Geography of The Central Andes 1922

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map of Hispanic America- PUBLrcAT.iON#o, t .
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A Handbook to Accompany the LA PAZ Sheet of the
Map of Hispanic America on the Millionth Scale

ALAN G. OGILVIE, M.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.)














I General View 13

II Geological Structure and Land Forms .... 31

III Minerals and Mines 49

IV The Ocean \ . . . 61

V The Climate 67

VI Drainage, Water Supply, and Soils 95

VII The Natural Vegetation 109

VIII Animal Life 122

IX The Inhabitants and Their Adaptation to the

Environment 136

Appendix A, The Social and Religious Organiza-

tion of the Plateau Indians ... 199

Appendix B, The Problem of Tacna and Arica . . 203

Appendix C, Selected Bibliography 211

Appendix D, Conversion Tables 224

Index 233
1 1

I Map showing distribution of population .... facing 146
II Map showing utilization of land facing 174

1 Pisagua from the roadstead facing 18
2 Part of the Altiplano showing the Rio Desaguadero, facing 23
3 Source of the Rio Desaguadero, outlet of Lake Titicaca
facing 24
4 Block diagram of the Cordillera Real and Altiplano ... 26
5 Sketch map pf natural regions in the Central Andes ... 29
6 (A) and (B) Sketch maps of ancient lakes on the Altiplano 43
7 Diagram two ancient lakes
illustrating relationship of . .
8 Horizontal section of the ocean floor and Western Cor-
dillera 62
9 Sketch map showing precipitation, belts of cloud, and
meteorological stations 67
10 Graphs showing monthly variations in temperature ... 70
1 Graphs showing daily variations in temperature .... 73
12 Wind roses for Arica 76
13 Wind roses for Arequipa 77
14 Wind roses for Vinocaya 78
15 Wind roses for Puno 79
16 Wind roses for La Paz 81
17 Wind roses for Cochabamba 83
18 Wind roses for Sucre 85
19 (A) and (B) Diagrams illustrating cloud types and rainfall
belts in the Eastern Andes 87
20 (A) and (B) Diagrams illustrating cloud types and rainfall
belts on the Pacific slope 90
21 Graph showing monthly precipitation at various stations 92
22 The end of a river on the piedmont facing 10
23 Diagram of flow on the Rfo Chili 102
24 Sketch map showing distribution of natural vegetation . no
25 Yareta, tola, and ichu grass facing 1 14
26 A stack of yareta ready for burning facing 114

27 Ichu grass in the Puna Brava facing 116
28 Cactus vegetation in the La Paz valley facing 119
29 Illimani from the Yungas, with forest facing 120
30 Uru Indian grinding quinoa facing 152
31 Isolated Indian dwelling in the high pastures . . facing 153
32 Colonos plowing and sowing facing 160
33 Procession of Indians at a fiesta facing 162
34 Abandoned artificial terraces (andenes) facing 163
35 Fishing balsas on Lake Titicaca facing 165
36 Farms in the Chili valley above Arequipa .... facing 167
37 The Yungas of Coroico with coca plantations 168
38 Sketch maps illustrating relative importance of routes . . 178
39 The port of Huaqui facing 182
40 The city of La Paz from the southwest 187
41 Sketch map showing boundary changes 195


Figures 28, 29. and 32 are from photographs by George M. McBride. All other
photographs reproduced were taken by Isaiah Bowman.

This regional account of an important part of the Central
Andes and the first (provisional) edition of the map representing
the area have been compiled simultaneously as the result of an
effort to draw together much scattered information. Materials
for map and book have been gathered from sources which vary
widely in character and quality. The data utilized in the map,
and the method of its construction, are discussed in some detail
in Part I. The bibliography records most of the sources of mate-
rial for the book.
Existing scientific data are probably above the average for
South American areas of this extent in both quantity and quality
but, as a rule, they relate only to small parts of the country.
Moreover, we can turn to no systematic description of the whole
territory covered by the map. And modern geography requires
more than mere description ; it demands that genetic relationships
be brought out. This fact has been kept in view in writing a book
which, because of the present state of knowledge, is a provisional
edition, like the map that it accompanies.
The reader will quickly appreciate that within the area dis-
cussed there are several strongly contrasted natural regions, and
he will surely ask himself what is the total extent of each. For,
in fact, all of the more important of them extend
beyond the far
map limits. A diagram has therefore been placed at the end of
Chapter I showing the relation of the various natural regions
discussed to the sheets of the millionth map in general and to the
La Paz sheet in particular. Thus it will be seen that many of the
general observations which are made in this handbook would
apply equally well in the description of a number of different
map areas.
I have great pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness to a
number of colleagues for their assistance. The section on soils
was written after consultation with Dr. C. F. Marbut, of the
United States Bureau of Soils, who kindly gave me his opinion
on the probable conditions prevailing in the several regions. In
collecting data for Chapter VIII, I have had the advantage of
consulting Drs. F. M. Chapman, H. E. Anthony, R. C. Murphy,
and other officers of the Department of Zoology in the American
Museum of Natural History. Dr. Murphy has also read critically
the manuscript of this chapter.
My thanks are due to Dr. Isaiah Bowman, who placed at my
disposal field notes, photographs, maps,and personal information,
much of it unpublished, that he had gathered on several expedi-
tions to the Central Andes; to Dr. George M. McBride for collect-
ing most of the historical material included in Chapter IX and
Appendix B, as well as for writing Appendix A; and to Dr. Gladys
M. Wrigley, who permitted me to use her unpublished work on
settlements and routes in the coastal zone.

Alan G. Ogilvie.
By Isaiah Bowman

In 1920 the Society announced a plan for Hispanic-American

research of which this book and the La Paz sheet on the scale
1: 1,000,000 are among the first results. Field studies in the
Central Andes in 1907, 191 1, and 1913 had yielded me first-hand
knowledge of the geography of highland Peru and Bolivia as well
as the highly contrasted lowlands on either side, and this fact,
together with the diversified character of the region, was the
chief inducement to start the plan with the production of the
La Paz sheet. Teh other sheets are in course of compilation or
reproduction. They range in position from the peninsula of
Lower California to the Gran Chaco of southeastern Bolivia.
It is planned to complete the sheets in natural groups if the plan
can be supported to that extent. In time, handbooks like the
present one will summarize the regional aspects of the geography.
Until the sheets of such natural groups are produced each map
will be accompanied by a leaflet describing the cartographical
sources which support it.
The production of the first sheet has revealed a surprising
amount of data, bearing upon the general geography no less than
upon the map, that has been wholly unknown to geographers
hitherto. To such an extent is this true that I know of no more
fruitful means of advancing a knowledge of the Hispanic- Ameri-
can realm than the plan upon which we have embarked. Having
conducted exploratory expeditions, I am aware of the lure of field
work and But there comes a time in the
of its value to science.
history of every subject when a broad and critical synthesis may
be of even more value. At this juncture the millionth map sup-
plies an indispensable medium for synthetic and comparative
studies of a high order. The handbooks that form a part of
the plan depend inevitably upon field work to be carried on from

time to time as circumstances permit field work that is guided

by knowledge gained in the compilation of maps from so many
sources. In time this will bring us to the point where a general
geographical study of Hispanic-America can be made upon a
sound scientific basis.
Parallel with these activities the Society has conducted others
that be enumerated here. There has been produced a map
of Hispanic-America on the scale of 1 6,000,000, or a little less

than 100 miles to the inch. It is drawn from nearly 250 sources,
including a large number of original surveys. It shows railways,
drainage indicated as surveyed or unsurveyed, international and
administrative boundaries, and towns in graded sequence down
to those with a population of 4,000. It is produced in three sheets
which can be handled separately or assembled to make a wall
map. Upon it in a separate edition will be represented in color
the state of knowledge respecting the cartography of Hispanic-
America, the population density plotted on a rational basis from
most recent census returns, and eventually soils, forests, and the
like.There has also been completed a List of Maps of Hispanic
America. (I) Maps Contained in Periodical Publications, published
as a volume of bound typewritten sheets in a very small edition.
A second part of the work (II) is a list of miscellaneous maps in
books and in sheet form, and a third (III) a list of official maps.
The maps are arranged chronologically by countries. The second
part of the work is well advanced and now consists of 10,000
entries chiefly of historical value; the third remains to be done,
except in so far as the regular map collection of the Society
includes portions of it.

As a basis for physiographic research the Society has just

published in book form A Catalogue of Geological Maps of South
America, with an index map, as No. 9 in its Research Series. An
intensive study of the Mexican land system is in press and one
on Argentine colonization is in preparation. The last-named is a
parallelstudy to Recent Colonization in Chile published in 192
as Research Series No. 6.
The whole Hispanic-American program is necessarily based on
maps because no thorough and systematic collation of such mate-

rial whether published or unpublished has ever been attempted.

It follows that the student of the human geography of Hispanic-
America is frustrated at every turn by the paucity of a given map
collection, or its unordered state, or the highly unequal quality of
its parts. It is one of the aims of the Society to substitute for this
great deficiency a set of maps of high quality so that from them
and the collateral knowledge gained in their production there shall
flow a series of truly scientific papers in the field of regional geog-


Itwas thought worth while to compile the La Paz sheet of the
millionth map for two main reasons first because from scientific

and practical standpoints it is important to have at the present

time the best possible map covering a complete section of the
Andes at its widest part. This it is hoped will be furnished by
the La Paz sheet and the Santa Cruz sheet to the east of it. And
secondly, because a number of surveys and reconnaissances have
been made in the areas of both sheets since publication of the
most recent general maps of the region.
No claim is implied that the present provisional edition of the
map is uniformly reliable in all its parts. It represents careful
compilation from maps and documents which could be
all the
collected in the circumstances. All published maps as well as the
results of a considerable number of unpublished reconnaissance
surveys have been studied.
Perhaps the most serious obstacle to scientific compilation
has been the lack in large areas of geographical positions of un-
questionable reliability, a condition especially serious in regard to
longitudes. In this respect the western part of the map is rea-
sonably reliable, because based on a good hydrographic survey of
the coast, as well as on the records of the astronomical observa-
tory at Arequipa. But east of the Western Cordillera the diffi-
culties increase. The geographical positions of several towns are
given by Bolivian official publications, but the positions are re-

corded differently, the variations being small in latitude and wide

in longitude. Moreover, they differ considerably from the obser-
vations of earlier surveyors such as Pentland and Minchin. It
was most desirable to obtain if possible a continuous skeleton
from the Pacific Coast to the eastern foot of the Andes, and, so
far as is known, there is but one source for such a series. Colonel
P. H. Fawcett, in proceeding to the eastern boundary of Bolivia
in 1913 to carry out survey work there on behalf of the Bolivian
government, carried a series of observations from Puno on Lake
Titicaca (whose position is known relative to Arequipa) right
across to the Brazilian boundary; and most of the positions he
recorded fall within the La Paz and Santa Cruz sheets. In making
use of these points, however, another difficulty arose. Colonel
Fawcett published a preliminary map of
his results in 191 5 in
small scale (1: 3,000,000) and with no records other than the
plotting of the points. A tracing of the original of part of this
map, on a larger was obtained by the courtesy of the Royal
Geographical Society of London but beyond this no information

regarding the observations on the map was forthcoming, as

Colonel Fawcett had already started on a further exploration in
the heart of Brazil. It was therefore decided to accept his posi-
tions only where they agreed closely with those of other surveys,
and where no original surveys were available. As regards the La
Paz sheet, one of the chief innovations was the movement of
Cochabamba some 13 minutes to the east of its position on most
other maps. The co-ordinates given in the Annuario Estadistico
y Geogrdfico de Bolivia were accepted, as they agreed very closely
with the position of the city on Fawcett's map. The positions in
the southern part of the Altiplano are derived in the main from
Minchin's surveys.
The coast line was surveyed in 1836 by H. M. S. Beagle, 1 and
the British charts based on this survey together with the Chilean
plans covering a number of small areas have furnished the coastal
and hydrographic data for the La Paz sheet. 2 All the recent com-
piled maps save one have followed these charts. The exception is

1 The work was actually carried out by Usborne during the winter of 1835-1836
in the Constiiucidn which was used as a tender to the Beagle.
coast line, however, was adjusted to the longitude of Iquique, as given
on the map
of the Departamento de Tarapaca, 1: 25,000, Oficina de Mensura de
Tierras, 1918. The longitude of the lighthouse at Iquique is there given as 70 10'
27" W., while British Admiralty Chart No. 1278 places it at 70 11' 48" W., a
difference of 1' 21".

the compilation made at Arequipa in 19 12 by T. A. Corry of the

Ferrocarril del Sur del Peru. In this map the entire coast line
northwest of Arica exhibits many variations from the hydro-
graphic charts, the most noticeable difference being in the trend
for the first 25 kilometers north of Ilo which is almost due north
instead of north-northwest as on the charts. This has the effect
of placing a large bight between Ilo and Punta de Bomb6n. As it
proved impossible to ascertain the nature of the observations
upon which these changes had been based, the coast line of the
Beagle survey has been allowed to stand.
The only single survey covering a large area is that of the Chile-
Bolivia Boundary Commission, which was based upon a triangu-
Western Cordillera south
lation of all the principal peaks of the
of latitude 17 and was connected to the coast at Arica and
at Iquique, just south of themap area. The sheets were published
between 1908 and 1912 on the scale of 1 250,000. They contain a

very large number of altitudes. There are three smaller areas of

survey based on triangulation. The district between Lake Titi-
caca and La Paz was surveyed by a French commission in the
service of the Bolivian government in 1902- 1903. Access was
obtained to a copy of part of this map, which, however, has never
been published. Overlapping this survey is Conway's triangula-
tion and survey of the Cordillera Real made in 1898 and published
in final form in 1900 on the scale of 1 500,000.

The triangulation and survey made about 1906 of the Pampa

de Salinas east of Arequipa has' also been used. The detailed
maps of the nitrate district in the southwest corner had been
incorporated in the Chilean official map 1 : 500,000 mentioned
below, and that source has been used.
In the category of reliable traverses based upon a series of
astronomical observations with chronometer longitudes, the most
important are those of Minchin across the Altiplano and thence
southeastward to Potosi, carried out about 1875. Minchin's
points, adjusted in longitude to agree with the accepted position
ofOruro and with that of Sucre determined by time signal by
Steinmann and Hoek, have been accepted as a skeleton in the
southeastern part of the sheet. In part this was supplemented by
an excellent unpublished compass traverse by A. P. Rogers from
Challapata to Colquechaca and by others from Oruro through
San Pedro to Colquechaca and from Potosf to Challapata, both
by A. Stiles. Of other compass traverses, use has been made of
that of Steinmann, Hoek, and von Bistram entering the area
from the east and reaching nearly to La Paz. This long traverse

made in 1903-1904 rests upon few fixed points and has been
used mainly for its topographic detail. Two compass sketches
of mountain groups
the Quimsa Cruz and the Cordillera north-

west of Cochabamba were made by Herzog in 191 1, and these
have been accepted almost in their entirety. Unfortunately
there are few checks upon the accuracy of their scale, but they
are believed to give a good representation of the mountains,
shown by carefully drawn form lines which agree with the
descriptions of the land forms. For the eastern slope of the
Cordillera Real north of the Quimsa Cruz range, data were
furnished by a compass reconnaissance made in locating the
Yungas railway, a stadia survey for the railway when located, a
geological reconnaissance of the foothills, and a road survey.
The La Paz River in its upper section appears on Conway's
map. For the section of the Rio Beni below Coroico a stadia
reconnaissance for a projected railway was used, while the inter-
vening portion has been taken from the survey made by Heath
between 1879 and 1881 and supplemented later by Garcia Mesa.
Of railway surveys those of the Arica-La Paz and the Huaqui-La
Paz lines give a valuable check upon longitudes in the Altiplano,
while the map of the Oruro-Cochabamba railway furnished much
additional topographic information derived from reconnaissances
on both sides of the line. The shore lines of Lakes Titicaca and
Poop6 have been taken, save for details, from the surveys of
Neveu-Lemaire of the Crequi-Montfort expedition; and the
Desaguadero River from the survey of Bergelund made in 1892
for the Peruvian Corporation.
Previous compilations have had to be used in areas for which
no original surveys were available. The compilers of these maps,

which are included in the list given below, undoubtedly had

access to certain sources which the compiler of this map has not
had. For instance, Huot, the cartographer of the Crequi-Mont-
fort expedition, in compiling his "Carte des Andes Centrales,"
1 : 750,000, which for most parts is the best general map of the
Central Andes, was able to use the topographic information
brought back by that expedition; and in Peru, Corry had infor-
mation which enabled him to modify Raimondi's map in several
respects. It is unfortunate that in most compiled maps there is
no systematic discrimination between the known and the un-
known; and this is especially true of maps published in South
America. The conventional signs of the International Map,
which have beeji adopted, enable us to make this important
distinction quite clear.
In the case of areas in which we are reasonably sure that no
surveys have been made, we have had to interpret written
accounts of the country in the light of our general knowledge of
the main geological structure and the way in which it controls
the surface features in this and other parts of the Andes. Thus
in the case of the Eastern Cordillera we have drawn, without
accurate knowledge, river valleys which are known to exist, as
well as the very approximate contours between them. We have
from any of the extremely
rarely followed exactly the river courses
variable previous compilations but have boldly inserted lines
which we believe to have in general a more probable location than
those of previous maps of these parts. We believe this action to
be justified, provided the method be clearly stated, as it is in
this text and diagram on the border of the map.
in the reliability
Except in the very few areas which have been contoured in the
field, approximate contours have been drawn in the manner

described. The advice of those who have seen the areas or others
undoubtedly similar has been sought constantly. Thus, while
the contours over much of the map are very approximate and
while neither they nor the drainage lines have the detail which
only survey can give them, yet we believe that the character of
the contours is essentially correct. The kind of modification
which is made by survey upon the generalized approximate con-
tours may be judged by a comparison on the map of the Pampa
de Salinas (surveyed) east of Arequipa with the Pampa de Vis-
cachas (unsurveyed) to the southeast of it; or again in the
plateaus of the Eastern Cordillera by comparing the general
hill forms (unsurveyed) with the very small surveyed portions
northwest of Uncia and east of Chayanta.
As mentioned above, geological knowledge has been utilized
in determining the trend of surface features. In the case of the
northeastern corner of the area it is probable that the topography
is represented too diagrammatically; but, on the other hand, it

is believed that on the Altiplano between the two Cordilleras

subsequent mapping will bring out more clearly the parallel
arrangement of ridges and valleys. The difference of treatment
is based on the very different amount of topographic knowledge

of thetwo areas. The lower ranges of the Andes east of the Rio
Bopi are completely unsurveyed save for one compass traverse
by Orbigny, and, while Orbigny's descriptions are valuable, his
compass observations seem to be unreliable. But the Altiplano,
on the other hand, has been mapped from a number of traverses
which have been accepted in general. But these contain little
detail, and in an area of such slight relief it is the smaller features

which bring out the topographic pattern. Similarly in the high

plateaus west of Lake Titicaca, Raimondi's map has been copied,
and it is not known how much surveying this explorer did in the
area. But it seems likely that a more detailed knowledge would
reveal a marked regularity of valley direction conforming gen-
erally to the geologic strike of the sedimentary rocks which in
allprobability are exposed in much of the area.
The compilers have diverged somewhat from the requirements
of the International Map Committee in regard to the contours.
The "principal contours" demanded, which are all limits of
hypsometric tints, have been inserted. But the color scale has

been extended by providing an additional tint for land above

5,000 meters, this being necessary to bring out the higher moun-
tains. No separate color is provided for the seven small areas

over 6,000 meters, most of these being above the snow line.

The peculiar nature of the relief called for special treatment of

the intermediate contours. The relatively slight but yet impor-
tant relief at high altitudes demanded that these be inserted at
every 200 meters above 3,000 meters in accordance with the
international scheme. This has been done everywhere through-
out the sheet for all parts above 3,000 meters (save in the Cor-
dillera Real in a few spots where there was not room to draw the
lines). Below 3,000 meters, where the postulated contour inter-
val changes to 100 meters, the slopes in many parts of the map
especially in the east are so steep that contours at this ver-
tical interval would obscure the hypsometric tints. Moreover,
in many areas the data are insufficient for their insertion. These
contours have therefore been inserted only where they were
called for to bring out special features. But the 100, 200, 500,
and 700 meter lines, which are required as the limits of tinted
areas, have been drawn throughout.
Not the least difficult part of the compilation of such a map
as this is the selection of names. Names of all sorts occurring
in original surveys used have been accepted with certain altera-
tions in spelling. Otherwise names of physical features have
for themost part been culled from the compiled maps mentioned
in the list, and in cases where these maps disagree preference
has been given to the map whose source seemed to be most
authoritative in the particular area in question. Some help
was also obtained in this work from the various official gazetteers
of Bolivia, Chile,and Peru. In regard to the names of towns,
villages,and settlements an effort was made to base the selection
in the main upon the census reports of the three countries with
some additional aid in the case of Bolivia, from the "Diccionario
Geografico de Bolivia"; the intention being to eliminate names
which applied to the smallest centers of population, such as iso-
lated farms, and to obtain a more or less rigid grading in the
importance of names. But the effort proved almost fruitless in
that the documents mentioned give insufficient details. The
only other course has therefore been followed, namely, to insert
as many place names as
possible without marring the other
features of the map. Moreover, the grading indicated in the
legend can be accepted only as generally accurate.
All names on the La Paz sheet are either Spanish or Indian,
and a small number on the eastern slopes
of the latter all save
of the Andes are Quichua or Aymara. The Indian names
are given in the conventional Spanish transliteration. But it
must be remembered that the Spanish alphabet has no means of
representing accurately a number of Indian sounds. This is
specially true of the gutturals, and the compilers have diverged
from Spanish forms in one respect, to introduce the kh as repre-
senting more accurately one class of Indian consonant.
The bathymetric lines were interpolated from the soundings
given on the charts supplemented by soundings from the volumes
published between 1910 and 1920 in connection with the Carte
Gen6rale Bathymetrique des Oceans. Submarine cables have
been inserted in accordance with official data.

Maps Used in the Construction of the La Paz Sheet*

1. La Laguna de and the valleys of Yucay, Collao and
Desaguadero Peru and Bolivia by J. B. Pentland from
surveys 1827-30. Published as a British Admiralty chart.
2. Carte generate de la Republique de Bolivia, by Alcide
d'Orbigny from itineraries 1830-33. Ca. 1:1,575,000.
Published in his "Voyage dans TAmerique meridionale,"
3. Itineraries etcoupe geologique a travers le continent de
TAmerique du Sud. Ca. 1 250,000. Francis de Castelnau.

4. Map of part of Bolivia from surveys of John B. Minchin.
1:850,000. Published with a paper by G. C. Musters,
Journ. Royal Geogr. Soc, London, 1877.
5. Mapa de los Rios Beni y Yacuma segun las exploraciones del
Dr. Eduardo R. Heath, 1879-1881, completado por L.
Garcia Mesa. 1:800,000. 1903. (Unpublished.)
2 The La Paz sheet was compiled under my direction by Mr. William A. Briese-
meister of the staff of the American Geographical Society.

6. Part of the Bolivian table land. Ca. 1:1,100,000. By John

B. Minchin. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, London, 1882.
7. Mapa del Peru. 1:500,000. A. Raimondi. Sheets 29, 30, 31,
32. 1889 onwards.
8. French Admiralty chart 3337. (1894.)
9. The Cordillera Real, Bolivia. From a triangulation and
plane table survey (1898) by Sir Martin Conway, and
other documents. 1:500,000. Geogr. Journ., Vol. 15,
10. Piano de la Ciudad de Oruro. 1 : 10,000. Diccionario Geo-
grafico de la Republica de Bolivia. Tomo 4. Departa-
mento de Oruro. 1902.
11. Regions des Hauts Plateaux de l'Amerique du Sud. Carte
dressee par Victor Huot d'apres lesTravaux des Membres
de la Mission Crequi-Montfort et Senechal de la Grange,
etc. 1 : 750,000. Paris, 1903.
12. Part of the survey by the French "Mission Schrader,"
1:200,000, between La Paz and Lake Titicaca. Ca.
1904. (Unpublished.)
13. (a) Routenkarte der Expedition Steinmann, Hoek und von
Bistram in den Anden von Bolivien. 1: 750,000.
(b) Umgegend von Cochabamba. 1 3,750,000. Surveyed :

1903-04. Published in Petermanus Mitt., .Vol. 52, 1906.

14. Proyecto preliminar de un camino de Herradura de la Paz
a Puerto Pando por Julio Knaudt. 1:250,000. 1904. (Un-
15. Carte bathymetrique du Lac Titicaca, 1: 525,000; Carte

bathym6trique du Lac Poopo, 1: 420,000; dressees par le

Dr. M. Neveu-Lemaire. Published in "Les Lacs des
Hauts Plateaux," Paris, 1906.
16. Proyecto de Istunchaca. 1:200,000. Reduction del piano
del ingeniero Carter del afio 1848. Published in Bol.
Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peril No. 45, 1906.
17. Oficina Hidrografica Chile. Chart No. 128. 1906.
18. Mapa Hidrologico (coast of Peru). 1:1,000,000. In Bol.
Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peril No. 45, 1906.
19. Croquis geografico de la region estudiada por la Comision
Hidrologica de Moquegua, 1 : 500,000, por H. C. Hurd. In
Bol. Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas
del Peru No. jp, 1906.
20. Piano topografico de cuenca hidrogranca de la region de

Salinas. 1:100,000 and 1:20,000. Published in Bol.

Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru No. 49, 1907.
21. Surveys of the Comision Chilena de L unites, 3 sheets,
i7-20 S. 1:250,000. 1908 and 1912.
22. Mapade los Pampas y Borde Occidental de la Cordillera
de los Departamen tos de lea, Arequipa, Moquegua y
Tacna. 1:500,000. V. F. Marsters. Published in Bol.
Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru No. jo, 1909.
23. Correccion del Rio Rocha. 1:25,000. Julio Knaudt. La
Paz, 1910.
24. Piano general del Rio Desaguadero. 1:633,000. Julio
Bergelund. Published in Bol. Soc. Geogr. de Lima, Vol.
26, 1910.
25. Map of the islands of Titicaca. Ca. 1:33,333. Adolph F.
Bandelier. Published in "The Islands of Titicaca and
Koati," New York, 1910.
26. South Peru and north Bolivia. 1:2,000,000. Geogr. Journ.,
Vol. 34, 1910.
27. (a) Chile. 1:500,000, 2 sheets (i7-2i S.); (b) Chile with
part of Bolivia. 1:1,000,000. Both published by the
Chilean Oficina de Mensura de Tierras. 1910.
28. Reconocimiento de los Rios La Paz, Palca, Luribay y Araca
por R. Capriles. 1 400,000. Direcc. Gen. Obras Publicas,

29. Mapa telegrafico de Bolivia. 1:2,400,000. 191 1.

30. Canalizacion del Rio Rocha. 1:100,000. Ca. 1912. (Un-

31. Route survey, Challapata to Colquechaca. 1: 250,000. A.
P. Rogers. (Unpublished.)
32. Piano general minero de la Provincia Bustillo. 1 : 20,000.
Cuerpo Nacional de Minas e Servicio Departamental,
La Paz, 1912.
33. Piano de la Ciudad de La Paz. 1:60,000. By J. S. Castagne.
34. Mapa mineralogico de los Departamentos de Oruro, La Paz,
Potosi e Cochabamba. (4 maps.) 1:1,000,000. 1912.
35. Mapa del Peru. 1:1,500,000. Sociedad Geografica de Lima,
36. Ferrocarril Antofagasta a Bolivia, Ramal Potosi. 1 : 400,000.
Published in Memorias de Gobierno y Fomento, La Paz,
37. British Admiralty charts 1282 (1913), 1278 (1915).
38. (a) Die bolivische Ostkordillere, westlicherTeil. 1:500,000.
(b) Die Quimzacruz-Kordillere. 1 200,000. Theodor Her- :

zog. Petermanns Mitt. Vol. 59, I, 1913.

39. Mapa del surTeru y parte de Bolivia. 1:1,000,000. F. A.
Corry. 1913. (Unpublished.)
40. Mapa del sur del Peru y parte de Bolivia. 1 : 500,000. F. A.
Corry. Ca. 1913. (Unpublished.)
41. Sketch map to illustrate the explorations of Major P. H.
Fawcett, R. G. A. in 1913-14. 1 :
3,000,000. Geogr. Journ.,
Vol. 45, 1915.
42. U. S. Hydrographic Office charts, 1565 (1914), 11 99 (19 15),
1219 (1917), 1253 (1917), 1203 (1919), 1218 (1919).
1 156 (1920), 1566 (1920).
43. Maps showing constructed portion of the La Paz-Yungas
railway. 1 :io,ooo. Ape n dice a la memoria presentada a.
la legislatura. 1916-1918.
44. Ferro-Carril de Arica a La Paz. 1 : 250,000. Ca. 1916.
45. Mapa de Bolivia. 1:1,000,000. Eduardo Idiaquez. Ca.
1918. (Unpublished.)
46. Corocoro mining district. 1 100,000. Reproduced in "The

Mineral Deposits of South America, "by Miller and Singe-

wald, New York, 1919.
47. Trazo proyectada del ferrocarril de Arequipa a. Salinas.
1 200,000.
: Anales del Congreso Nacional de la Industria
Minera, Vol. 5, 1919. Lima.
48. Mapa del Departamento de La Paz. 1 : 750,000. Eduardo
Idiaquez. 1919.
49. Mapa del ferrocarril de Oruro a Cochabamba. 1 : 400,000.
1920. (Unpublished.)
50. Itinerario a traves de los Departamentos de Oruro, Potosi y
Chuquisaca. 1 : 500,000. Adolfo Siles. Bol. Soc. Geogr.
de La Paz., Vol. 28, 1920.
51. Reconnaissance map showing country between La Paz and
Yungas by the Antofagasta a Bolivia Railway Company.
1 : 100,000. (Unpublished.)
52. Plan of Lake Titicaca and Desaguadero River, by the
Peruvian Corporation. 1:250,000. (Unpublished.)
53. Plan of an Automobile Road, Eucalyptus to Caracoles
mines. 1 : 250,000. (Unpublished.)
54. Distrito salitrero de Tarapaca. 1 : 400,000.
55. Reconocimiento para un ferrocarril en la Republica de
Bolivia entre Puerto Salinas (Rio Beni) y Coripata. 1 20,- :

000. (Unpublished.)
56. Carte generate bathymetrique des oceans. Albert I, Prince
of Monaco. 2nd edit. 1913.

Three events in the physical history of the land covered by the
La Paz sheet have been of chief importance in determining the
distribution of life and the activities of man in the area.
The first is the upheaval of a block of the earth's crust of such
great width and to so great an altitude. From this results a rare
atmosphere over most of the surface and a climate which is very
dry, save on the eastern slopes of the Andes and which is also
cold in all but the two small sections of low altitude. These cli-
matic conditions restrict the natural vegetation, the possibilities
of agriculture, and consequently the density of the population;
while the great difference of altitude between the highlands and
the marginal lowlands discourages movement from one to the
The second feature is the mineralization of the rocks forming
the cordillerawhich took place both before and during the up-
heaval of the highlands. One result of this has been to raise the
number of inhabitants considerably above the normal for such a
region; moreover, the mineral wealth of these cordilleras has
greatly increased their importance to the outside world from the
Spanish Conquest right down to our own time.
Thirdly, there is the fact that prior to the great upheaval of the
land a large part of the
it eastern section had undergone a
long period of denudation and another large part the western
section had been covered with great lava sheets. This accounts
for the relative smoothness of the greater part of the highland
surface. Save for the volcanic cones and occasional residual
ranges the core of the high block presents few serious obstacles
to free movement, be it of air, plant, beast, or man. Further, it
is to the intensive erosion in the eastern part that we owe the
discovery at the surface and the easy mining of the various
minerals. which we shall have occasion to state
All other facts
will prove to be of importance than these three.
less general

The section of the Andes between latitude i6 and 20 S. can

be described briefly as a greatly elevated peneplane formed upon
disordered rocks, mostly sedimentary, with a northwest-southeast
strike. The peneplane, which bears an important residual range
the Cordillera Real near its northeastern edge, is warped
down and probably also broken by normal faulting on both
margins, forming the two flanks of the Andes; and the central
portion of it the Altiplanostands at a lower level than its two
rims, probably on account of trough faults, thus forming a basin
of interior drainage with its lowest portion in the southeast.
The western rim of the elevated peneplane has been subjected
to warping and fracturing in various parts, so that it is not every-
where as striking a feature as it is, for instance, in the extreme
south of the area. Moreover, it is surmounted by an almost
continuous chain of volcanic peaks, forming the Maritime
Cordillera, while lava flows and volcanic detritus cloak the
western margin of the Altiplano. Both flanks of the Andes are
deeply scored by valleys eroded during and since the uplift of
the land. In the west this dissection is much less complete than
on the east, where the rainfall is very much greater. On both
flanks, east, the summits and valleys bear
but especially in the
the marks by the Pleistocene glaciation. As a result of this

dissection the flanks of the Andes are bordered by extensive,

gently sloping, piedmont surfaces. On the northeastern side
only a small portion of these is included in the area; but on the
Pacific side they form a continuous and important band in some
parts reaching to the coastal hills. These last represent the
broken remnants of a greatly denuded surface formed on dis-
ordered rocks, for the most part crystalline. They can probably
be taken to be the vestiges of a crustal block now foundered to
an abyssal depth in the Pacific Ocean.
On account of the long denudation which preceded the main

uplift of the Andes the geological composition and structure

have been of relatively small importance in determining the
relief in its major aspects. The chief exceptions to this are the

two main Cordilleras: the Western, where the surface features

conform closely to the rock structure of the young volcanoes and
lava flows, and the Cordillera Real where a hard granitic core
amongst the folded shales and sandstones has preserved the
crest of this range from the fate of the surrounding country.
But the composition and structure of the crust have an
important bearing upon the most fruitful source of wealth to the
country its minerals. The granitic core of the Eastern Cor-
dillera, as well as some of its shales, appear to be streaked with
threads of gold too small to be economically worked in situ but
yielding sure returns to the placer miners in the gravel deposits
of the valleys; and innumerable have become filled with
rich ores of silver, tin, antimony,and bismuth. The crumpled
sandstones and other sediments of the Altiplano have been
broken along a line running northwest-southeast by an intrusion
of diorite, which appears at the surface today in chains of low
hills; and with this intrusion is associated one of the largest

known deposits of native copper.

The volcanic activity in piling upthe summits of the Western
Cordillera has brought to the surface quantities of native
sulphur, while the association of volcanic vents and lakes has
resulted in the formation of borax in a number of intermont
basins, and perhaps a somewhat similar cause will ultimately be
held to account for the nitrates of the western piedmont. Both
of these soluble compounds owe their preservation to the intense
dryness of the climate of the region in which they occur. The
existence of the interior basin in the highlands and its relative
aridity account for the immense deposits of salt which cover its
lowest expanses.
The map area lies to the north of the Tropic of Capricorn and ;

if it were a flat lowland its temperature, humidity, wind, and

rainfall conditions would vary directly and uniformly with the
apparent movement of the sun. The thermal equator and the
equatorial rains would follow the sun and pass over the area
twice annually, moving southward in the end of November
and again northward early in January. And during all but the
height of summer the southeast trade winds would blow over
the land. This theoretical condition is greatly modified however

by the shape of South America and by the existence of the

Andes. Owing to the relative narrowness of the continent in
these latitudes, to the height and width of the Andes, and to the
nearness of the Pacific Ocean with a cold coastal current, neither
the thermal equator nor the equatorial rains ever reach the area,
and the trade winds do not blow with their accustomed regu-
larity. Still, the hottest period of the year for all parts of the
area between November and January, the coldest is in June

or July, and the rainy season is from November to March.

Probably the ultimate origin of most of the moisture, save on the
Pacific slope, is the Atlantic Ocean; and the bulk of the precipi-
tation is from the trade winds, as they are forced up the eastern
flanks of the Andes, so that the only really wet part of the area
is its northeastern corner.
The main climatic characteristics of the highlands are low
precipitation and a great daily range of temperature, the thin
airand high percentage of clear days promoting rapid heating by
day and cooling by night. These highlands are classed among the
semideserts of the world. The prevailing winds on the coast are

south or southwest more or less from the ocean, but in view of
the high temperature inland they bring but little rain. The
most they are able to provide as a palliative to the hot desert
climate of the lowlands is a prevalent fog bank on the seaward
slope of the coastal hills.

We shall see that the geological history of the Central Andes

has a good deal to do with the nature of the existing flora and
fauna, that is to say with the reason for the presence of certain
species and the absence of others. But the present climatic divi-
sion of the land accounts sufficiently for the zonal arrangement
of the vegetation, while the more detailed distribution within the
zones is determined in part by the soil and water supply. The

hot wet zone of the northeastern flank is occupied by dense

tropical forest,most luxuriant at the foot, becoming less so

upwards to the cold tree line at about 3,500 meters. Physiologic
dryness which stunts vegetation may be effected by cold or
simply by absence of water. This eastern tree line is determined
by the first and probably also by wind. In the huge expanse
of the high plateaus trees other than occasional plantations are
extremely rare. It is the Puna country, covered naturally by
low shrubs, mosses, and bunch grass but totally bare of vege-
tation where the soil is intensely salt. In the main the humble
nature of the vegetation is accounted for by a combination of
low temperature, wind, and absence of sufficient water. Super-
ficially there is little change in the character of the vegetation

down the western flank of the Andes, but closer examination

shows that here the poverty is due more to real absence of water.
The western foot of the Cordillera is marked by transition in
most parts to complete desert, which continues o\er the lowland
to the coastal hills and is broken only by the verdure bordering

the sparse streams permanent and intermittent. The coastal
hills, or Lomas ("backs"), with their mantle of fog and occasional

rains, support a winter vegetation of grasses and shrubs.

The Andean highlands have been occupied for an unknown
period by a sedentary Indian population engaged primarily in
agriculture but dependent also on the more ancient pastoral
pursuits of their less settled ancestors; while, as culture pro-
gressed from the settlement onwards, the Indians gradually
gained a knowledge of mining and metal working. In this, as in
their methods of agriculture and standard of living, they had
already reached a relatively high level under the despotism of the
Incas before the coming of the Spanish conquerors in the six-
teenth century. But this culture was restricted to the plateaus
and to the few spots on the coastal lowland where irrigation was
possible. The Quichua and Aymara tribes to which these
Indians belong do not extend far down to the forested valleys
and lowlands of the northeast, which are sparsely peopled by
the much more primitive groups of Amazonian Indians. Today
the total population of the area is about 828,000 or 3.6 per square
kilometer (9.3 per square mile) but it is by no means evenly

distributed. It is densest in the lower parts of the plateau coun-

try such as the basins of Arequipa in the northwest and Cocha-
bamba where low temperatures are infrequent and
in the east,
where irrigation can be practiced on good soil. In the upper
parts of the eastern valleys and in the mining districts all of the
most valuable agricultural land is held by the descendants of the
Spanish conqiiistadores who represent but a small proportion of
the total population, the estates being worked by the peon labor
of the Indians. Some agricultural land is still held by Indian
communities, but this for the most part is in the less favorable

In view of the physical conditions briefly set forth above it is

easy to understand that the map area is divisible into well marked
natural regions and that these consist of a number of parallel
belts following the general trend of the Andes from northwest to
southeast (see Fig. 5). It will be useful to summarize at this
stage the salient impressions of a traveler who follows each of
these zones through their entire length in this area and to note
the outstanding changes he would observe in passing from one
region to the other.
From the deck of a vessel coasting along the almost harborless
Pacific seaboard the observer is struck with the inhospitable
appearance of the coast. A recent upheaval of the land has left
everywhere a wave-cut terrace ranging in width from several
kilometers in the north to a few meters in the south. Behind
Lomas, or coastal hills, with numerous deep ravines
this rise the
and sparse verdure, to be seen only in winter. The aspect south
of Arica is exceptionally forbidding (see Fig. 1). The coast is

bold and precipitous broken only by the few deep gashes of the
streams many of which carry no water for years at a stretch.
The coastal escarpment, with an average height of 700 meters
and rising in places over 1,000 meters, while maintained by the
attack of the waves, can scarcely be due primarily to this. It
is probably a modified fault plane which marks the break be-

tween an old land and the Pacific abyss. Apart from the canyon
mouths the coast is low only in two short sections, in the alluvial
flat at the mouth of the Tambo and near Arica. On the Pampa

of Tambo there is sufficient water to support a number of villages

and farms. But elsewhere agricultural activities are restricted
to isolated farms at wide intervals. Otherwise population is

clustered in the ports, mere roadsteads with little shelter but

each at the end of a railway. Three of them Arica, Pisagua,
and Caleta Buena are of great importance to the interior, the
first most direct railroad to the Altiplano,
as the terminus of the

and the others crowded on to a narrow shelf at the foot of

very steep slopes with local precipices from their export of
nitrates. These are mined on the Pampa behind and brought
by rail over the rugged Lomas and, in the case of Caleta Buena,
lowered down the 800 meters of cliff by a cable way.
Between the Lomas and the Andes lies the long belt of desert,
to which is given locally the name "Pampa." But it is a very
different pampa from the huge grassy plains of central Argentina.
It is part of a continuous strip of desert extending from central
Chile to a point some 80 miles beyond the western edge of the
map area and continuing in patches to the northern limit of
Peru. For the most part it is absolute desert and, except for
widely separated river beds, is never better than semidesert
with an exceedingly sparse cover of drought-resisting grasses.
This piedmont surface between the quebradas is smooth or rolling,
and rises slowly to east and northeast. Its soil varies from fine
sand to coarse and angular rock fragments, the former being
more characteristic of the lower and the latter of the higher
parts. The surface layers are impregnated with salts to a
greater or less degree. In most parts the lomas' crest is higher
than the lower edge of the piedmont and overlooks it; but in
places, such as north of Pisagua, there is a steady descent from
the foot of the Andes to thecliff tops on the coast. The desert

surface roughened here and there by low hills which appear


to be recent lava flows that have issued in general from local

vents. Where the surface deposits contain much sand this is
blown by the prevailing southerly wind and built into crescentic
moving dunes. Throughout the whole stretch the Cordillera
forms the distant horizon; and it frequently presents a strikingly

smooth edge generally the line along which the uplifted pene-
plane has been warped up to form the highlands, but often the
summit of a great mass of accumulated lava flows that obscure
the older and rougher topography. In such places only the
summit of the highest volcanoes, which stand farther back,
appear to break the monotony of the crest line. In other places,
as northeast of Arica, peaks like Tacora and Taapaca rise upon
the western brink of the high plateau. The traveler through the
desert zone finds few evidences of life of any sort. For long
stretches between valleys there is no water. But where the
valleys carry streams which permanently reach the piedmont
there are thinly peopled settlements along their banks, each
with its small fields of alfalfa or vegetables making the most
of the shade provided by plantations of willow and chanar trees.
Two such settlements near the lower limit of abundant water
are the towns of Moquegua and Tacna, each lying beside a wide
alluvial valley. These are veritable oases, and their importance
as market towns serving many valleys above them is marked by
their connection by rail with the ports of Ilo and Arica respec-
tively. But by far the largest population of the zone is found
in the nitrate fields of the south. These lie in complete desert,
unlovely groups of barracks, vats, and railroad sidings dumped
on the sun-baked pampa around the flat salars. The climate has
allowed the nitrates to form and remain, and the workers in this
surprising hive of industry have to put up with the climate while
nearly all their food is brought to them from outside, and all of
their most precious water has either to be pumped from wells
carefully placed and sunk so as to be untainted by the salts
or piped from distant springs and streams in the piedmont.
The Western, or Maritime, Cordillera forms a belt within
our area of 575 kilometers (some 360 miles) in length and is
rarely much less than 125 kilometers (some 80 miles) in width,
if we take the 1,500-meter contour as its foot. The landscape

in this belt includes elements of great regularity which cannot

be lost sight of the smoothness of the western flank which is the
warped portion of the peneplane above mentioned, the strong
"family likeness" which all the steep-walled ravines and gorges

incised on this flank bear to one another, and so on. But it is

the supreme irregularity of the peaks together with their barren
grandeur which most impresses the traveler. The belt of summits
is no system of parallel ridges and valleys which may be looked

for in most of the world's great mountain chains. Rather does it

resemble some gigantic breastwork hurriedly built of any ma-
terials which came to hand, the large and the small mixed indis-
criminately. The atmospheric elements of denudation can be
trusted to work to a plan; so can most of the great mountain-
building forces. But we are here reminded that geologists have
no basis for forecasting the nature and the scale of the out-
pourings of volcanism. For all of these peaks are volcanoes old
or new, and within the limits of their zone they seem to conform
to no plan of distribution. Large and small mountains stand
side by side, and if they stood upon a low plain instead of on the
brink of a high plateau they would scarcely merit the name of
cordillera. Again, while all are "volcanic" peaks we must not
suppose that they are necessarily symmetrical cones surmounted
by craters. Many have this form indeed, such as El Misti,
Tacora, and Sajama; but these are the youngest. The older
members of the family have more or less lost their original

shape under the influence of erosion. But, speaking generally,

the slopes in the Western Cordillera are more or less the original
slopes of deposit, whether of the lava flows or of the agglomerates
and ash beds which have fallen round some center of eruption
(see Fig. 36, page 167).
So much for the form of the landscape. The other important
element color is supplied not so much by the vegetation, as
in more humid but by the rocks themselves. These

are painted again and again in the most vivid tints and with
the finest mineral pigments from the purples and reds and pinks
of the lavas to the pure yellow of the sulphur; two important
elements are the gleaming white of salt or borax crusts, which
frequently fill the hollows, and the snows on the peaks themselves.
The Cordillera is not a desert like the piedmont. The western
flank and the lower slopes of many of the volcanoes themselves
are clothed, although the cover is rarely complete. The traveler
climbing from the west passes through a thirsty scrub dotted
about with cacti of the candelabrum and pillar variety, which
here and there close up to form a low cactus forest. Higher up
the vegetation is also limited to scrub, but this time of tola and
yareta with stretches of a pampa grass, and in many of the high
valleys are grassy swards. A journey from end to end of this
Cordillera is perfectly feasible, but it would be slow and would
follow a very sinuous trail, and it is safe to say that no man has
ever made it. Nowhere would animals be far from pasture or
water. Groups of Indian habitations, all of the humblest variety,
lie in nooks and corners everywhere throughout the entire range.

The Indians are mainly occupied with the growing of crops,

especially of potatoes and quinoa, sufficient for their sustenance.
But they are also the owners of llama herds which they hire for
the transport of ore and merchandise. Here and there they
gather sulphur and borax and salt; and this, together with fuel
consisting of scrub and llama dung, they carry on the backs of
the llamas to the piedmont villages of the lowland. Thus they
are able to satisfy the balance of their modest requirements.
The major part of the Altiplano falls within the map area, but
it extends beyond the limits for some 200 kilometers to the

northwest and 300 kilometers to the south. Its eastern edge is

well defined by the sharp rise and straight front of the Eastern
Cordillera; but the western margin is less clearly cut for the
reason aforementioned, that the volcanic debris has encroached
upon it and forms hilly districts of irregular outline. Moreover,
in the south the plateau is divided into two basins of interior
drainage by a line of volcanoes and hills extending from the
Western nearly to the Eastern Cordillera.
Little is known of the country west of Lake Titicaca, but it
seems probable that it consists of a plateau so much dissected by


valleys as to have the appearance of a mountainous region. It

probably a part of the raised peneplane on which the volcanoes

have been built farther west. In any case it is distinct in

character from the Altiplano, which is lower and smoother,
so that almost the entire width of the interior basin is here
occupied by the waters of the lake. The Altiplano differs from
most world in that it possesses a
of the interior basins of the
deep lake of fresh water Titicaca and an important

permanent river drainage the Desaguadero (see Fig. 2).
This is accounted for by the existence of a deep tectonic depres-
sion to hold the water in close proximity to a high mountain
range to windward which keeps it supplied with water. South-
wards the Altiplano becomes more and more typical of other
interior semideserts; for the windward mountains become lower,
so that they condense less moisture. They also quickly become
immensely broader, so that the precipitation is more widely
distributed. But most important of all is the fact, in part
accounted for by these conditions, that south of Titicaca all
important streams flow eastward from the drier Western Cor-
dillera and not from the Eastern Cordillera, which receives the
heavy rainfall. Thus it is not surprising to find that the Desa-
guadero, with but one affluent of importance the Mauri
and an aridity increasing southward, grows smaller downstream

and feeds only a shallow water body Lake Poopo. From this
there is only a small outflow to a salt lake or swamp Coipasa
on the fringe of the huge expanse of salt crust almost perma-
nently dry. South of. the volcanic barrier which separates the
salars of Coipasa and Uyuni there are no fresh-water lakes and
no permanent streams on the plateau.
The traveler in the course of a journey over the Altiplano from
Titicaca southward is struck by a monotony of landscape almost
as complete as in the case of the piedmont desert of the Pacific
slope. It is true that in the south there are the lines of barren
volcanic cones and at their foot the huge flat salars which have
their own glistening monotony, and again there is the wide sheet
of Poop6 with its marshy rim. But save for these one bit of the
immense plateau is like another. It is a rolling plain, almost
bare of trees and in many parts bare even of scrub. But more
generally it is covered with tola and yareta bushes, coarse grass,
and other humble plants. It is swept by winds and often by

dust storms. The higher swellings of the plain are the rough
edges of the harder rocks which have withstood the attacks of
erosion; and these are frequently kept bare of soil by the wind.
Much of the soil of the lower parts is impregnated with salt.

1 1 is primarily a pastoral country, and large droves of llamas and

sheep with occasional flocks of alpacas give the chief touch of
life to the scene; or the long strings of llamas and donkeys laden
with ore, fuel, or merchandise, resembling the camel caravans
of Africa or Asia.But the owners of the llamas are also farmers
in a small way. Villages, or rather groups of huts, may be
found in almost any sheltered spot where the soil may be tilled;
and there will be the potato, oca, and quinoa patches of the
Indians with perhaps haba beans and a little barley raised for
straw. There are many signs of early mining operations all over
the plateau but two centers
; now eclipse all others in importance,
Corocoro in the middle of the Altiplano and Oruro at its eastern
edge. Apart from Oruro this margin has many groups of rela-
tively dense population each occupying a small area of irrigable
land at the mountain foot.
Near Titicaca the scene changes. Steep slopes approach the
lake and alternate sharply with carefully tilled patches of good
land, while even the slopes where not too rocky are terraced and
cultivated (see Fig. 3). Villages with trees and churches are
near together, and the traveler has the feeling of being in an
inhabited country. The hilly peninsulas Copacabana and

Huata thrust forward and almost sever the lower lake from the
main depression of Titicaca. The connecting strait is flanked by
steep precipices. The scene is one of great beauty and wants
only woods to make it rival the charm of the Italian lakes. For
all the other elements are there, the islands, the steep terraced
slopes, the rugged rocks, and the villages clustering picturesquely
in nooks and hollows. Moreover, there is the alpine background,

for the great chain of the Cordillera Real rears its gleaming
summits with cloud banners and hanging glaciers against a sky
which is nearly always blue.
The northern end of the Altiplano was the cradle of an ancient
civilization which has left as its only evidence wonderful mega-
lithic structures, the ruins of its temples and dwellings. Lake
Titicaca andneighborhood again was one of the chief centers

of the later Inca civilization. Today, as then, the shores of

Titicaca are more densely peopled than most other parts of
Bolivia, while the situation of La Paz near by marks it as the
real heart of the Republic, although close to its western frontier.
East of Titicaca the plateau over a piedmont to
rises gently
the foot of the Cordillera Real.But for the traveler who makes
his way by road or rail eastward from the lake's outlet by the
valley of the Rio de Tiahuanaco a surprise is in store. He has
barely reached the rising piedmont when he finds himself on the
brink of a wide chasm separating him from the mountain front.
This is the valley of the La Paz River, and the city of La Paz
is spread over its floor and lower slopes six hundred meters

beneath him. He may follow this canyon lip southeastward for

nearly forty miles (60 km.) with the river bed deepening all the
way (see Fig. 4), and then he must continue for nearly fifty
miles more around the southern ramifications of the La Paz
valley before he can start the ascent of the Cordillera. This
great slice has been cut from the Altiplano by the La Paz River
which is a head stream of one of the great tributaries of the
Amazon, the Rio Madeira. So great is the erosive power of water
fed by continuous condensation on the windward slope of the
Andes that the Amazon has been able to break the resistance of
one of the most powerful bulwarks of the Cordillera and so to
begin the attack upon the interior basin of the Altiplano. The
scale and grandeur of this evidence of power cannot fail to im-
press the man who stands for the first time on the Alto of La
Paz and sees below him a world apart. We shall see, however,
that in spite of its apparent separation from the world above the
inhabitants of La Paz valley cling to the links which bind them

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to the Altiplano with its inhospitable climate and to the Pacific,

and not to the soft and luxuriant world immediately below and
the far distant Atlantic. The explanation of this lies in the fact
that the people came from the plateau, as well as in the nature
of the Cordillera and the plains to the east of them.
The Eastern Cordillera in the area of the map falls into two
quite different divisions, a northern section where it is relatively
narrow and a southern where it is wide. The inner margin of the
northern section runs from northwest to southeast while that of
the southern is oriented nearly north-south. In the north the
map includes practically a complete cross section of the Cordil-
lera; but south of latitude 17 barely one quarter is included.
The consequences of this division are many and important. The
original character of an uplifted peneplane has been almost
completely destroyed in the north, for the concentration of the
rainfall in a narrow belt and the relatively steep gradient of the
have combined to enable these streams to cut the
initial rivers

old surface to pieces.Moreover, the Cordillera Real even at

the time when the peneplane surface had been developed else-
where remained as a high range of hills above it.
In the more southerly division perhaps the most striking
featureis the general accordance of level of the summits and the

complete absence of important peaks above the general summit

level. At the highest altitudes, then, the old peneplane is in
evidence, though by far the greatest part of the surface is hilly.

The and the valleys wide. This surface seems

slopes are gentle
to have been formed by a long period of erosion after the pene-
plane had been raised but long before it was pushed up to its
present level. In places, as about Cochabamba, the surface has
been warped or faulted down and the hollows are now filled with
detritus, providing a rich soil which is occupied by the densest
agricultural population in Bolivia. The process of rapid dis-
section, which has gone so far since the great Andean uplift in
the northern part of the Eastern Cordillera, has affected the
southern division only on outer edge
its the northeastern
corner of the sheet and where the main head streams of great


rivers such as the Grande and Pilcomayo have cut their beds in
narrow gorges; and even these have barely touched the area
included in the map.
Thus the two mountain areas are strongly contrasted in their
form, the northern being a region of tremendous declivities,
sharp spurs, and swift rivers, while the southern consists almost
entirely of wide hilly plateaus and graded rivers. Furthermore,
there is a great difference of climate, already alluded to, the
north receiving almost daily rain or snow near the summit
the valleys constantly humid and lying for much of every day
under great rolling clouds. In the south rainfall is much lighter,
and save on the outer edge there are no hot and humid valleys.
The valleys and basins of this section have perhaps the most
delightful climate in South America. It is that of almost per-
petual spring. All the products of temperate lands and many of
the fruits of the tropical lowlands will grow there. Moreover,
there is much good pasture on the valley slopes. But on the
higher parts conditions are even more rigorous than on the
Altiplano. A humble scrubby vegetation and sparse Indian
settlements hugging the sheltered hollows in general are the
signs of life on this hilly upland. But there remain the mines.
Colquechaca, Uncia, and Huanuni are three of the most impor-
tant centers of tin-mining in the world.
The La Paz River makes its break in the Cordillera Real in an
immense gorge over twelve miles (20 km.) across in an air line
from peak to peak and 3,500 meters deep, its slopes being ex-
ceedingly steep in the lower part and more gentle above. North
and south of this gorge the range has been heavily glaciated and
in all respects is Snow-clad
thoroughly alpine in character.
peaks and sharp from rounded cirques and lake-
aretes rise
studded, troughlike valleys, in many of which small glaciers
still remain. Mines of gold and silver and tin are worked at a
number of points along the slopes even up to the snow line, and
for every mine now open there are remains of many others;
while scattered Indians cultivate their patches in most inhos-
pitable spots even close to the snows.

20 21

Fig. S Natural regions of the Central Andes.

1. Coastal hills with moisture and vegetation in winter.
2. Desert piedmont with oases in some of the valleys.
3. The Puna: high, dry Cordillera with intermont basins in the south, unforested.
3a. The Altiplano: an intermont basin with "Puna" characteristics.
4. Broken mountain slopes, moist and forested.
5. Broken plateaus and intermont basins with scrub and some woodland.
6. Plains, hot, moist, and mostly forested.
7. Plains, with cover of bush, grass, and scrub, gradually changing from north to
From these summits the eastward descent leads to another
world with astonishing abruptness. Yungas, as the region
formed by these eastern slopes is called, is characterized by its
intricate topography (see Figs. 29 and 37), its warm, humid
climate, becoming hotter with every foot of descent, its dense
forest of varied trees and impenetrable undergrowth, and its
rich fauna. All products which require heat and moisture will
grow there, and the only obstacles to its development as one of
the world's leading areas of tropical agriculture are its inaccessi-
bility and its lack of level spaces. As it is, however, there are
many narrow where sugar cane and tropical fruits
river flats
are intensively cultivated. Moreover, its most valuable products
are coffee and coca, which are suited to cultivation in terraces
and require a considerable rainfall and warmth without too
much sun.
The villages for the most part lie near the valley floors, or else
on spurs which are but always where the
of sufficient width,
country permits of trails to connect them with other villages and
ultimately with the Altiplano. For the plateau is their market;
and even this district, so difficult of access from the west, looks
up rather than down. Its connections with the Amazonian plains
have yet to be made. The Indians of Yungas are still mainly
of Aymara stock, which means that they hail from the plateaus.
The limit of civilization and of economic life falls near the foot of
the Andes and just touches the corner of our area. We have here
reached the low sandstone ridges which form the outworks of
the great Cordillera. A mantle of high tropical rain forest covers
the land. It is unpenetrated save by the savage tribes which
live along the rivers and by a very few missionaries and planters.
Their numbers as well as their wants are small. The inhabitants
of one valley have little intercourse with their neighbors on the
next, and indeed they often speak different languages.


The median line of the southern Andes from i8 S. to 56 S.
approximates very closely to a meridian. Within the areal
limits of the La Paz sheet this line swings abruptly to a north-
westerly direction, and the Cordillera enters upon the great curve
to the west which gives the northern Andes (from 18 S. to io N.)
a nearly semicircular trend. The largest of the physical features
in the area reflect this important change in direction. Thus in
the northern half the coast line and the two chief Cordilleras
have the northwest-southeast trend, and rivers in the main
follow this trend or run perpendicularly to it. In the southern
half of the coast line, the Western Cordillera and the western
edge of the Eastern Cordillera trend almost north and south.
But each of the tectonic forces which have affected the crust
marks throughout both sections. Thus
in this area has left its
in the northern we an important line of summits west of
Titicaca which trends from north to south and continues the
coastal direction south of Arica. And again the parallel line of
escarpment east of Lake Poop6 is continued northward through
the cordillera by a furrow of lower land, the basin of the Ayopaya
River. Moreover, in the southern half the meridional direction is

not coincident with the strike of the folded rocks. For the folds,
in so far as the volcanic rocks allow us to see them, follow the
same direction as they do in the northern partnorthwest-
southeast a direction which has been taken by the headstreams
of the Grande and Pilcomayo rivers.
The most outstanding contrast between the Andes immediate-
ly north and south of the La Paz area is their much greater width
to the south. This increase in width is abrupt; and it takes place
about latitude 17 , or approximately the position of the bend
in the cordillera and coast. It is natural to seek for surface
features about this line of change which may
be connected with
the tectonic conditions which account for If we draw a

straight line from the coastal bend at Arica to the point of bend-
ing on the inner face of the eastern Cordillera just north of
Oruro, we find this line passing through the two highest volcanic
peaks in the area Payachata and Sajama, the cone of the latter
standing out to the east of the main Cordillera; while beyond
these the line traverses a swelling which forms a minor water
parting on the Altiplano. Moreover, its continuation in the
Eastern Cordillera coincides with the divide between the basins
of the Rio Grande and Rio Beni systems; while still farther to
the east it forms the axis of the basin of Cochabamba, which has
been recognized as a region of crustal weakness and hence of sub-
sidence. Thus there is strong superficial evidence of the existence
of an important tectonic feature running east-northeastward
from the Pacific at Arica. Beyond the map area in this direction
the topography is not well known, but it is probably significant
that the line if prolonged would reach the Amazonian plains
under ioo kilometers; while a line drawn due east from Arica
and produced beyond the area would leave the Cordillera at a
point nearly 280 kilometers to the east.
It is noteworthy that the Poop6-Coipasa basin on the Altiplano
is divided from that of Uyuni by a range of hills
volcanic in its

western part which trends east-northeastward. This would
seem to indicate a second line of crustal weakness following this
direction and some 200 kilometers distant from the first.
Geological knowledge of the area is not sufficient to permit
the compilation of a complete map. Investigations have been

made over a number of routes by Orbigny, Castelnau, Pissis,
Forbes, Steinmann, Sundt, Dereims, J. A. Douglas, H. E.
Gregory, Block, Rogers, Kozlowski, Washburn, and others. Of
these geologists Orbigny and Forbes made geological maps of
the whole region. But neither of these can now be accepted
as accurate. In addition to this, much detailed work has been
done in the limited areas of the mines, and the Bolivian Gov-
ernment has published maps of each department showing areas

which are supposed to yield the various minerals. These maps

also show the distribution of hot springs, which throws some
light upon the situation of geological faults.
The physiography of the area has been studied by Bowman,
who has been able to compare it with that of the adjoining regions
to north and south. The glaciation features of the Eastern
Cordillera have been examined by Hauthal and later by Sefve.
Several special physical features have been examined scientifi-
cally, amongst them the hydrographic system of the lakes on
the Altiplano by Neveu-Lemaire of the Crequi-Montfort expedi-
tion, the La Paz gorge by Gregory, and the sand dunes of the
Pampa de Islay by A. E. Douglass. The relation of the geology
to the minerals as well as the mining activities of the area have
been admirably summarized by Miller and Singewald after an
inspection ofall the more important mining localities, and they

have also published a valuable bibliography of these subjects. 1

While the total amount of geological knowledge is too incom-
plete to permit a general geological map to be drawn, it is possible
with the help of the writings above mentioned and from observa-
tions made in other parts of the Andes to arrive at a fairly rea-
sonable account of the physical history of the region from Silurian
to Cretaceous. 2 For our present purpose it is unnecessary to go
into this; but without some conception must
of the region as it
have appeared about the middle of the Tertiary it is impossible
to understand the present physical features of the Andes.
Sedimentary rocks of nearly all geological ages and of very
varied character occur in the region, and all alike are folded with
a northwest-southeast strike. The general arrangement and
posture of the rocks in the northern half may be studied in the
four cross sections of Forbes 3 and of J. A. Douglas4 although
these two authors differ considerably in their interpretations.
Similar sections have been made in the southern part by A. P.

References to the published writings of the geologists above mentioned are given
in Appendix C, Bibliography.
2 The structure and paleogeography of the Central Andes is discussed by Guido
Bonarelli in a recent paper (59).
David Forbes, (57). * James Archibald Douglas, (61, 62).
Rogers and Washburn, but these remain unpublished. It is
Andes had an ancestor, probably of
clear that the present high
much lower elevation, which owed its origin in the main to the
crumpling of the rocks above mentioned. There is ample evi-
dence of the later destruction of this range by denudation. The
various folded strata of the Altiplano, which is the part least
disturbed by later erosive agencies, remain truncated and worn

almost to a plain now greatly elevated, and the general ac-
cordance of summit level in the Eastern Cordillera south of
latitude 17 bears further witness of this. The Cordillera Real
was apparently a residual mountain area, but the smooth slopes
of the present Western Cordillera have been recognized by Bow-
man 5 where he studied them just south of the map limit, as a

warped peneplane surface. It may be further surmised with

reason that an old erosion surface, if not a peneplane, extended
out over the edge of the present Pacific Ocean.
That a moderate uplift of the peneplane in our area followed
isevidenced by the dissected nature of the peneplane surface
and especially on the eastern side of the range. That the uplift
was slow or that a long period elapsed after this moderate eleva-
tion is clear from the fact that the dissected surfaces of the
Eastern Cordillera are mature. This uplift was probably accom-

panied by a sagging in the middle as if it were the keystone of
an arch in that the Altiplano has remained protected from this
mature erosion. The sagging was probably accomplished at
least in part by faulting. Any fractures at the western border are
of course concealed by volcanic rocks, but the eastern margin of
the Altiplano south of Oruro is a dissected fault scarp truncating
the strike of the rocks and having hot springs at its foot. More-
over, at least two important faults have been mapped, at Coro-
coro and at Coniri, 45 kilometers north-northeast of that place.
The Strait of Tiquina apparently coincides with a fault line,
and the form submerged slopes of Lake Titicaca and the
of the
rectangular shape of basin led Gregory 6 with reason to describe

this as a warped and down-faulted section of the crust. In the

'Isaiah Bowman, (74). B Herbert E. Gregory, (76).


Eastern Cordillera two important faults with their downthrow

to the east have been recognizedby Block 7 at the crest of the
mountains northeast of La Paz; and it is most probable that the
straight edge of the hills bounding the subsidence basin of
Cochabamba on the north is a fault scarp.

The earlier elevation of the Andes the first which has exer-
cised direct influence upon the relief of the Andes of today
went on through Tertiary time, and it had the further accom-
paniment of vast volcanic activity in the western part and igneous
intrusions in the east. Amongst the intrusions we may include
the porphyrite boss which forms a group on the southwestern

side of Lake Titicaca, the diorite which accounts for the Cerro
de Comanchi norths of Corocoro and probably other hills in its
neighborhood, the igneous mass of the hills of Oruro which
bears and a number of separate intrusive sills on the
its ores,

Altiplano west of Oruro described by Orbigny as of trachite.

All of these form isolated hills to roughen the surface of the
Beyond the escarpment of the Eastern Cordillera the plateaus
about the Cerro de Morococalla are composed for several hundred
square miles of andesite, which appears to have overflowed a
surface already dissected to maturity and must therefore be
regarded as one of the most recent intrusions. Lastly we must
mention the granite which crops out in the Cordillera Real both
in its summits and to the east of them. The injection of this rock
may, however, be much older than all the others mentioned
From these brief indications some idea will be gained of
the extent to which the land forms of this part of the Andes
owe their origin to the processes of mountain building and
crustal fracture anterior to the greatest uplift of the Cordillera.
We have to look back to a picture in the mid-Tertiary of a belt
of upland much lower than the present Andes but having already
many of the existing surface features. And without this portrait
of the earlier form the significance of the present mountain
'Henry Block, (66).
surfaces cannot be appreciated. Thus the folding of the rocks
to their present postures had already been accomplished, and
most if not all of the igneous injections in the eastern part had
taken place. The surface of the folded rocks, which long before
had been reduced to a peneplane save in the Cordillera Real,
had again been etched to a mature relief in most parts; the chief
exception being the Altiplano, which had by this time sagged
down to its present relative position. Already the volcanoes had
begun to pile up in the western part of the area. It cannot be
stated with any certainty that the Pacific waters had yet taken
the place of a land area beyond the present coast line, or whether
the subsidence of this land took place in its entirety contem-
poraneously with the great uplift of the Andes.
This lower Andean land must have offered a much less serious
barrier to the mobile elements atmospheric, vegetable, and
animal; and the intensification of contrasts of climate, vegeta-
tion,and fauna which now exist in the region must have been
brought about gradually throughout the progressive uplift of
the Andes after this stage. The present constitution of the flora
and fauna can be understood only by taking into account this
condition which prevailed prior to the upthrust of the great
land mass; and the existing climatic belts are manifestly the
result of the great differences in altitude of land lying athwart
the normal currents of air circulation.
After detailed study in a surveyed portion of Peru (73rd
meridian) Bowman 8 has calculated that the recent uplift of the
Andes in that section amounts to at least a mile (1,610 meters).
In this uplift the entire Cordilleran belt seems to have behaved
as a unit, although there were probably local warps and frac-
tures which broke the uniformity of the surface of erosion along
the line now followed by the Western Cordillera. The increased
height is not the result of renewed crumpling of the rocks, and
the uplifting force may be presumed to have acted vertically.
The further modification of the landscape in our area results
in large measure from this rapid uplift. The change in form
8 Isaiah Bowman, (8) Chap. n.

effected by the elevation appears to be a warping of the surface

along the western margin of the highland; on the eastern side,

a tilting of the plateaus towards the Apart from the con-

tinued and perhaps increased volcanic outbursts in the Western
Cordillera most of the physical features which remain to be
accounted for are due to the denudation processes acting on the
high block from the time of its maximum elevation.
The rejuvenation of all the rivers save those draining to the
central depression gave a fresh start to erosion in their valleys.
On the eastern slopes the greater height of the cordillera occa-
sioned increased rainfall and so added to the erosive power of
the rivers there. On the other hand, the decreased humidity on
the western slope somewhat neutralized the effect of uplift upon
the activity of the streams or at least restricted rapid valley
deepening to the beds of the larger streams. At the same time
it initiated complete desert conditions on the coastal highland

and gave effective play to the mechanical disintegration of rock

and to the eroding and transporting power of the wind. To a
lesser extent similar characteristics developed on the Altiplano;
but there the surface features were greatly modified by the dis-
tribution of water, of which more remains to be said. The eleva-
tion of the Andes brought their crests above the line of permanent
snow where they still remain, the present limit being at about
5,000 meters. But the cold climate now characteristic of the
higher parts of the region is warm as compared with the rigorous
conditions which prevailed throughout the periods of Pleistocene
glaciation. The long-drawn cold phases of this climatic episode
caused the formation of snow fields and groups of glaciers on the
mountains widespreadon the Eastern Cordillera, smaller on
the volcanoes of the western range. There were certainly two
and perhaps three such glacial epochs, and between the cold

phases came an interval or intervals of mild climate. The
glaciers radiating from the eastern snow fields reached to the
piedmont on the rim of the Altiplano, on the one hand, and
extended far down into the gorges of the Yungas, on the other.
The ice tongues from Illimani and Tres Cruces met in the bottom


of the La Paz gorge during the last great extension of the ice,
at the point where it cuts through the Cordillera, and probably
dammed back the waters of the upper valley to form a temporary
lake. The glaciers which now lie in the fastnesses of the Cordillera
Real and Quimsa Cruz are mere vestiges of these giants. But
the ice caps have left their mark in profound modification of the
mountains which nourished them. The summit of the Cordillera
is a succession of alpine pyramids connected by knife-edged
ridges which are the limits of great ice-chiseled cirques and
troughs. In the cordillera north of Cochabamba the ice cap
found a different type of site for its work. Here the ice must
have lain upon smooth plateaus creeping downward over their
edges much as the ice fields of Norway do today. The valleys
which notch the plateaus have been deeply modified by ice, but
the high surfaces display as evidences of glaciation mainly the
shallow lake-filled hollows and morainic litter of dying glaciers.
To appreciate the nature of the surface and underlying rocks
on the Altiplano it is necessary to have some conception of the
recent physical history of the plateau. We have seen that among
the chief irregularities of surface in this long structural depres-
sion are its deepest hollow the bed and a shallower
of Titicaca
saucer to the south of latitude l8 S. The on the
residual ridges
plateau corresponding to the outcrops of stronger rocks the
most part the folded sandstones with interbedded rhyolites in
some of the western ridges and igneous intrusive rocks in places
follow the strike of these rocks. While more or less parallel,
these ridges are neither continuous nor straight, and on account
of the bends their directions vary between east-southeast and
south-southeast (see Fig. 4). It is specially important to notice
the course of the most easterly of the ridges. North of the Alto
ofLa Paz this appears as a line of low discontinuous hills closely
hugging the piedmont, but south of the Alto it forms an un-
broken and widening rampart dividing the plateau from the La
Paz gorge, while the next ridge lying en echelon performs the
same function in regard to the valleys of the Rios Sapahaqui and
Luribay (see Fig. 4).


These ridges are the last outcrops of the folded sedimentary

rocks of the Altiplano. They are superficially separated from the
folded sediments (shales, quartzites, etc.) of the Cordillera Real
by an apron of piedmont deposits north of La Paz, and south of
that by immensely thick detrital beds and clay
of gravel, sand,
with some intercalated tuff and lignite
which the valleys
of the La Paz, Luribay, and Sapahaqui Rivers have been incised
to a depth, in the case of the first, of nearly 2,500 meters and
have been carved into fantastic buttresses and pyramids.
Over large tracts of the Altiplano in its lower parts is a mantle
of deposits which have been named the Puna beds. These lie
horizontally on the truncated edges of the folded rocks of the
peneplane. They consist of reddish and yellowish sands with
irregular lenses of gravel and occasional marl and clay bands.
The beds are coarser in character near the ridges and finer at a
distance from them. They contain, at Ulloma and other places,
the fossil remains of large mammals which required in life a
luxuriant vegetation for their nourishment and presumably a
milder climate. The Puna beds are believed to have been laid
down in standing water probably of a lake or lakes, and in their
waters the mammals must have perished. The elements of an
important geological problem are provided by these features
the La Paz gorge and its moraines, the La Paz basin deposits,
and the Puna beds with their mammalian remains. Contro-
versial views have long been stated regarding each of them;
and even now, while they can be recognized as elements of the
same problem, no complete solution can be offered. Nevertheless
since the unraveling of the latest stages in the physical history
of the region with which these elements are so closely related
must be based on the keenest examination of the existing surface
features and probably upon accurate leveling which has still to
be carried out, it will be useful to state briefly the views of those
who have studied the question.
Philippi 9 believed that the animals whose remains are now
9 A. R. Philippi: Vorlaufige Nachricht iiberfossile Saugthierknochen von Ulloma,
Bolivia, Zeitschr. der Deutschen Geol. Gesell., Vol. 45, 1893, pp. 87-96.
found at 4,000 meters above the sea lived in a tropical lowland
and that the elevation of the Puna region took place after their
extermination. Sundt at first believed that the Puna beds were
of marine origin and that their fossils were probably contem-
poraneous with those of the Argentine pampa, which necessitated
an elevation of some 4,000 meters since the advent of man. In
1900 10 he renounced this view in favor of the opinion that the
Puna beds were laid down in a huge Quaternary lake stretching
from Lipez in southern Bolivia nearly to Cuzco in Peru, whose
waters were dammed by glaciers; but he adds that since it is

improbable that the mammals could have lived in the glacial

climate it is possible that the beds are post-glacial and were
deposited in lakes of reduced size. In 1902 Pompeckj made a
careful examination of the Ulloma locality and stated his
belief 11 thatthe Puna beds were formed after the elevation
of the Andes. Sefve in a similar investigation in 1910,
examines the whole question of origin 12 in considerable detail
and in the light of previous researches. Beyond stating that the
change in the hydrography of the plateau after its peneplanation

was due to the filling up of valleys probably on account of
fluvioglacial agency
resulting in the formation of lakes, he
reaches no very definite explanation of the presence in their
deposits of mammals such as the mastodon; but he concludes
that the critical point at which to find evidence regarding the
damming of the drainage outlet is the La Paz valley.
Many geologists have studied the La Paz sedimentary deposits.
Their results are briefly summarized by H. E. Gregory, 13 but he
omits to mention the important observations of Hauthal made in

1908. 14 Gregory confines himself to a geological description of the

strata, and while stating that they are deposits of low-grade pied-
mont streams with temporary lakes, he draws no conclusion

10 Lorenzo Sundt, Bol. Soc. Nad. de Mineria, Ser.

3, Santiago de Chile, 1900;
also Rev. Chilerra de Hist, y Geog., Vol. 36, 1920.
J. P. Pompeckj, Paleonlographica, Vol. 52, Stuttgart, 1905.

12 Ivar Stfve,
Herbert E. Gregory, (76).
Rudolf Hauthal, (73).

regarding their age or the regional significance of their formation.

Hauthal regards them as of interglacial age, relying upon his dis-
covery of glacial till below them at Ananta, while he, like other
observers, found moraines resting upon them. Sefve, returning to
his investigations in 1920, followed the La Paz valley to the An-
gostura gorge where the valley enters upon its northeastward
trend through the Cordillera. In a provisional account16 he states
that he found no evidence of the La Paz valley above that point
having been occupied by a glacier but is satisfied that immense
ice streams from the Illimani group on the one hand and the
Quimsa Cruz group on the other converged at the gorge of
Angostura and that these were sufficient also to flood the Alti-
plano. Sefve further reports the recent discovery by Kozlowski
that the materials resting upon the till found by Hauthal at
Ananta are not the La Paz beds but are deposits formed by the
river. 16 The La Paz beds, therefore, are probably preglacial.
The complete geological history of the La Paz gorge remains to
be written. Unfortunately the thick detrital deposits in which
the existing valley is cut have furnished no fossils. If the deep
and wide hollow in which they lie was carved by a river, it seems
evident either that the latter was a large and powerful stream
perhaps having its source in the present bed of Titicaca or be-
yond or else that an immense space of time was occupied in
excavating the hollow. Equally clear is it that another long
period elapsed in which this longitudinal furrow became filled
to the level of the Altiplano by the La Paz deposits. If Gregory's
view be the right one, it would seem that the deep furrow con-

taining the deposits whatever its origin is a very old feature,
probably an important feature of the older and lower precursor
of the present high Andes. The period of deposit here would
then correspond to the long period in which other surfaces
attained maturity in their development; while the re-erosion of

a deep valley in the deposits the present gorge of the La Paz

River would correspond to the main uplift of the Andes. In
addition to the detailed examination of the Puna beds at Ulloma
if Iv&r Sefve, (75). 16
and vicinity, scattered observations on their distribution have
been made by a number of scientists from Orbigny onwards.
Of these J. B. Minchin probably had the widest knowledge of
the Altiplano, and after numerous journeys made during his
long residence in Bolivia he was able to construct a tentative
map of what he called a former high-level lake now represented
by shrunken fragments like Titicaca and Poopo. This map is
represented in Figure 6 (A). It was sent to Dr. Bowman only a
few weeks before Minchin's death and has not been published
hitherto. But Minchin and many others based their interpreta-
tions upon notions that were much too simple. They assumed
but one lake period whereas there were several. The precise
level of each lake and its real extent will not become known until
a detailed topographic survey has been made. It will then be
revealed also to what extent deformations have occurred of
shore lines and marginal and bottom deposits from the end of the
lake period down to the present. Only an outline of the lake
history can be given from the fragmentary information now
It is theoretically sound to conclude that by the end of the
period of greatest erosion lakes were probably absent from the
Central Andean landscape. There followed a period of deforma-
tion,and great lakes were formed; and in respect to them and
and especially marginal base levels mature slopes
to other local
were carved in a second erosion cycle whose effects are among
the most prominent today. But all these changes took place at
a much less elevation than the surface has today. Moreover, the
deposits are of far greater age than those directly associated with
the existing levels of lake basins.
When a second period of deformation set in with contempo-
raneous elevation a second opportunity was given for lakes to
form; but whether or not they did form depended upon climatic
conditions as well as relief. A high-lying series of calcareous
deposits, oldand weathered in appearance and fragmentary
in occurrence, mark an earlier lake period; as the benched hills
and spurs, fresh tufaceous deposits, and far more continuous

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distribution of shore forms mark a later period of lake develop-
ment. Each of these periods may be divisible into several
phases, but of the existence of at least two main periods there
can be little doubt. To
and higher of these lakes Bow-
the first

man has given the name Lake Ballivian, and to the second
and lower, Lake Minchin.
In the second of the two periods the general position, level,
and outlines of Lake Titicaca did not differ materially from their
present condition. In Figure 6 (B) an attempt has been made to
represent the probable outline of Lake Minchin. The level of
the highest bench top at the Cerro de Oruro (with reference to
the railroad) corresponds with the level of laminated near-shore
clays and other deposits in the Desaguadero valley near Naza-
cara, six meters below even the present surface of Titicaca.
Whatever extra water supply Titicaca may have had was com-
pensated by increased discharge. On the contrary, the Poopo
basin, without outlet, was all but filled up. Its northern arm was
but six meters below Lake Titicaca. Had the climatic conditions
been only a little more extreme an actual junction with Titicaca
would have been made.
Whether the successive benches and calcareous shore deposits
on the border of the Poop6 basin mark stages in the lowering of
the lake as a drier climate intervened or whether the former lake
dried up altogether to come again into existence and rise to a

lesser level than before, has not yet been determined. In any
case, the whole series of changes ended with the almost complete
drying up of the Poop6 basin. Poopo itself and Coipasa are but
shallow pans of extremely saline water bordered by wide marshes
and salars. Bowman gave an interpretation of the rela-
In 1914
tions of the two main lakes to each other 17 and to their sur-
roundings, and his diagram is reproduced herewith (Fig. 7).
The ancient Lake Minchin extended up the Desaguadero
valley as far as Ulloma, and northward beyond it, and we may
conclude tentatively that it was in this water body that the
fossil remains were originally submerged. If the glacial dam in

17 Isaiah Bowman, (75).



Fig. 7 Sketch showing relations of lake levels at Fairweather Gap, ten kilo-
meters north of Calacoto. Lake Minchin, a temporary lake of glacial times, came
into existence long after the Desguadero had cut down its valley from the level of
Lake Ballivian to that of Titicaca.

the lower La Paz gorge was the agent which caused the im-
pounding of the water, we may further conclude that this lake
and its deposits are of Pleistocene age. In this connection we
may note that in other sections of the Central Andes fossiliferous
lacustrine deposits have been assigned with good reason on
and paleontological evidence to the late Pliocene or
early Pleistocene; for instance, the strata examined by Herbert
E. Gregory and G. F. Eaton18 in the Upper Apurimac basin.
These beds near Ayusbamba lying at an altitude of about 3,800

meters approximately the same as the Ulloma deposits were
found to contain remains representing the Camelidae, Equidae,
Elephantidae, and Mylontidae.

The Drainage Systems

Recalling the outlines of the probable physical history of the
Central Andes, we may discern interesting relations of the present
drainage systems with the rock structure on the one hand and
18 Herbert E. Gregory: Geologic Reconnaissance of the Ayusbamba (Peru)
Fossil Beds, Amer. Journ. of Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 37, 1014, pp. 123-154; George F.
Eaton: Vertebrate Fossils from Ayusbamba, Peru, ibid., pp. 141-154.
the various surfaces of erosion and deposition on the other. The
earlier and lower predecessor of the present high Andes pre-
sumably was originally drained in the first instance by conse-
quent rivers running generally to the northeast and southwest.
We do not know where the original divide of these ancient moun-
tains lay; but it is worthy of note that the existing hollow in the
Western Cordillera now followed by the Mauri River and by
the railway is approximately west-southwest of the gorge of the
La Paz River where it pierces the Cordillera Real. Owing to the
volcanic nature of the Western Cordillera it is any
unlikely that
other similar valleys can be found; but it is possible that de-
tailed surveys would reveal remnants of an ancient drainage
system possibly consequent in the non-volcanic parts of the
high plateaus west of Lake Titicaca and in the Eastern Cordil-
lera south of the La Paz gorge.
The long period of erosion which supervened before the Andes
were elevated to their present position and which sufficed to
produce mature surfaces in most parts of the land undoubtedly
brought into existence the type of valley which prevails today
in the Eastern Cordillera and on the Altiplano the "subse-
quent," or "strike," valleys, in which rivers have incised their
courses in the weakest rocks and so follow the general direction
of their strike north-northwest to south-southeast.
Such val-
leys are numerous Rio Grande and Rio Pil-
in the basins of the
comayo, as well as on the Altiplano. The present network of
rivers, then, on the Altiplano and east of it probably conforms
in general to the net which was already developed before the
greatest uplift of the Andes. The chief effect which this uplift
has had upon the rivers is the progressive and rapid deepening
of their beds.
The Desaguadero is a "strike stream" from Titicaca at least
down to Ulloma. Beyond this it may be occupying a slight
structural depression. In the Cordillera west of Titicaca it looks
as if the present divide were older than the line of volcanoes
which stand upon the western brink of the high country. The
Chili and Tambo Rivers have succeeded in maintaining a south-

westward course in spite of this volcanic barrier. Elsewhere in

the Western Cordillera the rivers of the Pacific slope have their
sources amongst the volcanoes. Their relatively straight courses
are consequent in general upon the warped slopes which date
from the great uplift. In detail they depend doubtless upon
local conditions such as the form of lava flows.
The various agents of erosion and transportation act differ-
ently in the various parts of the area of the La Paz sheet. Me-
chanical disintegration of rocks plays a much greater part than
chemical decomposition in the puna and the desert littoral. The
intense insolationon the mountains and high plateaus followed
by rapid radiation at night or when the sky becomes overcast
causes a crumbling of the rocks which probably takes place at
as rapid a rate as anywhere in the world. In the drier regions
occasional rain storms quickly fill the dry quebradas, and the
streams bring down quantities of rock fragments to the Altiplano
or to the coastal desert, where they are added to the alluvial
fans that mark the lower end of every gorge. Where streams are
absent on the mountain slopes the downward creep of the frag-
ments is less rapid but no less sure. The wind carries the sifting
of the debris a stage further, rolling the lighter grains, lifting the
lightest and building them into sand dunes. These probably
occur sporadically all over the Altiplano and the desert. But they

are particularly characteristic of the plain southeast of Oruro

and of the Pampa de Islay, where they are well known from the
fact that the Arequipa railway goes through them. These dunes,
which are known as medanos, are crescentic in form like the
barchans of central Asia. They lie with the horns of the crescent
away from the effective wind which puts them frequently in
The undrained hollows Western Cordillera and Altiplano
of the
and their
act as local base levels, below which gravity cannot act,
surface is being gradually raised by deposit. Where water
brings salts in solution to these hollows, or where gaseous vol-
canic emanations reach the stagnant water from below, the water
becomes highly saline; and on its evaporation the salts crystal-
lize. Thus the salars are formed. Their composition varies from
the surface downwards and from the edge towards the center.
But in general they form nearly fiat expanses of dazzling white-
ness. Their surface generally is much broken and is difficult to
cross, and the sharp buckled salty crust injures the feet of ani-
mals. Where rails are laid over their surface the bed has con-
stantly to be remade, since crystallization goes on and causes the
surface to bulge by pressure from below.
In the foregoing description much has been said of volcanoes
and of geological faults. Both of these of course are evidences
of the instability of the earth's crust; and before leaving the
subject it is necessary to add a few words on present conditions
in this respect. There are now no volcanoes in the area under
discussion which are in active eruption or which are definitely
known to have erupted in historical time. But several of the
peaks of the Western Cordillera still emit steam and volcanic
gases from their craters or from fumaroles on their flanks. This
is true of Misti, Ubinas, Tacora,and Taapaca.
That the earth's crust is now more stable in the east of our
area than on the Pacific slope is made clear by the fact that
serious earthquakes occur only in the latter; although some
geological faults in the Eastern Cordillera are still marked by
the presence of springs of high temperature. Earthquakes on the
Pacific littoral have been numerous and severe in historical times.
Arequipa was destroyed by an earthquake in 1746, Pisagua in
1868, and Arica successively in 1605 and 1746.


Incomparably the most important facts regarding minerals in
the area are,first, that Chile produces 99 per cent of the world's

supply of nitrates and, secondly, that Bolivia produces about 21

per cent of the world's tin. 1 In 1918, 2,919,000 tons of nitrate
were exported by Chile, and of this 495,000 were embarked at
the ports of Caleta Buena, Caleta JunJn, and Pisagua, the re-
mainder of the Chilean export coming from ports to the south.
Thus approximately 19 per cent of the world's supply of nitrates
comes from a narrow strip of land in the La Paz sheet area lying
for the most part immediately to the west of the longitudinal
railway south of Jazpampa.
In 1915, Bolivia exported 36,492 metric tons of tin concen-
trates,which on smelting produced 21,900 tons of metal; and
this was Of the 36,000 tons
17 per cent of the world's supply.
of concentrates about 21,000, representing about 10 per cent
of the world's tin supply of that year, were produced in thirteen
groups of mines situated in the map area. Moreover, the world
importance of these mines presumably increased after 1915, for
in 1917 and 1918 Bolivia supplied not 17 per cent of the total
tin but 21 per cent.
The region also supplies important contributions of borax
and and could turn out a somewhat larger proportion
of copper
of each. The special demands for tungsten and bismuth during
the World War resulted in an intensive production of these
it remains to be seen whether the coun-
minerals in Bolivia; but
try'simportance as a source of them will be maintained under
normal conditions. The silver and gold production of this part
1 The mineral deposits of the region and their extraction have been so admirably
treated by Miller and Singewald in their recent work (55) that the brief statement
made on this subject in the introductory chapter will be elaborated here only in its
most salient geographical aspects.


of Bolivia has now merely local importance, and this is true also
of sulphur and salt, although the sulphur deposits on the Chilean
side of the borderhave a prospect of becoming very important.
Moreover, a matter of great interest to the world that the
it is

chief commercial source of iodine is the nitrate deposits of Chile.

The various minerals occur in distinct geographical zones
which follow broadly the outcrop of the various geological sys-
tems and therefore lie more or less parallel, trending from north-
west to southeast. The nitrate zone, although it does not ex-
tend much north of Pisagua, lies parallel to the coast. The sul-
phur, being found in active or extinct volcanoes, lies entirely
in the Maritime Cordillera; likewise the borax, ultimately
derived from volcanic exhalations, is now found in the lake beds

of this Cordillera, where it has crystallized. Copper occurs in the

native form and has been injected into the interstices of the
reddish sandstones of the western Altiplano from Corocoro
southeastwards; while other copper ores are found in continua-
tion of this zone northwestwards along the shores of Titicaca.
The other minerals
tin, tungsten, bismuth, silver, and gold

are all found in the rocks of the Eastern Cordillera, while gold
is extracted from the alluvial valley deposits derived from them.
Lastly,if oil be later found in this section of Bolivia, it will lie

sub-Andine zone which crosses the northeast corner of the

in the
La Paz sheet and possibly also on the Altiplano, contained in
the anticlines which follow the general strike of the rocks there.
The region as a whole has long been one of the most famous
mining countries of the earth, and it is well known how the
treasure of the Incas was the original lure of the conquistador es.
Before the Spanish Conquest silver, gold, and copper were

mined by the Aymara and Quichua Indians of the plateau. 2

Although the mineral wealth of the Andean region probably
meant little to the Indians in the earlier stages of their develop-
ment, yet as their culture advanced they exploited some of the
deposits of gold, silver, and copper for the manufacture of tools,

1 A fuller statement of general conditions in this early period will be found at the

beginning of Chapter IX.


household utensils, and ornaments. With the growth in the

demand for such metals, mining became an important industry,
and the making of metal objects became one of the features
which characterized their culture.
Gold was obtained from placer mines, one of the most notable
of the gold-yielding districts being the valley of La Paz, known
in ancient times (and still known among the Indians) as Chu-
quiapo, "heritage of gold," with its neighboring district Chuquia-
guillo or Orco-jahuira. The region of Inquisivi also contains gold
deposits that are said to have been worked in pre-Conquest days.
In fact, from those regions of the Colla (or Aymara) country,
and particularly from the region about Carabaya, just north of
Lake Titicaca and just beyond the border of this sheet, came a
large part of the gold of the Inca empire.
Silver was mined in a number of places. One of the most
noted of the silver-bearing districts was Porco, which like the
world-famous Potosi lies just over the southeastern border of this
sheet. Some Oruro hills were also said to have
of the veins in the
been worked before the Conquest. The Indians had learned to
smelt the silver by means of pottery furnaces (guayras), which
were set up upon the higher slopes of the hills so as to receive a
constant natural draft. The molten metal ran out from openings
left in the bottom of the furnace. Charcoal brought from the
timbered hills of the eastern slope of the Andes was used for
fuel, as was also probably the dried dung of llamas (taquia), still

the most common combustible on the plateau.

Copper was very generally used among the Indians for their
tools,weapons, and such ornaments as the tupus, long pins with
the head in shape of a spoon, with which the women fastened
their shawls. Sometimes pure copper was used, sometimes a
bronze which was long thought to have been an accidental alloy
but which is now known to have been made by the Indians. 3
The copper was obtained from the copper belt that runs south-
eastward from Lake Titicaca through the Altiplano. Ancient mines
are spoken of at Cerro de Scapi near Chuyca in Lipez, at Tara-
3 Erland Nordenskiold, (113).


buco and at Caraguara (modern Corocoro) in Paca-
in Chichas,
jes. thought that the art of producing bronze was known
It is
even in the very ancient period represented by the ruins of Tia-
huanaco, although it did not become common or widespread until
late Inca times. It has been ascertained that tin was added to
the copper in the making
of tools and weapons, in order that the
articles might then be better hardened by cold hammering, 4 and
it is thought that a still larger percentage of tin was used in bronze

ornaments in order that they might be more easily molded. That

tin was used alone seems doubtful, although in one instance pure
tin objects that seemed to be of pre-Conquest origin have been
found. A number of tin deposits were worked in this region,
however, in Inca times, notably that at Carabuco near Lake Titi-
caca, and it is probable that barter carried this material to dis-
tant parts of the empire.
About had grown up, composed
the mining centers settlements
of men and in the arts of
trained in the process of ore extraction
simple metallurgy. Mining, however, did not reach any exten-
sive development even during Inca times, since the uses to which
metal objects were put were quite restricted. All the precious
metals were claimed for the royal household, either for adornment
of the person, or for the beautifying of palaces and temples. No
metals were used for money, so far as known, commerce being
carried on entirely by barter.
When the Spaniards had become masters of the Inca empire
in the sixteenth century they at once initiated a feverish campaign
of mining activity, devoting their attention almost entirely to the
precious metals. With the establishment of a system of forced
labor (repartimientos and mitas) the mines already being worked
by the Indians were extended, and every Spaniard became a pros-
pector for new deposits. As a result of this it is probably no great
exaggeration to say that every square league of hilly country
occupied by the Spaniards bears some sign of having been ex-
plored for its mineral wealth. The richest of all silver mines

* H. W. Foote and W. H. Buell: The Composition, Structure, and Hardness of

Some Peruvian Bronze Axes, Amer. Jour, of Sci., Vol. 34, 1012, pp. 128-132.


those of Potosi and Porco lay just beyond the area we are dis-
was soon almost
cussing; but the Cerro de Oruro, opened in 1568,
as important. The Spaniards introduced improvements in the
extraction of the metals. Extensive deposits of mercury were
found in Peru (near Guamanga) in 1567, and this metal was
imported and applied to the reduction of silver, thus making
possible the working of lower-grade ore than formerly. The ore
was milled by horse power or by water power, where that was
available, reservoirs being constructed to increase the resources.
With the richer and more accessible ores of silver worked out,
and with gold more easily obtainable elsewhere, mining activity
fell off in the eighteenth century; and, when the attention of
prospectors was again directed to the Bolivian plateau in the
nineteenth century, it was no longer gold and silver but the baser

and copper which drew them thither.
In comparing the output of metals during the earlier periods
with that of today it is necessary to bear in mind, first, that under
the Incas and earlier Spaniards there was no question of making a
mine pay, for the amount of labor available was limited prac-
tically only by the population
the labor being forced, and,
secondly, that mining for the most part took place at or near
the surface; and we must remember further that many mines
formerly rich in silver ores now yield only tin and that the
depreciation in the value of silver some thirty years ago greatly
restricted the output of the less valuable ores.

The Nitrate Fields

For nearly a century scientists have sought to explain how
nitrogen has become fixed in these coastal pampas as sodium
nitrate or "Chile saltpeter" on such a large scale, and while the
problem is still unsolved it is clear that a very important element
in the genesis of the mineral is the regional peculiarity of the
nitrate fields. This peculiarity results from the coincidence of
several features. The high range of the Maritime Cordillera
causes regular precipitation of moisture which drains westward.
The range is bordered by a piedmont belt of detrital material
thicker near the mountains and sloping gently westward. The
surface of the water table in this detritus also slopes westward
and comes nearer to the surface in that direction; but the water
is prevented from escaping to the sea by the coastal hills, com-
posed of crystalline or other compact rock and higher than the
lower piedmont east of them. The climate, as we have seen, is
arid, and evaporation by day is intense; but humidity often
reaches saturation at night, when sea fogs drift over the coastal
lands. Discussion regarding the origin of the nitrates has recently
been summarized by authors who come to different conclusions. 6
The explanation by Miller and Singewald may perhaps be
stated in a few words. They
point out that the ground water is
evaporated in proportion to its nearness to the surface, and the
process therefore is most intense near the western edge of the
piedmont where more water will be raised by capillary action
than elsewhere. Such water if it contain nitrates in solution will
deposit them on evaporation at or near the surface in the same
way, indeed, that sea salts are deposited near the shores of the
Red Sea above sea level. These authors are not convinced that
the underground waters of the district necessarily carry an un-
usual amount of nitrate in solution and consider that the coin-
cidence of such soil and atmospheric conditions with the resulting
long continued efflorescence of the salt may be sufficient to ac-
count for the unique deposits of northern Chile.
Previous investigators, however, have mostly sought for
some abnormal fixation of nitrogen in the region. Their theories
may be divided into four classes. The first attributes the nitrates
to the slow oxidation of masses of seaweed accumulated when the
area formed a shallow sea bottom. The second group assumes
that a guano deposit about the shores of a salt lake or sea inlet
was by salt water and so formed sodium nitrate,
either flooded
or after forming calcium nitrate was slowly liquefied by night
dews and then coming in contact with the salt of the salars was
Joseph T. Singewald, Jr., and Benjamin L. Miller: The Genesis of the Chilean
Nitrate Deposits, Econ. Geology, Vol. n, pp. 103-114; 1916. W. L. Whitehead:
The Chilean Nitrate Deposits, ibid.. Vol. 15, 1920, pp. 187-224. Both papers con-
tain bibliographies.

converted to sodium nitrate. The third group attributes the

work organisms acting upon ancient vegetable
of nitrification to
matter in the soil, the nitrates being concentrated by water and
evaporated as outlined above. The last group invokes the aid
of an oxidizer of atmospheric nitrogen either
electricity as
electrostatic accompanying the coastal fogs which
invade the pampas at night or electric storms in the cordillera.
One author believes that the nitric acid from the atmosphere
forms nitrates only when rocks containing a high percentage of
sodium are present, which is the case in the porphyries of this
part of the Andes.
Whitehead 6 believes that the source of the nitrates is volcanic
material, especially tuffs, in the neighborhood. He points out
that the deposits lie on the gentle hill slopes on the west above
the level of the pampa, and he shows how the salts, dissolved
mainly by dews from the rocks of the hilltops to the west, have
been carried progressively downward by the occasional rains.
He regards the ground water as a possible source only in rare
cases, since the debris of the pampa is of too loose a character to
allow extensive capillary action to take place. It would seem
possible, however, that even if this theory is the right one in
general it is necessary to invoke another in the fields east of
Pisagua, for the hills there are not composed of volcanic rocks
but of limestone.
The process of mining or "extracting" the nitrates is simple.
The upper layers which vary as to composition and thickness
are broken by blasting; and the rich caliche, which has an aver-
age thickness of about one foot, isdug out for the most part in
open workings. The material is then taken to the mdquina or
where after being crushed it undergoes a succession
refining plant
Thence the solution flows by gravity to huge
of boilings in vats.
evaporation pans where the salt is recrystallized. If it has
95 per cent purity, it is exported for agricultural purposes;
if its purity exceeds 96 per cent, it is marketed for chemical

manufactures. Iodine is obtained as a by-product by a very

Op. cit.


simple treatment of the mother liquor after the nitrate has been
crystallized out.
Nitrate extraction has produced an industrial oasis in the
desert. Machinery, food, and fuel all have to be imported, the
latter being mainly oil from Peru or California. The refining
could not be effected without adequate water; and this, as we
from the ground water. It is interest-
shall see below, is obtained
ing to note that the materials for the manufacture of blasting

powder are found locally saltpeter, sulphur from the Cordillera,
and charcoal (formerly) from the roots of extinct forests buried
in the sands. But charcoal is now replaced by imported coal dust.

Mining in the Western Cordillera

As there is no other important mining activity west of the

Maritime Cordillera we may pass to this range, merely noting
that the lomas of the coast and the crystalline foothills have in
the past produced valuable copper ores, notably near Ilo and
about the headwaters of the Rio de Moquegua, and at any time
metal mining may take a fresh start along the western side of
the Andes. One copper mine, at Cerro Verde south of Arequipa,
has already been reopened and is exporting its ore to Mollendo.
The group of volcanic peaks east of Arequipa encloses a basin

with no outlet the Pampa de Salinas. Formerly it contained
a lake, but now water lies there only in the wet months, so that
the bed is virtually a salar. A large part of the salt beds consist
of boronatrocalcite (ulexite) which is the chief source of borax.
The position and impermeable character of the bed points to an
origin due to boric exhalations derived from the volcanoes
having penetrated the water from below. The material from
this bed is dried in ovens and exported on llama or mule back to
Arequipa. At present this salar produces only a small proportion
of the world's borax supply, the major part of which comes from
the similar but greater salar of Ascotan, south of our region.
But, when the projected railway to Arequipa is built, a much
greater output is anticipated. A further source of borax has

been located at Chilicolpa on one of the head streams of the

Mauri, but this is as yet undeveloped.
There are probably few volcanic peaks in the Western Cor-
dillera which do not have sulphur deposits as a witness of their
recent activity, and the digging and collection of it form one
of the occupations of the mountain Indians the crude sulphur
being carried by them down to the nitrate fields, there to be
used in making blasting powder. From the standpoint of pro-
duction, however, the volcano of Tacora is by far the most im-
portant locality in the Andes, while there are other important
deposits in the vicinity of the volcano of Isluga (19 10' S.).

The deposits of Tacora are still in process of formation in solfa-

by digging, which is car-
taras; the sulphur is extracted simply
ried on by Aymara Indians who come from the Bolivian side for
periods of work. The mining is often interrupted in winter by
snow. The sulphur is refined by sublimation in iron retorts, the
local yareta shrub supplying the fuel. With the railway station

of Ancara a few miles away these mines can undoubtedly look

forward to supplying foreign markets with sulphur.

Mining in the Western Altiplano

Native copper is of commercial importance in only two places
in the world
on the shores of Lake Superior and at Corocoro.
The occurrence on the Altiplano of the metal in its pure state
was of great importance in prehistoric times since it led to the
malleable copper being employed before sufficient metallurgical
knowledge had been acquired to enable the miners to extract the
metal by smelting the commoner ores of copper. The native
copper at Corocoro is intimately associated with the grains of
the sandstone and occurs in the neighborhood of one of the
main geological faults of the piateau, to which reference has
been made. The copper ore, like other minerals of the Altiplano,
was formerly exported on llama back to the coast; and the cost
of exporting the heavy product in this manner long delayed the
full development of the mines. But improved transport facilities 7

7 See below, p. 182.

culminating in the opening of the railroad to Arica have greatly
simplifiedthe export of the copper concentrates, from which
about 6,000 metric tons of the metal are now procured annually,
and the mines are probably entering upon an era of increased

Mining in the Eastern Cordillera

The map on Plate II shows the position of the more impor-
tant mines falling within the La Paz sheet. For the metals tin
and copper conventional signs are inserted indicating the amount
of concentrated ore produced in 191 5, the last year for which
the writer has had access to detailed statistics. It will be seen
from this map that the mines of the Eastern Cordillera fall in
two zones extending from northwest to southeast, the one in the
Cordillera Real including all the mines from Milluni to Beren-
guela, and the other beginning at Oruro and including all mines
to the southeast of it. be noted that the second zone
It will
starts at the latitude of the supposed structural break in the
Cordillera, to which attention was drawn in Chapter II. It is not
necessary here to draw attention to the mineralogical distinctions
between these two zones; but must be pointed out that, while

both produce the metals tin, tungsten, and bismuth the


more southerly has by far the greater output of tin and it alone
still carries a large amount of silver. In passing it should be
noted that in the extension of this zone, beyond the sheet limit,
occur the remaining important tin and silver mines of Bolivia.
Gold is practically restricted to the northern zone. This metal,
while it occurs in thin threads in many of the rocks of the Cor-
dillera Real, is not found in sufficient quantity to repay the
working of the lodes. It has been extracted by washing in the
valleys since very early times; but the only placer mine which
has been successful in recent years is in the Chuquiaguillo valley
north of La Paz.
We have seen that silver was main attraction for the
early Spanish settlers in this region, and with easily accessible
lodes and practically unlimited labor they produced enormous

quantities of the metal. It has been estimated that from 1553

to 1910 the mines of Bolivia produced 48,800,000 kilograms of
silver, and of this 30,000,000 were credited to the silver mountain

of Potosf which lies just outside our area. Oruro, Colquiri, and
Colquechaca have all been great silver producers; and the city
of Oruro in 1678 had a Spanish population of nearly 38,000 and
at least as many Indians, or a total of about five times its
present population. Today the chief silver mines of Bolivia are
outside the region under discussion, and only Colquechaca and
Colquiri are producing this metal in quantity.
On the other hand, the tin mines in the Uncia-Llallagua dis-
trict are amongst the richest in the world and together they
produce about three-sevenths of the Bolivian supply of that
metal, while the Oruro, Huanuni, Morococala, Totoral, and
Avicaya tin mines are of great importance today. A wide stretch
of the high plateaus southeast of Oruro is formed of thick beds
of andesite lavaswhich in the past have flooded the older denuded
surface. These volcanic beds doubtless conceal much of the
metalliferous rocks, as the richest lodes occur about its southern

and western margins Llallagua, Huanuni, and Negro Pabellon
or, as at Morococala, in hills of the older rock which protrude

through the andesite.

One of the most striking features of the mines of the La Paz
sheet is their great altitude. Some of them are responsible for
leading important population groups far above the limit of com-
fortable living and into a zone which would otherwise be unin-
habited. The heights above sea level of the leading mines are
in round figures: Morococala, 5,000 meters, Colquechaca and
Caracoles, 4,800 m.; Milluni and Araca, 4,500 m., Uncia, 4,400
m.; while Oruro, Huanuni, Colquiri, Totoral and Avicaya and
Llallagua areall at about 4,000 m. Manual labor at such alti-
tudes is of course possible only for the native Indians. The
mines formerly had to rely entirely upon the local sources ol
fuel, either taquia, yareta, or charcoal from the forests. But
imported fuel, and especially oil, is gradually taking their place.
The ores of all metals are concentrated mechanically or by hand
sorting at or near the mines and until recently have all been ex-
ported in this condition. But tin smelting has made a start
both at La Paz and Arica. Since 191 3 the mines have had two
railroads at their disposal to Antofagasta and Arica respec-
tively, and at present it looks as though the export of all ores
in the area will eventually take place from Arica. 8

See below, p. 183.


The part of the Pacific Ocean which is included in the La Paz
sheet requires some description, for certain of its characteristics
are of peculiar interest in themselves and have in addition an
important bearing on the geography of the land. The South
Pacific Ocean is shallowest in the center; near its eastern and
western limits it exhibits profound depth. The marginal hollow

on the east is known as the Atacama Trench, which extends

from about latitude io S. to 28 S. and forms part of a wider
and longer though shallower basin. The basin and trench form
a feature comparable in magnitude to the Andes themselves,
and these land and ocean features have to be considered together
in discussing the major relief of the earth's crust. Without
entering into such topics we may note here in passing that in the
spheroidal surface of the earth it is such depressions as the
Atacama Trench which alone form concave hollows. The sound-
ings in this trench are few in number, and we have consequently
but a very general idea of its shape. But it seems certain that
its depth varies considerably from place to place; and while

its slopes in general are probably so gentle that, were the sea
removed, they would scarcely be perceptible to the eye, yet in
places there are high submarine precipices. This has been
demonstrated by Agassiz, who recorded soundings close together
in the latitude of Callao of 836 and 5,706 meters. The only men
other than scientists who are directly interested in the form of
the ocean floor at such great depths are those concerned in the
laying of submarine cables. All three of the main cables on the
west coast of South America cross the area represented on this
map, one close to the shore and the other two at depths of be-
tween 2,000 and 4,000 meters. These latter link Callao with
Iquique, and, instead of following the most direct track between
these ports and so traversing the deep trench,
they keep to shallower floor and follow
contour lines rather closely.
From the recorded soundings it is possible
to recognize four perhaps five separate
abysses in the Atacama Trench . The deepest
of these, which reaches at least to 7,635
meters (4,175 fathoms), lies to the south of
our area; and Krummel Deep, of which a
large portion appears on the La Paz sheet,
exhibits a bottom below 6,500 meters (max-
imum recorded, 6,827 m.). This represents a
somewhat greater depression below sea level
than the elevation above it of the Western
Cordillera. The horizontal distance between
these parallel features the Cordillera crest
and the trench about 300 kilometers, and

the present coast line is about midway be-

tween them. The comparative relief on land
and sea is shown on Figure 8, which represents
the slopes on the true scale.
The waters which are represented on the
map form part of one of the major ocean
streams of the earth the Humboldt, or
Peru, Current; the entire body of water
within a range of about 100 miles of the coast
being constantly on the move northward
with an average velocity of from ten to
fifteen sea miles in every twenty-four hours
at the surface decreasing downwards prob-
ably to a slow creep along the bottom. We
shall see that the consequences of this fact
are far-reaching. Without discussing here
the causes of oceanic circulation let us recall
that an important element in setting up the
currents is variation in density, which


depends largely on temperature and on relative salinity; and

this in turn leads us to evaporation, which is closely related
to atmospheric temperatures. On the other hand, surface drifts
are set up by the prevailing winds, and the deeper waters tend
to be carried along with these by friction.

All these elements help to bring a mass of water from the

sub-Antarctic Ocean northward along the west coast of South
America to the neighborhood of the equator as an ocean current.
Moreover, since moving objects of all kinds in the southern
hemisphere are deflected to the left by the earth's rotation, the
current would move more and more strongly towards the north-
west as it approached the equator. This deflection is accelerated
in the case of the Humboldt Current by the changed trend
of the coast beyond Arica. Apart from this the upper layers
are blown along more rapidly in the same direction by the pre-
vailing southerly and southeasterly winds, and the current in
places attains the velocity of l> knots (2.75 km. per hour).
Over the open sea in this area the southeasterly trade wind
predominates to a greater extent than it does on the coast,
where it is pulled notably inwards to the land; and the result is
that the surface water is constantly being driven away from the
coast south of the latitude of Arica and north of that place is
carried along parallel to the coast more rapidly than the lower
strata. To maintain the level there is a steady up-welling of
deep water to the surface, and this water is relatively cold. Deep
ocean water coming to the surface in any part of the world would
be relatively cold, but here, owing to the Humboldt Current the
ocean on its floor has a lower temperature below 35 F. (1.67
than the water to the west of it. The records concerning
the water actually represented on the map are meager. The data
assembled by Hoffmann 1 bring out the very gradual increase of
average surface temperature from south to north. In the lati-
tude of Arica this average is given as 18. l C. (65 F.), whereas
the average for the South Pacific Ocean between latitude 16
and 20 S. is 23. C. (74.3 F.). 2 Murray in his maps of ocean
1 Paul Hoffmann, (80), p. 76. 2 Otto Kriimmel, (79), Vol. 1, p. 400.
surface temperature shows 3 the area as having a minimum (Aug.)
between 50 and 6o F. (io and 15. 56 C.) and a maximum
(Feb.) between 70 and 8o F. (21.11 and 26.67 C); but this
annual range would appear to be too great, for Coker4 after
taking over 300 readings between January, 1907, and July,
1908, along the whole coast of Peru as far south as Mollendo
(western limit of the La Paz sheet) arrived at the tentative con-
clusion that the surface waters of the current undergo little
change of temperature either from month to month or place to
place. This at least is true of the water near shore where the
maximum up-welling takes place. Here the surface tempera-
tures are lowest and most uniform. Hoffmann gives tempera-
tures for Valparaiso (33 S.), Coquimbo (30 S.), and Callao
(12 S.) which show less than 1 C. of difference between Co-
quimbo and Callao in March and a similar difference between
Valparaiso and Callao in November and December. Observa-
tions further point to an increase seawards of at least l C. for
every 15 miles. Buchanan 5 who made temperature and other
observations on this coast in April, 1885, records 67 F. at Arica
and 73 crossing the bight to the west and emphasizes the con-
trast in color from the green, cold water of the coast to the deep
ultramarine water from ten to fifteen miles off shore.
Wehave seen that the Humboldt Current is cool and stable
in temperature. In winter, sea and air temperatures are almost
identical. The British survey ship Beagle in sailing from Iquique
to Callao (in July, 1835) records both as between 6o and 63
F. (15.6 and 17.2 C.). 6 But in summer the water is cooler than
the air over it and much cooler than the air over the coast lands.
The early conquistador es realized this fact and made a practice
of submerging their wine to cool it in the absence of an ice supply.
The important climatic features which result from this tempera-
ture difference have already been noted. Equally important is
the effect which low ocean temperature has in the development
John Murray, (82).
R. E. Coker. (83).
John Y. Buchanan, (81).

Robert Fitz-Roy, (30).


of living things in its waters.Wherever the cold bottom water

wells up as and southwest coasts of Africa,
in the northwest
off California and northern Mexico, and in our region the
ocean abounds with life of all sorts. But Buchanan, with wide
oceanographical experience, states 7 that "no waters in the ocean
so teem with life as those of the west coast of South America.
A bucket of water collected over the side is turbid with living
organisms (visible and microscopic), the food of countless
shoals of fish who in their turn afford prey for innumerable
schools of porpoises" and, as we shall see, for immense numbers
and birds also.
of seals, sea lions,
Four physical features of these waters combine to make them
a leading area for the propagation of marine life. These are
the relatively low salinity, the lowness and stability of tempera-
ture, and the upward movement of bottom water. Low salinity
and temperature help absorption of oxygen and nitrogen from
the air at the surface, and the marine plants and animals are
able to retain these elements in the water by their physiological
processes. Moreover, low salinity favors solution of silica by
water. Silica is supplied constantly by the volcanic and other
dust from the land, and it is an essential to the skeletons of
many of the humbler forms of life. The microscopic plants
such as algae, whose nitrogenous tissue feeds the Crustacea, etc.,
live in the light zone, i. e. near the surface. At death they sink
and in most parts of the ocean remain below; but here the coastal
up-welling again restores them to the light zone, there to be de-
composed and so to furnish an unending source of material for
new plant life and hence an unending supply of the higher forms
of life.

The Pacific as a whole

is a relatively calm ocean, and in this

section storms are most infrequent. The trade winds blow with

a moderate force on the Beaufort scale 3> in winter and 4 to
\yi in summer. A sailing ship before a wind of this force with
shortened sail would travel under 5 knots in winter and some 6)4
knots in summer. But, as the current and wind act together,
John Y. Buchanan, op. cit.
these speeds are increased by nearly I knot. It is worthy of note
that the coasting steamers charge a 10 per cent increase in fare
on the southerly as compared with the northerly journey. For
some two centuries after the Conquest the Spanish navigators
sailing southward to Chile hugged the coast, and the voyage
from Callao to Valparaiso commonly occupied twelve months
or more. It was not until the early eighteenth century that a
bolder spirit sailed out on the ocean and, by utilizing the pre-
vailing westerlies in southern latitudes, reduced the passage to
one month. While storms are seldom experienced, the sea is
never still, and the constant swell produces breakers along the
whole coast. This makes it impossible for larger vessels to come
alongside anywhere, and landing is often difficult for small ships
and lighters even at the ports and coves. These are few in num-
ber, as is tobe expected in such a smooth coast line. Caleta
Buena, considering its exposed position, is singularly free from
bad surf, and the loading of nitrates from the cliff railroad to
the lighters and so to the vessels is seldom interrupted. Caleta
Junin, another nitrate port, on the other hand, has many "surf
days" on which loading work is suspended. Pisagua with its

southern protection of Punta de Pichalo is a relatively good

port for this coast. Caleta Chica is small and well protected
but is used chiefly as a refuge. The port of Arica, although it

has a mole 250 yards long, has wharfage only for lighters. The
anchorage is the best on the coast, but from June to August the
rollers are often so heavy as to stop all traffic in the port. The
roadstead of Ilo forms one of the best harbors, since "surf days"
are unknown. On this coast tides scarcely enter into naviga-
tional considerations, the average rise at spring tide being only
in the neighborhood of five feet (1.5 m.).
Continuous meteorological records, mostly for short periods,
have been kept at six stations within the area of the La Paz
sheet and at six around its borders. The following discussion of
climatic conditions is based upon these records and upon iso-
lated observations made by travelers and residents. Such de-
ductions as are drawn regarding cause and effect must be taken
as tentative, in view of the character of the data available.
The facts regarding stations for which continuous meteorologi-
cal records are available are as in Table I.

Fig. 9 Distribution of the mean annual precipitation and of the belts of cloud.
Names of stations for which meteorological data exist are printed in capitals.


Table I Meteorological Records
Nature of
w z
Altitude s H > H
Station Period <
(Meters) < 5 g
1/1 g
w w
5 3 u %
w a w
*Arica . 5 1905 onwards 1 + + + + + +
Iquique 9 1900 onwards 1 + + + + + +
Mollendo 25 Nov., 1888-May, 1890 2 + + +
Mollendo Apr., 1892-Dec, 1895 2 + + + +
Mollendo Apr., 1894-Dec, 1895 2 +
*La Joya 1,261 Apr., 1892-Dec, 1895 2 + + ++
*La Joya Apr., 1894-Dec, 1895 2 +
*Arequipa 2.456 Nov., 1888-June, 1890 2 + + +
*Arequipa Nov., 1888-Apr., 1890 2 +
*Arequipa Jan.-Oct., 1889 (less Mar.) +
Vinocaya 4.380 Nov., 1888-Apr., i890 2 + + + +
Chosica 2,013 May, 1889-Sept., 1890 2 + +
July, 1889-Sept., 1890 8 +
Puno . 3.825 Nov., 1888-Mar., 1889 2 + + + +
*LaPaz. 3.630 Mar., 1898-Apr., 1898 3 + + + + + +
Aug., 1899- June, 1903 3 + + + + + +
bamba 2.557 Jan.-Aug., i874~Jan.-Mar., 1876 4 +
bamba Jan., 1882-Dec, 1885 4 + + + +
*Oruro . 3.706 Jan., 1885-Dec, 1888 8 + +
Sucre . 2,848 May, 1882-Feb., 1898 3 +
Feb., 1915-Mar., 1918 6 + + + + + +
Irregular observations of varying character were made in the
mountains near Arequipa as follows: *Chachani Ravine, Jan.,

1892 Mar., 1893; *E1 Misti summit, Oct., 1893 Dec, 1895;
*"M. B. Station," Dec, 1893 Dec, 1895; Alto de los Huesos,
Mar Dec, 1895.

* The asterisk indicates stations within the map area.

2, 8, *, 6,denote sources given in Appendix C, Bibliography, viz: 1 (86),
2 (87). 3 (88), (89), 5(90).
+ denotes that records are available.
8 Source for all these records is (87).

In order to appreciate the great climatic variation throughout
the area of the La Paz sheet we must bear in mind above all the
very wide differences in altitude which occur from over 6,000
meters down to sea level and to some 300 meters
on the one side
on the other. With the pressure at sea level normal this means
a difference of temperature of some 30 C. (54 F.) between our
lowest and highest zones. This difference of temperature is the
most outstanding of the climatic features. It made such an
impression on the white settlers that they recognized well-defined
natural zones of altitude and temperature, the names of which
are in common use: the Puna Brava from the snow line (about
5,000 meters) down
to about 3,900 meters; the Puna, 3,900 to
3,350 meters; the Cabezera de Valle or valley head, 3,350 to
2,900 meters; the Valle 2,900 to 1,600 meters; and the Yungas
below that. These names for the two lower zones apply only
to the eastern slopes of the Andes. Mean annual temperatures
in these zones, for places in each case about the middle of the
zone, may be taken in order from highest to lowest as approxi-
mately: 7 C, 12, 15 20 25
, the Fahrenheit equivalents
, ;

being approximately 45 54, 59 68, and 77
, , Of the meteoro-

logical stationsabove-mentioned Vinocaya is in the Puna Brava,

Oruro, Puno, and La Paz are in the Puna, none are in the
Cabezera; though Cochabamba, Arequipa, and Sucre are near
the upper limit of the Valle, which is sometimes referred to as the
Medio Valle; La Joya is in the desert, and Mollendo, Arica, and
Iquique are on the coast.
Almost everywhere on the plateau and in the low desert
west of it the amount of cloud is small, and consequently radia-
tion after sundown is very rapid. The examples given of daily
variation of temperature (Fig. 11) for summer and winter
periods bring this out clearly. The contrast of sun and shade
temperatures is most striking in the Puna and higher. Figure
10 shows a series of temperature curves for seven stations of which
On laterpages centigrade degrees only will be given, but a table of equivalents
will be found in Appendix D.
1 V )


CO r- CO u -* OJ cc t CO u5 * r>
^c ~> cjo -p

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only Vinocaya is outside the area. The records from which they

have been plotted supply data for one year or more in every
case and include in four cases mean maxima, mean minima, and
mean temperatures for every month. But for Oruro only maxi-
mum and minimum averages are available; and the mean of the
two has been introduced to serve for general comparison. In
the case of Cochabamba mean temperatures only have been
published, and of these three sets of figures exist. All of these
have been plotted, the curves having been derived as follows:
upper, computed by Hann 8 from all observations of Von Boeck
and said to be too high, since the readings were too numerous
middle, by Hann, using von Boeck's observations for 1885 only;
lower, by Kriiger 9 from observations for the period of Feb.,
1900, to Jan., 1901. The mean annual temperatures correspond-
ing to these three curves are 18. i C, 16.4 and 15. i respec-

The curves are arranged in ascending order of altitude from
Arica at 5 meters to Vinocaya at 4,380 meters, and a glance will
show the progressively lower temperatures in general. Cocha-
bamba, however, is 100 meters higher than Arequipa, and yet
even the lowest version of its mean curve is higher than that of
the lower station. This is explained in all probability by the
sheltered position of Cochabamba in a basin; and we shall see
that the wind observations suggest a center of warmer air over
this basin. Again, Oruro is only 76 meters higher than La Paz,
but the curves are very different. Oruro is typical of the Alti-
plano on which it is situated and shows a much greater annual
variation and much lower winter temperatures than La Paz,
which lies in a sheltered valley and 500 meters below the rim
of the plateau.
The seasonal movement of the sun over the area brings it
vertical twice during the summer, in the end of November and
early in January; and theoretically there should be two tempera-
ture maxima. The only trace of this in the curves, however, is

Julius Hann, (91).
9 Rodolfo Kriiger, Bol. Observ. Meterol. de La Paz, No. 4.
5 .


in those for La Paz and Vinocaya. If the observations were for
longer periods, however, it is would
possible that this feature
emerge more clearly. As it is, the curves for Arequipa, La
Paz, Oruro, and Cochabamba exhibit a tendency to rise in the
spring more steeply than they descend in the autumn. There is
considerable variation in position of the maximum at the dif-
ferent stations between November and March; but the lowest
temperatures are always in June or July.
If the three stations west of the Cordillera we find
we compare
that, save forone month at Arequipa during the rains, the mean
maxima are always above 20 C, and the mean minima are
never below o C. Of the three stations La Joya, in the middle
of the desert, experiences the most regular temperature varia-
tion, its maxima and minima being almost always equidistant.
The Arequipa curves show the smallest difference between high
and low in January and February, that is during the rains.
In comparing the three high stations we may note the more
equable temperatures of La Paz, with its mean maximum nearly
always above 15 C. and its mean minimum never below o C.
At Oruro we find six months with mean maxima below 15 C.
and mean minima below the freezing point. At Vinocaya in an
eighteen months period only six months show mean maxima
over 1 C, and only one has a mean minimum over 0 C.
These curves do not give us a quite correct impression of the
temperatures experienced by man on the plateaus because they
are shade observations, and during the day men shun the shade
Everywhere west of the Eastern Cordillera the amount of sun-
shine is great, and its heating effect on account of the thinness
of the atmosphere is high. Thus, while ice may be lying all day
in shady spots, the sun's rays may be burning the skin of the
white man in the open. The suddenness with which temperature
drops when a cloud obscures the sun is one of the features which
most impresses the traveler in these high regions.
We shall be able to appreciate more fully the effects of the
altitudinal range, attenuated atmosphere, and absence of cloud,
if we examine examples of daily variation in temperature.

Figure n represents a plotting of records for typical weeks in

summer and winter at five of the above stations and a summer
week for Puno in addition. Two features stand out in a general
way at first sight, the reduction in temperature with increase of
altitude and the great difference in daily range between the

Fig. ii Graphs showing daily variations

in temperature for typical weeks in
summer and winter at six stations. Constructed from data published as follows
(numbers refer to Appendix C, Bibliography): Arica (86); La Paz (88); Remainder

coast and the highest station. At four stations the range is

greater in winter than in summer. Let us examine the graphs

for each place in turn.
At Arica in summer the thermometer behaves with almost
clocklike regularity. During the morning the temperature
mounts fast, reaching a maximum soon after noon. Then the
sea breeze begins to blow, and the influx of cool air from the
coastal waters causes a sudden drop in temperature, while
after sunset radiation produces a further drop to the minimum.
Observations for 7 A. M., 2 P. M., and 9 P. M. are almost identical.
In winter the sea breeze blows with less regularity, and there is
consequently more variation in maximum temperatures.
La Joya is a railway station in the desert 1,250 meters above
sea level. Its greater altitude gives it lower summer tempera-
tures than at Arica. The clearness of its desert sky gives it

lower night temperatures throughout the year. The winter

maxima are higher than those of Arica because the sky was
overcast on but the first day of the week at that place.

At both Arequipa and La Paz the extremes were markedly

greater in winter than in summer, the La Paz thermometer going
below o C. nearly every night in the June week. Puno is on the
western shore of Lake Titicaca, and, although it is 100 meters
higher than Oruro, it enjoys a much more equable climate,
thanks to the stabilizing effect upon temperature of the large
body of lake water. Observations are available for the months
November to March, but these give ground for believing that
the temperature curves are much more like those of La Paz, 200
meters below than those of Oruro. The mean daily range for

the five months observed was between 3. 6 and 18 C, and the

variation from that was very slight.
The weekly curves of Vinocaya are probably a good represen-
tation of typical winter and summer conditions on the higher
plateaus and along the lower slopes of the mountains which rise
above them.

Pressure and Winds

The great differences in altitude of course lead to very large
normal pressure variation throughout the region. It is the de-
partures from these normals which produce pressure gradients
and the consequent movement of air, or winds. We have a
certain limited knowledge of wind direction and force through-


out the region, but the data regarding barometric variation are
much too sparse to be of any use in explaining the winds observed.
We must be satisfied, then, for the present with a statement of
wind observations and, while offering suggestions as to causes,
await further investigation before attempting complete explana-
tion. Theoretically the area is entirely within the limits of the
belt of southeast trade winds. But actually these regular winds
with their normal direction seem to affect only the outer fringe
of the eastern Andes and the ocean well away from the coast.

Winds on the Coast and Western Cordillera

In this western section of the area under discussion the normal
trade winds do not blow; but the movement of air is, neverthe-
less, extremely regular, and seasonal variation is relatively un-
important. The factor determining the dominant winds is the
contrast of temperature and pressure over ocean and land. The
rapid heating of the low desert and mountain slopes as the sun
climbs throughout the forenoon produces a strong indraft from
the cool ocean, diverting the wind from its normal southeasterly
to a southwesterly direction. This strong sea breeze virazon
blows every afternoon the year on the coast and presumably
also the
in From sunset
desert. after sunrise calm or a
till light
land breeze prevails; but the amount outflow
terral of in
nowise compensates for the indraft of the viraz6n, perhaps be-
cause the general dominant movement of air is towards the
Figure 12 shows wind roses for Arica. These bring out the
marked uniformity of regimen throughout the year. The dis-
tinction between summer and winter is chiefly the greater pro-
portion of morning and evening calm in the former. This
feature as well as the more frequent land winds in winter (at

7 A. M. and 9 P. M.) seems to indicate that in summer the greater

warmth of the continent keeps the relative pressure sufficiently
low to prevent most of the outflow of air to the ocean. Wind
conditions at Iquique and Mollendo respectively just south
and west of the sheet are very similar to those at Arica. At
Iquique calms are less frequent, and at Mollendo the sea breeze
rarely blows from west or south, southeast being a common
direction. The general directions of coast and trade wind nearly
coincide from Mollendo onwards, but there are many afternoons
on which the air moves inwards from south to north. The viraz6n
Oct. to Mar Apr. to Sept.



9-RM 9. P.M

Fig. 12 Wind roses for Arica; constructed from the three daily observations
for the period: Feb. ion to Dec. 1913, from Annuario Meteoroldgico de Chile.

is both an advantage and a disadvantage to the inhabitants of

the coastal towns. On the one hand it brings sudden relief every
day from the relentless heat (cf. Fig. n), and on the other, as the
raiser of surf it provides a serious obstacle to embarkation
operations at every port.





832 P. M

Fig. 13 Wind roses for Arequipa. Constructed from the three daily observations
for the period: Nov. 1888 to June 1890; from Annals of the Astronomical Observatory
of Harvard College, Vol. 39, Part I, 1899.

Arequipa, 80 kilometers from the ocean and 2,400 meters

above it, is still under the influence of land and sea winds. The
published records for the period 1 888-1 890 show a remarkable

change in conditions in the autumn of 1888. The wind roses on

Figure 13 have, therefore, been drawn for three periods two

summers and one winter with the first division at this abrupt
change between May and June. A glance at the figure shows that
throughout the entire period November-May, 1888, winds were
from between south and west-southwest from morning till






35% calm 44% calm 16% calm

Fig. 14 Wind roses for Vinocaya. Constructed from the three daily observa-
tions for the period: Nov. 1888 to Apr. 1890; from Annals of the Astronomical Ob-
servatory of Harvard College, Vol. 39, Part 1, 1899.

evening; while in the year following only the afternoon winds

the sea breezes had that direction, the morning and evening
movement being consistently from northeast. In the year 1889-
1890, then, there were twice as many observations of wind from
the higher plateaus as there were of ocean wind. The Arequipa
station is situated opposite the deep gorge of the Chili which
would serve to divert any northerly or easterly wind to the
direction observed. The observations of calm at this station
are negligible.

The data for Vinocaya cover approx-

imately the same period as those for
Arequipa, and wind roses have been
plotted (Fig. 14) for the same subdivi-
7 AX.
sions of time, in order that comparison
may be made. No change of condi-
tions appears to have taken place here
at the end of May, 1888, the propor-
tions of the wind roses being fairly
constant. There are some easterly and
north-easterly winds, chiefly confined
to the early morning, but even at 7
A. M. the winds were often from the
south. From 2 P. M. till 9 P. M. at least
the sea breezes were completely dom-
inant at Vinocaya, which is 150 kilo-
meters from the ocean and 4,380 meters
above it. The morning and evening
winds were mostly light, and there is 9~P.M.

an important percentage of calm

16% calm
Winds on the Altiplano and
Eastern Cordillera Fig. is
Wind roses for
Puno. Constructed from the
three daily observations for
The records for Puno cover only the
the period: Nov. 1888 to Mar.
summer of 1 888-1 889. The wind roses 1889; from Annals of the
Astronomical Observatory of
for this period (Fig. 15) seem to in-
Harvard College, Vol. 39, Part
dicate the presence of a local air circula- 1, 1899.

tion in the Titicaca basin. Through-

out most of the day, air is passing from the cool lake to the warm
land, and by 9 P. m. we find a return current as the land cools.
Of the winds observed at 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. 86 per cent and 96
per cent respectively blew from east or southeast, while at 9
P. M. 93 per cent were from between southwest and northwest.

To prove that such a cause explains the Puno observations it

would be necessary to have data from the other side of the lake.


But it may be noted that the recollections of a resident regard-
ing the winds in the southern part of the lake only partially con-
firm the existence of such a simple system. This observer, 10 who
knows the lake on the eastern shore of the
well, states that
lower lake there is a light early morning breeze from north or
northeast, followed by a calm about 10 A. m. Towards noon a
westerly wind springs up over the whole lake and becomes strong
about 2 p. M. About 4 P. M. this veers to north, whence it con-
tinues to blow till about 9 P. M. Thereafter calm or light air
from the lake follows. At Huaqui the westerly wind prevails in
the early afternoon, then dies down, giving place often to a
southerly breeze, to be followed in the evening again by a strong
westerly lasting several hours. Winds are strongest and most
continuous in August when they are chiefly westerly, while
the smallest amount of wind is in June. In the rainy season
which corresponds in time to the records for Puno he describes
rapid changes of wind accompanied by hailstorms on the moun-
tains and sometimes by whirlwinds. In this season the wind
may blow from all points of the compass within two hours. From
this and other accounts it is clear that at least in summer deep
local depressions form and disperse over the Altiplano, but we
have no evidence as to the direction they follow.
Several erstwhile residents of Oruro agree that by far the
strongest and incidentally most unpleasant winds in that dis-
trict come from the west, and this seems to apply also on the
Altiplano to the south of Oruro. An official statement 11 gives
the dominant winds as northwest, west, and southwest, of which
the last are the strongest. From July to September they often
have the force of gales and carry clouds of dust. They are known
locally as Cosecha de la muerte "harvest of death" on account
of the bronchial troubles which are engendered by the dust. It is
doubtless in part owing to these winds that the city is sited on
the east side of the hills, and the sand dunes to the south have
been built up by these westerlies.

10 Charles W. Foster, M. D., in a letter.

Diccionario geografico de la Repliblica de Bolivia, Vol. 4, 1004, p. 71.

Fig. 16 Wind roses for La Paz for each month,
and mean annual for the period, August 1899 to July
1901. Constructed from data in Boletin del Observa-
tario Meteoroldgico, La Paz, 1901.
Wind observations have been kept at La Paz, and some of
them are set forth in Figure 16. La Paz is an extremely bad
station from which to draw conclusions regarding air circulation,
since the winds which reach it must necessarily be diverted

locally so as to blow up or down the valleys which converge

there. By making allowances for these features, however, it is
possible to deduce certain useful facts regarding wind direction.
The wind rose for the year shows that on by far the largest
number of days the wind is southeasterly, while there are about
equal amounts of wind from east and northeast and of wind
varying between west and northwest. The first three directions
correspond to the directions of the La Paz valley and the two
passes in the Cordillera Real, and we may reasonably suppose
that together the winds from these points are the trade winds,
finding their way through and over the mountains. The winds
from between west and northwest seem to correspond to the
dominant winds of Oruro, and they are most marked in the
winter months at both places. But they are less important than
the easterly group, and thus La Paz is the first station we have
discussed at which the normal trade winds are dominant. Resi-
dents of La Paz often notice a cloud banner streaming eastward
from the summit of Illimani for days and even weeks on end.
At first sight this might seem to indicate a westerly wind at an
altitude of 6,000 meters
perhaps the anti-trade. But it may
equally well denote the presence of the normal trade wind con-
densing the last of its moisture on the slopes of the mountain.
The monthly wind La Paz, which represent the averages
roses for
of two years, show that winds with an easterly component pre-
vail in all months except June and July and that from December
to May southeast is the dominant direction.
Wind records for Cochabamba are unsatisfactory. They are
available only for eight consecutive months
one year and theof
numbers of observations vary in the case of two months. 12
12 The
records of H. Ugarte given by Eugen von Boeck, (89), p. 458, are for 1874,
Jan.-Aug. and 1875, Jan.-Mar. In July and August 74 and 58 observations were
made respectively with no indication of date or hour. In the case of these months,
therefore, the totals have been reduced by the factors & Ya and 3 M;s.

Roses have, however, been constructed (Fig. 17), and they

possess some points of interest. The only mountain barrier
close to Cochabamba lies to the north, and apparently it does
not eliminate wind from that quarter. It will be noted that from
January to March and again in May and June winds have a

Fig. 17 Wind roses for Cochabamba for the period January to August 1874.
Constructed from observations by E. von Boeck in Mittelungen der K. K. Ceogr.
Gesell. in Wien, Vol. 19, N. S., 1886.

strong westerly component but that otherwise southeast is the

dominant wind direction. The combined wind rose brings out
the great proportion of winds from between southeast and south-



Other observations were made in 1851 by Gibbon from Decem-
ber to April, generally at 9 a. m., and 3 p. m. 13 In the 283 observa-
tions winds were distributed as follows:

NE. E. SE. sw. w. NW. CALM

39 1 100 69 I 13 60

The windiest periods in Cochabamba are August-October and

November-December. Like most of the other stations considered
Cochabamba has most of its wind in the afternoon starting here
about 3 P. M. It is possible that the southwesterly winds here
may be evidence of a low pressure area in the southern Altiplano
this is perhaps supported by the observations at Oruro and at
Sucre (see below). But equally well would they be accounted
for by a local depression in the relatively warm basin of Cocha-
bamba itself.

We have but one other wind station to note, and it is some

70 kilometers east of the sheet area. Sucre is situated on a high
plateau with only low hills about it, which do not divert winds in
any appreciable degree. With this in mind we must attach im-
portance to the somewhat surprising nature of the observations
of wind direction. The records from which the wind roses on
Figure 18 have been constructed are those of a well-equipped
station maintained by Jesuits. They are believed to have been
published regularly since 191 5; but, owing to gaps in the series
at my disposal, I have had to limit the data for discussion to the
months Feb.-Dec, 1915, taking in January, 1917, in order to get
a diagram for each month. From the regularity of the wind direc-
tion exhibited, however, these data may reasonably be taken as
typical of any year. Throughout the entire year winds from
northeast and north-northeast were by far the most frequent, the
former prevailing for ten months and the latter for two, February
and April. Appreciable divergence from these directions took
place only between April and June and then mainly in the morn-
ing. Calm periods were noted only in the morning (7 A. M.) and
13 William Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon: Exploration of the Valley of
the Amazon, a Report to the U. S. Navy Department, Vol. 2, pp. 323-331, Wash-
ington, D.C., 1854.

Fig. 18 Wind roses for Sucre, showing dominant winds for each month in
1915 save January (observations missing) which is replaced by January 1917.
Constructed from data published in Boletin del Observatorio Meteoroldgico (S. J.).

then rarely. It must be noted, however, that the movement of

wind at higher over Sucre, as revealed by cloud observa-
tion during the same period, was most frequently from northwest
to southeast.
In conclusion we may summarize
the results of this examina-
tion of wind conditions. We
have no records from the eastern
slope, but it is generally conceded that the prevailing winds there
are from the east or southeast, as they are over the ocean away
from the coast. These winds, however, do not blow constantly;
they prevail as up-valley winds throughout most of the day but
are to some extent compensated for by down-valley wmds at
night. Over the western Andes and most of the Altiplano the
main movement is from west and southwest. At Sucre it is from
northeast. At Cochabamba southeasterly winds predominate,
while the southwesterlies are next in importance. At La Paz the
same is true allowing for configuration. It would, therefore,
appear that the Bolivian plateau draws air towards it and must
consequently be a center of low pressure. The winds of Sucre and
Oruro would seem to indicate that the kernel of this "low" is at
about 20 S., over the great white salars. If this be so there
must be a strong up-draught here, and the local cyclones of the
plateau may take their origin in this area. The Cordillera Real
appears to form a real barrier to air movement, although the
easterlies succeed in penetrating here and there, as at La Paz.
Lastly, if the anti-trades exist above this region they are probably
not to be met below 6,500 meters.


Bearing in mind the average conditions of air circulation, we

may proceed to consider the moisture it carries and the conditions
of condensation and precipitation. With the barrier of the
Eastern Cordillera thrown across its path, the trade wind, which
has passed from the Atlantic over the lower portions of the conti-
nent, is forced to rise rapidly on the slopes. Moreover, in the
southern summer goalthe
these winds are reaching their

vicinity of the thermal equator and the has
in this latitude, air
an upward tendency on that account. The result cloud of this is
formation and The formerorographical cause provides a




3c e

2 6 2g
ft cd

Og -J

< J3 mm
0, H

to c
reason for snow and rain on the cordillera in winter, while in
summer both causes act together to produce much heavier con-
densation and precipitation on the mountains and over the plains
of the Amazon basin. These meteorological conditions in the two
seasons are illustrated by the diagrams (Figs. 19-A and 19-B)
which, while they refer to a more northern portion of the Andes,
still apply in our region, the only difference consisting in the
longer dry period in the Bolivian mountains.
Figure 9 is a tentative map of the annual precipitation in the
La Paz sheet area. It is based upon exceedingly meager data, dis-
cussed below, and upon deduction. But in spite of its problemat-
ical nature it will serve as a connecting link in visualizing the
approximate physical conditions of life.

Precipitation on the Eastern Cordillera

No rainfall measurement has been recorded east of the Cor-
dillera Real, and no isohyets have been drawn in that area. It is
certain, however, that everywhere the annual amount is over
600 millimeters, and in the zones described as "maximum" the
total is over 1 ,000 millimeters. From the geographical standpoint
a very important feature of these eastern slopes is the cloud which
is constantly formed and driven up the valleys to the passes,

where it dissolves. This serves to reduce the temperature. It

keeps the ground and the vegetation saturated and accounts for
the very dense undergrowth of the Montana forest. It makes
possible the growing of fine coca and coffee. The cloudy area,
which is represented by a stipple on the map, is somewhat reduced
in the winter months (see Fig. 19). The importance of convection
currents is indicated by the frequency of thunder and hail storms
in the valleys. Occasionally the latter are so severe that fruit
trees are stripped bare of leaves and fruit.

Two rainfall stations lie just on the lee side of the Cordillera,
La Paz and Cochabamba, for which the mean annual rainfall is
538 and 462 millimeters respectively. 14 The precipitation at La
Paz must be derived from air which continues to rise after over-
These and other means are derived from Ernst Ludwig Voss, (8s).

topping the mountains and so has still more moisture wrung from

it. December, January, and February are the wettest months,

and June is the driest (see Fig. 21). At Cochabamba we have
seen that winds from the north and east are rare, and it is likely
that much of the rain is brought by the southeast wind from over
the wide lower plateaus of the Eastern Andes. The same is true
of Sucre,which is farther east and receives 694 millimeters of
rain. Here the wind, however, is northeast. The graphs for
Cochabamba show two years with slight winter rain and two with
practically none.

Precipitation on the Western Cordillera and Coast

Given an ocean and a prevailing on-shore wind striking a
mountain range, the obvious result would at first sight appear to
be a copious rainfall and well-filled rivers. And yet the Western
Cordillera is very dry, and its piedmont is a desert. The solution
of this enigma lies, of course, in the relative temperatures of sea
and land. These are in strongest contrast in summer. At that
season the wind from the warmer outer ocean is cooled in travers-
ing the waters of the Humboldt Current and the still colder up-
welling water of the shore. Fog, therefore, is common over the
sea. The wind, still charged with humidity, is then forced up-
ward on low but steep coast range; but apparently
striking the
these hills have absorbed sufficient heat to cause reevaporation,
for cloud rarely hangs over them at this season. The strong after-
noon winds of summer, as they rise gradually with the land and
are probably urged upward by convectional currents, form more
and more cloud and at about 2,000 meters begin to form fog at
ground level. Above this altitude there is more cloud in the sky,
and rain or snow falls at intervals. But even here on the upper
slopes of the cordillera the mountains are sufficiently warm to
prevent regular or heavy precipitation. Figure 20 (A) and (B) illus-
trates the cloud conditions in summer and winter on the Pacific
slope. It seems probable that precipitation is connected in some
way with the mingling or contact of air currents from ocean and
plateau, since on all rainy days at Arequipa between December
and March 1888-1889, wind blew from the northeast or north-
northeast in the morning or evening at least. On Figure 21 the
monthly rainfall for four summers at Arequipa is given, and the
mean quantity for these is only 113 millimeters. The wettest
period between January and March, the maximum being

usually in February. Rainfall varies greatly from year to year,

and it is probable that a longer series of observations would bring
out the cyclic character of this variation. The virtual absence of
rain in some years, as in 1888-1889, when less than 10 milli-
meters makes the storing of water imperative for the success



h1!n'fit.:iV ^r
F[G. 20-A The wet and dry seasons the Coast Range and the Cordillera are
complementary in time. The "wet" season of the former occurs during the southern
winter; the cloud bank on the seaward slopes of the hills is best developed at that
time and actual rains may occur.




Fig. 20- B During the southern summer the seaward slopes of the Coast Range
are comparatively clear of fog. Afternoon cloudiness is characteristic of the desert
and increases eastward. Both figures are from Bowman: "Andes of Southern Peru,"

of agriculture. 15 Above the Arequipa precipitation is

level of
heavier and on the higher mountain groups is mostly in the form

of snow or hail. In the upper basin of the Rio Chili, which lies
behind the line of high volcanic peaks, the mean rainfall is

believed to be about 200 millimeters; and at Vinocaya, still

farther north, it is 263 millimeters.

In winter, conditions on the Pacific slope are different. Then
the winds from the ocean must carry a smaller amount of hu-
midity. But as they traverse the cooler coastal waters some of
See below, p. 102, and Figure 23.

this is condensed as cloud. Then on rising abruptly over the

Coast Range the air gives up more moisture, and both cloud and
rain are typical of these hills in late winter a condition known as
the Tiempo de lomas, by which is meant the season of rain on the
lomas. 16
While the foregoing description of climatic features in the

coastal belt true in general, there are certain exceptions which


require mention. Indeed, it is the abnormalities of climate

which make the most lasting impression on the inhabitants. We
have seen that the only strong winds as a rule are from the sea;
but in February, 191 1, occurred a phenomenon which seems to be
experienced periodically. A hurricane from the mountains de-
veloped in central Peru and extended southwards through 20
degrees of latitude. It followed a heavy snowfall in the cordillera
and reached the lowland towns as a warm northeast wind bring-
ing heavy rain and hail, flooding the valleys. Inundations
caused havoc at Moquegua, Tacna, and Tarapaca. A still more
notable phenomenon occurred in the Pampa of Tamarugal in
January and February, 1885, when there were forty consecutive
days in which rain fell continuously from 1 to 7 P. m. The direc-

tion of the wind in this period unfortunately is not recorded.

Precipitation on the Altiplano

On the Altiplano of Bolivia the most outstanding climatic

variation is its decreasing humidity from north to south. This
feature abundantly proved by the southward succession of a

large freshwater lake, Titicaca, through a salt lake, Poop6, to a

group of salars in the southern part of the interior basin, which
may indeed be regarded as a great evaporating pan. An attempt
has been made by the isohyets on Figure 9.
to bring this out
These are supported by few instrumental records, which, how-

ever, are probably drawn from almost the wettest and driest
portions of the plateau and are therefore specially useful. At
Puno measurements are available for only one summer No-
16 The question of rainfall in this section is more fully discussed by Bowman, (8),

Chaps. 9 and 10.



/A \

1 1 !
Mb 1
1 i i m

J J 1 1 ll

1 . 1 1 1
..1. ill
1 t 1 ill III nil

eM J
Fig. 21 Graphs showing monthly precipitation: A, at Cochabamba, 1882-1885
and means for that period; B, Oruro, means for 1885-1888; C, Sucre, means for
1883-1897; D, La Paz, Aug. 1890-Oct. 1901 and means for 1898-1902; E, Arequipa,
Nov. 1888-Mar. 1890 and Jan. 1902-Nov. 1903. Constructed from data published
as follows (numbers refer to App. C, Bibliography): A (89); B and C (88); Mar-
Apr. 1898; D (88) and, for means (8s); E (87).

vember, 1888, to March, 1889, and during these months rainfall

was approximately equal, giving a total of 737 millimeters. This
is almost three times the annual rainfall recorded in the same
period for Vinocaya, which lies higher and farther west. It appar-
ently indicates the importance to the western shore of Titicaca
of the off-lake winds already mentioned. The country bordering
this lake is almost certainly the wettest section of the plateau.
La Paz with 538 millimeters of rain is in a special situation, dealt
with above, but it gives some indication of conditions on the
eastern edge of the plateau as far south as latitude 17 . Oruro
with only 54 millimeters of rain is clearly in the arid portion of


1899 1900 1901 Mean Annual


U 1
i. Aft
zt :: ll
1888 1889 1890 1902 I93



1 1
t I

Fig. 2i continued. For description of figure see opposite page.

the plateau; and the great difference between its annual quota
and that of Sucre, with a mean of 694 millimeters, points to a
westward decrease which is probably gradual over the higher
plateaus and sudden at their western escarpment.
It is impossible to say whence comes the moisture which is
precipitated on the Altiplano south of Titicaca. Precipitation in
the form of snow, hail, or rain is nearly always associated with
violent winds, presumably connected with the local depressions
referred to above. It takes place in the afternoon or night during
the summer and rarely in the forenoon.
The entire area of the La Paz sheet save the coastal hills re-
ceives the bulk of its rain in the summer months, the month with
the highest precipitation for most places being February; but in
occasional years the maximum comes as early as November.
On the Altiplano and Maritime Cordillera there is a progressive
shortening of the rainy season from north to south, corresponding
The rains do not as a
to the increasing aridity in that direction.
rule start suddenlybut are heralded for at least a month by an
increase in the amount of cloud, and in the same way a cloudy
month follows, after the rains have ceased.
A paper published when the above chapter was in proof indi-
cates that some on
of the statements regarding precipitation
the eastern slopes of the Andes require modification. Rusby,
discussing botanical results of a journey over the Quimsa Cruz
Cordillera to Quime and thence to Espia on the Bopi by the
trail marked on the map, describes a number of drought resist-
ing elements in the vegetation of the lower slopes (below 3,000
meters) in but certain exposed situations which are known as

"rainbelts." This would indicate that the ranges to the east are
somewhat higher than they are shown on the map, and that the
local contrasts in precipitation conditions require to be more em-
phasized. It would seem that in these interior valleys there is a
well marked dry season in winter.

17 Henry Hurd Rusby: Report of Work on the Mulford Biological Exploration

of 1021-1922, Journ. New York Bot. Garden, Vol. 22, 1922, pp. 101-112.


With our knowledge of the rocks, land forms, and climate we
may assert with confidence that the great majority of the streams
shown on the La Paz sheet west of the Eastern Cordillera are
intermittent in character and contain water throughout their
whole course only in the wet season. The only part of the map
in which surveyors have noted the nature of rivers permanent

or intermittent is the Western Cordillera and piedmont in Chile.
For the rest of the territory it may be said in general that the per-
manent streams include all those which rise in the Eastern Cor-
dillera north of the latitude of Cochabamba and the larger water-
courses to the south of that; on the plateau they comprise the
Desaguadero and the larger rivers which rise in the Western Cor-
dillera such as the Blanco, Mauri, Cosapa, and Lauca. But even
these are likely to dry up in their lower reaches in dry seasons.
Of the rivers which flow to the Pacific all which drain the main
crest of the Cordillera are permanent in the greater part of their
courses, and a few have permanent outflow to the ocean. All
other rivers shown are wet- weather streams.
Throughout the entire territory the contrast between summer
and winter is very great. In the Yungas of the Eastern Cordillera
(see Fig. 29), the large daily precipitation of summer and the
waters from snowfields keep the valley bottoms filled with
swiftly flowing rivers. Waterfalls are numerous, and the soil of

the steep hillsides, sodden after weeks of rain, breaks loose and
causes landslides which leave great scars of bare rock. It is in
this season that the debris of the winter's weathering removed

by the scavenging torrents, and the work of valley cutting by

rivers must be virtually concentrated in the summer months.
Throughout the entire rainy period travel in the Yungas is
difficult or, where trails follow valley bottoms, impossible.
On the Altiplano the slopes are relatively slight, and the sum-
mer precipitation is carried off much more slowly. Over vast
tracts the bare soil is porous, and the first falls of rain are rapidly
absorbed but after recurrent storms the water fills the steep-sided

gullies and accumulates on the lower flat lands such as those to

the north of Lake Poop6, there to be slowly dissipated by evapo-
In the Maritime Cordillera the rivers are nourished by snow
and rain but not by glaciers; and, in proportion as streams are
snow-fed, their regimen is regular. If we may judge from the
flow of the Chili at Arequipa those of the Peruvian section derive
theirwater almost entirely from rain. Figure 23 shows the flow of
the Chili for five years in cubic meters of water per second.
Figure 21 (p. 93) gives the monthly rainfall for two of those years
at Arequipa. The general agreement of the two figures is at once
apparent, and if were available for a station
rainfall statistics
farther up a full river bed
in the Chili basin it is probable that
would be seen to follow immediately upon heavy rainfall there.
The river graph shows almost complete absence of flow from April
to November or December; and in this period as a rule no rain
falls. These western rivers are all torrential, the slope and ab-

sence of forests contributing to the rapidity of the run-off.

Snow and ice as a source of water are surprisingly unimportant
considering the great altitude of the mountains. The snow line

in the Andes is at its highest about 6,500 metersnot at the

equator as might be expected but at 25 south, and throughout
the whole of the sheet area it is abnormally high. This anomaly
seems to be due ultimately to the existence of the wide plateau
between the Cordilleras, but it is not clear to which of the meteoro-
logical elements we must turn to understand fully the reasons for
the exceptional height of the snow line in these latitudes. In the
Western Cordillera in this section there are no glaciers, and per-
manent snow exists only on the highest peaks of the southern part
Tacora, Huallatiri, Sajama, etc. It is absent from Misti, and
nearly absent from Chachani. The snow line is in the neighbor-
hood of 6,000 meters. On the Eastern Cordillera it appears to be

about one thousand meters lower. On the northeast side snow

seems to lie permanently down to 5,100 or 5,200 meters, and on
the southwest side to 4,800. As previously mentioned, there are
still numerous glaciers in the cirques of these mountains; and the

fronts of these of course are found well below the snow line. In
the southeastern part of the sheet reliable information is lacking
regarding the highest summits, but no permanent snow is be-
lieved to exist there, although in the Ice Age there must have been
considerable snow fields to nourish the glaciers whose tongues
reached down to the Altiplano. It is at least certain that no gla-
ciers remain, and this is apparently sufficiently accounted for by
the lower precipitation on these interior mountains as compared
with the front ranges.

Water Supply
Enough has been said to emphasize the great water resources
of the Cordillera Real and the front ranges to the south of it.
There such disadvantages as exist arise from the excess of water
interfering with communications. But, unfortunately, in this
well-watered region the topography is unfavorable to dense agri-
cultural settlement. The bulk of the Bolivian population lies
west of and just outside the zone of abundant water (see PI. I),
and the question of extending the cultivated area in the future is
in partbound up with the possibility of diverting water from these
mountains. The former glaciation of these Cordilleras is respon-
sible for the existence in them of a large number of rock basins
near the summit, many of which contain permanent lakes; and,
given sufficient capital, such basins could be made the nucleus of
increased water supply for the drier valleys and the eastern
fringe of the Altiplano. Again, nature has endowed the region
with all the physical requirements for hydro-electric energy.
Many of the mines already utilize water power for their own
purposes; and it would seem that the lack of funds and of indus-
trial life alone delaysits much wider application. In Bolivia de-

mands for domestic water supply cannot be called exacting, and

it is only in the larger towns that any effort has been made to sub-
stitute a modern system for the common well and the often dis-
tant stream bed. La Paz now obtains its water by aqueduct from
a km.) north of
glacial lake, artificially enlarged, 15 miles (25
the city. Oruro has a pipe line leading water westwards from a
reservoir in the valley above Sepulturas. But the supply falls
far short of the needs of a modern town, and water has to be
carried from a number of public fountains. A project, however,
has been approved by which water will be led to Oruro by a canal
of 35 kilometers from the Desaguadero. In Cochabamba the
domestic supply is piped from the Cerro Tunari, where there is
also a power station. The city has further had to solve the prob-
lem of putting a stop to the periodic damage due to the River
Rocha overflowing its banks and taking to the streets. This
work has been accomplished by diverting part of the river water
four kilometers upstream and carrying it in a tunnel through a
ridge to a natural depression lying southeast of the city, where it
is used for irrigation.

Hydrography of the Altiplano

As has been mentioned (p. 23), the Altiplano is drained in
general from northwest to southeast. Lake Titicaca, of which the
greater part lies north of latitude 16 has an area of about 5,100

square kilometers and is the largest lake in South America (about

one sixteenth of the size of Lake Superior). The lower lake is
shallow, but a large part of the main lake is over 200 meters deep
(deepest sounding 272 m.), so that the volume of water is very
considerable. This water, which is fresh save in the shallow lower
lake where it is slightly salt, is derived in the main from the Cor-
dillera Real, although the area tributary to the lake is much more

extensive on the west and northwest. All observers are agreed

that the average contributions to the lake very greatly exceed
the amount of overflow by the Rio Desaguadero. But the im-
mense evaporation which takes place over its surface, as on the
plateau to the south, would appear sufficiently to account for this.
The progressive though slight reduction of Titicaca in area and
depth in historical time may be mentioned. There is also a slight


annual fluctuation in level (from one to two meters) following the

seasonal precipitation, and it is probable that in addition the
average level exhibits a cyclic oscillation in conformity with the
supposed seven-year cycle of rainfall.

The Desaguadero (see Fig. 2 opposite page 23) when in flood

isestimated to carry eight times the amount of water which flows
at its minimum, this contrast being produced in part by the
changes in lake level and in part by the periodic contributions of
its tributaries.These contributions themselves are also thought
to vary according to the season in the proportion of eight to one.
The Desaguadero down to Nazacara is practically an arm of the
lake, relatively deep, falling only six centimeters per kilometer
and having a surface velocity (in flood) of only 23 centimeters per
second. At Nazacara the river crosses a threshold, and down to
Concordia, just above its confluence with the Mauri, it has a
At low water this stretch is
slope of 17 centimeters per kilometer.
everywhere over 90 centimeters deep. From this point to La
Barca (northwest of Oruro) the river has a nearly uniform fall
of 2.25 meters per kilometer, and in two places (La Barca and
near Ulloma) it crosses sandstone thresholds with only 55 centi-
meters of depth at low water. But, in spite of the increased fall,
the average velocity in this section is less than above Concordia,
since the stream bed is wider. Below La Barca the fall is only 25
meters in no kilometers. The detailed examination of the river
made in 1903 by the geographical service of the Bolivian army,
whose observations are summarized by Sever, 1 has shown that
the losses by evaporation during the low-water period are slight
but appreciable at high water (i. e. in summer) and that the
average flow of the river is about 20 cubic meters per second in

low water and 170 cubic meters in high water. The river was
navigated up to the date of the opening of the railway to Corocoro
by flat-bottomed stern-wheel boats as far downstream as Naza-
cara, and, thence southward to the ore docks, box-like boats of
steel were poled or towed. It is estimated that by dredging naviga-
tion could be extended to Lake Poop6 without great difficulty.
Jacques Sever, (96)
Lake Poop6 has an area of about 2,530 square kilometers and
is everywhere shallow (deepest sounding 3.95 m.). These figures
refer to the low-water period (winter) in summer, although there

is probably only a very slight rise in level, the area increases con-
siderably, as the shores are very low. Lake Poop6 may be thought
of asan immense evaporating saucer. It receives from the Desa-
guadero at low water 20 cubic meters of water per second and per-
haps 2 meters from other streams, while about 6 cubic meters run
off at its outlet. The lake, then, receives a daily net increase of
16x60x60x24= 1,382,400 cubic meters. This divided by
the superficial area gives the amount by which the surface would
rise daily, viz. 0.00054 meter; and, as the lake is more or less in a
state of equilibrium, this figure represents approximately the
daily amount of evaporation. In the high-water period Decem-
ber to February the intake from the Desaguadero is about 170
cubic meters per second and the outflow about 120 cubic meters;
but, as the area for the lake at that period is unknown, it is

fruitless to attempt to calculate the evaporation. The outflow

by the Lacahahuira appears to be permanent, but in the section
nearest the lake no well-marked watercourse is developed the
water disappearing under the sand, and several explorers who
have encircled the lake reported that it had no outlet.
The water of Poop6 is brackish and undrinkable. A sample
taken by Neveu-Lemaire was found to contain over 23 grams of
salts per mille, nearly 17 being common salt and over two each
being sulphates of sodium and calcium. The Salar de Coipasa is
intermittently flooded over wide stretches by the Lacahahuira
and other streams, but the only permanent water now lies in the
residual lake or swamp in its northwestern hollow, which must be
highly saline. The numerous small settlements over the Altiplano
depend for water upon wells, springs, and streams; and it must be
remembered that the water requirements of this population are
very small.
Hydrography of the Pacific Slope
On the Pacific slope water is of the highest importance. While
it is the absence of water which has permitted the accumulation

of the nitrates, the most valuable resource of the coast lands, it is

the ability to get water which determines the distribution of
population in general. As has been pointed out, precipitation on
the Maritime Cordillera takes place for the most part only along
the higher summits of the chain, save in the short rainy season
when extends to the seaward slopes but not on to the piedmont.

It will be readily understood, then, that only those rivers which

possess a considerable gathering ground amongst the high peaks
have sufficient content to carry them to the ocean as permanent
streams. These rivers are, from north to south, the Tambo, Lo-
cumba, and Sama, while the southern Vitor in virtue of excep-
tional springs is also permanent in its whole valley. The next
group consists of rivers which have smaller basins, or have their
headwaters in the zone of annual rains, and are permanent in
their upper courses but reach the sea only in summer. It includes
the Vitor, Moquegua, Lluta, Azapa, Camarones, and Camina;
and some of these are permanent to within a few miles of the
coast. In the south the Aroma and Tarapaca are important
streams, but they do not reach the sea; they are in fact the first
of a long series of rivers extending more than six degrees to the
south which lose themselves in the desert of Atacama (see Fig.
22). In addition to these many stream courses are shown on the
map which carry water only most intermittently. Of all the
rivers of the Pacific slope the Tambo has by far the largest basin,
and it alone carries large quantities of water to the ocean.
The Peruvian Corps of Mining and Water Engineers as well as
Chilean government engineers have made detailed examinations
of the regimen of a number of rivers with the view of improving
the water conditions in the valleys, and from their reports it is

possible to gain some idea of the real nature of the streams. The
Chili, already alluded one of the two main branches of the
to, is
Peruvian Vitor, and it is specially important because it waters
Arequipa and its densely peopled agricultural neighborhood (see
Fig. 35). It may be taken as typical of rivers which have a
moderately sized basin in the heart of the Cordillera with a high
summer rainfall but probably with no great accumulation of
o snow. Its erratic nature
is clearly illustrated in its
in curve of flow for five years
o -D
S (Fig. 23). The average
3E annual flow at Arequipa is

Z Ls_ ^~ ,
729,000,000 cubic meters,

"3 ...I
which is about half the

Q 1 3 quantity passing by the


Desaguadero into Lake
Poop6; but from its ex-
O -a
treme irregularity it is only
Z possible for the farmers to
< use a mere fraction of this
u. water. In 1906, when the
~3 ~j

Q investigation was made,

z only 2,600 hectares were
C/3 fltJ under irrigation about
CO < rt
o -^
-3 .&K
Arequipa (and 8,000 in the
CM .

entire Vitor basin),and

IS B .
mm <t
much of this suffered dam-
S age in dry seasons.
u_ Recom-
O ) mendation was then made
z that a dam be built at a
c/3 point 35 kilometers above
CM <t
o -o Arequipa to store up to
24,100,000 cubic meters
<t annually, which would be
S sufficient to extend
Li- the
-3 !

Q irrigated area by 1,145

Z -
hectares and supply ample
water throughout the four
o -9
driest months.
In each of the river
basins examined the con-
U. clusion was the same.
"3 i H 8 8 Great improvement could
QUO. )3S H3d SB31 aw ; nam


be made in agriculture by regularizing the flow of the streams.

In some cases the solution is simple, as there are good sites for
dams which would affect the whole region below; but in others
as in the Moquegua this is out of the question, and smaller
local improvements are all that can be attempted. These include,
first, the building of small tanks to catch casual rainfall secondly,

the construction of filtration channels to concentrate the slowly

flowing water in the alluvium of valleys this isan ancient
method but has fallen into disuse, although one such channel
still collects the water supply for Moquegua town
thirdly, the
improvement of the irrigation channels to prevent waste; and,
lastly, the pumping of water from the deeper valley deposits
method already employed with success on some of the larger
haciendas, as in the neighborhood of Ilo.

In the last sixty years a number of more ambitious projects

have been examined with a view to increasing the flow of one
river at the expense of another where the demand for water is
smaller; while other proposals have been made to carry waters
to irrigate entirely new land. These last are the more obviously
impracticable, as they consist in raising water from the deep
valleys on to the higher flat lands flanking them. Two examples
may be given: first, to irrigate the land about Cachendo on the
Southern Railroad of Peru by water from the Tambo; and,
secondly, to raise the water of the Locumba to irrigate the pampa
at Sitana. While practically all water of the flood season on the
Pacific slope if husbanded could be utilized in irrigating hitherto
uncultivated land, it seems clear that this irrigation must be
limited to the valleys themselves. Of the diversion projects it
may be of interest to mention a few, although it is doubtful if any
of them will be fully carried out. The Tambo has more water
than can be utilized in its basin, whereas the Moquegua with its
small basin is one of those most demanding increase. It was pro-
posed to tap the marshes at the head of the Rio Omalso and
carry the water through the divide to the Rio Chilligua. An-
other project was to draw the water of the Lago de Istunchaca,
which is intermittently tributary to the Locumba, through the


divide and into the Rio de Torata. Again, there have been vari-
ous similar projects for augmenting the supply of several of the
more southerly rivers, some of them at the expense of the streams
draining eastward to Bolivia. Thus the Camina was to be aug-
mented by water from the southern headwaters of the Camarones
which in turn should receive compensation by means of an aque-

duct from the Lake of Surire a basin on the eastern side of the
main crest of the mountains but without a permanent outlet. It
was proposed to add to the Aroma's resources by tapping the
Mauque, but this would presumably have to be a matter of
arrangement with Bolivia while there have been schemes on foot

since 1794 to increase the supply of the Tarapaca by the waters

of two small lakes of Chuncara which lie on the divide itself.
The most ambitious of all diversion schemes has actually
reached the construction stage, and, as it will divert water from
Bolivia, it has aroused violent opposition from the Government
of that country. I refer to the plan to divert the upper Mauri and
by bringing it over the saddle followed by the Arica-La Paz rail-

road to turn its waters into the valley of the Palcota. By this
project a Chilean sugar company at Tacna hopes to be able to
irrigate a large stretch of land southwest of that town. For over
half a century Tacna has been seeking to increase her water sup-
ply from the high Andes and by 1870 had taken the first step by
the construction of a canal, which is shown on the map, from the
Rio Uchusuma, a tributary of the Mauri, through the pass above
Bella Vista by means of a tunnel to the Quebrada Huanacagua.
This canal, which is 52 kilometers long, was supposed to give a
flow of 3,000 cubic feet of water per minute but in fact only fur-
nished about a quarter of this amount.
The greater canal above referred to starts on the upper Mauri
below its confluence with the Rio Chiliculco in latitude 17 30',
whence it is bank of the Mauri, increasing in
to follow the right
capacity as it goes, so as to accommodate the waters of right bank
tributaries. Then, reaching the Cano valley by a low saddle, it
will pass southward and along the north shore of the Laguna
Blanca to the continental divide; and thence, like the Uchusuma


canal, south of the Cerro de Tacora, crossing the Rio Azufre

in a siphon and the Huailillas pass in a tunnel, it will empty into
the Palcota valley. This canal when complete will be about 150
kilometers in length and ; it is estimated that it will bring to the
Pacific slope from the drainage of the intermontane basin over
3,000 liters of water per second. Bolivians look forward with
much apprehension to this loss of water. Their advocate in the
matter, J. Aguirre Acha, states2 that the valuable pastures

especially suitable to the alpaca of the upper valleys will be
greatly diminished ; that the resources of fish in the Mauri said
to be considerable will be much reduced and
; that it will become
impossible to utilize the Mauri for hydro-electric power. This
refers toa project by which the water would be led fifty or sixty
kilometers and then with a head of 100 meters would produce
some 4,000 horse power to be used by the mines of Corocoro.
The damage which would ensue to the Desaguadero is also
adduced in opposition to the diversion scheme. Navigation, con-
templated as the aim of a project of canalization, would render it
impossible, and the plan of supplying water from the Desagua-
dero to Oruro would be interfered with.
While the chief aim of engineers in regularizing the flow of
the rivers is to improve conditions of agriculture, such works
would also tend to reduce the damaging effect of the sudden
floods to which all the valleys are subject. The Tambo valley
with its greater water content perhaps experiences the most
serious devastations of this character, but there are records of
great floods in the Pampa del Tamarugal in the mid-eighteenth
century and in 1819, 1823, 1852, 1868, 1878, and 1884.
The water conditions in the Pampa del Tamarugal are inter-
esting, and their relation with the nitrate formation has already
been referred While the mountain streams disappear on or
near its dam and
eastern border, the rim of coastal hills acts like a
enables their waters to be conserved in the subsoil of the pampa.
The presence of this water table makes it possible to concentrate
a large population in the nitrate fields by furnishing a supply to
2 Jose Aguirre Acha, (97).
all grades of wells, some of which, however, do not give drinking
water. For instance, the well at Dolores produces 150,000 liters
in 24 hours, but the water is brackish and has to be treated with
sodium carbonate before being fit for use in locomotives. At
various points on the pampa the removal of the salt crust is suffi-
cient to lay bare the water table and to permit cultivation in
canchones, of which more will be said. 3 It seems, however, that, as
a rule, these perforations of the crust soon drain the local supply,
and the cultivation is therefore transitory.
Enough has been said to show that the waters of the Pacific
slope are barely adequate to supply the present agricultural needs
of the coast lands and that any amelioration of water conditions
will be undertaken in the interests of the farmer. It is, therefore,
unlikely that any development of water power will take
place; but it may be noted that sufficient energy has been har-
nessed in the Rio Chili to provide Arequipa with light and car
The domestic urban supply of water is primitive nearly every-
where. Apart from isolated springs on the mountain slopes such
as those which provide ample irrigation for the villages of Huas-
quina and Zipiza (northeast of Tarapaca), the bulk of the inhabit-
ants draw their water from streams or from water holes in other-
wise dry stream beds. The condition in general is the same as it
was at Tacna when Orbigny found 4 that the villages had water
for five days and the town for two days. In the town, as soon as
the church bell announced the arrival of the flood, everyone
rushed to the river bank with vessels of all descriptions for the
household supply. After two hours the water was turned into
the gardens, whither all repair to direct the distribution of their
allotted measure. The coast itself is very badly endowed with
water, and the improvement by a pipe
of the supply of Pisagua
linefrom a well of the finest water at Quiuna on the Tiliviche has
long been contemplated. The Arica-La Paz railroad could not
be worked were it not for the pipe line nearly 140 kilometers long

p. 175.
4 Alcide d'Orbigny, (29), Vol. 2, p. 368.

constructed all along the railway from a point 12 kilometers south

of Humapalca to bring water from the upper valley of the Lluta.


Soils are classified as young, mature and old, indicating a cycle

of development which takes place slowly in arid lands and more

rapidly where the rainfall is higher the solvent action of water
favoring the chemical changes essential to soil development.
The process goes on especially fast where high rainfall is combined
with high temperatures, this combination leading to great organic
activity. We should, therefore, look for young soils alone
throughout the greater and dry part of the area and expect to
find older soils on the eastern slopes of the Andes. Topography,
however, enters into the field, because it is necessary for soil to
remain undisturbed for long periods if it is to advance to old age.
Now we have seen that the moist region, the Yungas, is dis-
sected by numerous deep and steep valleys and that only in the
upper and cooler zone are there any considerable tracts where the
slopes are gentle. We may, therefore, conclude in general that
soildevelopment on the moist slope of the Andes never advances
very far before the soil is removed by erosion and carried off to
the plains but that on the small tracts of gentler slope in the
upper zone soils may reach maturity.
On the lower forested slopes, in parts where, for any reason,
denudation is less rapid, the dense carpet of mosses is probably
underlain by a podsol, a light-colored soil in which various min-
eral constituents have been leeched and redeposited deeper down.
But the terracing and trenching in the belt of coca cultivation,
where the forest has long been cleared, has almost certainly led
to a complete mixing of the podsol and its substratum.
Generally speaking mature soils are the most valuable for agri-
cultural purposes, while very young soils have not yet been
sufficiently comminuted for their mineral constituents to be avail-
able for plants in any high degree. An exception to this, however,
is found in the alluvium of the lower parts of valleys. In our
region such soils are found in the valley oases of the desert and


in basins such as those of Arequipa and Cochabamba. The latter
has the special advantage of being watered by well-nourished
streams draining heavily glaciated plateaus, and these milky
streams deposit a fine silt derived from the glacial detritus.
In the coastal desert it may be said that soil does not exist, the
surface consisting of rock fragments, grit, and sand graded only
by the action of the wind. (Fig. 22). In the Lomas the seasonal
moisture of the garua would lead to the formation of a true soil

but here the slopes are steep and development can never advance
very far. The same is true of the slopes of the Western Cordillera

above the desert zone. On the Altiplano, geological formations or

their detritus are barely concealed by real soil save in hollows,
where accumulation is possible; and even in these, in all the
southern part, alkaline deposit frequently renders the soil unfit

for cultivation. The chief exception to this is the alluvium of the

Desaguadero valley and the neighboring expanses, periodically
inundated, where the permanent vegetation has produced a
heavy black soil. The so-called red soil of the western Altiplano
in most cases is probably not a soil at all but merely disintegrated
rock derived either from the sandstones or the andesitic lavas of
the Western Cordillera.
A remarkable example of rapid soil movement in the Yungas
has recently been described by Rusby (see footnote on page 94).
A field of bananas at Canamina has for years been observed to be
on the move down the steep slope of the valley side. A reliable
resident engineer stated that ten years ago the field was far up the
slope and at least 300 yards distant horizontally from its present
position. The patch of soil composing the field apparently moves
as a unit, since the growth of the plants has not been inter-


The ancestors of plants which go to make up the different
types of vegetation in the region have sprung from widely differ-
ent origins, amongst them the pre-Andean South America and
Antarctica formerly connected with America, while Central
America and also Western North America have contributed their
quotas. The building up of the flora of today does not concern
us in its detail; it has been reviewed in appropriate works. 1 But
we may note that of past events the two which have had the most
profound effect on the present composition of the flora are the
(late Tertiary) upheaval of the Andes and the Ice Age. The up-
heaval of the high Andes had the effect of producing a dry climate
in place of a relatively moist condition in the coastal zone and so
changed the earlier vegetation from a mesophytic to a xerophytic
or drought-supporting type. It thus put a stop to further immi-
gration of Antarctic species, on the one hand, and of moisture-
loving plants from the north, on the other. The onset of the first
Quaternary glaciation with its lower snow line caused the depres-
sion of the mountain flora which has left its traces well below its
present normal limits.
The most outstanding division of vegetation in the La Paz
sheet area is that between the forests of the northeast and the
much greater areas of scrub, grass, and other humble types of the
south and west. This is a distinction which has struck every
traveler; but it requires the discrimination of a practiced observer
to delimit the subdivisions of these major vegetations; and, while
the minor divisions are less striking, they are none the less illum-
inating, for they furnish in every case a sure index of local climat-
ic features; and, moreover, the zones of natural vegetation corre-
spond to the habitats of the various cultivated plants. In the
August Weberbauer, (103) and Karl Reiche, (102).


following description of the vegetation the climatic relationships
will be dealt with, and the economic plants will be mentioned,
while the special features of their cultivation are reserved for an-
other chapter.
In the sketch map of the natural vegetation (Fig. 24) nine
types are shown, four occurring mainly on the Pacific slope, two
entirely on the Atlantic slope, and three on the high cordilleras
and intermontane plateaus. Most of them are formations which
reach far north or south of our region with but little change.

Vegetation of the Lomas

The lomas, or hills of the coast, are characterized, as we have
seen, by a damp season in the southern winter, the moisture being
derived from the fog banks prevalent at that season. There is
then a typical "lomas vegetation" that lies dormant throughout
nine months, during which the lomas appear as a desert, but after

02 ESJ 3

Fig. 24 Distribution of Natural Vegetation: r, Lomas vegetation; 2, Stream-
bank oases; 3, Succulent zone; 4, Tola zone; 5, Puna; 6, Grass steppe; 7, Dwarf
vegetation (Antarctic type) ; 8, Ceja de la Montana (forest) ; 9, "Montana" (forest)

mid-winter puts on a thin veneer of verdure. This consists of a

rather open cover of herbaceous plants both annual and peren-
nial, including many bulbs and tubers as well as mosses and
lichens in thick clumps. The amount of vegetation varies from
year to year according to the quantity of moisture in the soil, so
that in some winters only the hill crests become green, while in
others the green mantle extends down to the landward foot of the
coastal ridges; and this variation is keenly observed by the
herdsmen of the valleys, who drive their flocks to the hills each
spring. The dividing line between vegetation and desert, how-
ever, is not always clean-cut. The line drawn on the map repre-
sents the widest extent of the lomas formation. One of the most
striking features of plant growth here is that, despite the proxim-
ity of the desert, the great majority of species possess no equip-
ment for retarding evaporation. not necessary, because
This is

of the small amount of sunshine in the "lomas season." This fea-

ture, naturally, is less marked on the sandy margins of the zone.
Along the occasional stream banks there is an evergreen zone of
bushes such as willow and acacia, climbing plants, and reeds.
That this vegetation made a very clear impression upon the
first Spanish inhabitants is evident from the following statement,

made in the sixteenth century. 2 "In these plains, between the

mountains (sierra) and the sea, there runs a cordillera that is
quite high, which the Spaniards call lomas, where the season of
dew, or gartia, produces much vegetation, with great freshness
and a great variety of flowers and roses of many colors and forms.
The Spaniards make use of these lomas in the season referred to
for their (horned) cattle, since there is then much very good pas-
ture; but when the dew fails, in eight days it is dry, without a
sign to indicate that there had been plants orand any flowers;
cattle which, because of greed or because of neglect on the part
of their owners, delay in getting out, perish of hunger and thirst."
The more or less continuous clouds of the winter months on
the Peruvian Lomas are replaced on the coast south of Arica by

2 Ramirez: Description del Reyno del Peril (1579), quoted in "Juicio de Limites,"
Vol. 1, p. 286.
fogs (camanchaca) which lie on the hills and cliffs only by night

and in early morning. Moreover, they are best developed in au-

tumn and early winter. It follows that the Lomas vegetation is

much less typical of this coast being found well developed only
in the shady gullies; elsewhere cacti and similar water-holding
plants form the bulk of the vegetation. In other words the desert
approaches more nearly to the coast here.

The Desert
The deserts of this part of the Pacific coast lands, while not so
completely devoid of life as parts of the Sahara, are yet suffi-

ciently barren to merit the name in all but a few weeks of the
moister years, when a number of humble flowering annuals
spring up; while in the parts which are either very sandy or
very salt almost the only plants are the Distichlis grasses which
are furnished with long, creeping rhizomes and in places succeed
in binding the sand. The southern part of the desert zone de-
rives its name Pampa
Tamarugal from the tree (Pro-
sopis tamarugo), a small prickly mimosa, of which there were
formerly large numbers to the east of the salars bordering the
nitrate fields. These trees and the Distichlis grass, which here
grows in large tufts of over one meter in height, derive their
moisture mainly from the ground water which is the special
feature of this pampa. The great quantity which exists of dead
tamarugal stumps have been mentioned as evidence of a drying
climate. The living trees, as well as the stumps, are used for
charcoal making in the nitrate fields, so that the species is being
gradually exterminated from the region.
The few river valleys are the oases in the desert. Their natural
vegetation includes trees the chanar (Gourleia decorticans) , the
molle or pepper (Schinus molle), and a willow {Salix Humboldt-
iana) as well number of shrubs. Some of the latter
as a
Camarones valley, where bushes have
attain large size as in the
been reported four meters high and ten in diameter. But the
natural vegetation in these strips has been largely replaced by
irrigation agriculture.


The and Lomas zones apparently include only one na-

tive plant of great economic importance, the chanar tree whose

brown and globular is eaten by man and beast, while it
also forms the basis of a sirupy beverage. Parts of some of the
bulbous plants were also used as food in former times. But since
the Spanish Conquest and even before it a great variety of prod-
ucts introduced from other zones or from Europe have been
successfully cultivated by irrigation. Thus the hot, dry climate
has proved admirable for the raising of every sort of fruit and
vegetable from the Mediterranean countriessuch as olive, fig,
pomegranate, mulberry, quince, cherry, melon, citrus fruits, and
the grape vine, from which several excellent wines are made; in a
few spots are found rice and sugar cane, which supplies alcohol as
well as sugar; wheat and barley are the chief grain crops, but

there is also much maize introduced before the Spanish period
and, lastly, large quantities of alfalfa (lucerne) and honey grass
(pasto de miel) are raised for fodder and exported.

Vegetation of the Western Cordillera

On the Pacific slope of the Cordillera reliable botanists have
determined the vegetation zones about latitudes 16 30' and 19 ,

and the altitudinal limits for the two sections agree well but for;

the area between, such information as exists places the limits of

the zones from 1,000 to 2,000 meters lower a result which clearly
requires further investigation.In drawing the vegetation map,
therefore, the intermediate data have been neglected pending
further inquiry. Assuming, then, that the two sets of observa-
tions above mentioned are typical of the entire slope, the zones
are approximately as follows:
(A) the Succulent Zone:
From 1,900 meters (in the south)and 2,200 meters (in the north)
to 3,600 meters (in the south) and 3,400 meters (in the north).
Thisis a zone which receives rain in the late summer (January to

March) but which is subject to intense evaporation throughout

the other nine months. The vegetation is therefore adapted to
resist drought, and succulents enter largely into its composition.
(B) the Tola Zone:
From 3,400 meters (3,600 meters in the south) to about 4,200
This zone issomewhat moister than the Succulent Zone and is
also colder. by the tola bush, grasses, and, at
It is characterized
least in the north, by small succulents.
Let us examine these two zones in greater detail. In the Suc-
culent Zone the candelabrum cactus (Cereus candelaris) is typical
of the lower slopes, while higher up are several kinds of pillar
cactus which reach their greatest stature at about 3,000 meters,
where in the south they are in places so close together as to form
almost impenetrable forest. The cacti carry an epiphyte, Tilland-
sia virescens, and are associated with many smaller succulents.
Throughout the zone there are many shrubs, all betraying their
xerophytic character by their small leathery leaves or otherwise.
In the north there are wide sandy stretches without large cacti,
the shrubs being mixed with a small creeping Opuntia whose
branches are made up of egg-shaped segments that easily break
away and leave their spines in the skin of intruding travelers.
The stream beds, both permanent and intermittent, in this zone
have their own more luxuriant vegetation, including a thorny
acacia tree.
The only feature of the natural vegetation here which is of
direct importance to man is the edible fruits of the Cereus species.
They are large juicy berries known as guillaves and copaos.
Nevertheless the densest population of the Pacific slope lives in
the clearings of this zone. The agricultural activities and crops
are similar to those described in the desert oasis below, and the
situation of the settlements has been determined, as mentioned
elsewhere, by water and soil conditions.
Tola is a name applied not to any one species, but to various
bushy plants which have a certain habit. Such shrubs constitute
the major portion of the vegetation in the Tola Zone. The charac-
teristics of the tola bushes are their dark evergreen color, squar-
rous habit of growth, resinous wood, and strong characteristic
odor (see Fig. 25). Their maximum height is about one meter
Fig. 25 Yareta (center), tola (foreground) and ichu grass (background), a
typical plant association of the Puna and Puna Brava zones. The first two are
used for fuel; the last named is the leading fodder plant of the Central Andes.

Fig. 26 A stack of yareta ready for burning. This resinous plant forms one of
the main sources of fuel in the Central Andes. The structure of the plant is revealed
in the broken surfaces closely packed radial twigs terminating \n the smooth
upper surface.


and a half. In the north the commonest species is Lepidophyllum

quadrangulare, and in the south Baccharis tola. Associated with
these are a number of other shrubs all belonging to the Composi-
tae, and all with similar habit and xerophytic characteristics, as
welt as several grasses, including the handsome yellow-green
pampas grass, and, in the north, a pillow cactus (Opuntia).
The tola formation is monotonous to the eye, and the only
change in its appearance summer and winter
is due to the masses

of golden flowers of the tolaand the scarlet blossom of the Opun-

tia in the dry season. The grasses on the other hand flower in the
wet season. There are of course variations in special situations
in shady spots ferns, in stream beds larger shrubs, and in damp
places a closed turf of low plants. Furthermore, in the high
valleys between the peaks of the Cordillera there are well-defined
grassy swards, which begin in the tola belt and extend beyond it

(ca. 3,500 m. 4,500 m.). This carpet consists of low grasses with
other plants such as gentian and astrogallus interspersed.
The tola scrub is of great importance as fuel (see Fig. 35). It
contains so much resin in wood and
leaf that it will burn even
while wet. Although the population is less dense in this zone
than in the succulent belt below, there are numerous villages
mainly engaged in agriculture. Some of the crops of the lower
zone, such as beans and barley, are still cultivated here; the upper
limit of wheat, however, is at
about 3,700 meters. But in general
the products of the Tola Zone are more similar to those of the

Puna above it potato, oca, and quinoa. The grass pastures of
the high valleys are far-famed and lead to the keeping of large
flocks by the inhabitants of the zone.

Vegetation of the Puna

In Figure 24 almost the entire area between the crest of the
Cordillera Occidentaland the brink of the slope overlooking the
Amazonian plains is shown simply as "Puna." This does not
mean that the natural vegetation
is uniform throughout, but

simply that the data are insufficient for the plotting of sub-
divisions. But in a general way it is possible to indicate dif-
ferences which, though affecting but little the general drab ap-
pearance of the Puna, are yet of importance as indexes to the
utility of the land.
In the first place the climatic distinction recognized locally
between Puna and Puna Brava is reflected in the plant cover.
The altitude of the dividing line is not uniform, being sometimes
below and sometimes well above 4,000 meters. In the upper,
or Brava, zone the typical plants are the yareta, or llareta, bush
and the ichu grass (see Figs. 25 and 27) with an occasional group
of quenua trees. In the lower zone the ichu again is characteris-
tic, but with it are the tola and several small succulents. In each
of the zones there are other formations occupying special situa-
tions. It is commonly assumed that ichu grass is everywhere
Stipa ichu (Jarava) and that yareta is Laretia compacta. It is as
well, however, not to accept but to apply the names to two

types of plant each of very definite habit and each of great eco-

nomic importance the first as fodder, the second as fuel (see
Fig. 26). Ichu everywhere grows in hummocks or bunchy cones
about half a meter high. The coarser upper blades form the chief
food of the llama while the more delicate parts in the tuft are
eaten by sheep. Yareta bushes seen from a distance resemble
hummocks of close-packed moss;
boulders; a closer view recalls
but the uprooted plant reveals its true structure a resinous
woody stem with innumerable twigs branching as from the center
of a globe and carrying leaves, buds, and flowers near their end.
The habit of yareta is typical of a large number of plants in the
Puna. They are adapted to resist the rigors of the climate. For
the most part cushion-shaped or formed in rosettes, they crouch
on the ground, their outer armor of close-packed leaves acting as
a protection against wind. Buds are sheltered from hail by being
embedded in the "armor;" likewise the small flowers, of which
many open only in sunshine. After snow or rain the plant is like

a sponge, retaining the moisture in face of the strong daily evapor-

ation and absorbing it by the leaves. 3 Even the large shrubs which
occupy stream margins, etc., are gnarled and twisted as is the
August Weberbauer, op. cit., p. 201.

tree of the Puna, the quenua. Moreover the small leaves of the
latter are leathery
above and silky underneath a sure sign that
it keeps as much as it can of the available moisture. The quenua,

which occurs singly or in groups, provides the only native timber

and consequently is mainly found far from the haunts of man.
Various reports seem to indicate that considerable woods of this
species are still to be found in the neighborhood of Sajama.
The Puna changes little summer and
natural vegetation of the
winter. From January to March with the rains the cover becomes
more close, and the grasses lose their brown burnt appearance to
some extent. But there is no such contrast as appears in the lomas
of the coast. Tola scrub seems to nourish chiefly in the valleys of
the plateau and along the eastern piedmont. In the high plateaus
of the southeast it would seem to be entirely replaced by ichu and
yareta and similar bushes. Otherwise when an ecological survey
of the Altiplano has been made the distribution of the various
types will probably be found to depend largely upon soil, the

many saline areas having a special vegetation perhaps including
yareta, the very sandy places another, and the swampy non-saline
zones a third. The lower and damper parts are known to have a
richer blend of grasses, forming good cattle pasture.
North of a line drawn from about Viacha round the southern
and western sides of Titicaca there is quite a striking change, due
presumably to less rigorous temperature extremes and increased
rainfall. This area has been described as grass steppe composed

of a variety of grasses growing both in hummocks and as an even

carpet mixed with trefoil, geranium, gentian, verbena, etc., and
dotted with a variety of shrubs and an occasional culli a small
tree (Buddleia coriacea) resembling the wild olive in appearance.
The reed beds of Titicaca and Poopo require special mention.
Many square miles in the bays and around the outlets are covered
with these. The reed called totora by the Indians is mainly
Scirpus riparius. It not only serves as cover for the innumer-
able water birds, but it furnishes the Indians with most of the
material for their rafts (balsas) and sails, as well as being useful
for many household purposes.
The chief fuel and fodder plants of the Puna have been men-
tioned. It remains to allude to the cultivated species. Amongst
the native plants are the several potatoes, the oca (Oxalis tu-
berosa),and the grain-giving quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa). All
these are cultivated with success right up to the snow line, and
they form the main food staples of the Indian population. The
quinoa when in bloom decks the country round Lake Titicaca

and elsewhere with the tricolor of Bolivia the green foliage
capped by the red and yellow flowers. The introduced plants
include barley and the haba bean ( Vicia faba) both of which are

grown widely in the Puna but not in the Puna Brava.

The only relief to the treeless aspect of the Puna is in the plan-
tations about the haciendas
mostly of eucalyptus, a quick-
growing tree that can stand light frost. But these are few and far
between. The Bolivian government, however, anxious to foster
tree planting, passed a law in 191 8 providing for an annual bonus
to be paid to every owner on the plateau one thousand trees
at least two meters in height, the amount of the bonus being
1,000 bolivianos except in the case of land on the shores of Titi-
caca where it was to be 500 bolivianos. This difference is an indi-
cation of the greater effort required to raise trees on the plateau
itself as compared with the lake shores.

Vegetation of the Eastern Cordillera

The highest summits in both Cordilleras rise above the typical
Puna vegetation. On these the vicinity of the snow fields and
glaciers is sparsely clothed by patches of dwarf plants growing in
close mats. The species which compose them have been derived
from the Antarctic regions; and these isolated areas of high
mountain vegetation are the most northerly outliers of the south
domain must have contracted gradually and
polar flora, whose
considerably since the last glaciation.
The higher temperatures which prevail in the deep valleys of
theLa Paz and Luribay Rivers accounts for a somewhat different
vegetation from that of the plateau to the west. This area has
been shown on the map as similar in character to the lower slopes
luxuriance and
Fig. 28 Cactus vegetation at Obrajes in the La Paz valley. Its
valley as com-
character bear witness to the relative warmth and dryness of this
pared with the Altiplano, 600 meters above it. u*l


of the Western Cordillera because of the prevalence of succulent

plants in both (see Fig. 28). But the vegetation resembles also
in some respects the grass steppe of the higher eastern slopes of
the Cordillera Real. The latter type has been shown in the upper
valley of the Rio Caine below Cochabamba; but this valley is
now almost entirely under cultivation. It is probable that other

deep valleys in the southeastern part of the sheet area should be

classed separately from the Puna, for their aspect in places is that
of an open woodland of feathery algaroba trees (Prosopis) with
willows on the stream banks and wide stretches of rich green grass.
On the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Real and its foothills
there are three distinct vegetation types: the grass steppe or
meadows at the top, the dense "eyebrow" of the forest (Ceja de
la Montana) which cloaks most of the steep ridges and valleys,
and the Montana forest of the lowest slopes and flat valley bot-
toms. The existence of these three zones is well established, but
it is as yet impossible to place with precision their upper and lower

limits in this area. The high meadows and the Ceja de la Montana
are both in the belt of clouds, and the line separating them is

almost certainly determined by temperature conditions. It is the

cold tree line,and it seems to vary according to configuration be-
tween 3,500 and 3,000 meters. The division of Ceja and Montana
proper is less noticeable, the two types merging into one another
at about 1,200 meters altitude.
The form of the Cordillera is such that the flat-topped spurs
and remnants of plateaus, described above as the relics of an old
surface of erosion, fall mostly above the tree line and it is upon

these that the meadows are best developed. And we have seen,
further, that this is probably the area of the most mature soils
fact which may conceivably have something to do with the posi-
tion of the tree limit. Grass forms the typical cover, knee-deep
and but there are also many shrubs which are derived from
the forest below. Shrubs which, when first identified in the de-
scent, are dwarfed and squarrous with small leaves, are found
lower down to become larger while their leaves increase in size,
4 Cf. pp. 86 and 87.
and finally after forming isolated clumps of trees they may be
recognized as full-grown members of the Ceja forest. According
to topography the transition from meadow to forest may be
gradual or abrupt. North of Cochabamba there are parts of the
Cordillera where sheer rock faces of great height separate the high
meadows from dense luxuriant forest.
The "eyebrow" of the forest is presumably so named from the
density of its undergrowth and for its position above the main
forest (see Figs. 29 and 37). Throughout its whole breadth
the zone is penetrable with difficulty, save along stream courses
and where paths are kept clear by constant use. This density
is the direct result of the daily moisture bath which the mountain

slopes receive in the form of mist. The effect of rainfall is thus

greatly enhanced, for not only is the soil kept constantly moist by
the reduced evaporation, but many of the plants are able to ex-
tract moisture from the air. The daily mists which act as a screen
to the sun's rays also lower considerably the air temperature in
the forest. The character of this jungle varies somewhat with the
situation. Where it is exposed to wind, or where soil is thin, the
tree forest is reduced to bush and on the sharp spurs to scrub.

It is nowhere a forest of giants like those of the flat valleys and

plains below; but for the most part it is composed of trees of
great variety, from broad-leafed species to tree ferns. The upper
branches spread to form flattened crowns and are often bound to-
gether by an intricate network of lianes, so that paths cut in the
forest have the aspect of tunnels, which are frequently floored
with slippery mud. Many of the trees have bright flowers, but
these are seen by man chiefly in places where the trees give place
to the lower bush. Orchids, tillandsia, and other epiphytes as
well as mosses are crowded on the branches, and near the ground
is a dense tangle of roots, rotting trunks and branches, and huge
soft cushions of mosses
especially sphagnum and lichen. The
increasing temperature is marked by changes in the composition
of the forest towards the lower levels, the most obvious of which
isthe presence of palms and high cecropias below an altitude of
about 2,700 meters.
Fig. 29 IUimani from the Yungas. The steep eastern face of the mountain
with its permanent snow overlooks deeply dissected valleys clothed in the dense
"eyebrow of the forest" (Ceja de la Montana). Cloud hangs almost constantly
these moist upper slopes.

One groups of plants most typical of the Ceja forest is

of the
that of the cinchonas whose bark is the source of quinine. Of
these there are some thirty species and they are found through-
out nearly the whole altitudinal range of the forest, but best de-
veloped about the middle of the zone. Like other plants of the
Ceja the cinchonas form large trees in the situation best suited
to their requirements, and decrease in size and luxuriance up-
wards and downwards to their limits which are about 3,000 and
750 meters respectively. The lower part of the Ceja forest is
also the home of the coca shrub (Erythroxylon coca), and this
native plant, from whose leaf cocaine is derived, has been iso-
lated and cultivated for many centuries by the natives. Large
areas of the forested slopes have been cleared and terraced to
form coca fields, but since the Spanish Conquest the ground is

shared by coffee, maize, and subtropical fruits.

The Montana forest lies below the cloud belt and derives its
moisture entirely from rain or ground water. The lower valleys
are largely filled with detrital material; and soil and water as
well as temperature conditions combine to support much higher
trees than on the mountain slopes. The great valley forests of
the foothills, then, belong to the type known as tropical rain
forest. Its leading features are the high tree trunks often but-
tressed at the base, the dense panoply formed by the crowns,
and as a consequence of this the darkness below and the resulting
thinness of undergrowth. This is the outstanding vegetation
of the foothillsand plains beyond. But there are areas, which
still remain to be accurately located and explained, where a

much more xerophilous vegetation is found. This includes both

the savanas and grass steppes which are the main cattle-raising
sections of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. But they lie
beyond the limits of the La Paz sheet.
Recent observations of Rusby on the flora of certain relatively dry valleys of
the Eastern Cordillera (cf. foot of page 94) disclose a xerophytic vegetation includ-

ing cacti and various shrubs. Even near Cafiamina (1550 m.) there are cacti up to

55 feet high and the forest is largely composed of Mimosaceous trees. Thus,
topography greatly complicates the altitudinal zoning of vegetation described


If it were possible to take a census of individuals of the ani-

mal kingdom apart from man in the area of the La Paz sheet and
compare the total with that of a world average for similar areas,
the La Paz total would probably be far above the average. This
is because life is peculiarly abundant in two parts of the area

along the coast both in the water and near it and in the forests
of the northeast. The reasons for the abundance of marine
forms in the cool coastal waters and consequently of those
which prey upon them, have been stated in Chapter IV; and it
is because the forests are upon the slopes of the Andes that

animals are so numerous there, the varied altitudinal assort-

ment of climatic and vegetation conditions leading not only
to a great multiplicity of species but also to remarkable fecundity
in reproduction. The truth of this statement is perhaps not
very obvious to the casual observer, for the chief evidence of
the teeming life of the sea is the great flocks of birds about its
margin; and again, in the recesses of the forest, while birds and
insects are relatively visible, the mammals are but rarely seen
by man. In the great intervening region of puna, mountain, and
desert, on the other hand, concealment is more difficult, and
such is the monotony of the landscape that every living creature
picked out makes a distinct impression upon the traveler.
The same causes which have determined the main division
of the vegetation at the eastern crest of the Andes account for
an equally important frontier between the two great faunal
regions. It is due to its high Andean fringe that the continent

of South America the so-called Neo-Tropical Region of zo-

ologists is not subdivided by a parallel of latitude but by a

diagonal line which leaves the Pacific near the equator and
reaches the Atlantic in latitude 30 S. All but the forested sec-

tion of our area lies to the southwest of this faunal division and
in the "Patagonian" or "Chilean" subregion. Just as the features
of climate and flora of the far south are carried northward along
the western fringe of the continent nearly to the equator by the
height of the Andes and the presence of a cold ocean current, so
also with the fauna. In the Puna and coastal belts secular dis-
tribution has operated in the most recent geological periods from
south to north in the forest belt it has worked at least in part

from north to south. In the Puna, climate and vegetation

similar to those of the Patagonian pampas have led northward
to our region and beyond it the American camels, rodents, and
many birds and lower forms of life. Waters of like temperature
to those of the Antarctic have induced the crustaceans, fishes,
whales, seals, as well as penguins and other birds characteristic
of high latitudes, to extend their range along the entire coasts
of Chile and Peru; while, on the other hand, birds and probably
other animals also originally located in the extreme north of
South America have slowly spread southward along the slopes
of the Andes, the various species often following a narrow strip
of definite altitude in which alone they find their particular
requirements of environment. An interesting exception to the
northward spread of the animals inhabiting the higher parts
of the Central Andes is the small spectacled bear the only
bear of South America which is evidently an intruder from
the northern continent, but now he barely reaches to within
3,000 miles of his nearest relative of the bear tribe in northern
Mexico. Thereality of the faunal barrier of the Eastern Cor-
dillera maybe illustrated by the range of the flamingo, which
breeds in the Puna, and by that of the condor and other birds of
prey which haunt the mountains and avoid the forest. These
birds habitually descend to the Pacific coast in search of food but
do not seek low altitudes east of the Andes. The La Paz sheet
then, provides a cross section of several life by which
plants and animals ever since the uplift of the mountains have
spread north and south and only in the most minor degree east
and west. Furthermore, these parallel zones are corridors not
merely in relation to the secular spread of life but also in regard to
the seasonal rhythm which influences many creatures. Thus the
birds of strong flight, such as the golden plover, which nest in
Labrador and thereafter make for equivalent latitudes in the
southern hemisphere use the Puna, with its cool air and its lake

feeding grounds, as an avenue on their return flight. This fact is

especially striking in that the southward migration is made by
the way of the Atlantic seaboard.
An attempt to explain the abundant representation of some
orders of animals and the paucity of others in the region would
lead us into the geological history of South America a field upon
which we cannot enter here. But it is our purpose to indicate the
more important effects of local environment in determining these
features as well as in accounting for certain peculiarities of form
or of habit. So far as the writer knows, there has been no system-
atic zoological study of this area as a whole. Orbigny, Castel-
nau, Crequi-Montfort, and other explorers have made notes and
collections along certain limited routes, while several collections
have been made by the American Museum of Natural History in
different parts of this and neighboring districts. The data are
insufficient to but a few species,
determine the distribution of all

and nothing has been written regarding the animal ecology in

the area. It will be evident that the region and especially the
eastern forests offer a wonderful field for future study of the
animal associations and of their interdependence. We must,
therefore, be satisfied with the scattered observations of explorers
and utilize notes regarding life habits derived from analogous
Life on the Coast
Very complete faunal studies have been made by R. E. Coken
H. O. Forbes, and R. C. Murphy of the Peruvian coast down to
the western limit of the sheet, special interest having been
aroused here by the high economic importance of the guano-
producing birds. 1 Little guano in commercial quantities remains
1 Robert Cushman Murphy, (104). The papers by Coker, Forbes, and others are
referred to in this.


on the shores of our area because there are no islands where the
birds can remain undisturbed, but the general life conditions are
very similar, and observations made farther north may be taken
as applicable here.
The cool, up-welling water of the coast carries unicellular algae
and other humble plants in vast quantities. Upon these feed
innumerable microscopic animals which in turn provide suste-
nance for the Crustacea, the fishes, and the whales. Seals, sea
and sea birds in enormous numbers spend gluttonous lives

in consuming the fish which they need never go far to seek. The
birds, mostly gregarious, nest on the sea cliffs and preferably
on islands where such exist and when left undisturbed will rapidly
accumulate guano about their nests. The guano preserved by

the dryness of the climate attracts man; the eggs and the birds
themselves attract a host of birds of prey. Quantities of sea birds
are killed in this way, and even the noble condor of the cordillera
has been revealed as a systematic egg sucker. Such is the chain of
life on the coastal fringe of the region.

So far 163 species of marine fish have been recorded from these
coastal waters, 2 and there are doubtless many more which have
not yet been described. The ecological grouping of fishes shows
aggregations adapted to all types of habitat that exist along the
coast. They include types which live in rocky pools, others which
are adapted to the deeper rocky floor, and the flat fishes which
love the shallow, sandy stretches. Then there are the fish which
occur in immense schools and feed upon the plankton; the her-
rings, or sardinas, of which there are three species, and the
anchovies predominate amongst these. These schools are at-
tacked by larger predaceous fishes such as the mackerel and
bonito. On the shore itself and in shallow bays there are quanti-
ties of large crabs and lobsters as well as scallops, oysters, whelks,
and snails. The great bulk of the coastal fishes, although far
north of the tropic, belong to temperate or sub-tropical types akin
to those either of the California region or of the Mediterranean.

2 Robert Cushman Murphy, op. oil..

Vol. o, p. 58; also John Treadwell Nichols
and Robert Cushman Murphy, (105).
But the warmer water to seaward of the Humboldt Current har-
bors tropical species such as sharks, rays, and flying fish; and
some of these make inroads on the cooler waters in search of
food. The schooling fishes and especially the anchovetas form the
main food of the gregarious guano-producing birds as well as of
the sea lions (lobos) and seals.
To give some idea of the abundance of life we may quote two
passages. In the first, Murphy, describing the schools
of ancho-
vetas, says: "During the afternoon of February 2nd, 1920, . . .

I estimated that a hundred schools of anchovetas were within

sight. At times when the bonitos attacked them from beneath,

large areas of the surface would be so broken by the leaping of
the little fishes that the ocean hissed as though a deluge of rain
were descending upon it. The most remarkable sight of all was
the manner in which whole herds of lobos were lolling and
frolicing among the anchovetas, gorging themselves to the limit
of their capacity. .Their [the fishes'] appearance from
. .

above is amazing, for the quivering, silvery creatures seem to be

packed together like sardines in a tin except that their heads all
point in one direction." 3
Again, Frank M. Chapman, referring to the bird life, describes
a scene on the northern Peruvian coast in November, 19 18:
"Seaward, like aerial serpents, sinuous lines crawled through
the air in repeated curves which lost themselves in the distance,
or processions streaked the sky or water in rapidly-passing, end-
less files, flowing steadily by,hour after hour, during the entire
day without ceasing, and with but slight breaks in the line. . . .

The cormorants fished from the surface where they were evi-
dently surrounded by a sea of the small fry, which, with much
plunging and diving, they gobbled voraciously, until, their
storage capacity reached, they rested in great black rafts on the
water, waiting for the processes of digestion to give both excuse
and space for further gorging. The boobies [gannets] fished from
the air, plunging headlong and with great force from an average
height of fifty feet into the water almost directly. It was a cur-
3 Robert Cushman Murphy, op. cit.. Vol. 9, p. 65.

tain of darts, a barrage of birds. The water below became a

mass of foam from which, if one watched closely, hundreds of
dark forms took wing at a low angle to return to the animated
throng above, and dive again; or, their hunger satisfied, they
filed away with thousands of others, to some distant resting

place. . But the most amazing phenomenon in all this

. .

amazing scene was the action of flocks of boobies of five hundred

to a thousand birds, which, in more or less compact formation,
were hurrying to join one of the booby squalls which darkened
the air over the fishing grounds. If, unexpectedly, they chanced
to fly over a school of and as one individual, every
fish, instantly,

booby in the flock plunged downward and in a twinkling the air

which had been filled with rapidly flying birds was left without
a feather." 4
The fishing birds which exist in our region in the greatest
numbers are the guanay, or guano bird, a white-breasted cormo-
rant; the alcatraz, a pelican; and the piquero ("lancer"), which is a
gannet or booby. But there are many others which like these
nest on the islands and feed in the water; for instance the skuas,
the kelp gulls, penguins, and a diving petrel all represent emi-
grants from far southern latitudes. Moreover, there are numer-
ous small waders which derive their food from the shore line,
as do some of the lizards, and an otter, normally a fresh-water
animal, has been tempted to a maritime life by the prodigality
of the fish supply.
The fauna of the desert pampas of the coast lands I believe
has not been described. It seems clear, however, that it is
restricted mainly to the neighborhood of the valleys. Insects
are numerous, as are the lizards which prey upon them. Snails
are very numerous near the coast. A wild dog is frequently men-
tioned, while an otter haunts the more permanent streams. Of
the birds we have
little information; but burrowing owls and

the "desert bird" (Geositta) are characteristic, and vultures are

constantly on the lookout for game or carrion. On the upper
fringe of the desert brilliant humming birds hovering over the
4 Frank Michler Chapman, Bird-Lore, Vol. 21, 1919, pp. 89-90.
scarlet cactus flowers form a distinct color note in the landscape.
Colibris and thrush-like birds are reported as common on the
Pacific slope, and they play an important part in the fertilization
of plants and in the distribution of the seeds of those whose fruit
they eat.

Life of the Western Cordillera and Puna

As has been indicated the high Andes have a fauna all their
own; mammals, birds, fishes, and other vertebrates, and probably
lower animals as well are quite distinct. We have but to re-
member the clear atmosphere and the absence of close vegetation
to realize that the weaker animals, in order to continue to exist,
must be provided with some defense against their far-seeing ene-
mies. This defense is either great speed, as in the vicuna and
chinchilla, or in protective coloring, as in the majority of the
Puna birds; while the habit of some animals, such as the viscacha,
of spending the day in a burrow and feeding by night is doubt-
less in part protective. The cold climate is met in the case of
the mammals by the provision of peculiarly thick wool or fur.
Birds of prey are numerous, beasts of prey less so; and save for
the waterfowl and swamp birds the great majority of the fauna
is vegetable-eating
even many of the lizards. All of these
animals have become completely adjusted to life at high alti-
tudes, and most of them do not descend far below the typical
Puna region. This may be due in part to the change in food con-
ditions lower down, but in the main the temperature and pres-
sure are the determinants of their range. Thus the domesti-
cated llama, when driven down to the coast or into the Yungas,
actually suffers and can only be kept at low altitudes for a
short time.
By far the most striking mammals of the Puna are the huanaco
and the vicuna. These are the American representatives of the
Camelidae, which they resemble somewhat in aspect. More
common than these and therefore much more often referred to
are the llama and alpaca. Zoologists, however, do not admit
that they belong to the natural fauna, believing either that the


llama is derived from the huanaco and the paca or alpaca from
the vicuna or that each is derived from the crossing of the two
native animals. It is clear that there is much variation in in-
dividual llamas and alpacas, and it is further evident that domes-
tication of both by the Ay mar a. Indians is of very ancient date,
so that there seems no reason to doubt that this is so. The alti-
tudinal limits of the two wild species in this region are usually
given as about 2,500 meters and 5,000 meters, or practically up
to the snow line. The huanaco is here at about its northern
limit and is no longer common. The region is near the southern
limit of the vicuna, on the other hand, but this animal is still
common in the area. Both species are gregarious; but the
huanaco, where common to the south of our area, moves in
large herds
up to 500 while the vicuna groups are small
20 to 30. The young are born in February, when the tempera-
ture and rainfall are high and the pasture at its best. The vicuna
is smaller and of lighter build than the huanaco. All this llama
tribe resemble each other in aspect, having a look of the sheep
as well as of the camel. The wild species are brown in color,
but the llama and alpaca may be brown, white, gray, mottled,
or even black. The coats of the vicuna and alpaca are of long,
thick, silky wool which is of great value.
The rodents are represented by a number of mice; but the
best known are the larger chinchilla, viscacha, and cavy. The
chinchilla, of which the "blue" variety inhabits our area, is a
squirrel-like animal which lives in burrows or crevices in the
rocky parts of the Altiplano and in the two cordilleras up to
about 5,000 meters. The fur is close, silky, and valuable, so
that the animal, hunted systematically by the Indians, is fast
becoming extinct. The viscacha, which is larger and of heavier
build than the chinchilla, has a less valuable fur, but it is also
much sought after. It is susceptible of domestication, and some
attempts are being made to cross it with the chinchilla. The
hunting of both species is carried on by the use of ferrets to
drive them from their burrows. No fate of extermination awaits
the third of the rodents the Bolivian cavy, its extreme fecun-
dity being sufficient defense against this. It lives in the more
deserted parts of the Altiplano and mountains where there is

enough soil to support its warrens. The smaller domesticated

variety of the cavy is the well known "guinea pig" which is kept
or rather exists in numbers in and about every Indian dwel-
ling and serves as a food for the natives. Other mammals of the
Puna include the spectacled bear; the puma, and the wild dog;
all ofwhich are found in small numbers up to the snow line.
The natural fauna of the Puna is much less obvious to the
traveler than is the domestic, of which more will be said in another
place. But the bird life is plentiful. As has been indicated,
similar environment has led to the development of an avifauna
derived from lower altitudes in the southern part of the conti-
nent; and the requirements of southern birds of plain, marsh,
and lake are fully met on the Puna. Thus we find southern
geese, ducks, grebes and coots, divers, cormorants and gulls in
enormous quantities on lakes Poop6 and Titicaca as well as on
the numerous mountain tarns; while great numbers of plover,
and herons inhabit the plateau
snipe, avocets, curlews, ibises,
and swamps. Amongst the small birds the pipits
especially the
are especially plentiful. The waterfowl are of varied hue and
habit. They have admirable feeding grounds and nesting
places amid the wide reed beds around the margins of the lakes,
and they are practically unmolested, for the natives do not
trouble to hunt or trap them to any extent. Only the grebes
appear to suffer much at their hands. These they hunt by
night, dazzling them with torches and so taking them from the
water alive. The most brilliantly colored bird of the Puna is
probably the Andean flamingo {Phoenicopterus chilensis), a bird
whose breeding grounds have never been discovered. Some of
these localities, however, are said to be known to the Indians,
who are reported to find their eggs a delicacy and are probably
thus causing great inroads upon this beautiful species. The
muddy margins of small lakes almost certainly form the nesting
grounds of this bird. Such places are numerous all along the
Cordillera Occidental; and it may be noted that in the La Paz

sheet the name Parinacota, which is the Indian word for flamingo,
occurs twice designating a 40 kilometers west of Sajama
near to several lakes, and a lake lying to the southwest of Isluga
and on the 69th meridian. It is difficult to understand why the
flamingo, in such an environment and virtually defenseless,
should be endowed by nature with such a gaudy coat. The
majority of the plovers, snipes, and pipits, i. e. the birds of the
plateaus other than waterfowl, are dun-colored and blend admira-
bly with the background of ichu grass and earth. The snipe
family provides an interesting example of the effect upon form
of a puna or tundra environment. Separate genera are found
which have entirely lost the characteristic long bill, necessary
for probing the wet mud in search of worms and grubs; and,
while one of these has developed the general appearance of the
ptarmigan, another has taken on the aspect of a large lark.
The condor with his huge wing stretch, the smaller turkey
vulture, as well as other birds of prey and carrion feeders are a
prominent feature of the mountain landscape. The powerful
vision of these birds is remarkable, and the death of any ani-
mal is quickly followed by their arrival on the scene. The con-
dor's eggs are laid at the end of February and are not hatched
for some six weeks. It will, therefore, be noted that, as in the
case of the vicuna, the in the late summer.
young begin life

The have been studied notably by Agas-

fishes of the plateau
siz 6 and more recently and completely by Neveu-Lemaire, 6
Eigenmann, 7 and Evermann and Radcliffe. 8 They are interest-
ing chiefly from the fact that they have evidently reached their
present isolated habitat when the waters of the Altiplano were
still tributary to the Amazon basin. The fish comprise but two
genera. Of one of these there are two species, but of the other
{Orestias) there are nine species or varieties; and Neveu-Lemaire
states that this relatively large number of species in one genus
may perhaps be explained by adaptation to life at high altitudes
Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman, (92), also Alexander Agassiz, (93).
8 M. Neveu-Lemaire, (95).
7 Carl H. Eigenmann, (108).
8 Barton Warren Evermann and Lewis Radcliffe, (109).
so recent that the forms are still in course of evolution and dif-
ferentiation. The same author number of mollusks
describes a
as well as two frogs, one of which was observed by Agassiz to
make a practice of sitting amongst the water plants at the bot-
tom of the lake for hours on end.

Life on the Atlantic Slope

The difficulty of access to the forested slopes of the eastern
Andes accounts for the paucity of accurate information re-
garding the fauna of this section. But three facts stand out
clearly: it is extremely rich both in kind and quantity; it is

entirely different from thatPuna; and, like the vegetation,

of the
it occurs in zones. The mammals seem to be more abundant on

the lower slopes and valleys than higher up; but this charac-
teristic is probably much less marked in the birds and insects.
These are often quite restricted in altitudinal range, and when
the subject has been closely studied we shall undoubtedly find
a close relationship between the temperature zones on the one
hand and the ranges of special plants and of the animals de-
pendent upon them on the other. The birds, while they include

many which have brilliant plumage as in other forested parts
of South America, are probably in the main inconspicuous.
The brightly colored birds, however, are better known because
more easily observed and collected. The majority have short
wing feathers, indicating that they are not strong fliers. These
birds in fact spend their lives in a small locality, and their
flights are little more than jumps from tree to tree.
The greater part of the forests falling within our area is of
subtropical type the dense, tangled, wet growth of great
luxuriance, described in the previous chapter as the Ceja de la
Montana, which extends from eastern Bolivia northward to
central Colombia,where its fauna has been studied by Chapman,
whose work 9 on bird distribution of that country is a model.
The life throughout the entire zone is believed to be exceptionally
uniform, but at present the extent to which it varies with lati-
8 Frank Michler Chapman, (106).

tude cannot be determined. Chapman states that its fauna has

been derived in the main from the tropical zone below it the
specialization having begun presumably with the elevation of
the Andes or perhaps re-started after the Ice Age. The species
of the subtropical forest, then, mostly have their more ancestral
relatives below them in the tropical forest; but some, as Chapman
shows, have come from the north following their particular alti-
tudinal zone for thousands of miles, advancing slowly but surely
perhaps no more rapidly than ground -haunting mammals;
for, as we have seen, individual birds of this type do not move

far from their birthplace. From Chapman's description of the

bird types we may note that "tanagers are the most numerous
in species as well as in individuals, . . . thrushes, while far
less numerous in species, have almost as large a proportionate
representation. Guans, trogons, capites, toucans, dendrocolap-
tids, cotingas, and wrens are all characteristic of the sub-tropical
zone and, in the Colombian Andes,, have about half as many
species in it as in the Tropical Zone. The flycatchers are about
one-half as numerous in the subtropics as in the tropics. . . .

As might be expected, few true finches inhabit the subtropical

zone, but the tanager-finches are almost restricted to
. . .

Itmay be added that the wood hewers are very numer-
ous also.
It would be useless with the uneven data in hand from chance
references to attempt to compile a important birds of the
list of
forest in the La Paz area. But with the mammals the matter is
otherwise. For there are a few types of these which undoubtedly
predominate. The high grass steppes and the upper fringe of
the forest are the grazing grounds of the deer, of which there
are two kinds
the guemal, which is akin to the North Ameri-
can types, and the dwarf padua, which hails from the south.
The padua resembles a large terrier dog in size and bears the
smallest of antlers. In this zone also there are armadillos,
although these are more typical of the dry valleys in the neigh-
borhood of Cochabamba. The Carnivores are represented in
10 Frank Michler Chapman, op. tit., pp. 138-139.
the higher zone by the nasua or coatimundi which lives on small
animals, and various opossums are found in the upper tree zone,
some of which have a bare prehensile tail indicating their arboreal
life. The spectacled bear, already mentioned, also comes down
the eastern slope to the edge of the forest.
The collector of mammals in the forest must rely upon the
trap, for he cannot penetrate far from the trails, so thick is the
undergrowth in all but the high rain forest of the flat land; and
if he could do so, he would not see any of the large group of ani-

mals which move only by night. It is impossible at present to

determine ranges of even the leading species of the forest beyond
stating that the sloths and most of the monkeys are found only
below one thousand meters. Above that line probably the most
numerous are the peccaries (South American swine) and agoutis,
both of which live on roots, bark, fruits, etc. The jaguar, the
largest of the cat tribe in America, and the ocelot, his smaller
cousin, are the chief beasts of prey. Along the rivers there are
capybaras, or so-called "water pigs" large
swimming rodents,
and coypus. Other rats of various size and color have a spiny
fur which is a defense against snakes; and these latter doubtless
are numerous. All authorities agree that the least attractive of
all animals of the Andean fringe is the tayra, which is virtually
a huge weasel. It is some three feet long, almost black in color,
and is gregarious. It is always described as hideously ugly and
extremely vicious.
We may conclude this brief account of the animal life in the
La Paz sheet area by emphasizing the climatic control of life

in respect to reproduction. We
have seen that on the high
plateaus and mountains the young of the condor and the wild
ruminants are born in the hottest month and towards the end
of the rainy season, and this rule probably holds good for many
other animals. The food supply is then at its maximum, and
sufficient time remains before the cold weather to enable the
young to acquire resistance to it. On the coast and lower slopes
on both flanks of the Andes climate exercises no such definite
control. Temperatures are much more equable, and the food

supply of most animals is constant. Thus the sea birds breed

all through the year but with a maximum intensity in the

summer (November to January), while the passerine (perching)

birds of the coast lands breed entirely in that season. In the
forests there is no well-marked seasonal rhythm either in plant
or animal life, although we may suppose that there is some
variation in the amount of reproduction corresponding to the
wetter and drier periods.
The Races and Their Origin
Students of archeology, anthropology, and philology have
devoted much research to the Central Andes. Their main task
has been to determine the origin and affinities of peoples who
have left their marks in various ways upon the region. In some
respects they have been remarkably successful, although the
veil ofmystery which long shrouded the entire subject still hangs
over some of its important phases. But recent researches of
linguistic authorities 1 have thrown light upon one leading point
the affinities of the Urus, the most primitive race inhabiting
the Altiplano. The conclusions of philologists regarding the
early peopling of the Central Andes may perhaps be accepted
provisionally, since they seem to be in harmony with the results
obtained by workers in other fields.

The Central Andean regions were occupied in the first place

by extremely ancient peoples who came from the Amazonian
plains and whose type has been preserved for us by the Urus.
This population, living entirely by hunting and fishing, were
later submerged by a pastoral and farming people the Collas
or Aymaras, who possessed a much higher civilization and were
the architects of the magnificent buildings of Tiahuanaco. Lastly,
at a more recent epoch, the Quichuas appeared, a conquering
people who gradually extended their rule over all Peru and the
adjacent lands and whose language spread at the expense of
Aymara, just as the latter had previously spread at the expense
of Uru, although perhaps for different reasons.
The population in the area of the La Paz sheet comprises a
G. de Crequi Montfort and P. Rivet, (123) and (124).

small remnant of the Urus in a few places on the plateau and

larger but unimportant numbers of their Amazonian relatives
in the lowland forests. But the great mass of the people are
Aymaras and Quichuas, each associated in degree varying with
locality with half-breeds whose blood is in part Spanish.
Until recent years nothing was known to science of the affini-
ties of the Urus, and yet their importance is as a link with the
past and consequently affects chiefly anthropology and history.
The Urus live today in small groups near the outlet of Titicaca,
along the Desaguadero, and north of lake Coipasa where they
are known as Chipayas. They are mainly occupied with fishing
and hunting aquatic birds. In 1901 Polo from the study of

Spanish treatises was able to demonstrate2 that a people
speaking a language known as Puquina were found at the time
of the conquest all over the Altiplano and on the Pacific coast
throughout our area. The early Spaniards referred to Puquina as
one of the lenguas generates of Peru, and a single precious text
of this has been preserved. 3 But the affinities of the language
long remained unknown. In 1894 Grassiere established 4 a
connection between Puquina and the Arawak tongues of Ama-
zonia, and Cr6qui-Montfort and Rivet after careful analysis
have now pronounced Uru to be the Puquina dialect with the
modifications of three centuries masking it. These authors, like
many before, point to the fact that the Urus, surrounded by
races of shepherds and farmers, are themselves fishers and
hunters and conclude that this is explained by their Amazonian
origin. These river fishers and hunters of the forests spreading
up to the Puna became the fishermen of the lakes and ultimately,
pushing down the Pacific slope, adapted their habits so as to
draw their sustenance from the ocean. The Urus, while either
extinct or absorbed on the Pacific coast and in most of the
plateau, have retained their individuality, habits, and language
in the few localities mentioned.

Jose Toribio Polo, (12s).
8 Written by a Jesuit, Alonso de Barzana, in the sixteenth century and preserved
in the "Rituale seu Manuale Peruanum," Naples, 1607.
4 R. de la Grassiere: Langue Puquina, Leipzig, 1894.
The origins of the Aymaras and of their conquerors, the
Quichuas, remain in obscurity. Some have believed that the
two races are related; but the anthropologist Chervin, after
detailed investigations and measurements stated 5 that they con-
stitute two distinct brachycephalic peoples.
It seems likely that prior to the advance southward of the
Quichua armies of the Incas the entire highland area of our
region was dominated by the Collas, or to give them their
modern name the Aymaras; but little is known regarding the
history of the period before the conquest by the Inca of Collasuyo,
the title by which most of our region was known in ancient times.
The most eloquent testimony to the greatness of the race
which once ruled in the Collasuyo, is the ruins of their monu-
ments. The most noted of these are found at Tiahuanaco, a few
miles east of the southern end of lake Titicaca. Here are remains
of buildings probably temples or palaces constructed out of
massive blocks of stone and showing a very advanced develop-
ment of the art of masonry. It is not known whether these
ruins are vestiges of an isolated empire that existed in this part
of the plateau or whether they were the work of the same people
who built the megalithic structures at Cuzco, Ollantaytambo,
and other places on the Andean highlands. It is thought that
they were ruins even at the time the Inca empire was founded,
since there existed among the Indians no tradition that would
connect them with that dynasty. This place was apparently the
site of an ancient city of great size, for the ground over an area

of several square miles, and to a depth of a meter or more is

filled with the relics of an ancient settlement. This was probably

the metropolis of the entire region, since, although there are

evidences of a large population over almost the entire lake
region, there is no other known center such as this. The ruins,
moreover, point to the existence of a well organized authority
and apparently a far greater production than now is found or
than even seems possible in this high, cold region. This has led
some to conclude that there must have taken place an extreme
6 Arthur Chervin, (126).

change of climate or even to conjecture that the entire plateau

has been subject to a great elevation in very recent times. But
it is also possible that some economic system was devised where-

by the people who lived in this populous center might be sup-

ported by the more productive lands of the valleys that descend
from the surrounding plateau. It is known that the Inca dynasty
in later times employed a system of tribute whereby the products
of many other regions were poured into the storehouses of Cuzco
and other royal depositories. A similar system had been evolved
in Mexico, where the populous capital of the Aztecs, situated on
their narrow island home, was supported by the contributions
exacted from conquered tribes. Perhaps some such scheme of
support enabled the people of Tiahuanaco to live in what seems
to the modern observer an impossible location for a large
It is known, too, that the Incas had developed a system of
colonization, whereby the various diverse regions were settled
and their products put at the disposal of the highlanders. They
had also the system of the mita, or forced labor, by which the
services of any man in the empire might be drafted periodically
to work for the emperor and his associates. It is possible that
these arrangements were not innovations introduced by the
Incas but were customs which had been established among the
aboriginal peoples from remote antiquity and which had served
to make the existence of such a city as the ancient Tiahuanaco
possible in its unfavorable site.
The Collas have a long legendary history. Their culture
apparently far antedated that of the Inca empire. A list exists
containing the names of 92 kings who are said to have reigned
before the establishment of the Inca dynasty. Moreover, the
excellent workmanship displayed in their ruins, the relative
perfection of social organization among the Aymaras, the
existence of many varieties of cultivated plants, and the evident
antiquity of domestication of the llama and the cuey (the cavy,
or guinea pig) all point to a very ancient culture that existed in
this region of Collasuyo. Consequently it is not improper to
consider the highland section of the La Paz sheet as distinctly
the Aymara country.
It is clear that Quichua penetration under the Incas operated
from north to south, and the topography of the interior table-
land of the Central Andes is such that between the mountains
of Vilcanota and the southern limit of our area the only great
natural obstacle to conquest is Lake Titicaca. It is behind this
barrier that the main body of the Collas have maintained them-
selves, resisting all efforts to incorporate them into the unity of
the great Inca empire. In spite of subsequent conquest by the
Spaniards, they remained and remain little mixed with other
ethnic elements, speaking their own language (somewhat cor-
rupted by Quichua and Spanish, it is true) and preserving their
own customs much as in ancient times. In the southern part of
the sheet area, however, the population today is thoroughly
Quichua in culture, a fact which may
perhaps be accounted for
by deliberate colonization on the part of the Incas of the south-
ern marches of the empire.
The great bulk of the people, then, are either Aymaras or
Quichuas. Mainly in the towns there is a fair proportion of
whites, the descendants of the Spanish conquerors, while a larger
body scattered throughout the land are the mestizos, or cholos,
who carry white blood in widely varying proportions. The
Bolivian census of 1900 gave the white population of the Repub-
licas 231,000, or over 14 per cent of the whole. But the great
majority of these are undoubtedly people of mixed blood.
Racial statistics for the parts of Chile and Peru in the region are
not available. is some admixture
In the coastal districts there
of negro blood, derivedfrom slaves introduced by the Spaniards.
The tale of races in the region is completed by the small Uru
groups above-mentioned, and by the Mosetenos, Chimanes,
and Yuracares (in order northwest to southwest), forest tribes of
purely Amazonian affinities, but practically nothing is known of
their distribution.
The two great peoples of the Central Andes closely resemble
each other in several characteristics; thus they are brachy-

cephalic (index 82), and their average stature is about the same
(about 160 centimeters, or 5 feet 3 inches) but the Aymara has ;

a longer and broader thorax, and from this results a body abnor-
mally long in proportion to the legs. The Aymara, then, has a

more massive appearance. He is also somewhat lighter in skin

tint. His forehead and his chin recede more, and the former is
narrower than in the case of the Quichua; while he is wider
across the cheek bones, so that his face has a typical lozenge
shape. The Aymara, in spite of his shorter legs, takes a longer
pace. He wears his hair loose, clipped at the shoulder, while the
Quichua wears his in a plait. There are also minor differences in
dress, while all observers notice a striking psychological diver-
gence. The Quichua is distinctly docile, while the Aymara is
intractable, independent, and often stubborn. The Quichuas
have better-developed social qualities; the Aymaras, being
lovers of solitude, commonly live in small groups or even single
families. In discussing the color of the Aymaras, Forbes6 notes
distinct differences of tint in the various climatic provinces. In
the dry regions, whether hot or cold, the color is described as
blackish brown; in cold, moist areas, light coppery brown; and in
the hot, wet, eastern valleys, yellowish brown.

Distribution of the Population

Plate I is a map showing the approximate distribution of
population in the La Paz sheet area. It may be considered as
a basis for discussion at least of the
sufficiently reliable to give
outstanding features of the distribution and agglomeration of
people in the region. Unfortunately, no very recent statistics
are given in sufficient detail to allow of the construction of a
population map. We have, therefore, had recourse to the official

census returns of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru made respectively in

1900, 1907, and 1876. The lack of contemporaneity in these three
documents is of course a drawback, as is their antiquity. Further-
more, the census returns themselves cannot be regarded as
accurate, since the difficulties of taking the census widely
David Forbes, (122).
scattered population and native hostility to enumeration, to
mention only two of them have so far baffled the governments
concerned. This map should be compared with Plate II for the
occupation and mode of life of the various groups.
The method of constructing the population map was as fol-
lows. The boundaries of the smallest political units for which
population was given in the census were plotted on the map,
and it may be noted in passing that for most of the region these
boundaries have appeared on no map hitherto; indeed the posi-
tion of such lines is often quite vague in the minds of the in-
habitants themselves. In the light of geographical knowledge
an estimate was then made regarding the real location of people
within these small political divisions; and lines were drawn
limiting the various groups. Little difficulty was encountered in
fixing the limits of strictly sedentary population, as, for instance,

in mining districts or areas under But where the

physical environment is and the inhabi-
relatively inhospitable
tants have to move over wide areas to gain their sustenance, an
effort has been made to spread such people over the total land
on which they are in any way dependent. Thus throughout by
far the greater part of the map low densities are shown covering
wide spaces with but little variation, instead of villages or ham-
lets as the centers of small areas of greater density. For two

reasons the former method is regarded as the better. First,

because there are many small aggregations which do not appear

on the map; and, secondly, because the Indians of these areas
are largely occupied with pastoral pursuits and their flocks roam
far and wide over the plateaus.
The population represented on this map is approximately
828,000, made up as follows: in Bolivia 635,000; in Chile 62,000,
and in Peru 131,000. These numbers accounted for the following
proportions of the total populations of the three countries:
Bolivia .36, Chile .02, Peru .03. The total land area of the sheet,
with lakes and salars deducted, is in round figures 230,000 square
kilometers, so that the average density per square kilometer
is 3.6 (9.3 per square mile).


The population of Bolivia was officially estimated in 19 18, and

a comparison of the census figures for the four departments
which touch the area is given below:

1900 1918
La Paz 397.643 734,021
Oruro 86,081 137.336
Cochabamba 326,153 512,590
Potosi 323.61S 515.458

Of this population the following proportion occupies territory

covered by the La Paz sheet:

In the Department of Oruro all

In the Department of
La Paz about four-fifths
In the Department of
Cochabamba about one-half
In the Department Potosi about one-fifth

The two most outstanding dense agglomerations (grade K,

over 125 per square kilometer, or 324 per square mile) are those
in the basins of Arequipa and Cochabamba 7 both of which repre-
sent agricultural populations practicing irrigation for the most
part and living in a number of villages as well as in the two cities
themselves. The latter, however, in common with all towns of
over 4,000 inhabitants, other than mining centers, have been
The other areas of the
eliminated from the density calculation.
highest degree of density areall about centers of mining indus-

try. The have been drawn so as to include all the important

mines about the centers. Thus we find a lower density on the
nitrate fields than about Corocoro or Uncia, where the mines
are more concentrated. The same tint appears in conventional
rectangles over a few small towns which are not shown by special
signs. The which agriculture is important, although
districts in
less intensively practiced than in the case above mentioned, are
those which bear a population of grades H, G, F, E, and D
varying in density between 125 and 10 per square kilometer
(324 and 26 per square mile). The grading within those limits

In this connection see Isaiah Bowman: The Distribution of Population in
Bolivia, Bull. Geogr. Soc. of Philadelphia, Vol. 7, 1909, pp. 28-47.
will be found to bear a close relationship to the water and soil
conditions described elsewhere; and it should be noted that

agricultural populations denser than 50 per square kilometer

(grade F and upwards) be found below an altitude of
are all to

3,000 meters, except on the shores of Titicaca where the climate

is less rigorous than in the rest of the puna. The three lowest
grades, C, B, and A (less than 10 per square kilometer), while
they cover a few areas of sparsely settled and purely agricultural
population, represent in the main the distribution oi people who
depend upon pastoral pursuits. On account of the wide range of
the domestic and other animals upon which such people rely for
their sustenance, very few areas are shown as uninhabited. They
are restricted to the hot deserts, the salars, and those parts of
the mountains and plateaus where soil and vegetation are reduced
to a minimum. The northeast corner of the map is left blank
owing to lack of data.
To make a proper comparison between the distribution of
people in one area with that in another it is necessary to have
population maps for both on about the same scale. Moreover, it
is of greatest interest to compare regions where people follow

similar pursuits in this case agriculture, mining, and stock
rearing. If, then, we had population maps on the same scale
for parts of Colorado, the southern Ural, and New South Wales,
to select from these continents, we might make some interesting
deductions; but for the present we must be satisfied with two
maps, of Wallachia (Rumania 8 ) and Sicily, 8 both of them long-
settled agricultural regions. In Wallachia, which contains some-
thing over one-third of the land area of the La Paz sheet, the
population as a whole is much denser; butwe find examples of
most of the grades represented on our map. Thus the steppes
east of Bucharest and the Carpathian forests correspond generally
to grade C. The great contrast appears when we note that while
the Bolivia grades E and K are limited to the few closely cul-
8 Emmanuel de Martonne: Densite de la population en Valachie en 1899, 1:1,-

200,000, Bull Soc. Geogr. Romina, Vol. 23, 1902; and Attilio Mori: Densita della
popolazione in Sicilia nell anno 191 1; scala 1:800,000, Memorie Geogr., No. 36,
Firenze, 1920.

tivated spots about Arequipa, Titicaca, Cochabamba, etc.,

these grades are found over the plains of Wallachia; and


several of the valleys there support wide belts of more than 200
people to the square kilometer.
Sicily would fit roughly into the corner of our map northeast
of the Cordillera Real, and its average population density is
higher than grade K. Actually it has a number of areas support-
ing more than 500 people to the square kilometer and only a few
small spaces with less than 50.
Such comparisons are useful if only in causing us to reflect
upon the remoteness of this Andean region from the great world
centers of population from which it might be more closely
peopled, as well as upon its great altitude and other physical
features which will certainly prevent it ever attaining such
densities, save in the most favored spots.
The arrangement of population has of course undergone a
number of modifications in the past. We have seen that at one
stage of the prehistoric period Tiahuanaco was a great center
probably maintained by a food supply from distant provinces.
Otherwise the people who were dependent upon the llama and
alpaca were probably more evenly distributed on the plateau
than at present, and only small numbers lived in the marginal
valleys. With the coming of the Spaniards in the sixteenth
century great changes took place in a short time. The lodestone
which brought the conguistadores into the region was the mineral
wealth, and the opening of numerous mines led to a concentra-
tion of population in regions hitherto very sparsely occupied.
The development of these mining centers is treated below; but
we may note here that the Spaniards in flocking to the mines
took many Indians with them, either as impressed laborers or
free workmen. The new overlords were not long in control of
the land before they took advantage of the presence of sedentary
agricultural Indians and secured extensive grants of land (en-
comiendas) with serfs attached. Many of them settled upon these
estates to enjoy the ease of life and the comforts which such a
system of land tenure brought them. Thus new centers of popu-
lation were formed, located as a rule in the valleys of the eastern
Andes and the irrigated parts of the Pacific slope. For it was
there that the Spaniards found the climate most suited to their
comfort and to the animals and plants which they introduced
from Spain. This led to the enhanced importance of the valleys
and to the increase of their population. The new era was marked
by the foundation of many valley towns such as Cochabamba,
Inquisivi, and Quime.
The redistribution of the population was also undertaken by
the enactment of measures intended to reorganize the newly
acquired territories somewhat on the model of European coun-
tries. The scattered nature of the Aymara settlements 9 was not
suited to the purposes of the Spanish Government, which wished
to secure complete political control over the Indians in order to
convert them to Christianity, to induct them into the ways of
European civilization, and to collect a small tribute from them.
Consequently the Viceroy, Don Francisco de Toledo (1569-
1581), issued orders that all Indians should be compelled to
gather together and to live in properly organized towns. While
this order was not carried out fully, it brought many of the
Indians into larger settlements and subjected them to the more
complete authority of the colonial officials. Many, however,
continued to live as formerly, either independently or upon the
estates of the Spanish encomenderos, who generally opposed the
reduction of the Indians to towns, being loath to see their serfs
transferred from their properties. This was particularly the case
among the and valleys of the eastern Cordillera, where most

of the Spaniards had established their rural holdings. About Lake

Titicaca and along the piedmont at the eastern border of the
Altiplano the Indians became congregated in a string of rela-
tively important towns.
Upon the western slope of the Maritime Cordillera there also
grew up a number of Spanish towns, founded usually upon the
sites of ancient Indian settlements, since few of the widely
separated oases along this desert slope had not already been
8 See Appendix A.
Plate I
Plate I

Scale 1-2,000,000

occupied by aboriginal agriculturalists. The Spaniards, well

accustomed to an arid country and the use of irrigation, found
these west-coast valleys, with their warm climate and fertile
soil, choice sites for vineyards, olive orchards, and fields of
cotton, cane, and wheat. In spite of the severe handicap of de-
structive earthquakes, these valleys soon became centers of
European population. The Indians were reduced to serfdom
upon the estates of the invaders, or were crowded out of the
valleys and forced into the colder, less productive grasslands
of the higher slopes, where they eked out a miserable existence
from the small patches of tillable land or from the droves of
llamas and alpacas which could be pastured at these heights.
Along the coast itself, too, there grew up a number of ports,
most of them small, since no good harbors are found on this
section of the Pacific littoral. The Indians had been little accus-
tomed to navigation in these waters. Coastwise traffic was
almost, if not entirely, unknown among them. Hence they had
no ports of any importance. The Spaniards promptly founded a
line of ports as the exploration of the coast advanced, and before
many decades had passed there appeared a series of these, a
formal port or a caleta (cove or bay) being established at the
mouth of almost every valley.Sometimes a town grew up about
these landing places; but more often, because of the utter
aridity of the coast, the towns were built a few leagues in-
land, where both water and fertile soil served to support the
In later years, chiefly in the following century, even the towns
that had been built upon the coast were often moved inland, for
fear of the English privateers which frequented these waters
and because of the dread of "tidal" waves that sometimes accom-
panied the earthquakes. This resulted in the existence of pairs
of towns; a little port at the seashore and, inland a few leagues,

a thriving agricultural settlement the two linked by a road
leading up the dry river course. Of such twin towns the most
notable in the area we are discussing were Arequipa and its
port of Quilca (beyond the limit of the map) Moquegua and
Ilo; Tacna and Arica. These valley towns while primarily of
agricultural importance also served as the last way stations for
the silver that was being shipped from the mines on the high
plateau to the coast and thence to Lima (the viceroyalty capital)
or to Spain via Panama.
The agricultural occupation of the land by whites also resulted
in a partial zoning of the two races. The Spaniards who settled
upon the land, as already indicated, sought out the districts where
the climate was best suited to their requirements. From such
districts the former Indian occupants were crowded out, or such
as remained became gradually absorbed into the growing popu-
lation of mestizos.Only the great expanse of the Altiplano, and
the higher ridges between the valieys were left to the native
Indian population. Thus the high valleys from 2,500 to 3,000
meters became largely European in racial character and in cul-
ture, while the regions above the 3,000-meter contour remained
distinctly aboriginal in both. The exceptions to this were the
mining centers, generally located at high altitudes. These,
though composed in large part of Indian inhabitants, were
organized on a European model and became more and more
European in character, thus forming islands of white or mestizo
residents among the prevailingly Indian population of the higher
The mixing of the Spanish and Indian races which took place
in theseAndean highlands is in contrast to the process which
went on in most of the lowland countries of both North and South
America, where a war of extermination was carried on between
the whites and the Indians and where the latter were either
annihilated or were driven back before the whites into the
interior parts of the country. Upon the plateaus both of the
Andes and of Mexico, where the Indians were sedentary and
firmly attached to the soil, the Spaniards came in as a race of
masters, subjugating but neither exterminating nor driving out
the natives. The fact that the conquerors seldom brought their
women with them led to the growth of a mixed race which very
soon outnumbered the Spaniards themselves. Since a number of

negro slaves had been brought in with the conquerors and also
made alliances with Indian women, there grew up as well a
smaller but important element of mixed negro and Indian blood.
This mingling of races and the clearly drawn lines of social
demarcation produced a number of slightly differing racial
groups. There were the Spaniards, born in Spain; the Creoles,
of pure Spanish blood, but born in America of parents who had
virtually severed their ties with the homeland; the mestizos,
and Indian mothers; the mulatos,
children born of Spanish fathers
born of white and negro parents; and the zambaigos, or zambos,
descendants of Indian and negro parents. As the time passed, the
blending of these various groups brought about still other com-
binations, each of which received a separate name, until there
resulted the greatest variety of racial types.

Mode of Life
. By far the greater part of the population is still living almost
entirely on the produce of the country itself, and as regards
physical requirements these people are more or less in the con-
dition in which their ancestors were found by the conquistador es.
Let us therefore analyze briefly these simple needs and see how
they are met. The three concrete demands of peoples in an
early stage of culture are food, shelter, and clothing; and as soon
as the value of exchange is realized some means of transport
becomes imperative. Long before the Spanish Conquest the

natural resources of the land and indirectly of the sea had
been fully exploited to meet these needs in an entirely inde-
pendent manner; and, moreover, the rulers at least were main-
tained in a state of affluence, so that luxuries were already known
and procured.

The period at which the Collas and Quichuas became sedentary
peoples must have been very remote; and ever since their settle-
ment they must have been primarily occupied with pastoral and
agricultural pursuits, their food being furnishedby the soil.
The primitive and native food staples still form the main por-
tion of the Indians' diet throughout the land. Thus the natives
of the puna subsist almost entirely on potato, oca, dried beans,
the grain of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) with aji (capsicum)
ground up as seasoning, and a certain amount of maize brought
from lower altitudes. It is noteworthy that, unlike the inhabi-
tants of other high plateaus, the Andean natives do not make
any extensive use of milk and its products, although these might
presumably be procured from both llama and sheep. The potato
is alternately frozen and thawed till the water is expelled, leaving

a shrunken, light, and corklike substance known as chuno. Their

food thus consists largely of carbohydrates, with protein derived
chiefly from the beans. Sugar and sweet stuffs play no important
part in the diet of the plateau Indians. In the past probably the
only sweet fruit available was that of the cactus, which they
still eat with relish. Animal foods are eaten only on rare occa-
sions; butwould seem that, when hunting was a commoner

pursuit than it is now, meat played a larger part in their diet.

The cold climate, however, would seem to demand a greater

consumption of fats or oil than exists, and it may be noted that
lard, when sold in the towns, finds a good market. Around the
shores of Titicaca fish is eaten; but the greater part of the catch
is marketed in La Paz, a certain amount being dried and sent
farther afield, as for instance to the valleys of the Yungas, where
it is one of the main items offered in exchange for coca and

fruit. It is said that fresh fish from Titicaca, as well as from the

sea, was sent to the Inca's table at Cuzco by means of a system

of relay runners (chasquis) which he maintained. At the time
of the Conquest the settlements about Titicaca were recognized
as amongst the most prosperous in Peru. It would appear that
the fisheries were chiefly responsible for this. The chief signifi-
cance of maize to the plateau Indians is as the basis of chicha, an
alcoholic beverage prepared from the fermentation of the grain.
This drink, which is the commonest form of alcohol in use, is
responsible for much of the drunkenness, habitual among the
Indians but most apparent during the excesses of the feast

periods. But it is rather on the purer alcohol [aguardiente)

brought from the cane fields of coast and Yungas, that they rely,
at the fiestas, to obtain the desired excitement and subsequent
oblivion. Salt,a necessary ingredient of the diet throughout
the entire region, is found in the salars in unlimited quantity
and is one of the standing elements of internal trade. A curious
habit amongst the Aymaras is the eating of clay mixed with their
food. Apparently the only purpose it serves is to delay digestion
and give a sense of repletion.
On the Pacific slope maize must long have been the chief staple,
as indeed it is today, although fish has always been eaten in the
coastal villages. In the districts settled by the Spaniards wheat,
barley, and alfalfa were introduced from Europe. The first has
ever since been the chief staple of the whites and is used to a
more limited extent by the Indians of these parts. Barley has
been widely cultivated, even on the plateau, where it does not
usually ripen but is used for fodder and straw. Apparently in
ancient times there was no such variety of fruit and vegetable
here as there is now that the native products have been supple-
mented by those introduced both from Spain (see p. 113) and
from che Yungas.
In these valleys of the eastern Andes the indigenous yuca
and banana still supply starchy foods, which are supplemented
by maize and a number of tropical fruits. Here again the variety
of products has been greatly increased by the Spaniards; but
the foodstuffs such as coffee, cacao, and cane sugar are mainly
for export to the plateau for use by the whites and cholos. The
savage Indians of the lower valleys, however, are hunters and
fishers and so mingle a vegetable diet with game. Cattle, intro-
duced from Spain, are kept in the clearings of the lowland. The
dried meat of these, known as charqui, like the biltong of Africa
forms a common food of the mestizos, especially when traveling.


Climatic control is reflected in the type of dwelling throughout

the region. In the coast lands protection is required against the
sun's rays but not against cold or rain. On the plateau the maxi-
mum shelter from wind, rain, and snow is sought. In the Yungas
adequate cover from heavy rain as well as shade have to be
provided. Generally speaking, therefore, the houses of the coast
and the Yungas are more frail than those on the plateau; but
in the Yungas, as well as in the Puna, roofs have to be well
constructed. Throughout the entire area Indian dwellings with
few exceptions are of one story, and on the Pacific slope this is

true of almost all habitations, even in Arequipa, for people live

in constant and well-founded fear of earthquakes. Arequipa
provides an exception to the general frailty of structure on the
Pacific slope because it commands a remarkably fine building

stone a volcanic breccia easily cut and dressed; and many

of the older houses are beautifully ornamented with carving.
Additional strength in construction is often obtained by doming
the roofs and ceilings. In other towns and villages the building
materials may be adobe, stone if to hand, or simply branches
plastered with mud. Roofs are thatched with various materials,
often the desert grasses. The change in recent years has
been the introduction of corrugated iron for roofing and even
for walls.
The ruins of Tiahuanaco contain some of the world's finest
example masonry. Each of the blocks of hard lava, many of
them of immense size, has been shaped and smoothed so that it
fits its neighbors accurately and without mortar. We have seen

that the architects and builders of this prehistoric city are be-
lieved to have been Aymaras. It is, therefore, not surprising that
their descendents still furnish accomplished masons, when re-

quired, for government structures, although they have lost

the consummate skill of their ancient forefathers. Their own
dwellings are solidly built though rude. Where stone is used the
modern Indian does not take the time to trim the frost-broken
blocks which are abundant everywhere but uses mud to bind
them, and in many villages adobe has completely supplemented
stone (see Figs. 30 and 31). In the Cochabamba district the
houses are often round in plan. The primitive Chipayas (Urus)

north of Lake Coipasa build adobe huts of the beehive pattern,

with or without a thatch of reeds. The walls everywhere are
thick; there are few windows, and these are seldom glazed.
Owing to the scarcity of timber from which boards can be cut,
a wooden door is a rarity (if we except those made of the split
stems of cacti), a stretched hide often serving the purpose. On
the highlands, roofs are thatched with puna grass or reeds, and
chimneys do not exist. The family spends much of its time
in the yardworking and cooking there, for warmth normally
is to be found without, in the sun, rather than within the house.
About the dwelling there are usually several smaller buildings
for storage, and also corrals for various animals enclosed by dry
stone walls. The adobe house is the rule in the towns even in
La Paz, but the roofs there are of red, curved tiles. These,
however, are gradually giving place to the corrugated iron of
commerce. A striking example of the difficulty of procuring
wood and iron in highland Bolivia is furnished by the telegraph
posts which often consist simply of rough pillars of stone or
adobe or the crooked, slender stems of valley shrubs. Household
utensils, as is to be expected on the plateau, are the simplest,
and even these are treasures, so scarce is material especially

wood for their replacement. Llama bones are still largely
utilized in making household implements.
In the Yungas, wooden posts and laths form the walls of most
of the houses, the frame being filled in with banana leaves, ferns,
or other dried vegetation. In the higher villages, stone is often
used, or a combination of stone and wood. The houses of the
whites are frequently two-storied adobe structures with an out-
side stair. Roofs are always well thatched and have wide eaves
to carry off the rain.


The contrast of highland and lowland again is represented in

the clothing of the inhabitants, cotton in the warm lands, wool
in the cold highlands. Cotton is native and is still grown and
woven in the coastal valleys; but the garments of the modern


Indian are largely cut from the imported article. The need for
warm clothing on the Andean heights was the main cause for
the great vicuna hunts carried on throughout the Inca period
in which the captured vicunas were usually not killed but were
shorn and set free. Moreover, the same demand, as well as the

need for a beast of burden, must have led to the domestication

of the llama and alpaca and to the early perfection of the hand
loom. Today the wool of the llama is less used for clothing; and
indeed the animal is seldom shorn. Sheep, introduced by the
Spaniards, now furnish wool for the bulk of the clothing, the
alpaca wool being reserved for the finer garments and for export.
The wool of the vicuna, which is now very scarce, can be woven
to give a material as soft as the finest silk. During the Inca
period vicuna fleeces were reserved for the exclusive use of the
emperor and his household. While these wools are often dyed, a
certain amount of design is possible while using only the natural
wools the black and white of alpaca,
the usual brown or gray
of llama, and the bright tan of huanaco and vicuna.
The costume of the plateau Indian is presumably the same
today as it was before the Conquest: underwear of cotton, brought
from the hot lands; loose woolen trousers reaching below the
knee; and, in the case of the women, innumerable petticoats also
of wool. The feet are bare save for leather sandals. The hat is
of home-made felt on the plateaus; but in the warm lands this
is replaced by a wide-brimmed straw hat. The men of the puna

wear a closely fitting woolen cap under the hat. Fashion demands
that natives of different localities shall wear hats of different
pattern. The typical garment of the Puna is the poncho, or cloak,
which is woven in one piece with square corners and a hole in
the middle for the head (see Figs. 33 and 35). It is in the color
and design of this that the inherent art of the plateau Indians
finds its best expression. The limited vegetation of the puna
provides a surprisingly large choice of dyes eighteen such
plants are known to science in Bolivia, 10 and the women have
long since mastered the processes of their extraction, as they
10 Annuario Geogr&fico y Estadistico de la Republica de Bolivia, 1919, p. 21.

have the crafts of spinning the wool and weaving it on their

hand looms. When traveling the Indian as a rule carries ponchos
of two weights, the lighter to be worn by day, the heavier by
night. In the forests raw material for the loom is not limited to
cotton for there are a dozen other plants which provide fibers and

are used for a variety of purposes.


Every traveler in the high Andes is struck by the fact that

while he, in common with the non-Indian inhabitants, suffers
from mountain sickness, or soroche as it is called in this region,
the Indians are immune. Most foreigners and the inhabitants
with Spanish blood become more or less accustomed to life at
high altitudes; but travelers who have time find it well to stop
for a period at some station like Arequipa on their way up to the
plateau, in order that the transition may not make too sudden
a strain upon the body. It appears that in the thinner atmos-
phere of the high plateaus the oxygen content of arterial blood
is lower than at sea level in all individuals white and Indian
alike. Apparently, however, the Indian is able to compensate
for this on account of greater lung capacity. In the case of the
Aymara this is accompanied by a chest abnormally large in
height and width which is noticed by so many observers.
Endemic diseases seem to be few in the Central Andes. Prob-
ably the most serious of them is that generally known as peste,
or fiebre amarilla ("yellow fever") which possesses symptoms akin
to typhus and which breaks out at intervals causing great rav-
ages among the Indians. The inhabitants of the Yungas valleys
are subject to the curse of malaria, and while they also possess
the source of the remedy, they can ill afford the cost of manu-
factured quinine or neglect its use. a prevalent disease,
Goitre is

and in fighting it the natives have long ago discovered one of the
antidotes of modern medicine, iodine. The sufferers eagerly
purchase dried seaweed from the Pacific coast, and it is doubtless
the iodine contained in this which works the cure.
Both syphilis and gonorrhea seem to be very ancient diseases
in the country, and it has even been suggested that the former
originated here. The chief reasons given for this are that diseased
skulls and bones have been found in ancient graves, and that the
alpaca suffers from a similar if not identical disease. The Indians
have long treated syphilis with mercury brought from the mines
of Peru. Since the Conquest the population has been decimated
from time to time with epidemics such as smallpox, measles, and
influenza. The plateaus so far have not been stricken with
tuberculosis, but the Bolivians live in great dread of its intro-
duction from Chile and Argentina where it exists.
Reck made an examination of vital statistics for Bolivia in
1846 and found an interesting variation in the death rate in
different zones. 11 Thus in the Puna it was lowest, 1.97 per cent;
in the Valles, 2.38 per cent; and highest in the Yungas, 3.70
per cent. He also found that there is great danger in childhood
from birth to the end of the fourth year, five out of every twelve
children dying before that age; but from then onwards the expec-
tation of life is high, and there are probably many cases of Indians
living to over a hundred.


The advantages of exchange must have early become apparent

to the inhabitants of this region, and especially of the inter-
change of the commodities of plateau and lowland. The llama,
an essential feature
then, as the only beast of burden, has been
of Andean economy from a remote period; and throughout the
plateaus the wealth of the humble Indian may
be judged today
by the number which he owns. The
of llamas or other animals
llama has the great advantage over other beasts of burden that
it is not subject to mountain sickness {soroche). Moreover, it
needs only the roughest fodder and little water. Its flesh and
wool can be utilized, and it is marvelously surefooted on the
worst trails. But, on the other hand, as compared with animals
of other lands, the llama does not carry a heavy burden, the
load varying from 50 to 1 00 pounds. The animal is extremely
Hugo Reck, (6) 1866, p. 304.

stubborn, and its pace is slow. Moreover, it is exceptional for a

llama to live more than twelve years, and in many districts the
average life period is much shorter. Since the Spanish occupation
the mule and the ass have been added as carriers, while the ox
has been introduced as the servant of the plow, an implement
which itself was unknown before the Conquest.

More Complex Influences

With this brief statement of the concrete elements of life in
the region we may with advantage review more broadly the
life of the people in the various geographical zones of our region.
Hitherto we have discussed matters which affect all men alike
when in a simple state; but to understand how people live today
we have to bear in mind the complications introduced from time
to time in their history. In the Andes stress must be laid upon

two of these 'the one economic, the other primarily social. The

based upon a geographical fact the mineral wealth of the
first is

country. The mining development and its consequences have

had a far-reaching effect upon the people and the status of their
countries. The second is not in itself a geographical fact, although
geography has much to do with its effect in different districts.
I refer to the peonage system introduced by the Spaniards, with

some slight background from the Inca regime, by which the bulk
of the Indian population is to a considerable extent in bondage
to the whites or the mestizos who are the owners of the land. As
the mining industry, economically important though it is,
affects only the smaller proportion of the population we may
leave it for later treatment and turn to the social basis of agri-
cultureand stock raising.
Ever since the arrival of the conquistador es, when that portion
of the land allotted to the service of the Inca and of the sun
became alienated to the Spaniards there has been a constant
absorption of land by their successors, white and mestizo. Al-
most the only land now in the hands of the Indians is that held
by the communities; and the community Indians are now vir-
tually the only free Indians in the region. It is they who furnish
the carriers of the Andes and the laborers of the mines and the
railroads.Most of the fishing is in their hands; and the Calla-
huayas, or traveling herb doctors of the Cordillera Real, are
community Indians. 12 In fact we have to go to this much-
reduced class to see the pre-Conquest life of the Aymara and
other stocks in all its phases. The community lands are now-
restricted to the least desirable areas from the point of view of
the white man to districts off the main routes or with poor
soil or specially inhospitable climate. 13
With these exceptionsit seems probable that there is no part

of the region where the land is not claimed by some individual

or group, and where the inhabitants are dependent upon the
owners of the estates. This does not mean, however, that these
Indians are serfs but simply that by law they are bound to give

some service mostly in cultivating the owner's land. And it is
largely due to the conservatism of the Aymara that the law
based upon long-established custom is maintained. Indeed in
most cases, at least in highland Bolivia, the landowner would
not dare to demand more service than custom determines, and
he generally considers it wise to take the service at the time and
in the manner ordained by custom. Violation of the custom by
proprietors is always liable to lead to a revolt of the Indians.
The estates are of variable size, probably being larger on the
less productive areas. They are generally distributed in such a
way that each contains a proportion of land suitable for various
crops and on the plateau a certain amount of better pasture fit
for alpacas and a much greater area of poor pasture mainly
ichu grass suitablefor llamas and sheep.
In the agricultural life of the country, then, there are four
classes involved: the community Indian, who is self-sufficient

and who ekes out a living derived from primitive agriculture on

poor fields by fishing, carrying, or hiring his labor to the mines;
the landed proprietor of white or mixed blood who is generally

12 On these interesting people, whose home is just north of the La Paz area, see

Gladys M. Wrigley, (144).

> On this and other aspectsof land tenure see George McCutchen McBride, (143)-


an agriculturist only by proxy, living in a town and visiting his

finca for the harvest and the sowing; the mayordomo, generally a
cholo, to whom the proprietor delegates his authority and who
is in effect master of the farm; and, lastly, the colono, or peon.
The colonos, or Indians bound to the estates, are by far the most
numerous class. They receive small patches of land in the estate

about three hectares on the average to be worked for their
own use, and these in common with the owner's land are reallot-
ed from time to time. The number of colonos families on each
estate varies with its size and character; for instance an estate
of 5,000 hectares near Oruro has sixty families, while on another,
in the Cochabamba basin, 750 hectares are worked by 150
families. The price of a farm generally varies according to the
number of Indians upon it rather than to its extent. The colonos
remain on the land in case of transfer of ownership.

Examples of Peasant Life and Utilization of the Land

We may now examine in greater detail the manner in which
life is controlled in different situations by the physical environ-
ment and by the social system of the country. The map (PI. II)
showing the distribution of different types of land utilization
will be found to illustrate the examples.
Let us first consider a typical finca on the Altiplano. It is
centered round a small alluvial fan at the foot of one of the low
ridges which rib the plateau. It extends, on the one hand, to the
banks of the Desaguadero and includes a wide stretch of the
hills as well as of the pampa between. It is bleak and wind-swept.
The most sheltered spot is occupied by the houses of the owner
rarely occupied by him and of the mayordomo. About these
there is a plantation of eucalyptus the only trees visible on the
wide landscape. A small church, distinguished from other build-
ings mainly by its size, stands near the center. It may be used
as a granary; but at least once a year it is visited by the padre,
and the entire population comes to service. If the farm be called
San Antonio, the priest will probably choose St. Anthony's Day
for his visit. The houses of the colonos are dotted about within


a short range of the main farm buildings and enclosures. The
alluvial fanis the center of things, not because it is capable of

permanent irrigation as it would be in a better watered area
but because the soil is thicker and because there are permanent
wells around its margin. Near the Desaguadero and along the
flat bottom of a wet-weather tributary there are strips of pasture

of a fairly good quality. Elsewhere on the flat pampa the light

soil isscarcely concealed on the numerous fallow fields, and the
fieldsunder crops are rather widely scattered. The hills show
many outcrops of bare rocks and stony hollows with patches of
tola bushes, puna grass, and other humbler plants, sometimes
thick but mostly isolated, giving a speckled appearance to the

The fields and pasture land of the Indians are not distinguish-
able from those of the patron, save that they do not occupy the
best land.The limits of the finca are not clearly marked on the
ground except on the good land, where a rough stone wall is the
boundary. Heaps of stones gathered from the fields dot the
pampa, and these are often placed at the corners of fields.
Each family knows exactly what is expected of it by the pro-
prietor. Two days in every week they must work on his fields
bringing with them their own oxen for plowing (see Fig. 32).
Moreover, each year the group as a whole has to designate one
or two of their number as herdsmen as well as to maintain for
the master a house servant (pongo)
in this case probably in
La Paz who is changed each week. They also deliver to his house
so many loads of fuel, tola shrubs or taquia (dried llama dung).
Throughout the year a few men find a continuous occupation
in herding the sheep and alpacas. In this case the latter are
owned only by the master, for the area of short, green grass
required by alpacas is small, and the Indians are not allowed to
use this pasture. In the summer at a convenient week the flocks
will be corralled and shorn, and the Indians, after keeping what
they need of the wool, will carry the remainder of their own
share as well as all of the patr6n's to the market at La Paz or
Huaqui, using their own asses or llamas.

*. vjf,



J'd fc


The average temperature and its recov-

of the soil here is low,
ery after cropping is slow; so the fields in some cases
lie fallow

as much as twelve years before recultivating, the weeds which
spring up being used as pasture. In such land manure is very
valuable, and every particle of dung and ashes which can be
gathered after the fuel has been provided for is put upon the
fields to be cultivated. But in this farm they must use much

taquia as fuel, for both tola and yareta are scarce or their sources
distant, and they grow very slowly.

Winter is the slack time, when clothing and implements are
made in the cottages, while the patr6n takes advantage of it to
have ditches dug, or building and other odd jobs done. But when
the spring rains begin in September or October all get busy with
the sowing of quinoa and the planting of early potatoes and ocas.
With all of these crops the farmer need have no fear of damage
from frost, for they are natives of the Puna, and most of the
many Andean varieties of potato are also remarkably immune
from pests. About November other varieties of potato are put
in to give a later harvest. With the human food supply for the
year thus provided for, the Indian thinks of his beasts. We
have seen that pasture here is poor and thin. The owner may
have taken care to have part of his moist land sown with alfalfa
which will meet most of his requirements. But for the Indians
another crop must be sought, and it is found in barley. This
cereal will ripen only in sheltered spots near Lake Titicaca, but
if sown before the height of the summer rains it may be cut
while green in the autumn for fodder purposes. This crop is
scarcely sown when the first potato harvest is at hand. The
owner's crop has to be carried to market, but most of the workers'
yield is turned over to the women who are occupied as oppor-
tunity offers with the preparation of chuno, which takes two or
three weeks. The potatoes are first put out to be frozen through,
and thereafter in turn are tramped with the feet in water, dried
in the sun and again tramped in water to remove the skin. The
starchy product will then keep for years.
There follow in quick succession in the autumn a second
potato harvest and the cutting of the fodder barley and the
quinoa generally in May. The quinoa is cut just before it is
fully ripe to prevent loss of the grain. The heads are threshed
by primitive flails and winnowed by throwing in the air. The
conclusion of the agricultural year is the plowing carried out
shortly before the sowing, by which soil is merely scratched to
the depth of a few inches by the ancient wooden plow of Spain
with or without an iron tip. Such is the annual routine, but there
are notable interruptions to all work at the fiestas as well as
after the principal harvests. When occupied with digging pota-
toes every one is notably happy, and much jollification takes
place. The chief religious festivals are celebrated by the entire
population. Attendance at mass in the village is merely an
incident preceding traditional revels which include dances of
pre-Christian origin, in which the dancers wear masks and gaudy
trappings of skins and feathers. Dances and drinking bouts
alternate and are kept up for an entire week in the case of the
greater occasions such as the carnaval, thus putting a complete
stop to the autumn labor, important though it is. That this
traditional and spasmodic drunkenness is so important and
universal a feature of the high Andes may be due to the rigor
of the climate and extreme monotony of life. The visits to the
market furnish opportunity for the purchase or bartering of
alcohol or more commonly aguardiente from the Yungas or
coast, as well as of coca which the Indian chews more or less as
other men smoke tobacco, so that every family is well stocked
with stimulants when the fiesta breaks out.
The type of life on the fincas throughout the Altiplano varies
but little from that described. These farms are widely scattered
over most of the plateau and cluster more closely where there is
better soil and a more certain supply of water or a milder climate.
On Plate II this feature has been shown by distinguishing be-
tween the main area described as "pasture with intermittent
agriculture" and a number of smaller patches of "agriculture
more or less permanent." This means that in the agricultural
fringe round Titicaca and along the piedmont of the eastern


Cordillera fields are closer together, and a smaller proportion of

them are fallow at one time than out on the plateau. Moreover,
on the alluvial fans east of Lake Poop6 a limited area is under
irrigation at least for part of the year, and this of course renders
the land more valuable. In the La Paz sheet it has not been
possible always to distinguish fincas from villages; and, further-
more, it is probable that many of the smaller farms are not
The village of the plateau is for the most part the domain of
the cholo who is engaged in trade, and the number of them who
live there asa rule is small, though such villages often present
an animated scene owing to the presence of Indian visitors from
the surrounding farms, particularly on market days or at reli-
gious celebrations.
The slopes of the hills about Lake Titicaca and the Altiplano
as well as the ridges which rise from the plateau are marked in
many places by parallel terraces known as andenes (see Fig. 34).
These are clearly artificial and have been made to retain the
soil and facilitate the cultivation of steep slopes. But they are

now almost entirely abandoned; and this fact has often been
quoted as evidence that the population of the Central Andes
was formerly much greater, the decrease usually being attributed
to diminished rainfall. But it would appear unnecessary to
postulate any such climatic change to explain abandoned
andenes. The modern development of mines, railroads, and towns
has drawn large numbers of the Indians from the fields, and the
hillside farms would be the first to be deserted, since the main-
tenance of the terraces demanded considerable labor. Further-
more, much from small to large owners has
of the land passing
been found to give better results when devoted to pasture.
Plate II shows a large proportion of land under irrigation in
the high valleys of the western Cordillera, much of it over 4,000
meters in altitude. The information upon which most of this is
based was derived from the Chilean boundary surveys, and
while the representation is presumably accurate in extent it
may be somewhat misleading if we fail to remember the altitude.
The population density in these mountains is low, but the flocks
are large, and the colored areas on the map
most part do
for the
not represent irrigated crops, but rather pasture improved, in
part artificially, by waters from the melting snows of the high
peaks. An interesting example of this type of land has come to
light. 14 The small group of Chipayas or Urus living north of
Lake Coipasa have developed an industry called forth by the
demands for lard by the nitrate workers of the coastal pampas.
The Chipayas, by damming the Lauca River, have made suf-
ficient pasture to feed herds of swine; and from these they obtain
the lard which they carry down to the coast for sale. There
appear to be numerous community Indians in this Cordillera,
and information is lacking as to the extent of occupation by
Chilean landowners. Probably the grazing limits of the various
proprietorsand communities are more fluid here than anywhere
Even the international boundary is frequently
else in the region.
disregarded by the shepherds of the Bolivian side, who are
naturally tempted by the greener hollows to the west. A con-
siderable amount of seasonal movement of flocks takes place
between the high pastures and the lower valleys on the Chilean
side, but here again exact data are lacking. Cattle are kept in
small numbers about Lake Titicaca, and an important source of
food for these is the aquatic weed growing in the shallow water.
Through long habit of diving for their dinner these animals
have become almost amphibian, and they spend much of their
time in the water.
The annual round community Indians on the Altiplano
of the
is more varied than that As has been pointed out
of the colonos.
the free Indian's life today approximates much more nearly to
that of the pre-Conquest Aymaras than does that of their peon
brethren. The agricultural year makes the same demand in both
cases, but the free Indian has time to make use of other oppor-
tunities of gaining a livelihood. There are the chinchilla,
viscacha, and vicuna to be hunted; and in this they display
infinite patience, for when they have carried the skins down to
M Arthur Posnansky, (119).

Tacna, Arequipa, Puno, or La Paz they will receive payment

which to them is almost a king's ransom. There is fish to be
caught fn Lake Titicaca, and here their community organiza-
tion comes into play; for the most effectual method demands
the collaboration of a number of boats dragging a net between
them. But fishing from individual boats is also carried on, both
the net and the spear being used. The scarcity of wood on the
plateau is evident from the nature of the Titicaca fishing boats,
or balsas, built, save for the mast, entirely of reeds bound to-
gether, and the sails are likewise made of reeds woven like a
mat (see Fig. 35). Fishing with the spear is carried on in shallow
water, the boat being propelled by a long pole. The wood for
these and for the masts is brought from the Yungas. The fisher-
men of the Pacific coast also employ the reed balsa propelled by
paddles, and examples still exist there of the floats in common
use at the time of the Conquest made of inflated sea-lion skins,
which the fisherman bestrides. But the wooden fishing boat of
Mediterranean type has been generally employed since the
Spaniards settled on the coast; and, while even this is too primi-
tive a craft with which to develop an up-to-date fishing indus-
try commensurate with the immense supply, yet it is much more
These boats are now also constructed on
useful than the balsa.
Lake Titicaca from imported boards. On Titicaca there are no
better practical meteorologists than the fishermen. They are
accustomed to predict breezes which will take their boats out
in the evening and bring them back in the morning in time to get
their catch to market in La Paz the same evening.
The community Indians of the southern Altiplano can occupy
the winter months in gathering salt from the great salars, pack-
ing it on their beasts, and hawking it round the country. Every-
where there is the demand for fuel, the taquia of the farms and
vicinity is often insufficient, and the best growth of the resinous
yareta is generally far from the settlements and at higher and
higher elevations. It is the free Indians who gather and sell it,

incidentally pulling it up by the roots and so preventing its

spread. The arriero, as the carrying Indian is called, is a feature

of the landscape on every road and trail, never riding but leading
or driving his caravan of llamas, asses, and occasionally

mules. He is indispensable to trade, and till within the last few-

years he was essential to the export of minerals. It is to the
Indian community that the mine agent, the railway engineer,
and the public works officer must go for their laborers, since the
colonos are not available. And this means frequently a tem-
porary draining of population from long distances.
In the districts more favored climatically than the plateaus

and Cordilleras the Cabezas del Valle, the Medio Valle, the

Yungas, and the coastal valleys life differs in many respects.
In the first place, of community Indians there are none; the land
is too valuable. There are, it is true, in some parts in the Cocha-
bamba basin for example other free Indians engaged in agri-
culture who farm their own land. But, generally speaking, these
regions are occupied by valuable fincas worked by numerous
colonos. Secondly, since the climate permits the cultivation of
a much greater variety of crops, agricultural operations are more
complicated; and, while modern machinery and implements are
still rare, the more numerous alternative crops present oppor-
tunity for development of greater agricultural skill than in the
zones of the Puna and the Puna Brava. It is noteworthy that
the most accomplished farmers are often found amongst these
peasant proprietors, a fact which recalls the dictum of Arthur
Young in 1789 when visiting peasant farms then rare in
France, "the magic of property turns sand into gold." In the
coastal valleys irrigation is essential, and it is greatly valued in
the valley heads of the Eastern Cordillera; so that in both regions
a new complication is introduced in the distribution of water;
and water rights are a constant source of broken heads and of
In the zone of the Medio Valle is found the densest agricultural
population of the area
about Cochabamba and Arequipa (see
Fig. 3 d )- To illustrate the valuable nature of this land with its
fine alluvial soil and water we may note the composi-
tion of a typical farm near Luribay in the deep basin below the

Quimsa Cruz Cordillera and at about 2,700 meters altitude.

The farm evidently includes some hill pasture, for it supports
a flock of 600 sheep; but its real value rests upon ten hectares of
grapevines for wine and a ten-hectare orchard containing 1,000
fig trees, 2,000 pear trees, and 800 trees of apple, peach, and
that most luscious of all Andean fruits the cherimoya. In
addition, there are five hectares in alfalfa or other pasture
supporting six cows, four oxen, and twenty-two horses, asses,
and mules. This farm worked by 101 families of colonos. 18

The majority of the fincas have a smaller proportion of fruit

land and many fields of cereals; for not only does barley always
ripen at these altitudes, but wheat, oats, and maize are grown,
as well as large quantities of beans and alfalfa.
Another feature of this fine agricultural zone is the possibility
of obtaining by irrigation several harvests of alfalfa, as well as
reaping two different crops in the same year. For instance beans
will be sown in May and reaped in July (midwinter), and then
by immediate plowing and sowing in August or September a
good crop of maize, grown under the summer rains, will be
harvested in May. In the Cochabamba basin the irrigated land
is mostly under maize, and the best crops come from the fields
watered by streams carrying much silt. In such places the grain
will yield as much as two hundred fold as compared with the
forty fold return on unirrigated land. Moreover, no manure and
no fallow time are needed on such land. The greater part of the
unirrigated fields produce wheat and barley, the wheat giving a
tenfold yield, the barley somewhat more. The ground as a rule
is not manured and lies fallow for only two years.

In the Pampa of Arequipa, which is lower than the Cocha-

bamba basin, the crops are similar; and there is a noticeable
response to local climatic differences in the higher yield of crops,
and more sheltered district of
especially of maize, in the lower
Tiabaya as compared with the environs of Arequipa. Similarly
the colder winter of the higher section accounts for a difference
of from two to three months in the time of plowing and sowing
15 Karl Kaerger, (141), Vol. 2, p. 311.
wheat and barley. Manuring
is much more prevalent about

Arequipa than at Cocha-

bamba, and the Peruvian
district has the advantage of
being able to procure cheaply
the guano of the coast.
The map on the scale
1:1,000,000 is rather too
small to bring out clearly the
real nature of habitable land
in the Yungas; but study of
Figure 37 will reveal the fact
that valley floors are of very
limited extent and that the
wealth of the region is derived
from the Moreover,
this drawing, made from a

4) photograph unfortunately too

large for reproduction here,
S O E demonstrates better than any
description the importance
of the altitudinal zone in the
Eastern Cordillera. The vil-

lage in the foreground is

Coroico, and we are looking

westward towards the Cor-
dillera Real. The summits of
the range are hidden by
clouds, and the even crest
lines of the background
represent remnants of the
ancient peneplane surface ly-
ing to the east of the snowy
peaks. The highest visible
point is about 3,600 meters in

altitude. Coroico is at 1,725 meters, and the stream is runningsome

700 meters below it. Perhaps the most striking feature of the view
is the upper limit of terrace cultivation following almost with pre-

cision a contour line as far as the eye can reach. The level of
this isabout 2,000 meters, and nearly up to this height every-
where the close-packed fields are coca plantations like those in
the foreground. This land has once been forested, and we may
note that timber still remains above the zone, climbing to the
top of the nearest ridge but concealed by distance in the farther
valleys. The upper Montana was probably never so dense here
as at similar levels on the outer slopes behind us, for the valleys
in view form a rather sheltered basin.
This, then, is the coca belt of the Yungas, which represents
the chief wealth of the Atlantic slope of the Andes. It winds
about in the valleys and is more or less continuous from southern
Peru to the Yungas of Cochabamba east of the map limit, never
varying far from the altitudinal limits illustrated in the figure.
The zone, however, is not everywhere so intensively cultivated
as it is here, and the coca production is of distinctly smaller

importance south of the La Paz-Bopi River, the chief centers of

the industry being Coroica, Chulumani, and Irupana.

The climatic requirements of coca warmth and moisture
with a cloud shield from a blazing sun are also those of coffee,
and the two cultures are associated but by far the greater area

in the belt is under coca, and the coffee bushes are planted largely
in hedges between the coca fields and along the paths. When the
traveler, making his first descent to the Yungas, thinks of the
immense benefit which the human race derives from the cocaines,
extracted from the leaf of Erythroxylon coca, his journey becomes
ina sense a pilgrimage to the birthplace of the precious drug; and,
moreover, he can recall that the same zone is the home of the
cinchona tree, whose bark provides another alkaloid and an
equal treasure to mankind quinine.
It happens, however, that the Yungas of Bolivia are no longer
of first importance to the world in furnishing these precious
remedies, for both plants have been introduced to southern
Asia, which now yields the greater proportion of the drugs. But
coca an essential to the life of the entire native population of

our region, not as an anaesthetic but as a stimulant. The dried

leaves have been a leading staple of internal trade since prehis-
toric times. No Indian will work or travel without his ration of
coca, which he mingles with ashes of the quinoa and chews
systematically three or four times a day. His nervous system is
adjusted to this practice, and he cannot do without it. While the
effect is primarily stimulating, the coca dulls the sensation of
In the coca belt we have an exception to the rule that free
Indians do not occupy the valuable land. The bulk of the harvest
is reaped by Indians who cultivate their own land but the best

quality of leaf is produced on the haciendas. In the view from

Coroico we are struck by the paucity of isolated dwellings. Most
of the workers are grouped in the village. We may note also the
groups of trees scattered amongst the fields on the slopes. Some

of these are merely original forest trees left for shade; but most
of them are fruit trees, largely orange and cherimoya.
The Yungas Indian, then, is occupied throughout the year

with his coca, his coffee, and his fruit all of which when ready
he will sell to the middlemen in the market of his village for
export to the highland or beyond. To maize, sweet potato, beans,
and other vegetables he devotes just sufficient land and time to
supply his own limited needs. Although the Yungas are always
moist, there is a seasonal rhythm in the agricultural year, for
irrigation is not practiced, and the preparations of new planta-
tions as well as the biggest harvests of the mature bushes take
place during the heavier rains of the summer. The seed for a
new coca field is sown in November in beds and covered with a
layer of grass. Then as the plants spring up a low shade canopy
of grass or banana leaves is raised over them. At the end of a
year the foot-high plants are ready for planting out in the deep
trenches of the field, and another year must elapse before the
harvest can be made. The life of a plantation (cocal) is

from twenty years in the warmer parts to forty in the cooler


parts of the belt. The leaves are picked from three to four times
a year, and female labor is the rule. The two big harvests are
early and late in the rainy season, in November Mita de Santos
(All Saints)
and March. In June comes the third Mita de
San Juan, and, if the winter rains are plentiful, a fourth between
June and November.
Similar preparations are necessary in planting coffee, but three
or four years elapse before a yield. The three harvests fall, with
some variation, respectively in October or November, January

to March and May to July the last being the heaviest. Coffee
picking as a rule does not clash with the coca harvest. The drying
of coca leaves and coffee berries alike is carried out on the stone-
paved seccador. The Yungas coffee, which is famous for its
aroma, is exported with the parchment covering still on the bean.
The above description of life in the coca belt accounts for the
life number of people in our area east of the Alti-
of the largest
plano. But both above and below this zone men live and in
entirely different conditions. In a belt limited below by the coca
fields and above by the talus slopes of the mountain core there

are widely scattered haciendas, most of them centered on the

narrow alluvial playas of the valley, but some of them on the
flat-topped spurs high above the rivers. A little agriculture is

practiced about these maize and the temperate fruits in the

valleys; barley, potatoes, and quinoa on the high spurs. But the
belt is chiefly known for its cattle pastures. Where the forest
thins out and above that on all the gentle slopes the grass is

thick and good. The herds are small, and they graze untended
where the topography limits their range naturally. This zone is
one of the two sources of draft oxen and of beef, the other being
the clearings and possibly also natural savana country of the
hot lowlands. Where the natural forest the upper Montana
still exists, as it does almost everywhere south of the La Paz-
Bopi River, it is the haunt of the cinchona gatherers. These
Indians live a hard life in the dense forest. The best trees are
found in the valleys between 2,000 and 3,000 meters altitude. All
the bark which they cut they must transport on their own backs.
The remaining area to be mentioned lies below the coca belt.
It is naturally forest, and the scattered population is grouped

round isolated plantations or missions along the rivers. It is

the upper limit of the Montana, the forest whose natural re-
sources of timber are scarcely tapped and where the rubber pain-
fully gathered by the miserable cascarilleros has now but small
importance in face of scientific cultivation elsewhere and of the
enormous difficulties of export. On the farms, which are situated
on the playas, or flat strips on the river banks, the patr6n is the
master of his colonos in a much more absolute sense than on the
plateau. The finca is here a plantation in the accepted sense.
Cacao and sugar cane are the main crops of the patr6n. The
products of these are easy of export either separately or mixed,
as chocolate. Moreover, the patr6n operates his own distillery
and finds in alcohol his most remunerative commodity. In
addition to these crops all the tropical fruits, including the pine-
apple and various bananas, grow with the minimum of cultiva-
tion and the natives themselves need put very little energy into

supplementing these by other food crops such as yuca and sweet

In early chapters we have learned to appreciate a number of
physical causes for the restricted nature of cultivated land near
the Pacific coast. Topography, soil, and climate combine to
limit agriculture to the narrow strips of the valley oases. Since
the river water is the life blood of these, it follows that success
or failure in raising crops depends upon its even distribution on
the land and here again physical conditions are modified by the

historical circumstances of its occupation. It has been a case of

first come, best served. The irrigable land is held almost entirely
by hacendados, only the higher valleys remaining in the hands
of Indian communities; and, since the first grants were naturally
made for the lands nearest to the source of water, the proprietors
with the longest line of landholding ancestors are often in effect
the masters of the valley, the water rights of estates lower down
being usually much Recent changes have certainly
less valuable.

been in the direction of equity in this matter; but it would appear


that the irrigable land as a whole could be made more productive

if the interests ofwere considered equally. The valley oases

within the limits of our sheet are farmed almost entirely by

Peruvian or Chilean landholders; and it would seem that with
the limited amount of water and of initiative at their disposal
the population is sufficient to provide the requisite labor. It may
be noted, however, in passing that such is not the case in the
Peruvian oases farther north where many foreign proprietors,
in striving to develop the land to its maximum capacity, have
constantly been thwarted by lack of hands and have made
various attempts to introduce foreign labor such as coolies from
China. In our own area we have seen that there is a marked
strain of negro blood in the coastal valleys, derived from the
numerous African slaves introduced by the early Spaniards to
work their newly settled land. Agriculture in the valleys in
Tacna and Arica has labored under a further disadvantage in
the last half-century the uncertainty of the political future of
the two departments.
Temperature is always sufficiently high to produce the crops
of the coast; but the water comes in its full measure only when
the rivers are filled by the summer rains on the Cordillera, so
that the seasonal distribution of work in most of the oases is not
very different from that in other parts of the country; although
the crops in most respects are those characteristic of the Medi-
terranean, where they depend upon winter rains. But there is

another point of similarity which may be mentioned. Many of

the coastal farmers own and
cattle, the winteras
it is in the in
Mediterranean that these are driven to the valuable fugitive if

pastures of the Lomas. The most favored areas, however, such

as the lower Tambo can command water at all seasons,
and here we find sugar cane in quantity.
These coastal oases serve as the garden of Bolivia and northern
Chile, and agriculture is perhaps more varied than elsewhere in
the region on account of the production of the numerous Medi-
terranean crops. Thus there are the olives to pick and press,
olive oil to can and export, vines to tend, grapes to pick, and wine
to make much prized despite a flavor described as "foxy" or
"mousey." The Bolivian Indian would almost as soon go without
his coca as his universal seasoning of aji
known to the world
as chili or red pepper; and the coastal valleys annually send
several hundred tons of these to the plateau. The Chilean nitrate
workers are without local food supplies for man or beast save
for the small production in the canchones described below. A
proportion of the meat can be obtained from the herds above-
mentioned. Hay and alfalfa are raised in the oases in quantities

for export as dried forage.Likewise vegetables and fruits of all

sorts are produced,and the coastal farmers have an ever ready
and increasing market for these in the ships which call to pro-
vision at Arica.
Maize is the chief food staple of the Indians in the valleys
themselves, and in point of production it is probably the most

important crop. But wheat and barley are also grown for home
use, the grain being roasted and ground to meal by hand. The
farmers of the valleys are very careful in the use of the precious
irrigation water. For instance, where aji is the chief crop the
about the edges of the beds, and wheat or barley
soil is raised

issown on the embankments in clumps about a meter apart.

This holds the bank together and helps to keep the water on the
aji beds. The cold coastal water is probably responsible for the
fact that the southern limit of true tropical products lies in our
area and not farther south. Cotton is not cultivated with suc-
cess south of the oasis of lea in Peru, and no Egyptian cotton at
all is raised in our area. Sugar cane, however, thrives where the

water is sufficient, and a large part of the alluvial Tambo valley

and delta is occupied by cane plantations. The contrast of arid
desert slopesand wide verdant flats is here most striking. The
eye is by the lines of poplar trees along the
further attracted
ditches between the fields. These trees, however, can have no
good effect upon the yield of the sun-loving cane. The plants
need two years to come to maturity and may then be cut twice
where the soil is shallow and from three to five times on the
deeper alluvium nearer the mouth, the harvest taking place
Plate H
Plate IT

Scale l2,ooo,ooo

Se.^, ,<, 1 10 ,,, ID .0 *, o ,0 s o to 0 J" >"


between August and December. The bulk of the cane in these

valleys is devoted to the production of alcohol, which, as we have
seen, is in great demand throughout the country and especially
on the plateau. Sugar extraction, when carried out locally, is
primitive, there being no separation of the crystalline and
colloidal materials. The solidified mass (chancaca) is exported in
Where the soil is salt but yet is not far from the water table,
as is the case in parts of the Pampa del Tamarugal, a remarkable
form of cultivation has long been carried on. The superficial
saline layer is removed and built up in long banks known as
canchones, set at right angles to each other. The intervening
spaces are now fit for cultivation, the hollows being sufficiently
deep to allow roots to penetrate to the ground water, or perhaps
to allow the water to reach the roots by capillarity, while the
banks serve as a protection against wind and reduce evaporation.
Vegetables or wheat and even trees such as a mesquite (Prosopis
dulcis) are sown in separate holes. As they sprout the plants are
surrounded with good earth, and while they are still small they
are protected by individual shelters.

We have so far omitted to deal with an important element in
the life of the region and especially of the Puna. Throughout
the century following the Conquest every Spaniard was a pros-
pector, and individuals obtained valuable mining concessions
subject to the payment of a fifth to the royal treasury. For the
working of the mines the government established the system of
forced labor (repartimientos and mitas) by which concessionaries
were allowed to impress the Indian laborers, many of whom were
already skilled in mining. The great initial prosperity of mining
came to an end when silver fell in value and also became more
difficult to extract. But the increasing value of tin in the nine-
teenth century led to a great recrudescence of the industry
helped by foreign capital. The mines today are nearly all in
the hands of foreign companies or of a few Bolivian individuals.
While the foreign companies are mainly European and North
American, there is an important and growing Chilean interest
in Bolivian mines, especially at Corocoro and Llallagua. The
population about a mine consists, as a rule, of a small number of
white engineers, a larger number of cholo overseers, who live
with their families, and the much largernumber of Indian miners.
The latter, as pointed out, are free Indians drawn from the old
communities. Some of them have settled in the district, espe-
ciallywhere the mines are long established; and these have with
them their wives and families who often cultivate a little land
near the mine, generally with poor results, since the mines are
mostly situated at high altitudes. But the great bulk of the
miners are transitory, the Indians engaging voluntarily in many
cases but leaving their community only
a period of months.
Where located far from centers of population it is so difficult
for mine owners to obtain the necessary hands that they some-
times adopt methods which are far from being above criticism.
The revels of the fiestas are favorite occasions for the visits of the
cholo mine agents to the communities. Liquor is flowing freely,
and it is than
easier to persuade the Indian to agree to serve then
at other times. A
advance of money promptly spent on

drink clinches the bargain, and the Indian when sober becomes
the slave of the mine, to remain so until his debt is paid off.
Of the total population of the province of Tarapaca, given
in the census of 1907 as 110,000, 23,000 were Peruvians, and
12,000 were Bolivians. A large proportion of these were un-
doubtedly workers in the nitrate fields, so that we have to note
an important movement of Indians from the plateaus to the
coast for mining purposes. Many of these are engaged by con-
tract; and, taking their families with them, they remain for long
periods. Others come down with caravans and take service for
a few months before returning to their homes.

Figure 38 consists of three sketch maps, showing approximately
the relative importance of traffic routes in the area at different


periods, and a fourth map on which are indicated the dates of

On maps A, C, and D the
construction of the various railways.
thickness of the lines mark in a general manner a grading of
the amount of traffic on the routes; and such lines are to be
compared only with other lines on the same map. On map A,
illustrating conditions in the colonial period, all of the lines, of
course, indicate pack roads. On maps C and D only the most
important of these and of the coach roads are shown, the majority
of them being feeders of the railways.
rise of the Inca dynasty it
In prehistoric times prior to the
would appear that Tiahuanaco was the kernel of the whole puna
region of South America. It was a large city whose inhabitants
could not have been fed by the immediate neighborhood, evi-
dently a center of government supported by tribute from distant
provinces, like Rome at the height of its splendor. With the
decay of Tiahuanaco and the rise of the Inca capital at Cuzco
the center of gravity in the Puna shifted north of our area, and
arteries ofcommunication developed, leading from the heart of
empire to the outer marches which lay well beyond the La Paz
area. Throughout the Inca period, then, the maximum move-
ment of peoplemust have been along roads following .the north-
south trend of the Puna, with branches to the coast lands by
Arequipa, to the Yungas by La Paz, and to the eastern Andes
by Cochabamba.
The Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru was governed from Lima,
and the same roads which served the Incas became the means of
interchange between the various mountain provinces of the new
state. But the Spaniards sailed upon the sea and so developed
ports, Quilca, at the mouth of the Rio Vitor, to serve Arequipa
lea, by which some of the coastal valleys were tapped and Arica, ;

as the main point of access to the Altiplano. Moreover the

Spaniards occupied Chile, far beyond the domain of the Inca;
and, since it often took twelve months to reach the Chilean settle-
ments against adverse winds and currents, they developed the
desert road along the foot of the Cordillera. The great mining
activity of the early Spaniards caused them to seek an outlet

for their minerals. Arica, the first accessible port north of the
Atacama desert, was the obvious and so there developed
a great fan-shaped concentration on this port reaching out to
the eastern Andes as far south as Potosi. A considerable pro-
portion of the Potosi silver, however, went southwestward to
the port of Cobija.
Such were the main currents of movement up to the time of
railroad development; and, since the Indian population is not
yet given to railway travel, it may be said that the old roads

stillhave great though somewhat lessened importance. Let us

examine in more detail the location of these.
Of the longitudinal routes by far the most important is that
leading from Puno in Peru, following the west shore of Titicaca,
crossing the Desaguadero by a bridge at its source, and thence
leading by Viacha, with a branch to La Paz, along the foot of the
eastern ridges and Cordillera. At Paria this road divides, one
branch continuing southwards by Oruro and the other leading
over the hills to Cochabamba. The southward road splits at
Rio Mulato, as does the modern railway, its branches leading
respectively to Potosi and Sucre and to the Argentine border
via Uyuni and Tupiza, both beyond our limit.
From Paria to Cochabamba the easier route now followed by
the railway provided for normal traffic while a hill road, passing
through Tapacari, comes into more general use during the wet
weather when the Arque River causes obstruction on the lower
road. Beyond Cochabamba the main road passes eastwards into
the basin of Cliza andso, by a gradual descent, to Santa Cruz

at the eastern foot of the Andes.

Prior to railroad construction the mineral output from the
southeastern part of our area found its way to Arica by a caravan

trailwhich strikes west-southwest from Oruro across the plateau

and then, after passing through the pastures about the upper
Lauca River, descends either by the Lluta or Azapa valleys to
the coast. Of the trans-Cordillera roads, however, the one which
has been of most constant importance is that which leads from
the town of Tacna northeastward and succeeds in maintaining
an almost straight course to La Paz, striking the upper Mauri
River and then keeping to the higher ground north of it, and
crossing the Desaguadero at Nazacara. The direct road from
Arequipa to the Puna finds fairly easy gradients by passing east-
ward over the Pampa de Salinas and then northeastward over
the high plateaus to Puno on Titicaca. La Paz has always been
the main starting point for the Bolivian Yungas. The bulk of
the through traffic which moves along the eastern shore of
Titicaca is going to or from Sorata, the collecting point in the
northern Yungas, and an even more important traffic is main-
tained on the road over the pass at Rinconada and thence down
either to Coroico or Chulumani. An observer has counted 1, 600
laden animals making their way up from Yungas on this road in
one day, and that not the chief market day of La Paz.
The traffic from Arequipa to the coast formerly went down the
Vitor valley to its mouth where Quilca was long maintained as
the port of Arequipa. But since the railroad was built Mollendo
has become the port, and the Vitor road has lost in importance.
The position of the desert road, followed during the conquest of
Chile by Almagro onhis return and by Valdivia on his outward
march, determined by the points at which limited supplies of

food, water, and fodder can be obtained. It therefore passes

over the piedmont from oasis to oasis, keeping as near to the
edge of the desert as is on the
possible without climbing far
slopes of the mountains. This route is have been in con-
said to
stant use by the Spaniards up to the time when the ocean sailing

track as opposed to the coastwise course was discovered
early in the eighteenth century. These were the chief avenues of
movement up to the period of railroad construction. Other
routes are either of purely local importance or serve as tribu-
taries to these main arteries.
The term "road" has been used in the above description as
well as in the legend printed on the La Paz sheet. It cannot be
too strongly emphasized, however, that roads in this area are
not like those of more progressive parts of the world. So far as
has been ascertained, there is but one metalled road within the

sheet area, and that has been built by a mining company to

bring their ores from the Caracoles and other mines in the
Quimsa Cruz Cordillera over the Abra de Tres Cruces and down
to the railway at Eucalyptus. Elsewhere on the sheet the symbol
for a "coach road" where shown implies that passenger or mail
coaches and other wheeled vehicles, such as occasional auto-
mobiles, use them or have used them in recent years. It does
not imply that the surface is maintained or that streams are all
bridged; but the roads are kept in repair and graded in many

places especially where cut along a mountain slope to avoid
the washouts which damage roads at lower levels. On the other
hand, the symbol used for "pack roads, trails, and paths" includes
routes of all qualities, from the trail linking villages on the
Altiplano which are often difficult to distinguish from the pampa
on either side to the main pack roads of the mountains, such as
that from La Paz to Chulumani, upon which an immense amount
of labor and money has been spent in cutting, embanking, paving,
and bridging. In Bolivia it is such caminos de herradura that are
the chief concern of the Department of Public Works.

The Revolution led to increased interest in this region on the
part of foreigners, and it is only natural that the first railway
construction took place in the most accessible part the coast
lands. The line from Moquegua to its port of Ilo was opened in
1873 to serve for the export of the products of the Moquegua
valley largely wine and brandy. This railroad, however, was
destroyed in the War of the Pacific and was not rebuilt until
1907. Another and more important result of the introduction of
foreign capital was the development of the nitrate industry
with the foundation of the port of Pisagua (see Fig. 1) and
construction of a railway to it in 1875, to be followed in the
early nineties by the opening of lines to the newer ports of Caleta
Buena and Caleta Junin. An essential feature of the political and
strategic organization of Chile has been the building of the longi-
tudinal railroad throughout its great length north of 40 S.
Only the final section of this remains to be built, the plan being to
connect Zapiga on the Pisagua line with Arica. The Peruvians,
encouraged by the success of the Moquegua railway, and to meet
a similar need, constructed the line from Tacna to Arica; and
this was long thought of as the first section of a railway to
Bolivia. But the continuation was never undertaken.
The greatest feat in opening up the Central Andes the build-

ing of railways up to the high plateaus still remains to be treat-
ed; and the great importance of topography in this elevated
region is brought home to us in a remarkable manner when we
consider the facts of route selection, railway competition, and
movement of commodities in the last half-century. Primarily of
course railways have penetrated to the heart of the Cordilleras
produce and so to promote mining;
in order to tap the ores they
and we may note with advantage the swift changes which have
taken place in the direction of this export, as the various railways
in turn crept up to the plateau and pushed their heads nearer to
the different mining centers.
The Peruvian Corporation was first in the field with its line
from Mollendo along the shore and up over the desert pampa to
Arequipa and thence by severe gradients to the plateau and
Lake Titicaca, which it reaches at Puno. This line was opened
in 1874. In addition to serving Arequipa and tapping the agri-
cultural and pastoral resources of a wide area of Peru, it opened
a new route for export of Bolivian ores; for after some delay a
steamer service was established on Lake Titicaca from Puno to
Huaqui, which had the effect of diverting much of the ore from
the llama caravans on the Tacna road. In particular, the new
route took the entire production of the Corocoro copper mines
and greatly stimulated production there. This is all the more
striking in that the distance by the new route was so much
greater, while the ore had to be handled six times between mine
and ocean steamer, viz.: loaded on mule cart or llama back;
carried to the Desaguadero; shipped in shallow-draft barges on
that river; transshipped to the lake steamer at Huaqui (see
Fig. 39); loaded on the train at Puno; and finally at Mollendo,
*r<.-' 4

where steamers cannot come alongside, first put into lighters

and thence hoisted into the steamer hold in the roadstead. In
1902 La Paz was linked to this sytem by the building of a rail-
way to Huaqui.
The port of Antofagasta is over 400 kilometers south of our
limit of 20 degrees. From this port a narrow-gauge railroad was
constructed in a northeasterly direction to tap the rich copper
mines of northern Chile and pushed up over the plateau, reaching
Oruro in 1892 and thus at once draining the bulk of the mineral
districts of Bolivia southwards to Antofagasta. In 1912 the
facility of export in this direction was further increased by
opening of theline from Rio Mulato to Potosi; but it is worthy
of note that even after the Antofagasta railroad had reached
Oruro a constant stream of freight from the plateau as far south
as that city continued for many years to be moved by caravan
to Arica, and the extension of the Antofagasta line from Oruro up
to Viacha in 1909 did not completely drain the produce of this
region to the southern port.
The was
last stage in this contest for the traffic of the plateau
by the completion of the Arica-La Paz railroad.
initiated in 19 13
This line was not made an extension of the Arica-Tacna railway
but was constructed in the Lluta basin, reaching the summit
near Lago Blanco, continuing down the Mauri River, and taking
an easy course over the plateau which brought it within a few
miles of Corocoro.About the same time the railway from Oruro
to Cochabamba by way of the Arque valley was finished. In
consequence of these recent developments the freight routes at
the present time are again undergoing readjustment but prob-
ably for the last time. To help in visualizing the changes in the
relative importance of routes, three sketch maps are given
(Fig. 38) representing conditions in different periods.
As far as the country south of La Paz is concerned, com-
petition is now entirelybetween the ports of Arica and Anto-
fagasta, Mollendo having dropped behind, presumably on
account of the transshipment difficulties. In 1916 the relative
volume of exportation by the three ports in metric tons was as


follows: Antofagasta 80,977, Arica 43,563, Mollendo 4,957. It
seems clear that the figure for Arica does not represent the posi-
tion which that port and its railway will hold in the future. The
new line suffered greatly for the first two years from the lack
of rolling stock, and it is unlikely that by 1916 complete adjust-
ment had taken place. We may usefully compare certain fea-
tures of the three railway routes to La Paz.

Summit in
Length the Cordil-
in Time from Time to
Kilometers lera Occi- La Paz La Paz

Arica . . .
439 4,257 meters 17 hrs. 25 hrs.
Antofagasta 1. 157 3,956 meters 48 hrs. 53 hrs.
Mollendo . . 850 4,470 meters 35 hrs. 45 hrs.

Considering distances from the ports along the various routes

we may note that a point which is halfway between Arica and
Antofagasta on the now continuous railway linking the ports
by way Viacha and Oruro would form a natural divide for
freight north bound and south bound. This point is just south
of Challapata, east of Lake Poop6, and it would appear that
under present conditions the Viacha-Arica railway should form
the avenue for all freight derived from or destined for all the
plateau area represented on the La Paz sheet save a small strip
in the south. Furthermore, a railway project which has been
much favored by mine owners south of Oruro is the construc-
tion of a line from Charana, the frontier station on the Arica
railroad, directly to Oruro, keeping to the south of the middle
Desaguadero. There is no geographical reason for thus doubling
the line in the Mauri valley, and great economy would evidently
be effected by making a junction in the neighborhood of the
Mauri viaduct near Viscachani. But, whatever be the detail of
this railway construction, it remains true that, if it be carried
out, the imaginary line which we term the "freight divide"

would be moved southward beyond Rfo Mulato. By this the

Arica railroad would be the gainer, having tapped the heavy
trafficfrom the Potosi district.
Of the railways so far mentioned probably the only one that
serves agricultural interests to any great extent is that from
Oruro to Cochabamba. This line serves as distributor of produce
emanating not only from the Cochabamba basin itself but also
from the southern Yungas and the warm valleys drained east-
wards to the Rfo Grande. There is a project to extend the
existing railway, on the one hand, into the former district and
so to reach the head of navigation on the Chapare, a tributary
of the Mamor6, and, on the other, to Santa Cruz and so on to
the Parana River at Puerto Suarez. In the latter direction there
is already a short electric road as far as Punata in the rich agri-

cultural basin of Cliza.

East of La Paz lies the best-developed section of the Yungas.
And we have seen traffic up and down these valleys is heavy.
It would seem, then, that the Bolivian government is fully
justified in the construction of the mountain railroad up the
Chuquiaguillo valley and down the Unduavi. This railway will
undoubtedly be prolonged to Chulumani, but it remains to be
seen whether it will ever connect with navigation on the Beni
River. A railway route has been surveyed from Coroico to Rur-
renabaque, some 200 kilometers to the north, so that in time the
traffic link between La Paz and the Amazon may be forged in

that direction. In discussing railroads in this region we have not

had to make reference to projects in any great degree. The
riches of the mines have made realities of most of the projects
here. Development of additional mines will probably mean new
branch lines or at least new automobile roads, but of trunk lines
there would seem to be room for no more, unless it be the linking
of the Peruvian and Bolivian systems by a line along the western
shore of Titicaca from Puno to Huaqui. 16
For related discussions see Isaiah Bowman: Trade Routes in the Economic
Geography of Bolivia, Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc, Vol. 42, 1910, pp. 22-37, 90-104,
and 180-192; and idem: Regional Population Groups of Atacama, ibid., Vol. 41
1909, pp. 142-154 and 193-211.
Leading Cities and Centers
The La Paz sheet includes five cities and towns which demand
special attention from their importance, not only to this parti-
cular area but to the Central Andes as a whole. These are La
Paz, Arequipa, Cochabamba, Oruro, and Arica.
We have seen how the early Spanish settlers gradually pushed
their dominion southwards from Peru towards the pampas of
Argentina, and it has already been noted that it was found
convenient to establish an important post about halfway between
Cuzco and Potosf. This post, which has become the city of La
Paz, was founded in 1548 under the name, El Pueblo Nuevo
(The New Town). Had the post been fixed actually upon the
route, it would have stood in the neighborhood of the present
Viacha, that is on the bare plateau itself; and it is most unlikely
that it would have developed into the greatest city in the Central
Andes. La Paz holds this position in virtue of its being the center
of government in Bolivia; and the government is centered there
and not at Sucre, the legal capital, because of the nodal position
required by a metropolis. 17 The city enjoys a climate which,
while it is not ideal, is yet far more supportable than that of
Viacha, and its disadvantage of lying nearly 20 miles off the
main road on the plateau and 600 meters below its level is now
met by two railroads which descend to the city itself. Thus La
Paz is now in a position to draw almost the maximum advantage
from its nodality. This advantage will be complete if and when
the Yungas railway has been extended to the head of navigation
on the Beni River. The population of Bolivia is crowded rela-
in this western section of the country. From south,
from west, and from both shores of Titicaca routes converge
here. Moreover, La Paz is the starting point of the easiest road
from the plateau to the Yungas and ultimately to the Amazonian
plains. Successful government in the less accessible parts of
South America is largely a matter of communications. Where
these are difficult the government is ill-informed of happenings
17 It is in virtue of this that La Paz is indicated on the map by the symbol for
capital city.

in its more remote territories, and it is in these that revolutions

tend to break out. A President at Sucre would be hopelessly
out of touch with affairs in the Yungas, and that city stands on
the very edge of the mining zone and beyond the well-peopled
region of Bolivia. La Paz as the center of government and of
business has grown very rapidly in recent years. Its population
has increased from 60,000 in 1900 to 78,000 in 1909 and 101,000
(estimated) in 1920. With its public buildings, churches, plazas,
markets, busy thoroughfares, the city really looks like a capital.
The foreign visitor to La Paz carries a lifelong memory of its
wonderful setting, unique among capitals. From the Alto the

Fig. 40 The site of the city of La Paz, from the southwest. In the distance are
peaks of the Cordillera Real with Caca-Aca and Huaina Potosi (left) the smooth ;

upper surface in the middle distance is an extension of the Altiplano; the glaciated
valleys of the upper La Paz (left) and Chuquiaguillo (center) are incised below
this surface. The city is partly on a terrace and partly on the lowest slopes of the
main valley. Drawn from a photograph.

city is seen to nestle far below, not quite at the head of the deep
trench in which it lies but near the spot where the torrential
Chuquiaguillo River tumbles down to join the La Paz River,
which threads the city itself. The steep valley sides contrast
with the smooth upper edges of spurs and plateau, and these
remnants of an ancient topography rise gently as they recede,
till they lap against the rugged walls of the Cordillera with its

crown of snow and ice. The latter is visible in more than half its

extent from Caca Aca on the left to Illimani on the right.
Towards the latter the middle distance is occupied by a labyrinth
of spurs and narrow valleys cut in the weakest of rocks. Light
and shade bring out the valley sculpture in its finest tracery of


earth pillars and dendritic scrolls. Perhaps aesthetic apprecia-
tion of this magnificent situation as well as the city's history
contributed, when the New Town was rechristened under the
dignified title: Nuestra Sefiora de la Paz, which name, after
independence had been won, was changed to its present form,
La Paz de Ayacucho.
Arequipa is the metropolis of southern Peru and the second
city in that country. Throughout its long history it has derived
its relative importance mainly from three facts: that it possesses

a considerable stretch of irrigable land on a gently sloping pampa;

that in all of southern Peru this is the only extensive agricultural
area intermediate in altitude Arequipa is at 2,295 meters
between the hot coast lands and the Puna; and, lastly, that it is
situated on a relatively easy route between a port Quilca and
the thickly peopled Puna north and west of Lake Titicaca.
Arequipa is therefore admirably placed as a center for exchange
of the products of Puna and coast.
The on the open pampa on the eastern bank of the
city stands
Rio Chili which flows in a deep quebrada. It is a well built city
of stone laid out in rectangular blocks, and slopes gently from
north to south. Above the city stands the astronomical observa-
tory maintained by Harvard University. From the scenic stand-
point it is the background which makes Arequipa. Seen from the
southwest the city appears to be crowned by the perfect cone of
El Misti with its peak, snow-capped for most of the year, 3,500
meters above the town and 18 kilometers distant. To left and
right stand respectively the triple peaks of Chachani and the
rugged ridges of Pichu Pichu, the first separated from El Misti
by the profound canyon of the Chili and the second standing
out from the flat horizon of the Pampa de Salinas. The census
of 1876 credited Arequipa and
suburb of Miraflores with a

population of 29,000, while the number today is not much less

than 40,000, and it would appear that the greatest increase took
place soon after railway communication was opened. One result
of this was the development of industry, such as cotton and grain
mills. Arequipa, like Cuzco, is noted as a hotbed of revolution.

Both are centers of outlying departments, and the lack of direct

railway communication with the capital is doubtless a con-
tributory cause.
In 1574 the Spaniards, appreciating the kindly climate and
good soil of the "wet plain" (khocha pampa) of the Rocha, founded

the Villa de Oropeza there. The city remains under the Indian
name as Cochabamba. Its site in the enclosed basin which it

dominates is determined by a rocky prong of the southern hill,

which causes a constriction in the pampa threaded by the Rocha.
Just below the city that river receives the tributary which drains
the wide basin of Cliza to the southeast. Cochabamba is the
meeting point of the ways leading, on the one hand, through this
basin and spreading fan-wise over wide tracts of the eastern
Andes and, on the other hand, up the Rocha valley and over to
the Yungas and the Rio Chapare.
The impression left in the mind of the visitor to Cochabamba is
of a pleasant, hospitable city with many trees and animated by
the life of an important market brimming with the fruits of the
soil. As such it has an importance much greater than is indicated
by the number of its permanent inhabitants. These were esti-
mated in 1918 at 31,000; the census of 1900 giving a total of
22,000. The pampa presents a smiling aspect with its well-grown
crops and innumerable fruit trees. The rushing Rocha forms an
alluring foreground in this arid land, and the bold scarp of the
Tunari, while it does not match the background of La Paz, yet
fits the landscape, and without the presence of this protecting
range the fertile basin is unthinkable; indeed it would not exist.

Cochabamba is the most Spanish of all the cities in our area. Its
climate and the fertility of its soil caused the early settlers to
make it their home, and today the customs of old Spain prevail
to a marked degree.
A greater contrast in aspect and life could scarcely be found in
the region than that between Cochabamba and Oruro. The con-
vergence of the road from the former with the piedmont road of
the Altiplano would naturally be an important place, especially
as it is halfway between La Paz and Potosi. But its location
would be that of Paria, close to the hills. But Oruro is the real
junction of roads as it is of railways. The cause for the momen-
tum acquired by this city is the small group of hills which raise
their bald heads from a still more barren pampa, which separates
them by ten kilometers from the escarpment of the eastern pla-
teaus. To this inhospitable spot the early Spaniards were at-
tracted by the silver lodes of the hills, and they made their
settlement as best they could on the east side of the group where
they obtained at least some shelter from the cold and dust-laden
winds which sweep the Altiplano in the winter. The city was
styled the Villa de San Felipe de Austria, but its aboriginal name

Uru Uru probably derived from the presence of a group of Uru

Indians has survived in the present form. But Oruro has been
little better than a mining camp throughout its long history. It

is in no way favored by nature at no season is its climate pleas-


ant, scarcely a tree is to be found in or about the city, and even

the inadequate water supply has to be piped across the pampa
from the Cordillera. The drab aspect of the blocks of low adobe
houses is only heightened by the artificial pretentiousness of the
ornate government buildings in the main plaza.
Oruro was founded as a mining center in 1568, and such fever-
ish activity reigned in the followingcentury that by 1678 there
were some 38,000 Spaniards living there, and the Indian popula-
tion must have been at least as great, making a total of 76,000.
The extent to which silver mining had fallen off by 1859 is re-
flected in the population of that date
7,980. From then on-
wards the Cerro de Oruro has again been known as a great tin-
mining center. By 1900 its population had grown to 15,900, and,
as this industry received a great impetus from the advent of the
railroad, it is not surprising that the city in 1920 numbered about
31,000 inhabitants.
Arica, little more than a village with its 5,000 inhabitants,
merits special treatment here because of its future rather than
on account of its past. Yet even and seventeenth
in the sixteenth
centuries it would have maintained a greater population, had it
not been for a well-grounded fear of the English raiders, of whom

Sir Francis Drake was the first and best known. This, as well as
the frequency of earthquakes, discouraged settlement in the little

port. Arica is of great importance strategically and commercially.

At the present time it is occupied by the strongest naval power in
western South America, Chile, which holds the nitrate fields.
Early in the War of the Pacific the capture of Arica was effected
by Chile, and it was a So long as attack by neigh-
vital stroke.
bors is must be able to dom-
likely the holder of the nitrate fields
inate Arica and its relatively sheltered harbor from the sea.
We have seen that as the terminus of the La Paz railway the
port of Arica is destined to deal with an ever-increasing traffic
with Bolivia. Without a doubt it must soon become Bolivia's
first port. The town with its limited resources of water and food

will probably never grow to be a large city, but with the future
development of warehouses and possibly of smelters a consider-
able increase in its population is to be expected, and its impor-
tance to the Central Andes will always be greater than its size
would imply.
The absolute dependence of the Andean Indians upon the
produce of the soil accounts for the deep-seated desire on their
part to propitiate the natural elements, or rather the spirits
which they conceive to control them. Their religion, while nom-
inally that of the Roman Catholic Church, at bottom consists in
the worship of such spirits, and, while the celebrations of the
Church are observed, these often coincide with the time-honored
festivals of the pre-Christian period. Thus the celebration of
Corpus Christi about the end of May coincides with the primitive
festival marking the conclusion of chuno making. The ancient
festivals, or holidays, were combined with periodic fairs, and so
today there is a general agreement of the dates of the important
Christian celebrations with the holding of annual fairs in one
place or another. There is however, a general absence of fairs
in the rainy season, for there is much work to be done in the fields,
and roads are then difficult to traverse.
These annual fairs are a feature in the life of all large villages
which are centers of districts; but there are two places in our
area whose fame spreads beyond these limits. Each of them
draws thousands of people from far and wide for one week in the
year. These are Copacabana, on the western side of the penin-
sula of that name in Titicaca, and Huari, on the eastern side of
Lake Poopo. Copacabana is the reputed birthplace of the Chil-
dren of the Sun, and the wise ecclesiastics of the Conquest in
their effort to convert the natives erected on this most sacred spot
of the Indians the shrine of Our Lady of Copacabana. There is a

weekly market at this place as in hundreds of others but mar-
ket day here is Sunday, so that trading may be combined with
religion. Moreover, it is the idea of annual pilgrimage which
renders the Copacabana fair so important when it is held. Were
it not for its religious importance Copacabana would probably

not have been chosen as the location of a leading fair.

Huari is a small village situated on the narrow piedmont strip
between Lake Poop6 and the eastern Andes. For fifty-one weeks
it is a much less important place than Challapata, ten kilometers

north of it. But in the week following Holy Week the village may
contain ten thousand people, and during that time a busy trade is
carried on. From its location Huari is a convenient point for such
a concourse. By the road from Sucre which reaches the piedmont
at Challapata come the farmers of the warm valleys in the Rio
Grande basin as far as Santa Cruz bringing their grain, sugar,
wine, and fruit. By the roads from the north come the traders of
Yungas with their coca and other tropical produce. By the
southern road come grain from Tupiza and chinchilla skins from
Lipez, and from distant Argentina come droves of fattened cattle,
mules, and donkeys for sale. The Puna itself sends its products
in quantities
woolen fabrics, wrought silver, chuno, etc. Since
the resources of Huari are limited, elaborate preparations have
to be made. The fair is administered by the municipality of
Challapata for which a contractor organizes temporary shops,
corrals, etc., paying a high price for the privilege but deriving
good profit from his week's labor. 18

18 For details see Gladys M. Wrigley, (i4S).


Geography and Political Organization

Just as the physical characters of the land have largely deter-
mined the course of man's occupation of it and his distribution
upon it, so also the political organization of the country has
always been guided at least in part by geographical considera-
tions. This is best seen in the positions and movements of politi-
cal boundary lines. In the earlier periods of their history and

prehistory territories of clans, races, and empires were probably
separated not by boundary lines but by frontier zones which
were contested incessantly by neighboring tribes. Archeology
has revealed the existence of a prehistoric empire, of whose cul-
ture the chief feature is megalithic structures. This empire is

believed to have extended over the high Andes from 12 S. north-

wards to 5 S. and down to the coast between 5 and 15 The .

later Inca empire from its nucleus at Cuzco was extended gradu-
ally in both directions along the Andes, until at its apogee, be-
tween 1488 and 1530 A. D., it included all of the ancient megalithic
empire and more, reaching on coast and mountains to the
equator and along the Pacific coast to the site of Valparaiso.
These great empires, then, furnish a wonderful example of polit-
ical units extending throughout entire natural regions the
Puna on the mountains and the desert on the coast. All the high
lands and dry lands came under their sway, but never the wet
and forest lands. The Inca empire in fact corresponded in

marked degree with the range of the condor the animal king of
the Andes. 19
The frontier zone with the forest tribes was the eastern slopes
of the Andes. Where this frontier was regarded as vulnerable, in
parts of Peru and in the plateaus east of our area for instance, it
was defended by forts dominating the valleys. But apparently
the Cordillera Real was considered as a sufficiently strong natural
barrier, for no undoubted remains of fortifications have been
found there. Similarly throughout the whole of the Spanish

19 The maps in the papers of Philip A. Means, (in), and Erland Nordenskiold,
(128) may be consulted.
period, while various expeditions went down into the forest,
mostly in search of gold, many never returned, and the forested
lowlands were never occupied. They were organized as "military
We have seen that Lake Titicaca from an early period has
divided Quichuas from Aymaras; and ever since the Spanish
Conquest a political boundary has existed, running from the
Cordillera Occidental in the neighborhood of the Arica-La Paz
route in a general northeasterly direction to the Cordillera Real.
This was first the limit of the Audiencia de los Reyes (i.e. Lima)

and the Audiencia de los Charcas out of which the modern Bo-
livia has grown. These were two of the five principal divisions

of the Viceroyalty of Peru. 20 That the line between the two audi-
encias was subject to variation from time to time is apparent
from the sketch map shown on Figure 41, but it is also clear that
Titicaca has always been in a frontier zone traversing the Puna
region. The importance of the boundary was increased when in
1777 Alto Peru was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Vice-

royalty of La Plata or Buenos Ayres a change which resulted
largely from the development of lines of communication across
the eastern Andean plateaus to the Argentine pampas. With the
wars of independence in the early nineteenth century this divid-
ing line again acquired increased importance as the international
boundary between Peru and Bolivia. The line, from a point on
the main divide east of the village of Ancomarca to the point
where meets the Rio Desaguadero, is always referred to as the

traditional boundary. It is shown on the La Paz sheet in con-

formity with the most recent available official Bolivian map. 21
This position does not agree with the delimitation contained in
the Treaty of 1909, 22 which describes it as starting at Ancomarca,
following the summits of Lucilla and Tapara, and thence extend-

20 The Audiencia y Chancellaria de la Plata, Provincia de los Charcas, com-

monly known as the Audiencia de Charcas, was established by Philip II in 1559.

It came to be known as Alto Peru. It is described by Rene-Moreno, (133), pp.
21 Mapa del Departamento de La Paz por Eduardo Idiaquez, 1 : 750,000, 1919.
22 Quoted by Luis S. Crespo, (17).

Fig. 41 Sketch map showing boundary changes in the Central Andes. Sources
for boundaries are as follows: for 1656,Mapby N. Sanson d'Abbeville, Le Perou
by M. Bonne in Atlas moderne, Paris,
etc., Paris, 1656; for 177s, Carte du Perou
1771, and Mapa Geografico de America meridional by La Cruz Cano y Omedilla,
Madrid, 1775; for 1859, Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia by Ondarza and Mujia,
I 859-
ing down to the source of the Yaro, which it follows to the Desa-
guadero. But it seems likely that the topography in this area has
become better known and modifications of the line
since 1909
consequently adopted. This section of boundary has not yet
been surveyed or demarcated. From the outlet of Lake Titicaca
the position of the boundary is accurately known on the ground,
but later accurate surveys of the shore line will necessarily modify
itsposition on the map. Where the line traverses the peninsula of
Copacabana it follows a very sinuous course, determined by the
limits of propertiesowned by Peruvians and Bolivians.
A more obvious is the summit of the Western
natural frontier
Cordillera. Soon after the Spanish Conquest it was decided that
the whole of the territory within the La Paz sheet should belong
to the Viceroyalty of Peru, the northern boundary of Chile being
fixed at the Rio Copiapo, and by the creation of the Audiencia of
Charcas the Altiplano south of Titicaca and the coast lands be-
tween the Tambo and the Copiap6 were included in this single
political unit. Thus for a period the cordillera in our area was not
a political boundary. But even at this time the coastal strip south
of Arica was virtually disregarded by the Spanish colonists of the
plateau, and the barrier shutting off the desert was none the less
real. Between 1760 and 1770, however, there was a change in

organization of the Kingdom of Peru by which the partido of

Arequipa had been extended down the coast to the vicinity of
Pisagua23 and the cordillera thus became the boundary between
the two Audiencias. Again, after Charcas had been transferred
to the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres we find an official map 24
showing Peru as extending well beyond our area to the Rio de
Loa, thus pushing the coast line of Charcas to the south of that
river. Thus the Cordillera Occidental became established as the
political boundary which after 1 8 10 separated Peru from Bolivia.
In the War of the Pacific, 1879-1883, Bolivia lost to Chile all of
her coastal territory and Peru her province of Tarapaca, lying
to the south of the Rio Camarones, while Chile occupied the
29 by M. Bonne, "Carte du Perou," in Atlas Moderne, Paris, 1771.
24 "Piano General del Reyno del Peru," by Dr. Andres Baleato, 1796.

Peruvian provinces of Arica and Tacna. The boundary in the

cordillera thenceforward separated Bolivia from Chile and the
occupied provinces of Peru. It was delimited in a treaty between
Bolivia and Chile in 1904 and a protocol in 1907, and the whole
frontier zone was surveyed, and the boundary demarcated, by a
mixed commission operating in 1904 and 1905. The entire sec-
tion of the Bolivian boundary lying north of 20 S. is situated well
to the east of the continental divide in the cordillera. This at first

sight seems strange and unwise, and we have already noticed

some The explana-
of the disadvantages to Bolivia of this fact.
tion is simple. The by Peru to Chile of her province of
Tarapaca and the occupation by Chile of Tacna and Arica meant
that the existing eastern limit of Tarapaca became the Chile-
Bolivia boundary, while the existing limits of Arica and Tacna
for all practical purposesfrom 1883 till the present time have
been regarded as the boundary between Chile and Bolivia.
The task of the mixed commission, then, was to establish and de-
marcate these old provincial limits. Going further back, it may
be presumed, in the absence of evidence, that the audiencia of
Lima in extending its territory down the coast in the eighteenth
century went somewhat beyond the divide in the cordillera, be-
cause individual settlers in the coastal oases were interested in
utilizing the high pastures of the mountains, while the Spaniards
in Charcas who were much farther off, on the east side of the
Altiplano, were not interested in such developments. The boun-
dary claimed by Chile as corresponding to the limits of the old
Peruvian provinces does not seem to have been seriously con-
tested by Chile.
With the conclusionof the War of the Pacific, Bolivia became
an inland state, while Peru shrank northward on the coast.
The boundary between her territory and that of Chile remains
unsettled on account of the dispute over Tacna and Arica. This
subject is treated in some detail in Appendix B, and I shall only
refer here to the nature of the various boundaries which are af-
fected. In the event of the old provinces being returned to Peru
the international boundary will be the northern limit of Tara-
paca. This line, which is marked on the La Paz sheet, lies in the

Rio Camarones and its more northerly head stream, the Aja-
tama, as far as a point west of Tarahuire, whence it runs north-
east to the Cerro de Puquintica where it meets the Bolivian boun-
dary. In the event of the occupied territory becoming Chilean the
international line will presumably be the Rio Sama from its
mouth to a point above Caribaya. Beyond this its position would
be in doubt. Chile occupies all the land up to the boundary shown
on the La Paz sheet which follows the Rio Cano to its source and
thence crossing the upper Mauri runs eastward to the Bolivian
boundary at the Cerro Chipe. The Peace Treaty of 1883 allowed
Chile to occupy the provinces of Tacna and Arica "bounded on
the north by the Rio Sama from its source in the Cordilleras which
limit Bolivia to its mouth." Peruvians hold that Chile went
beyond her rights in selecting the westernmost branch of the
Sama for her boundary and claim that the district of Tarata,
which corresponds roughly to the basin of the Sama within the
cordillera, was wrongfully occupied by Chile.
The line dividing two Chilean departments of Tacna and Arica,
shown on the La Paz sheet on the synoptical index only, follows
the Quebrada de Caunani, crosses the Arica-La Paz railway north
of the station of Puquios, and passes by the Cerro de Tarapaca
to the Bolivian boundary on the Nevados de Payachata. If this
line were to be adopted as the international boundary, by way of

compromise, two railways would be cut by it the Arica-La
Paz and that from Tacna to Arica.
It is noteworthy that all the boundaries mentioned on the
Pacific slope follow rivers which feed oases in the desert; and the
inconvenience that must result from making a frontier out of a
river, of which every drop is required for irrigation, must be


By George M. McBride
From very early times the social organization of the Indians
was based upon the clan, as among other American aborigines;
and the kinship group, which was the unit of their society, was
the ayllu. It would seem that after the establishment of the
Indians as a sedentary agricultural people, the ayllu had become
an agrarian unit as well as a social bond, since the land was held
collectively by this body and was administered by the head man
of the community. Each year the land was distributed anew; one
portion being set aside to be cultivated by the people for religious
purposes and for the sustenance of those engaged in this, another

portion usually the best for the head chief (in later times the
Inca) and his attendants, the remaining land being distributed
among the heads of individual families. The land, however, was
not alienable. All parts of it continued to belong to the ayllu,
even that assigned to the rulers and the priests. These latter re-
ceived only the fruits of the land, the people in this way (in cul-
tivating these portions for their superiors) paying taxes or
tribute. This constituted, in fact, about the only form of
tribute exacted from the people. Neither were the individuals
who received annual allotments permitted to alienate any portion
of Apparently even the houses in which the people lived could

not be alienated, although, today at least, a man is entitled, if he

moves, to take the thatch roof of his house with him. Thus true
property in land or buildings was almost if not entirely unknown
among the Indians of this region, as in other parts of America,
before the coming of Europeans.
It is not known whether the office of chief among the Colla
people before the Inca conquest was hereditary, as was that of
the Inca ruler, or whether a chief was elected, as among the
Mexicans. The list of ancient kings, given by Montesinos, and
thought by some to refer to the dynasties that ruled in Tiahua-
naco, records direct lineal succession in most cases. At the
present time, however, both the alcaldes and the ilacatas the
police and the administrative officers respectively of the
Aymara communities are elected.
While the was that of the consan-
local organization of society
guineal group, there had been superimposed upon this a system
of government by the conquering Inca dynasty. It is somewhat
difficult to distinguish what features of the government pertained

to the central authority and what to the local communities; but,

as the policy of the Incas was generally to leave the already exist-
ing customs and institutions of conquered peoples as far as possi-
ble undisturbed, it would seem that the central government con-
cerned itself chiefly in the collecting of revenue and in the mili-
tary organization of the country even in this, operating, for the
most part, through the recognized chiefs of the local communi-
ties. Since there are repeated references to the clan organization
among the Spanish writers who describe the social institutions
of the Indians and since many features of such kinship organiza-
tion, characteristic of American aborigines, are pre-
almost all

served among it would seem that

the Indian communities today,
the Inca's government did not at all supersede this form of polity
but rather recognized the local units and ruled the country
through them.
The religious life of the Collas was a mixture of a primitive
animistic worship of hills, mountains, rocks, and many other
natural objects and the more elevated concept of the sun as the
giver of all life. There are evidences, too, of the worship of a
Great Spirit, thought of as superior to all of these other deities.
Reverence for ancestors also approached a form of worship.
The first of these, a superstitious regard for the spirits of familiar

inanimate objects, probably had most intimate influence upon

their daily lives, since they lived in constant dread of the displeas-

ure of these spirits. The same is true of the Aymaras of today,

who build tiny stone houses to the spirits of the hills at every high
pass, throw an offering of masticated coca leaves upon overhang-
ing cliffs along the roads, dash the blood of a slaughtered animal
upon the gable of their adobe houses, spill a little of every cup of
liquor which they drink, in reverence to Pachacmama (Earth
Mother) and hear the movements of spirits in every rolling rock

upon the hillside. The worship of the sun was probably more

remote in its appeal to them, although a very natural result of

the desire for its heat in the penetrating cold of their native high-
lands. Some of the great religious festivals were connected with
the movements of the sun; and careful observations were made
with astronomical instruments, constructed of masonry, to deter-
mine the equinoxes and solstice. 1 The most notable sun festival
the Intip Raymi is still observed in many parts of the high-
lands but with the Christian name of St. John's Day. This oc-
curred at the time of the winter solstice (southern hemisphere)
on June 21 and was apparently a combination of harvest celebra-
tion and an attempt to bring back the sun from the most distant
point of his yearly journey. In the old Spanish accounts the
former feature is most prominent, but at the present time the
observance consists principally of the lighting of fires in the
streets, in the house yards, on the hillsides, and wherever bundles
of grass or other combustible can be collected. For several days
and but particularly the first night, the whole country
seems ablaze. Bundles of weeds and brushwood are lighted about
every cottage, bonfires are made in the streets, and the bunch
grass and weeds upon every hillside are lighted, continuing the
ancient custom of calling back the sun, the source of heat and
light and life. For several days before the solstice, trains of mules
and donkeys loaded with the combustibles make their way into
the towns, while for several days afterwards the valleys are filled

with smoke, so dense, sometimes, as completely to shut out sight

of the surrounding hills.

Among the objects of special veneration were the jaguar,

See Clements Robert Markham, (113), pp. 115-116.
llama, puma, condor, and serpent, if we may judge from the
appearance of these objects among their sacred symbols. Each
household also had its own particular huaca (object of worship) or
reverenced that of the ayllu to which it belonged, usually repre-
senting the person or object from which tradition said that the
ancestor of their clan had sprung.
With the establishment of the Inca dynasty the worship of the
sun apparently took on new importance, inasmuch as the Incas
considered themselves the children of the sun, and the sun cult
was quite directly connected with allegiance to the royal family.
Cuzco, the Inca capital, was also the seat of the great temple of
the sun, a structure whose exquisite masonry (a part of which
still and elaborate ornaments of gold caused wonder in
all who saw them. The Island of the Sun (Isla de Titicaca) also

was a place of sacred character to the Incas, and they had a

temple of the sun erected there. The Incas themselves came to
worship there, either because of some superstition connected with
the natural Rock of the Cat, which stands upon the island, or
perhaps because of the tradition that the island was the cradle of
the Inca rulers themselves. It seems, however, that the island had
already long had something of a sacred character before it was
made a place of Inca pilgrimages. Copacabana was also a place of
pilgrimages, where a huaca existed. In place of this huaca there
now exists the Virgin of Copacabana, and thousands of Indians
journey long distances each year to worship at this time-honored
shrine. It is possible that in pre-Inca times these shrines and
perhaps also Tiahuanaco were principal religious centers of the
Aymaras, but at the time of the Spanish Conquest they were
secondary to Cuzco, which had become the religious as well as
the political capital.
Dispute over this territory dates from the War of the Pacific
(1879-1883), in which Bolivia and Peru united against Chile.
Up to a few decades before that time the entire desert of Atacama
which lay on the border of the three countries, had been consid-
ered practically worthless, except for the silver mines of Guanta-
jaya and Santa Rosa near Iquique, and the boundaries were but
ill defined. About the middle of the last century, however, there
developed a demand in Europe for the guano which was found
on the coast and among the adjacent islands. This impelled the
three countries to assert their respective claims. The discovery of
rich nitrate deposits (1830-1850) and the development of steam
navigation the first line on the west coast was established in
1840 greatly accentuated the interest in these hitherto valueless
territories. Chile created the province of Atacama (1843), with
undefined northern limits. Peru developed a state monopoly of
the newly discovered resources in her desert provinces; and Bo-
livia, for the first time, organized an effective administration over

the section that traditionally belonged to her. Both guano and

nitrate were developed chiefly for export to Europe, and the
trade that resulted was almost entirely maritime. The most
active exploiters of these natural resources were foreigners resi-
dent in Chile or citizens of that country itself. To the Chileans
the traffic in these commodities was of greatest interest, because,
on their way to Europe, all the vessels trading in guano or nitrate
passed the length of her thousand miles of coast and frequently
put in at her ports, while to both Peru and Bolivia it meant the
exploitation of resources that lay on the extreme borders of their
possessions. Consequently it was Chile which first learned to
prize the desert region and became most active in advances
into it. Treaties of 1866 and 1874 with Bolivia pushed the Chil-
ean frontier northward from El Paposo (latitude about 25 )
to latitude 24 S., just south of Antofagasta, and guaranteed
Chilean citizens against the imposition of increased exportation
duties in the territory between that and latitude 23 . An alleged
violation of these rights, in the imposition of an additional export
tax, brought about war between the two countries (1879). Peru,
in compliance with a secret treaty of mutual defense which she
had signed with Bolivia in 1873, was drawn into the conflict.
This secret treaty was evidently intended to check Chile's ag-
gressive advance northward and to prevent her acquiring the
newly discovered wealth of the desert. The war thus sprang from
economic causes, the desire of each nation to secure the greatest
gain from the valuable guano and nitrate deposits.
The conflict proved disastrous to the allied nations. Chile early
established her superiority on the sea and thus commanded the
coast with its line of ports, upon which almost all life in the desert
depended. Peru and Bolivia were unable to move their armies
across the desert to attack the Chilean forces which, landing at
convenient points on the coast, had overrun all the nitrate prov-
inces and had even established themselves in the fertile oases of
the Tacna and Arica valleys. Further naval successes and the
decisive defeats inflicted upon the allies at the battles of the
Campo de Alianza near Tacna and the Morro of Arica permitted
Chile to capture Lima and dictate the terms of peace, Bolivia
having already withdrawn from the war. 1
As a result of the war Bolivia was compelled to cede to Chile her
entire littoral, containing the major portion of the nitrate depos-
its. She became an inland country dependent upon the goodwill

This lack of coast line

of her neighbors for all outlet to the sea.
has accentuated her already embarrassing isolation and has
greatly retarded her progress.
By the treaty of Anc6n (1883), which terminated the war
between Peru and Chile, Peru was forced to surrender outright
her southernmost province, Tarapaca, containing the rest of the

'See Isaiah Bowman: The Military Geography of Atacama, Educational Bi-

Monthly, ion, pp. 1-21.

nitrate deposits, Chile thus gaining what had apparently been

her goal in the war, complete possession of these enormous
sources of wealth. Since that time the export duty on nitrate has
been her principal fount of national income, supplying some three-
fourths of her total revenue. Chile also made a determined effort
to secure the cession of Tacna and Arica, the two succeeding
Peruvian provinces, not because of any natural wealth that they
contained, for they were not only desert but, as far as was known,
held no important mineral deposits. They offered, however, a far
better protection to her recently acquired treasure than any fron-
south and, in the hands of Peru, would be a constant
tier farther
menace to Chilean possession of the nitrate fields. The distance
from seacoast to cordillera at this point is considerably less than
it is to the south. Moreover, the fertile, irrigated valleys of
Sama, Tacna, and Tarata afford supplies whereby an army could
subsist independent of the sea, and they are the only valleys north
of Copiapo where such is the case. The port of Arica also is a key
position in this section of the coast, in that it gives easy access to
the valleys mentioned above, is the most feasible entrance to
Bolivia for either trade or war, and affords the most favorable
point of attack against the nitrate fields of Tarapaca.
Peru, while resigning herself to the loss of the valuable mineral
deposits in her southernmost province largely developed by
Chileans and containing relatively few Peruvian inhabitants,
stubbornly resisted all attempts of Chile to appropriate Tacna
and Arica with their old-established Peruvian towns. A compro-
mise was finally effected whereby Chile was to occupy these two
provinces for a period of ten years, at the expiration of which a
plebiscite should determine their ultimate destiny. The nation
favored by the plebiscite should then pay to the other 10,000,000
pesos (from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000). Unfortunately, the
conditions of the plebiscite were left undefined, the two countries
were later unable to agree upon satisfactory terms, and Chile
continued to hold Tacna and Arica, which under her administra-
tion have become the two departments composing the province of
Since the expiration of the ten-year period, during which time
the provinces were to be held and completely administered as
Chilean territory, the question of ownership has constantly agi-
tated the two nations concerned. Its influence has also extended
far beyond the bounds of these coun tries and has constituted a
problem which at any time might throw a large part of the conti-
nent into war. More than any other problem this affair has been
a source of discord in South American international relations. It
has caused a multitude of attempts at forming defensive or of-
fensive alliances among the various republics and thus creating a
South American balance of power, as each of the disputants has
sought to secure the support of neighbors or to align other nations
against its opponent. Bolivia in particular, as the country most

directly affected, has suffered both in her international affairs and

in her domestic politics from the inquietude engendered by this
vexing problem. Her recent revolution (19 19) was brought about
largely as a result of divergent views and sympathies in regard to
the Chile-Peru embroglio.
Both Chile and Peru have agreed that the plebiscite provided
for by the treaty of Anc6n should be held. They have main-
tained, however, quite diverse views as to the real purpose of that
vote and as to the manner in which it should be carried out.
Peru has demanded that a bona fide vote should be taken to as-
certain the desire of the permanent residents of the occupied
provinces. She has felt confident that such a vote would restore
her provinces to her, believing that the sparse population, always
predominantly Peruvian, has remained loyal in spite of adverse
conditions throughout the lapse of nearly forty years. Chile, on
the other hand, has insisted that the plebiscite be conducted in
such a way as practically to assure her permanent possession of
the provinces and of late years has clearly stated that she has no
intention of allowing them to pass out of her power. In fact she
has indeed asserted that was never the intention that the ple-

biscite should be more than a mere form of transfer whereby the

national pride of the Peruvians might be spared the humiliation
of an outright cession. She has held that the plebiscite is neces-

sary merely as the formal act of transfer provided by the treaty.

Since both nations wish to see the plebiscite carried out, the
dispute has centered about the form in which the voting should
be conducted. The history of the negotiations has been one of
proposals and counterproposals, each nation seeking a form that
would be acceptable to her opponent and at the same time would
assure her own success in the vote. The principal questions at
issue have been the following:
First, Who shall be entitled to vote? Peru claims that only
Peruvians or at least bona fide residents whose residence has been
established by a term of years, shall be given this right. This
would include few Chileans, since the resources of the provinces
are so limited that few actual settlers have entered the region
since the War of the Pacific. By far the greater part of the
Chileans found in the territory are or members of military

forces stationed there. Most of both of these classes are tran-

sients. There are many more or less permanent Bolivian resi-
dents, constituting perhaps half of the population other than
Peruvians. These Peru could probably count upon to vote for
her. all inhabitants, even those with a short
Chile insists that
residence of a few months, shall be allowed to vote, not excluding
Chilean officials and soldiers. This point Peru has hitherto been
willing to arbitrate, while Chile has not.
Second, By what authority shall the plebiscite be conducted?
The two nations have agreed that each should have a represen-
tative upon the commission named to carry out the vote. Chile
has insisted upon her right to preside over such a commission,
since the departments are actually under her administration.
Peru has been willing that any neutral representative should
preside, but not a Chilean. She has been prepared to arbitrate
this point also, while Chile has not.
Third, What shall be the method of balloting? Peru wishes
the vote to be public, Chile that it should be secret. Peru is also
willing to arbitrate this point.
Fourth, In what form shall the 10,000,000 pesos due to the
loser be paid? This apparently has never concerned Peru since


she has not doubted the result of a popular vote. Chile has
found all guarantees offered by Peru acceptable.
Controversy over these points was maintained almost con-
stantly from 1892-1894 (the final years of the ten-year period)
until 1 90 1. Negotiations were often seriously interrupted by
changes of ministry in Chile and by unstable political conditions
in Peru. The nearest approach to a settlement was reached in
1897 in the Billinghurst-Latorre Convention. In this document
the two nations agreed to submit to the Queen of Spain as arbi-
trator the questions numbered one and three above. They also
agreed that the plebiscite should be conducted by a commission
over which a neutral representative should preside and that the
10,000,000 pesos should be paid by installments within a period
of four years. This treaty was ratified promptly by the Peruvian
Congress and by the Chilean Senate but was delayed in the
Chilean Chamber of Deputies and finally shelved. The usual
explanation of Chile's willingness to settle at that time her con-
troversy with Peru, is that the Chile-Argentine boundary ques-
tion was and there was a very nat-
just then threatening trouble
ural desire to dispose of complications on the
all possibilities of

west coast. Before the convention was completely ratified, how-

ever, the crisis had passed, and it is supposed that Chile found it
no longer necessary to accede to Peru's demands.
After the failure to reach a settlement Peru severed diplomatic
relations with Chile and for several years had no representative
at Santiago. Relations were finally renewed, only to be broken
again in 19 10 when another attempt at settlement failed.
In the meantime Chile had actively carried on attempts to
develop the two departments left indefinitely under her juris-

diction. In compliance with a treaty with Bolivia in 1904, she

constructed the Arica-La Paz railway, which forms part of her
system of state lines. She has organized (1884) the two provinces
as one political unit which she now calls the province of Tacna
and which she divides into the two departments of Tacna and
The Department of Tacna is divided into two Municipios

those of Tacna and Tarata. The latter comprises the subdelega-

ciones of Pocollai, Pachia, Palca, Tarata, Sama, and Calana and
includes practically all the territory of the department save a
small portion near thetown of Tacna. This arrangement is con-
Peruvian organization also included a Province
fusing, since the
of Tarata which comprised the whole basin of the Sama in the
Cordillera but not the lower country traversed by that river
south of Caribaya. In 1884 Chile occupied the territory up to the
Rio Cano, which is the most westerly head stream of the Sama,
claiming this interpretation of the treaty and thus going beyond
the limits of the Peruvian province of Tacna.
The port of Arica is being improved, and the hills about it have
been fortified. Education is being fostered in accordance with
the Chilean system. Ecclesiastical authority has been trans-
ferred from Peruvian to Chilean priests, many of the Peruvian
priests having been expelled as instigators of disloyalty to Chile.
The colonization of the departments by Chileans has been at-
tempted, although little has so far been accomplished.
In 191 8 it seemed that war would break out between the
two nations as a result of Chilean activities in the "captive prov-
inces." But a note from President Wilson, urging them to avoid
an appeal to arms was effective in averting actual hostilities.
At present (1922), upon invitation from President Harding,
the two claimants have agreed to meet in Washington in an at-
tempt to reach a satisfactory solution of the matter. Prior to this
conference nothing has transpired publicly to indicate that the
positions of the two governments have altered, viz., that Peru
has refused to surrender her sovereignty; Chile has stated her
determination to retain the territory, and no agreement has been
reached regarding the plebiscite. Compromise would therefore
seem to be essential to the success of the conference.
The problem of Tacna and Arica has been complicated
by the an outlet to the sea. Arica has
desire of Bolivia to secure
always been her most natural port, and a large part of her for-
eign trade has been carried on through this gateway; formerly by
mule and llama train, more recently by railway. Since the loss
of her littoral and her own ports of Antofagasta, Cobija, and
Mejillones she has come to covet the port of Arica and a strip of
territory leading back from the coast to her mountain boundary.
In 1895 a secret treaty was actually signed with Chile, in which
the latter country agreed to turn over Tacna and Arica to Bolivia
in case the plebiscite resulted in favor of Chile. The treaty failed
to obtain ratification in the Chilean Congress, but the effort has
been renewed in a more or less open way on later occasions.

Systematic Geographical Works
i. Sievers, Wilhelm. Slid- und Mittelamerika, 3rd edit., revised.
Leipzig and Vienna, 1914. [The standard geographical work on
the continent.]
2. Sievers, Wilhelm. Die Cordillerenstaaten, Vol. 1, Einleitung,
Bolivia und Peru. (Sammlung Goschen.) Berlin and Leipzig,
3. Reclus, Elisee. Nouvelle geographie universelle; La terre et les
hommes. Vol. 18,Amerique du Sud; les regions andines. Paris,
4. Keane, A. H. Central and South America. (Stanford's Compen-
dium of Geography and Travel.) 2nd edit., revised, 2 vols.
London, 1909-11. [Vol. 1 deals with South America.]
5. Martin, Carl. Landeskunde von Chile, Publikation des Geo-
graphischen Instituts der Universitat Jena, Hamburg, 1909.
6. Reck, Hugo. Geographie und Statistik der Republik Bolivia.
Petermanns Mitt., Vol. 11, 1865, pp. 257-261 and 281-295; Vol.
12, 1866, pp. 299-305 and 373-38i; Vol. 13, 1867, pp. 243-251
and 317-329-
7. Reck, Hugo. Geographische Skizze uber das Hochland der Re-
publik Bolivia. Jahresbericht Geogr. Gesell. zu Hannover, No. 6,
1884-85, pp. 1-19.
8. Bowman, Isaiah. The Andes of southern Peru: Geographical
reconnaissance along the seventy-third meridian. New York,
19 16. [While this work refers almost entirely to country outside
the area here discussed, the observations and deductions are of
the highest importance in understanding the geography of the
La Paz area.]
9. Bowman, Isaiah. The highland dweller of Bolivia: An anthropo-
geographic interpretation. Bull. Geogr. Soc. of Philadelphia,
Vol. 7, 1909, pp. 159-184.
10. Middendorf, E. W. Peru: Beobachtungen und Studien tiber das
Land und seine Bewohner wahrend eines 25-jahrigen Aufent-
halts. 3 vols., Berlin, 1894-95. [Vol. 2, Das Kustenland, and
Vol. 3, Das Hochland.]


ii. Hettner, Alfred. Regenverteilung, Pflanzendecke und Besied-
lung der tropischen Anden. In Festschrift Ferdinand Freiherm
von Richthofen zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, pp. 199-233.
Berlin, 1893.
12. Uzarski, Julius. Bolivia: Natur und wirtschaftliche Verhaltnisse.
Inaugural-Dissertation. Bonn, 191 1.

Works Mainly Descriptive and Statistical

13. Pentland, J. B. On the general outline and physical configuration

of the Bolivian Andes; with observations on the line of perpetual
snow upon the Andes between 15 and 20 south latitude. Journ.
Royal Geogr. Soc, Vol. 5, 1835, pp. 70-89.
14. Huot, Victor. Geographie des hauts-plateaux des Andes; Pub-
lication de la Mission G. de Crequi-Montfort et E. Senechal de
la Grange. Paris, 1908.
15. Paz Soldan, D. D. Mateo. Geografia del Peru, corregida y au-
mentada por M. F. Paz Soldan, Vol. 1, Paris, 1862.
16. Bravo, Carlos. La patria boliviana, estado geografico. La Paz,
17. Crespo, Luis S. Geografia de la republica de Bolivia. 2nd edit.,
revised. La Paz, 19 10.
18. Van Brabant, William. La Paris and Brussels, n. d.
19. Walle, Paul. and its resources, its railways,
Bolivia, its people
mines, and rubber-forests. London and Leipzig, 19 14.
20. Bollaert, William. Observations on the geography of southern
Peru, including survey of the province of Tarapaca, and route to
Chile by the coast of the desert of Atacama. Journ. Royal Geogr.
Soc, Vol. 21, 1851, pp. 99-130.
21. Billinghurst, Guillermo E. Estudio sobre la geografia de Tara-
paca. Santiago, 1886.
22. Latrille, Roch. Notice sur le territoire compris entre Pisagua et
Antofagasta, avec la region des hauts plateaux boliviens. Bull.
Soc. de Geogr. de Paris, Ser. 7, Vol. 18, 1897, pp. 473-495.
23. Lopez Loayza, Fernando. La provincia de Tarapaca (Al rededor
de su industria i de Iquique, su principal puerto). Iquique, 1912-
24. Knoche, Walter. Communicaciones breves sobre algunas ob-
servaciones hechas en la cordillera de Quimsa Cruz. Bol. Soc.
Geogr. de La Paz, Vol. 7, 1909, Nos. 27, 28, and 29, pp. 22-24.
25. Paredes, M. Rigoberto. Altiplanicie Pacena. Bol. Oficina Nad.
de Estadistica, Year 1912, Nos. 81-84, PP- 375-393. La Paz, 1913.
26. Paredes, M. Rigoberto. Provincia de Inquisivi. Bol. Soc. Geogr.
de La Paz, Vol. 6, Nos. 24, 25, and 26, pp. 75-137.

Accounts of Exploration and Travel

27. Azara, Felix de. Voyages dans l'Amerique meridionale . . .

1781-1801. 4 1809 [contains (2)].

vols., Paris,
28. Haenke, Tadeo. Introduction a l'histoire naturelle de la prov-
ince de Cochabamba et des environs, et description de ses pro-
ductions. [Contained in (1), Vol. 2, pp. 391-541.]
29. Orbigny, Alcide d'. Voyages dans l'Amerique meridionale de 1826-
1833. 9 vols. Paris, 1835-47. [Vol. 3 deals with the area of the
La Paz sheet.]
30. Fitz-Roy, Robert. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His
Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, 3 vols., London, 1839.
31. Castelnau, Francis de. Expedition dans les parties centrales de
l'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para
. 1843-1847. 7 vols, and an atlas, Paris, 1851. [Chaps. 37
. .

to 40, Vol. 3, deal with the route from Potosi to Arequipa via La
Paz, Desaguadero, and Puno.]
32. Tschudi, Johann Jacob von. Reisen dm eh Siidamerika. 5 vols.
Leipzig, 1866-1869. [Chaps. 2-4, in Vol. 5 include the journey from
Arica to Oruro via Tacna and thence by Puno to Arequipa and
33. Weddell, H. A. Voyage dans le nord de la Bolivie et dans les
parties voisinedu Perou. Paris and London, 1853. [Journey from
Arica to La Paz, Achacachi, and thence by Sorata to the northern
Yungas, up the Rio de Coroico and Unduavi to La Paz; thence
via Desaguadero and Puno to Arequipa and Islay. Contains
numerous references to the flora.]
34. Grandidier, E. Voyage dans l'Amerique du Sud Perou et Bolivie.

Paris, 1 86 1.

35. Ursel, C. d'. Sud-Amerique, sejours et voyages en Bolivie. Paris,

36. Wiener, Charles. Perou et Bolivie: Recit de voyage suivi d'etudes
archeologiques et ethnographiques et de notes sur l'ecriture et les
langues des populations indiennes. Paris, 1880 [Routes from
Ilo to La Paz by Arequipa, Puno, and Desaguadero; Ascent of
37. Musters, George Chaworth. Notes on Bolivia, to accompany
original maps. Journ. Royal Geogr. Soc, Vol. 47, 1877, pp. 201-
38. Heath, Edwin R. Exploration of the River Beni in 1880-1.
Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, Vol.
5, 1883, pp. 327-347.
39. Minchin, John B. Notes of a journey through part of the Andean
table-land of Bolivia in 1882. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, Vol. 4,
1882, pp. 671-676.
40. Bresson, Andre. Bolivia; Sept annees d'explorations, de voyages
et de sejours dans l'Amerique australe. Paris, 1886. [Part IV
deals with northern Bolivia; Part V contains notes on Bolivian
cartography and agriculture in Bolivia.]
41. Hettner, Alfred* Berichte iiber seine Reisen in Peru und Bolivia.
Verh. der Gesell. fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, Vol. 15, 1888, pp. 402-
407, Vol. 16, 1889, pp. 154-160, and Vol. 17, 1890, pp. 232-237.
[Contain accounts of the coast, the desert northwest of Arica, the
southwest shore of Titicaca, and the Yungas of La Paz.]
42. Balzan, L. (i) Da Asuncion a La Paz. Boll. Soc. Geogr. Italiana,
Ser. 3, Vol. 4, 1891, pp. 452-472 and 561-580.
(2) Da La Paz a Irupana, Ibid., pp. 725-737.
(3) Da Irupana a Covendo, Ibid., pp. 911-929.
43. Urquhart, D. R. The Bolivian Altiplanicie. Scottish Geogr. Mag.,
Vol. 10, 1894, pp. 302-312 and 360-371. [Deals mainly with the
eastern border.]
44. Con way, William Martin. The Bolivian Andes: A record of
climbing and exploration in the Cordillera Real in the years
1898 and 1900. New York and London, 1901.
45. Hoek, Henry and Steinmann, Gustav. Erlauterung zur Routen-
karte der Expedition Steinmann, Hoek, v. Bistram in dpn Anden
von Bolivien, 1903-04. Petermanns Mitt., Vol. 52, 1906, pp.
1-13, and 25-32. [Refers to the Eastern Cordillera south of La
46. Hoek, Henry. Exploration in Bolivia. Geogr. Journ., Vol. 25,
1905, pp. 498-513. [Eastern Cordillera.]
47. Hoek, Henry. Bergfahrten in Bolivia. Zeitschr. Deutschen und
Oeslerreichischen Alpenvereins, Vol. 36, 1905, pp. 165-192; 1906,
pp. 162-190. Innsbruck.
48. Bandelier, A. F. The basin of Lake Titicaca. Bull. Amer. Geogr.
Soc, Vol. 37, 1905, pp. 449-460.
49. Zalles, Jorje E. Quinientas leguas a traves de Bolivia: Relacion
del viaje de reconocimiento practicado para establecer un sis-
tema de ferrocarriles en Bolivia, 1904-1905. La Paz, 1906.
[Routes described include the entire eastern edge of the Altiplano,
south of La Paz; Machaca marca to Colquechaca and beyond;
Oruro to Cochabamba and through Yungas to Coroico; thence
back to La Paz.]
50. Therese Prinzessin von Bayern. Reisestudien aus dem west-
lichem Sudamerika. 2 vols. Berlin, 1908. [Vol. 2 contains an
account of the journey from Mollendo by Arequipa, Puno, La
Paz, and along the eastern edge of the Altiplano.]
51. Meyendorff, Conrad de. L'Empire du soleil: Perouet Bolivie.
Paris, 1909. [Route as in preceding work.]

52. Bryce, James. South America. London and New York, 1912.
[Especially pp. 166-204.]
53. Herzog, Theodor. Vom Urwald zu den Gletschern der Kordillere;
zwei Forschungsreisen in Bolivia. Stuttgart, 1913. [Describes
the cordillera from the Quimsa Cruz southeastward.]
54. Herzog, Theodor. Die bolivischen Kordilleren. Petermanns
Mitt., Vol. 59, I, 1913, pp. 192-195, 247-250, and 304-308.

Geological Structure, Physiography and Mining

55. * Miller, Benjamin L., and Singewald, Joseph T., Jr. The
mineral deposits of South America. New York and London, 1919.
[Discusses minerals in relation to geology. Contains chapters on
Bolivia, Chile, and Peru each with a bibliography.]
56. Orbigny, Alcide d'. Estudios sobre la geologia de Bolivia, tradu-
y acompafiados de algunas notas y un mapa geologico de
Bolivia por V. E.Marchant Y. La Paz, 1907. [The numerous
footnotes in some measure correct the faults of the original and
give additional information. The Appendix contains several
papers by L. Sundt.]
57. Forbes, David. On the geology of Bolivia and southern Peru.
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Vol. 17, 1861, pp. 7-84.
58. Romero, Belisario Dias. Bolivia geologica y mineralogica,
bosquejo sinoptico. Bol. Dir. Nad. Eslad. y Estud. Geogr. segunda
ipoca. Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 5-13; Nos. 7 and 8, pp. 12-36. La Paz ,

59. Bonarelli, Guido. Tercera contribution al conocimiento geologico
de las regiones petroliferas subandinas del norte. Anal. Minist.
de Agric: Section Geol., Mineral, y Minas, Vol. 15, No. 1,
Buenos Aires, 192 1. [Discusses structure and paleogeography of
the Central Andes.]
60. Adams, George I. An outline review of the geology of Peru. Ann.
Rept. Smithsonian Instn. for 1908, pp. 385-430. Washington,
D. C. [Contains a bibliography.]
61. Douglas, Jame& Archibald. Geological sections through the

Andes of Peru and Bolivia: I From the coast at Arica . . .

to La Paz and the Bolivian "Yungas." Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc,

Vol. 70, 1914, pp. 1-53.
62. Douglas, James Archibald. Geological sections through the
Andes of Peru and Bolivia: II From the Port of Mollendo to
the Inambari River. Ibid., Vol. 76, 1920, pp. 1-58.

* The present list may be supplemented by use of the bibliographies given in

this work.
63. Dereims, A. Geologia nacional, excursiones cientificas en 1901 y
1904. La Paz, 1906.
64. Dereims, A. Le haut plateau de Bolivie. Ann. de Geogr., Vol. 16,
1907. PP- 350-359-
65. Courty, G. Explorations geologiques dans l'Amerique du Sud.
Publication de la Mission scientifique G. de Crequi Montfort
et E. Senechal de la Grange. Paris, 1907. [Studied eastern border
of Altiplano.]
66. Block, Hans. El corte geologico del ferrocarril a Yungas. Anuario
Geogr djico y Estadistico de la Republica de Bolivia, appendix, La
Paz, 1919. [Contains a geological map and section.]
67. Kozlowski, Roman. Informe sobre un viaje en el Norte de la Pro-
vincia de Carangas. Bol. Direcc. Gen. de Estad. y Estud. Geogrdf.,
No. 88, pp. 34-48. La Paz, 1914.
68. Kozlowski, Roman. Informe sobre una excursion geologica de la
region petrolifera de Pacajes, . 1914. Bol. Direcc. Nad.
. .

Estad. y Estud. Geogr. segunda tpoca, Nos. 3, 4, pp. 3039. La

Paz, 1918.
69. Kozlowski, Roman. Apuntes acerca de un viaje geologico por los
departamentos de Oruro, Potosi y Chuquisaca. Bol. Soc. Geogr.
de La Paz, Vol. 28, Nos. 51 and 52, pp. 37-92. La Paz, 1920.
70. Marsters, V. F. The physiography of the Peruvian Andes, with
notes on early mining in Peru. Annals New York Acad, of
Sci., Vol. 22, 1912, pp. 225-258.
71. Tight, W. G. Glaciation of the high plateau of Bolivia, South
America. (Abstract.) Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 15, 1904,
pp. 584-586.
72. Steinmann, Gustav. Diluvium in Sudamerika. Zeitschr. der
Deutschen Geol. Gesell., Vol. 58, 1906,pp. 215-229. Berlin.
73. Hauthal, Rudolf. Reisen in Bolivien und Peru, ausgefuhrt, 1908.
Leipzig, 1911. [Author made hasty observations along the east-
ern edge of the Altiplano and detailed geological and glaciological
studies in the Cordillera Real; contains many photographs and
an extensive bibliography.]
74. Bowman, Isaiah. The physiography of the Central Andes. Amer.
Journ. of Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 28, 1909, pp. 197-217 and 373-402.
[Results of an expedition along the Pacific coast, over the Western
Cordillera just beyond the southern limit of the La Paz sheet,
along the eastern edge of the Altiplano, with detailed study in the
Cochabamba region, the Quimsa Cruz, and Cordillera Real.]
75. Bowman, Isaiah. Results of an expedition to the Central Andes.
Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc, Vol. 46, 1914, pp. 161-183. [Continues
the investigations on the Altiplano by a study of the ancient
lake system there.]

76. Gregory, Herbert E. (i) The La Paz (Bolivia) gorge. Amer.

Journ. of Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 36, 1913, pp. 141-150.
(2) Geologic sketch of Titicaca Island and adjoining areas. Ibid.,
pp. 187-213. [Contains a bibliography.]
77. Sefve, Ivar. Uber eine neue Art der Gattung Macrauchenia aus
Ulloma, Bolivien. Bull. Geol. Inst. Upsala, Vol. 12, pp. 205-256.
[Mainly paleontological, but discusses physical conditions in
recent geological time.]
78. Sefve, Ivar. Rektor Ivar Sefves resai Sydamerika. Ymer, 192 1,
PP- 77 _ 8o. Stockholm.
[A provisional account sent from
Bolivia of investigations on Quaternary glaciation.]

79. Krummel, Otto. Handbuch der Ozeanographie, 2nd edit., 2 vols.
Stuttgart, 1907.
80. Hoffmann, Paul. Zur Mechanik der Meeresstromungen an der
oberflache der Oceane. Berlin, 1884.
81. Buchanan, John Y. On similarities in the physical geography of
the great oceans. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, Vol. 8, 1886, pp. 753-
82. Murray, John. On the temperature of the floor of the ocean, and
of the surface waters of the ocean. Geogr. Journ., Vol. 14, 1899,
pp. 34-51-
83. Coker, R. E. Ocean temperatures off the coast of Peru. Geogr.
Rev., Vol. 5, 1918, pp. 127-135.
83a. Murphy, Robert Cushman. The oceanography of the Peruvian
littoralwith reference to the abundance and distribution of
marine life. Geogr. Rev., January, 1923 (in press).

84. Hann, Julius. Handbuch der Klimatologie, 3rd edit., 3 vols.
Stuttgart, 1910. [Especially Vol.2, pp. 360-379.]
85. Voss, Ernst Ludwig. Die Niederschlagsverhaltnisse von Siida-
merika. Pelermanns Mitt. Erganzungsheft No. 157, 1907.
86. Annuario MeteorolSgico de Chile, 1905 onwards, Santiago.
87. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College,
Vol. 39, Parts I and II. Cambridge, Mass., 1899 and 1906.
88. Boletin del Obsetvatorio MeteorolSgico de La Paz, published
from time to time with the Bol. Soc. Geogr. de La Paz between
March, 1898, and June, 1903, and between August, 1899, and
June, 1903.
89. Boeck, Eugen von. Klimatologie von Cochabamba in Bolivien.
Mitt. K. K. Geogr. Wien, Vol. 29, 1886 (Vol. 19, N. S.).
Gesell. in
pp. 45S-46S.
90. Boletin del Observalorio Meteorologico, Sucre, from February
1915 to March 1918. [The observations are conducted and the
bulletin published by the members
of the Monastery of the
Society of Jesus in Sucre.]
91. Hann, Julius. Eugen von Boeck iiber das Klima von Cochabamba.
Meteorol. Zeitschr., Vol. 5, 1888, pp. 195-197.

92. Agassiz, A., and Garman, S. W. Exploration of Lake Titicaca.
Bull. Museum of Comp. Zool. at HarvardCollege, Vol. 3, 1871-76,
PP. 273-286.
93. Agassiz, Alexander. Hydrographic sketch of Lake Titicaca.
Proc. Amer. Acad, of Arts and Sci., Vol. 11, 1875-76, pp. 283-
292. Boston.
94. La Puent^b, Ignacio. Estudio mOnografico del Lago Titicaca, bajo
su aspecto fisico e historico. Bol. Soc. Geogr. de Lima, Vol. 1,
1891-92, pp. 363-391.
95. Neveu-Lemaire, M. Les lacs des hauts plateaux de l'Amerique du
Sud, Publication de la Mission de Crequi Montfort et Senechal
de la Grange. Paris, 1906.
96. Sever, Jacques. Le Desaguadero (Bolivie). La Giographie, Vol.
36, 192 1, pp. 35-44-
97. Aguirre Acha, Jose. La desviacion del rio Mauri (controversia
boliviano-chilena). La Paz, 1921.
98. Alayza y Paz-Soldan, Francisco. Informe sobre la provincia
litoral de Moquegua y el departamento de Tacna. Bol. Cuerpo
de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru No. 3, Lima, 1903.
99. Hurd, H. C. Estudio para aumentar las aguas del rio Chili. Bol.
Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru No. 34, Lima, 1906.
100. Hurd, H. C. Informe sobre el aprovechamiento de aguas en el
valle de Moquegua, Bol. Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peril
No. 39, Lima, 1906.
101. Adams, George I. Caudal, procedencia y distribucion de aguas en
los Departamentos de Arequipa, Moquegua y Tacna. Bol.
Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peril No. 45, Lima, 1906.

Vegetation and Zoogeography

102. Reiche, Karl. Grundziige der Pfianzenverbreitung in Chile. Die
Vegetation der Erde, Vol. 8, Leipzig, 1907.

103. Weberbauer, August. Die Pflanzenwelt der peruanischen Anden.

Die Vegetation der Erde, Vol. 12, Leipzig, 1911. [Both of these
works contain extensive bibliographies.]
104. Murphy, Robert Cushman. The seacoast and
islands of Peru.
Brooklyn Museum Quart., Vol. 7. 1920, pp. 69-95, 165-187, and
239-272; Vol. 8, 1921, pp. 1-28, 35-55. 91-105, and 142-155; Vol.
9, 1922, pp. 44-70, 95-107, and 141-154-
[These papers on the
animal life of the coast are particularly valuable for the
graphic descriptions they contain, and on account of the con-
stant allusion to geographical setting and ecology. In Vol. 7, p.
249, there will be found reference to useful papers by H. O.
and R. E. Coker.]
105. Nichols, John Treadwell, and Murphy, Robert Cushman. On
a collection of marine fishes from Peru. Bull. Amer. Museum of
Nat. Hist., Vol. 46, 1922, pp. 501-516.
106. Chapman, Frank Michler. The distribution of bird-life in Colom-
bia. Bull. Amer. Museum of Nat. Hist., Vol. 36, 1917. Also pub-
[This valuable study throws much light upon
lished separately.
the similar conditions on the eastern slopes of the Bolivian
107. Menegaux, A. Estudio de una coleccion de aves proveniente
de los
altiplanos de Bolivia y del sud del Peru. Bol. Soc. Geogr. de La
Paz, Vol. 11, No. 39, pp. 1-50, 1913- [Translated with notes by
B. Diaz Romero.]
108. Eigenmann, Carl H. The nature and origin of the fishes of the
Pacific slope of Ecuador, Peru and Chili. Proc. Amer. Philos.
Soc, Vol. 60, 1921, pp. 503-523-
109. Evermann, Barton Warren, and Radcliffe, Lewis. The fishes

of the west coast of Peru and the Titicaca basin. U. S. Natl.

Museum Bull. 95, Smithsonian Instn., Washington, D. C, 1917-

Works Mainly Archeological, Historical, and


Dorsey, George A. A bibliography of the anthropology of Peru.

Field Columbian Museum Publ. 23 (Anthropol. Ser., Vol. 2,
No. 2), Chicago, 1898.
Means, Philip A. An outline of the culture-sequence in the
Andean area. Proc. 19th Internatl. Congr. of Americanists held
at Washington, Dec. 27-31, 1915, PP- 236-252. Smithsonian
Instn., Washington, D. C, 1917- [Contains a chronological table
and sketch maps and a bibliography.]
, Joyce, Thomas A. South American archaeology, London, 1912.
113. Markham, Clements Robert. The Incas of Peru. London and
New York, 1910.
114. Squier, E. George. Peru: Incidents of travel and exploration in
the land of the Incas. New York, 1877.
115. Nordenskiold, Erland. The Copper and Bronze Ages in South
America. Goteborg, 1921.
116. Bandelier, Adolph F. The Islands of Titicaca and Koati. New
York, 1910. [One of the most distinguished works of scholarship
in the Hispanic-American field.]
117. Posnansky, Arthur. Eine praehistorische Metropole in Siid-
amerika. Berlin, 1914. [An elaborate description of Tiahuanaco,
text in German and Spanish.]
118. Posnansky, Arthur. Templos y viviendas prehispanicas. La Paz,
192 1. [Contains a bibliography of the author's previous works, 40
innumber, mostly dealing with the prehistory of the Altiplano.]
119. Posnansky, Arthur. Los Chipayas de Carangas. Bol. Soc. Geogr.
de La Paz, Vol. 16, 1918, No. 47, pp. 137-145.
120. Stubel, A., and Uhle, M. Die Ruinenstaette von Tiahuanaco im
Hochlande des Alten Peru; eine kulturgeschichtliche Studie.
Leipzig, 1892.
121. Ballivian, Manuel Vicente. Monumentos prehist6ricos de Tia-
huanacu, Homenaje al XVII Congreso de los Amencanistas.
La Paz, 1910.
122. Forbes, David. On the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru.
Journ. Ethnolog. Soc, Vol. 2, 1870, pp. 1-113. London.
123. Crequi Montfort, G. de, and Rivet, P. L'Origine des aborigines
du Perou et de la Bolivie. Comptes Rendus de I'Acad. des Inscrip-
tions et Belles-Lettres [de Paris], 1914, pp. 196-202.
124. Crequi Montfort, G. de. Linquistique bolivienne: La langue Uru
ou Pukina, Internatl. Archiv. filr Elhnogr., Vol. 25, pp. 87-113,
Leiden, 1921. [To be continued.]
125. Polo, Jose Toribio. Indios Urus del Peru y Bolivia. Bol. Soc,
Geogr. de Lima, Vol. 10, 1900-01, pp. 445-482.
126. Chervin, Arthur. L'Anthropologie bolivienne. Extrait des
Comptes Rendus de V Assoc. Francaise pour V Avancement des Set.,
Congres de Rheims, 1907.
127. Rouma, Georges. Les Indiens Quitchouas et Aymaras des hauts
plateaux de la Bolivie. Brussels and La Paz, 1913.
128. Nordenskiold, Erland. The Guarani invasion of the Inca empire
in the sixteenth century; An historical Indian migration. Geogr.
Rev., Vol. 4, 1917, pp. 103-121.
129. Cieza de Leon, Pedro de. The travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon,
A. D. 1532-50, contained in the First Part of his Chronicles of
Peru. Transl. and edit, with notes and an introduction by C. R.

Markham. Hakluyt Soc. Pubis., Ser. 1, Vol. 33, London, 1864;

Second Part, ibid., Ser. i, Vol. 68, London, 1883.
130 Prescott, William H. History of the conquest of Peru with a pre-
liminary view of the civilization of the Incas. New York, 1847.
131. Acosta, Joseph de. The natural and moral history of the Indies,
by Joseph de Acosta. Reprinted from the English translated
edition of Edward Grimston, 1604, and edited by C. R. Mark-
ham. Hakluyt Soc. Pubis., Ser. 1, Vols. 60 and 61. London, 1880.
132. Markham, Clements R. Pizarro and the conquest and settlement
of Peru and Chili; in Vol. 2 of Justin Winsor's "Narrative and
Critical History of America," pp. 505-578, Boston and New
York, 1889.
133. Rene-Moreno, G. Bolivia y Peru: Noticias historicas y biblio-
graficas. Santiago de Chile, 1905.
134. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. Spain in America, 1450-1580. (The
American Nation: A History, Vol. 3.) New York and London,
135. Alcedo, Antonio de. Diccionario geografico-historico de las Indias
occidentales 6 America. 5 vols., Madrid, 1786-89.
136. Relaciones geograficas de Indias: Peru. 4 vols. Madrid, 1881-
137. Ballivian Y Rokas, V. de. Archivo boliviano: Coleccion de
documentos relativos a la historia de Bolivia durante la epoca
colonial. Vol. 1 (the only one issued). Paris, 1872. [Contains a
catalogue of printed and manuscript documents relating to Alto
Peru on the colonial period.]
138. Urquidi, Jose Macedonio. Nuevo compendio de la historia de
Bolivia. 3rd edit. La Paz, 192 1.
139. Markham, Clements R. The war between Peru and Chile, 1879-
1882. 4th edit. London, 1883.
140. Wambaugh, Sarah. A monograph on plebiscites, with a collection
of official documents. Publ. of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. New York, [Contains a statement of
the Tacna-Arica Question, pp. 156-165, and extracts from offi-
cial correspondence, pp. 985-1050.]

Agricultural and Social

141. Kaerger, Karl. Landwirtschaft und Kolonisation im Spanischen
America. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1901.
142. Pfannenschmidt, E. Boliviens Land- und Volkswirtschaft. (Be-
nch te liber Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Auslande Mitgeteilt
vom Auswartigen Amte, No. 24.) Berlin, 1916. [Contains a
143. McBride, George McCutchen. The agrarian Indian communi-
ties of highland Bolivia. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Research Ser. No. 5.
New York, 192 1.
144. Wrigley, Gladys M. The traveling doctors of the Andes; The
Callahuayas of Bolivia. Geogr. Rev., Vol. 4, 1917, pp. 183-196.
145. Wrigley, Gladys M. Fairs of the Central Andes. Geogr. Rev.,
Vol. 7, 1919, pp. 65-80.
146. Ross, Edward Alsworth. South of Panama. New York, 1915.
[Contains valuable observations upon social conditions in South
America; Chapters 2 and 3 deal especially with Peru and Bolivia.]

Official Statistics, Etc.

147. Censo general de la poblacion de la Republica de Bolivia

segun el empadronamiento de i de Septiembre de 1900. 2 vols.
Oficina Nacional de Inmigracion, Estadistica y Propaganda
Geografica. La Paz, 1904.
148. Censo de Republica de Chile levantado el 28 de Noviembre
de 1907. Santiago de Chile, 1908.
149- Republica del Peru; Direccion General de Estadistica, Censo
general, 1876.
150. La linea de frontera con la Republica de Bolivia. Republica
de Chile. Oficina de Mensura de Tierras. Santiago de Chile,
151. Sisson, W. Lee. Informe del reconocimiento sobre el proyectado
sistema de ferrocarriles bolivianos (transl. by J. E. Zalles). Edi-
cion Oficial, La Paz, 1905. [Contains maps and profiles.]
152. Diccionario geografico de la Republica de Bolivia. Vol. i, De-
partamento de La Paz, 1890; Vol. 2, Departamento de Cocha-
bamba, 1901; Vol. 4, Departamento de Oruro, 1904.
153. Crespo, Luis S. Guia del viajero en Bolivia, Vol. 1. La Paz, 1908.

The following official and societies' publications contain occasional data

bearing upon one or other of the aspects discussed in the present work.

154. Botelin de la Direccion (up to 1913 Oficina) Nacional de Estadistica y
Estudios Geogr dficos. From 1901.
155. Sinopsis Estadistica y Geogr dfica de la Republica de Bolivia, 3 vols.,
156. Annuario Nacional, Estadistico y Geogrdfico de Bolivia, 1917 and


157. Revista del Ministerio de Colonization y Agricultura, Seccidn de

Estadistica, 1905-07.
158. Anexos & las Memorias que presenta el Ministro de Colonization
y Agricultura al Congreso. [Irregular.]
159. Ministerio de Gobierno y Fomento (after 1918 Fomento e Induslria)
Appendices a las memorias presentadas a la Legislatura. [Ir-
160. Informe del Director General de Obras PubUcas. [Annual reports.]

161. Memoria de la Inspection Jeneral de Colonization e Inmipraci6n.
From 191 1.
162. Boletin de la Inspection de Geografia y Minas. Ministerio de In-
dustria y Obras Publicas. From 1905.
163. Boletin del Ministerio de Relaciones Esterioras. From 1911.
164. Annuario Estadistico. Oficina Central de Estadistica. From 1909.
165. Memorie del Director. Oficina de Mensura de Tierras. Annually
from 1908.
166. Revista de Agricultura. Sociedad Agronomica de Chile. From 1915.
167. Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografia. Sociedad Chilena de His-
toria y Geografia. Santiago, from 191 1.
168. Boletin de la Sociedad National de Mineria, Santiago, from 1888.

169. Boletin del Ministerio de Fomento. From 1903.
170. Statistical Abstract of Peru. Ministerio de Fomento, Bureau of Sta-
tistics. 1919.
171. Boletin del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas y Aguas.
172. Boletin de la Sociedad Geogrdfica de Lima.

109a. Rusby, Henry Hurd. Report of Work on the Mulford Biologi-
cal Exploration of 1921-22. Journ. New York Bot. Garden. Vol. 22,
pp. 101-112.
1 7


Table I

Millimeters into Inches

i mm.o. 03937 inch.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In.
0.0000 0.0394 0.0787 0.1181 0.1575 0.1968 0.2362 0.2756 0.3150 0.3543
10 o.3937 0.4331 0.4724 0.5118 0.5512 0.5906 0.6299 0.6693 0.7087 0.7480
20 0.7874 0.8268 0.8661 0.9055 0.9449 0.9842 1.0236 1.0630 1. 1024 1 .1.41

30 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 i-4i73 I-45671-5354 1. 496

40 1-5748 1.6142 1-6535 1.6929 1-7323 1.8110 1.8504 1.8898 1.9291

1. 7716

50 1.9685 2.0079 2.0472 2.0866 2.1260 2.1654 2.2047 2.2441 2.2835 2.3228
60 2.3622 2.4016 2.4409 2.4803 2.5197 2.5590 2.5984 2.6378 2.6772 2.7165
70 2.7559 2-7953 2.8346 2.8740 2-9134 2.9528 2.9921 3-0315 3.0709 3.1102
80 3.1496 3-1890 3.2283 3.2677 3-3071 3-3464 3-3858 3-4252 3.4646 3.5039
90 3-5433 3-5828 3.6220 36614 3-7oo8 3.7402 3-7795 3-8189 3.8583 3.8976

Milli- Milli- Milli-

Inches Inches Inches
meters meters meters
100 3-9370 500 19.6850 800 31-496
200 7.8740 600 23.6220 900 35-4330
300 11.8110 700 27.559 1000 39.3700
400 15.7480

Table II

Meters into Feet

i meter 39.3700 inches3.280833 feet.

M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet
0.00 3-28 6.56 9.84 13-12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29-53
10 32.81 36.09 39-37 42.65 45-93 49-21 52.49 55-77 59-05 62.34
20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75-46 78.74 82.02 85-30 88.58 1.866 95.14
30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 in-55 114-83 118. 11 121.39 124.67 127.95
40 131-23 134-Si 137-79 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154-20 157.48 160.76
50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173-88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193-57
60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213-25 216.53 219.82 223.10 226.38
70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239-50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255-90 259-19
80 262.47 265.7S 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99
90 295.27 298.56 301.84 305-12 308.40 311.68 314-96 318.24 321.52 324.80

Meters Feet Meters Feet Meters Feet

800 2624.7
100 328.08 900 2952.7 4000 13123.3
200 656.17 1000 3280.8 45oo 14763.7
300 984.25 1500 4921.2 5000 16404.2
400 1312.33 2000 6561.7 55oo 18044.6
500 1640.42 2500 8202.1 6000 19684.8
600 1968.50 3000 9842.5 6500 21325.2
700 2296.6 35oo 11482.9 7000 22965.6
1 1


Table III

Kilometers into Miles

i kilometer 0.621370 mile
Km. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi.
0.0 0.6 1.2 1.9 2.5 3-i 3-7 4-3 5-0 5-6
10 6.2 6.8 7-5 8.1 8.7 9-3 9.9 10.6 11.2 11.8
20 12.4 13-0 13.7 14-3 14.9 15-5 16.2 16.8 17.4 18.0
30 18.6 19-3 19.9 20.5 21. 21.7 22.4 23.0 23.6 24.2
40 24.9 25-5 26.1 26.7 27-3 28.0 28.6 29.2 29.8 30.4
50 3i. 3i-7 32.3 32.9 33-6 34-2 34-8 35-4 36.0 36.7
60 37-3 37-9 38.5 39-1 39-8 40.4 41.0 41.6 42.3 42.9
70 43-5 44-i 44-7 45-4 46.0 46.6 47-2 47-8 48.5 49-1
80 49-7 50.3 51-0 51.6 52.2 52.8 53-4 54-i 54-7 55-3
90 55-9 56.5 57-2 57-8 58.4 59-o 59-7 60.3 60.9 61.5

Kilo- Kilo- Kilo-

Miles Miles Miles
meters meters meters
100 62.1 600 372.8 2000 1242.7
200 124.3 700 435-0 3000 1864.1
300 186.4 800 497-1 4000 2485-5
400 248.5 900 559-2 5000 3106.8
500 310.7 1000 621.4


Table IV

Square Kilometers into Square Miles

1 km. 51 0.3861 16 mile 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2
0.000 0.386 0.772 1. 158 1-545 2.703 3-089 3-475
1. 93 2.317
10 3.861 4.247 4-633 5.020 5.406 6.564 6.950 7-336
5-792 6.178
20 7.722 8.108 8-495 9.267 9-653 10.039 10.425 10. 811 11. 197
30 11.584 11.970 12.356 12.742 13.128 I3.5I4 13-900 14.286 14.672 15-059
40 15-445 15-831 16.217 16.603 16.989 17-375 17.761 18.148 18.534 18.920
50 19-306 19.692 20.078 20.464 20.850 21.236 21.623 22.009 22.395 22.781
60 23-167 23.553 23-939 24.325 24.711 25.098 25.484 25.870 26.256 26.642
70 27.028 27.414 27.800 28.187 28.573 28.959 29-345 29-731 30.117 30.503
80 30.889 31-275 31.662 32.048 32.434 32.820 33-206 33.592 33-978 34.364
90 34-750 35-137 35-523 35-909 36.295 36.681 37.067 37-453 37-839 38.226

Km. 2 Mile 2
Km. 2 Mile 2

100 38.61 600 231.67

200 77.22 700 270.28
300 115.84
800 308.89
400 154-45 900 347-50
500 193-06 1000 386.10

Table V
Hectares into Acres

Hectares Acres Hectares Acres

1 2.471 6 14.826
2 4.942 7 17.297
3 7.413 8 19.768
4 9.884 9 22.239
5 12.355 10 24.710
Table VI

Centigrade Scale to Fahrenheit

Cg. .1 .2 3 4 5 .6 7 .8 9

F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F.
+ + + + + + + + + + +
60 140.00 140.18 140.36 140.54 140.72 140.90 141.08 141.26 141.44 141.62
59 138.20 138.38 138.56 138.74 138.92 139-10 139.28 139-46 139.64 139-82
58 136.40 136.58 136.76 136.94 137.12 137.30 137.48 137-66 137.84 138.02
57 i34-6o 134-78 134-96 135.14 135.32 135-50 135.68 135-86 136.04 136.22
56 132.80 132.98 133-16 133-34 133.52 133-70 133.88 134-06 134.24 134-42
55 131.00 131-18 131-36 I3L54 131.72 13190 132.08 132.26 132.44 132.62
54 129.20 129.38 129.56 129.74 129.92 130.10 130.28 130.46 130.64 130.82
53 127.40 127.58 127.76 127.94 128.12 128.30 128.48 128.66 128.84 129.02
52 125.60 125.78 125.96 126.14 126.32 126.50 126.68 126.86 127.04 127.22
5i 123.80 123.98 124.16 124.34 124.52 124.70 124.88 125.06 125.24 125.42
+ + + + + + + + + + +
50 122.00 122.18 122.36 122.54 122.72 122.90 123.08 123.26 123.44 123.62
49 120.20 120.38 120.56 120.74 120.92 121. 10 121.28 121.46 121.64 121.82
48 118.40 118.58 118.76 118.94 119.12 119-30 119.48 119.66 119.84 120.02
47 116.60 116.78 116.96 117.14 117.32 117.50 117.68 117.86 118.04 118.22
46 114.80 114.98 115. 16 "5-34 115-52 115.70 115.88 116.06 116.24 116.42
45 113.00 113-18 113.36 "3-54 113.72 113-90 114.08 114.26 114.44 114.62
44 in. 20 111.38 in. 56 111.74 111.92 112. 10 112.28 112.46 112.64 112.82
43 109.40 109.58 109.76 109.94 no. 12 110.30 110.48 110.66 110.84 in. 02
42 107.60 107.78 107.96 108.14 108.32 108.50 108.68 108.86 109.04 109.22
4i 105.80 105.98 106.16 106.34 106.52 106.70 106.88 107.06 107.24 107.42
+ + + + + + + + + + +
40 104.00 104.18 104.36 104.54 104.72 104.90 105.08 105.26 105.44 105.62
39 102.20 102.38 102.56 102.74 102.92 103.10 103.28 103.46 103.64 103.82
38 100.40 100.58 100.76 100.94 101.12 101.30 101.48 101.66 101.84 102.02
37 98.60 98.78 98.96 99.14 99.32 99-50 99.68 99.86 100.04 100.22
36 96.80 96.98 97.16 97-34 97.52 97.70 97-88 98.06 98.24 98.42
35 95.00 95-18 95.36 95-54 95.72 95-90 96.08 96.26 96.44 96.62
34 93-20 93-38 93.56 93-74 93 92 94.10 94.28 94.46 94.64 94.82
33 91.40 91.58 91.76 91.94 92.12 92.30 92.48 92.66 92.84 93-02
32 89.60 89.78 89.96 90.14 90.32 90.50 90.68 90.86 91.04 91.22
3i 87.80 87.98 88.16 88.34 88.52 88.70 88.88 89.06 89.24 89.42

Table VI

Centigrade Scale to Fahrenheit

Cg. .1 .2 3 4 5 .6 7 .8 9

F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F.
+ + + + + + + + + + +
30 86.00 86.18 86.36 86.54 86.72 86.90 87.08 87.26 87.44 87.62
29 84.20 84.38 84.56 84.74 84.92 85.10 85.28 85.46 85.64 85.82
28 82.40 82.58 82.76 82.94 83.12 8330 83.48 83.66 83.84 84.02
27 80.60 80.78 80.96 81.14 81.32 81.50 81.68 81.86 82.04 82.22
26 78.80 78.98 79.16 79-34 79-52 79.70 79.88 80.06 80.24 80.42
25 77.00 77.18 77-36 77-54 77.72 77.90 78.08 78.26 78.44 78.62
24 75-20 75-38 75.56 75-74 75.92 76.10 76.28 76.46 76.64 76.82
23 73-40 73.58 73.76 73-94 74.12 74-30 74-48 74.66 74.84 75.02
22 71.60 71.78 71.96 72.14 72.32 72.50 72.68 72.86 73-04 73.22
21 69.80 69.98 70.16 70.34 70.52 70.70 70.88 71.06 71.24 71.42
+ + + + + + + + + + +
20 68.00 68.18 68.36 68.54 68.72 68.90 69.08 69.26 69.44 69.62
19 66.20 66.38 66.56 66.74 66.92 67.10 67.28 67.46 67.64 67.82
18 64.40 64.58 64.76 64.94 64.12 65-30 65.48 65.66 65.84 66.02
17 62.60 62.78 62.96 63.14 63.32 63-50 63.68 63.86 64.04 64.22
16 60.80 60.98 61.16 61.34 61.52 61.70 61.88 62.06 62.24 62.42
15 59-00 59.18 59.36 59-54 59-72 59-90 60.08 60.26 60.44 60.62
14 57-20 57.38 57.56 57-74 57-92 58.10 58.28 58.46 58.64 58.82
13 55-40 55.58 55.76 55-94 56.12 56.30 56.48 56.66 56.84 57-02
12 53-6o 53-78 53-96 54-14 54-32 54-50 54-68 54-86 55.04 55-22
II 51.80 51.98 52.16 52.34 S2.52 52.70 52.88 53-06 53.24 53.42
+ + + + + + + + + + +
10 50.00 50.18 50.36 50.54 50.72 50.90 51.08 51.26 51-44 51.62
9 48.20 48.38 48.56 48.74 48.92 49-IO 49.28 49.46 49.64 49.82
8 46.40 46.58 46.76 46.94 47-12 47.30 47.48 47-66 47.84 48.02
7 44.60 44.78 44.96 45.14 45-32 45-50 45-68 45-86 46.04 46.22
6 42.80 42.98 43.i6 43-34 43-52 43.70 43-88 44.06 44.24 44.42
5 41.00 41.18 41.36 41.54 41.72 41.90 42.08 42.26 42.44 42.62
4 39-20 39.38 39.56 39-74 39.92 40.10 40.28 40.46 40.64 40.82
3 37.40 37.58 37.76 37-94 38.12 38.30 38.48 38.66 38.84 39-02
2 35-60 35.78 35.96 36.14 36.32 36.50 36.68 36.86 37-04 37-22
1 33.80 33-98 34.16 34-34 34.52 34.70 34-88 35-06 35.24 35.42
+ + + + + + + + + + +
32.00 32.18 32-36 32-54 32.72 32.90 33.08 33-26 33-44 33-62
Table VI

Centigrade Scale to Fahrenheit

Cg. .1 .2 3 -4 5 .6 7 .8 9
o F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F.
- + + + + + + + + + +
32.00 31.82 31.64 31.46 31-28 31-10 30.92 30.74 30.56 30.38
i 30.20 30.02 29.84 29.66 29.48 29.30 29.12 28.94 28.76 28.58
2 28.40 28.22 28.04 27.86 27.68 27.50 27.32 27.14 26.96 26.78
3 26.60 26.42 26.24 26.06 25.88 25.70 25-52 25-34 25.16 24.98
4 24.80 24.62 24.44 24.26 24.08 23.90 23.72 23-54 23.36 23.18
5 23.00 22.82 22.64 22.46 22.28 22.10 21.92 21-74 21.56 21.38
6 21.20 21.02 20.84 20.66 20.48 20.30 20.12 19-94 19.76 19.58
7 19.40 19.22 19.04 18.86 18.68 18.50 18.32 18.14 17.96 17.78
8 17.60 17.42 17.24 17.06 16.88 16.70 16.52 16.34 16.16 15.98
9 i5-8o 15-62 15-44 15-26 15.08 14.90 14.72 14-54 14.36 14.18
- + + + + + + + + + +
10 14.00 13-82 13.64 13.46 13-28 13-10 12.92 12.74 12.56 12.38
ii 12.20 12.02 11.84 11.66 11.48 11.30 11. 12 10.94 10.76 10.58
12 10.40 10.22 10.04 9.86 9.68 9-50 9-32 9.14 8.96 8.78
13 8.60 8.42 8.24 8.06 7.88 7.70 7.52 7-34 7.16 6.98
14 6.80 6.62 6.44 6.26 6.08 5-90 5-72 5-54 5-36 5.18
- + + + + + + + + + +
15 5.00 4.82 4.64 4.46 4.28 4.10 3-92 3-74 3.56 3-38
+ + + + + + + + + +
16 3-20 3-02 2.84 2.66 2.48 2.30 2.12 1.94 1.76 1.58
+ + + + + + + + - -
17 1.40 1.22 1.04 0.86 0.68 0.50 0.32 0.14 0.04 0.22

18 0.40 O.S8 0.76 0.94 1. 12 1.30 1.48 1.66 1.84 2.02

19 2.20 2.38 2.56 2.74 2.92 3-io 3-28 3-46 3.64 3.82

20 4.00 4.18 4-36 4-54 4.72 4.90 5.08 5-26 5-44 5.62
21 5.80 5-98 6.16 6.34 6.52 6.70 6.88 7.06 7.24 7.42
22 7.60 7-78 7.96 8.14 8.32 8.50 8.68 8.86 9.04 9.22
23 9.40 9-58 9.76 9.94 10.12 10.30 10.48 10.66 10.84 11.02
24 11.20 11.38 11.56 11.74 11.92 12.10 12.28 12.46 12.64 12.82
25 13-00 13-18 13.36 13-54 13-72 13.96 14.08 14.26 14-44 14.62
26 14.80 14.98 15-16 15-34 15-52 15.70 15.88 16.06 16.24 16.42
27 16.60 16.78 16.96 17.14 17.32 17.50 17.68 17.86 18.04 18.22
28 18.40 18.58 18.76 18.94 19.12 19.30 19.48 19.66 19.84 20.02
29 20.20 20.38 20.56 20.74 20.92 21.10 21.28 21.46 21.64 21.82

30 22.00 22.18 22.36 22.54 22.72 22.90 23.08 23.26 23-44 23.62
Acha, J. A., 105 Arequipa, 18; agriculture near, 166-167,
Adobe, 152, 153 opp. 167 (ill.); borax, 56; buildings,
Agriculture, Pacific coast, 172; social 152; daily temperature variations,
basis, 157; Yungas Indians, 170 73 (graph), 74; earthquake, 48;
Aguardiente, 151, 162 importance, 188; monthly tempera-
Aji, 150, 174 ture variations, 70 (graph), 71, 72;
Alcaldes, 200 precipitation, 90, 92 (graph), 93
Alcatraz, 127 (graph); railway, 182; traffic, 180;
Alcohol, 150, 162, 172, 17s winds, 77 (with diagr.)
Alfalfa, 161, 167 Arica, 60, 177, 178, 182, 209; coast near,
Alpacas, 24, 128, 160 19; daily temperature variations,
Altiplano, 3, 4, 6, 14; description, 22; 73 (graph), 74; earthquakes, 48; im-
drainage, 96; hydrography, 98; portance, 19, 190; monthly tem-
isolated hills, 35; looking across near perature variations, 70 (graph), 71;
Nazacara (ill.), opp. 23; mineraliza- port and railway, 66, 184; tectonic
tion, 15; mining in western part, 57; feature from, 32; wind roses, 75. 76
part, with Cordillera Real and (diagr.). See also Tacna-Arica prob-
La Paz valley (block diagr.), 26; lem
precipitation, 91; soil, 108; surface Arica-La Paz railway, 107, 183, 184, 208
and underlying rocks, 38; typical Aridity, 15
finca, 159; winds, 79 Arriero, 165
Altitude, 13; life at high altitudes, 128, Ascotan, 56
155; of mines, 59; population and, Atacama, 101, 203
145; zones, 69 Atacama Trench, 61
Alto Peru, 194 Audiencias, 194, 196
Amazon River, 25 Avicaya, 59
American Geographical Society, His- Ayllu, 199
panic American program, ix, x Aymara Indians, 17, 30, 136, 138;
American Museum of Natural History, fishermen on the shore of Lake
viii, 124 Titicaca (ill.), opp. 165; procession
Ananta, 41 at a. fiesta in La Paz (ill.), opp. 162
Ancestor worship, 200 Ayopaya River, 31
Anchovetas, 126
Ancomarca, 194 Ballivian, Lake, 44, 45 (diagr.)
Ancon, treaty of, 204, 206 Balsas, 165, opp. 165 (ill.)
Andenes, 163, opp. 163 (ill.) Barley, 151, 161
Andes, change of trend, 31; earlier form, Bathymetric lines, 8
35; north and south of La Paz, con- Beagle (ship), 2, 64
trast, 31; recent uplift, extent and Beans, 24, 118, 150
effect, 36; Tertiary conditions, 33, Bears, spectacled, 123, 130, 134
35 Beni River, 4, 185, 186
Angostura gorge, 41 Bibliography, 211
Animal life, 122; Atlantic slope, 132; Billinghurst-Latorre Convention, 208
belts of distribution, 123; coast, 124; Birds, Atlantic slope, 132; Chapman,
desert pampa, ii7; reproduction, F. M., on, 126; desert pampa, 127;
climatic control, 134; Western guano-producing, 124; Puna, 130
Cordillera and Puna, 128 Bismuth, 49, 58
Anthony, H. E., viii Bolivia, lack of coast line and seaports,
Antofagasta, 183, 184 204, 209; population, 142; vital sta-
Araca, 59 tistics, 156
Bolivian census, 140, 141 Chile, longitudinal railway, 181;
Boobies, 126 nitrates, 49; population, 142; war
Borax, 15, 49, 56 with Bolivia and Peru, 203
Boundaries, political, 193; changes Chile-Bolivia Boundary Commission, 3
(map), 195 Chile saltpeter. See Nitrates
Bowman, Isaiah, vi, viii; Introduction, Chilean census, 141
ix; on Lakes Ballivian and Minchin, Chili pepper, 150, 174
44, 45 (diagr.);physiography, 33; Chili River, 78, 90, 96, 106, 188; des-
uplift of Andes, 36; Western Cor- cription, 101; flow at Arequipa
dillera slopes, 34 (graph), 102
Bronze, 51, 52 Chili valley, farms (ill.), opp. 167
Buildings, 152 Chilicolpa, 57
Chinchillas, 128, 129
Cabezera de Valle, 69 Chipayas, 137, 152-153; swine-raising,
Cables, 61 164
Caca Aca, 187 Cholos, 140
Cacti, 114, us, 150; La Paz valley (ill.), Chulumani, 185
opp. 119 Churio, 150, 161, 191
Caleta, 147 Chuquiaguillo River, 51, 58, 185, 187
Caleta Buena, 66, 181; importance, 19 Chuquiapo, 51
Caleta Chica, 66 Cinchonas, 121, 169, 171
Caleta Junin, 66, 181 Cities, 186
Caliche, 55 Clan, 199, 200
Callahuayas, 158 Clay-eating, 151
Callas, soundings near, 61 Climate, 13, 16, 28, 67
Camanchaca, 112 Clothing, 153
Caminos de herradura, 181 Clouds, 88; precipitation and cloud con-
Canal, Mauri River to Palcota valley, ditions (map) 67 types and rainfall
, ;

104 belts on eastern border of Andes

Canchones, 106, 174, 175 (diagrs.), 87
Cano River, 198, 209 Coach roads, 181
Carabaya, 51 Coast, faunal studies, 124; features, 18;
Carabuco, 52 precipitation, 89, 90 (diagrs.);
Caracoles, 59 towns, 147; valley oases, 172; winds,
Carnaval, 162 75
Cascarilleros, 172 Coast line, survey, 2
Cattle, 151. 164, 171, 173 Coast Range, wet and dry seasons
Cavies, 129, 139 (diagrs.), 90
Ceja de la Montana, 119, 120, opp. 120 Coastal desert, 108
(ill.) Coastal escarpment, 18
Census returns, 141 Coastal hills, 17. See also Lomas
Cere us, 114 Coca, 30, 121, 162; cultivation, 169, 170
Cerro Verde, 56 Cocaines, 169
Chachani, 188 Cocal, 170
Challapata, 192 Cochabamba, 18, 27, 146; agriculture
ChaHar trees, 20, 112, 113 in the basin, 166-167; basin, 32, 35;
Chancaca, 175 monthly temperature variations, 70
Chapman, F. M., viii; on bird life in (graph), 71, 72; precipitation, 88, 92
Colombia, 132; on birds of the coast, (graph); railway to Oruro, 183, 185;
126 situation, 2, 189; soil, 108; water
Charcas, 194. 196 supply, 98; winds, 82, 83 (diagr.), 84
Charcoal, 51, 56, 59 Coffee, 30, culture, 169, 171
Charqui, 151 Coipasa, salar of, 23, 32, 44, 100
Chasquis, 150 Coker, R. E., 124
Cherimoya, 167 Collas, 136, 138, 139, 199, 200. See also
Chicha, 150 Aymara Indians

Collasuyo, 138 Distichlis grass, 112

Colonos, 159; farming in La Paz valley Dogs, wild, 127, 130
(ill.), opp. 160 Dolores, 106
Colonization, Incas, 139, 140 Donkeys, 24
Color, 21, 118, 128 Doors, 153
Colquechaca, 28, 59 Douglas, J. A., 33
Colquiri, 59 Drainage, 45, 95
Comanchi, Cerro de, 35 Drake, Sir Francis, 190
Community Indians, 157, 164; annual Drunkenness, 150, 162
round of life on the Altiplano, 164 Dunes, 47, 80
Compass traverses, 3 Dust, 80
Compilations, 4 Dwellings, Indian, 152; Indian, in high
Condors, 123, 125, 131, 193 country west of Lake Titicaca (ill.),
Coniri, 34 opp. 153; Uru house and woman
Conquistador es, 18, 50, 14s (ill.), opp. 152

Contours, approximate, 5; treatment, 6 Dyes, 154

Conversion tables, 224
Conway, Sir W. M., 3, 4 Earthquakes, 48, 147
Copacabana, 24, 202; fair, 192 Eastern Cordillera, approximations, 5;
Copaos, 114 divisions, 27; faunal barrier, 123;
Copiapo River, 196 minerals, 15; mining, 58; pasture
Copper, 49; Altiplano, 15, 57; Corocoro (ill.), opp. 153; precipitation, 88;
mines, 182; occurrence, 51 vegetation, 118; winds, 79
Cordillera Real, 3. 4, 7, 14; looking El Misti, 21, 48, opp. 165 (ill.), 188
toward, from the Yungas (with ill.), Encomiendas, 145
168; part, with Altiplano and La Paz Environment and population, 136
valley (block diagr.), 26; structure Epidemics, 156
and relief, 15; water resources, 97 Equatorial rains, 16
Cormorants, 126, 127 Erosion, 14, 34, 37, 47, 107
Corocoro, 24, 105, 176; copper mines, Eucalyptus, 118, 159
182; fault, 34; native copper, 57 "Eyebrow" of the forest, 119, 120, opp.
Coroico, 168 (with ill.), 170, 185 120 (ill.)

Coroico River, upper basin, with plan-

tations, and the town (ill.), 168 Fairs, annual, 191
Corry, T. A., 2, 5 Farms, Altiplano, 159; Chili valley (ill.),
Cosecha de la muerie, 80 opp. 167; peon laborers, La Paz
Costumes of plateau Indians, 154 valley (ill.), opp. 160; typical farm
Cotton, 153, 174 near Luribay, 166-167
Creoles, 149 Faults, 34, 35
Crequi-Montfort expedition, 4 Fauna, 122. See also Animal life
Crustal weakness, 32 Fawcett, P. H., 2
Culli, 117 Festivals, 162, 201; procession of
Cuzco, 139, 140, 150, 177, 188, 193, 202, Aymara. Indians in La Paz (ill.),

opp. 162
Deer, 133 Fiebre amarilla, 155
Denudation, 13 Fincas, 159, 163
Desaguadero (ill.), opp. 24 Fish, as food, 150; marine, 125; plateau,
Desaguadero River, 4, 23, 105; descrip- 131
tion, 99; near Nazacara (ill.), opp. Fishing in Lake Titicaca, 165
23; source (ill.), opp. 24; "strike" Flamingos, 123, 130
character, 46 Floods, 105, 106
Desert, 19; fauna, 127; piedmont, 19; Flora, 109
road, 180; vegetation, 112 Fog, 89, 112
Desert bird, 127 Food, 149
Dew, in Forbes, David, 33; geological map, 32
Diseases, 155 Forbes, H. O., 124
Forests, 17; bird life, 132; "eyebrow" of lea, 177
the forest, 119, 120, opp. 120 (ill.); Ichu, opp. 23 (ill.), opp. 114 (ill.), 116;

mammals, 133; tropical rain forest, pasture land in Eastern Cordillera

30 (ill.), opp. 153; Puna Brava zone
Fossils, 39. 44. 45 (ill.), opp. 116

Foster, C.W., 80 Ilacatas, 200

French commission survey, 3 Illimani, 82, 187; from the Yungas (ill.),
Frogs, 132 opp. 120
Frontiers, 193 Ilo, 66, 181
Fruits, 30, 113. 114. 151. 167, 172 Inca empire, 138, 139. 193; local Indian
government and, 200; movement of
GarAa, 108, in the people, 177
Geological structure, 31 Indian names, 8
Geologists' investigations, 32 Indians, community Indians, 157; cul-
Geology, extent of knowledge, 32 ; utili- ture, 17; diet, 150; habitations and
zation in mapping, s occupations on Western Cordillera,
Glaciation, 37 22; mine workers, 176; mining and
Glaciers, 37, 96, 97 metal-working, 50, 51; mixture with
Goitre, 155 Spaniards, 148; plateau, costume,
Gold, 28, 49, 58; Eastern Cordillera, is; 154; plateau, social and religious
occurrence, 51 organization, 199; religion, 191;
Grande River, 46
28, Spanish control, 146; Yungas, occu-
Grass steppe, 117, 119 pations, 170. See also Community
Grassiere, R. de la, 137 Indians
Grebes, 130 Inquisivi, 51, 146
Gregory, H. E., on La Paz beds, 40; on International Map Committee, 6
Titicaca basin, 34 Intip Raymi, 201
Guanay, 127 Inundations, 91
Guano, 124, 203 Iodine, 55. 155
Guano-producing birds, 124 Iquique, 75
Guayras, 51 Iron, 153
Guemal, 133 Irrigation, 163, 166, 167; projects, 103
Guillaves, 114 Island of the Sun, 202
Guinea pigs, 130, 130 Isluga, 57

Haba beans, 24, 118 Junin. See Caleta Junin

Harvard University, Astronomical Ob-
servatory, 77. 78, 79. 188 Kings, 200
Hats, 154 Krtimmel Deep, 62
Hauthal, Rudolf, on La Paz beds, 40, 41
Health, 155 Labor, forced, 139, 175
Highlands, climate, 16; population, 17 Lacahahuira River, 100
Hispanic-American research plan, ix La Joya, daily temperature variations,
Hot springs, 33. 34. 48 73 (graph), 74; monthly tempera-
Household implements, 153 ture variations, 70 (graph), 72;
Houses. See Dwellings Lakes, 97; development, 42
Huaca, 202 Land, absorption by whites and mes-
Huanaco, 128 tizos, 157; utilization, 159, opp. 174
Huanuni, 28, 59 (map)
Huaqui, port (ill.), opp. 182; winds, 80 Land forms, 31
Huari, 192 Landowners, 158
Huata, 24 Landscape, 21. See also Scenery
Humboldt Current, 62, 89 La Paz, daily temperature variations,
Huot, Victor, 4 73 (graph), 74; from the southwest
Hurricanes, 91 (ill.), 187; monthly temperature
Hydrographic data, 2 variations, 70 (graph), 71. 72; preci-

La Paz (continued) Milk, 150

pitation, 88, 93 (graph); railway Miller and Singewald, on minerals, 49;
routes to the sea, 183, 184; situation, on nitrates, 54
25, 186; traffic, 180; water supply, Milluni, 59
98; winds, 81 (diagr.), 82 Minchin, J. B., 1; sketch map of an
La Paz, Alto of, 25, 38 ancient lake, 42, 43 (map A); tra-
La Paz area, compilation of sheet, ix, 1; verse, 3
geological structure, 14; maps used Minchin, Lake, 43 (map B), 44, 45
in constructing sheet, list, 8; natural (diagr.)
regions, 18; physical history, 13 Mineralization, 13
La Paz River, 4, 25, 38, 39. 187; gorge, Minerals, 49; geology and, 33; occur-
28, 41, 45 rence, 50
La Paz valley, cactus vegetation (ill.), Miners, 176
opp. 119; part (block diagr.), 26; Mines, 49; altitude, 59
sedimentary deposits, 40 Mining, 24, 175; Eastern Cordillera,
Lard, 164 28, 58; western Altiplano, 57; Wes-
Lauca River, 164 tern Cordillera, 56
Lava flows, 19. 20 Miraflores, 188
Lima, 177, 194. 204 Misti, El, 21, 48, opp. 165 (ill.), 188
Linguistic researches, 136 Mita, 52, 139, 175
Llallagua, 59, 176 Mollendo, 180, 182; port and railway,
Llamas, 22, 24, 128; as beasts of burden, 184; winds, 75
156; domestication and wool, 154 Montana forest, 119, 121
Lobos, 126 Moquegua, 20. 103, 181
Lomas, 17. 18, 108, 173; tiempo de Morococala, 59
lomas, 91 vegetation, 1 10
; Mountain sickness, 15s, 156
Luribay, farm near, 166-167 Mulatos, 149
Luribay River, 38, 39 Murphy, R. C, viii; 124; on anchovetas,
McBride, G. M., vi, viii; on the social
and religious organization of the Names, selection, 7
plateau Indians, 199 Natural regions, vii, 18; map index to
Madeira River, 25 international map, 29
Maize, 150, 151, 167 Natural vegetation, 109; distribution
Malaria, 155 (map), no. See also Vegetation
Maps, index map of natural regions, 29; Negroes, 149, 173
list used in constructing the La Paz Nitrates, 19, 20, 49, 203; extraction, 55;
sheet, 8; previous compilations, 4 origin of fields, 53; ports 66; work-
Mdquina, 55 ers, 174
Marbut, C. F., vii Nitrogen fixation, 53, 54
Marine life, 122, 125
Maritime Cordillera, 14. See also West- Oases, 112, 172, 173
ern Cordillera Obrajes, cactus vegetation (ill.), opp.
Masonry, 152, 202 119
Mauri River, 23, 46; diversion project, Oca, 115, 118, 150, 161
104 Ocean, 61
Mayordomo, 159 Oil, 50, 59
Meat, 150, 151 Olives, 173
MSdanos, 47 Opuntia, 114, 115
Medio Valle, 69; agriculture and life, Orbigny, Alcide d', 6; geological map,
166 32
Megalithic structures, 25, 138, 193 Oruro, 24, 59; hills, 35. 5L S3", monthly
Mercury, 53 temperature variations, 70 (graph),
Mesquite, 175 71, 72; precipitation, 92 (graph);
Mestizos, 140, 148, 149 situation, 189; water supply, 98;
Meteorological records, 67, 68 winds, 80
Oruro-Cochabamba railway, 183, 185 Population (continued)
Otters, 127 136; the various zones, 157;
life in
mode of 149; modifications of

Pachacmama, 201 arrangement in the past, 14s; move-

Pacific Ocean, 61; currents, 62; marine ment, 176; Spanish Conquest and,
life, 65; navigation, 65; soundings, 145
61; surface temperature, 63 Porco, Si. 53
Pacific slope, desert vegetation, 112; Ports, 19, 66, 147, 177, 184
hydrography, 100 Potatoes, 22, 24, us, 118, 150, 161
Pack roads, 181 Potosi, S3. 59, 179
Padua, 133 Powder, blasting, 56, 57
Palcota valley, 104 Precipitation, 86; Altiplano, 91; Are-
Pampa, 19 quipa, 90, 92 (graph); cloud condi-
Pampa de Salinas, 3 borax, 56
tions and (map) 67 cloud types and
, ;

Pampa del Tamarugal, cultivation, 175; rainfall belts on eastern border of

name, 112; water conditions, 105 Andes (diagrs.), 87; Eastern Cor-
Parinacota, 131 dillera, 88; monthly, for five sta-
Pasto de miel, 113 tions (graphs), 92-93; Western
Patrdn, 160 Cordillera and coast, 89, 90 (diagrs.)
Payachata, 32 Prehistoric empire, 193
Peasant life, 159 Pressure, 74
Peasant proprietors, 166 Property, 199
Peneplane, 14, 27, 34 Pueblo Nuevo, El, 186, 188
Pentland, J. B., 1 Puna, 17; bird life, 130; fauna, 128;
Peonage, 157 vegetation, 115
Peons, IS9 Puna beds, 39, 41-42
Peru, population, 142; Viceroyalty, 177, Puna Brava, 69, n6;ichu (ill.), opp. 116
194, 196 Puno, daily temperature variations,
Peru Current, 62, 89 73 (graph), 74; railway to, 182;
Peruvian census, 141 winds, 79 (with diagr.), 80
Peruvian Corporation, 182 Puquina language, 137
Peste, 155
Pichu Pichu, 188 Quenua trees, 116
Piedmont, desert nature, 19; end of a Quichua Indians, 17, 136, 138, 140
river on (ill.), opp. 101 Quilca, 177, 180, 188
Pilcomayo River, 28, 46 Quime, 146
Piquero, 127 Quimsa Cruz, 4
Pisagua, 181; earthquake, 48; from the Quimsachata, Cerro de, opp. 24 (ill.),

roadstead (ill.), opp. 18; importance, opp. 182 (ill.)

19; port, 66; water supply, 106 Quinine, 121, 169
Place names, 7 Quinoa, 22, 24, 115, 118, 150, 162
Plebiscite, 20s
Pleistocene glaciation, 36 Races, 136, 148
Podsol, 107 Railways, 4, 178 (map), 179, 181
Political organization, 193 Raimondi's map, 5, 6
Polo, J. T., 137 Rainfall. See Precipitation
Pompeckj, J. P., on Puna beds, 40 Red pepper, 150, 174
Poncho, 154 Reeds, 117, 130
Pongo, 160 Religion of the plateau Indians, 199
Poopo, Lake, 23, 32, 91; description, Repartimienlos, 52, 175
100; development, 44; reed beds, Rivers, 46; as frontiers, 198; diversion
117; shore lines, 4 schemes, 103; end of a river on the
Population, 18; agglomerations, 143; piedmont (ill.), opp. 101; Maritime
distribution, 141, opp. 146 (map); Cordillera, 96; nature, 95; Pacific
distribution comparisons with oth- slope, 101; regularizing flow, 103
er countries, 144; environment and. Roads, 176, 179, 180. See also Routes
Rocha River, 98, 189 Sugar cane, 30, 173, 174
Rodents, 129, 134 Sulphur, is, so, S7
Rogers, A. P., traverse, 3 Sun, Island of the, 202
Roofs, 152, 153 Sun worship, 200, 201
Routes, traffic, 176, 178 (maps) Sundt, Lorenzo, on Puna beds, 40
Rubber, 172 Sunshine and shade, 72
Ruins, 25; Tiahuanaco, 138, 152 Surveys, 3
Rurrenabaque, 185 Sweets, 150
Swine, 164
St. John's Day, 201 Syphilis, 155
Sajama, 21, 32
Salars, 20, 23, 44, 48 Taapaca, 20, 48
Salt, is, 47. SO, 151, 165 Tacna, 20, 182; water supply, 104, 106
Saltpeter, 56. See also Nitrates Tacna-Arica problem, 203
Sama River, 198, 209 Tacora, 20, 21,48, 57
Sapahaqui River, 38, 39 Tamarugal. See Pampa del Tamarugal
Sardinas, 125 Tambo, Pampa of, 19
Scenery, Cordillera Real, 25; La Paz, Tambo River, 101, 103, 105; valley,
187-188; Titicaca, 24 sugar cane, 173, 174
Seccador, 171 Taquia, 51, 59, 160, 161, 165
Sefve, Ivar, on Puna beds, 40, 41 Tarapaca, 176, 197, 204
Serfdom, 146, 147 Tarata, 208, 209
Shade and sunshine, 72 Tayra, 134
Sheep, 24, 154, 160 Temperature, 15, 16, 69; daily varia-
Shelter, 151. See also Dwellings tions at six stations (graphs), 73;
Silver, 49, 58, 175; occurrence, 51; monthly variations at seven stations
Oruro, 190; shipment, 148; Spanish (graphs), 70; ocean surface, 63
production, 58 Terraces, abandoned artificial, 163, opp.
Singewald. See Miller and Singewald 163 (ill.)
Snipe, 131 Terral, 75
Snow line, 37, 96, 109 Tertiary conditions, 33, 35
Social system 157; plateau Indians, 199 Thermal equator, 15, 16
Sodium nitrate. See Nitrates Tiahuanaco, 136, 14s; importance, pre-
Soils, 107 historic, 177; ruins, 138, 152
Soroche, 155, 156 "Tidal" waves, 147
Spaniards, descendants, 140; lomas Tides, 66
vegetation and, in; mining, 52, Tiempo de lomas, 91
145; mixture with Indians, 148; Tin, 28, 49, 58, 17s; smelting, 60
population redistribution, 145 Tiquina, Strait of, 34
Spanish towns, 146 Titicaca, Isla de, 202
Spectacled bears, 123, 130, 134 Titicaca, Lake, 3, 23; air circulation, 79;
Spellings, 7 as boundary, 194; basin, 34; descrip-
Spirits,200 tion, 98; development, 44; fish, 150;
Steinmann, Hoek, and von Bistram fishing, 165, opp. 165 (ill.); Inca
traverse, 4 civilization, 25; outlet (ill.), opp. 24;
Steppes, grass, 117, 119 port of Huaqui and (ill.), opp. 182;
Stiles, A., 4 reed beds, 117; shore lines, 4; steam-
Stone, building, 152, 153 er service, 182
Streams. See Rivers Tola, 22, 24, 114, opp. 114 (ill.)
Strike valleys, 46 Totoral, 59
Submarine cables, 61 Towns, Spanish ports, 147; twin towns,
Subsequent valleys, 46 147
Succulent vegetation, 113 Trade winds, 16, 65, 75, 82
Sucre, 186, 187; precipitation, 92 Traffic routes, 176, 178 (maps)
(graph) winds, 84, 85 (diagr.)
; Trails, 181
Sugar, 17s Transport, 156
Traverses, 3 War of the Pacific, 196, 197. 203, 204
Tree line, 17. "9 Water rights, 166, 172
Tree planting, 118 Water supply, 97
Tribute, 139, 146, 199 Western (Maritime) Cordillera, 3; as
Tunari, Cordillera de, 98, 189 boundary, 196; description, 20;
Tungsten, 49, 58 drainage, 96; fauna, 128; mineraliza-
Tupus, 51 tion, 15; mining, 56; precipitation,
89, 90 (diagrs.) structure and relief,

Ubinas, 48 IS; vegetation, 22, 113; winds, 7S

Ulexite, 56 Wheat, 151
Ulloma, 39, 40, 41 Whitehead, W. L., on nitrates, 54, 55
Uncia, 28, 59 Winds, 74, 86; Altiplano, 79; Arequipa,
Uru Indians, 136, 190; woman grinding 77 (with diagr.); Arica, 75, 76
opp. 152
(ill.), (diagr.); coast and Western Cor-
Uyuni, 23, 32 dillera, 75 ; Cochabamba, 82, 83
(diagr.), 84; Eastern Cordillera, 79',

Valle, 69. 166 Iquique, 75; La

Paz, 81 (diagr.), 82;
Vegetation, 16; divisions, 109; Eastern Mollendo, 75; Puno, 79 (with
Cordillera, 118; lomas, no; past diagr.), 80; Sucre, 84, 85 (diagr.);
influences, 109; Puna, 115; succu- Titicaca basin, 79; Vinocaya, 78
lent, 113; tola, 114; Western Cor- (diagr.), 79
dillera, 22, 113 Wine, 173-174
Venereal diseases, 15s Wool, 153. 154
Viacha, 186 Wrigley, G. M., viii
Viacha-Arica railway, 184
Viceroyalty of Peru, 177, 194, 196 Yareta, 22, 24, 57, 59, opp. 114 (ills.),
Vicunas, 128, 154 116, 165
Villages, 24; plateau, 163; Yungas, 30 Young, Arthur, 166
Vinocaya, daily temperature variations, Yuca, 151
73 (graph), 74; monthly tempera- Yungas, 30, 69, 107; coca belt, 169;
ture variations, 70 (graph), 71, 72; drainage, 95; plantations in Coroico
winds, 78 (diagr.), 79 basin (ill.), 168
Virazon, 75. 76
Viscacha, 128, 129
Vitor River, 101 Zambaigos, 149
Volcanic activity, 35, 37. 147 Zambos, 149
Volcanoes, 20, 21, 35, 36, 48 Zoology, 124

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