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1-- 9-4
Official BuHstiri'
ol'jerbm'e Relocation Center
'-- Ate,

Penson. Arkansas

j .


Coming in third to
Election To Be Ade Features
Tuesday, Nov. 17
take show money in
Center's baby derby was
A total of 162 candidates
"Education is the bal-
St100 Meet
Dennis Yamamoto, born were named for hlqok repre-
sentative posts "in Jue.sdav ance between action and
Nov. 10. the first ohild
of lir. and lira. George night- nomination meetings reflection. Education must

Yamamoto. v--
held in the various dining-hall- s bdld individual character,
Dr. Fred Fujikawa at- of the Jerome 'reloca- the intellectual, the eaio-tio- ral

tended the J&jtrth at the tion center. spiritual. Ed-

Denuoft hospital. The Twenty-ni- out of jO ne
ucation begins at the first
Yacamotos live at 6-3-
-S. occupied blocks held nom- crv and ends at the last
inations. Block 9,'s meeting sigh.."
until last spoke Dr. Lester
Many Local -- to.3 postponed
consultant, who

US Eduoation, de-
. ITine out' of the 162 can-
Nisei 'Enlisteager
Qualified nisei,
didates are women. highlighted the
Election of nominees to conference which started
Pre-Sch- ocl

to,,avail th.emse.lvo8 of. the the Temporary Community Tuesday in Hall pdinted
3 '
council of the Center will Although he
chanco to enlist , in the that the government has
aried services of the United be held Tuesday, IToy. 17
States, crovded, into the Polling booths mil be open given a priority rating of
in the offices of the res- AA3 on all materials for
teiifporfry 'recruiting Office the construction of schools ,
at 23'wl-- F when "opened it pective block managers from
Yfeclnesday afternoon. 7 a.m. to 7 P-- 2
he challenged the Education
Ib. jor terX T. Gould, Per- All candidates are Amori - staff to use ingenuity
sonnel director at hea,dqua- r- .can oitizens, 21 years old where equipment and 'facil- -
ters at the &litary Intell- or over and are residents ities are lacking. and
of the blocks v:hich they Dr. Thomas T.Yatabe
igence Service language represent, Frank Ishii representing
school, Camp Savage, .ini. run for '(pontinued on page- - h)
and in oharga of. the Ce- A. oitizeu may
nter recruiting office, stat- block1 representative, pro-
ed that this opportunity viding he has a petition
AH WCCA Checks
was, made possible through signed by 10 eligible voters. "

Received Herefor- -
amelioration of rulings un- The petition Must be
Service filed with the Proeot-s All paycheoks for ,
der the Sploctive

Director "by tonight. -' mer. as seaioly center workers

act. " , . v
residents of the Cen- -

have arrived, according to

"The response in thi-- s All --

Center to the Army's- call Car, 10 years uiu ui

Jauies Tabata, assistant to
TG'.h'eartehing,, the a joi laay'vote in Tuesday's eleo-tio- n. Agent Cashier Thomas B.
appreciate greatn' are being Lyle. ,
said.I(continued on page 2) ciade to assist voters who
Pro-'-ision- s

Payees are asked to call

dJ not reed English. immediately fcrtheir oheoks
A complete list of block at the north window of the
Forum Stresses nominees on page 2. Post Office between" 1 and
Health Problems GYPSUM WALLS UP
5 p.ji. daily.
A check is being held
Dealing with the Center's Tomiiohi iiinemoto, it
health 'problems, a panol Starting with Bljck 1, for announced. Since
was all-unolai-

of medical doctors will the installation of gypsum

apart- checks must W
discuss "An Ounce of Pre- board walls in each to San Francisco,
vention" at the'adult forum ment began today, announced returned
riuejKJto is" requested to
Monday evening at 7:$Crin John L. cCoraiok, Employ -
,oa)ll at once.'
Hall 2. ment fend Housing head.
Dr. Ton Abe irill preside -
as chairman. RUCES FOR. NAME CONTEST-- ",'
Speakers will be Dr. ed details of the Long-await-

Fred Fujikawa, "Personal contest are slowly rounding .into shape. v

Heclth."; Dr. ELku'o Taira, Here are . the few, simple rules:
"Public Health11 and Dr. . j j. o- t nvw nr - ftTrervone is --

T.. ,ine oojitooi wfw n

Donneil 7f. Boardman,' "Ce-
nter Hospital and Clinio." 2. Brine or 'pail your entries-t- the COXTJHIQIE o
L- -
Since the discussion is office a$ Ana aon iwb0" J"1" 2J-1-- A.

of paramount importance to name and address.

the well-bei-
of the res- j.Dcadline for the nam contest is Thanksgiving
idents," all blqck managers eve, odnesday, :ov. 25. "
... , .
have been requested to send There will be more details jibout in the-conte-

representatives to the the next issue of the CQ-UU-


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