Essentials of News and in Broadcasting
Essentials of News and in Broadcasting
Essentials of News and in Broadcasting
News and news criteria 1
News writing 5
Reporting the News 10
Interviewing 15
Types of Interview 18
Setting up the Interview/Approach 23
Tone and Tactics of the Interview 26
The questions 28
Discussion Programme 34
Creative writing 38
The concise oxford dictionary defines news as tidings, new or
interesting information, fresh events reported. News according to
Ben Bradlee is the first rough draft of history. News is the
immediate the important, the things that have impact on over lives.
When a dog bites a man, that is not news but when a man bites a
dog, it is news. In other words it is the unusual that makes news.
For Teel and Taylor (1993:153) News is that which is timely and
of public interest. Former editor of the Nigerian Daily Times, Tony
Momoh says News is any event that can unseat (upset) the status -
John L. Belter and Rout Paul Nelson on their part jointly posit that
News is anything that interests you and that you did not know.
They also submit that news is whatever the reporter and the editor
decide is news.
Raff Akinfeleye, Professor of mass communication, defines News
as an account of what the public wants to know, what they ought to
know, what they must know and the right to know an important
aspect of press freedom.
From the foregoing definitions, one can surmise that news is an
accurate and unbiased account of a timely event that is of the ,
greatest significance and also of the greatest interest to your
audience. Significance how important is the event? Is it causing or
does it have the potential to cause a great deal of harm or good to a
number of people? etc.
There are quite a number of factors that determine the news
worthiness of a story. These imperatives include the following
1.Proximity: This refers to the nearness of an event being reported
to a given audience by the media. People tend to be more
interested in what is closest to them because they can identify
easily with them. For a story to have impact, it has to be relevant.
For news to be relevant it has to have proximity. The impact of a
story is greater if the events are happening close to, the audience.
People are more interested to hear about what is close to them. A
medium should have the ability to disseminate information around
its audience.
2. Immediacy: If it is not new, it isnt news. News is about telling
people things they didnt already know. News is about what is
happening now. To the broadcast journalist, what happened
yesterday is dead and buried. There has to be something new to
say, some fresh angles
3. Prominence This refers to the degree of importance of the
personality involved in the story
4. Magnitude This has to do with size or number. In news
writing,-we are interested in the degree of occurrence or how many
people are involved. The higher the number of people involved, the
more news worthy is the story.
5. Human Interest A human interest story is defined as an
extraordinary thing that has happened to an ordinary person. It also
involves humorous and ironic human related stories. They include
emotional stories: is it sad, funny, uplifting or moving,
6. Conflict Events such as strikes, riots, wars, confrontations,
clashes, violent crime, are usually news worthy because they elicit
worry, anxiety, fear, sadness etc.
7. Drama Tension, power struggle, suspense, love and hate.
8. Interest Broadcast hews should cater for the mass interest rather
than that or a minority. Stories must have a wide appeal or most of
the audience will change channels.
The skill of the news writer comes in drawing out the relevance of
a story and presenting it clearly and factually while making the
most of every scrap of interest. This way the writer can give the
audience what it needs to know as well as what it wants to know.
9. Oddity Strange, odd and unusual happenings or events and are
news worthy.
Entertainment Entertainment stories look at the lighter side o( life,
the things that make us smile.
Hard News and Soft News
Hard news is new and important information about events of
significance. The hard news formula calls for the meat of the story.
There is no room for padding. The information must connect with
the audience in the first sentence.
Soft news and human interest items are stories run for their
entertainment value first and the information second. The feature,
human interest or soft news story is primarily for entertainment, so
the order in which the information is given becomes less
important. What matters most is that he story brings a moment of
light relief to the audience. The introduction paragraph here teases
the audience into wanting to get to the bottom of the matter by
beginning with a tantalizing appeal to emotions. The feature style
leads the audience into the story rather than presenting them with
facts on the first line.
The News Angle In any news story it may be impossible to cover
every aspect of it at once. As a result the reporter will be forced to
concentrate on a certain aspect of the story. Each facet represents
different angle. The angle is the part of the story the reporter
chooses to hold up to the light at any one time.
Hard News Formula
The hard news formula constructs the news story by asking, Who,
What, When, Where, Why, How questions using the inverted
pyramid formula. This ensures that the news story begins with the
most important facts and backs up those facts with detailed
background and interpretation constructed to get the story across in
a logical way that is clear and commands attention. Answers to of
the information required.
What has happened?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
Who was involved?
Why did it happen?
What does it means?
Inverted pyramid formula is a style of writing which puts premium
on telling the story as quickly as possible. Its basic principle is that
facts in a news story j are presented in. descending order
Summary lead most important
2nd most important
3rd most important information,
4th most important information