Texture Profile Analysis of Meat Product PDF
Texture Profile Analysis of Meat Product PDF
Texture Profile Analysis of Meat Product PDF
The texture of two meat products (salted pork loin and salted bacon) treated with two commercial liquid smoke flavourings
(immersion for 30 s in either F1 or F2) was examined by instrumental texture profile analysis after 15, 30 and 90 days of storage. The
two flavourings caused changes to the texture parameters of the products. Smoke flavouring F1, which is poor in carbonyl com-
pounds, modified the cohesiveness, springiness and gumminess of the loin, and the hardness, fracturability and springiness of the
bacon. Smoke flavouring F2, which is rich in carbonyl compounds, caused changes in springiness and gumminess of the loin, and
of all the investigated texture parameters in bacon. Generally, significant changes occurred over time on the texture attributes
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2.3. Instrumental evaluation of the texture
two commercial liquid smoke flavourings (F1 and F2)
on the texture of two different meat products, one es- Texture measurements in form of texture profile
sentially lean (salted pork loin), and the other essentially analysis (Bourne, 1978) were performed at room tem-
fatty (salted bacon), using TPA analysis, and to deter- perature with a TA XT2 Texture Analyser (Stable Micro
mine whether texture qualities change with storage time. Systems, Godalming, England).
This will allow relationships to be established between Nine samples (14 mm cube) parallel to the longitu-
smoke flavouring composition and behaviour, and, dinal orientation of the muscular fibres were taken from
therefore, their better use. the central part of each portion from each group. Prior
to analysis, samples were allowed to equilibrate to room
temperature (20 °C, 3 h).
2. Materials and methods Each sample was immobilized between specially
stainless steel plates and then compressed, perpendicular
2.1. Liquid smoke flavourings to muscle fibre orientation, in two consecutive cycles of
30% compression with 5 s between cycles, using a cy-
Two commercial liquid smoke flavourings (F1 and lindrical probe of 4 cm diameter. The cross-head moved
F2) employed in the Spanish food industry were used to at a constant speed of 1 mm/s.
From the resulting force–time curve (Fig. 1) the fol-
smoke the sausages.
F1 had a clear brown colour and very intense and lowing parameters were determined: hardness (N/cm2 ),
pungent odour. F2 had a dark brown colour, and a maximum force required to compress the sample;
dense, viscous appearance. The composition of both fracturability (N/cm2 ), the force during the first com-
(Table 1) was studied by gas chromatography/mass pression at which the material fracture; Cohesiveness,
spectrometry and gas chromatography with flame ion- extent to which the sample could be deformed prior to
ization detector (Guillen & Ibargoitia, 1996; Guillen & rupture (A2=A1, were A1 was the total energy required
Manzanos, 1996). for the first compression and A2 the total energy required
for the second compression); springiness (cm) ability of
sample to recover its original form after the deforming
2.2. Samples and treatments force is removed; gumminess (N/cm2 ), the force needed
to disintegrate a semisolid sample to a steady state of
Loin cuts and belly bacon were obtained from nine swallowing (hardness cohesiveness); chewiness (N/cm),
sows of equal weight (all belonging to the same lot) at a the work needed to chew a solid sample to a steady state
commercial abattoir. All samples were maintained at of swallowing (springiness gumminess).
4 °C during transport to the laboratory.
After cleaning, all remains of adjacent tissues were
removed and three groups organised, each containing 2.4. Statistical methods
three loin and three bacon samples from different ani-
mals. One groups was treated by immersion in F1 for 30 SPSS (1997) was used for data analysis. One-way
s, another was treated with F2 in the same way, and the variance analysis (F -statistics) was used to test for dif-
third prepared with no smoke flavour treatment.
Once drained, all samples were completely covered
with course grain salt and kept for 24 h at 4 °C. They COMPRESSION COMPRESSION
were then brushed and cleaned of the salt and cut into
three portions of approximately equal size. All portions Hardness
were wrapped in permeable netting and kept at 4 °C
until analysis at 15, 30 or 90 days of storage.
Table 1
Concentration (%) of the main identified components of the com-
A1 A2
mercial liquid smoke flavourings (F1 and F2)
Compound F1 F2
Phenol derivatives 72.7 30.0
Carbonyl compounds 2.6 60.0
Alkyl–aryl ethers 7.0 1.7
Hydrocarbons 9.7 0.6
Terpenic derivatives 1.7 – Fig. 1. A typical texture profile analysis force–time obtained from the
Others 6.3 7.7 TA XT2 Texture Analyser.
O. Martinez et al. / Food Control 15 (2004) 457–461 459
ferences between samples (n ¼ 9). Significance was greatest springiness at 30 days. In LF1, springiness
defined at p 6 0:05. showed the lowest value at 90 days and the highest at 30.
Finally, in LF2, cohesiveness showed the lowest value
at 30 days and the highest at 90.
3. Results
3.2. Bacon
3.1. Loin
Table 3, show the TPA parameters of control (CB)
Table 2, show the TPA parameters of control (CL) and F1 and F2 treated bacon (BF1 and BF2) after 15, 30
and F1 and F2 treated loins (LF1 and LF2) after 15, 30 and 90 days of storage.
and 90 days of storage. At 15 days, BF1 showed significant differences
At 15 days, LF1 showed no significant differences (p 6 0:05) compared to controls, with respect to all tex-
(p > 0:05) in any texture parameter compared to con- ture parameters except for hardness and fracturability.
trols. At 30 days, a significant difference (p 6 0:05) in After 30 days, differences were only seen in springiness.
gumminess was observed. At 90 days differences were At 90 days, significant differences (p 6 0:05) were seen
seen with respect to cohesiveness, springiness and in hardness, fracturability and springiness.
gumminess. In BF2, the same variations were seen as in the
In the loin treated with smoke flavouring F2 (LF2), BF1. At 30 days, significant differences (p 6 0:05) were
significant differences (p 6 0:05) were seen at 15 days, seen in all parameters, including hardness and fractu-
compared to controls, with respect to hardness, fractu- rability. These same differences were observed at 90
rability and cohesiveness. At 30 days, the difference in days.
cohesiveness was maintained and new differences in With respect to changes in texture parameters during
springiness and gumminess recorded. At 90 days, sig- storage, the highest texture parameter values for all
nificant differences (p 6 0:05) were only seen in springi- three lots of bacon were seen at 30 days with few ex-
ness and gumminess. ceptions. In BF1, the highest values for fracturability
Texture parameter values all increased over time for were seen at 90 days and the highest for springiness
the control, LF1 and LF2 products, with few exception. at 15 days. BF2 only showed greater springiness at 15
The controls showed the lowest cohesiveness and the days.
Table 2
TPA parameters of the salted pork loins treated with commercial liquid smoke flavourings (F1 and F2)
TPA parameter Storage time (days) Batch
2 ac ac
Hardness (N/cm ) 15 78.5 75.2 66.2bc
30 111.6ab 108.3ab 105.5ab
90 130.4aa 135.5aa 137.9aa
Fracturability (N/cm2 ) 15 39.2ac 37.6ac 36.6bb
30 55.8ab 54.1ab 56.9aa
90 62.9aa 67.7aa 62.1aa
Cohesiveness (ratio) 15 0.4bb 0.4bb 0.5aa
30 0.4bb 0.5ba 0.5aa
90 0.6aa 0.5ba 0.6aa
Springiness (cm) 15 1.0ab 1.0ab 1.0ab
30 1.1aa 1.1aa 1.0bb
90 1.0ba 0.9ca 1.0aa
Table 3
TPA parameters of the salted bacon treated with commercial liquid smoke flavourings (F1 and F2)
TPA parameter Storage time (days) Batch
Hardness (N/cm2 ) 15 14.9ab 17.0ab 14.8ab
30 34.2ba 29.2ba 44.8aa
90 33.7ba 28.8ca 39.8aa
Fracturability (N/cm2 ) 15 7.4ab 8.6ab 7.4ab
30 18.1ba 14.6ba 22.4aa
90 16.8ba 14.8ca 19.9aa
Cohesiveness (ratio) 15 0.4bb 0.5ab 0.5ab
30 0.6ba 0.6ba 0.6aa
90 0.6ba 0.6ba 0.6aa
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