Forest Succession 1

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Forest Succession

Forest succession is the change over time of the plants and animals in a forest as it matures. It is a cyclic process because a disturbance, like a forest fire,
can start the forest back at the beginning. Forests are changing all the time. Plants grow and die and are broken down by decomposers, like insects,
fungi and microorganisms, returning their nutrients to the soil. Plants also feed animals that will eventually die and return their nutrients to the soil.
So the process goes round and round, renewing the forest
generation after generation. Below you can see the
progression of a forest from grassy meadow
to climax forest.

Plants Stage Shrub Stage Young Forest Mature Forest Climax Forest
First 5 years 6-25 years 6 - 50 years 51 - 150 years 150 - 300 years
Pioneer plantsTree seedlings and Deciduous trees grow Large evergreens take Fewer, larger evergreens
like grasses and
larger shrubs take into a shading canopy over the forest. The (or forests of oak or maple)
wildflowers, give way
over from plants and dominant the forest. deciduous trees die dominate the forest and
to shrubs and tree
and provide habitat They shade out most and open holes in the grow massive. Dead trees
seedlings. Insects, small
for rodents, small plants in the understory canopy for plants, provide good and nest holes
rodents, amphibians,
mammals, nesting birds except evergreens and shrubs and young for woodpeckers and small
reptiles, songbirds and
and deer. These attract shade tolerant wildflowers. trees to come back. mammals. Large fallen trees
birds of prey make up a
hunting predators like Animals needing larger This provides habitat become nurse logs to seedlings
thriving food web here.
weasels, coyote, bobcats trees, like beaver, take for small birds and and cover to animals.
and bear.
Sheri Amsel advantage of this forest stage.
mammals again.
Forest Succession Activity
Sheri Amsel
Forest succession is the change over time of the plants and animals in a forest as it matures.
Using the Succession information sheet as a guide, draw a forest as it goes from plant stage to climax forest.
Plants Stage Shrub Stage Young Forest Mature Forest Climax Forest
First 5 years 6-25 years 6 - 50 years 51 - 150 years 150 - 300 years

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