Optimising Cost of 24x7 Quality Power - Energy Connect

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Volume 1 Issue 4  15 August 2020 August - September 2020

Optimizing the Cost of

24x7 Quality Power

Table of Contents
About Energy Konnect 3
Editorial 4
Power Quality Regulation –
India takes a turn! 6
Optimizing the cost of 24x7
quality power to consumers 11
Executive Summary - Cost of
Supply of Electricity 16
Copy of the letters written by
President, ABECA 19
Standard of Performance of
Distribution Licensee 25
Retail tariff-Understanding
the determination process &
bringing in competition 28
Power & Energy 38

A step forward in power sector reform



Editorial Board
e have much more than hundreds of magazines, journals and newsletters
Mr R N Sen, Editor-in-Chief related to power sector. Some of them are doing very well and others are
Mr Satyaki Sen in the process of evolving. Instead of adding one more such magazine we
Mr Ujjal Bhattacharya have created Energy Konnect, platform for communicating among all stake holders
including the most important one that is consumers It is not one more magazine in
Dr Mahul Brahma
power sector, it will play vital role by bringing all stake holders for addressing the
Mr Arindam Bandyopadhyay issues together and finding way out at this critical juncture of COVIT 19 onslaught.

Advisory Board If we look very closely it can be seen that presently Indian power sector treat
consumer as a faceless entity, not as partner in progress. This has resulted in to
Mr A S Bakshi, Retd. Chairman
repeated failure of distribution sector despite numbers of supports given both by GOI
CEA & Member Technical
& State governments in the form of SAUBHAGYA, RGGVY, UDAY, DDGVY, IPDS,
CERC NEF, Additional Rs 90,000 Crs on 13th May etc thus injecting substantial funds for
Mr B P Singh, Retd. Member providing power to all and reviving the ailing distribution licensee. With the present
DERC onslaught of COVID 19 things have worsened further and may find it difficult to come

Mr Regi Pillai, President ISGF out from the crisis. The performance of the state-owned distribution licensees needs
substantial improvement through out of box thinking which can be achieved through
Ms Mohua Mukherjee, Energy
inclusive growth by making the consumers as partner in progress.
& Climate Finance Expert;
Now, every industry and service sectors are converting those nameless, faceless
former World Bank career
people as partners. It becomes the first step towards inclusive growth of all stake
holders in the sector where everybody will be maximizing his gain through consumers
Design satisfaction. It is no more a concept or an esoteric idea but an achievable target which
can be broken down into a set of actions.
Mr Debal Ray
There is also need for structured dialogue with them so that their need and concerns
Mr Sobhan Jas
are properly addressed and get their support, for this we have created this platform
Energy Konnect, where all the stake holders can communicate with each other for
achieving the common goal i.e. 24X7 quality power to consumers, at a reasonable
All the members of Editorial board and
Advisory Board are providing Honorary
and comfortable price, not necessarily cheap, so that everybody gets the amount of
service. power that he or she needs for taking our country in the express growth trajectory.
We will be creating required platforms for all types of industrial and commercial
customers in addition to domestic and agriculture consumers.
Now MOP has invited comments on THE ELECTRICITY (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2020
where they have brought the concept of sub licensee and franchisee in addition to
number of new concepts.
Franchisee/sub licensee may bring new technology and operate the portion of network
assigned to him, including all its trouble spots and overloaded areas. He must reduce
losses, and handle trouble spots by engagement of his customers. OPTIMIZING
THE AVAILABLE NETWORK, reduce losses and improve service through giving
incentives to customers for peak shifting, storing cheap power for use in expensive
times by renting customer funded storage assets, etc.
The Consumer Desk has been created for informing the consumer and enable them for
expressing their difficulties and view/suggestions as stake holders in developing the
sector in right direction and getting their issues highlighted/addressed. The Tutorial
Section will bring relevant documents for information and parting knowledge to the
A joint initiative by consumers. In addition, it has been launched in digital form so that every consumer
Energy Konnect and can get the best of it free of cost.
India Coal Market Watch, Together we will excel and will bring out the distribution sector from present crisis.
a publication of mjunction
services limited. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and Energy Konnect does not necessarily
subscribe to it. Energy Konnect shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation
directly or indirectly.


he cost of power and the limited availability of 24X7 quality power COVID-19 healing theme – whether its business, governance, or personal
continue to remain an issue in the economic growth of the country. relationships. ‘Power Quality’(PQ) becomes critical to the sustenance of
To make Indian products competitive in the international market and growth in the connected and digital nervous system of the country. High
to avail the opportunity of shifting the manufacturing base from China to concentration and dependency on power electronics in the modern electrical
India there is a need for ensuring quality power and reduction of Industrial networks create challenges in Energy and PQ management. PQ events such
tariff in line with the other industrial countries. Similarly, both agriculture as low voltage profile, current or voltage dips and unbalances, harmonics
and domestic consumers also need reasonable tariff for keeping agriculture etc. adversely affect the energy efficiency in the short and long run. Distorted
cost at a reasonable level and supporting the common man for improving currents also affect the voltage quality, which in turn reduce the energy
in the standard of living and participating in the growth of the country. The efficiency. Energy savings should be looked at from the scope of saving
present system of cross subsidizing the agriculture and domestic consumers energy that is being wasted. To be truly energy efficient therefore requires
by charging higher tariff both to Industrial and commercial consumers reliable and safe electrical power, and this, cannot be achieved without good
has become counter productive for the industrial sector. The Distribution PQ.
Utility Forum has deliberated on Cost of Supply of Electricity, where they As domestic consumers come under subsidized category further increase in
have deliberated on different process of determining the cost of supply. The their consumption and this penal provision proposed by government may
executive summary of the report has been made available in this issue. increase the tariff of the I&C consumers and loss of the Distribution licensee.
There is an urgent need for reworking on the cost of supply of electricity So, there is an urgent need for 24X7 quality power and efficient management
by optimizing cost of all the components which add up in making cost of of power procurement with the support of AI to ensure optimized cost of
supply of electricity. It has become more demanding with the integration of power.
substantial renewable energy (RE) generation. In this issue and subsequent issues of the magazine deliberation will be
The regulated tariff of thermal generation comes in two part i.e. fixed cost and made on quality of power and generation cost of supply. Similarly, after
energy cost. It has been observed that for the similar size & type of units the deliberation on generation, in subsequent issues we will be deliberating
energy cost varies substantially, so there is a need for optimizing such cost on the other items i.e. Distribution cost, Transmission cost, AT&C loss,
through efficient operation and management. In forthcoming issues, we will Regulatory assets, one by one to arrive at the optimum number.
bring detail analysis of fixed cost and energy cost components of generating
plants/organizations for understanding the scope for improvement in arriving
at the optimum cost.
The distribution licensee sources its power from Thermal (Coal), Thermal
(Gas), Diesel, Hydro, Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Municipality waste, Agriculture
waste, etc. Some of them are based on government policy implemented
through regulation and majority are need based conventional like Thermal &
Hydro. The licensee also sources its power from Energy Exchange at market
driven rate. All these add up in determining the average cost of purchase.
Despite cross subsidizing of both Agriculture and domestic consumers by
the Regulator, losses of the state-owned distribution licensees have been ever

Editorial increasing, even after complete bail out by UDAY. The present loss numbers
have crossed Rs 1.0 lakh crore and are increasing at a rapid pace. The recent
injection of Rs 90,000 crores for payment to generators also has become
inadequate and there is a demand for increasing it to Rs 1.20 lakh crores.
To implement 24X7 quality power with consumer focus of the Distribution
licensees, the Government has proposed to bring in Tariff policy/Regulations
that will give rights to the consumer to seek 24X7 quality power supply in
their home. For every load shedding that is unscheduled or stretches beyond
a cut off time, consumers would have to be compensated by the distribution
licensee under the new proposal. The compensation would be in the form
of a credit that will be made into the consumers’ account with distribution
licensee so that this credit is used when paying the next electricity bill.
COVID-19 crisis has made a hard push for digital India through Contactless,
Mr R N Sen, Editor-in-Chief remote, intelligent, automatic, data driven and yet connected is the post-

4 5

ike a true living organism, life in India is evolving, learning, adopting The 2019 report by Non-Linear Loads…Why We Should Be Worried?
to cope with the crisis forced by COVID-19. Some of the responses World Bank on the Non-linear loads (LED lights, VFDs, Renewable Energy etc.), and voltage
are planned, some unplanned and most of others can be attributed
global competitiveness disturbances in the Power Distribution network distort the waveform. The
to the virtue of a natural, ‘survival’ instinct. The full impact and extent of
ranks India’s reliability poor PQ resulting from these distortions in the waveform is a cause of huge
the responses to COVID-19 will be understood only in the distant future.
of electricity on 108 losses to assets, productivity and efficient energy utilisation. The multi-
For now, and even if it may feel like a trap, survival is more important than
anything else.
among 141 countries. faceted nature of disturbances that lead to poor PQ creates its own challenges
Notably, the rank has in measuring and improvement.
One of the inadvertent outcomes of the unfortunate COVID-19 crisis is an
declined significantly The not so linear growth of non-linear loads in India
additional rapid and rather a hard push for digital. Contactless, remote,
intelligent, automatic, data driven and yet connected is the post-COVID-19
as compared to the  Metro-rails/Railway electrification
healing theme – whether its business, governance or personal relationships.
previous year (2018),  Automation (VFDs, Robots)
from 80th among 137  Power Electronic Equipment
The dream of ‘Digital’ India as a definitive milestone in shaping the experience
of citizens now seems more obvious than before. Starting from ‘one country
 Renewable Energy – Rooftop Solar/Wind etc
one tax (GST)’, to the recently announced ‘one market for the country’s agro-  Electric Vehicles and charging stations
economy’ - the role of ‘digital’ technologies as the nerve center of underlying  LED Lights on streets, households, industries
governance structures is unprecedented everywhere. In spite of the many
hurdles on its way, India is forging ahead to improving the ‘quality of life’ Power Quality – an economic phenomenon
for its citizens. But like all living organisms – India’s appetite for growth and With the concept of ‘digital’ economy setting in, various industrial and
evolution needs an equally nurturing environment. That’s where electricity commercial facilities are getting centralized control with full automation,
plays an important role. And ‘quality of power’ becomes critical to the which calls for a high degree of reliable and safe power distribution. The
sustenance of growth in the connected and digital nervous system of the digital economy demands quality power, and while being sensitive to power
country. quality, such equipment itself is also a cause for polluting the power system
The ‘quality of power’ is therefore critical to defining the ‘quality of life’ environment.
in India. But when it comes to ensuring ‘Power Quality, unfortunately, for Power Quality and Reliability is the key to successful delivery of quality
every two steps forward, India has been taking one steps backward. Will products and uninterrupted operation of an industry, be it industry,
we be able to break the pattern? Can India collectively drive and take the government or personal experience. While it may seem the growth of non-
turn to ensure good ‘Power Quality’? The model PQ regulations by Forum of Non-linear loads linear loads mentioned above may be the driving force of the economy,
they are also the root cause of poor PQ. Often, this manifests into serious
Regulators hold the promise. In this article, we try and assess the possibility (LED lights, VFDs,
of its fulfillment. economic consequences and costing business millions of rupees each year
Renewable Energy
in revenue loss, process improvements, opportunity loss, equipment failure,
Quality Power For All – An Unfulfilled Promise!
etc.), and voltage
electrical hazards like fire and scrapped product.
disturbances in the
Adding 26.6 million electricity connections for consumers in a record time There is a dire need for all concerned stakeholders to deliberate and act on
Power Distribution
of 16 months is an unprecedented achievement for India’s power sector. The the vital issue of power quality and the latest technologies for mitigation and
network distort the
reach and availability of electricity don’t seem to be a problem. The next improvement of energy utilisation efficiency and reliability.
waveform. The poor
target of 24 X 7 electricity seems to be achievable in many ways. In fact, as
PQ resulting from India’s PQ Regulations - the ‘cost’ of keeping power ‘clean’!
Power the indices show the availability of power has improved significantly over
the last few years. Survival doesn’t seem to be an issue anymore. In a way,
these distortions in The electrical power landscape for India is changing rapidly. We are no more
the waveform is a in a pure sine wave era controlled by linear loads; rather we are almost fully
power in modern life is akin to water or air – the essential for life. But it takes
a lot more than the guarantee of a breathable air or any quality of water for cause of huge losses controlled by non-linear loads.
to assets, productivity, Poor PQ phenomena translates to malfunctioning of sophisticated equipment.
Regulation –
life to grow and flourish. India’s electrical power has the same and exact
challenge. India’s power is polluted. There is no alternative but to improve and efficient energy Harmonics, voltage unbalance, voltage sag and flicker problems, standing
utilization. The multi- waves and resonance – are some of the issues that adversely affect energy
India takes a
Power Quality.
Clearly, the one area where India lags behind as compared to other developed faceted nature of consumption, production and its quality, leading to huge losses in terms
disturbances that lead of energy, product, service, and damage to equipment. Thus, it becomes
economies of the world is its Power Quality. As India advances on every
to poor PQ creates imperative to be aware of quality of power and the deviation of the quality
regulatory framework to modernize, and improve the experience of citizens,
parameters from the norms or standard to avoid breakdown, service failure
the regulations on Power Quality must be assimilated with focus. Even more its own challenges
Arvinder Singh Bakshi or equipment damage.
important is the fact that this needs to be done before we as a country are in measuring and
& Manas Kundu exposed to the shocks from poor Power Quality. improvement. At the same time, maintaining good Power Quality is a growing concern and

6 7

The digital economy a compulsion for reliable and safe operations in every modern facility. The In the next few years, we can expect an expanded
demands quality wide-ranging PQ concerns begin with what’s the definition of good PQ and definition of PQ indices, clarity on roles and
extends to methods of improving PQ in view of specific nature of the facility. responsibilities of various entities, update of standards/
power, and while being
The multi-faceted nature of PQ parameters often means its is highly complex limits to follow, and a new incentive/disincentive
sensitive to power
to measure and improve PQ. The model PQ regulations provide a clear view framework along with detail procedure to monitor/
quality, such equipment
to the stakeholders in guiding them to align their PQ improvement strategy assess PQ.
itself is also a cause and efforts. The delay in enforcement of PQ regulations at State levels is
for polluting the power going to be detrimental for our national preparedness in serving quality
Model PQ Regulations – a guide for Utilities and
system environment. supply to improve our citizen’s quality of life.
Solution providers
 Frequency Deviations (tightened band from 0.5 Hz
Poor Power Quality often manifests as a network wide challenge. Improving
to 0.15 Hz)
PQ, therefore, almost always requires a unified effort at every level in shaping
 Harmonics (to follow IEEE 519-2014 and IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A for PQ
the electrical network – starting from standards to design, procurement,
workmanship, maintenance and monitoring.
 Voltage Variations & Flicker (Short/Long Term Sensitivity as per IEC
Power Quality Regulations – Safety And Efficiency Perspectives 61000)
PQ events such as low
 Voltage Unbalance
Power Quality – the threat in the dark! voltage profile, current
 Voltage Dips and Swells (Duration from 10 ms up to and including 1 min)
Lack of adherence to standards in design and the tendency to
or voltage dips and
 Voltage Transients (User to apply Surge Suppression Devices)
procure the low-cost devices for power distribution, without unbalances, harmonics
 Supply Voltage Interruption (Voltage drop of 10% - short (20 ms to 1 min)
the assessment of risks to safety, remains the untold cause etc. adversely affect
and long (3 mins+)
behind most electrical safety issues including fires. This also the energy efficiency
 Power Factors (compensation for injecting Current Harmonics)
includes Power Quality. For instance, it is certain that the in the short and long
factors which can cause electrical fire to go well beyond the run. Distorted currents
The model PQ regulations lays an emphasis on development and enforcing
simple explanation of short circuit with many of them closely also affect the voltage
of standards to drive PQ improvement. As of now, the solutions claiming
linked to poor power quality in the electrical network. quality, which in turn
PQ improvement come with real and pseudo claims. To bring about ‘true’
The need for enforcing standards, across industries, systems reduce the energy PQ improvement therefore requires investments in PQ monitoring and
and devices is critical to nullify the risks posed to safety. The efficiency in several assessment technologies as the first step.
PQ regulations could emerge as the unifying axis around indirectly. Adapting technologies that adhere to prescribed standards is the next big
which higher safety and reliability can be planned and built.
step, followed by solutions to ensure regulatory compliance. This, along
Poor PQ phenomena Power Quality and Energy Efficiency – the two sides of the same coin! with the solutions to address specific issues pertaining to the poor PQ in the
translates to High concentration and dependency on power electronics in the modern electrical network will help to significantly improve the PQ.

malfunctioning electrical networks create challenges in Energy and PQ management. PQ

PQ Regulation Benefits for Utilities
of sophisticated events such as low voltage profile, current or voltage dips and unbalances,
 Improving customer satisfaction
equipment. Harmonics, harmonics etc. adversely affect the energy efficiency in the short and long
run. Distorted currents also affect the voltage quality, which in turn reduce  Ensuring compliance
voltage unbalance,  Proactive management of risks to reliability and safety
the energy efficiency in several indirectly. Energy savings should be looked
voltage sag and flicker  Aids preventative and predictive maintenance
at from the scope of saving energy that is being wasted. To be truly energy
problems, standing  Early detection of problems
efficient therefore requires reliable and safe electrical power, and this, cannot
waves and resonance – be achieved without good PQ.  Accurate Fault analysis with clear root causes
are some of the issues
 Accurate planning for capital investment to improve
that adversely affect Improving PQ - Model Regulations Show The Way..
energy consumption, The model regulations in Power Quality recommended by the Forum of  Benchmarking of PQ in various contexts
production and its Regulators, Chaired by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, along
quality, leading to with the regulations on PQ issued by Central Electricity Authority, and
Enforcing PQ regulations – the approach for Utilities
huge losses in terms standard issued by Bureau of Indian Standards are poised to serve as the 1. Map PQ Issues in specific context – Users,
of energy, product, unifying force to significantly improve the Power Quality in India. As the Infrastructure etc.
service, and damage to State Regulatory Commissions adapt the guidelines, several states in India 2. Identify Testing Clusters for monitoring and analyzing
equipment are assessing the status of PQ, for the first time. PQ

8 9

The model PQ 3. Set-up PQ Monitoring to capture comprehensive scenarios

regulations lays 4. PQ Analysis in line with national and state specific standards and
an emphasis on regulations
development 5. Define State-specific Policies to improve PQ through regulations
and enforcing of
PQ Regulations – Can it turn around the inverted?
standards to drive
The biggest step in ensuring long-term focus is to go beyond the monitoring
PQ improvement.
and measurement of PQ parameters that matter in the short run that is to save
As of now, the penalties. The approach to PQ in India is an inverted one. Take for instance,
solutions claiming the investments in harmonics filters and capacitor banks. But harmonics are
PQ improvement only a symptom. Until the intensity of harmonics is reduced, filters are just
come with real and doing a damage control. With presence of high harmonics the damage to the
pseudo claims. To larger power systems and connected equipment is almost inevitable in the
bring about ‘true’ PQ long run.
improvement therefore
requires investments Conclusion
in PQ monitoring
For all the damage done by COVID-19, it could also be an opportunity. But
and assessment only if India raises itself up to the opportunity with focus, determination and
technologies as the conviction to work in a unified manner. The collective power will count more
first step than individual capabilities with alignment deciding the magnitude of our
force. From a PQ perspective, it’s a defining moment where the regulations
provide an opportunity to go beyond individual agendas, come together and
rally behind to deliver on a safe and reliable ‘power’ to all. This collective spirit
is the biggest concern for India’s economic and social wellbeing aspirations,
not COVID-19.


ndia is committed for 24X7 quality power supply at affordable cost to
1. Quality Check – Powerline https://powerline.net.in/2018/03/10/quality-
all category of consumers. Both State and Central governments are
putting their best effort in making this happening through numerous
2. Power Quality Standards in India - http://www.apqi.org/download/
grants, subsidies, concessional loans & discounting the charges of central
generating and transmission companies. Both quality and cost have
3. Power Quality and Safety - https://apqi.org/how-poor-power-quality-can- become more relevant with the post COVID 19 opportunity in making India
lead-to-electrical-fires/ as preferred destination for shifting manufacturing & service sectors from
China including Defence production and addressing the challenges for
creating gainful employment/entrepreneurship opportunity at rural & semi
Optimizing urban areas for the migrant labours who have shifted to their home due to the
disruption created by COVID 19.

the cost of Let us deliberate on reducing the cost of 24X7 quality power to make it
affordable to the end consumers. It important to understand the different

24x7 quality components added in arriving the cost of power to the end consumers. The
earlier concept of sourcing power from central/large generating stations and

power to subsequently transmitting them in the distribution network through high

voltage transmission network of CTU/STU may be quite cost effective in

case of load centres but for remote villages with low load the cost of such
transmission and distribution comes out quite costly. Presently it gets
Mr Arvinder Singh Bakshi is the former Member CERC & former Chairman CEA neutralized by calculating the average cost of transmission and distribution
and Mr Manas Kundu is APQI-India Coordinator R N Sen for the complete network which includes load centres also. However, the

10 11

There is a need for incremental cost always attracts government support in the form of subsidy. The average cost of The average cost of power at the exchange during the month of July 2020
analysing every Now with the disruption created by the Renewable Energy (RE) there is a power at the exchange was Rs 2.47 (Rs 1.98 - Rs 2.90) against which in the above table cost of
need for revisiting the need for further capital investment for making actual Power varying from Rs 3.61 - Rs 4.80, so we need to have a close look for
component which adds during the month of
cost of power cheaper to the end consume by cutting down the Transmission arriving at the right number after considering the committed fixed cost of
up in obtaining the July 2020 was Rs 2.47,
& Distribution cost due to proximity of the consumers with the RE generators PPA already signed .
average cost of supply (Rs 1.98 - Rs 2.90/)
Now let us analyse some of the Distribution Licensee’ (DL) average cost of Let us start analysing the various components of Thermal generation cost.
to the end consumers against which in the
supply. The name of DL has been indicated as A, B, C, D&E by hiding the About 60%-70% of the power purchase cost consists of is energy cost i.e.
and specially to C&I above table cost of
actual names to avoid any disclosure at this stage. Already series of articles cost of fuel which varies from unit to unit based on their normative heat rate
consumers to make Power varying from
written by Mr B P Singh on Tariff setting started appearing from July-August & specific oil consumption. The cost of coal depends on its source of supply
India competitive in the issue will help us to understand the process of Tariff determination.
Rs 3.61 - Rs 4.80, so (Captive mine, Indigenous/imported), grade/ quality of coal, transportation
international market. we need to have a cost, Government taxes and duties, Transit loss and Grade slippage due
There is a need for analysing every component which adds up in obtaining the
Let us keep a tentative close look for arriving to supply of inferior quality by the supplier. If meticulously planned after
average cost of supply to the end consumers and specially to C&I consumers
target for reducing the to make India competitive in the international market. Let us keep a tentative
at the right number thorough analysis of all the cost components there is fair possibility in
average cost of supply target for reducing the average cost of supply to Rs 5/Kwh from present Rs
after considering the substantial reduction of energy cost.
to Rs 5/Kwh from 6.36 - Rs 7.34/Kwh. We will start analysing every items of the above table. committed fixed cost of Similarly, the fixed cost also can be reduced by meticulously planning and
present Rs 6.36 - Now let us start with the first item i.e. Cost of power. Subsequently we will PPA already signed improving the norms. With the support of ERP, the real time granular data
Rs 7.34/Kwh analyse the other components i.e. Transmission cost, T&D Loss, O&M, ROE, can be collected from the source by the generating company and the same
Interest on capital debt, Depreciation, Interest on Working Capital (IWC) and can be used for online filing of tariff petition, based on those granular data
Interest on Security Deposit (ISD) & Other components one by one. We may the Regulatory Commission can carry out through analysis for further
also consider for switching over to prepaid mechanism and rework on the improvement and determining the tariff through prudence check without any
working capital requirement thus ensuring 2%-5% reduction of tariff and ambiguity. Already WBERC has initiated development of ERP in the similar
abolishment of LPSC and efficient implementation of DBT. line.
According to global consultant Wood Mackenzie, the levelized cost of It can be seen from the Table of all India power mix as on 30th June 2020
electricity generation from fossil fuel at around $44.5 per MWh (Rs 3.05 per (CEA report) the installed capacity of RE has increase to 87,669.19 MW out of
unit) in India is the cheapest in the region. In China, it is $48.5 per MWh (Rs total installed capacity of 371,054.12 MW i.e. more than 23.6% .Due to falling
3.33 per unit) and Australia $50.9 per MWh (Rs 3.49 per unit) among other price of solar and wind power and the commitment at Paris agreement India
12 countries in the region. has embarked on an ambitious target of having 450 GW of renewable energy
The same is for solar power. In India, the cost is estimated at around $38.2 by 2030 and also provide 17 lakh solar pumps to farmers under Pradhan
MWh (Rs 2.62 per unit), the lowest. In Australia, it is $52.7 per MWh (Rs 3.62 Mantri-Kusum Yojana in coming days to capitalise on this clean resource.
per unit) and China $61.2 per MWh (Rs 4.2 per unit). India’s levelized cost With the support of With the continuous falling of Solar and Wind power cost there will be steady
of onshore wind power generation, estimated at $48.9 per MWh (Rs 3.36 per ERP, the real time increase of Solar and Wind power percentage in the total mix not only for
unit), is also the cheapest in the region. granular data can improving the environment but also for optimizing the cost of supply. However
intermittent and unpredictable nature of renewable energy and low capacity
be collected from
utilisation of the transmission system needs to be addressed. The problem
the source by the
will get pronounced with the addition of large-scale renewable capacity. In
Average Cost of Supply based on latest Tariff Orders generating company
order to manage the infirm nature of power, electricity distribution companies
Per unit rate and the same can be (Discoms) are procuring balancing power (thermal) to provide grid stability
Distribution cost used for online filing and to meet its requirements during hours /periods of non-availability of
DL Cost of Trans. on T&D O&M Interest
cost of
of tariff petition, based renewable energy (RE).
Power Cost
Loss (incl ROE on capital Depreciation
Others Total allowed supply on those granular In a recent report it has been indicated that by shutting down inefficient
emp) debt
data the Regulatory more than twenty years old coal base plants at Koradi, Maharashtra the
a b c d e f g h i j k
c+j+k Commission can carry distribution licensee will be saving substantial amount against energy bill
1 A 390 75 102 94 15 17 21 5 -7 145 0 712
out through analysis every year. The report also proposes for shifting to solar power in place of the
2 B 404 45 83 71 20 14 22 9 -6 129 79 740
for further improvement inefficient old thermal units.

3 C 361 79 42 94 60 26 0 -11 169 34 686

and determining the In a study conducted for West Bengal it was observed that from the year 2022
tariff through prudence onward as per MOP notification the installed capacity of solar power will be
4 D 480 37 40 32 15 23 6 4 119 0 636
check without any more than 4,000MW against the evening peak of about 12,000 MW and day
5 E 442 3 71 105 44 26 41 12 -10 218 0 734
12 13

In one side RE power peak of about 8,000 MW. Which means to accommodate 4,000 MW of Solar All India installed capacity (in MW) of power stations (As on 30.06.2020) (UTILITIES)
is reducing the cost generation at its peak generation time the conventional generators will have Mode wise breakup
to reduce their generation to 4,000 MW and again ramp them up to 12,000 Ownership Grand
of generation but in Region
/ Sector
Nuclear Hydro
RES * Total
MW for meeting the evening peak when there will no solar generation. In (MNRE)
other side balancing Coal Lignite Gas Diesel Total
the absence of cost effective storage system( battery/pump storage unit) of State 16659.00 250.00 2879.20 0.00 19788.20 0.00 5777.25 701.01 26266.46
of generation through
power, for balancing the intermittent nature of RE power we will be requiring Northern Private 22425.83 1080.00 558.00 0.00 24063.83 0.00 2817.00 15969.04 42849.87
various measures will to operate some of our old thermal units (Koradi) in two shifts those who Region Central 14354.96 250.00 2344.06 0.00 16949.02 1620.00 11491.52 379.00 30439.54
add substantial cost on are more than twenty years of age and modulate the load of the modern Sub Total 53439.79 1580.00 5781.26 0.00 60801.05 1620.00 20085.77 17049.05 99555.87
supply. The situation efficient units from 105% to 30% both for ramping up during evening load State 21740.00 1040.00 2849.82 0.00 25629.82 0.00 5446.50 555.54 31631.86
will continue to be and ramping down during high RE generation in the day time. Western Private 32847.17 500.00 4676.00 0.00 38023.17 0.00 481.00 25010.48 63514.65

dynamic and will need Recently POSOCO has conducted one study in the above line by modulating
Region Central 18347.95 0.00 3280.67 0.00 21628.62 1840.00 1695.00 666.30 25829.92

high skill for availing the load of different size, age, and technology units for finding out the ways
Sub Total 72935.12 1540.00 10806.49 0.00 85281.61 1840.00 7622.50 26232.32 120976.43
State 19782.50 0.00 791.98 159.96 20734.44 0.00 11774.83 586.88 33096.15
the optimum cost of of meeting these challenges. Private 12747.00 250.00 5340.24 273.70 18610.95 0.00 0.00 41372.38 59983.33
generation by the use of In one side RE power is reducing the cost of generation but in other side Region Central 11835.02 3240.00 359.58 0.00 15434.60 3320.00 0.00 541.90 19296.50
AI on real time basis balancing of generation through various measures will add substantial cost Sub Total 44364.52 3490.00 6491.80 433.66 54779.99 3320.00 11774.83 42501.16 112375.98

on supply. The situation will continue to be dynamic and will need high skill State 7450.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 7550.00 0.00 3537.92 275.11 11363.03

for availing the optimum cost of generation by the use of AI on real time Eastern Private 6153.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6153.00 0.00 96.00 1217.98 7466.98
Region Central 13682.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 13682.05 0.00 1005.20 10.00 14697.25
Sub Total 27285.05 0.00 100.00 0.00 27385.05 0.00 4639.12 1503.09 33527.25
State 0.00 0.00 533.86 36.00 569.86 0.00 422.00 233.25 1225.10
North Private 0.00 0.00 24.50 0.00 24.50 0.00 0.00 102.14 126.64
Region Central 770.02 0.00 1253.60 0.00 2023.62 0.00 1155.00 30.00 3208.62
Sub Total 770.02 0.00 1811.96 36.00 2617.98 0.00 1577.00 365.39 4560.36
State 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.05 40.05 0.00 0.00 5.25 45.30
Private 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.84 7.84
Central 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.10 5.10
Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.05 40.05 0.00 0.00 18.19 58.24
State 65631.50 1290.00 7154.86 236.01 74312.36 0.00 26958.50 2357.03 103627.89

ALL Private 74173.00 1830.00 10598.74 273.70 86875.45 0.00 3394.00 83679.86 173949.30
INDIA Central 58990.00 3490.00 7237.91 0.00 69717.91 6780.00 15346.72 1632.30 93476.93
Total 198794.50 6610.00 24991.51 509.71 230905.72 6780.00 45699.22 87669.19 371054.12

Abbreviation: SHP=Small Hydro Project (s 25 MW), BP=Biomass Power, U&l=Urban & Industrial Waste Power, RES=Renewable Energy Sources
Note: RES include SHP, BP, U&I, Solar and Wind Energy. Installed capacity in respect of RES (MNRE) as on 30.06.2020 (as per latest information available with MNRE)

* Break up of RES all India as on 30.06.2020 is given below (in MW)

Small Hydro Bio-Power Solar Total
Wind Power
Power BM Power/Cogen. Waste to Energy Power Capacity

4688.16 37829.55 9880.31 148.84 35122.33 87669.19

A. Capacity Added during June, 2020 270 MW

Unit-1 (270 MW) of BHADRADRI TPP has been commissioned and added to state sector of Telangana.
B. Capacity Retired during June, 2020 0 MW
C. Capacity removed due to change from Conventional to RES during June, 2020 0 MW
D. Net Conv. Capacity Added during June, 2020 (A-B+C) 270 MW

* Sector wise breakup of RES capacity as shown is provisional.

Allocation from central sector stations has been updated till 31.05.2020.
Share of Railway (675 MW) from NABI NAGAR TPP (750 MW) is included in central sector of Bihar.
Share from private sector generating stations has been updated as per latest information available.

14 15

judiciously among different consumer categories, based on different factors

such as supply voltage level, load factor, time of usage, distribution losses,
etc., for true and prudent cost reflection among various consumer categories.
The major disadvantage associated with the simplified approach is that the
Cos value computed is common for all voltage levels and consumer categories.
The tariff specified for different consumer categories with the common CoS
computed based on the simplified approach, doesn’t provide prudent cost
comparisons. The Embedded Cost approach is, therefore, recommended for
DISCOMs in India to estimate voltagewise / category-wise cost of supply in
order to bring tariff rationalization.
The primary advantage of ECoS is that costs embedded among different
consumer categories across various voltage levels and their corresponding
allocation factors can be worked out based on granular data that is available

ost of Supply is the cost incurred by the utility to supply one unit of with the utility.The ECoSapproach requires data pertaining to power purchase
electricity at its consumer’s metering point and is a crucial part of the cost, voltage-wise/category-wise transmission and distribution assets cost,
tariff setting process. The purpose of computation of Cost of Supply assets (including line lengths, voltage-wise transformer cost, voltage-wise
(CoS) is to apportion all costs required to serve consumers of different substation cost, etc.), number of consumers, energy sales, connected load,
categories in a fair and an equitable manner giving proper price signals and load research data (system level and feeder level load data) and technical and
identifying subsidy/cross-subsidy among consumer categories for developing commercial loss data, etc. The availability of the aforementioned data on a
an appropriate policy and a regulatory way forward. In India, industrial and year-to-year basis would help in building a credible data base for computation
commercial consumers are generally charged a higher electricity tariff in using the Embedded Cost of Supply approach.
order to subsidize agricultural and domestic consumers, who are charged a During the discussions with DISCOMs in the country, we found that non-
tariff which is lower than the actual CoS. availability of granular data is a major challenge due to non-availability of
Worldwide, most common approaches to calculate CoS are Embedded Cost feeder/OT meters, absence of load research data, limited implementation of
of Supply (ECoS) approach and Incremental/Marginal Cost of Supply (MCoS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), in moving from simplified to Embedded
approach. The difference between the two approaches lies in the treatment Cost approach. The feeder level load research becomes essential to gather
of the costs. The Embedded Cost approach uses the accounting costs on voltage-wise / consumer-wise data, essentially required for the proper
the books of accounts of the utility, whereas the Marginal Cost approach estimation of ECoS.
estimates the resource costs of the utility in providing each additional unit In order to address the issues and challenges, suggestions from the utilities
of power to its consumer base. As of now, in India, no specific mandates are were discussed during the 4th Distribution Utilities Forum (DUF) meeting
there in any act or policy - Electricity Act, 2003, National Electricity Policy on 10 June 2019. Some important propositions that emerged include the
and Tariff Policy - to follow a particular methodology to calculate cCoS of need for immediate attention of state governments and SERCs for achieving
electricity. Furthermore, both Embedded andcMarginal Cost approaches 100% feeder, OT and consumer metering in a time-bound manner, proper

demand a large quantum of reliable data, which is so far not available with implementation of ERP system and periodic load research studies. Along
almost all the Indian DISCOMs. Majority of DISCOMs, therefore, opt for with the aforementioned propositions, an alternative for computing ECoS
Simplified/Average Cost of Supply (ACoS) approach to estimate voltage- in the absence of granular data during the transition from the simplified

Summary wise Cos. APTEL in their Appeal No. 102 of 201 O advised initiating a
simple formulation for computation of voltage-wise CoS. In this approach,
approach to a fullfledged ECoS approach has also been recommended in
this report. Additionally, consumer awareness with regard to the quantum

- Cost of it is adequate to determine the voltage-wise Cos taking into account the
major cost elements which would be applicable to all the categories of
of subsidies received from the government is also considered necessary.
One of the possible ways of doing this is to mention the actual Cos in the

Supply of
consumers connected to the same voltage level. Different SERCs are using consumers’ bills, for all the consumers - subsidizing as well as subsidized
different factors and assumptions in computing the Cos using the simplified consumers, along with subsidies given or received.
approach. Though most of the developed nations are adopting either a
Electricity Marginal Cost approach or an Embedded Cost approach to calculate the
CoS, 90% of DISCOMs in India are still following the simplified approach
The authors acknowledge and thank Mr Gireesh B Pradhan, Honorary Chairman
DUF, Ex-Chairman, CERC

Raghav Pachouri, using average cost at system level or at various voltage levels primarily due
Mr Raghav Pachouri is Associate Fellow, TERI; Mr Balaji Raparthi is Associate
Balaji Raparthi & to lack of reliable and accurate granular data.
Fellow, TERI; Mr Ashish Kumar Sharma is Research Associate, Electricity and
Ashish Kumar Sharma It is essential to allocate various costs - demand, energy, and customers - Fuels Division, TERI.

16 17

You will find articles To

here has been major demonstration by the electricity consumers of on cost of 24X7 quality The Hon’ble Chief Minister

Government of West Bengal
CESC in Kolkata after receipt of June bill as residents and celebrities power in couple of
Nabanna, Howrah
complained of receiving exorbitant electricity bills, some for the month forthcoming issues, you

of May, and others for June. are kindly requested for
Consumers, including celebrities and political activists, however, argued that writing to us with your Sub:- Proposed (Amendment) to The Electricity Act 2003 under heading
Indian power sector is in its most
the company is billing extra by manipulating the slab mechanism. Electricity view on the deliberation “The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020” – A bill further to amend The
charge per unit increases with the increase in the usage of units and when and send us your
critical turning point, if properly Electricity Act 2003.
previous dues are being adjusted with the latest bill, units are being charged
planned and addressed it will ignite article for analysis and Ref:- No 42/6/2011-R&R( Vol-Vlll), Government of India, Ministry of Power,
at the higher slab rate.
all around development and growth further deliberation Sharma Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, Dt. 17th April 2020.
not only in the sector but also for the Due to lockdown CESC could not take meter reading in the month of April on each item. We have
country making India one of the top onwards till June. In the June bill CESC has stated that,
three economy of the world.
published the letters
“In the absence of physical meter reading due to lock down our bill were written by General Madam,
One side we will have to make prepared as per Applicable Regulatory Guidelines.
industrial power cost as cheapest
Secretary, ABECA in We on behalf of All Bengal Electricity Consumers' Association (ABECA)

in the world along with providing

1) Provisional Bill for March ’20 was based on March ’19 Bill this issue, you are would like to draw your kind attention to the above referred subject, and

24X7 affordable quality power to 2) Provisional Bills for April ’20 & May ’20 were prepared on the basis of requested to give your want to congratulate you for your objection submitted Against the anti people
all. Though it seems difficult, but it average consumption of previous 6 months that primarily cover the winter view/observation Bill to the Prime Minister. More over we want to say some points as our
is possible for which we will have season, which typically has lower consumption. for deliberation
to engage the consumers from all 3) We have resumed Meter Reading from 8th June 2020 and the June ’20 Bill and subsequently 1) This notice of proposed amendment to Electricity Act 2003 under the
sections and categories (industrial, heading "The Electricity ( Amendment) Bill, 2020" is issued at a time
is based on physical meter reading with proper rate slab benefits. This June publishing in
agriculture, domestic & commercial.) when the entire nation is under Lock Down at the direction of the Central
’20 bill includes the actual consumption of previous months excluding the forthcoming issues.
We will be bringing tariff already billed units”. Government due to COVID-19 and all the State Governments are very
notifications, discussion papers and much busy to fight the Corona Virus spread and Death of people due
all relevant regulations in simplified to the disease and people of India are very much worried and anxious
Many consumers expressed their displeasure at this move and demanded
form for ease of understanding about the fearful situation. The selection Of time for the exercise will
that the CESC withdraw the bills. Following a meeting with state Power
by the interested consumers so deprive most of the people to submit their objections --which have been
that he/she can contribute in tariff Minister Sovandeb Chattopadhyay, the power utility company said it would
send revised bills for June to consumers. asked for.
finalization grievance redressal and
improvement of the sector including Now let us find out what went wrong which resulted consumers with the 2) A careful study of the proposed Amendments to the Electricity Act 2003
loss reduction. same consumption of power are asked to pay higher amount. In the month of reveals that this Bill is out and out against the interest of the electricity
April’20 & May’20 the bill was raised based on the average consumption of consumers of all the states of India as stated below.
Once our viewership increases
substantially, we will start bringing last six months, as the last six months were winter months, so billed quantity (A) Through the abolition of so called cross subsidy maintained in the
the insight of tariff determination of a hot and humid April & May was less than the actual consumption. The section 61(g) and by ignoring the Section 62(3) of the Electricity Act
under the heading “Do you know it.” difference of actual and billed got added in the June bill thus moving the 2003 where different tariff for The consumers for different purpose
Through your active participation we June bill in the higher slab and also attracted additional government duty in of use of electricity. And a flat rate of tariff for all the category of
will be able to improve upon quality addition to the higher energy charges. consumers is going to be introduced, the result of which will be
and cost of power. that the tariff rate of domestic consumers, commercial consumers,
Now CESC may have to take approval of regulator WBERC for raising revised
For any quarries / suggestion please bill to avoid higher slab and government duty for those consumers who’s small traders, small scale industries, agriculture consumers will
write to us at: infoenergykonnect@ monthly consumption generally remains within 200-300 Kwh. The revised be equal. The result is that at a stroke the tariff Of low and medium
bills are to be prepared by dividing the actual consumption of last four
Copy of the letters voltage consumers and life line consumers will shoot up.
Presently we will guide you but do not months based on pro rata consumption of last year’s same months. This written by General (B) The power of the State Government as was provided in the original
take up your issue with the licensee,
will make the monthly bills of the current year more in line with the last Secretary, ABECA. Electricity Act 2003 on different aspects of Electricity (Concurrent
for this you may take the services of You may give your subject in the constitution) is proposed to be grossly curtailed.
year’s consumption and better spread to avoid moving into higher slab and
professionals/NGO. We request both
payment of government duties for many consumers. view/comments (C) Except in big cities, Distribution of electricity is at present under
professionals and NGO who are
interested in providing such services CESC could have avoided this chaos in the first place by raising provisional on these letters by state government's control through SEDCLs.The Amendment
to consumers for sending their details bills for the unmetered months and raising the monthly bills of last four writing to us at, proposes total privatisation of 'Distribution' buy opening it up
which we will publish at our website months based on pro rata consumption of last year’s same months after infoenergykonnect@ to private 'franchisees' and sub-distribution contractors which is
for ease access of the consumers. getting actual meter reading with the consent of WBERC. gmail.com sure to add to sufferings of public besides cost escalation.

18 19

(D) The existing power of 'State Electricity Regulatory Commission' To

will since be curtailed. Mr. R.K Singh.
(E) the existing power of the state Load Despatch Centre will since be Ministry of powers Government of India.
curtailed by strengthening Center's control. Sharam a Shakti Bhautan,
New Delhi-110001
Dated -07-05-2020
3) We on behalf of All Bengal Electricity Consumers’ Association submitted
our objection to the Central Government in respect of the above issues
on 08/05/2020.
Sub:- Comments on the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020, a Bill further to
4) In this connection the Maharashtra, TamilNadu, Telengana, Kerala,
amend the Electricity Act, 2003.
Bihar State Governments submitted their objections, specially The
Ref:- No 42/6/2011-R & R (vol-viii) Government of India. Ministry of Power.
Telangana Government has designed this Bill as a 'Draconian Bill'.
Dt. New Delhi, 17th April, 2020

In such circumstances, considering your objection, we urge upon you to

ensure that your MPs also oppose the Total Bill in the Parliament. Sir,
I would like to draw your kind attention on the above referred subject on
behalf of All Bengal Electricity consumer's Association (ABECA), West
Sincerely yours, Bengal and say as follows:

Prodyut Chowdhury 1. That the notice of letter of the proposal draft amendment to Electricity
General Secretary, ABECA Act 2003 under the name “The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020” has
been issued on 17-04-2020 at a time when covid-19 has been spread
out throughout India and also throughout the world and many people
were victimized and died of corana virus. People are anxious of the
serious problem and kept in Lock Down following the direction of the
Government of India and the state Governments also. In such a situation
the issuances of draft Electricity amendment Bill 2020 which is such an
important issue that requires the through discussion of the people at
large and the M.L.A.s of all the states and the m.P.s and the experts of
the very subject and obviously consumers side , who are deprived to give
their views and comments at this moments due to lockdown period and
within in 21 days from the date of issue of the notice/ letter (17/04/2020)
If the central government sincerely wants the comments of the people,
consumers of electricity the central government should not choose the
time of issuance of proposed Amendment Bill 2020 during the lock
down period. We find, this is not democratic process on the part of the
central government. I have send a letter to you with the request to extend
the time of 1 month after the lockdown period is over and thereafter the
normal situation arises .But no reply has yet been reached to us till now .
Hence , I am submitting a preliminary and instant comments on behalf of
our organisation All Bengal Electricity Consumers Association (ABECA)
Copy of the letter as with information to the ministry of power , Government of India , that
written by General farther we will submit our supplementary comments 1 months after the
Secretary, ABECA. lockdown is over .
You may give your 2. In this very grave situation , our submission before the Ministry of Power,
view/comments Government of India , to withdraw the draft Electricity amendment Bill
on these letters by -2020 .
writing to us at, 3. With the proposed draft electricity amendment Bill 2020 Government
infoenergykonnect@ of India provides statements and reasoning in 13 th para In the first
20 21

para the interest of the electricity sector investors interest has been given load factor power factor voltage factor consumption of electricity the
much more emphasis and also to protect the interest of the consumers is geographical position of any area the nature of supply and the purpose
also mentioned. for which the supply is required. This is called differentiation of tariff
4. I think that the interests of the consumers are of two types- i) A reasonable which is not called cross-subsidy. In the earlier electricity (supply) act
tariff and ii) Better electricity service . 1948 there was , and there is at present differentiate of tariff for the
domestic consumers commercial consumers and industrial consumers.
5. In section 61 (d) of the Electricity Act 2003 it is stated safeguard of
But in the present amendment the central government it is to interpret
consumers interest and at the same time recovery of the cost of electricity
differential tariff as cross subsidy and wants to make a trial rate tariff
in a reasonable manners. But our experience since 2003 is that the
for all type of consumers and that is average cost or supply to become
electricity tariff due to the coming into effect of the Electricity Act 2003
applicable for all consumers. It is wrong approach, it is not just and
is increasing year by year and at a stroke it increased many times. It
reasonable. So we oppose the elimination of cross- subsidy to and bring
is expected that the amendment it would be brought in such a way so
flat rate tariff for all by changing the differential tariff, in the amendment
that the interest of the consumers be really protected. But the proposed
it is propose in para 12 (ii), subsection 42(2) "cross subsidies shall be
amendment did not protect the interest of the consumers, on the contrary,
progressively reduced" and in para (15) of the amendment of section
proposes such changes which will increase the administrative expenses
16(g) the word progressively shall be omitted for the words (specified by
to a great extent and the net result is that the tariff will be increased
the appropriate commission) as provided in the tariff policy.
So we suggest this portion of 'Amendment' shall be deleted.
6. i) In 61 (b) of the electricity act 2003 enacted as "the generation,
transmission, and distribution and supply of electricity are conducted on 7. The para (it of the statement of objects and reasoning on "subsidy" as
commercial principles . For this , the section 13 , section 7 and section per section (65) of the electricity Act. 2003 is the 'misconception' du
14 of the Electricity Act 2003 provided and Split up of one Electricity to deal with the section (65) isolates. This should be considered with
Board (SEB) into three companies, vide- i) generating company, ii) section (108) of the Electricity Act. 2003. It we read the section 65 with
transmission company and iii) Distribution Company. While in the earlier section 108 if will the cl.... that if the state Government thinks that any
, the electricity (supply) act, 1948 declared , electricity would consider tariff fiction of the state Commission is against the interest of the public
as services as far as to the consumers of electricity and to get only 3% then the concerned state Government either direct the commission to
surplus for the viability of the electricity board. But due to the split of change or alter the tariff fixed by the commission or provide subsidy to
boards and commercial outlook of electricity sector in 2003 Electricity the consumers considering the prefect the interest of the consumers from
Act and thereafter formed three companies, then i) generating Company the tariff shock. This is done by the West Bengal state Governments by
get 15.5% return on their equity capital ii) transmission company gets reducing rate of tariff through subsidy up to certain level of and category
16% on their equity capital and iii) Distribution Company gets 16% on of electricity consumers. The request is that the consumers are not to
their equity capital. This is the cause of abnormally tariff hike at a stroke pay the high tariff. But in the proposed tariff the Amendments went to
due to the commercial outlook and split up of State Electricity Board into provide subsidy directly to the Individual consumers and so long the
3 companies .But now in the proposed electricity Amendment bill on consumers do not get. subsidy they will have to pay higher tariff and
17. 04. 2020, at para 2 the statement of object and reason stated that the to been tariff shock. This is not just and reasonable. In the para (16)
electricity sector is seized with few critical issues which have weekend and 18 of the proposed amendment of section (65) of the Electricity Act-
the commercial and investment activities in the electricity sector. For this 2003 the change is subsidy direct by to the consumer is provided in the
in the proposed amendment creates 'franchisee' which means a person amendment.
recognised as such and authorised by a distribution licences who can The result is there will be repeated tariff stock of the consumers and
see to distribute electricity on its behalf in a particular area within his ID to pay higher tariff increase at a first time. So we suggest that the
area of supply. Proposed amendment section 2(27); and section 14;52 amendment of section 85 of the Year 2003 of para 18 should be deleted.
substitution of provide and as it appear in para (5 ) of the Amendment). It will not protect the interest of the electricity consumers.
We think this further split of distribution licences into franchise para 8. The creation of the electricity enforcement authority in the proposed
(3) section (17 A) will father enhance of cost and tariff and as such we amendment after para x of the b.a. 2003 in sorted as x section 109a to
suggest to delete this amendment. In section 61(g) of the Electricity Act Section 109 in will increase tariff for other due to in hence administrative
2003 the expression "also reduce the cross subsidies in the manner caused by this new creation of the authority and at the same time this
specified by the appropriate commission. is the curtailment of the power of the state Commission. Adjudicating
We think that this expression of section 61 (g) of the Act is contrary to officer and also the power of the state government relating to electricity.
the Section 62 (3) of the Electricity Act-2003 where it is elected as "The This will lead to the move centralization of the power of the Government
Appropriate Commission may differentiate according to the consumers and this will be get autocracy and will go against the interest of the

22 23

consumers as such the introduction of this change in the proposed Reliable and quality lectricity Act 2003 is an Act to consolidate the laws relating to
amendment is anti people. This change should be deleted. Section 82 85 power supply has generation, transmission, distribution, trading and use of electricity and
of the 94 2003 provide the power and function of the state government generally for taking measures conducive to development of electricity
attained the driver
relating to electricity e register Commission and 6 and section 86 1B 86/1 industry, promoting competition therein, protecting interest of consumers
seat. This necessitated
f of the f a 2003 provides power and functions of the state Commission. and supply of electricity to all areas, rationalization of electricity tariff,
legislature to think
This power is curtailed in section 109a 109 m of part x a. This begets ensuring transparent policies regarding subsidies, promotion of efficient and
the centralisation of power to the central government and will be get the
of setting Standards environmentally benign policies, constitution of Central Electricity Authority,
autocracy. As such this change is not desirable. In para 10 and 12 of
of Performance for Regulatory Commissions and establishment of Appellate Tribunal and for
the amendment of section 42 of the Electricity Act 2003 the subsidy 7 Utility while serving matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
of fast provide of the at will increase cost and also tariff and by this way its consumers. The It is a revolutionary Act in the Indian history of power sector. In many judicial
the change of Sab Tera 1 2 and 3 of 13 12 will abstract the open access Electricity Act 2003 has pronouncements it has been recorded that this Act is a code by itself.
and will bring flat tariff by removing differential tariff on the plea e of rightly so provisioned
Section 57 of the Electricity Act 2003 provides for Consumer Protection:
so-called cross subsidy. This is not justified and reasonable we suggest for the same Standards of performance (SOP) of licensee:
this portion of the amendment should be deleted.
(1) The Appropriate Commission may, after consultation with the licensees
10. 6b e of the amendment mandated that the state head dispatch Court
and persons likely to be affected, specify standards of performance of a
read discusses generating company generating station sub-station shall
licensee or a class of licensees.
comply with the directions issued by the national head dispatch centre.
(2) If a licensee fails to meet the standards specified under sub-section (1),
Side amendment of section 26 Avatar Act 2003 this person reduces the
without prejudice to any penalty which may be imposed or prosecution
power and function of the state government and the state Commission
be initiated, he shall be liable to pay such compensation to the person
who have power to control the state head dispatch centre and the
affected as may be determined by the Appropriate Commission: Provided
generating company and the licence. This person will Baguette the
that before determination of compensation, the concerned licensee shall be
autocracy and disturb the state autocracy and ultimately will increase
given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
the father administrative cost and tariff and will go against the interest
of the consumers. We suggest to delete this portion of the amendment. (3) The compensation determined under sub-section (2) shall be paid by the
concerned licensee within ninety days of such determination.
11. In para 20 and section 78 of the Electricity Act. 2003 change of selecting
the chairperson and manager of the state Commission as proposed to the
violation of the section 85 of the Electricity Act 2003 and curtailment of The Electricity Regulatory Commissions in exercise of powers conferred
power of the state government relating to the selection of the Chairman by the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 43 read with clause (t) of sub-
and members of the state Commission. This is not justified and contrary section (2) of Section 181 and sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) of Section
to the constitution of India who is largest to delete there portion of the 57 read with clause (za) of sub-section (2) of Section 181, Section 59, and
proposed Amendment Bill of 2020 . clause (zp) of sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of
12. The change section 79 at para 21 of the proposed amendment 2020 is 2003), notifies the Regulation for Standards of Performance of Distribution
also the curtailment of power of the state Commission. This will also Licensees, Period for Giving Supply and Determination of Compensation.
be get the autocratic power of the central government and as such we Except few Electricity Distribution Companies which serve purely urban
suggest to delete this person of change in the proposed amendment the areas, others serve urban as well as rural areas in its area of License and
para 23 and section 84 also reduced the power of the state government these are mostly State Electricity Distribution Companies. From the very
an this issue and as such we suggest to delete this portion also.
Standard of beginning electricity was needed for lighting dwelling units; streetlights,
public water works, energise agriculture pump sets and small industries.

Submitted by
Performance Then with passage of time, commercial and industrial revolution set
its new horizons where reliable and quality power supply has become a

matter of necessity. Then came the revolution in the field of Information
(Prodyut Choudhury)
and Communication Technology which has occupied the prime position in
General Secretary, ABECA
almost all fields and various e-platforms have been set up. This is more so
Distribution evident in Covid 19 epidemic which compelled corporates to go in for Work
from Home culture for its staff and now the stage is such that it is seen as

Licensee norm than an exception.

In this backdrop, supply of reliable and quality power supply has attained
Deepak Lad the driver seat. This necessitated legislature to think of setting Standards of

24 25

Suffering in rural parts Performance for Utility while serving its consumers. The Electricity Act 2003 Electricity Ombudsman interrupted supply. There are many other cases wherein compensation has
can be alleviated to a has rightly so provisioned for the same. Mumbai vide its order been granted. In one of the cases, it is also observed that one agricultural
consumer was not at all using its power supply for irrigation purpose. National
greater extent through However, though all State Regulatory Electricity Commissions have notified dated 29th December
Highway road construction was in progress. LT supply lines were broken due
strengthening the such Standards it has tried to set the ball rolling fast in urban areas than in 2018 in Representation
Rural areas. Rural areas are still far away from getting services on par with to JCB work resulting in interruption of supply. This event was not at all
rural infrastructure No. 232 of 2018 in
their urban counter part. It is not the case that the Commissions are not aware reported by consumer or the road construction contractor to the distribution
by suitably replacing Mahendra Chunilal licensee. Taking advantage of this case, the consumer filed complaint with
of this. Widely spread infrastructure, lengthy overhead lines, shortage of staff
existing LT network Shah V/s. MSEDCL has the grievance redressal mechanism after a lapse of considerable period
and transport difficulties, poor realization of dues are some of the hurdles
by High Voltage granted compensation and claimed heavy compensation. When the matter reached the Electricity
in providing required services. In this sense, the urban and rural divide is
Distribution System clearly visible. This resulted in self-proclaimed trained private individuals
of Rs. 2,80,800/- for Ombudsman, Nagpur, it awarded heavy compensation, however, in the
(HVDS) to illegally pop up for providing the services to rural population which
delay in restoration of Review Application filed by the Distribution Licensee, many facts came to
sometimes culminates into fatal/nonfatal electrical /mechanical accidents. interrupted supply light which were not part of the earlier hearing and it reversed the order and
cancelled the compensation.
Suffering in rural parts can be alleviated to a greater extent through
strengthening the rural infrastructure by suitably replacing existing LT In nutshell, it is a tight rope walk exercise for an adjudicating authority in
network by High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS), providing sufficient deciding the cases of compensation.
staff with adequate tools and plants and transport. Though it requires huge The Maharashtra There is heavy demand of agricultural connections in the State of Maharashtra
investment, but it will go a long way in providing reliable and quality power and it is a fact that the distribution licensee in all probability cannot adhere
Electricity Regulatory
supply and reduction of AT&C losses thus it will bridge the gap in Urban and to the timelines stipulated in the Regulations for release of supply. The
Commission has rightly
Rural as far as Standards of Performance is concerned. issue has many contours such as non-availability of competent contractors,
Section 42 (5) and taken an appropriate
Section 42 (5) and (6) of the Electricity Act 2003 provides for establishment supply of material in time, transport of material to the site which is normally
(6) of the Electricity call on the petition a rural one. Besides this, since there is flood of applications, chronology of
of a Forum and Ombudsman for redressal of grievances of the consumers in
Act 2003 provides filed by the distribution applications needs to be fixed. This cannot in all probability be neglected
accordance with the guidelines as may be specified by the State Commission.
for establishment In accordance with this provision every Distribution Licensee has set up
licensee and through notwithstanding the provisions in the Regulations. The Maharashtra
of a Forum and adequate number of Forums and Ombudsman in its license area.
its order decided that Electricity Regulatory Commission has rightly taken an appropriate call on
Ombudsman for the compensation the petition filed by the distribution licensee and through its order decided
There is also an important provision in Section 173 of the Electricity Act
redressal of grievances 2003 which opens an avenue for consumers to approach District Consumer
payable to agricultural that the compensation payable to agricultural consumers shall be limited to
of the consumers in Forum, State Commission and National Commission for redressing their
consumers shall be twice the service connection charges paid by the consumer

accordance with the grievance. It is seen that there are consumers who have approached the limited to twice the Therefore, in view of this, there is an urgent need to have a fresh look to
guidelines as may be District Consumer Forums and even have gone up to National Commission service connection existing provisions of the standards of performance regulations and take an
specified by the State under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. charges paid by the appropriate call.

Commission Section 173 (Inconsistency in laws): consumer

Nothing contained in this Act or any rule or regulation made thereunder or
any instrument having effect by virtue of this Act, rule or regulation shall have
effect in so far as it is inconsistent with any other provisions of the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986 or the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 or the Railways Act, 1989.
State Electricity Regulatory Commissions have notified Regulations for
Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees, Period for giving
supply and determination of compensation. The main intention in providing
compensation for failing to provide required service as envisaged under

TUTORIAL the Regulation is for the overall improvement of service of the Distribution
Licensee. It never meant to act as a tool to earn for the consumers. However,
The Tutorial section it is observed that many consumers used it to earn and harass the officers
will bring relevant of the Distribution Licensee. Therefore, the adjudicating authorities needs
documents for to take an overall view while deciding the case and ground realities in field.
information and parting Electricity Ombudsman Mumbai vide its order dated 29th December 2018 in
knowledge to the Representation No. 232 of 2018 in Mahendra Chunilal Shah V/s. MSEDCL
consumers. has granted compensation of Rs. 2,80,800/- for delay in restoration of
Mr Deepak Lad is former Member, MERC

26 27

Dear Readers, in the previous SECTION - II : TARIFF DETERMINATION PROCESS To safeguard interest of for filling Tariff Petition for Tariff calculation etc. This Regulations Framework
issue we had shared Section –I the consumers. Factors specifies:
explaining the Institutional and 4.  Tariff Determination
that should encourage: o The Control Period and Coverage of BUSINESS PLAN,
Policy framework for Determination
4.1 Process Competition, o Methodology for Filling Tariff Petition,
of Tariff. In this issue we are sharing
Mandated by the ACT and the Policies issued there under, SERCs frame Efficiency, o Forecasting & Scheduling Principles
our next section i.e., bringing out
the elements, various checks and
and notify Regulations for Determination of Tariff. These Regulations are Optimum investments, o Controllable and uncontrollable factors and mechanism of passing/

balance, the consultation process

subordinate legislations and has the force of law which cannot be challenged Economic use of the sharing of any gains/losses on account of such Controllable and

etc., all that goes into determination

before APTEL but are appealable before the Hon’ble High Court and the resources, uncontrollable factors

of Tariff.
Hon’ble Supreme Court. Good performance - o Financial Parameters
The term Tariff regulations generally implies Multi Year Tariff (MYT), which Principles rewarding o Procedure for tariff determination, including time-limit
are applicable for a defied period. These Regulations are framed & notified efficiency in o Benchmarking / Treatment to various ARR Components
underlining the following principles: performance. o Midterm Price Adjustment
- To provide framework for utilities for a pre-defined period (3 to 5 Years) o Penalties & Incentives
with an intent to provide regulatory certainty to utilities, investors & Reduce / eliminate o Exclusions, if any
consumers cross-subsidy
Business Plan Regulations
- Commercial principles to reflect cost of supply/recovery and to ensure
Business Plan Regulations are treated as an integral part of the MYT
financial viability of the sector to attract investment such as:
Regulations and are valid for a pre defined period (3 years in case of DERC),
o Principles of returns on investments,
since they specify the business plan of the utility including norms, targets
o Principles of regulating/benchmarking individual costs & revenue for various parameters such as Return on Equity, Rate of Interest, Loss
elements trajectory, RPO targets, Collection Efficiency, contingency limits for sale of
o Incentives to promote operational efficiency, reduction of losses etc., power through settlement mechanism etc., which needs periodic review and
for the utilities to become more efficient in operation validation.
- To ensure growth, Business Plan Regulations broadly comprise of:
- To safeguard interest of the consumers. o Expense & return norms
- Factors that should encourage: o Power Procurement Plan – long-term, short-term
o Competition, o Deviation wrt Merit Order Procurement
o Efficiency,
o Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Expenses
o Optimum investments,
o Economic use of the resources, o DEBT : EQUITY ratio, Treatment for Equity in excess of Limit
Steps for tariff
RETAIL o Good performance - Principles rewarding efficiency in performance;
determination can be
Use full life of Assets and Rate of Depreciation
Interest expenses computation
- Reduce / eliminate cross-subsidy.
TARIFF – summarized as under:
a.  Tariff Petition Filling
o Working capital requirement & corresponding interest

Over the period some structural changes have been carried out in the MYT o Return on EQUITY (ROE) / INVESTMENT (ROI)
Regulations by some SERCs. For Instance, DERC in 2017 has split the MYT by DISCOM
o Treatment of Other Income
Regulation framework in two segments i.e.: b.  Analysis of
the MYT Regulations:
Petitions by SERC for
its completeness and
o Income Tax
o Capitalization, De-Capitalization and Re Capitalization of assets and

determination At the outset it may be mentioned that instead of notifying separate

MYT regulations, for the various utilities i.e. GENCOs, TRANSCO’s and
c.  Seeking stakeholder
treatment thereof, which involves treatment for:
• In case of Capitalization

process & DISCOM’s, all the three have been merged together in a single common MYT
Regulations, thereby obviating the need for looking into separate documents
comments and Public ƒ Over/under capitalisation from that of projection

Consultation / Hearing. ƒ Time Over-run & Cost Over-run

bringing in for cross referencing and understanding / interpretation.

These Regulations enumerate the procedural part i.e. the principles to be
d.  Conduct Prudence ƒ Additional Capitalisation
Checks ƒ Foreign Exchange Rate Variation (FERV)

competition adopted for Tariff determination, and the methodology for treatment of various
cost elements, controllable and un-controllable parameters, computation of
e.  Undertake Truing-up ƒ Consumer Contribution:
f.  Issuance of Tariff # Re-conciliation after completion of scheme
incentives, penalties etc, and the timelines including the applicable formats # Treatment of Over/Under recovery
B P Singh Order
28 29

• In case of De-Capitalisation: c. Audited reports and accounts in support of Utility’s claims in the
ƒ Treatment of De-capitalised assets, depending on the stage: ARR Petition. it includes expenditure, income and other performance
ƒ Before Useful Life parameters as specified by the SERC.
ƒ After Useful Life Further as per clause 3 of Section-64 (Procedure for
ƒ Re-use before/after useful Life tariff order) of Electricity Act 2003:
ƒ On Account Change in Law / SERC Directions “(3) The Appropriate Commission shall, within
one hundred and twenty days from receipt of
In view of the foregoing the various steps for tariff an application under sub-section (1) and after
determination can be summarized as under: considering all suggestions and objections received
a. Tariff Petition Filling by DISCOM from the public,”
b. Analysis of Petitions by SERC for its Accordingly the respective SERC notifies the
completeness and admittance methodology, the components, formats, timelines
c. Seeking stakeholder comments and Public etc., for filling the petitions in its MYT (Multi-year
Consultation / Hearing. Tariff) Regulations.

d. Conduct Prudence Checks - For Example – Delhi Electricity Regulatory

Commission (DERC), in its MYT Regulations
e. Undertake Truing-up
has provided that the Distribution Licensee
f. Issuance of Tariff Order.
shall submit Annual Tariff Petition, at least 150
4.2 Filling Of Tariff Petition days prior to the end of the relevant Financial
For the purpose of Tariff determination, DISCOM Year. It is presumed that by that time the accounts of the utility have
is required to file a tariff petition. The need for been audited and approved, which forms an essential component for
filling the petition can be better understood, once filling the petition.
we have a look at Section 86 (Functions of State Commission) of Electricity 4.3 Components Of Tariff Petition
Act, 2003, which states that:
a. Energy balance
 “Clause (a) determine the tariff for generation, supply, transmission and
- Power Purchase Plan – Demand forecast, basis of projections and
wheeling of electricity, wholesale, bulk or retail, as the case may be,
quantum of power required to be procured during the year, both on
within the State;
long term as well as short term basis to the meet demand
 Clause (b) regulate electricity purchase and procurement process of
- Information in respect transmission, distribution and commercial:
distribution licensees including the price at which electricity shall be
o Intra State Transmission loss (%)
procured from the generating companies or licensees or from other
o Distribution Loss (%)
sources through agreements for purchase of power for distribution and
o Energy requirement at DISCOM periphery (MU)
supply within the State;
o Inter State Transmission loss (%)
 Clause (i) specify or enforce standards with respect to quality, continuity
o Energy requirement at state transmission periphery (MU)
and reliability of service by licensees;
o Expected Collection efficiency
Thus it is incumbent upon the SERCs to keep a check on utilities workings,
and being Quasi Judicial body, filling of petitions is the prescribed process b. List of all the power plants with long term PPA together with quantum
through which the DISCOM is required to place its operational and of power allocated in MW terms and power plant wise expected power
performance details, duly audited and supported by before the SERC for its purchases in energy (MU) terms considering Merit Order Dispatch
scrutiny and taking a holistic view before issuing the final orders. (MOD)

Accordingly the utilities file their tariff petition, comprising of: c. Estimated power purchase volume through short term purchase both
from Conventional as well as RE sources.
a. The Aggregate Revenue Requirement - ARR petition. (AAR means the
costs pertaining to the Utility’s business to be recovered through Tariff d. Fixed costs that the Distribution Licensee has to bear towards Generator,
and Charges. Central Transmission DISCOM (CTU) and State Transmission DISCOM
b. Details for Annual Performance Review with respect to the targets
notified by the Commission, both actual performance and anticipated/ e. Power Plant wise Variable Cost to compute probable power purchases
expected performance over the up-coming period. on the basis Merit Order Dispatch (MOD).

30 31

f. Deviation in power purchase with respect to Merit Order Dispatch during Determination of aggregate revenue requirement can thus be summarized as
the preceding year (period under true up) and reasons thereof. under:
g. Anticipated quantum & Cost of Power Purchase from Must Run Plants AGGREGATE REVENUE REQUIREMENT (ARR) = EXPENDITURE –
(not on MOD) i.e., OTHER INCOME
- Renewable energy plants Where,
Aggregate Revenue
- Waste to energy plants -  EXPENDITURE (ΣA to J ) :
Requirement (ARR) =
- Nuclear energy plants A. Power Purchase Cost
Expenditure – Other
B. Transmission Charges
Income h. Transmission charges, that the DISCOM has to pay to TRANSCO C. O&M expenses
i. Plan to meet Renewable Power Purchase Obligation (RPO - compliance D. Depreciation
as per RPO policy i.e., to procure either renewable energy or REC to E. Return on Equity
fulfill RPO target. F. Interest on Loan
A.  Power Purchase G. Interest on Working Capital
j. Revenue projections:
Cost H. Income Tax
B. Transmission - Expected revenue earned at last year’s tariff
I. Carrying Cost i.e. cost for funding Regulatory Asset / Accumulated
Charges - Increase/decrease in tariff required, if any, to meet the expenditure.
Revenue Gap.
C.  O&M expenses k. Financial components: J. Any other payment obligation (e.g., in case of DELHI - Contribution
D. Depreciation towards DVB Ex Employees Pension Trust Fund; Liquidation of
- O&M cost
E.  Return on Equity o Employee,
Regulatory assets, Revenue gap, if any, at the notified Tariff including
F.  Interest on Loan o Repair and Maintenance,
power purchase cost adjustments etc.)
G.  Interest on Working o Administration & General,
Capital o Legal expenses.
H.  Income Tax K. Non – Tariff Income
- Depreciation
I.  Carrying Cost L. Income from other sources / means/ business using Utility’s resources.
o As per Tariff Regulations (While the utility is allowed to collect
i.e. cost for funding 90% of cost to re-place existing equipment after its useful
Regulatory Asset / In addition, the Petition also includes additional information in respect of:
life, the rest 10% is considered as the salvage value of the
Accumulated Revenue equipment)
- compliances to the various Directives given by the SERC from time to
Gap. time for the period under review,
- Return on Equity (RoE) & interest on loan, Return on Investment
J.  Any other payment - any new category of consumer that needs to be included,
obligation (e.g., in case - any change in the number of consumers, consumer category and their
- Interest on Working Capital,
of DELHI - Contribution profile etc.
towards DVB Ex- - Non tariff income, etc.
4.4 Completeness of The Petition
Employees Pension - Income Tax
Prior to admittance of the petitions filed by DISCOM, SERC undertakes a
Trust Fund; Liquidation - Capital Expenditure i.e. addition of new assets, if any
preliminary scrutiny / checks for its completeness with respect to the laid
of Regulatory assets, - De-capitalization i.e. removal/deletion of any asset(s) resulting in
down procedures, norms and furnishing of data as per the prescribed formats
Revenue gap, if corresponding reduction in Gross Fixed Asset of the project / scheme,
etc. In case SERC observes any deviation(s) or shortcomings; it returns the
any, at the notified if any,
petition back to the DISCOM, listing out the deficiencies which are required
Tariff including - Consumer Security Deposit to be made good by them. The DISCOM, thereafter, re-submit the rectified /
power purchase cost - Carrying costs on Regulatory Assets / accumulated revenue gap, if revised petition.
adjustments etc.) any.
4.5 Public Consultation / Hearing
- Other income including such as wheeling charge from Open access
OTHER INCOME Once the SERC is satisfied about its completeness, the petition is admitted
Consumers, other business income etc., if any
K.  Non – Tariff Income and the SERC:
L.  Income from other DISCOM thus files its tariff petition; duly supported by financial and - As per Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the
sources / means/ audited statements, seeking revision in tariff to meet its aggregate revenue transaction of business relating to combinations) Regulations, 2011,
business using Utility’s requirement expecting a reasonable rate of return on its investments as per every Commission is required to publish public notice in two local
resources the norms set forth by the SERC. language newspapers and two English newspapers for mass circulation,

32 33

inviting public and stakeholders to submit their views and objection on 4.7 True-Up
tariff petition in written form. Similar provisions also form part of the Prior to issuance of the final tariff order, SERC conducts all the Checks and
Conduct of Business Regulations, notified by the SERCs. Balances, with respect to the Utility’s claims in their Petition and determines
- Accordingly the SERC: the eligibility / admissibility i.e., to what extent any claim is to be allowed
o issues a public notice, seeking stakeholder’s Response / Comments / or disallowed so as to arrive at the final numbers in respect of the specified
Objections / suggestions on the Tariff Petitions Filled by the Utilities parameters, that would ultimately translate into firming up the financial
read with the Staff Paper / Executive Summary enumerating the key values for approval of ARR and Tariff designing.
submissions/claims made by the Utility in their petition, as may be The broad principles adopted for truing up involve detailed scrutiny/checking
prepared by the SERC and put in public domain by way posting them of all the data/ information furnished by the utility its petition. The Very
on respective utility’s / SERC’s websites in a downloadable format. purpose of True up is to:
The notice also specifies the date and manner for submission of - Determine Gap/Surplus with respect to approved ARR
response by the Stakeholder. For the convenience of Stakeholders, - Reconciliation of Gap/Surplus for projecting ARR (proposed)
the Utility is also required to provide hard copy of the Tariff Petitions
- Sharing Efficiency Gains and Losses including DISCOM’s income from
to the stakeholder(s) at a cost specified by the SERC.
other businesses with the customers By Using Audited figures
o Simultaneously, DISCOM’s also issue public notice as approved by
- Verification with respect to the Approved Performance parameters:
the respective SERC for comment from stakeholders on the tariff
petition filed by them and providing the copy of petition and other o T&D Losses
relevant data required by the stakeholders during the proceeding as o Billing and Collection Efficiency
approved by the SERCs. o Cost of Borrowing
o Seeks DISCOM’s response on the Observations / Comments / o SoP parameters (PF, Reliability of Supply)
Objections / Suggestions received from the various stakeholders. o Timely Payments to GENCOs & TRANSCOs
o Conducts Public Consultation, generally in the form of Public o Compliance of Commissions Directions
Hearing, where the stakeholders present their views to the SERC for
consideration. - Revalidate criteria for considering deviations from norms, if any,

4.6 Prudence Check - Revalidate various indices (price escalation factors etc)

Under the Prudence check, SERC scrutinizes the reasonableness of claims - Verify Power Purchase Cost and undertake reconciliation with respect
made by the Utility with respect to the specified norms, and if so required, to Merit Order Power Procurement. It also involves scrutinizing variation
seek additional information, supporting documents, clarifications, etc., with in long term power purchase quantum and cost based on merit order
special reference to: dispatch vis-à-vis actual purchases from long term sources. These are
subject to certification by the State load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) for any
- Sales Projections
forced scheduling on Technical / Operational reasons.
- Financial Parameters
- Capital Costs - Variation in short term power purchase quantum and cost projected vis-
- Loss Trajectory a-vis actual.
- revenue and capital expenditure incurred or proposed to be incurred, - Permissible trading margins, transmission charges and losses incurred
- financing plan, on forward and reverse transactions in a given time slot.
- use of efficient technology, - Sale through deviation settlement mechanism – recoverable penalty if
- cost and time over run, any,
- RPO Compliance - Variation in revenue and sales on Projected vis-à-vis actual revenue and
- Consumer satisfaction – Reliability of Supply sales
- Compliance of Directives
- Credit to Consumers under Net metering for net surplus power injected
- any other factors / parameters as the SERC may deem fit, which has any
in the grid
possible bearing on the Tariff determination.
- Allowable Capitalization and Adjustments for De Capitalization, if any
At times SERC also undertake Examination of records at site. In case of DERC, - Fulfillment of RPO obligation
DISCOMs are also subjected to an annual audit through CAG approved firms - Validation / Verification of any other data, as the SERC may deem fair
appointed by the Commission. The findings through such audits have been and fit.
found very handy for True up.

34 35

4.8 Tariff Order

After receipt of the Responses / Comments / Objections / suggestions from
the stakeholders, same are shared with the Utility seeking their comments.
SERC also seeks additional information, as it may find missing/relevant
during the process of prudence check/true up exercise, as it may deem fit.
There after SERC analyzes all the inputs i.e.:
- Responses / Comments / Objections / suggestions received from the
- Comments of the Utility on the above,
- Data/Claims filled by the Utility, that have been admitted and accepted/
- Performance indices claimed and to the extent admissible and approved,
- The change in tariff claimed by the Utility vis a vis its revenue at current
tariff level, to assess any need for tariff revision to meet the ARR.

Once it is established that there is a need for revision in the Tariff, SERC
proceeds with the Tariff Design i.e. segregation of Fixed and energy charges
and to the extent it needs to be changed so as to maintain a balance in the
Expected Revenue to be generated with the revised Tariff Schedule and the
ARR considered and approved by the SERC.
The Tariff design basically constitutes the schedule of charges put in a
tabulated form that a consumer is required to pay for applicable financial
After putting in place the Tariff design, issues a detailed Tariff Order,
comprising of various Chapters, enumerating treatment of various Claims
of Utility filled in its petition, the extent same are disallowed / approved
and reasons thereof. It also places on record the Responses / Comments
/ Objections / suggestions that had been received from the stakeholders
and the Comments received from the utility thereon together with SERC’s
reasoned observations/acceptance/rejection, in part or full, as the case may.
SERCs also hold Press briefing with the very purpose making the general
public aware of the changes, what they are expected to pay under this new

We hope that so far all of us have acquired some clarity and basic
understanding about the Process part detailing the elements and the checks
and balance that goes into determination of Tariff. In the next issue, we shall
be sharing (Section – III) bringing out the various steps and actions for Tariff
Optimization and bringing in competitive environment in retail tariff.


Factor in the grid harmonization cost-ET SECI to conduct a 2nd Pre-Bid Meeting for Solar +

Power & Energy July 2020 It is welcome that competitive bidding has led to
historic lows in renewable power tariffs and large green
Storage Tender in Ladakh-Energy Infra Post
In January last year, the Ministry of New and Renewable
Compiled by: Amitava Roy & Biman Kumar Chattopadhyay capacities nationally. However, the rising costs of grid Energy MNRE under the order of the President of India
harmonisation, the backing down of thermal plants had launched the new scheme for setting up solar PV
when RE flows into the grid, so as to maintain stable projects with aggregate battery storage capacity in Leh
1.  Renewables roadmap by providing detail on its approach to achieve
grid frequency, needs to be duly factored in. and Kargil.
100% powered by renewables by 2025. This roadmap
Renewables in 2020 will be fastest-growing source of
depicts a series of innovative actions to lower emission https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/blogs/et-editorials/ https://www.energyinfrapost.com/seci-to-conduct-a-2nd-
electricity in the US: EIA-Saur Energy
caused by its operation. factor-in-the-cost-of-grid-harmonisation/ pre-bid-meeting-for-solar-storage-tender-in-ladakh/
It has forecasted that the electric power sector will add
23.2 gigawatts (GW) of new wind capacity and 12.9 GW https://steelguru.com/power/jinkosolar-releases-re100- Renew-SECI Tussle at CERC indicates further trouble Renewables to Power ‘Green’ Recovery-Bus. Today
of utility-scale solar capacity in 2020. roadmap-for-100-renewable-power-by-2025/562066 for wind energy-Saur En.
Renewables are the future of the energy sector. We are
https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/ NHDC Tenders for 25 MW Floating Solar Park in ReNew Wind Energy (TN) Private Limited has pitched to in the middle of a great energy transition where we are
renewables-fastest-growing-source-electricity-us-eia prevent the encashment of its bank guarantees by SECI, moving from polluting to clean sources of energy.
Madhya Pradesh-Saur Energy
for a wind power project that is still stuck in Tamil Nadu.
Shock for others, but solar consumers get ‘0’ power NHDC Limited, a JV company of NHPC Ltd and the https://www.businesstoday.in/magazine/special/
https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/renew- renewables-to-power-green-recovery/story/412042.html
bills-HT Government of Madhya Pradesh, has issued a tender,
Though inflated electricity bills for June came as a inviting bids from eligible firms for taking up the
energy Govt grants ISTS waiver extension for solar, wind
shock for most city consumers, those who use rooftop Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) work
projects until June 2023-ET En.W.
solar power have had net-zero electricity bills over the for 25 MW floating solar power park at the Omkareshwar CERC Releases Blueprint for ISTS Connectivity of
reservoir in the Khandwa district of MP. The power ministry has extended waiver of inter-state
past three months. A net-zero electricity bill means the Renewable Projects-Mercom India
transmission system (ISTS) charges and losses on
consumer has to pay only basic charges or metre cost to https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/nhdc-25- This procedure will apply to central transmission utility
the electricity distributor supply of power generated from solar and wind sources
mw-floating-solar-park-madhya-pradesh CTU, regional load despatch centers RLDCs , state load
until 30 June 2023.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/shock- despatch centers SLDCs , state transmission utility
Power generation from renewables falls 24% in July- https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
for-others-but-solar-consumers-get-0-power-bills/story- STU, concerned distribution companies, and renewable
Fin.Exp. renewable/govt-grants-ists-waiver-extension-for-solar-
MBXG3yZUQjhlj33ChkwiXM.html energy implementing agencies like the Solar Energy
Electricity generation from renewable energy sources wind-projects-until-june-2023/77390466
Corporation of India SECI .
Govt push sees players lining up to make solar fell 24.2% y-o-y to 12,241.9 million units (MUs) in July
equipment- Ind.Exp. https://mercomindia.com/cerc-blueprint-ists-renewable- NTPC auction: Second lowest solar tariff of Rs 2.43/
as power production wind plants, which currently has
projects/ unit discovered- Fin. Exp.
In an indication that the Centres Atmanirbhar Bharat the largest capacity share in the renewables portfolio,
push could be yielding early results in the solar energy dropped significantly due to seasonal variations in wind- Powering reforms: Transforming India’s power sector The latest reverse auction for 1,170 mega-watt MW
space, the Energy Ministry has received proposals from a speeds. Wind power plants generated 6,489.8 MU in the through GARUDA-Fin. Exp of solar capacity, conducted by state-run NTPC, has
range of players for over 10GW of fresh solar equipment month, an annual drop of 42.8%. Production from solar discovered a tariff of Rs 2.43 per unit. This is the second
The GARUDA tariff would include the normal tariff
manufacturing. plants increased 24.2% y-o-y to 4,331.9 MU. lowest tariff for solar power till date and comes on the
for the new renewable energy plant plus the cost of
https://indianexpress.com/article/india/govt-push-sees- heels of the record low bid of Rs 2.36 unit received in the
https://www.financialexpress.com/industr y/power- decommissioning the old fossil fuel plant.
players-lining-up-to-make-solar-equipment-6552417/ auction for 2,000 MW of solar capacity held on June 30.
generation-from-renewables-falls-24-in-july/2052074/ https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/powering-
https://www.financialexpress.com/industr y/ntpc-
Solar rooftops must for upcoming houses on 500sqm-ToI reforms-transforming-indias-power-sector-through-
Government plans to promote renewable energy for auction-second-lowest-solar-tariff-of-rs-2-43-unit-
The decision was taken by LDA board on Tuesday as garuda/2048378/
public transport-Decn. Herald discovered/2047268/
per the new state government policy to maximise the use
The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is India must ensure intermittent renewable power
of renewable energy. Lucknow will be the first state to Considering 5% interest subvention for solar
working on a proposal to powering city public transport becomes firm power through hybrid solutions: Tata
implement the policy and it will brought in other districts manufacturing: R K Singh-ET
from renewable sources. As per the plan, the Ministry will Power -ET En.W.
as well.
select few cities where tender will be floated to generate Hybrid is important because if you just have clean energy After restricting equipment imports, the government
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/lucknow/ is looking to promote local manufacturing in the solar
renewable energy through solar, wind, or hybrid, and sources wind, solar or hydro then it would not give you
solar-rooftops-must-for-upcoming-houses-on-500sqm/ energy sector with a 5% interest subvention scheme,
using that to make hydrogen fuel or charging batteries to the power gen-eration & power availability for all 24 hrs.
articleshow/77494461.cms power and renewable energy minister RK Singh told.
power the city transport buses. https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
JinkoSolar releases RE100 roadmap for https://www.deccanherald.com/national/government- renewable/india-must-ensure-intermittent-renewable- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/
100%renewable power by2025-SteelGuru p l a n s - to - p ro m o te - re n e w a b l e - e n e rg y - f o r- p u b l i c - power-becomes-firm-power-through-hybrid-solutions-tata- power/considering-5-interest-subvention-for-solar-
JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd has unveiled its RE100 transport-872100.html power-md-ceo-praveer-sinha/77410211 manufacturing-r-k-singh/articleshow/77399052.cms

38 39

Andhra Pradesh commissions 8,203 MW renewable https://mercomindia.com/india-solar-generation- 5 Reasons Why Rooftop Solar Needs to Make The connections installed in recent years falling under this
energy capacity-ET En.W. increased/ Technology Jump-Saur En. category, officials said.
Andhra Pradesh, a major renewable energy producer, Rooftop Solar, is a whole new world, with completely https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
NTPC Simhadri : Rs. 110 Cr Solar Project Bhoomi
has an installed renewable energy generation capacity different requirements. Be it comparisons with expensive renewable/delhi-power-discoms-see-surge-in-residential-
Pujan today-Global Green News
of around 8,203 megawatt (MW).Of this capacity, grid power, or space constraints, its role as a primary rooftop-solar-power-connections/77318302
NTPC Simhadri commences its long term endeavor
commissioned till 31 July 2020, wind energy projects or supplementary energy source, or the owners own
towards a sustainable future fueled by renewable energy Telangana to set up floating solar plants-Telangana
took the largest share with 4,080 MW capacity, followed investment into the plant, thinking short term here is a
sources as it conducted the Bhoomi Pujan for the largest Today
by solar energy with a capacity of 3,530 MW. recipe for disappointment here
floating solar project in Andhra Pradesh on Aug. 5. Telangana State, which has implemented several
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/5-
https://www.globalgreenews.com/amp/ntpc-simhadri-rs- innovative power and water-saving initiatives in the past
renewable/andhra-pradesh-commissions-8203-mw- reasons-why-rooftop-solar-needs-to-make-the-technology-
110-cr-solar-project-bhoomi-pujan-today/ six years, is all set to take another revolutionary step
renewable-energy-capacity/77374246 jump
setting up Floating Solar Photo Voltaic (FSPV) based
‘Land acquisition remains a major issue for solar power generation units on its reservoirs.
Is India’s first round-the-clock renewable energy Renewable energy can get India’s returned rural
projects’- Bus. Line
contract really what it claims to be?-Moneycontrol migrants back to work-World Eco. Forum https://telanganatoday.com/telangana-to-set-up-floating-
Large-scale solar power projects continue to face land solar-plants
A closer look at the contract documentation shows that The COVID-19 lockdown halted economic activity in
acquisition challenges and other bureaucratic hurdles
the government amended the terms multiple times such India’s cities, and the loss of their daily livelihoods left Solar’s Share in India’s installed power capacity mix
even as the government is looking to attract investments
that in the final form, all the conditions that required millions of internal migrants economically vulnerable. inched up to 9.9% During Q2 2020-Mercom
in this sector.
round-the-clock supply were deleted or diluted. One way is to leverage decentralised renewable energy
https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/land- Renewable energy’s share (including large hydro projects)
https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/is-indias- (DRE) solutions as an enabler for rural commerce.
acquisition-remains-a-major-issue-for-solar-projects/ inched up to 36.3% during the second quarter of 2020 (Q2
first-round-the-clock-renewable-energy-contract-really- https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/08/renewable- 2020), up about 0.1% from the previous quarter, according
what-it-claims-to-be-5650441.html energy-indias-rural-migrants-back-to-work/ to the data from the Central Energy Authority (CEA), and
Clean energy: Surge in demand for residential solar the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
Change-in-law payments a Rs 4,000 crore booster for Renewable Energy Growth Continues At A Blistering
power connections-The New Ind.Exp. https://mercomindia.com/solar-share-in-india/
renewable energy sector: CRISIL-ET En.W. Pace-Forbes
Power discoms in Delhi are witnessing a “surge” in
The commencement of change-in-law payments by state Renewable energy continued its blistering growth pace India may miss renewable energy capacity of 175 GW
residential rooftop solar power connections, with
discoms and Solar Energy Corporation of India for the in 2019, globally increasing by 12.2% over 2018. Over target by over 50 GW: ICRA-Energy Infra Post
more than half of over 3,700 net metering connections
goods and services tax GST to solar power projects the past decade, renewable energy consumption has
installed in recent years falling under this category, Even without Covid-19, India would have missed its
would lead to a cash inflow of Rs 4,000 crore for the grown at an average annual rate of 13.7%.
officials said. intended renewable energy capacity of 175 GW target by
sector, according to ratings agency CRISIL. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2020/08/02/ over 50 GW, predicts industry body ICRA. The missed
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ renewable-energy-growth-continues-at-a-blistering- execution for FY 2021 due to the pandemic is pegged at
renewable/change-in-law-payments-a-rs-4000-crore- pace/#444b667a76b6 4 GW, ICRA said.
booster-for-renewable-energy-sector-crisil/77364185 https://www.energyinfrapost.com/india-may-miss-
Rajasthan solar sector shines bright amidst gloom,
Gujarat’s Retender for 700 MW of Solar Gets Good renewable-energy-capacity-of-175-gw-target-by-over-50-
India needs to renew pledge to renewable energy: Niti adds max capacity in India-ET En.W.
Response, Oversubscribed by 600 MW-Mercom India gw-icra/
VC-ToI Rajasthan has added maximum capacity of 1,745
The GUVNL’s tender for 700 MW of grid-connected solar
India needs to renew its pledge to renewable energy megawatt solar plants in the country in 2019-20, followed SCCL synchronises another 30 MW solar power plant
projects in the state’s Dholera solar park (Phase IX) has
as thermal energy cannot take the country far due to by Karnataka (1,443 MW) and Tamil Nadu (1,342 MW). to grid-The Hindu
been oversubscribed by 600 MW.
environmental constraints, Niti Aayog vice chairman This is evident as Rajasthan continues to be the place SCCL synchronises another 30 MW solar power plant
Rajiv Kumar said. https://mercomindia.com/gujarat-retender-700-mw-solar/ where the lowest tariffs in the country are getting at Manuguru in Bhadradara-Kothagudem district with
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india- China Adds 11.5 GW of Solar Capacity in the First discovered. the grid successfully, taking its solar energy capacity
business/india-needs-to-renew-pledge-to-renewable- Half of 2020-Mercom India https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ to 40 MW as part of its plans to develop 300 MW solar
energy-niti-vc/articleshow/77379166.cms renewable/rajasthan-solar-sector-shines-bright-amidst- generation facilities.
According to the latest data released by the National
Energy Administration (NEA), 11.52 GW of solar capacity gloom-adds-max-capacity-in-india/77311175 https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Hyderabad/sccl-
India’s Solar Generation Increased by 26% in Q2
was installed in China during the first half (1H) of 2020. synchronises-another-30-mw-solar-power-plant-to-grid/
2020-Mercom India Delhi power discoms see surge in residential rooftop
Large-scale solar installations accounted for 7.08 GW, article32233363.ece
Between April and June 2020 nearly 15.7 BU of electricity solar power connections-ET En.W.
and distributed solar accounted for 4.43 GW at the end Execution challenges may limit renewable energy
was generated from solar-based sources, according to Power discoms in the national capital are witnessing a
of June. growth at 8GW in 2020: Icra-Mint
data from CEA. This was a 26% increase compared to “surge” in residential rooftop solar power connections,
the same period last year. https://mercomindia.com/china-adds-11-5-gw-solar/ with more than half of over 3,700 net metering Capacity addition in the renewable energy (RE) sector is

40 41

expected to remain subdued at about 8GW in FY21 given CERC orders issue of RECs to renewable developer that https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
the execution challenges, disruption in supply chain and was denied due to procedural delays-Mercom India renewable/ap-government-invites-private-participation- renewable/renewables-now-eus-biggest-source-of-
labour availability issues amid covid outbreak, according CERC has directed the NLDC to issue renewable energy t o - s e t - u p - u l t r a - m e g a - r e n e w a b l e - e n e r g y - p o w e r- electricity-study/77104615
to a report by credit ratings agency Icra. certificates (RECs) due to a renewable generator.The parks/77121451
Clean energy capacity: India to have 60% renewable
https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/execution- certificates were not issued because of procedural delays
Solar power projects planned on a big scale-The Hindu energy by 2030, says Power Minister- ET
challenges-may-limit-renewable-energy-growth-at-8gw- on the part of the Uttar Pradesh State Load Despatch
Land has been identified for setting up 4,800 MW of India will have around 60 per cent of its installed electricity
this-year-icra-11596023739242.html Center, the petition said.
solar energy-producing plants in Anantapur district and generation capacity from clean sources by 2030, Power
The Solar Foundation: Solar Structures Need very soon acquisition notices will be given to private and New & Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh said
Attention-Saur Energy Infertile land to be made available for solar power in landholders at five places ahead of floating tenders for on Tuesday. The minister also exuded confidence that
Maharashtra: Energy minister-ET En.W. executing the projects in Engineering, Procurement, the renewable energy capacity would touch 510 GW by
It has undoubtedly been modules, cells and inverters,
Construction (EPC) model. 2030, including 60 GW of hydro power.
in that order. What has been missed out is in fact, as Infertile land in Maharashtra to be made available for
important. Yes, we are talking about the structures that solar power projects, said state energy minister Nitin https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industr y/
hold it all together, or the module mounting structures Raut. “Land which belongs to state owned power andhrapradesh/solar-power-projects-planned-on-a-big-
energy/power/clean-energy-capacit y-india-to-have-
(MMS). companies and private one would also be made available scale/article32177955.ece
https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-articles/the- for the solar power projects,” he added further. articleshow/77092644.cms?from=mdr
Government set to promote renewable power plants in
solar-foundation-solar-structures-need-attention https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ Rayalaseema-The New Ind. Exp.
renewable/infertile-land-to-be-made-available-for-solar- BHEL Tenders for Insurance of two Floating Solar
Union Power Minister dedicates 3 wind projects with Under the recently unveiled Andhra Pradesh Renewable
power-in-maharashtra-energy-minister/77142436 Plants-Saur Energy
Energy Export Policy, 2020, the first proposal is setting
800 MW capacity to the nation-PIB In April, the firm had tendered for the BOS works
NTPC floats tender to acquire 1 GW solar projects, to up of Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Parks
Shri Raj Kumar Singh, Honourable Minister of State Package-2 for the 100 MW AC floating solar PV grid-
invest around Rs 5,000 crore-ET En.W. (UMREPPs) of three-five gigawatts (GWs) capacity in
(Independent Charge) for Power and New & Renewable connected power plant excluding the installation of
Rayalaseema districts.
Energy (MNRE), Government of India, today in a virtual In a tender or request for proposal (RFP) issued on floating SPV module array with SCB, ESE LA’s and
Friday, NTPC has invited bids from the promoters or https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/
ceremony, dedicated Sembcorp’s state of the art SECI 1, associated earthing for NTPC at the Ramagundam Th.
lenders, authorised financial intermediaries of power vijayawada/2020/jul/22/government-set-to-promote-
2 and 3 projects to the nation. Power plant, Telangana.
generation companies, independent power producers renewable-power-plants-in-rayalaseema-2173112.html
https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetailm. https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/bhel-
or developers for offering operational solar based assets Floating solar projects in Odisha by March 2022-The
aspx?PRID=1642067#.XyGHIdNW4Tc.whatsapp tenders-for-insurance-of-two-floating-solar-plants
located in India.. New Indian Express
Gujarat Tops with Wind Power Generation Capacity https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ The first phase of the much awaited ‘floating solar power Ayala’s AC Energy to Build 100 MW Solar Plant in
Worth 1,468 MW in 2019-20-Energetica India renewable/ntpc-floats-tender-to-acquire-1-gw-solar- projects’ in the State is likely to be commissioned by India-Saur Energy
Gujarat has announced that it has added the highest projects-to-invest-around-rs-5000-crore/77148383 March 2022. Ayala Corporation’s subsidiary AC Energy is making its
capacity for wind power generation in 2019-20. The state https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/ first major investment in India by developing the 100
Benchmark rates for solar rooftop projects decline 20
had also seized a lion’s share of the new wind power odisha/2020/jul/22/floating-solar-projects-in-odisha-by- MW ac Sitara solar plant through its joint venture with
per cent-ET En.W.
capacity installed throughout India in the last fiscal. march-2022-2173155.html UPC Renewables China Holdings in Rajasthan, India.
The government’s benchmark rates for solar rooftop
https://www.energetica-india.net/news/gujarat-tops- https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/ayalas-
projects have fallen about 20 per cent, the fourth RK Singh Confident India Will Have 450 GW RE by
with-wind-power-generation-capacity-worth-1468-mw- ac-energy-to-build-100-mw-solar-plant-in-india
successive year of decline. Rates have fallen by 22 per 2030-Saur Energy
cent for projects between 1 kW and 10 kW, currently India will have around 60% of its installed electricity
Solar cos see potential to scale up; want Govt to tweak
New guidelines issued on bundled solar and thermal averaging at around Rs 42 per watt. generation capacity from clean sources by 2030 reaching
safeguard norms- Bus. Line
power-ET En.W. https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ 450 GW RE capacity, RK Singh has said.
The cost of solar power has come down to 2.30 per unit
Solar and thermal power can be bundled by bidders renewable/benchmark-rates-for-solar-rooftop-projects- https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/rk-singh-
discovered during recent bids, making it actually cheaper
to provide 24x7 electricity to distribution companies, decline-20-per-cent/77119168 confident-india-will-have-450-gw-re-by-2030
than other sources of energy and with the potential to
according to new official guidelines issued to scale AP government invites private participation to set up Renewables now EU’s biggest source of electricity: supply at the same tariff for a minimum of 25 years from
up renewable energy without hurting the grid with ultra mega renewable energy power parks-ET En.W. study-ET En.W. the time of implementation.
intermittent supply.
With an immense potential to produce solar and wind Renewable energy sources such as the wind and the https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ power in the state, the Andhra Pradesh government has sun overtook fossil fuels as the European Union ‘s main solar-cos-see-potential-to-scale-up-want-govt-to-tweak-
renewable/new-guidelines-issued-on-bundled-solar-and- formulated a comprehensive policy to promote private generators of electricity in the first half of this year, safeguard-norms/article32145478.ece
thermal-power/77211747 participation in the sector. according to a new report published.

42 43

Most States can recover cost of free solar pumps in https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/dgtr-for- buyers, power and renewable energy minister RK Singh NHPC issues Letter of Award for 400 MW of ISTS-
less than 4 years- Bus. Line continued-imposition-of-safeguard-dut y-on-solar- said. connected solar projects-Mercom India
Most States will take less than four years to completely cells/1898521 https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ NHPC Limited announced that it had issued a letter
recover the initial investment for giving free solar pumps power/using-local-solar-gear-will-raise-tariffs-by-only-2- of award (LoA) for 400 MW of interstate transmission
NTPC’s 1.2 GW Solar tender receives strong response,
to farmers. These pumps will be disbursed under the 5-paise-energy-minister-rk-singh/articleshow/77008112. system (ISTS) connected solar projects.
oversubscribed by 500 MW-Mercom India
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evm Utthan cms https://mercomindia.com/nhpc-issues-letter-of-award/
NTPC Limited’s tender for setting up 1.2 GW of Interstate
Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) scheme. It includes the solar
Transmission System (ISTS) connected solar projects MNRE to examine bid for powering city transport from Maharashtra: State to get more clean energy through
plant cost at 3.5 Cr./MW and feeder separation cost at
has been met with an enthusiastic response from the renewable sources: R K Singh-ET En.W. mega solar power projects-Ind. Exp.
0.5 Cr./MW.
developers. The tender has been oversubscribed by 500 The minister of new and renewable energy R K Singh on
https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/most- THE STATE will implement mega solar power projects,
MW. Thursday said he has asked the ministry to examine an
states-can-recover-cost-of-free-solar-pumps-in-less-than- worth 602 MW, aimed at supplying clean and renewable
https://mercomindia.com/ntpc-solar-tender-response- innovative bid which would involve generating renewable energy towards the protection of the environment, said
oversubscribed/ energy to make hydrogen fuel and for charging batteries state Energy Minister Nitin Raut.
NHPC, GEDCOL ink pact to develop floating solar to power the transport of an entire city.
A.P Govt. move to encourage solar, wind energy https://indianexpress.com/article/india/maharashtra-
power projects in Odisha-Outlook https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
projects-The Hindu state-to-get-more-clean-energy-through-mega-solar-
State-run hydro giant NHPC on Monday said it has inked renewable/mnre-to-examine-bid-for-powering-cit y- power-projects-6507665/
The government has notified the Andhra Pradesh
a MoU with Green Energy Development Corporation of transport-from-renewable-sources-r-k-singh/77001531
Renewable Energy Export Policy-2020 through G.O. MS Long Lasting Solar Storage Possible With Solar Flow
Odisha Limited (GEDCOL) to form a joint venture for
No. 20 issued by Secretary (Energy) N. Srikant on Friday. ANERT Floats a DCR Tender for 6 MW of Solar Battery-Saur Energy
developing floating solar energy projects in the state
It was stated that the policy was applicable to solar, wind Projects in Kerala-Mercom India
with initial capacity of 500 MW. While solar flow batteries are years away from
and solar-wind hybrid projects, including equipment The Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research
https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/nhpc-gedcol- commercialization, they offer the potential to provide
manufacturing. and Technology (ANERT) has issued a request for
ink-pact-to-develop-floating-solar-power-projects-in- reliable electricity generation and storage for lighting,
https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra- selection (RfS) for 6 MW of grid-connected ground- cell phones or other fundamental uses for homes in
pradesh/govt-move-to-encourage-solar-wind-energy- mounted solar systems in Palakkad, Kerala, along with remote areas.
Raj set to get 1,070 mw solar power to hike green projects/article32118791.ece power evacuation facilities for the 110 kV substation at
footprint-ToI Kozhinjampara.
Gujarat retenders 100 MW from its 700 MW tender for lasting-solar-storage-possible-with-solar-flow-battery
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a https://mercomindia.com/anert-floats-dcr-tender-solar-
Raghanesda solar park-Mercom India
tender for the state government for grid-connected solar kerala/ The great games at play in wind and solar-Mint
Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) has
photovoltaic (PV) power projects to be set up in the state. In April, a week into the national lockdown—when
retendered the remaining capacity (100 MW) from its Rooftop Solar in Delhi Breaks Free of Height
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/raj-set- factories and offices had shut, shops had closed and
earlier tender for purchasing power from grid-connected Constraints-Saur Energy
to-get-1070-mw-solar-power-to-hike-green-footprint/ India’s 1.2 billion people stayed indoors—the country’s
solar projects in the state’s Raghanesda Solar Park. The two metre height regulation in Delhi, which was
articleshow/77074944.cms electricity demand crashed by 22%. Power generators
https://mercomindia.com/gujarat-retenders-100-mw/ seen as a constraint by many owners, owing to the scrambled to scale down operations and state-owned
Chhattisgarh: With solar power, it’s finally a dawn in impact it would have on other uses for rooftops, has electricity utilities turned down expensive purchases.
NTPC Floats Tender for 1.1 MW of Solar Projects in
remote villages of Narayanpur-ToI been removed. The South Delhi Municipal Corporation
Karnataka-Mercom India https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/the-great-
After years of darkness, it’s finally a dawn in remote has relaxed norms governing the height of the panels,
The last date for the submission of bids is September 29, making it easier for many to consider solar rooftop again.
villages of Narayanpur as the district administration has html
2020 NTPC Limited has issued a notice inviting tender
started to set up solar panels for electrification. https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/rooftop-
for the development of a 1.1 MW grid-connected solar Floating solar power plants making waves across
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/raipur/ solar-in-delhi-breaks-free-of-height-constraints
project at North Kanakapura in the state of Karnataka. Asia-Pacific-Energy Live News
https://mercomindia.com/ntpc-tender-solar-projects- SECI to Conduct Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting for 15 MW
remote-villages-of-narayanpur/articleshow/77017061.cms Floating solar power plants are expected to generate
karnataka/ Floating Solar Tender-Saur Energy
around 900% more electricity across the Asia-Pacific
DGTR for continued imposition of safeguard duty on The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued region.That’s according to a new report from the Institute
Using local solar gear will raise tariffs by only 2-5
solar cells-Outlook India in a notice that the pre-bid meeting for its tender for for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA),
paise: Energy minister RK Singh-ET
The commerce ministry’’s investigation arm DGTR has setting up of 15 MW grid-connected floating solar PV which suggests countries in Asia leads European nations
The minister also said that development of renewable power plant at Nangal Pond, Himachal Pradesh will be
recommended imposition of safeguard duty on solar cells in deploying floating solar farms.
energy along with storage capacity will help reduce conducted online.
for one more year to protect domestic manufacturers and https://www.energylivenews.com/2020/07/13/floating-
import of fossil fuels. solar equipment will raise per-unit
discourage cheap imports. https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/seci- solar-power-plants-making-waves-across-asia-pacific/
price of power by only 2-5 paise, which will not deter

44 45

Corporate funding in solar sector falls 76 per cent in Tamil Nadu to sell renewable energy to western states-ToI capacity, excluding large hydropower dams, stood at Gas, said, “In cooking and industrial use, the prime need
H1 2020 to USD 462 mn: Report-ET En.W. While TN can encash its renewable power generation 132.4 billion in the first half H1 of 2020, up 5 per cent is for heating and therefore electricity may take sometime
As per the report by Mercom Capital Group, a global capacity, the western states can comply with their from a revised 125.8 billion in the same period last year before it can take over.”
clean energy communications and consulting firm, total RPO. Since the project was announced, there have despite COVID-19, according to a recent. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/using-
worldwide corporate funding in the solar sector during been protests against installation of the line through https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ renewable-energy-for-cooking-needs-will-take-more-time/
January-June 2020 stood at USD 4.5 billion, down 25 per agricultural fields, especially in western districts. renewable/global-investment-in-new-renewables-rose-5- article32316118.ece
cent from USD 6 billion in the corresponding period of https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/chennai/ per-cent-in-h12020-despite-covid-19-bnef/76943481
EV makers hail Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy-The Week
the previous year. tamil-nadu-to-sell-renewable-energy-to-western-states/
Electric vehicle makers on Friday termed the ‘Delhi
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ articleshow/76948529.cms 2.  Environment / Safety
Electric Vehicle Policy’ as a step in the right direction
Height norms eased, installing rooftop solar panels TERI, FTI Consulting partner on hydrogen roadmap to encourage adoption of clean energy vehicles in the
made simpler-ET En.W. research-P V Magazine capital and said it will set an example for other states to
Firms line up to create roadmap for India’s global solar If you wish to install rooftop solar panels but are reluctant The Energy and Resources Institute TERI and US-based follow.
grid plans-Mint to do so to save terrace space for other activities, there is FTI Consulting have partnered on policy and economic https://www.theweek.in/wire-updates/
French government-owned power utility Électricité de a change in norms that may prove to be helpful. Senior research to develop a hydrogen-based economy in business/2020/08/07/dcm78-biz-dl-electric-vehicle-reax.
France SA (EDF) and consulting firms McKinsey & Co., municipal officials say that the building regulations have India, fuel-cell manufacturing and policy ecosystem, html
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Kearney, Deloitte and been eased for encouraging solar power adoption in the carbon capture systems, and new and emerging areas in
renewable energy. Tamil Nadu to set up exclusive park for EVs, targets
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) are among entities that city of New Delhi.
Rs 50k-cr investment Poll-The Smart Investor
have shown interest in creating the roadmap for a global https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://www.pv-magazine-india.com/2020/08/11/teri-fti-
solar grid planned by India, two people aware of the consulting-partner-on-hydrogen-roadmap-research/ Tamil Nadu is planning to set up a park exclusively for
development said. the electric vehicle production eco-system. This will be
ExxonMobil and Global Clean Energy Holdings Sign the country’s first electric vehicle park.
Renewable sector reports 72% drop in new capacity Agreement for Renewable Diesel-Yahoo News India
up-to-create-roadmap-for-india-s-global-solar-grid- https://smartinvestor.business-standard.com/market/
addition in Q1-Bus. Line Renewable diesel can significantly reduce life-cycle story-654561-storydet-Tamil_Nadu_to_set_up_exclusive_
The renewable energy sector in the country reported a greenhouse gas emissions Exxon Mobile has signed park_for_EVs_targets_Rs_50k_cr_investment.htm
NLC India Commissions 20 MW Solar Project with 72 per cent drop in new capacity addition during the first an agreement with Global Clean Energy Holdings to
Battery Energy Storage in Andaman-Mercom India purchase 2.5 million barrels of renewable diesel per year ONGC gas pipeline bursts in Assam, no damage
quarter of this fiscal when compared with the year-ago
for five years from a converted California refinery starting reported: Official-CNBC TV18
The Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) India Limited period, on the back of Covid-19 disruption in the supply
has announced that the electricity department of chain and other challenges faced by the sector. in 2022. An underground gas pipeline at Assam’s Geleky oilfield
Andaman and Nicobar administration has confirmed https://in.news.yahoo.com/exxonmobil-global-clean- of energy major Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
the commissioning of a 20 MW solar power project energy-holdings-151500617.html ruptured on Monday, leading to leakage of gas in the
renewable-sector-reports-72-drop-in-new-capacit y-
integrated with 8 MWh battery energy storage system entire area, a senior company official said.
Pine needles to generate power in 2 blocks of each hill
(BESS). https://www.cnbctv18.com/energy/ongc-gas-pipeline-
SCCL mulls 500 MW floating solar power plants in dist: CM-ToI
https://mercomindia.com/nlc-india-commissions-solar- bursts-in-assam-no-damage-reported-official-6532121.
Telangana-ET En.W. In a bid to give a boost to alternative sources of energy, htm
Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) is planning Uttarakhand chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat on
SCCL mulls 500 MW floating solar power plants in Monday directed the authorities to identify two blocks Explained: How Ghazipur landfill’s height was reduced
to set up floating solar power plants with combined
Telangana-Outlook in each hill district and develop them as model blocks and if it can be permanently cleared-The Ind. Exp.
capacity of 500 mw on water bodies in Telangana.
The proposed plants would be set up along with the The proposed plants would be set up along with the for power generation. Only those blocks, which have a Around 15 per cent of the waste is used as Refuse Derived
Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Telangana State Renewable Energy Development high quantity of pine needles would be selected, to help Fuel (RDF) and sent to energy plants in Ghazipur for
Corporation, an official release from the state-owned Corporation, an official release from the state-owned coal generate power through them, the CM said. producing electricity. Nearly 20 per cent waste is sent to
coal miner SCCL said on Monday. The state renewable miner SCCL said on Monday. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/dehradun/pine- construction and demolition waste plants of EDMC for
energy corporation has taken up the feasibility study needles-to-generate-power-in-2-blocks-of-each-hill-dist- making bricks, tiles and sand.
for erecting floating solar power plants on large water renewable/sccl-mulls-500-mw-floating-solar-power- cm/articleshow/77469996.cms https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/ghazipr-
bodies and the department officials gave a power-point plants-in-telangana/76951121 landfill-height-reduced-permanently-cleared-6522978/
‘Using renewable energy for cooking needs will take
presentation to SCCL CMDN.
Global investment in new renewables rose 5 per cent more time’-The Hindu Bus. Line EV charging infrastructure firm EVI Technologies,
https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/sccl-mulls-500- RevFin tie up for EV financing- ET
in H12020, despite COVID-19: BNEF-ET En.W. Speaking at a webinar on World Biofuel Day, Tarun
The global investment in new renewable energy Kapoor, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Electric vehicle charging infrastructure firm EVI

46 47

Technologies on Monday said it has partnered with Costly solution: Careful on flue gas desulphurisers- Power minister launches EESL’’s initiative for clean, state head of Indian Oil Corporation IOC P Jayadevan
digital lending startup RevFin and electric three-wheeler Fin.Exp. green office spaces-Outlook said IOC would be responsible for the compressed
makers Saarthi and Mayuri, to provide funding for EVs On July 14, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) advised Union Power Minister R K Singh on Monday launched biogas and this can be consumed as a green renewable
and swappable battery solutions. an NGO to approach the Central Pollution Control Board a joint initiative -Retrofit of Air-conditioning to improve energy for automotive and industrial applications.
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/auto/auto- (CPCB) for highlighting some of the technical issues indoor air quality for safety and efficiency (RAISE) of https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil-
news/ev-charging-infrastructure-firm-evi-technologies- related to SO2 emission. state owned EESL and USAID to ensure cleaner and and-gas/ioc-plans-more-compressed-biogas-units-in-
revfin-tie-up-for-ev-financing/articleshow/77194100.cms https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/costly- greener office spaces in the country. tamil-nadu/77010314

solution-careful-on-flue-gas-desulphurisers/2035605/ https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/power-
Long-lasting toxicity for humans, animals and birds at Only 1% coal power plant capacity has FGD, 72% yet
Baghjan oil spill region: Wildlife Institute to award bids-ToI
GAIL and Carbon Clean Solutions sign a MoU for spaces/1899106
WII has said that the highest concentration of Compressed Biogas projects-EPC World Only 1% of the total coal-fired power plant capacity which
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a toxic compound, in 1,777sqkm forest lost to coal mining in Satpuda-Pench is required to comply with the emission standards under
With the Government of Indias support for the clean
fish samples from Maguri Motapung wetland, which is corridor: Study-TOI the current phasing plan have installed the mandatory
energy transition, this partnership will play a crucial role
located near the blowout site, was found to be 10-to 100- Even as government is going ahead with its auction of flue-gas desulphurisers (FGD), an equipment to control
in furthering technological advancements in production
fold higher than any concentrations reported from India coal blocks, latest study on land use land cover (LULC) toxic sulphur dioxide emissions.
of CBG from organic waste, which will be critical in this
or other parts of the world. change in the wildlife corridor connecting the Pench https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/only-1-
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/long- and Satpuda tiger reserves reveals a systematic loss of coal-power-plant-capacity-has-fgd-72-yet-to-award-bids/
l a s t i n g - tox i c i t y - fo r- h u m a n s - a n i m a l s - a n d - b i rd s - 10,377ha (1,037sqkm) and 7,406ha (740sqkm) of dense articleshow/77023867.cms
at-baghjan-oilspill-region-wildlife-institute/stor y- forests and open forests respectively to scrub forests of
All railway routes will be 100% electrified in next 3.5
sY8pXpMnRz5wMPjPKeUJHJ.html NGT directs 3 thermal plants to pay Rs 1.5 crore-The density less than 10% tree cover.
yrs: Piyush Goyal-Dailyhunt
Tribune https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/
Centre gives nod for 178 EV charging stations in The railways is taking number of steps to net zero
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed three nagpur/1777sqkm-forest-lost-to-coal-mining-in-satpuda-
Telangana-Telangana Today carbon emission including electrification, improving
thermal power plants in Punjab to pay Rs 1.5 crore as pench-corridor-study/articleshow/77056854.cms
Bringing in the much-needed Electric Vehicle (EV) charging energy efficiency of locomotives amp trains and fixed
“environmental compensation” over their failure to
infrastructure to the State, the Union Ministry of Heavy Sisodia inaugurates first e-vehicle charging station in installations, green certification for installations stations,
scientifically dispose of fly ash.
Industries and Public Enterprises has finally approved 178 E Delhi-Outlook fitting bio-toilets in coaches and switching to renewable
Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations for Telangana. https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/ngt-directs-3- energy sources, the Minister said.
The charging stations under PlugNgo in Delhi are
thermal-plants-to-pay-rs-1-5-crore-117092 expected to cater to the charging requirements of 15 to h t t p s : / / w e b.d a i l y h u n t . i n / n e w s / i n d i a / e n g l i s h /
charging-stations-in-telangana NGO argues that new emission norms for power 18 cars per day, said the spokesperson of BYPL . The deccan+herald-epaper-deccan/all+railway+routes+will+b
plants to entail huge expense-Daiji World tentative cost of running an e-vehicle is between Rs 1.25 e+100+electrified+in+the+next+3+5+years+piyush+goyal-
NGT directs Indian Oil’s Panipat refinery to pay `25
to Rs 1.50 per km, depending on the make of the vehicle. newsid-n199057210
crore-The Hindu The Veterans Forum for Transparency in Public Life, an
NGO, recently filed an application in the National Green https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/sisodia-
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has said the Indian NGT asks petitioner seeking closure of R-Power’’s
Oil Corporation Limited’s Panipat refinery in Haryana has Tribunal against the Environment Ministry for notifying Sasan UMPP to approach committee-Outlook
failed to take effective and adequate steps for pollution emission norms for thermal power plants without The National Green Tribunal Wednesday directed
control and directed it to submit `25 crore for restoration scientifically assessing their likely impacts on improving In a first, Maharashtra to use drones to inspect power a petitioner, seeking closure and cancellation of
of the environment. the ambient air quality. lines-The Hindu environmental clearance to Reliance Power’’s Sasan
h tt p s : / / w w w. t h e h i n d u .co m / s c i - te c h / e n e rg y - a n d - h t t p : / / w w w.d a i j i w o r l d .co m / n e w s / n e w s D i s p l a y. Maharashtra has become the first State in the country Ultra Mega Power Project in Madhya Pradesh’’s Singrauli
environment/ngt-directs-indian-oils-panipat-refinery-to- aspx?newsID=732960 to get the go-ahead to use drones for aerial surveillance area, to approach a monitoring committee on the issue.
pay-25-crore/article32196761.ece and inspection of extra high voltage (EHV) power https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/ngt-asks-
EV charging plaza to make e-mobility convenient:
transmission lines and towers. petitioner-seeking-closure-of-rpowers-sasan-umpp-to-
76 mishaps in 10 years, coal ash India’s big under- EESL-ET En.W.
https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/mumbai/in-a- approach-committee/1895728
radar danger, notes study-Ind.Exp. Union Power Minister R.K. Singh on Monday said that
Besides deaths and loss of property, the accidents also EV (electric vehicle) charging plaza is a new avenue for Mukesh Ambani’s RIL to build hydrogen based
resulted in extensive pollution of nearby water resources, making e-mobility ubiquitous & convenient in India. transportation fuel systems-Fin.Exp.
air and soil, the study notes. https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ IOC plans more compressed biogas units in Tamil Ambani also said that it will approach NCLT to spin off
https://indianexpress.com/article/india/76-mishaps-in- power/ev-charging-plaza-to-make-e-mobility-convenient- Nadu-ET En.W. its oil-to-chemical O2C business arm into a separate
10-years-coal-ash-indias-big-under-radar-danger-notes- eesl/77083094 In a video conference with reporters from Puduchatram subsidiary to facilitate the equity investment by Saudi
study-6523643/ in Namakkal district on Thursday, executive director and Aramco, which it expects to complete by early 2021.

48 49

https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/mukesh- RLNG to fuel proposed 900-MW power plant-The New companies, including NTPC, Tata Power and Reliance Average spot power price down 27% to Rs 2.47/unit in
ambanis-ril-to-build-hydrogen-based-transportation-fuel- Ind. Exp. Power, to reduce import of the dry fuel for blending July on IEX-ET
systems/2025385/ The Chennai Power Generation Limited (CPGL) has purposes and replace it with domestic coal. The power The average spot power price in day ahead market dipped
proposed setting up of a 900 MW power plant that sector is a key coal consumer. 27 per cent to Rs 2.47 per unit in July as compared to the
GE Power bags orders worth Rs 850 cr to set up air
would use eco-friendly Regasified Liquefied Natural Gas https://www.newindianexpress.com/business/2020/ year-ago period on the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX).
quality systems-Bus.Std.
(RLNG) for fuel in Tiruvallur district. aug/09/indias-coal-import-drops-43-per-cent-in-july- The day ahead market (DAM) traded 4,487 MU (million
GE Power India on Wednesday said it has bagged multiple
https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2020/ owing-to-high-stockpile-at-pitheads-plants-2181165.html units) during the the month, an IEX statement said..
orders worth Rs 850.69 crore (USD 112.57 million) to
aug/13/rlng-to-fuel-proposed-900-mw-power- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/
implement air quality control systems technology in Cutting power losses? Give report: Chandigarh
plant-2182683.html power/average-spot-power-price-down-27-to-rs-2-47/unit-
India. The company will supply these air quality control administration-ToI
systems (AQCS) solutions to NTPC, Hindalco Industries Smart metering will improve discoms’ efficiency, high The UT administration has directed the power department
and UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd, a GE Power cost a hurdle: Crisil-Bus.Std. to submit a progress report on bringing down T&D losses
India statement said. after the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) NTPC generation up 13% in July-ToI
The report also noted that smart metering could also
https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/ help meet the need for robust metering systems, given had sought one on the study to bring them down. India’s largest generation utility NTPC and its group arms
ge-power-bags-orders-worth-rs-850-cr-to-set-up-air- the rising dependence on renewable energy will result https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/ produced 13% more power in July than the preceding
quality-systems-120071501821_1.html in a growing tribe of distributed generators with net cutting-power-losses-give-report-chandigarh- month, indicating an uptick in demand on the back of
metering requirements. administration/articleshow/77453967.cms revival in economic activities. NTPC, its subsidiaries and
Experts flag dilution of NOx emission limit for coal-
https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/ joint ventures produced 26.73 bu (billion units) in July
fired power stations-Down To Earth NTPC Group achieves 100 billion units power
smart-metering-will-improve-discoms-efficiency-high- against 23.59 billion units in June, the company said.
Power stations commissioned between December 2003 generation mark-ET En.W.
cost-a-hurdle-crisil-120081001614_1.html h t t p s : / / t i m e s o f i n d i a . i n d i a t i m e s .c o m / b u s i n e s s /
and 2016 can emit 450 milligram / normal cubic metre “NTPC Group has achieved over 100 BUs of cumulative
(mg / Nm3 ) oxides of nitrogen (NOx), up from 300 A.P. govt. plans energy cells in every department-The generation in the current financial year, reinforcing the
earlier, the Supreme Court said July 8, 2020. Experts Hindu group’’s commitment towards excellence in operation
have cautioned against further relaxation. across its plants,” it said in a statement. China’s new coal projects account for 90 per cent of
State Govt. proposes to set up Energy Conservation Cells
https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/pollution/experts- in every department to promote Energy Conservation and https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ global total in H1-ET En.W.
flag-dilution-of-nox-emission-limit-for-coal-fired-power- Efficiency. The ultimate objective of the Chief Minister power/ntpc-group-achieves-100-billion-units-power- China built more than half of the world’s new coal-fired
stations-72254 was to achieve cost-effective power in the State through generation-mark/77441901 power plants this year and accounted for 90 per cent
best practices in the power sector. of new planned capacity, a study showed on Monday,
NGT orders notice to Karnataka Power Corporation BHEL begins civil works at 660-MW Sagardighi power
https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra- with Beijing still commissioning new projects even as
Ltd.-The Hindu plant in West Bengal-CNBC TV18
pradesh/ap-govt-plans-energy-cells-in-every-department/ capacity worldwide declines.
The southern bench of the National Green Tribunal BHEL is India’s largest manufacturer of power generation
article32330144.ece https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/coal/
(NGT) has ordered serving a notice to Karnataka Power equipment with an installed base of over 1, 90,000 MW of
Corporation Ltd. (KPCL) over its proposal to set up a Cabinet to okay new Consumer charter to provide power plant equipment globally. The Sagardighi thermal
gas-based 350 MW combined cycle power plant near the 24X7 power-ET En.W. power station is already equipped with two sets of 500
Puttenahalli Lake Bird Conservation Reserve. MW installed by BHEL in 2016. Gas supplies to power plant rise over 13 pc in June-
The Government proposes to bring in regulations that
https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/ will give rights to the consumer to seek 24X7 electricity https://www.cnbctv18.com/energy/bhel-begins-civil- Outlook
ngt-orders-notice-to-karnataka-power-corporation-ltd/ supply in their homes and provide them compensation works-at-660-mw-sagardighi-power-plant-in-west- Gas supplies to power plants in the country rose by
article32070944.ece for any deviation from the stated goal. Sources said that bengal-6572901.htm over 13 per cent to 36.16 million metric standard cubic
a consumer charter has been introduced in the new tariff metre per day (MMSCMD) in June this year from 31.95
Khargone: India’s high efficiency leap-Powerline magazine
3.  Energy policy that has been finalised by the Power Ministry MMSCMD in the same month a year ago, showing
that clearly mandates role and responsibility for power Indian power giant NTPC commissioned the second unit improvement in the beleaguered segment.
India’s Offshore Wind Target Unfeasible, Says GWEC
distribution companies and states the rights of consumers. of the vast 1,320-MW Khargone Super Thermal Power
Report-Energy Infra Post https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/gas-supplies-
Project in Madhya Pradesh this March, completing
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ to-power-plant-rise-over-13-pc-in-june/1908297
With around 7,600 km of coastline at its disposal, MNRE its first ultrasupercritical power plant. The project’s
set the target of 5 GW of offshore wind power by 2022 and completion is a key step in the government’s program India steps on gas as coal use for power generation
30 GW by 2030. India has also earmarked nearly 70 GW to develop an advanced ultrasupercritical plant using slows-ET En.W.
of potential area for offshore wind energy development. India’s coal import drops 43 per cent in July owing to indigenous technology. Indian power plants used the most gas in at least 3-1/2
https://www.energyinfrapost.com/indias-offshore-wind- high stockpile at pitheads, plants-The New Ind. Exp. https://www.powermag.com/khargone-indias-high- years in the June quarter, as operators along the west
target-unfeasible-says-gwec-report/ The Centre had earlier asked power generating efficiency-leap/ coast snapped up cheap liquefied natural gas (LNG)

50 51

imports that have become competitive against coal, pradesh/2020/jul/30/state-to-set-up-four-mega-energy- time, power stations are likely to become as ubiquitous production of coal to 57.6 million tonnes in fiscal year
government data showed. plants-in-rayalaseema-2176774.html and familiar as gas stations are today. 2019-20 and provided it cheaply to government and
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://www.livemint.com/news/world/in-the-future-solar- private thermal power stations in Central, West and
Energy efficiency project to cut 22 industries’ power
oil-and-gas/india-steps-on-gas-as-coal-use-for-power- and-wind-will-be-everywhere-you-look-11595641498421. South India.
consumption by 43 pc-HT Synd.
generation-slows/77324064 html https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/
According to official sources, Sustainable and
Power consumption slump drops to 2.64% in July; may Renewable Energy Development Authority Sreda Gas-based power generation to grow at double the
hit normal level in Aug-Bus.Std. has been implementing the maiden project of its kind pace of demand growth: Morgan Stanley-ET En.W.
The slump in power consumption has narrowed to through encouraging consumers to use energy efficient The report noted the reasons why gas-based power CIL’s coal supply to power sector drops over 21% to
just 2.64 per cent in July at 113.48 billion units (BU) equipment and appliances. generation fulfills multiple objectives -competitive gas 93.5 MT in Apr-Jun quarter-ET En.W.
indicating spurt in economic activity and raised hopes h tt p s : / / w w w. h t s y n d i ca t i o n .co m / u n i te d - n e w s - o f - prices will help the government to lower coal imports and The supply of coal by state-owned Coal India Ltd to the
that it would touch normal level this month. bangladesh/article/energy-efficiency-project-to-cut-22- fulfill environmental obligations and also complement power sector fell 21.7 per cent to 93.5 million tonnes (MT)
industries--power-consumption-by-43-pc/44465116 the growth of renewables. in the first quarter of the ongoing fiscal against 119.5 MT
power-consumption-slump-drops-to-2-64-in-july-may-hit- https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil- of dry-fuel in the April-June period of the previous fiscal,
UP draws up plan to cut AT&C losses to 15% by 2024-
normal-level-in-aug-120080100798_1.html and-gas/gas-based-power-generation-to-grow-at-double- according to a report by the Coal Ministry.
Fin. Exp.
the-pace-of-demand-growth-morgan-stanley/77141128 https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/coal/
Energy demand in India showing signs of recovery, In line with the Centre’s reforms linked distribution
Uttar Pradesh drafts bidding document for Slop-based cils-coal-supply-to-power-sector-drops-over-21-pc-to-93-5-
says report-ET En.W. scheme, the Uttar Pradesh government has drawn up a
renewable power-Mercom India mt-in-apr-jun-quarter/77066369
Energy demand in June contracted by 10.9 per cent year- plan improve the financial and operational performance
on-year for the fourth consecutive month to 105.6 billion of discoms.. The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission NTPC’s 1,600 MW Lara Power Project in Chhattisgarh
units but is showing signs of recovery due to gradual https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/up-draws-up- dismissed a petition filed by the Uttar Pradesh Power fully operational- ET
lifting of COVID-19 induced lockdown for certain plan-to-cut-atc-losses-to-15-by-2024/2036897/ Corporation Limited seeking to fulfill its RPO target by State-owned power giant NTPC said its 1,600 MW Lara
procuring slop-based power. super thermal power station in Chhattisgarh has been
economic activities, according to India Ratings and
Western Coalfields offers to supply coal to power https://mercomindia.com/uttar-pradesh-drafts-bidding-
Research (Ind-Ra). fully operational after 800 MW Unit-2 of the project was
plants of Coal India’s other arms-ET document/
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ made fully functional. Earlier in September, the 800 MW
Western Coalfields has offered four million tonnes of Unit-1 of the project was made commercially operational.
power/energy-demand-in-india-showing-signs-of- Coal India gives hard-up power producers a much-
coal to power plants currently supplied by Coal India’s
recovery-says-report/77311277 needed breather on coal use-ET https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/
other subsidiaries. Customers can shift their existing
IEX clocks 15% growth in electricity sales volumes in sale contracts to Western Coalfields, the company said The power plants which had signed sale agreements
with distribution companies but were unable to get installed-capacity-
June quarter-CNBC TV18 in a notice.
enough coal from long-term contract auctions can now CIL introduces exclusive e-auction aimed at coal
The sale of power volume grew 14.5 percent to 14,878 https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/indl-
use the fuel meant for other plants of the same group, importers-Business Today
million units at the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) goods/svs/metals-mining/western-coalfields-offers-to-
Coal India said in a recent notice.
in June quarter as compared to 12,990 million units supply-coal-to-power-plants-of-coal-indias-other-arms/ Coal India Ltd (CIL) on Friday said it has introduced a
in the same period last year, the official data showed. articleshow/77202952.cms https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/indl- new category of spot e-auction for importers only and
goods/svs/metals-mining/coal-india-gives-hard-up- aimed at replacing 150 million tonne of the fuel sourced
According to the data released by the IEX on Thursday,
CIL’s coal allocation to power sector under e-auction power-producers-a-much-needed-breather-on-coal-use/
the average spot power price at the exchange was down from abroad with domestic supply.
drops 29% in Q1- Fin.Exp. articleshow/77150278.cms
26 percent year- on-year and yielded significant savings https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/
for distribution utilities and Industries. State-owned CIL’s coal allocation under special forward
Atomic power station in Gujarat goes critical-ToI cil-introduces-exclusive-e-auction-aimed-at-coal-
e-auction for the power sector declined 28.7 per cent to
https://www.cnbctv18.com/energy/iex-clocks-15-growth- Despite the covid-19 crises, Indias nuclear programme importers/story/410195.html
4.74 million tonnes in the first quarter of the ongoing
in-electricity-sales-volumes-in-june-quarter-6495501.htm crossed an important milestone at 9.36 am on Wednesday
fiscal, official data showed. India to create its first overseas oil stockpile in US-ToI
when the third unit of the 700 MW Kakrapar Atomic
Andhra govt to set up four mega energy plants in https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/cils-coal- India is moving to store oil in the US, the first time
Power Project KAPP-3 located at Gujarat attained its first
Rayalaseema-The New Indian Express allocation-to-power-sector-under-e-auction-drops-29- world in the US, the first time world’s third-largest oil
The officials revealed that Solar Energy Corporation in-q1/2036440/ guzzler is creating an emergency reserve abroad to take
of India SECI Ltd and NTPC have informed the State advantage of low prices and guard against possible
In the future, solar and wind will be everywhere you station-in-gujarat-goes-critical/articleshow/77110458.cms
officials that they were ready to partner with Andhra supply disruptions
Pradesh to develop transmission system for 8,000 MW Increase in coal production helped lower power price: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-
and 5,000 MW respectively. As we transition to a zero-carbon economy, wind and Western Coalfields-Bus. Std. business/india-to-create-its-first-overseas-oil-stockpile-in-
solar power is going to get a whole lot more visible. In
https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/andhra- Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) has increased the us/articleshow/77025818.cms

52 53

MNRE to examine bid for powering city transport from have flexibility in long-term contracts. Currently, trading in India, plans to sell its power purchase agreements Save your electricity bill, and save your power
renewable sources: R K Singh-Energy Infra Post on power exchanges is restricted to11 days while long- PPAs worth 1200 MW, said multiple people aware of the company too; here’s how smart meters can help-Fin.
The minister of new and renewable energy R K Singh on term contracting by discoms is done through tendering. development. Exp.
Thursday said he has asked the ministry to examine an Once derivatives are introduced on commodity https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ While the government looks to help Indias power
innovative bid which would involve generating renewable exchanges, the discoms will be able to lower their power power/acme-solar-scouts-for-buyer-to-sell-1200-mw- distribution companies emerge from distress, smart
energy to make hydrogen fuel and for charging batteries procurement costs and hedge risks. power-purchase-agreements-ppas/articleshow/77511901. meters can actually prove to be a convenient solution to
to power the transport of an entire city https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ cms the same and may help in saving up on collection and
https://www.energyinfrapost.com/mnre-to-examine-bid-for- power/govt-allows-electricit y-derivatives-forward- billing losses.
DISCOM Dues to Power Generators Mount to `101
powering-city-transport-from-renewable-sources-r-k-singh/ contracts/76973278 https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/save-your-
Billion At the End of June-Energy Infra Post
Zero fossil fuel import must for Aatmanirbhar Bharat CIL dues from state power gencos mount to Rs 22,000 The data released from the portal also showed that
vision: R K Singh-ET En.W. crore amid tepid demand-ET 65 DISCOMS owed power generators 1.19 trillion in
Zero dependence on fossil fuel is required for Aatmanirbhar Coal India’s dues from state- owned power generation overdue payments spread across 17,118 invoices at the Who benefits from Modi government’s commercial
Bharat, Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R companies have risen to Rs 22,000 crore amid muted end of June 2020 coal auctions? Not coal mining states-Scroll
K Singh said. Singh also said that once renewable energy demand and high production, sources said on Monday. https://www.energyinfrapost.com/discom-dues-to-power- An analysis shows regardless of the number of
and balancing power become cost-effective, thermal The mining behemoth is also not in a position to regulate generators-mount-to-%e2%82%b9101-billion-at-the-end- participants, the design of the auctions itself leaves
electricity and fossil fuel will be a thing of past in India’s supplies to the power companies as demand has of-june/ open the possibility of low revenues for coal-mining
energy mix. remained subdued over the last few months, they said. states. This is because the floor benchmark for bidding
Tata power discom claims annual loss of Rs 150 Cr.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ has been set considerably lower than previous auction
due to power theft-ET En.W.
renewable/zero-fossil-fuel-import-must-for-aatmanirbhar- power/cil-dues-from-state-power-gencos-mount-to-rs- rounds.
22000-crore-amid-tepid-demand/articleshow/76938756. Power discom TPDDL, supplying electricity to nearly
bharat-vision-r-k-singh/77010171 https://scroll.in/article/969802/who-benefits-from-modi-
cms 70 lakh consumers in north and northwest Delhi, on
Signs of greenshoots: India’s electricity output Saturday claimed it has suffered a huge annual loss of
recovers further in first half of July- ET India faces power deficit despite low demand on Rs 150 crore due to power theft in some pockets of its
Covid-19-ToI distribution area. Towards a self-reliant India: Private sector steps into
Power generation fell 3.1% in the first 15 days of July
compared with the same period last year, an analysis The Covid-19 pandemic and slowdown in demand https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ the future of coal mining-CNBCTV 18
of daily load despatch data from federal grid operator across sectors has not eased the country’s power supply power/tata-power-discom-claims-annual-loss-of-rs-150- Owing to the drastically increasing gap in demand and
POSOCO showed, compared with a 9.9% fall in June. deficit situation which widened to 0.5 per cent in April- crore-due-to-power-theft/66007313 supply of coal in India, the government has resolved to
June quarter of 2020, up from 0.4 per cent in the same end the monopoly enjoyed by Coal India over the years
period last year. Industrial production declines 16.6% in June-ToI
power/signs-of-greenshoots-indias-electricity-output- and not only allow, but also incentivise the participation
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil- Industrial production declined by 16.6 per cent in June, of private players in the industry, to try and domestically
and-gas/india-faces-power-deficit-despite-low-demand- mainly due to lower output of manufacturing, mining and meet the country’s coal needs.
on-covid-19/76958778 power generation, as per the government data released
Commercial coal auctions: Industry seeks timeline on Tuesday.
extension amid tepid demand-Fin. Exp. NTPC’s Singrauli Unit 1 top-performing plant in Q1-
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india- mining-6596691.htm
The Statesman
Amid low demand of coal in the current economic business/industrial-production-declines-16-6-in-june/
environment, potential investors have requested the State-run electricity giant NTPC on Saturday said Unit-1 articleshow/77485895.cms New liquidity infusion scheme: Private power
Union government to delay the commercial coal auctions of its Singrauli power plant has emerged as the country’s producers say ‘no’ to UP’s demand for discounts- Fin.
top-performing unit in the first quarter of this fiscal. The Tangedco owes Rs 18,069cr to power generators-ToI Exp.
by three months. In letters sent to the Union coal ministry
regarding the upcoming auction, industry players have unit has registered a plant load factor (PLF) or capacity Woes of discoms across the country have worsened as Independent power producers (IPPs) such as Tata Power,
pointed that more time is needed for “identifying reliable utilisation of 101.96 per cent in the April-June period. their total outstanding to power generators increased Bajaj Energy, KSK and Hindustan Power have rejected a
coal customer to purchase coal” and “assess the grade of https://www.thestatesman.com/business/ntpcs-singrauli- from Rs 95,501 crore to Rs 1.2 lakh crore between March proposal by the Uttar Pradesh government making the
coal” for the companies to take informed decision. unit-1-top-performing-plant-q1-1502907883.html and June. Rajasthans power utility with Rs 33,379 crore settlement of state discoms’ dues to them under the new
outstanding tops the list, followed by Tangedco with Rs liquidity infusion scheme, contingent on the producers
18,069 crore. offering tariff rebates for past supplies.
coal-auctions-industry-seeks- 4.  Business
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/chennai/ https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/new-liquidity-
Govt allows electricity derivatives, forward contracts- Acme Solar scouts for buyer to sell 1200-MW power
tangedco-owes-rs-18069cr-to-power-generators/ infusion-scheme-private-power-producers-say-no-to-ups-
ET En.W. purchase agreements -ET
articleshow/77471722.cms demand-for-discounts/2049986/
Experts said power distribution companies discoms will Acme Solar Holdings Ltd, leading solar power producer

54 55

Rs 68K crore of loans released under discoms liquidity shut-down-sez-based-solar-manufacturers-oppose-basic- https://mercomindia.com/ramp-up-solar-manufacturing- CIL sees 17% jump in composite opencast output in
package-ET customs-duty-on-import-of-solar-cells/2048343/ india/ July, hopes further rise-Bus. Std.
“State-run non-banking finance firms REC Ltd and PFC State-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) on Monday said it has
Coal India logs 22 per cent growth in e-auction fuel CERC gives nod for third power exchange in the
have sanctioned loans worth about Rs 68,000 crore so clocked a 17 per cent growth in composite opencast
allocation in June quater-Times Now country-Bus. Line
far under the Rs 90,000 crore liquidity infusion package production in July over the same month a year ago.
The four categories of e-auction are spot e-auction of The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has
for discoms announced in May,” a source said. https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/
raw coal, special forward e-auction for power producers, approved the application of Pranurja Solutions Ltd, a
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ cil-sees-17-jump-in-composite-opencast-output-in-july-
exclusive e-auction for non-power sector and special company promoted by BSE, PTC Ltd and ICICI Bank,
power/rs-68k-crore-of-loans-released-under-discoms- hopes-further-rise-120080301017_1.html
spot auction. Booking by non-power sector, under an to set up a power exchange, which will be the country’s
exclusive e-auction to it, witnessed a three-fold rise third after IEX and PXIL. Bengal takes Rs 1,022-cr transition loan from Centre to
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation cuts debt by 35 per during April-June 2020 over the same period in 2019. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/cesc- help DISCOMS-Bus. Std.
cent to Rs 13,949 crore-ET https://www.timesnownews.com/business-economy/ gives-nod-for-third-power-exchange-in-the-count y/ The loan is part of the central government’s Rs
State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) companies/article/coal-india-logs-22-per-cent-growth-in- article32267083.ece 90,000-crore’Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ package to
has cut its debt by more than one-third but faces an e-auction-fuel-allocation-in-june-quater/633469 assist stressed distribution companies .
Lower industrial consumption arrests power demand
uphill challenge to meeting planned expenditure during https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-
Retire old thermal power plants to reduce discoms’ revival in July-Fin. Exp.
current fiscal due to oil and gas prices falling below policy/bengal-takes-rs-1-022-cr-transition-loan-from-
debt: IEEFA-ET En.W. Power demand in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh
sub-optimal levels, according to company officials and centre-to-help-power-discoms-120080200576_1.html
Many thermal power stations are old and operating at and Tamil Nadu – where industrial and commercial
regulatory filings.
well under half their capacity, yet the states are bound consumers comprise more than 40% of electricity users Pending electric bills stalling power projects, says
by contracts to continue to pay hefty capacity charges, – was lower by 14%, 9%, 11% and 15%, respectively in UPCL-ToI
Reduce financial and operational inefficiencies across July, year-on-year. Electricity consumption in these states
per-cent-to-rs-13949-crore/articleshow/77443684.cms The power-related development projects in Uttarakhand
India’s power distribution sector, which as of May had were even lower than June levels, signaling that the re-
have run into a wall as the UPCL is claiming to be
Delhi: BSES offers to exchange old fans, ACs for accumulated massive overdue payment liabilities of Rs imposition of lockdown curbs in key industrial areas
struggling with finances due to long-pending electricity
energy-saving ones-Ind.Exp. 1,16,340 crore to generation companies, by retiring old. might have put the brakes on an incipient revival process
bill payments of government agencies and commercial
The BSES discoms have launched a new energy- https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ in many industries, including the manufacturing sector.
saving replacement scheme catering to consumers in power/retire-old-thermal-power-plants-to-reduce-discoms- https://www.financialexpress.com/industr y/lower-
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/dehradun/
South, West, East and Central Delhi. Under the scheme, debt-ieefa/77390206 industrial-consumption-arrests-power-demand-revival-in-
consumers can exchange old ACs and fans with newer july/2044753/
Offer rebates to get faster payments: UP to private articleshow/77320302.cms
energy-efficient five-star rated ones with discounts up to
power plants-ET En.W. Japan utilities expect slow power demand recovery,
64% for ACs and 67% for fans. India reserves 110 power plant equipment , services
Uttar Pradesh proposes to conduct unique online cautious on outlook-ET En.W.
https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/delhi- for local companies - ET
auctions among power plants under which companies Japanese utilities expect a slow recovery in electric
bses-offers-to-exchange-old-fans-acs-for-energy-saving- India will bar non-local suppliers in bidding for contracts
which propose to offer higher rebates in dues will get power demand toward March after a 5% drop in the
ones-6545134/ for the supply of about 110 goods and services to power
faster repayment. The move has come as a surprise to April-June quarter though some are less confident that
plants. The non-local suppliers are manufacturers with
Actis Acquires 400 MW of Solar Projects from ACME- the power industry as this will be the first time the power the worst is over.
less than 20% of local content. These tenders, in respect
Mercom India plants will make bids to get payments for power supplied https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ of which there is sufficient local capacity, will be open to
Ayana Renewable Power, backed by the U.K.-based CDC to the state. power/japan-utilities-expect-slow-power-demand- only “class–I local suppliers” or those vendors who have
Group, recently acquired First Solar two solar projects https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ recovery-cautious-on-outlook/77332989 more than 50% local content.
with a capacity of 40 MW. power/offer-rebates-to-get-faster-payments-up-to-private-
Oil falls on supply glut fears as OPEC+ set to boost https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
https://mercomindia.com/actis-acquires-solar-projects- power-plants/77393946
output-Mint power/india-reserves-110-power-plant-equipment-
acme/ services-for-local-companies/77268483
What it Takes to Ramp Up Solar Manufacturing in Russia’s oil output in July was unchanged from June
‘Will have to shut down’: SEZ-based solar India-Mercom India levels, the nation’s Energy Ministry said. OPEC+, a Power to cost more as GUVNL hikes fuel surcharge-
manufacturers oppose basic customs duty on import A presence of large and growing cell manufacturing grouping of OPEC and allies including Russia, is set to ToI
of solar cells- Fin. Exp. capacity in India will automatically lead to investments step up output in August, adding about 1.5 million bpd
GUVNL directed its four power distribution companies
If the BCD is imposed, those in the domestic tariff area finding its way upstream into wafer and ingot to global supply.
(discoms) to levy a fuel surcharge of Rs 2 per unit from
who buy cells and modules from the SEZ units will have manufacturing in the country, explained Dhruv Sharma h t t p s : / / w w w. l i v e m i n t .co m / m a r ke t / co m m o d i t i e s / all categories of consumers, except agricultural, for the
to pay the duty under the 2005 SEZ Act. CEO at Jupiter Solar Power Limited, a solar cell oil-falls-on-supply-glut-fears-as-opec-set-to-boost- July-September quarter as against Rs 1.9 per unit in
https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/will-have-to- manufacturing company. output-11596425775151.html April-June.

56 57

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/ How safeguard duty on solar imports from China power/tata-power-on-track-to-reduce-debt-divest-assets- released `6,000 crore and deposited the amount to the
power-to-cost-more-as-guvnl-hikes-fuel-surcharge/ benefited domestic suppliers but hit India-Fin.Exp. n-chandrasekaran/articleshow/77263698.cms accounts of the generators.
articleshow/77293657.cms The safeguard duty on solar imports from China and https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/
Guidelines issued for MNRE’s Program for Off-Grid
Malaysia has produced mixed results – on one hand, telangana/6000-crore-released-to-clear-debts-of-discoms/
Solar-like duty structure for wind sector to check solar projects under RESCO model-Mercom India
market share of a handful of Indian solar module article32195036.ece
Chinese imports-Web India 123 The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
suppliers has more than doubled to 30% in the two years
Following curbs on import concessions in the solar has issued guidelines for off-grid solar power projects CERC announces levelized tariffs for renewable energy
to FY20 and on the other hand, the pace of solar power
energy sector, the government may levy higher taxes on under the renewable energy service company (RESCO) sources for FY 2020-21-Mercom India
capacity addition in India has declined.
wind turbine components and generators to encourage model. The ministry had issued the draft guidelines for The Commission had issued another order last month,
use of local equipment and give a boost to domestic the implementation of this order earlier in May. which provided the terms and conditions for determining
manufacturing. https://mercomindia.com/guidelines-mnre-off-grid-solar- tariffs for renewable energy projects.
h t t p s : / / n e w s .w e b i n d i a 1 2 3 .c o m / n e w s / A r t i c l e s / resco-model/ https://mercomindia.com/cerc-announces-levelized-tariffs/
Business/20200731/3601924.html India imposes safeguard duty on solar cells for one
Renewable energy certificate sales down 50% to 3.49 Andhra Pradesh amends 10 GW agricultural solar
more year till July 2021-Bloom. Quint
Continuation of safeguard duties on imports from lakh in June-News Alert program to mitigate cash flow issues-Mercom India
India has imposed for one more year of safeguard duty
China for third consecutive year creates confusion-ET Sales of renewable energy certificates dipped 50 per
on solar cells to protect local manufacturers and push The Government of Andhra Pradesh ( GoAP ) has issued
The government’s decision to continue the imposition of cent to 3.49 lakh units in June compared to 6.98 lakh in amendments to its order for setting up 10 GW of solar
against Chinese imports..
safeguard duties for a third consecutive year on imports the same month a year ago, according to official data. projects in the state to provide farmers nine hours of free
from China has been met with confusion from the Renewable energy certificate (REC) is a type of market- power a day.
industry, while experts have said that it might not have based instrument.
till-july-2021 https://mercomindia.com/andhra-pradesh-amends-
much of an effect in the short-term. http://newsalert.xyz/News/25320576/renewable-energy- agricultural-solar/
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/ MNRE Allows System Integrators to Bid for certificate-sales-down-50-to-3-49-lakh-in-june
policy/continuation-of-safeguard-duties-on-imports- Component C of KUSUM Solar Pump Program- Soon, even bilateral power purchases will be routed
Vikram Solar to set up 3 GW solar module production through exchanges- Bus. Line
from-china-for-third-consecutive-year-creates-confusion/ Mercom India
line in TN-Domain B
articleshow/77291905.cms Under Component C of the KUSUM program, the Soon all power transactions — including bilateral
Encouraged by the Indian government’s new approach purchase and sale of power through long-term power
government aims to solarize one million grid-connected
Jharkhand to get Rs 18,889 cr from coal mined by CIL in localisation of solar cell production and Prime
agriculture pumps of individual capacity up to 7.5 HP by purchase agreements — will be routed through the
in next 4 yrs: Govt-Millen. Post Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal to the industry to push
2022.Now, system integrators have also been allowed to power exchanges. This ‘Market-based energy dispatch
Jharkhand is likely to get revenues of around Rs 18,889 for self-reliance, local solar module maker Vikram Solar of Electricity’, or ‘MBED’, is expected to deepen the
take part in the bidding process.
crore from the 742 million tonnes of coal expected to be has announced plans for a new solar cell and module power markets, bring in better price discovery.
mined out by CIL in the state over the next four years, manufacturing facility.
solar-pump/ https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/national/
Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi said on Thursday. The state https://www.domain-b.com/industry/power/20200727_ soon-even-bilateral-power-purchases-will-be-routed-
earned almost Rs 4,000 crore every year during the last SJVN Seeks Solar and Hydropower Projects for solar_module.html through-exchanges/article32185851.ece
four years, that is around Rs 16,000 crore, he added. Acquisition-Mercom India
NTPC and Powergrid offer rebate on fixed charges to Solar Surge Is Making Coal Plants Unprofitable in Top
http://www.millenniumpost.in/business/jharkhand-to- SJVN Limited has issued a notice inviting expressions
discoms-Indian Infra. Exporter-Bloomberg Quint
get-rs-18889-cr-from-coal-mined-by-cil-in-next-4-yrs- of interest (EoI) from interested parties to offer their solar
govt-414207 NTPC Limited has decided to give a discount of Rs 13.63 Even the world’s top coal exporter is struggling to make
and hydropower projects for acquisition by SJVN.
billion to discoms on fixed or capacity charges during money from burning the fuel. Australia’s coal power
CCI clears Adani Power’s 49% stake buy in Odisha https://mercomindia.com/sjvn-solar-hydro-projects-
the lockdown period. plants, which make up more than half of the nation’s
Power Generation Corp-Fin. Exp. acquisition/
https://indianinfrastructure.com/2020/07/28/ntpc-and- generation mix, are facing increased pressure as rooftop
In a tweet, the Competition Commission of India CCI Tata Power on track to reduce debt, divest assets: N powergrid-offer-rebate-on-fixed-charges-to-discoms/ solar hollows out daytime demand.
said it has approved “ proposed acquisition of 49 per Chandrasekaran- ET https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/solar-surge-is-
cent of the total equity share capital of Odisha Power Rs. 6,000 crore released to clear debts of discoms-The
The Tata Power Company is working on a range of making-coal-plants-unprofitable-in-top-exporter
Generation Corporation Ltd OPGC by Adani Power Ltd Hindu
initiatives that will cut debt in half, and reduce losses at
APL”. In partial payment of `12,000 crore loan assured to the two Power demand to decline 8% in FY21, discoms’
Mundra power plant, chairman N Chandrasekaran told
https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/cci-clears- power distribution companies (Discoms) of Telangana revenue to fall 13.1%, says report- CNBC TV 18
shareholders at the annual general meet on Thursday.
adani-powers-49-stake-buy-in-odisha-power-generation- to clear off their outstanding dues to various power Power demand is expected to decline by around 8 per
Tata will also sell non-core and coal assets overseas.
corp/2040121/ generators, the State-owned Power Finance Corporation cent in current fiscal due to the steep fall in demand
(PFC) and the Rural Electrification Corporation have from commercial and industrial segments on the back

58 59

of COVID-19 pandemic-induced nationwide lockdown, Higher tariff revocation to reduce power rate: Gujarat https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/discom-loan- seeking the reconnection of disconnected wind projects
Emkay Global Financial Services said in a report. government-ToI package-a-boon-for-power-sector/2026595/ and relief for power supplied without a valid energy
https://www.cnbctv18.com/energy/power-demand-to- The Gujarat government’s move to cancel its December purchase agreement (EPA).
Power bill calculation fair, says Madras HC, rejects
decline-8-in-fy21-discoms-revenue-to-fall-131-says- 2018 Government Resolution, which allowed higher https://mercomindia.com/valid-energy-purchase-agreement/
report-6425471.htm tariffs to Adani Power ,Tata Power and Essar Power
Giving a quietus to the raging charges of amplified power Karnataka Regulator reduces tariff for a delayed solar
and issuance of new guidelines will reduce power tariff
CIL gains over Rs 3,125 cr from improved quality, consumption charges by Tangedco for households for project of Adani Green-Mercom India
for supplemental power purchase agreement currently
supply beyond annual contracted quantity-ET En.W. the lockdown months, the Madras high court has held The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission
under implementation, the state government claimed.
For enhanced transparency on coal quality front, CIL has that the billing had an element of fairness. has issued an order denying Adani Green Energy (UP)
a well-established third party sampling system covering https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit y/chennai/ Limited’s requests for relief under the ‘Force Majeure’
all its customers and it had appointed well reputed power-bill-calculation-fair-says-madras-hc-rejects-pil/ clause of its power purchase agreement with the
agencies like CIMFR as independent consultant to test articleshow/76989984.cms Chamundeswari Electricity Supply Company Limited.
coal quality for power sector and QCI for non-power Clean energy can support economic recovery in https://mercomindia.com/karnataka-regulator-reduces-
Maharashtra: August power tariff to be lower by 20
sector. downturn: Niti Aayog -ToI tariff/
paise/unit-ET En.W.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/coal/ Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant on Friday said clean
The variable power generation cost of Mahagenco in Maharashtra: Mahagenco reduces electricity
cil-gains-over-rs-3125-cr-from-improved-quality-supply- energy has potential to shore up the Indian economy
July has gone down by 9.32 per cent, which will reduce generation cost by 9.32 pc for July-ET En.W.
beyond-annual-contracted-quantity/77115151 from the current downturn, urging investors to exploit
power tariff by over 20 paise per unit.
long-term opportunities in the sector. State-owned Maharashtra State Power Generation
Customs duty on imported battery will come, says RK https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/coal/ Company (Mahagenco) has said it has managed to
Singh- Bus. Line maharashtra-august-power-tariff-to-be-lower-by-20-paise/ reduce its electricity generation cost by around 9.32 per
energy-can-support-economic-recovery-in-downturn-niti- unit/76990449
Union Power Minister RK Singh on Tuesday said that cent this month by adopting merit order dispatch (MOD)
“after some time” the government will bring in tariff Atmanirbhar Bharat: Govt focuses on local method to source coal.
barriers to protect domestic battery manufacturers. CESC offers instalment scheme-ToI manufacturing of solar equipments; firms plan to scale https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/ Inundated with consumer complaints over astronomical up capacities-Fin. Exp. power/maharashtra-mahagenco-reduces-electricit y-
customs-duty-on-imported-battery-will-come-says-rk- electricity bills for June, CESC has decided to offer an As the government trains its focus on local generation-cost-by-9-32-pc-for-july/76970207
singh/article32152675.ece installment scheme to pay over three months. While the manufacturing of solar power equipment as part of its As discom losses continue to spiral, power secretary
first tranche will have to be paid within the due date, strategy to make an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, Indian solar
No power disconnection till CESC issues new due date bats for better governance- ET
which has been extended by 10 days, the rest have to be equipment manufacturers are toeing the line and scaling
for June bill: Minister-Mint Revenue deficit of state power distribution companies
paid alongside the payments for July and August. up capacities. Some of the firms that FE spoke to have
West Bengal Power minister Sovandeb Chattopadhay has risen to the worst in nearly a decade, while other
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/cesc- revealed plans to add over 4-5 giga watts (GW) of new
said there will be no disconnection of power supply till financial indicators are also bleak. The pandemic will
offers-instalment-scheme/articleshow/77008232.cms capacities each over the next 2-3 years.
private power utility CESC issues a due date for payment only lead to a further loss. Power secretary Sanjiv Sahai
of a new bill based on June usage. Tata Power’s Mundra plant in final talks to ink said discoms need to be governed properly.
bharat-indian-solar-unit s-firm-up-big-capex-
https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/no-power- supplemental PPA with Gujarat-ET En.W. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industr y/
disconnection-till-cesc-issues-new-due-date-for-june-bill- Tata Power arm CGPL, which runs Mundra plant, is in energy/power/as-discom-losses-continue-to-
minister-11595243753451.html advance stage of discussion with Gujarat’s utility GUVNL Renewable Energy Association asks MNRE to inspect spiral-power-secretar y-bats-for-better-governance/
to ink a supplemental power purchase agreement (PPA) solar modules online amid COVID-19-Mercom India articleshow/76948462.cms
Indian power regulator proposes uniform price
to facilitate suitable increase in power tariff, an industry The Renewable Energy Association of Rajasthan REAR
discovery thro’ pooling of bids-ET National Grid starts construction on UK-Denmark
source said. has written to the Ministry of New and Renewable
CERC on Saturday issued elaborate draft power market electricity link-ET En.W.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ Energy MNRE, asking for it to start conducting online
regulations 2020, which provide for a new concept called pre-dispatch inspections PDI of the domestic content Britain’s National Grid said on Monday it had started
Market Coupling’, meaning a process of collecting bids requirement DCR certified solar modules. construction on Viking Link, an electricity interconnector
from all the power exchanges and matching them to between Britain and Denmark. Viking Link is a joint
discover a uniform market clearing price. Discom loan package: A boon for power sector?-Fin.Exp. venture between National Grid Ventures, part of National
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ The Rs 90,000 crore loan package announced by the Grid, and the Danish electricity system owner and
power/indian-power-regulator-proposes-uniform-price- Centre for discoms is being seen as a boon for a major Valid Energy Purchase Agreement crucial to Grid operator, Energinet.
discovery-through-pooling-of-bids/articleshow/77056461. element of the power sector: generation companies or Safety: Maharashtra Commission-Mercom India https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
cms gencos. Improvement in their cash-flows will help their The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission power/national-grid-starts-construction-on-uk-denmark-
credit rating, and enable fresh funding. (MERC) has dismissed a petition by a wind developer electricity-link/76939090

60 61

5.  Other Corporate News along with its consortium partners, completed the work itself into a new energy company, with focus on recycling Power sector engineers to observe ‘protest day’ on Aug
on an important 110 km stretch of the 200-km Surathani- carbon dioxide, creating value from plastic, and building 18-ET En.W.
Labour Bill: Centre still wary of hire-and-fire clause – Phuket transmission line project in Thailand. clean and affordable energy with hydrogen, wind, solar, The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) on
Key proposals-FE fuel cells and battery, said analysts.
https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/tata- Friday said that electricity engineers will observe protest
According to sources, the relevant bill, introduced in the projects-completes-110-km-transmission-line-project-in- https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/ril-devising- day on August 18 to oppose Electricity Amendment Bill,
Lok Sabha in November last year, has since been vetted thailand plan-to-become-clean-energy-company-in-15-years-bofa- 2020 and proposed discom privatisation
by the standing committee on labour, but the government securities-11596974265696.html https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
will likely retain most of the industry-friendly provisions Andaman & Nicobar to get the power boost as part of
Islands infra upgrade-HT BEL sets up solar-powered classrooms in 122
https://www.financialexpress.com/industr y/labour- aug-18/77409542
A power ministry official said the power distribution in Karnataka govt schools-ET Governm
bill-centre-still-war y-of-hire-and-fire-clause-ke y-
proposals/2053440/ the islands is already being privatized under the Atma State-run Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) has set up solar- Barring Vedanta from bidding: Supreme Court issues
Nirbhar Bharat initiative. The transaction advisor has powered smart classrooms in 122 government schools contempt notice to Nalco - Fin. Exp.
23 players including Bombardier, Alstom attend already completed discussions with the union territorys across the backward Yadgir district in north Karnataka, The Supreme Court on Friday issued contempt notice
meeting on running private trains: Railways-The New power department and the ministry of power in Delhi an official said on Saturday. to the top brass of National Aluminium Company
Ind.Exp. and are expected to complete the transaction documents https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ (Nalco), including its executive director (Marketing) R N
As many as 23 firms including Bombardier, Alstom, by September 2020. education/bel-sets-up-solar-powered-classrooms-in-122- Mohapatra and CMD Tapan Kumar Chand, on a petition
Siemens and GMR have shown interest in running private https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/andaman- karnataka-govt-schools/77443954 by Vedanta alleging “willful disobedience” of its January
trains in the country and attended a pre-application nicobar-to-get-the-power-boost-as-part-of-islands-infra- judgment that allowed its UK-based arm to participate
meeting Wednesday as a first step, the Railways said. PM Modi launches Agriculture Infrastructure Fund: All
upgrade/story-yMtBOkBjGgCv7XyTtky6IJ.html in the state-run aluminium producer’s tender for the sale
you need to know-ToI
https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2020/ of surplus 30,000 MT of metallurgical-grade calcined
Genus Power Makes History, Supplies 1.5 Million These are related to food processing, Artificial
aug/12/23-players-including-bombardier-alstom-attend- alumina.
Smart Meters to EESL-Daily Hunt (Mobile) Intelligence, Internet of things, manufacturing of smart
meeting-on-running-private-trains-railways-2182510.html https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/barring-
Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd (Genus Power), the farming equipment and renewable energy.
PM Modi to launch facility to ‘honour’ honest country’s largest electricity metering solutions provider, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/pm-modi- notice-to-nalco/2048497/
taxpayers on Thursday-Fin.. Exp. becomes the first company in Asia Pacific to achieve launches-agriculture-infrastructure-fund-all-you-need-to-
The move follows a recent reiteration by the finance the milestone of supplying 1.5M Smart Meters to EESL know/articleshow/77442451.cms After water, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh caught in
minister Nirmala Sitharaman that a taxpayers’ charter (Energy Efficiency Services Ltd), bearing a testimony of power war-ToI
would soon be made part of the Income Tax Act, the manufacturing capability of an Indian company for 3 J&K villages connected to national electric grid after
Even before the dust on controversy over lift irrigation
delineating taxpayers’ rights and obligations. such an advance meter amid global competition. 75 years-Deccan Herald
projects by AP and Telangana settles down, another row
https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/ https://m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/ Negotiating months of heavy snowing and the Covid-19 broke out over power generation by Telangana Genco
pm-modi-to-launch-facility-to-honour-honest-taxpayers- business+wire+india-epaper-bwireind/genus+power+mak lockdown, the Kupwara district administration connected from Srisailam projects left bank powerhouse with AP
on-thursday/2053209/ es+history+supplies+1+5+million+smart+meters+to+eesl- three villages located along the Line of Control in Jammu objecting to it.
newsid-n205445114 and Kashmir’s Keran area to the national electricity grid,
India to now encash Chinese smart electricity meter ending a wait since Independence.
firm PT Hexing’ bank guarantee-Mint Govt plans to lease mine land to private firms for infra
https://www.deccanherald.com/national/north-and- war/articleshow/77425231.cms
India’s Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) will now projects-ToI
encash the bank guarantee submitted by Indonesia- The coal ministry is laying the groundwork for national-electric-grid-after-75-years-871378.html India may ban Chinese firms from ISA’ solar home
based PT Hexing after cancelling the smart meter leasing out unused mine land for constructing related power system tender-Mint
contract for 2 million units, following concerns over its infrastructure or other “public purpose” projects with the Piyush Goyal to apprise PM Modi of crucial Bilaspur-
Tightening its economic squeeze, India plans to
failure to meet the local manufacturing criteria, according aim of monetising idle assets and attracting more private Leh railway line progress- ET
disqualify Chinese firms from participating in the largest
to a top official at the state run firm. investment in the sector. The Bilaspur-Leh line seeks to significantly expand global solar home system’ price discovery tender, for the
https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/india-to-now- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india- access to projects as well as support movement of International Solar Alliance’ (ISA) member nations, said
encash-chinese-smart-electricity-meter-firm-pt-hexing- business/govt-plans-to-lease-mine-land-to-private-firms- troops and equipment to border areas, boosting J&K’s two people aware of the development.
bank-guarantee-11597148949409.html for-infra-projects/articleshow/77474605.cms connectivity with the rest of the country.
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industr y/ ban-chinese-firms-from-participating-in-solar-home-
Tata Projects Completes 110 km Transmission Line RIL devising plan to become clean energy company in
transportation/railways/piyush-goyal-to-apprise-pm- power-system-tender-11596710674787.html
Project in Thailand-Saur Energy 15 yrs.: BofA Securities-Mint
TATA Projects, one of India’s fastest growing Reliance Industries (RIL), India’s largest private sector articleshow/77421536.cms China factor kills smart meter deal-Mint
infrastructure companies has announced that it has, enterprise, has laid out a 15-year vision to transform India has cancelled a smart meter contract awarded to

62 63

Indonesia-based PT Hexing for 2 million units following Govt to launch data centre policy soon, may suggest and setting up EV charging stations, Tata Power said in provided and for any delay beyond it all wind generators
concerns over its Chinese ownership, and for failing to meet single-window clearance-The Ind. Exp. a statement. are entitled to interest at 1% per month.
the criteria for local manufacturing, said a top executive of Among the major policy introductions in the new data h t t p s : / / n e w s .w e b i n d i a 1 2 3 .c o m / n e w s / A r t i c l e s / https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/
state-run Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL). centre policy framework, the MeitY is likely to push for Business/20200801/3602145.html tnerc-directs-tangedco-to-pay-dues-to-wind-power-
https://www.livemint.com/news/india/china-factor-kills- usage of renewable energy such as solar energy for day- generators/article32229735.ece
JSW Energy scraps deal to buy GMR plant-ToI
smart-meter-deal-11596676046074.html to-day operations of the building which will house the
Five months after it inked an agreement to acquire GMR Govt extends deadline for submission of EoI by
data disks, an official said.
Powerless power sector-The Pioneer power plant in Odisha for Rs 5,321 crore, JSW Energy said potential bidders for privatisation of BPCL-Times Now
The Government is now keen on hiking the loan amount it has terminated the deal due to uncertainties triggered by The privatisation process for oil behemoth BPCL has
to Rs 1,25,000 crore and relaxing reform conditions. This Covid-19. This is one of the first merger and acquisition been further delayed.
is not the first time that discoms are in dire financial transactions involving domestic consolidation that has https://www.timesnownews.com/business-economy/
straits and the Government has bailed them out, subject UAE becomes first Arab nation to open a nuclear been scrapped due to the pandemic. economy/article/govt-extends-deadline-for-submission-of-
to their implementing reforms. power plant-Deccan Herald https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india- eoi-by-potential-bidders-for-privatisation-of-bpcl/629201
https://www.dailypioneer.com/2020/columnist s/ The United Arab Emirates became the first Arab country business/jsw-energy-scraps-deal-to-buy-gmr-plant/
Pandemic-struck PSUs are rushing to upskill their
powerless-power-sector.html to open a nuclear power plant Saturday, raising concerns articleshow/77292627.cms
employees in new tech- ET
about the long-term consequences of introducing more
Now Chinese miners need govt nod to bid for coal REC arm cancels contract to Chinese firm-Outlook India IOCL, HPCL, NTPC and PFC are among the PSU behemoths
nuclear programs to the Middle East.
auctions in India-Times Now State-owned REC Power Distribution Corp Ltd that are upskilling their workforce in new technological
The Coal Ministry recently notice on foreign direct (RECPDCL) on Thursday said it removed a Chinese firm areas such as articial intelligence (AI), machine learning,
investment (FDI) in coal block auction stipulated from the smart meter project in Jammu and Kashmir soon robotics, and data science and cyber security, apart from
that foreign investors need prior permission of the after the government order on sourcing of equipment training them on best use of digital platforms.
government to participate in the same. CERC to Revoke GEPL’s Interstate Trading License- from ‘’prior reference’’ nations. h t t p s : / / e co n o m i ct i m e s . i n d i a t i m e s .co m / n e w s /
https://www.timesnownews.com/business-economy/ Saur Energy https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/rec-arm- company/corporate-trends/pandemic-struck-psus-
economy/article/now-chinese-miners-need-govt-nod-to- CERC has issued a show cause notice to Global Energy cancels-contract-to-chinese-firm/1905937 are-rushing-to-upskill-their-employees-in-new-tech/
bid-for-coal-auctions-in-india/632270 Private Limited (GEPL), a category 1 interstate electricity articleshow/77236450.cms?from=mdr
SECR’s 1st rail over rail flyover commissioned at
trading license holder, regarding default in payment of
Unicorn India invests in last-mile power distribution Chacher- ToI NTPC Simhadri plant develops rail cycle-The Hindu
fees for two successive financial years.
grid automation startup-ANI News RoR at Chacher is attached to NTPC power plant siding. The NTPC Simhadri plant has developed a rail cycle
Co-founder CEO Anand Singh said India is a power Earlier, movement of coal-loaded wagons used to disrupt aimed at reaching emergency locations with ease. The
surplus country but the distortions in power sector mainline traffic while crossing. This will ensure smooth rail cycle is a light weight structure that is very helpful in
costed the Indian economy 86 billion dollars in 2016 Adani Power is making a second attempt to acquire movement of trains between Howrah Nagpur-Mumbai. reaching locations at tracks like bridge approaches, bank
alone. Using our IoT enabled wireless, modular hardware Chhattisgarh-based KSK Mahanadi Power-ET https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/secrs- slips and rain cuts, which cannot be approached by road
and data analytics platform, we cut through these issues Adani Power is making a second attempt to acquire KSK 1st-rail-over-rail-flyover-commissioned-at-chacher/ especially during the rainy season.
and are enabling electrical utilities to make last-mile Mahanadi Power, a Chhattisgarh based thermal power articleshow/77250590.cms https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Hyderabad/ntpc-
connectivity reliable by helping India achieve an efficient producer, after it failed to acquire the company two years simhadri-plant-develops-rail-cycle/article32225286.ece
electricity grid. Power distribution arm of REC orders cancellation of the
ago, according to people in the know.
contract to Dongfang Electric India-Energy Infra Post CPS Energy To Add Historic Amount Of Renewable
https://www.aninews.in/news/business/unicorn-india- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/
Power distribution arm of REC Ltd, RECPDCL, has Energy To Portfolio-Indian Nerve
invests-in-last-mile-power-distribution-grid-automation- power/adani-power-is-making-a-second-attempt-to-
startup20200804121529 directed cancellation of an order to Dongfang Electric CPS Energy, the largest municipally owned, fully-
India, the Indian unit of the Chinese power equipment integrated electric and gas utility in the United States,
Jammu and Kashmir: Power projects can power maker, to avoid delays due to testing of gears as mandated is taking a significant step to diversify its generation
growth-Fin. Exp. Tata Power to focus on renewables for future growth- by government order. portfolio and meet the energy demands of one of the
When the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Plant (330 MW) Web India 123 https://www.energyinfrapost.com/power-distribution- fastest growing regions in the country.
in Bandipora district was dedicated to the nation by Tata Power will focus on the renewable front for future arm-of-rec-orders-cancellation-of-contract-to-dongfang- http://indiannerve.com/in-press/?rkey=20200728EN7508
Prime Minister Narendra Modi last May, not many would growth and aims to raise its green energy portfolio to electric-india/ 0&filter=6492
have imagined the benefits it would bring to Jammu & 50 per cent. The company’s growth will be concentrated
Kashmir in just over a year. TNERC directs Tangedco to pay dues to wind power NTPC achieves highest-ever daily gross generation of
in renewables, distribution and transmission of power
generators-The Hindu 977.07 mn units-The Economic Times
https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/jammu-and- along with new and value-added business including
kashmir-power-projects-can-power-growth/2044893/ rooftop solar, smart metering, micro-grids in rural areas TNERC noted that only a 30 days time limit for payment is State-run power giant NTPC on Wednesday said it

64 65

achieved its highest-ever daily gross generation of 977.07 https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ credentials as a clean energy champion that was Financial Rules 2017 to enable imposition of restrictions
million units (MU) on July 28, 2020. This includes power renewable/feature-indias-tribal-farmers-tap-solar- bolstered by co-founding International Solar Alliance on bidders from countries which share a land border
generated from NTPC’s subsidiaries and JV companies, irrigation-to-cut-migration/77200200 (ISA), the first treaty-based international government with India on grounds of defence of India, or matters
it said in a statement. organization headquartered here. directly or indirectly related thereto including national
World’s largest fusion plant set to create history-ET
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/energy/ https://www.livemint.com/industr y/energy/ security.
power/ntpc-achieves-highest-ever-daily-gross-generation- cabinet-note-for-setting-up-world-solar-bank-likely- https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.
The world will mark a historic moment with the start of
of-977-07-million-units-on-july-28/articleshow/77239915. soon-11595503537273.html aspx?PRID=1640778#.XxnIBEXeJFh.whatsapp
machine assembly of world’s largest experimental fusion
cms Need to set up energy account divisions across UP:
reactor at ITER facility in southern France in the virtual India and Sri Lanka to explore new areas of economic
Andhra Pradesh units save 2,386 MU power under presence of host nation President Emmanuel Macron Power minister R K Singh-ET En.W. partnership including infra & connectivity-ET
PAT: BEE-The New Ind. Exp. and government leaders from the seven ITER members, An energy account division should be constituted under Infrastructure, energy, connectivity, IT, agriculture,
Around 22 energy-intensive units, including including India. a senior official in every distribution company and a manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, tourism, and education
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ division circle wise energy account published to usher could emerge as new areas of collaboration between
Visakhapatnam-based RINL and NTPC-Simhadri, and
power/worlds-largest-fusion-plant-set-to-create- efficiency in power distribution, said Singh.
other private firms across the State, from various sectors, India and its Southern neighbour Sri Lanka. This was
were able to save 2,386 million units (MU) of power under history/77189399 https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ suggested by India’s envoy to Colombo at a high-powered
Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) initiative. The energy power/need-to-set-up-energy-account-divisions-across- business meet.
NTPC awarded with FICCI “Jury Commendation
savings resulted in a monetary saving of Rs 1,600 crore. up-power-minister-r-k-singh/77138250
Certificate” for Women Empowerment-UNI India https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-
https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/andhra- Committee to frame solar power policy for Maharashtra and-nation/india-and-sri-lanka-to-explore-new-areas-
The award has been received for NTPC’s flagship “Girl
pradesh/2020/jul/27/andhra-pradesh-units-save-2386- - Outlook of-economic-partnership-including-infra-connectivity/
Empowerment Mission” Project. NTPC is the only PSU
mu-power-under-pat-bee-2175324.html Maharashtra Energy Department has set up a committee articleshow/77113680.cms?from=mdr
to receive the FICCI Award this year.
‘Big push’ to targeted mega infra projects can reignite h t t p : / / w w w.u n i i n d i a .co m / ~ / n t p c - a w a rd e d - w i t h - to frame a solar power policy for the state. The high- Power sector in Puducherry won’t be privatised, says
economy: Shaktikanta Das-The Indian Express prestigious-ficci-jur y-commendation-certificate-for- power panel is headed by the Principal Secretary of the CM Narayanasamy-ET En.W.
women-empowerment/States/news/2097308.html Energy Department,
He suggested a series of reforms in the electricity sector Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy on
to promote solar energy via accelerated depreciation https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/committee-to- Wednesday said that the legislative assembly passed a
Power consumers may get direct subsidies in a year,
benefits and fiscal incentives. frame-solar-power-policy-for-maharashtra/1901920 resolution that power sector in the Union Territory will
proposed policy reform claims- ET
https://indianexpress.com/article/business/economy/ How Gautam Adani is turning his back on coal mining not be privatised. He said that all legislators present at
Electricity consumers may start getting direct subsidies
big-push-to-targeted-mega-infra-projects-can-reignite- in his push for green energy-Moneycontrol the assembly supported the decision.
in their accounts in a year as the Union cabinet is set
economy-shaktikanta-das-6526444/ to take up the National Tariff Policy next week, a senior Coal baron Gautam Adani, 58, is transforming the https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
government official said. $27-billion Adani Group from India’s leading coal-trading power/power-sector-in-puducherry-wont-be-privatised-
Indian Oil and Total to jointly produce Bitumen
firm to the “world’s largest” green energy company. says-cm-narayanasamy/77118259
derivatives-Mint https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industr y/
e n e rg y / p o w e r / p o w e r- co n s u m e rs - m a y - g e t - d i re ct - https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/companies-2/how- Eyeing China, India plans solar power park in Sri
Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL), India’s largest refiner
subsidies-in-a-year-proposed-policy-reform-claims/ gautam-adani-is-turning-his-back-on-coal-mining-in-his- Lanka-Mint
and marketer of petroleum products, and French energy
articleshow/77161491.cms push-for-green-energy-5585041.html
major Total, have entered into an equal joint venture By leveraging the country solar expertise, India’s largest
to manufacture and market bitumen derivatives and Hit hard by Covid lockdown, MSEB wants Rs 20,000 May miss Budget targets, but see strong recovery: power generation utility NTPC Ltd plans to set up this
specialty products for the growing road-building industry crore loan-ET En.W. DEA secy-ToI project in the island nation under the aegis of Intl. Solar
in India. Maharashtra government will stand guarantee for a Rs The government may be unable to meet its Budget Alliance ISA .
https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/indian-oil- 20,000 crore loan to be secured by the Maharashtra State estimates for the current financial year (2020-21) due to https://www.livemint.com/industr y/energy/
and-total-to-jointly-produce-bitumen-derivatives/amp- Electricity Board (MSEB) and the subsidiaries under it. the Covid-19 crisis, but expects a V-shaped recovery and eyeing-china-india-plans-solar-power-park-in-sri-
11595856950785.html MSEB is facing a resource crunch because of the four the contraction in economic growth may not be as sharp lanka-11595419421198.html
months of lockdown due to Covid-19. as estimated, a top finance ministry official said.
FEATURE-India’s tribal farmers tap solar irrigation to How Chinese firms made inroads into India’s power
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india- sector-ToI
cut migration-ET En.W.
power/hit-hard-by-covid-lockdown-mseb-wants-rs-20000- business/may-miss-budget-targets-but-see-strong-
A rising number of Indian farmers are turning to solar- Chengdu-based Dongfang Electric Corporation, one of
crore-loan/77165095 recovery-dea-secy/articleshow/77138249.cms
powered irrigation, which agricultural experts say can Chinas backbone enterprise groups directly administered
help communities feed their families and generate Cabinet note for setting up World Solar Bank likely Restrictions on Public Procurement from certain by Beijing, alone bagged SCADA supervisory control
income while battling climate threats - all without soon-Mint countries- P I B and data acquisition contracts for 23 cities across five
producing more planet-warming emissions. Setting up a financial institution will add heft to India’s The Government of India today amended the General states and a Union Territory.

66 67

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/in-depth/how- Mayors of 96 cities launch clean energy initiative-ET

chinese-firms-made-inroads-into-indias-power-sector/ En.W.
videoshow/77051489.cms A coalition of mayors of 96 cities across the world,
including New Delhi, representing 700 million people
Cube Construction, GR Infraprojects, Kalpataru Power,
launched a new agenda focusing on health, clean air and
others in fray for station redevelopment plan-Mint
new jobs for post-COVID-19 economic recovery.
G R Infraprojects Ltd, Kalpataru Power Transmission
Ltd, GMR Business and Consultancy LLP, Cube
Construction Engineering Ltd, and five other companies,
have been shortlisted to redevelop four railway stations-
Gwalior, Nagpur, Amritsar and Sabarmati and transform NTPC enters pact with NIIF to explore biz opportunities
them into commercial hubs. - ET
https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/cube- NIIF will be acting through National Investment and
construction-gr-infraprojects-kalpataru-power-others-in- Infrastructure Fund Ltd (NIIFL) to explore opportunities
fray-for-station-redevelopment-plan-11594910612758. for investments in areas of mutual interest with NTPC,
html such as renewable energy and power distribution.

Coal India sees situation in Jul-Sep ‘uncertain’ as https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industr y/

some states still under lockdown- ET energy/power/ntpc-enters-pact-with-niif-to-explore-
Coal India, which is already reeling under the pandemic
stress causing adverse impact on demand and supply
of dry fuel, on Friday said the situation will remain No headway on 7500 MW solar power projects for
uncertain in July-September as some states are resorting Ladakh sanctioned in 2018-Daily Excelsior
to fresh lockdowns. There is no headway on 7500 MW solar power projects
https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/indl- for Leh and Kargil districts of Ladakh Union Territory
goods/svs/metals-mining/coal-india-sees-situation-in- which were sanctioned by the Ministry of New and
jul-sep-uncertain-as-some-states-still-under-lockdown/ Renewable Energy in the year 2018.
articleshow/77022952.cms https://www.dailyexcelsior.com/no-headway-on-7500-
India plans solar wafer, ingot manufacturing tenders to
cut Chinese imports-Mint Uttar Pradesh seeks Rs 20,940 crore loan to clear
To set up the much-needed solar wafer and ingot power bills-ET En.W.
capacity in the country, India plans to come out with Uttar Pradesh power distribution utility has sought Rs
tenders that may provide viability gap funding (VGF) to 20,940 crore loan from REC Ltd and Power Finance Corp
attract domestic manufacturers, said two people aware of (PFC) under the Atmanirbhar Bharat liquidity infusion
the development. package in the power sector.
https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/india-plans- https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/
solar-wafer-ingot-manufacturing-tenders-to-cut-chinese- power/uttar-pradesh-seeks-rs-20940-crore-loan-to-clear-
imports-11594981912323.html power-bills/76970156

India-US to strengthen strategic partnership in energy Five new plants coming by 2023, first atmanirbhar
sector-ET En.W. boost may be in urea-Ind. Exp.
Covid-19 pandemic is bringing India and the US closer Urea could be the first big-ticket item where the Narendra
than before with the two sides now looking to strengthen Modi government is set to realise its plans of ‘atmanirbharta’
their strategic energy sector partnership. (self-reliance) and reducing dependence on Chinese
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil- imports, with the commissioning of four new plants.
and-gas/india-us-to-strengthen-strategic-partnership-in- https://indianexpress.com/article/india/five-new-plants-
energy-sector/77028845 coming-by-2023-first-atmanirbhar-boost-may-be-in-


Published by Mr Satyaki Sen on behalf of Energy Connect, 123 A B C Road, Kolkata 700000, Edited by Mr R N Sen.

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