Technology Services: Software Downloads..

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11/23/2017 Abatech Home Page

- technology services
...for the asphalt, bitumen and aggregate
...pavement engineering and field testing

Software downloads...
This page has been provide to allow users to download software user manuals and free software files. Software
downloads are now provided via our client secure website, see "client login" above. If you are a customer and don't have
a username and password for this facility please contact our office at +1 (215) 258-3640.

User manuals: Dongle driver files:

RHEA Windows NT
SIGNAL Windows 2000/XP/VISTA
PIDT/MONARCH The purchased software for is included in a linked ZIP file which
TSAR is password protected. Current users with a valid will be given
DAPS the password for the ZIP along with other subscription

Free software
This is a FREE software - for calculation of Penetration Index, Binder stiffness using van de Poel's nomograph (1954) and
stiffness using Bonnaure et al. (see AAPT 1977) nomograph. This software works in two modes. You can either a single
point calculation or a frequency sweep basis as shown in the two figures below. The download file is called BitProps.exe
and we have now zipped this to (download by clicking filename). If you have problems downloading direct
from this page - this can also be downloaded from our secure website - just send a e-mail to - Geoff Rowe or Jeyna
Rowe or by calling +1(215) 258 3640 - and we will create a user account for you to download. 1/2
11/23/2017 Abatech Home Page

RHEA ZSV - calculates steady state viscosity as a surrogate for zero shear viscosity

Abatech 2009 2/2

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