Grammar 1

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Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

Grammar Notes for Lesson 1


Sentence with a Verb as Predicate


The Verb ( part 1 )

The Three Types of Verbs
Other Characteristics of the Verb
Modification (Inflexion) of Verbs
The Ordinary Polite Affirmative Form masu
The Meaning of the masu-form
The Ordinary Polite Past Form mashita
The Predicate


The Noun


The Noun
The Subject


The Particle


Particles and


Interrogative Sentence


Yes / No questions
Wh-question (Sentence Including an Interrogative)

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

Grammar Notes for Lesson 1

1. Sentence with a Verb as Predicate
Probably in all languages of the world a sentence can be categorized as belonging to one of
the following three basic types:
1. sentence with a verb as predicate
(e.g. Michael is drinking white wine. )
1. sentence with a noun as predicate
(e.g. Michael is a student. )
1. sentence with an adjective as predicate
(e.g. Michael is eager. )
In this lesson, sentences with a verb as predicate will be the focus of our attention. The two
other types of predicate will be discussed in later lessons.
(noun: lesson 3,8; adjective: lesson 5,6)
To be able to build sentences like Michael is drinking white wine, we first have to be
introduced to some components of a sentence with a verb as predicate.

1.1 The Verb ( part 1 )

In modern Japanese, three types (classes, groups, inflectional groups) of verbs are
distinguished according to the following features:
1. verbs with weak changes. Jaku henka dooshi abbreviation: V
2. verbs with strong changes. Kyoo henka dooshi abbreviation: V
3. irregular verbs. Fukisoku dooshi abbreviation: V
notice: In further steps we will mostly use these abbreviations !

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

1.1.1 The Three Types of Verbs

A. Verbs with weak changes V
The dictionary forms (these are forms of words mentioned in dictionaries, so-called
lexicalized forms) of verbs with weak changes (further V ) end always in ru ().
E.g. tabe-ru (to eat), mi-ru (to see), ake-ru (to open), fue-ru (to increase), ochi-ru (to fall) etc.
The ru ending of V is always preceded by the sound e- or i- or, to be more
precise, by a syllable containing an e- or i-sound: taberu = be + ru, miru = mi + ru,
akeru = ke + ru, fueru = e + ru, ochiru = chi + ru etc.

Word Formation:
V = V-stem + -i + ru
V = V-stem + -e + ru

Practically speaking, there are only 9 possible i-sound units and 11 possible e-sound units
which can be followed by the ending -ru:
The 9 possible combinations of i-sound units plus ru and their examples are:
( iru to be; mochiiru to use )
( kiru to wear; okiru to wake up)
( nigiru to grip)
( tsuujiru to connect with)
( ochiru to fall)
( niru to resemble)
( nobiru to extend)
( miru to see; shimiru to soak in)
( oriru to disembark; tariru to be enough)
The 11 possible combinations of e-sound units plus ru and their examples are:
( eru to get; kangaeru to think)
( akeru to open; wakeru to share)
( ageru to give; nageru to throw)
( miseru to show; noseru to take on board)
( mazeru to mix)
( suteru to throw away; tateru to construct)
( deru to go out; yuderu to boil)
( neru to sleep; haneru to jump)
( taberu to eat; kuraberu to compare)
( hajimeru to begin; shimeru to close)
( ireru to put into; nureru to get wet)

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

Quiz 1: Which verb is a V ? In each horizontally-arranged row only one verb is a V...

h The answers will be discussed during the grammar lesson.

B. Verbs with strong changes V
The group of verbs with strong changes (further V ) consists of verbs which in their
dictionary form always end in u-sounds of the Japanese syllables. According to the
Hiragana chart (or transcription chart) and considering linguistic usage, only 9 different
V endings exist:
-u, -ku, -gu, -su, -tsu, -nu, -bu, -mu and ru.

These endings of V can be preceded by vowels and syllables containing an a-, i-, u-, e- or osound. Examples: ha-u, aru-ku, yo-mu, aso-bu, shi-nu, haka-ru, etc.

Word Formation:
V = V-stem + -u / -ku / -gu / -su / -tsu /-nu / -bu / -mu / ru

( kau to buy; warau to laugh, au to meet)

( kaku to write; aruku to walk, iku to go)
( nugu to take off <clothing>; fusegu to defend)
( hanasu to speak; kesu to extinguish, to switch off)
( matsu to wait; motsu to carry)
( shinu to die; the only verb ending in -nu)
( tobu to fly; erabu to choose, sakebu to shout)
( yomu to read; hohoemu to smile, amu to knit)
( tsukuru to produce; kaeru to return, aru to exist)

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

Quiz 2: Which of the following verbs are

V ?

h The answers will be discussed during the grammar lesson.

Important note:
Since Japanese is not a synthetic language and as is the case in every naturally developed
language, exceptions to the rules are inevitable.
In rare cases the distinguishing marks of V and V overlap:
Some of the Japanese verbs with eru or iru endings have to be identified as V instead of
V . Verbs in current use like kaeru (to go back, to go home) or shiru (to know) are
definitely V . Their number amounts to approximately 60 (not counting compound words).
The 12 most frequently confusing V in the guise of V are:

(to decrease)


(to go back, go home) I - 1

shaberu (to chat, talk)

II - 1
II - 7


(to slip, slide, glide)


(to fall, scatter)


(to enter)

II - 1


(to run)

I -11


(to need)

I- 9


(to limit, restrict)

III - 8


(to cut)

II - 4


(to grasp, clasp)

III -11


(to know)

II - 8

I - 11

The numbers after the verbs refer to the lesson in which they are mentioned for the first time
(e.g. II-7 = 2nd semester, lesson 7).
As you can easily notice kaeru (to go back, go home) belongs to the vocabulary of this
lesson !

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

C. Irregular verbs V
In Japanese only two verbs namely kuru (to come) and suru (to do) belong to the
group of irregular verbs.
Contrary to ohter verbs, the change in the structure of these two verbs depending on their
function in a sentence (the so-called inflection) is not systematic, i.e. kuru and suru are not

Word Formation:

V = kuru and suru

1.1.2 Other Characteristics of the Verb

In contrast to the verbs of European languages, Japanese verbs have no conjugation, i.e. there
are neither changes of the form related to the person (English: I drink, you drink,
he /she/ it drinks,..; German: ich trinke, du trinkst, er sie es trinkt,...), nor to singular and
plural (German: ich trinke wir / sie trinken).
Given the fact that common western languages have a conjugation, this fact is quite
astonishing. On the other hand, the lack of conjugation facilitates the learning of a foreign
language enormously. Conjugation is not a linguistic necessity, particularly because you
would never speak or write a word without a context and so the question of the acting
person(s) or their number (singular or plural) is usually answered unequivocally.

1.1.3 Modification (Inflexion) of Verbs

Apart from the conjugation there are many possibilities to change the form of the verb
depending on the meaning you want to express. We want to call this change an inflexion or
rather in a neutral way a modification.
In Japanese the verb is one of the most important carriers of multi-layered information
contained in a sentence or parts of a sentence (phrase). Unlike European languages where
other components of the sentence serve to indicate tense, voice, mood, etc. of the verb (I eat
meat / I do not eat meat / I am able to eat meat / I am just now eating meat / I let her eat meat
etc.), the Japanese language operates systematically with a very simple and ultimate principle:
attaching the respective information to the unchangeable part (= stem) of the verb
In other words the entire information concentrates in the verb without use of any auxiliaries.
Thus, if you want to modify any verb, take the stem and add any information you like at the
end of it and the sentence will contain the disired message.
By the way, we have already seen a lot of such examples. The dictionary form of verbs is
nothing but an attachment to the unchangeable stem of the verb. For instance the verb to eat
taberu is made by the stem tabe- and the ending ru. This ru is so to say one of the
carriers of information and it indicates that the whole verb is now in the lexicalized form.
In the same way you can attach different information to tabe(-ru):
not to eat
tabe- + nai
be able to eat
tabe- + rareru
just now eating =
tabe- + te iru
let eat
tabe- + saseru

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

In linguistic usage a verb carries not only a single information, but it very often contains
a many-dimensional information.
If you say I did not eat meat, the sentence predicate conveys two meanings: a. it refers
to the action which did not take place and b. it refers to the action which did not happen in the
past. In such cases Japanese verbs get two successively attached pieces of information:
stem + info 1 + info 2
or more grammatically performed:
stem + info negation+ info past
or using our example:
tabe- + na + katta
Generally speaking, the inflection of Japanese verbs can be illustrated as follows:


Info 1 +

Info 2 +

Info 3 +


The principle of modification of Japanese verbs reminds us of the relationship between a

locomotive (railway engine) and its waggons (cars). The stem of the verb is connected like
a draught horse with one or more interlocked endings (infos).
The following comparison comes even more to the point:
Like the connected parts of the train the stem of the verb and all following pieces of
information need a very well fitting kind of connection. It is rather obvious, that linkages
formed like X and W, or linkages formed like and fit perfectly. At the same time
X and or and W can evidently not be connected.
In the same way the stem and all the endings (modifications) of the verb always need
precise and unmistakably fitting links.
This is one of the most important peculiarities concerning the modification of the Japanese
verbs. We will have a critical look at this phenomenon for the next three semesters!

1.1.4 The Ordinary Polite Affirmative Form masu

Japanese has strictly different politeness levels of language depending primarily on the social
requirements and the degree of intimacy between the interlocutors. There is not only the
difference between lexical domains (different words one uses on each level), but there are also
different grammatical structures to be used.
In order to meet the interests of students and achieve a practical applicability of their
knowledge, they have to be introduced to a level of language which is, it is true, not almighty,
but which can be understood by everyone and perhaps, which is much more important - ,
to a level, which is approved and felt as sufficiently polite.
This multilateral and almost universal level is the so-called ordinary polite level. Knowledge
of this level is certainly not enough to cover all imaginable situations, but we can neglect
this fact in favour of a progressive learning of this language. Otherwise it would be
very confusing, if we dealt simultaneously with other levels like the most polite and honorific
level or with a politeness-neutral level.
The first applicable form of the verb we want to learn is the ordinary polite affirmative
form. This form has the ending masu.

Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

The masu-form is built for the three types of verbs as follows:

STEM + masu ()

This can be revealed in the following samples:



okiru to get up, wake up


taberu to eat


to see

STEM (i-sound units) + masu ()
This can be revealed in the following samples:


to buy



to go



to swim



to speak



to wait



to die



to fly



to read



to return


Obviously the last sound of the stem (= linkage of the locomotive) has changed from an
u-sound to an i-sound. In other words the masu-form or the ordinary polite affirmative form
of V belongs to another type of inflection than the dictionary form.

















Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

This system can easily be derived from the order of the kana-syllabary.
There were always 5 columns of sounds like a-i-u-e-o; ka-ki-ku-ke-ko etc. etc.
The second column shows us the i-sound mentioned above, while the third column
represents the u-sound or the sound of the dictionary form.
So if you like to build the masu-form of any V , even those you have never seen before,
just go back to the second column of the kana-chart.
The masu-form of the last remaining type of verbs, the V is :

STEM (i-sounds) + masu ()

(to do)



(to come)


In this case V behave (more accidentally) like a V. So there is no need to learn a new
form for this group.

1.1.5 The Meaning of the masu-form

The masu-form indicates a non-past affirmative action. Non-past means in a manner of
speaking the future, an action which has not taken place yet.
~masu () means we will do this or we surely will complete this action in the very
near future, but it has not happened yet (has not been done yet).
So, strictly speaking ~masu does not mean we are doing this action at this moment (present
tence or exactly: the gerund). The gerund will be introduced in lecture 11.
So the masu-form does not convey a present action and in its very fundamental function it
only shows an action which has not been completed, which is quasi- non-past.
However, ~masu can be used in casual customary situations in the meaning of a habitual
activity. If you want to phrase a question about the habit of reading of the newspapers, you
surely would say something like Do you read the papers? rather than Are you accustomed
to reading the papers?. This by all means absolutely correct literary language style is
normally felt as too stiff and intricate. In the same way the masu-form is often used
as a short and more fluent version to express a habitual activity.
So do not feel misled, if the ~masu as, for instance, in yomimasu is sometimes translated
simply as to read or will read or accustomed to reading.

Quiz 3: Let us build some masu-forms

h The answers will be discussed during the grammar lesson.


Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

1.1.6 The Ordinary Polite Past Form mashita

After we have learnt the masu-form, it is very easy to build the ordinary polite past form.
Just replace ~masu () with the ending ~mashita (), thats all.

Word Formation:
STEM + mashita ()
For the three types of verbs past is built as follows:

STEM + mashita ()

This can be revealed in the following examples:


okiru to get up, wake up


taberu to eat


to see


STEM (i-sounds) + mashita ()

This can be revealed in the following examples:


to buy



to go



to swim



to speak



to wait



to die



to fly



to read



to return


STEM (i-sounds) + mashita ()

(to do)



(to come)


In the case of past both V behave like a V. There is no need to learn a new form for this group.


Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1


1.1.7 The Predicate

The predicate of a sentence is often confounded with the verb. For those learners
who are experts in foreign languages this section can be omitted completely.
Probably like in all languages of the world, a sentence in Japanese is strictly constructed
of different groups of words which form syntactic constituents of a sentence (phrases). In this
way the predicate is indeed the most important component of a sentence, because it contains
an information which reveals the heart of the matter. As we have already read in chapter 1,
there are three basic types of predicate:
1. sentence with a verb as predicate:
Normally this type of sentence shows, that an action happens with a noun.
(Nouns are beings, things or facts in the widest sense).
2. sentence with a noun as predicate:
This kind of sentence shows, that a particular noun is assigned to another superordinate noun.
(These nouns are beings, things or facts in the widest sense).
3.sentence with an adjective as predicate
The last type of predicate shows the feature of the noun (beings, things or facts in the widest
sense) provided by an adjective.

2. The Noun
2.1 The Noun
Contrary to the western languages, the noun in Japanese has neither a declension, nor a
formal distinction of number (singular and plural), nor an article (definite or indefinite,
which is so important in many western languages). The Japanese noun is unchangeable
(not inflexional).
Let us think about some consequences of this fact:
The Japanese word for bread has been borrowed from the Portuguese and is called
pan . Pan as a Japanese noun has three meanings: a bread (indefinite), the bread
(definite), and breads (plural)! Accordingly, a sentence with more than one noun has a wide
range of meanings and it can be given manifold interpretations.
A combination of merely two at random chosen nouns like sensei (teacher, master) and
composed in a more or less sensible sentence with a verb like tabemasu (to eat)
gives rise to many ambiguous versions of translation:
The teacher eats a bread. The teachers eat a bread. The teacher eats breads. The teachers eat
breads. A teacher eats bread. A teacher eats breads. Teachers eat bread. Teachers eat breads....
By the way, we did not take into account the gender (of the teacher) in this case.
(If you like, you can try to create more sentences like these by yourself. Suggested words:
(student), (wine), (pub), and (to drink).


Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1


Categories of nouns
These are the categories (groups) of nouns in Japanese. Notably are those which are not categorized as a noun
in other languages:
1. designation of things (in the widest sense)
mountain ; human being ; student ; cat ;
heart ; thought ; language course etc.
1. names (place names, personal names etc.)
Tokyo ; Coca Cola ; Shakira ; Eiffel tower ; etc.
1. numbers and numbers combined with numerals (classifiers, units of measurement)
twenty ; two pieces ; five grammes ; No.8
; etc.
1. pronouns (also personal,demonstrative, and interrogative pronouns)
she ; this ; when ; which ; etc.
1. preposition of precise positioning
above ; down ; left ; behind ; between ; etc.

2.2 The Subject

The subject as a grammatical item is often defined as the noun, noun phrase, or pronoun in a
sentence or clause that denotes the doer of the action or what is described by the predicate.
In Japanese, this doer (agent) is often omitted. In case of personal pronouns I (watashi )
and you (anata ) as doers (agents) the omission is almost ubiquitous!
The occurence of too many I makes the us unintentionally egocentric and the occurence of
too many you sounds like an examination by the criminal investigation department. So if
you do not want to appear self-centred, try to avoid using watashi and anata if possible. By
the way, the excessive use of watashi and anata is a typical attribute of an average learner of

3. The Particle
The particle is one of the special categories of words in the Japanese language. It is a short
uninflected word which often acts as a substitute for preposition, cojugation and declension,
or provides emotional meanings to words and sentences. Sometimes it is also
called postposition.
Anyway, a particle is very important to mark the function of words and relationship between
them in a sentence. In Japanese we have a manageable amount of particles, since one particle
can be used for different functions. The three important characteristics of a particle are:
1. it is unchangeable (uninflectable)
1. it is positioned after words, normally after a noun (see the designation: post-position)
1. it can be used in combination
The relevance of a particle as a grammatical information carrier can be shown by sentences
which are absolutely equal to each other with the exception of particles. Exchange of particles
brings a completely new meaning into sentence.
As a source we will take the following sentence:
The mother reads a book to her child.
The main constituents of this sentence are mother, child, book, and to read.
And as you can easily guess the particles are , , and .


Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1


Just focus your attention on the modified places (bold face):

A mother reads a book to her child.
2. (Usually) mothers read books to their children.
3. The mother and her child read a book (together).
4. (Usually) mothers and their childen read a book (together).
5. A child reads a book to his mother.
6. Also mothers read books to their children.
7. (Somebody) reads to the mother and the child a book.
8. Mothers and children read books.

As it is easy to determine, these eight sentences have different meanings exclusively through
the usage of different particles. The changes were as follows:
of the first sentence has changed to in sentence number 2
of the first sentence has changed to in sentence number 3
and of the first sentence has changed to and in sentence number 4
and of the first sentence has changed to and in sentence number 5
of the first sentence has changed to in sentence number 6
of the first sentence has changed to in sentence number 7
and of the first sentence has changed to and in sentence number 8
In other words really nothing happened to the rest, to the main constituents of the sentences.
Not even to the word order. This shows how important the particle in Japanese is!
By the way, we can build far more different sentences than these eight by still using these ,
, , , and , or by using other particles, or by combining these and other particles. In
addition, we can also consider the number (singular and plural). So an immense amount of
similar looking sentences can be made only by substituting the particles.
Although particles are very important indeed, in usual conversation between native speakers
(perhaps with the exception of eager instructors of Japanese) you would never overstress this
part of the sentence. During an oral communication particles are usually unstressed or some
of them are even clipped.
Types of Particles
For those precise and curious learners who want to know everything about the particles by now:
There are some types of particles which are used to compose sentences.
topical particles:

case particles:

conjunctive particles:

nominal particles:

adverbial particles:

interjective particles:

interrogative particles:

After this excursus let us learn and use the first seven particles:



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

3.1 Particle
Biiru o nomimasu.
I will drink beer.
First of all the particle o is written using the Hiragana ( and not !).
This particle shows in normal case, that the foregoing noun has the function of accusative or,
what is better known as direct object. In the sample sentence belongs to the noun .

More examples with direct object:

Shigoto o shimasu.

I will do the job. (I will work.)

Kaimono o shimashita.

I went shopping. (I made shopping.)

Eiga o mimasu.

I will see a film.

Hon o kaimasu.

I will buy books.

Pan o tabemashita.

I ate bread. (I have eaten bread.)

Juusu o nomimashita.

I drank juice. (I have drunk juice.)

Depending on the context all these actions in the sentences above can be done by another
person (you, he, she, we, you, they). In the same way the number of direct objects can
be singular or plural.

3.2 Particle
Nihon ni ikimasu.

I will go to Japan.
This particle shows a place or, to be more precise, an aiming point. It correlates with
prepositions like to, into, at or in . If you use , the place will be quasi delimited
and it can be exactly outlined on a map.
Besides the usage as an indicator of the place (local indication), is also used as an idicator
of time or, to be more precise, of a point in time. So is a spaciotemporal particle.(Lesson 4)



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

More examples with the particle of aiming point:

Resutoran ni ikimasu.

I will go to the restaurant.

Kaisha ni ikimashita.

I went to the firm.

Eiga-kan ni ikimasu.

I will go to the cinema.

Uchi/Ie ni kaerimasu.

I will go back home.

3.3 Particle
Nihon e ikimasu.
I will go to Japan.
First of all the particle e is written using the Hiragana . Its pronunciation is exceptionally
e ( and not he!).
This particle idicates also a place, but unlike the it shows more the direction and not an
aiming point. In some cases is comparable with the preposition towards but it also
correlates with other prepositions like to or at. By using the place will be treated
more like a not exactly definable space. So it often depends on the intention of the user to
choose to express primarily the direction or to choose to lay an emphasis on the aiming
point. Although in daily use, and are very often compatible (see the same examples),
can never be used as a temporal idicator !



More examples with the particle of direction:

Resutoran e ikimasu.

I will go to the restaurant.

Kaisha e ikimashita.

I went to the firm.

Eiga-kan e ikimasu.

I will go to the cinema.

Uchi/Ie e kaerimasu.

I will go back home.



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

3.4 Particles and

Nihon kara kimashita.
She came from Japan.
The particle corresponds to the word from. It can be used in spaciotemporal as
well as in other linguistic environments.
The temporal usage is explained in lesson 8. Here we use pricipally as a local particle.

More examples with this local particle:
Furansu kara kimasu.

It will come from France.

Kaisha kara kaerimasu.

He will come back from the firm.

Uchi kara ikimasu.

I will go from home (to somewhere).

Daigaku made ikimasu.
I will go (as far as) to the college.
The particle corresponds to the expression to in the meaning of the local and temporal
indication. So it is also spaciotemporal. (temporal : lesson 8).
In this lesson is mainly used as a local particle. Precisely observed, means not only
the destination, but it signifies the final destination (as far as). So the difference between ,
and must be clear.

More examples with this local particle:

Nihon made ikimasu.

Doitsu made kimashita.

I will go (as far as) to Japan.

We came (as far as) to Germany.



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

Combination of and
Nihon kara doitsu made kimashita.

She came from Japan (as far as) to Germany.

The both particles and are often used as a pair. They can be used as temporal
particles in sentences like from 11 A.M, to (until) 5 P.M. (see lesson 8), as well as
in figurative sense like in the expression from the cradle to the grave ,or from kids to
adults .
As lokal particles they indicate two places, the starting point and the final destination in the
widest meaning. The suitable translation depends understandably on the actual context.

N1 N2V
This is our first sentence structure with two nouns.
More examples with two nouns:

She went from Germany (as far as) to France.

Doitsu kara Furansu made ikimashita.

I will go from Cologne (as far as) to Berlin.

Kerun kara Berurin made ikimasu.

They went back from the college to home.

Daigaku kara uchi made kaerimashita.

( far as to home)

Figurative use of

, and the pair of

and :

I will start with the newspaper.

Shinbun kara yomimasu.

(Among other reading matter I first read the paper.)

I even bought a book.

Hon made kaimashita.

(Among other things I finally bought a book.)

I drank from water up to Sake. (I drank every kind of

Mizu kara o-sake made nomimashita. liquids starting with water up to Sake.)



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

3.5 Particle
Resutoran de tabemashita.
I dined in the restaurant.
The particle shows the place of action. Unlike the particle , which has the function to
show just the aiming point, is also responsible for the action at a place. So it corresponds to
the expression to do something in/at. In such sentences not only the place of happening,
but also the case itself is mentioned, i.e. the (directly) involved object of the activity appears
very often. The instance sentence can be extended to:
Resutoran de go-han o tabemashita.
I dined (a meal) in the restaurant.

N1 N2V


Notice: In a sentences where more than one noun is used, it is offhand possible and also
permitted to change the position of these nouns. But the absolute condition of a change is
not to forget to take the appended particle with the replaced noun. Usually the first
mentioned noun is the bearer of the most important information in written cases.
So if you say Resutoran de go-han o tabemashita, the place (restaurant) is important.
And in a sentence like Go-han o resutoran de tabemashita. the involving object (meal) is
more important than the second noun. The usual order is - place or time object - predicate.
In spoken language, as a matter of course, the accentuation defines the importance of the
More examples with and

Nihon de kimono o kaimashita.

I bought a Kimono in Japan.

Eiga-kan de eiga o mimashita.

I saw a film in the cinema.

Depaato de kaimono o shimasu.

I will go shopping to the department store.

Uchi de koohii o nomimasu.

I will drink coffee at home.



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

3.6 Particle
Hon o yomimasu ka.
Do you read books ?
This is the first particle which belongs to the group of interrogative particles.
The function of extends to the whole sentence. Regardless of the length or complexity,
every sentence with a at the end means a question (so-called interrogative sentence). In
Japanese it is absolutely unnecessary to change the word order to transform a non-question
sentence to an interrogative sentence. Strictly speaking, you can recognize a question only by
this , because the official Japanese orthography does not accept or know a question mark.
Nevertheless in modern and especially in private writings you often see this sign.
An ordinary polite affirmative sentence like biiru o nomimasu. (She will drink beer.)
transforms into a question by just attaching a at the end of the sentence:
Hon o yomimasu ka. (Do you read books?)


+ ka.

During an oral communication a stress (accent) in an interrogative sentence should be on .

Please avoid the mistake of lifting your voice already at the predicate:
right pronunciation:

Hon o yomimasu

wrong pronunciation: Hon o yo

More examples with

Shigoto o shimasu ka.

Do you work?

Kaisha ni ikimashita ka.

Did he go to the firm?

Eiga-kan de eiga o mimashita ka.

Did you see a film in the cinema?

Uchi de koohii o nomimasu ka.

Do you drink coffee at home?

Do you go from Cologne to Berlin?

Kerun kara Berurin made ikimasu ka.



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

4. Interrogative Sentence
4.1 Yes / No questions

Hon o yomimasu ka.

Do you read books?

Hai, yomimasu.

Yes, I do (read books).

In the list of vocabularies of your Practice Handbook (Lesson 1) you will find the words
hai (yes) and iie (no).
Although these words are sufficient for non Wh-questions, i.e. questions to which an yes
or no answer is required, there are also other possibilities of answering. Instead of a plain
hai , you can repeat all the elements of the interrogative sentence, with the exception of
, naturally. Hai, hon o yomimasu. But this is a standard, not very elegant class book answer.
(In case of iie: see lesson 2)
In order to answer the question elegantly, you have to avoid repeating all the unnecessary
parts. The suitable answer to the question: Hon o yomimasu ka. should be Hai,
So in most cases the answer to interrogative sentences which are answered by hai or iie omits
the nouns (see: hon in the sample sentence).
More examples:

Shigoto o shimasu ka.

Hai, shimasu.

Uchi e kaerimasu ka.

Hai, kaerimasu.

Kaisha ni ikimashita ka.

Hai, ikimashita.

Eiga-kan de eiga o mimashita.

Hai, mimashita.

Uchi de koohii o nomimasu ka.

Hai, nomimasu.

Kerun kara Berurin made ikimasu ka.

Hai, ikimasu.

the most frequent mistakes are as follows:
- to repeat the in the answer. (Shigoto o shimasu ka. Hai, shimasu ka.)
- to disregard the tense. (Kaisha ni ikimashita ka. Hai, ikimasu.)



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

4.2 Wh-question

(Sentence Including an Interrogative)


Doko e ikimasu ka.

Where do you go?
Where are you going to?

Daigaku e ikimasu.
I will go to the university. (college campus)
I am going to the university. (college campus)

Interrogative sentences with a specific interrogative word like who, when, where,
what etc. (so-called probe questions) should be answered by a keyword.
In this lesson only two interrogative words are introduced: ! (where) and (what).
These words belong to the category of pronouns , i.e. nouns, and they sould normally be
accompanied by a particle. The interrogative doko is not only a where, but it is often
translated with a long winded expression which place to show the nominal character of
this word. The interrogative nani written in Kanji as can be pronounced in certain
surroundings either nan or nani.

Sentence including an interrogative +
Examples with :

Doko e ikimasu ka.

Nihon e ikimasu.
Where do you go? (Where are you going to?) I will go to Japan. (Im going to...)

Doko kara kimashita ka.

Where are you coming from ?

Furansu kara kimashita.

I am coming from France.

Doko de kaimono o shimasu ka.

At what place do you go shopping.

Depaato de shimasu.
In the department store.

Examples with :

Nani o shimasu ka.

What are you going to do?

Hon o yomimasu.
I will read a book. (Im going to...)

What are you going to see?

I will see a film. (Im going to...)

Doko de nani o shimasu ka.

What are you going to do? And where?

Uchi de benkyoo o shimasu.

I will learn at home. (Im going to...)



Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 1

The last sentence shows us the possibility of combination of two (or more) interrogatives.
More sentences of this kind:

Doko de nani o mimasu ka.

What are you going to see. And where?

Uchi de terebi o mimasu.

I am going to watch TV at home.

Doko de nani o kaimasu ka.

What are you going to buy? And where?

Depaato de kimono o kaimasu.

I am going to buy a k. in the department store.

It is possible to start the sentence with followed by , but it sounds somehow unusual.
As already mentioned in 3.5, in sentences including more than one noun, it is possible to
change their positions. Since the most important noun is mentioned as first, a sentence with
an interrogative starts usually with the interrogative word itself. All examples are built in
this way. A sentence like Doko de shigoto o shimasu ka. (At what place are you going to
work?) shows the ordinary and ideal order of a probe question. But if you want to lay
emphasis on the object ( i.e. if the work in this example is contextually more important than
place), it is quite unproblematic to start the sentence with the object:
Shigoto o doko de shimasu ka..

Quiz 4: Put the right particle into the space.


h The answers will be discussed during the grammar lesson.


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