The Problem and Review of Related Literature

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Chapter 1

The Problem and Review of Related Literature


The education of an individual as well as the member of

the society can serve as fundamental criterion for

ascertaining the relevance of education. While aiming a

certain universals, it should work toward particular goals

which take account of specific contingents of the society.

According to Julia Wood (2004), communication is a

systemic process in which individuals interact with and

through symbols to create and interpret meanings.

Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual

knows (Linse,2015:121). There are some experts who give

definitions of vocabulary. Language impairment refers to

difficulties using and understanding language and is

typically defined by comparing a students performance on a

language assessment with information about what is expected

of childrens language development at different ages.

Vocabulary development is a crucial part of reading,

writing and functioning in the classroom and is described by

Scarborough, as one of the many strands that are woven into

skilled reading. A large body of research has demonstrated

the critical link between early vocabulary knowledge and

later achievement in reading.

Speech disorder or speech deficiency occurs when a

person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or

fluently, or has problems with his or her voice. Difficulties

in pronouncing sounds, or articulation disorders, and

stuttering are examples of speech disorders. It will affect

a persons vocabulary enrichment due to some factors which

will be discussed throughout this study.

Through this study the researchers will be able to

identify whether the speech deficiency of children can affect

the vocabulary development and their academic performance.

Review of Related Literature

Children with speech sound disorder struggle to

understand sound structures and how to manipulate sounds to

form words, and often times have difficulty producing speech

that is developmentally appropriate, (Peterson,

Pennington, Shriberg, & Boada, 2009).

The study of Peterson, Pennington, Shriberg, & Boada

(2009) is related to this study. Because when a child has

speech deficiency he cannot pronounce words properly. This

can possibly result to misunderstanding the meaning of those


According to Tomblin Jones, speech and language skills

are essential to academic success and learning.

Jones also stated that children with communication

disorders frequently do not perform at grade level. They may

struggle with reading, have difficulty understanding and

expressing language, misunderstand social cues, avoid

attending school, show poor judgment, and have difficulty

with tests.

With speech and language skills, students can have a

wide range of vocabulary. The versatility of students in using

words help them to communicate well which is necessary to any

kind of job. A speech disorder can diminish their confidence

to communicate with other people which can result to a poor

vocabulary skills. It can affect their academic performance.

The National Reading Panel of the National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2000) identified

vocabulary instruction as an essential skill that students

need to improve reading performance.

Vocabulary development focuses on helping students learn

the meaning of new words and concepts in various contexts and

across all academic content areas. There is a strong

relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading

comprehension; students need to understand the meaning of

critical words they will be reading to promote comprehension.

Children with vocabulary weaknesses are especially

vulnerable to difficulties with reading comprehension from

the middle elementary grades onward. Vocabulary weaknesses

may affect school achievement in many areas, (Louise Spear-


A good reading primarily requires a good vocabulary to

identify the word quickly and understand what it is about. A

student who has speech deficiency might not understand some

words and their meaning as well because it may be fresh to

him and he never used those words before as he cant pronounce

this word properly.

Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study is focused on how the

speech deficiency of the pupils at San Pablo Elementary School

is related to their ability to enrich their vocabulary.

Figure 1 shows the relationship of independent variables

which contains the extent of the student-related factors and

the dependent variable which contains the analysis of the



Profile of the
respondents in terms
Kinds of Speech
An analysis of the academic
Childhood Apraxia
performance of the pupils who
has speech deficiency
Myofunctional specifically in their vocabulary
Disorder skills
Speech Sound
Articulation and

Figure 1

The Paradigm of the Study

As seen in the figure the independent and dependent

variables are directly related to each other. We will use the

gathered data from the independent variables to form an


Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to know the effects of speech

deficiency for the enrichment of vocabulary of the elementary


Specifically, it will seek to answer the following


1. How may the profile of the pupils be related in having

speech deficiency in terms of:

a. Age; and

b. Gender

2. How the different kinds of speech deficiency may affects

the vocabulary enrichment of the students?

a. Childhood Apraxia of Speech;

b. Dysarthria;

c. Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders;

d. Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and

Phonological Processes;

e. Stuttering; and

f. Voice

3. What are the common types of speech deficiency

encountered by elementary students?

4. How may the speech deficiency of the students be related

to the academic performance?


1. There is no relation between the speech deficiency

and the profile of the pupils.

2. Speech deficiency cannot affect a pupils vocabulary


3. nThere is no significant relationship between having

speech deficiency and the academic performance of the


Significance of the Study

This study will help in gathering data regarding the

speech deficiency and its relationship with vocabulary

enrichment of the pupils. The findings of this research would

beneficial to the following:

School. Its significance to the school is to provide

their administrators a baseline data to improve programs

for school advancement.

Teachers. It could give encouragement for themselves to

enhance more their capacity and effectiveness in

performing their duties and obligations.

Students. It can help them to develop their interest

toward learning and enriching their vocabulary despite

of having speech deficiencies which can improve their

academic performance.

Researcher. Consider this study of great importance

because it was a problem dealing with the speech

deficiency and its relation to vocabulary enrichment of

the pupils. The findings of the study could be a good

reference for educators, school administrators and other

personnel charged with the task carrying out the

objectives of education.

Supervisors and School Officials. They could use the

findings of this study in the performance of their

administrative and supervisory functions and in the

implementations of rules and regulations regarding

pupils deficiency areas that would meet local interest,

needs and problems.

Parents. The result of this study will help the parents

to make a plan for their childrens education. They will

be aware also with the problems of their child in school.

Parents will be more responsible with regards to student


Scope and Limitation

This study will be limited to elementary students of San

Pablo Elementary School at Jaen, Nueva Ecija.

The relationship of speech deficiency to the vocabulary

enrichment of a pupil is the focus of this research. The

information needed will be gathered using descriptive

research questionnaire. All information and conclusions drawn

from this study will be obtained only to this particular group

of students.

Definition of terms

Academic. Relating to education and scholarship.

Articulation Disorder. An instance where children sound like

they are making a "w" sound for an "r" sound

Childhood Apraxia of Speech(CAS). Is a motor speech disorder.

Children with CAS have problems saying sounds, syllables, and


Deficiency. The state of needing something that is absent or


Dysarthria. Is characterized by slurred or slow speech that

can be difficult to understand.

Enrichment. Act of making fuller or more meaningful or


FOXP2. (Forkhead box protein P2) A protein that, in humans,

is encoded by the FOXP2 gene.

Habit. An automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a

specific situation.

Heredity. The passing on of physical or mental

characteristics genetically from one generation to another.

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. Is when there is an

abnormal lip, jaw, or tongue position during rest, swallowing

or speech.

Phonological Processes. Are patterns of sound errors that

typically developing children use to simplify speech as they

are learning to talk.

Self-esteem. A person's overall subjective emotional

evaluation of his or her own worth.

Speech Deficiency. A condition in which a person has problems

creating or forming the speech sounds needed to communicate

with others.

Stuttering. Talking with continued involuntary repetition of

sounds, especially initial consonants.

Vocabulary. A language users knowledge of words.

Chapter 2


Research Design

This study will use the descriptive research, which

according to Manuel and Medel (2009) is an account of the

present conditions in locality, or situation where a person

or a thing is. In short, it depicts things as they are.

Participants of the Study

The data which will going to use in this study will be

gathered from the responses of the respondents and other

sources of data will be gathered from books, dictionary and

research from the internet and previous written thesis and


Research Site

This study will be conducted in San Pablo Elementary

School which is located at Brgy. San Pablo, Jaen, Nueva Ecija.

It is a public institution.

Materials and Instruments

The study will use questionnaire and will be formulated

with the help and guidance of the adviser.

In order to solve the problems that the study seeking to

answer the researchers will prepare a questionnaire that

tackles some possible cases in Speech Deficiency in Relation

to the Vocabulary Enrichment of the Pupils.

Data Collection

The researchers will ask for the approval of this

research study through series of recommendation and

criticisms from the adviser. The sample questionnaire must be

approved with the permission come from the adviser and from

Head of the San Pablo Elementary School which is located at

Brgy. San Pablo, Jaen, Nueva Ecija, wherein the respondents

come from. The researchers should be allowed to float the

questionnaire, conduct personal interview, and undergo actual

observation in the research locale and explained the

mechanics and concepts in answering the questionnaire to the

target respondents.

The data that come from the conduction of personal

interview and actual observation will be used to enhance,

supplement and contribute in the solution and clarity of the

problem at hand.

The researchers will seek the assistance responds to

come up with analysis interpretation and conclusions of the

study. As a result, it will help in bringing idea on how may

the speech deficiency is related to the vocabulary enrichment

of the pupils. Also the researchers will employ observation

in some instances, such when certain information seems not

accurate through the use of interviews or some other


Data Analysis

The responses will be organized and qualified using the

percentage system, the weighted mean, and the ranking


Statistical qualifications of the data using percentage

system will be done using this formula:

% = f/N x 100

Where: % = percentage

f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

On the other hand, the weighted mean was determined by

applying the following formula:

WM = TWF / n


WM = weighted mean

TWF = total weighted frequency

n = number of respondents

The table equivalent, which will be the basis of the

interpretation of data is:

Scale Verbal Interpretation Weight

5 Strongly agree 4.21-5.00

4 Agree 3.41-4.20

3 Slightly Agree 2.61-3.40

2 Disagree 1.81-2.60

1 Strongly disagree 1.00-1.80


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