Outline: (JWT)
1. Introduction
a) Health
b) Education
c) Poverty
d) Policy consistency
e) Economy
f) Human capital
a) Political instability
b) Economic inconsistency
c) Foreign aid
5. Suggested Measures
a) Local government
b) Economic management
c) Good governance
d) Foreign policy shift
6. Conclusion
ESSAY 2018 topic: Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic statistics.
Outline: (mine)
1. Introduction
a) Real and statistical development.
b) Development for equality, prosperity and sustainability.
2. Obstacles to real development
a) Poverty
b) Health
c) Education
d) Gender inequality
e) Social inequality
f) Climate change
g) Liberty
3. Factors which can bring about a life-transforming development
a) People-centric policies
b) Public healthcare system
c) Free education
d) Equal opportunities
e) Sustainable and environment friendly growth
4. Countries with different development models
a) American model
b) The Chinese model (also known as Chinese Economic Model)
c) Nordic model
d) Pakistan’s growth model
5. Conclusion