LCV APES Course Description
LCV APES Course Description
LCV APES Course Description
The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and
methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze
environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these
problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.
Other goals at Liceo Campoverde include converting the APES students into environmentalists (if they are not
already!), obligatorily spreading the word - campaigning, being successful in the exams and enjoying the work.
2. AP ES Course Themes
Although Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, there are several major unifying constructs, or themes, that
are covered in the course. The following themes provide a foundation for the structure of the AP Environmental
Science course.
1. Science is a process.
o Science is a method of learning more about the world.
o Science constantly changes the way we understand the world.
6. Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems.
o A suitable combination of conservation and development is required.
o Management of common resources is essential.
The course objectives (see Course Outline and Scope and Sequence) will be completed prior to the first part of
April in order for students to prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam in May.
3. Pre-requisites: Previous studies in Biology, Chemistry and Math, and a good command of English. Motivation!
Energy! A smile! And above all else, a great commitment. In Spanish - COMPROMISO!
0 will be posted in Idukay for any assignment which is not delivered and for which no extension has been granted.
This work may be recuperated within the next 7 days for a maximum grade of 7.
Advanced Placement Environmental Science 2017-2018
John Osborne Liceo Campoverde, Quito
[email protected] Blogsite:
Grades will be collected from many different assignments, including (but not limited to): quizzes and tests; FRQ's;
case studies; math problems; graphing; data analysis; APES journal; research, presentations and communication of
science in various forms of media; lab participation and reports; field work; note-taking and filing; participation in
discussion, debates, etc; ... and more!
The Quimester I exam will be in the form of a 'mock' AP Environmental Science exam, containing multiple choice,
FRQ, math and analysis questions.
Students who present the AP exam in May will be exonerated from the Quimester II exam.
Grading equivalents
Learning Objectives
All work will be graded in one or more learning objectives:
A. Knowledge and Understanding (summative assessments, incl. Weekly reading tests and Block tests)
B. Application of Knowledge and Understanding, and Problem Solving
C. Research and Communication
D. Experimental Investigation
E. Data Analysis and Making Conclusions
There will be a reading assignment each week, using the textbook and other resources, tested on Mondays.
A week-long field trip will be intensively used to complete several field investigations.
6. AP Exam: All students should be able to take the exam Thursday 10th May, 2018
The AP exam will consist of two parts, each lasting 90 minutes, separated by a short break:
PART 1: 100 multiple choice questions --> 60% of exam
PART 2: 4 Free Response Questions (FRQs] --> 40% of exam
- experimental design & data analysis
- document based
- synthesis & evaluation {usually 2}
Advanced Placement Environmental Science 2017-2018
John Osborne Liceo Campoverde, Quito
[email protected] Blogsite:
7. Course text book: Environmental Science Fifteenth Edition, 2016, G. Tyler Miller & Scott E. Spoolman,
electronic version published by Cengage Electronic Learning, Canada. A direct media download of the text book is on
the Blog: 340692679-Environmental-Science-15th-Edition Also on the Blog is a link for the text book through Google
You will read this book! And you will need to take and file your own notes (Cornell template) on the reading!
And there will be weekly quizzes on the reading, as well as grades given for your notes! Class time is not for
reading; that is your time at home.
Two other text books can be recommended for additional support, though neither is freely downloadable:
1. AP Edition of Living in the Environment, Eighteenth Edition, 2015, G. Tyler Miller & Scott E. Spoolman,
electronic version published by Cengage Electronic Learning, Canada
2. Environmental Science for AP, Second edition, 2015, Andrew Friedland and Rick Relyea, W.H. Freeman
and Company, New York
Supplemental Text: Cracking the AP Environmental Science Exam, current edition (College Test Preparation,
Princeton Review (available on you will need to purchase this in September when it is released for
reviewing for the APES test, and for use in the classroom. This is an excellent test prep resource!
AP Environmental Science emphasizes problem solving, critical thinking and decision making - informed
application of your knowledge. AP Environmental Science topics are organized in a meaningful, coherent way that
encourages you to continually build understanding. Content presentation is interactive and is carried out using
questioning and inquiry examples from everyday life. This course is definitely enquiry based learning. AP
Environmental Science has many applications in everyday life and exploring their relevance in your life, solidifies
You also learn content through laboratory investigations that allow you to experience and experiment with the topic
being taught. Labs often require mathematical calculations, thus encouraging you to apply your math skills. You
will constantly apply and refine your math skills as you collect and analyze data, and determine trends in sets of
data and how to determine whether relationships exist between two variables.
Applying and refining science process skills, such as data analysis and interpretation and error analysis, are vital for
college success. Collecting data during a lab helps you understand the link between measurement and data. You
will develop an understanding of the different ways data can be presented.
You will be required to state clear, complete research problems, describe the design of the experiment, present
results, and write thorough, articulate conclusions. You are responsible for representing your data in a format
(tables & line graphs) that will best illustrate the conclusions. You are asked to write extended answers to
challenging open-ended questions and are routinely expected to take detailed notes during reading.
Advanced Placement Environmental Science 2017-2018
John Osborne Liceo Campoverde, Quito
[email protected] Blogsite:
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a form of cheating whereby an attempt is made to pass off someone elses written work
as the one's own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying directly from a source when writing a report,
providing credit to the source's author.. It is unnecessary to copy an entire article for the copying to be plagiarism.
Peer editing that may be assigned or allowed by the teacher is not plagiarism. Collaborating on individual
assignments, which may be handled in a cooperative manner, should be expressly designated as such by the
teacher. Other than peer editing, only cooperative assignments are to be shared with other students before they are
turned in for credit.