Leading The Way: Developing Leadership Skills Through Your Community

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Volume 1, Issue 3 March 2008


Developing Leadership Skills Through Your Community

If you want to progress in your career, lead at work, at home, with fam- charge or wears the “leader’s” badge. True
and get promoted to a leadership role, ily, in their church, in their com- leadership is about serving, and making
it is important to be developing your munity, and often this is in a sure the job gets done.
leadership skills on an ongoing basis. volunteer position. The role of a leader is to be a role-model for
One of the most essential indicators Leaders are the ones who step up those who follow. You are there, setting the
of good leadership skills is the most to the plate and do what it takes example by being part of the team. You
obvious – the ability and willingness to get the results that are needed. start a little earlier, you work a little harder,
to take the lead and to motivate the Here is a story about four people and you stay a little later. You never ask
team to follow. named Everybody, Somebody, anyone to do something that you wouldn’t
This article will explore how you can Anybody, and Nobody. There do yourself.
develop experience in leadership and was an important job to be done As the head of the team, you continually
how your leadership skills can be de- and Everybody was sure that look for ways to make it easier for your
veloped through becoming a volun- Somebody would do it. Anybody team members to do their jobs. You accept
teer in your local community. could have done it, but Nobody complete responsibility for the achievement
Generally speaking everyone falls into did it. of the overall goal, You are a leader because
one of three categories: Somebody got angry about that you continually lead.
1. People who make things happen because it was Everybody's job.
2. People who watch things happen, Everybody thought that Anybody Barbara White is an author, speaker and
and, could do it, but Nobody realized trainer in leadership development. You can visit
3. People who ask “What happened?” that Everybody wouldn't do it. It her site at www.livingbeyondbetter.com
The role of a leader is to make things ended up that Everybody blamed Taken from-
happen. A leader is the person, who Somebody when Nobody did
not only develops the skills and abili- what Anybody could have done. BusinessLeadershipAdvice.com
ties to make things happen, but makes Who took the role of the leader?
them part of their lifestyle. It was Nobody
The role of a leader plays out, not Part of the leader’s role involves
only in the work environment, but in leading by example. A leader is
every area of life. A leader takes the not just the person who takes

Inside this issue: Special

Dog Shelter Supply Drive
points of interest:
• Developing Leadership Skills Through Your
Thunder Alley Fundraiser 2
“Beary” Thoughtful Fundraiser 2
• Why do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
All State Awards in Dayton 3
• Getting to Know Your Fellow Jaycees
Getting to Know Your Fellow Jaycees 3
• Lancaster Wins Big at All State
Want to be a Jaycee? 3
• Why you want to be a Jaycee!
Leadership Quote of the Quarter 4
• What Best Bosses Do

Dog Shelter Supply Drive

Thunder Alley Fundraiser is a SUCCESS!
We stood ready for action on an early
Saturday morning, wind whipping through The music was pumping, the lights were
the garage, waiting for the cars to drive a– glowing and the people were bowling!
through and drop off donations. We didn’t We had an awesome turnout for our
have the anticipated amount of cars we Thunder Alley fundraiser. The line was
liked, but Kevin, Lea, Kimberly, and Dustyn clear out the door. With the record crowd,
braved the elements and took donations we raised $420
from a few local citizens willing to show for our chapter.
some love for the Fairfield County Dog Shelter. Thank you to
The shelter received 4 large bags of dog food, those who came
along with miscellaneous items such as bleach out and showed
and dog treats, along with two large dog beds. At their support.
the end of the day, we donated $100 to the shelter Kimberly, Kevin, Dustyn, Rob and
so that they could get the necessary supplies that Andrea showed
were needed to help the dogs. They were very their skills and
appreciative of the time and efforts of our chapter bowled the night
and look forward to seeing us in the future for an- away! We had
other supply drive. a blast!

Lancaster Wins Big at Year End All State Awards in Dayton

Lancaster wins Kevin R. Combs– Com- Amy Stone– Charitable Events,
big at All State! munity Development State Programming Team Mem-
Not only did we Vice President of the ber of the Year, Candlemaker
JCI Lancaster– take the overall Year, Individual Devel- Member of the Year
Lancaster award for the opment Vice President
state of Ohio, of the Year, and Out- Kimberly Valentine– District Di-
Area Jaycees many of our standing Public Rela- rector of the Year, Jacket for the
members took tions Director of the Newark Extension
takes the #1
home awards for Year Parade of Chapters for 2007
position in the their hard work and dedi-
cation to the chapter. Individual Development Programming- #1
State for 2007 Project of the Year for
Colin Brooke– Junior Vino the 13th Overall- #1
for Overall
Jaycee of the Year For 4th Quarter- #2 for Program-
Performance! Management Project of
Dustyn Dancy– New the 4th Quarter for the ming, #2 for Overall
Jaycee of the Year Haunted Corn Maize Final Trophy– Comeback Chap-
ter of the Year
“Beary” Successful with our “Beary”
Thoughtful Bears Fundraiser!
Guest Speaker of the
They’re soft, cuddly– who can resist them– no, we aren't
talking about our members, we are talking about the “Beary
Month for March
Thoughtful” bears we have been selling for our current Captain Adam Pillar from the
fundraiser. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look at the Lancaster Police Dept. will be
catalog, you should. They are cute and they truly sell them- giving a presentation on Child
selves. In less than 2 weeks of selling bears, we have Safety at our March Business
raised $272 for our chapter, selling 52 bears. These bears Meeting!
were made available in time for Valentine’s Day. We are still selling these
bears for upcoming holidays and more fundraising. If you would like a If you have children, or know
packet to sell bears, contact Kevin at 205-2209 or email a request to jci- people with children, this in-
[email protected]. The next order will be due on March 7th, so we formation will be valuable to
can have the bears available for Easter. If you know someone “beary” share with others
special, get them a bear and give back to your chapter and community at
Come check it out– you don’t
the same time!
want to miss it!
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 Page 3

Why Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, sham-
rocks and luck. Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick’s Day is a
traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. So, why is it
celebrated on March 17th? One theory is that that is the day that St. Patrick died. Since the holiday
began in Ireland, it is believed that as the Irish spread out around the world, they took with them
their history and celebrations. The biggest observance of all is, of course, in Ireland. With the ex-
ception of restaurants and pubs, almost all businesses close on March 17th. Being a religious holiday
as well, many Irish attend mass, where March 17th is the traditional day for offering prayers for
missionaries worldwide before the serious celebrating begins. In American cities with a large Irish
population, St. Patrick’s Day is a very big deal. Big cities and small towns alike celebrate with pa-
rades, “wearing of the green”, music and songs, Irish food and drink, and activities for kids such as
crafts, coloring, and games. Some communities even go as far as to dye rivers or streams green! Members-Don’t Forget!! BINGO
is March 2nd at Rockmill from
Wishing you luck on this St. Patrick’s Day! May you find your pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow! 2-3 pm– take an hour on Sun-
day & lend a hand!
From the www.st-patricks-day.com website

Getting To Know Your Fellow Jaycees Our Monthly Meetings are

Changing! Starting in March,
Andrea Combs has been She joined the Jaycees to get we will be meeting the first
a member of the Lancas- involved in the community and
ter Area Jaycees since socialize with others. She is
and third Wednesday of the
May 2007 . With the new looking forward to new projects month– the first Wednesday
year, Andrea has stepped and trainings in 2008. In An- we will conduct our business
up and showed her smil- drea’s spare time she likes to meeting, the third Wednes-
ing face and her willing read and do word puzzles. She
spirit to learn new things. and her fiancé will be getting
day will be used for trainings
With this drive, Andrea married later in the Spring. to build our skills as a chap-
planned her first project ter. We look forward to new
this year at the Clay Sta- If you are interested in submit-
ting an article for “ Getting To and exciting trainings and
tion to get members to- valuable seminars in the near
gether to test their per- Know You” column, please
sonal skills at painting email your request to future. We will keep you
ceramics while socializing www.jcilancaster.com by the posted via email!
with others. 15th of the month for next
month’s issue.

Check us out at the Teen EXPO being held on March 8th from 12-3 at
Crossroads Gymnasium at 2095 W. Fair Avenue– Lancaster-we will
You want to be a Jaycee? have a booth– interested in becoming a member– stop by and say Hi!
People join the Jaycees organization for include: business contacts, lead- and fellowship functions. The oppor-
many different reasons. For most, they ership training opportunities, tunities are endless. The Jaycees
get involved to meet new people, im- guest speakers, affiliation with are a premier organization in build-
prove qualities in themselves, or to help the U.S. Jaycees and JCI Interna- ing future leaders. If you would like
out the community. People stay mem- tional, raising money for good more information, visit our website
bers because of the friendships formed, causes, opportunity to serve in a at www.lancasterareajaycees. org
the life lessons learned, and the sense of leadership capacity, public or www.usjaycees.org.
accomplishment felt after running pro- speaking opportunities, interac-
jects successfully. There are many You can also contact us for more
tion with local businesses, rec- Let the Jaycees
benefits to being a member of the Jay- information via email at jcilan-
ognition and awards for per-
cees, other than those noted. Benefits formance, resume building, social
[email protected] CHANGE YOUR
What the Best Bosses Do by Brian Tracy
Inspire Others to Peak Performance ... The Jaycee Creed
A transformational leader is one who excites and inspires people to perform far beyond their own We believe:
expectations of themselves. Transformational leaders practice certain behaviors that cause their
people to feel stronger, happier, more confident and more committed. That faith in God gives meaning and
Delegate Responsibility ... purpose;
The first of these behaviors is the delegation of high levels of responsibility for results. Transforma- That the brotherhood of man
tional leaders pick the right people, match them to the right jobs, achieve mutual clarity on the
desired results and then they get out of the way and leave the individual with maximum freedom to
transcends the sovereignty
perform. of nations.
Let People Do Their Work ... That economic justice can best be
Lao-Tse, the great Chinese philosopher, had this idea when he wrote, "A leader is best when people won by free men through free enter-
barely know he exists... when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, 'We did this our-
selves.'" prise;
In a recent study, thousands of people were asked to describe their best bosses. Over and over, That government should be of laws
the respondents said things like, "I hardly saw him" or "He left me alone" or "He gave me complete rather than of men;
freedom to do the job." That Earth’s great treasure lies in
Give Them Freedom ...
There is something liberating and empowering to know that you've been entrusted with a major human personality;
responsibility and that you've been given the freedom to fulfill it. When the right person has been And
matched with the right job, the conditions for exceptional performance have been created. That service to Humanity is the best
Confidently Expect Success ...
Another behavior of transformational leaders is their confident attitude of positive expectations.
work of life.
They radiate a belief in themselves and in the ability of their subordinates to succeed. They know Authored by
that the leader sets the psychological tone for the whole organization, so they consciously project a C. William Brownfield
positive attitude no matter how distressing the external situation may appear. They are in complete
control of themselves and their emotions. We are always looking for community
Action Exercises: members or local businesses who would
First, delegate complete responsibility for results to your subordinates. Discuss and agree on ex- like to sponsor our chapter– if you are in-
actly what is to be done, when it is to be done and to what standard. Then, get out of the way and terested in donating to our organization–
let them perform.
Second, express complete confidence in your subordinate's ability to do an excellent job. Radiate
please send donations to JCI Lancaster
an attitude of confident expectations. Even if you have personal doubts, never let them be seen by P.O. Box 973 Lancaster, OH 43130
others. This is the role of leadership.

Brian Tracy is one of the world's leading authorities on personal and business success. His fast-
fast- Check us out on myspace at
moving talks and seminars are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that you can www.myspace.com/
apply immediately to get better results in every area. jcilancaster

Leadership Quote of the Quarter

Letter from the President
The time is now! You only get what you give! The year
Management is efficiency in climb- has presented new and exciting changes and challenges.
ing the ladder of success; leadership After attending Leadership Academy and the All State
determines whether the ladder is Year End Awards Ceremony– I am pumped and ready to
leaning against the right wall. – take this chapter to new heights! First on the list, adding
Stephen Covey, American leadership another meeting date to each month, this will provide us
consultant and writer. an opportunity to bring in more leadership training to
our members. We will still conduct business at the first
If you are interested in attending our
meeting of the month, while using the second meeting for
trainings—they will be held the third trainings that will be scheduled. The newsletters will keep
Wednesday of each month– the cost is you posted of upcoming trainings. The trainings will be
$15 for non-members– please contact free to members of the organization and $15 for non-
Kevin at [email protected] to re- members. This is a great opportunity to learn more and
serve your spot, reservations need to be build your skills as a leader. I always love to hear your
made by the 10th of the month. ideas, please email me anytime and tell me what you
think! We are going to have a great year, but we cannot do
Upcoming Trainings for Spring it without your support and time! As I
said before, you only get what you give!
The Power to Reinvent Yourself
If you give no time or effort to the or-
Customer Satisfaction Comes First ganization, you will not benefit from it–
Networking, Be A Better Performer the time is now! Step up, take charge and
get out there!
Let’s Take Care of Me
President Kevin R. Combs
Bridging Conflicts

Trainings are Open to the Public—COST

COST IS $15 for NON-
MEMBERS Reserve a spot today!

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