Turbulence: Course 2: Anand Utsav Kapoor
Turbulence: Course 2: Anand Utsav Kapoor
Turbulence: Course 2: Anand Utsav Kapoor
A demonstration of the Kolmogorovs 4/5th law and the equivalent law for a passive scalar.
When the Navier-Stokes equation is converted into an evolution equation for the velocity
correlation function,the resulting expression is the Karman-Howarth (KH) equation,which
is a very important equation in the theory of isotropic turbulence. It provides the start-
ing point for nearly all dynamical theories and one of the immediate consequences of the
Karman-Howarth equation is Kolmogorovs celebrated four-fifths law.
The first section of this report contains assumptions and definitions of key concepts, the
second section contains a demonstration of the KH equation , the third, of the 4/5th law and
finally, the fourth section contains the development of a law similar to the 4/5th law for a
passive scalar.
List of Figures
1 Key terms and assumptions
and for homogeneous turbulence, statistical quantities are independent of x and hence,
= (5)
xi ri
= (6)
xj rj
Qij Qij
= =0 (7)
ri rj
Figure 1: Definition of the longitudinal and lateral velocity correlation functions.
Figure 2: The shape of the longitudinal and lateral velocity correlation functions.
1 1
R(r) = Qii = u.u (10)
2 2
5. Second-order longitudinal structure function
[v(r)]2 = [ux (x + rex ) ux (x)]2 (11)
[v(r)]2 = 2u2 (1 f ) (12)
For isotropic turbulence, the longitudinal correlation function and the lateral structure
function are related as:
g = f + rf (r) (13)
6. Third order velocity correlation function
It is given by:
u3 K(r) = ux 2 (x)ux (x + rex ) (15)
The function K(r) is known as the longitudinal triple correlation function.
The third-order longitudinal structure function, [v]3 is related to K(r) through:
[v]3 = 6u3 K(r) (16)
u2 2
Qij = [(r f ) ij f ri rj ] (17)
[ K rK 2K + rK K ]
Sijk = u 3
ri rj rk + (ri jk + rj ik ) rk ij (18)
2r3 4r 2r
We can convert
the Navier-Stokes equation into an evolution equation for the velocity correlation
function ui uj , as shown below:
ui ui uk (p/)
= + x 2 ui (19)
t xk xi
uj uj uk (p /)
= + 2x uj (20)
t xk xj
On multiplying (19) by uj and (20) by ui , adding and taking an ensemble average , we get:
uj uk ui uk 1 p p
ui uj = ui + u j ui + u j + ui 2
uj + uj x
u i
t xk xk xj xi x
(21) can be simplified by considering the following:
1. The operations of taking averages and differentiation commute.
= (22)
xj rj
= [Sikj + Sjki ] + 22 Qij (23)
t rk
The pressure terms have been dropped as the assumption of isotropic turbulence and mass con-
tinuity (eqn. 7) demand that ui p = 0
Substitution of Qij and Sijk from eqns. 17 and 18 yield :
2 4
[u r f (r, t)] = u3 [r4 K(r)] + 2u2 [r4 f (r)] (24)
t r r
This is the Karman Howarth equation. The problem with this equation is that we cannot predict
the evolution of f without knowing the rate of change of K(r). , which depends on the fourth-
order correlations, i.e, we have a closure problem.
This law, which is an extremely important result in turbulence, states that [v]3 is equal to
(4/5)r in the inertial sub-range.
Now, by using eqns 12 and 16 and writing the KH equation in terms of [v(r)]2 and [v(r)]3
, we have:
2 r4 [ r4 ] [ 4 ]
r4 [v(r)]2 = [v(r)]3 r [v(r)]2 (25)
3 2 t r 6 r r
Now, in order to simplify eqn. 25, we need to use an estimate of the second order structure
function in the inertial sub range, and we know that it is [v(r)] = 2/3 r2/3 or less and
based on this , the second term in eqn. 25 , is at most of the order of r4 (r/l)2/3 and assuming
that r l, we can neglect the second term and hence eqn. 25 reduces to
[v(r)]3 = r + 6 [v(r)]2 (26)
5 r
In the inertial sub-range, viscous effects are unimportant and so eqn.26 reduces to
[v(r)]3 = r (27)
This is Kolmogorovs famous four-fifths law.
In such a case we might be interested in the spatial structure of the concentration field and the
time required to achieve near perfect mixing.
The passive scalars concentration C is governed by the advection-diffusion equation
+ u.C = 2 C (28)
Just like the last section, it is supposed that u and C have zero mean and that their distributions
are statistically homogeneous and isotropic.
A convenient measure of the non-uniformity of the contaminant is provided by the variance of
C, defined as C 2 . We can get an expression for the rate of change of the variance from the
advection-diffusion equation. Multiplying eqn 28 by C, we get:
[ 1 2] [1 ]
C + . C 2u = .[CC] (C)2 (29)
t 2 2
Taking the ensemble average of eqn. 29 makes the second and third terms ( ones with diver-
gences) disappear due to homogeneity.
The following equation is obtained:
d 1 2
C = (C)2 (30)
dt 2
c = (C)2 (31)
We can define c as the characteristic length-scale of the most rapid spatial fluctuations in C.
This is the analogue of the Kolmogorov microscale for u
Also, consider the following :
This defines the inertial-convective subrange.The name derives from the fact that the restriction
r guarantees the dominance of inertia over viscous forces, while the requirement that
r c ensuresthat the convection of C is much greater
diffusion. Since max[, c ] r ,
we would expect that neither nor will influence [C]2 in the inertial-convective subrange.
On the other hand, the restriction r min[l, lc ] = lmin suggests that [C]2 depends on
the large scales only to the extent that they determine the flux of energy and scalar variance
from large to small scale, that is, they determine and c . Therefore, in a reasoning close to
Kolmogorovs, we might expect that, in the inertial-convective subrange,
[C]2 = f (, c , r) (33)
In order to find a law equivalent to the 4/5th law, we need to determine the governing equation
for the two point correlations (x)C(x + r) = CC and therefore, we have:
= .[uC] + 2 C (34)
C 2
= .[u C ] + C (35)
where a prime indicates a quantity evaluated at x = x + r .
On multiplying the first by C , and the second by C, adding the two and averaging, we ob-
C C = C (ui C) + C (ui C ) + C2x C + C x 2 C (36)
t xi xi
C C = (ui ui )C C + 2r 2 CC (37)
t ri
The isotropic tensor (ui ui )C C can be written as
(ui ui )C C = A(r)ri (38)
rA(r) = u|| CC (39)
here, u|| is the component of u u parallel to r.
therefore, we have
1 d
(ui ui )C C = rA (r) + 3A = 2 (r3 A)
ri r dr
[r C C] = [r2 u|| C C ] + 2 r2 C C (41)
t r r r
If is any scalar , then u = 0
This was done in section 2 for the pressure term.
Therefore , we have
u|| (C)2 = 2 u|| CC (42)
1 2[ 1
C C = 2 r u|| (C ) + 2 C C
t r r 2 r
in the inertial-convective subrange , It is convenient to use the structure function
C ) rather than CC
C 2 ) = 2 C 2 2 CC (44)
2 1 2
C C = C C 2 C = 2c (45)
t t 2 t
The approximation is valid as the time derivative of C 2 is much less than that of C 2
Thus, in the equilibrium range (r l) eqn. 43 integrates to
u|| (C)2 2 (c)2 = c r (46)
r 3
In the inertial-convective subrange, where diffusion is negligible, this simplifies to
u|| (C)2 = c r (47)
This is the Yagloms Law for a passive scalar.
[1] P. A. Davidson. Turbulence: an introduction for scientists and engineers. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, UK ; New York, 2004.
[2] Uriel Frisch and Andre Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kol-
mogorov. Cambridge University Press, November 1995.
[3] G.K. Batchelor. Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence. Cambridge University Press, May