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Indian History - In Details


PRE-HISTORIC as a part of a larger area called Pleistocene to the end of the

Jambu-dvipa (The continent of third Riss, glaciation.
Jambu tree) The Palaeolithic culture had a
The pre-historic period in the The stages in mans progress from duration of about 3,00,000 yrs.
history of mankind can roughly Nomadic to settled life are The art of hunting and stalking
be dated from 2,00,000 BC to
1. Primitive Food collecting wild animals individually and
about 3500 2500 BC, when the
stage or early and middle stone later in groups led to these
first civilization began to take
ages or Palaeolithic people making stone weapons
2 . Advanced Food collecting and tools.
The first modern human beings
stage or late stone age or The principal tools are hand
or Homo Sapiens set foot on the
Mesolithic axes, cleavers and chopping
Indian Subcontinent some-
3. Transition to incipient food- tools. The majority of tools
where between 2,00,000 BC and
production or early Neolithic found were made of quartzite.
40,000 BC and they soon spread
They are found in all parts of
through a large part of the sub- 4. settled village communities or
India except the Central and
continent including peninsular advanced neolithic/Chalco
eastern mountain and the allu-
India. lithic and
vial plain of the ganges.
They continuously flooded the 5. Urbanisation or Bronze age.
People began to make special-
Indian subcontinent in waves of
Paleolithic Age ized tools by flaking stones,
migration from what is present
The period before 10,000 BC which were pointed on one end.
day Iran.
belongs to the Palaeolithic Age These kind of tools were gener-
The primitive people moved in
(old stone age) . Man was no ally used to kill small animals and
groups of few families and lived
more than a hunter and food for tearing flesh from the carcass
mainly on hunting and gathering.
gatherer. This period falls into of the hunted animals.
The age when the pre-historic
the geological period called the
man began to use stone for utili-
only of its kind
tarian purpose is called as the H om o erectus is first &
l specim en of 82 in the
stone age. The broken skul on 5t h December, 19
ull was di sc ov er ed adesh. It is the
Wheat and barley were the first in India. This sk H at hn ora, Madhya Pr
armada va ll ey in an subconti-
cereals grown by Indians. middle of the N so fa r di scovered in Indi
cient human re
m na nt 0,000 years
The name India was derived most an ei st oc ene (around 50
ngs to M id dl e Pl ude a middle
nent. Skull belo sc al e. R ecent finds incl
from the rivername Sindhu ological ti m e A tradition
ag o) age in the ge K al ad gi B as in , southern India.
which is also known as Indus. arry in the ago.
palaeolithic qu tes to 40 or 50,000 years
India was originally considered ar t da
of Indian rock
Mesolithic Age on record, and
so m e of th e oldest civilizations
Copper was know n to per was
The Mesolithic period roughly
at is at le as t 10 ,000 years old. Cop
ranges between 10,000 and 6000 has a history of us
e th and bronze
to co m e in to us e. There exist copper
probably the first m
eta l artifacts
ies th at da te to 30 00 BC and Egyptian
ian cit id, a copper plumbi
Apart from hand axes, they also artifacts from Sumer loys. In one pyram
produced crude, stone-tipped, an d co pp er -ti n al
of copper old.
that is 5000 years collected
wooden spears, borers and system was found co pp er im plements have been
burins. Ever since 18 22 ho ar ds a and Deccan. The
a Do ab , and in central Indi
The stone implements are of from the Gange s-J am un e deposits in
er ha d be en fo un d in the copper or
minute size and hence are called raw material copp in Bihar and Orissa
Microliths. The Microliths th an , Ch otta na gp ur and Singhbhum
found at Brahmagiri in Mysore,
in the Vindhyan, Narmada river was heterogenaus mainly four
Chalcolithic Age
and in Gujarat can be assigned racial types.
to Late Stone Age. Chalcolithic Age period ranges
i. Mediterranean
This period also saw the domes- between 1800 BC to 1000 BC. ii. Proto-Australoids
tication of animals and cultiva- Towards the end of Neolithic iii. Mongoloids and
tion of wild varieties of crops. period metals like bronze and iv. Alpines
The famous Bhimbetka caves copper began to be used. But the majority consisted of
near Bhopal belong to the Chalcolithic cultures extended the former two.
Mesolithic age and are famous from the Chotanagpur Plateau to The Harappan culture spread
for their cave paintings. the upper Gangetic basin. over the whole of Sind,
Neolithic Age Some of the sites of this era are Baluchistan, almost the whole
Brahmagiri (near Mysore), of Punjab, northern Rajasthan,
The Neolithic Age or New Stone
Navada toli on River Narmada, Kathiawar and Gujarat.
Age ranges between 6000 to
Mahishadal in West Bengal and Harappa the first Indus site, was
4000 BC.
Chirand on the Ganga. discovered by Dayaram Sahni
An important invention of this
The chalcolithic culture was fol- in 1921. It is situated in the prov-
time was the wheel. ince of West Punjab, Montgom-
lowed by the Iron phase.
It was characterised by settled ery district in Pakistan.
Pre-Harappan phase is found at
life, animal husbandry and same Kalibhangan in Rajasthan, Harappa is located on the bank
form of cultivation depended Banawali in Hariyana and Kot of river Ravi.
upon the use of stone. Diji in Sind in Pakistan. The Mohenjodaro was excavated in
The most striking feature of the Kayathan Culture (2000 to 1800 1922 by R.D. Banerjee. It is situ-
culture of the neolithic- BC) is a semi-contemporary of ated in the Larkhana district in
chalcolithic sites of the Deccan Sind on the right bank of river
the Harappan culture.
is their independent ancestry. Indus (Now in Pakistan)
The important neolithic sites Indus Valley Civilisation The famous excavators and Ar-
excavated include; Maski, Indus Valley civilisation belongs chaeologists were Sir John
Brahmagiri, Hallur, Kodekal, to the Chalcolithic period dated Marshall, Mortimer Wheeler,
Sangana Kaller, Takkala Kota between 3000 BC and 1500 BC. R.D. Banerje, Dales and Sahni.
in Karnataka and Paiyampalli in It is a Bronze Age civilisation or The Great Granery, the Great
Tamilnadu and Utnur in Andhra a proto Historic civilisation. Bath a piece of woven cotton, a
Pradesh. The Indus Valley population beared man in steatite and a
bronze dancing girl are found
gritos of Pre-historic
from Mohenjodaro. The Negroids or Ne
An assembly hall was also dis- human inhabitants,

India were the first

covered from Mohenjodaro. erers. The Nagas of
who were food gath y
The most important feature of Andaman ese toda
Assam and some . Th ey we re
Harappan civilisation was town p or race
belong to this grou
planning and urbanism. th th e bow and arrow.
acquainted wi
The word Mohanjodaro in Sindi yw he re de ba se d
language means the mound of Th ey sp ea k ev er
the dead. dialects of their ne
oids form the basic
Mohenjodaro was believed to The Proto Austral Pr oto Au str aloids
en ts in th e po pu lation of India.
have been destructed by flood. elem
nsformation ow- st examples
Harappans knew the art of grow- They underwent tra os an d Mongoloids. The be
th N eg rit type in
ing cereals, wheat and barley. ing to admixture wi or Mun da type, the Mon-khemer
e th e ko l
Banwali is situated in Haryana. of this admixture ar ar islands.
Like Kalibangan, Amri, Kot Diji ur m a an d th e N icobarese in the Nicob
and Harappa, Banwali also saw
two cultural phases Pre- the inhabitants of Chanhudaro the world and dockyard made of
Harappan and Harappan were artist. burnt bricks, was discovered in
Banwali situated on the bank Kalibangan, another famous 1957 by S.R. Rao is situated in
of lost river Saraswathi. Here we Indus city discovered in 1953 by Gujarat on Bhogava river near
find a large quantity of barley, A. Ghosh, is situated in Gulf of Cambay.
Sesamum and Mustard. Rajasthan on the banks of River Lothal has evidence of the earli-
Chanhudaro, discovered by Ghaggar. Kalibangan stands for est cultivation of rice.
N. Gopal Majumdar and Mackey black bangles. Fire altars, indicating the prob-
in 1931, is situated in Sind on Early phase here shows the ear- able existence of a fire cult have
the bank of river Indus. liest evidence of ploughed field been found.
This site is related to Pre- in the world. Here, a house had front en-
Harappan culture known as Fire-altars have been found. trance.
Jhangar Culture and Jhukar This is known as third capital Ropar is the site situated in
Culture. of Indus Empire. Punjab on the banks of river
- The only site without a citadel. Houses built mostly of sun Sutlej. It was discovered in 1955-
- It was an important bead-mak- dried bricks. 56 by Y.D.Sharma.
ing centre. Lothal, first man made port in The evidence of burying a dog
- It was discovered that most of below the human burial is very
The Main Centers of Indus Valley Excavation Dholvira situated in Gujarat
(Kuchch dist) was discovered
Harappa - Montgomery district of Punjab in Pakistan
by J.P. Joshi, excavation carried
Mohenjodaro - Larkana district of Sind out by Rabindra Singh Bisht in
Lothal - Gujarat on Bhogava river near Gulf of Cambay 1990-91.
Chanhudaro - 125 km south of Mohanjodaro in Sind. Wheat, Rice, barley, milk, dates,
fish, egg and animal flesh
Kalibangan - Rajasthan on the banks of River Ghaggar
formed their staple food.
Ropar - Punjab on the banks of river Sutlej Agriculture, hunting, fishing
Banwali - Hissar district of Haryana and rearing of animals/birds was
their main source of livelihood.
Harappans used a system of Indus, aridity of the area or dry-
The main fea- weights and measures based on ing up of river Ghaggar, the in-
tures of the Indus 16 and its multiples. vasion of Aryans are the sup-
Civilization includes The Indus valley people did not posed reasons for the decline of
the use of fire burned construct temples. the civilisation towards 1500
bricks, storied buildings The chief male deity of the BC.
with stairways and ventila- Indus people was Pasupati The houses of Harappa and
tors, separate bath - room and Mahadeva (Proto Siva). Mohanjadaro were almost in-
drainage system, the construc-
Their Chief female deity was the variably made of klin-burnt
tion of roads with varied width;
the town planning, the Great Mother Goddess. bricks.
Bath, the granary, the hindu They also worshipped fire, pi- In Kalibangan many houses had
religious practices, the Pic- pal trees and Unicorn. their wells.
tographic script, the un- Harappan script was Picto- The streets originated north-
awareness of the horse, graphic in nature, which has not south and east-west produced
the caste system, been deciphered so far. a grid system.
iron etc. Boustrophedan was their style Wheat and Barley were staple
of writing which follows the di- food.
rection of writing from right to Garments of cotton and wool
left then from left to right in the were used.
Harappan people were the earli- second line and so on. Silver was more common than
est people in the world to grow Harappan seals were made of gold.
cotton and rice. terra - cotta. Seals were the greatest artistic
People cultivated rice at Lothal Chess - like game of Harappans creation of the Harappan.
and Rangpur and barley at was called Sent.
Banwali. Seals were made up of steatite
Great buildings, double-sto- with figurines and letters in
Harappan people domesticated reyed dwellings, and drainage Harappan scripts.
oxen, buffaloes, goats, camels, system were in existence.
sheeps, and pigs. Humped bulls The Harappan scripts are picto-
Mortar and baked bricks were graphic and logo-syllabic. They
were given special importance. used for construction of dwell-
Horses were unknown to the used to write right to left and
ings. left to right.
Harappan people.
The largest number of Harappan The Harappans were lacking in
Indus people had trade contacts sites in post independent India
with Persian Gulf and weapons which show that they
have been discovered from were peace loving.
Mesopotamia. Gujarat.
The ancient name given to The Harappan culture disap-
Harappan civilisation extended peared after 1900 BC.
Indus region by Sumerians was from Jammu in the North to
Meluha. Narmada in the South and from
Ornaments of silver, gold, ivory, Makran coast of Baluchistan in FAMOUS E R
copper and precious stones ................. 58 B
were used.
the West to Meerut in the East. Vikram Era ...... D
The Northern most point of ................ 78 A
Indus people used a gold - sil- Saka Era ......... D
Indus valley civilisation was ............. 320 A
ver mixture called Electrum. Manda in Jammu and the South- Gupta Era ......... D
............... 622 A
They used bronze and copper ernmost was Daimabad in Hijra Era ......... D
but iron was unknown to them. ............... 825 A
Maharashtra. Kollam Era ...... D
Indus people were the first to ............. 1583 A
use copper in India.
Floods and Earthquakes, Illahi Era .........
change in the course of river
The word Veda is derived from
VEDIC AGE the word vid which means
Vedic Age is the period of Ary- The Vedic Liter knowledge.
ans in India from 1500 - 600 BC. ature consists of the
Vedic Period is mainly classi- Samhitas, (the Rig, Yajur, Upanishads are known as the
fied into two - Early Vedic Pe- Sama and Atharva veda). Jnanakantas of Vedas.
riod (1500 B.C. - 1000 B.C.) and Brahmanas, Aranyakas, The words Sathyameva Jayate
Later Vedic Period (1000 B.C. Upanishads. It includes the have been taken from Mundaka
- 600 B.C.). Vedangas, Sutras, and Upanishad
Upavedas. Brahdaranya Upanishad was
The Aryans were semi-nomadic
pastoral people who originally the first to give the doctrine of
inhabited the area around the Transmigration of Soul and
Caspian Sea in Central Asia. Rigveda starts with the line Karma.
The word Aryans comes from Agnimeele Purohitam Puranas are the part of Smriti
ari which in the Vedic times Famous Gayatri Mantra is con- literature. They are 18 in num-
meant foreigners or strang- tained in the Rigveda (It is be- ber 6 Vishnupuranas, 6
ers. lieved to have composed by Sivapuranas and 6
Vedas are the oldest literary Vishwamitra) Brahmapuranas.
works of mankind. Vedas are four Yajurveda deals with sacrifices Bhagavata purana is divided
in number, they are Rig Veda, and rituals. into 18 skandas. The 10th
Yajurveda, Samaveda and Yajurvedic hymns are meant to skanda mentions about the
Atharva Veda. be sung by priests called childhood of Sri Krishna.
Rig veda is the oldest veda. Adhavaryu. Skanda purana is considered as
Vedas are collectively known as Yajurveda is derived into two: the largest purana.
Sruti SuklaYajurveda (White Brahmapurana is also known as
Vedangas are collectively Yajurveda) and Krishna Yajur Adipurana.
known as Smriti Veda (Black Yajurveda) Adhyatma Ramayana is in-
Inorder to understand the vedic Sama Veda deals with Music. cluded in the Brahmanta
literature it was necessary to Sama Vedic hymns are meant to purana.
learn Vedangas or the limbs of be sung by priests called Cattle was the chief measure of
Vedas. Udgatri. wealth in the vedic period.
There are 1028 hymns in Atharva veda is a collection of Rigvedic tribe was referred to as
Rigveda. It is divided into ten spells and charms. Ayurveda is Jana .
Mandalas (Chapters). a part of Atharva Veda, which Many clans (vis) formed a tribe.
Rig Vedic Hymns sung by deals with medicine. The basic unit of society was
priests were called Hotris. The saying, War begins in the kula or the family and Kulapa
minds of men is from Atharva was the head of the family.
Veda. Vishah were members of
Vedangas are six in number. They are,
The 10th Mandala of Rigveda Samitit.
Siksha - Phonetics
contain the Purusha Sukta Important tribal assemblies of
Kalpa - Rituals
hymn which tells about the ori- the Rig Vedic period were Sabha,
Vyakarana - Grammar
gin of caste system. Samiti, Vidhata and Gana.
Nirukta - Etymology
Upanishads are 108 in number. The term Aghanya (not to be
Chhanda - Metrics
Upanishads are philosophical killed) has been used for cows to
Jyotisha - Astronomy
works. indicate its economic importance.
The famous Aitareya Brahmana
rhaps located origi-
i-n om ad ic Nordic Whites, pe e classification of rulership...
The Aryans we re se m ral Asia, who spok
ste pp es of so ut he rn Russia and Cent ua ge s. Ar y- Eastern king - Samrat
nally on the -European lang
of the various Indo r first notable ap- Western king - Suvrat
the parent language In do -Aryans, make thei
ans, or mor e sp ecifi ca lly ders of Northern Northern king - Virat
ou nd 20 00-1500 BC as inva y-
pearance in hi sto ry ar st, and almost ever Southern king - Bhoja
A ry an s we re re m arkably expansioni e in di geno us King of middle country - Raja
India. The d subjugated th
they conquered an ing degrees) their
where th ey went la ng uages and (to vary
po sin g th ei r turn contributions
peoples, im tiv es, and receiving in
Soma was an intoxicating drink
religious be liefs on th e rd Aryan meant mentioned in the 9th Mandala
les wh om th ey conquered. The wo
from the pe op riculture. of the Rig Veda.
e in hi gh fa m ily or who lives on ag
one who liv Mention of the word Varna is
found in Rigveda.
Indra was the greatest God of
Later Vedic Period The fourfold division of the so-
Aryans and Agni occupied sec- The period assigned to Later ciety is found in the 10th
ond position. Vedic Phase is 1000 BC to 600 Mandala of the Rigveda.
The Vedic God in charge of BC. Mention about the
truth and moral order was Later Vedic people used particu- Varnashramadharma is found
Varuna. lar type of pottery called Painted in the Jabla Upanishad.
Indra who was known as Grey Ware (PGW) The Doctrine of Trimurti is
Purandara was the god of war The Later Vedic Aryans were found in the Maitrayani
and rain. familiar with two seas, the Ara- Upanishad.
Varuna was God of water and bian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Mention about the origin of
Yama was the Lord of dead. Rice became the staple diet of Universe is found in the Rig Veda
Savitri was a solar diety to Indian people during the Later (10th Mandala).
whom the famous Gayatri Man- Vedic Period. Purohita, Senani and Vrajapati
tra is attributed to. In addition to agriculture and were the important functionar-
Prithvi was Earth Goddess. cattle rearing, trade and indus- ies who assisted the king in day-
The people called Panis, during try also gradually began. to-day administration.
the Vedic period were cattle The officer who enjoyed au-
Growth of big cities like
breeders. thority over the pastoral land
Ayodhya, Indraprastha and
The two priests who were promi- was called Vrajapati.
Mathura were seen.
nent during the Rig Vedic period The kings power increased dur-
The term Rashtra which indi-
were Vasishta and Viswamitra. ing the Later Vedic Period.
cates territory first appeared in
The battle of ten kings men- Importance of assemblies de-
the later vedic period.
tioned in the Rig Veda was clined
Women enjoyed freedom and A regular army was maintained
fought on the division of water
respect but their status deterio- for the protection of the king-
from river Ravi. It was fought on
rated compared to the early dom.
the banks of River Ravi
(Parushni). vedic period. First law giver of ancient India
The term for war in Rigveda 7 is Mention of the word Sudras - was Manu. He wrote
Gavishthi or search for cows. Rigveda (10th Mandala) Manusmrithi.
The term Aghanya or not to be Mention of the Gotra is found Manusmrithi was translated
killed has been used for cow, in the Atharvaveda. into English by William Jones.
This indicated cows economic Origin of Kingship is found in Shyama Shastri translated
importance. Aitareya Brahmana. Arthasastra into English.
Bali was a tax, which the king The Vedic Education system re- It describes the 18 days Battle
used to collect from the people vealed through Frog Hymn in of Kurukshetra.
of the Vedic period. the Rigveda and Wedding The immortal Bhagavad Gita,
Aryans used iron for the first Hymn describe the oldest mar- one of the most profound and
time in India. riage rituals. beautiful philosophical poems
Horse, Iron, Sugarcane, Pulses Max Mullar was the first person in the world is included in
to speak of Aryans as a race. Mahabharata.
etc. reached India by the com-
ing of Aryans. Epics Stories of Sakuntala, Prahladan,
The God who occupied supreme Hinduism has two epics Ramcharitam, Rishyasringan,
position in the Later Vedic Pe- Ramayana and Mahabharata. Satyavan and Savitri, Nala and
riod was Prajapati. Mahabharata was written by Damayanthi etc. are included in
Rudra was regarded as preserver Vyasa.Mahabharata is also the Mahabharata.
and protector of the people. known as Jayasamhita, Valmiki is the author of
The most important functionary Satasahasri Samhita and the Ramayana.
fifth veda. Ramayana has 24000 hymns and
who assisted the Vedic king was
Mahabharata has 1,17,000 is divided into Seven Skandas
hymns in it. (Kandas).
Monarchy was the normal form Mahabharata is divided into 18
of Government in the vedic pe- Bhagavat gita is included in the
Parvas, An appendix Harivamsa
riod. Bhishma Purva of Mahabharata.
is considered as 19th Parva.
Each Tribal republic was headed It is divided into 18 chapters and
12th Parva is the largest and 7th
by Ganapati or Jyeshta. is the smallest. has about 700 hymns.

Original Home of Aryans Upanishads

Central Asia ------------- Max Muller Also called Vedanta, the Upanishads are commentaries ap-
Tibet --------------------- Dayanand Saraswati pended to the Brahmanas. Literally Upanishads mean, "to sit
Bactria ------------------- J.C. Rod down near someone" or 'a session'. There are 108 Upanishads
Arctic Region ----------- B.G. Tilak altogether, but twelve of them are of great importance. The
Russian Steppes -------- Prof. Belfy language of Upanishads is classical Sanskrit. The famous
saying "Satyameva Jayate" is taken from Mundakopanishad.
Central India ------------ Rajbali Pandey
Sapta Sindhu ------------ A.C. Das
German Plain ------------ Prof.Penka
Pamirs -------------------- Mayor
Kashmir ------------------ L.D.Kala
Turkistan ---------------- Hurz Feld
Rivers Mentioned in Rig Veda
Old Name New Name
Sindhu ----------------------- Indus
Satudri ----------------------- Satluj
Vipas ------------------------- Beas
Parushni --------------------- Ravi
Asikni ------------------------ Chenab
Vitasta ----------------------- Jhelum
Gomati ----------------------- Gomal
Krumi ------------------------ Kurram
Kubha ----------------------- Kabul
Suvastu ---------------------- Swat
Drishadvati ------------------ Ghaghar
Script Megasthanese described
Pandya Kingdom as Pearl as it
In the north, there are 'Sangam Age', was ruled by women.
inscriptions dating from the which extends roughly Nedujezhian is the Pandyan king
early centuries B.C. in the between 300 B.C and 300 mentioned in Silappadikaram.
Brahmi script, also used by the A.D. Three sangamas are Another king was Madaranjeral
king Ashoka in his famous supposed to have been Irumporai who sent embassies
Prakrit pillar inscriptions. held - Chola, Pandya to Roman emperor Augustus
Roughly contemporary with and Chera. and performed Vedic sacrifices.
the Brahmi, the Kharosthi Uraiyur was the capital of
script was used. of Ashoka, Kharavela of Kalinga Cholas, known for cotton trade.
Later (4th to 8th centuries AD) and in the Indica of Karikala most prominent among
the Gupta script, derived from Megasthenese. early Cholas is known as the
Brahmi, became prevalent. In The literature of the Sangam Age master of seven notes of music.
the 8th century, the Sharada was written mostly in the form The founder of later Cholas was
script evolved out of the Gupta of Poetry. Rajaraja I The most important
In the Sangam Age, the most ruler of this dynasty was
script, and was mostly displaced
common form of government Rajendra Chola.
in its turn by Devanagari from
was hereditary monarchy. The Rajendra Chola is also known as
the 12th century, with Gangaikonda Chola He later
village was the fundamental unit
intermediary stages such as the named his capital as
of administration.
Siddham script. The Sangham literature talks Gangaikonda Cholapuram.
Sangam Age about Chola, Chera and Pandya RajaRaja I built Brihadeswara
dynasties. temple at Tanjore.
First five centuries of the Chris- Cholas were well known for their
Small village Assemblies during
tian Era are commonly known as the Sangam Age were known as naval supremacy and efficient
Sangam Age. Arai. village administration.
The Sangam Age corresponds Tradition refers to three Vanchi was the capital of
to the post - Maurya and Pre - sangham lasting for 9,900 years. Cheras.
Gupta period of ancient India. Language of the Sangam litera- The greatest of the Chera rulers
Sangam was an Assembly of lit- ture was Tamil. was Senguttuvanchera known
erature held at Madurai. People of the Sangam Age as Red Chera.He built a temple
The Pandyas were the patrons mainly worshiped Murugan. for Kannagi.
and in their capital the Sangams The greatest work of the Tamil The famous Chera port Muziris
were held. literature of the Sangam Age is was a great centre of Indo-Ro-
Madhurai - presided by Sage Tholkappium written by man Trade.
Agastya-the father of Tamil Lit- Tholkappiyar. Nedumjeraladan is the first
erature. Tholkappium is considered as known Chera king. He had
Kapatupuram/Alvai - presided the earliest surviving Tamil lit- earned the title of 'Udiyanjiral'.
over by Agastya and erary work. It is a book on Tamil He also bore the title of
Tolkappiyar. grammar. 'Imayavaramban' .
Madurai-presided over by The Capital of the Pandyas was The Cheras owed its importance
Nakkirar. at Madurai. to trade with the Romans. They
References to the Sangam Age Korkai was the main seaport of also build a temple of Augustus
can be found in the inscriptions the Pandyas. there.
p or ta n t S a ngam Literdaistua work on Tamil They were mostly situated north
Im by Tolkappiyar
an tain of the vindhyas and extended
It is authorised y. It is the foun
Tolkappiyam: tradition (poetics) and sociolog from the north-west frontier to
grammar, litera il literature. etimes Bihar.
ar y co nv entions in Tam uval luvar and is som
of all liter tte n by T ir
mpouned of Four prominent royal dynasties
Kural: It is wri eda'. It is a co

Tirukkural or h or 'F ifth V stand out prominently out of
a of the Sout
called the Ved sha. lango
karma and mok welled Anklet' is authored by Il these Janapadas. They were
dharma, artha, lly 'th e Je am ag e. It Haryankas of Magadha, the
: Litera of Sang
Silappadikaram osed to be the greatest epic ant of Puhar and Ikshvakus of Kosala, the
supp alan, a merch
Adigal and is st or y between Kov
th e love Pauravas of Vatsa and the
deals with qual
nagi. epics and is a se s Pradyotas of Avanti.
a courtesan Kan is also one of the two greatest ai whi ch de al
i: It
w ri tt en by Sa ttanar of Madur the union of Magadha formed one of the
am. It is imekalai born of
to Silappadikar of th e daughter Man
sixteen Mahajanapadas (Great
ve nt ur e Countries) or regions in ancient
with the ad ic and is
Kovalan and K
e th ir d im po rt ant Sangam ep India.
amani: It is th .
Jeevaka Chint ar States and Cities
a Tiruttakkadev
written by a Jain (6000 - 300 BC )
Silappadikaram, Manimekalai Bible compiled by Thiruvallu In the 6th BC North India
and Jeevakachintamani are the var. His statue is seen near witnessed the establishment of
three epics of Sangam literature. Vivekanandappara in Kingdoms, oligarchies and
Silappadikaram is written by Kanyakumari. chiefdoms and rise of towns.
Ilango Adikal. It describes the Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar is The Gangetic plain became the
love story of Kovalan and the Tamil work which is known political centre
also as the fifth Veda. The identity of kingdoms
The largest single tax collected
Sattanar wrote Manimekalai changes from the lineage of the
during the Sanga period was the
which is also an epic and tells ruling family to identification
land tax called Karai.
about the story of the daughter The Utharameroor inscription with territory with new political
of Kannagi and Kovalan. authority.
tells about the local self govern-
Manimekalai gives reference ment under the cholas. The Gana - Sangha was a form
about Buddhism. of Proto - state ; its power not
The Sangam Age is also called
the Golden Age or the Au- formulated, social division was
II and XIII rock edicts of Ashoka
gustan Age in Tamil Literature. limited and coercive authority
mention about the South Indian
Senguttuvan, the Red or Good was less.
Chera, according to the Chera Gradually Mahajanapadas with
Jivaka Chintamani the third the nature of modern states
poets, was the great Chera king.
epic of the Tamil was written by originated.
Nedumjelian was the most im-
Tirukkadevar. The Buddhist Texts give the
portant king of the Pandyas.
Kaveripumpatnam was the main name of 16 such Janapadas
sea port of the Cholas. FIRST MAGADHAN In the Middle Ganges - the
Bharatam was Tamil version EMPIRE Anga, Magadha and the Vrijji
of Mahabharata sung by confederacy and the Mallas.
Perundevanar. The Mahajanapadas To its West, Kassi, Kossala and
Manimekhalai is looked upon In the age of the Buddha we find Vatsa.
as the Tamil Odyssey. 16 large states called Mahajana- Further West - Kuru, Panchala,
Thirukkural is known as Tamil padas. Matsya and Shurasena
f Philosophy a dynasty, succession became
Six systems atoion) ......... Sage Kapila hereditary. King assisted by
Sankhya (Enum ... Patanjali ministers, advisory Councils

ppli ca ti on) .................. such as Sabha, Samithi,
Yoga (A .... Kanada
toms character)

Vaisheshika (A ... (Gautama) Parishad etc.

s) ..................
Nyaya (Analysi ...... Vyasa Clan loyalty weakened in the
(Vedanta) .........

Uttaramimamsa ........ Jaimini
kingdom; caste loyalties and
uiry) ...............

Mimamsa (Enq loyalty to the king became
prominent. Kshatriyas became
In the upper Doab region small the ruling family.
North - West - Kambhoja and settlements linked to Ochre
Gandhara Kashi, Kossala and Magadha
Colour Pottery originated.
Western and Central India- were rival Kingdoms to get
Gradually, instead town,
Avanti and Chedi and control over the Gangetic plain.
metropolis began to originate
Deccan - Assaka The battle for political
in proto form in Kausambi and
The Vedic text described Anga supremacy among Kasi, Kosala
and Magadha as impure lands. and Magadha and the Gana -
Houses at Bhir mound
Assaka stood as the gateway Sangha of Vrijji finally made
consisted of rooms built round
to South India Magadha the Victorious one.
a Courtyard, which was the
The Vrijjis formed a confe proto - type house plan for
deracy of eight clans The Thripitakas
many Indian towns .
The Vrishnis - the clan of The first Buddhist Council at
Krishna - Vasudeva, was a
Gana Sanghas Rajagraha codified the teachings
Gana - Sangha. Gana Sanghas - were Centres of the Buddha in Pali language
The Genesis of town ; some of various ideologies and belief called the Thripitakas i.e.
grew out of Political and systems especially Buddhist 1. The Vinaya Pitaka - the
administrative centres, example and Jina evolution of the Sanga the monas-
Hastinapura, Rajagraha , The Gana - Sanghas or Gana - tic rules for the life, of the monks
Champa and Ahichchathra. Rajya or Ganas originated and nuns.
Some others grew out of around the Vicinity of kingdoms. 2. The Sutta- Pitaka - the Buddhist
markets, example Ujjain. The main areas were the ethics, philosophy growth of Bud-
Some grew from being sacred Himalayan foot hills, Punjab and dhism and contemporary Socio- eco-
Centres example Vaishali. Sind. The people here rejected nomic and political condition of
The work of Panini and the the vedic orthodoxy. North India of the time.
Tripitaka give an idea about The Gana-Sanghas consisted 3. Abhidhama - Pitaka - Meta-
towns and cheifdoms. either of a single class like thephysical principles underlying the
Urban Culture and Centres Shakyas, Mallas etc., or a Buddhist doctrine.
confederacy of class as the
The Western Gangetic plain Vrijjis and the Vrishnis
and the doab became the home The 2500th Anniversary
The Gana - Sanghas had only
of cultures connected with the A Buddhist Council was held
two strata i.e., the Kshatriya
Painted Grey ware (PGW, 1200 rajakula and the dasa - Karma in Rangoon (Yangon) from May
- 400 BC) Kara. 1954 to May 1956 to commemo-
East to the Gangetic plain rate the 2500th anniversary of
cultures related with the Black Kingdoms the death of the Buddha.
- and Red Ware (BRW) and Kingdoms registered a
The Five Buddhas
luxury ware known as the centralised government with
the Kings Sovereignty as its Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni,
Northern - Black - Polished
Ware ( NBPW 700 - 200 BC) basis. The ruling family became Kasyapa, Sakyamuni, Maitreya
MAGADHA Important Court Scholars
The core of the kingdom was the Kalidasa ....................................... Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
area of Bihar south of the Banabhatta ......................................................... Harshavardhana
Ganges. Alberuni ......................................................... Muhammed Ghazni
Its first capital was Rajagriha Firdausi .......................................................... Muhammad Ghazni
(modern Rajgir) then Pataliputra Amir Khusru......................................................... Alauddin Khilji
(modern Patna). Todarmal ............................................................................ Akbar
Brahadratha, Jarasandha and Tansen ............................................................................... Akbar
Ripunjaya were referred as the Birbal ................................................................................. Akbar
earliest rulers of Magadha. Mansingh .......................................................................... Akbar
By about 543 B.C. Bimbisara of Abul Fazal .......................................................................... Akbar
the Haryanka Kula founded a Ashva Ghosha .............................................................. Kanishka
dynasty. Amara Simha ...................................................... Chandragupta II
Chand Bardai ................................................... Prithviraj Chauhan
He made matrimonial alliance
Ravikirti ................................................................... Pulakeshin II
with the Madra, Kossala and
Dhanwantari ....................................................... Chandragupta II
Vaisali and defeated
Harisena ............................................................... Samudra Gupta
Brahmadatta of Anga.
Tenali Rama ..................................................... Krishnadeva Raya
He devoted the Park Veluvana
to the Buddha and Patronised Weapons - Mahasilakantaka Udayan was killed by an agent
Buddhism. and Rathamusala. sent by Palaka of Avanti
His son Ajathasathru, after He summoned the first The People removed the last
killing him, came to power. Buddhist Council at Rajagraha. Haryanka ruler Naga - dasaka
He married the daughter of He fell in love with Amrapali of and made Sisunaga the minister
Presenajith, Vajira. Vaissali who later became a to the throne.
He constructed a fort at Buddhist nun. The Nanda dynasty was founded
Pataliputra. His son Udayan founded a city by Mahapadma Nanda
He introduced two war at Pataliputra. The Jain works treated him as
the son of a courtesan by a
Literary Activities in Ancient India barbar
He is called Second Parasu
Ashtadhyayi by Panini (5th Century BC) the earliest grammar rama because he destroyed
book also called Bhagavati Sutra. the Kshatriyas.
Mahabhashya was written by Patanjali. The Hathigumpha Inscription
Manusmriti was a law book composed between 200 BC and of Kharavela of Kalinga reveals
200AD. Mahapadmas supremacy over
Arthashastra by Kautilya deals with statecrafts is a major source Kalinga
of Mauryan administration. The City Nav Nand Dehra
Indica by Megasthenese is a source of Mauryan society and establishes the Nanda
administration. dominancy over Deccan.
Chandsutra was written by Pingala.
Next to him Eight Nandas ruled
Buddhacharita by Aswaghosha is the earliest biography of Bud-
dha. It was written in Pali language.
Raghuvamsa by Kalidasa is an epic based on Mahabharata. Bimbisara (544 B.C-492 B.C)
Naishadh Charita by Sri Harsha contains story of Nala and He was a contemporary of Bud-
Damayanti. dha and patronised Buddhism.
Lyric Poetry UDAYAN (460-444 B.C) Till 330 BC the regions west of
He succeeded Ajathashatru, Indus belonged to the Greeks.
Meghadut by Kalidasa.
shifted the capital to Pataliputra. In 518 BC Darius I grandson of
Srinagarashataka, Nitishataka
Cyrus, captured the Indus
and Vairagyasataka were writ- SISUNAGA DYNASTY Valley and made it 20th Satrapy
ten by Bharruhari.
Haryankas were overthrown by Darius III was defeated by
Gita Govinda was written by Alexander in the battle of
Sisunaga, a minister in the
Haryanka dynasty and he Arbela.
Haryanka is the name of a new founded the Sisunaga dynasty The outstanding result of
dynasty founded in Magadha there. Persian attack was the
by Bimbisara. Bimbisara He destroyed the Pradyota Kharoshti script.
founded the dynasty by defeat- dynasty of Avanti In 336 BC Alexander occupied
ing the Brihadrathas. Kalasoka or Kakavarnin was the the Macedonian Kingdom
Founded the city of Rajgriha, most important ruler. The sec- By 327 BC he entered into
north of Girivraj. He followed the ond Buddhist Council at North West India. Condition of
policy of marriage alliance. Mar- Vaishali was held during his North India was as follows.
ried Mahakosala, the sister of reign. (1) Most of North India was
Kosala king Prasenajit. Also Kalasoka or Kakavarnin, the next occupied by the Nandas of
married the Lichchavi princess ruler, shifted the capital to Magadha (2) West of Sutlej
Chellana. He was succeeded by Pataliputra. He was killed by ruled by small republics and
his son Ajatashatru. Maha-padmananda. tribes (3) North West of India
Ajatashatru (492-460 B.C) NANDA DYNASTY was under Asvayana and
Asvakayana tribes (4) between
Magadha became a supreme The Nandas succeeded
Sisunagas. Their greatest king the Indus and Jhelum -
power in North India under
was Mahapadmananda. He Kingdom of Taxila or
Ajatasatru. So Ajatasatru is con-
conquered Kalinga and brought Takshashila ruled by Ambhi
sidered as the founder of an image of Jaina as a victor tro- (5) between the Jhelum and the
Magadhan Supremacy. phy. He claimed to be Ekarnath Chenab, the kingdom of Puru
He killed his father and seized (the sole sovereign)
or Porus.
the throne. Battle between Dhanananda: known as Then the Malloi, Siboi and
Kosala and Magadha started in Agrammes to the Greeks.
Alexander invaded western In- Oxdrakia in Punjab etc.
the time of Ajatashatru.
Both Mahavira and Buddha died dia during his reign. He had a
large army. He was extremely un- Drama
in his reign. He pursued the
popular due to his greed for
policy of aggressive expansion. wealth. The Nandas built the Natyashastra by
He took 16 years to destroy and first empire in India. They were Bharatamuni is the earliest
annex Vaishali. He founded the the first of a number of non- known work in Sanskrit.
famous city of Pataliputra. Kshatriya ruling dynasties.
Historical writing The Persians and Greeks Vikramorvashiyam and
A Little before 530 BC Cyrus, Abhinjana Sakuntalam are
Harshacharita - Written by the Achaeminid emperor of dramas written by Kalidasa.
Banabhatta Persia received tributes from Ratnavali, Nagananda and
Vikramanakadeva charita - the tribes of Kamboja,
Gandhara and the trans - Indus Priyadarshika are dramas
written by Bilhana. written by Harshavardhana.
Alexanders Invasion
Alexander was born in 356 BC
C), popularly
known as
on (3 56 3 23 cr ea ted
of Maced ng of Macedon
. He is
as the son of King Philip II of Ale xander III as a G reek ki
Gre at w
Mascedonia. Ale xander the cient history. King Ambhi
e of th e la rg es t empi res in an was welcomed by nder. After
Epirus or Olympias was on B .C . w he re he
la in 326 of Alexa
He reached Taxi feat rival king Porus with help p-
Alexanders mother.
en to de an d defeated and ca
Aristotle was Alexander s who was ke r A lexa nd er met Porus re m ai ne d in
rive xander
crossing Jhelum rus was forgiven and freed. Ale on of
teacher. , Po merce the invasi of
tured him. Later s. In the field of trade and com el d
He became the king in 336 BC. th world. In the fi
India for 19 mon Indian trade with the western

d. Ale xa nd er
He defeated the Persian ruler Alexander open
ca lled G an dh ara Art develope
reek style
Darius III. art a new Indo G
on in 323 BC.
Alexander founded the city of died in Babyl
Alexandria in Egypt.
In 326 BC, Alexander defeated Alexander IV succeeded MAURYAN EMPIRE
Porus (Purushothama) the ruler Alexander as the Masedonian (231-185 BC)
of Punjab and captured Taxila King.
Alexanders teacher Aristotle is The Source materials for the
through the Battle of Hydaspass study of the Mauryans include,
considered as the father of Poli-
on the banks of river Jhelum. the Arthasasthra of
tics, Biology, Taxonomy and the
Ambhi the ruler of Taxila invited Chanakya or Kaudilya or
Science of Logic.
Alexander to India. Alexanders invasion opened up Vishnugupta; the Indica of
Alexander died of Malaria at the free intercourse between India Megasthenes, the Puranas,
age of 33 in 323 BC while he was and the west and strengthened the Buddhist and Jain works
in Babylon. commercial ties. such as Divya Vadana,
Alexander was cremated at Al- New trade routes were opened, Dipavamsa Jataka tales and
exandria. establishment of trade cities Parisishta - Parva, the
Alexander was known as such as Alexandria, Begram, inscriptions such as the
Shehansha in Persia and Cadrusi etc. the Greek Colony Sohgaura and Mahasthan, the
Sikhandar-I-Asam in Indo-Pak Balhika or Bactria ; devel Junagadh and the Nagarjuna
opment of Indian Coin age, hill Cave Inscription, the
Gandhara school of Art, Indian Asokan Inscriptions such as
The Last general of Alexander
Philosophy in Greek, idea of the Babru Edict the Maski and
in India was Eudamas. political unification etc ; were
Alexanders first General in In- Cave inscriptions in the
the impact of Alexander s
dia was Selucus Nikator. Barabar Hills, the writings of
Grecco - Romans like Strabo,
Diodorus Plutarch and Justin
and the Mudra Rakshasa of
The introduction of the Aramic form of writing in India, Visakadatta.
which later developed into the Kharoshthi alphabet.
Promotions of Indo-Iranian trade. Major sources for the study of
Geographical exploration of the Indus and the Arabian sea Mauryan Empire are the
Arthasastra of Kautilya and In-
which led to the opening of a new water route.
dica of Megasthenes.
Fusion of Iranian /Persian features in the Mauryan art.
Chandragupta Maurya was the
Impact of Buddhism on the Zoroastrian religion. founder of Mauryan Empire.
uryan O fficers
Important Ma
Ashoka fought the Kalinga war
C ol le ct or of R evenue in 261 BC. Kalinga is in modern
... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ ea d of T reasur y Orissa.
Samaharta .... H
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ of Poli ce Ashokan inscriptions were de-
Sannidata ......... Head
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...................... Fo rt ciphered by James Princep.
............ ....... Head of R
Dandapala ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... After the battle of Kalinga
.................. istrict Administra
Durga Pala ...... ...... ... .. H ea d of D Ashoka became a Buddhist, be-
........................ d of Prisons
Pradeshikas ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... H ea ing shocked by the horrors of
asti ... ... ... ... ... ........................ the war.
Bindusara was a follower of Ashoka was initiated to Bud-
Details about his early life are Ajivika sect. dhism by Upagupta or Nigrodha
Bindusara was known as a disciple of Buddha.
not available.
He is believed to have belonged
Amitragatha. For the propagation of Bud-
Ashoka ascended the throne in dhism, Ashoka started the in-
to Moriya Clan, hence got the
273BC and ruled upto 232 BC. stitution of Dharmamaha
name Maurya.
He was known as Devanam
It is also said that his mother was matras.
priya, priyadassi the beauti- The IV Major Rock Edict of
Mura a woman of lower birth
ful one who was the beloved of Ashoka tells about the practice
hence got the name Maurya. Gods.
In some texts he is referred to as of Dharmma
Maski and Gujara Edicts of
Vrishala and Kulahina. Ashoka held the third Buddhist
Ashoka gave the name
He conspired with Chanakya council at his capital Pataliputra
Devanampriya Priyadassi.
(Kautilya or Vishnugupta) the Buddhist tradition says Ashoka in 250 BC under the president
minister of Nanda to overthrew killed 99 of his brothers to cap- ship of Moggaliputa Tissa.
the last Nanda ruler Dhana- He sent his son and daughter to
ture the throne.
Nanda. Ashoka was the first king in In-
Sri Lanka for the spread of Bud-
Chandragupta Maurya as- dian history who had left his dhism (Mahendra and
cended the throne in BC 321. records engraved on stones. Sanghamitra)
He fought against Selucus in 305 Ashokan inscriptions were writ- Ashoka spread Buddhism to
BC. Selucus surrendered before ten in Kharoshti and Brahmi SriLanka and Nepal.
him and sent an ambassador, scripts. He is known as the Constantine
Megasthanese to the court of of Buddhism.
Chandragupta Maurya. In his Kalinga Edict he mentions
Pushpagupta an official of The Mauryan Art All man are as my children.
Chandragupta got Sudarshan was not purely Indian but Ceylones ruler Devanam
lake constructed for irrigation. was a mixture of Grecco Persian priya Tissa was Ashokas
Chandra Gupta Maurya was and Indian The imperial palace at first convert to Buddhism.
converted to Jainism, abdicated Pataliputra, the Pillard Hall, the Ashoka ruled for 40 years
the throne in favour of his son stupas of Sanchi and Saranath,. the and died in 232 BC.
Bindusara, passed his last days rock cut chaitya halls in Barabar bills, V.A. Smith described
at Sravanabelagola (Near The Pillars at Basarh, Rampura, Asoka the Saint Paul of
Mysore) where he died in about Rumindei and Saranath, the single Buddhism.
300 BC. elephant, the four lions capitals at The emblem of the Indian
Chandra Gupta Maurya was re- Sankisa and Saranath etc., the Republic has been adopted
sponsible for the political unifi- Yaksha and Yakshi status are from the four lion capital of one
cation of North India for the first the best examples.
of Ashokas pillars which is lo-
time. cated in Saranath.
Rock-cut architecture in India The Fourteen Major Rock Edicts (MRE) of Asoka
made a beginning during
Ashokas reign. 1st MRE - Prohibition of animal slaughter
Brihadratha, the last Mauryan 2nd MRE - Mention of places of Cholas Satyaputras and
ruler was killed by Pushyamitra Keralaputras
Sunga who founded the Sunga 3rd MRE - Asokas directions to Pradeshikas, Yuktas and
Dynasty in 185 BC. Rajukas for Propagation of Dharma (Dhamma)
Megasthenese, the first foreign 4th MRE - Impact of Dhamma an Society
traveller to India mentions about 5th MRE - Appointments of Dhamma mahamathas
the existence of seven castes in 6th MRE - Measures for the Welfare of the people.
India during the Mauryan period. 7th MRE - Propagation of peace, faith and balance of
Head of the Mauryan city admin- mind.
istration is known as Nagaraka. 8th MRE - Asokas visit to Bodhi tree.
Rakshi in Mauryan administra- 9th MRE - Stress on ceremony of Dhamma
tion refers to police who looked 10th MRE - Gives a detailed account of Asokas desire to
after the peoples security. gain popularity for Dhamma.
The dominant language of the 11th MRE - Appraisal of Dhamma.
Mauryan Court was Magadhi. 12th MRE - Promotion to religion of different faith.
The Commander -in-chief was 13th MRE - The largest of all Rock Edicts. Victory over
Senadhyaksha. Divisional Kalinga references about Greek rulers such as
Commanders were Asvadhya Antiochus, Ptolemy Antigonus, Megas and Al-
ksha, Rathadhyaksha, Hastyadh exander ; mentions of important castles Kamb-
yaksha, Nanadhyakshya, hoja, Nabhkas, Pittinik Andhra and Parindas
Padadhyaksha and Ayudha 14th MRE - Nature of all other Rock Edicts.
garad-hyaksha. Queens Edict - Mentions the Queen Karuvaki and Asokas
Bhaga (Kings share , 1/6 of the Son Tivara Karuvaki
produce) and Bali (an additional Quandhar Edict - The only bilingual edict which tells that the
Cess) Vishti ( tax paid in labour) fishermen and hunters gave up hunting.
and Senabhagam (tax by army)
Taradaya (Ferry dues) were main Categories of Asoka's Inscription
revenue sources. Bhabru - Conversion to Buddhism.
Empire was divided into Barabar Hills - Enjoins toleration.
provinces such as Taxila, Tossali,
Tarai Pillars - Respect to Buddhism.
Kaussambi and Ujjaini.
The Mauryas introduced stone Minor Rock Edicts - Personal history of Asoka and summary of
masonry on large scale. Dhamma.
Fragments of stone pillars and 7 Pillar Rock Edicts - Appendix to Rock Edicts.
stumps indicating the existence
of an 80 pillar hall have been Religion
discovered at Kumrahar on
outskirts of Patna. The cult of Vasudeva or Krishna (Heracles in Greek) and Arjuna were
The causes of decline the Empire worshiped. Religious tolerance was present. Asoka summoned the
were ; the policy of Asoka, the third Budhist Council at Pataliputra, the Mauryan Age produced the
scramble for power the contin Ramayana and the Mahabharatha and promoted the six systems of
uous famine, the Bureaucracy Indian philosophy and finally the Mauryans helped to develop a
and lack of authority. systematised Chronology of India.
CHETA (CHETI) DYNASTY OF Mahamatras, Provincial
POST MAURYAN Governers were called
PERIOD The Cheti Dynasty was be- Senapati
The dynasties were. The lieved to have founded by Maha Administration in rural areas
Sunga, Kanvas or Kanava Meghavahana was in hands of gaulamika, head
Yanas, then some minors such The Hathigumbha inscription of military regiment.
as Audumbaras, the Kunindas, of Kharavela, of the Kalinga The official language of the
ruler gives details about the Satavahanas was Prakrit
the Trigartas, the Yaudheyas
and Agatyas; Chetas of Chedis of Kalinga. INDO - GREEKS (BACTRIANS)
Kalinga, the Sathavahanas of Kharavela was a follower of
Jainism. First to invade India were the
Andhra, Foreign rule of the Greeks who were called Indo-
Bactrain Greeks - the Sakas, SATAVAHANAS (235 BC - 100BC) Greeks.
the Parthians and the Kushans. Satavahanas were the most Indo-Greeks are also called
powerful ruling dynasty after Bactrians.
SUNGA DYNASTY (185-71 BC) the Mauryas. The most famous Indo - Greek
Sunga Dynasty was founded by Satavahanas were also known ruler was Menander with his
Pushyamitra Sunga the com- as Andhras. capital at Sakala in Punjab (Mod-
mander-in-chief of last Mauryan Srikakulam was the Capital ern Sialkot). His discussion with
king Brihadrath. Satavahanas were the Indian the Budhist Scholar Nagasena
Patanjali lived in Pushyamitras rulers who prefixed their is described in the text Milinda
court. He wrote Mahabhashya, mothers name along with their Panho.
a commentary on Paninis names. The Indo-Greeks were the first
Asthadhyay and also evolved a Most important Satavahana to issue gold coins in India.
new school of philosophy - The introduction of Hellenistic
ruler was Gautamiputra
Satakarni. art features into India were also the
Kalidasas drama Malavikagni
Satavahanas were Brahmanas. contribution of Indo-Greek rule.
mitram is about the love story
Menander was converted into a
of Pushyamitras son Agnimitra Nagarjuna Konda and
Amaravati in Andhrapradesh Buddhist by Buddhist monk
and Malavika.
Last King of sunga dynasty was became important seats of Bud- Nagasena (Nagarjuna).
Devabhuti. dhist culture under the Indo-Greeks were the first to is-
Manusmrithi was of the Sunga Satavahanas. sue coins bearing the figure of
period The two common structures of kings.
Satavahanas were the temple Demitrius, the king of Bactria
KANVA DYNASTY(72 B C- 27 BC) called Chaitya and the monas- invaded India about 190BC. He
Kanva dynasty was founded by tery called Vihara. is considered as Second
Vasudeva Kanva in 73 BC after The last great ruler of Alexander (But the Indian ruler
defeating the last Sunga ruler Satavahanas is Yajnashri who accepted the name second
Devabhuti. Satakarni. Alexander (Sikandar-i-sani) was
This dynasty ruled for a period Satavahanas mostly issued lead Alauddin Khilji).
of 45 years. coins. Indo-Greeks were the first to in-
Vasudeva, Bhumimitra, The Satavahanas were the first troduce military governorship in
Narayana and Susuman were rulers to make land grants to the India.
the rulers of Kanva dynasty. Brahmins and Buddhist monks. Ideas of astronomy and horo-
The last Kanva, Suserman was In the Satavahana kingdom, dis- scope were inherited from them.
killed by Simukha; the founder tricts were called Ahara, offic- Art of Drama was learnt from
of the Sathavahana dynasty. ers were Amatyas and them.
THE PARTHIANS (19 - 45 AD) Kanishka convened the fourth of Guilds, popularity of Budhism
Buddhist council in Kashmir. and Jainism, the Bhakti cult of
Parthians also known as Scholars like, Parsva, Vasumitra, Brahmanism, rise and
Pahalavas were Iranian People. Ashvaghosha, Charaka and development of Gandhara Art,
Gondopharnes was the greatest Nagarjuna were the courtiers of Mathura and Amaravati Art etc.,
of the Parthian rulers. Kanishka. were the features of this period.
St. Thomas is said to have came The Gandhara School of Art re-
to India for the propagation of ceived royal patronage under GUPTA EMPIRE
Christianity during the period of the Kushans. (320 - 540 AD)
Gondopharnes. Kanishka patronised Mahayana
Source of the Gupta Period
THE SAKAS (90 BC - IST AD) form of Buddhism.
Sakas were also known as Kanishka is righty called the The Dharmasasthras, works of
Scythians. Second Ashoka. Kalidasa, Dramas such as
The first Saka king in India was Kanishka was the first king who Kaumudi Mahotsava of Vajjika,
Maues or Moga who estab- inscribed the image of Lord Devichandraguptam of Visaka
lished Saka power in Gandhara. Buddha on his coins. dutta and Mrichcha katika of
The most famous of the Saka Kanishka started the Saka era Sudraka and Kathasarith
rulers in Western India was in 78 AD. The first month of Sagara of Somadeva ; The
Rudra Daman I. His achieve- Saka era is Chaithra and the last Puranas, writings of Fahien,
ments are highlighted in his month is Phalguna. Hiuen - Tsang and I-tsing, Epi
Junagarh inscription written in Vasudeva was the last great king graphic and Numismatic
150 AD. of Kushana Dynasty. sources.
They controlled the famous silk Gupta Empire was founded by
He ruled over Sindh, Gujarat,
route-a great source of income Sri Gupta.
Malva, Konkan, Kathiawar and
for them. Trade with the Roman Ghatotkacha was the second
Narmada Valley.
people was also carried out ruler.
He repaired the Sudarshana lake
through the sea route. Chandra Gupta I was the real
built by the Mauryas.
Kushan school of art is also re- founder of the Gupta Empire. He
Junagarh inscription of
ferred to as the Mathura school. came to the throne in 320 AD.
Rudradaman was the first in- The Discovery of the Monsoon He was the first ruler to adopt
scription in Sanskrit. Route to India from West Asia, the title Maharajadhiraja
Ujjayini was the capital of
the Silk Route from China to He laid the foundation of Gupta
Rudradaman. Europe via India and Sea - route Era on 26 February 320 AD.
KUSHANS to East Asia, ; increase in the Samudra Gupta succeeded
volume of trade with Rome, Chandragupta I in 335 AD.
Kushans are also known as
Greek, Iran etc, the development
Yuch-chis or Tocharians.
Kushans came to India from Books on Scie
................. Cha
North Central Asia. ............... ... Amar Singh
ran .................. ........................
First great Kushana king was Chandra Vyaka ... ... ... k
............ ... ... ... ... ....... Kamanda
Kujala Kadphises or Kadphises I. Amar Kosh ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ V at syayan a
............ ........................
The most famous Kushana ruler Niti Shastra ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ah am ih ir a
............ ........................
.... Var
was Kanishka. Kamasutra ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... V ag hbha tta
tika ... ............
He became the ruler in 78 AD Panchasiddhan ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a
ya .................. .......... Pulkapy
and started Saka Era in 78 AD. Ashtanga Hrida ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ ar krishn a
............ ......... Is w
The Capital of Kanishka was Hastyaurveda ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
a .....................
Peshawar or Purushapura. Sankhyakarik
The Allahabad Pillar inscrip- Dhanvantari, Amarasimha, lar year as 365.358 days.
tion composed by Harisena con- Sanku. Panchsidhanta, Brihat Jataka,
tains information about He was the first Gupta ruler to Laghu Jataka and Brihat
Samudraguptas conquests. have issued silver coins. Samhita are the works of
Allahabad Pillar inscription is also Chandragupta II was succeeded Varahamihira.
known as Prayagaprasasti. by his son Kumaragupta I who The best specimen of the Gupta
Samudra Gupta is also known as adopted the title of Mahendra paintings are seen at Ajanta
Lichchavi Dauhitra. (son of ditya and founded the Nalanda caves and the Bhaga caves.
the daughter Kumaradevi of University. The beginning of Indian temple
Lichchavis) Skandagupta Vikramaditya architecture.
Samudra Gupta is described as was the last great ruler of Gupta Guptas issued large number of
Indian Napoleonby V.A. Smith. Empire. gold coins in India.
Samudra Gupta composed Skandagupta Vikramaditya was Guptas largely patronised art
Vahukabita and had the title the only hero in Asia and Eu- and architecture.
Kaviraja. rope who defeated the Hunas in Guptas patronised the
Sanskrit was the court language their glorious period. Gandhara school of art,
of the Guptas. Vishnu Gupta was the last ruler Madhura School of Art and the
India became Greater India who died in 570 AD. Andhra School of Art.
under Samudra Gupta. Mantriparishad assisted the king The Fresco paintings in the
Samudra Gupta was an accom- in administration. Ajanta caves are examples of the
plished Veena player. Most important Industry of the art of the Guptas.
He was a Vaishnava and a pa- Gupta period was textile. The chief source of income was
tron of the great Buddhist Period of the Gupta is compared land revenue.
Scholar Vasubandhu. to Periclean Age of Greece, The position of women declined
Chandragupta II , the greatest Augustan Age of Rome and during the Gupta period. Po-
of Gupta rulers was popularly Elizabethan Age of England. lygamy was widely prevalent.
known as Vikramaditya. Period of the Guptas is consid- Their education was discour-
He adopted the title Sakari ered as the Golden Age in the aged.
after his victory over history of India. Sati system was in existence and
Rudradaman II of Gujarat. widow marriage was becoming
Earlier Guptas had their capital
Fa hein, the Chinese traveller, unpopular.
at Prayag in Allahabad, later it
visited India during his period. Famous ayurveda physician of the
was shifted to Ujjain by
The exploits of Chandragupta II Gupta period was Dhanvantari.
Chandragupta II.
are glorified in an iron pillar in- Nalanda and Taxila were the two
The Kumaramatyas were the
scription fixed near Qutub universities of this period.
most important officers of the
Minar. Kalidasa is generally called In-
Gupta period.
Chandragupta II adopted the dian Shakespeare and the
The royal seal of the Guptas Prince of Indian Poets.
title Vikramaditya as a mark of
bore the emblem of Garuda. Patanjali founded Yoga
his victory over the
Aryabhatta was the first to treat Shastra, a school of Hindu phi-
Mathematics as a separate sub- losophy during this period.
Nine gems or Navratnas was
ject. He wrote Aryabhattiyam. Both internal and external trade
a famous Scholastic Assembly
He belonged to the Gupta pe- reached its peak.
in the court of Chandragupta II.
riod. Aryabhatta was the first to Sanskrit was the official language.
The members in the Ninegems
use Decimal System. The puranas were compiled dur-
were - Kalidasa, Kadakarbhara,
Kshapanaka, Varahmihira, Aryabhatta calculated Pi as ing the Gupta age.
Vararuchi, Vethalabhatta, 3.1416 and the length of the so- Jayadeva wrote Gita Govinda.
Important Literary works duringthe Gupta period
Author Works
Kalidasa ................................................................. Epics: Raghuvamsa, Ritusamhara, Meghaduta
Dramas: Vikramorvashiyam, Malavikagnimitra, Abhinjanasakuntalam
Sudraka .................................................................................................... Drama: Mrichchakatika
Bhasa .............................................................................. Drama: Swapnavasavadatta, Charudatta
Bharavi ................................................................................................ Kiratharjuniya (Epic poem)
Bhatti ........................................... Ravana Vadha or Bhatt Kavya (A narration on the life of Rama)
Visakhadatta ............................................................. Drama: Mudrarakshasa, Devichandraguptam
Harisena ................................................................................................. Eulogy : Prayag-Prasasti
Amarsimha .................................................................................................. Grammar: Amarkosha
Vishnu Sharma ................................................................... Story: Panchatandra and Hitopadesha
Aryabhatta ................................................................... Mathematics & Astronomy: Aryabhattiya
Varahamihira .................................... Mathematics & Astronomy: Brihatsamhita & Panchasidhanta
Vatsyayana .................................................................................................................. Kamasutra
Dandin .................................................................................................. Kavyadarsana (Grammar)
Gunadhya ................................................................................................................. Brihat Katha
Visakadetta ............................................ Mudra Rakshasa (Drama), Devi Chandra Guptam (Drama)
Aryasura .................................................................................................................... -Jatakamala
The Budhist Scholars such as Budha Ghosha, Budhadatta, Vasubandhu, Asanga and Dignaga belonged
to the Gupta period.
Aryabhatta ........................................................................................................... Aryabhattiyam
He was the first to treat mathematics as a separate subject. His unique contribution was the Principle
of the place value, the first nine numbers and the use of zero.
Varahamihira ........................................ Panchsidhantha (Astronomy), Brihat Jataka, Laghu Jataka
Brihat Samhita (An encyclopadia of technical Sciences). He divided Astronomy into three branches -
Tantra, Hora and Samhita
Vagbhata I ............................................................................................ The Ashtanga - Samgraha
Palakapya ............................................................................................................. Hastyayurveda
Brahma Gupta .................................................................................................... Brahma Sidhanta

The Navaratnas in the Court The Administration

of Chandra Gupta II Monarchy was the form of Government.
Dhanvantari - Ayurveda The Guptas believed in the Divine Right theory of Kingship.
Kshapanaka - Jyothisasthra The ruled followed the policy of benevolent despotism.
Amarasimha - Amarakosa There was a highly organised civil and military service.
The Mantriparishad assisted the King.
Sanku - Shilpasasthra The Empire was divided into Bhuktis under Uparikas, Vishayas under
Vethalabhatta - Mantrasastra Vishayapathis and Gramas under Gramikas.
Kalidasa - Dramas There was town administration with Purapala or Mayor as head.
Varahamihira- Brihadsamhita Pushtapala was a notary and keeper of records.
Vararuchi - Sanskrit Vyakarana Kumaramatyas were the most important officers.
Kadakarbhara - The Government emblem was the Garuda.
The Post Gupta Period onwords the later Guptas Sialkot was Mihirakulas capi-
The period between the second became vassals of the tal.
quarter of the 6th Cent.AD and Vardhanas. The Hunas were finally de-
7th Cent.AD was of struggle Jivita Gupta was the last ruler. feated by Yashodharman, a
for supremacy. THE HUNAS brave king from Malwa (Central
The leading figures were the The Hunas were a nomadic and India).
Later Guptas, The Muharis, barbaric race of Central Asia.
Yasodharman of Mandasor, THE MAITRAKAS OF
They were defeated by Skanda VALABHI
Sasanka of Gauda, Pushya
bhuthis of Thaneswar and They were of Iranian origin ,
In the last quarter of the 5th cen-
Varmans of Kamarupa. ruled Gujarat
tury AD, the Hunas established
The Hunas came to North India Valabhi was the capital.
an independent kingdom in the
during this period. Siladitya I (606 - 612 AD) was
Krishna Gupta I was the Punjab.
Toramana and Mihirakula were the first independent king.
founder of the Later Guptas.
important Huna leaders. Dhruvasena IV, the greatest
Kumara Gupta defeated
In 510 AD, Bhanu Gupta de- Maitraka king, patronised
Isnanavarman, the Maukhari
King. feated Toramana. Bhatti.
Devagupta of the Malwa Narasimha Gupta defeated The Maukharis of Kanauj
branch, supported Sasanka Mihirakula. The Maukharis had three main
Gauda in killing Grahavarman. The Hunas gave rise to the branches. ie. the Kanauj branch
From Rajyavardhanans period Kshatriya Rajaputs. (most important)

Sculpture Features Place

Caves Most ancient . Influenced by religious practices.
Pillar Adornes Ashokan Edicts Rampurva, Sarnatha
Stupa Buddhist religious architecture Sanchi, Amaravati, Barhut,
Carved Railings Adornes Stupas Amaravati
Gandhara Art First statue of Buddha Peshawar region &
a mixture Indian & Greek method Afghanistan
Mathura School Richly decorated deities of all religion Mathura
Hindu Art Hindu temples of Nagara & Sikhara Styles Vidisa, Deogarh, Tigawa, Eran,
Aihole, Rajgriha
Pala School Fine Hindu & buddhist Statues Nalanda, Bodh Gaya
Hoyasala Art Mature plan & general arrangement Mysore, Talakad, Halebid.
Orissa School Development of Shikharas Bhubaneswar, Puri, Konark.
Chandela School Erotic sculpture Khajuraho
Vijaya Nagar School Decorated pillared halls Hampi
Nayak School Temple complex Madurai
Rajasthan School High platforms & miniature towers Mt Abu
Chalukyan School (Vesara) Mixture of Nagar & Dravida Styles, Chittor Aihole, Pattdakal
Pallava School Monolithic temples Mahabalipuram
Chola School (Dravid) Gopurams or Gates Tanjore
Indo- Islamic Arch, domes, vaultes, gardens, marble Delhi, Agra, Jaunpur,
use pietradura Bengal, Hyderabad.
the Gaya region of Bihar and peror
the Kota region of Rajasthan Last Hindu Em as Harshavardhana (Last
th India w ngdom spanne
The founder was Yajnavarman la st H in du E mperor of Nor hauhan). His ki
The Pr it hv ir aj C ti re In do -
First independent King of elhi was l, Orissa and th
e en
Hindu king of D

uj ar at , B en ga al l of th e
Kanauj was Harivarman. asthan, G River. After the
the Punjab, Raj th e N ar m ad a Nor th In di a
Grahavarman married Rajya North of h century C.E.,
Gangetic plain dl e of th e si xt sh a un ite d
sree, the daughter of Prabha in th e mid onarchical states
. Har
Gupta Em pire s an d sm al l m
kara Vardhana of Taneswar. l republic
reverted to smal to Central Indi
Harsha Vardhana annexed
e sm al l repu bl ics from Punjab
Kanauj to Taneswar.
Kashmir established their power.
Yasodharman of Mandasor
Mahendravarman I and
(530 - 550 AD) errected Pillars founded by Pushyabhuti.
Pulikeshin II were the contem-
of Victory to commemorate his Harsha came to power in 606 AD
conquests of the Hunas. poraries of Harsha Vardhana.
(Harsha Era).
Matanaga, Divakara, Jayasena
THE VAKATAKAS He made Kanauj his new capital
and Bhartri Hari were the fa-
(250 - 500 AD) from Taneswar.
mous scholars in the court of
Original name of Harsha was
Established power in Deccan. Harsha Vadhana.
Capital was Vidarbha. The position of women seems
Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang
The founder of the dynasty to have further declined during
visited India during his reign.
was Vidhyasakti. Harshas period. Remarriage of
He was a Shaiva in the begin-
They were brahmins. widows were not permitted.
ning but embraced Buddhism
Pravarasena I performed four Harsha, the last great Hindu em-
under the influence of Buddhist
Asvamedha and one Rajasuya peror died in 647 AD.
sage - Divakara Mitra and Hieun
scarifices. Strengthened his Tsang.
Kingdom through marriage
North India in the Post
Harsha summoned a religious Harsha Period
assembly at Prayag.
Sarvasena son of Pravarasena Hieun Tsang said, Indians were The Post Harsha Period marked
founded the Vatsagulma Truthful people although quick the transition from Ancient
branch of the Vakatakas. Period to the Medieval Period.
Prithivisena I helped Chandra Harshas biography Harsha This period witnessed the rise
gupta II to defeat the Sakas of of the Brahmanical Hinduism
Charita was written by his
Malwa and Kathiawar. and the Rajputs.
court poet Banabhatta. He also
Pravarasena II (Damodarasena) wrote Kadambari. The Bhakti Cult began to
founded a new capital at develop under Ramanuja and
Harsha Vardhana was a poet and
Pravarapura. He was the last Sankaracharya.
dramatist. Ratnavali, Priyadar
prominent ruler of the main
shika and Nagananda are the The Tripartite Struggle - the
branch of the Vakatakas. Gurjara - Parthiharas, Palas of
works of Harshavardhana.
The Chalukyas of Badami Bengal and the Rashtrakudas
Harsha Vardhana was defeated
dominated the Vakatakas. of Manyaketa-to establish
by the Chalukyan king
HARSHAVARDHAN Pulikesin II in AD 634. supremacy over Kanauj
Harshavardhana belonged to Harsha Vardhanas empire was originated.
the Pushyabhuti Dynasty, also the last Buddhist empire in In- The Post- Harsha Period
known as Vardhana Dynasty. dia. witnessed the coming of Islam
The Pushyabhuti dynasty was After Harsha, the Karkotas of on Western India.
ruler, defeated Pulakeshin II and
Temples and B Krishna I adopted the title Vatapikonda.
... ... ... ... ... ....................... Narasimhavarman I was called
Ellora ...... ... ... ardhana
Kailas Temple at ... ... ... ... ... ........... Vishnuv Mahamalla which meants a
Temple, Belur
... varman I
Chunnakesava ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Narashimha wrestler.
alipuram ... ... aja Chola
Rathas at Mahab ... ... ... ... ... ............ Raja R The Ratha temples at
mple, Tanjav ur rmanII
Brihadeswara Te ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Narasimha Va Mahabalipuram (Seven Pago-
ahabalipuram ... bs
Shore Temple, M astern Gangaru
hu va ne sw ar ... .................. E C ha nd ella s das) were created by
e, B .......
Lingaraja Templ ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ R aj a ra ja I Narasimhavarman I.
ples ... ......... .
Khajuraho Tem e, Ta nj av ur ........................ a R ul er s Dandin the author of Dasa
Tem pl Nay ak
Rajarajeshwara M ad ur ai ... ... ........................ aja C ho la kumaracharitam, lived in the
ple at aR
Meenakshi Tem .................. Raj court of Narasimhavarman II.
pl e at Ta nj av ur .................. Narasimhavarman II was the
Shiva Tem
structed during the Chalukyan most important ruler of the
CHALUKYAS OF BADAMI period. Pallava dynasty.
(VATAPI) Narasimhavarman II is also
The Chalukyan developed the
known as Rajsimha.
In 535 AD Pulikeshin I founded a
Deccan or Vesara style in the
building of structural temples. He founded Kailasanatha
small kingdom with the Capital Temple and the Shore Temple
at Vatapipura (Modern Badami) From the Chronological point of
at Mahabalipuram.
He was succeeded by view, Chalukyas can be divided
The last Pallava King was de-
Kirtivarman and Mangalesa. into four
feated by Aditya Chola by the
Pulakeshin II was the most fa- The Chalukyas of Vatapi (535 - end of 9th century.
mous ruler of the Chalukya dy- 642 AD), The Later Chalukyas
of Vatapi (655 - 753 AD), The RASHTRAKUTAS
Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi (615 Rashtrakuta dynasty was
The greatest achievement of
- 1076 AD), The Later Western founded by Dandidurga in 753
Pulakeshin II was the defeat he AD. With the capital at
Chalukyas of Kalyani (973-
inflicted on Harshavardhana.
1190 AD) Manyakhed or Malkhed.
The Pallava king Narasimha Built the Dasavatara caves at
varman captured Vatapi and PALLAVAS Ellora.
adopted the title Vatapikonda. Simhavishnu was the founder Rashtrakuta ruler Amogha
Pulakeshin II defeated the of the Pallava dynasty. varsha I wrote Kavirajamarga
Pallavas and captured Kanchi. His court poet was Bharavi, who which is the earliest Kannada
He also defeated Cheras, Cholas wrote Kiratarjuniya. work on poetics. He also wrote
and Pandyas. His son Mahendra Varman I Prasnottarmalika.
Kubja Vishnuvardhana - the was great in war and peace. He Amoghvarsha - transferred the
brother of Pulakeshin II founded assumed littles like Mattavilasa, capital from Ellora to Manya
the kingdom of Chalukya of Vichithrachitta, Gunabhara kheta (Malkhed).
Vengi. etc. He was also a reputed au- Harisena, Jinasena and
Kirtivarman, the last ruler of this thor who wrote Mattavilasa Gunabhadra lived at his court.
dynasty was defeated by the Prahasana. He offered his finger to goddess
Rashtrakutas and the Chalukyan Rock cut temples at to please her.
rule came to an end in 757 AD. Bhairavkond (N.Arcot) and The Kailasanath Temple at
The magnificient temples of Ananteshvara temple were built Ellora was founded by the
Belur and Halebid and the by Mahendra Varman I. Rashtrakuta ruler Krishna I.
Elephanta caves were con- Narasimhavarman , a Pallava Krishna III (940 -968 AD) was
the last great ruler of The Bhats and Charans were The Vikramsila and Sompur
Rashtrakuta dynasty. the Court bards. Universities were founded by
Built the Krishneswara temple at The Rajput women embraced the Pala king Dharmapala.
Rameswaram and erected a pil- death by Jauhar to escape In the court of king Rampala, the
lar there. defilement and Sati to avoid famous poet Sandhyakar Nandi
The Rashtrakuta power was over- widowhood. lived, who wrote Rampala
thrown by Thiala II. Raja Bhoja wrote Ayurveda Charita.
THE RAJPUTS Sarvasva and Rajamriganka. Atisha Dipankar, noted scholar
The best examples of Rajput of Tantric Buddhism, existed in
The advent of Islam architecture were the fortress of
synchronised with the rise of the time of the Pala Kings. He
Chittorgarh, Rathan bhore and
the Rajputs. translated many books of Tantric
the lake Palace at Udaipur.
The Rajputs produced mighty Buddhism into Tibetan.
Kings like Gurjara Bhoja, PRATIHARAS The Pala power was destroyed
Chandella Dhanga, Kalachuri The Pratiharas are also called by Vijayasena who founded the
Karna, Paramara Bhoja, Solanki Gurjara - Pratiharas - belonging Sena dynasty.
Jayasimha and Chauhana to the 36 clans of Rajputs. SENAS
Prithivraja. The dynasty was founded
The Rajputs represented a The Sena dynasty was founded
by Nagabhata I (725- 740)
large social, and occupational by Vijayasena towards to end
Nagabhata II made Kanauj his
group composed of various of 11th century. (1093)
foreign, indigenous and mixed Senas had a capital in
Pratihara ruler Mihir Bhoja
races. adopted the title Adivaraha. Vikrampura and another in
The important Rajput dynasties Mahendrapal I extended his Vijayapura.
were ; empire over Magadha and About the middle of 13th cen-
The Gurjara - Prathiharas of North Bengal. tury the senas were overthrown
Mandor and Avanti His court poet was Rajeshekaa. by the Deva dynasty.
The Chauhans based in He wrote Kavyamimamsa, Jayadeva, the author of
Eastern Rajasthan Karpuramanjari (a drama in Gitagovinda was patronized by
The Solankis based in prakrit) Harivilas, Bhavana Sena ruler Lakshmana Sena.
Kathiawar kosh, Bal Bharat etc. CHAUHANS
The Pawar or Paramars based Sian temple (near Jodhpur) be- The four Agnikula Rajputs were
in Malwa. long to Pratihara dynasty.
The Chandellas based in the Pratiharas, Chauhans the
The governor of the provinces Solankis and Paramaras.
Bundhelkhand were called uparika and the
The Kalachuris based in Tripuri head of a district, Visayapati. Chauhans had their capital at
or Chedi and Yashpal was the last ruler of this Ajmer and Delhi.
The Tomaras based in the dynasty. Ajayaraya established the city
Haryana regions around Delhi Sulthan Muhammed of Ghazni of Ajayameru or Ajmer.
or Dhillika. entered Kanauj during the pe-
(They founded the city of Delhi The most prominent ruler was
riod of the Pratiharas. Prithviraj III (1177-1192). He
(Dhillika) in 736 AD)
The Rajputs rules for 300 years PALAS defeated Muhammed of Ghori in
after the death of Harsha. The Pala dynasty was founded by the First Battle of Tarain (1191).
The Rajput officials were mainly Gopala in 750 AD. But Ghori defeated and killed
Brahmins known as Famous Odandapuri University him in the Second Battle of
Kayasthas. was founded by Gopala. Tarain (1192).
Prithviraj Chauhan III was the The last Chola ruler was Rajaraja The Kadambas -3rd to 6th C -
last Hindu ruler of Delhi. II. of Banavasi came to
Prithvi Raj Raso is the histori- The Cholas were famous for prominence under Mayura
cal poem written by Chand Bronze statues of Nataraja. sarma.
Bardai. Ravi Varma was the last great
The Chandelas of Bundelkhand In the second quarter of the 7th The royal insignia of the
The Chandela dynasty was Cent. North India, the Deccan Kadambas were the lion crest,
founded by Yasovarman with and South India developed into the monkey flag and the
Mahobas as the Capital. three imperial zones under musical instrument Permatti
The Khajuraho temples are the Harshavardhana, Pulikesi II the The Chalukyas (6th to 8th C
best examples of the Chandela Chalukya, and Pallava Rulers and 10th to 12 C) belonged to
art. Mahendra Varman I and various units.
Narasimhavarman I. From the chronological point of
CHOLAS The lands south of the view the Chalukyas can be
Vijayalaya was the founder of Narmada are known as Deccan divided into four ;
the Chola empire. He was a or Dakshinapada. 1. The Chalukyas of Vatapi 535-
feudatory of the Pallavas of The Gangas of Talakad (2nd to 642 AD
Kanchi. 11th Century AD) 2. The later Chalukyas of Vatapi
Raja Raja I (985 - 1014) adopted Kolar was the early capital. 655 - 753 AD.
the titles of Arumudivarman, Later Talakad became the 3. Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi
Mammudicholadeva, Jaykonda, permanent capital. 615 - 1076 AD
Marthanda Chola, Mamudi Madhava I, the first king had the 4. Later Western Chalukyas of
chola etc. title Konguni Varma. Kalyani 973 - 1190 AD
He built the Brihadeshwara Durvinitha, the greatest king Pulikesin I was the founder of
temple at Tanjaore. which is (495 -535 AD) , issued 7 grants the Early Chalukyas of Vatapi
called the RajaRajeswara temple. to Brahmins and patronised the or Badami.
Rajendra I led an expedition to Jain scholar Pyiyapada. Pulikesin II (610 - 642AD) is
North India, defeated the Pala Govinda IIIs period witnessed regarded as the Lord of the
ruler Mahipala I and adopted the division of the kingdom. South. He had titles such as
the title, Gangaikondachola and The last ruler Rajamalla IV was Vallabha, Prithivi Vallabha,
established a new Capital, overthrown by the Kalyani Sri Prithivi Vallabha and
Gangai Konda Cholapuram. Chalukya ruler Taila with the Parameswara - Paramabha
Cholas maintained a well estab- help of Rajamallas minister gavata.
lished local - self government Chavundarya. He defeated the Pallava ruler
system. Ur, Sabha or Mahasabha Chavundarya composed the Mahendra Varman I but his end
- and Nagaram were the assem- Chavundarya Purana and he was at the hands of the Pallava
blies for local administration. built the huge statue of King Narasimha Varman.
The Uttaramerur inscription of Gomantesvara. Hiuen - Tsang visited Deccan
Dantivarman Pallava gives details The headman of the village was during his period.
about the local self government. called Gounda or Gauda. The Later Chalukyas rose to
Kulottunga I united the Vengi The Gangas minted gold coins power under Vikramaditya I
kingdom with Chola empire. He with the impression of Vinayaditya I (681-696),
got the land surveyed. Elephants and floral designs on Vijayaditya (696-733)
Kamban adorned his court. He each side. Vikramaditya II (734 - 745)- he
wrote the Tamil Ramayana. Bharavi was the Court poet of repulsed the Arabs from
coming to Deccan - and The Rashtrakutas of Malkhed 1343) was founded by Sala or
Kirthivarman II (746 - 757) (750-982) was founded by Nripakama.
were other rulers. Dantidurga by 750 AD The first prominent king Ballala
The Rashtrakudas under He got Maharashtra from I (1100 - 1106) transferred the
Krishna I over powered the Kirthivarman. capital from Sosevur to Belur.
Later Chalukyas. Krishna I built the Kailasanatha Vishnu Vardhana (1106 -1152)
The Kalyani Chalukyas temple at Ellora. conquered Talakad and had the
came to power under Govinda III, 794-814, defeated title Taladugonda. He made
Tailapa II or Taila after the confederation of 12 rulers Dvarasamudra the main capital.
defeating Amogha Varsha Ramanuja influenced him to
formed by the Ganga Governor,
IV the Rashtrakuda King. become a Vaishanvite and reject
the Chera Chola Pandya rulers
Somesvara I, 1042 -1068 AD, Jainism.
and Danti Varman, the Pallava
killed the Chola ruler He built a Jaina temple for
Rajadhiraja I. king.
Vidyadeva, the Jaina logician.
Rajendra Chola killed Amoghavarsha Is (814 - 878)
Ballala II (1173 -1220)
Somesvara I reign was famous for literary
supported the Cholas against
Vikramaditya IV Tribuvanamalla developments. He wrote the Pandyas.
(1076 -1126) the greatest of the Kavirajamarga. Vira Ballala IIs (1291-1342)
Western Chalukyas, started the Jinasena, under him, wrote period witnessed Malik Kafurs
Chalukya-Vikrama Kala or Era Adipurana and Mahavira Plunder of the kingdom in 1310.
i.e ; 1076 AD. charya wrote Ganitha Sara The following minor states
The Hoysalas under Vira - Samgraha. rules the Deccan.
Ballala I destroyed the Chalu Sulaiman, the Arab traveller, Western Deccan-The Abhiras - They
kyas of Kalyani during the reign described Amoghavarsha as started an Era in 249 AD.
of Jagadekamalla. one of the four great rulers of
The Eastern Chalukya The Sakas of Mahishakas.
the world.
(Vengi) was established The Bhojas and The Silaharas.
Krishna III (940-968) was the
by Kubja Vishnu Vard Eastern Deccan - South Kosala
last great ruler who became the
hana (615 - 633) brother of lord of the Deccan. The Sarabha Puriyas
Pulikesin II. Taila II overthrew the The Pandu Vamsis
Vijayaditya I (746 - 764) and The Soma Vamsis and
Rashtrakuta power.
Vijayaditya III (844 -888) were The Nalas
Rashtrakuta Princess partici
important rulers.
pated in administration. Andhra - Ikshvakus
Rajendra Chola II united Vengi
to his kingdom. They had two kinds of Admini Brihatphalayanas
Bilhana and Vijnaneswara stration ; i.e., one for the vassal Anandas
(author of Mithakshara) ador states and the other for directly Salankayanas
ned the Court of Vikramaditya ruled areas. Vishnukundis
II. Land tax was called Udranga or Kalinga -The Pitribhaktas
The Aiholi inscription of Bhogakara, It was of the
The Matharas
Pulikesin I was written by produce.
The Vasishthas
Ravikirthi, the Jaina scholar. They issued five kinds of coins-
Orissa - The Manas
Aiholi temples, particularly the dramma, Suvarna, Gadhyanaka
Virupaksha temple at Patta dakal, (gold), Kalanju (gold) and Kasu Sailodbhavas
are the best examples of (gold) Karas and
Chalukyan style of Archite cture. The Hoysala dynasty (1027 - Bhojas
Alexander : He was the ruler of Macedonia in He wrote Arthasasthra, which is compared to The
Greece. He attacked India in 326 BC and captured prince of Machiavelli.
upto river Bias. Kalidas: Famous Sanskrit poet who wrote,
Ajatasatru : Son of Bimbisara. He established the Raghuvamsa, Kumara Sambhavam, Abhijnana
city of Pataliputra. Shakuntalam, Vikramorvashiyam and
Arien : Greek historian who wrote about Alexanders Malavikagnimitram. He also wrote Meghadootam
Indian invasion. and Ritusamharam.
Ashwaghosh : Buddhist monk who initiated Kamban : A Tamil poet of 11th century who wrote
Kanishka to Buddhism, wrote Buddha Charita, Ramayan in Tamil.
Sutralankar and Saundrananda. Mihir Bhoja : Famous Prathihara ruler of 9th century.
Amarsimha : Sanskrit scholar in the court of Kalhana - Famous Kashmiri poet and historian.He
Chandragupta who wrote Amarakosha. wrote Raja Tarangini.
Aryabhatta : He analysed the reasons for Solar and Marco Polo: Venitian Traveller to India in 13th cen-
Lunar eclipses and declared that the Earth is round. tury.
He Wrote Aryabhattiyam. Menander : He came to India as a foreign aggressor
Bimbisara: Founded the Magadhan Empire or in II Century BC. MilindaPanho, a book written by
Haryanka dynasty. He was the first influential king Nagasena, is about him.
of ancient India. Nagarjuna: Famous Buddhist monk. He popounded
Banabhatta : Court poet of Harshavardhana and the philosophy known as Madhyamika.
author of Harsha Charita and Kadambari. Makkali Gosala : Philosopher of 6th Century BC.
He was the founder of Ajivika sect.
Charaka: He was an Ayurvedic expert who wrote
Charaka Samhita and established the Aitereya Mihirkula: Huna conqueror defeated by
branch of Ayurvedic medicines. Yashodharma.
Amoghavarsha : He was a famous Rashtrakuta ruler. Skanda Gupta : Last mighty Gupta ruler.
Dhanananda : He was a powerful king of Magadha. Shushrut : He was a doctor of Ayurvedic medicine.
Alexander did not go forward to invade Magadha He started the Dhanwantri branch and was an ex-
only after hearing his reputation. pert in plastic surgery.
Darius I : The ruler of Iran (Persia) who invaded Pulikeshin II. Most powerful king of Chalukyas of
India in 6th century BC. Vatapi who defeated Harshavardhana in the North
and Mahendravarman in the South.
Gautami Putra Shatakarni : He was the most fa-
Pushyamitra Sunga: He killed the last Mauryan ruler
mous Satavahana king in 2nd Century.
and laid the foundation of Sunga dynasty in 185
Harisena : He was the writer of Prayaga Prashasti BC.
or Allahabad Pillar Inscription.
Pliny: He was a Roman historian who wrote the
Kharavela : Ruler of Kalinga in I century AD. The Natural History. He wrote about the Mauryas of
famous Hathigumbha inscription belonged to him. India.
Kanishka : (I century AD) : Most powerful Kushan Panini : Sanskrit scholar specially of Grammar. He
king. Started Saka Era. Organised fourth Buddhist wrote Ashtadyayi.
council at Kundalvan near Kashmir. Varahamihira: He was famous astronomer who
Karikala : Chola ruler who founded the city of wrote Brihat Samhita.
Puhar (Kaveri patanam) in I century BC. Sankaracharya : He was born in Kaladi in Kerala.
Kautilya : Also known as Vishnugupta or Chanakya. He propagated Advaita Philosophy.
The source of Swastika symbol - Indus Valley Community which was considered as untouch-
The father of Indian archaeoloy able by the Buddhists - Chandalas
Alexander Cunningham The language used by the Jains to spread their
Meter scale has been discovered from Harappa religion - Prakrit
Weapon never used by the Indus people Sword The St.John of Buddhism - Ananda
The major industry in Chanhudaro Bead making Considered as Devil by the Buddhists - Mara
The word Sindhan used by the Indus people Three daughters of Mara
denoted Cotton lust, emotion and desire
Evidence of fractional burial has been excavated The ruler who persecuted Buddhists
from Harappa Pushyamitrasunga
The word godhume used in the vedic period Major philosophic school of Bhagvatism
denote Wheat Vishishtadvaita
Yava denoted Barley Earliest reference about Srikrishna can be found
Term used to denote rice in the vedic text Vrihi in Chandoghya Upanishad
Vedic term sita denoted Ploughed field Hindu God who found place in Greek literature
Sri Krishna
The veda that mentions about wheel Rigveda
Jain Thirthankara, who was related to Sri Krishna
Vedic terms Urvara or kshetra denoted
Rishabhadeva (Ist Thirthankara)
Cultivated field
Tamil god of the Sangham age for War and Victory
The famous frog hymn in Rig Veda throws light to
Vedic education
Saint who founded the Saivism
The god of the Vedas -Varuna
Method used to calculate the number of cows in
Tamil kingdom of the Sangham Age which sent
the Vedic period - Ashtakarni
an ambassador to the court of Roman Emperor
Part of which veda has prose part - Yajur Veda Augustus - Pandyas
Aryan religion in South India was spread by First Sangham was founded by Saint Agasthya
Agasthya Famous poetess of the Sangham period
Vedic term Aghanya denotes - Cows Avvaiyar
The term Bharata and Bharatavarsha were Greeco-Roman traders who visited South India
first used in - Rig Veda during the Sangham period were denoted with
Upanishad which mentions the four Ashramas of the term Yavanas
Vedic period - Jabala Upanishad Sangham work which describes about Buddhism
Largest number of hymns in Rigveda are in praise Manimekhalai
of - Indra The word used by Ashoka to denote Buddha
First town in the vedic period to use burnt bricks Bhagavati
Kausambi Ashokan inscriptions were deciphered by James
First reference about lending money for interest Princep in the year 1837
can be found in Satpatha Brahmana Indo-Greek ruler who had his boundaries upto
Rigvedic paintings have been discovered from Pataliputra Menander
Bhagvanpura of the state Haryana Yuchi ruler who introduced gold coins for the first
Upanishad that mentions about police system time - Vima Kadphesus
Brihadaranyaka Upanishads Edict which mentions about the relation between
God considered as God of Gods -Varuna India and China - Nagarjunakonda
The Battles of Tarain, also known
THE ARAB as the Battles of Taraori, were fought in 1191 and
CONQUEST OF SIND 1192 near the town of Tarain near Thanesar in present-
day Haryana. In the First Battle of Tarain in 1191 (near
The Arab conquest of Sind was Taneswar), Muhammad Ghori was defeated by the Rajput forces
a part of the Mohammaden under Prithviraj Chauhan III. In the Second Battle of Tarain
invasion for the spread of (1192 AD) Muhammad Ghori assisted by Qutub -ud-
Islam. din Aibek (a slave), defeated Prithviraj
Arabs captured Sindh in 712 Chauhan III and killed him.
During the period of the
Khaliphate of Omar, Arab Sind in 779. But was split into Muhammed Ghazni died in 30th
forces made a fertile attempt to two independent kingdoms April 1030.
get Bombay. Multan and Mansurah. Later his son Masud attacked
The Arabs conquest of India and captured Kashmir.
Makran Baluchistan opened
Turkish Invasions The famous Persian poet
their way to Sind. Ghazni in Afghanistan was ruled Firdausi who wrote Shahnama
The Ruler of Sind was Dahir. by a Turkish family called Gamini (The Book of Kings) lived in his
In 710 a small Arab trading of Ghaznavid dynasty. court.
vessel from Basra arrived at the Mahmud Ghazni was the first Alberuni, an Arab Historian,
mouth of the Indus and was Turkish conqueror of North In- who wrote Tarikh-ul-Hind
promptly seized by the local dia. (Reality of Hindustan), accompa-
Hindu authorities. Mahmuds father was nied Muhammed Ghazni to India.
The Pirates of Debal, a part in Subuktigin. Al-Firdausi is known as Indian
Sind, plundered a ship carrying He attacked India only for want Homer, Persian Homer, or
Muslim pilgrims and presents of wealth. The Immortal Homer of the
to the Caliph Walid from He attacked India seventeen East.
Ceylon. times between 1000 and 1027 Muhammad of Ghori attacked
Al-Hajaj, the Caliphs governor AD. He made all the raids in the India betwen 1175 and 1206 AD.
of Iraq demanded compen- guise of Jihad. Muhammad Ghori made his first
sations from Dahir, which the First invasion was in 1001 AD. expedition to India and captured
latter rejected. He defeated Jaipal and Multan in 1175 AD.
In 712 Arabs attacked and Anandpal of Shahi dynasty in In 1193 Muhamad Ghori at-
captured Sind, under the 1001 and 1009 respectively. tacked Jaichand, father - in - law
command of Muhammad Bin- of Prithviraj . III at Kanauj,
The most important raid of
Kassim, Debal fell in April 712. Jaichand was defeated.
Mahmud was the Somanath ex-
Kassim killed Dahir at Rawar pedition. It was in 1025. He com- In 1195-96 Muhammad Ghori
and took the capital Alor in pletely destroyed the temple. occupied Bayana and Gwaliar. In
June. Somanath Temple was on the 1197 he defeated Bhinadeva II
The Arabs lost control over sea coast of Gujarat. of Gujarat.
Muhammed Ghori returned from
India by entrusting his territo-
ries in India in the hands of Slave Dynasty
Qutub-Uddin Aibak. Qutb-ud-din Aibak.................................................... 1206-10 AD
After the death of Ghori in 1206, Aram Shah ............................................................... 1211 AD
Aibek founded the Slave Dy- Shamsuddin Iltutmish ............................................... 1211-36 AD
nasty. Ruknuddin Feroz ...................................................... 1236 AD
Razia Sultana ............................................................ 1236-40 AD
Muhammad Ghoris Indian inva-
Muizuddin Behram ................................................... 1242 AD
sion resulted in the foundation Alaudin Masud ........................................................ 1246 AD
of Islamic rule in India. Naseeruddin Mahmud .............................................. 1246-66 AD
Ghiyasuddin Balban ................................................. 1266-86 AD
DELHI SULTANATE Muizuddin Kaikubad ................................................ 1290 AD
The five dynasties which Kaimur ..................................................................... 1290 AD
founded subsequently after the Khalji Dynasty
Turkish invasion were collec- Jalaluddn Khalji ........................................................ 1290-96 AD
tively known as Delhi sultanate. Alauddin Khalji ........................................................ 1296-1316 AD
Shihabuddin Omar .................................................... 1316 AD
They are:
Mubarak Khalji ......................................................... 1316-20 AD
Slave Dynasty .......... 1206 - 1290 Khusro Khan ........................................................... 1320 AD
Khilji Dynasty .......... 1290 - 1320 Tughlaq Dynasty
Tughlaq Dynasty ...... 1320 - 1412 Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq ............................................... 1320-24 AD
Muhammad Tughlaq ................................................ 1324-51 AD
Sayyid Dynasty ........ 1414 - 1451 Firoz Shah Tughlaq .................................................. 1351-88 AD
Lodi Dynasty ............ 1451 - 1526 Mohammad Khan ..................................................... 1388 AD
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Shah II ................................... 1388 AD
SLAVE DYNASTY Abu Baqr ................................................................. 1389-90 AD
Nasiruddin Muhammad ............................................ 1390-94 AD
Slave Dynasty was also called
Hamayun ................................................................. 1394-95 AD
Ilbari Dynasty, Yamini Dynasty
Nasiruddin Mahmud ................................................. 1395-1412 AD
or Mamluk Dynasty.
Sayyid Dynasty
Qutub-ud-din Aibak was a slave
Khizr Khan ............................................................... 1414-20 AD
of Muhammad Ghori and he
Mubarak Shah .......................................................... 1421-33 AD
founded the Slave Dynasty in
Muhammad Shah ...................................................... 1434-43 AD
1206 AD. Alauddin Alam Shah ................................................. 1443-51 AD
Aibak was the first Muslim ruler Lodhi Dynasty
of India. Bahlul Lodhi ............................................................. 1451-89 AD
The capital of Qutub-ud-din Sikander Lodhi ......................................................... 1489-1517 AD
Aibak was at Lahore Ibrahim Lodhi ........................................................... 1517-1526 AD
He was known as Lakh Baksh Mughal Empire ........................................... 1526 - 1540, 1555-1857
or giver of lakhs or giver of Babar ...................................................................... 1526 - 1530 AD
favours for his magnanimity. Humayun ................................................. 1530-1540, 1555-1556 AD
Hasan Nizami was a famous Akbar ...................................................................... 1556 - 1605 AD
historian in the court of the Jahangir .................................................................. 1605 - 1627 AD
Aibek. Shahjahan ................................................................. 1628-1658 AD
Qutub-ud-din Aibak started the Aurangazeb ............................................................ 1658 - 1707 AD
construction of Qutub Minar in Bahadurshah II ........................................................ 1837 - 1857 AD
1199 in Delhi in memory of the Coins introdued by Iltumish, Pardah, she adorned the male
Sufi saint Quaja Qutub - ud-din Silver Thanka and Copper dress and held open courts.
Bhaktiar Kaki. Its construction Jital were the two basic coins In October 14, 1240 both Raziya
was completed by Iltutmish. It of the Sultanate period. and Altunia who earlier raised
is a five storied building. He issued the silver tanka for the arms against Raziya but later
He constructed two mosques. first time. He organized the Iqta joined with her were, beheaded
Quat-ual Islam at Delhi and Alhai system and introduced reforms at Kaithal.
Din Ka Jhopara at Ajmer. in civil administration and army, After Raziya, Behran Shah
Aibak was a great patron of which was now centrally paid (1240-42) Allaud-din-
learning and patronized writers and recruited. Masudshah (1242-46) and
like Hasan- un - Nizami, author He organised the Chalisa or Naziruddin Muhammad (1246 -
of Taj-ul-Massir and Fakhr-ud- the famous Turkish Forty to 1266) ruled and Balban, the
Din, author of Tarikh- i- Mubarak help him in the administration. founder of the second Ilbari dy-
Shahi. Iltumish completed the con- nasty, became the Sultan.
Qutub-ud-din Aibak died in 1210 struction of Qutub Minar. Ghiasuddin Balban a slave wa-
AD by falling from horseback He set up an official nobility of ter carrier, huntsman, noble,
while playing Polo. slaves known as Chahalgani statesman became the Sultan of
After the death of Qutubuddin, (group of forty). Delhi.
Aram Shah ascended the He patronized Minaj-us-siraj, Ghiyas-ud-din Balban
throne but he was deposed by author of Tabaqat-i-nasiri.
Ilthumish and crowned himself The revenue system of the Sul- Ghiyasuddin Balban (1200
the Sulthan. 1287) was a Turkish ruler of the
tanate Iqta system, was intro- Delhi Sultanate during the
During the period of Iltumish duced by Iltumish.
(1210-1236) Chengizkhan, the Iltumish was succeeded by his Mamluk dynasty (or Slave
Mongol conqueror attacked In- dynasty) from 1266 to 1287.
son Ruknuddin Firoz Shah. But Balban ascended the throne in
dia (1221). he was later executed and Razia
He saved Delhi Sultanate from 1265 AD.
became the sultan (daughter of He broke the power of
the wrath of Chengiz Khan - the
Iltumish). chahalgani and restored the
Mongol leader by refusing
Sulthana Raziya, the only
shelter to Khwarizm Shah, whom prestige of the crown. That was
women ruler of, the Sultanate his greatest contribution
Chengiz was chasing.
came to power in 1236 and towards the stability of the
Iltumish is considered as the
reigned till 1240. Sultanate.
real founder of Delhi Sulthanate
Iltumish was the first Sultan of Razia Sultana To keep himself well-informed
Delhi to get recognition of the Iltutmish had nominated his Balban appointed spies.
Khalif of Bagdad. daughter Razia as the successor, He created a strong centralised
Iltutmish was the third Muslim the nobles placed Rukn-ud-din army to deal with internal
Turkish sultan of the Sultanate Firoz on the throne. However, disturbances and to check
of Delhi and the third ruler of Razia got rid of Rukn-ud-din and Mongols who were posing a
the Mamluk dynasty. He was a ascended the throne. Razia was serious danger to Delhi
slave of Qutub-ud-din-Aybak. popular among the people but Sultanate.
Iltumish was also the first Sul- she was not acceptable to the The Persian court model
tan who made Delhi his capital nobles and theologians. She influenced Balbans conception
in place of lahore. further offended the nobles by of kingship.
He issued a purely Arabic coin- her preference for an He introduced Sijda (prost
age of Silver and was the first to Abyssinian slave-Yakut. ration before the monarch) and
do so. Sulthana Raziya rejected the Paibos (kissing the feet of
monarch) as the normal forms of and founded the Khilji Dy- Malik Muhammed Jayasi was the
salutation. nasty. court poet of Shersha Suri.
He destoryed Mewati Rajput Alauddin Khilji was the first
brigandage in the doab, where Muslim ruler to attack South In-
forests were cut and forts built. Khilji dynasty was founded by dia.
Balban is considered as the Malik Firoz in 1290 and assumed Malik Kafur was Alauddin
founder of Second Ilbari Dy- the title Jalaluddin Khilji (1290- Khiljis commander who at-
nasty. 96) tacked South India.
Balban described himself as In 1292, the Mongols under Alauddin Khilji was the most
Shadow of God or the Vice Abdulla accepted defeat from famous ruler of the Khilji Dy-
regent of God on Earth (Zil-i- Jalaluddin Khilji. nasty.
illahi) Alauddin Khilji, the nephew of Alauddin was the Sultan of
Balban because of his autocratic Jalaluddin Khilji, killed him after Delhi who banned the use of li-
rule is considered as a typical his victory on Devagiri in 1296. quor.
oriental despot. Alauddin had a dream of a
He created a strong centralised World Conquest so he assumed
army to deal with internal dis- the title Sikhandar-i-sani or
turbances and to check Second Alexander.
Mongols who were posing a Demitrius, a Bactrian ruler is
serious danger to Delhi Sultan- popularly known as Second
ate. Alexander.
He established the Military de- Alauddin abolished the
partment - Diwan - i - Arz. Zamindari System and imposed
The Chalisa or forty established tax on cattle.
by Iltumish was abolished by He was the first muslim ruler of
Balban. Alauddin Khiljis early name was Delhi to introduce measurement
His policies are considered to be Ali Gurushas. of land for tax assessment.
Draconian. He became the Sultan in 1296 His market regulations were to
He started the Iranian system of AD and ruled till 1316 AD. get goods at controlled price to
Sijda and Paibos. He was the first Turkish Sultan the people of Delhi.
He was a patron of men of let- of Delhi who separated religion He controlled and regulated the
ters and showed special favour from politics. He proclaimed - prices of essential goods.
to the poet Amir Khusru. Kingship knows no Kinship. Diwan -i-riya sat and Shahna -
After Balbans death in 1286, i-Mandi were appointed to regu-
In 1303, Alauddin Khilji at-
Kayqubad (1287 -90) became the late the market and prices.
tacked Chittor, the capital of
Sultan. The revenue administration was
Mewar, to marry Padmini the
Madhavacharya of the Dwaita made under Diwan-i-Mustakhrq.
wife of Chittor king Ratan Singh.
Philosophy got help from He introduced the Dagh and
But Padmini and other Rajput
Balban. Chahra systems.
Balbans Tomb is situated in
women committed Jauhar Alauddin Khilji was the first
Delhi. It was constructed by (Jauhar is a mass suicide by Sultan of Delhi who separated
Balban himself. jumping into fire, committed by religion from politics.
Kayqubad was the last Slave Rajput women to escape from He was also the first to proclaim
Sultan. (Kayumars who ruled for being polluted by others) I am the Khalifa.
a term of three months was ac- Padmavat is a historical kavya Alauddin constructed Alai
tually the last Slave Sultan. He about Padmini episode written Darwaza the gate way of Qutub
was killed by Jalaluddin Khilji) by Malik Muhammed Jayasi. Minar.
He built the city of Siri, the sec- TUGHLAQ DYNASTY rect help to peasants.
ond of the seven cities of Delhi, Moroccan Traveller Ibn Batuta
Tughlaq Dynasty was founded
near Qutub Minar. visited India during his period.
by Ghiasuddin Tughlaq. His real Edward Thanas described him
The first marriage between a
name was Ghazi Malik. as Prince of moneyers.
Muslim ruler and a Hindu prin-
Ghiasuddin Tughlaq founded Muhammed Bin Tughlaq was
cess was between Alauddin and
the dynasty after killing Khusru succeeded by his elderly
Kamala Devi, the widow of the
Khan in 1320. cousin, Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
ruler of Gujarat.
Ghiasuddin Tughlak created a He was a Muslim ruler of the
Alauddin Khilji was killed by his civil-administration code based
commander Malik Kafur by poi- Tughlaq Dynasty, who reign
on Koran. over Sultanate of Delhi from
soning. Reduced the land tax to 1/11 of
Amir Khusru was the court 1351 to 1388.
the produce. Firoz Shah Tughlaq was the first
poet of Alauddin Ghiazuddin died by the collapse Sultan of Delhi to impose
Amir Khusru is known as the of a pavilion. Jaziya. It was a religious tax for
Parrot of India He built the Tughlaqabad Fort the freedom of worship. He im-
He is considered as the father in Delhi the third city of Delhi to posed it only upon Brahmins.
of Urdu language and the inven- the east of Qutub complex. He extended the principle of he-
tor of Sitar. Ghiasudhin Tughlaq was the redity to the army. Soldiers were
Laila Majnu and Tughlaq Nama first Sultan to start irrigation allowed to rest in peace and to
are the famous works of Amir works. send in their place their sons.
Khusru. GhiasuddinTughlaq was suc- The soldiers were not paid in
Alauddin Khilji was the first ceeded by his son Jauna Khan, cash but by assignments on
Sultan to maintain a permanent popularly known as Muhammed land revenue of villages.
standing army. Bin Tughlaq. He built the city of Firozbad in
Alauddin Khilji was responsible Muhammed Bin Tughlaq is con- Delhi. The Firoz shah Kotla was
for the introduction of postal sidered as the most responsible also built by him. The gate way
system in medieval India. person for the decline of Delhi of Firozshah Kotla is Khooni
Alauddin annexed Gujarat (1298 Sultanate. Darwaza, or blood stained gate.
AD), Ranthambhor (1301 AD), Muhammed Bin Tughlaq was It was constructed by Shershah
Mewar (1303 AD), Malwa (1305 known as a Mixture of opposites, Suri.
AD), Jalor (1311 AD). In Deccan, Wisest fool, Pagal padushah, He transplanted two Ashoka Pil-
Alauddins army led by Malik unfortunate idealogue and the lars to Firozabad.
Kafur defeated Yadavas of Predecessor of Akbar in intel- He is the author of Fatuhat -i-
Devagiri, Kakatiyas of lectual and religious matters. Firozshahi
Warrangal, Hoysalas of Ibn Batuta called him an After Firozshah Tughlaq
Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of illstarred idealist. Muhammed Shah Tughlaq or
He shifted his capital from Delhi Naziruddin Muhammed came to
to Devagiri (Daulatabad) in 1327. the throne.
Mubarak Shah Khilji was the
In 1330, he introduced token It was during the period of his
last ruler of the khilji Dynasty. reign that Timur the Lame or
currency of bronze and copper.
Khilji dynasty came to an end Tamerlain, a Turkish conqueror
The Sultan created a new De-
when the Mubarak Shah Khilji of Tartar tribe from Samarkhand
partment of Agriculture called
was killed by Khusru Khan. attacked India in 1398.
Some historians consider Timur appointed Khizr Khan, the
The main object of this Depart-
Khusrau Khan as the last Khilji ment was to bring more land governor of Multan his author-
Sultan. under cultivation by giving di- ity in India.
cultivated fields.
Sikander Lodhi conquered Bihar
Sayyid Dynasty was and Tirhut. Sikander Shah was
founded by Khizr Khan in a fanatical Muslim and he broke
1414. the sacred images of the
They ruled over Delhi and Jawalamukhi Temple at Nagarkot
surrounding districts for and ordered the temples of
about 37 years. Mathura to be destroyed. He
Last Sayyid Sultan was took a keen interest in the
The Qutab Minar, now a World Heri-
Alauddin Alamshah or Shah development of agriculture. tage Site in New Delhi, India, was built
during his time.
Alam I. He was killed by Ibrahim Lodhi asserted the ab-
Bahalol Lodhi in 1451. solute power of the Sultan. As a
LODHI DYNASTY result, some of the nobles turned
against him. At last Daulat Khan
Lodhi dynasty was founded Lodhi, the Governor of Punjab
by Bahlol Lodhi in 1451. invited Babur to overthrow
The dynasty lasted upto Ibrahim.
1526. Babur accepted the offer and in-
Lodhi dynasty was the first flicted a crushing defeat on
Afghan dynasty or first Ibrahim in the first battle of
Pathan dynasty in India. Panipat in 1526, April 21 A.D.
Sikhandar Lodhi, who ruled Ibrahim was killed in the battle
from 1489 to 1517 shifted the and with him ended the Delhi
capital from Delhi to Agra. Sultanate.
Sikhandar Lodhi is consid- The title Sultan was started by
ered as the Maker of Agra
the Turkish rulers. Mahmud
Ghazni was the first to assume
He introduced the Gaz-i-
the title Sultan.
Sikandori (Sikandar Syard)
of 32 digits for measuring The official language of the
Delhi Sultanate was Persian.
BAHMANI & VIJAYA- ars and produc
ki ng do m la sted for 230 ye
The decline of the Sultanate of four dynasties. 85 ) - Harihara I and
Bukka I
(1 33 6 - 14
Delhi gave birth to two mighty 1) Sangama va Narsimha
Saluva - (148 5 - 1505) - Salu
states in South India - the 2) Narsimha
5 - 1565) - Veer
Bahmani Kingdom of Gulbaraga 3) Tuluva (150 ala
5 - 1672) - Tirum
and the Vijayanagara Empire. 4) Aravidu (156
The Bahmanis were Muslim rul- the Grand Father of Telugu po-
ers, while the rulers of the etry.
Vijayanagar Empire
Vijayanagar were Hindus. Ashtadiggajas was the famous
The founders of Vijayanagar
The Bahmani kingdom was Scholastic Assembly in the court
Empire were Harihara I and
founded by Zafar Khan of Krishna Deva Raya.
(Hassan) who took the title Vijayanagar Empire was visited
Alauddin Bahman Shah. He se- by many foreign travellers.
lected Gulbaraga as its capital Nicolo Conti - Venitian traveller,
and renamed it Ahsanabad. visited during the reign of
There were total eighteen Sul- Devaraya I.
tans and they ruled from 1347 to Abdur Razzak : Ambassador of
1527. Sultan ShahRukh to the court of
Mahmud Gawan was the famous Devaraya II.
Prime Minister of Bahmani king Damingos Paes : He visited
(Muhammad Shah III). Krishna Devarayas court.
Logo of Vijayanagara
The last prince of the Bahmani Ferona Nuniz : A Portuguese
Kingdom was Kalimullah. Bukka, the revenue officers of who visited during Achyuta
the Kakatiya ruler Pratap Rudra Rayas reign.
By 1527, the Bahmani king- Deva II of Warrangal. Durate Barbosa : A portuguese
dom was split up into five in- They founded the dynasty in who visited Krishnadeva
dependent principalities. 1336 with the capital as Rayas court.
The Adil Shahis of Bijapur - Vijayanagar on the banks of Athenasius Nikitin (1415) : He
founder - Yusuf Adilshah Tungabhadra river with the help was a Russian, who visited dur-
(1489 - 90) of Saint Vidyaranya.
The Nizam Shahis of Krishna Deva Raya (1509 - 1529)
Ahamadnagar - founder - belonged to the Tuluva dy-
Malik Ahmad (1499) nasty. The Italian traveller
The Imadshahis of Berar - Nicolocont visited his court.
founder -Fateh Ulla
Krishnadeva Raya is known as
Imadshanti (1490)
Andhra Bhoja
The Qutubshahi kingdom of
Golconda - founder - He wrote Ushaparinayam and
Qutabshah (1512) Amuktamalyada ing Deva Raya Is period. He
Allasani Peddanna, a Telugu wrote, Voyage to India.
The Baridshahis of Bidar -
poet was a courtier of Krishna The Vijayanagar rulers issued
founder - Amir Ali Barid
Deva Raya. He is considered as gold coins called Varahas,
the Andra Kavita Pitamaha Kopeki (pertab) and Fanam.
Famous Travellers to Vijayanagar Kingdom
Abu Abdullah / Ibn Batuta: A Moroccan traveller, left account of Harihara Is reign in his book Rehla also
called Tuhfatun-Nuzzar fi Gharaib-ul-Amsar Wa Ajaib-ul-Assar.
Nicolo de Conti: Italian traveller who visited during the time of Deva Raya I. Left an account in Travels of
Nicolo Conti.
Abdur Razzak: Ambassador of Shah Rukh of Samarqand at the Court of the Zamorin of Calicut. He gives an
account of the reign of Devaraya II, in his Matla us Sadain Wa Majma ul Bahrain.
Athanasius Nikitin: A Russian merchant who described the conditions of the Bahamani kingdom under
Muhammad III in his Voyage to India.
Ludvico de Vorthema: An Italian merchant who visited India in 1502-1508 and left his memoirs in Travels in
Egypt, India, Syria etc.
Duarte Barbosa (1500-1516): A Portugese He has given a vivid account of the Vijayanagar government
under Krishna Deva Raya in his famous book - An Account of Countries bordering the Indian Ocean and
their inhabitants.
Dominigos Paes: Portugese who spent a number of years at Krishna Devas court has given a glowing
account of his personality.
Fernao Nuniz: A Portugese writer of 16th century spent three years in Vijayanagar (1535-37).

THE MUGHAL EMPIRE The name Mughal is de-

rived from the original
The Mughals were originally Mughal painting is a particular
Turks. style of South Asian painting, homelands of the
They belonged to the Chaghtai generally confined to minia- Timurids, the Central
branch of the Turkish race. tures with Indian Hindu, Jain, Asian steppes once con-
Period of the Mughal empire is and Buddhist influences. quered by Chenghis Khan
known as Second Classical Urdu was the spoken language and hence known as
Age. First Classical Age is the the Mughals.
Moghulistan, Land of
Period of Guptas. Following 1725, the empire de-
clined rapidly, weakened by Mongols. Although early
Mughal Empire is also known as Mughals spoke the
wars of succession, agrarian
Timurid Empire because of its crises, fueling local revolts, the
relation to Amir Timur.
Chagatai language and
growth of religious intolerance, maintained Turko-Mongol
Mughal Emperors are 20 in num- the rise of the Maratha, Durrani,
ber. They ruled India from 1526 and Sikh empires and finally practices, they were es-
to 1857. Only six are considered British colonialism. sentially Persianized. They
great. They are: The last king, Bahadur Zafar transferred the Persian lit-
Babur (1526 - 1530), Humayun Shah II, whose rule was re- erature and culture to In-
(1530 - 40 & 1555 - 1556), Akbar stricted to the city of Delhi, was dia, thus forming the base
- (1556 - 1605), Jahangir (1605 - imprisoned and exiled by the
British after the Indian Rebel- for the Indo-Persian cul-
1627), Shah Jahan (1628 -1658,
Aurangazeb (1658 - 1707). lion of 1857. ture.
Babur, the founder of the Mughal Mewar, in the Battle of Khanwa.
Empire, was the fifth descendant The Rajputs in 1528 under Medini
of Timur on fathers side and the Rai of Malwa fought against Babur
fourteenth descendant of in the Battle of Chanderi, but were
Chengizkhan on mothers side. defeated.
Babur was born in Farghana in In 1529, the Afghans under
Turkey on 14 Feb., 1483 as the son Muhammed Lodhi fought against
of Umer Sheik Mirza ad Qulik Babur in the Battle of Ghaghra but
Nigarkhanum. were defeated.
Baburs father Umershiek Mirza In 1530 December 26, Babur died
was the grand son of Amir Timur and was cremated at Kabul.
and the ruler of Farghana. Babur was the first to use Artillery
Babur beca me the ruler of in India.
Samarkhand at the age of 11. The memoirs of Babur Tuzuk-i-
He captured Kabul in 1504. Baburi or Baburnama was written in Turkish
Then Babur attacked India 5 times for want of language, Baburs mothertongue by him.
wealth. It was translated into Persian by Abdur Rahim
Baburs first attack of India was in 1519 Bhera Khan-i-Khana.
was the first place captured by Babur.
Babur said I dont like India and Indians.
In 1524, Daulatkhan, Ibrahim Lodhis brother in-
Babur was the first Mughal ruler to keep in hand
vited Babur to India.
On 21 April 1526 Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi, the Kohinoor Diamond.
the last Lodhi Sultan in the First Battle of Panipat. Babur was a contemporary of Krishnadeva Raya
On 16 March 1527, he defeated Rana Sangha of of Vijayanagar Empire.

Humayun succeeded Babur in Dec 1530 at the the site of Purana Quila against Bahadurshah,
age of 13. Gujarat.
Mahim Sultana was Humayuns mother. Humayun failed in giving help to Karna Vathi,
Kamran, Askari and Hindal were his brothers. the Rajamatha of Mewar who sent a Rakhi to
The greatest weakness of Humayun was his Humayun.
generosity. In 1539 and 1540 Sherkhan defeated Humayun in
He divided the empire . i.e. Kabul and Qandhar the Battle of Chausa and in the Battle of Kanauj or
to Kamran ; Sambhal to Askari and Mewat to Bilgram.
Hindal. From 1540 top 1555 Humayun was in exile.
In 1531 Humayun invaded Kalinjor of In1541 Humayun married Hamida Begum, the
Prataprudra Deo but retreated from there due to daughter of a Persian Shiya Maulavi, Ali Akbar
Mahmud Lodhis advance to Jaunpur,. Jami or Mir Baba Dost.
In the Battle of Dhuria Humayun defeated The Mughal army under Bairamkhan defeated
Mahamud Lodhi. the Afghan forces in the Battle of Machhiwara.
In 1532 Humayun attacked the fort of Chunar Humayun occupied Delhi on July 1555.
which was under Sherkhans control. Humayun slipped on the staircase of the Library
1n1533 Humayun built the city of Dinpannah on at Din- Panch or Sher Mandal and died.
Original name - Farid In 1540 the battle of Bilgram or Kanauj Shershah
Birth place - Hissar Firosa, Delhi district expelled Humayun.
His Grand father - Ibrahim Khan Sur. He got the Fort of Rohtas and became the first
His father - Hassan Khan muslim conqueror of the Fort.
The family came to India from Afghanistan From 1541 to 1545 Shershah conquered the
Hassan Khan entered the service of Ummar Gakkhars, Malwa, Raisin, Multan, Sind, Jodhpur
Khan, the councillor and courtier of Sultan and Mewar and Kalinjor
Bahlol lodi. Shersha defeated the Rajastanis in the battle of
Under Jamal Khan - the master of Hassan Khan
during the region of Sikandar Lodi, Farid learned
He imprisoned the governor of Bengal Khizrkhan
the Sikandar Nama, the Qulistan etc at Jaunpur.
who declared himself the independent ruler of
Farid got the Parganas Sasaram and Khawaspur.
Faird who, lost the favour of his father, moved
to Agra and became the right hand man of Bahar While directing the operations of his artillery at
Khan. Kalanjar against the ruler of Bundelkhand Raja Kirat
Bahar Khan Lohani of Bihar gave farid the title Singh, Shershah was seriously wounded by a
Sher Khan. sudden fire in the ammunition and died on May 22,
In 1527- Sher Khan with the help of Junaid Balas, 1545.
governor of Jaunpur, became a member of the Shershah constructed the Grand Trunk Road,
Mughal Court of Babur. He was with Babur for now National High Way no-2.
15 months from April 1527 to June 1528 and He established the 6th Delhi capital city
participated in the battle of Chanderi against Shergarh.
Medini Rai. Shershahsuri celebrated his coronation in the
Sher khan became the tutor of Jalalkhan and the city of Gaur (Bengal)
administrator of Saith, Bihar. He constructed a tomb for himself at Sasaram.
In 1530 he captured the Fort of Chunar and He introduced a Silver Coin- Rupee.
married Lad Malika the widow of Tajkhan, the He is called as the Father of Indian Rupee
governor. His Revenue System was excellent and hence
The Battle of Surajgarh - 1534 made Sherkhan Akbar adopted it.
the master of Bihar and Bengal. The last Sur ruler was Sikandar Sur who was
In the Battle of Chausa Sherkhan defeated defeated by Humayun in 1555.
Humayun. After this he assumed the title Sher

bcontinent was
nt rib ut io n to the Indian Su
A m ajor M ug ha l co age Site Taj
ct ur e. UN ESCO World Herit
their un ique ar ch ite of Mughal
to be on e of th e finer exampl es
Mah al, is kn ow n cl ud es th e
er W or ld H er ita ge Si te s in
ar ch ite ct ur e. O th gra Fort and
To m b, Fa tehp ur Sikri, Red Fort, A
Hum ayuns
Lahore Fort. nasty stands to-
an d fo rts built by the dy Delhi was the m
ain palace
The pala ce s, to m bs a, Jaipur, Lahore, The Red Fort in ahJahan.
ng abad , Fatehpur Sikri, Agr ring the reign of
day in Delh i, Au ra India, Pakistan, of the empire du
ei kh up ur a an d m any other cit ies of
Kabul, Sh
Afghanistan an d Ba
Father - Humayun prayer house in Fathepur Sikri and Akbar Namah.
Mother - Hamida Bhanu Begum known as Ibadatkhana. Abul Faizi : Persian poet and
Step mother - Magam Anaga In 1579, he issued the Infallibil- brother of Abul Fazal. He trans-
Guardian - Bairam Khan ity Decree by which he made lated Mahabharata into Persian
First Guardian - Munim Khan himself the supreme head in re- in name Razam Namah and
Akbar was born at Amarkot in ligious matters. Bhaskaracharyas mathematical
Sindh in 23 Nov. 1542. In 1580, the first Jesuit mission- work Leelavati into Persian.
He came to the throne on Feb- aries arrived at the court of Mian Tansen : His original name
ruary 14, 1556 at the age of 14 at Akbar. was Ram Thanu Pande. He was
Kalanur. In 1585, Ralph Fitch the first the court Musician of Akbar. He
Hemu the Hindu Prime Minister English man to reach India, dur- composed a Raga, Rajdarbari in
of Muhammed Adilshah of ing Akbars reign. honour of Akbar.
Bihar occupied Agra and ac- Ralph Fitch is known as pioneer Birbal : His real name was
cepted the title Maharaja English man or torch bearer Mahesh Das. He is the court
Vikramaditya. Englishman. jester of Akbar.
Akbar killed Hemu in the Sec- In 1582, Akbar founded a new Raja Todarmal : RajaTodarmal
ond Battle of Panipat in 1556 religion for universal peace and was Akbars finance or revenue
November 2. monotheism known as Din minister. He formulated Akbars
After this Akbar got the title Ilahi means Divine Faith. revenue system Zabti and
Ghazi In 1583, he started a new Calen- Dashala systems. Raja
Akbar became an independent dar called Ilahi Calendar. Todarmal also translated
ruler at the age of 18 in 1560, af- In 1576, Akbar defeated Bhagavatapurana into Persian.
ter dismissing Bairam Khan. Maharana Pratap of Mewar in Maharaja Mansingh : Akbars
Later he married Bairam Khans the Battle of Haldighat. military commander.
widow Salima Begum. Haldighat is a mountain pass in Badauni : A historian who trans-
In 1561 he defeated the musician the Aravally hills in Rajasthan. lated Ramayana into Persian -
Sultan of Malwa - Baz Bahadur. The Portuguese introduced to- Tarjuma -1-Ramayan.
In 1562 Akbar married Jodha bacco for the first time in India Tulasidas: Hindi poet who wrote
Bhai, the daughter of Raja in the court of Akbar in 1604. Ramacharitamanas.
Bharmal of Amber. Akbar was the Mughal Emperor Akbars military system was
Akbar abolished the practice of when the English East India known as Mansabdari system.
enslavement of war prisoners. Company was being founded in Akbar was also responsible for
In 1564, he abolished the reli- 1600 December 31. the introduction of Persian as
gious tax Jaziya. Jaziya was im- Akbar died in 1605. the official language of
posed for the first time by His tomb is situated at Sikandra Mughals.
Firozshah Tughlaq. near Agra. He divided the Mughal Empire
In 1572 he captured Gujarat and Akbar was an illiterate person, into 12 Sabha (provinces).
in memory of that he built a new but he was a patron of men of Akbar was also the first ruler to
capital city Fathepur Sikri (City eminence. He maintained a organise Hajj. Pilgrimage at the
of Victory) near Agra. Scholastic Assembly in his government expense. The Port
The early name of Fathepur Sikri court. They included the follow- Cambay in Gujarat is known as
was City of Sikri. ing personalities. the Gate way to Mecca from
Buland Darwaza is the gate way Abul Fazal: Akbars court his- Mughal India.
of Fathepur Sikri, built by Akbar. torian who wrote Akbars bio- Akbar was an accomplished Si-
In 1575, Akbar constructed a graphical works Ain-i-Akbari tar player.
Early name of Jahangir was Salim. Akbar called Period of Jahangir is considered as the Golden
him Sheika Baba. Age of Mughal Painting. Jahangir himself was a
Jahangir came to the throne in 1605. painter. Ustad Mansur and Abul Hassan were
Jahangir was the son of Akbar and Jodhabai. famous painters in the court of Jahangir.
He married Mehrunnisa, an Afghan widow in Jahangir built Shalimar and Nishant Gardens in
1611. Later he gave her the titles, Noor Mahal Srinagar.
(light of the palace) Noor Jahan (light of the Jahangir banned slaughter of animals on Sunday
world) and Padusha Begum.
and Thursday.
In 1606, Jahangir executed fifth Sikh Guru Guru
Jahangir suspended a chain of Justice known as
Arjun Dev, because he helped Jahangirs son
Zndiri Adal infront of his court.
Prince Khusru to rebel against him.
Anarkali was Jahangairs lover. Mughal-i-Asam
In 1609, Jahangir received William Hawkins, an
envoy of King James I of England, who reached directed by K. Asif is a famous film which tells
India to obtain trade concession. the love story of Jahangir and Anarkali.
In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe reached the court of Jahangir wrote his autobiography Tuzukh -i-
Jahangir as the first ambassador of James I of Jahangiri in Persian language.
England. As a result of his efforts, first English Jahangir died in 1627 and was cremated at
factory was established at Surat in Gujarat. Shahdhara in Lahore.

Shahjahan was born on 5th its architect. British administra- The Gateway of Redfort is the
January 1592 at Lahore. tor Furgurson called it a love Lahore Gate. It is here at the
His mother was Jagat Gosain in marble. Now Sulphur Diox- Lahore Gate that the Prime Min-
and his childhood name was ide, emitted by oil refinaries in ister of India hoists the National
Khurram. Madhura after mixing with mois- Flag and addresses the nation
He married Arjum and Banu ture in the atmosphere forms on the independence day.
Begum, daughter of Asaf Khan, Sulphuric Acid and is damaging In 1656, Shahjahan constructed
brother of Noorjahan. She later the marble of Tajmahal. the Juma Masjid in Delhi. It is
came to be known as Mumtaz In 1638, Shah Jahan built his the biggest masjid in India. First
Mahal which means beloved of new capital Shah Jahanabad in Masjid in India was constructed
the Palace. Delhi and shifted the capital at Kodungallur in Kerala
Shahjahan destroyed the Portu- from Agra to there. (Cheraman Palli) in 644 AD by
guese settlements at Hoogly. In 1639 he started the construc- Malik Ibn Dinar.
Shahjahans period is consid- tion of Red fort in Delhi on the The Portuguese introduced Eu-
ered as the Golden Age of model of Agra Fort built by
Mughal Architecture and Shah Akbar. Its construction was
Jahan is known as the Prince of completed in 1648. The Diwan-
Builders. i-Am, Diwan-i-Khas and the
In 1631, he started the construc- Moti Masjid are situated inside
tion of Tajmahal in memory of the Red fort. The Moti Masjid
his wife and completed in 1653. in Agra was constructed by
It is situated on the banks of Shahjahan.
Yamuna river in Uttar Pradesh. The INA Trial in 1945 was con-
Utad Iza, a Turkish/ Persian was ducted at the Red Fort.
ropean painting in India during Atharva Veda into Persian. came worse during the period of
the reign of Shahjahan Shahjahan was a famous lyri- Aurangazeb.
In 1658 Shahjahan was impris- cist. He wrote lyrics in Hindi. Aurangazeb was the only
oned by his son Aurangazeb and The famous Peacock Throne Mughal Emperor who was not a
he died in 1666, after eight years. was built by Shah Jahan. It was drunkard.
His daughter Jahan Ara was also abducted from here by Aurangazeb is considered reli-
kept in prison along with him at Nadirshah in 1739 during his giously fanatic. He was also a
the Agra fort.
Indian invasion (Persian con- temple breaker. He persecuted
Shahjahans son Dara Shukoh
queror). Now it is kept at the the Hindus and imposed prohi-
was a famous scholar. He trans-
London Tower Museum, Britain. bition against the free exercise
lated Bhagavat Gita and Sixty
Upanishads into Persian. He also French travellers Bernier and of Holi and Diwali.
wrote a book titled Mujm-ul- Tavernier and Italian traveller Aurangazeb died in 1707 Febru-
Behrain (Mingling of the Manucci visited India during ary 20, at Ahmednagar. Auran-
Oceans) He also translated Shahjahans period. gazebs tomb is situated at
Daulatabad in Maharashtra.
Aurangazeb imprisoned his fa- In 1675 he executed 9th Sikh Guru
ther and made himself the Guru Teg Bahadur because of his Bahadurshah I came to the
Padushah in 1658. But his ac- reluctance to accept Islam. throne after the death of
tual coronation was conducted Teg Bahadur was executed at Aurangazeb. His real name was
in 1659. Chandini Chauk. Muassam.
Alamgir (conqueror of the In 1739, Nadirshah Quli the
In 1679 Aurangazeb constructed
world) was the name adopted by Persian conqueror attacked In-
the tomb of his only wife Rubiad
Aurangazeb when he became dia during the period of the
Daurani at Aurangabad in
the Padusha. Mughal Emperor Muhammed
Maharashtra. It is known as Bibi
Shah or Rustan Khan (1719-
Aurangazeb is known as Zinda ka Makabara. It is otherwise
1748) and took away
Pir or living saint because of known as Mini Tajmahal as it
ShahJahans famous Peacock
his simple life. was the blind imitation of
Throne and Kohinoor Diamond.
He banned music and dance. Tajmahal. In the same year he
He was a pleasure loving king
He discontinued the system of reimpossed Jaziya upon all the
and was nicknamed Rangeela.
Jharokha darshan and the non muslims, which was earlier
Ahmedshahs (1748 -1754) pe-
system of weighing the emperor abolished by Akbar.
riod saw the mighty invasion of
in Gold. Aurangazeb called Shivaji a
Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghani-
Astronomers and astrologers mountain rat and gave him the
were dismissed and he forbaded title Raja because of his guerilla
Shah Alam II (1759-1866) - The
the inscription of Kalma on the tactics.
battle of Buxar (1764) was
coins. In 1660, he entrusted fought during his reign.
He ended the celebration of Shaisthakhan to defeat Shivaji. Akbar Shah II (1806 - 1837) con-
Navroz festival. Later in 1665 the Treaty of ferred the title Raja upon Ram
He ousted all the artists from his Purandar was signed between Mohan Roy.
court. At the same time he was Maharaja Jaisingh of Amber and During his reign, Lord Hastings
an accomplished Veena player. Shivaji Jaisingh was deputed by ceased to accept the sover-
Aurangazeb was the last great Aurangazeb. eignty of Mughals and claimed
Mughal Emperor. The Mughal - Rajput relation be- an equal status.
Provincial Administration
He was the last Mughal em-
peror. On 17th May 1857, Mughal empire was divided into subas which was further
Bahadurshah II was declared subdivided into sarkar, parganas and villages. However, it also had
the independent emperor of In- other territorial units as Khalisa, (royal land), Jagirs (autonomous
dia by the mutineers. He was rajas) and Inams (gifted lands, mainly waste lands).
surrendered to LtW.S.R. There were 15 territorial units (subas) during Akbars reign, which
Hodson at Humayuns Tomb in later increased to 20 under Aurangzebs reign.
Delhi. In 1859, he was deported Province (Suba)
to Rangoon in December where Sipahsalar - The Head Executive (under Akbar and later he was
he expired on Nov. 7, 1862. The known Nizam or Subedar)
Tomb of Bahadurshah II is in Diwan- Incharge of revenue department.
Pyinmana, the capital of Bakshi-Incharge of military dept.
Myanmar. Mir Saman: Incharge of Imperial household and Karkhanas.
Bahadurshah II was also a fa- Mir Munshi : Incharge of royal correspondence
mous Urdu Poet. Sadr us Sadr: Incharge of charitable and religious endowments
Bahadurshah II was also known Qazi ul Quzat: Head the Judiciary department
as Bahadurshah Zafar. Zafar Muhtasib: Censor of Public Morals.
means gifted poet. District / Sarakar
The Mughal Fauzdar - Administrative head
Amal/Amalguzar-Revenue collection
Administration Kotwal-Maintenance of law and order, trial of criminal cases and
The Mughals believed in price regulation.
Divine Right concept of Pargana
Kingship. Shiqdar - Administrative head combined in himself the duties of
It was a mixture of Central fauzdar and kotwal.
Asian and Timurial traditions
Amin, Qanungo - Revenue officials
in Indian settings.
The chief officials who Village
assisted the king in central Muqaddam - Headman
administration were the Wakil, Patwari- Accountant
Wazir, Diwan - Khan -i-Shama, Chowkidar - Watchman
Mir-Bakshi, Sadr-us-Sadar and
chief Qazi. Important literary works of the Mughal period
Under Akbar the Mughal Humayun Namah - Gulbadan Beegum
empire had 18 provinces or Ain-i-Akbari - Abul Fazal
Subas but there were 21 under Akbar Namah - Abul Fazal
Aurangazeb. Twarikh-i-Alfi - Mulla Daud
The head of the Suba was
Tabakhat-i-Akbari - Nizamudin Ahamad
Subadar or Sipahsalar.
The head of the Sarkar or Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri - Jahangir
District was under Fauzdar and Shahjahannama - Inayat khan and also by Muhamad Salih
Pargana under Shiqdar and Sakinet-ul-Aulia - Dara Shukoh
village under village headman. Raqqat-i-Alamgiri - Aurangazeb
The Revenue system under the Padshahnama - Abdul Hamid- Lahori and Mohamad Warish
Mughals had various features Alamgir namah - Mirza Muhamad Kazim
such as Zabti System, Batak Kamran, brother of Humayun became a common language of
Nasaq, Kankut, Karoris and was a poet. diplomacy.
Dashala systems. Akbar was a philosopher, Urdu emerged as a common
The Mansabdari system of skilled in art, architecture and language of India.
Akbar made the nobility and the music. According to Abul Fazl eight
army rolled into one. Its basis Jahangir an ardent naturalist, styles of calligraphy were in
was Mongols decimal and landscaper, and an vogue in India during Akbars
organisation of the army. The authority on painting. rule.
ranks of the officers were Shahjahan excelled in Akbar favoured the Nastaliq
divided into Zat and Sawar. architecture and was an school of calligraphy. The best
Jahangir introduced the authority of gems and jewelry, exponent of it was Muhamad
Duaspa-Sih-aspa system. devoted to music and dance Hussain of Kashmir, who had
The administrative classifi and a proficient vocalist. the title Zarrin - Kalam or
cation of land were Khalsa or Darashukoh was an eminent Golden Pen.
crown land, Jagir land in which scholar and author. The renowned Hindu
the nobles collected the land tax Aurangazeb was an accom- calligraphists under Auranga
and Sayurgai land or lend plished veena player and pro- zeb were Pandit Lakshmi Ram,
granted on free tenure. moted the creation of classical Lala Sukh Ram and Munshi
The instrument used for the Indian music in Persian lan- Mahbub Rai.
measuring land was called guages. Zebunnissa, his Humayun and Akbar learned
Zarib or Tanab (Earlier it was daughter was a zelous patron painting lessons from the
made of rope but later are made of learning and culture. She Persian painters Mir Sayyid Ali
of bamboo sticks joined by iron wrote books of odes and qua- and Aullah Abdus Samad.
rings. trains under the pen name Ma- Akbars artists main work was
Bigha was a standard unit of khfi the concealed one. to illustrate manuscripts.
area which measured 60 x 60 The last Mughal ruler Bahadur- Daswanth was a celebrated art-
yards or 3600 square yards. sha II or Zafar was an emi- ist in Akbars court. He illustrat-
The gold coins issued by Akbar nent Urdu poet.
ed Razinnama, a Persian trans-
were of twenty six varieties. There was no official censorship
lation of Mahabharatha.
Jahangir was the first Mughal of writers in Mughal India.
Mughal paintings witnessed a
ruler to put his portrait on Mughal royal memoirists -
rapid change under Jahangir.
coins. One of his coins bore his Babur, Jahangir and Gulbadan
The main feature was the de-
figure with a cup in his right - were candid about themselves
cline of Persian influence and
hand. and their families, open about
the growth of Indian influence.
The silver rupee under Akbar their failings.
The best examples of land-
had a weight of 175 grams and The Mughal rulers valued
scapes - in Jahangirs time were
one rupee was equal to 40 books and maintained huge
Yar-i-Danish and Anwar-i- Su-
dams. libraries. Royal ladies like
Jalali was a square rupee issued Salima, Jahanara and
by Akbar. Zebunnisa had their own Mughal painting reached its
The Mughal emperors were libraries. climax under Jahangir. Minia-
multi-talented Babur was a Bairam Khan was known as a ture painting developed under
distinguished author, poet, Todar mal was a literary him
Calligrapher and composer. figure in eminence, He Ustad Mansur specialised in
Humayun a mathematician, translated Bhagavata Purana Animals and Bishandas pro-
astronomer, astrologer, poet into Persian. duced portraits.
and an inventor. Under the Mughals, Persian Jahangir favoured individual
Mughal architectu
der Akbar.
d th e Ja m a- i-M asjid at Sambhal un
libagh at Panipa t an r Humayun.
A mosque at Kabu at Fa le ha bad and Agra unde a distinctive

in -P an ah - D el hi , and the M os qu es
ji (o r Be ga ) Be g who introduced
The D s widow Ha
at Delhi built by hi

Humayuns tomb s first garden tomb. rbals palace,

ia n sty le in In di a. It was also In di a
Pa nc h M ah al , Jo dhabais palace, Bi
Pers ni-Khas, in Akbar s period.
Diwani-Aam, Diwa arwasah were built
The Agra Fort, The ol an d Bu la nd D
m, the Hathi-P
The House of Maria ing the old Lodhi Fo
rs and it is the
ar bu ilt the Agr a fort after demolish M as jid Si kr i, ha d a height of 53.6 mete
Akb of Juma
a, the lofty gateway

The Buland Darwaz th e world. hangir at Lahore
in d Mausoleum of Ja
es t ed ifi cs of its kind anywhe to m b at A gr a an
fin -daulas
kandara, Itimad ud
Akbar s tomb at Si d-daula). It was
her father Itimad-u

re co nt ru de d un der Jahangir. is m au so le um of
we built th
as tomb (Nurjahan ble.
The Itimad-ud-daul en tirely of white mar d Hira Mahal,

fir st of th e M ug ha l str uctu re s bu ilt
i M as jid an d Ja m a Masjid at Agra an
the Bagh, Mot
ish Mahal, Anguri han.
The Taj Mahal, Sh d Fo rt at D elh i were built by Shaja
an d Re
Moli Reng Mahal
Tulsidas the greatest book in favoured by the Mughals ; they
paintings and manuscript illus-
all devotional literature. preferred to keep gems uncut,
The Mughal paintings was an valuing size over brilliance.
In pictorial motifs a major Except Aurangazeb the Mughal
offshoot of Persian painting
contribution of Christian art to rulers were all keen patrons of
which was an offshoot of
Mughal art was the halo. (the music.
Chinese paintings.
halo was first used in ancient The dying wish of Sag Sheikh
The rigid formation is the
India to depict the aura of Salim Chishti; according to
shortcoming of the Mughal
Budha.) Jahangir, was to hear Tansen
Aurangazeb turned his back to Sing.
Regional schools developed
paintings. He erased the Mian Tansen Kalawaut was
during the period of
paintings at Bijapur that Akbars court musician.
Aurangazeb. The best was the
violated Koranic law. The Mughal emperors were
Rajastani school which created
The term Urdu (Hindustan) is open- handed to musicians.
the Ragamalika (musical
derived from the Turki word Example- Jahangir gave gold
modes) and Krishna Leela
Ordu meaning military camp. coins who composed an ode in
(frolics of Krishna) Paintings.
Another Indo- Persian dialect, Jahangirs name. Shahjahan
The Mughal artists mainly dealt
Dakhini has evolved in the weighed musician Jagannath
with subjects of imperial pomp,
Deccan; a mixture of Persian against gold. Akbar rewarded
Rajput artist depicted Tansen with 200,000 rupees for
and local languages especially
traditional Hindu religious a performance.
subjects. The Hindu and Muslim musical
The Mughal period was rich in
The Mughals made traditions have produced new
Hindi poetry. Surdas was a
contributions in jewellery musical modes such as
singer in Akbar s court.
making. Some styles are Qawwali, Thumri and Khayal.
Tulsidas was a contemporary
attributed to Noorjahan; for Amir Khusrau, the greatest
of Akbar and of Shakespeare.
example, the Karanphool- poetic and musical genius of the
Gandhiji described the
jhumka or the ear ornament. age, made a conscious effort to
Ramacharitha manasa of
Lapidary work was not fuse Hindu and Persian music.
Gwalior, under Raja Man Singh THE MARATHAS
(1450-1528) became the nest of
musicians and produced the The first great leader of the
Marathas was Chatrapathi
Man kautuhal (the rulers
governing ragas).
The Marathas became promi-
Tansen was a native of Gwalior.
nent in the later half of the 17th
He was taken to the court of
Akbar from the court of Raja of Shivaji belonged to the Bhonsle
Rewa in 1563. clan of the Marathas.
Bas Bahadur, the former ruler Shaji Bhonsle and Jija Bai were
of Malwa, was musician in the Parents of Shivaji.
Akbars Court whom Abul Fazl He was born in 1627 February
described as a singer without 19 at the fort of Shivner near
rival. Junnar. In 1665, Shivaji signed the
Shauqi, the mandolin player, His father was a military com- Treaty of Purandar with Raja Jai
(the wonder of the age) was in mander under the Nizam Shahi Singh of Amber, who was de-
Jahangirs court. rulers of Ahmedanagar and later puted by Aurangazeb.
of Bijapur. In 1666 Shivaji visited
Ram Das a second Miyan
Shivajis tutor was Dadaji Aurangazeb in his court at Agra.
Tansen was in the court of
Kondadev. But he and his son Sambaji were
Shivaji received the help of imprisoned by Aurangazeb in the
Shahjahan laid the foundation
Malavi tribe to capture the terri- Jaipur Bhavan, but escaped in
of the city Shahjahanabad in 1666.
1638. tories of Bijapur Sultan.
Torna was the first place captured On 16th June 1674, Shivaji
The Jamamasjid at Delhi of crowned himself an independent
Shahjahan was the largest by Shivaji in 1646.
Shivaji came to conflict with the Hindu king became the
mosque in India. Chatrapathi and assumed the
Mughals for the first time in
The Chief architect of the Taj title Haindavadharmodharak.
1657, during the period of
was Ustad Ahamad Lahori or Shivaji died in 1680 at the age of
Ahamad Mimar, who was 53.
In 1659, Bijapur Sulthan Ali
supervised by Abdul Karim and Shahu became the Chatrapathi
Adilshah sent Afzal Khan to kill
Makramatkhan, imperial Shivaji. But he killed Afzal Khan. in 1708 and his period witnessed
officers. It is estimated that In 1660, Aurangazeb deputed his the rise of Peshwaship.
some 20,000 workmen laboured viceroy of Deccan, Balaji Vishwanath (1712 - 1720)
for about twenty two years in Shaisthakhan to kill Shivaji. Baji Rao (1720 - 40) Balaji
the Taj Complex. The plot for
the construction of Taj was
a war
purchased from Raja Jai Singh, Anglo-Marath wars were fought
lo-Maratha e Maratha
grand -son of Raja Man Singh, , and third Ang ompany and th
The first, second E ast In dia C
final and
South of Agra City, for y of the British 7 - 1818) was a
between the arm at ha W ar (1 81
917,00000 rupees. rd Anglo-Mar atha Empire in
The Moti Masjid in Red Fort Empire. The Thi ee n th e Bri tish and the Mar
t be tw a.
decisive conflic l of most of Indi
and Badshahi Mosque at
w hi ch left th e U.K. in contro )
India, 775-1782
Lahore were built by -Maratha War (1
The First Anglo aratha W (180
ar 31805)
Aurangazeb. co nd A ng lo-M
The Se
BajiRao I (1740 - 61) and Madhav Baji Rao was the ablest of the Sikh Guru
Rao I (1761 - 1772) were the Peshwas. Guru Nanak ................ 1469 - 1538
Peshwas who ruled Shivaji did not allow women in Guru Angad ................ 1538 - 1552
Maharashtra. his military camp. Guru Amardas............. 1552 - 1574
Baji Rao popularised the idea of The Marathas were equipped Guru Ramdas .............. 1574 - 1581
Hindu Padpadshahi or Hindu with an efficient naval system Guru Arjundev ............ 1581 - 1606
Empire. under Shivaji. Guru Hargovind .......... 1606 - 1645
Balaji Baji Raos period wit- Guru Har Rai ............... 1645 - 1661
nessed the Third Battle of GURUNANAK Guru Har Kishan ......... 1661 - 1664
Panipat in 1761. In this battle AND THE SIKHS Guru Teg Bahadur ....... 1664 - 1675
Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghani- Guru Govind Singh ..... 1675 - 1708
stan defeated the Marathas.
Madhava Rao was the last great Langar or free community din-
Peshwa. ing was also introduced by Guru
Last Peshwa was Baji Rao II. Angad.
Madhava Raos period witnessed Third Sikh Guru was Amar Das.
the disintegration of the Maratha He started the Manji system ie,
power and the formation of inde- branches for the propagation of
pendent kingdoms - Holkar of Sikhs. He made Guruship
Indore, Bhonsle of Nagpur, hereditory.
Sindhya of Gwalior and Gaekwad Guru Ramdas was the fourth
of Baroda. Sikh Guru. He founded the city
Peshwa was the Maratha Chief of Amritsar. The place for the
Minister. city was donated by Akbar.
Chauth and sardeshmukhi were Under the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru
two special taxes collected by Sikh is a sanskrit word which Arjun Dev, Sikhism became an
the Marathas. means disciple organised religion. He compiled
The first Maratha war (1775 - Sikh religion was founded by the Adi Grandh the sacred
82) Swami Madhav Rao Vs GuruNanak.
book of the Sikhs. He built a
Raghunath Rao with English Guru Nanak was born at Talwandi
support. in Lahore, belonged to the Khatri temple at Amritsar , (later the
Second Maratha war 1803 - 05. Caste (Mercantile Community). Golden Temple) Har Mandir
Third Maratha war 1816 - 19. Nanak called his creed as Sahib. He helped Jahangirs son
The last great soldier and states- Gurumat or Gurus wisdom. Prince Khusru to rebel against
man of Maratha was Nana GuruNanak was born in 1469 the Emperor. So he was ex-
Phadanis (1800) and died in 1538. ecuted by Jahangir at Lahore in
The Maratha script was called He was the first Guru of the 1606 AD.
Modiscript. Sikhs. The sixth Guru Hargovind, cre-
Peshwaship was abolished in His followers called themselves ated a Sikh army and turned
1818 Sikhs which meant disciple. against Shahjahan. He founded
Nanak preached only in Punjabi. a palace opposite to Har Mandir
Shivajis Council of Ministers Nanak nominated Guru Angad
was known as Ashtapradhan. Sahib known as Akalitakht.
as his successor.
They were Peshwa, Pandit He also adopted the title Sacha
Guru Angad introduced
Rao, Sumant, Sachiva, Gurumukhi Script. He also com- Padusha, which means true ruler.
Senapathi, Amatya, Mantri and piled Guru Nanaks biography The title was not adopted by
Nyayadhyaksha. Janam Sakis. Teg Bahadur).
Renjith Singh (1780 - 1836)
The Sikhs then rose to power like phoenix under Renjith Singh of Punjab. On the
eve of Renjiths birth Punjab was invaded by the Durrani king Shah Zamman,
Grandson of Ahamad Shah Abdali. To avaid his threat the British sought Renjith
Singhs help by 1797 he became the defacto ruler of Punjab and in 1799 he got
control over Lahore and in 1801 he assumed the tittle of Maharaja.
Renjith Singh, as a part of administrative convenience, i.e.. established the Mohal-
ladari system. i.e., Each Mohalla under the charge of one of its members, possess-
ing more influence than the rest. In 1806 Renjith Singh signed a friendly treaty with
the British. i.e., Sikhs were not enter to an alliance with any anti-British power; the
British got a chance to expand southwards.
In 1809 the British and Renjith Singh made the Treaty of Amritsar. The British recognised the authority of
Renjith Singh over 45 parganas. Sutlej was recognised as Renjiths boundary.
On 26th June 1838 a tripartite agreement was signed between English East India Company, Shah Jahan and
Renjith Singh to let pass the British troops through Lahore. Renjith died on 27th June 1839.
Renjith Singhs established Fauj- i- khas as the model troop, He adopted the Batai System and then the
Kankut system. His army was trained by French officers like Allard and Ventura. The French traveller
Victor Jacque Mont visited his court.
The Siks fought two wars against the English - the Anglo - wars. Ist Anglo - Sikh war (1845 - 1846) The
sikhs were defeated in 1846 June 28 near Aliwal. IInd Anglo - Sikh war (1848 - 1849). Lord Dalhousie
annexed Punjab to the company administration.

Seventh Guru was Har Rai. He Kartarpur Dabir is the root Grandh Sahib as the eternal
was succeeded by Guru Har form of Guru Grandh Sahib. Guru.
Kishan. Har Kishan became the Govind Singh proclaimed the
Guru at the age of five, hence he
is the youngest Sikh Guru.
The 10th and the last Guru,
Govind Singh formed the Khalsa
or the Sikh brotherhood.
He introduced Panchkakar of
Sikhism ie, Kesh (long hair),
Kanga (Comb), Kripan (Sword),
Kachha (Underwear) and Kara
(Iron bang).
He introduced baptism and
wanted every Sikh to bear com-
munity surname Singh or lion.
His aim was the establishment
of a Sikh State after overthrow-
ing the Mughals. In 1708 he was
killed by an Afghan.
Vichithra Natak is the autobi-
ography of Guru Govind Singh.
RELIGIOUS Adi Sankarach vival and expans
ion of
d by re
MOVEMENTS OF peri od af ter Guptas is marke m an d Buddhism. A
t the
The e of Ja in is
continued decl
in m and
MEDIEVAL AGE Hinduism and ou s ch al lenge to Buddhis
l the most se ri called
intellectual leve w ho re vi ve d H induism. He is
sed by Sankara (non-
Important Bhakti saints Jainism was po nd ed th e do ct rine of Advaita
duism. He prop various levels to
(South India) Aquinas of Hin il os ophy, there are e
ding to th is ph rahma. But on th
dualism). Accor vel, the world is a creation of B ly
In South, the Bhakti movement
truth. On a low
er le usion). The on
le un iv er se is Maya (ill ation is
was led by a series of popular
highest level,
the w ho
e im pe rson al world soul. Cre
was Brahma, th ding to
saints called Nayanars and
ultimate reality in en t an d om niscient. Accor
play). He is im m llent
Alvars. The chief object of their
his lila (eternal w or ld w er e on e. He wrote exce
d the created ath 4
worship was Shiva and Vishnu
Sankara. God an an d U pa ni sh ads. After his de
on Bhagwadgi
ta ujarat),
respectively. They spoke and
commentaries ge ri (K ar na taka), Dwaraka (G
wrote in Tamil and Telugu. blished in Srin
mathas were esta rinath in the Him
Ramanuja a Vaishnuvite, 12th riss a) an d B ad
Puri (O
CenturyAD was born at born near Benaras, brought up
Sripreumbathur and founded Sankaracharya born at Kaladi by a weaver Niru, married to Loi
Srivaishnava sect. in Kerala, was the founder of and had two children.
Ramanuja tried to assimilate the Advaitha philosophy. He He was influenced by Ra-
Bhakti to the tradition of wrote commentary on mananda and the Muslim saint
Vedas. He argued that grace of Brahmasutra and Upanishad. Pir Taqi. He promoted equality
God was more important than He founded four Mutts Sringeri, between Hinduism and Islam.
knowledge about him in order Dwaraka, Puri and Badrinath. His followers started the Ka-
to attain salvation. The In North India the Bhakthi birpanthis.
tradition established by movement was promoted by Dadu Dayal (1544- 1603) a
Ramanuja was followed by a two schools of thought - the Nirguna born in Ahmedabad,
number of thinkers such as Saguna and Nirguna schools. not believed in the authority of
Madhavacharya, Ramananda, The Nirguna school believed in Scriptures but in the value of
Vallabhacharya and others. a God without any form self- realisation. His verses
Nimbarkar promoted the Ramananda was the prime were collected into a book form
Dvaitadvaita philosophy and teacher of it. known as Bani. His followers
founded the Sankadi The Saguna school believed in were called Dadu Panthis.
sampradaya. the manifold forms of god. Rai Dasa followed the path of
Madhavacharya founded the Ramananda (1360-1470) born at Ramananda and his songs are
Dvaitadvaita philosophy and Prayag preached Vaishnavism. included in Guru Granth Saheb,
Sankadi Sampradaya. He was a follower of Ramanuja the Sikh Bible.
Vallabhacharya promoted the and included disciples from all Surdasa (1483-1513 AD) - He
philosophy of Pushtimarga and castes . He used Hindi to propa- belongs to Saguna School. He
he founded the Rudra Sampra- gate his teachings. Example : was a disciple of famous
daya. He is the creator of Raidasa the Cobbler, Kabir the religious teacher
Sudhavaita, The doctrine of weaver , Dhanna, the farmer, Vallabhacharya. He sang the
grace, the ideal of self- dedica- Sena, the barber and Pipa the glory of Krishnas childhood
tion and sublimation of human Rajput. He created a new sect - and youth in his Sursagar.
life are the major features of his Ramandi sect. Tulasi Dasa (1532-1623) a
teachings. Kabir (1398-1458) a nirguna Saguna, was born in Brahmin
family became a worshipper of combination of knowledge on Sufi Movement
Rama and composed various sciences and arts with
Ramacharithamanasa in Hindi the synthesising concept of The Sufis were an ecstatic
and some other works such as spiritual life. mystical sect and an elitist and
Vinay Pitaka, Kavitavali and Gurunanak (1469-1539 AD) - intellectual movement.
Gitavali. He was a mystique of Nirguna The term Sufi is derived from
Mirabai (1498-1569) a Rajput School. But his followers the Arabic word Suf meant
princes hailed from the branched off from Hinduism wool.
Sisodiya dynasty of Chittoor, and founded a separate The Sufi movement first came
was a devotee of Lord Krishna. to India in the wake of Mahmud
religious system. He became a
Her lyrics, full of passion and Ghaznis invasion in the 11th
wandering preacher of a
spiritual ecstacy, were written Century.
casteless, universal, ethical,
in Brijbhasha and in Rajastani. Sufism was organised a
anti-ritualistic and monoth
Sankaradeva (1463-1568) of monastic basis in orders or
eistic and highly spiritual
Assam Promoted monotheism Silsilahs
known as Ekasarana Dharma. There are two main orders - Be-
He rejected ritualism and idol Islamic Movements Shara ; not bound by Islam and
worship, caste system. His Islam has two basic sects - Shiah Ba- Shara bound by Islamic law.
creed came to be known as
and Sunni. This schism arose of The early Sufists accepted the
Mahapurshiya dharma and he
political rather than religious prophethood of Mohamad and
insisted Nishkama Bhakti.
dispute. the authority of the Quran but
Krishnananda , Brahmananda
later they absorbed a variety of
giri, Kavirajnana and Purnanda Shiahs wanted the Caliphate to
be hereditary through Ali, the practices and ideas from
were Saivite Saints.
Christianity, Neo - Platonism,
The Bhakti movement in prophets son-in-law but the
Zorastrianism. Budhism and
Maharashtra came to be known Sunnis wanted it to be elective
Hindu Philosophical systems -
as Maharashtra Dharma. (later their religious tradition
Vedanta and Yoga.
Jnandeva (1275-96 AD) - He also diverged)
The teacher, disciple (Pir and
was progenitor of Bhakti The most remarkable Islamic
musical) relation was essential
movement in Maharashtra. movement in Mughal India was for Sufism.
Namdeva (1270-1350 AD) - He the Mahdawi Cult. They Chisthi Silsilah (12th Century
was a Nirguna Upasaka. Some believed that at the end of the
of his abhangas are included in and 13th Century) founded in
first millennium of Islam, a India by Khawaja Muinuddin
Guru Granth Sahib.
saviour, Imam Mahdi, the Lord Chisthi of Ajmir. The two
Ekanath (1548 AD) - He was
of the Age, would appear to prominent disciples of him were
opposed to caste distinction
and evinced greatest stop crime and restore pure Shaikh Hamidudi Nagauri of
sympathy for men of low caste. shining faith. Founder of it was Nagpur and Sheik Qutubudin
Sayed Muhammad Mahdi of Bhaktyar Kaki. The Chisthis
Tukaram - He was a farmers
Jaunpur. laid much stress upon service
son and a great devotee of
Ranshaniyah by Miyan to mankind. They lived on
charity and had a musical
Samarth Ramdas, the spiritual Bayazid Ansari, Rishi by
recitation called Sama.
guide of Shivaji combined spiri- Shiekh Nurudin of Kashmir, and
tual and practical life and took Suhravardi Sisilah (13th
Taghallub by Shiek Ahammad
interest in politics. His monu- Century) founded by Shaikh
Sirstrindi were other Islamic
mental work Dasabodha is a Shihabuddin Shuhruvardi. In
Movements. India it was founded by Shaik
Baha Uddiu Zakaria of Multan. Shah Abdulla Shatari founded stressed internalization of
The slave ruler Iltumish called the Shattari Silsilah but became religious rites.
him Sheikh-us-Islam. prominent in India under Shaik Nizamia Silsila, which faced
Firdasusi Silsilah (13th Muhammad Ghauth of Gwalior. hardship under Mubarka and
Century) First established in Tansen was a follower of it. Ghyaruddin Khalji was founded
Delhi by Badaruddin The Naqshbandiya order - It by Nizamuddin Aulia.
Samarqandi but later moved to developed as an orthodox Jamaludin Hanavi founded the
Bihar Sharafuddin Ahamad movement which stood against Jamalia order and Allauddin
Yahya Manari of Patna. heresy as reform. The Promoter Sabari inaugurated the Sabaria
Qadrissilsilah (12th Century) of it was Sheik Ahamad Sirhindi order.
was founded by Shaikh Abdur a contemporary of Akbar. Sufism declined in the late 17th
Quadir Jilani of Bagdad and in Jahangir imprisoned him and Century.
India the leader were Shah even Aurangazeb was forced to Qulandars, were another group
Nizamatullah and Nassirudin ban his teachings. of Muslim ascetics, different
Muhammad Jilani. Prince Dara Raushaniyah Silsilah was from Sufis, did not give respect
Shikoh was an ardent follower founded by Miyan Bayazid to Shahiah but had a great
of it. Ansari of Jallandhar. He reputation as miracle - workers.
EUROPEANS s a Portuguese
Vasco da Gama wa
Vasco da Gama first arrived at explorer. Cape of
Kappad near Kozhikode in A new Sea
route to India via f-
ern tip of South A
Kerala. Good Hope (South a in
Vasco da Gam
Saint Gabriel was the name of rica) discovered by -
e beginning of Euro
the ship in which Vasco-da- 1498 AD marked th
an History.
Gama landed at Kappad, the port pean period in Indi second
of Zamorin of Calicut. Vasco-da-G
ama arrived for the
r the third chance in
The most famous Portuguese time in 1502 and fo
rt Cochin and was
men from the point of view of 1524. He died at Fo ere. Later
Francis Church th
India were Vasco da Gama, cremated at the St. l in 1539.
we re br ou ght back to Po ga
ese In dia
his rem ai ns
15 24 he wa s G overnor of Portugu
For a sh or
t time in
unde r th e tit le of Viceroy.

The first church, for Europeans They introduced Tobacco in the

only, was constructed by court of Akbar in 1604.
Franciscan Friars in Cochin, who The Portuguese authority in In-
were brought by Albuquerque. dian seas remained upto 1595.
The church was dedicated to St. The Portuguese started the first
Almeida Antony but is presently known press in India at Goa in 1556.
as church of St. Francis.
Almeida and Albuquerque. Albuquerque died near Goa in
Don Francisco deAlmeida was December 16, 1515
the first Portuguese governor in His policy of mixed colony sys-
the East. His policy was called tem was to encourage intermar-
the bluewater policy which riage between the Portuguese
aimed at the establishement of and Indians.
strong navy. The Portuguese religious
In 1507 the Portuguese arrived policy of Latinisation of the
at Madras. The city finally got Kerala Church brought them
its name from their leader Madra. into conflict with the native
The greatest Portuguese gover- Christians ( the later Syrian
nor the East was Albuquerque. Christians)
He was the real founder of the The conflict for the establish-
Portuguese authority in India. ment of Latin rite and Syrian rite
Albuquerque tried to abolish led to the Coonan Cross Oath
Sati. incident in 1653. St. Francis CSI Church, in Kochi.
Second governor of Portuguese The Portuguese introduced ag- Vasco da Gama, died in Kochi in
India conquered and estab- ricultural products such as 1524 when he was on his third visit
lished the Portuguese colonial cashew, coconut, custardapple, to India. His body was originally
empire in the Indian ocean. pineapple etc in India. buried in this church.
The first Portuguese fort in In- The Dutch Early name of the company was
dia was constructed at Cochin. John Company.
The Portuguese captured Goa In 20 March 1602 the United The English East India Com-
from the Bijapur Sulthan in 1510. East India Company of the Neth- pany was formally established
In 1534 the Portuguese captured erlands was formed. The name on 31st December 1600 by a
Basseine of Maharashtra and of the Dutch Company was Charter issued by Queen Eliza-
Diu of Gujarat from Sultan Vereenidge Oostindische beth of the Tudor dynasty.
Companie (VOC). Hector, the first ship of the En-
Bahadur Shah who offered
The Dutch set up their first fac-
Bombay including Elephanta glish East India company
tory at Masulipattanam in 1605 reached Surat on 24 August
island ( the original name of the
and built their first fort at Pulicat 1606.
island was Gharapuri)
in 1609. In 1612 the Company became
Hunho da Cunha built a
1610: King of Chandragiri allowed a joint stock company.
Portuguese fort at Bassein
the Dutch to have settlement in Sir Thomas Roe, first ambassa-
Bhadur Shah of Gujarat and
Pulicat which became the chief dor of James I of England landed
Malwas who tried to escape
slave trading centre. at Surat and met Jahangir in 1613
from the Portuguese captivity
died at Diu (on February 14, 1612: The Portuguese expelled the and the first English factory, was
1537) Dutch from Pulicat but a established at Surat.
The Portuguese settled down in convention in 1616 Pulicat went The first factory was estab-
Hoogly in 1579, which place back to the Dutch. lished by Thomas Aldwarth.
became the first international 1625: The Dutch had their The Company made a
riverine port in India. settlement in Bengal at Chinsura settlement in Aramgaon, which
was the first fortified area in
The main reasons for the initial 1645: The Dutch established a India.
success of the Portuguese in factory at Kayal, South of The company acquired Bombay
India were ; the enmity among Tuticorin. They returned to from Charles II on lease which
the native rulers, the position of Hoogly for business. he got as dowry from Portugal.
the Malabar Coast, the support
They captured Nagapattanam The designation of Chief Jus-
of the Vijayanagar rulers, the Bull
from the Portuguese in 1659. tice was introduced in India by
of Pope Alexander VI in 1493 In 1663, the Dutch captured the English in 1678.
and the absence of any superior Cochin. In 1672 the Court of judicature
rivals. In 1741, Marthandavarma, the was setup as directed by the
The major causes for the Travancore ruler defeated the East India Company and English
decline of the Portuguese power Dutch in the Battle of Kolachal. law was for the first time
were ; The final Collapse of the Dutch introduced in India.
The rise of the Dutch and the came with their defeat by the En- Madras became the first presi-
English, annexation of Portugal glish in the Battle of Bedara in dency chartered as Municipal
by Spain in 1518, the decline of 1759. Corporation with Mayors court
the Vijayanagar empire, the rise 1687.
of the Marathas the degenera THE ENGLISH AND Job Charnock founded the city
tion and demoralisation of the THE FRENCH of Calcutta.
Portuguese men in India, the Francis Carton set up the first
Colonisation of Brazil by The English East India Com- French factory at Surat in 1668.
Portugal and the fanatic pany was formed by a group of The First French Governor of
religious policies of the Merchants known as The Mer- Pondicherry was Francois Mar-
Portuguese Christians. chant Adventurers in 1599. tin.
during the 18th commander John Zepheria
of m ilitary contests
Wars wer e a se ri es panies. As a Holwell and four women were
The Carnatic th e F re nch tr ading com
n the Britis h an d inance among locked in a small room. 123 of
century betwee co m pa ny es ta blished its dom them died inside due to
sh trading
result, the Briti within India. English for
E ur op ea n tr ad ing companies e French and the
suffiocation. This incident is
the tw ee n th known aBlack-hole tragedy.
t Carnatic war
be in 1748 by
The firs a oc cu rr ed in 1742. It ended Battle of Plassey was fought
uth Indi
supremacy in So
A ix-la-Chapple. between Robert Clive and Siraj-
The treaty of 1748 to 1754.
seco nd C ar na tic war was from 17 63. The Third C
arnatic ud-daula, the Nawab of Bengal.
The fr om 17 58 to
rd Carnatic war
was British Siraj-ud-daula was defeated in
The Thi In di a an d in to Bengal where
nd southern handernagore
(now the battle.
War spread beyo en ch settlement of C in g of Mir Zafar was made the Nawab
th e Fr ith th e sign
forces captured . T he w ar concluded w of Bengal after the battle of
in 17 57
63 T reat y of Paris. Plassey.
the 17
The arrival of Dupleix as French After the battle of Plassey Rob-
Governor in India in 1742 saw ert Clive became the first Gover-
The Charter of August 9, 1683
the beginning of Anglo- French nor of Bengal.
issued by the British crown
authorised the company full Conflict. The Construction of fort Will-
power to declare and make Robert Clive was the Governor iam of Calcutta was started by
peace and war with any of the of the English during the Lord Clive.
nations of Asia and to recruit Carnatic wars. The Charter of 1758 Jan 14
such military forces as The Gregorian Calendar came to allowed the company to keep
necessary. The company be used throughout the British any booty taken in wars against
enrolled the companies of dominion in 1752. the enemies of the king and the
Rajput soldiers (perhaps the first The Second Carnatic war ended company.
build up of an Indian army by with the treaty of Pondicherry Separate Courts were created for
the company). in 1754. the Indians and the Europeans
Madras became the first In 1759 Robert Clive defeated an by the East India Company.
Presidency chartered as expedition from the Dutch In 1765 Clive returned to
Municipal Corporation with a company to re-establish Dutch Calcutta and became the
Mayors Court (1687). position in Bengal, which Governor of Bengal for the
Job Charnock founded the city marked the end of Dutch Power second time, which continued
of Calcutta on 24 August 1690 in India. till 1767.
in Sutanuti village and At the Battle of Wandiwash, Clive introduced official postal
established the first English Eyre Coot defeated French gen- system in 1766.
factory in Calcutta. He died at eral Lally in 1760. Ahammed Shah Abdali entered
Calcutta in 1693 and buried With the Treaty of Paris in 1763 India for the last time in 1767.
there. His tombstone was made peace was settled between the The Sikhs defeated him later
of Charnokite granite named French and English. Amar Singh, protege of Abdali
after him. The Battle of Plassey was founded Patiala state.
King George I of England fought in the year 1757 June 13. The Sanyasi and Fakir rebellions
empowered the company to In 1756, Siraj-ud-daula, the started in Bengal against the
establish Municipal Corpora Nawab of Bengal, attacked foreign rule.
tions and Mayors Court in Calcutta and captured it. 146 They were strong in North Ben-
Bombay and Calcutta. British prisoners including their gal and North Bihar till 1774.
In 1764, the European Bengal of Lord North. It was first In 1782 the Treaty of Salbay was
Regiment Mutiny which was enactment relating to territorial signed by Anderson for the En-
followed by the First Indian possessions in India. glish and the Scindia for the
Sepoy Mutiny against the Brit- Robert Clive introduced Dual Marathas by which the Mar-
ish in Patna in May. government in Bengal. athas were forbidden to have
The combined forces of Mir Under the Regulating Act the dealings with any nation other
Kassim, Emperor of Delhi and Mayors Court in Calcutta was than the English.
Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula of Oudh replaced by the Supreme court An office called the Court of
were defeated in the Battle of which functioned till 1862. Wards was established in
Buxar on October 23 1764. Calcutta was made the capital Bengal in 1782 to take care of
The Battle of Changama took of India by East India Company. the Zamindaris of minors,
place on September 3, 1767 In 1775 the Treaty of Purandhar females and incapables.
between the combined forces of was signed between the British In 1783 the Foxs India Bill for
Hyder Ali and Nizam and the and Nana Fadnavis. the improvement of
British army. Then started the On March 5, 1775 Raghunath administration in India was
First Anglo - Mysore War (1767- introduced in the British
Rao signed the Treaty of Surat
69). Parliament but was defeated.
with the British and the British
The year 1770 witnessed a great troops captured Barakpur of Tipu Sultan sieged Mangalore
with French help.
famine and plague epidemic in Bengal.
Bengal which took the toll of one Court of Directors censured
The Ordinance Services Corps
fifth of the total population of Warren Hastings and he
was established.
resigned his post.
fifteen million. Maharaj Nanadkumar was
In 1784 Asiatic Society of
Hyder Ali lost to the Marathans hanged in Calcutta on charge of
Bengal was established by
in the battle of Milgota pass in forgery (August 5, 1775). He was
William Jones with Warran
1771. the last Indian to die on a Hastings as the first Patron (It
The court of Directors of the forgery charge. later became Royal Asiatic
East India Company appointed In 1767 Clive returned to Society and finally Asiatic
Warren Hastings as the England and committed suicide Society since 1951)
President of their Bengal in 1774. The Pitts India (India Act of
Council on April 13, 1772. In the first Anglo - Maratha war 1784) Bill was introduced in the
Muslim Personal Law, based on (1775 - 82) the Marathas were British Parliament to improve the
Shariat, was first enacted by the badly mauled in the battle of government rule for the
British. Arras by Col: Keating. management of Indian affairs
In 1773 Peshwa Narayana Rao Abdul Zafar Siraj - ud-din and was passed.
was murdered by his uncle Muhammad Bahadur Shah II, Tipu built the Gumbaz of Sriran-
Reghunath Rao or Raghoba the last of the Mughal Emperor gapatanam in the garden nur-
who proclaimed himself as the was born. tured by Hyder Ali.
Peshwa. Scindhia of Gwalior, In 1776 Warren Hastings In 1786 Lord Cornwallis was
Holker of Indore, Bhonsle of resigned from the post of appointed Governor General as
Nagpur and Gaekward of Baroda Governor General of Bengal but well as the Commander-in-Chief.
became independent of later retracted it. Bengal was divided into thirty
Peshwas control. The second Anglo- Mysore War five districts by John Shore.
In 1773, the Regulating Act was (1780 -84) took place. John Shore, James Grant and
passed in the British Parliament Warren Hastings established Jonathan Duncan assisted
to control the finances of East Muhammadan Madrassa in Cornwallis in the field of
India Company at the instance Calcutta. administration.
Haider Ali was the son of Fatheh Muhammed.He was born in 1722.
In 1766, he became the ruler of Mysore after the death of Mysore Raja Krishna Wodeyar.
First Mysore war between Haider Ali and the English started in 1767 and ended in 1769.
First Anglo-Mysore war ended with the defeat of English and the treaty of Madras.
Second Mysore War was from 1780 to 1784.
Haider Ali died in 1782 and Tipu Sultan became the Mysore ruler.
The second Mysore war ended by the treaty of Mangalore in 1784.
Second Mysore war was fought during the period of Warren Hastings.
Third Mysore war started in 1790 and ended in 1792.
The third war ended by the treaty of Sreerangapatnam on March 19th 1792.
Fourth Anglo Mysore war was in 1799.
Fourth Mysore war was fought during the period of Governor General Wellesley.
In this battle, Tipu was killed in 1799 at Srerrangapatanam by Col. Arthur Wellesley.
Tipus Capital was Sreerangapatanam.
Tipu is known as Mysore Tiger.
Fathul Mujahiddin is the book written by Tippu which describes about rockets.

In 1788 Pitts Regulatory Act of the company. He introduced Now it is in Victoria and Albert
was introduced to put further a Civil Code for government Museum in London.
controls on Government of servants (Cornwallis Code) Ranjith Singh of Punjab
India. Sir John Shore (1793-98) captured Lahore from its Sikh
East India Company with the witnessed the Battle of Kharda rulers.
Hydrabad Nizam and the between the Nizam and the Hawa Mahal Palace or the Palace
Peshwa, signed a treaty against Marathas. of four winds was built at Jaipur
Tipu on the understanding that Lord Wellesley (1793-98) by Maharaja Pratap Singh in
the conquered area will be introduced the Subsidiary 1799.
divided among the three. Alliance system in 1798. The Fort William College was
In 1790 the third Anglo- Mysore Nizam of Hydrabad concluded established in Calcutta by Lord
War brokeout and the British a Treaty of Subsidiary Alliance Wellesley in 1800 for training of
captured Dindigal and Palghat. with the English. Civil servants of the company
The war came to an end by the The Fourth Mysore War was in languages and customs of
Treaty of Srirangapatanam in waged under Major General W Indians.
1792. Pomham and General Baird Karnataka was annexed to the
In 1793 Lord Cornwallis against Tipu. The latter was company
introduced the Permanent killed in the battlefield on May 4, In 1862 Peshwa Baji Rao II, after
Revenue Settlement in Bengal 1799. getting defeat from Yashwant
and Bihar aiming at getting a Tipu was the only Indian King Rao Holker accepted the
fixed amount at correct intervals who died on the battle field, subsidiary Alliance system by
to the government. fighting the British. the treaty of Bassein.
Cornwallis tried to complete Tipu was fond of Tigers and The British captured Delhi
exclusion of the Indian from dislike for the British. The against the combined forces of
Indias administration and give French developed a mechanised the Sikhs and the Marathas in
it exclusively in the hands of the toy tiger killing a Briton with all the Second Anglo - Maratha
European Covenanted Servants the sounds of roar and agony. War ( 1803 - 05)
By the Treaty of Surji governor of Madras in 1820. Coorg was annexed by the
Arjangaon the British got Lord Ahersts period (1823-28) Company : in 1834 from Rajaveer
control of Delhi Agra Broach witnessed the First Burmese war Rajendra after a war and then
and other territories ; the true and Bhartpur was annexed after annexed Central Cachar.
end of the Mughal Empire. imprisoning the usurper Durjan Bentick changed the official
Lord Wellesely suppressed Sal and Assam. language of the Courts of
sacrifice of children in the sea in Rubber plant seeds were first Justice from Persian to English.
Sagar Island of Bengal in brought to India from Brazil by He made a Treaty of Perpetual
fulfilment of vows. Henry William in 1826. (First friendship with Raja Renjith
The Indian soldiers at Vellore Rubber Plantation was set up in Singh.
and Madras mutinied in July Kerala in 1900.) Lord Macaulay in 1835 Febru-
1806 since they were forbidden Lord William Bentick (1828- ary 2, opened the flood gates of
to wear caste - marks and 1835) abolished Sati by Western Education in India by
earrings during Parade. Col. Regulation XVII of 1829. linking higher education with
Rolls Gillespie suppressed the The Brahma Samaj was the English language.
mutiny by killing nearly five founded by Raja Ram Mohan The March 7 Resolution was
hundred mutineers. Roy. introduced for the promotion of
The European army officers of Capt. William Sleeman launched European Literature and Science
the company revolted against a campaign to exterminate Thu- in India.
differential treatment meted out gees who were brought under
to them compared to the Royal The British began to strike
control by 1837 and completely
Regiment Officers (1809). Coins with British Crowns
eliminated by 1860.
image, instead of Emperor
Company established college of The Charter Act of 1833 was
Akbar Shah II, in 1835.
Fort St: George in Madras. passed.
In 1814 the Company started The temporary Governor
A Law commission was framed
minting Silver Coins in India. General Charles Met Calfe (1835-
under Macaulay, the legal
The Anglo - Nepal War (1814- 36) established the freedom of
member of the Governor
16) and the Treaty of Sagau Li Press.
Generals Council, for
(1816) codification of India Laws. Thus On January 10, 1836 Professor
The Third Maratha War ; the Civil Procedure Code (1859) and Madhusudan Gupta and four of
dissolution of the Maratha Indian Penal Code (1860) and a his medical students Raj Krishan
confederacy and the formation Criminal Procedure Code (1861) Dev, Uma Charan Sett,
of Bombay Presidency (1818). were created. Dwaraknath Gupta and Nobin
On April 7, 1818 the British The Charter Act of 1833 took Chandra Mitra dissected a dead
introduced Bengal state steps to abolish slavery body in Calcutta Medical
Prisoners Regulation III of 1818 (abolished in 1843) ; Bengal, College.
for detention and deportation of Bombay and Madras In 1837 James Princep,
political prisoners and preordinations were place under Secretary of Asiatic Society,
revolutionaries without trial. the complete control of the deciphered the ancient Brahmi
The Pindari bandits, the unruly Governor General and he was Script and later Kharoshti
Cavalry bands of central India given the power to superintend, inscriptions of India.
and on friendly terms with control and direct all civil and The First Political Organi-
Holker and Scindia, were military affairs of the company; sation of India the Zamindari
smashed. Companys monopoly over Association of Calcutta, in 1838
The Ryotwari System was trade with China in tea was changed its name to Landlords
introduced by Thomas Monroe, stopped. Association.
1838 is the birth year of Bankim Udaipur (1852) Jhansi (1853) passenger train on August 15,
Chankra Chatterji the author of Nagpur (1854) and Awadh 1854 between Calcutta and
Vande Matharam, Kesab (1856). Hoogly.
Chandra sen the founder of The Geological Survey of India Indias first modern Post office
Bharathiya Brahma Samaj and was established on March 5, was established in Calcutta in
Mirza Ghulam Ahamad, founder 1851 in Calcutta and the first 1854.
of Ahmadiya Sect. official. Telegraph line was In 1885 the first long distance
Lord Aucklands Period opened between Calcutta and telegraph line between Calcutta
witnessed the First Afghan War Diamond Harbour on October and Agra (1300 km) was opened.
(1838-42) and death of Ranjith 24. A separate Public Works
Singh. The British Indian Association Department was established in
Lord Ellenborough (1842-44) of Bengal was established on every province.
witnessed the annexation of October 29, 1851 with Radha The Widow Remarriage Act
Sind and War with Gwalior. Kanta Dev as president and (1856) was passed.
Debendranath Tagore, father of Devendranath Tagore as the Lord Canning (1856-1862)
Rabindranath Tagore accepted secretary. established three universities at
Brahmo Religion. Postal system for the general Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in
British Indian Society was public was introduced in 1857.
founded in Bengal in 1843 by the Karachi, the first time in Asia, in
British citizens for the welfare July 1, 1852 (It was valid only in Subsidiary Alliance system
and just rights of Indian the district of Sind and known and other Policies
Subjects. In 1851 it was merged as Scinde Dwak. Subsidiary Alliance System was
with the British Indian
On April 16, 1853 Indian introduced by Wellesley to
Railways Started the first train bring Indian States within the
Lord Hardings Period (1844-48)
of Great Indian Peninsular orbit of British political power.
witnessed the First Anglo - Sikh
Railway with 3 steam Engines First Indian ruler to join the Sub-
War (1845-46) and ultimately
hauling 20 Coaches with 400 sidiary Alliance System was the
Punjab lost its independence in
people. The train left Victoria Nizam of Hyderabad.
Terminus (Bori Bunder) of Permanent Revenue Settlement
Lahore was captured by the
Bombay for Thane. was introduced in Bengal, Bihar,
British and infant Duleep Singh
was recognised as the ruler. He Competitive examination for the Orissa and districts of Benaras
abandoned Sikkim and became Indian Civil Service (ICS) started and northern districts of Ma-
a Christian, the first Indian in England, through the Charter dras by Lord Cornwallis in 1793.
Prince to do so but later he Act of 1853. It was planned by John shore.
became a sikh. In 1884 Charles Wood made the Ryotwari System was intro-
Hardins abolished female Woods Despatch which is duced in Bombay, Madras and
infanticide and human sacrifice. considered as the Magna Carta Assam. This system was similar
Lord Dalhousie became the of English Education in India. to Akbars revenue policy Zabti
Governor General of India in Which recommended English as system.
1848 and acted as such till 1856. the Medium for higher studies Mahalwari System was intro-
and vernacular at school level duced in Awadh region, Punjab,
He introduced the Doctrine of
Lapse and annexed Satara (1848) and grant -in-Aid system. NWFP and parts of Central In-
Jaipur and Sambhalpur (1849) East India Railway ran its first dia.
The Great Mutiny of 1857 took place during the Result of 1857 Revolt
period of Lord Canning. The revolt Suppressed.
The Centres and Leaders of the Revolt End of Company rule in India.
Lucknow - Begum Hazrat Mahal Control taken by the British Crown .
Kanpur - Nana Saheb
Delhi - General Bhakt khan positive political meaning to the revolt.
Bihar - Kunwar Singh The immediate cause for the 1857 revolt was the
Jhansi - Rani Lekshmi Bai introduction of the greased catridges.
Faridabad - Maulavi Ahmmadulla Educated middle class section of Indian popula-
Bareili - Khan Bahadur tion did not support the revolt of 1857.
The 19th Native Infantry at Berhampur which re- On November 1, 1858 a proclamation was made by
fused to use the greased cartridge and the enfield the Queen to the people of India in eighteeen lan-
rifle, started mutiny in February 26, 1857. guages.
The focal point of the revolt included Delhi, The Queen Victorias Proclamation of 1858 an-
Kanpur, Lucknow, Bareilly, Benaras, Jhansi and nounced the end of the Rule of East India Com-
Arrah. pany in India.
The first shot was fired on March 29 by Mangal The best and the bravest military leader of the
Pandey (of Ballia, UP) of the 14th Bengal Infantry rebels sir Hugh Ross said this about Rani of
at Barrakpore of Bengal. Jhansi.
Mangal Pandey was hanged to death on 29 March The original name of Rani of Jhansi was Mani
1857. Karnika.
May 10, 1857 witnessed the real mutiny at Meerut The administration by Indian civil service offic-
followed by Delhi on 11th May. ers started as a result of the Queens proclama-
The first British to loose his life was Col.Finnis tion.
Meerut. The revolt was completely crushed in 1858.
Bahadurshah II surrendered to Lt. W.S.R. Benjamin Disraeli described the revolt as a Na-
Houdson on September 21, 1857 at Humayuns tional Rising.
Tomb in Delhi. V.D. Savarkar in his book First war of Inde-
The capture of Delhi and the proclamation of pendence called it The First War of Indepen-
Bahadurshah as the Emperor of Hindustan gave a dence.

The revolt is also known as India's First War of Independence, the Great Rebellion, the Indian
Mutiny, the Revolt of 1857, the Uprising of 1857, the Sepoy Rebellion and the Sepoy Mutiny. The
rebellion led to the dissolution of the East India Company in 1858, and forced the British to reorga-
nize the army, the financial system, and the administration in India. India was thereafter directly
governed by the Crown in the new British Raj.
The immediate cause for the 1857 revolt was the introduction of the greased catridges. The use of
cow and pig fat in the newly-introduced Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle cartridges provoked Indian
soldiers. Soldiers had to bite the cartridges with their teeth before loading them into their rifles, and
the reported presence of cow and pig fat was offensive to Hindu and Muslim soldiers.
The revolt of 1857 ended in failure but it promoted the spirit of Nationalism and Patriotism. Rebel
leaders, such as the Rani of Jhansi, became folk heroes in the nationalist movement in India.
Bahadur Shah Zafar
the last Mughal
Emperor, crowned
Emperor of India,
was deposed by the
British, and died in
exile in Burma.

Lakshmibai, The Rani of Jhansi,

Charles Canning, the Governor-General one of the heroes of the revolt who earlier had lost her
of India during the rebellion. kingdom as a result of the Doctrine of Lapse.

In 1859 the White Mutiny by exploitation of the British Madame Bhikaji Kama
European troops occurred. Indigo Planters. September 24, and Madan
Bahadur Shall II was exiled to Iswar Chandra Vidya Sagar Mohan Malaviya December 25,
Rangoon in December 1859 was awarded with the first act and the formation of Radha -
where he expired on November for raising the age of consent Swami- Satsang, an esoteric
7, 1862. of girls for marriage. Sect, by Tulsi Ram or Sib Dayal
Tantia Tope (Ramachandra The Indian Councils Act 1861 Saheb.
Reghunatha Tope) was established Legislative The Indian Civil Service Act
captured and hanged at Councils at the Centre and in was passed. The maximum age
Sivapuri on April 18, 1859. the Provinces and Presidencies of entry into ICS was fixed at 22
Nanasaheb (Dhundu Pant) died by including non - official years and one years probation
in Nepal on Sept 24, 1859. members. in England ( In 1866 it was
The Indigo riots was started by The year 1861 witnessed the reduced to 21 yrs and 24 yrs
Bengal peasants to protest births of Motilal Nehru May 6, Probation in England, in 1878 it
against the torture and Rabindra Nath Tagore May 7, was further reduced to 19
Sambhunath Pandit, the first
of Lapse
The Doctrine tion policy by Governor Gen-
Indian, assumed the office of
nexa the Judge of the High Court
Lapse was an an y pr incely st ate
The Doctrin e of ng to the Doctrin e, an - Calcutta on February 2, 1862.
usie. A cc or di East India Com
eral Lord Dalho di re ct in fl ue nc e of the British m , w ou ld Ganendra Mohan Tagore
r the te
or territory unde Subsidiary Sys passed the Barrister- at- law
ssal st at e un der the British m an ifes tly incom-
pany, as a va ru ler was eith er exam from Lincolns Inn on
anne xe d if th e took over the
automatically be he ir . The company r June 21. He was enrolled in
without a di re ct ur (1849), Nagpu
petent or died ra (1 84 8) , Ja ip ur and Sambalp is D octr in e. Calcutta High Court as the Ist
Sata g th
princely states of h) (1856) usin Indian Barrister in 1865.
si (1 85 4) an d Awadh (Oud e reas on that the rule
and Jhan A w ad h in 18 56 with th e in cr ea si ng The Wahabi Movement was
over lution. With th
The British took ly .this led to a revo ed amon gst
started by Sayyid Ahmed of Rae
li ng pr op er nt si m m er
was not ru ny , disconte Bareli in 1862 in the Viceroyalty
ast In di a C om pa lt, in 1858, the
power of the E y. Fo llowin g th e revo sh of Lord Elign I (1862-63)
of Indi an so ci et that of the Briti
man y sections of In di a, w ho se rule replaced Satyendra Nath Tagore,
new British Vic , renounced the
doctri ne. became the first Indian, to be
a C om pa ny
East Indi
directly recruited in the Mayo established the the Kuka or Namdhari
Covenanted Civil Service (later Department of Agriculture and movement in Punjab of Bhai
renamed as Indian Civil Commerce and the State Balak Singh and Baba Ram
Service). railways. Singh.
Lord John Lawrence (1864- John Paxton Norman, the Lord Lyttons Tenure in India
1869) waged war with Bhutan officiating Chief Justice of as viceroy was from 1876 to
in 1865 and Created High Courts Bengal was fatally wounded by 1880.
at Calcutta Bombay and stabbing in Calcutta on In 1878 he appointed a Famine
Madras. September 20, 1871 by a Commission under the
Kathiawar state of Saurashtra member of the Wahabi Sect. chairmanship Sir. Richard
(Junagarh), the first native In 1872 Lord Mayo was Strachey due to a heavy famine
state, issued its own postage assassinated on February 8, in that affected Punjab Central
stamp in 1865. the Andaman Islands by Sher Indian regions, Madras,
The Prarthana Samaj was Ali, an Afghan Wahabi Bombay and Hydrabad.
established at Bombay under Prisoner, as revenge for the By the Royal Titles Act 1876,
Ranade Bhandarkar and others punishment given to their Queen Victoria assumed the
due to the visit of Kesab leader Amir Khan. title of Kaiseri - Hind or
Chandra Sen. Lord North Brook became the Emperors of India. It was
Dar-ul-Uloom (House of Viceroy of India in 1872 and he celebrated on January 1, 1877
Learning or Azhar Al- Hind ) continued in that post till 1878. in Delhi Durbar under the
was founded by Maulana His Government passed the Presidentship of Lord Lytton.
Muhammad Qasim Nanatawi Native Marriage Act, known as On March13, 1878 the
and Maulana Rashid Ahmed Civil Marriage Act 1872, to Vernacular Press Act was
Gangoni in Deoband of UP. legalise inter - religion and inter passed to Control Vernacular
In 1868 the Amrit Bazar caste - marriages. Press and Publications.
Patrika was first published as In 1874 June the English East The Calcutta University
weekly in Bengali by three India Company was dissolved. allowed women to appear to the
Ghosh brothers - Sisir Kumar, S.N. Banerji was removed from Entrance Examination.
Besantha Kumar and Hemantha ICS on an inadequate ground Sreemathi Kadambhini
Kumar. In 1878 it became an of age limit which was reduced Ganguli was the first Indian
English paper to override the to 19 years in 1878. Women to appear in the
provisions of the Vernacular Swami Dayananda Saraswathi Entrance Examination in
Press Act of Lord Lytton. It founded the Arya Samaj Centre December 1878.
became a daily paper in 1891. in Bombay on April 17, 1875. The Madras News Paper The
Lord Mayo (1869-1872) opened On July 9, 1875 Bombay Stock Hindu first came out on
the Rajkot College in Kathiawar Exchange, the first one in India, September 20, as a weekly with
and the Mayo College at Ajmer was born under the Shade of a only 80 copies with G.S. Aiyar
for political training of Indian Banyan tree. as its editor. It became a daily
Princes and he established the S.N. Banerji (Rashtraguru) on April, 1889.
Statistical survey of India. He founded the first students Mukunda Das, the famous poet
organised the first population Union based on Politics in 1875. of the Swadeshi movement
Census in India, (Census is The Prince of Wales (Edward known as Charan Kabi was
carried out every ten years VII) visited India in 1875. born in 1878.
thereafter). Lord North Brooke had to face Lytton Passed the Arms Act
(1878) which disallowed to be known as the father of lines.
Indians to carry arms without Local Bodies in India. In 1882 The Postal Savings
Licence and previous sanction. He replaced the Vernacular Bank System was introduced
Lord Lyttons viceroyalty Press Act which destroyed the on April 1, 1882.
witnessed the birth of the some freedom of the Indian Press. Ripon promoted financial
of famous literary, religious and The First Factory Act was decentralisation.
political personalities such as passed, which was followed by The Hunter Commission on
Sarat Chandra Chattopadhaya one in 1911 and another in 1934. Education was created (1882-
of Bengal (1876 September 17, The Bengal Engineering 83). The Commissions work
d. 1938) . College of Sibpur was was mainly confined to primary
The Second Afghan War 1879- established (1880) and St: and secondary education.
1880 occurred during the region Stephens College was founded The Illbert Bill controversy
of Lord Lytton. in Delhi by Cambridge (1883-84) in connection with
On January 1, 1880 Money Missionaries in 1881. the appointment of Indians as
Order System was introduced. India had its first telephone judges made Ripon to resign his
Lord Ripon (1880 - 1884) came exchange in Calcutta with 50 post.

Year.. Organisation Founder Place
1838 ... Landholders society ............................. Dwaraknath Tagore .................................. Calcutta
1839 ... British India Society.............................. William Adams .......................................... London
1851 ... British India Association ....................... Devendranath Tagore ............................... Calcutta
1862 ... London India Committee ....................... C.P. Mudaliar ............................................ London
1866 ... East India Association .......................... Dadabhai Naoroji ...................................... London
1867 ... National Indian Association .................. Mary Carpenter ........................................ London
1872 ... Indian Society ...................................... Anand Mohan Bose ................................. London
1876 ... Indian Association ................................ Anand Mohan Bose and S.N. Banerjee...... Calcutta
1883 ... Indian National Society ......................... Shishir Chandra Bose ............................... Calcutta
1884 ... Indian National Conference ................... S M Banerjee ............................................ Calcutta
1885 ... Bombay Presidency Association ........... Mehta and Telang .................................... Bombay
1888 ... United India Patriotic Association ......... Sir Syed Ahmed Khan ............................... Aligarh
1905 ... Servants of India Society ...................... G.K. Gokhale ............................................. Bombay
1920 ... Indian Trade Union Congress ............... NM Joshi (founder) .................................. Lucknow
Lala Lajpat Rai (President)
1924 ... All India Communist Party..................... Satyabhakta ............................................. Kanpur
1928 ... Khudai Khidmatgar ............................... Abdul Gaffar Khan ................................... Peshwar
1936 ... All India Kisan Sabha ........................... Sahajananda and N.J. Ranga ..................... Lucknow
1940 ... Radical Democratic Party....................... M.N. Roy ................................................. Calcutta

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