Parameters' Optimisation For Surge Arrester Circuit Models
Parameters' Optimisation For Surge Arrester Circuit Models
Parameters' Optimisation For Surge Arrester Circuit Models
ISSN 1751-8822
Abstract: The appropriate modelling of metal oxide (MO) surge arresters and the determination of the
equivalent circuit parameters are signicant issues, since the efcient representation of the arresters dynamic
behaviour by the models improves the quality and reliability of the lightning performance studies. In the
current work, an optimisation algorithm for the evaluation of the surge arrester models parameters is
developed. Optimum arrester model equivalent circuit parameter values are selected, minimising the error
between the simulated peak residual voltage value and this given by the manufacturer. The proposed
methodology is applied on a 120 kV MO arrester, presenting its effectiveness, reducing the relative error
between the simulated and manufacturers peak residual voltage value around 50% with the use of the
obtained optimum parameter values.
on the form of the transient wave. For fast front surges, with
rise times less than 8 ms, the peak of the voltage wave occurs Figure 3 Pianceti Gianettoni model [10]
before the peak of the current, and the residual voltage across
the arrester increases as the time to crest of the arrester
discharge current decreases. This increase of the residual
voltage could reach approximately 6% when the front time
of the discharge current is reduced from 8 to 1.3 ms. This
frequency-dependent behaviour requires a more
sophisticated model for lightning overvoltages than the
simple static non-linear resistance, which can be used only
for switching surge studies. Figure 4 Fernandez Diaz model [11]
The appropriate modelling of a surge arrester is circuit models and in Table 1 the equations for the
signicant for insulation coordination studies, in order to parameters computation for each model.
extract reliable estimations. For this reason, several
frequent-dependent models of MO surge arresters, using
The Pinceti Gianettoni [10] and the Fernandez Diaz
the physical and the electrical data given by the
models [11] are simpler forms of the IEEE, using in
manufacturer, have been proposed, in a way that the
addition to the dimensions, the physical characteristics data
model simulation results correspond to the actual
obtained from manufacturers datasheet.
behaviour of the arrester [4 8]. The existing models
differ in the parameters estimation procedure, but all are
efcient to simulate the frequency-depended behaviour of Table 1 Models parameters computation
the arresters. Main issue for the suggested models is the
determination of the parameters of each model, in a way IEEE Pinceti Gianettoni Fernandez
that the simulated curve ts as possible the real recorded Diaz
waveform. To this direction, the current work suggests an R0 (100d )/n V 1 MV 1 MV
optimisation algorithm for the circuit parameter values
evaluation, which uses the initial values obtained by R1 (65d )/n V
adjustment methods dened for each one model, in order L0 (0.2d )/n mH n L00
1 Vr(1=T2 ) Vr(8=20)
to minimise the error between the computed and the Vn
manufacturers residual voltage curves. 4 Vr(8=20)
L1 (15d )/n mH
1 Vr(1=T2 ) Vr(8=20)
12 Vr(8=20)
2 MO surge arrester models
C (100n)/d pF 100/d pF
The most used frequently-depended arrester models that
represent efciently the arresters performance are: the Vn is the arresters rated voltage, Vr(8/20) is the residual
IEEE model [9], the Pinceti Gianettoni [10] and the voltage for a 8/20 10 kA lightning current, Vr(1/T2) is the
Fernandez Diaz model [11]; the last two models are based residual voltage for a 1/T2 10 kA lightning current, n is a
on the IEEE model, but they differ in the parameters scale factor, d is the length of arrester column in metres,
computation. In Figs. 2 4 are shown the three examined L 00 is the inductance obtained from diagrams [11].
where T is the duration of the impulse current, x is a column where ei are N unit vectors and l is a constant, corresponding to
vector containing the parameters x1 , x2 , . . . , xn of each the problems characteristic length scale.
model, Vc(t, x) is the computed residual voltage and Vm(t)
is the measured by the manufacturer residual voltage. Reection involves the moving of the worst point (vertice)
of the simplex (highest value of the objective function) to a
point reected through the remaining N points. The
4 Formulation of the optimisation method uses a series of steps, most of them have occurred
problem just moving the point of the simplex, where the function is
maximum (highest point), through the opposite face of
The three models presented in this paper are consisted of the simplex to a lower point. If this point is better than the
different parameters whose values may have various values. best point, then the method attempts to expand the
The IEEE model [8] has ve parameters (R0 , R1 , L0 , L1 , simplex along this line. This operation is called expansion.
C ), the Pianceti Gianettoni model [10] and the On the other hand, if the new point is not much better
Fernandes Diaz model [11] have three parameters (R0 , than the previous point, then the simplex is contracted
L0 , L1) and (R0 , L0 , C), respectively. The objective is the along one dimension from the highest point. This
minimisation of the relative error of (1), which is a function procedure is called contraction. Moreover, if the new point
of three or ve variables depending on the model. is worse than the previous points, the simplex is contracted
along all dimensions towards the best point and steps down
The parameters (R, L, C ) of each model form a column the valley. By repeating this series of operations, the
vector x method nds the optimal solution. Termination criteria can
be dened in any multidimensional minimisation routine.
x [x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ]T [R0 , R1 , L0 , L1 , C]T Using more than one independent variable, there is no
(IEEE model [8]) longer the option of requiring a certain tolerance for a
single independent variable, so it can be typically identied
x [x1 , x2 , x3 ]T [R0 , L0 , L1 ]T one step of the multidimensional algorithm. The
(Pianceti-Gianettoni model [10]) optimisation procedure is then terminated, when the vector
distance is moved in that step and it is fractionally smaller
x [x1 , x2 , x3 ]T [R0 , L0 , C]T in magnitude than some tolerance.
(Fernandes-Diaz model [11])
Figure 5 Four basic operations in the downhill simplex method (xh , highest point; xl , lowest point; xg, centroid of N points)
3. If e(x1) , e(xr) , e(xN), replace xN1 by xr . In Tables 35 are shown the initial computed parameters for
each one model, according to the computations described in
4. If e(xr) , e(x1), generate a new point xq by expansion, Section 2, as well as the optimum parameter values obtained
such that xq xr b(xr 2 xg). using the optimisation algorithm described in Section 5.
5. If e(xq) , e(xr), replace xN1 by xq , otherwise replace xN1 Figs. 6 and 7 show the computed residual voltage curves
by xr for each one model in a common diagram, using the initial
and the optimised parameter values, respectively. In
6. If e(xr) . e(xN), generate a new point xc by contraction, Table 6 is given the peak value of the residual voltage for
such that xq xg g(xN1 2 xg). each one model (for initial and optimised values) and the
relative errors (for initial and optimised values) comparing
7. If e(xc) , e(xN1), replace xN1 by xq .
Table 2 Electrical and insulation data of arrester
8. If e(xc) . e(xN1), contract along all dimensions towards
x1 . Evaluate the objective function values at the N new MCOV 120 kV
vertices, xi x1 h(xi 2 x1).
rated voltage 150 kV
Standard (efcient) values of a, b, g and h are a 1.0, maximum residual voltage with 5 kA 367 kV
b 1.0, g 0.5 and h 0.5. lightning current 8/20 ms
10 kA 396 kV
20 kA 449 kV
6 Simulation results height 1330 mm
Simulations were performed for each one model using the
insulation material porcelain
PSCAD software program for a one-column 120 kV MO
arrester, with height 1330 mm. In Table 2 are given the creepage 3320 mm
electrical and insulation characteristic data of the used surge
energy capability 8 kJ/kV
Table 3 Parameters for the IEEE model where Vrsimulation is the residual voltage from the simulation
and Vrmanufacturer is the residual voltage given by the
Parameters Initial values Optimised values manufacturer datasheet.
L1(mH) 19.95 21.58
As it can be observed the IEEE model presents the lower
R1(V) 86.45 92.04 error, offering higher accuracy, mainly because of its
L0(mH) 0.267 0.167 complexity in comparison to the other models.
Furthermore, it is obvious that the use of the optimum
R0(V) 133 115.6 parameter values in the equivalent circuit models reduce
C(pF) 75.2 75.8 signicantly the error between the manufacturers and the
simulated residual voltage, something really very important
since the arresters models can be more reliable for the
insulation coordination studies, representing more efcient
Table 4 Parameters for the Pinceti Gianettoni model
the MO arresters behaviour and resulting in more precise
Parameters Initial values Optimised values analysis.
L1(mH) 3.21 4.28 All the examined models reproduce efciently the residual
L0(mH) 1.07 0.32 voltage of the arresters, since the relative errors are low
enough. After algorithm implementation, the relative error
R0(MV) 1 1 for all models is reduced almost to half. The residual
voltage values of the IEEE and the Fernandez Diaz
models are very close, something that means that practically
there is no big difference to the results for an insulation
Table 5 Parameters for the Fernandez Diaz model
coordination study, if the one or the other model is chosen.
Parameters Initial values Optimised values The decision about which model will be used is based on
the available data, the complexity of the system and the
L1(mH) 0.48 1.02 demanded speed of the simulation.
C(pF) 75.18 68.25
R0(MV) 1 1 7 Application to a 150 kV
transmission line
these values to the manufacturers waveform, for the nominal Surge arresters equivalent circuit models are used for
discharge current of the arrester, the peak value of lightning insulation coordination studies in high-voltage electrical
current impulse, which is used to clarify an arrester [16]. networks. In order to show the importance and the
effectiveness of the optimised parameters for each model,
The relative error is computed by the equation the three different models are implemented in a 150 kV
high-voltage transmission lines of the Hellenic system,
using the initial and the optimised parameter values
Vrsimulation Vrmanufacturer computing the arresters failure probability for each model
e 100% (6)
Vrmanufacturer according to the procedures described in [17, 18]. The
Figure 6 Computed residual voltages using the initial values for each one model
Figure 7 Computed residual voltages using the optimised values for each one model
Table 6 Residual voltages and relative errors for each one model
arresters are applied on each tower of the line and is parameters selection. Models with optimised parameters
performed sensitivity analysis with the tower footing reproduce more adequately the arresters residual voltage,
resistance. Table 7 presents the arresters failure probability and should be preferred, in order to extract more accurate
obtained using the three dynamic models, before and after results.
the optimisation procedure.
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