(Paperhub) 10 1016-j Conbuildmat 2011 12 071
(Paperhub) 10 1016-j Conbuildmat 2011 12 071
(Paperhub) 10 1016-j Conbuildmat 2011 12 071
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The main objective of this study was to develop 2D and 3D micromechanical nite element (FE) models
Received 12 August 2011 to predict the shear modulus of two asphalt mixture types, PG 64-28 PM (dense-graded polymer modi-
Received in revised form 7 December 2011 ed mixture) and RHMA-G (gap-graded rubberized mixture). The internal microstructure of the asphalt
Accepted 23 December 2011
mixtures were determined by X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging. X-ray CT images were pro-
Available online 20 January 2012
cessed to create 2D and 3D meshed asphalt mixture FE model structures. Meshed model structures were
exported to the FE modeling software ABAQUS. Elastic and viscoelastic assumptions were used for mod-
eling aggregate and mastic subdomains, respectively. Shear modulus predictions for 2D and 3D models
were compared to the measured values to determine the effectiveness of each model type for the simu-
X-ray computed tomography lation of the shear frequency sweep at constant height (FSCH) test. It was concluded that the 3D micro-
Superpave shear tester mechanical FE model is capable of predicting shear modulus at relatively high test temperatures with
Shear modulus high accuracy across a range of loading frequencies. On the other hand, 2D numerical models always
Finite element modeling under predicted the shear modulus values at all simulation temperatures and loading frequencies
Mastic because the reduced microstructure for the 2D models decreased the accuracy of numerical predictions.
Asphalt concrete It is expected that developed 3D models will serve as a valuable tool to understand certain problems in
the current design methods of asphalt concrete pavements.
Polymer modied
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
784 E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793
accumulation, the aggregate can be two orders of magnitude stiffer of the aggregate was preserved during model development by
than the asphalt binder. As a result, as temperature increases or load using high pixel resolution X-ray CT images reconstructed at every
duration decreases the asphalt concrete pavement layers start to act 1 mm. The asphalt mixture was divided into three phases, air-
as particulate structures where the contact points between the voids, mastic and aggregates, by image processing and meshed
aggregates become more important in terms of rutting deformation for FE simulations. The aggregate and mastic phases were meshed
accumulation [11]. Therefore, at high temperatures permanent so that they share nodes on aggregates. The air-void volumes were
deformation accumulation mechanism in asphalt concrete layers left as empty voids in the model because they would not be able to
predicted by using continuum mechanics may not reect the actual resist any kind of stress applied throughout the simulation. Elastic
mechanism under in situ truck trafc. Thus, interactions between and viscoelastic assumptions were used for modeling aggregate
the particles and the effect of binder viscosity on the asphalt mixture and mastic subdomains, respectively. Shear modulus predictions
performance should be evaluated to identify the rutting perfor- for 2D and 3D models were compared to measured values to deter-
mance at high temperatures. mine the effectiveness of each model type for the simulation of the
Kandhal and Mallick [12] showed that aggregate shape, surface FSCH test.
texture, gradation and skeletal structure signicantly affect asphalt This paper focuses on the results for model development and val-
mixture rutting performance at high temperatures. Thus, micro- idation stages. However, with the proposed model, deciencies of
mechanical models that are developed by preserving the actual the Superpave shear tester can be identied and modications can
aggregate geometry and surface texture must be used to simulate be proposed based on the results of further simulations. In the cur-
laboratory tests in order to identify this proposed effect for differ- rent shear test set up, sample height is kept constant by applying an
ent mix types. Zhu and Nodes [13] investigated the effects of axial force at the top of the test sample in order to avoid any change
aggregate angularity on asphalt pavement response and concluded in sample volume. The effects of the missing shear couple [10], the
that increased angularity signicantly increases the stiffness of the missing moment in the opposite direction to avoid the change in
asphalt mixture. Dai and You [4] used 2D microstructures of as- sample height, on measured mixture performance can be investi-
phalt concrete that were obtained by optically scanning smoothly gated by using the FE model developed in this study. In addition,
sawn asphalt mixture specimens to predict their mixture complex the effects of specimen size and geometry on predicted mixture per-
and relaxation modulus at 20 C. Dai and You [4] preserved the formance will be determined to identify possible deciencies in the
actual 2D aggregate shape and angularity for particles larger than current AASHTO T320 [16] testing procedure.
1.18 mm to identify their effects on predicted material properties. The viscoelastic micromechanical nite element model devel-
You et al. [14] developed a 3D discrete element model by combin- oped in this study can also be used to identify the effects of differ-
ing a number of 2D discrete element models to determine the ent test (temperature, type of loading, load level, loading
improvement in predictions caused by the realistic interactions frequency, etc.) and material (air-void content, aggregate size,
in the third dimension. Although the 3D model resulted in better aggregate shape, angularity, etc.) parameters on shear resistance.
predictions for mixture modulus at temperatures lower than 0 C, With the developed FE model, sensitivity studies can be conducted
actual aggregate geometry and texture and its effects on predicted to identify the effects of these properties on measured shear per-
modulus were not simulated. You et al. [15] compared predicted formance. The effects of conning pressure on predicted shear
asphalt mixture stiffness at temperatures 18 C, 6 C and 4 C modulus can also be determined by using the micromechanical
with those predicted by 2D and 3D discrete element models gener- FE model developed in this study. Results of the simulations per-
ated from X-ray CT images. Results of the study indicated that 3D formed with and without conning pressure can be compared with
prediction results are very close to the measured data for all load- the heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) test results to identify the level
ing frequencies and temperatures. It was further concluded that 2D of improvement in predictions with the inclusion of conning
models under predicted the asphalt mixture stiffness in all cases. pressure to the laboratory tests. In addition, the effects of air-void
In the study presented in this paper, the micromechanical FE content and distribution on predicted shear performance can be
method was used for shear modulus simulation for asphalt mix- evaluated by using the proposed model.
tures at high temperatures. The micromechanical FE model was
developed to simulate the conditions for a standard frequency 3. Materials
sweep at constant height (FSCH) test [16]. Predicted shear modulus
Two asphalt mixture types were used in this study, a dense-graded mixture
values at various loading frequencies and temperatures were com- with PG 64-28 polymer modied (PM) binder and a gap-graded mixture with as-
pared to laboratory measured values to evaluate the effectiveness phalt rubber binder, PG 64-16 with crumb rubber modier (RHMA-G). Both mixes
of the developed model. Prediction accuracies of 2D and 3D micro- met Caltrans specications [17,18] for both mix and binder. Nominal maximum
mechanical models were determined separately to identify the aggregate sizes (NMASs) for the PG 64-28 PM and RHMA-G mixtures were
19 mm and 12.5 mm, respectively. Table 1 shows the aggregate gradations, asphalt
applicability of each model type for rutting performance predic-
binder contents and air-void contents of the asphalt mixtures and the mastic used
tion. Because the 3D model was developed from X-ray CT images in this study. NMAS for the mastic samples was selected to be 1.18 mm because
taken at a 1 mm interval distance, geometric characteristics of particles smaller than the 1 mm scanning interval may not be captured as aggre-
the aggregates in the nite element model appeared to closely gates during the X-ray CT imaging process. The air-void content for the mastic
match with the aggregates of the actual asphalt concrete sample. was assumed to be zero because of the high binder content and small aggregate
The FE model developed in this study will be the rst 3D microme- Shear frequency sweep specimens were prepared for asphalt mixture and mas-
chanical model used for evaluating shear resistance of asphalt mix- tic materials for modeling. Field-mixed, laboratory-compacted (FMLC) specimens
tures at high temperatures. This model will be used for rutting were prepared adjacent to a construction site for HVS test sections by using jigs,
performance evaluation of different asphalt mixtures under vari- molds, and a rolling-wheel compactor. Loose mix was taken from the trucks with
a skip loader immediately prior to it being tipped into the paver and then dumped
ous temperatures and loading frequencies.
next to the preparation area. The required volume of material, based on the densi-
ties determined earlier in the laboratory, was weighed and then compacted into
molds at the same temperatures as those recorded on the HVS test sections. Asphalt
2. Objectives and scope mixtures used in this study were sawed from those ingots. Binders and aggregates
for mastic sample preparation were taken from the plant which produced the as-
phalt mixtures. Because NMAS for mastic samples was 1.18 mm and the binder
The primary objective of this study is to develop a microme- contents are very high in the mastic, mechanical compaction was not performed.
chanical FE model from X-ray CT images for shear modulus simu- However, samples were manually compacted in the laboratory with small size
lation of asphalt mixtures at high temperatures. The 3D geometry 7 kg cylinders.
E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793 785
Sieve size (mm) Percentage passing (%) 1. Mix preparation: Prepare FMLC asphalt mixture samples and
Mix Mastic Mix Mastic cut them to nal dimensions.
PG 64-28 PG 64-28 RHMA-G RHMA-G 2. Mastic preparation: Prepare mastic samples for viscoelastic
PM PM performance evaluation.
25.4 100 100 100 100 3. Acquire the 3D internal structure of the asphalt mixture
19 99 100 100 100 samples by X-ray CT imaging at the University of California
12.5 87 100 98 100 Davis Medical Center (UCDMC).
9.5 74 100 84 100
4.75 50 100 34 100
2.36 36 100 21 100 STEP 2: Image analysis and mesh development.
1.18 27 75 14 67
0.6 21 58 10 48 1. Determine mixture air-void content by standard CoreLok
0.3 16 44 7 33
method [20].
0.15 10 28 5 24
0.075 6.2 17.2 3.5 16.7
2. Process the X-ray CT images based on the measured air void
Asphalt binder 5.1 11.6 7.6 16.7 content to create the air void volumes.
contenta (%) 3. Determine aggregate threshold index (the intensity range
Air void content (%) 4.2 0.0 10.0 0.0 for aggregate images) by analyzing the processed images.
Design binder content (by dry weight of aggregate). 4. Subtract air void and aggregate domains from the complete
image to obtain mastic domain.
5. Exclude the air void domain from the mix (after exclusion,
volume occupied by air voids will be empty).
Mix preparation
and imaging
Mix preparation
CT imaging at UCDMC
Asphalt mixtures and mastic samples for shear testing had rectangular prism
shapes. The width and length of the asphalt mixture samples were 130 mm while
the height was 48 mm. Standard cylindrical specimens with 150 mm diameter were
not used in this study to avoid complications related to the variable length-to-
height ratio along the circular surface area [10]. In addition, it would not be possible
to develop circular 2D numerical shear samples due to the direction of applied
shear load. The width and length for the mastic samples were selected to be
100 mm while the height was 15 mm. Aggregate modulus tests were not performed
since the effect of aggregate stiffness on shear deformation would be negligible due
to the effect of the low modulus values for the mastic at high temperatures. The
aggregate modulus was assumed to be 55 GPa [19]. It should be noted that aggre-
gate modulus would have a signicant effect on the asphalt mixture modulus when
the testing temperatures are low [14].
The general framework for the development of the microme- Fig. 2. Three dimensional image of asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM generated from X-
chanical FE model is given in Fig. 1. The steps followed for model ray CT images. (a) Image with all three domains, air void, mastic and aggregate and
development are as follows: (b) air void distribution with in the asphalt mixture.
786 E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793
6. Create the high quality tetrahedral mesh for the aggregate 5. Run asphalt mixture laboratory tests at seven loading fre-
and mastic domains while preserving the empty air void quencies and three temperatures and measure G for each
domain. test.
7. Export the meshed structure to the FE modeling program. 6. Compare measured and predicted asphalt mixture G values
for both 2D and 3D models.
STEP 3: Micromechanical FE model development.
1. Run mastic FSCH tests at seven loading frequencies and 5. X-ray CT image acquisition, analysis and mesh development
three temperatures.
2. Develop viscoelastic model for the mastic phase using mas- 5.1. Image acquisition and processing
tic FSCH test results.
3. Develop FE model for the asphalt mixture for the corre- The internal structure of the asphalt mixture was measured by
sponding boundary conditions, material properties, loading X-ray CT imaging at the University of California Davis Medical Cen-
type and temperature. ter (UCDMC). The X-ray CT scanner reconstructs the 3D spatial dis-
4. Predict shear modulus (G) at seven loading frequencies and tribution of the attenuation coefcients of the materials that were
three temperatures that were used for mastic testing (21 scanned. Three dimensional images of the specimen are generated
simulations). by combining a series of 2D images generated by the scanner. The
Fig. 3. Comparisons between 3D virtual image structures and actual shapes for four of the aggregates. (a) Aggregate 1 from two perspectives. (b) Aggregate 2 from two
perspectives. (c) Aggregate 3 from two perspectives. (d) Aggregate 4 from two perspectives.
E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793 787
The mask created for the air void domain was excluded from Ge 2 3 4 N-1 N
the material structure because it has no stiffness. Before meshing,
both the aggregate and the mastic domains were slightly smoothed
while preserving the element quality and volume. This pre-
smoothing stage allows the software to create more realistic
meshes. High quality (triangles that are as equilateral as possi-
ble) tetrahedral meshes were created for the aggregate and mastic
domains while preserving the empty air void domain. The size of
surface and volume elements were adjusted based on the topolog- Fig. 5. Schematic of the generalized Maxwell model.
788 E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793
Constant height
and ve Maxwell elements in parallel were used for the mastic
Y model. Measured shear modulus (G) values were separated into
storage modulus [G0 (x)] and loss modulus [G00 (x)] components
based on the measured phase angles (d) using the following equa-
tions [7]:
X BC1: Change in height = 0;
G0 x jG xj cosd 3
BC2: Bottom platen is fixed in Y direction;
BC3: Peak movement at the top platen in +X = 0.096 mm
G00 x jG xj sind 4
Fig. 6. The loading and boundary conditions for the FSCH tests.
where x is the loading frequency in rad/s, G(x) is the complex
shear modulus in MPa, and d is the phase angle between strain
To optimize the regression coefcients C1 and C2, the shear and stress.
modulus data were rst tted to a sigmoid function, in the form Storage modulus and loss modulus can be expressed as follows
of [25]: [26]:
a X
xki 2
logGn d 2 G0 x Ge gi 5
1 expb c logn 1 xki 2
Fig. 7. Vertical displacement (U2) distribution of 2D models at 50 C under a loading frequency of 0.2 Hz. (a) Asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM and (b) asphalt mixture RHMA-G.
E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793 789
xki 6.2. Prediction of shear modulus by FE modeling
G00 x gi 6
i1 1 xki 2
Micromechanical viscoelastic FE simulation was conducted on
meshed 2D and 3D samples that were exported to FE analysis soft-
where N is the number of Maxwell units, Ge is the equilibrium mod-
ware ABAQUS [23]. Plane strain assumption (exz = eyz = ezz) is used
ulus, gi is the relaxation strengths (spring constants of Maxwell
in the 2D FE analyses. FSCH tests were simulated for all computer
units), and ki is the relaxation times.
generated image samples at the same loading frequencies and tem-
gi peratures that were used for viscoelastic mastic model develop-
ki 7
gi ment. The purpose of the tests was to predict asphalt mixture
shear modulus at all temperature and loading frequency couples.
where gi = dashpot constants of Maxwell units (Fig. 5) Asphalt mixture tests were also conducted in the laboratory with
By tting Eqs. (5) and (6) to measured G0 and G00 data, the the physical parent of the virtual FE model sample to compare
parameters of a discrete relaxation spectrum can be determined. the numerical predictions to laboratory measured shear modulus
A genetic algorithm was used to optimize these model parameters values. In other words, asphalt concrete sample microstructure
(Ge, gi and ki) by minimizing the calculated residual sum of squares measured by X-ray CT imaging is used for FE model development
(RSSs) [27]. In this study, the following tness function was used to and predictions of the developed FE model were compared with
calculate the RSS for optimization: the results of the FSCH tests that were conducted with the original
02 32 2 32 1 asphalt concrete sample that was used for X-ray CT imaging. It
B4G 0
x j G00
x j C should be noted that for an asphalt mix type, one asphalt concrete
RSS @ 15 4 15 A 8 sample was tested at all loading frequencies and temperatures in
G b 00
j j
order to avoid the effects of test results variability on comparisons.
FSCH tests are conducted by applying a cyclic shear load at the
where G b 0 and G
b 00 are the measured data at m frequencies. upper loading platen that is glued to asphalt sample while main-
j j
Optimized viscoelastic model parameters used for FE modeling taining the sample height constant. The bottom loading platen
is given in Table 2. To predict the global viscoelastic behavior of the was xed in the test setup that was used for this study. For the
asphalt mixture, timetemperature dependent FE analysis was FE simulation and laboratory tests, a constant sinusoidal shear
conducted by combining the elastic aggregate, viscoelastic mastic strain of 0.2% was applied. Fig. 6 illustrates the loading and bound-
and empty air void subdomains. ary conditions for the FSCH tests. Since the specimen height was
Fig. 8. The distribution of horizontal displacement for the mixture PG 64-28 PM. (a) 2D model structure and (b) 3D model structure.
790 E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793
48 mm for all 2D and 3D asphalt mixture samples, cyclic displace- of 0.2 Hz with the shear load applied at the top of the samples in po-
ment-based loading (strain controlled) was applied by xing the sitive direction 1 (left to right). Although the sample height was kept
upper platen movement at 0.096 mm for all cases. Because the constant to avoid the sample volume change during the tests, there
standard FSCH is an unconned test, conning pressures were were signicant vertical movements in the sample microstructure.
not applied around the sample walls [16]. The conning pressure It can be observed that asphalt mixture RHMA-G was exposed to
effect on shear modulus will be determined in a future study. higher levels of vertical displacement than the mixture PG 64-28
For 2D model simulations, three slices were randomly selected PM. In addition, vectors in the positive and negative two directions
from the 3D structure for each mix type. Predictions for the three were more uniformly distributed in mixture RHMA-G while locali-
2D models were averaged and compared to 3D model simulation zation of positive and negative direction vectors was observed for
results and laboratory measured shear modulus values. Because mixture PG 64-28 PM. However, it should be noted that having good
slices were randomly selected from the 3D structure, air void con- agreement between predicted and measured shear modulus values
tents for the 2D samples maybe different from the 3D sample air for the 3D model does not necessarily indicate similar microstruc-
void content. Although more than three 2D samples would be ture movement in all principal directions for the numerical and
needed to get a representative sample of predicted shear modulus, physical experiments. It is possible that horizontal movement can
only three 2D samples were used for each mix type due to time be effectively simulated based on linearized assumptions while
constraints. The average numbers of nodes for the 2D models were these assumptions may avoid the effective simulation of microstruc-
205,992 and 181,713 for the PG64-28 PM and RHMA-G mix mod- ture movement in the other two principal directions. Thus, displace-
els, respectively. The numbers of nodes for the 3D models were ment predictions in the vertical direction should also be validated by
3780,234 and 3573,522 for the PG64-28 PM and RHMA-G mix comparing the predicted vertical movement with the actual move-
models, respectively. The processing times for the 3D models ment in a shear test. The movement in the vertical direction during
(about 22 h) were about 1720 times higher than the processing a shear test can be measured with a high speed camera that can be
times for the 2D FE models. attached to the side of the sample. In this way, the effectiveness of
Fig. 7 illustrates the distribution of vertical displacement (U2) linearized assumptions for simulating vertical movements and
vectors for both mixture types at 50 C under a loading frequency mix dilative behavior in a shear test can be determined.
Predicted 50C Predicted 40C Predicted 30C
Measured 50C Measured 40C Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Predicted 50C Predicted 40C Predicted 30C
300 Measured 50C Measured 40C Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 9. Comparison of laboratory measured and 2D numerical model predicted shear modulus values. (a) Asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM and (b) asphalt mixture RHMA-G.
E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793 791
Fig. 8 shows the distribution of horizontal displacement for the modulus values. Comparison of laboratory measured and 3D
mixture PG 64-28 PM for both 2D and 3D simulations at 40 C un- numerical model predicted shear modulus values are given in
der a loading frequency of 0.2 Hz. Because the load was applied at Fig. 10. Results of the analysis indicated that the shear modulus
the top of the sample, highest level of horizontal displacement was values predicted by the 3D numerical model are close to the lab-
observed at that part. Similarly, no displacement was observed at oratory measured shear modulus values and the prediction of
the bottom of the sample since it was xed. shear modulus with the developed 3D model is reasonable. It
can be concluded that inability to capture the 3D microstructure
6.3. Comparison of predicted and measured shear modulus with the 2D models decreases the accuracy of numerical
Numerical samples prepared for the two asphalt mixture types Fig. 11 illustrates the distributions for laboratory measured and
were tested at seven loading frequencies, 0.1 Hz, 0.2 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 2D3D numerical model predicted shear modulus values. Although
1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, and 10 Hz, and three temperatures, 30 C, 40 C the distributions for 3D numerical model predictions are very close
and 50 C under a controlled shear strain level of 0.2%. For 2D to the laboratory measured values for both asphalt mixture types,
and 3D numerical shear test samples, asphalt mixture shear mod- prediction error increases at higher loading frequencies and lower
ulus values were predicted for each temperature and loading fre- temperatures when the mastic is stiffer. It can also be observed
quency couples. For both asphalt mixture types, calculations were from Fig. 10 that predictions with the highest error levels belong
performed by using the shear stressstrain curves of simulation to the lowest temperature (30 C) and highest loading frequencies
results that were calculated from shear load and horizontal dis- (2 Hz, 5 Hz and 10 Hz).
placement. Shear stress is basically the ratio of total force at In order to determine the effect of aggregate modulus on pre-
the loading surface (top surface) to the area of this surface while dicted mix shear modulus, 3D FE simulations were performed with
shear modulus is the ratio of calculated shear stress to the 0.2% an aggregate modulus of 75 GPa at the test temperature of 30 C
shear strain level used for FSCH testing. Fig. 9 shows the compar- for both PG64-28 PM and RHMA-G mixes. Results of the simula-
isons of measured and 2D numerical model predicted shear tions are given in Fig. 12. It can be observed that increasing the
modulus values for the two asphalt mixtures. It can be observed aggregate modulus from 55 GPa to 75 GPa does not cause any sig-
that the 2D numerical models always under predicted the shear nicant effect on predicted shear modulus.
Predicted 50C Predicted 40C Predicted 30C
300 Measured 50C Measured 40C Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Predicted 50C Predicted 40C Predicted 30C
Measured 50C Measured 40C Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 10. Comparison of laboratory measured and 3D numerical model predicted shear modulus values. (a) Asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM and (b) asphalt mixture RHMA-G.
792 E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793
3D FEM Measured
0.010 Measured 0.010
0.005 0.005
0.000 0.000
0 80 160 240 320 400 0 80 160 240 320 400
Shear modulus (MPa) Shear modulus (MPa)
Fig. 11. Comparing distributions for laboratory measured and 2D3D numerical model predicted shear modulus values. (a) Asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM and (b) asphalt
mixture RHMA-G.
Predicted 30C-Eagg=55 GPa
Predicted 30C-Eagg=75 GPa
300 Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Predicted 30C -Eagg=55 GPa
Predicted 30C -Eagg=75 GPa
300 Measured 30C
Shear Modulus - G* (MPa)
0.1 1 10
Loading Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 12. The effect of aggregate modulus on predicted shear modulus. (a) Asphalt mixture PG 64-28 PM and (b) asphalt mixture RHMA-G.
7. Summary and conclusions developed in this study is the rst 3D micromechanical model used
for evaluating shear resistance of asphalt mixtures at high temper-
In this study, 2D and 3D micromechanical FE models were atures. The microstructures of the FMLC mixture specimens were
developed to predict the shear modulus of two asphalt mixture determined by X-ray CT images taken at UCDMC. The asphalt mix-
types, PG 64-28 PM (dense-graded polymer modied mixture) ture was divided into three phases, air-voids, mastic and aggre-
and RHMA-G (gap-graded rubberized mixture). The FE model gates by image processing. The air-void phase was excluded from
E. Coleri et al. / Construction and Building Materials 30 (2012) 783793 793
the model because it has zero resistance. X-ray CT images were views of the authors and do not reect the ofcial views or policies
processed to create 2D and 3D meshed asphalt mixture model of the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration.
structures. The aggregate and mastic phases were meshed to share
nodes on aggregates. Meshed model structures were exported to References
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