Unit of Work Final 1

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EDFD657: Transition into the Primary Teaching Profession

Enquiry-based Integrated Unit of Work

SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: St Francis Primary School
St Francis Primary School is located in the heart of south Sydney, surrounded by beautiful native bushland (ACARA, 2017). The school, at its heart,
executes a learning environment characterised by nurture and positivity. St Francis motto, Love One Another, is central to all they do,
particularly in the promotion of respectful student-teacher relationships (ACARA, 2017). The principal strives for excellence in all facets of
education, believing in the promotion of student strengths, fostering confidence, self worth and integrity of each child (ACARA, 2017).
Differentiated learning programs are implemented and offered to cater for the diverse learning needs of gifted and special needs students, with a
heavy focus on differentiation across the school (ACARA, 2017). St Francis also encourages strong student leadership through Peer Support,
Buddies, and specifically implemented and taught leadership programs (ACARA, 2017). Student voice is also encouraged through exploration of
social justice and societal issues.

With 457 students enrolled, each year level maintains two streams. According to the MySchool data, the population of the school is generally
moderately multicultural, with 60% of students being second and third generation from Mediterranean backgrounds (ACARA, 2017). Approximately
11% of students are from NESB, and 3% are Indigenous. The area is generally of middle socio-economic status, and levels of parental education are
between an average to above average standard. With the local Catholic Church situated next door, faith is expressed through class prayer, RE
lessons, regular liturgies. Excursions to surrounding areas takes place once or twice a year on average for each grade.

Class 3B is of mixed ability, with 32 students, generally well behaved, although sometimes rather chatty. Overall, the class consists of students who
are eager to learn and achieve a high standard, though there are several students who are at the other end of the ability spectrum. 3 students from
NESB. Among the class are:

Jasmine: EAL/D student. Communicates well orally, but struggles with written English and reading. Has been in Australia for a year. Despite her
struggle with literacy related tasks, Jasmine excels with numeracy and Science and Technology.

Daniel: Daniel is an enthusiastic learner with a positive attitude toward learning. He excels in literacy tasks, enjoys reading and writing, and
expresses an appreciation for History and Geography, too. Struggles with numeracy. Daniel has a hearing impairment, and wears a
transmitter/receiver system, requiring the teacher to wear a microphone.

Max: Diagnosed with ADHD, does not take medication. Struggles to concentrate in any task that does not require the use of a device. Often calls
out inappropriate statements in class, exhibits disruptive and attention-seeking behaviour, and rarely ever completes tasks. Low academic ability,
works best with structured tasks. Often refuses to do work. Close supervision and assistance with class tasks, as well as visual instructions needed.


Term English Mathematics Science and History Geography Creative Arts PDHPE

One WM, Number and Working Scientifically, Making Interpersonal

Reading and Viewing 1 / Community and Places are similar and
Algebra - Addition and Working Technologically, Performing relationships / Active
Spelling Remembrance Different
Subtraction Living World Appreciating life style

Two Speaking and listening 1 WM, Number and Making Growth and
Working Scientifically, Community and Places are similar and
- Grammar, Punctuation Algebra - Multiplication Performing Development /
Earth and Space Remembrance Different
and Vocabulary and Division Appreciating Gymnastics

Three Writing and WM, Measurement and

Representing / Spelling Geometry - Volume and Working Scientifically, The Earth's safe living, Games and
First Contact Performing
- Thinking Imaginatively Capacity, 2D shapes and Earth and Space Environment Sports
and Creatively 3D objects

Four Working Scientifically, Making

Handwriting and using WM, Statistics and The Earth's Personal Health Choices
Physical World, Material First Contact Performing
Digital Technologies Probability - Chance Environment / Games and Sports
worlds, Appreciating


8.55-9.05 Assembly + Get Ready to Learn Admin + Get Ready to Learn Admin Admin + Get Ready to Learn Admin + Get Ready to Learn
English: Shared reading, English: Daily 5 English: Daily 5
9.05-10.00 Modelled Reading, Writing and CAPA Sport
English: Spelling English: Spelling
Response to Text
English: Shared reading, English: Shared reading, English: Spelling
English: Daily 5*
10.00-10.50 Modelled Reading, Writing CAPA Modelled Reading, Writing and
English: Daily 5
SEL and Response to Text Response to Text
10.50-11.30 Lunch 1 Lunch 1 Lunch 1 Lunch 1 Lunch 1

11.30-12.30 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths

history/Geography English: Daily 5

12.30-1.30 Religion Religion PDH
(integrated unit) English: Spelling
1.30-2.10 Lunch 1 Lunch 2 Lunch 2 Lunch 2 Lunch 2
Science Religion Science
2.10-3.05 Library (integrated unit)
Admin Admin Admin Admin
*Please note: The yellow shaded boxes signify the integrated unit of work lessons. The Daily 5 activities are additionally altered to relate to the theme.

Unit Overview Unit Aim

This unit is designed to provide students with an opportunity to thoroughly By integrating three other key learning areas, this unit of work aims to increase
examine the natural and human features of Australia and the commemorations higher order thinking in students and built on their knowledge. With a range of
and cultural elements of our nation. With a strong literacy focus, this unit offers a inquiry-based activities, this unit aims to extend students understanding of the
range of inquiry based learning strategies to activate students learning and Australian continent; its geographical features, natural and human environments
maximise their critical thinking and understanding - In this unit students will and the similarities and differences between the characteristics of places.
explore the different climates, settlement patterns and demographic
Through use of ICT with a range of inquiry based activities, this units aims to
characteristics of places and environment with connections to historical evidence
positively motivate students in their learning to remain on task and exercise
and scientific facts.
creativity through the use of tablets, computers and laptops during targeted
Through a range of inquiry based approaches, this unit provides a comprehensive activities and conduction of research.
insight to Australia's natural and human environments, flora and fauna, states/
Overall, this unit aims to invite students to delve and explore the significance of
territories and capital/major cities, oceans, beaches and rivers, mountains,
the land, its natural wonders, its native flora and fauna, and the significance of the
rainforests, climate and geographical positions... Students will learn about the how
Aboriginal culture as an integral part of the Australia's identity.
peoples perceptions of places are the basis for actions to protect places and
Unit Outcomes Assessment overview

Based on the Bloom taxonomy and multiple intelligences, this unit of work covers Student understanding will be assessed through the use of observational
all aspects of inquiry learning to provide the students with a high quality teaching checklists, and analysis of contributions to class discussions and group activities.
and learning experience. Through this unit students will explore the demographic Observation and checklist recording students understanding of different points of
and settlement patters around Australia and gain insight of its major natural and view. Observation/anecdotal notes of students during individual and group
human features. By the end of this unit students will be able to describes activities will be recorded on a checklist to state their understanding as; limited
characteristics of different environments within Australia and identify similarities understanding, developing understanding, good understanding or extensive
and differences between the characteristics of these places. understanding.

Topic Other Key Learning Areas Syllabus Outcomes Safety issues to be considered

EN2-8B, EN2-10C, EN2-11D, EN2-12E, Chairs must be tucked into tables and
Australia History EN2-2A, EN2-3A, EN2-5A, GE2-1, GE2- students need to be sitting correctly
English 2, GE2-3, GE2-4, HT2-5, HT2-2, HT2-1, on chairs (not swinging, leaning, or
Science ST2-4WS, ST2-5WT, ST2-14BE, ST2- lifting) in order to avoid trips, falls and
8ES falling backwards on the chairs.


Outcome Content Outcome Content Outcome Content Outcome Content

EN2-8B, EN2- Introduction: An HT2-5, Introduction: GE2-1, GE2-2, Introduction: ST2-8ES, ST2- Introduction:
10C, EN2-11D, introduction to the An introduction GE2-3, GE2-4 Geographical 4WS Places and
EN2-2A, Continent through to our country characteristics of Environments

the book Are we Australia

there yet?

EN2-11D, EN2- Development: HT2-1, HT2-2, Development: GE2-1, GE2-2, Development: ST2-8ES, ST2- Development:
10C, EN2-2A, Developing our HT2-5 Identifying GE2-4 Geographical 14BE, ST2-4WS, Natural and Built
knowledge of Australian features of ST2-5WT Environments

Australia celebrations and Australian

commemoration environments

EN2-10C, EN2- Development: HT2-5, HT2-2, Development: GE2-1, GE2-2, Development: ST2-8ES, ST2- Development:
2A, Aboriginal Significant GE2-4 Geographical 14BE, ST2-4WS, Earths Surface

Incursion individuals, features of ST2-5WT

groups and Australian
events. environments

EN2-10C, Development: Ss HT2-5, HT2-2, Development: GE2-1, GE2-2, Development: ST2-8ES, ST2- Development:
will be attending How has our GE2-3, Analysing the 14BE, ST2-4WS, Earths Surface

excursion to community geographical

Barangaroo changed? characteristics of
EN2-12E, EN2- Conclusion: HT2-5 Conclusion: GE2-1, GE2-4 Conclusion: ST2-8ES, ST2- Conclusion:
11D, EN2-10C, Assessment Excursion Discussing 4WS Discussing
EN2-2A, booklet discussion and geographical scientific

historical facts features of features of the

Barangaroo Barangaroo site

Unit of Work : Geography - Australia Stage 2, Year 3

Bloom's Taxonomy: Six thinking levels Commented [sT1]: The "Bloom Taxonomy and Multiple
Intelligences", this unit of work covers all aspects of inquiry
Intelligences REMEMBER UNDERSTAND APPLY ANALYSE EVALUATE CREATE learning. This section illustrates the scaffolding and progression of
tasks difficulty, complexity and application over a lesson/course of a
sequence of lessons. It also demonstrates my ability in planning
Design a travel booklet engaging activities and implementation effective outcomes for
Using a computer, search
List all natural and/or for a galactic travel Write an entertaining student learning.
Explain the characteristics Try to locate all the places for the map of Australia
WORD human environments have agency promoting a narrative about a trip
of these places on the map and compare it to your
visited or like to visit great place to holiday in around Australia
own map

Using the model provided,

Write a list of all Using the plain map Compare the Collect data about the
LOGIC draw a map of Australia
the Australian states / provided, draw all the Research the Aboriginal geographical map of land areas of different
& and locate all states and
territories and cities you borders between states language map of Australia Australia to the Australian states and Ts
MATHS territories correctly on the
know. and territories Aboriginal map and create a pie graph

Search the internet and Research the geographical

SPACE Using PowerPoint Using a KWL chart,
Read "Are we there yet?" find some pictures of the characteristics of your Create a picture book
& presentation and write evaluate what you have
by Alison Lester site and add them to your place, and to the city you about your favourite place
VISION about a city you like to visit learned about your city.
presentation like to visit

Analyse the Aboriginal Compare the differences

Discuss the performance Write an information
Incursion - Koomurri culture rituals, and your between Aboriginal Create a drama piece
BODY by Koomurri Aboriginal report about the Koomurri
Aboriginal dance/rituals own cultural background culture, and your own based on Aboriginal rituals
group performance
and rituals. cultural background.

Read the poem "My Watch a video different Examine the My Country Write a poem or a song
Compare McKellar's' poem Create musical piece using
MUSIC Country" by Dorothea on Australian/Aboriginal poem and turn it into a about the Australian
with Aboriginal singing the poem.
McKellar celebrations (BTN) rap. landscape.

Think about Using a VENN diagram

Compare the Aboriginal In pairs, list the differences
Watch the video about Visit Barangaroo Barangaroos past and create a poster to show
NATURALIST sites to modern human between Aboriginal sites
Barangaroo (excursion) current character. What the similarities and
environments. to human environments
has changed? differences

Class discussion about the Inquiry based stations Create a survey for Using the Daily 5 words, In pairs, make up a quiz In groups create an
book Are we there yet? around the classroom to family and friends with write an entertaining on the culture and informative, persuasive
PEOPLE and discuss natural and compare and contrast the focus question narrative about a trip traditions of a cultural booklet convincing people
human environments. What is Australia? around Australia in pairs. group in Australia. from overseas to visit

Assessment Resources/
KLA Links Outcomes Teaching and Learning Experiences Week one (differentiation in italics) Commented [sT2]: This unit of work also highlights the
Strategies Organisation importance of differentiation of learning material for different
learning types.
English/ EN2-8B, Monday: Australia - an Introduction to the continent. Observation of pairs - "Are we there
Science EN2-10C, and collection of yet?" Commented [sT3]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text: T reads the book "Are we there student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
EN2-11D, yet?" by Alison Lester to scaffold. Class discussion about the book; natural and human their work recorded - English
EN2-2A, environments, flora and fauna, states/ territories, beaches and rivers, mountains, climate and on a checklist to workbooks
ST2-8ES, geographical positions (north, south, east, west), Aboriginal culture and other themes that the show students - weekly table
ST2-4WS book represents. understanding of word list
different vocabulary - Assessment
Differentiation: D near T, T speaking facing Ss and offering lots of visual cues. Hearing loop/FM checklist
used. T repeats instructions. Discussion Qs listed on Smartboard. - Daily 5 activities
Science: T starts discussion with Ss about thermometers and temperature, asking them to draw Stations:
on prior knowledge about how thermometers function. Ss brainstorm words that relate to
describing temperature. T sets up 5 stations with activities based on temperature. Ss are to rotate - Booklet
10 mins on each station with their groups, filling out a page of the provided booklet at each - Thermometers,
station. Station 1: Ss test the temperature of hot water, water with an ice cube, and room sand, leaves and
temperature. Station 2: Ss use the thermometer to test the temperature of sand under light plants, light lamp
Station 3: Ss watch video on temperature then navigate websites and answer qs. Station 4: Ss use - Video:
thermometer to test temperature in direct sunlight, in the shade and then in the classroom. http://splash.abc.
Station 5: Analyse the topographic climatic map to explore the climate of different areas around net.au/home#!/
Australia. media/85668/we
Inquiry questions: How do we measure temperature? What is the highest and lowest - Website 1:
temperature of a day? How often does it rain? How does the climate affect the way people live? http://www.math
What are the different types of weather? sisfun.com/meas
Differentiation: T faces front when speaking/instructing. Use of hearing aid/loop during class ure/thermometer
discussion. T writes temperature words on whiteboard. Mixed ability groups, EAL/D, D, M, J all .html
grouped with responsible Ss. Captions on videos. Commented [sT4]: This unit of work also highlights the
importance of differentiation of learning material for different
English/ GE2-1, GE2- Tuesday: Natural and human features of Australia Observation of group - "Are we there learning types.
History/ 2, GE2-3, Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will discussions and yet?"
Commented [sT5]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
Geography GE2-4, work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. responses. J: Observe - English student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
EN2-11D, oral interaction and workbooks,
EN2-10C, Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text: T reminds Ss of the book, "Are participation in group - weekly table
EN2-2A we there yet?" T shows Ss a topographic map of Australia. In small groups Ss discuss/brainstorm talk. word list
and list of all the Australian states and territories. T records responses on the whiteboard. T - ICT; computer or
provides a blank map to each student, and must place the words on the map where they think it Collection of student
works to examine tablets
belongs. - Whiteboard
their level of
Differentiation: ESL Ss placed in different groups; groups are of mixed ability. understanding. - A3/A4 paper for
History/Geography: Using the model provided, pairs draw a map of Australia and locate all states maps
and territories correctly on the map. T directs Ss to develop geographical questions and - Daily 5 activities

investigate the geographical characteristics of Australia; location of Australias states, territories
and major cities.
Differentiation: T assists M and other Ss of lower ability in developing questions.
Science/ ST-9ES, ST2- Wednesday: Exploring our environment Collection of - Science Commented [sT6]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
English/ 4WS, EN2- worksheets. worksheets student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Science: T prints and displays 5 photos around the room with butchers paper provided
Library 5A underneath. Ss analyse images and brainstorm ideas about the image as to how the erosion was Observation of their - 5 images
caused. Ss utilise their investigative worksheets to explore the school playground and discover group investigation. - Butchers paper
eroded areas, and predict the cause. - Use of library
Observation of Ss computers
Differentiation: T may assist M to remain focused. Observation of Js oral interaction with her conducting research - Daily 5 activities
group. Provide M and D with visual instructions checklist. and working on their
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will PowerPoint
work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. presentations.

Library: Ss conduct research in pairs about a city they would like to visit, and transfer the
information to a PowerPoint presentation. Ss use library computers and books.
Differentiation: T assists lower ability Ss in their research; ensures M is on task.
English/ EN2-2A, Thursday: Australia Comparing human and natural environments Observation of Ss - School Commented [sT7]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
History/ EN2-10C, working together in Computers student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will
Geography EN2-8B, work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. pairs/sharing of their - Smartboard
EN2-5A , narrative with peers. - Table words lists
HT2-5, GE2- Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text: T provides Ss a copy of table - English
words list. Using the words Ss write an entertaining narrative about a trip around Australia in Collection of
1, GE2-4, narratives and HSIE workbooks
pairs. T encourages Ss to share their narratives with their peers. - HSIE workbooks
workbooks to assess
Differentiation: T leaves instructions on Smartboard for Ss to follow (cater for visual). Allow Max their research and - Written
to write narrative on own iPad if he wishes. Pair ESL Ss, M, and lower ability Ss with responsible Ss understanding. instructions
able to assist. T assists J through written component.
History/Geography: Ss research one human and one natural environment. E.g. The Three Sisters
and the Harbour Bridge for NSW. Ss document research in their HSIE workbooks.
Differentiation: T assists M and EAL/D Ss in their research. Provide written instructions for M, D, J
and other EAL/D Ss.
English/ HT2-5, HT2- Friday: Australia - our community, our identity Collection of HSIE - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT8]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
History/ 1, EN2-5A workbooks to - Laptops/tablets student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will
Geography work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. determine Ss - HSIE workbooks
understandings of
History/Geography: Using computer/tablets Ss will gather relevant information and record their local, state and
findings in their workbooks. Ss will also gather information about natural features of Australia eg. national symbols,
Deserts, rivers, mountains. T reminds Ss to identify the special relationship that Aboriginal and/or and Australian and
Torres Strait Islander peoples have to Country and Place. SS will identify and describe local, state Aboriginal and Torres
and national symbols and discuss the origins, symbolism and significance, eg the school logo, Strait Islander flags.
Australian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, coats of arms from states and Australia.

KLA Links Outcomes Teaching and Learning Experiences Week Two (differentiation in italics) Assessment Resources/
Strategies Organisation
English/ EN2-10C, Monday: Natural environments (erosion) Observation of S - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT9]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
Science EN2-2A, contribution during student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a NEW passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus.
EN2-5A, Ss will work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. class discussion.
ST2-4WS, Explore activity
ST2-5WT, Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text: T reminds Ss of the persuasive items:
techniques they have learned and conducts a class discussion/mind map. Ss refer to the mind Collection of S
ST2-8ES English workbooks to - Tubs
map created on the board of persuasive words and techniques. Ss are introduced to their pair - Water
assessment task of creating a booklet, and commence planning their persuasive piece in their assess their booklet
plan and - Cups
workbooks to add to their booklets. - Spray bottles
Differentiation: T facing Ss, hearing loop/fm used for D. D seated in second row to front. T repeats - Paddlepop sticks
Ss responses/questions during discussion. T leaves visual instructions on Smart board; works with - Sand
M and other lower ability Ss in planning their booklets. EAL/D and M are paired with responsible Ss Collection of Science - Lego
able to assist. workbooks and - Figurines and
Science: Following on from the erosion lesson last week, Ss conduct an investigation of the observation of S resources around
different weather types that cause erosion. Ss are given resources at the front of the classroom group work. classroom
(such as sand, paddlepop sticks, lego, other figurines and resources around classroom, etc.) and - Small fan
handed a tub per group. Ss create their own little towns, and are then provided with a water - Science
spray (rain), cup of water (flood) fan to use (wind), and are able to shake their tubs (earthquake). worksheets
Ss record results on Science worksheet and paste in books. - Science Commented [sT10]: This section illustrates my knowledge of
workbooks teaching strategies in which I have aimed to engage students and
Differentiation: T ensures M and J are paired with responsible Ss. T monitors Ms behaviour. T aids deliver the syllabus content effectively.
J in her recording of results.

English/ HT2-1, HT2- Tuesday: Australia - Investigating our cultural communities Observation of S - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT11]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
History/ 5, GE2-1, contribution during - Smart board student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will
Geography GE2-2, GE2- work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. class discussion.
Inquiry items:
3, GE2-4, M/J: Observation of
EN2-5A Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text: T reviews text type of oral interaction and - Maps
persuasion. T jointly constructs a persuasive paragraph with Ss on the whiteboard. Ss write their participation in group - Pictures of
persuasive pieces utilising their plans and persuasive techniques listed from the previous lesson. work. human and
Differentiation: T works closely with M/J in their groups, using the Smartboard as a visual aid with natural
a list of persuasive techniques. environments,
Collection of S flora and fauna,
History/Geography: T plays video of a community within Australia to provide an example. Ss
workbooks. major cities, flags
conduct research on one cultural group in Australia, investigating their diverse backgrounds, and
contribution to the local community.
- Tablets/computer
Differentiation: T uses microphone for D. T works closely with M to ensure he is on task and assist - Video:
in his research. http://www.abc.

Science/ ST2-14BE, Wednesday: Built environments - Craft resources
English/ EN2-5A, Science: Provide Ss with paper, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, paddle pop sticks, pipe Collection of Science - Library
Library ST2-4WS, cleaners, and other craft resources. Ss create their own built environment (city/town/etc). Ss visit workbooks and computers and
ST2-14BE, their peers stations and observe the different built environments. Ss discuss process in their observation of S printers
ST2-8ES Science workbooks. group work. - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT12]: This section illustrates my knowledge of
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will - Video: teaching strategies in which I have aimed to engage students and
https://www.you deliver the syllabus content effectively.
work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations
Library: Ss watch a video on Australian Environments Stage 2. v=42T3ULamtpM
English/ HT2-2, HT2- Thursday: Australia - Celebrations and commemorations T encourages Ss to - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT13]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
History/ 1, EN2-8B, share their initial - Smart board student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will
Geography EN2-10C, work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. efforts. Using the - Poem
EN2-5A observational - Photos of
Shared reading, Modelled Reading, Writing and Response to Text - mini lesson: T discusses the checklist, teacher
conventions of free verse poetry, referring to the word wall if necessary. T reads Dorothea Australian natural
takes notes of S and human
McKellar's poem "My Country". Ss volunteer to share their thought about the poem. Using a set efforts.
of preselected photos of Australian natural and human environments, as stimulus. T provides an environments
example to give students a starting point. T instructs Ss to work together cooperatively and write - HSIE books
a free verse poem, using at least 4 adjectives, 1 similes and 1 metaphor. Ss work in their groups. T assessment of Ss
Differentiation: Mixed ability groups. M, J, and other EAL/D Ss grouped with responsible Ss able to work through
assist. T assists Ss, observes M/Js contribution in their groups. Instructions listed on Smart board. collection of HSIE
History/Geography: T ignites class discussion on celebrations and commemorations of
significance to Australia and the world. T plays video, followed by another discussion. Ss
undertake activities based on the topic.
Differentiation: T faces Ss when speaking; use of hearing loop/aid for D. Captions on video. Check
noise level to minimise distraction for M/D.
English/ EN2-5A Friday: Assessing our understanding of Australia Observation and - Daily 5 activities Commented [sT14]: lesson sequences using knowledge of
History/ marking rubric of Ss - Ss booklets student learning, content and effective teaching strategies
Daily 5: T provides Ss with a passage of the book "Are we there yet?" for the Daily 5 focus. Ss will
Geography work together in their ability groups in their usual rotations. presentations and
History/Geography: T assists Ss in completing their booklets, before presenting them to the class.
Ss are informed of the incursion taking place next week.

Appendix 1 - Scope and Sequence Chart Term Two

Term Two English Mathematics Science and History Geography Creative Arts PDHPE

Content Speaking and Working Working scientifically, Community and Places are similar Making, Performing Growth and
listening , Grammar, Mathematically, Earth and Space, Built Remembrance and Different and appreciating Development /
Punctuation and Number and Environments Gymnastics
Vocabulary algebra

Unit/Topic Australia - integrated Building Blocks Places and Celebrations and Human and natural Get Creative Our Feelings
unit Environments commemorations environments

Focus Meaning and Whole Numbers, Using appropriate Responding to Exploring VA: Sculpture and 3D Personal Identity, The
comprehension: Multiplication and tools and equipment Aboriginal stories Australias major Forms Body, Human
celebrations and Division, Patterns to collect and record told about Country natural and human M: Jazz - Performing, Sexuality, physical
commemorations in and Algebra; and data about some presented in texts or features. Identifying and body changes, Values
Australia and around Two-Dimensional changes in natural by a guest speaker - Description of Improvisation Also;
the world. Global Space, Area, Angles conditions, eg tides, Incursion - Koomurri natural features of Dr: Storytelling Non-locomotor Skills:
celebrations and daily temperature, Aboriginal Australia eg Video Drama refine non-locomotor
commemorations rainfall and wind Identify the various deserts, rivers, (aboriginal rituals) skills, static
major world Ss will also survey a cultural groups that mountains etc. Da: Performing balance
religions. Ss will range of places and live and work in the Barangaroo- dances devised from pairs, groups
analyse a range of spaces in local built local community Excursion cultural or historical counterbalance
sources and visual environments and context Locomotor Skills
texts, including maps identify how people refine and practise
and photographs, to interact within them locomotor skills
investigate for a range of Jumping/landing etc.
geographical purposes for social
features and and cultural reasons
historical facts about
Australia (Read His
and Geo)

Outcomes EN2-3A, EN2-8B, MA2-1WM, MA2- ST2-4WS, ST2-13MW, HT2-5, HT2-2, HT2-1 GE2-1, GE2-2, GE2- VAS2.1, VAS2.2, GDS2.9, GYS2.10
EN2-10C, EN2-11D, 2WM, MA2-3WM, ST2-5WT, ST2-14BE, 3, GE2-4 VAS2.3, VAS2.4,
EN2-12E, EN2-2A, MA2-4NA, MA2- ST2-8ES MUS2.1, MUS2.2,
EN2-5A 6NA, MA2-8NA MUS2.3, MUS2.4,
MA2-1WM, MA2- DRAS2.1, DRAS2.2.,
2WM, MA2-3WM, DRAS2.3, DRAS2.4,
MA2-15MG, MA2- DAS2.1, DAS 2.2, DAS
10MG, MA2-16MG 2.3.

Appendix 2: Daily 5 Timetable Rotations

Daily 5 Timetable
Read to Self Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing
1 Read to Someone
Word Work Work on Writing Read to Self Listen to Reading
Work on Writing Read to Self Listen to Reading Word Work
2 Listen to Reading
Read to Someone
Word Work Work on Writing Read to Self
Word Work Work on Writing Read to Self Listen to Reading
3 Read to Self Listen to Reading
Read to Someone
Word Work Work on Writing
Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing Read to Self
4 Work on Writing Read to Self Listen to Reading
Read to Someone
Word Work
Read to Self Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing
5 Word Work Work on Writing Read to Self Listen to Reading
Read to Someone

Appendix 3:
KLA Time allocation % BOS/CEO Recommend

English 470 minutes 31.0% 25-35%

Mathematics 290 minutes 20.5% 20%

Science/Geography 210 minutes 14.5% 12-20%

CAPA 120 minutes 8.0% 6-10%

PDHPE 140 minutes 9.5% 6-10%

Religion 170 minutes 11.5% 10%

Admin/Assembly 80 minutes 5% 3-5%

Total 1480 minutes 100% 100%

Appendix 4:

Student name:
Subject text type:
First draft/final draft:


Some understating and Sound understanding and Good understanding and Extensive understanding and
Quality of Writing: application of language and application of language and application of language and application of language and
structure structure structure structure

No pictures, or pictures with no Pictures relate to text, and

Some pictures of relevance. Pictures relate to text. Booklet is
Overall relevance. Little to no attempt explain and reinforce text.
Presentation is somewhat well presented and neat with
Presentation: has been made to make Presentation is attractive and
appealing. minor mistakes.
presentation appealing. appealing.

Extensive sentence structure

Simple sentence structure with Sound sentence structure with Good sentence structure with
Sentence Structure with spelling and grammatical
spelling and grammatical errors, spelling and grammatical errors, spelling and grammatical errors,
and Grammar: errors, and poor sentence
and poor sentence structure and poor sentence structure and poor sentence structure

Limited group work skills with Sound group work skills with Good group work skills with Extensive group work skills with
Sharing and Group
poor communication and poor communication and poor communication and poor communication and
delivery delivery delivery delivery


ACARA. (2017). Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority: MySchool. Retrieved from:

Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW. (2012). English K-10: Syllabus and support documents. Sydney:
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards. Available online at http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au

Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW. (2012). Geography K-10: Syllabus and support documents. Sydney:
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards. Available online at http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au

Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW. (2012). History K-10: Syllabus and support documents. Sydney:
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards. Available online at http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au

Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW. (2012). Science K-10: Syllabus and support documents. Sydney:
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards. Available online at http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au

Passey, D., Rogers, C., Machell, J., McHugh, G. (2014). The Motivational Effects of ICT on Pupils. Department of Educational
Research. Department for Education and Skills: Lancaster University, 1-77.


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