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Abdalla Alhabash


The reasons why charlotte has Slavery still exist

1) Paula Broadwell and Grace Eberle | April 20, 2015 Views:. that high number of human unfortunately but
(n.d.). Beware: Slavery still exists (and its closer to home trafficking: in a different
than you think). Retrieved October 26, 2017, from 1. The fast growth of the area picture.
https://www.charlotteagenda.com/1708/charlotte-ranked- 2. Police and federal fighting Some detailed
6th-and-nc-ranked-10th-in-human-trafficking-how-to-stop- and working against it and important
this-local-terrorism/ 3. Financial reasons reasons why it's
4. Charlotte location os happening
between seaboards specifically in

2) About. Justice Ministries Charlotte, This nonprofit website page for It is so

justiceministries.org/about/. one of the organization in magnificent that
charlotte exist to stand up against there is
sex trafficking and sexual someone out
profiteering. Furthermore, they there that care
help girls who been through this about you are
life flip and provide homes to them your future.
until they can figure themselves Especially for
out. such kind of
situations like
sex trafficking
that may change
your life. So, it's
good to find
somebody that
lend a helping

3) Anti-Trafficking Education in High Schools. End Slavery Everyone in this life were given a It is so
Now, www.endslaverynow.org/blog/articles/anti- gift, so use this gift to the fullest, impressive that
trafficking-education-in-high-schools. which means that if you are cook, the high school
cook for people. If you are a students are
teacher, teach! The anti-trafficking leading the
school was started to raise process and that
awareness through the school. they are being
The club didnt only influence its responsible,
members but also many other despite other
school clubs with PowerPoint people who just
presentations, conversations and didnt give the
guest speakers. The club did a topic that big of a
huge activity which is organizing a deal because it
bi-annual awareness, that was doesnt affect
attended by more than 300 them or their
hundred high schools students families
and other community people. directly.

4) Sex Trafficking. Polaris, 26 Oct. 2017, This website explains the different It is very
polarisproject.org/human-trafficking/sex-trafficking. ways of being sexually exploited. important to
For instance, you may be used to have such
dance or model and even sell sex, websites and
of course these are built on lies organizations
and threats. It also shows that that you can
anybody can be a victim of sex earn information
trafficking no matter his nationality of a serious topic
or his age and whatever was your like sex
status in life. Awareness must be trafficking to be
raised because sex trafficking has aware and
different pictures and ways that acknowledge of.
can appear on its body.

5) nancy.cao. Blue Heart Campaign against Human They created a symbol which is This is the first
Trafficking. About Us, the blue heart for fighting human organization that
www.unodc.org/blueheart/en/about-us.html. trafficking. This blue heart I encountered
represents the sadness and the that is doing
struggle of human trafficking plans and
victims. It also reminds us of the working hard to
cold blood for those people who help and benefit
sell and buy other innocent people all kind of
lifes. different people
not only in a
specific region.

6) Thrupkaew, Noy. Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all Human trafficking is very close to Human
around you. This is how it works | TED Talk. Accessed home. Even closer than most trafficking is all
October 30, 2017. https://www.ted.com/talks/noy_ people would assume. Forced around us, as
thrupkaew_human_trafficking_is_all_around_you_this_ prostitution accounts for only 22 well as people
is_how_it_#t-417352. percent of the total of human being affected by
trafficking. Most people convince it. Most people
themselves that HT is a bad man when told about
doing bad things to an innocent HT they think its
girl, when in reality we all horrible but think
contribute to it on a daily basis. its a far away
From big supermarkets like problem, when in
Costco to little ice cream trucks reality we
contribute to it
every day. We
must raise
awareness to
show how we
could stop
contributing to
this issue.

7) Gridlock : labor, migration, and human trafficking in In this book gridlock:labor, Most of the
Dubai. Gridlock : labor, migration, and human trafficking migrant and human trafficking in immigrant in
in Dubai (Book, 2011) [UNC Charlotte Libraries], Dubai. The author Pardis general, decide
uncc.worldcat.org/title/gridlock-labor-migration-and- Mahdavi started an argument of to leave their
human-trafficking-in- the fancy city Dubai and how countries and
dubai/oclc/692288624&referer=brief_results. despite all the beauty and family in order to
perfection that we see on social live a better life.
media, tv and news. There is a lot But sometimes
of hidden stuff that we dont see. the
Dubai is known of its immigrant consequences of
high percentage which indicates that may be bad
high percentage of human like trafficking.
trafficking especially for women's So those
and kids. countries should
A lot of immigrant victims of be more under
human trafficking stories were the microscope.
mentioned and compared with
each other in the book.
8) Lebov, Korin. Human Trafficking in Scotland. European This article discusses how human Each year
Journal of Criminology, vol. 7, no. 1, 2010, pp. 7793., trafficking become a point of human trafficking
doi:10.1177/1477370809347944. interest for the Scotland extends and
government in 2007. grow more and
So, the point of this article to more. Through
support human trafficking crises in countries, which
Scotland. Also, to let people know must let us stop
what's going on by representing and think about
the policies and how we can stop
recommendations. this issue.

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