Reason Does Not Apply To Anything in Pakistan

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Pakistan has become a land of surprises where rationality has no place. Neither the public nor the polity
is inclined to come to logical reasoning about the challenges the state is faced with. Reason-oriented
principles like The Pakistan Resolution and The Constitution of Pakistan dictate logical application of
all the rationales necessary to run the affairs of the state. However, the very principles faded away with
the passage of time. Today, the illogical and irrational practices dispel the impression that the state has
got nothing except a piece of land. As a matter of fact, there exists no politics but of power; there is no
religion but of exploitation; there stands social order but of dispersed nature; and there is no sound
economy but a culture of begging and borrowing. In short, from political practices to economic ones,
reason does not apply to anything in Pakistan. The whole country is in a state of mess; making the
demise of logic and rationality. The menace of terrorism is expected to be treated without eradicating
extremism. The government yearns to achieve true democracy in the absence of intra-party elections.
There exists grave mismanagement of resources and governmental promises to combat energy crisis.
The government wishes to plan an independent foreign policy while filling public treasury with foreign aid.
Reason does not apply to anything in Pakistan. The dream of egalitarian society is seen while ignoring
the reality of stratified education systems. The parliament is a hub of feudalistic class whereas the nation
expects a poor mans budget. There reside politicized judiciary, incompetent executive, biased legislature
and prejudiced media while the government assures coming of institutional harmony and stability. The
slogans of women empowerment are raised in the prevalence of inhumane socio-cultural practices.
Reason does not apply to anything in Pakistan. Illogical reasoning has deteriorated the image of the
country. Pakistan is now seen as a beggar and exporter of terrorists. It is high time that the authority in
power employed appropriate reasoning to the challenges faced by the country. The public and polity must
unite their efforts to see a better Pakistan. If Pakistan is to stand in the comity of great nations, it will have
to induce the culture of reasoning.
Food is necessary for our body. Similarly, we also need food for our mind. The best food for the mind is
the reading of books. It has a joy of its own, which perhaps nothing else can give the pleasure one
derives from reading is procreative as well as ennobling. Reading gives us peculiar joy and we forget the
cares and worries of life.

Reading is of different kinds. First, there is light reading, which means the reading of newspapers,
periodicals, journals etc. newspapers and journals are storehouses of information
about current events;. Through them we come to kn9w about all that is happening in every part of the
world. The modern age is such that we can ill afford to miss at least this type
of light reading. We will be like a frog in a well without newspapers. Therefore, such reading as
is both delightful and informative cannot be ignored.

Now we come to the bookson travel and adventure.

Man wants to escape from the dull realities of everyday life.
The spirit of adventure is inthe very blood of man.Books
of travel and adventure infuse into us the same spirit of
adventure and fearlessness as. was displayed by the travelers
themselves. The reading of novels is a pleasant pastime and
nothing is more entertaining than to spend some time reading
a novel in the afternoon or in a train. The reader forgets his
own personality and existence for some time and totally
identifies with the characters o( the book. This identification,
through unconscious, is a source of endless pleasure to him.
Then there are books for serious reading. They include .
works of literature, history, culture, philosophy and many be
called books for all times and ages. Such books are indented
for the sober and thoughtful minds. A student of literature
comes in contact with the master minds of all ages and finds
a good deal of food for his thought. They give him aninsight
into the spiritual values oflife. He can thus make his life
noble and sublime. Hisoutlook is widened and the field of
human sympathy broadened.
Now we come to the most important question, viz. how
to read books? Beacon has said, "some books are to be
tasted, others are to be swallowed and some few to be
chewed and digested." To treat a book as a text book has
the sense of compulsion. This compulsion many be useful.
but it kills all interest. Nobody can appreciate such a
temporary love of books. A real lover of books enjoys their
company all the time.
We should be very careful in the choice of books. If bad
books come into the hands of the young, their minds are
infected with their evil influence. Many promising youths have
been ruined because of the taste for bad books. Good books.
on the other hand, arepurifying. They enlarge and enrich our
minds and mold ourcharacter. Therefore, it is necessary
that the youth should seek advice from those who are
competent to give it.
The habit of reading is a sign of culture. It is a great
source of enjoyment and the best means of utilizing leisure.
Books are a treasure richer than the treasure of any king.
They are the gold mines of art, literature. science and
information. They are our constant companions.

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