2006-08 Lodgeroom
2006-08 Lodgeroom
2006-08 Lodgeroom
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VoIume 1 - Issue 8
August 2006
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
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Cover: Temple at Delphi
Published by:
Willam McElligott, P.M.
R. Theron Dunn
While much of the material in this issue of 1he
Lodgeroom International is taken from mate-
rial provided by the Crand Lodge of the State
of California, the authors, editors and publish-
ers of this magazine do not represent them-
selves as speaking FOR the Crand Lodge. 1he
material is presented for informational pur-
poses only, and do not necessarily represent the
position of the Crand Lodge.
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Volume 1 - Issue 8 - August 2006
Masonic Restoration
Featured Articles
What is Masonic Formation?
by Wr. Giovanni Lombardo .......................................3
The Lodge Library .................................................. 3
Sustaining Masonic Formation ............................... 5
Starting Masonic Formation ................................... 5
Snow-White: An Esoteric Key
by Wr. Giovanni Lombardo .......................................6
A 1ourney Through Two Letters
by Br. 1ack Turpie, P.M. ............................................ 7
In the Interests of the Brethen
by Br. Rudyard Kipling .............................................7
Regular Features
Between The Pillars ................................................. 2
Crossword Puzzle by Lance Ten Eyck ......................... 15
Masonic Humor ..................................................... 25
Valuable Links to Masonic Works ........................ 25
Solution to Crossword Puzzle................................ 25
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By R. Theron Dunn
As part oI the over-arch-
ing theme oI The Lodg-
eroom International
Magazine, Rebuilding the
Temple, we have looked
at Traditional Observance
Lodges (Jun 06) and Ma-
sonic Philosophy (Jul 06). In this issue, we will
take a look at the eIIorts oI the Grand Lodge oI
CaliIornia`s eIIort. The Grand Lodge oI CaliIor-
nia has supported the Masonic Restoration
Foundation`s eIIorts to create Traditional Obser-
vance Lodges, and to date has now chartered two
TO lodges and has a number oI them in the Ior-
mative stages (clubs and Under Dispensation).
What became apparent as the TO lodge move-
ment has gone Iorward is the shortage oI Ma-
sonic education going on in the lodges. A num-
ber oI eIIorts have been undertaken over the
years, with varying degrees oI success to encour-
age Masonic Education. However, the lapse oI
time, the ruthless hand oI ignorance have laid
waste to many oI these valuable monuments upon
which the utmost exertions oI human genius have
been employed.
Ok, that may not be entirely Iair, but the Iact
remains that many programs have been started
with the best oI intentions, only to Iall by the
wayside Ior one reason or another. Grand Mas-
ter Doan (2004-2005) saw the need, saw what
had been happening in the past, recognized the
need not only in the existing brethren but in those
as would be joining in the Iuture, and knew some-
thing had to be done to address the problem.
Grand Master Doan tasked the Grand Secretary,
Very WorshipIul Dr. John L. Cooper, III to make
recommendations as to how to address this chal-
lenge. A task Iorce was Iormed by the Grand
Secretary, and recommendations were presented
to the executive committee and a report provided
by the Grand Master at the 2005 Grand Commu-
nication. Grand Master Fredrick Sourcebal has
committed to carry the program Iorward, as has
the sitting Grand Lodge line, and Iunds have been
allocated by the Masonic Homes Education Com-
mittee Ior this program.
At the recommendation oI the task Iorce, the
name oI the project was changed Irom the Ma-
sonic Education Task Force to the Masonic For-
mation Task Force. This seems a minor change,
but aIter discussion, the task Iorce realized Ma-
sonic Education had come to be associated with
Between The Pillars
An Editorial
Masonic Formation
a number oI abortive attempts over the years, and
to avoid the stigma oI those attempts, the name
oI the task Iorce and program would have to be
changed to give the task Iorce a chance to imple-
ment its programs and ideas.
A task Iorce was chosen, rather than a grand lodge
committee, to avoid bureaucratic pitIalls oI com-
mittees, and to enable the task Iorce to move Ior-
ward more rapidly. The Grand Secretary reports
directly to the Executive Committee on the
progress and status oI the Masonic Formation
Task Force. Several meetings have been held and
much progress has been made.
In this issue, I want to share with you my broth-
ers what steps the Grand Lodge oI CaliIornia has
undertaken, not to hold this Grand Lodge up as
the be all and end all oI the concept, but to show
what ONE Grand Lodge is doing to address what
I see as a very real problem that Masonry Iaces
When a man joins the Iraternity today, he is
choosing Masonry among the plethora oI Irater-
nal organizations available. He is doing so be-
cause he has heard or seen good in our Iellow-
ship, and value in its teachings. Men are busier
these days than ever in the past, and have more
groups, clubs, activities vying Ior their attention
than ever beIore in historv. Our value is these, it
always has been, else the luminaries oI our past
would not have joined and so enthusiastically
participated in the mysteries.
Yet today many men Iind lodges Iull oI old, stodgy
men, with not only no interest in the mysteries
oI Ireemasonry, but a positive antipathy toward
these deeper mysteries. They oIten view esoteri-
cism with distrust or outright hostility, and con-
sider the ritual to be the be all and end all oI the
lodge. I have seen some oI our brothers post de-
risively oI those oI us that seek deeper meaning,
claiming we are chasing moonbeams and will o`
the wisps.
The truth is, iI we do not oIIer what Ireemasonry
claims, combined with good ritual, open discus-
sions, philosophical study and oI course good
Iellowship, interesting activities, and a chance
to serve and learn, then we are, in my opinion,
doomed as a Iraternity. Is there a place Ior those
brothers as have no use or interest in the philo-
sophical mysteries? Absolutely!! Do we want to
run them out? Not just no, but HELL NO. What
we do want, however, is a return to the contem-
plative, studious side oI Ireemasonry, the side
that gave us, and interested such luminaries oI
the past as Voltaire, Goethe, Washington, Frank-
lin, Churchhill, Houston, and many, many more.
So in this issue, we will take a look at the Ma-
sonic Formation Task Force, and I would invite
you all, iI you have any comments or suggestions,
or iI your Grand Lodge is doing
something similar, please, write an
article about it and submit it Ior
publication. No one has the complete
answer, but together we can all succeed.
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
What is Masonic Formation?
By Wr. Giovanni Lombardo, P.M.
be understood by a minority only. In this case, to
select the Candidate shall assume primary im-
portance: we must learn to 'guard the West.
The perspective Candidate shall be pushed by
the need oI his inner improvement. His Ieature
is to be a humble researcher. He must be sure
about the existence oI a superior entity, which-
ever the name, but doubtIul about the way to
reach it. He must be a humble researcher, a 'her-
etic' in the etymological and noble meaning oI
the word: a man 'able to choose. To act so, man
has Iirst to know, knowledge being the a-priori
condition oI any choice. To the three degrees oI
CraIt, in Iact, match as many duties, or layers oI
knowledge: oI oneselI, as Entered Apprentice;
oI the surrounding world, as Fellow oI the CraIt;
oI the transcendent, as Master Mason.
The Candidate`s selection is thereIore the main
task oI any old and wise Freemason.
Once the Candidate petitioned, there must be an
adequate interval between his petition and ini-
tiation. In Italyaccording to our statutesit
cannot be shorter than two months, but some
lodges leave the Candidate outside Ior a longer
period, Irom six up to twelve months. During this
Continued on Page 10 - Formation
Lemmi Lodge #400
Grande Oriente D`Italia
The greatest patrimony oI
Freemasonry consists not only
in rites and symbols, but also
in its members
The greatest patrimony oI Freemasonry consists
not only in rites and symbols, but also in its mem-
bers. The Brethren guarantee the Iuture oI the
Order as well as attaining its goal, that is, to
ameliorate humankind, by assimilating and prac-
ticing the teachings that they have received in
the lodge. Hence the need to Iorm the Brethren,
so to that their initiation Iinishes to be 'virtual,
thus becoming 'eIIective.
The Iirst task is to select the Candidates. I am
aware that my Anglo-Saxon Brethren do not in-
vite proIanes to join, preIerring to be asked. This
is justiIied by the circumstance that people are
quite Iamiliar with Freemasonry, both its nature
and its message, as they are commonly perceived.
This is the point to change. Freemasonry regret-
tably is intended as a social and charitable asso-
ciation. II it now wants to restore the traditional
path, it has to change its message, thus speaking
a diIIerent language which, by its nature, shall
The Lodge Library
The Masonic Formation Committee is encour-
aged to take an active role in the development,
maintenance and promotion oI your lodge`s li-
brary. A lodge need not have a special room set
aside just Ior library use. The library could be
housed in any place that can be secured Irom any
groups that might rent your Iacilities.
Many lodges have nice libraries (either on dis-
play or sometimes in storage) which contain good
Masonic books published between 1900 and
1970, but there has been a tendency Ior these
collections to stagnate. There are several ways
to grow the collection:
Members oI the MFC can seed the collec-
tion with copies oI their Iavorite Masonic
The MFC can ask lodge members and lodge
widows iI they have any Masonic books to
The lodge could allocate Iunds to bring the
library up to date.
By its very existence, the library is an important
reminder oI the responsibility oI every Mason to
interpret Masonry Ior himselI. It represents an
open door, a connection with the Masons oI the
past, a way to explore new ideas, and an expres-
sion oI due respect Ior Masonic tradition.
The operation oI a library doesn`t have to be ter-
ribly complex. This section oIIers some basic
knowledge to get you started.
Quality over Quantity
Don`t imagine that your library is poor iI it only
has 30 books, or that it`s in top shape just be-
cause it has hundreds. The quality oI the collec-
tion is all that matters. It`s good to maintain a
collection that is well-balanced between mod-
ern works and Masonic classics.
Ensure Access
Be careIul not just to collect books! Many lodge
libraries have become little more than oII-limits
collections to which nobody but the Secretary has
access. The only purpose your library has is edu-
cation. There may be books that are too valuable
or delicate to circulate. In that case, secure them
but keep an accessible catalog oI them so just
in case someone in the lodge really needs to con-
sult the books they will at least know that they
are there.
Prioritize Books that Members Don`t Already
Many recent books on Freemasonry have attained
a very wide distribution (such as the works oI John
J. Robinson). Don`t spend your Iirst $100 buying
the same books that most reading Masons al-
ready have. Instead, get the books that they`ve been
meaning to read, but maybe haven`t Iound yet.
Care of New Books
Many people are unaware that it is very impor-
tant to read a book within the Iirst Iew years aI-
ter it is printed, or else the glue will harden and
break, sometimes snapping the book in halI. This
can happen to paperbacks and hardcover books.
When a new book is Iirst obtained, the librarian
should place it on a table and open it Iirmly, ev-
ery twenty pages or so, Irom Iront to back. Al-
though this will make the book look a little used,
it will prevent the book Irom cracking later
ten years down the road.
Care of Old Books
The proper conservation oI old books is too in-
volved to detail here. But here are some hints:
II a book is in bad shape or iI it is too valu-
able Ior general access, consider purchas-
ing a reprint edition and putting the reprint
on the shelI instead. Then the book can be
repaired later iI Iunds become available.
II you have books rebound (only recom-
mended iI the book is truly unsalvageable
otherwise), be sure it is done by a quality
Continued on Page 10 - Library
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
The Lodgeroom International Book Store
The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry
1oseph Fort Newton
One oI the all time Masonic classics. A study oI the philosophy and history
oI Masonry. This work is available in searchable text PDF Iormat. ISBN:
Freemasonry and Catholicism
Max Heindel
Classic study by a respected esoteric writer oI the early 1900`s. This work
is available in searchable text PDF Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-60-2
Humanum Genus
Pope Leo XIII
The historic 1884 Encyclical Letter oI Pope Leo XIII denouncing Freema-
sonry, most Iraternal orders and considered to be a threat to democracy
itselI. This letter is Iollowed by the Iamous answer by Albert Pike. Search-
able text PDF Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-62-9
The Spirit of Masonry
William Hutchinson
The classic 1775 Masonic study as revised by George Oliver. Searchable-
text PDF Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-61-0
Webb`s Freemason`s Monitor
Thomas Smith Webb
This most important work, compiled in 1865 by James Fenton, can be
seen as the 'Iather oI the U.S. craIt lodge ritual. Searchable text PDF
Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-57-2
The Dogma and History of Transcendental Magic
Eliphas Levi
This is Eliphas Levi`s (1810-1875) best-known book. This work arguably
made Levi THE most inIluential writer on magic since the Renaissance.
Originally issued in French, the English translator is A.E. Waite and it is
doubtIul that anyone else could have better captured the essence oI Levi`s
work. The book is divided in two parts; the Iirst is theoretical, the second
practical. This is a Iascinating and oIten debated work. Searchable text
PDF Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-56-4
Duncan`s Ritual of Freemasonry
Malcolm C. Duncan
Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees oI the Ancient York Rite and to the
Degrees oI Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal
Arch. Explained and interpreted by copious notes and numerous engrav-
ings. Bookmarked by chapters Ior ease oI use. ISBN: 1-887560-46-7
Book of the Words
Albert Pike
Pike`s classic dictionary oI the words used in the degrees oI the Scottish
Rite. Bookmarked by chapters Ior ease oI use. ISBN: 11-887560-06-8
Lexicon of Freemasonry
by Albert Mackey
A DeIinition oI all its Communicable Terms, Notices oI its History, Tradi-
tions, and Antiquities. 1869 Edition Bookmarked by chapters Ior ease oI
use. ISBN: 1-887560-03-3
Egyptian Book of the Dead
The hieroglyphic transcript oI the Papyrus oI ANI, the translation into
English and an introduction by E.A. Wallis Budge, late keeper oI the Egyp-
tian and Assyrian antiquities in the British Museum. The Papyrus oI ANI
is the largest, most perIect and best illuminated oI all the papyri contain-
ing copies oI the Theban Recension oI the Book oI the Dead. Searchable
Text PDF Format. Bookmarked by chapters Ior ease oI use.
ISBN: 1-887560-29-7
King 1ames Bible and More
The King James Version oI the Holy Bible is one oI the most important
and popular Bible translations ever made in the English language. Al-
though its language is now rather archaic, it was rather controversial in
1611 because it was a translation into the English spoken by the common
people at the time. The King James Version is also one oI the most popu-
lar Bibles used as 'Masonic Bibles. This e-book edition includes the
Old and New Testaments, the original 1611 introduction to the King James
Version and two Masonic papers regarding the Bible as the VSL.
This e-book Bible is Iully searchable providing a wonderIul study Bible.
ISBN: 1-887560-44-0
Brother of the Third Degree
Will L. Garver
In this metaphysical classic, a young spiritual seeker during the time oI
Napoleon travels to Paris to enter the Masters` secret school. There he
meets his soul mate, who is an initiate oI a higher order. In his eagerness
to make rapid progress he Ialls prey to the dark brotherhood. The Masters
use this near deadly experience to Iurther test and teach him as part oI
their ultimate plan. He and his true love learn to work together in service
to the Masters and humanity. ISBN: 1-887560-43-2
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
America`s Iirst best seller! Thomas Paine`s 'Common Sense was the book
that deIined the American goals during the Revolutionary War. It provided
the spark that was needed to turn an abortive revolt into a war Ior indepen-
dence in the American colonies. PDF Format. ISBN: 1-887560-42-4
Illustrations of Masonry
William Morgan
While anti-Masonry has existed Ior just about as long as Masonry has
existed, the anti-Masonic activities in the US reached a Iever point Iol-
lowing the publishing oI William Morgan`s 'Illustrations oI Masonry.
Morgan, who had been a Mason, wrote this work as an exposure oI Free-
masonry aIter becoming upset at not being received, Ior cause, into a body
oI Masons. BeIore the book was released, Morgan disappeared never to
be seen again. Charges that Masons kidnapped and murdered Morgan
were common by the anti-Masons, but never proven. As a result oI the
events surrounding the disappearance oI Morgan and the publishing oI
this booklet, anti-Masonry grew to great heights in the US and nearly
destroyed many Masonic bodies. The introduction provide useIul inIor-
mation and a historical account oI the Morgan aIIair. Searchable text Ior-
mat. ISBN: 1-887560-47-5
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Manly Palmer Hall
Metaphysical/Masonic classic Irom Manly P. Hall. This is an insightIul study
oI the deeper and esoteric aspects oI Freemasonry. WonderIul work Ior Mason
or non-Mason. Searchable-text PDF Iormat. ISBN: 1-887560-54-8
Magnum Opus
Albert Pike
In 1857, Albert Pike published his Scottish Rite rituals oI the 4th to 32nd
degrees. This is the classic Pike Rituals in photographic reproduction oI
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Sustaining Masonic Formation
An important duty oI the MFC which must not
be overlooked is that it needs to grow to survive.
Initially, an MFC might consist oI a relatively
small number oI brethren who have the time and
motivation to get it started, but ideally it would
grow into a larger committee.
Ideal candidates Ior MFC membership as your
continue to develop your programs will be:
Members oI the oIIicer line, especially the
Senior Warden. The Chaplain and the
Marshall might also be ideal individuals to
involve, since they have less demanding
chairs but are still highly visible members
in oI the oIIicer team.
Any brother who has a signiIicant interest
in the meaning oI Masonry.
Any brother who is or has been an eIIective
candidate`s coach.
Any brother who is a proIessional educator.
New Master Masons who responded very
enthusiastically to Masonic
Formation activities as they progressed through
the degrees. One oI the things every good leader
considers a priority is the identiIication and
grooming oI his replacement. Be on the lookout
Ior someone in your lodge who could eventually
become a member oI or lead the MFC. Continu-
ity is very important iI we are to truly IulIill our
responsibilities to the next generation oI Masons.
Masonic Formation Study Groups
As pointed out earlier, a one-to-many Mentoring
session allows the Mentor to maximize the in-
vestment oI his preparation time. Holding a
Masonic Formation Study Group allows Ior the
group leader to prepare material Ior several
people at once. Such a Study Group could be cre-
ated by a lodge`s existing Education Committee
or, as we recommend, a certiIied Masonic For-
mation Committee. A Masonic Formation Study
Group is not based on a classroom, 'student/
teacher model. Instead, it`s an open discussion
oI Masonic issues. Using an open and Socratic
method, the Study Group meets` on the level.`
It is a meeting oI peers, each one committed to
come away Irom the meeting knowing more about
Masonry and how to apply it to his liIe.
Role of the Discussion Leader
The group`s discussion leader is there to guide
the Ilow oI the conversation. Sometimes thing
get oII track, and his job is then to nudge the
conversation back to the meaning oI Masonry.
Select the most appropriate leader Irom your
lodge: he should be a well-inIormed Mason, a
good listening, and an interesting and approach-
able person.
The Right Setting
The setting Ior the group should be careIully
planned, too. It may be ideal to hold such a meet-
ing a lodge library, where ready access to any
materials that might come up can be Iound. Avoid,
iI possible, holding a meeting like this is an oth-
erwise empty large meeting hall. Keep the set-
ting comIortable and casual. Several lodges have
had great success holding these meetings in pri-
vate residences instead oI the lodge. This allows
Ior a diIIerent, more personal atmosphere. Ei-
ther way at the lodge hall or in a residence
the group`s meeting space must be pleasant, un-
disturbed and private.
Meet Regularly and For a Set Duration
Meetings should be held at regular times every
month, and should have clear starting and end-
ing times. Since the discussion is open-ended, it
is important to set an ending time and stick to it,
so brethren don`t Ieel like the Study Group is
winding out oI control and getting them home
too late. The discussion leader should make a
point to end the discussion at the set time, even
iI the conservation is still Ilowing. That will
maintain the energy oI the group over the long
term. A two-hour meeting is recommended.
Keep Your Goals in Mind
The most important thing Ior the Study Group to
accomplish is giving the new Apprentices,
FellowcraIts and Master Masons a substantial,
personal and ongoing exposure to the lessons oI
Masonry. In the group, they will learn Iirst-hand
that Masonry tolerates diIIerences oI opinion; that
Masonry encourages serious reIlection upon the
content oI our teachings; and that the lodge is
there to assist them as they prepare their proIi-
ciency essays.
Once it is established with all the new members
attending, the Study Group might also Iill an-
other need that we have neglected in our lodges:
the ongoing and never-ending ediIication and
enrichment oI our Master Masons. As the new
members talk about what they learned in the
group and how much they enjoyed it, an increas-
ing number oI longtime members will want to
start attending as well.
A Example of a Study Group
Theoretical Lodge no. 67 3 started its Study
Group shortly aIter two oI its members returned
Irom certiIication training in Masonic Formation.
Working with the Master, they Iound a regular
monthly meeting time that would not conIlict with
other lodge events. They elected to have the meet-
ing two days prior to every Stated Meeting. They
selected the Discussion Leader, who was one oI
Continued on Page 11 - Sustaining
Starting Masonic Formation
The intellectual and spiritual development we
undertake in the lodge is one oI the most impor-
tant things that happens in Masonry. The pro-
cess by which we change Ior the better Irom cow-
ans, outside the portico through the lessons and
inIluence oI the lodge is called Masonic Forma-
tion. Masonic Formation is a rich and dynamic
process involving every aspect oI liIe.
Masonic Iormation is to Masonic Education as a
book is to a single word. Education is but one-step,
one single part oI Masonic Formation. Phrases like
Masonic Education bring to mind Iormal, aca-
demic-style learning, but Masonic Formation is an
all-encompassing term it includes everything that
goes into making a man into a Mason, Irom his
Iirst steps in the lodge to his liIelong engagement
with the teachings oI the CraIt. It is a process oI
Iitting the rough ashlar oI our imperIect being into
a perIect ashlar Iit Ior the divine temple ... a con-
stant transIormation through the use oI Masonic
symbols, rituals, and teachings on a journey oI re-
turn to the center oI our being.
Every Mason has experienced it. Every brother
who has Ielt the impact oI Freemasonry on the
way he thinks and lives his liIe has been a part
oI it. Masonic Formation Ilourishes naturally, due
to the beauty and proIound inIluence oI the ritu-
als themselves. Brother George Steinmetz, a re-
spected interpreter oI the degrees, once wrote,
'At Iirst I obtained very little beneIit Irom Free-
masonry. Hearing the degrees repeatedly con-
Ierred, many oI the beautiIul phrases oI the ritual
impressed themselves on my mind. Because oI
an inquisitive disposition I attained whatever
progress I have made in Masonry.(Freemasonrv
.Its Hidden Meaning, p. 7)
As Brother Steinmetz points out, an individual
Mason who is curious will eventually make
progress just being exposed to Masonry`s sym-
bolism and dramas. What is important to realize
is the process need not be random or passive.
Times have changed since masonry went public
in 1717, education has changed, how people live
has changed, and the needs oI our brothers have
changed. Hence Masonic Iormation.
No Mason should be 'on their own in their
Continued on Page 12 - Starting
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Snow White And The Seven
Dwarves: An Esoteric Key To
Reading Br. Disney`s Stories
By Giovanni Lombardo,
Lemmi Lodge #400
Grande Oriente D`Italia
LiIe is dream ~ Calderon de la Barca
To dream is to live ~ Luigi Pirandello
When I learned that Walt Disney belonged to our
Family, I conIess I Ielt sense oI amazement and
joy: I had Iinally Iound the justiIication oI the
Ieeling oI satisIaction which I experienced when
I was boy - and which never disappeared - when
I read his stories, whose characters I have always
considered as true beings, real and near to me.
As an adult with my children, I have oIten seen
his movies again, such movies I today consider
real 'pieces oI architecture, it being accidental,
and oI secondary importance, the circumstance
that they are disclosed in a mythical` language
by the cartoon.
His most Iamous work is Snow White and the
seven Dwarfs, but also the others, Sleeping
Beautv, Cinderella, Dumbo, Little Mermaid, to
quote only the most Iamous, are developed
through a common thread conductor: the deIeat
oI Evil and the triumph oI Love. The protagonist
achieves this aim through a real initiation, by
entry in an esoteric community Iollowed by selI-
transIormation that brings him to a new, spiri-
tual rebirth.
by the vision oI the eyes oI the animals, phos-
phorescent eyes similar to Ilashing Ilames, the
young woman comes near a hut the house oI the
dwarIs. I remember that in the German language
htte means both shelter and lodge, and this is
not casual: let us reIlect how many times in His-
tory the Masonic lodge was the last shelter Ior
idealists, heretical or schismatic, disparate and
desperate, all persecuted by the Powers that be.
Freemasonry generously opened the doors oI its
temples, always asking them where they wanted
to go, rather than Irom where they came.
In this hut something seemingly trivial transpires,
but it is really important: Snow-white wins over
her Iear oI a new and probably hostile environ-
ment and explores it with her new Iriends, the
animals oI the wood, that she sees now, in the
daylight, in a new dimension.
Si parva licet... 1 this episode reminds me the
teaching oI Plato, who stated the initiate must
be, Iirst oI all, 'desirous to know, and oI Dante,
who exalted the curiosity oI Ulysses, who crosses
the border oI the unknown to satisIy his want oI
'virtue and knowledge. But it is not enough.
In a rush oI generosity the young woman cleans the
house oI the dwarIs with the help oI the little ani-
mals. I underline this episode because it exalts the
value oI the Iriendship among the diIIerent ones as
well as the job in common. Br. Disney loved these
themes, since they are present in all his works.
ways the humblest creatures, so to underline the
everlasting antinomy between Being and Becom-
ing: the values oI the ManiIestation are deeply
diIIerent Irom those oI the Being and who is last`
in the one is oIten Iirst` in the other.
The ability to accept the other, even diIIerent and
thereIore Iar Irom one`s own paradigmatic mod-
els, to review one`s own ideas, is a necessary pre-
condition but yet not quite suIIicient to achieve a
catharsis. Man needs to overcome various tests,
that recall the initiatory ones that every oI us
passed through beIore being proclaimed 'brother.
Continued on Page 14 - Snow White
The story oI Snow White is paradigmatic: the
young woman is Iorced Irom the wicked step-
mother to abandon the Iatherly house, symbol oI
the values relevant to the liIe lived until then,
and to Iind shelter in a dense and dark wood,
reminding us oI the Chamber oI ReIlection.
AIter overcoming a course oI water, withstand-
ing a gale oI wind and deIeating the Iear aroused
The story oI the elephantine Dumbo is exemplary.
It was mocked by his same similar because tor-
mented by two abnormal, monstrous ears: a mouse
- this beast is hated by the elephants - will reas-
sure it and will give it the necessary courage to
Iace the diIIiculties oI the liIe. The Iigures Irom
which the protagonist receives help are nearly al-
Impudently similar to those Ma-
sonic are the tests that Iaces the
young Arthur in the Sword in the
Stone: with the Magician Merlin, he
will be turned Iirst into a squirrel, then in a
Iish, thereIore in a bird. It will overcome so the
tests oI earth, oI water and oI air beIore Iacing
the last, the most binding, that oI the Iire, namely.
To throw the magic sword out oI the stone in
which it was aground. Many knights Iailed and
he is thereIore judged Iool: but, sometimes, only
a 'sheer Iool can reach those heights which are
instead Iorbidden to the conIormist and phari-
saic rationality.
The sword is an axial` symbol, the axis mundi,
the plumb line which joints the maniIold states
oI the Being, microcosm and macrocosm, but it
is also a solar symbol because it reIlects the Light:
let me recall the scene oI the Iight between the
prince and the dragon in Sleeping Beauty.
The Iairies, three as the Pillars, have just Ireed
the young prince Irom the Ietters, so he can Iree
Aurora Irom the sorcery oI the witch. Trying to
stop the young man the witch turns herselI into a
Ilaming dragon. For the psychoanalysts the reI-
erence is quite clear: 'to win the dragon equal
to 'to dig dark and deep jails to the vice, i. e. to
Iight in one`s inner to Iree ego Irom the tensions
and Irom the passions that anchor it to the mate-
riality, causing Irustrations and suIIerings. The
Iairies can no longer actively help the prince, only
aid him in a totemic Iorm; nevertheless they oI-
Ier him, beIore the Iight, one 'sword oI truth
and one 'shield oI virtue. Just beIore the Iinal
strike the sword reIlects a dazzling light, then,
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
A 1ourney Through
Two Letters
The Origins Of Lodges Cumberland
Kilwinning No.217 & Doric Kilwinning
No.68 Port Glasgow
By Bro. Jack Turpie P.M.
P.M. Lodge Firth oI Clyde, Gourock, No.626.
P.M. The Anchor Lodge oI Research, No. 1814.
Pr.M. St. Bernard Lodge oI Research, No. 1817.
Ron.Sub. P.G.M. P.G.L. oI RenIrewshire West
Paper delivered at the Masonic Symposium,
Kirkcaldy, 7th May 2005
During the summer oI 1998 I visited Mother
Kilwinning on various occasions to examine their
archive to see iI I could trace the Petition Ior a
Charter and any other documents relevant to a
long dormant Greenock Lodge which I was re-
searching. During one visit I came across an old
envelope with the most beautiIul copper-plate
writing on Iront with the inIormation; 'PETI-
PORT GLASGOW 1746 AND 1759. On open-
ing the envelope I Iound two letters. As a diver-
sion I thought I would have a quick look at them
and then return to my main task.
AIter a quick read I realised I had in my hands,
not only the two original letters oI petition writ-
ten about 250 years ago but also;
1) conIirmation oI thoughts long held by some in
my Province, that prior to the Chartering oI the
two Lodges existing today there had been an ear-
lier Lodge in Port Glasgow;
2) prooI that the early relationships between the
Brethren who Iounded the two Lodges existing
today were not harmonious and could be said to
be split by class and economic distinction;
3) a brieI insight into the social and economic
Iabric oI the town oI Port Glasgow at that time
but more importantly,
4) prooI Ior the doubters as to our operative to
speculative origins, that there was indeed a di-
rect link in the evolution Irom operative to specu-
lative Masonry and that while some Lodges were
by this time purely speculative, others were still
operative with a Iew non-operative Members.2
It is my intention to consider the two letters sepa-
rately and in chronological order. I will read each
in their entirety, do likewise with the inIorma-
tion regarding the granting oI the Charters, then
pick out what I consider to be the most relevant
items to expand on. Following this I will try to
summarize the contents oI all sources to give an
overall picture. For the inIormation oI anyone
who may read this paper at a later date, I have
spelled words as they appear in the originals.
The early minutes oI both Lodges are missing
although, a Iew years ago, I did have access to
some extracts oI the Iirst Bye-Laws oI Doric
Kilwinning draIted beIore the Petition Ior Char-
ter, which I shall reIer to later. Nor was I able to
obtain access to the minute books oI Mother
Kilwinning. (The details oI the granting oI the
respective Charters were eventually unearthed
in a copy oI Wylie`s 'History OI Mother Lodge
Kilwinning oI 1878.)
The Iirst letter was written on one side oI a single
sheet oI paper, which, as was the custom oI the
time, Iolded in such a way as to be its own enve-
lope and the name and address appeared on what
was the reverse side. The remains oI a wax seal
was evident, but insuIIicient to identiIy any ini-
tial or emblem.
Continued on Page 19 - 1ourney
The letter was addressed, 'To Robert Molleson
Esqr, Collector Excises at Air.
The letter read;
WorshipIull Master
We being inIonned by our Brother Mr John
Drummond oIIicer oI Excises that your Broth-
erly love extended so Iar as ever to procure a
decree oI Constitution Itom the Ancient Mother
Lodge oI Kilwinning in order that we your true
Brethren may meet with authority. Wee there-
Iore desire that with all expedition you may pro-
cure and send the same as promised and we shall
make all due acknowledgements and discharge
our duties as becometh in order to have all due
regard paid us.
Whatever charges is due shalle be remitted to
your order on demand by your FaithIull Breth-
Port Glasgow John Hunter Mr.
17th Jan 1746
James Weir SW.3
James Maine JW.
John Drummond F .C.
Continued on Page 14 - 1ourney
In the Interests of the Brethren
I was buying a canary in a birdshop when he Iirst
spoke to me and suggested that I should take a
less highly coloured bird. 'Colour`s all in the
Ieeding, said he. 'Unless you know how to Ieed
em, it goes. You`ll excuse me, but canaries are
one oI my hobbies.
He passed out beIore I could thank him. He was
a middle-aged man with gray hair and a short
dark beard, rather like a Sealyham terrier in sil-
ver spectacles. For some reason his Iace and his
voice stayed in my mind so distinctly that, months
later, when I jostled against him on a platIorm
crowded with an Angling Club going to the
Thames, I recognized, turned and nodded.
'I took your advice about the canary, I said.
'Did you? Good! he replied heartily over the
rod-case on his shoulder, and was parted Irom
me by the crowd.
A year ago I turned into a tobacconist`s to have a
badly stopped pipe cleaned out.
'Well! Well! And how did the canary do? said
the man behind the counter. We shook hands,
and 'What`s your name? we both asked together.
His name was Lewis Holroyd Burges, oI 'Burges
and Son, as I might have seen above the door -
but Son had been killed in Egypt. His beard was
blacker and his hair whiter than it had been, and
the eyes were sunk a little.
'Well! Well! To think, said he, 'oI one man in
all these millions turning up in this curious way,
when there`s so many who don`t turn up at all-
eh? (It was then he told me oI Son Lewis`s death
and why the boy had been christened Lewis.)
'There`s not much leIt Ior middle-aged people
just at present. Even one`s hobbies- he broke
oII Ior a breath. 'We used to Iish together. And
the same with canaries! We used to breed em
Ior colour-deep orange was our specialty. That`s
why I spoke to you, iI you remember, but I`ve
sold all my birds. Well! Well! And now we must
locate your trouble.
He bent over my erring pipe and dealt with it
skilIully as a surgeon. A soldier came in, said
something in an undertone, received a reply, and
went out.
'Many oI my clients are soldiers nowadays, and
a number oI em belong to the CraIt, said Mr.
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Continued from Page 3
elapse oI time the Petitioner should ponder his
decision, dedicating part oI his time to selI-ex-
amination and introspection.
On his initiation, the proIane is an Entered Ap-
prentice. Silence is the Ieature oI this degree.
He cannot speak Ior any reason at all. I think
that silence is the greatest giIt Ior a newbie. So
doing, he his Iorced to pay attention to what it is
said and to think over it, learning to separate
wheat Irom chaII.
Lodges usually conduct business in the Iirst de-
gree, so anybody can take part in. Attending the
meeting is a duty Ior everybody; absences have
to be justiIied either previously or the next Iol-
lowing meeting.
The Brethren`s work consists in presenting a
paper oI either esoterical or philosophical nature,
to read and to discuss it. Brethren should strive
to read and to understand the ritual as well as
the meaning oI the symbols which appear in their
respective degree. Sometimes man can discuss
an exoteric subject, about a social problem, Ior
instance: aIter all, exoterism and esoterism are
two Iaces oI the same coin and any aspect oI the
liIe can be approached in an esoteric manner. The
discussion must be conducted with politeness and
order: the Brother shall hold his speech staying
'at order, so that he cannot gesticulate. Expres-
sions such as 'let me diIIer or 'I do not agree
are banned. Each Brother can disclose his ideas,
even iI they are diIIerent Irom one another`s one,
but there is no need to underline such a diIIer-
ence: the Brethren shall recognize it.
The Brethren shall assume a
particular posture, that oI
the Pharaoh (see Iigure).
In this way they excite
the kundalini, the vital
energy that origins
Irom the coccyx
reaching the cer-
ebellum. Their
mind is thereIore
cleaner than ever
and ready to ab-
sorb what is said
by the others.
The interval
between de-
grees is usu-
ally one
year, said
rule to be in-
t e r p r e t e d
with prudence and wisdom.
A lodge should be compound by no more than
IiIty Brethren. For various reasons. The discus-
sion cannot be monopole oI some Brethren; to
the contrary each oI them has to Ieel Iree to in-
tervene, EAs excluded, oI course. Time is how-
ever a tyrant, so the meeting cannot last more
than a reasonable period, usually two hours. II
the lodge is too numerous, it happens that some
Brethren reIrain to intervene, in order to spare
time, and this is a pity, indeed. A smaller group
prevents these inconveniences, apart Irom the cir-
cumstance that certain discussions can be enjoyed
within a harmonious group only.
Each Brother, especially each OIIicer, must con-
sider himselI as an irreplaceable part oI the lodge,
and this does not happen iI a Brother thinks that
somebody else can do his work: this circumstance
encourages absences.
Last, but not the least, Brethren must become
Iriends: they have to share not only thoughts, but
also Ieelings. Bro. Goethe wrote: Attitudinal edu-
cation is Freemasonrvs most distinguished task.
Onlv with our attitudes can we bring together
people of differing opinions, opinions which, as
human beings, keep us apart.
Freemasonry is a particular school: we are, at
the same time, apprentices and masters. Man
learns Irom everybody. There are no blackboards,
no classrooms. Above all, no programmes. The
Masonic journey is more similar to a sea voyage,
with no compass but one`s own conscience, rather
than to a travel by railway.
Man is sure to start, not to arrive. Masters teach
by giving their example, rather than through their
literary knowledge. The knowledge which ini-
tiates long Ior cannot be Iound in the books: it is
the knowledge oI the supreme reality, the Great
Architect, who his hidden within ourselves that
have been created 'in His image.
To know is thereIore to be. Mauna Ujjayi wrote:
The initiatorv work can be fruitful if it is done
with engagement and dedication, love and devo-
tion (bhakti) towards our Being, the inner Self,
that God that remains silent since it is wrapped
in the darkness of the ignorance (avidva), in the
veil of the prefudgment and the presumption, in
the mantle of the attachments, of the illusions
(mava) that weight down, slow down and often
prevent the wav towards the light. The reali:a-
tion begins to give its vields progressivelv, while
man is working on his own transformation, fac-
ing the more difficult fight that the man has ever
fought. that against his passions, against his con-
flict !"#.
A very hard work, to be done in silence and se-
crecy, within our inner. The attachments oI the
proIane liIe, the desire oI money, the ambitions
and the prejudices must be kept under strict con-
trol and possibly rejected during the journey.
The charity is useless to transmute oneselI. It dema-
gogically cleans our conscience, but has no eIIect
on the inner transIormation. Charity and other pi-
ous actions is the natural by-product oI the man
who realized himselI, that is Iree Irom the neuro-
ses, that has gone beyond the appearances.
Who has caught selI-conscience he actually works
Ior his transmutation, in total respect oI the Tra-
dition; he will then be brought beyond the time
and the space, till to the Supreme Knowledge.
Even iI the initiation is practiced in a community,
it is nevertheless a unique, ineIIable experience.
Man has to live it directly, in person. Nobody could
rationally describe it, even by approximate words,
as said Plato. Nobody can be our substitute Ior the
solution oI the Eternal Mvsterv.
1 Se Metafisica Reali::ativa, Rivista di Studi
Tradizionali, Estate 2004
Inspect older books Ior loose pages (totally
loose or soon-to-be loose).
Consider photocopying the loose pages and put-
ting the copies in the book. Keep a Iile oI any
such cases so nothing is lost.
Don`t Forget Video Content
Documentaries on Freemasonry and other video
material which is oI interest oI members oI the
CraIt is readily available on DVD and video tape.
Consider obtaining some oI these Ior the library.
Keep the Collection Organized
The librarian should keep a record oI what the
library contains and manage how the library`s
resources are used. Keep these records up to date,
and be sure they are accessible to those who
would like to use the library. However, be care-
Iul not to overdo it there may be no need to
build a proIessional-quality library catalog. Such
a project might start out Iun, but get bogged down
in the execution. Instead, develop a manageable
system that can be maintained Iairly easily. Make
sure there are at least two people who know the
system inside and out. Be open to Ieedback Irom
the lodge regarding this issue, as well.
Storage is Important
Broken-down, inadequate or mismatched shelves
can make your library seem dilapidated even iI
the books it contains are excellent. Some lodges
have beautiIul shelves already. II bookshelves do
not exist, consider inexpensive selI-assembly
units. Narrow ones (2 -5 inches wide)are best.
Wide shelves (30 inches or more) will sag notice-
Continued from Page 3
Continued on Next Page - Library
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
ably soon aIter they are Iilled.
Every lodge has 6x14 inches oI Iree Iloor space
somewhere, and a tall (ceiling-height)bookcase
with that Iootprint can hold hundreds oI books.
Don`t worry about those who say there is no room
Ior a library.
Starting from Scratch
Most lodges have had libraries at one time there
might be one that`s in storage. Regardless, iI you
must start Irom scratch, each member oI the MFC
should volunteer to seed the library with two or
three high quality books. Then, the MFC should
approach the lodge with a proposal to purchase an
additional 10-0 books with lodge Iunds.
Know your lodge, and ask Ior an amount that is
likely to be approved. At the same time, make a
request to the brethren Ior donations oI any Ma-
sonic books they might have that they don`t want.
Be sure to put this request in the lodge newslet-
ter also, because lodge widows may also have
Masonic materials that they wish to donate.
When buying books, remember that the South-
ern CaliIornia Research Lodge sells over a hun-
dred Masonic books at a substantial discount.
Write a Library Information Sheet
Compose a one or two-page sheet oI inIormation
about your library, clearly marked 'take one,
and keep a stack oI these on or next to the library
shelves. This sheet should contain:
Library rules and procedures
Donation procedures and list oI desired
Library history or credits
InIormation on other nearby Masonic libraries
This sheet should also be distributed at any mem-
bers-only Masonic Formation activities, such as
discussion groups or lectures about Masonic sym-
bolism or history. Be sure every Entered Appren-
tice receives one.
Keep the Lodge Informed
Let the lodge know what`s new in the library
during the stated meeting Masonic Formation
Committee report, and highlight new acquisitions
in the lodge newsletter. It`s all part oI Iostering a
culture oI Masonic Formation.
Religious Bias
Remember that Masonry is, according to the
Deacon`s lecture oI the FellowcraIt degree, in-
terwoven with religion. Masonry isn`t hostile to
a Christian Iinding Christian meaning in the de-
the certiIied MFC members. They also included
the Candidate`s Coach Irom the beginning, although
he hadn`t been certiIied and wasn`t sure yet how
he Iit in to the new Masonic Formation eIIorts.
The lodge had two Apprentices and three
FellowcraIts in process. For the Iirst meeting,
the MFC decided to hold an Entered Apprentice
meeting so that all Iive could attend. The Wor-
shipIul Master oI the lodge sent a personal invi-
tation by mail to the new brethren, inIorming
them oI the meeting date and letting them know
that it was his wish that they attend. The lodge
was told oI the meeting, and a Iew brethren who
seemed likely to make good contributions oI the
discussion were especially invited to attend.
The meeting began at 7:30 p. m. in the lodge`s
library. The books were normally displayed in a
locked glass bookcase and rarely read: they opened
the bookcase door as a symbolic indication oI the
intentions oI the group. The Discussion Leader
arranged the chairs in a circle near the books. He
placed a single gavel in the center oI the table to
signiIy that it was a Iirst degree discussion group.
When the brethren arrived, the Discussion Leader
opened the meeting with a short prayer (see be-
low), which he gave to the newest Entered Ap-
prentice to read. Everyone sat down.
The Discussion Leader said, Tonight we`re dis-
cussing the Iirst degree in some depth. I know
that we have members here Irom every degree.
But you know, we`re all Entered Apprentices. In
Masonry, we don`t give up a degree when we
take the next one we add it to the degrees that
came beIore. So tonight we are all meeting as
Entered Apprentices, and I`ve placed a single
gavel in the center oI the table to remind us that
it`s a Iirst degree meeting. II this was a Fellow-
craIt or Master Mason meeting, there would be
two or three gavels there. Let`s remember, breth-
ren, to conIine our comments and questions to
the Iirst degree.
To spark the conversation, the Discussion Leader
used the Basic Education for Entered Appren-
tices manual produced by Grand Lodge. Soon,
the brethren were having a good discussion about
the various symbols in the Iirst degree. Very good
points were raised, and the Discussion Leader
said, I`m glad that you newer brothers are hear-
ing this, because it`s important to know that each
one oI us has to Iigure out what Masonry means
to us. There are no pat answers, and opinions
vary. The important thing is having an opinion,
and making Masonry something that you can
applv in vour life.`
Alex, who had been an Apprentice Ior about six
months, had been making slow progress on his
proIiciency essays, but it`s not because oI a lack
Continued from Page 5
Continued on Next Page - Sustaining
Continued from Previous Page
grees, or a Muslim Iinding Islamic meaning in the
degrees. However, it is contrary to Masonic tradi-
tion to teach one`s Iellow Masons that 'Masonry
teaches Christianity, or so on.
Much like the Masonry oI the 1700s, Freemasonry
today possesses a rich spiritual diversity within its
membership, and we must continue to honor our
centuries-old commitment to religious neutrality.
Where to Get More Information
Research Lodges and Other Societies
Southern CaliIornia Research Lodge The SCRL is
perhaps best-known Ior its wonderIul program
whereby they supply a Iree copy oI Allen E. Rob-
erts` book The Craft and Its Svmbols to any Cali-
Iornia Entered Apprentice. Members receive a
monthly newsletter, and the SCRL sells a wide se-
lection oI Masonic books at a considerable discount.
El Camino Research Lodge
Northern California Research Lodge
Scottish Rite Research Society
The SRRS covers more than just the Scottish
Rite. Most oI the articles they publish will be oI
interest to any Mason. All members receive a
hardbound copy oI its annual journal, Heredom .
It is probably the Iinest Masonic periodical pub-
lished in the United States.
In addition, members receive the Society`s in-
Iormative quarterly newsletter, The Plumbline ,
as well as a Iree bonus book or other giIt once
per year. Membership is $30 annually.
Scottish Rite Research Society
1733 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 0009-3103
http://www. srmason-sj. org/web/srrs. htm
The purpose oI Philalethes is to act as a clearing
house Ior Masonic knowledge. It exchanges ideas,
researches problems conIronting Freemasonry, and
passes them along to the Masonic world.
Membership is $40 annually, and includes a
highly-regarded bimonthly magazine Iocusing on
Masonic history.
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
oI interest. He just wasn`t sure iI what he was
writing was good. The Discussion Leader knew
this and asked him to bring what he had written
so Iar. Alex showed up with his draIt answers
Ior the Iirst two questions, and the Discussion
Leader asked him to read it. It only took a couple
oI minutes.
The brethren were very encouraging in Iact,
Alex raised some important issues that sparked
new discussions. Alex`s mood was soon very diI-
Ierent: instead oI unsure and a little 'stuck, he
Ielt aIIirmed and energized to Iinish his proIiciency.
He knew he had a valuable ally in this group.
About halIway through the meeting, one oI the
brethren, a Master Mason who pretty much at-
tended every lodge event, went oII on a tangent
about the lodge building something about how
one oI the guys almost started a Iire in the kitchen
once. Soon the whole group (except Ior the new
EAs and FCs)was discussing the tangent, but it
did not have anything to do with the meaning oI
the degrees. The Discussion Leader brought the
discussion back to the right topic.
At the end oI the meeting, some great points were
being made. One oI the new brethren had asked
about King Solomon`s Temple. He didn`t know
what the Temple was. Instead oI just telling him
he`d learn about it in a later degree, the Discus-
sion Leader said, You`ll learn more about the
Masonic interpretation oI Solomon`s Temple as
you progress in Masonry. There is some basic
inIormation about this subject, and the Bible con-
tains two diIIerent accounts oI the building oI
the temple.
You know, we`re at a disadvantage today as
Masons, because when Masonry started, these
are things that everyone took Ior granted. I`m not
saying everyone was an expert on this topic, but
people basically knew about the temple and why
it was built, and there`s no reason you can`t, even
as an Apprentice, read a little about that. Maybe
you can work this into your proIiciency essays, iI
the subject especially interests you?
UnIortunately, it was now 9:30, the announced
ending time. The Discussion Leader sensed that
everyone was ready to talk Ior another halI hour,
but he said, I can`t believe it, but it`s 9:30 al-
ready and we have to stop. But I will see all oI you
next month. Thank you very much Ior coming.
Every two months, the Masonic Formation Com-
mittee gave a short report about the activities oI the
Study Group to the lodge at the Stated Meeting.
AIter about nine months, signiIicant buzz about
the Study Group caused interest to spread among
the general membership oI Theoretical Lodge.
A newly-raised Master Mason who had been at-
tending the Study Group since his Iirst degree said
that he was eager to keep the process going. He
had never known a Masonry that didnt study its
symbolism it was normal to him, an expected
and important part oI attending lodge.
The Masonic Formation Committee met and de-
cided to make a second Study Group just Ior Mas-
ter Masons. One oI them, an MFC-certiIied mem-
ber who had been attending the Study Group regu-
larly, oIIered to lead the Iirst and second degree
Study Group. The experienced discussion leader
took on the new Master Mason Study Group.
A Masonic Formation Study Group Opening Prayer.
Freemasonry teaches that no important undertak-
ing should commence without a prayer. A Ma-
sonic lodge does not even pay it bills without an
opening prayer. The Masonic Formation Study
Group represents one oI our greatest and more
serious eIIorts in Masonry, the exploration oI
Masonic ideals and teachings.
As such, each meeting should open with a prayer.
Here is a suggested prayer that was written by
one oI the Iirst study groups:
Great Architect of the Universe, in Thv name
we have assembled and in Thv name we
desire to proceed in all our doings. We hum-
blv beseech Thee to strengthen us in our
studies, that we mav be brought from dark-
ness to light, from light to greater light, and
onward to a light greater still, that we mav
the better be enabled to transmit the tradi-
tions of Freemasonrv faithfullv to future
generations. Amen.
The prayer serves as an important marker: it ends
talk about mundane matters and Iocuses the group
on the task at hand. It is also a good teaching
moment. The Mentor in charge oI the study group
should ask a random attendee to say the invoca-
tion. This is a way to let even the youngest En-
tered Apprentice know that he is a respected
part oI the group and that his input as well as his
questions are welcomed and needed.
Ideas and Activities for Study Groups
Assist candidates with their memory work.
II done in the Study Group, it should be done
at the beginning, with a single run-through.
Select two members who know the memory
work, and have one examine and one an-
swer, while the new brethren Iollow along
in their ciphers.
Don`t take up more than halI an hour on
this, or else it may be perceived as bogging
down the group. Be prepared to answer
questions that the candidates have about
unusual phrases in the memory work.
Assist candidates with their ProIiciency
Essays. Have their share their draIts in the
Study Group, get Ieedback, let them revise
iI appropriate, and then have them present
their essays to the lodge.
View and discuss Masonically-related video
Consider sending out a short article Ior the
brethren to read a week prior to the meeting.
Continued from Previous Page
growth. One oI the lessons oI Freemasonry Irom
the Iirst degree is to aid and assist a . worthy
brother, so Iar as we can do so. The third degree
also teaches us to whisper good counsel and to
stretch Iorth a helping hand. Masonic Iormation
is a more Iormal method, supported by the lodge,
to add value to the lessons, by providing access to
meaningIul assistance Irom brethren with greater
knowledge and experience in Freemasonry.
We sometimes take Ior granted the idea oI our
brethren finding the answers on their own. For
some oI us, that is how we learned about ma-
sonry, others were Iortunate enough to have a
lodge with knowledgeable brethren, willing to
share and teach and help mold us. For some,
Masonic Iorums, books, and lodge meetings are
enough. Others need more help, and as brother
masons, we need to oIIer more.
Even brothers who can learn on their own need
the aid and support oI their Masonic brothers, as
many oI the lessons oI masonry cannot be writ-
ten down. They are secret. even Irom those oI
us that know them. How strange is that? We know
the answers, but Iellowship, Iriendship, kind
words, moral support cannot be put into words,
and these are quintessential Masonic virtues!
They come Irom just being there, mentoring, ei-
ther Iormally or inIormally.
What It Means To Be A Mentor
In the work oI Masonic Formation, mentoring is
the ongoing act oI providing brethren with qual-
ity inIormation about the rituals and symbolism
oI Freemasonry, and helping them to explore the
meaning oI the CraIt in the context oI their own
lives. It is helping a brother become a mason.
Mentorship can work as a one-to-one relation-
ship, or as one-to-many, as each participant Ieels
would work best. There are beneIits to both ap-
proaches. One-to-one Mentorship provides the
closest working relationship with each candidate
and allows Ior personalized direction. Recalling
the old tradition oI 'mouth to ear, this model
has a long and honored history in Freemasonry.
One-to-many Mentorship allows Ior group learn-
ing and lets the Mentor get more mileage Irom
Continued from Page 5
Continued on Next Page - Starting
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Continued on Next Page - Starting
not need to be a 'proIessor, but he should be
someone who has a good handle on these topics.
He must know the basic history, he must know
what the ritual says about each Masonic symbol,
he should know about the 'little things in the
ritual brethren are bound to ask about.
Every Mentor must start by becoming well-versed
in the contents oI the Grand Lodge`s Iormation
manuals Ior each degree, and oI course, the best
Mentors are always exploring and learning new
things. Most Mentors Iind that Mentoring inspires
them to expand their Masonic knowledge. One thing
all teachers say is they learn more with each class
they teach, and this is no less true oI Freemasonry.
OI course, nobodv can know everything about
Masonry. The purpose oI mentoring is not to be
the know it all, the only source, but to be A source,
and to lend a helping hand to brothers that, like
the mentor, want to learn more. The mentor is
learning WITH a brother as much as teaching.
Masonic Study Groups
A Masonic study group can make a great diIIer-
ence to the lodge. Not all brethren are qualiIied
or able, or willing, to lead a study group. II the
lodge has a Masonic Formation committee, one
or more brothers should be chosen, and regularly
scheduled education groups should be Iormed.
Some things to consider:
How to set up a Masonic Formation Study
How to get the most out oI the sessions so
they remain Iocused and do not turn into
simple bull sessions, which, while interest-
ing, will not achieve the goal oI eduation.
How to help candidates prepare their
proIiciencies in a way that will enrich their
Masonic experience.
How to avoid common problems
Many lodges already have a Masonic Education
Committee (MEC). The brethren who serve on
this committee are probably already great Men-
tors and Coaches. What must be kept in mind is
Masonic Formation is more than 'just educa-
tion. The Iocus should be on the whole process
oI becoming a Mason not just the 'book
knowledge, but the interior changes that hap-
pen when we allow Masonry`s eIIects to be Ielt
on us at every level.
It is even possible to set up an inIormal Masonic
study within the lodge without making it a com-
mittee. However, since there are signiIicant ben-
eIits associated with having a Iull Masonic Forma-
tion Committee, we encourage inIormal groups to
move, iI possible, in the direction oI certiIication.
How Masonic Formation Is Different?
Masonic Formation is diIIerent Irom traditional
Masonic Education in the Iollowing major ways:
his preparation time. Both approaches have value,
and Masonic Formation is really a combination
oI these techniques.
The Responsibilities of a Mentor
Mentoring is a serious responsibility. A mentor
should understand the expectations clearly be-
cause not every brother can oIIer the time or abil-
ity to mentor. Some are good at one to one
mentoring, some are good at one to many (the
best example oI this is Masonic education dur-
ing open lodge), and some Iew are good at both
(treasure these brothers, they are gold!)
Among the responsibilities oI a mentor are:
To maintain regular contact with the breth-
ren you are Mentoring
To be well-inIormed on the rituals, symbol-
ism and history oI Freemasonry, and iI the
mentoring brother does not know, to Iind
Most importantly, to know where to Iind
answers to questions that can`t be answered
right away and a willingness to say: 'I don`t
know, but I will Iind out.
Keeping the lodge and the WorshipIul Mas-
ter inIormed about all Masonic Formation
To be willing to adapt eIIorts based on the
unique needs oI the lodge.
Ensuring the brethren oI the lodge are en-
joying the meaningIul engagement they need
to keep growing as Masons.
Regular contact is absolutely critical. It helps
brethren maintain their momentum and interest,
and it keeps the ideas Ilowing. One to many
mentoring oIten takes the Iorm oI group meet-
ings outside oI lodge Ior the purpose oI discus-
sion and learning.
These Masonic Formation meetings should be a
regularly-scheduled lodge events, listed on the
lodge calendar. Choosing an easy-to-remember
date (like Iirst Monday oI the month ) will help
boost attendance and cohesion.
Another part oI regular contact is contact between
meetings. This seems obvious, but sometimes the
most obvious things. aren`t: A Mentor should
let people know how they can be contacted with
questions without waiting Ior the next meeting.
Email is an important tool. An 'email list, which
sends each message to everyone subscribed on
the list, is another approach. The main point is,
whether by email or telephone, to keep everyone
Ieeling in the loop and involved.
A mentor should take the time and eIIort to be
well-inIormed about the history oI Freemasonry,
the rituals and their symbolism. A Mentor does
Continued from Previous Page
While traditional Masonic Education has Io-
cused mainly on candidate education, ongo-
ing member education, or sometimes both,
Masonic Formation is designed to oIIer guid-
ance, resources and inIormation to potential
applicants, candidates, lodge membership
and even to general public as may be needed
by the lodge or district.
In CaliIornia, each member oI the Masonic
Formation Committee must be certiIied by
the Grand Lodge (with the exception oI the
WorshipIul Master, who is a de Iacto mem-
ber oI all committee). A mason is certiIied
by attending Masonic Formation CertiIica-
tion classes held in various parts oI the state
on an annual basis. Each member`s certiIi-
cation lasts three years and then must be
Roles of A Masonic Formation Committee
Because oI their integral role in the new Mason`s
experience, members oI MFC should consider
every stage oI a man`s Masonic journey as a suit-
able area Ior their eIIorts. This may include:
Providing inIormation to potential appli-
cants and other non-Masons.
Assisting with the investigation oI the
Meeting with the applicant aIter his elec-
tion but prior to initiation.
Maintaining regular conduct with degree
Instructing the candidate in his written
and oral proIiciencies.
Providing an ongoing program Ior the
beneIit oI Master Masons.
Promoting a general culture oI Masonic
Formation within the lodge.
Promoting A Masonic Formation Culture
Let`s look at that last point, because it really
embodies all oI the others. Masonic Formation
goes Iar beyond simply teaching new members
their proIiciencies. It addresses a desire within
our lodges Ior an ongoing experience oI Masonic
growth. Simply put, the Masonic Formation
Committee`s larger purpose is to improve, revi-
talize and continually improve all oI the currently
disparate eIIorts that exist within in the lodge to
deepen the Masonic wisdom oI the membership.
Many tools that bear directly on this may already
exist in your lodge, but they have likely never
been used deliberately together in a coordinated
way: your library, your newsletter, candidate
coaching sessions, short educational talks, etc.
Without coordination, these eIIorts with inevita-
bly be somewhat episodic and incomplete. Your
MFC is charged to bring new liIe into existing
resources and to develop new directions Ior the
enrichment oI the Masonic experience oI every-
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Continued from Previous Page
one in your lodge.
In addition to working with the candidates, it is
appropriate and desired that the MFC will:
Maintain or assist with the maintenance oI
the lodge library.
Provide stimulating articles Ior the lodge
newsletter and/or website.
Hold Masonic inIormation events Ior the
public and handle public relations.
OIIer high-quality Masonic Formation op-
portunities Ior Master Masons.
Developing And Sustaining The Committee
An important duty oI the MFC which must not
be overlooked is that it needs to grow to survive.
Initially, an MFC might consist oI a relatively
small number oI brethren who have the time and
motivation to get it started, but ideally it would
grow into a larger committee.
Ideal candidates Ior MFC membership as your
continue to develop your programs will be:
Members oI the oIIicer line, especially the
Senior Warden. The Chaplain and the
Marshall might also be ideal individuals to
involve, since they have less demanding
chairs but are still highly visible members
in oI the oIIicer team.
Any brother who has a signiIicant interest
in the meaning oI Masonry.
Any brother who is or has been an eIIective
candidate`s coach.
Any brother who is a proIessional educator.
New Master Masons who respond enthusi-
astically to Masonic Formation activities as
they progress through the degrees.
One oI the things every good leader considers a
priority is the identiIication and grooming oI his
replacement. Continuity is very important iI we
are to truly IulIill our responsibilities to the next
generation oI Masons.
once the dragon is killed, it exhausts its role and
so Iinishes to shine. It is now just a simple ob-
ject, with no value. Personally I recognized in
this scene an urging to consider the metals` Ior
what they are: a tool, a help Ior the man, oI which
however he should get rid iI he realizes that they
obstacle his spiritual growth.
Do you remember the 'Sermon on the Plain?
'Blessed are the poor in spirit, Ior theirs is the
aimed at another metamorphosis, well more bind-
ing but so much more IruitIul: the revealing the
divine that is within us.
Who achieves this transIormation gains the
archetypical Beauty. So Little Mermaid or Snow-
white Ieels a new joy, never Ielt beIore, while
the Beauty surrounds her, while Grimilde, the
wicked queen that, blinded by the envy, had pre-
pared the poisoned apple, is Iorced to lose her
own external beauty and to become an old de-
Iormed and disgusting witch with no certainty to
perIorm her crime.
We are so come at the end oI the Iilm and, with
it, oI our reIlections. We must still brieIly exam-
ine the theme oI the transIormation, or better,
speciIically, oI the rebirth, eloquently described
in Snow-white.
The young woman, deeply sleeping, thereIore in
condition oI proIanity, is abandoned in a coIIin
oI crystal and gold, alchemical symbols, respec-
tively, oI purity and oI eternity. DwarIs and beasts
cry over her, in common pain.
The Prince will awake her again, with a kiss oI
True Love, then they will go to east` where hacks
a construction, conIused among the clouds, not
well-deIined and thereIore deIective`, but which
attracts every spectator, wondering him by its
splendour oI Light.
1 Si parva licet componere magnis (Virgilius,
Georgics, iv, 176). II man can compare small
things to greater ones
Snow White
Continued from Page 6
kingdom oI heaven. But what does this mean
'poor in spirit? Does it mean a lack oI spiritu-
ality? Not at all, otherwise they could not gain
the kingdom oI heaven.
I notice that in the Greek text the locution 'in spirit
is translated to pneumati, which is dative-ablative,
the case matching to the complement oI eIIicient
cause. I believe then man should translate: blessed
those people that deliberately opted Ior the sim-
plicity, that privileged 'to be rather than 'to have,
and still, that iI called to high rank positions, shall
work Ior bettering their subordinates.
This theme is clearly developed in the Little
Mermaid. The old King oI the Sea was Iorced to
give the witch his golden trident - symbol oI the
royalty, oI the power tied up to the wisdom, to
the light thus sparing the liIe oI her daughter,
who had been previously captured by the witch.
In that instant all the sea creatures are turned
into worms. AIter the death oI the witch, killed
by the prince Erik, the human being who loved
Ariel, the trident Ialls at the Ieet oI the old king
who grasps it. In that moment all the sea crea-
tures Iind the old Ieature again.
I think that the hidden teaching oI this episode is
the Iollowing: the Light, meant also as royal
power, must not be delivered to unworthy people,
and oI this we should remember in all the occa-
sions oI the liIe, also and especially in the pro-
Iane` ones. Eventually the king himselI, at Iirst
so mistrustIul toward human beings, will turn
into woman his daughter and grant her in bride
to the prince, reminding us that to love a crea-
ture doesn`t mean to hold it endlessly tied up to
oneselI, but to Iavour the harmonious develop-
ment oI his personality so that it can choose in
Iull conscience and knowledge.
A last consideration, on the magick. The matter
would deserve a deep study, but this topic doesn`t
allow it. I will conIine myselI, thereIore, to a brieI
hint on the theme, hoping the Iollowing reIlec-
tions are oI stimulus to deepen it.
From the Latin magis - more - magus is, in eso-
teric circle, he who works to transIorm the inner,
and not who uses some secret powers oI the Na-
ture to turn canes into snakes, thus arousing ad-
miration among the disbelievers, as Simon Magus
did. For the alchemists, the change oI the lead in
gold was essentially symbolic: in reality they
Continued on Page 16 - 1ourney
Continued from Page 7
Jas Fullerton F .C.
Alex Walkers F .C.
F. Walker F.C.
Wylie`s History records; Kilwinning 4th Febru-
Which day a competent number oI the Lodge
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
A Buidler`s Puzzle
20. A story told to illustrate a principle.
21. Brotherly love binds Freemasons oI all coun-
tries, races, creeds in one common brother-
22. A recognition or countersign
24. The old name Ior a cornerstone.
25. The term used Ior initiation in Scottish
1. Physical or mental anguish
2. The ten commandments
5. Instructions oI Freemasonry.
6. The name oI a degree in many Masonic rites.
10. Comes Irom the Latin magister
meaninghead or the French meaning 'a
buildier in stone.
13. A proclaimation oI decress issued by a sov-
ereign have the Iorce oI a law.
14. Symbolizing a state oI ignorance beIore light
(knowledge) is received.
16. The literal meaning is 'his Iather.
17. A Iloor cloth on which the emblems oI a
degree are illustrated Ior instructing candi-
23. The movement oI a candidate, going
thoughthe degree according to his proIi-
Answers on page 23
3. To impress, as on the mind; to absorb.
4. Something obviously true; that which is
unversally accepted without question.
7. The topmost stone in building, signiIying a
completed building.
8. One who has been adopted.
9. SigniIies or represents some truth, idea or
Iact, but is not itselI the thing it represents.
11. A non-Mason
12. A notiIication Irom the Master to appear.
15. From Latin, meaning 'one who is clothed
in white.
18. A belt worn diagonally across the body Irom
one shoulder over the breast to the hip.
19. Alarms
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Continued from Page 14
Continued on Next Page - 1ourney
convened took into their consideration a letter
Irom several gentlemen at Port Glasgow to the
Iollowing purpose;
The Brethren now assembled unanimously agree
to grant to the above gentlemen the decreet de-
sired, the tenor whereoI Iollows; We, Alexander,
Earl oI Eglintoun, present Master oI the Mother
Lodge Kilwinning having taken into our consid-
eration the request oI several gentlemen Masons
at Port Glasgow in the County oI RenIrew pray-
ing Ior authority to be Iormed into a regular soci-
ety: Being well advised oI their moral character
and oI their inclination to promote the good oI
Masonry , we with the consent oI our Deputies,
Wardens and other oIIicers do by this instrument
constitute and erect them into a regular Lodge
by the name oI Cumberland Kilwinning and we
grant them all power and privileges which now
or in any time past have been legally enjoyed by
any other Lodge oI our creating. The same to be
always holden oI us and our successors in oIIice
upon the payment oI one Mark Scots money at
the anniversary meeting oI the Mother Lodge in
the month oI December and upon the attendance
oI one oI their members at the said meeting the
same be required in absence oI the Right
Honourable and Right WorshipIul Master.
Signed by Will. Nimmo, Secretary.
Brethren, the Iirst question is, why was the let-
ter addressed to Robert Molleson and who was
Robert Molleson? Molleson does not appear on
any records available to me as ever having been
the Master oI Mother Kilwinning, nor as Iar as I
can Iind out did he hold any position oI authority
in that Lodge. He did however gain rapid eleva-
tion in the CraIt. On 1st April 1735, he started
the day as an existing Entered Apprentice4
oI Mother Kilwinning, was then Passed and
Raised and appointed Senior Warden oI Lodge
Glasgow Kilwinning No.4, which was Iounded
the same day, 1st Apri1 1735. Molleson was one
oI Iive Brethren Passed and Raised that day. He
was designated as ' supervisor in Glasgow. He
went on to become The Provincial Grand Master
oI The Western Provinces, which comprised
Argyll, Clydesdale, Ayr, Dumbarton, RenIrew and
Stirling. He held that oIIice Irom 1747 the year
aIter the granting oI Cumberland Kilwinning`s
Charter and held the position unti1 1769, a pe-
riod oI 22 years. Some would argue that as the
Right WorshipIul Master oI Mother Kilwinning
was Ior many years also the Provincial Grand
Master oI Ayrshire, Molleson must have been
Master oI that Lodge, but that situation did not
commence until 1807, 60 years aIter his appoint-
The answer to why it was addressed to Molleson
lies in the Charter petition; 'We being inIormed
by our Brother, Mr John Drummond oIIicer oI
Excises that your Brotherly love extended so Iar
as ever to procure a decree oI constitution. Here
Brother Drummond using his proIessional (they
were both in the Excise) as well as Masonic
Iriendship has apparently contacted Molleson
inIormally and paved the way to making the Char-
ter a Iormality. That the Charter was expected to
be a Iormality is, I think, shown in the words,
'with all expedition you may procure and send
the same as promised. An earlier dialogue be-
tween Drummond and Molleson has obviously
culminated in a promise that on receipt oI the
petition a Charter would be issued. The applica-
tion has then as a matter oI course been sent to
Molleson, the contact, rather than the Lodge Sec-
Who was John Drummond? He was quite an ac-
tive Freemason coming Irom a Iamily which in-
cluded amongst others Bro. Alexander
Drummond, who was the Iirst ever Provincial
Grand Master and was Provincial Grand Master
oI oI the Western Provinces immediately beIore
Molleson. Alexander was also Master oI Lodge
Greenock Kilwinning. John, the eldest son oI Bro.
George Drummond (Six times Lord Provost oI
Edinburgh and also Grand Master Mason Irom
1752 to 1753), was a member oI Lodge Greenock
Kilwinning (now No. XII) and a member oI Lodge
Drummond Kilwinning From Greenock Iormed
Ior the members oI Greenock Kilwinning resid-
ing in Edinburgh. The petition goes on to say;
'in order that we your true Brethren may meet
with authority. This is no group oI Brethren
getting together5 to Iorm a Lodge: this is a dec-
laration oI existing Members to regularise an
existing Lodge under the authority oI a govern-
ing body and so gain acceptance and recognition
in the Masonic world. I would also ask about the
phrase 'true Brethren. I think it reIers to a state-
ment oI loyalty. The petition goes on; 'in order
to have all due regard paid us. This again indi-
cates an existing Lodge seeking recognition. It
concludes, 'your IaithIull Brethren.
They already exist!
So, Brethren, the Lodge we know today as
Cumberland Kilwinning would appear to be a
Lodge in Port Glasgow, existing beIore the re-
quest Ior a Charter. I would now reIer to details
recorded in the granting oI the Charter; there is
reIerence to 'gentlemen and 'gentlemen Ma-
sons, I will pick up on that later. What I also
Iound to be oI interest was the Iact while the
Charter designates the name oI the Lodge as
Cumberland Kilwinning, nowhere on the peti-
tion does any mention oI that or any name ap-
pear. Was it a name assigned by Mother
Kilwinning, or did the existing Lodge operate
under the name The Cumberland Lodge, this be-
ing passed on in the earlier dialogue between
Drummond and Molleson, the 'Kilwinning be-
ing added as a matter oI course to all Lodges
when Mother Lodge granted a Charter? My Iinal
enigma reIers to the Past Master board oI
Cumberland Kilwinning. The Iirst Master is
shown as John Hunter, 1747 and not 1746 when
the Lodge was Chartered, with him shown on
the petition as the Master. Was the Lodge Ior-
mally Consecrated the Iollowing year? There are
no Iurther Masters shown until 1781, a gap oI 34
years due to the minutes being missing.
BeIore leaving this letter Ior the time being, I
would say this one, the earlier, was the easiest to
read, being in a writing style akin to that in use
today. It was written in a well educated hand and
Irom comparison with signatures could well have
been written by either John Hunter the Master,
or by Drummond himselI.
The second letter was a diIIerent story in more
ways than one. Despite having been written some
13 years aIter the Iormer, it was in an older cop-
per-plate style where words Iinished with a Ilour-
ish which contained more than one character,
letter 'F and 'S looked the same, the copper-
plate was a scrawl in places, spelling and gram-
mar were not oI today`s style or standards. The
letter, which was considerably longer than6 the
Iormer, started oII in a nice Iine hand, either the
scribe tired as he went along or more than one
person was involved in the writing oI the letter
Ior, as it went on it became more diIIicult to read
and interpret. Overall the author(s) appeared not
to be as literate as the scribe oI the Iirst letter.
This is perhaps not surprising in view oI what
was about to unIold!
The letter was addressed 'To The Ancient &
Hon:ble Master & Wardens oI the Lodge oI
Kilwinning 1759
Port Glasgow Janry 23 1759
To the Honourable Master & Wardens oI the
Ancient Lodge oI Kilwinning
We your humble petitioners having takin it into
our consideration oI the many unregular steps,
that has been in entering oII persons as Breth-
ren, who was not worthy to receive that secret oI
Masonry. We thereIore having taken it into our
serious consideration have designed to enter into
a body on purpose to put a stope to these abomi-
nations, so much hated by every honest hearted
Mason, we thereIore the Operatives oI Port
Glasgow with some others as projectors in this
our design, supose we are at a distance Irom our
Regular Lodges and are settled here as
residentors is at a stand what to do as there is a
Lodge latley erected here which Lodge there is
not one oprative mason in itt and as there meet-
ing each month is so expensive along with there
third Quarterly Accounts is so high that we who
are Ior the most part tradesmen in generall can-
not subsist in these meetings as some oI us joind
to other Charitable Corporations and would will-
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ingly do in this aIIair what lys in our power. Not
to detriment ourselves thereIor we your petition-
ers do humbly crave your aid and assistance by
giving us a right Irom you to us so as we may
become one oI your children. We thereIore hope
you will lose no time in granting these our re-
quest which is the earnest desire oI your peti-
tioners who shall allwise pray Ior your Ancient
and Noble Lodge that it may be kept alwise pure
Ior a light to shine alaround and to the endless
ages oI posterity and your petitioners shall ever
Alexander Mark
Jas Pollock
Thomas Lorimer
William Allan
James Gallagher (or Gillespie ) 7
James Auld (or Ainslie)
(All signatures demonstrated a very low level oI
literacy; indeed the last two are barely legible
and are open to interpretation. )
The petition was endorsed :- Charter granted on
24 Jan 1759 (There was no such endorsement on
the petition Irom Cumberland Kilwinning)
Brethren, what was happening in Port Glasgow?
Portions oI the petition are open to more than
one interpretation!
Wylie`s History records;
Kilwinning 24th January 1759
Which day a petition having been granted by cer-
tain qualiIied Masons at Port Glasgow praying
Ior a decreet oI Constitution Irom our ancient
Mother Lodge oI Kilwinning that they may meet
with authority and erect themselves into a Regu-
lar Society the Brethem present unanimously
upon paying the usual dues grant the desired
petition. The tenor oI the Charter Iollows:-
We, Claud Thomson Esq, Collector oI Taxes
Deputy Master oI the Mother Lodge oI
Kilwinning (The Right Honourable Alexander,
Earl oI Eglinton being absent) having taken into
consideration the request oI certain operative
Masons at Port Glasgow in the Shire oI RenIrew
praying our authority to be Iormed into a regular
society: Being well assured oI their moral char-
acter and oI their inclination to promote the good
oI Masonry, we, with consent oI our Wardens and
other Brethren do constitute and erect them into
a regular Lodge by the name oI Dorick Port
Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge Ior operatives and
other Brethren who join therewith and we grant
them all powers and privileges which now are or
in any time past have been legally enjoyed by
any other Lodge oI our creating. The same to be
always holden oI our WorshipIul Grand Master
Continued from Previous Page
oI the Mother Lodge oI Kilwinning and his suc-
cessors in oIIice upon the yearly payment oI one
merk Scots money at the anniversary meeting oI
the Mother Lodge in December and upon the at-
tendance oI one oI their members at said meet-
ing iI required.
Given at Kilwinning the 24th January 1759
The Dorick Brethren having paid a guinea into
the box Ior the above Charter, the Deputy Mas-
ter and Brethren oI Kilwinning Lodge, having in
consideration oI their being an operative Lodge
remitted them a guinea oI the ordinary dues.8
Let us examine the letter oI petition; '. having
taken it into our consideration oI the many
unregular steps, that has been in entering oI per-
sons as Brethren .; we cannot ascertain Irom
the petition what the 'unregular steps were, nor
who was taking them. Was it the new Cumberland
Kilwinning, another Lodge, or a group oI unquali-
Iied Masons acting without any authority? '
.who was not worthy to receive that secret oI
Masonry . '; why were they not worthy? Was it
that they were not oI sound moral character or in
an operative sense they were not suIIiciently
skilled, or otherwise qualiIied, or indeed they
were speculative with no operative skills or
knowledge? ' . having taken it into our serious
consideration to enter into a body put a stope to
these abominations . '; here is a wish and in-
tent to Iorm a new Lodge to practice regular
Masonry . ' . so much hated by every honest
hearted Mason .; whatever was happening
appears to have been suIIiciently alien and ab-
horrent to the petitioners to warrant discussion
and resultant opinion. '. the Operatives oI Port
Glasgow with some others as projectors in this
design .; who were the 'some others who
were with the operatives in wishing to Iorm a
new Lodge? II not operative they can only have
been non-operative or speculative!
So here we have a predominantly operative group
wishing to Iorm a Lodge which would also in-
clude speculatives. '. we are at a distance Irom
our Regular Lodges and are settled here as
residentors .; given the itinerant nature oI the
operative Mason in the 18th Century, this would
appear to mean the petitioners, 'at a distance
Irom our regular Lodges, are not native to the
area, but are incomers who have ' . settled here
as residentors .. ' . is at a stand .; this
would indicate not just temporary 'residentors,
but here to stay. This appears to indicate the ar-
rival oI a work-Iorce who have arrived Irom an
area where Masonry was practiced in a 'regu-
lar manner, do not like what they have Iound in
Port Glasgow and are oI a mind to put matters to
rights. Or should it read, '. is at a stand what
to do . ; are they indicating things are unlikely
to change and what can they do about it? ' .
there is a Lodge latley erected here .; what
Lodge? Is it Cumberland Kilwinning which was
Chartered 13 years previously, or does 'latley
indicate a more recent Lodge, the one respon-
sible Ior the 'abominations? In view oI the next
phrase, I consider it was Cumberland Kilwinning
which was being reIerred to. '. there is not one
oprative mason in it .; here is a telling state-
ment: there is obviously an expectation in the
minds oI the petitioners that Lodges should com-
prise both operative and speculative Masons.
Remember the statements in the granting oI9 the
Charter to Cumberland Kilwinning . gentle-
men Masons . and ' . gentlemen at Port
Glasgow . no indication oI operatives there,
unlike the Charter Ior Doric Kilwinning which
we will come to later. '.. there meeting each
month is so expensive third Quarterly Accounts
is so high that we cannot subsist in these meet-
ings .; here the operatives cannot join with
the speculatives Ior Iinancial reasons. Were the
Iees always high and Iound that way by our op-
eratives, or were they set artiIicially high to en-
able the 'gentlemen keep the working classes
out? Was this one oI the 'abominations reIerred
to? '. we who are the most part tradesmen .;
again this mix oI operative and non-operative
which the petitioners considered to be the norm.
`. as some oI us joind to other Charitable Cor-
porations .; a sheer necessity then, as now, to
look to your welIare. Did they join the other
Charitable Corporations because Cumberland
Kilwinning had priced them out, or were they
already tied to others and could not aIIord them
and Cumberland Kilwinning? The natural expec-
tation at this period in history is that you would
come under the umbrella oI the appropriate Trade
Guild or Corporation, in this instance Ior our
petitioners, the Lodge! Again some as we have
seen were not operative Masons. Did the Mem-
bers oI Cumberland Kilwinning consider they
were not entitled to membership and the Iinan-
cial protection oI the Lodge? ' .willingly do in
this aIIair what lys in our power .; give us the
authority and we will regularise the situation.
'. not to detriment ourselves .by giving us a
right Irom you to us .; we don`t want to put
ourselves in the wrong by trying to regularise the
situation without due authority, we are asking
you Ior that authority.
I would now reIer to the signatories oI this peti-
tion. There is an enigma when comparing the
names to the list oI Past Masters oI the Doric
Lodge. Nowhere do any oI the signatories ap-
pear as ever having been in the Chair oI the Lodge
aIter the granting oI the Charter! Who were they?
Remember the mixture oI operative and
nonoperative; were the operatives set up as a Iront
Ior a group wishing to start another Lodge but
with the existence oI a speculative Lodge thought
they may not be successIul? Look again at the
period in Scottish history. The 1745 Rebellion
was over, but there were still Jacobite groups
hoping another would come along and the Young
Pretender would assume the Throne oI Scotland.
There are many theories and much speculation
Continued on Next Page - 1ourney
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
even today about the relationship in Scotland and
on the Continent, between individual Masons,
Lodges and the Jacobite cause. Given the 'gentle-
manly10 composition and Loyalist based name
oI Cumberland Kilwinning, could Doric
Kilwinning have been started as an organisation
Ior Jacobite sympathisers? I mention this, not as
a 'red-herring, but as a possibility. When I
joined the CraIt over 30 years ago there were
suggestions oI Jacobite conspiracy and sympa-
thy whenever Freemasonry in Port Glasgow was
discussed. In his history oI Greenock, the Rev.
James Dow stated that in the years 1750 to 1760,
as an aItermath oI the 1745 Rebellion, so many
Highland tradesmen arrived in this area, greatly
swelling the population that more Gaelic than
English was heard Ior a time, so Jacobite sympa-
thies cannot be ruled out. This is I consider is
also borne out in the name oI the Lodge, 'Doric.
While nowadays most would associate it with
Doric the order in architecture, do not Iorget, and
I use a Dictionary deIinition here, Doric is also a
name Ior the rustic Scots language. The 'home-
land oI the Doric dialect being the Aberdeen
area, did this group oI incomers come Irom the
North East oI Scotland? Let us look brieIly at the
'. certain qualiIied Masons .and '. cer-
tain Operative Masons; compare with
Cumberland Kilwinning Charter, ' gentlemen '.
' . Ior operatives and other Brethren who join
therewith .; it was obviously the intention this
be Chartered as an Operative Lodge, with the
Iacility Ior non-operatives to be admitted; another
prooI oI the evolution Irom Operative , through
mixed, to purely speculative Lodges. The post-
script to the granting oI the Charter reads; 'The
Dorick Brethren having paid a guinea into the
box Ior the above Charter . in consideration oI
there being an operative Lodge remitted them a
guinea oI the ordinary dues .. The name oI the
Lodge on the Charter was 'Dorick Port Glasgow
Kilwinning Lodge '. As with Cumberland
Kilwinning, where did the name come Irom? It
does not appear on the letter oI petition! I will
hazard an explanation shortly.
At the beginning oI this paper I said there was
belieI oI an earlier Lodge in Port Glasgow. Was
this the Lodge which became Cumberland
Kilwinning? Was it an even earlier Lodge, ei-
ther operative or speculative responsible Ior the
' abominations, giving rise to Cumberland
Kilwinning calling themselves, '... we your true
Brethren? My belieI is there was only one 'ear-
lier Lodge in Port Glasgow, that which became
Cumberland Kilwinning and had been a selI con-
stituted occasional Lodge operating without a
Charter. There was also the possibility oI an
organisation, I hesitate to call it a Lodge, which
was Iailing to regulate the operative trade as it
should. This is only a11 possibility and I con-
sider it unlikely. At this period in time there were
strict roles governing the operative Masons trade
everywhere, with some local variations. What
was the Lodge with ' . not one operative ma-
son .? I believe it was Cumberland Kilwinning,
which was by design an exclusive gentlemen`s
Lodge Ior speculatives.
Assuming the complaints in the petition were
directed at one Lodge only, 'Cumberland
Kilwinning, the entire document could be in-
terpreted as Iollows; Bearing in mind the
'unregular steps, 'abominations and 'persons
not worthy to receive that secret oI Masonry, it
can be read that the gentlemen oI Cumberland
Kilwinning had set themselves up as an exclu-
sive Lodge with Iees pitched to keep the opera-
tives out and, bearing in mind the local 'Jacobite
Tradition ', also to keep out Port Glasgow`s ver-
sion oI the 'Highland Host and would only ad-
mit gentlemen speculative Masons, a practice
considered by the operatives as admitting men
with no operative knowledge who were there-
Iore 'not worthy.
However, the petition Irom Doric Kilwinning can
also be interpreted as being in two parts. The
Iirst reIerring to the operative organisation in
town and the second to the complaint about be-
ing priced out by Cumberland Kilwinning. I men-
tioned at the beginning oI the paper the extracts
I obtained oI the :Iirst minutes oI Doric
Kilwinning. This stated the oldest Lodge records
were hand written Bye-Laws dated 17th Decem-
ber 1758 some 38 days beIore the petition was
written on 23rd January 1759. Bearing in mind
the 'unregular steps, 'abominations and 'per-
sons not worthy to receive that secret oI ma-
sonry, the Iirst part oI the petition can be put in
a diIIerent context when comparing to the Bye-
Laws oI 17th December 1758.
The preIace to the Bye-Laws reads;
'Which day it was unanimously agreed amoungst
the operative masons and the others Ior putting a
stop unto all unregular entrie oI masons as it has
been a little unbecoming by drinking and balling
(shouting?) and giving it to some that is not wor-
thy to receive that secret.
Part oI Article VIII reads;
'That no member oI this our lodge shall Irom
this time Iorth alow himselI to be consernt with
any person who is a back dirk and doth not be-
long to a regular lodge but hold him to be a
usurper. (The phrase 'back dirk caused me
some conIusion until a12 couple oI years ago
when I read a Masonic research paper which re-
Ierred to a 'Back - Dirk or as we would call it a
back stabber or unworthy person.).
Part oI Article XI reads;
'That no brother in this lodge shall be witness to
any clandestine entrie within IiIteen miles oI this
our lodge '
From this it appears the Iirst part oI the petition
could be a complaint that operatives have been
entered in an unbecoming manner accompanied
by much drinking and shouting. Not with the dig-
nity and ceremony becoming oI the trade. Ma-
sons have been working with unworthy persons
who do not belong to a regular lodge. (What we
would call cowans?) No operative mason can be
entered in any lodge within 15 miles oI this lodge
(Quite a common stipulation in all areas in these
days although the distance would vary) and no
Port Glasgow mason can attend such an entry.
Thus we have entering with much drinking and
noise, consorting with cowans and attending clan-
destine meetings. Were these the complaints
raised in the Iirst part oI the petition? Who was
supposed to regulate the operative mason trade
in Port Glasgow? In the absence oI any evidence
to the contrary and in view oI the second list oI
complaints in the petition, it is my opinion the
Cumberland Kilwinning Lodge were responsible
Ior regulating the operative mason trade but were
neglecting their duties or, with evolution oI work-
ing practices within society, employer/employee
relationships had become more akin to what we
recognize today but were alien to the incomers
Irom a traditional rural area where the old charges
and customs were still law!
Let us reIer back to the original letters oI peti-
tion. The letter Irom the Lodge known as
Cumberland Kilwinning, was dated 17th Janu-
ary 1746 and the Charter was granted on 4th
February 1746, a period oI 19 days. This despite
the Iact Molleson had apparently already paved
the way and the Charter issue was a Iormality
.Given winter weather and transport diIIiculties
on rough roads, such a delay is to be expected
and 19 days seems reasonable including time to
remit the required Iee. Where does that leave us
with the letter Irom the Lodge known as Doric
Kilwinning? Their letter was dated 23rd Janu-
ary 1759 and the Charter was granted the Iol-
lowing day 24th January 1759 without as Iar as
we know, anyone having paved the way. Given
January weather and the state oIroads and modes
oI transport in the mid 1700`s, I submit it would
not have been possible Ior a carrier to travel Irom
Port Glasgow to Kilwinning in one day! I13 have
reIerred to a One Inch Ordnance Survey Map and
consider the distance crosscountry in these days
would have been at least 26 miles most oI it hilly
with streams and rivers to cross and Iollowing
old tracks or drove roads. The coast road would
be about 40 miles, and although maybe more
passable, still a Iormidable journey in the 1700`s.
To get travel problems into perspective let us go
Iorward 119 years, to 1878 when my Mother
Lodge, Firth oI Clyde, Gourock. No.626 applied
Ior their Charter. Part oI their application read,
Continued from Page 14
Continued on Next Page - 1ourney
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Continued from Page 14
Continued on Next Page - Interest
I! The nearest Lodge to Gourock is held in
Greenock, a distance oI over three and a halI
miles the tramway car service is not at all suit-
able and in winter specially is unserviceable and
in many cases be exposed to the most inclement
weather. There were oI course no tramcars in the
mid 1700`s, so progress on even more inIerior
rural roads would be almost impossible in some
winter conditions. The History oI Lodge St. John,
Kilwinning, Largs, No.173, records that in 1826
The Grand Lodge oI Scotland because oI trans-
port problems were going to split Ayrshire into
two Provinces, East and West. As part oI this re-
organization, which never took place, they moved
the Largs Lodge (along with the Lodge in Beith)
to the newly Ionned Provincial Grand Lodge oI
RenIrewshire West, because travel in Ayrshire
was so diIIicult and Provincial would have prob-
lems visiting them! Provincial Grand Lodge oI
Ayrshire at this time would have equated with
Mother Kilwinning as this was aIter the return
oI MK0 to Grand Lodge. The distance Irom
Kilwinning to Largs was 15 miles! The only prob-
lem was Grand Lodge Iailed to tell either Largs,
Beith, Kilwinning or RenIrewshire West and
eventually aIter a rather heated dialogue the situ-
ation was reversed. The petition Ior Doric
Kilwinning appears to have been transported and
considered in one day in mid-winter ? Most un-
It is my belieI the petition was only written aIter
a group oI representative Brethern had travelled
earlier to Mother Kilwinning bearing a copy oI
their proposed Bye-laws dated 17th December
1758 beIore the granting oI the Charter, expressed
their complaints and concerns to her oIIicers and
put their case Ior the Iormation oI a second and
Operative Lodge in Port Glasgow to regulate the
Operative trade. AIter agreeing the Iormation oI
the Lodge in principle, the petition would have
been draIted, perhaps by someone Irom Mother
Kilwinning, (there is no way any oI the signato-
ries were suIIiciently literate to have written the
letter) and signed by the14 representatives. This
would account Ior why the names on the petition
do not appear on the Past Masters Board, none
oI the OIIice Bearers were present! It would also
account Ior how the name oI the Lodge appeared
on the Charter when it did not do so on the peti-
tion. It was named during the discussions. It
would also explain why the postscript to the
granting oI the Charter can give details oI pay-
ment and remission oI Iees. The Iee had been
brought with them and paid right away, hence
the immediate issue oI the Charter when the pe-
tition was written. These Brethren had also
Iramed Bye Laws in advance oI the petition, es-
sential today, but apparently not at this period in
Masonic development. Why had they done so?
Here we have a perIect example oI stating a prob-
lem in the petition and providing the solution by
way oI the Bye-Laws in advance. To my mind, to
be presented and discussed in person at
Today the Brethren oI Lodge Cumberland
Kilwinning claim Doric Kilwinning is no more
than a Lodge Iormed by breakaway Brethren who
could not aIIord the Iees and other expenses oI
Membership levied by the Cumberland Lodge,
these including the expense oI constructing their
own Temple less than two years earlier in 1757.
Given the reasons stated in Lodge Doric`s peti-
tion it seems to me unlikely anyone would go to
the lengths oI Iabricating such a story iI the only
complaint was that oI cost. It is my contention
the dissident members oI the Cumberland Lodge,
unhappy with the personal Iinancial commitment,
seeing the recently arrived Operative Brethren
petitioning Ior a new Lodge jumped ship, joined
the petitioners and then hijacked the Lodge aIter
the Charter was granted hence the reason, de-
spite the Petition and Charter Ior an Operative
Lodge, it never worked as such. This would also
account Ior the Iact none oI the Petitioners` names
ever appeared on the Past Masters board.
Despite the seemingly non-Masonic relationship
between both Lodges in their early stages, I am
delighted to say that the Lodges are currently
Ilourishing, each in their own Temple, less than
a mile apart in the town oI Port Glasgow. They
are working together in close accord and with
that love and harmony which should at all times
characterise Freemasons, and do so in the Prov-
ince oI RenIrewshire West, under the authority
oI The Grand Lodge oI Scotland. Gentlemen and
Brethren, I hope that today you have enjoyed ac-
companying me on my journey through two let-
ADDENDUM: (Details below were not included
in the presentation at Kirkcaldy)
Burges. 'It breaks my heart to give them the to-
baccos they ask Ior. On the other hand, not one
man in Iive thousand has a tobacco palate. PreI-
erence, yes. Palate, no. Here`s your pipe. It de-
serves better treatment than it`s had. There`s a
procedure, a ritual, in all things. Any time you`re
passing by again, I assure you, you will be most
welcome. I`ve one or two odds and ends that may
interest you.
I leIt the shop with me rarest oI all Ieelings on
me - that sensation which is only youth`s right -
that I had made a Iriend. A little distance Irom
the door I was accosted by a wounded man who
asked Ior 'Burgess. The place seemed to be
known in the neighbourhood.
Continued from Page 7
I Iound my way to it again, and oIten aIter that,
but it was not till my third visit that I discovered
Mr. Burges held a halI interest in Ackman and
Permit`s, the great cigar importers, which had
come to him through an uncle whose children
now lived almost in the Cromwell Road, and said
that uncle had been on the Stock Exchange.
'I`m a shopkeeper by instinct, said Mr. Burges.
'I like the ritual oI handling things. The shop
has always done us well. I like to do well by the
It had been established by his grandIather in
1827, but the Iittings and appointments were at
least halI a century older. The brown and red to-
bacco and snuII jars, with Crowns, Garters, and
names oI Iorgotten mixtures in gold leaI, the pol-
ished 'Oronoque tobacco barrels on which
Iavoured customers sat, the cherry-black ma-
hogany counter, the delicately moulded shelves,
the reeded cigar-cabinets, the German-silver
mounted scales, and the Dutch brass roll and
cake-cutter were things to covet.
'They aren`t so bad, he admitted. 'That large
Bristol jar hasn`t any duplicate to my knowledge.
Those eight snuII-jars on the third shelI - they`re
Dollin`s ware; he used to work Ior Wimble in
Seventeen-Forty - they`re absolutely unique. Is
there any one in the trade now could tell you what
Romano`s Hollande` was? Or Scholten`s,` or
John`s Lane`? Here`s a snuII-mull oI George the
First`s time; and here`s a Louis Quinze - what
am I talking oI? Treize, Treize, oI course - grater
Ior making bran-snuII. They were regular tools
oI the shop in my grandIather`s day. And who on
earth to leave em to outside the British Museum
now, I can`t think!
His pipes - I wish this were a tale Ior virtuosi -
his amazing pipes were kept in the parlour, and
this gave me the privilege oI making his wiIe`s
acquaintance. One morning, as I was looking
covetously at a jaracanda-wood 'cigarro - not
cigar - cabinet with silver lock-plates and drawer-
knobs oI Spanish work, a wounded Canadian
came into the shop and disturbed our happy little
'Say, he began loudly, 'are you the right place?
'Who sent you? Mr. Burges demanded.
'A man Irom Messines. But that ain`t the point!
I`ve got no certiIicates, nor papers-nothin`, you
understand. I leIt Lodge owin` em seventeen
dollars back dues. But this man at Messities told
me it wouldn`t make any odds here.
'It doesn`t, said Mr. Burges. 'We meet tonight
at 7 p.m.
The man`s Iace Iell a yard. 'Hell! said he. 'But
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - Interest
I`m in hospital - I can`t get leave.
'And Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m., Mr.
Burges added promptly. 'You`ll have to be
proved, oI course.
'Guess I can get by that, all right, was the cheery
reply. 'Toosday, then.
He limped oII, beaming.
'Who might that be? I asked.
'I don`t know any more than you do - except he
must be a Brother. London`s Iull oI Masons now.
Well! Well! We must all do what we can these
days. II you come to tea this evening, I`ll take
you on to Lodge aIterward.
It`s a Lodge oI Instruction.
'Delighted. Which is your
Lodge? I said, Ior up till then
he had not given me its name.
'Faith and Works 5837` - the
third Saturday oI every month.
Our Lodge oI Instruction meets
nominally every Thursday, but we
sit oItener than that now because
there are so many Visiting Breth-
ren in town. Here another customer
entered, and I went away much in-
terested in the range oI Brother Bur-
gess hobbies.
At tea-time he was dressed as Ior
Church, and with gold pince-nez in lieu
oI the silver spectacles. I blessed my
stars that I had thought to change into
decent clothes.
'Yes, we owe that much to the CraIt, he as-
sented. 'All Ritual is IortiIying. Ritual`s a natu-
ral necessity Ior mankind. The more things are
upset, the more they Ily to it. I abhor slovenly
Ritual anywhere. By the way, would you mind
assisting at the examinations, iI there are many
Visiting Brothers tonight? You`ll Iind some oI
em very rusty but - it`s the Spirit, not the Letter,
that giveth liIe. The question oI Visiting Breth-
ren is an important one. There are so many oI
them in London now, you see; and so Iew places
where they can meet.
'You dear thing! said Mrs. Burges, and handed
him his locket and initialed apron-case.
'Our Lodge is only just round the corner, he
went on. 'You mustn`t be too critical oI our ap-
purtenances. The place was a garage once.
As Iar as I could make out in the humiliating
darkness, we wandered up a mews and into a
courtyard. Mr. Burges piloted me, murmuring
apologies Ior everything in advance.
'You mustn`t expect- he was still saying when
we stumbled up a porch and entered a careIully
decorated anteroom hung round with masonic
prints. I noticed Peter Gilkes and Barton Wil-
son, Iathers oI 'Emulation working, in the place
oI honour; Kneller`s Christopher Wren;
Dunkerley, with his own Fitz-George book-plate
below and the bend sinister on the Royal Arms;
Hogarth`s caricature oI Wilkes, also his disrepu-
table 'Night, and a beautiIully Iramed set oI
Grand Masters, Irom Anthony Sayer down.
'Are these another oI your hobbies? I asked.
'Not this time, Mr. Burges smiled. 'We have to
thank Brother Lemming Ior them. He introduced
me to the senior partner oI Lemming and Orton,
whose dirty little shop is hard to Iind, but whose
words and cheques in the matter oI prints are
widely circulated.
'The Irames are the best part oI said Brother Lem-
ming aIter my compliments. 'There are some more
in the Lodge Room. Come and look. We`ve got
the big Desaguliers there that nearly went to Iowa.
I had never seen a Lodge Room better Iitted. From
mosaicked Iloor to appropriate ceiling, Irom cur-
tain to pillar, implements to seats, seats to lights,
and little carved music-loIt at one end, every
detail was perIect in particular kind and general
design. I said what I thought many times over.
'I told you I was a Ritualist, said Mr. Burges.
'Look at those carved corn-sheaves and grapes
on the back oI these Warden`s chairs. That`s the
old tradition-beIore Masonic Iurnishers spoiled
it. I picked up that pair in Stepney ten years ago-
the same time I got the gavel. It was oI old,
yellowed ivory, cut all in one piece out oI some
tremendous tusk. 'That came Irom the Cold
Coast, he said. 'It belonged to a Military Lodge
there in 1794. You can see the inscription.
'II it`s a Iair question- I began, how much
'It stood us, said Brother Lemming, his thumbs
in his waistcoat pockets, 'an appreciable sum oI
money when we built it in 1906, even with what
Brother Anstruther-he was our contractor -
cheated himselI out oI. By the way, that block
there is pure Carrara, he tells me. I don`t under-
stand marbles myselI. Since the war I expect
we`ve put in - oh, quite another little sum. Now
we`ll go to the examination-room and take on
the Brethren.
He led me back, not to the anteroom, but a con-
venient chamber Ilanked with what looked like
conIessional-boxes (I Iound out later that was
what they had been when Iirst picked up Ior a
song near Oswestry). A Iew men in uniIorm were
waiting at the Iar end. 'That`s only the head oI
the procession. The rest are in the anteroom,
said an oIIicer oI the Lodge.
Brother Burges assigned me my dis-
creet box, saying: 'Don`t be sur-
prised. They come all shapes.
'Shaped` was not a bad description,
Ior my Iirst penitent was all head-ban-
dages-escaped Irom an OIIicers`
Hospital, Pentonville way. He
asked me in proIane Scots
how I expected a man with
only six teeth and halI a
lower lip to speak to any
purpose, and we com-
promised on signs.
The next - a New
Ze a l a n d e r
Irom Taranaki - reversed the
process, Ior he was one-armed, and that in a
sling. I mistrusted an enormous Sergeant-Major
oI Heavy Artillery, who struck me as much too
glib, so I sent him on to Brother Lemming in the
next box, who discovered he was a Past District
Grand OIIicer. My last man nearly broke me
down altogether. Everything seemed to have gone
Irom him.
'I don`t blame yer, he gulped at last. 'I wouldn`t
pass my own selI on my answers, but I give yer
my word that so Iar as I`ve had any religion, it`s
been all the religion I`ve had. For God`s sake,
let me sit in Lodge again, Brother.
When the examinations were ended, a Lodge
OIIicer came round with our aprons - no tinsel or
silver-gilt conIections, but heavily-corded silk
with tassels and - where a man could prove he
was entitled to them - levels, oI decent plate.
Some one in Iront oI me tightened the belt on a
stiIIly silent person in civil clothes with discharge
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
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magazine, the Indiana Freemason.
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Lewis Masonic Order code: L97965
Paperback 368 pages
SBN: 0764597965
Continued from Page 14
badge. 'Strewth! This is comIort again, I heard
him say. The companion nodded. The man went
on suddenly: 'Here! What`re you doing? Leave
oII! You promised not to! Chuck it! and dabbed
at his companion`s streaming eyes.
'Let him leak, said an Australian signaler.
'Can`t you see how happy the beggar is?
It appeared that the silent Brother was a 'shell-
shocker whom Brother Lemming had passed,
on the guarantee oI his Iriend and - what moved
Lemming more - the threat that, were he reIused,
he would have Iits Irom pure disappointment.
So the 'shocker wept happily and silently among
Brethren evidently accustomed to these displays.
We Iell in, two by two, according to tradition,
IiIty oI us at least, and we played into Lodge by
the harmonium, which I discovered was in real-
ity an organ oI repute. It took time to settle us
down, Ior ten or twelve were cripples and had to
be helped into long and easy-chairs. I sat between
a one-Iooted R.A.M.C. Corporal and a Captain
oI Territorials, who, he told me, had 'had a brawl
with a bomb, which had bent him in two direc-
tions. 'But that`s Iirst-class Bach the organist is
giving us now, he said delightedly. 'I`d like to
know him. I used to be a piano-thumper oI sorts.
'I`ll introduce you aIter Lodge, said one oI the
regular Brethren behind us - a Iat, torpedo-
bearded man, who turned out to be the local
Doctor. 'AIter all, there`s nobody to touch Bach,
is there? Those two plunged at once into musi-
cal talk, which to outsiders is as Iascinating as
'Now a Lodge oI Instruction is mainly a parade-
ground Ior Ritual. It cannot initiate or conIer de-
grees, but is limited to rehearsals and lectures.
WorshipIul Brother Burges, resplendent in
Solomon`s Chair (I Iound out later where that,
too, had been picked up), brieIly told the Visit-
ing Brethren how welcome they were and always
would be, and asked them to vote what ceremony
should be rendered Ior their instruction.
When the decision was announced he wanted to
know whether any Visiting Brothers would take
the duties oI any Lodge OIIicers. They protested
bashIully that they were too rusty. 'The very rea-
son why, said Brother Burges, while the organ
Bached soItly. My musical Captain sighed and
wriggled in his chair.
'One moment, WorshipIul Sir. The Iat Doctor
rose. 'We have here a musician Ior whom place
and opportunity are needed. Only, he went on
colloquially, 'those organ-loIt steps are a bit
'How much, said Brother Burges, with the so-
lemnity oI an initiation, 'does our Brother
'Very little over eight stone, said the Brother.
'Weighed this momin`, sir.
The Past District Grand OIIicer, who was also
Battery Sergeant-Major, waddled across, liIted
the slight weight in his arms and bore it to the
loIt, where, the regular organist pumping, it
played joyouly as a soul caught up to Heaven by
When the visitors had been coaxed to supply the
necessary oIIicers, a ceremony was rehearsed.
Brother Burges Iorbade the regular members to
prompt. The visitors had to work entirely by them-
selves, but, on the Battery Sergeant-Major tak-
ing a hand, he was ruled out as oI too exalted
rank. They Iloundered badly aIter that support
was withdrawn.
The one-Iooted R.A.M.C. on my right chuckled.
'D`you like it? said the Doctor to him.
'Do I? It`s Heaven to me, sittin` in Lodge again.
It`s all comin` back now, watching their mistakes.
I haven`t much religion, but all I had I learned in
Lodge. Recognizing me, he Ilushed a little as
one does when one says a thing twice over in
another`s hearing. 'Yes, veiled in all`gory and
illustrated by symbols` - the Fatherhood oI God,
an` the Brotherhood oI Man, an` what more in
Hell do you want? ... Look at em! He broke
oII, giggling. 'See! See! They`ve tied the whole
thing into knots. I could ha` done better myselI -
my one Ioot in France. Yes, I should think they
ought to do it over again!
The new organist covered the little conIusion that
had arisen with what sounded like the wings oI
When the amateurs, rather red and hot, had Iin-
ished, they demanded an exhibition-working oI
their bungled ceremony by Regular Brethren oI
the Lodge. Then I realized Ior the Iirst time what
word-and-gesture-perIect Ritual can be brought
to mean. We all applauded, the one-Iooted Cor-
Continued on Next Page - Interest
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
poral most oI all. It was a revelation.
'We are rather proud oI our working, and this is
an audience worth playing up to, the Doctor said.
Next the Master delivered a little lecture on the
meanings oI some pictured symbols and dia-
grams. His theme was a well-worn one, but his
deep holding voice made it Iresh.
'Marvelous how these old copybook headings
persist, the Doctor said.
'That`s all right! the one-Iooted man spoke cau-
tiously out oI the side oI his
mouth like a boy in Iorm. 'But
they`re the kind oI copybook
headin`s we shall Iind burnin`
round our bunk in Hell. Believe
me-ee! I`ve broke enough oI em
to know Now, h`sh! He leaned
Iorward, drinking it all in.
Presently Brother Burges
touched on a point which had
given rise to some diversity oI
Ritual. He asked Ior inIorma-
tion. 'Well, in Jamaica, Wor-
shipIul Sir, a Visiting Brother
began, and explained how they
worked that detail in his parts.
Another and another joined in
Irom diIIerent quarters oI the
Lodge (and the world), and
when they were warmed the
Doctor sidled soItly round the
walls and, over our shoulders, passed us ciga-
'A shocking innovation, he said as he returned
to the captain-musician`s vacant seat on my leIt.
'But men can`t really talk without tobacco, and
we`re only a Lodge oI Instruction.
'An` I`ve learned more in one evenin` here than
ten years.` The one-Iooted man turned round Ior
an instant Irom a dark sour-looking Yeoman in
spurs who was laying down the law on Dutch
Ritual. The blue haze and the talk increased,
while the organ Irom the loIt blessed us all.
'But this is delightIul, said I to the Doctor. 'How
did it all happen?
'Brother Burges started it. He used to talk to the
men who dropped into his shop when the war
began. He told us sleepy old chaps in Lodge that
what men wanted more than anything else was
Lodges where they could sit-just sit and be happy
like we are now. He was right, too. He generally
is. We`re learning things in the War. A man`s
lodge means move to him than people imagine.
As our Iriend on your right said just now, very
oIten Masonry`s the only practical creed we`ve
ever listened to since we were children. Plati-
tudes or no platitudes, it squares with what ev-
erybody knows ought to be done. He sighed.
'And iI this war hasn`t brought home the Broth-
erhood oI Man to us all, I`m a-a Hun!
'How did you get your visitors? I went on.
'Oh I told a Iew Iellows in hospital near here, at
Burges`s suggestion, that we had a Lodge oI In-
struction and they`d be welcome. And they came,
And they told their Iriends. And they came! That
was two years ago - and now we`ve Lodge oI
Instruction two nights a week, and a matinee
nearly every Tuesday and Friday Ior the men who
can`t get evening-leave. Yes, it`s all very curi-
ous. I`d no notion what the CraIt meant - and
means - till this war.
'Nor I till this evening, I replied.
'Yet it`s quite natural iI you think. Here`s Lon-
don - all England - packed with the CraIt Irom
all over the world, and nowhere Ior them to go.
Why, our weekly visiting attendance Ior the last
Iour months averaged just under a hundred and
Iorty. Divide by Iour - call it thirty-Iive Visiting
Brethren a time. Our record`s seventy-one, but
we have packed in as many as eighty-Iour at ban-
quets. You can see Ior yourselI what a potty little
hole we are!
'Banquets, too! I cried. 'It must cost like all
sin. May the Visiting Brethren-
The Doctor laughed. 'No, a Visiting Brother
may not.
'But when a man has had an evening like this he
wants to-
'That`s what they all say. That makes our diIIi-
culty. They do exactly what you were going to sug-
gest, and they`re oIIended iI we don`t take it.
'Don`t you? I asked.
'My dear man - what does it come to? They can`t
all stay to banquet. Say one hundred suppers a week
- IiIteen quid - sixty a month - seven hundred and
twenty a year. How much are Lemming and Orton
worth? And Ellis and McKnight - that long thin
man over yonder - the provision dealers?
How much d`you suppose could Burges write a
cheque Ior and not Ieel? `Tisn`t as iI he had to
save Ior any one now. And the same with
Anstruther. I assure you we have no scruple in
calling on the Visiting Brethren when we want
anything. We couldn`t do the work otherwise.
Have you noticed how the Lodge
is kept- brasswork, jewels, Iurni-
ture and so on?
'I have indeed, I said. 'It`s like
a ship. You could eat your dinner
oII the Iloor.
'Well, come here on a by-day and
you`ll oIten Iind halI a dozen
Brethren, with eight legs between
em, polishing and ronuking and
sweeping everything they can get
at. I cured a shell-shocker this
spring by giving him our jewels
to look aIter. He pretty well pol-
ished the numbers oII them, but -
it kept him Irom Iighting the Huns
in his sleep.
And when we need Masters to
take our duties - two matinees a
week is rather a tax - we`ve the choice oI P.M.`s
Irom all over the world. The Dominions are much
keener on Ritual than an average English Lodge.
Besides that- Oh, we`re going to adjourn. Listen
to the greetings. They`ll be interesting.
The crack oI the great gavel brought us to our
Ieet, aIter some surging and plunging among the
cripples. Then the Battery Sergeant-Major, in a
trained voice, delivered hearty and Iraternal
greetings to 'Faith and Works Irom his tropical
District and Lodge.
The others Iollowed, without order, in every tone
between a grunt and a squeak. I heard 'Hauraki,
'Inyan-ga-Umbezi, 'Aloha, 'Southern Lights
(Irom somewhere Puntas Arenas way), 'Lodge
oI Rough Ashlars (and that NewIoundland
Brother looked it), two or three 'Stars oI some-
thing or other, halI a dozen cardinal virtues, vari-
ously arranged, hailing Irom Klondyke to
Kalgoorlie, one Military Lodge on one oI the
Ironts, thrown in with a severe Scots burr by my
Iriend oI the head-bandages, and the rest as mixed
as the Empire itselI.
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - Interest
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Just at the end there was a little stir. The silent
Brother had begun to make noises; his compan-
ion tried to soothe him.
'Let him be! Let him be! the Doctor called pro-
Iessionally. The man jerked and mouthed, and at
last mumbled something unintelligible even to
his Iriend, but a small, dark P.M. pushed Ior-
ward importantly.
'It is all right, he said. 'He wants to say, he
spat out some yard-long Welsh name, adding,
'That means Pembroke Docks, WorshipIul Sir.
We haI good Masons in Wales, too. The silent
man nodded approval.
'Yes, said the Doctor, quite unmoved. 'It hap-
pens that way sometimes. Hespere panta Iereis,
isn`t it? The Star brings em all home. I must get
a note oI that Iellow`s case aIter Lodge. I know
you don`t care Ior music, he went on, 'but I`m
aIraid you`ll have to put up with a little more.
It`s a paraphrase Irom Micah. Our organist ar-
ranged it. We sing it antiphonally, as a sort oI
Even I could appreciate what Iollowed. The sing-
ing seemed conIined to halI a dozen trained voices
answering each other till the last line, when the
Iull Lodge came in. I give it as I heard it:
'We have showed thee, O Man,
What is good.
What doth the Lord require oI us?
Or Consciences` selI desire oI us?
But to do justly
And to love mercy
And to walk humbly with our God
As every Mason should.
Then we were played and sung out to the quaint
tune oI the 'Entered Apprentices` Song. I no-
ticed that the regular Brethren oI the Lodge did
not begin to take oII their regalia till the lines:
'Great Kings, Dukes and Lords
Have laid down their swords.
They moved into the ante-room, now set Ior the
Banquet, on the verse
Antiquity`s pride
We have on our side,
Which maketh men just in their station.`
The Brother (a big-boned clergyman) that I Iound
myselI next to at table told me the custom was a
Iond thing vainly invented` on the strength oI
some old legend. He laid down that Masonry
should be regarded as an intellectual abstrac-
tion.` An OIIicer oI Engineers disagreed with him,
and told us how in Flanders, a year beIore, some
ten or twelve Brethren held Lodge in what was
leIt oI a Church. Save Ior the Emblems oI Mor-
tality and plenty oI rough ashlars, there was no
I warrant you weren`t a bit the worse Ior that,`
said the Clergyman. The idea should be enough
without trappings.`
But it wasn`t,` said the other. We took a lot oI
trouble to make our regalia out oI camouIlage-
stuII that we`d pinched, and we manuIactured
our jewels Irom old metal. I`ve got the set now.
It kept us happy Ior weeks.`
Ye were absolutely irregular an` unauthorised.
Whaur was your Warrant?` said the Brother Irom
the Military Lodge. Grand Lodge ought to take
steps against
II Grand Lodge had any sense,` a private three
places up our table broke in, it `ud warrant trav-
elling Lodges at the Iront and attach Iirst-class
lecturers to `em.`
Wad ye conIer degrees promiscuously?` said the
scandalised Scot.
Every time a man asked, oI course. You`d have
halI the Army in.`
The speaker played with the idea Ior a little
while, and proved that, on the lowest scale oI
Iees, Grand Lodge would get huge revenues.
I believe,` said the Engineer OIIicer thought-
Iully, I could design a complete travelling Lodge
outIit under Iorty pounds weight.`
Ye`re wrong. I`ll prove it. We`ve tried ourselves,`
said the Military Lodge man; and they went at it
together across the table, each with his own note-
The Banquet` was simplicity itselI. Many oI us
ate in haste so as to get back to barracks or hos-
pitals, but now and again a Brother came in Irom
the outer darkness to Iill a chair and empty a
plate. These were Brethren who had been there
beIore and needed no examination.
One man lurched inhelmet, Flanders mud,
accoutrements and allIresh Irom the leave-
`Got two hours to wait Ior my train,` he ex-
plained. I remembered your night, though. My
God, this is good!
What is your train and Irom what station?` said
the Clergyman precisely. Very well. What will
you have to eat?
Anything. Everything. I`ve thrown up a month`s
rations in the Channel.`
He stoked himselI Ior ten minutes without a word.
Then, without a word, his Iace Iell Iorward. The
Clergyman had him by one already limp arm and
steered him to a couch, where ho dropped and
snored. No one took the trouble to turn round.
Is that usual too?` I asked.
Why not?` said the Clergyman. I`m on duty to-
night to wake them Ior their trains. They do not
respect the Cloth on those occasions.` He turned
his broad back on me and continued his discus-
sion with a Brother Irom Aberdeen by way oI
Mitylene where, in the intervals oI mine-sweep-
ing, he had evolved a complete theory oI the
Revelation oI St. John the Divine in the Island oI
I Iell into the hands oI a Sergeant-Instructor oI
Machine Gunsby proIession a designer oI la-
dies` dresses. He told me that Englishwomen as
a class lose on their corsets what they make on
their clothes,` and that Satan himselI can`t save
a woman who wears thirty-shilling corsets un-
der a thirty-guinea costume.` Here, to my grieI,
he was buttonholed by a zealous Lieutenant oI
his own branch, and became a Sergeant again all
in one click.
I driIted back and Iorth, studying the prints on
the walls and the Masonic collection in the cases,
while I listened to the inconceivable talk all round
me. Little by little the company thinned, till at
last there were only a dozen or so oI us leIt. We
Continued from Prevoius Page
Continued on Next Page - Interest
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
gathered at the end oI a table near the Iire, the
night-bird Irom Flanders trumpeting lustily into
the hollow oI his helmet, which some one had
tipped over his Iace.
And how did it go with you?` said the Doctor.
It was like a new world,` I answered.
That`s what it is really.` Brother Burges returned
the gold pince-nez to their case and reshipped
his silver spectacles. Or that`s what it might be
made with a little trouble. When I think oI the
possibilities oI the CraIt at this juncture I won-
der` He stared into the Iire.
I wonder, too,` said the Sergeant-Major slowly,
buton the wholeI`m inclined to agree with
you. We could do much with Masonry.`
As an aidas an aidnot as a substitute Ior
Religion,` the Clergyman snapped.
Oh, Lord! Can`t we give Religion a rest Ior a
bit?` the Doctor muttered. It hasn`t done soI
beg your pardon all round.`
The Clergyman was bristling. Kamerad!` the
wise Sergeant-Major went on, both hands up.
Certainly not as a substitute Ior a creed, but as
an average plan oI liIe. What I`ve seen at the
Iront makes me sure oI it.`
Brother Burges came out oI his muse. There
ought to be a dozentwentyother Lodges in
London every night; conIerring degrees too, as
well as instruction. Why shouldn`t the young men
join? They practise what we`re always preach-
ing. Well! Well! We must all do what we can.
What`s the use oI old Masons iI they can`t give a
little help along their own lines?
Exactly,` said the Sergeant-Major, turning on the
Doctor. And what`s the darn use oI a Brother iI
he isn`t allowed to help?
Have it your own way then,` said the Doctor tes-
tily. He had evidently been approached beIore.
He took something the Sergeant-Major handed
to him and pocketed it with a nod. I was wrong,`
he said to me, when I boasted oI our indepen-
dence. They get round us sometimes. This,` he
slapped his pocket, will give a banquet on Tues-
day. We don`t usually Ieed at matinees. It will be
a surprise. By the way, try another sandwich. The
ham are best.` He pushed me a plate.
They are,` I said. I`ve only had Iive or six. I`ve
been looking Ior them.`
`Glad you like them,` said Brother Lemming.
Fed him myselI, cured him myselIat my little
place in Berkshire. His name was Charlemagne.
Continued from Previous Page
By the way, Doc, am I to keep another one Ior
next month?`
OI course,` said the Doctor with his mouth Iull.
A little Iatter than this chap, please. And don`t
Iorget your promise about the pickled nastur-
tiums. They`re appreciated.` Brother Lemming
nodded above the pipe he had lit as we began a
second supper. Suddenly the Clergyman, aIter a
glance at the clock, scooped up halI-a-dozen sand-
wiches Irom under my nose, put them into an
oiled paper bag, and advanced cautiously towards
the sleeper on the couch.
They wake rough sometimes,` said the Doctor.
Nerves, y`know.` The Clergyman tip-toed di-
rectly behind the man`s head, and at arm`s length
rapped on the dome oI the helmet. The man woke
in one vivid streak, as the Clergyman stepped
back, and grabbed Ior a riIle that was not there.
You`ve barely halI an hour to catch your train.`
The Clergyman passed him the sandwiches.
Come along.`
You`re uncommonly kind and I`m very grate-
Iul,` said the man, wriggling into his stiII straps.
He Iollowed his guide into the darkness aIter
Who`s that?` said Lemming.
Can`t say,` the Doctor returned indiIIerently. He`s
been here beIore. He`s evidently a P.M. oI sorts.`
Well! Well!` said Brother Burges, whose eye-
lids were drooping. We must all do what we
can. Isn`t it almost time to lock up?
I wonder,` said I, as we helped each other into
our coats, what would happen iI Grand Lodge
knew about all this.`
About what?` Lemming turned on me quickly.
A Lodge oI Instruction open three nights and
two aIternoons a weekand running a lodging-
house as well. It`s all very nice, but it doesn`t
strike me somehow as regulation.`
The point hasn`t been raised yet,` said Lemming.
We`ll settle it aIter the war. Meantime we shall
go on.`
There ought to be scores oI them,` Brother
Burges repeated as we went out oI the door. All
London`s Iull oI the CraIt, and no places Ior them
to meet in. Think oI the possibilities oI it! Think
what could have been done by Masonry through
Masonry Ior all the world. I hope I`m not censo-
rious, but it sometimes crosses my mind that
Grand Lodge may have thrown away its chance
in the war almost as much as the Church has.`
Lucky Ior you the Padre is taking that chap to
King`s Cross,` said Brother Lemming, or he`d
be down your throat. What really troubles him is
our legal position under Masonic Law. I think
he`ll inIorm on us one oI these days. Well, good
night, all.` The Doctor and Lemming turned oII
Yes,` said Brother Burges, slipping his arm into
mine. Almost as much as the Church has. But
perhaps I`m too much oI a Ritualist.`
I said nothing. I was speculating how soon I could
steal a march on the Clergyman and inIorm
against Faith and Works No. 5837 E.C.`
There are many lessons oI vast importance con-
tained in the Entered Apprentice Degree oI Free-
masonry. These lessons are so important to the
author oI this book that he has been so bold as to
title the book, Everything I needed to know about
Freemasonry; I learned as an apprentice.
WorshipIul Brother Stephen DaIoe is not a Free-
mason who takes his craIt lightly. He is oIten
Iond oI saying, 'We do not need more men in
Masonrv, but more Masonrv in men. Every page
oI this book reIlects that expression. The book is
one man`s reIlection on the lessons learned in
that Iirst degree and is a thorough examination
oI the philosophy taught with each step, pace and
gesture. In so doing, DaIoe has not created a dry
account oI the Iirst degree, but rather a book that
will inspire all Freemasons to get back to the
To order this or any book in this
magazine, Click this link or go to:
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Freemasonry: Its not about me changing them, Its about me changing me.
Masonic Humor
Domain Name Fun
You have to be careIul when you register a do-
main name! It`s sometimes hard to Iigure out what
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things well in your advertising:
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Is really: GoTahoe.com
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Site: TheRapistFinder.com
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Site: ExpertSexChange.net
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They are data base experts
Site: WhorePresents.com
Is really: WhoRepresents.com
Its a directory oI agents and who they represent
Site: PowerGenitalia.com
Is really: PowergenItalia.com
This is the Italian power company
Site: MolestationNursery.com
Is really: MoleStationNursery.com
its a a plant nursery in Mole Station, Australia
and last, but certainly by no means least...
Site: DollarSexChange.com
Is really: DollarsExchange.com
Its a currency trading site
A Builder`s Puzzle - Answers
Ahimon Rezon
Ancient Charges
Book of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry (1884)
Book of the Words by Albert Pike
The Builder Magazine 1915 - 1930
Ceremonial Explanation of the Entered Ap-
prentice Degree
Ceremonial Explanation of the Fellowcraft
Concise History of Freemasonry
The Craftsman and Freemason`s Guide; Cor-
nelius Moore; 1851
David vs. Goliath?
The Dionysian Artificers
English Speculative Freemasonry
Focusing on What Matters Most
General Regulations Of Freemasonry
Valuable Links
To Masonic Works
The Lodgroom mantains a library oI PDF docuemtns Ior your use. II you have
any links to masonic works, please send them to us and we will
publish them here every month. This is a clickable link to our library .
The History of Freemasonry; 1ames William
Mitchell; 186?
Illustrations of Masonry, By One Of The Fra-
ternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years To The
Subject; Captain William Morgan; 1826, 1851
Initiation, Mystery and Salvation
Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry?
Landmarks and Old Charges
The Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry; Rob
Morris; 1852
The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry by Manly P.
Masonry and Religion
The Masonic Manual, A Pocket Companion
For The Initiated; Robert Macoy; 1867
The Meaning Of Masonry by W.L. Wilm-
Misrepresentation of Freemasonry
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike
More Light
My Ideal Mason
Mysticism of The Royal Arch
Opinions on Speculative Masonry; 1ames
Creighton Odiorne; 1830
The Principles of Masonic Law; Albert
Gallatin Mackey; 1858
The Regius Manuscript
Richardson`s Monitor of Free-Masonry; 1abez
Richardson; 1860
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly
P. Hall
The Symbolism of Freemasonry; Albert
Gallatin Mackey; 1869
Tales of a Masonic Life; Rob Morris; 1860
The Taxil Confessions
The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry,
In Twelve Lectures; George Oliver;1866
The Truth About Freemasonry
The Virginia Text Book; 1ohn Dove; 1866
Webb`s Freemason`s Monitor; Thomas Webb
Smith; 1865