March 2015-The Columns

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Illinois State University Fraternity & Sorority Life

Making Headlines For the RIGHT Reasons March 2015

By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant, Fraternity & Sorority Life Inside this issue:
In light of recent Not on our campus 2
national concerns IMPACT 3
involving fraternal
organizations and
issues regarding IFC 6
hazing, and sexual IFC/MGC 8

assault, the local Calendar 10

Sigma Alpha
Epsilon chapter
and the
Interfraternity Contact Us:
Council at
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Illinois State
University came (309)-438-2151
together to enact Alex Snowden Coordinator
change. [email protected]
Alanna Hill Senior Specialist
[email protected]
Members of the Interfraternity Council reflected after a serious social justice Ron Burse Graduate Assistant
conversation and agreed to adopt anti-discriminatory policies within their [email protected]
governing documents. Members also felt strongly about the need to peace- Yesy Garcia Graduate Assistant
fully demonstrate their commitment to create a safe, diverse, supportive and [email protected]
inclusive environment.

On Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm the fraternal community hosted

a solidarity walk in Milner Plaza. The walk was open to all who share this
same vision for Illinois State University and all university campuses.
Stay Connected

The demonstration ended with a ILSTUFSL

signed pledge to reflect on the
positive changes colleges are
capable of, and a commitment to @ILSTUFSL
reach across differences to create
those changes.
(Continued on next page)
Page 2

NOT On OUR Campus

IFC & SAE Host Solidarity Walk
By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant, Fraternity & Sorority Life

Joseph Laskey, President of the Interfraternity Council shared the following message:
What we do today is take a step, we are here to first of all recognize the issue at hand. Fraternities and Sororities are the
ones that make the headlines, but it is time to understand that this can happen to any organization in any part of the
country and still affect our campus. We have seen an increase in different issues such as Sexual Assault, Hazing, and
discrimination and its time we address them but also be intentional to show our support for the LGBT community as well.

We will be a proactive community and address the issue before it comes here. And the big question everyone is asking is
whats next? This is a walk that came about to be proactive and we hope to continue with this event annually. We ask all
organizations on campus show their inclusiveness and supportiveness of all backgrounds. While we consider ourselves to
be inclusive, but are we, as organizations, really showing the support that some people may need? Every organization
needs to continue to grow in its diversity, and reflect to see what may not make you attractive to every culture or
background and see what you can do to change that. Put it in writing so you dont come back in 10 years and see the
culture isnt what you had envisioned, leave it in writing for the leaders behind you to lean on in time of need.
Page 3

NOT On ANY Campus

I understand that on
my own I cannot
change the traditions
set place in your own
chapters but I challenge
you to look into yours
and make sure that they
are all there for the right

We are all leaders here on Illinois State Universitys Campus and as leaders we will not tolerate any racist, discriminatory
behavior or traditions . We take pride in who we are, where we come from, and what we represent. We embrace our
diverse cultures and continue to unite in order to make our campus a safe, diverse, supportive, and inclusive.

We are in this together, as a community. Take this opportunity to walk with someone you dont know. Ask them
questions, understand how their organization works, ask them what they do to show their support, ask them if their
organization has been affected by something like this. You
have the ability to do many things as an organization, but as
an Illinois State University community, we have the ability to
make a change, to pave a path, and to leave an impact on our

The solidarity walk was challenged by concerned students

that were afraid the demonstration was only a public rela-
tions ploy to save face on behalf of fraternal organizations. A
serious social justice conversation was then facilitated stu-
dent leaders which resulted in create a plan of action and
steps to hold one another accountable to truly create a
campus that all can be proud of.
Thank you to those that share our vision for Illinois
State University and thank you to those that will hold us
accountable to it.
Page 4
IMPACTing Students to Make Positive Change
By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant, Fraternity & Sorority Life

In the Fall of 2014, the Interfraternity Council approached several entities on Illinois States campus to sponsor the
IMPACT Retreat for the benefit of the fraternal community. On March 27-29th their hopes became reality as over 80
students attended the values based leadership institute.

The goal of IMPACT is to enable positive change within a fraternity/sorority community. This is accomplished through a
variety of methods throughout the institute. Through large group sessions, complimented by small group discussions, each
participant has the opportunity to personalize the IMPACT experience. All sessions offer hands-on experimental activities
and ample discussion time to address individual concerns.

The entire IMPACT institute is designed to build on itself in a manner that culminates in an agenda for meaningful
community elevation. Through increased self awareness, community awareness, visioning, and skill development,
participants will be able to recognize the current realities of their fraternity/sorority community and begin to develop
effective strategies for positive change.
Page 5

Ways you IMPACTed us

A special thanks to all of the sponsors that

supported our community and helped bring
this amazing experience to campus:
Dean of Students Office

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Interfraternity Council
m on rs. College Panhellenic Council
ya de
u nit ty lea Multicultural Greek Council
m ri
c om soro
ild d National Pan-Hellenic Council
o bu ty an
T rni

To have a fun, motivational, and To increase effectiveness of

inspiring fraternity/sorority experience communication between leaders

o f
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th eg
To identify the leaders of tomorrow for
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our community wo w
To the
Page 6
College Panhellenic Council
March Madness
By: Krystyn Abbate, President, Chi Omega

Chi Omega is proud to host March Madness every spring semester to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
March Madness is an all-Greek dance competition that allows fraternities/sororities to compete for a monetary
donation towards their chapters philanthropy! This years
March Madness theme was Millennium Madness! This is an example of this year's ballot:
Each fraternity/sorority danced to the music corresponding to Act 1: Group Name
the millennium they chose. Judges are chosen by our March Use of Theme ____/10
Madness chairwoman (Emily Rhode) and the scoring is done How much does the Performance relate to the theme
by marking pre-made ballots. "Millennium Madness"? Do they go above and beyond
to portray the theme?
We average the total points for each group from all five judges Originality ____/10
for a final score. They are then ranked in the top three for
How much do the dance moves, song choices, props,
men's and women's organizations.
costumers, etc stand apart from other acts?
Appearance / Costume ____/5
How appealing are the costumes? Are they original
and well thought out?
Enthusiasm / Professionalism ____/5
Are the performers excited and entertaining to watch?
Are they participating in sportsmanlike conduct?
Choreography / Music ____/10
Are the dance moves entertaining? Does the music en-
hance the act and coincide with the theme?
Total Points ______

Chi Omegas March Madness philanthropy supports the Make-A-Wish foundation to

support children like him.
Page 7

College Panhellenic Council

And the winners are &

This years winners were Sigma Chi fraternity (third consecutive win)
and Phi Sigma Sigma sorority!

The winners showed excellence in all of the categories. We have not yet received a total number for
money raised this past March but we are hoping to reach $30,000 like previous years!

The women of Chi Omega and I

are extremely grateful to
everyone who comes out and
supports the Make-A-Wish
Foundation, and us!

We couldn't do it without the

help of the Greek
community, our families, and
our friends!
Page 8
Interfraternity Council
Why are these people walking up and down
Water to Thrive
By: Max Fransen, President, FarmHouse Fraternity
the side of the road?

This was the question

Illinois State professor
Andrew Matthews asked when
picking up his son, Isaiah,
from Ethiopia.
After seeing four hours worth
of this, he decided he had to
do something about it.

Once back in the states, he started calling organizations

interested making water accessible to the people in rural
Africa and came upon Water to Thrive.
A little more than $20,000 dollars later, Illinois State
University has been accountable for raising enough
funds to put in their fourth well in Africa.

Along the way, Professor Matthews got to know and

became the Advisor for FarmHouse fraternity. Since
then FarmHouse has made Water to Thrive its main
philanthropy and holds a Hog Roast following each
Water Walk.
During the Water Walk students walk the average distance
Africans need to walk for water each day, six kilometers. This
year over 500 students participated in the Water Walk and
over 200 of them were fed at the Hog Roast.
Although the Water Walk and Hog Roast are consistently growing
on campus, FarmHouse members believe they are only scratch-
ing the surface of the impact they could make in their partner-
ship with Water to Thrive. Their goal is to be able to raise
enough money, $5,000, annually in order to put in a well with
Illinois States name on it each year.

If you would like any more information about the Water Walk or
Hog Roast, feel free to contact Illinois State FarmHouse
President Max Fransen via email at [email protected].
Page 9

Interfraternity/Multicultural Greek Council

Alpha & Delta Host Boys & Girls Club

By: Keith E. Harris Jr, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated

On March 24th, children of the Boys and Girls Club

of Bloomington arrived at Illinois State University
promptly at 9:00a.m. Sponsored by the Men of
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., the children
were prepped for a Shadow Day full of campus
tours, activities, student speakers, and a catered
lunch from Taco Bell to conclude their visit.

Upon arrival, the children were presented with a

guest speaker in the Student Services Building.
Following their opening session, the students were
guided around on a campus tour, accompanied by
the women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.,
from Tri-Towers to Watterson, and into the Bone
Student Center.

To conclude the day, students met in the SSB for a student/faculty talk on college, and the
overall importance of an education. During this time, BOTH fraternity and sorority members
each took turns sharing their views on Greek Life, and answering any questions that the kids
asked. After enjoying lunch, the children participated in an activity to show team building
through a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. With
only an hour left, students dispersed into groups
led by students of Illinois State until their

The men of Eta Tau chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha

Fraternity, Inc. continuously strive to serve and
improve the surrounding communities. They
pride themselves on consistently volunteering
their time to the local Boys and Girls club.
Page 10
April 2015
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Pi Kappa Phi
CPC Philanthropy Chartering

Sigma Alpha 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

FSL AWARDS DUE Sibling Weekend Sibling Weekend

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Relay for Life

26 27 28 29 30


FSL Office Events University Events Council Events

29thFSL Awards Sibling Weekend April 1719th 8CPC Lip-sync Showdown

6 pm Prairie Room Bring it Back to Normal April 18th 7 pm Brown Ballroom

Philanthropies This Month Relay for Life April 24th

11thPi Kappa Phi
AEPi Week
Chartering Banquet
Alpha Sig Car Smash
SAE Chow for Charity (Invite Only)
ZTA Bags Tournament
Phi Sig Covered in Colors Want to be featured?
12thSigma Alpha Epsilon
Gamma Phi Beta Girls on the Run Please email a headline, article, and
DZ Turtle Tug Chartering Banquet
picture to:
Pi Kapp War of Roses (Invite Only)
Tri Sigma Night Live Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant for
Pi Phi Angels in the Outfield Fraternity/Sorority Life
Tri DeltaFrats at Bat
Acacia 7 Days of Service at [email protected]

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