Mam Mehreen Assignment
Mam Mehreen Assignment
Mam Mehreen Assignment
Agree on a Purpose
An effective team begins with a purpose. Working from a general purpose to
specific goals typically requires a huge investment of time and effort.
Meaningful discussions, however, motivate team members to buy in to the
project. When the Great Lakes Coast Guard faced the task of keeping commerce
moving when the lakes and rivers froze, it brought all the stakeholders together
to discuss the mission. The U.S. Coast Guard.
Agree on Procedures
The best teams develop procedures to guide them. They set up intermediate
goals with deadlines. They assign roles and tasks, requiring all members to
contribute equivalent amounts of real work. They decide how they will reach
decisions, whether by majority vote, reaching consensus, or other methods.
Procedures are continually evaluated to ensure movement toward the
attainment of the team’s goals.
Confront Conflict
Poorly functioning teams avoid conflict, preferring sulking, gossiping, or
backstabbing. A better plan is to acknowledge conflict and address the root of
the problem openly using the six-step plan outlined in Figure 11.6. Although it
may feel emotionally risky, direct confrontation saves time and enhances team
commitment in the long run. To be constructive, however, confrontation must
be task oriented, not person oriented. An open airing of differences,