2004 Sinu River (Vol16)
2004 Sinu River (Vol16)
2004 Sinu River (Vol16)
Between 1938 and 1945, the Sinú River changed its course and started a new delta at a site known as Tinajones. The change took place
after the infilling of Cispata Bay, the site of the previous delta. The infilling is studied with two isopach maps made from bathymetric charts
from 1762, 1849, and 1938. The isopachs help show the distribution of the sediments inside the bay and provide estimations of sedimentation
rates. The results are compared with the sediment distribution and estimated sedimentation rate found for the delta at Tinajones. The results
suggest that the infilling of the Cispata Bay produced the river avulsion and the change to Tinajones and probably was accelerated by
sediments that came from outside the bay.
q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Avulsion; Bay sedimentation; Sinú River delta
Entre 1938 y 1945, el Rı́o Sinú cambió su curso y comenzó un nuevo delta en el sitio conocido como Tinajones. El cambio tuvo lugar luego
de la colmatación de la Bahı́a de Cispata, sitio del delta anterior. La colmatación es estudiada con dos mapas isópacos elaborados de mapas
batimetricos de 1762, 1849 y 1938. Con los isópacos, se muestra la distribución de los sedimentos dentro de la bahı́a y se estima la tasa de
sedimentación. Los resultados se comparan con la distribución de sedimentos y la tasa de sedimentación del delta en Tinajones. Los
resultados sugieren que la colmatación de la Bahı́a de Cispata produjo la avulsion y el cambio hacia Tinajones y también que dicha
colmatación fue probablemente acelerada por sedimentos provenientes de fuera de la bahı́a.
q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Palabras clave: Sedimentación en bahı́as; Avulsion; Delta del Rı́o Sinú
Fig. 1. Localization of Sinú River delta: (A) general view of the region, (B) detailed view of the delta and surroundings, and (C) detailed physiographic features
of the delta.
with an average range of less than 0.5 m. Waves follow the The mean wave height, as calculated from a square from
direction of winds and are stationary. During the wet season, 98 to 108N and 758 to 778W, is 1.6 m for swells and 0.88 m
which occurs during December – April, Alisios winds for seas, according to the National Oceanic and Atmos-
appear and waves are at their maximum. In May – pheric Administration’s comprehensive ocean-atmosphere
November, the dry season includes weaker winds and data set (Woodruff et al., 1998), which lists 369 sets of
frequent, strong waves from the northeast (Javelaud, 1986). observations made between 1987 and 1997.
B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx 3
2. Methodology
maps for Cispata Bay. The 1940 map also was subtracted
To study the infilling of Cispata Bay, all available from the 1997 map to generate an isopach map for the Sinú
bathymetric information was compiled. The information River delta at Tinajones. All such work was performed with
consists of maps from 1762 (Herrera, 1762), 1849 (Kellet Surfer software. By generating isopach maps, it is possible
and Wood, 1849), and 1938 (Defense Mapping Agency to study the sediment distribution and volume of accumu-
Hydrographic/Topographic Center, 1994), the last of which lated sediment, estimate the sedimentation rates at Cispata
covers only the Cispata Bay. For the Sinú River delta at Bay, and compare these results with those obtained for the
Tinajones, bathymetric information was compiled from a delta at Tinajones.
1940 map (US Army Topographic Command, 1969) and a
1997 map (Dirección General Marı́tima de la Armada
Nacional de Colombia, 1997).
Using a technique similar to the one used by Lindsay 3. Cispata Bay filling (1762 – 1849)
et al. (1984) for the Mississippi River delta, the 1762 map
was subtracted from the 1849 map, the result of which was Prior to 1762, though there are no historical records,
then subtracted from the 1938 map, to generate two isopach geomorphologic features, such as abandoned sand bars in
4 B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx
Fig. 3. Abandonment of the delta at the Mestizos spit and initiation of the delta at Cispata Bay. The currents indicate the probable direction of sediment
transport toward the bay. The detailed zone indicates the area of the isopach map in Fig. 4.
the deltaic plain (Fig. 1), suggest that the Sinú switched its 4. Cispata Bay filling (1849 – 1938) and the new Sinú
sediments at Bajo de Venados (Fig. 3) (Robertson and River delta (1938 – present)
Chaparro, 1998; Serrano, 2001). In 1762, the Sinú
River turned east near the coast, followed the trend of the Between 1849 and 1938, the Cispata Bay was almost
Mestizos spit, and formed a delta at the end. The spit completely filled, and the Sinú River delta became a
enclosed a small body of water (Cispata Bay), where complex of channels and swamps (Fig. 5). Maximum
crevasse channels from the river switched part of the Sinú’s sedimentation occurred inland, and only a small accumu-
sediments (Fig. 3). lation occurred at the submarine part of the delta (Fig. 6).
Between 1762 and 1849, the Sinú River deviated its Maximum erosion occurred again at the bay’s mouth
entire course through one of the crevasse channels and (Fig. 4) but over a smaller area. The estimated
abandoned its delta at Mestizos spit. This zone was net sedimentation accumulation is 158.9 £ 10 6 m 3,
then subject to marine-water intrusion and colonized and the estimated sedimentation rate is
by mangroves (Kellet and Wood, 1849). The spit 1.78 £ 106 m3 year21.
was eroded, and the area of Cispata Bay was reduced By 1938, outside the filled Cispata Bay, the Sinú River
by 20%. had a sinuous course and meandered near Tinajones Beach
The distribution of sediments inside the bay appears in (Fig. 5). Sometime between 1938 and 1945, the Sinú broke
the isopach map of Fig. 4. Positive values indicate its channel, according to aerial photographs (Fig. 7A and B).
deposition sites; negative values show erosion sites. The This event probably occurred during a flood event, but no
maximum accumulation occurred in front of the 1849 delta, hydrological measurements from that time or official reports
but accumulation also appears in the southern and south- with the exact year of the event exist. Parsons (1952)
eastern parts of the bay. A decrease occurs at the center of indicates that the event occurred in August 1943.
the bay. Maximum erosion occurred to the northeast, Similar to the way the process of abandonment and
especially at the bay’s mouth. The estimated net sediment initiation of a new delta occurred between 1762 and 1849, the
accumulation is 343.7 £ 106 m3, and the estimated sediment initiation of a new delta at Tinajones involved the
rate is 3.9 £ 106 m3 year21. These values do not take into abandonment of the delta at Cispata Bay. Again, marine-
account the consolidation history of particular sediment water intrusion favored mangrove growth and replacement
inputs, Lindsay et al., (1984). of rice fields. Therefore, the course of the river was
B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx 5
Fig. 4. Isopach map of the Cispata Bay 1762– 1849. The main sedimentation occurred near the delta, but sedimentation also appears to the southeast side of the
delta. Erosion mainly occurred at the bay’s mouth. Contours in meters.
obstructed at the western part of the meander (Fig. 7B) in an Robertson (1987) mentions that the slope of the channel was
attempt to rechannelize it back to its former position. 67 times greater than the slope of the old channel because the new
This attempt failed because the deltaic plain at Tinajones was channel flowed 300 m from the sea and the old route was 20 km
more elevated than the deltaic plain at Cispata (Fig. 7C – F). longer. In addition, the numerous swamps, as well as evidence
Fig. 5. Infilling of Cispata Bay 1849–1938. The map indicates the Tinajones beach at the site where the river started a new delta. Detailed zone indicates the
area of the isopach map in Fig. 6.
6 B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx
Fig. 6. Isopach map of the Cispata Bay 1849–1938. Main sedimentation occurred inland; erosion mainly occurred at the bay’s mouth. Contours in meters.
that the filled Cispata Bay was flooded much part of the year (to be considered comparatively insignificant at Cispata
allow rice growth), indicate that this land was subject to because of the microtidal range (0.50 m) and dissipation
subsidence due to sediment compaction (Coleman, 1981). of wave power by the Mestizos spit.
Bryant et al. (1995) indicate that an avulsion occurs if a With this consideration in mind, the model of inflow
river bed is superelevated above its surroundings. This result proposed by Bates (1953) can be applied to sediment
seems to have occurred at Tinajones and may describe the distribution at Cispata Bay between 1762 and 1849 (Fig. 4).
situation between 1762 and 1849. The delta at Tinajones In this case, sedimentation at Cispata corresponds to a
thus was a result of a natural process, not of an antropic hypopycnal inflow in which the density of the inflow (Sinú
intervention, as is sometimes believed. River) is less than that of the receiving basin (Cispata Bay).
Today, the Sinú River delta at Tinajones is approxi- With such an inflow, it is possible to explain why sediments
mately 26 km2. The sedimentation at the delta follows the were truncated near the center of the bay. Without this
distribution shown in the isopach of Fig. 8. Maximum inflow, sediments would have accumulated all over the bay,
accumulation occurs in front of the delta, both inland and at as in the case of lacustrine deltas (e.g. Lake Fausse Ponte;
the marine portion, especially to the west. Erosion occurs to Tye and Coleman, 1989), in which homopycnal inflow
the east. The estimated net sediment accumulation is (density of the inflow is equal to the density of the receiving
161.61 £ 106 m3, and the estimated sedimentation rate is basin) occurs. Because it occurs only in turbidity currents,
2.83 £ 106 m3 year21. hyperpycnal inflow is not considered.
However, sediments did not accumulate only near the
delta but also spread to the southeast. This spreading may be
5. Discussion attributable to the inflow type, but it also might suggest
another mechanism, such as wave power. Although the
The infilling of Cispata Bay started before 1762, when effect of waves can be insignificant, this is true only when
crevasse channels from the Sinú River reached the bay, but compared with fluvial influence. For the sedimentation
attained its maximum development after 1762, when the rates, the estimates are 3.9 £ 106 m3 year21 for 1762 –1849;
Sinú deviated its entire course to the bay. This process is 2.83 £ 106 m3 year 21 for Tinajones (Fig. 8); and
similar to the infilling of West Bay (Coleman, 1981) and 3.56 £ 106 m3 year21 for the river. The last estimated rate
Cubits Gap Bay (Coleman, 1988) at the Mississippi River assume an estimated dry bulk density of 1.3 g cm23
delta, where overbank flooding, crevassing, and avulsion are (Cogollo, 1986), a suspension load of 11,550 tons per
responsible for sediment transfer (Elliot, 1974). Other day (IDEAM, 1995), and an estimated 10% bed load
processes, such as tidal and wave sediment transport, can (Murthy, 1977).
B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 7. Formation and growth of the Tinajones delta and Sinu River. (A) Before the levee breaks; (B) after the levee break, the river began to form a new delta.
The arrow indicates the site where the channel was cut artificially; and (C–F) growth of the Tinajones delta and abandonment of the old Sinú River channel to
Cispata Bay to the east. Pictures from Troll and Schmidt (1985) and Instituto Geográfico Agustı́n Codazzi.
The values indicate excessive sedimentation at Cispata, of the Gulf of Morrosquillo area. Due to these consider-
but the rates determined through historical charts include ations, it is an option to consider the rates meaningless.
inherent errors, such as the date of the map, the However, they also might be granted some validity because
standardization of the coordinates, and the bathymetric two of the three estimated rates (1849 – 1938 and 1940–
measurement. In addition, tectonic subsidence may affect 1997) range around the estimated value for the river and
sediment estimations, but there is not much data about this because the comparison between geomorphologic features
possibility (cf. Page, 1983). Page (1983) mentions that, from the 1762 map and recent maps fits well.
along the northwestern Caribbean coast of Colombia, a If the rate found for 1762 –1849 is accepted, then not all
series of faulted marine terraces disappear at the Sinú River the wave power was dissipated by the spit, and some of the
delta and Gulf of Morrosquillo but reappear to the east of the refracted waves may have been transported sediments inside
zone. On the basis of that evidence and some radiocarbon the bay. In turn, a bigger sedimentation rate can be expected.
dates, Page (1983) suggests a tectonic tilting of Parsons (1952) suggests a probable fast infilling of Cispata
4 mm year21 where the terraces exist and the subsistence Bay but states that it could have been caused by upstream
8 B.E.S. Suarez / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xx (0000) xxx–xxx
6. Conclusions
logging after 1880. However, though logging can increase
sediment production, it is more likely that this sediment was The author thanks Professor Kim Robertson, Dr
trapped elsewhere in the alluvial plain (e.g. Ciénaga Grande Fernando Etayo, Dr Herman Duque-Caro, Dr David
de Lorica) before it reached Cispata Bay; therefore, logging M. Bush, and Professor Octavio Serrano F.
would not have been a source of sediment.
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(homopycnal inflow and sediment transport by waves) are References
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