The Strategic Importance of The Philippine Manufacturing Sector

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The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 1

The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector1

By Roberto Batungbacal


With the rapid expansion of the service sector of the Philippines, it is easy to forget that the main engine
of an economy is the manufacturing sector. After two decades of globalization and liberalization, the
Philippine manufacturing sector remains to be the most important sector for long-term productive
employment, revenue and value-added generation and innovation. Understanding the strategic
importance of its manufacturing sector will enable the Philippines to capitalize on the unique
combination of events which could lead to higher economic growth, and these events are the ongoing
exodus of manufacturers from Coastal China searching for skilled talent and competitive total cost, the
new wave of Japanese manufacturers relocating abroad and significant improvement in macro-economic
condition, leadership and governance in the Philippines.

This article is prepared by Roberto Batungbacal, Director of the Federation of Philippine Industries, to elicit discussion and
comments. Views expressed are entirely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federation of
the Philippine Industries or its directors. Questions and comments can be addressed to the author.
([email protected]).

October 6, 2011
The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 2

Manufacturing is dead graduates every year.2 On top of the BPO

sector, another bright spots is the ever growing
How many times have we heard someone say overseas remittance of our modern day heroes,
that there is no more manufacturing in the the OFW. This year, their remittance will reach
Philippines? If we look around the Metro
US$ 19 Billion.3 Thats cash, going to straight to
Manila, we see many of the factories the millions of households from Aparri to Jolo.
abandoned, idle, or being torn down to give way An far more efficient method of wealth
to commercial establishment, logistic distribution than what weve seen in our past,
warehouses or high-rise condominiums. As one so efficient that its changing society. The
passes the newly completed and modern newest homes in the provinces are not owned
Skyway, you see the once proud row of by the few landed families, they are now owned
manufacturers along the South Superhighway, by OFW families. Remittances are now driving
is now a series of rusty roofs, with faded consumption of new houses, condominiums,
signages, doors permanently closed, halls empty hard goods, motor vehicles and consumer
of activity. Is manufacturing a thing of the
past? Is the real-estate boom, shopping malls,
and new high-rises filled with BPOs, bustling 24 But then, we continue to have 7%
hours, the present and the future of the unemployment, 19% under-employment.i4
Philippines? Growing ranks of non-farm rural poor, end up as
urban poor as they migrate to urban centers.
The rise of the Service Sector Today, we have 95 million Filipinos, the 12th
If you think about it, how many people really largest population in the world. Can the service
prefer to work in a factory versus a fully air- sector, with all its promise truly sustain our
conditioned call center. Its the evolution of man economy and our people. How can so few
and his livelihood, from working in the farm provide for so many....
under the blistering sun, into the hot, sweaty
factory, and then finally landing into the office
with all the modern conveniences. As the Manufacturing is alive after all
service sector continue to expand at a much
faster rate than the agricultural sector and the Heres another side of our story. Remember the
industrial sector, one would think that the manufacturing sector, with factories torn down,
Philippines may soon succeed where so many and land sold off to real estate developers? This
countries have not....leap-frogging from the sector is no longer visible to the Metro Manila
farm to the service sector. Philippine city dwellers, which contributes to the
Industrialization...yes we tried...many times, but impression that there is no more manufacturing
now its time to move on. Theres whole world in the Philippines. The reality is manufacturing
out there demanding English speaking talents, 2
Given that there are 2.7 million tertiary level
with computer skills, accounting, HR, training students in the Philippines. Source: Department of
and administration skills. We have this kind of Education
talent, with 300,000 to 400,000 tertiary Based on 6.29% growth rate of Jan-July 2011 YTD
versus Jan-July 2010 YTD, Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
As of July, 2011, Labor Force Survey, NSO

October 6, 2011
The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 3

have moved out of the cities. The large Why is it that the statistical data doesnt jive
electronic and semiconductor sector are in the with our personal experience. It says
PEZA zones, where most things work like clock- manufacturing dominates the economy, and yet
work. No red-tape, no corruption, everything is most of the products in my grocery list are not
fast and efficient, the way it should be. The made in the Philippines. Most of the things I buy
PEZA zones also contain manufacturers from the mall, clothes, shoes, appliances,
producing a wide range of non-electronic electronics are made every else but the
products, from plastic products, medical Philippines. Are the surveys wrong? Poor data
devices, watches, chemicals, paper products, collection? Flawed interpretation and analysis
garments, etc. Thanks to globalization, these of the data?
manufacturers have a bigger market.....a global
market made up of more than 200 countries. In One answer is that a huge part of the
2010, our total exports have reached US$ 51.39 manufactured goods are for export hence they
billion, up 33% from 2009. Out of the total dont end up in our store shelves, while a lot of
exports of the Philippines, 85% are imported goods can be sold competitively.
manufactured goods.5 Thats free trade.

The National Statistics Office conducts an Another answer is in the way products are
annual survey of formal business establishments manufactured today. In the globalized world,
components are made in the most total-cost
with at least 20 employees, across all sectors,
across the Philippines. Their latest survey was advantage country. Electronic chips are made in
the 2008 Annual Survey of Philippine Business Japan, Korea or Taiwan, assembled and tested
and Industries (ASPBI). It was released in July in Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, then
2010. The survey covered 21,040 business packaged into an electronic products like a
establishments that employed 2.7 million mobile phone or computer in China. So, is your
workers. The NSO press release on the ASPBI mobile phone made in Japan, Philippine or
was clear and direct: Manufacturing China? Theres a similar process in the
dominates economy. Manufacturing automobile industry, clothing, appliance. In the
generates the highest employment (31.5% of globalized world where trade is friction less,
the total workforce), and nearly half of the total then it works. So the key to participate in this
revenues come from Manufacturing, 46.7% manufacturing model is to get into these
regional production networks. Fortunately,
reaching Php 3.16 trillion.6
Southeast Asia, is currently in these regional
So it is dead or alive? production streams.

So far, the electronic and semi-conductor sector

have thrived in regional production networks.
5 But this is probably the only success story. This
Calculations based on data provided in success needs to be duplicated in the other
101202a.htm manufacturing subsectors of the Philippines in
NSO, July 17, 2010, order to diversify our production. Countries are
now realizing that diversifying their
manufacturing products is imperative to

October 6, 2011
The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 4

economic growth.7 The more diversified your the consequence of slower growth in the
basket of goods, the more stable your total agricultural sector.
production versus the changes in global demand
for different product groups. The more But then is it possible to shift agricultural labor
to the fast growing service sector? Yes, and we
diversified your products, you increase your
ability to innovate and create new things. As see that every day, as the rural non-farm poor
you diversify, you have more complimentary flock the city to take up informal jobs as
products to offer. For instance, a robust domestic helpers, drivers, construction workers,
domestic chemical, plastic, rubber and metal jobs with low productivity, limited learning
industry would have many raw materials and opportunities and no job security. These are the
parts to offer Toyota, Samsung, Sony or Apple. jobs beyond reach of mandated minimum wage.

As history has shown, only manufacturing can

It maybe alive but can it grow?
absorb agricultural workers, providing them the
The impression that manufacturing is stagnant possibility of secure, increasing productive work,
in the Philippines is due to one famous statistics: and learning opportunities that increase ones
Manufacturing as a % of GDP...which has been chances of improving his or her well-being.
constant at around 24% from year 2000 to
20068. Data suggest that it is flat, in a plateau,
stagnant. But the truth is manufacturing is Why Manufacturing is strategic to the
growing, every year, and if the percentage is economy
constant, then it is growing at the exact rate as
the GDP. Manufacturing has far more benefits than just
employment opportunities. Manufacturing has
Now, is 24% good or bad? Depends....its the highest multiplier effect to the economy
certainly lower than China, Thailand and compare to other sectors. Based on studies of
Malaysia. But these countries are the worlds The Manufacturing Institute, the manufacturing
factories. But on the other hand, 24% is higher sector has a multiplier effect of 1.4.10 For every
than that those of three of the BRICs countries liter of paint produced, it required a range of
Brazil, Russia, India. Its even higher than highly raw chemical raw materials, packaging like
industrialized countries like Japan and Italy9. metal or plastic containers, printed paper labels,
So, in absolute terms, manufacturing is growing, delivery trucks, it required capital equipment
but not enough, given the rise in our population, that grinds, blends filters and stores the
our expanding labour pool and the increasing product. It employed chemist in laboratories,
unemployment from the rural sector which is engineers and operators to run and maintain
the plant. It requires utilities like electricity and
water. It requires services such as financial,
marketing, sales and logistics services. This is
Based on the work of Dani Rodrik and Ricardo why, manufacturing is called the engine of the
Hausmann. (Harvard University, John F. Kennedy economy. Many services exist because of
School of Government )
9 10
Based on figures from the World Economic Forums The Manufacturing Institute, Facts about Modern
Global Competitiveness Report Manufacturing, 2009.

October 6, 2011
The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 5

manufacturing. And many service jobs will Philippines and we have heard so many reasons
disappear if manufacturing disappears. not to invest in the Philippines, and choose
Vietnam or Indonesia instead. From high power
Manufacturing is indispensible. It is an cost, to rising labor cost vis-a-vis our
imperative for the growth of any economy. Even
competitors, to land ownership, poor
the most competitive and advanced economies infrastructure, to corruption and poor
like Singapore and Switzerland11 understands governance. No doubt these are disincentives to
the strategic importance of their manufacturing investing, but investors choose based on
sector. The US, UK and other western countries different requirements. The most common and
are seeking to bring back manufacturing into relevant measure for choosing a location for
their country. The recent credit crisis and the manufacturing is total production cost and
current global financial crisis, further highlights availability of skilled labor. Tax incentives are
the vulnerability of service related jobs, and the fleeting if the cost rises fast or if the labour pool
urgent need to create manufacturing jobs. dries out quickly. Low power cost are relevant
Manufacturing is also essential to innovation. only to products that consumes a lot of
Innovation is todays buzz word because growth electricity. Lack of land ownership and
is the way out of the financial crisis and corruption never stopped thousands of investors
stagnation. To grow you need to create from going to China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
something new or use something existing in a High labor cost never stopped the
new or different way. Apple didnt invent the manufacturing sector in Singapore.
MP3 player, they just made it more simple and There is a lot of capital, the banking sector is as
easy to use and called it iPod. That is healthy as ever, always looking for better
innovation. Now everybody knows that Apple no returns. Theres also lots of foreign capital
longer manufactures their products. Theyre coming from OFWs. As foreign remittances
made in China. But as the inventors stay farther begin driving the growth of small and medium
and farther away from the production of the enterprises, their investment can be directed
product, then innovations becomes more towards manufacturing and not just service
difficult for the designer, but at the same time, related businesses like retail, restaurants, etc.
innovation becomes easier for the producer. Manufacturing is not only for large enterprises.
After all, the producer works with the product Countries like Japan are supported by hundreds
every single day. of thousands of manufacturing SMEs who
specializes on products that are procured by
larger manufacturers.
Investing in Philippine manufacturing... and
why now after all these years. Now if all if this is true, why did countless of
enterprises lose their livelihood in the past 20
The challenge is in inducing foreign and years of globalization and liberalization, where
domestic investments in manufacturing in the everything can be done in China, and everything
can be imported cheaply to the country.
A Renaissance at Risk: Threats and Opportunities
The answer is in the only constant that we
for Swiss Manufacturing, Swiss-American Chamber
of Commerce know.....change. Things have changed. Today,

October 6, 2011
The Strategic Importance of the Philippine Manufacturing Sector 6

Japanese companies are looking at relocating

again from Japan due to the strength of the yen
and for some, due to their vulnerability to
natural calamity as demonstrated by the recent
earthquake and tsunami. Second, the huge
exodus of manufacturing from Coastal China
due to the rapid rise in labour cost and shortage
of skilled labour12. Third, macro-economic
condition and national leadership and
governance in the Philippines has never been
this conducive to investments. Fourth, there
continous to be an abundance of labour from
the rural and urban sectors, and potentially,
given the right conditions, the availability of
highly skilled manufacturing talent from
overseas Filipino workers.

We have never seen this unique combination of

conditions in the past twenty years. The
Philippines is in a position to capitalize on this
today and start a virtuous cycle of growth and

This article is prepared by Roberto Batungbacal, Director
of the Federation of Philippine Industries, to elicit
discussion and comments. Views expressed are entirely
those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the
views of the Federation of the Philippine Industries or its
directors. Questions and comments can be addressed to
the author ([email protected]).

Frontier Strategy Group executive Briefing by
Shenjie Chen, September 2011

October 6, 2011

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