The Blessed Sunnah Foods

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Barley crops are cultivated throughout the country during the season of rabi crops and utilized in various
forms including the Barley flour. The plants of barley are very similar to wheat and the seeds are
elongated in shape in comparison to wheat with a covering of light yellow color. Prophet Muahmmad
(Pbuh) liked it very much and used it in various forms such as barley bread, gruel and dough.

During the period of the Prophet (Pbuh) the people either used to eat the Barley bread or to mix the
wheat flour with Barley flour to prepare the bread generally. One lad used to sell the preparation from
Beet roots and barley at the gate of Masjid-e-Nabwi on every Friday and it is said that holy companions
liked this preparation as much as they used to wait for Friday eagerly.

Hazrat Ummul Manzar states that the Prophet (Pbuh) along with Hazrat Ali came to our house, we had
the dates and those were presented to them. Both of them ate from those dates. When Hazrat Ali
consumed a little of those, the Prophet (Pbuh) said You recently recovered from illness, hence you are
weak, hence dont eat more. Therefore, that lady prepared a dish from barley and beet root. Then, the
Prophet (Pbuh) told Hazrat Ali eat from it, it is better for you. (Ibn-e-Maja, Sanad-e-Ahmed, Tirmizi)

This proves that after illness, the preparation made from barley and beet roots is very good tonic for
weak persons.

Hazrat Anas Bin Malik states that a tailor invited the Prophet (Pbuh) to meals. He prepared the barley
bread and meat with Pumpkin. The Prophet (Pbuh) very affectionately ate the pumpkin pieces from the
curry. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Yousuf Bin Abdullah Bin Salam states that I saw the Prophet taking a piece of barley bread and put a
date on it and stated that was breads vegetable (salan). (Abu Dawood)

The barley gruel was especially prepared after boiling barley with milk and sweetened with honey. That
preparation was called as Talbina.
Whenever a person of the family of Rasool Allah fell sick then it was ordered that the barley gruel should
be prepared for him. Then he used to state it removes the grief of the patients heart, removes its
weakness as any of you removes the dirt from your face after washing it. (Ibn Maja)

Hazrat Aisha (R.A) used to order preparation of Talbina for sick person and used to tell though the
patient dislike it, but it is highly beneficial for him. (Bukhari)

Another narration is found on record from Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua (R.A). Whenever anyone complained of
loss of appetite to the Prophet (Pbuh). He ordered to use Talbina and stated By Allah who hold my life,
this removes the dirts of your abdomen as one of you removes the dirt of your face by washing it.

Powdered barley (Sattoo) was very much liked by the Prophet (Pbuh). At the time of victory of Khaibar,
the Prophet agreed to marry to Hazrat Safia, the very next day he directed to Hazrat Anas Bin Malik to
invite the people to attend the Dawat-e-Walima of Hazrat Safia.

According to the narrations of Tirmizi and Ibn Majah the walima comprised of dates and sattoo, but
according to Bukhari a confection was prepared from dates, barley and sattoo and served before the

In Nisai, Abu Dawood, Bukhari, Ibn-e-Majah, Tirmizi and Ahmed Bin Hambal, there are 21 hadiths
recommending the consumption of TalBINA. Besides this the description of TalBINA is also available in
other Hadiths.

According to the scholars of hadith barley is very nutritious and provides energy for the body, besides
this is also beneficial in pharyngitis and cough. It resolves the inflammation of the stomach (Gastritis),
expells the toxins from the body and a good diuretic. It quenches the thirst. Barley water is a good
remedy in kidney problem, to quench the thirst and provide the best nutrition for indisposed and weak
persons. preparation of Barley water is described by Ibn Al-Qayyim. According to him, barley with five
times water should be boiled, till the contents become 3/4 and the color of the mixture becomes milky.
Scientists have found the following items during the chemical synthesis of barley- albuminoids, starch,
fat, fiber, ash and water. Chemical composition shows that it contains the fat in the form of Leucosine
Gluten Albumen, the compound of Nitrogen as plasmatic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phosphoric Acid. Besides, it
contains Hypoxanthine. British Pharmacopoeia recommends Malt extract for internal use. It contains 4
per cent Proteins, the enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates and vitamins. Some scientists also
indicate the presence of Arsenic in the barley grain.

The ancient physicians explained various experiences regarding the use of barley. Ibn Sina says that the
blood produced by consuming barley is neutral, pure and of low consistency.

According to Firdous Al-Hikmat the suspension prepared from one part of barley and fifteen part of
water until after boiling this volume becomes 2/3rd of its basic solution, is beneficial for at least
hundred diseases of the body.


Barley Bread
Making barley bread is so easy once you get perfectly trained. Barley bread will never need your Chakla
/ Bailan, it needs your hands only. Knead barley flour, for additional taste; you may add black seed,
sesame, powdered Thyme, Summac, fennel, dried lemon powder, cumin seeds, olive oil, etc.

Make its dough & spread it a little with revolutions in your hands.

Fire the pan (TAWA) & pour some olive oil, when the pan is hot, put the dough over it & flatten again by
your fingers.

Flatten the bread as much as you can. After few minutes, turn it over & it will never break Insha'Allah.
Now you can add some olive oil once again. Turn over twice unless the bread is well cooked.

I am not sure how barley bread disappeared from daily life of Muslims, & I expect now that you will
bring it back & convince others to start it immediately.

A healthy colon is Allah's blessing & to safeguard its health is your own responsibility.

Throw the 2 smoking guns (wheat & rice) out of your house, they will cause numerous diseases.

While kneading the flour, add some flaxseeds, sesame seeds, fennel, black seed, cumin, Summaq, dried
lemon powder, dried fenugreek leaves powder, pepper & finally the Pink Himalayan salt.
You will be surprised to see the beauty of colors which Allah Will Fill in your bread, plus the magnetic
taste & smell will hypnotize you. With this bread, you will never need a curry.

Some people may find it difficult to prepare barley bread at their kitchen, because its flour is not as
glutinous as wheat flour. For those who are not an expert for making barley bread by hand, an electric
chapatti maker will be the best option.

Switch on the device & wait for 5 minutes before it gets hot & ready. Place the dough ball at the center
& close the lid, press with the handle & hold for 1 minute, heat & pressure will flatten the dough
perfectly round & the bread will never break, after 3 minutes, open the lid & you can rotate the bread to
have it cooked properly from all sides.

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Narrated by Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh, that on the way when we were returning from Khyber (at
Sadd-al-Rohaa'), Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said in the morning "Whatever food a
person has, he should bring it to us". So a man brought some dates & Saweeq . We mixed them together
in a small pot & we ate from that Hais & we drank from the ponds around that had rain water, and that
was the Waleemah of Safyah Radi Allaho Anha.

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Reported by Ibn Umar Radi Allaho Anh that Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh said "Waleemah offered by
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (at his marriage with Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho
Anha) was a confectionary (Hais) made with Saweeq (Sattu) and dates.

Hais is no doubt the miracle of my Allah's creations, & it is the most delicious confectionary of this
world, it is the blessed sweet which was served to Sahabah at Waleemah of Umm ul Mo'mineen Safyah
Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha.
Recipe is as under (first 3 are the chief items, others are optional):
500 g pitted dates
500 g Barley's Saweeq (Sattu)
250 g of Ghee or Butter

Seeds & nuts of your own choice (lotus seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, ground almonds, fennel seeds,
cardamom, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds). Fry pitted dates in ghee, when they change the color, add all
the seeds & nuts, fry for few minutes, finally add Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) & mix well, your hands will get
tired. Fry for 10 minutes more & strike with a wooden spoon so that all ingredients are homogenized
Hais is a blessed confectionery & you will love it Insha'Allah.

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In the Sahi'hain it is narrated that Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said "The Virtue of
Aishah (Radi Allaho Anha) as compared to other women, is like the virtue of Thareed as compared to the
rest of foods".

Abu Dawood narrated from Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh that he said ""Foods that were most liked &
loved by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam were Thareed made with bread & Thareed of
HAIS (dates blended with Saweeq which is Barley's TALBINA)".

Thareed is made with meat soup & bread. And among all the breads, the best is barley bread.

I have seen that some people make Thareed with their meat curry, but the wisdom of THAREED is that it
should be easy to digest & it should be wet, so that the bread absorbs the soup & it is softened before
eating. So instead of meat curry, a soup is preferred for Thareed.

With half kg of mutton, some onions, a tomato, ginger, garlic & spices (as per your taste), add 3 liters of
water & put all the ingredients together in a pressure cooker, soup will be ready after 30 minutes.

Make small pieces of barley bread in a bowl & pour the hot / boiling soup over it, with some olive oil &
pure vinegar.

Cover the bowl with a lid for 3 ~ 5 minutes before eating, so that the bread absorbs the soup properly.
This is the simplest method of making Thareed. It will be enough for the entire family Insha'Allah.
Olive oil, honey & barley bread are the beauties of Tibb-e-Nabawi, & when they are grouped together,
they serve as a mild purgative, flushing out the debris & simultaneously, they provide the nutrition that
is easily absorbed in the blood.

Take a bowl & add olive oil & honey, next is barley bread & a sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt, mix them
all so that the bread absorbs the oil & honey. You may add some boiled legumes such as kidney beans,
corn, garbanzo beans & carrots, cucumber, etc.

A powerful breakfast with which your heart will definitely feel the happiness & pleasure.

Try to avoid 3 meals per day, only 2 meals are enough with some time management. Your breakfast
should be healthy, skip the lunch, & your dinner should finish before the Azan of Maghrib & do not put
the load on your stomach till the next breakfast after Fajar, with these time adjustments, you will be
vibrant & many problems will start disappearing Insha'Allah.


is combining barley bread with Quince preserve (Safarjal) cooked in honey; a very healthy menu for
heart patients. Safarjal was praised by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. Ibn
Al Qayyam wrote :

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Talha bin Ubaid Ullah Radi Allaho Anh narrated that I went to Rasullullah Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam &
he had a QUINCE in his hand, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said to me: Take it O Aba
Zar, This (Quince) makes the heart strengthen, makes the breath pleasant and relieves (removes) the
burden of the chest. (Nesaai)

Quince is cold and dry, constipates and benefits the stomach. Sweet quince is cold and dry and is
somewhat mild. Sour quince constipates more than sweet quince and is colder and drier. All types of
Safarjal quench the thirst, stop vomiting, help produce urine and constipate. Safarjal helps against
stomach ulcers, hemoptysis (spitting up blood with cough), diarrhea and nausea. Safarjal prevents the
ascending of gaseous material when one eats it after the meal. In addition, the ashes of washed Safarjal
leaves and stems are similar to zinc in benefit.
Safarjal helps extinguish the yellow bile of the stomach. When the quince is broiled, it will become softer
and milder. The best way to eat the quince is broiled or cooked in honey. The seeds of Safarjal help
against dryness in the throat, the windpipe and several other ailments. Its oil stops sweating and
strengthens the stomach. Safarjal jam strengthens the stomach and liver, and relieves the heart and the
soul. means that Quince pleases / strengthens the heart, & opens the coagulation (if available).
is meant for darkness, like clouds or a sand storm cover the clear sky which is then un-seen,
so Quince will do the same job for the heart, it will remove the blockage & the heart will be clear &
healthy Insha'Allah.

Quince (Safarjal) preserve in honey + Barley Bread, a nice breakfast for heart patient

Barley Soup
Barley is a miracle of my Allah's creations, the cereal grain Chosen by the LORD of universe; for His
beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, 90 % of your health problems will disappear if
you replace wheat & rice with barley.

For those who can't make barley bread easily, the simplest recipe is to make Barley soup with its Saweeq

Bend an onion, a tomato & green chili with water, blending the ingredients is to make a consistent /
creamy texture of your soup. Put this mixture on the stove with some olive oil & spices, cook at low heat
for 20 minutes, and then add Barley's Saweeq (TALBINA), stir the soup continuously for 10-15 minutes &
that is all. You may add some vinegar in the bowl. You will love the soup Insha'Allah..........

Vegetable / lentil soups with Barley's Saweeq can be made by the same procedure, but lentils should be
soaked in water for at least 12 hours, so that they get softer for the blender.

Beetroot Soup with Barley

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Tirmzi and Abu Dawood narrated that Umm Al-Munthir Radi Allaho Anha said, The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) came by along with Ali Bin Abi Talib Radi Allaho Anh when he was still
recovering from an illness. Then, we had some hanging clusters of dates. The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) started eating from the dates and he (Ali) also joined him. The Messenger
of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) then said to Ali Radi Allaho Anh: You are still weak & recovering
from your illness, so dates are not good for you at this instance, so Ali Radi Allaho Anh stopped eating
the dates. I then prepared a soup made with Barley and SILQ (beetroot) and brought it to them.
Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said to Ali, Eat from this; it is more beneficial for you.

The wisdom behind combination of Beetroot with Barley is the beauty of Tibb-e-Nabawi, & it is the best
food for weak / sick patients. Either you prepare a simple beetroot soup & add barley bread later, OR
you blend Beetroot & Barley's Saweeq (TALBINA) before cooking.
With a tomato & onion, blend a beetroot in enough water & then add Barley's Saweeq (TALBINA), blend
again & take the mixture on your stove. Add the blessed Olive Oil, herbs / salt as per your taste & cook
for 20 minutes at low heat & you may fry some Cumin seeds (Zeera) & Curry leaves in olive oil separately
as the Top Dressing.

Barley Soup with Black Chickpeas

Barley is one of the most beneficial foods in this world, & it is the grain Chosen by Allah for His beloved
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. Keeping this fact in mind, whoever adopts barley will
stay healthy Insha'Allah.

Barley soup can have a lot of variety, when you can combine it with various legumes & vegetables. Black
chickpeas (Kala Chana) are the best among all legumes / lentils; they are low in saturated Fat, very low
in Cholesterol and Sodium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Copper, Folate and

I tried Barley's Saweeq (TALBINA) soup with (boiled) black chickpeas & it was a beautiful combination,
overflowing with nutrition, & digestibility increased further by adding the blessed olive oil.

Blending all ingredients (in water) before cooking makes the soup consistent & thick.
Blend boiled chickpeas, Barley's Saweeq (TALBINA), onion, tomatoes & green chili in water

Barley Soup with Mung Daal

Barley is a miracle of my Allah's creations, & those who are not experienced for making its bread can still
enjoy Barley's derivatives. Plain barley soup (with TALBINa) is a beauty, & it can be enhanced in taste by
adding flavors from vegetables & lentils. I prepared the soup with Moong Daal.

Daal should be soaked overnight so that it is soft for the blender, OR if you boil the Daal before blending,
it will be much better.

Blend an onion, tomato, some ginger & garlic, green chili & boiled Daal all together. Add spices, olive oil
& some vinegar, cook at low heat for 30 ~ 40 minutes, now add Barley's Saweeq & cook again for 15 ~
20 minutes (stirring the soup continuously), you will get a creamy soup, consistent with all ingredients
captured in balance by every individual spoon. If barley added was (suppose) 100 grams, Daal should be
50 grams.
Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that Skin of the Adas (Daal) is hot & dry in the third degree & also works as a
laxative, the benefit of lentils is concentrated in the peelings (skin), and this is why whole lentils are
more beneficial than washed / peeled lentils, less heavy on the stomach & less harmful.

Always select lentils with skin & avoid washed / peeled lentils.
BARLEY CAKE with Bananas
I prepared Barley cake with Bananas as under :

Barley Flour with husk(talbina) as 250 grams

Sugar(brown) as 150 grams
Olive Oil as 75 ml
Bananas as 200 grams
Milk as 100-125 ml
Baking soda as 1 tablespoon

Blend Barley flour with Olive Oil, baking soda & sugar in a food processor, 2nd step is to add Bananas &
milk; blend once again till all the Bananas are homogenized well. Cook in the oven & your house will fill
with the aroma. Cut the cake & just watch the soft texture, the beautiful color & fragrance.

Barley cake with Olive Oil & Bananas is so delicious, works like a laxative to clean the stomach & you will
love to bake it again and again. Barley cake with moderate sugar is far better than Pound cake, where all
ingredients (flour, butter, eggs, and sugar) have equal weights, extra sugar, butter & eggs are not
necessary at all.

We have replaced Butter with Extra Virgin Olive Oil for all of our recipes, Butter which you get today
from the markets is not pure.
Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make
your cakes as :

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs)

OR use water with eggs to make the dough

BARLEY CAKE with Dates

Being the least available & the most ignored, Barley cakes are the best in this world, & you can bake
them with different fruits & seeds to have a colorful variety.
I prepared Barley cake with dates as under (sugar was not required at all) :

Take 250 gram of dates (pitted) and soak them in milk for an hour, then blend the milk and add 250
grams of Barley flour, 75 ml of Olive Oil & a tablespoon of Baking soda, blend once again & you may
need more milk to make the dough softer.

Bake in the oven & Masha'Allah that you will have a dark Brown cake, very soft to touch.......
Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make
your cakes as :

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs)

OR use water with eggs to make the dough
BARLEY CAKE with Mangoes
Barley is the blessed grain Chosen by Allah for the Seal of Prophets (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Healing
by Tibb-e-Nabawi foods is shared around 50 ~ 60 % by the blessed barley alone.......

We tried to give an extra flavor to barley cake, so MANGOES were blended with sugar, barley flour,
raisins, almonds, flax seeds, olive oil, red sesame seeds, fennel, some eggs & water. Cake dough is
always kept thinner & moist.

We just use the Baking Soda & we always avoid Baker's Yeast.

A good quality cake will always puff over the mold's level, Barley+Mango cake had a beautiful color,
excellent taste & you can even make its Custard with milk to name it as a kind of TALBINAH

Ingredients list is as under :

Barley Flour with husk as 250 grams

Sugar as 100 grams
Extra Virgin Olive Oil as 75 ml
3 eggs
Fresh Mango pulp as 200 grams
Water as 75 ~ 100 ml
Baking soda as 1 tablespoon
Blend Barley flour with Mango pulp, Olive Oil, baking soda, eggs, water & sugar in a food processor, cook
in the oven & your house will fill with the aroma. Cut the cake & just watch the soft texture, the
beautiful color & fragrance.

Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make
your cakes as :

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs)

OR use water with eggs to make the dough

BARLEY CAKE with Molasses

Barley is the blessed grain Chosen by Allah for the Seal of Prophets (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Healing
by Tibb-e-Nabawi foods is shared around 50-60 % by the blessed barley alone.......

You can have a variety of Barley recipes, all what needed is to fill your life with BARLEY. And if you stop
wheat / rice & replace your carbohydrate source with Barley's wonders, you will observe that the
problem / diseases will start to disappear.
Barley bread (eaten with either dates or vinegar), Talbinah, Hais, Thareed (with barley bread), Saweeq
drink (talbina), barley soups, all these were prepared in the times of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho
Alaihe Wasallam.

And when you are fond of cakes, we have to furnish a recipe for Barley cake.

Barley Flour(talbina) as 500 grams, 4 whole eggs, 200 grams butter, Blackstrap Molasses as 250 ml, 2
cups water, date stones powder, Citron Zest, Flax seeds, red sesame, fennel, almonds, pumpkin seeds,
melon seeds, cucumber seeds, etc. You may add some baking soda, but try to avoid Baker's Yeast.

Blend them together in a food processor & add water slowly, cake dough is kept more moist & softer
than a bread dough. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes till you feel that the cake is properly cooked.

You will be surprised to see the Chocolate color of this barley cake, obviously the color is reflected by
Blackstrap Molasses, but the softness, the fiber & nutrition is from barley itself. You can serve the cake
with QUINCE Preserve.

We have used BUTTER in this recipe, but it is better to replace it with Extra Virgin olive Oil, Butter is a
saturated FAT but Olive Oil is the highest in Mon-unsaturated Fats, the best for your health.
Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make
your cakes as :

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs )

OR use water with eggs to make the dough

BARLEY CAKE with Orange Juice & Zest

For Barley cakes, we can have more than 50 varieties & you can open a BAKERY. And with such a broad
spectrum, how you can think to go for junk foods ?

We present Barley cake prepared with Orange Juice & Orange Zest.
Try to peel-off the zest as thin as possible, use a good quality peeler, the white base of rind is bitter in
taste, more thinner you peel, the more you will reduce the bitterness, Orange zest brings aroma & the
taste is beautiful.

With 250 grams of Barley flour including husk, 100 ~ 150 grams of sugar, 3 eggs, 75 ml of Olive Oil & a
tablespoon of Baking soda, prepare the dough & then add 250 ml of pure Orange juice, blend once again
& finally add the zest (from 3 oranges at least), decorate the cake with Flaxseeds & bake.

Recipes which we bring for you are even out of the reach of KINGS, Presidents & Prime Ministers, they
can't purchase these expensive foods, they are the cheapest for those who understand the healing of
Tibb-e-Nabawi diet.
Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make
your cakes as :

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs)

OR use water with eggs to make the dough

BARLEY CAKE with Pomegranate

We bring for you today the best Cake recipe of this world; it is the BARLEY CAKE with Pomegranate juice.

Ingredients :

talbina as 250 grams

Sugar as 100 grams
Olive Oil as 75 ml
3 eggs
Fresh Pomegranate Juice (with minimum seed pulp) as 250 ~ 300 ml
Baking soda as 1 tablespoon
Milk is not required here.

Prepare the Dough with talbina, Sugar, eggs & Olive Oil & finally add the Ruby red juice, blend again &
bake in your oven.
The color of Pomegranate cake is so beautiful, the taste can't be written in words.................only the
tongue can explain, the SILK type softness for your stomach, high digestibility, these words are nothing
to praise.

Blueberry Muffins with Talbina & Olive



Blueberry Muffins 150g, barley flour mixed with 50g brown sugar, 1/2 tsp baking powder and a pinch of
salt 1 egg, (beaten)50g olive oil 100ml milk 75g blueberries or raisins or dates(chopped)

Heat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and line a 6-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Mix the egg,
blessed oil and milk quickly into the dry ingredients with the blueberries (don't over mix, it should be a
bit lumpy). Divide between the cases and bake for 25 minutes until risen, turns golden and cooked

3 cups Talbina
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup canola oil
3/4 cup cocoa
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups buttermilk


Preheat the oven to 350F and butter a 9x13-inch baking pan or spray it with nonstick spray.

In a large bowl, beat the sugar, eggs, oil, until pale and creamy. In another bowl, stir together the barley
talbina, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

Add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture in three parts, alternating with the buttermilk in two parts,
stirring or beating on low speed just until combined after each addition. Scrape the batter into the
prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes, until the top springs back when lightly touched.

Cool in the pan on a wire rack; once cool, frost it if you like.

Vegan Barley Flour Chocolate Cake

1 and 1/2 cups Whole Barley flour(Talbina)
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/3 cup Canola Oil
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar(Should be halal)
1 cup Cold Water
Preheat the oven at 350F/180C for 15 minutes. Grease the pan lightly with non-stick cooking spray and
line the bottom and sides of the pan with parchment paper.
Sift the barley flour and stir together rest of the dry ingredients (sugar to cocoa powder) and create a
well in the center.
To the well add all the wet ingredients one by one. Mix until just combined. Don't over mix. It's OK to
have some lumps.
Pour the batter in the prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into center
comes out clean. Mine was done by 27 minutes. If baking cupcakes, check around 13-15th minute.
Transfer the pan to a wire rack and let it cool for 15 minutes. Remove the parchment paper on the sides
of the pan and slowly invert the pan on a plate and the cake comes out perfect without sticking to the
Cool completely before frosting.

SUGAR-FREE Barley Oats Quinoa Cashew Orange Cake with Blackberry and Peach Puree
2 Cups Talbina
1/2 cup quinoa
1 1/4 cups water
1 cup raisins soaked in water
1 1/2 cups cashews
1 1/4 cups deglet dates sliced & soaked in water
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 cup golden flax meal
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (Should be Halal)
1 tablespoon tahini
1 tablespoon soy lecithin
1/8 cup club soda
7 drops orange essential oil
Module 1 - Boiling the Barley, Oats and Quinoa:
Pour 1/2 c barley, 1/2 c oats and 1/4 c quinoa in a pot of boiling water with salt.
Cook the grains until soft but not too mushy. Drain and set aside. Module 2 - Soaking the Dried Fruits:
Soak the raisins and dates in water. Blend all the ingredients except 3/4 c soaked dates and 1/2 c soaked
raisins (which will be used in making the blackberry and peach puree) in a powerful blender
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Tirmzi and Abu Dawood narrated that Umm Al-Munthir Radi Allaho Anha said, The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) came by along with Ali Bin Abi Talib Radi Allaho Anh when he was still
recovering from an illness. Then, we had some hanging clusters of dates. The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) started eating from the dates and he (Ali) also joined him. The Messenger
of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) then said to Ali Radi Allaho Anh:

You are still weak & recovering from your illness, so dates are not good for you at this instance, so Ali
Radi Allaho Anh stopped eating the dates. I then prepared a soup made with Barley and SILQ (beetroot)
and brought it to them. Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said to Ali, Eat from this; it is more
beneficial for you.

Beetroot Soup
This earthy beetroot soup is a perfect winter lunch or dinner dish. With only eight ingredients this soup
is a breeze to make, and tasty as well!
Servings: 2 people
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp ginger finely chopped
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 medium beetroots
5 small new potatoes quartered
1/2 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp kalonji
1 can of cannelini beans drained (keep the brine for another recipe!)
4 stalks beetroot leaves or silver beet leaves
Heat olive oil in medium size saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic, ginger and coriander seeds. Stir
for a few minutes until fragrant
Add chopped beetroot, potatoes and cumin powder and stir for a few minutes
Add water to cover (about 4 cups)
Bring to boil and simmer over low heat for about 10 to 12 minutes until you can pierce the potatoes
with a fork easily
Add cannellini beans and cook for a further 5 minutes
Add the silver beet, stir through and then take off the heat

Beet, Ginger and Coconut Milk Soup

1tablespoon olive oil
1large yellow onion, diced
3cloves garlic, finely chopped
1tablespoon finely chopped ginger
3large red beets, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch pieces
5cups vegetable stock, divided
1can (14.5 oz) lowfat coconut milk
1/2teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1Parsley (optional)
1Canned julienned beets (optional)
1Crusty bread (optional)

1. In a large pot, heat oil over medium heat. Saut onion, 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger; cook,
stirring often, 5 minutes. Add beets and 4 cups stock; bring to a boil, then reduce heat and
simmer until beets are fork- tender, 20 minutes. With an immersion or regular blender, puree
soup, adding remaining 1 cup stock as needed to reach desired consistency. Stir in milk, salt and
pepper. Garnish with parsley and julienned beets and serve with bread, if desired.
Pumpkin soup with roasted beetroot cream

2kg pumpkin (I used butternut), peeled, seeds removed and chopped

1 large beetroot (or 2 small), topped and tailed
2 orange kumara, peeled and chopped
25g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tsp Kalinji seeds
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
2 1/2 cups vegetable or chicken stock
1/2 cup cream
1/2 cup sour cream
Half a lemon
Extra sour cream or cream to serve
Fresh herbs, to serve (coriander, parsley, basil)
Pumpkin seeds, to serve (optional)


Preheat the oven to 180c.

Wrap the beetroot in foil. Place the pumpkin and kumara pieces in a roasting dish, drizzle with olive oil
and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven with the beetroot; the pumpkin will take
about 30 minutes, the beetroot 40-45.

To make the beetroot cream, remove the foil from the beetroot and when slightly cooler, peel the skin
off with your fingers and chop. Puree the beetroot and sour cream until smooth. Add a good squeeze of
lemon juice to taste, and season with salt and pepper. Add a bit of cream if you like. Warm this up again
just before serving.

Heat the butter in oil in a large saucepan or soup pan over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic and
cumin and cook for about 7-10 minutes until the onion is very soft (not browned). Add the pumpkin and
kumara to the pan along with the smoked paprika, stock and cream. Before you heat it up, use a stick
blender to puree into a soup, or use a blender/food processor. (Important note never use a blender or
food processor for hot food it can explode and burn). Cover with a lid and simmer to heat though and
finish cooking. At this point, you can add a little more stock or cream until the soup consistency is how
you like it. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

To serve, spoon pumpkin soup into bowls, and top with a big spoon of beetroot cream and a dollop of
cream cheese/cream. Give it a gentle swirl with a spoon, sprinkle with herbs and serve with crusty hot
buttered toast.
Beet and Barley Soup
Rich in hue and flavor, this earthy soup is ideal for colder months, featuring beets cooked in their juices
with reconstituted dried mushrooms and then mixed with cooked barley for texture.


Rinse mushrooms and put in a bowl with 1 cup of hot water. Let sit at least 30 minutes to plump.

Cook talbina as directed on the package. (Keep some talbina water after cooking)

Chop beets into large, bite sized pieces.

Add beets with their juice, mushroom with it's hot water in a saucepan and heat at a simmer for 20

Add cooked barley. Add barley water to desired soup consistency.

Salt and Pepper to taste.

Gently heat and serve.

Beetroot Kebab
Ingredients Of Beetroot Kebab
1 cup grated beetroot
1/4 Tsp Kalonji
1/2 packet firm tofu
1/2 Tbsp garlic paste
1 Tbsp amchoor powder
1 Tbsp roasted & crushed anardana
Chaatmasala, a pinch
Rock salt, to taste
1/4 cup chopped cashew nuts, to stuff
1/2 cup crushed oats, to coat
Oil, to pan fry
How to Make Beetroot Kebab
Take a bowl and put the grated beetroot, the tofu followed by garlic,kalinji, amchoor, chaat masala, rock
salt and anardana.Mince with your hands & make round patties and insert the chopped cashews as a
filling. Make round kebabs.Coat the patties with crushed oat powder.In a flat pan heat the oil and lightly
fry these.
Mini Beetroot Tikki recipe
3/4 cup boiled , peeled and grated beetroot
1/4 cup grated carrot
1 small bread slice , soaked in water and crumbled
1 tbsp finely chopped coriander (dhania)
1/2 tsp chaat masala
1/4 tsp kalonji/methi powderd
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp dried mango powder (amchur)
1/4 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp cornflour
salt to taste
cornflour for rolling
oil for deep-frying
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
Divide the mixture into 10 equal portions and roll each portion into 25 mm. (1) flat round tikki.
Roll the tikkis in the cornflour till they are evenly coated from all the sides.
Heat the oil in a deep kadhai and deep-fry the tikkis, a few at a time, till they turn golden brown in
colour from all the sides. Drain on an absorbent paper.
Serve immediately with green chutney or tomato ketchup.

Beetroot Halwah
Beetroot is a miracle of my Allah's creations, praised by Tibb-e-Nabawi, it is the best nutrition for weak

You can cook beetroot soup with Barley Saweeq, or you may prepare its curry, and the other option is to
cook its Halwah.

Grate the beetroots & with a cup of milk, cook them at low heat for 20 minutes, once the beets get
tendered & all the moistures have evaporated, add some Olive Oil, sugar & nuts of your choice, cook
once again for 15 minutes and you will love this Halwah.
How simply the food comes in front of you in a plate ? It is Allah's Command to His slaves that a human
should look how the food is Created & from where the chain starts ?

) 28( ) 27( ) 26(

) 25( ) 24(

32( ) 31( ) 30(
) 29( )
Then let Insaan (human) look at his food, (and how We provide it), For that We pour forth water in
abundance, And We split the earth in fragments, And cause the grain to grow therein, And Grapes and
nutritious plants, And Olives and Dates, And enclosed Gardens, dense with lofty trees, And fruits and
fodder,- For use and convenience to you and your cattle.
1. In Quran it is called as YAQTEEN (( )means a plant without branches) means it is creeper.
2. In English it is called as Pumpkin.
3. In common language it is called as Kaddu.
4. In Hadees, Pumpkin is called as Kar'a ( )and Dubba ().
5. Round Pumpkin is called Dubba & elongated Pumpkin is called as Kara.

Many scholars consider bottle gourd (dudhi) as Dubba & Kara, but many consider pumpkin (Kaddu), we
can consider both pumpkin & bottle gourd, , but pumpkin refers more stronger than bottle gourd. Bottle
gourd is lauki (Dudhi). So we should eat both, and both are considered as Sunnah, Though Allah Taala
knows better.

1. In Chapter 37 (Sura) As-Saffat verse no. 139 to 146. In these verses the story of Prophet Yunus (
)is told & Yaqteen is mentioned as climbers like tree.

Translations: And we caused to grow over him a tree, a gourd.


A Feast: -

1. Narrated Anas Bin Malik that, a tailor invited Rasoolullah to a meal which he had
prepared. I went with Rasool Allah to that meal, and the tailor served Rasoolullah with barley bread
( ) and soup of gourd ( )and cured meat. I saw Rasoolullah picking the pieces of gourd
from around the dish, and since then I have kept on liking round pumpkin ()
[Bukhari: 5439; Book. 70; English vol. 7; Book. 65; Hadees. 350]
Nabi had a slave (gulam) to whom (respected) Nabi had freed, this slave became a
tailor & invited (respected) Nabi for a feast.
Liking of Pumpkin: -

2. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik says that Nabi liked ( )long pumpkin ( )very much.
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3427; Book. 29, English vol. 4; Book. 29; Hadees. 3302]
Dubba (Pumpkin) used to increase the food: -

3. Narrated by Hakim Bin Jabir that his father said: I entered upon the Nabi in his house,
and He had some of this round pumpkin (), I asked What is this? Nabi replied This is long
pumpkin ( ), it is round pumpkin ( ) we augment our food with it.
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3429; Book. 29; English volume. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3304]
4. Jabir Bin Taariq says that "I attended the assembly of Rasoolullah & I observed, they
were busy cutting round pumpkin ( ) into pieces, I inquired 'What shall be made of this', He replied,
It will be add in our food.
[Shamail Muhammadiya: 161; Book. 26, English Book. 25, Hadees. 152]
Benefits & merits of Pumpkin: -

5. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik says that Nabi said that round pumpkin ( )increases the
intelligence, brain function & increases brain strength.
[Kanz al-Ummal: 28277]
6. Hazrat Ataa Bin Ribah says that Rasoolullah said that long pumpkin ( )is present for
you, which increases the intelligence & strengthens the Brain ().
[Shobul Imaan: 5547]
7. Hazrat Wasila says that Nabi said that long pumpkin ( )is present for you, which
increases the intelligence ( )and lentils (masoor daal) ( )is also present for you, which was
eaten by more than 70 Prophet of Allah Taala.

[Tibraani: 152]
8. Hazrat A'isha said to father of Hazrat Hashsham Bin Arwah that Nabi said to
her that whenever you cook dry meat add round pumpkin ( )in it because it strengthens the heart
which is effected with ( ) inferior complex.
[Ibne Qayyim vol.1; page. 308]
9. Hazrat Abu Talut says that I went to Hazrat Anas Bin Malik & he was eating
long pumpkin ( & )he said long pumpkin ( )is from such a plant to which I like very much because
it is loved very much by Rasoolullah.
[Tirmizi: 1849; Book. 25; English volume no. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1849]

Pumpkin-Coconut Bisque
1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 cups solid-pack pumpkin, canned
2 cups low-salt vegetable broth
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut milk, divided
Salt and pepper
Pepitas, for garnish
Heat the oil in a heavy large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic. Saut until golden, about
10 minutes.
Add the pumpkin, broth, sugar, allspice, and crushed red pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat. Cover
and simmer until flavors blend, about 30 minutes.
Working in batches, puree the soup in a blender until smooth. Return the soup to the pot. Bring the
soup to a simmer, thinning with coconut milk to the desired consistency. Season to taste with salt and
Ladle the soup into bowls. Sprinkle with the pepita seeds, drizzle with a teaspoon of coconut milk, and

Pumpkin Soup

1 butternut pumpkin (aka butternut squash) 700g after peeled and cut
1 tbsp. olive oil for onions & 1 tsp. for pumpkin
2 small cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp. vegetable stock, low sodium
2 cup water, heated
Sprinkle thyme
S & P to taste

Preheat oven to 180C degrees (350F).

Peel pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into chunks for baking.
Drizzle lightly with olive oil, then season pumpkin with salt and pepper.
Bake for 20-30 minutes or until pumpkin is soft and golden brown. Take out and set aside.
In a large saucepan, heat olive oil then saute onions for 10 mins. Add garlic, thyme and roasted
Add vegetable stock and water, simmer for about 10 - 12 minutes.
Puree soup in food processor until smooth.
Serve immediately.

Pumpkin Soup

1 medium brown onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon olive oil
750g pumpkin, peeled and cubed
1 large potato, peeled and cubed
4 cups vegetable or chicken stock*
cup low-fat natural yoghurt

Heat oil in a large pot and cook onion and garlic over low heat until onion is translucent.
Add pumpkin, potato and stock and bring to the boil.
Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until pumpkin is tender.
Remove from heat and cool slightly.
Puree in a blender until smooth.
Add yoghurt to serve.
Tips: If the soup is too thick add a little low-fat milk to make desired consistency.


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 kg pumpkin flesh, chopped (I use butternut)
1 carrot
3 sprigs fresh rosemary
4 cups chicken stock or 4 cups vegetable stock
3 bay leaves
1 cup skim milk powder
In a large saucepan, heat olive oil and gently cook onion without browning, for 3-4 minutes.
Add pumpkin, carrot and rosemary and cook,stirring for 2-3 minutes.
Add stock and bay leaves.
Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes until vegetables are tender.
Remove any rosemary stalks and bay leaves.
Place a third of the soup in the blender with a third of the skim milk powder and puree.
Pour into a large bowl.
Repeat with the remaining soup and milk powder and pour the whole lot back into the saucepan, heat
through and serve.
For Vegetarian use vegetable stock.

Indian curried pumpkin soup

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1 tablespoon ginger, finely grated
1/4 cup (75g) korma curry paste
800g butternut pumpkin, peeled, seeded, chopped
2 carrots, peeled, coarsely chopped
1 Granny Smith apple, cored, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup (100g) red lentils
4 cups (1L) chicken stock or vegetable stock
1/2 cup (140g) Greek-style yoghurt
1/2 Lebanese cucumber, finely chopped
1/2 tomato, seeded, finely chopped
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, toasted
Coriander leaves, to serve
Step 1
Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cook brown onion, stirring, for 5 mins or until onion
softens. Add the ginger and curry paste. Cook, stirring, for 1 min or until fragrant.
Step 2
Add pumpkin, carrot, apple, lentils and stock. Increase heat to high. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to
medium. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 25-30 mins or until the vegetables are tender.
Step 3
Carefully use a stick blender to blend until smooth. Divide among serving bowls. Top with yoghurt,
cucumber, tomato, red onion, cumin seeds and coriander. Serve with mini pappadams.

Bottle Gourd and Tomato Soup

Bottle gourd lauki, half of one big (or kg)
Tomatoes 3 to 4 medium
Ginger inch , peeled
Whole black peppercorns - 6
Onion 1 medium
Fresh coriander (cilantro) 2 tbsp to grind or chopped
Butter 1 to 2 tbsp
Sugar to 1 tsp
Tomato ketchup 1 to 2 tbsp optional(organic no color additive)
Salt and crushed black pepper to taste
Wash, peel and dice lauki. Roughly chop tomatoes, onion.
In a pressure cooker put bottle gourd, tomato, onion, ginger, whole peppercorns, 4 cups water. Cook up
to 1 whistle and then lower flame and cook another 5 mins or till cooked. Remove from heat. Let
pressure drop, then open lid.
Cool the cooked mixture. Then blend to puree in mixer/blender. When blending you may add the
coriander leaves if desired.
Strain blended mixture. Pour puree into saucepan. Bring to boil. Add butter salt, pepper powder, sugar,
ketchup if adding. Add chopped coriander if not added when grinding.
Stir and simmer for few minutes.
Serve hot.
Prathima Rao
4 cups peeled and cubed bottle gourd
cup moong dal
cup cubed onions
1 tsp minced garlic (or 3-4 flakes of garlic)
1 tsp roasted cumin seeds
1 tsp black pepper
1-2 tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
1. Wash, peel, and cube the bottle gourd. I used a pressure cooker to make the soup so didn't
make the pieces or even or very small. If you plan to use a covered pan on the stovetop, then
cut the bottle gourd into smaller pieces for quicker cooking
2. Wash the moong dal and place in the pressure pan with about 1.5 cups water
3. Add the cubed bottle gourd and onions along with the garlic to the pressure pan
4. Pressure cook for 4-5 whistles. If you are cooking in a regular pot, simmer covered on low heat
until the bottle gourd and moong dal are cooked soft
5. Using an immersion blender, blend the ingredients until smooth. Add more water if the soup is
too thick
6. Add salt and lemon juice, mix well
7. The seasoning I used is roasted and powdered cumin seeds with some freshly cracked black
pepper. You can add as much as or as little as you'd like. Keep some to add just before serving
8. Serve soup hot with some crusty bread or a side salad

Lauki Soup / Bottle Gourd Soup

1 medium size bottle gourd ~300 gms, peeled and cut into big chunks
1 medium onion peeled and chopped
2 small tomatoes chopped
1 inch ginger peeled and crushed
2 cloves garlic peeled and crushed
tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp Olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1. Heat oil in a pressure cooker. Once the oil is hot, add all the vegetables,
little salt and turmeric powder. Mix well.
2. Saut for 2 minutes, add 2 cups water, close the cooker and pressure
cook for 3-4 whistles. If using a open stock pot, cover and cook for
about 15-20 minutes till the bottle gourd is tender.
3. Remove the pressure cooker from heat and open the cooker only after
all the steam has escaped on its own.
4. Transfer the soup to a mixer and blend to smooth. Adjust water
according to the desired consistency
5. Pour into the pan, through a sieve. Season with salt, pepper and lemon
juice and bring to a light boil on low flame.
6. Transfer to bowls and serve hot.

Lauki Soup/ Bottle Gourd Soup - A Weight Loss Recipe

Bottle Gourd/ Lauki - 250 gms
Salt to taste
Black pepper - As per taste
Diced Onion - 1/2 pcs
Coriander seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds -1/2 tsp
Crushed garlic cloves - 1-2 pcs
Whole wheat flour - 1 tbsp
Heat 1 tsp oil in pressure cooker, saute coriander and cumin seeds, garlic, onion as well.
Add all other ingredients along with double the quantity of water. Pressure cook for 2-3 whistles.
Blend the soup and sieve the soup (optional). Garnish with coriander leaves. Healthy soup is ready to
Lauki Halwa Recipe

Bottle Gourd 1 kilogram

Sugar 1.5 cup (300 grams)
Mawa 1 cup (250 grams)
Milk 1 cup
Ghee cup
Cashew nuts 15
Almonds 15
Green Cardamom 6 to 7
1. Rinse the bottle gourd thoroughly and pat dry. Remove the stalk and peel the gourd.
2. Now chop down the gourd in small chunks with 3 to 4 inch dimensions. Then grate the chunks
manually or in a food processor leaving the seeds.
3. Finely chop the almonds and cashews for halwa. Also, peel the green cardamom and make
4. Heat a pan to make the halwa and place the grated lauki to it.
5. Add 1 cup milk to the lauki and mix thoroughly. Stir the mixture really well.
6. Now cover and let the lauki simmer on medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes or until it the gets
7. Check the lauki if it turned tender. Cook it more until the milk mixes well to it. So, now leave the
pan uncovered and increase the flame to maximum. Keep stirring after every 1 to 2 minutes to
prevent it from browning at base.
8. When the milk evaporates completely, add 1.5 cups of sugar to the pan and mix really well.
9. The halwa gets watery after adding sugar. So, let the halwa simmer until the water evaporates
10. Do keep stirring the halwa after every 1 to 2 minutes else it will turn brown at the base.
11. Meanwhile, let us roast the mawa for the halwa. But keep constant check on the halwa as well.
12. To roast the mawa heat a pan and add crumbled mawa to it.
13. Roast the mawa on medium-low flame until you see little change in the color. Keep stirring
14. There is nice change in color and you can see ghee leaving its edges. Mawa is now roasted well
and ready to use.
15. Transfer the mawa to another bowl to prevent it form turning brown.
16. Now add cup ghee to the halwa and mix well. Stir constantly and roast for 1 to 2 minutes.
17. Later, add roasted mawa, followed by chopped dry fruits. Mix everything really well. Also add
green cardamom powder to it.
18. Mix everything really well and cook the halwa for 1 to 2 more minutes.
19. We have thoroughly cooked the halwa for 3 to 4 minutes on medium flame and the halwa is
now done and ready.
20. Transfer the halwa to a serving bowl or plate. Garnish with some chopped dry fruits.
21. Lip smacking and devouring lauki halwa is ready to serve. Have this steaming hot halwa anytime
of the day or after your meals.
Kamah ~ Truffles (Mushroom)

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

The Kamah is among the (Munn) Manna and its water (extract or juice) cures the eye.

The Kamah grows wild underground, and it is called Kamah because it grows hidden beneath the earth.
It does not have leaves or stems.

The essence of the Kamah is partly earthly and partly vaporous, remains concealed underground during
winter and then starts to grow above the ground with spring rainfall. This is why it is called the smallpox
of the land, for it is similar to smallpox, which is caused by moistures clogged with blood that get
aggravated during the early childhood years when the body stars to gain strength.

Kamah (truffles) grow in the spring and are eaten raw or cooked. The Arabs used to call truffles the
plant of the thunder, because they grow in the aftermath of thunderstorms. The nomads in the desert
use mushrooms in their regular diet. Further, the best types of truffles grow on sandy dry land. There
are several types of Kamah; among which is a poisonous plant which is reddish in color and which
causes asphyxiation.

Kamah is cold and wet in the third degree, and it is not favorable for the stomach and is not easily
digested. Eating Kamah on a regular basis causes constipation, gastric pain, facial paralysis, stomach-
ache and Dysuria (painful urination). Humid kinds of mushrooms are less harmful than the dry ones.
Therefore, those who wish to eat Kamah should bury them in a muddy area and then boil them in
water, add salt and mint, and then eat them with oil and spices. This is because the Kamah has a heavy
earthly essence, although it contains a fair amount of water in its essence that makes it milder. In
addition, using the Kamah as Kohl helps in cases of bad eyesight and Ophthalmia (conjunctivitis).

Some of the best doctors have agreed that mushroom water or juice helps strengthen the eyesight.
Shahi Mushroom Recipe
Ingredients Of Shahi Mushroom
For mushrooms:
250 gm button mushroom
Salt for taste
1-2 Tbsp ghee, to shallow fry
1/2 Tbsp butter

For the shahi garam masala:

1-2 sticks cinnamon
1 Tbsp shahi zeera
1/2 Tbsp zeera
1 Tbsp pepper
10 gm dry ginger
1 piece brown cardamom
Javitri, a little bit
Pathar ke phool, little bit
1/2 Tbsp coriander seeds
2-3 cloves (laung)
3-4 green cardamom
Jaiphal (nutmeg) little bit

1. For the mushrooms:

2. In a pan shallow fry ghee, button mushroom, salt and butter.
3. Transfer the shallow fried mushrooms into a bowl and keep aside.
For the shahi garam masala:
5. In a pan, dry all the ingredients for 2-3 minutes. Pound it finely in a mortar and pestle.
For the gravy:
7. In a pan saute ghee, bay leaf, cumin seeds, ginger-garlic paste and onion puree.
8. Add the smashed green chilly into the base.
9. In the base add turmeric powder, cumin seeds, coriander powder, red chilly powder and salt for
taste. De-glaze them with little water.
10. In the base mixture add tomato puree and a little sugar to balance the acidity.
11. Then add one by one cashew nut paste, pounded garam masala, cream and half a lime.
12. Add shallow fried button mushroom into the base mixture.
13. Mix well the mushrooms and the base mixture. Let it simmer for a while.
14. And the shahi mushroom is ready to be served.
Mushroom 65
White Button Mushroom - 8
All purpose flour - 1 Tbsp
Corn flour - 1 Tbsp
Rice flour - 1 1/2 Tbsp
Red chilli powder - 1/4 tsp (adjust per taste)
Turmeric powder - 1/8 tsp
Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1/4 tsp (adjust per taste)
Orange Food Colora small pinch (optional)
Oil - for frying
First, lightly wash the mushroom under tap water. Use a paper napkin to wipe off any remaining dirt
from the mushrooms. Use a dry paper napkin to completely pat dry the mushroom. Cut it into

1. Add all the other remaining ingredients to a mixing bowl, except the oil. Give a quick mix. Add
water little by little to make a medium thick batter, just like shown in the pic. Start by adding 1
Tbsp of water and add more as needed. I added about 3 Tbsp of water.

2. Add the chopped mushroom to the batter. Give a nice toss to make sure the batter completely
coats the mushroom. If needed, add a little more water now. I added an additional 1 Tbsp of
water to get the right consistency. Let it sit for 5 mins. Meanwhile, heat oil in a kadai for frying.

3. Once the oil is hot, fry the mushrooms in medium flame in batches until nicely crisp and done.
Transfer to a paper napkin.

4. Serve immediately while still hot.

NABEEZ ~ Drink made with soaked resins or dates

Nabeez was the favorite drink of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. It is made
either by dates or raisins, but raisin's Nabeez is more delicious.

By the simple way of soaking raisins as it was practiced by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe
Wasallam, you never know the blessings & benefits this drink carries & how it can bring for you the
health & drain out the sickness.
After Isha prayer, soak around 100 grams of raisins in 1 liter of drinkable / healthy water, & keep the
utensil covered with a plate. (Manaqqa is the best variety for making Nabeez, but other types can also
be used). Next morning, you can drink the water & eat the soaked fruit, OR just use your blender (water
+ soaked fruit) to obtain a beautiful / cloudy NABEEZ.

And if you soak the fruit in morning, drink it at the evening.

Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the
refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days Insha'Allah. It becomes more sweeter in refrigerator after 24
hours. Serve cold NABEEZ to your guests; instead of tea, coffee, juices & sodas, & tell them the beauty of

Never mix raisins & dates together; their Nabeez should be made separately.

3710 -
" "
" " "

From Sunan Abu Dawood ~ Book of drinks

Narrated Ad-Daylami:

We came to the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) and said to him: O Apostle of Allah, you know who
we are, from where we are and to whom we have come. He said: To Allah and His Apostle. We said:
Apostle of Allah, we have grapes; what should we do with them? He said: Make them raisins. We then
asked: What should we do with raisins? He replied: Steep them in the morning and drink in the evening,
and steep them in the evening and drink in the morning. Steep them in skin vessels and do not steep
them in earthen jar, for it is delayed in pressing, it becomes vinegar.

3712 -

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin

Amrah said on the authority of Aisha that she would steep dates for the Apostle of Allah (Sallallaho
Alaihe Wasallam) in the morning. When the evening came, he took his dinner and drank it after his
dinner. If anything remained, she poured it out. She then would steep for him at night. When the
morning came, he took his morning meal and drank it after his morning meal. She said: The skin vessel
was washed in the morning and in the evening. My father (Hayyan) said to her: Twice a day? She said:

For making Nabeez, Manaqqa is the best variety among all Raisins
After Isha, soak 100 ~ 150 grams of Raisins in 1 liter of water
After Fajar, blend the raisins with water & you will have a cloudy Nabeez, refrigerate & you can use it
within 2-3 days.

Hais of Cheese+Dates+Ghee
"HAIS" was the name of a confectionary (sweet) that was made in the times of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
At the Waleemah of Umm-ul-Mo'mineen Safyah Radi Allaho Anha, a narration states that Hais was
prepared with Saweeq (Sattu) & dates, some other narrations have mentioned that it was made with
Cheese, Dates & Ghee.

Following Hadith from Bukhari mentions that Umm-e-Sulaim Radi Allaho Anha sent a gift of HAIS to
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, when he married Zainab Radi Allaho Anha, & that Hais
was prepared with Cheese, dates & Ghee.

We have heard from Ulamaa' that the same HAIS was served at the Waleemah of Ali Bin Ali Talib Radi
Allaho Anh.

"IQT" or "AQT" is in fact dried Cheese which you have seen at Masjid-e-Quba sold by some Bedouin
women, if "Labnah" is dried, it will also have the same taste of "IQT".

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 92m:

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

"Whenever Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam passed by (my mother Um-Sulaim), he used
to greet her. Anas further said: While Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was a bridegroom
at his marriage with Zainab Radi Allaho Anha, my mother (Um Sulaim) said to me, "Let us give a gift to
Allah's Apostle ." I said to her, "Do it." So she prepared Haisa (a sweet dish) made from dates, Ghee and
Cheese and she sent it with me to him. I took it to him and he said, "Put it down," and ordered me to call
some men whom he named, and to invite whomever I would meet. I did what he ordered me to do, and
when I returned, I found the house crowded with people and saw the Prophet keeping his hand over the
Haisa and saying over it whatever Allah wished (him to say). Then he called the men in batches of ten to
eat of it, and he said to them, "Mention the Name of Allah, and each man should eat of the dish the
nearest to him." When all of them had finished their meals, some of them left and a few remained there
talking, over which I felt unhappy. Then Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam went out
towards the dwelling places (of his wives) and I too, went out after him and told him that those people
had left. Then he returned and entered his dwelling place and let the curtains fall while I was in (his)
dwelling place, and he was reciting the Verses:-- 'O you who believe! Enter not the Prophet's house until
leave is given to you for a meal, (and then) not (as early as) to what for its preparation. But when you
are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meals, disperse without sitting for a talk. Verily such
(behavior) annoys the Prophet; and he would be shy of (asking) you (to go), but Allah is not shy of
(telling you) the Truth.' (33-53) Abu Uthman reported that Anas Radi Allaho Anh said, "I served the
Prophet for ten years."

Hais with Cottage Cheese & Dates

With Halal Cottage Cheese, I tried the other version of Hais & the recipe is an under :

1. You will need 3 liters of milk to have 500 grams of Halal Cottage Cheese. Boil the milk, add vinegar or
lemon juice, sieve the coagulated curds & wash with cold water.
2. You also need 500 grams of pitted dates, never throw away the stones; they are the healing for a sick
3. Blend dates & cheese together in a food processor, and you will get the Kalaqand type texture, you
can eat the mixture right now, and it is ready. I know that you can't wait. And you may add some Date
stones powder.
4. It is better to fry this Hais in Ghee or butter, along with a tablespoon of date stones powder; you may
add some nuts as well.
5. When the Hais turns brown, spread out in a tray & cut in cubes with a knife. And you may decorate
the top withnuts, OR make round balls & coat with Fennel & Sesame seeds.
This HAIS will bring you back the memories of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. What a
relation it has with the seal of Prophets, & I hope that you will give it a preference over other sweets
which you purchase from the market, serve it to your parents, your guests & to your wife & children.

HAIS - A confectionary made with

Saweeq (talbina) and Dates
: . :

- -.

Narrated by Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh, that on the way when we were returning from Khyber (at
Sadd-al-Rohaa'), Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said in the morning "Whatever food a
person has, he should bring it to us". So a man brought some dates & Saweeq (talbina). We mixed them
together in a small pot & we ate from that Hais & we drank from the ponds around that had rain water,
and that was the Waleemah of Safyah Radi Allaho Anha.

" : :

Reported by Ibn Umar Radi Allaho Anh that Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh said "Waleemah offered by
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (at his marriage with Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho
Anha) was a confectionary (Hais) made with Saweeq (Sattu) and dates.

Hais is no doubt the miracle of my Allah's creations, & it is the most delicious confectionary of this
world, it is the blessed sweet which was served to Sahabah at Waleemah of Umm ul Mo'mineen Safyah
Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha.
Recipe is as under (first 3 are the chief items, others are optional):

500 g pitted dates

500 g Barley's Saweeq (Sattu)
250 g of Ghee or Butter

Seeds & nuts of your own choice (lotus seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, ground almonds, fennel seeds,
cardamom, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds). Fry pitted dates in ghee, when they change the color, add all
the seeds & nuts, fry for few minutes, finally add Barley's Saweeq (talbina) & mix well, your hands will
get tired. Fry for 10 minutes more & strike with a wooden spoon so that all ingredients are homogenized
Fry the dates in Ghee or Butter
You may add nuts of your choice (optional)
Add Barley's Saweeq & mix well, your hands will get tired

Almonds Kalaqand
Making confectionaries with Halal Cottage Cheese goes back to the times of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam & Sahabah, & they prepared the sweets mostly with DATES, the fruit that
was abundantly available. And although Dates Hais (Kalaqand) is the best in this world, we can make the
same HAIS with other fruits / ingredients as well, & recently we tried the Almond+Kaju Kalaqand.

Preparation time is 2 hours

Blenched & then roasted almonds : 500 grams
Halal Cottage Cheese : 500 grams (obtained) from 3 liters of milk
Honey as 150 grams

Blend the roasted almonds with some Kaju, olive oil, date stones powder & honey, prepare the Halal
Cottage Cheese & preserve its whey protein to be used later for making your curries.

Combine the Cheese & blended almonds in a food processor, within few minutes, you will have a paste
type Kalaqand that should be fried in Ghee for 20 minutes at low heat, the extra moistures will
evaporate & you will have a thick Kalaqand, refrigerate till it solidifies more & cut either in cubes or
make round balls.

A perfect recipe that is rich in Calcium & Magnesium


Praised by the Swear of Allah in the Heaviest Book of this world (Quran ~ Balaagh-ul-Lin-Naas), figs seen
to you is not the fruit in fact, it is the inverted flower with immature fruits available as tiny pods inside.

Foods & confectionaries prepared with Tibb-e-Nabawi ingredients will please your eyes & heart and
Allah's Mercy, Noor & blessings will be seen Showered over your kitchen.
Halal Cottage Cheese is the best for making confectionaries, Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that when it is heated,
the fire makes it milder, softer, and better tasting with a pleasant scent.

We prepared dried Figs Kalaqand with Halal Cottage Cheese (half kg figs & half kg of Halal Cottage
Cheese), date stones powder & almonds, blend them all in a food processor & you may add some milk
to soften the mixture and reduce the load on machine, once homogenized, fry in Ghee till all the
moisture evaporates out & you get a thick / solid consistency, when it cools down, cut in slices &
decorate with Cashew & almonds.

The color of Figs Kalaqand is beautiful, those tiny PODS will be seen over the surface, putting a stamp of
GENUINE over your Mitha'ee, Fig pods will be a fun under your teeth. 500 grams each of dried Figs &
Cottage Cheese is a perfect combination, giving a Brix of around 35 to your sweet dish.
Barley Samosas
We present this unique recipe that was never designed earlier in this world.

My friends were asking for Samosa alternatives, so it was necessary to prepare Barley Samosas, & the
best I understood was to bake them in an OVEN.

Prepare barley Dough & never forget to add Olive Oil & a teaspoon of Baking Soda, make small balls for
Samosa pastry, flatten the ball & add the filling, I used Camel Kebabs with some onions, etc. Seal the
Samosas & put them in the oven tray, bake for 15 ~ 20 minutes till you feel that the Samosas are
perfectly cooked. Serve with any kind of Chutney & we love the Coconut Chutney, prepared by blending
grated coconut with spices in either water or Yogurt, fry a tablespoon of mustard seeds in olive oil & add
in your Coconut Chutney.

Barley Samosas are soft & Khasta like a Kaghaz (paper), both in your mouth & in your stomach, we may
call them Kaghazi Samosas. And the extra Brownish color exhibits the whole grain enriched with FIBER.
Barley Samosas can be cooked easily even with a Sandwich maker, prepare the triangular bags of Barley
Samosas & gently apply some olive oil on the surface, put them in the Sandwich maker, close the lid &
turn over the sides after few minutes. Take them out when they are properly cooked from both sides.

You may add Sumaaq to Barley Dough & the color will be reflected in Samosas.

The puff pastry that comes ready-to-use is made of refined wheat flour (Meda) and around the world, it
is the favorite for Bakers & Bakeries, as they design a lot of items with it, out of which croissants are the
most popular, the yeasted dough with a cheaper variety of damaged fats is rolled & folded several times
in succession.

Whole Barley flour will never allow you to make a puff pastry (as shown in the pictures), the fiber
interferes & prevents the air to get entrapped inside.

Every single BITE of white flour & white rice is destroying your health very slowly, it is like a single drop
of water that strikes a rock & no one feels the damage which the rock suffers, finally the day comes
when a hole is created.

When adopted for years, white wheat bread, refined carbohydrates, damaged fats, vegetable oils,
pickles, salted foods, soda drinks, tea, coffee, improperly slaughtered animals, etc. damage the blood,
the digestive system, the major organs like Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Kidneys & finally the heart.

Pakoras with Mushrooms

Along with other top-ordered foods, it also became necessary to start this Ramadan with a unique
Pakora recipe that was never designed earlier in this world.

We used 50 / 50 flours of whole Mung Daal & Black Eyed Peas (White Lobia), and we brought fresh
Mushrooms, a special feature was that instead of water, the dough was made wet with Whey Protein of
Cottage Chasse. Kalonji, date stones powder, Citron Zest (ohhhh I can't hold myself), Sumaaq, Zeera,
Coriander seeds, Coconut, onions, etc. were added as well.

The blessed Olive Oil was used for frying. You will observe that even the smoke of olive oil is different,
by itself a cure indeed.

With Whey Protein & Mushrooms, the taste was incredible & no doubt that it was a recipe that was not
designed earlier in this world.
Dates Molasses
Your Saweeq (SATTU) drink matches well with honey, molasses & jaggery (GUR).

Following is the recipe for making dates molasses at your house.

Take 5 kg of dates & 10 liters of water, take them on the stove & boil for two hours. For additional taste,
you can add fennel seeds (Saunf) & cardamom.

Because date stones are a cure for heart, you never need to take them out, during boiling; their oil &
nutrients will come out.

Sugar will be released & you will get around 30-35 % sugar, you may measure the Brix value with a
digital Refract meter. Now filter out the pulp properly & you will have brownish syrup left behind.

As a preservative, we add 200 ml of pomegranate vinegar, our dates molasses has a tart flavor, for you,
100 ml of good quality vinegar will be enough.

Boil again for 60 minutes at low heat & Brix will rise to 70-75, strain out the impurities that float as a
FOG on top.

After boiling / filtration losses, you will have 3 kg of a beautiful dates molasses.

Honey has 80 Brix, & dates molasses will be almost similar.

When the molasses cools down, fill in dry bottles sterilized with boiled water.

To make one glass of Barley's Saweeq drink (Sattu), add 2 table spoons each of Sattu & dates molasses,
for more sweetness, you can increase the molasses. We also add dates molasses to Talbinah, HAIS &

With the same procedure as described above, you can also make Black-strap Molasses with Jaggery
(GUR Ka Sheera).
FIGS Pickle in Olive Oil
Praised by Allah's Swear in Quran, FIG is not a fruit itself, it is an inverted flower with immature fruits
available as tiny pods inside, =

And when Figs & Olive are mentioned simultaneously, there is a HIKMAH to combine them together.

For patients with chronic constipation, many Hakeems recommend soaking the figs in olive oil, & 2-3
pieces eaten daily after the dinner.

We thought to make Figs Pickle in Olive Oil, & it became as one of the tastiest pickles of this world,
sweat & salty with tones of Kalonji (Black seed) & Khardal. Cut the figs as thin slices & in layers one after
the other, add Kalonji, Khardal & Fennel seeds, fill the jar with the blessed Olive Oil & keep it sealed for
10 days. Your Figs Pickle will be ready Insha'Allah; that will fix most of your digestion problems.

Halal Cottage Cheese

Cheese on the commercial scale is made with Animal Grade Rennet, & even if they write vegetable
rennet, it is doubtful. Vegetable Grade Rennet is produced by fermentation, & who knows if some
Alcohol was generated while fermenting the ingredients.

Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that un-salted cheese is good for the stomach, easy on the body organs, produces
flesh and relaxes the stomach. Salted cheese, on the other hand, is less nutritious and is bad for the
intestines. Salted cheese makes the body weak and causes stones in the liver & urinary bladder /
prostate. It is also bad for the stomach, and mixing it with some other soothing ingredients (which some
people think will probably make it milder) is even worse, because these substances allow the cheese an
easy access to the stomach, making its job easier to spoil the digestion power.

Because it creates stones in the gall-bladder & kidneys, & weakens the stomach / intestines, you should
try to avoid all brands of salted cheese. The only option left is to make your own Cottage Cheese at the
kitchen, it is easy, neat /clean & the process is a fun for your children to watch.

Boil full fat milk & add some vinegar OR lemon juice (I used my ruby red Pomegranate vinegar), the milk
will start to coagulate, stir for a while & when you observe that the curd lumps are dense, put in a thin
cloth (over a sieve) so that all the water (Whey Protein) is drained out. You may wash it again with cold
water. Squeeze the Cheese more & let it dry for a while, it is ready.
The fluffy texture of un-salted cottage cheese, the ultimate softness, the humble taste, the bright colors,
the overflowing cure & the feeling of freshness will please your body Insha'allah You can eat it directly &
it can be added to many diversified recipes like Kalaqand, Burfi, Khoya, ice-cream, Paneer Palak,
Sandesah (a Bengali sweet), etc.

How to soften Cottage Cheese ?

Always make your Cottage Cheese with fresh milk, a friend tried it with Long-Life milk & he had to add a
lot of Lemon juice for coagulation, which can make the taste of cheese sour, more than you need it.

Cottage Cheese has a Danedaar (grainy) texture, & you can't whip it on the bread, but there is a way to
make it creamy.

Soon after you drain out the whey, pour some cold water over the cheese to remove acidity of vinegar /
lemon, squeeze out the water properly & put in the food processor immediately, add some olive oil &
blend, the coagulated Cheese will homogenize & you will get a creamy spread, it will totally resemble
the Double cream cheese sold in markets,

Barley Paratha with Blackstrap Molasses

Barley is a blessed grain Chosen by Allah for the Seal of Prophets (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Healing
by Tibb-e-Nabawi foods is shared around 50 ~ 60 % by the blessed barley alone.......

And you can cook a sweetened Barley Paratha with Dates Molasses OR Blackstrap Molasses, which we
make Jaggery (GUR).

Prepare the dough in a food processor with barley flour, blackstrap Molasses, olive oil, fennel, flaxseeds,
red sesame, black seed (Kalonji) and date stones powder, turn on the machine & add water slowly till
you get a perfect BALL which does not sticks to the walls.

Put some olive oil on TAWA & heat the oil moderately, now put the dough on the center of Tawa &
flatten it carefully with your fingers, you never need a Chakla Belan for barley's bread, some dough
thickens on the corners, so flatten it with a plastic spoon to protect your fingers. Turn over and cook the
top side; that is all, enjoy with some Quince preserve.

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A perfect CARDIO breakfast; that will heal your heart, barley, date stones, olive oil, Quince Preserve in
honey, flaxseeds, ohhh what your heart needs else than this ??????

Juice Therapy for Hypertension

More than 40 % of world's population suffers with Hypertension, the only reason behind this is wrong
foods & wrong eating habits.

The blood is over-loaded with toxins, & hence Hijamah is the best treatment for cleaning the garbage.
Furthermore, nothing else is more suitable than Tibb-e-Nabawi foods, herbs & the eating habits
recommended by Sunnah, with 3 meals reduced to 2 meals only, breakfast & dinner & skipping the
lunch permanently.

In addition, a simple juice therapy has shown quenching results for many blood pressure patients, we
advised them to juice gourd (Yaqteen / Kaddu), Cucumber, Beetroot, a small piece of Ginger & adding
some Vinegar, except parsley, all others are from Tibb-e-Nabawi. And it is our feeling that Yaqteen is the
KING in this combination.

A friend called & reported his pressure as 160 / 115, we asked him to take a glass of this juice
combination 3 times daily. He came back & was excited that the pressure dropped to 90 / 60, so we
requested him to reduce the dosage as twice or once a day. A very cheep medicine brought quick
results, & the medicine being natural, from Tibb-e-Nabawi, absolutely free of any side affects.

This juice therapy will also help patients with blood impurities, skin disorders, digestion problems,
urinary tract infections, water retention, etc.

Quantities of ingredients are as under:

Yaqteen (Kaddu) : 1 ~ 2 pieces of medium size

Beetroot : 1 ~ 2 pieces of medium size

Cucumbers : 5 ~ 6 pieces

Ginger : A small portion (as per your taste)

Vinegar : 10 ~ 15 ml as per your taste

The above will yield 2 glasses approximately, take one in the morning & refrigerate the other for the
evening. You may skip Parsley, as its juicing is difficult for the normal carrot juicer.
Ice Cream without a Cream -A CURE
Ice creams from the market are loaded with sugar, chemicals & artificial flavors, all of them have some
E-numbers which are doubtful. Ice cream lovers should arrange it at their own kitchen, & some ice
cream making machines are also available. But even for that version, you need a lot of cream whip
which is not a healthy choice once again.

But if you want an Ice Cream without a Cream, Tibb-e-Nabawi fruits are the best choice.

We present a recipe which is free from chemicals, toxins, sugar & cream whip, & it is made with the
most blessed fruits of this world. Major ingredient is TALH, the Bananas, with flavors of Pomegranate,
figs, raisins, dates, Quince Preserve, Citron zest & finally honey.

You will need a food processor, pasta maker OR a twin auger juicer for mashing the frozen fruits.

Peel the bananas, seal them in plastic bags & freeze for 24 hours, you can also freeze other fruits OR use
them very cold.

In a food processor, mash the fruits one by one & you will have a thick puree resembling almost the ice
cream. Mix the puree well & add some honey on the top, freeze for two hours once again, that is all. You
may use the mold cups for a serving size.

If you need the milk in this ice cream, then you will have to use some home-made cottage cheese, which
is purified & processed further to obtain Khoya / Mawa.

For the ice cream shown in attached pictures, I used the Twin Auger Juicer.

Citron zest was the most wonderful taste, pomegranate seeds were crunchy under the teeth, Quince
preserve was incredible, black raisins gave attractive color, dates were praise-worthy, figs spoke by
themselves as Allah's Swear, Honey dressed the entire mixture, what else do you need ????????
Broast with Olive Oil
Broast OR deep fried chicken is not a healthy food, & when combined with Pepsi, French fries & a doubt
for mechanical slaughtering of chickens, Broast scores as one of the worst foods of this world, by
purchasing it for your children; you are putting your family on a terrible health threat.

So we begin with hand slaughtering of chickens with the 4 necessary veins, so that all the blood is
squeezed out & the meat is free of toxins that cause inflammation & Auto-immune disorders.

Deep frying usually fails to cook the core, you just see the brown skin as properly roasted & you take out
the chicken.

It is far better to select a non-stick pan & at low heat, cook the chicken with some vinegar (without any
water) for 15 minutes, during which all the moisture evaporates & vinegar penetrates the threads,
making the flesh soft & delicate to assist in frying.

Now apply Masala of your choice, Barley Flour or corn flour, add some vinegar again, dried Fenugreek
leaves & do not forget to add half a teaspoon of Ajwain (Oregano),.

The final mistake in broast is frying with vegetable oils, and those shops never change the oil so
frequently, bringing more dangers to your health.

Our only choice for frying is the blessed Olive Oil.

With proper slaughtering, pre-cooking in vinegar, Masalaas with the beautiful spices & frying in the
blessed Olive Oil, you will remember the BROAST forever.

Try your best to avoid restaurant foods & on-the-shelf foods by 100 %. Cooking in your kitchen is so
blessed, it is neat & clean. The husband should assist his wife in the kitchen; to protect the health of

Eggs+Olive Oil = Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is widely used in our foods, it is made with egg-yolks, vegetable oils, mustard & Xanthan
Gum (E415 as a thickening agent), the gum is also used in some Ketchups, salad dressings, etc. Xanthan
is made by fermentation, after which the polysaccharide is precipitated from a growth medium with
isopropyl alcohol, dried, and ground into a fine powder. Later, it is added to a liquid medium to form the
gum. Many food manufacturers will not write Xanthan Gum on the label, but they use it.

All extracts are made in alcoholic mediums, so we are not sure if they are Halal OR doubtful.
Allah Made the egg as yolk+white, using yolks alone is not advisable, the egg-white acts as a neutralizer
for the yolk.

It is better to make your own Mayonnaise, with whole eggs & vegetable oils replaced by the blessed
olive oil.

With 2 eggs, add a teaspoon of ground mustard seeds, salt, spices, 5 tablespoons of pure vinegar & 150
~ 200 ml of the blessed olive oil, blend in a food processor till you get a thick paste, you may add
another egg if the liquid is not so viscous.

Eggs in bulk from the egg farms are of low quality, a friend of mine working at Poultry projects told that
hens are fed a special diet; with which they can lay large sized eggs without fertilization with a rooster,
and Hatchability of those eggs is ZERO, the eggs which you eat can not hatch a chick.

Such eggs will be low in Lecithin & will not emulsify the Mayonnaise. Thanks to Allah that a shop near to
my house sells Organic eggs (very small in size). When I made my Mayonnaise with those eggs, it was

Mayonnaise is applied to sandwiches, added to scrambled eggs for enhancing the taste, but you can also
cook scrambled eggs by adding some of your home-made Mayonnaise, you will not need the oil in the
frying pain, Mayonnaise itself will be enough & with Mustard & vinegar, the taste of your eggs will be

Frying Eggs with VINEGAR

Eggs are a miracle of my Allah's creations, but with mass production in farms, they possess a strange
smell & a chance of contamination with salmonella, the bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Frying eggs with vinegar eliminates the smell, makes them soft & gentle for digestion & kills the germs.

Frying them with vinegar never needs the oil, just add some vinegar & water to a non stick pot, put the
egg & cover with the lid, at low heat, vinegar's steam will cook the egg perfectly.

We fried eggs in pomegranate vinegar without adding even a single drop of oil; it is possible as seen in
the pictures.

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