Theil’s entropy coef-
ficient and for parameter 0 equal to the second measure of Theil.
the value of the inequality measure
F A Cowell: Measurement of Inequality, 2000, in A B Atkinson / F Bourguignon (Eds): Handbook
of Income Distribution, Amsterdam,
F A Cowell: Measuring Inequality, 1995 Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatshef,
Marshall / Olkin: Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, New York 1979 (Aca-
demic Press).
See Also
conc, pov
# generate vector (of incomes)
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
# compute Gini coefficient
# compute Atkinson coefficient with parameter=0.5
ineq(x, parameter=0.5, type="Atkinson")
Coefficient of asymmetry in the Lorenz curve.
Lasym(x, n = rep(1, length(x)), interval = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
x a vector containing non-negative elements.
n a vector of frequencies, must be same length as x.
interval logical. In the case where there are observations exactly equal to the mean,
either an interval of asymmetry coefficients can be returned or their midpoint.
na.rm logical. Should missing values (NAs) be removed prior to computations? If set
to FALSE the computations yield NA.
6 Lc
Damgaard and Weinter (2000) have suggested an additional measure for comparing inequality in
in distributions (specifically for describing plant size or fecundity distributions) to accompany the
Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. It assesses the asymmetry in the Lorenz curve of the distribu-
C Damgaard, J Weiner: Describing Inequality in Plant Size or Fecundity, 2000. Ecology 81(4),
See Also
Lc, Gini
## Examples from Damgaard & Weiner (2000)
## Figure 2
x <- rep(c(50/9, 50), c(9, 1))
y <- rep(c(2, 18), c(5, 5))
## statistics
Gini(x, corr = TRUE)
Gini(y, corr = TRUE)
## Figure 3
lines(Lc(y), col = "slategray")
abline(1, -1, lty = 2)
Lc Lorenz Curve
Computes the (empirical) ordinary and generalized Lorenz curve of a vector x
Lc(x, n = rep(1,length(x)), plot = FALSE)
Lc 7
x a vector containing non-negative elements.
n a vector of frequencies, must be same length as x.
plot logical. If TRUE the empirical Lorenz curve will be plotted.
Lc(x) computes the empirical ordinary Lorenz curve of x as well as the generalized Lorenz curve
(= ordinary Lorenz curve * mean(x)). The result can be interpreted like this: p*100 percent have
L(p)*100 percent of x.
If n is changed to anything but the default x is interpreted as a vector of class means and n as a
vector of class frequencies: in this case Lc will compute the minimal Lorenz curve (= no inequality
within each group). A maximal curve can be computed with Lc.mehran.
A list of class "Lc" with the following components:
p vector of percentages
L vector with values of the ordinary Lorenz curve
L.general vector with values of the generalized Lorenz curve
B C Arnold: Majorization and the Lorenz Order: A Brief Introduction, 1987, Springer,
F A Cowell: Measurement of Inequality, 2000, in A B Atkinson / F Bourguignon (Eds): Handbook
of Income Distribution, Amsterdam,
F A Cowell: Measuring Inequality, 1995 Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatshef.
See Also
plot.Lc, Lc.mehran, plot.theorLc
## Load and attach income (and metadata) set from Ilocos, Philippines
## extract and rescale income for the provinces "Pangasinan" und "La Union"
income.p <- income[province=="Pangasinan"]/10000
income.u <- income[province=="La Union"]/10000
lines(Lc.u, col=2)
## the picture becomes even clearer with generalized Lorenz curves
plot(Lc.p, general=TRUE)
lines(Lc.u, general=TRUE, col=2)
## inequality measures emphasize these results, e.g. Atkinson's measure
ineq(income.p, type="Atkinson")
ineq(income.u, type="Atkinson")
## or Theil's entropy measure
ineq(income.p, type="Theil", parameter=0)
ineq(income.u, type="Theil", parameter=0)
Computes the Mehran bounds for a Lorenz curve of grouped data
x vector of class means.
n vector of class frequencies.
An object of class "Lc", but containing only p and L.
major 9
F Mehran: Bounds on the Gini Index Based on Observed Points of the Lorenz Curve, 1975, JASA
70, 64-66.
See Also
Lc, plot.Lc, plot.theorLc
# income distribution of the USA in 1968 (in 10 classes)
# x vector of class means, n vector of class frequencies
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
n <- c(482, 825, 722, 690, 661, 760, 745, 2140, 1911, 1024)
major Majorization
tests whether a vector x majorizes another vector y
x,y vectors containing non-negative elements (with same length and same mean)
even if x and y are comparable (i.e. have same length and same mean) it is possible that neither x
majorizes y nor y majorizes x.
10 Pen
logical. TRUE if x majorizes y (x >=(M) y), FALSE if not.
Marshall / Olkin: Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, New York 1979 (Aca-
demic Press)
See Also
# generate vectors (of incomes)
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
y <- c(841, 2063, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11304, 21961)
# test whether x majorizes y (TRUE, because y is result of
# Pigou-Dalton-transfers)
plots Pen’s Parade of a vector x
Pen(x, n = rep(1, length(x)), group = NULL,
scaled = TRUE, abline = TRUE, add = FALSE, segments = NULL,
main = "Pen's Parade", ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
col = NULL, lwd = NULL, las = 1, fill = NULL, ...)
x a vector containing non-negative elements.
n a vector of frequencies or weights, must be same length as x.
group a factor coding different groups, must be same length as x. See also details.
scaled logical. Should Pen’s parade be divided by mean(x)?
abline logical. Should a horizontal line for the mean be drawn?
add logical. Should the plot be added to an existing plot?
segments logical. Should histogram-like segments be drawn?
col a (vector of) color(s) for drawing the curve.
Pen 11
fill a (vector of) color(s) for filling the area under the curve.
xlab,ylab axis labels. Suitable defaults depending on scaled and n are chosen.
main, lwd, las, ...
further high-level plot parameters.
See Also
Lc, plot.Lc
plotting method for objects of class "Lc" (Lorenz curves)
## S3 method for class 'Lc'
plot(x, general=FALSE, lwd=2, xlab="p", ylab="L(p)",
main="Lorenz curve", las=1, ...)
x an object of class "Lc"
general logical. If TRUE the generalized Lorenz curve will be plotted
lwd, xlab, ylab, main, las, ...
high-level plot function parameters.
B C Arnold: Majorization and the Lorenz Order: A Brief Introduction, 1987, Springer,
F A Cowell: Measurement of Inequality, 2000, in A B Atkinson / F Bourguignon (Eds): Handbook
of Income Distribution, Amsterdam,
F A Cowell: Measuring Inequality, 1995 Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatshef.
See Also
Lc, Lc.mehran, plot.theorLc
## Load and attach income (and metadata) set from Ilocos, Philippines
## extract and rescale income for the provinces "Pangasinan" und "La Union"
income.p <- income[province=="Pangasinan"]/10000
income.u <- income[province=="La Union"]/10000
## compute the Lorenz curves
Lc.p <- Lc(income.p)
Lc.u <- Lc(income.u)
## plot both Lorenz curves
lines(Lc.u, col=2)
plot.theorLc 13
Plotting method for objects of class "theorLc" (theoretical Lorenz curves)
## S3 method for class 'theorLc'
plot(x, parameter=NULL, xlab="p", ylab="L(p)", lwd=2, las=1, ...)
x an object of class "theorLc"
parameter vector containing parameters of the distributions. If x was generated by the
function theorLc the parameters are already fixed and have to be set to NULL.
xlab, ylab, lwd, las, ...
high-level plot function parameters.
C Dagum: Income Distribution Models, 1983, in: Johnson / Kotz (Eds): Encyclopedia of Statistical
Sciences Vol.4, 27-34.
J B McDonald: Some generalized functions for the size distribution of income, 1984, Econometrica
52, 647-664.
See Also
Lc, plot.Lc
# income distribution of the USA in 1968 (in 10 classes)
# x vector of class means, n vector of class frequencies
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
n <- c(482, 825, 722, 690, 661, 760, 745, 2140, 1911, 1024)
computes the poverty of an (income) vector according to the specified poverty measure
pov(x, k, parameter = NULL, type = c("Watts", "Sen", "SST", "Foster"), na.rm = TRUE)
x a vector containing at least non-negative elements
k a constant giving the absolute poverty line
parameter parameter of the poverty measure (if set to NULL the default parameter of the
respective measure is used)
type character string giving the measure used to compute poverty coefficient must be
one of the strings in the default argument. Defaults to "Watts".
na.rm logical. Should missing values (NAs) be removed prior to computations? If set
to FALSE the computations yield NA.
pov is just a wrapper for the poverty measures of Watts, Sen, SST, and Foster (Foster / Greer /
Thorbecke). If parameter is set to NULL the default from the respective function is used.
Foster gives for parameter 1 the headcount ratio and for parameter 2 the poverty gap ratio.
the value of the poverty measure
Foster, J. E. (1984). On Economic Poverty: A Survey of Aggregate Measures. Advances in Econo-
metrics, 3, 215–251.
Shorroks, A. F. (1995). Revisiting the Sen Poverty Index. Econometrica, 63(5), 1225–1230.
Zheng, B. (1997). Aggregate Poverty Measures. Journal of Economic Surveys, 11, 123–162.
theorLc 15
See Also
ineq, conc
# generate vectors (of incomes)
x <- c(541, 1463, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11904, 22261)
y <- c(841, 2063, 2445, 3438, 4437, 5401, 6392, 8304, 11304, 21961)
# compute Watts index with poverty line 2000
pov(x, 2000)
pov(y, 2000)
# compute headcount ratio with poverty line 2000
pov(x, 2000, parameter=1, type="Foster")
pov(y, 2000, parameter=1, type="Foster")
Theoretical Lorenz curves of income distributions
theorLc(type=c("Singh-Maddala","Dagum","lognorm","Pareto","exponential"), parameter=0)
Lc.dagum(p, parameter=c(2,2))
Lc.singh(p, parameter=c(2,2))
Lc.pareto(p, parameter=2)
Lc.lognorm(p, parameter=1)
type character string giving the income distribution. Must be one of the strings in the
default argument (the first character is sufficient). Defaults to "Singh-Maddala".
parameter vector containing parameter(s) of the distributions.
p vector with elements from [0,1].
Lc.dagum, Lc.singh, Lc.pareto, Lc.lognorm, Lc.exp are theoretical Lorenz curves of income
distributions. They are functions of class "theorLc" with plot- and a lines- method, so that they
can be added into an existing Lorenz curve plot.
theorLc returns a function of class "theorLc", that is a one of the above theoretical Lorenz curves
with fixed parameters.
16 theorLc
Lc.dagum is the Lorenz curve of the Dagum distribution (2 parameters), Lc.singh the one of the
Singh-Maddala distribution (2 parameters), Lc.pareto the one of the Pareto distribution (1 parame-
ter), Lc.lognorm the one of the Lognormal distribution (1 parameter) and Lc.exp the Lorenz curve
of the exponential distribution (no parameter).
A function of class "theorLc" or its value at p respectively.
C Dagum: Income Distribution Models, 1983, in: Johnson / Kotz (Eds): Encyclopedia of Statistical
Sciences Vol.4, 27-34.
J B McDonald: Some generalized functions for the size distribution of income, 1984, Econometrica
52, 647-664.
See Also
Lc, plot.Lc, plot.theorLc
## Load and attach income (and metadata) set from Ilocos, Philippines
## extract income for the province "Pangasinan"
income.p <- income[province=="Pangasinan"]
# vector of percentages
p <- (1:10)*0.1
# compute values of theoretic Lorenz curve of a Dagum-distribution
Lc.dagum(p, parameter=c(3.4,2.6))
# or
mydagum <- theorLc(type="Dagum", parameter=c(3.4,2.6))
Herfindahl (conc), 2
Ilocos, 3
ineq, 2, 4, 15
Kolm (ineq), 4
Lasym, 5
Lc, 6, 6, 9–13, 16
Lc.dagum (theorLc), 15
Lc.exp (theorLc), 15
Lc.lognorm (theorLc), 15