Food Pantry Newsletter

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Business Name

Volume 5, Issue 2

November 1, 2014

2014 Guardian Award

Larry Wingate, co-chair of the counseling the patrons. Inside this issue:
Community Pantry, was pre-
TV Channel 6 and the Calendar 2
sented with the 2014
Humanitarian Council
Guardian Award at a special Thanksgiving Food Drive 2
sponsor this annual award.
awards dinner in Chicago last Sign-up Form 2
The award honors the
week. Nominated by his peers
highest ideals and achieve- Inside Story 3
in the community, Beal was up
ments in public service Inside Story 4
against highly qualified candi-
the unsung heroes of the
dates from the city and Inside Story 5
suburbs. Local news anchor Inside Story 6
Ted Montgomery awarded Larry Wingate wins 2014 Guardian Award Congratulations, Larry!
Larry a check for $5,000 as
well as a check for the Pantry
for $5,000. Larry received an distinguished career in
engraved plaque that read, accounting, Larry worked
2014 Guardian Award pre- three days a week at the
sented to Larry Beal For his Pantry, doing everything from
dedication and faithful service keeping the books to Special points of inter-
to the Community Pantry and est:
the people it serves.
Briefly highlight your point
Some people call them good of interest here.
Samaritans; others call them New Counseling Center to
volunteers. Their titles really
do not matter. It is their un-
Open Soon Briefly highlight your point
of interest here.
selfish commitment to service The Community Pantry will open a new counseling and referral
that positively influences the center for its patrons on December 1. Counselors will be available to
Briefly highlight your point
lives of others. People such as help with housing needs, utility assistance, transportation, and job
of interest here.
Larry Beal make a difference placement, as well as our normal food services.
here at the Community
Through gracious donations from the Community Foundation, the Briefly highlight your point
Pantry has expanded its physical space as well. Trained counselors of interest here.
Larry has worked at the are available during our normal Pantry hours. If you need assistance
Pantry for more than 10 with any of these programs, please stop by the Community Pantry
yearsfirst as a Saturday vol- and talk to a counselor.
unteer and driver to the The Pantry wants to be there when help is needed.
Chicago Food Depository.
After he retired from a
Page 2 Newsletter Title

Schedule of Events
November 2014
Date Briefly describe the
event here, including time and
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Date Briefly describe the
event here, including time and
place. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date Briefly describe the

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
event here, including time and

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Date Briefly describe the
event here, including time and
place. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Date Briefly describe the

event here, including time and 30

Date Briefly describe the

event here, including time and

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanksgiving dinner is a time of celebra- three ways. kinds of non-perishable and perishable
tion and gathering for most families. We food items in their original sealed contain-
First, you can shop for your own groceries
take for granted that the table will be set ers.
at Food Mart on November 13. Food Mart
with a turkey dinner and all the fixings.
graciously has agreed to donate money Third, you can volunteer to fill Thanksgiv-
Sadly, for some individuals and families in
equal to 10 percent of your total purchase ing dinner baskets. Baskets Galore gra-
our community, the dinner will not take
to the Pantry. Just tell your cashier at ciously has donated 250 large baskets to
place. Many have neither a home to go to
check out that you make this task possible. If you can donate
nor the money to
want to participate in a few hours during the week of November
buy food.
the Shop and Share 20 through November 25, please contact
To make this time Fundraiser. They do Donna Thomas. We will be baking pies on
of year a little the rest. We want to November 20please join us if you can.
brighter for those thank the Food Mart
Make this a family service project and
disadvantaged owners, Mike and
teach your children the art of giving.
people in our MaryAnn Reynolds,
town, the Commu- for this wonderful
nity Pantry is ministry.
launching its an-
Second, you can drop
nual Thanksgiving
off food at the Pantry.
Food Drive. You
Share your blessings with others! We are accepting all
can participate in
Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 3

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words.

This is a good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.

Remember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that dis-
tinguish what you offer from that of your competition.

You may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight
persons responsible for its development.

A good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market re-
ports, or brochures you have created.

It is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a

means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing
them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Business Name

2 for 1 Sign up for:

Sign-Up Form Title
Time Price

Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00

Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00

Special Offer Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00

Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00

Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00

This is a good place to make a
Type the event name here 00:00 $00.00
special offer for joining your
organization, purchasing a Tax:
product, or requesting your Total:

service. You can also transform Method of Payment

the feedback into a sign-up or generic feedback form. Address
Bill Me



American Express

Credit Card # Exp. date


Student Name Phone: 555-555-5555

Student Address Fax: 555-555-5555

Organization Email: [email protected]

Business Name

Student Name
Student Address

This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your

organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its
Phone: 555-555-5555 mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a
Fax: 555-555-5555 brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organi-
Email: [email protected] zation offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S.
or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or
members served.
Business Tagline or Motto It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who
want more information about the organization.

Were on the Web!


Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 words. readers to any other forms of communica- ers to mark their calendars for a regular
tion that youve created for your organiza- event, such as a breakfast meeting for ven-
If your newsletter is folded and mailed, this
tion. dors every third Tuesday of the month, or a
story will appear on the back. So, its a good
biannual charity auction.
idea to make it easy to read at a glance. You can also use this space to remind read-
If space is available, this is a good
A question and answer session is a good
place to insert a clip art image or
way to quickly capture the attention of
some other graphic.
readers. You can either compile questions
that youve received since the last edition or
you can summarize some generic questions
that are frequently asked about your organ-

A listing of names and titles of managers in

your organization is a good way to give your
newsletter a personal touch. If your organi-
zation is small, you may want to list the
names of all employees.

If you have any prices of standard products

or services, you can include a listing of
those here. You may want to refer your Caption describing picture or graphic.

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